641 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 import {createRequire as __cjsCompatRequire} from 'module';
3 const require = __cjsCompatRequire(import.meta.url);
4 const __ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__ = import.meta.url;
6var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
7var __defProps = Object.defineProperties;
8var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
9var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
10var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
11var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
12var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
13var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
14 for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
15 if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
16 __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
17 if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
18 for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
19 if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
20 __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
21 }
22 return a;
24var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b));
25var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, {
26 get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b]
27}) : x)(function(x) {
28 if (typeof require !== "undefined")
29 return require.apply(this, arguments);
30 throw new Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported');
33// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/index.mjs
34import { dirname as dirname6, join as join6 } from "path";
35import { fileURLToPath as fileURLToPath2 } from "url";
37// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/compiler_host.mjs
38import {
39 EOL
40} from "os";
41import ts from "typescript";
43// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/invalid_file_system.mjs
44var InvalidFileSystem = class {
45 exists(path7) {
46 throw makeError();
47 }
48 readFile(path7) {
49 throw makeError();
50 }
51 readFileBuffer(path7) {
52 throw makeError();
53 }
54 writeFile(path7, data, exclusive) {
55 throw makeError();
56 }
57 removeFile(path7) {
58 throw makeError();
59 }
60 symlink(target, path7) {
61 throw makeError();
62 }
63 readdir(path7) {
64 throw makeError();
65 }
66 lstat(path7) {
67 throw makeError();
68 }
69 stat(path7) {
70 throw makeError();
71 }
72 pwd() {
73 throw makeError();
74 }
75 chdir(path7) {
76 throw makeError();
77 }
78 extname(path7) {
79 throw makeError();
80 }
81 copyFile(from, to) {
82 throw makeError();
83 }
84 moveFile(from, to) {
85 throw makeError();
86 }
87 ensureDir(path7) {
88 throw makeError();
89 }
90 removeDeep(path7) {
91 throw makeError();
92 }
93 isCaseSensitive() {
94 throw makeError();
95 }
96 resolve(...paths) {
97 throw makeError();
98 }
99 dirname(file) {
100 throw makeError();
101 }
102 join(basePath, ...paths) {
103 throw makeError();
104 }
105 isRoot(path7) {
106 throw makeError();
107 }
108 isRooted(path7) {
109 throw makeError();
110 }
111 relative(from, to) {
112 throw makeError();
113 }
114 basename(filePath, extension) {
115 throw makeError();
116 }
117 realpath(filePath) {
118 throw makeError();
119 }
120 getDefaultLibLocation() {
121 throw makeError();
122 }
123 normalize(path7) {
124 throw makeError();
125 }
127function makeError() {
128 return new Error("FileSystem has not been configured. Please call `setFileSystem()` before calling this method.");
131// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/util.mjs
132var TS_DTS_JS_EXTENSION = /(?:\.d)?\.ts$|\.js$/;
133function stripExtension(path7) {
134 return path7.replace(TS_DTS_JS_EXTENSION, "");
137// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/helpers.mjs
138var fs = new InvalidFileSystem();
139function getFileSystem() {
140 return fs;
142function setFileSystem(fileSystem) {
143 fs = fileSystem;
145function absoluteFrom(path7) {
146 if (!fs.isRooted(path7)) {
147 throw new Error(`Internal Error: absoluteFrom(${path7}): path is not absolute`);
148 }
149 return fs.resolve(path7);
151var ABSOLUTE_PATH = Symbol("AbsolutePath");
152function absoluteFromSourceFile(sf) {
153 const sfWithPatch = sf;
154 if (sfWithPatch[ABSOLUTE_PATH] === void 0) {
155 sfWithPatch[ABSOLUTE_PATH] = fs.resolve(sfWithPatch.fileName);
156 }
157 return sfWithPatch[ABSOLUTE_PATH];
159function dirname(file) {
160 return fs.dirname(file);
162function resolve(basePath, ...paths) {
163 return fs.resolve(basePath, ...paths);
165function isRooted(path7) {
166 return fs.isRooted(path7);
168function relative(from, to) {
169 return fs.relative(from, to);
171function isLocalRelativePath(relativePath) {
172 return !isRooted(relativePath) && !relativePath.startsWith("..");
174function toRelativeImport(relativePath) {
175 return isLocalRelativePath(relativePath) ? `./${relativePath}` : relativePath;
178// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/compiler_host.mjs
179var NgtscCompilerHost = class {
180 constructor(fs5, options = {}) {
181 this.fs = fs5;
182 this.options = options;
183 }
184 getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion) {
185 const text = this.readFile(fileName);
186 return text !== void 0 ? ts.createSourceFile(fileName, text, languageVersion, true) : void 0;
187 }
188 getDefaultLibFileName(options) {
189 return this.fs.join(this.getDefaultLibLocation(), ts.getDefaultLibFileName(options));
190 }
191 getDefaultLibLocation() {
192 return this.fs.getDefaultLibLocation();
193 }
194 writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles) {
195 const path7 = absoluteFrom(fileName);
196 this.fs.ensureDir(this.fs.dirname(path7));
197 this.fs.writeFile(path7, data);
198 }
199 getCurrentDirectory() {
200 return this.fs.pwd();
201 }
202 getCanonicalFileName(fileName) {
203 return this.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase();
204 }
205 useCaseSensitiveFileNames() {
206 return this.fs.isCaseSensitive();
207 }
208 getNewLine() {
209 switch (this.options.newLine) {
210 case ts.NewLineKind.CarriageReturnLineFeed:
211 return "\r\n";
212 case ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed:
213 return "\n";
214 default:
215 return EOL;
216 }
217 }
218 fileExists(fileName) {
219 const absPath = this.fs.resolve(fileName);
220 return this.fs.exists(absPath) && this.fs.stat(absPath).isFile();
221 }
222 readFile(fileName) {
223 const absPath = this.fs.resolve(fileName);
224 if (!this.fileExists(absPath)) {
225 return void 0;
226 }
227 return this.fs.readFile(absPath);
228 }
231// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/logical.mjs
232var LogicalProjectPath = {
233 relativePathBetween: function(from, to) {
234 const relativePath = relative(dirname(resolve(from)), resolve(to));
235 return toRelativeImport(relativePath);
236 }
238var LogicalFileSystem = class {
239 constructor(rootDirs, compilerHost) {
240 this.compilerHost = compilerHost;
241 this.cache = new Map();
242 this.rootDirs = rootDirs.concat([]).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length);
243 this.canonicalRootDirs = this.rootDirs.map((dir) => this.compilerHost.getCanonicalFileName(dir));
244 }
245 logicalPathOfSf(sf) {
246 return this.logicalPathOfFile(absoluteFrom(sf.fileName));
247 }
248 logicalPathOfFile(physicalFile) {
249 const canonicalFilePath = this.compilerHost.getCanonicalFileName(physicalFile);
250 if (!this.cache.has(canonicalFilePath)) {
251 let logicalFile = null;
252 for (let i = 0; i < this.rootDirs.length; i++) {
253 const rootDir = this.rootDirs[i];
254 const canonicalRootDir = this.canonicalRootDirs[i];
255 if (isWithinBasePath(canonicalRootDir, canonicalFilePath)) {
256 logicalFile = this.createLogicalProjectPath(physicalFile, rootDir);
257 if (logicalFile.indexOf("/node_modules/") !== -1) {
258 logicalFile = null;
259 } else {
260 break;
261 }
262 }
263 }
264 this.cache.set(canonicalFilePath, logicalFile);
265 }
266 return this.cache.get(canonicalFilePath);
267 }
268 createLogicalProjectPath(file, rootDir) {
269 const logicalPath = stripExtension(file.substr(rootDir.length));
270 return logicalPath.startsWith("/") ? logicalPath : "/" + logicalPath;
271 }
273function isWithinBasePath(base, path7) {
274 return isLocalRelativePath(relative(base, path7));
277// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/node_js_file_system.mjs
278import {
279 copyFileSync,
280 existsSync,
281 lstatSync,
282 mkdirSync,
283 readFileSync,
284 readdirSync,
285 realpathSync,
286 renameSync,
287 rmdirSync,
288 statSync,
289 symlinkSync,
290 unlinkSync,
291 writeFileSync
292} from "fs";
