107 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @license Angular v9.0.3
3 * (c) 2010-2020 Google LLC. https://angular.io/
4 * License: MIT
5 */
7(function (global, factory) {
8 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@angular/core'), require('rxjs'), require('rxjs/operators'), require('@angular/common')) :
9 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('@angular/common/http', ['exports', '@angular/core', 'rxjs', 'rxjs/operators', '@angular/common'], factory) :
10 (global = global || self, factory((global.ng = global.ng || {}, global.ng.common = global.ng.common || {}, global.ng.common.http = {}), global.ng.core, global.rxjs, global.rxjs.operators, global.ng.common));
11}(this, (function (exports, core, rxjs, operators, common) { 'use strict';
13 /**
14 * @license
15 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
16 *
17 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
18 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
19 */
20 /**
21 * Transforms an `HttpRequest` into a stream of `HttpEvent`s, one of which will likely be a
22 * `HttpResponse`.
23 *
24 * `HttpHandler` is injectable. When injected, the handler instance dispatches requests to the
25 * first interceptor in the chain, which dispatches to the second, etc, eventually reaching the
26 * `HttpBackend`.
27 *
28 * In an `HttpInterceptor`, the `HttpHandler` parameter is the next interceptor in the chain.
29 *
30 * @publicApi
31 */
32 var HttpHandler = /** @class */ (function () {
33 function HttpHandler() {
34 }
35 return HttpHandler;
36 }());
37 /**
38 * A final `HttpHandler` which will dispatch the request via browser HTTP APIs to a backend.
39 *
40 * Interceptors sit between the `HttpClient` interface and the `HttpBackend`.
41 *
42 * When injected, `HttpBackend` dispatches requests directly to the backend, without going
43 * through the interceptor chain.
44 *
45 * @publicApi
46 */
47 var HttpBackend = /** @class */ (function () {
48 function HttpBackend() {
49 }
50 return HttpBackend;
51 }());
53 /*! *****************************************************************************
54 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
55 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
56 this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
57 License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
64 See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
65 and limitations under the License.
66 ***************************************************************************** */
67 /* global Reflect, Promise */
69 var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
70 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
71 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
72 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
73 return extendStatics(d, b);
74 };
76 function __extends(d, b) {
77 extendStatics(d, b);
78 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
79 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
80 }
82 var __assign = function() {
83 __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
84 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
85 s = arguments[i];
86 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
87 }
88 return t;
89 };
90 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
91 };
93 function __rest(s, e) {
94 var t = {};
95 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
96 t[p] = s[p];
97 if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
98 for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
99 if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
100 t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
101 }
102 return t;
103 }
105 function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
106 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
107 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
108 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
109 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
110 }
112 function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
113 return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }
114 }
116 function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
117 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);
118 }
120 function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
121 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
122 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
123 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
124 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
125 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
126 });
127 }
129 function __generator(thisArg, body) {
130 var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
131 return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
132 function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
133 function step(op) {
134 if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
135 while (_) try {
136 if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;
137 if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
138 switch (op[0]) {
139 case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
140 case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
141 case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
142 case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
143 default:
144 if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
145 if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
146 if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
147 if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
148 if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
149 _.trys.pop(); continue;
150 }
151 op = body.call(thisArg, _);
152 } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
153 if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
154 }
155 }
157 function __exportStar(m, exports) {
158 for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
159 }
161 function __values(o) {
162 var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator], i = 0;
163 if (m) return m.call(o);
164 return {
165 next: function () {
166 if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
167 return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
168 }
169 };
170 }
172 function __read(o, n) {
173 var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
174 if (!m) return o;
175 var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;
176 try {
177 while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);
178 }
179 catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
180 finally {
181 try {
182 if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
183 }
184 finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
185 }
186 return ar;
187 }
189 function __spread() {
190 for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
191 ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
192 return ar;
193 }
195 function __spreadArrays() {
196 for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
197 for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
198 for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
199 r[k] = a[j];
200 return r;
201 };
203 function __await(v) {
204 return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);
205 }
207 function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
208 if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
209 var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
210 return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
211 function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }
212 function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }
213 function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
214 function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
215 function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
216 function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }
217 }
219 function __asyncDelegator(o) {
220 var i, p;
221 return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
222 function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }
223 }
225 function __asyncValues(o) {
226 if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
227 var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
228 return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
229 function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
230 function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }
231 }
233 function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
234 if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
235 return cooked;
236 };
238 function __importStar(mod) {
239 if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
240 var result = {};
241 if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
242 result.default = mod;
243 return result;
244 }
246 function __importDefault(mod) {
247 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };
248 }
250 /**
251 * @license
252 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
253 *
254 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
255 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
256 */
257 /**
258 * Represents the header configuration options for an HTTP request.
259 * Instances are immutable. Modifying methods return a cloned
260 * instance with the change. The original object is never changed.
261 *
262 * @publicApi
263 */
264 var HttpHeaders = /** @class */ (function () {
265 /** Constructs a new HTTP header object with the given values.*/
266 function HttpHeaders(headers) {
267 var _this = this;
268 /**
269 * Internal map of lowercased header names to the normalized
270 * form of the name (the form seen first).
271 */
272 this.normalizedNames = new Map();
273 /**
274 * Queued updates to be materialized the next initialization.
275 */
276 this.lazyUpdate = null;
277 if (!headers) {
278 this.headers = new Map();
279 }
280 else if (typeof headers === 'string') {
281 this.lazyInit = function () {
282 _this.headers = new Map();
283 headers.split('\n').forEach(function (line) {
284 var index = line.indexOf(':');
285 if (index > 0) {
286 var name_1 = line.slice(0, index);
287 var key = name_1.toLowerCase();
288 var value = line.slice(index + 1).trim();
289 _this.maybeSetNormalizedName(name_1, key);
290 if (_this.headers.has(key)) {
291 _this.headers.get(key).push(value);
292 }
293 else {
294 _this.headers.set(key, [value]);
295 }
296 }
297 });
298 };
299 }
300 else {
301 this.lazyInit = function () {
302 _this.headers = new Map();
303 Object.keys(headers).forEach(function (name) {
304 var values = headers[name];
305 var key = name.toLowerCase();
306 if (typeof values === 'string') {
307 values = [values];
308 }
309 if (values.length > 0) {
310 _this.headers.set(key, values);
311 _this.maybeSetNormalizedName(name, key);
312 }
313 });
314 };
315 }
316 }
317 /**
318 * Checks for existence of a given header.
319 *
320 * @param name The header name to check for existence.
321 *
322 * @returns True if the header exists, false otherwise.
323 */
324 HttpHeaders.prototype.has = function (name) {
325 this.init();
326 return this.headers.has(name.toLowerCase());
327 };
328 /**
329 * Retrieves the first value of a given header.
330 *
331 * @param name The header name.
332 *
333 * @returns The value string if the header exists, null otherwise
334 */
335 HttpHeaders.prototype.get = function (name) {
336 this.init();
337 var values = this.headers.get(name.toLowerCase());
338 return values && values.length > 0 ? values[0] : null;
339 };
340 /**
341 * Retrieves the names of the headers.
342 *
343 * @returns A list of header names.
344 */
345 HttpHeaders.prototype.keys = function () {
346 this.init();
347 return Array.from(this.normalizedNames.values());
348 };
349 /**
350 * Retrieves a list of values for a given header.
351 *
352 * @param name The header name from which to retrieve values.
353 *
354 * @returns A string of values if the header exists, null otherwise.
355 */
356 HttpHeaders.prototype.getAll = function (name) {
357 this.init();
358 return this.headers.get(name.toLowerCase()) || null;
359 };
360 /**
361 * Appends a new value to the existing set of values for a header
362 * and returns them in a clone of the original instance.
363 *
364 * @param name The header name for which to append the values.
365 * @param value The value to append.
366 *
367 * @returns A clone of the HTTP headers object with the value appended to the given header.
368 */
369 HttpHeaders.prototype.append = function (name, value) {
370 return this.clone({ name: name, value: value, op: 'a' });
371 };
372 /**
373 * Sets or modifies a value for a given header in a clone of the original instance.
374 * If the header already exists, its value is replaced with the given value
375 * in the returned object.
376 *
377 * @param name The header name.
378 * @param value The value or values to set or overide for the given header.
379 *
380 * @returns A clone of the HTTP headers object with the newly set header value.
381 */
382 HttpHeaders.prototype.set = function (name, value) {
383 return this.clone({ name: name, value: value, op: 's' });
384 };
385 /**
386 * Deletes values for a given header in a clone of the original instance.
387 *
388 * @param name The header name.
389 * @param value The value or values to delete for the given header.
390 *
391 * @returns A clone of the HTTP headers object with the given value deleted.
392 */
393 HttpHeaders.prototype.delete = function (name, value) {
394 return this.clone({ name: name, value: value, op: 'd' });
395 };
396 HttpHeaders.prototype.maybeSetNormalizedName = function (name, lcName) {
397 if (!this.normalizedNames.has(lcName)) {
398 this.normalizedNames.set(lcName, name);
399 }
400 };
401 HttpHeaders.prototype.init = function () {
402 var _this = this;
403 if (!!this.lazyInit) {
404 if (this.lazyInit instanceof HttpHeaders) {
405 this.copyFrom(this.lazyInit);
406 }
407 else {
408 this.lazyInit();
409 }
410 this.lazyInit = null;
411 if (!!this.lazyUpdate) {
412 this.lazyUpdate.forEach(function (update) { return _this.applyUpdate(update); });
413 this.lazyUpdate = null;
414 }
415 }
416 };
417 HttpHeaders.prototype.copyFrom = function (other) {
418 var _this = this;
419 other.init();
420 Array.from(other.headers.keys()).forEach(function (key) {
421 _this.headers.set(key, other.headers.get(key));
422 _this.normalizedNames.set(key, other.normalizedNames.get(key));
423 });
424 };
425 HttpHeaders.prototype.clone = function (update) {
426 var clone = new HttpHeaders();
427 clone.lazyInit =
428 (!!this.lazyInit && this.lazyInit instanceof HttpHeaders) ? this.lazyInit : this;
429 clone.lazyUpdate = (this.lazyUpdate || []).concat([update]);
430 return clone;
431 };
432 HttpHeaders.prototype.applyUpdate = function (update) {
433 var key = update.name.toLowerCase();
434 switch (update.op) {
435 case 'a':
436 case 's':
437 var value = update.value;
438 if (typeof value === 'string') {
439 value = [value];
440 }
441 if (value.length === 0) {
442 return;
443 }
444 this.maybeSetNormalizedName(update.name, key);
445 var base = (update.op === 'a' ? this.headers.get(key) : undefined) || [];
446 base.push.apply(base, __spread(value));
447 this.headers.set(key, base);
448 break;
449 case 'd':
450 var toDelete_1 = update.value;
451 if (!toDelete_1) {
452 this.headers.delete(key);
453 this.normalizedNames.delete(key);
454 }
455 else {
456 var existing = this.headers.get(key);
457 if (!existing) {
458 return;
459 }
460 existing = existing.filter(function (value) { return toDelete_1.indexOf(value) === -1; });
461 if (existing.length === 0) {
462 this.headers.delete(key);
463 this.normalizedNames.delete(key);
464 }
465 else {
466 this.headers.set(key, existing);
467 }
468 }
469 break;
470 }
471 };
472 /**
473 * @internal
474 */
475 HttpHeaders.prototype.forEach = function (fn) {
476 var _this = this;
477 this.init();
478 Array.from(this.normalizedNames.keys())
479 .forEach(function (key) { return fn(_this.normalizedNames.get(key), _this.headers.get(key)); });
480 };
481 return HttpHeaders;
482 }());
484 /**
485 * @license
486 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
487 *
488 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
489 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
490 */
491 /**
492 * Provides encoding and decoding of URL parameter and query-string values.
493 *
494 * Serializes and parses URL parameter keys and values to encode and decode them.
495 * If you pass URL query parameters without encoding,
496 * the query parameters can be misinterpreted at the receiving end.
497 *
498 *
499 * @publicApi
500 */
501 var HttpUrlEncodingCodec = /** @class */ (function () {
502 function HttpUrlEncodingCodec() {
503 }
504 /**
505 * Encodes a key name for a URL parameter or query-string.
506 * @param key The key name.
507 * @returns The encoded key name.
508 */
509 HttpUrlEncodingCodec.prototype.encodeKey = function (key) { return standardEncoding(key); };
510 /**
511 * Encodes the value of a URL parameter or query-string.
512 * @param value The value.
513 * @returns The encoded value.
514 */
515 HttpUrlEncodingCodec.prototype.encodeValue = function (value) { return standardEncoding(value); };
516 /**
517 * Decodes an encoded URL parameter or query-string key.
518 * @param key The encoded key name.
519 * @returns The decoded key name.
520 */
521 HttpUrlEncodingCodec.prototype.decodeKey = function (key) { return decodeURIComponent(key); };
522 /**
523 * Decodes an encoded URL parameter or query-string value.
524 * @param value The encoded value.
525 * @returns The decoded value.
526 */
527 HttpUrlEncodingCodec.prototype.decodeValue = function (value) { return decodeURIComponent(value); };
528 return HttpUrlEncodingCodec;
529 }());
530 function paramParser(rawParams, codec) {
531 var map = new Map();
532 if (rawParams.length > 0) {
533 var params = rawParams.split('&');
534 params.forEach(function (param) {
535 var eqIdx = param.indexOf('=');
536 var _a = __read(eqIdx == -1 ?
537 [codec.decodeKey(param), ''] :
538 [codec.decodeKey(param.slice(0, eqIdx)), codec.decodeValue(param.slice(eqIdx + 1))], 2), key = _a[0], val = _a[1];
539 var list = map.get(key) || [];
540 list.push(val);
541 map.set(key, list);
542 });
543 }
544 return map;
545 }
546 function standardEncoding(v) {
547 return encodeURIComponent(v)
548 .replace(/%40/gi, '@')
549 .replace(/%3A/gi, ':')
550 .replace(/%24/gi, '$')
551 .replace(/%2C/gi, ',')
552 .replace(/%3B/gi, ';')
553 .replace(/%2B/gi, '+')
554 .replace(/%3D/gi, '=')
555 .replace(/%3F/gi, '?')
556 .replace(/%2F/gi, '/');
557 }
558 /**
559 * An HTTP request/response body that represents serialized parameters,
560 * per the MIME type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
561 *
562 * This class is immutable; all mutation operations return a new instance.
563 *
564 * @publicApi
565 */
566 var HttpParams = /** @class */ (function () {
567 function HttpParams(options) {
568 var _this = this;
569 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
570 this.updates = null;
571 this.cloneFrom = null;
572 this.encoder = options.encoder || new HttpUrlEncodingCodec();
573 if (!!options.fromString) {
574 if (!!options.fromObject) {
575 throw new Error("Cannot specify both fromString and fromObject.");
576 }
577 this.map = paramParser(options.fromString, this.encoder);
578 }
579 else if (!!options.fromObject) {
580 this.map = new Map();
581 Object.keys(options.fromObject).forEach(function (key) {
582 var value = options.fromObject[key];
583 _this.map.set(key, Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]);
584 });
585 }
586 else {
587 this.map = null;
588 }
589 }
590 /**
591 * Reports whether the body includes one or more values for a given parameter.
592 * @param param The parameter name.
593 * @returns True if the parameter has one or more values,
594 * false if it has no value or is not present.
595 */
596 HttpParams.prototype.has = function (param) {
597 this.init();
598 return this.map.has(param);
599 };
600 /**
601 * Retrieves the first value for a parameter.
602 * @param param The parameter name.
603 * @returns The first value of the given parameter,
604 * or `null` if the parameter is not present.
605 */
606 HttpParams.prototype.get = function (param) {
607 this.init();
608 var res = this.map.get(param);
609 return !!res ? res[0] : null;
610 };
611 /**
612 * Retrieves all values for a parameter.
613 * @param param The parameter name.
614 * @returns All values in a string array,
615 * or `null` if the parameter not present.
616 */
617 HttpParams.prototype.getAll = function (param) {
618 this.init();
619 return this.map.get(param) || null;
620 };
621 /**
622 * Retrieves all the parameters for this body.
623 * @returns The parameter names in a string array.
624 */
625 HttpParams.prototype.keys = function () {
626 this.init();
627 return Array.from(this.map.keys());
628 };
629 /**
630 * Appends a new value to existing values for a parameter.
631 * @param param The parameter name.
632 * @param value The new value to add.
633 * @return A new body with the appended value.
634 */
635 HttpParams.prototype.append = function (param, value) { return this.clone({ param: param, value: value, op: 'a' }); };
636 /**
637 * Replaces the value for a parameter.
638 * @param param The parameter name.
639 * @param value The new value.
640 * @return A new body with the new value.
641 */
642 HttpParams.prototype.set = function (param, value) { return this.clone({ param: param, value: value, op: 's' }); };
643 /**
644 * Removes a given value or all values from a parameter.
645 * @param param The parameter name.
646 * @param value The value to remove, if provided.
647 * @return A new body with the given value removed, or with all values
648 * removed if no value is specified.
649 */
650 HttpParams.prototype.delete = function (param, value) { return this.clone({ param: param, value: value, op: 'd' }); };
651 /**
652 * Serializes the body to an encoded string, where key-value pairs (separated by `=`) are
653 * separated by `&`s.
654 */
655 HttpParams.prototype.toString = function () {
656 var _this = this;
657 this.init();
658 return this.keys()
659 .map(function (key) {
660 var eKey = _this.encoder.encodeKey(key);
661 // `a: ['1']` produces `'a=1'`
662 // `b: []` produces `''`
663 // `c: ['1', '2']` produces `'c=1&c=2'`
664 return _this.map.get(key).map(function (value) { return eKey + '=' + _this.encoder.encodeValue(value); })
665 .join('&');
666 })
667 // filter out empty values because `b: []` produces `''`
668 // which results in `a=1&&c=1&c=2` instead of `a=1&c=1&c=2` if we don't
669 .filter(function (param) { return param !== ''; })
670 .join('&');
671 };
672 HttpParams.prototype.clone = function (update) {
673 var clone = new HttpParams({ encoder: this.encoder });
674 clone.cloneFrom = this.cloneFrom || this;
675 clone.updates = (this.updates || []).concat([update]);
676 return clone;
677 };
678 HttpParams.prototype.init = function () {
679 var _this = this;
680 if (this.map === null) {
681 this.map = new Map();
682 }
683 if (this.cloneFrom !== null) {
684 this.cloneFrom.init();
685 this.cloneFrom.keys().forEach(function (key) { return _this.map.set(key, _this.cloneFrom.map.get(key)); });
686 this.updates.forEach(function (update) {
687 switch (update.op) {
688 case 'a':
689 case 's':
690 var base = (update.op === 'a' ? _this.map.get(update.param) : undefined) || [];
691 base.push(update.value);
692 _this.map.set(update.param, base);
693 break;
694 case 'd':
695 if (update.value !== undefined) {
696 var base_1 = _this.map.get(update.param) || [];
697 var idx = base_1.indexOf(update.value);
698 if (idx !== -1) {
699 base_1.splice(idx, 1);
700 }
701 if (base_1.length > 0) {
702 _this.map.set(update.param, base_1);
703 }
704 else {
705 _this.map.delete(update.param);
706 }
707 }
708 else {
709 _this.map.delete(update.param);
710 break;
711 }
712 }
713 });
714 this.cloneFrom = this.updates = null;
715 }
716 };
717 return HttpParams;
718 }());
720 /**
721 * @license
722 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
723 *
724 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
725 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
726 */
727 /**
728 * Determine whether the given HTTP method may include a body.
729 */
730 function mightHaveBody(method) {
731 switch (method) {
732 case 'DELETE':
733 case 'GET':
734 case 'HEAD':
735 case 'OPTIONS':
736 case 'JSONP':
737 return false;
738 default:
739 return true;
740 }
741 }
742 /**
743 * Safely assert whether the given value is an ArrayBuffer.
744 *
745 * In some execution environments ArrayBuffer is not defined.