293import module from "module";
294import {
295 basename,
296 dirname as dirname2,
297 extname,
298 isAbsolute,
299 join,
300 relative as relative2,
301 resolve as resolve2
302} from "path";
303import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
304var NodeJSPathManipulation = class {
305 pwd() {
306 return this.normalize(process.cwd());
307 }
308 chdir(dir) {
309 process.chdir(dir);
310 }
311 resolve(...paths) {
312 return this.normalize(resolve2(...paths));
313 }
314 dirname(file) {
315 return this.normalize(dirname2(file));
316 }
317 join(basePath, ...paths) {
318 return this.normalize(join(basePath, ...paths));
319 }
320 isRoot(path7) {
321 return this.dirname(path7) === this.normalize(path7);
322 }
323 isRooted(path7) {
324 return isAbsolute(path7);
325 }
326 relative(from, to) {
327 return this.normalize(relative2(from, to));
328 }
329 basename(filePath, extension) {
330 return basename(filePath, extension);
331 }
332 extname(path7) {
333 return extname(path7);
334 }
335 normalize(path7) {
336 return path7.replace(/\\/g, "/");
337 }
339var isCommonJS = typeof __filename !== "undefined";
340var currentFileUrl = isCommonJS ? null : __ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__;
341var currentFileName = isCommonJS ? __filename : fileURLToPath(currentFileUrl);
342var NodeJSReadonlyFileSystem = class extends NodeJSPathManipulation {
343 constructor() {
344 super(...arguments);
345 this._caseSensitive = void 0;
346 }
347 isCaseSensitive() {
348 if (this._caseSensitive === void 0) {
349 this._caseSensitive = !existsSync(this.normalize(toggleCase(currentFileName)));
350 }
351 return this._caseSensitive;
352 }
353 exists(path7) {
354 return existsSync(path7);
355 }
356 readFile(path7) {
357 return readFileSync(path7, "utf8");
358 }
359 readFileBuffer(path7) {
360 return readFileSync(path7);
361 }
362 readdir(path7) {
363 return readdirSync(path7);
364 }
365 lstat(path7) {
366 return lstatSync(path7);
367 }
368 stat(path7) {
369 return statSync(path7);
370 }
371 realpath(path7) {
372 return this.resolve(realpathSync(path7));
373 }
374 getDefaultLibLocation() {
375 const requireFn = isCommonJS ? __require : module.createRequire(currentFileUrl);
376 return this.resolve(requireFn.resolve("typescript"), "..");
377 }
379var NodeJSFileSystem = class extends NodeJSReadonlyFileSystem {
380 writeFile(path7, data, exclusive = false) {
381 writeFileSync(path7, data, exclusive ? { flag: "wx" } : void 0);
382 }
383 removeFile(path7) {
384 unlinkSync(path7);
385 }
386 symlink(target, path7) {
387 symlinkSync(target, path7);
388 }
389 copyFile(from, to) {
390 copyFileSync(from, to);
391 }
392 moveFile(from, to) {
393 renameSync(from, to);
394 }
395 ensureDir(path7) {
396 const parents = [];
397 while (!this.isRoot(path7) && !this.exists(path7)) {
398 parents.push(path7);
399 path7 = this.dirname(path7);
400 }
401 while (parents.length) {
402 this.safeMkdir(parents.pop());
403 }
404 }
405 removeDeep(path7) {
406 rmdirSync(path7, { recursive: true });
407 }
408 safeMkdir(path7) {
409 try {
410 mkdirSync(path7);
411 } catch (err) {
412 if (!this.exists(path7) || !this.stat(path7).isDirectory()) {
413 throw err;
414 }
415 }
416 }
418function toggleCase(str) {
419 return str.replace(/\w/g, (ch) => ch.toUpperCase() === ch ? ch.toLowerCase() : ch.toUpperCase());
422// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/dependencies/commonjs_dependency_host.mjs
423import ts9 from "typescript";
425// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/commonjs_umd_utils.mjs
426import ts3 from "typescript";
428// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/util/src/typescript.mjs
429import ts2 from "typescript";
430var D_TS = /\.d\.ts$/i;
431function isSymbolWithValueDeclaration(symbol) {
432 return symbol != null && symbol.valueDeclaration !== void 0 && symbol.declarations !== void 0;
434function isDtsPath(filePath) {
435 return D_TS.test(filePath);
437function isFromDtsFile(node) {
438 let sf = node.getSourceFile();
439 if (sf === void 0) {
440 sf = ts2.getOriginalNode(node).getSourceFile();
441 }
442 return sf !== void 0 && sf.isDeclarationFile;
444function nodeNameForError(node) {
445 if (node.name !== void 0 && ts2.isIdentifier(node.name)) {
446 return node.name.text;
447 } else {
448 const kind = ts2.SyntaxKind[node.kind];
449 const { line, character } = ts2.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getSourceFile(), node.getStart());
450 return `${kind}@${line}:${character}`;
451 }
453function getSourceFile(node) {
454 const directSf = node.getSourceFile();
455 return directSf !== void 0 ? directSf : ts2.getOriginalNode(node).getSourceFile();
457function getSourceFileOrNull(program, fileName) {
458 return program.getSourceFile(fileName) || null;
460function identifierOfNode(decl) {
461 if (decl.name !== void 0 && ts2.isIdentifier(decl.name)) {
462 return decl.name;
463 } else {
464 return null;
465 }
467function isDeclaration(node) {
468 return isValueDeclaration(node) || isTypeDeclaration(node);
470function isValueDeclaration(node) {
471 return ts2.isClassDeclaration(node) || ts2.isFunctionDeclaration(node) || ts2.isVariableDeclaration(node);
473function isTypeDeclaration(node) {
474 return ts2.isEnumDeclaration(node) || ts2.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node) || ts2.isInterfaceDeclaration(node);
476function isNamedDeclaration(node) {
477 const namedNode = node;
478 return namedNode.name !== void 0 && ts2.isIdentifier(namedNode.name);
480function nodeDebugInfo(node) {
481 const sf = getSourceFile(node);
482 const { line, character } = ts2.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sf, node.pos);
483 return `[${sf.fileName}: ${ts2.SyntaxKind[node.kind]} @ ${line}:${character}]`;
485function resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, compilerHost, moduleResolutionCache) {
486 if (compilerHost.resolveModuleNames) {
487 return compilerHost.resolveModuleNames([moduleName], containingFile, void 0, void 0, compilerOptions)[0];
488 } else {
489 return ts2.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, compilerHost, moduleResolutionCache !== null ? moduleResolutionCache : void 0).resolvedModule;
490 }
492function isAssignment(node) {
493 return ts2.isBinaryExpression(node) && node.operatorToken.kind === ts2.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken;
496// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/commonjs_umd_utils.mjs
497function findNamespaceOfIdentifier(id) {
498 return id.parent && ts3.isPropertyAccessExpression(id.parent) && id.parent.name === id && ts3.isIdentifier(id.parent.expression) ? id.parent.expression : null;
500function findRequireCallReference(id, checker) {
501 var _a, _b;
502 const symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(id) || null;
503 const declaration = (_b = symbol == null ? void 0 : symbol.valueDeclaration) != null ? _b : (_a = symbol == null ? void 0 : symbol.declarations) == null ? void 0 : _a[0];
504 const initializer = declaration && ts3.isVariableDeclaration(declaration) && declaration.initializer || null;
505 return initializer && isRequireCall(initializer) ? initializer : null;
507function isWildcardReexportStatement(stmt) {
508 if (!ts3.isExpressionStatement(stmt) || !ts3.isCallExpression(stmt.expression)) {
509 return false;
510 }
511 let fnName = null;
512 if (ts3.isIdentifier(stmt.expression.expression)) {
513 fnName = stmt.expression.expression.text;
514 } else if (ts3.isPropertyAccessExpression(stmt.expression.expression) && ts3.isIdentifier(stmt.expression.expression.name)) {
515 fnName = stmt.expression.expression.name.text;
516 }
517 if (fnName !== "__export" && fnName !== "__exportStar") {
518 return false;
519 }
520 return stmt.expression.arguments.length > 0;
522function isDefinePropertyReexportStatement(stmt) {
523 if (!ts3.isExpressionStatement(stmt) || !ts3.isCallExpression(stmt.expression)) {
524 return false;
525 }
526 if (!ts3.isPropertyAccessExpression(stmt.expression.expression) || !ts3.isIdentifier(stmt.expression.expression.expression) || stmt.expression.expression.expression.text !== "Object" || !ts3.isIdentifier(stmt.expression.expression.name) || stmt.expression.expression.name.text !== "defineProperty") {
527 return false;
528 }
529 const args = stmt.expression.arguments;
530 if (args.length !== 3) {
531 return false;
532 }
533 const exportsObject = args[0];
534 if (!ts3.isIdentifier(exportsObject) || exportsObject.text !== "exports") {
535 return false;
536 }
537 const propertyKey = args[1];
538 if (!ts3.isStringLiteral(propertyKey)) {
539 return false;
540 }