746 */
747 function isArrayBuffer(value) {
748 return typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && value instanceof ArrayBuffer;
749 }
750 /**
751 * Safely assert whether the given value is a Blob.
752 *
753 * In some execution environments Blob is not defined.
754 */
755 function isBlob(value) {
756 return typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && value instanceof Blob;
757 }
758 /**
759 * Safely assert whether the given value is a FormData instance.
760 *
761 * In some execution environments FormData is not defined.
762 */
763 function isFormData(value) {
764 return typeof FormData !== 'undefined' && value instanceof FormData;
765 }
766 /**
767 * An outgoing HTTP request with an optional typed body.
768 *
769 * `HttpRequest` represents an outgoing request, including URL, method,
770 * headers, body, and other request configuration options. Instances should be
771 * assumed to be immutable. To modify a `HttpRequest`, the `clone`
772 * method should be used.
773 *
774 * @publicApi
775 */
776 var HttpRequest = /** @class */ (function () {
777 function HttpRequest(method, url, third, fourth) {
778 this.url = url;
779 /**
780 * The request body, or `null` if one isn't set.
781 *
782 * Bodies are not enforced to be immutable, as they can include a reference to any
783 * user-defined data type. However, interceptors should take care to preserve
784 * idempotence by treating them as such.
785 */
786 this.body = null;
787 /**
788 * Whether this request should be made in a way that exposes progress events.
789 *
790 * Progress events are expensive (change detection runs on each event) and so
791 * they should only be requested if the consumer intends to monitor them.
792 */
793 this.reportProgress = false;
794 /**
795 * Whether this request should be sent with outgoing credentials (cookies).
796 */
797 this.withCredentials = false;
798 /**
799 * The expected response type of the server.
800 *
801 * This is used to parse the response appropriately before returning it to
802 * the requestee.
803 */
804 this.responseType = 'json';
805 this.method = method.toUpperCase();
806 // Next, need to figure out which argument holds the HttpRequestInit
807 // options, if any.
808 var options;
809 // Check whether a body argument is expected. The only valid way to omit
810 // the body argument is to use a known no-body method like GET.
811 if (mightHaveBody(this.method) || !!fourth) {
812 // Body is the third argument, options are the fourth.
813 this.body = (third !== undefined) ? third : null;
814 options = fourth;
815 }
816 else {
817 // No body required, options are the third argument. The body stays null.
818 options = third;
819 }
820 // If options have been passed, interpret them.
821 if (options) {
822 // Normalize reportProgress and withCredentials.
823 this.reportProgress = !!options.reportProgress;
824 this.withCredentials = !!options.withCredentials;
825 // Override default response type of 'json' if one is provided.
826 if (!!options.responseType) {
827 this.responseType = options.responseType;
828 }
829 // Override headers if they're provided.
830 if (!!options.headers) {
831 this.headers = options.headers;
832 }
833 if (!!options.params) {
834 this.params = options.params;
835 }
836 }
837 // If no headers have been passed in, construct a new HttpHeaders instance.
838 if (!this.headers) {
839 this.headers = new HttpHeaders();
840 }
841 // If no parameters have been passed in, construct a new HttpUrlEncodedParams instance.
842 if (!this.params) {
843 this.params = new HttpParams();
844 this.urlWithParams = url;
845 }
846 else {
847 // Encode the parameters to a string in preparation for inclusion in the URL.
848 var params = this.params.toString();
849 if (params.length === 0) {
850 // No parameters, the visible URL is just the URL given at creation time.
851 this.urlWithParams = url;
852 }
853 else {
854 // Does the URL already have query parameters? Look for '?'.
855 var qIdx = url.indexOf('?');
856 // There are 3 cases to handle:
857 // 1) No existing parameters -> append '?' followed by params.
858 // 2) '?' exists and is followed by existing query string ->
859 // append '&' followed by params.
860 // 3) '?' exists at the end of the url -> append params directly.
861 // This basically amounts to determining the character, if any, with
862 // which to join the URL and parameters.
863 var sep = qIdx === -1 ? '?' : (qIdx < url.length - 1 ? '&' : '');
864 this.urlWithParams = url + sep + params;
865 }
866 }
867 }
868 /**
869 * Transform the free-form body into a serialized format suitable for
870 * transmission to the server.
871 */
872 HttpRequest.prototype.serializeBody = function () {
873 // If no body is present, no need to serialize it.
874 if (this.body === null) {
875 return null;
876 }
877 // Check whether the body is already in a serialized form. If so,
878 // it can just be returned directly.
879 if (isArrayBuffer(this.body) || isBlob(this.body) || isFormData(this.body) ||
880 typeof this.body === 'string') {
881 return this.body;
882 }
883 // Check whether the body is an instance of HttpUrlEncodedParams.
884 if (this.body instanceof HttpParams) {
885 return this.body.toString();
886 }
887 // Check whether the body is an object or array, and serialize with JSON if so.
888 if (typeof this.body === 'object' || typeof this.body === 'boolean' ||
889 Array.isArray(this.body)) {
890 return JSON.stringify(this.body);
891 }
892 // Fall back on toString() for everything else.
893 return this.body.toString();
894 };
895 /**
896 * Examine the body and attempt to infer an appropriate MIME type
897 * for it.
898 *
899 * If no such type can be inferred, this method will return `null`.
900 */
901 HttpRequest.prototype.detectContentTypeHeader = function () {
902 // An empty body has no content type.
903 if (this.body === null) {
904 return null;
905 }
906 // FormData bodies rely on the browser's content type assignment.
907 if (isFormData(this.body)) {
908 return null;
909 }
910 // Blobs usually have their own content type. If it doesn't, then
911 // no type can be inferred.
912 if (isBlob(this.body)) {
913 return this.body.type || null;
914 }
915 // Array buffers have unknown contents and thus no type can be inferred.
916 if (isArrayBuffer(this.body)) {
917 return null;
918 }
919 // Technically, strings could be a form of JSON data, but it's safe enough
920 // to assume they're plain strings.
921 if (typeof this.body === 'string') {
922 return 'text/plain';
923 }
924 // `HttpUrlEncodedParams` has its own content-type.
925 if (this.body instanceof HttpParams) {
926 return 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8';
927 }
928 // Arrays, objects, and numbers will be encoded as JSON.
929 if (typeof this.body === 'object' || typeof this.body === 'number' ||
930 Array.isArray(this.body)) {
931 return 'application/json';
932 }
933 // No type could be inferred.
934 return null;
935 };
936 HttpRequest.prototype.clone = function (update) {
937 if (update === void 0) { update = {}; }
938 // For method, url, and responseType, take the current value unless
939 // it is overridden in the update hash.
940 var method = update.method || this.method;
941 var url = update.url || this.url;
942 var responseType = update.responseType || this.responseType;
943 // The body is somewhat special - a `null` value in update.body means
944 // whatever current body is present is being overridden with an empty
945 // body, whereas an `undefined` value in update.body implies no
946 // override.
947 var body = (update.body !== undefined) ? update.body : this.body;
948 // Carefully handle the boolean options to differentiate between
949 // `false` and `undefined` in the update args.
950 var withCredentials = (update.withCredentials !== undefined) ? update.withCredentials : this.withCredentials;
951 var reportProgress = (update.reportProgress !== undefined) ? update.reportProgress : this.reportProgress;
952 // Headers and params may be appended to if `setHeaders` or
953 // `setParams` are used.
954 var headers = update.headers || this.headers;
955 var params = update.params || this.params;
956 // Check whether the caller has asked to add headers.
957 if (update.setHeaders !== undefined) {
958 // Set every requested header.
959 headers =
960 Object.keys(update.setHeaders)
961 .reduce(function (headers, name) { return headers.set(name, update.setHeaders[name]); }, headers);
962 }
963 // Check whether the caller has asked to set params.
964 if (update.setParams) {
965 // Set every requested param.
966 params = Object.keys(update.setParams)
967 .reduce(function (params, param) { return params.set(param, update.setParams[param]); }, params);
968 }
969 // Finally, construct the new HttpRequest using the pieces from above.
970 return new HttpRequest(method, url, body, {
971 params: params, headers: headers, reportProgress: reportProgress, responseType: responseType, withCredentials: withCredentials,
972 });
973 };
974 return HttpRequest;
975 }());
977 /**
978 * @license
979 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
980 *
981 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
982 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
983 */
984 (function (HttpEventType) {
985 /**
986 * The request was sent out over the wire.
987 */
988 HttpEventType[HttpEventType["Sent"] = 0] = "Sent";
989 /**
990 * An upload progress event was received.
991 */
992 HttpEventType[HttpEventType["UploadProgress"] = 1] = "UploadProgress";
993 /**
994 * The response status code and headers were received.
995 */
996 HttpEventType[HttpEventType["ResponseHeader"] = 2] = "ResponseHeader";
997 /**
998 * A download progress event was received.
999 */
1000 HttpEventType[HttpEventType["DownloadProgress"] = 3] = "DownloadProgress";
1001 /**
1002 * The full response including the body was received.
1003 */
1004 HttpEventType[HttpEventType["Response"] = 4] = "Response";
1005 /**
1006 * A custom event from an interceptor or a backend.
1007 */
1008 HttpEventType[HttpEventType["User"] = 5] = "User";
1009 })(exports.HttpEventType || (exports.HttpEventType = {}));
1010 /**
1011 * Base class for both `HttpResponse` and `HttpHeaderResponse`.
1012 *
1013 * @publicApi
1014 */
1015 var HttpResponseBase = /** @class */ (function () {
1016 /**
1017 * Super-constructor for all responses.
1018 *
1019 * The single parameter accepted is an initialization hash. Any properties
1020 * of the response passed there will override the default values.
1021 */
1022 function HttpResponseBase(init, defaultStatus, defaultStatusText) {
1023 if (defaultStatus === void 0) { defaultStatus = 200; }
1024 if (defaultStatusText === void 0) { defaultStatusText = 'OK'; }
1025 // If the hash has values passed, use them to initialize the response.
1026 // Otherwise use the default values.
1027 this.headers = init.headers || new HttpHeaders();
1028 this.status = init.status !== undefined ? init.status : defaultStatus;
1029 this.statusText = init.statusText || defaultStatusText;
1030 this.url = init.url || null;
1031 // Cache the ok value to avoid defining a getter.
1032 this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300;
1033 }
1034 return HttpResponseBase;
1035 }());
1036 /**
1037 * A partial HTTP response which only includes the status and header data,
1038 * but no response body.
1039 *
1040 * `HttpHeaderResponse` is a `HttpEvent` available on the response
1041 * event stream, only when progress events are requested.
1042 *
1043 * @publicApi
1044 */
1045 var HttpHeaderResponse = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1046 __extends(HttpHeaderResponse, _super);
1047 /**
1048 * Create a new `HttpHeaderResponse` with the given parameters.
1049 */
1050 function HttpHeaderResponse(init) {
1051 if (init === void 0) { init = {}; }
1052 var _this = _super.call(this, init) || this;
1053 _this.type = exports.HttpEventType.ResponseHeader;
1054 return _this;
1055 }
1056 /**
1057 * Copy this `HttpHeaderResponse`, overriding its contents with the
1058 * given parameter hash.
1059 */
1060 HttpHeaderResponse.prototype.clone = function (update) {
1061 if (update === void 0) { update = {}; }
1062 // Perform a straightforward initialization of the new HttpHeaderResponse,
1063 // overriding the current parameters with new ones if given.
1064 return new HttpHeaderResponse({
1065 headers: update.headers || this.headers,
1066 status: update.status !== undefined ? update.status : this.status,
1067 statusText: update.statusText || this.statusText,
1068 url: update.url || this.url || undefined,
1069 });
1070 };
1071 return HttpHeaderResponse;
1072 }(HttpResponseBase));
1073 /**
1074 * A full HTTP response, including a typed response body (which may be `null`
1075 * if one was not returned).
1076 *
1077 * `HttpResponse` is a `HttpEvent` available on the response event
1078 * stream.
1079 *
1080 * @publicApi
1081 */
1082 var HttpResponse = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1083 __extends(HttpResponse, _super);
1084 /**
1085 * Construct a new `HttpResponse`.
1086 */
1087 function HttpResponse(init) {
1088 if (init === void 0) { init = {}; }
1089 var _this = _super.call(this, init) || this;
1090 _this.type = exports.HttpEventType.Response;
1091 _this.body = init.body !== undefined ? init.body : null;
1092 return _this;
1093 }
1094 HttpResponse.prototype.clone = function (update) {
1095 if (update === void 0) { update = {}; }
1096 return new HttpResponse({
1097 body: (update.body !== undefined) ? update.body : this.body,
1098 headers: update.headers || this.headers,
1099 status: (update.status !== undefined) ? update.status : this.status,
1100 statusText: update.statusText || this.statusText,
1101 url: update.url || this.url || undefined,
1102 });
1103 };
1104 return HttpResponse;
1105 }(HttpResponseBase));
1106 /**
1107 * A response that represents an error or failure, either from a
1108 * non-successful HTTP status, an error while executing the request,
1109 * or some other failure which occurred during the parsing of the response.
1110 *
1111 * Any error returned on the `Observable` response stream will be
1112 * wrapped in an `HttpErrorResponse` to provide additional context about
1113 * the state of the HTTP layer when the error occurred. The error property
1114 * will contain either a wrapped Error object or the error response returned
1115 * from the server.
1116 *
1117 * @publicApi
1118 */
1119 var HttpErrorResponse = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1120 __extends(HttpErrorResponse, _super);
1121 function HttpErrorResponse(init) {
1122 var _this =
1123 // Initialize with a default status of 0 / Unknown Error.
1124 _super.call(this, init, 0, 'Unknown Error') || this;
1125 _this.name = 'HttpErrorResponse';
1126 /**
1127 * Errors are never okay, even when the status code is in the 2xx success range.
1128 */
1129 _this.ok = false;
1130 // If the response was successful, then this was a parse error. Otherwise, it was
1131 // a protocol-level failure of some sort. Either the request failed in transit
1132 // or the server returned an unsuccessful status code.
1133 if (_this.status >= 200 && _this.status < 300) {
1134 _this.message = "Http failure during parsing for " + (init.url || '(unknown url)');
1135 }
1136 else {
1137 _this.message =
1138 "Http failure response for " + (init.url || '(unknown url)') + ": " + init.status + " " + init.statusText;
1139 }
1140 _this.error = init.error || null;
1141 return _this;
1142 }
1143 return HttpErrorResponse;
1144 }(HttpResponseBase));
1146 /**
1147 * @license
1148 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1149 *
1150 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
1151 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
1152 */
1153 /**
1154 * Constructs an instance of `HttpRequestOptions<T>` from a source `HttpMethodOptions` and
1155 * the given `body`. This function clones the object and adds the body.
1156 *
1157 * Note that the `responseType` *options* value is a String that identifies the
1158 * single data type of the response.
1159 * A single overload version of the method handles each response type.
1160 * The value of `responseType` cannot be a union, as the combined signature could imply.
1161 *
1162 */
1163 function addBody(options, body) {
1164 return {
1165 body: body,
1166 headers: options.headers,
1167 observe: options.observe,
1168 params: options.params,
1169 reportProgress: options.reportProgress,
1170 responseType: options.responseType,
1171 withCredentials: options.withCredentials,
1172 };
1173 }
1174 /**
1175 * Performs HTTP requests.
1176 * This service is available as an injectable class, with methods to perform HTTP requests.
1177 * Each request method has multiple signatures, and the return type varies based on
1178 * the signature that is called (mainly the values of `observe` and `responseType`).
1179 *
1180 * Note that the `responseType` *options* value is a String that identifies the
1181 * single data type of the response.
1182 * A single overload version of the method handles each response type.
1183 * The value of `responseType` cannot be a union, as the combined signature could imply.
1185 *
1186 * @usageNotes
1187 * Sample HTTP requests for the [Tour of Heroes](/tutorial/toh-pt0) application.
1188 *
1189 * ### HTTP Request Example
1190 *
1191 * ```
1192 * // GET heroes whose name contains search term
1193 * searchHeroes(term: string): observable<Hero[]>{
1194 *
1195 * const params = new HttpParams({fromString: 'name=term'});
1196 * return this.httpClient.request('GET', this.heroesUrl, {responseType:'json', params});
1197 * }
1198 * ```
1199 * ### JSONP Example
1200 * ```
1201 * requestJsonp(url, callback = 'callback') {
1202 * return this.httpClient.jsonp(this.heroesURL, callback);
1203 * }
1204 * ```
1205 *
1206 * ### PATCH Example
1207 * ```
1208 * // PATCH one of the heroes' name
1209 * patchHero (id: number, heroName: string): Observable<{}> {
1210 * const url = `${this.heroesUrl}/${id}`; // PATCH api/heroes/42
1211 * return this.httpClient.patch(url, {name: heroName}, httpOptions)
1212 * .pipe(catchError(this.handleError('patchHero')));
1213 * }
1214 * ```
1215 *
1216 * @see [HTTP Guide](guide/http)
1217 *
1218 * @publicApi
1219 */
1220 var HttpClient = /** @class */ (function () {
1221 function HttpClient(handler) {
1222 this.handler = handler;
1223 }
1224 /**
1225 * Constructs an observable for a generic HTTP request that, when subscribed,
1226 * fires the request through the chain of registered interceptors and on to the
1227 * server.
1228 *
1229 * You can pass an `HttpRequest` directly as the only parameter. In this case,
1230 * the call returns an observable of the raw `HttpEvent` stream.
1231 *
1232 * Alternatively you can pass an HTTP method as the first parameter,
1233 * a URL string as the second, and an options hash containing the request body as the third.
1234 * See `addBody()`. In this case, the specified `responseType` and `observe` options determine the
1235 * type of returned observable.
1236 * * The `responseType` value determines how a successful response body is parsed.
1237 * * If `responseType` is the default `json`, you can pass a type interface for the resulting
1238 * object as a type parameter to the call.
1239 *
1240 * The `observe` value determines the return type, according to what you are interested in
1241 * observing.
1242 * * An `observe` value of events returns an observable of the raw `HttpEvent` stream, including
1243 * progress events by default.
1244 * * An `observe` value of response returns an observable of `HttpResponse<T>`,
1245 * where the `T` parameter depends on the `responseType` and any optionally provided type
1246 * parameter.
1247 * * An `observe` value of body returns an observable of `<T>` with the same `T` body type.
1248 *
1249 */
1250 HttpClient.prototype.request = function (first, url, options) {
1251 var _this = this;
1252 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1253 var req;
1254 // First, check whether the primary argument is an instance of `HttpRequest`.
1255 if (first instanceof HttpRequest) {
1256 // It is. The other arguments must be undefined (per the signatures) and can be
1257 // ignored.
1258 req = first;
1259 }
1260 else {
1261 // It's a string, so it represents a URL. Construct a request based on it,
1262 // and incorporate the remaining arguments (assuming `GET` unless a method is
1263 // provided.
1264 // Figure out the headers.
1265 var headers = undefined;
1266 if (options.headers instanceof HttpHeaders) {
1267 headers = options.headers;
1268 }
1269 else {
1270 headers = new HttpHeaders(options.headers);
1271 }
1272 // Sort out parameters.
1273 var params = undefined;
1274 if (!!options.params) {
1275 if (options.params instanceof HttpParams) {
1276 params = options.params;
1277 }
1278 else {
1279 params = new HttpParams({ fromObject: options.params });
1280 }
1281 }
1282 // Construct the request.
1283 req = new HttpRequest(first, url, (options.body !== undefined ? options.body : null), {
1284 headers: headers,
1285 params: params,
1286 reportProgress: options.reportProgress,
1287 // By default, JSON is assumed to be returned for all calls.
1288 responseType: options.responseType || 'json',
1289 withCredentials: options.withCredentials,
1290 });
1291 }
1292 // Start with an Observable.of() the initial request, and run the handler (which
1293 // includes all interceptors) inside a concatMap(). This way, the handler runs
1294 // inside an Observable chain, which causes interceptors to be re-run on every
1295 // subscription (this also makes retries re-run the handler, including interceptors).