541 const propertyDescriptor = args[2];
542 if (!ts3.isObjectLiteralExpression(propertyDescriptor)) {
543 return false;
544 }
545 return propertyDescriptor.properties.some((prop) => prop.name !== void 0 && ts3.isIdentifier(prop.name) && prop.name.text === "get");
547function extractGetterFnExpression(statement) {
548 const args = statement.expression.arguments;
549 const getterFn = args[2].properties.find((prop) => prop.name !== void 0 && ts3.isIdentifier(prop.name) && prop.name.text === "get");
550 if (getterFn === void 0 || !ts3.isPropertyAssignment(getterFn) || !ts3.isFunctionExpression(getterFn.initializer)) {
551 return null;
552 }
553 const returnStatement = getterFn.initializer.body.statements[0];
554 if (!ts3.isReturnStatement(returnStatement) || returnStatement.expression === void 0) {
555 return null;
556 }
557 return returnStatement.expression;
559function isRequireCall(node) {
560 return ts3.isCallExpression(node) && ts3.isIdentifier(node.expression) && node.expression.text === "require" && node.arguments.length === 1 && ts3.isStringLiteral(node.arguments[0]);
562function isExternalImport(path7) {
563 return !/^\.\.?(\/|$)/.test(path7);
565function isExportsDeclaration(expr) {
566 return expr.parent && isExportsAssignment(expr.parent);
568function isExportsAssignment(expr) {
569 return isAssignment(expr) && ts3.isPropertyAccessExpression(expr.left) && ts3.isIdentifier(expr.left.expression) && expr.left.expression.text === "exports" && ts3.isIdentifier(expr.left.name);
571function isExportsStatement(stmt) {
572 return ts3.isExpressionStatement(stmt) && isExportsAssignment(stmt.expression);
574function skipAliases(node) {
575 while (isAssignment(node)) {
576 node = node.right;
577 }
578 return node;
581// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/utils.mjs
582import ts8 from "typescript";
584// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/reflection/src/host.mjs
585import ts4 from "typescript";
586var Decorator = {
587 nodeForError: (decorator) => {
588 if (decorator.node !== null) {
589 return decorator.node;
590 } else {
591 return decorator.synthesizedFor;
592 }
593 }
595function isDecoratorIdentifier(exp) {
596 return ts4.isIdentifier(exp) || ts4.isPropertyAccessExpression(exp) && ts4.isIdentifier(exp.expression) && ts4.isIdentifier(exp.name);
598var ClassMemberKind;
599(function(ClassMemberKind2) {
600 ClassMemberKind2[ClassMemberKind2["Constructor"] = 0] = "Constructor";
601 ClassMemberKind2[ClassMemberKind2["Getter"] = 1] = "Getter";
602 ClassMemberKind2[ClassMemberKind2["Setter"] = 2] = "Setter";
603 ClassMemberKind2[ClassMemberKind2["Property"] = 3] = "Property";
604 ClassMemberKind2[ClassMemberKind2["Method"] = 4] = "Method";
605})(ClassMemberKind || (ClassMemberKind = {}));
606var KnownDeclaration;
607(function(KnownDeclaration2) {
608 KnownDeclaration2[KnownDeclaration2["JsGlobalObject"] = 0] = "JsGlobalObject";
609 KnownDeclaration2[KnownDeclaration2["TsHelperAssign"] = 1] = "TsHelperAssign";
610 KnownDeclaration2[KnownDeclaration2["TsHelperSpread"] = 2] = "TsHelperSpread";
611 KnownDeclaration2[KnownDeclaration2["TsHelperSpreadArrays"] = 3] = "TsHelperSpreadArrays";
612 KnownDeclaration2[KnownDeclaration2["TsHelperSpreadArray"] = 4] = "TsHelperSpreadArray";
613 KnownDeclaration2[KnownDeclaration2["TsHelperRead"] = 5] = "TsHelperRead";
614})(KnownDeclaration || (KnownDeclaration = {}));
615function isConcreteDeclaration(decl) {
616 return decl.kind === 0;
619// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/reflection/src/type_to_value.mjs
620import ts5 from "typescript";
621function typeToValue(typeNode, checker) {
622 if (typeNode === null) {
623 return missingType();
624 }
625 if (!ts5.isTypeReferenceNode(typeNode)) {
626 return unsupportedType(typeNode);
627 }
628 const symbols = resolveTypeSymbols(typeNode, checker);
629 if (symbols === null) {
630 return unknownReference(typeNode);
631 }
632 const { local, decl } = symbols;
633 if (decl.valueDeclaration === void 0 || decl.flags & ts5.SymbolFlags.ConstEnum) {
634 let typeOnlyDecl = null;
635 if (decl.declarations !== void 0 && decl.declarations.length > 0) {
636 typeOnlyDecl = decl.declarations[0];
637 }
638 return noValueDeclaration(typeNode, typeOnlyDecl);
639 }
640 const firstDecl = local.declarations && local.declarations[0];
641 if (firstDecl !== void 0) {
642 if (ts5.isImportClause(firstDecl) && firstDecl.name !== void 0) {
643 if (firstDecl.isTypeOnly) {
644 return typeOnlyImport(typeNode, firstDecl);
645 }
646 return {
647 kind: 0,
648 expression: firstDecl.name,
649 defaultImportStatement: firstDecl.parent
650 };
651 } else if (ts5.isImportSpecifier(firstDecl)) {
652 if (firstDecl.parent.parent.isTypeOnly) {
653 return typeOnlyImport(typeNode, firstDecl.parent.parent);
654 }
655 const importedName = (firstDecl.propertyName || firstDecl.name).text;
656 const [_localName, ...nestedPath] = symbols.symbolNames;
657 const moduleName = extractModuleName(firstDecl.parent.parent.parent);
658 return {
659 kind: 1,
660 valueDeclaration: decl.valueDeclaration,
661 moduleName,
662 importedName,
663 nestedPath
664 };
665 } else if (ts5.isNamespaceImport(firstDecl)) {
666 if (firstDecl.parent.isTypeOnly) {
667 return typeOnlyImport(typeNode, firstDecl.parent);
668 }
669 if (symbols.symbolNames.length === 1) {
670 return namespaceImport(typeNode, firstDecl.parent);
671 }
672 const [_ns, importedName, ...nestedPath] = symbols.symbolNames;
673 const moduleName = extractModuleName(firstDecl.parent.parent);
674 return {
675 kind: 1,
676 valueDeclaration: decl.valueDeclaration,
677 moduleName,
678 importedName,
679 nestedPath
680 };
681 }
682 }
683 const expression = typeNodeToValueExpr(typeNode);
684 if (expression !== null) {
685 return {
686 kind: 0,
687 expression,
688 defaultImportStatement: null
689 };
690 } else {
691 return unsupportedType(typeNode);
692 }
694function unsupportedType(typeNode) {
695 return {
696 kind: 2,
697 reason: { kind: 5, typeNode }
698 };
700function noValueDeclaration(typeNode, decl) {
701 return {
702 kind: 2,
703 reason: { kind: 1, typeNode, decl }
704 };
706function typeOnlyImport(typeNode, importClause) {
707 return {
708 kind: 2,
709 reason: { kind: 2, typeNode, importClause }
710 };
712function unknownReference(typeNode) {
713 return {
714 kind: 2,
715 reason: { kind: 3, typeNode }
716 };
718function namespaceImport(typeNode, importClause) {
719 return {
720 kind: 2,
721 reason: { kind: 4, typeNode, importClause }
722 };
724function missingType() {
725 return {
726 kind: 2,
727 reason: { kind: 0 }
728 };
730function typeNodeToValueExpr(node) {
731 if (ts5.isTypeReferenceNode(node)) {
732 return entityNameToValue(node.typeName);
733 } else {
734 return null;
735 }
737function resolveTypeSymbols(typeRef, checker) {
738 const typeName = typeRef.typeName;
739 const typeRefSymbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(typeName);
740 if (typeRefSymbol === void 0) {
741 return null;
742 }
743 let local = typeRefSymbol;
744 let leftMost = typeName;
745 const symbolNames = [];
746 while (ts5.isQualifiedName(leftMost)) {
747 symbolNames.unshift(leftMost.right.text);
748 leftMost = leftMost.left;
749 }
750 symbolNames.unshift(leftMost.text);
751 if (leftMost !== typeName) {
752 const localTmp = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(leftMost);
753 if (localTmp !== void 0) {
754 local = localTmp;
755 }
756 }
757 let decl = typeRefSymbol;
758 if (typeRefSymbol.flags & ts5.SymbolFlags.Alias) {
759 decl = checker.getAliasedSymbol(typeRefSymbol);
760 }
761 return { local, decl, symbolNames };
763function entityNameToValue(node) {
764 if (ts5.isQualifiedName(node)) {
765 const left = entityNameToValue(node.left);
766 return left !== null ? ts5.createPropertyAccess(left, node.right) : null;
767 } else if (ts5.isIdentifier(node)) {
768 return ts5.getMutableClone(node);
769 } else {
770 return null;
771 }
773function extractModuleName(node) {
774 if (!ts5.isStringLiteral(node.moduleSpecifier)) {
775 throw new Error("not a module specifier");
776 }
777 return node.moduleSpecifier.text;
780// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/reflection/src/typescript.mjs
781import ts7 from "typescript";
783// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/reflection/src/util.mjs
784import ts6 from "typescript";
785function isNamedClassDeclaration(node) {
786 return ts6.isClassDeclaration(node) && isIdentifier(node.name);
788function isNamedFunctionDeclaration(node) {
789 return ts6.isFunctionDeclaration(node) && isIdentifier(node.name);
791function isNamedVariableDeclaration(node) {
792 return ts6.isVariableDeclaration(node) && isIdentifier(node.name);
794function isIdentifier(node) {
795 return node !== void 0 && ts6.isIdentifier(node);
798// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/reflection/src/typescript.mjs
799var TypeScriptReflectionHost = class {
800 constructor(checker) {
801 this.checker = checker;
802 }
803 getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(declaration) {
804 if (declaration.decorators === void 0 || declaration.decorators.length === 0) {
805 return null;
806 }
807 return declaration.decorators.map((decorator) => this._reflectDecorator(decorator)).filter((dec) => dec !== null);
808 }
809 getMembersOfClass(clazz) {
810 const tsClazz = castDeclarationToClassOrDie(clazz);
811 return tsClazz.members.map((member) => this._reflectMember(member)).filter((member) => member !== null);
812 }
813 getConstructorParameters(clazz) {
814 const tsClazz = castDeclarationToClassOrDie(clazz);
815 const isDeclaration2 = tsClazz.getSourceFile().isDeclarationFile;
816 const ctor = tsClazz.members.find((member) => ts7.isConstructorDeclaration(member) && (isDeclaration2 || member.body !== void 0));
817 if (ctor === void 0) {
818 return null;
819 }
820 return ctor.parameters.map((node) => {
821 const name = parameterName(node.name);
822 const decorators = this.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(node);
823 let originalTypeNode = node.type || null;
824 let typeNode = originalTypeNode;
825 if (typeNode && ts7.isUnionTypeNode(typeNode)) {
826 let childTypeNodes = typeNode.types.filter((childTypeNode) => !(ts7.isLiteralTypeNode(childTypeNode) && childTypeNode.literal.kind === ts7.SyntaxKind.NullKeyword));
827 if (childTypeNodes.length === 1) {
828 typeNode = childTypeNodes[0];
829 }
830 }
831 const typeValueReference = typeToValue(typeNode, this.checker);
832 return {
833 name,
834 nameNode: node.name,
835 typeValueReference,
836 typeNode: originalTypeNode,
837 decorators
838 };
839 });
840 }
841 getImportOfIdentifier(id) {
842 const directImport = this.getDirectImportOfIdentifier(id);
843 if (directImport !== null) {
844 return directImport;
845 } else if (ts7.isQualifiedName(id.parent) && id.parent.right === id) {
846 return this.getImportOfNamespacedIdentifier(id, getQualifiedNameRoot(id.parent));
847 } else if (ts7.isPropertyAccessExpression(id.parent) && id.parent.name === id) {
848 return this.getImportOfNamespacedIdentifier(id, getFarLeftIdentifier(id.parent));
849 } else {
850 return null;
851 }
852 }
853 getExportsOfModule(node) {
854 if (!ts7.isSourceFile(node)) {
855 throw new Error(`getExportsOfModule() called on non-SourceFile in TS code`);
856 }
857 const symbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(node);
858 if (symbol === void 0) {
859 return null;
860 }
861 const map = new Map();
862 this.checker.getExportsOfModule(symbol).forEach((exportSymbol) => {
863 const decl = this.getDeclarationOfSymbol(exportSymbol, null);
864 if (decl !== null) {
865 map.set(exportSymbol.name, decl);
866 }
867 });
868 return map;
869 }
870 isClass(node) {
871 return isNamedClassDeclaration(node);
872 }
873 hasBaseClass(clazz) {
874 return this.getBaseClassExpression(clazz) !== null;
875 }
876 getBaseClassExpression(clazz) {
877 if (!(ts7.isClassDeclaration(clazz) || ts7.isClassExpression(clazz)) || clazz.heritageClauses === void 0) {
878 return null;
879 }
880 const extendsClause = clazz.heritageClauses.find((clause) => clause.token === ts7.SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword);
881 if (extendsClause === void 0) {
882 return null;
883 }
884 const extendsType = extendsClause.types[0];
885 if (extendsType === void 0) {
886 return null;
887 }
888 return extendsType.expression;
889 }
890 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
891 let symbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(id);
892 if (symbol === void 0) {
893 return null;
894 }
895 return this.getDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol, id);
896 }
897 getDefinitionOfFunction(node) {
898 if (!ts7.isFunctionDeclaration(node) && !ts7.isMethodDeclaration(node) && !ts7.isFunctionExpression(node)) {
899 return null;
900 }
901 return {
902 node,
903 body: node.body !== void 0 ? Array.from(node.body.statements) : null,
904 parameters: node.parameters.map((param) => {
905 const name = parameterName(param.name);
906 const initializer = param.initializer || null;
907 return { name, node: param, initializer };
908 })
909 };
910 }
911 getGenericArityOfClass(clazz) {
912 if (!ts7.isClassDeclaration(clazz)) {
913 return null;
914 }
915 return clazz.typeParameters !== void 0 ? clazz.typeParameters.length : 0;
916 }
917 getVariableValue(declaration) {
918 return declaration.initializer || null;
919 }
920 getDtsDeclaration(_) {
921 return null;
922 }
923 getInternalNameOfClass(clazz) {
924 return clazz.name;
925 }
926 getAdjacentNameOfClass(clazz) {
927 return clazz.name;
928 }
929 isStaticallyExported(decl) {
930 let topLevel = decl;
931 if (ts7.isVariableDeclaration(decl) && ts7.isVariableDeclarationList(decl.parent)) {
932 topLevel = decl.parent.parent;
933 }
934 if (topLevel.modifiers !== void 0 && topLevel.modifiers.some((modifier) => modifier.kind === ts7.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword)) {
935 return true;
936 }
937 if (topLevel.parent === void 0 || !ts7.isSourceFile(topLevel.parent)) {
938 return false;
939 }
940 const localExports = this.getLocalExportedDeclarationsOfSourceFile(decl.getSourceFile());
941 return localExports.has(decl);
942 }
943 getDirectImportOfIdentifier(id) {
944 const symbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(id);
945 if (symbol === void 0 || symbol.declarations === void 0 || symbol.declarations.length !== 1) {
946 return null;
947 }
948 const decl = symbol.declarations[0];
949 const importDecl = getContainingImportDeclaration(decl);
950 if (importDecl === null) {
951 return null;
952 }
953 if (!ts7.isStringLiteral(importDecl.moduleSpecifier)) {
954 return null;
955 }
956 return { from: importDecl.moduleSpecifier.text, name: getExportedName(decl, id) };
957 }
958 getImportOfNamespacedIdentifier(id, namespaceIdentifier) {
959 if (namespaceIdentifier === null) {
960 return null;
961 }
962 const namespaceSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(namespaceIdentifier);
963 if (!namespaceSymbol || namespaceSymbol.declarations === void 0) {
964 return null;
965 }
966 const declaration = namespaceSymbol.declarations.length === 1 ? namespaceSymbol.declarations[0] : null;
967 if (!declaration) {
968 return null;
969 }
970 const namespaceDeclaration = ts7.isNamespaceImport(declaration) ? declaration : null;
971 if (!namespaceDeclaration) {
972 return null;
973 }
974 const importDeclaration = namespaceDeclaration.parent.parent;
975 if (!ts7.isStringLiteral(importDeclaration.moduleSpecifier)) {
976 return null;
977 }
978 return {
979 from: importDeclaration.moduleSpecifier.text,
980 name: id.text
981 };
982 }
983 getDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol, originalId) {
984 let valueDeclaration = void 0;
985 if (symbol.valueDeclaration !== void 0) {
986 valueDeclaration = symbol.valueDeclaration;
987 } else if (symbol.declarations !== void 0 && symbol.declarations.length > 0) {
988 valueDeclaration = symbol.declarations[0];
989 }
990 if (valueDeclaration !== void 0 && ts7.isShorthandPropertyAssignment(valueDeclaration)) {
991 const shorthandSymbol = this.checker.getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(valueDeclaration);
992 if (shorthandSymbol === void 0) {
993 return null;
994 }
995 return this.getDeclarationOfSymbol(shorthandSymbol, originalId);
996 } else if (valueDeclaration !== void 0 && ts7.isExportSpecifier(valueDeclaration)) {
997 const targetSymbol = this.checker.getExportSpecifierLocalTargetSymbol(valueDeclaration);
998 if (targetSymbol === void 0) {
999 return null;
1000 }
1001 return this.getDeclarationOfSymbol(targetSymbol, originalId);
1002 }
1003 const importInfo = originalId && this.getImportOfIdentifier(originalId);
1004 const viaModule = importInfo !== null && importInfo.from !== null && !importInfo.from.startsWith(".") ? importInfo.from : null;
1005 while (symbol.flags & ts7.SymbolFlags.Alias) {
1006 symbol = this.checker.getAliasedSymbol(symbol);
1007 }
1008 if (symbol.valueDeclaration !== void 0) {
1009 return {
1010 node: symbol.valueDeclaration,
1011 known: null,
1012 viaModule,
1013 identity: null,
1014 kind: 0
1015 };
1016 } else if (symbol.declarations !== void 0 && symbol.declarations.length > 0) {
1017 return {
1018 node: symbol.declarations[0],