1296 var events$ = rxjs.of(req).pipe(operators.concatMap(function (req) { return _this.handler.handle(req); }));
1297 // If coming via the API signature which accepts a previously constructed HttpRequest,
1298 // the only option is to get the event stream. Otherwise, return the event stream if
1299 // that is what was requested.
1300 if (first instanceof HttpRequest || options.observe === 'events') {
1301 return events$;
1302 }
1303 // The requested stream contains either the full response or the body. In either
1304 // case, the first step is to filter the event stream to extract a stream of
1305 // responses(s).
1306 var res$ = events$.pipe(operators.filter(function (event) { return event instanceof HttpResponse; }));
1307 // Decide which stream to return.
1308 switch (options.observe || 'body') {
1309 case 'body':
1310 // The requested stream is the body. Map the response stream to the response
1311 // body. This could be done more simply, but a misbehaving interceptor might
1312 // transform the response body into a different format and ignore the requested
1313 // responseType. Guard against this by validating that the response is of the
1314 // requested type.
1315 switch (req.responseType) {
1316 case 'arraybuffer':
1317 return res$.pipe(operators.map(function (res) {
1318 // Validate that the body is an ArrayBuffer.
1319 if (res.body !== null && !(res.body instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
1320 throw new Error('Response is not an ArrayBuffer.');
1321 }
1322 return res.body;
1323 }));
1324 case 'blob':
1325 return res$.pipe(operators.map(function (res) {
1326 // Validate that the body is a Blob.
1327 if (res.body !== null && !(res.body instanceof Blob)) {
1328 throw new Error('Response is not a Blob.');
1329 }
1330 return res.body;
1331 }));
1332 case 'text':
1333 return res$.pipe(operators.map(function (res) {
1334 // Validate that the body is a string.
1335 if (res.body !== null && typeof res.body !== 'string') {
1336 throw new Error('Response is not a string.');
1337 }
1338 return res.body;
1339 }));
1340 case 'json':
1341 default:
1342 // No validation needed for JSON responses, as they can be of any type.
1343 return res$.pipe(operators.map(function (res) { return res.body; }));
1344 }
1345 case 'response':
1346 // The response stream was requested directly, so return it.
1347 return res$;
1348 default:
1349 // Guard against new future observe types being added.
1350 throw new Error("Unreachable: unhandled observe type " + options.observe + "}");
1351 }
1352 };
1353 /**
1354 * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
1355 * `DELETE` request to execute on the server. See the individual overloads for
1356 * details on the return type.
1357 *
1358 * @param url The endpoint URL.
1359 * @param options The HTTP options to send with the request.
1360 *
1361 */
1362 HttpClient.prototype.delete = function (url, options) {
1363 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1364 return this.request('DELETE', url, options);
1365 };
1366 /**
1367 * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
1368 * `GET` request to execute on the server. See the individual overloads for
1369 * details on the return type.
1370 */
1371 HttpClient.prototype.get = function (url, options) {
1372 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1373 return this.request('GET', url, options);
1374 };
1375 /**
1376 * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
1377 * `HEAD` request to execute on the server. The `HEAD` method returns
1378 * meta information about the resource without transferring the
1379 * resource itself. See the individual overloads for
1380 * details on the return type.
1381 */
1382 HttpClient.prototype.head = function (url, options) {
1383 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1384 return this.request('HEAD', url, options);
1385 };
1386 /**
1387 * Constructs an `Observable` that, when subscribed, causes a request with the special method
1388 * `JSONP` to be dispatched via the interceptor pipeline.
1389 * The [JSONP pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSONP) works around limitations of certain
1390 * API endpoints that don't support newer,
1391 * and preferable [CORS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) protocol.
1392 * JSONP treats the endpoint API as a JavaScript file and tricks the browser to process the
1393 * requests even if the API endpoint is not located on the same domain (origin) as the client-side
1394 * application making the request.
1395 * The endpoint API must support JSONP callback for JSONP requests to work.
1396 * The resource API returns the JSON response wrapped in a callback function.
1397 * You can pass the callback function name as one of the query parameters.
1398 * Note that JSONP requests can only be used with `GET` requests.
1399 *
1400 * @param url The resource URL.
1401 * @param callbackParam The callback function name.
1402 *
1403 */
1404 HttpClient.prototype.jsonp = function (url, callbackParam) {
1405 return this.request('JSONP', url, {
1406 params: new HttpParams().append(callbackParam, 'JSONP_CALLBACK'),
1407 observe: 'body',
1408 responseType: 'json',
1409 });
1410 };
1411 /**
1412 * Constructs an `Observable` that, when subscribed, causes the configured
1413 * `OPTIONS` request to execute on the server. This method allows the client
1414 * to determine the supported HTTP methods and other capabilites of an endpoint,
1415 * without implying a resource action. See the individual overloads for
1416 * details on the return type.
1417 */
1418 HttpClient.prototype.options = function (url, options) {
1419 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1420 return this.request('OPTIONS', url, options);
1421 };
1422 /**
1423 * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
1424 * `PATCH` request to execute on the server. See the individual overloads for
1425 * details on the return type.
1426 */
1427 HttpClient.prototype.patch = function (url, body, options) {
1428 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1429 return this.request('PATCH', url, addBody(options, body));
1430 };
1431 /**
1432 * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
1433 * `POST` request to execute on the server. The server responds with the location of
1434 * the replaced resource. See the individual overloads for
1435 * details on the return type.
1436 */
1437 HttpClient.prototype.post = function (url, body, options) {
1438 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1439 return this.request('POST', url, addBody(options, body));
1440 };
1441 /**
1442 * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
1443 * `PUT` request to execute on the server. The `PUT` method replaces an existing resource
1444 * with a new set of values.
1445 * See the individual overloads for details on the return type.
1446 */
1447 HttpClient.prototype.put = function (url, body, options) {
1448 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1449 return this.request('PUT', url, addBody(options, body));
1450 };
1451 HttpClient = __decorate([
1452 core.Injectable(),
1453 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [HttpHandler])
1454 ], HttpClient);
1455 return HttpClient;
1456 }());
1458 /**
1459 * @license
1460 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1461 *
1462 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
1463 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
1464 */
1465 /**
1466 * `HttpHandler` which applies an `HttpInterceptor` to an `HttpRequest`.
1467 *
1468 *
1469 */
1470 var HttpInterceptorHandler = /** @class */ (function () {
1471 function HttpInterceptorHandler(next, interceptor) {
1472 this.next = next;
1473 this.interceptor = interceptor;
1474 }
1475 HttpInterceptorHandler.prototype.handle = function (req) {
1476 return this.interceptor.intercept(req, this.next);
1477 };
1478 return HttpInterceptorHandler;
1479 }());
1480 /**
1481 * A multi-provider token that represents the array of registered
1482 * `HttpInterceptor` objects.
1483 *
1484 * @publicApi
1485 */
1486 var HTTP_INTERCEPTORS = new core.InjectionToken('HTTP_INTERCEPTORS');
1487 var NoopInterceptor = /** @class */ (function () {
1488 function NoopInterceptor() {
1489 }
1490 NoopInterceptor.prototype.intercept = function (req, next) {
1491 return next.handle(req);
1492 };
1493 NoopInterceptor = __decorate([
1494 core.Injectable()
1495 ], NoopInterceptor);
1496 return NoopInterceptor;
1497 }());
1499 /**
1500 * @license
1501 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1502 *
1503 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
1504 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
1505 */
1506 // Every request made through JSONP needs a callback name that's unique across the
1507 // whole page. Each request is assigned an id and the callback name is constructed
1508 // from that. The next id to be assigned is tracked in a global variable here that
1509 // is shared among all applications on the page.
1510 var nextRequestId = 0;
1511 // Error text given when a JSONP script is injected, but doesn't invoke the callback
1512 // passed in its URL.
1513 var JSONP_ERR_NO_CALLBACK = 'JSONP injected script did not invoke callback.';
1514 // Error text given when a request is passed to the JsonpClientBackend that doesn't
1515 // have a request method JSONP.
1516 var JSONP_ERR_WRONG_METHOD = 'JSONP requests must use JSONP request method.';
1517 var JSONP_ERR_WRONG_RESPONSE_TYPE = 'JSONP requests must use Json response type.';
1518 /**
1519 * DI token/abstract type representing a map of JSONP callbacks.
1520 *
1521 * In the browser, this should always be the `window` object.
1522 *
1523 *
1524 */
1525 var JsonpCallbackContext = /** @class */ (function () {
1526 function JsonpCallbackContext() {
1527 }
1528 return JsonpCallbackContext;
1529 }());
1530 /**
1531 * Processes an `HttpRequest` with the JSONP method,
1532 * by performing JSONP style requests.
1533 * @see `HttpHandler`
1534 * @see `HttpXhrBackend`
1535 *
1536 * @publicApi
1537 */
1538 var JsonpClientBackend = /** @class */ (function () {
1539 function JsonpClientBackend(callbackMap, document) {
1540 this.callbackMap = callbackMap;
1541 this.document = document;
1542 }
1543 /**
1544 * Get the name of the next callback method, by incrementing the global `nextRequestId`.
1545 */
1546 JsonpClientBackend.prototype.nextCallback = function () { return "ng_jsonp_callback_" + nextRequestId++; };
1547 /**
1548 * Processes a JSONP request and returns an event stream of the results.
1549 * @param req The request object.
1550 * @returns An observable of the response events.
1551 *
1552 */
1553 JsonpClientBackend.prototype.handle = function (req) {
1554 var _this = this;
1555 // Firstly, check both the method and response type. If either doesn't match
1556 // then the request was improperly routed here and cannot be handled.
1557 if (req.method !== 'JSONP') {
1558 throw new Error(JSONP_ERR_WRONG_METHOD);
1559 }
1560 else if (req.responseType !== 'json') {
1561 throw new Error(JSONP_ERR_WRONG_RESPONSE_TYPE);
1562 }
1563 // Everything else happens inside the Observable boundary.