1019 known: null,
1020 viaModule,
1021 identity: null,
1022 kind: 0
1023 };
1024 } else {
1025 return null;
1026 }
1027 }
1028 _reflectDecorator(node) {
1029 let decoratorExpr = node.expression;
1030 let args = null;
1031 if (ts7.isCallExpression(decoratorExpr)) {
1032 args = Array.from(decoratorExpr.arguments);
1033 decoratorExpr = decoratorExpr.expression;
1034 }
1035 if (!isDecoratorIdentifier(decoratorExpr)) {
1036 return null;
1037 }
1038 const decoratorIdentifier = ts7.isIdentifier(decoratorExpr) ? decoratorExpr : decoratorExpr.name;
1039 const importDecl = this.getImportOfIdentifier(decoratorIdentifier);
1040 return {
1041 name: decoratorIdentifier.text,
1042 identifier: decoratorExpr,
1043 import: importDecl,
1044 node,
1045 args
1046 };
1047 }
1048 _reflectMember(node) {
1049 let kind = null;
1050 let value = null;
1051 let name = null;
1052 let nameNode = null;
1053 if (ts7.isPropertyDeclaration(node)) {
1054 kind = ClassMemberKind.Property;
1055 value = node.initializer || null;
1056 } else if (ts7.isGetAccessorDeclaration(node)) {
1057 kind = ClassMemberKind.Getter;
1058 } else if (ts7.isSetAccessorDeclaration(node)) {
1059 kind = ClassMemberKind.Setter;
1060 } else if (ts7.isMethodDeclaration(node)) {
1061 kind = ClassMemberKind.Method;
1062 } else if (ts7.isConstructorDeclaration(node)) {
1063 kind = ClassMemberKind.Constructor;
1064 } else {
1065 return null;
1066 }
1067 if (ts7.isConstructorDeclaration(node)) {
1068 name = "constructor";
1069 } else if (ts7.isIdentifier(node.name)) {
1070 name = node.name.text;
1071 nameNode = node.name;
1072 } else if (ts7.isStringLiteral(node.name)) {
1073 name = node.name.text;
1074 nameNode = node.name;
1075 } else {
1076 return null;
1077 }
1078 const decorators = this.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(node);
1079 const isStatic = node.modifiers !== void 0 && node.modifiers.some((mod) => mod.kind === ts7.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword);
1080 return {
1081 node,
1082 implementation: node,
1083 kind,
1084 type: node.type || null,
1085 name,
1086 nameNode,
1087 decorators,
1088 value,
1089 isStatic
1090 };
1091 }
1092 getLocalExportedDeclarationsOfSourceFile(file) {
1093 const cacheSf = file;
1094 if (cacheSf[LocalExportedDeclarations] !== void 0) {
1095 return cacheSf[LocalExportedDeclarations];
1096 }
1097 const exportSet = new Set();
1098 cacheSf[LocalExportedDeclarations] = exportSet;
1099 const sfSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(cacheSf);
1100 if (sfSymbol === void 0 || sfSymbol.exports === void 0) {
1101 return exportSet;
1102 }
1103 const iter = sfSymbol.exports.values();
1104 let item = iter.next();
1105 while (item.done !== true) {
1106 let exportedSymbol = item.value;
1107 if (exportedSymbol.flags & ts7.SymbolFlags.Alias) {
1108 exportedSymbol = this.checker.getAliasedSymbol(exportedSymbol);
1109 }
1110 if (exportedSymbol.valueDeclaration !== void 0 && exportedSymbol.valueDeclaration.getSourceFile() === file) {
1111 exportSet.add(exportedSymbol.valueDeclaration);
1112 }
1113 item = iter.next();
1114 }
1115 return exportSet;
1116 }
1118function reflectTypeEntityToDeclaration(type, checker) {
1119 let realSymbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(type);
1120 if (realSymbol === void 0) {
1121 throw new Error(`Cannot resolve type entity ${type.getText()} to symbol`);
1122 }
1123 while (realSymbol.flags & ts7.SymbolFlags.Alias) {
1124 realSymbol = checker.getAliasedSymbol(realSymbol);
1125 }
1126 let node = null;
1127 if (realSymbol.valueDeclaration !== void 0) {
1128 node = realSymbol.valueDeclaration;
1129 } else if (realSymbol.declarations !== void 0 && realSymbol.declarations.length === 1) {
1130 node = realSymbol.declarations[0];
1131 } else {
1132 throw new Error(`Cannot resolve type entity symbol to declaration`);
1133 }
1134 if (ts7.isQualifiedName(type)) {
1135 if (!ts7.isIdentifier(type.left)) {
1136 throw new Error(`Cannot handle qualified name with non-identifier lhs`);
1137 }
1138 const symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(type.left);
1139 if (symbol === void 0 || symbol.declarations === void 0 || symbol.declarations.length !== 1) {
1140 throw new Error(`Cannot resolve qualified type entity lhs to symbol`);
1141 }
1142 const decl = symbol.declarations[0];
1143 if (ts7.isNamespaceImport(decl)) {
1144 const clause = decl.parent;
1145 const importDecl = clause.parent;
1146 if (!ts7.isStringLiteral(importDecl.moduleSpecifier)) {
1147 throw new Error(`Module specifier is not a string`);
1148 }
1149 return { node, from: importDecl.moduleSpecifier.text };
1150 } else if (ts7.isModuleDeclaration(decl)) {
1151 return { node, from: null };
1152 } else {
1153 throw new Error(`Unknown import type?`);
1154 }
1155 } else {
1156 return { node, from: null };
1157 }
1159function filterToMembersWithDecorator(members, name, module7) {
1160 return members.filter((member) => !member.isStatic).map((member) => {
1161 if (member.decorators === null) {
1162 return null;
1163 }
1164 const decorators = member.decorators.filter((dec) => {
1165 if (dec.import !== null) {
1166 return dec.import.name === name && (module7 === void 0 || dec.import.from === module7);
1167 } else {
1168 return dec.name === name && module7 === void 0;
1169 }
1170 });
1171 if (decorators.length === 0) {
1172 return null;
1173 }
1174 return { member, decorators };
1175 }).filter((value) => value !== null);
1177function reflectObjectLiteral(node) {
1178 const map = new Map();
1179 node.properties.forEach((prop) => {
1180 if (ts7.isPropertyAssignment(prop)) {
1181 const name = propertyNameToString(prop.name);
1182 if (name === null) {
1183 return;
1184 }
1185 map.set(name, prop.initializer);
1186 } else if (ts7.isShorthandPropertyAssignment(prop)) {
1187 map.set(prop.name.text, prop.name);
1188 } else {
1189 return;
1190 }
1191 });
1192 return map;
1194function castDeclarationToClassOrDie(declaration) {
1195 if (!ts7.isClassDeclaration(declaration)) {
1196 throw new Error(`Reflecting on a ${ts7.SyntaxKind[declaration.kind]} instead of a ClassDeclaration.`);
1197 }
1198 return declaration;
1200function parameterName(name) {
1201 if (ts7.isIdentifier(name)) {
1202 return name.text;
1203 } else {
1204 return null;
1205 }
1207function propertyNameToString(node) {
1208 if (ts7.isIdentifier(node) || ts7.isStringLiteral(node) || ts7.isNumericLiteral(node)) {
1209 return node.text;
1210 } else {
1211 return null;
1212 }
1214function getQualifiedNameRoot(qualifiedName) {
1215 while (ts7.isQualifiedName(qualifiedName.left)) {
1216 qualifiedName = qualifiedName.left;
1217 }
1218 return ts7.isIdentifier(qualifiedName.left) ? qualifiedName.left : null;
1220function getFarLeftIdentifier(propertyAccess) {
1221 while (ts7.isPropertyAccessExpression(propertyAccess.expression)) {
1222 propertyAccess = propertyAccess.expression;
1223 }
1224 return ts7.isIdentifier(propertyAccess.expression) ? propertyAccess.expression : null;
1226function getContainingImportDeclaration(node) {
1227 return ts7.isImportSpecifier(node) ? node.parent.parent.parent : ts7.isNamespaceImport(node) ? node.parent.parent : null;
1229function getExportedName(decl, originalId) {
1230 return ts7.isImportSpecifier(decl) ? (decl.propertyName !== void 0 ? decl.propertyName : decl.name).text : originalId.text;
1232var LocalExportedDeclarations = Symbol("LocalExportedDeclarations");
1234// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/utils.mjs
1235function isDefined(value) {
1236 return value !== void 0 && value !== null;
1238function getNameText(name) {
1239 return ts8.isIdentifier(name) || ts8.isLiteralExpression(name) ? name.text : name.getText();
1241function hasNameIdentifier(declaration) {
1242 const namedDeclaration = declaration;
1243 return namedDeclaration.name !== void 0 && ts8.isIdentifier(namedDeclaration.name);
1245function isRelativePath(path7) {
1246 return isRooted(path7) || /^\.\.?(\/|\\|$)/.test(path7);
1248var FactoryMap = class {
1249 constructor(factory, entries) {
1250 this.factory = factory;
1251 this.internalMap = new Map(entries);
1252 }
1253 get(key) {
1254 if (!this.internalMap.has(key)) {
1255 this.internalMap.set(key, this.factory(key));
1256 }
1257 return this.internalMap.get(key);
1258 }
1259 set(key, value) {
1260 this.internalMap.set(key, value);
1261 }
1263function resolveFileWithPostfixes(fs5, path7, postFixes) {
1264 for (const postFix of postFixes) {
1265 const testPath = absoluteFrom(path7 + postFix);
1266 if (fs5.exists(testPath) && fs5.stat(testPath).isFile()) {
1267 return testPath;
1268 }
1269 }
1270 return null;
1272function getTsHelperFnFromDeclaration(decl) {
1273 if (!ts8.isFunctionDeclaration(decl) && !ts8.isVariableDeclaration(decl)) {
1274 return null;
1275 }
1276 if (decl.name === void 0 || !ts8.isIdentifier(decl.name)) {
1277 return null;
1278 }
1279 return getTsHelperFnFromIdentifier(decl.name);
1281function getTsHelperFnFromIdentifier(id) {
1282 switch (stripDollarSuffix(id.text)) {
1283 case "__assign":
1284 return KnownDeclaration.TsHelperAssign;
1285 case "__spread":
1286 return KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpread;
1287 case "__spreadArrays":
1288 return KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpreadArrays;
1289 case "__spreadArray":
1290 return KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpreadArray;
1291 case "__read":
1292 return KnownDeclaration.TsHelperRead;
1293 default:
1294 return null;
1295 }
1297function stripDollarSuffix(value) {
1298 return value.replace(/\$\d+$/, "");
1300function stripExtension2(fileName) {
1301 return fileName.replace(/\..+$/, "");
1304// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/dependencies/module_resolver.mjs
1305var ModuleResolver = class {
1306 constructor(fs5, pathMappings, relativeExtensions = ["", ".js", "/index.js"]) {
1307 this.fs = fs5;
1308 this.relativeExtensions = relativeExtensions;
1309 this.pathMappings = pathMappings ? this.processPathMappings(pathMappings) : [];
1310 }
1311 resolveModuleImport(moduleName, fromPath) {
1312 if (isRelativePath(moduleName)) {
1313 return this.resolveAsRelativePath(moduleName, fromPath);
1314 } else {
1315 return this.pathMappings.length && this.resolveByPathMappings(moduleName, fromPath) || this.resolveAsEntryPoint(moduleName, fromPath);
1316 }
1317 }
1318 processPathMappings(pathMappings) {
1319 const baseUrl = this.fs.resolve(pathMappings.baseUrl);
1320 return Object.keys(pathMappings.paths).map((pathPattern) => {
1321 const matcher = splitOnStar(pathPattern);
1322 const templates = pathMappings.paths[pathPattern].map(splitOnStar);
1323 return { matcher, templates, baseUrl };
1324 });
1325 }
1326 resolveAsRelativePath(moduleName, fromPath) {
1327 const resolvedPath = resolveFileWithPostfixes(this.fs, this.fs.resolve(this.fs.dirname(fromPath), moduleName), this.relativeExtensions);
1328 return resolvedPath && new ResolvedRelativeModule(resolvedPath);
1329 }
1330 resolveByPathMappings(moduleName, fromPath) {
1331 const mappedPaths = this.findMappedPaths(moduleName);
1332 if (mappedPaths.length > 0) {
1333 const packagePath = this.findPackagePath(fromPath);
1334 if (packagePath !== null) {
1335 for (const mappedPath of mappedPaths) {
1336 if (this.isEntryPoint(mappedPath)) {
1337 return new ResolvedExternalModule(mappedPath);
1338 }
1339 const nonEntryPointImport = this.resolveAsRelativePath(mappedPath, fromPath);
1340 if (nonEntryPointImport !== null) {
1341 return isRelativeImport(packagePath, mappedPath) ? nonEntryPointImport : new ResolvedDeepImport(mappedPath);
1342 }
1343 }
1344 }
1345 }
1346 return null;
1347 }
1348 resolveAsEntryPoint(moduleName, fromPath) {
1349 let folder = fromPath;
1350 while (!this.fs.isRoot(folder)) {
1351 folder = this.fs.dirname(folder);
1352 if (folder.endsWith("node_modules")) {
1353 folder = this.fs.dirname(folder);
1354 }
1355 const modulePath = this.fs.resolve(folder, "node_modules", moduleName);
1356 if (this.isEntryPoint(modulePath)) {
1357 return new ResolvedExternalModule(modulePath);
1358 } else if (this.resolveAsRelativePath(modulePath, fromPath)) {
1359 return new ResolvedDeepImport(modulePath);
1360 }
1361 }
1362 return null;
1363 }
1364 isEntryPoint(modulePath) {
1365 return this.fs.exists(this.fs.join(modulePath, "package.json"));
1366 }
1367 findMappedPaths(moduleName) {
1368 const matches = this.pathMappings.map((mapping) => this.matchMapping(moduleName, mapping));
1369 let bestMapping;
1370 let bestMatch;
1371 for (let index = 0; index < this.pathMappings.length; index++) {
1372 const mapping = this.pathMappings[index];
1373 const match = matches[index];
1374 if (match !== null) {
1375 if (!mapping.matcher.hasWildcard) {
1376 bestMatch = match;
1377 bestMapping = mapping;
1378 break;
1379 }
1380 if (!bestMapping || mapping.matcher.prefix > bestMapping.matcher.prefix) {
1381 bestMatch = match;
1382 bestMapping = mapping;
1383 }
1384 }
1385 }
1386 return bestMapping !== void 0 && bestMatch !== void 0 ? this.computeMappedTemplates(bestMapping, bestMatch) : [];
1387 }
1388 matchMapping(path7, mapping) {
1389 const { prefix, postfix, hasWildcard } = mapping.matcher;
1390 if (hasWildcard) {
1391 return path7.startsWith(prefix) && path7.endsWith(postfix) ? path7.substring(prefix.length, path7.length - postfix.length) : null;
1392 } else {
1393 return path7 === prefix ? "" : null;
1394 }
1395 }
1396 computeMappedTemplates(mapping, match) {
1397 return mapping.templates.map((template) => this.fs.resolve(mapping.baseUrl, template.prefix + match + template.postfix));
1398 }
1399 findPackagePath(path7) {
1400 let folder = path7;
1401 while (!this.fs.isRoot(folder)) {
1402 folder = this.fs.dirname(folder);
1403 if (this.fs.exists(this.fs.join(folder, "package.json"))) {
1404 return folder;
1405 }
1406 }
1407 return null;
1408 }
1410var ResolvedExternalModule = class {
1411 constructor(entryPointPath) {
1412 this.entryPointPath = entryPointPath;
1413 }
1415var ResolvedRelativeModule = class {
1416 constructor(modulePath) {
1417 this.modulePath = modulePath;
1418 }
1420var ResolvedDeepImport = class {
1421 constructor(importPath) {
1422 this.importPath = importPath;
1423 }
1425function splitOnStar(str) {
1426 const [prefix, postfix] = str.split("*", 2);
1427 return { prefix, postfix: postfix || "", hasWildcard: postfix !== void 0 };
1429function isRelativeImport(from, to) {
1430 return to.startsWith(from) && !to.includes("node_modules");
1433// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/dependencies/dependency_host.mjs
1434function createDependencyInfo() {
1435 return { dependencies: new Set(), missing: new Set(), deepImports: new Set() };
1437var DependencyHostBase = class {
1438 constructor(fs5, moduleResolver) {
1439 this.fs = fs5;
1440 this.moduleResolver = moduleResolver;
1441 }
1442 collectDependencies(entryPointPath, { dependencies, missing, deepImports }) {
1443 const resolvedFile = resolveFileWithPostfixes(this.fs, entryPointPath, this.moduleResolver.relativeExtensions);
1444 if (resolvedFile !== null) {
1445 const alreadySeen = new Set();
1446 this.recursivelyCollectDependencies(resolvedFile, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen);
1447 }
1448 }
1449 collectDependenciesInFiles(files, { dependencies, missing, deepImports }) {
1450 const alreadySeen = new Set();
1451 for (const file of files) {
1452 this.processFile(file, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen);
1453 }
1454 }
1455 recursivelyCollectDependencies(file, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen) {
1456 const fromContents = this.fs.readFile(file);
1457 if (this.canSkipFile(fromContents)) {
1458 return;
1459 }
1460 const imports = this.extractImports(file, fromContents);
1461 for (const importPath of imports) {
1462 const resolved = this.processImport(importPath, file, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen);
1463 if (!resolved) {
1464 missing.add(importPath);
1465 }
1466 }
1467 }
1468 processImport(importPath, file, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen) {
1469 const resolvedModule = this.moduleResolver.resolveModuleImport(importPath, file);
1470 if (resolvedModule === null) {
1471 return false;
1472 }
1473 if (resolvedModule instanceof ResolvedRelativeModule) {
1474 this.processFile(resolvedModule.modulePath, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen);
1475 } else if (resolvedModule instanceof ResolvedDeepImport) {
1476 deepImports.add(resolvedModule.importPath);
1477 } else {
1478 dependencies.add(resolvedModule.entryPointPath);
1479 }
1480 return true;
1481 }
1482 processFile(file, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen) {
1483 if (!alreadySeen.has(file)) {
1484 alreadySeen.add(file);
1485 this.recursivelyCollectDependencies(file, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen);
1486 }
1487 }
1490// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/dependencies/commonjs_dependency_host.mjs
1491var CommonJsDependencyHost = class extends DependencyHostBase {
1492 canSkipFile(fileContents) {
1493 return !hasRequireCalls(fileContents);
1494 }
1495 extractImports(file, fileContents) {
1496 const sf = ts9.createSourceFile(file, fileContents, ts9.ScriptTarget.ES2015, false, ts9.ScriptKind.JS);