1564 return new rxjs.Observable(function (observer) {
1565 // The first step to make a request is to generate the callback name, and replace the
1566 // callback placeholder in the URL with the name. Care has to be taken here to ensure
1567 // a trailing &, if matched, gets inserted back into the URL in the correct place.
1568 var callback = _this.nextCallback();
1569 var url = req.urlWithParams.replace(/=JSONP_CALLBACK(&|$)/, "=" + callback + "$1");
1570 // Construct the <script> tag and point it at the URL.
1571 var node = _this.document.createElement('script');
1572 node.src = url;
1573 // A JSONP request requires waiting for multiple callbacks. These variables
1574 // are closed over and track state across those callbacks.
1575 // The response object, if one has been received, or null otherwise.
1576 var body = null;
1577 // Whether the response callback has been called.
1578 var finished = false;
1579 // Whether the request has been cancelled (and thus any other callbacks)
1580 // should be ignored.
1581 var cancelled = false;
1582 // Set the response callback in this.callbackMap (which will be the window
1583 // object in the browser. The script being loaded via the <script> tag will
1584 // eventually call this callback.
1585 _this.callbackMap[callback] = function (data) {
1586 // Data has been received from the JSONP script. Firstly, delete this callback.
1587 delete _this.callbackMap[callback];
1588 // Next, make sure the request wasn't cancelled in the meantime.
1589 if (cancelled) {
1590 return;
1591 }
1592 // Set state to indicate data was received.
1593 body = data;
1594 finished = true;
1595 };
1596 // cleanup() is a utility closure that removes the <script> from the page and
1597 // the response callback from the window. This logic is used in both the
1598 // success, error, and cancellation paths, so it's extracted out for convenience.
1599 var cleanup = function () {
1600 // Remove the <script> tag if it's still on the page.
1601 if (node.parentNode) {
1602 node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
1603 }
1604 // Remove the response callback from the callbackMap (window object in the
1605 // browser).
1606 delete _this.callbackMap[callback];
1607 };
1608 // onLoad() is the success callback which runs after the response callback
1609 // if the JSONP script loads successfully. The event itself is unimportant.
1610 // If something went wrong, onLoad() may run without the response callback
1611 // having been invoked.
1612 var onLoad = function (event) {
1613 // Do nothing if the request has been cancelled.
1614 if (cancelled) {
1615 return;
1616 }
1617 // Cleanup the page.
1618 cleanup();
1619 // Check whether the response callback has run.
1620 if (!finished) {
1621 // It hasn't, something went wrong with the request. Return an error via
1622 // the Observable error path. All JSONP errors have status 0.
1623 observer.error(new HttpErrorResponse({
1624 url: url,
1625 status: 0,
1626 statusText: 'JSONP Error',
1627 error: new Error(JSONP_ERR_NO_CALLBACK),
1628 }));
1629 return;
1630 }
1631 // Success. body either contains the response body or null if none was
1632 // returned.
1633 observer.next(new HttpResponse({
1634 body: body,
1635 status: 200,
1636 statusText: 'OK', url: url,
1637 }));
1638 // Complete the stream, the response is over.
1639 observer.complete();
1640 };
1641 // onError() is the error callback, which runs if the script returned generates
1642 // a Javascript error. It emits the error via the Observable error channel as
1643 // a HttpErrorResponse.
1644 var onError = function (error) {
1645 // If the request was already cancelled, no need to emit anything.
1646 if (cancelled) {
1647 return;
1648 }
1649 cleanup();
1650 // Wrap the error in a HttpErrorResponse.
1651 observer.error(new HttpErrorResponse({
1652 error: error,
1653 status: 0,
1654 statusText: 'JSONP Error', url: url,
1655 }));
1656 };
1657 // Subscribe to both the success (load) and error events on the <script> tag,
1658 // and add it to the page.
1659 node.addEventListener('load', onLoad);
1660 node.addEventListener('error', onError);
1661 _this.document.body.appendChild(node);
1662 // The request has now been successfully sent.
1663 observer.next({ type: exports.HttpEventType.Sent });
1664 // Cancellation handler.
1665 return function () {
1666 // Track the cancellation so event listeners won't do anything even if already scheduled.
1667 cancelled = true;
1668 // Remove the event listeners so they won't run if the events later fire.
1669 node.removeEventListener('load', onLoad);
1670 node.removeEventListener('error', onError);
1671 // And finally, clean up the page.
1672 cleanup();
1673 };
1674 });
1675 };
1676 JsonpClientBackend = __decorate([
1677 core.Injectable(),
1678 __param(1, core.Inject(common.DOCUMENT)),
1679 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [JsonpCallbackContext, Object])
1680 ], JsonpClientBackend);
1681 return JsonpClientBackend;
1682 }());
1683 /**
1684 * Identifies requests with the method JSONP and
1685 * shifts them to the `JsonpClientBackend`.
1686 *
1687 * @see `HttpInterceptor`
1688 *
1689 * @publicApi
1690 */
1691 var JsonpInterceptor = /** @class */ (function () {
1692 function JsonpInterceptor(jsonp) {
1693 this.jsonp = jsonp;
1694 }
1695 /**
1696 * Identifies and handles a given JSONP request.
1697 * @param req The outgoing request object to handle.
1698 * @param next The next interceptor in the chain, or the backend
1699 * if no interceptors remain in the chain.
1700 * @returns An observable of the event stream.
1701 */
1702 JsonpInterceptor.prototype.intercept = function (req, next) {
1703 if (req.method === 'JSONP') {
1704 return this.jsonp.handle(req);
1705 }
1706 // Fall through for normal HTTP requests.
1707 return next.handle(req);
1708 };
1709 JsonpInterceptor = __decorate([
1710 core.Injectable(),
1711 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [JsonpClientBackend])
1712 ], JsonpInterceptor);
1713 return JsonpInterceptor;
1714 }());
1716 /**
1717 * @license
1718 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1719 *
1720 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
1721 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
1722 */
1723 var XSSI_PREFIX = /^\)\]\}',?\n/;
1724 /**
1725 * Determine an appropriate URL for the response, by checking either
1726 * XMLHttpRequest.responseURL or the X-Request-URL header.
1727 */
1728 function getResponseUrl(xhr) {
1729 if ('responseURL' in xhr && xhr.responseURL) {
1730 return xhr.responseURL;
1731 }
1732 if (/^X-Request-URL:/m.test(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders())) {
1733 return xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Request-URL');
1734 }
1735 return null;
1736 }
1737 /**
1738 * A wrapper around the `XMLHttpRequest` constructor.
1739 *
1740 * @publicApi
1741 */
1742 var XhrFactory = /** @class */ (function () {
1743 function XhrFactory() {
1744 }
1745 return XhrFactory;
1746 }());
1747 /**
1748 * A factory for `HttpXhrBackend` that uses the `XMLHttpRequest` browser API.
1749 *
1750 */
1751 var BrowserXhr = /** @class */ (function () {
1752 function BrowserXhr() {
1753 }
1754 BrowserXhr.prototype.build = function () { return (new XMLHttpRequest()); };
1755 BrowserXhr = __decorate([
1756 core.Injectable(),
1757 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [])
1758 ], BrowserXhr);
1759 return BrowserXhr;
1760 }());
1761 /**
1762 * Uses `XMLHttpRequest` to send requests to a backend server.
1763 * @see `HttpHandler`
1764 * @see `JsonpClientBackend`
1765 *
1766 * @publicApi
1767 */
1768 var HttpXhrBackend = /** @class */ (function () {
1769 function HttpXhrBackend(xhrFactory) {
1770 this.xhrFactory = xhrFactory;
1771 }
1772 /**
1773 * Processes a request and returns a stream of response events.
1774 * @param req The request object.
1775 * @returns An observable of the response events.
1776 */
1777 HttpXhrBackend.prototype.handle = function (req) {
1778 var _this = this;
1779 // Quick check to give a better error message when a user attempts to use
1780 // HttpClient.jsonp() without installing the JsonpClientModule
1781 if (req.method === 'JSONP') {
1782 throw new Error("Attempted to construct Jsonp request without JsonpClientModule installed.");
1783 }
1784 // Everything happens on Observable subscription.
1785 return new rxjs.Observable(function (observer) {
1786 // Start by setting up the XHR object with request method, URL, and withCredentials flag.
1787 var xhr = _this.xhrFactory.build();
1788 xhr.open(req.method, req.urlWithParams);
1789 if (!!req.withCredentials) {
1790 xhr.withCredentials = true;
1791 }
1792 // Add all the requested headers.
1793 req.headers.forEach(function (name, values) { return xhr.setRequestHeader(name, values.join(',')); });
1794 // Add an Accept header if one isn't present already.
1795 if (!req.headers.has('Accept')) {
1796 xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json, text/plain, */*');
1797 }
1798 // Auto-detect the Content-Type header if one isn't present already.
1799 if (!req.headers.has('Content-Type')) {
1800 var detectedType = req.detectContentTypeHeader();
1801 // Sometimes Content-Type detection fails.
1802 if (detectedType !== null) {
1803 xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', detectedType);
1804 }
1805 }
1806 // Set the responseType if one was requested.
1807 if (req.responseType) {
1808 var responseType = req.responseType.toLowerCase();
1809 // JSON responses need to be processed as text. This is because if the server
1810 // returns an XSSI-prefixed JSON response, the browser will fail to parse it,
1811 // xhr.response will be null, and xhr.responseText cannot be accessed to
1812 // retrieve the prefixed JSON data in order to strip the prefix. Thus, all JSON
1813 // is parsed by first requesting text and then applying JSON.parse.
1814 xhr.responseType = ((responseType !== 'json') ? responseType : 'text');
1815 }
1816 // Serialize the request body if one is present. If not, this will be set to null.
1817 var reqBody = req.serializeBody();
1818 // If progress events are enabled, response headers will be delivered
1819 // in two events - the HttpHeaderResponse event and the full HttpResponse
1820 // event. However, since response headers don't change in between these
1821 // two events, it doesn't make sense to parse them twice. So headerResponse
1822 // caches the data extracted from the response whenever it's first parsed,
1823 // to ensure parsing isn't duplicated.