1497 const requireCalls = [];
1498 for (const stmt of sf.statements) {
1499 if (ts9.isVariableStatement(stmt)) {
1500 const declarations = stmt.declarationList.declarations;
1501 for (const declaration of declarations) {
1502 if (declaration.initializer !== void 0 && isRequireCall(declaration.initializer)) {
1503 requireCalls.push(declaration.initializer);
1504 }
1505 }
1506 } else if (ts9.isExpressionStatement(stmt)) {
1507 if (isRequireCall(stmt.expression)) {
1508 requireCalls.push(stmt.expression);
1509 } else if (isWildcardReexportStatement(stmt)) {
1510 const firstExportArg = stmt.expression.arguments[0];
1511 if (isRequireCall(firstExportArg)) {
1512 requireCalls.push(firstExportArg);
1513 }
1514 } else if (ts9.isBinaryExpression(stmt.expression) && stmt.expression.operatorToken.kind === ts9.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) {
1515 if (isRequireCall(stmt.expression.right)) {
1516 requireCalls.push(stmt.expression.right);
1517 } else if (ts9.isObjectLiteralExpression(stmt.expression.right)) {
1518 stmt.expression.right.properties.forEach((prop) => {
1519 if (ts9.isPropertyAssignment(prop) && isRequireCall(prop.initializer)) {
1520 requireCalls.push(prop.initializer);
1521 }
1522 });
1523 }
1524 }
1525 }
1526 }
1527 return new Set(requireCalls.map((call) => call.arguments[0].text));
1528 }
1530function hasRequireCalls(source) {
1531 return /require\(['"]/.test(source);
1534// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/dependencies/dependency_resolver.mjs
1535import { DepGraph } from "dependency-graph";
1536import module2 from "module";
1538// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/entry_point.mjs
1539import ts14 from "typescript";
1541// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/umd_host.mjs
1542import ts13 from "typescript";
1544// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/esm2015_host.mjs
1545import ts11 from "typescript";
1547// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/util.mjs
1548function isWithinPackage(packagePath, filePath) {
1549 const relativePath = relative(packagePath, filePath);
1550 return isLocalRelativePath(relativePath) && !relativePath.startsWith("node_modules/");
1552var NoopDependencyTracker = class {
1553 addDependency() {
1554 }
1555 addResourceDependency() {
1556 }
1557 recordDependencyAnalysisFailure() {
1558 }
1560var NOOP_DEPENDENCY_TRACKER = new NoopDependencyTracker();
1562// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/utils.mjs
1563import ts10 from "typescript";
1564function stripParentheses(node) {
1565 return ts10.isParenthesizedExpression(node) ? node.expression : node;
1568// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/esm2015_host.mjs
1569var DECORATORS = "decorators";
1570var PROP_DECORATORS = "propDecorators";
1571var CONSTRUCTOR = "__constructor";
1572var CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS = "ctorParameters";
1573var Esm2015ReflectionHost = class extends TypeScriptReflectionHost {
1574 constructor(logger, isCore, src, dts = null) {
1575 super(src.program.getTypeChecker());
1576 this.logger = logger;
1577 this.isCore = isCore;
1578 this.src = src;
1579 this.dts = dts;
1580 this.publicDtsDeclarationMap = null;
1581 this.privateDtsDeclarationMap = null;
1582 this.preprocessedSourceFiles = new Set();
1583 this.aliasedClassDeclarations = new Map();
1584 this.decoratorCache = new Map();
1585 }
1586 getClassSymbol(declaration) {
1587 const symbol = this.getClassSymbolFromOuterDeclaration(declaration);
1588 if (symbol !== void 0) {
1589 return symbol;
1590 }
1591 const innerDeclaration = this.getInnerDeclarationFromAliasOrInner(declaration);
1592 return this.getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(innerDeclaration);
1593 }
1594 getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(declaration) {
1595 const symbol = this.getClassSymbol(declaration);
1596 if (!symbol) {
1597 return null;
1598 }
1599 return this.getDecoratorsOfSymbol(symbol);
1600 }
1601 getMembersOfClass(clazz) {
1602 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
1603 if (!classSymbol) {
1604 throw new Error(`Attempted to get members of a non-class: "${clazz.getText()}"`);
1605 }
1606 return this.getMembersOfSymbol(classSymbol);
1607 }
1608 getConstructorParameters(clazz) {
1609 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
1610 if (!classSymbol) {
1611 throw new Error(`Attempted to get constructor parameters of a non-class: "${clazz.getText()}"`);
1612 }
1613 const parameterNodes = this.getConstructorParameterDeclarations(classSymbol);
1614 if (parameterNodes) {
1615 return this.getConstructorParamInfo(classSymbol, parameterNodes);
1616 }
1617 return null;
1618 }
1619 getBaseClassExpression(clazz) {
1620 const superBaseClassIdentifier = super.getBaseClassExpression(clazz);
1621 if (superBaseClassIdentifier) {
1622 return superBaseClassIdentifier;
1623 }
1624 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
1625 if ((classSymbol == null ? void 0 : classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration) === void 0 || !isNamedDeclaration2(classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration)) {
1626 return null;
1627 }
1628 return super.getBaseClassExpression(classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration);
1629 }
1630 getInternalNameOfClass(clazz) {
1631 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
1632 if (classSymbol === void 0) {
1633 throw new Error(`getInternalNameOfClass() called on a non-class: expected ${clazz.name.text} to be a class declaration.`);
1634 }
1635 return this.getNameFromClassSymbolDeclaration(classSymbol, classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration);
1636 }
1637 getAdjacentNameOfClass(clazz) {
1638 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
1639 if (classSymbol === void 0) {
1640 throw new Error(`getAdjacentNameOfClass() called on a non-class: expected ${clazz.name.text} to be a class declaration.`);
1641 }
1642 return this.getAdjacentNameOfClassSymbol(classSymbol);
1643 }
1644 getNameFromClassSymbolDeclaration(classSymbol, declaration) {
1645 if (declaration === void 0) {
1646 throw new Error(`getInternalNameOfClass() called on a class with an undefined internal declaration. External class name: ${classSymbol.name}; internal class name: ${classSymbol.implementation.name}.`);
1647 }
1648 if (!isNamedDeclaration2(declaration)) {
1649 throw new Error(`getInternalNameOfClass() called on a class with an anonymous inner declaration: expected a name on:
1651 }
1652 return declaration.name;
1653 }
1654 isClass(node) {
1655 return super.isClass(node) || this.getClassSymbol(node) !== void 0;
1656 }
1657 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
1658 const superDeclaration = super.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
1659 if (superDeclaration === null) {
1660 return superDeclaration;
1661 }
1662 if (superDeclaration.known !== null || isConcreteDeclaration(superDeclaration) && superDeclaration.identity !== null) {
1663 return superDeclaration;
1664 }
1665 let declarationNode = superDeclaration.node;
1666 if (isNamedVariableDeclaration(superDeclaration.node) && !isTopLevel(superDeclaration.node)) {
1667 const variableValue = this.getVariableValue(superDeclaration.node);
1668 if (variableValue !== null && ts11.isClassExpression(variableValue)) {
1669 declarationNode = getContainingStatement(variableValue);
1670 }
1671 }
1672 const outerNode = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(declarationNode);
1673 const declaration = outerNode !== null && isNamedVariableDeclaration(outerNode) ? this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(outerNode.name) : superDeclaration;
1674 if (declaration === null || declaration.known !== null || isConcreteDeclaration(declaration) && declaration.identity !== null) {
1675 return declaration;
1676 }
1677 const aliasedIdentifier = this.resolveAliasedClassIdentifier(declaration.node);
1678 if (aliasedIdentifier !== null) {
1679 return this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(aliasedIdentifier);
1680 }
1681 if (isConcreteDeclaration(declaration) && ts11.isVariableDeclaration(declaration.node)) {
1682 const enumMembers = this.resolveEnumMembers(declaration.node);
1683 if (enumMembers !== null) {
1684 declaration.identity = { kind: 0, enumMembers };
1685 }
1686 }
1687 return declaration;
1688 }
1689 getDecoratorsOfSymbol(symbol) {
1690 const { classDecorators } = this.acquireDecoratorInfo(symbol);
1691 if (classDecorators === null) {
1692 return null;
1693 }