1824 var headerResponse = null;
1825 // partialFromXhr extracts the HttpHeaderResponse from the current XMLHttpRequest
1826 // state, and memoizes it into headerResponse.
1827 var partialFromXhr = function () {
1828 if (headerResponse !== null) {
1829 return headerResponse;
1830 }
1831 // Read status and normalize an IE9 bug (http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/1450).
1832 var status = xhr.status === 1223 ? 204 : xhr.status;
1833 var statusText = xhr.statusText || 'OK';
1834 // Parse headers from XMLHttpRequest - this step is lazy.
1835 var headers = new HttpHeaders(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders());
1836 // Read the response URL from the XMLHttpResponse instance and fall back on the
1837 // request URL.
1838 var url = getResponseUrl(xhr) || req.url;
1839 // Construct the HttpHeaderResponse and memoize it.
1840 headerResponse = new HttpHeaderResponse({ headers: headers, status: status, statusText: statusText, url: url });
1841 return headerResponse;
1842 };
1843 // Next, a few closures are defined for the various events which XMLHttpRequest can
1844 // emit. This allows them to be unregistered as event listeners later.
1845 // First up is the load event, which represents a response being fully available.
1846 var onLoad = function () {
1847 // Read response state from the memoized partial data.
1848 var _a = partialFromXhr(), headers = _a.headers, status = _a.status, statusText = _a.statusText, url = _a.url;
1849 // The body will be read out if present.
1850 var body = null;
1851 if (status !== 204) {
1852 // Use XMLHttpRequest.response if set, responseText otherwise.
1853 body = (typeof xhr.response === 'undefined') ? xhr.responseText : xhr.response;
1854 }
1855 // Normalize another potential bug (this one comes from CORS).
1856 if (status === 0) {
1857 status = !!body ? 200 : 0;
1858 }
1859 // ok determines whether the response will be transmitted on the event or
1860 // error channel. Unsuccessful status codes (not 2xx) will always be errors,
1861 // but a successful status code can still result in an error if the user
1862 // asked for JSON data and the body cannot be parsed as such.
1863 var ok = status >= 200 && status < 300;
1864 // Check whether the body needs to be parsed as JSON (in many cases the browser
1865 // will have done that already).
1866 if (req.responseType === 'json' && typeof body === 'string') {
1867 // Save the original body, before attempting XSSI prefix stripping.
1868 var originalBody = body;
1869 body = body.replace(XSSI_PREFIX, '');
1870 try {
1871 // Attempt the parse. If it fails, a parse error should be delivered to the user.
1872 body = body !== '' ? JSON.parse(body) : null;
1873 }
1874 catch (error) {
1875 // Since the JSON.parse failed, it's reasonable to assume this might not have been a
1876 // JSON response. Restore the original body (including any XSSI prefix) to deliver
1877 // a better error response.
1878 body = originalBody;
1879 // If this was an error request to begin with, leave it as a string, it probably
1880 // just isn't JSON. Otherwise, deliver the parsing error to the user.
1881 if (ok) {
1882 // Even though the response status was 2xx, this is still an error.
1883 ok = false;
1884 // The parse error contains the text of the body that failed to parse.
1885 body = { error: error, text: body };
1886 }
1887 }
1888 }
1889 if (ok) {
1890 // A successful response is delivered on the event stream.
1891 observer.next(new HttpResponse({
1892 body: body,
1893 headers: headers,
1894 status: status,
1895 statusText: statusText,
1896 url: url || undefined,
1897 }));
1898 // The full body has been received and delivered, no further events
1899 // are possible. This request is complete.
1900 observer.complete();
1901 }
1902 else {
1903 // An unsuccessful request is delivered on the error channel.
1904 observer.error(new HttpErrorResponse({
1905 // The error in this case is the response body (error from the server).
1906 error: body,
1907 headers: headers,
1908 status: status,
1909 statusText: statusText,
1910 url: url || undefined,
1911 }));
1912 }
1913 };
1914 // The onError callback is called when something goes wrong at the network level.
1915 // Connection timeout, DNS error, offline, etc. These are actual errors, and are
1916 // transmitted on the error channel.
1917 var onError = function (error) {
1918 var url = partialFromXhr().url;
1919 var res = new HttpErrorResponse({
1920 error: error,
1921 status: xhr.status || 0,
1922 statusText: xhr.statusText || 'Unknown Error',
1923 url: url || undefined,
1924 });
1925 observer.error(res);
1926 };
1927 // The sentHeaders flag tracks whether the HttpResponseHeaders event
1928 // has been sent on the stream. This is necessary to track if progress
1929 // is enabled since the event will be sent on only the first download
1930 // progerss event.
1931 var sentHeaders = false;
1932 // The download progress event handler, which is only registered if
1933 // progress events are enabled.
1934 var onDownProgress = function (event) {
1935 // Send the HttpResponseHeaders event if it hasn't been sent already.
1936 if (!sentHeaders) {
1937 observer.next(partialFromXhr());
1938 sentHeaders = true;
1939 }
1940 // Start building the download progress event to deliver on the response
1941 // event stream.
1942 var progressEvent = {
1943 type: exports.HttpEventType.DownloadProgress,
1944 loaded: event.loaded,
1945 };
1946 // Set the total number of bytes in the event if it's available.
1947 if (event.lengthComputable) {
1948 progressEvent.total = event.total;
1949 }
1950 // If the request was for text content and a partial response is
1951 // available on XMLHttpRequest, include it in the progress event
1952 // to allow for streaming reads.
1953 if (req.responseType === 'text' && !!xhr.responseText) {
1954 progressEvent.partialText = xhr.responseText;
1955 }
1956 // Finally, fire the event.
1957 observer.next(progressEvent);
1958 };
1959 // The upload progress event handler, which is only registered if
1960 // progress events are enabled.
1961 var onUpProgress = function (event) {
1962 // Upload progress events are simpler. Begin building the progress
1963 // event.
1964 var progress = {
1965 type: exports.HttpEventType.UploadProgress,
1966 loaded: event.loaded,
1967 };
1968 // If the total number of bytes being uploaded is available, include
1969 // it.
1970 if (event.lengthComputable) {
1971 progress.total = event.total;
1972 }
1973 // Send the event.
1974 observer.next(progress);
1975 };
1976 // By default, register for load and error events.
1977 xhr.addEventListener('load', onLoad);
1978 xhr.addEventListener('error', onError);
1979 // Progress events are only enabled if requested.
1980 if (req.reportProgress) {
1981 // Download progress is always enabled if requested.
1982 xhr.addEventListener('progress', onDownProgress);
1983 // Upload progress depends on whether there is a body to upload.
1984 if (reqBody !== null && xhr.upload) {
1985 xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', onUpProgress);
1986 }
1987 }
1988 // Fire the request, and notify the event stream that it was fired.
1989 xhr.send(reqBody);
1990 observer.next({ type: exports.HttpEventType.Sent });
1991 // This is the return from the Observable function, which is the
1992 // request cancellation handler.
1993 return function () {
1994 // On a cancellation, remove all registered event listeners.
1995 xhr.removeEventListener('error', onError);
1996 xhr.removeEventListener('load', onLoad);
1997 if (req.reportProgress) {
1998 xhr.removeEventListener('progress', onDownProgress);
1999 if (reqBody !== null && xhr.upload) {
2000 xhr.upload.removeEventListener('progress', onUpProgress);
2001 }
2002 }
2003 // Finally, abort the in-flight request.
2004 xhr.abort();
2005 };
2006 });
2007 };
2008 HttpXhrBackend = __decorate([
2009 core.Injectable(),
2010 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [XhrFactory])
2011 ], HttpXhrBackend);
2012 return HttpXhrBackend;
2013 }());
2015 /**
2016 * @license
2017 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2018 *
2019 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
2020 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
2021 */
2022 var XSRF_COOKIE_NAME = new core.InjectionToken('XSRF_COOKIE_NAME');
2023 var XSRF_HEADER_NAME = new core.InjectionToken('XSRF_HEADER_NAME');
2024 /**
2025 * Retrieves the current XSRF token to use with the next outgoing request.
2026 *
2027 * @publicApi
2028 */
2029 var HttpXsrfTokenExtractor = /** @class */ (function () {
2030 function HttpXsrfTokenExtractor() {
2031 }
2032 return HttpXsrfTokenExtractor;
2033 }());
2034 /**
2035 * `HttpXsrfTokenExtractor` which retrieves the token from a cookie.
2036 */
2037 var HttpXsrfCookieExtractor = /** @class */ (function () {
2038 function HttpXsrfCookieExtractor(doc, platform, cookieName) {
2039 this.doc = doc;
2040 this.platform = platform;
2041 this.cookieName = cookieName;
2042 this.lastCookieString = '';
2043 this.lastToken = null;
2044 /**
2045 * @internal for testing
2046 */
2047 this.parseCount = 0;
2048 }
2049 HttpXsrfCookieExtractor.prototype.getToken = function () {
2050 if (this.platform === 'server') {
2051 return null;
2052 }
2053 var cookieString = this.doc.cookie || '';
2054 if (cookieString !== this.lastCookieString) {
2055 this.parseCount++;
2056 this.lastToken = common.ɵparseCookieValue(cookieString, this.cookieName);
2057 this.lastCookieString = cookieString;
2058 }
2059 return this.lastToken;
2060 };
2061 HttpXsrfCookieExtractor = __decorate([
2062 core.Injectable(),
2063 __param(0, core.Inject(common.DOCUMENT)), __param(1, core.Inject(core.PLATFORM_ID)),
2064 __param(2, core.Inject(XSRF_COOKIE_NAME)),
2065 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [Object, String, String])
2066 ], HttpXsrfCookieExtractor);
2067 return HttpXsrfCookieExtractor;
2068 }());
2069 /**
2070 * `HttpInterceptor` which adds an XSRF token to eligible outgoing requests.
2071 */
2072 var HttpXsrfInterceptor = /** @class */ (function () {
2073 function HttpXsrfInterceptor(tokenService, headerName) {
2074 this.tokenService = tokenService;
2075 this.headerName = headerName;
2076 }
2077 HttpXsrfInterceptor.prototype.intercept = function (req, next) {
2078 var lcUrl = req.url.toLowerCase();
2079 // Skip both non-mutating requests and absolute URLs.
2080 // Non-mutating requests don't require a token, and absolute URLs require special handling
2081 // anyway as the cookie set
2082 // on our origin is not the same as the token expected by another origin.
2083 if (req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD' || lcUrl.startsWith('http://') ||
2084 lcUrl.startsWith('https://')) {
2085 return next.handle(req);
2086 }
2087 var token = this.tokenService.getToken();
2088 // Be careful not to overwrite an existing header of the same name.
2089 if (token !== null && !req.headers.has(this.headerName)) {
2090 req = req.clone({ headers: req.headers.set(this.headerName, token) });
2091 }
2092 return next.handle(req);
2093 };
2094 HttpXsrfInterceptor = __decorate([
2095 core.Injectable(),
2096 __param(1, core.Inject(XSRF_HEADER_NAME)),
2097 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [HttpXsrfTokenExtractor, String])
2098 ], HttpXsrfInterceptor);
2099 return HttpXsrfInterceptor;
2100 }());
2102 /**
2103 * @license
2104 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2105 *
2106 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
2107 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
2108 */
2109 /**
2110 * An injectable `HttpHandler` that applies multiple interceptors
2111 * to a request before passing it to the given `HttpBackend`.
2112 *
2113 * The interceptors are loaded lazily from the injector, to allow
2114 * interceptors to themselves inject classes depending indirectly
2115 * on `HttpInterceptingHandler` itself.
2116 * @see `HttpInterceptor`
2117 */
2118 var HttpInterceptingHandler = /** @class */ (function () {
2119 function HttpInterceptingHandler(backend, injector) {
2120 this.backend = backend;
2121 this.injector = injector;
2122 this.chain = null;
2123 }
2124 HttpInterceptingHandler.prototype.handle = function (req) {
2125 if (this.chain === null) {
2126 var interceptors = this.injector.get(HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, []);
2127 this.chain = interceptors.reduceRight(function (next, interceptor) { return new HttpInterceptorHandler(next, interceptor); }, this.backend);
2128 }
2129 return this.chain.handle(req);
2130 };
2131 HttpInterceptingHandler = __decorate([
2132 core.Injectable(),
2133 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [HttpBackend, core.Injector])
2134 ], HttpInterceptingHandler);
2135 return HttpInterceptingHandler;
2136 }());
2137 /**
2138 * Constructs an `HttpHandler` that applies interceptors
2139 * to a request before passing it to the given `HttpBackend`.
2140 *
2141 * Use as a factory function within `HttpClientModule`.
2142 *
2143 *
2144 */
2145 function interceptingHandler(backend, interceptors) {
2146 if (interceptors === void 0) { interceptors = []; }
2147 if (!interceptors) {
2148 return backend;
2149 }
2150 return interceptors.reduceRight(function (next, interceptor) { return new HttpInterceptorHandler(next, interceptor); }, backend);
2151 }
2152 /**
2153 * Factory function that determines where to store JSONP callbacks.
2154 *
2155 * Ordinarily JSONP callbacks are stored on the `window` object, but this may not exist
2156 * in test environments. In that case, callbacks are stored on an anonymous object instead.
2157 *
2158 *
2159 */
2160 function jsonpCallbackContext() {
2161 if (typeof window === 'object') {
2162 return window;
2163 }
2164 return {};
2165 }
2166 /**
2167 * Configures XSRF protection support for outgoing requests.
2168 *
2169 * For a server that supports a cookie-based XSRF protection system,
2170 * use directly to configure XSRF protection with the correct
2171 * cookie and header names.
2172 *
2173 * If no names are supplied, the default cookie name is `XSRF-TOKEN`
2174 * and the default header name is `X-XSRF-TOKEN`.
2175 *
2176 * @publicApi
2177 */
2178 var HttpClientXsrfModule = /** @class */ (function () {
2179 function HttpClientXsrfModule() {
2180 }
2181 HttpClientXsrfModule_1 = HttpClientXsrfModule;
2182 /**
2183 * Disable the default XSRF protection.
2184 */
2185 HttpClientXsrfModule.disable = function () {
2186 return {
2187 ngModule: HttpClientXsrfModule_1,
2188 providers: [
2189 { provide: HttpXsrfInterceptor, useClass: NoopInterceptor },
2190 ],
2191 };
2192 };
2193 /**
2194 * Configure XSRF protection.
2195 * @param options An object that can specify either or both
2196 * cookie name or header name.
2197 * - Cookie name default is `XSRF-TOKEN`.
2198 * - Header name default is `X-XSRF-TOKEN`.
2199 *
2200 */
2201 HttpClientXsrfModule.withOptions = function (options) {
2202 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
2203 return {
2204 ngModule: HttpClientXsrfModule_1,
2205 providers: [
2206 options.cookieName ? { provide: XSRF_COOKIE_NAME, useValue: options.cookieName } : [],
2207 options.headerName ? { provide: XSRF_HEADER_NAME, useValue: options.headerName } : [],
2208 ],
2209 };
2210 };
2211 var HttpClientXsrfModule_1;
2212 HttpClientXsrfModule = HttpClientXsrfModule_1 = __decorate([
2213 core.NgModule({
2214 providers: [
2215 HttpXsrfInterceptor,
2216 { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useExisting: HttpXsrfInterceptor, multi: true },
2217 { provide: HttpXsrfTokenExtractor, useClass: HttpXsrfCookieExtractor },
2218 { provide: XSRF_COOKIE_NAME, useValue: 'XSRF-TOKEN' },
2219 { provide: XSRF_HEADER_NAME, useValue: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN' },
2220 ],
2221 })
2222 ], HttpClientXsrfModule);
2223 return HttpClientXsrfModule;
2224 }());
2225 /**
2226 * Configures the [dependency injector](guide/glossary#injector) for `HttpClient`
2227 * with supporting services for XSRF. Automatically imported by `HttpClientModule`.
2228 *
2229 * You can add interceptors to the chain behind `HttpClient` by binding them to the
2230 * multiprovider for built-in [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token) `HTTP_INTERCEPTORS`.
2231 *
2232 * @publicApi
2233 */
2234 var HttpClientModule = /** @class */ (function () {
2235 function HttpClientModule() {
2236 }
2237 HttpClientModule = __decorate([
2238 core.NgModule({
2239 /**
2240 * Optional configuration for XSRF protection.
2241 */
2242 imports: [
2243 HttpClientXsrfModule.withOptions({
2244 cookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
2245 headerName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
2246 }),
2247 ],
2248 /**
2249 * Configures the [dependency injector](guide/glossary#injector) where it is imported
2250 * with supporting services for HTTP communications.
2251 */
2252 providers: [
2253 HttpClient,
2254 { provide: HttpHandler, useClass: HttpInterceptingHandler },
2255 HttpXhrBackend,
2256 { provide: HttpBackend, useExisting: HttpXhrBackend },
2257 BrowserXhr,
2258 { provide: XhrFactory, useExisting: BrowserXhr },
2259 ],
2260 })
2261 ], HttpClientModule);
2262 return HttpClientModule;
2263 }());
2264 /**
2265 * Configures the [dependency injector](guide/glossary#injector) for `HttpClient`
2266 * with supporting services for JSONP.
2267 * Without this module, Jsonp requests reach the backend
2268 * with method JSONP, where they are rejected.
2269 *
2270 * You can add interceptors to the chain behind `HttpClient` by binding them to the
2271 * multiprovider for built-in [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token) `HTTP_INTERCEPTORS`.
2272 *
2273 * @publicApi
2274 */
2275 var HttpClientJsonpModule = /** @class */ (function () {
2276 function HttpClientJsonpModule() {
2277 }
2278 HttpClientJsonpModule = __decorate([
2279 core.NgModule({
2280 providers: [
2281 JsonpClientBackend,
2282 { provide: JsonpCallbackContext, useFactory: jsonpCallbackContext },
2283 { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: JsonpInterceptor, multi: true },
2284 ],
2285 })
2286 ], HttpClientJsonpModule);
2287 return HttpClientJsonpModule;
2288 }());
2290 /**
2291 * @license
2292 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2293 *
2294 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
2295 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
2296 */
2298 /**
2299 * @license
2300 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2301 *
2302 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
2303 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
2304 */
2306 /**
2307 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
2308 */
2311 exports.HttpBackend = HttpBackend;
2312 exports.HttpClient = HttpClient;
2313 exports.HttpClientJsonpModule = HttpClientJsonpModule;
2314 exports.HttpClientModule = HttpClientModule;
2315 exports.HttpClientXsrfModule = HttpClientXsrfModule;
2316 exports.HttpErrorResponse = HttpErrorResponse;
2317 exports.HttpHandler = HttpHandler;
2318 exports.HttpHeaderResponse = HttpHeaderResponse;
2319 exports.HttpHeaders = HttpHeaders;
2320 exports.HttpParams = HttpParams;
2321 exports.HttpRequest = HttpRequest;
2322 exports.HttpResponse = HttpResponse;
2323 exports.HttpResponseBase = HttpResponseBase;
2324 exports.HttpUrlEncodingCodec = HttpUrlEncodingCodec;
2325 exports.HttpXhrBackend = HttpXhrBackend;
2326 exports.HttpXsrfTokenExtractor = HttpXsrfTokenExtractor;
2327 exports.JsonpClientBackend = JsonpClientBackend;
2328 exports.JsonpInterceptor = JsonpInterceptor;
2329 exports.XhrFactory = XhrFactory;
2330 exports.ɵHttpInterceptingHandler = HttpInterceptingHandler;
2331 exports.ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_a = NoopInterceptor;
2332 exports.ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_b = JsonpCallbackContext;
2333 exports.ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_c = jsonpCallbackContext;
2334 exports.ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_d = BrowserXhr;
2335 exports.ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_e = XSRF_COOKIE_NAME;
2336 exports.ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_f = XSRF_HEADER_NAME;
2337 exports.ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_g = HttpXsrfCookieExtractor;
2338 exports.ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_h = HttpXsrfInterceptor;
2340 Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
2343//# sourceMappingURL=common-http.umd.js.map