1694 return Array.from(classDecorators);
1695 }
1696 getVariableValue(declaration) {
1697 const value = super.getVariableValue(declaration);
1698 if (value) {
1699 return value;
1700 }
1701 const block = declaration.parent.parent.parent;
1702 const symbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(declaration.name);
1703 if (symbol && (ts11.isBlock(block) || ts11.isSourceFile(block))) {
1704 const decorateCall = this.findDecoratedVariableValue(block, symbol);
1705 const target = decorateCall && decorateCall.arguments[1];
1706 if (target && ts11.isIdentifier(target)) {
1707 const targetSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(target);
1708 const targetDeclaration = targetSymbol && targetSymbol.valueDeclaration;
1709 if (targetDeclaration) {
1710 if (ts11.isClassDeclaration(targetDeclaration) || ts11.isFunctionDeclaration(targetDeclaration)) {
1711 return targetDeclaration.name || null;
1712 } else if (ts11.isVariableDeclaration(targetDeclaration)) {
1713 let targetValue = targetDeclaration.initializer;
1714 while (targetValue && isAssignment2(targetValue)) {
1715 targetValue = targetValue.right;
1716 }
1717 if (targetValue) {
1718 return targetValue;
1719 }
1720 }
1721 }
1722 }
1723 }
1724 return null;
1725 }
1726 findClassSymbols(sourceFile) {
1727 const classes = new Map();
1728 this.getModuleStatements(sourceFile).forEach((statement) => this.addClassSymbolsFromStatement(classes, statement));
1729 return Array.from(classes.values());
1730 }
1731 getGenericArityOfClass(clazz) {
1732 const dtsDeclaration = this.getDtsDeclaration(clazz);
1733 if (dtsDeclaration && ts11.isClassDeclaration(dtsDeclaration)) {
1734 return dtsDeclaration.typeParameters ? dtsDeclaration.typeParameters.length : 0;
1735 }
1736 return null;
1737 }
1738 getDtsDeclaration(declaration) {
1739 if (this.dts === null) {
1740 return null;
1741 }
1742 if (!isNamedDeclaration2(declaration)) {
1743 throw new Error(`Cannot get the dts file for a declaration that has no name: ${declaration.getText()} in ${declaration.getSourceFile().fileName}`);
1744 }
1745 const decl = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(declaration.name);
1746 if (decl === null) {
1747 throw new Error(`Cannot get the dts file for a node that cannot be associated with a declaration ${declaration.getText()} in ${declaration.getSourceFile().fileName}`);
1748 }
1749 if (this.publicDtsDeclarationMap === null) {
1750 this.publicDtsDeclarationMap = this.computePublicDtsDeclarationMap(this.src, this.dts);
1751 }
1752 if (this.publicDtsDeclarationMap.has(decl.node)) {
1753 return this.publicDtsDeclarationMap.get(decl.node);
1754 }
1755 if (this.privateDtsDeclarationMap === null) {
1756 this.privateDtsDeclarationMap = this.computePrivateDtsDeclarationMap(this.src, this.dts);
1757 }
1758 if (this.privateDtsDeclarationMap.has(decl.node)) {
1759 return this.privateDtsDeclarationMap.get(decl.node);
1760 }
1761 return null;
1762 }
1763 getEndOfClass(classSymbol) {
1764 const implementation = classSymbol.implementation;
1765 let last = implementation.valueDeclaration;
1766 const implementationStatement = getContainingStatement(last);
1767 if (implementationStatement === null)
1768 return last;
1769 const container = implementationStatement.parent;
1770 if (ts11.isBlock(container)) {
1771 const returnStatementIndex = container.statements.findIndex(ts11.isReturnStatement);
1772 if (returnStatementIndex === -1) {
1773 throw new Error(`Compiled class wrapper IIFE does not have a return statement: ${classSymbol.name} in ${classSymbol.declaration.valueDeclaration.getSourceFile().fileName}`);
1774 }
1775 last = container.statements[returnStatementIndex - 1];
1776 } else if (ts11.isSourceFile(container)) {
1777 if (implementation.exports !== void 0) {
1778 implementation.exports.forEach((exportSymbol) => {
1779 if (exportSymbol.valueDeclaration === void 0) {
1780 return;
1781 }
1782 const exportStatement = getContainingStatement(exportSymbol.valueDeclaration);
1783 if (exportStatement !== null && last.getEnd() < exportStatement.getEnd()) {
1784 last = exportStatement;
1785 }
1786 });
1787 }
1788 const helpers = this.getHelperCallsForClass(classSymbol, ["__decorate", "__extends", "__param", "__metadata"]);
1789 helpers.forEach((helper) => {
1790 const helperStatement = getContainingStatement(helper);
1791 if (helperStatement !== null && last.getEnd() < helperStatement.getEnd()) {
1792 last = helperStatement;
1793 }
1794 });
1795 }
1796 return last;
1797 }
1798 detectKnownDeclaration(decl) {
1799 if (decl.known === null && this.isJavaScriptObjectDeclaration(decl)) {
1800 decl.known = KnownDeclaration.JsGlobalObject;
1801 }
1802 return decl;
1803 }
1804 addClassSymbolsFromStatement(classes, statement) {
1805 if (ts11.isVariableStatement(statement)) {
1806 statement.declarationList.declarations.forEach((declaration) => {
1807 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(declaration);
1808 if (classSymbol) {
1809 classes.set(classSymbol.implementation, classSymbol);
1810 }
1811 });
1812 } else if (ts11.isClassDeclaration(statement)) {
1813 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(statement);
1814 if (classSymbol) {
1815 classes.set(classSymbol.implementation, classSymbol);
1816 }
1817 }
1818 }
1819 getInnerDeclarationFromAliasOrInner(declaration) {
1820 if (declaration.parent !== void 0 && isNamedVariableDeclaration(declaration.parent)) {
1821 const variableValue = this.getVariableValue(declaration.parent);
1822 if (variableValue !== null) {
1823 declaration = variableValue;
1824 }
1825 }
1826 return declaration;
1827 }
1828 getClassSymbolFromOuterDeclaration(declaration) {
1829 if (isNamedClassDeclaration(declaration) && isTopLevel(declaration)) {
1830 return this.createClassSymbol(declaration.name, null);
1831 }
1832 if (!isInitializedVariableClassDeclaration(declaration)) {
1833 return void 0;
1834 }
1835 const innerDeclaration = getInnerClassDeclaration(skipClassAliases(declaration));
1836 if (innerDeclaration === null) {
1837 return void 0;
1838 }
1839 return this.createClassSymbol(declaration.name, innerDeclaration);
1840 }
1841 getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(declaration) {
1842 let outerDeclaration = void 0;
1843 if (ts11.isClassExpression(declaration) && hasNameIdentifier(declaration)) {
1844 outerDeclaration = getFarLeftHandSideOfAssignment(declaration);
1845 if (outerDeclaration !== void 0 && !isTopLevel(outerDeclaration)) {
1846 outerDeclaration = getContainingVariableDeclaration(outerDeclaration);
1847 }
1848 } else if (isNamedClassDeclaration(declaration)) {
1849 if (isTopLevel(declaration)) {
1850 outerDeclaration = declaration;
1851 } else {
1852 outerDeclaration = getContainingVariableDeclaration(declaration);
1853 }
1854 }
1855 if (outerDeclaration === void 0 || !hasNameIdentifier(outerDeclaration)) {
1856 return void 0;
1857 }
1858 return this.createClassSymbol(outerDeclaration.name, declaration);
1859 }
1860 createClassSymbol(outerDeclaration, innerDeclaration) {
1861 const declarationSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(outerDeclaration);
1862 if (declarationSymbol === void 0) {
1863 return void 0;
1864 }
1865 let implementationSymbol = declarationSymbol;
1866 if (innerDeclaration !== null && isNamedDeclaration2(innerDeclaration)) {
1867 implementationSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(innerDeclaration.name);
1868 }
1869 if (!isSymbolWithValueDeclaration(implementationSymbol)) {
1870 return void 0;
1871 }
1872 const classSymbol = {
1873 name: declarationSymbol.name,
1874 declaration: declarationSymbol,
1875 implementation: implementationSymbol,
1876 adjacent: this.getAdjacentSymbol(declarationSymbol, implementationSymbol)
1877 };
1878 return classSymbol;
1879 }
1880 getAdjacentSymbol(declarationSymbol, implementationSymbol) {
1881 if (declarationSymbol === implementationSymbol) {
1882 return void 0;
1883 }
1884 const innerDeclaration = implementationSymbol.valueDeclaration;
1885 if (!ts11.isClassExpression(innerDeclaration) && !ts11.isFunctionExpression(innerDeclaration)) {
1886 return void 0;
1887 }
1888 const adjacentDeclaration = getFarLeftHandSideOfAssignment(innerDeclaration);
1889 if (adjacentDeclaration === void 0 || !isNamedVariableDeclaration(adjacentDeclaration)) {
1890 return void 0;
1891 }
1892 const adjacentSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(adjacentDeclaration.name);
1893 if (adjacentSymbol === declarationSymbol || adjacentSymbol === implementationSymbol || !isSymbolWithValueDeclaration(adjacentSymbol)) {
1894 return void 0;
1895 }
1896 return adjacentSymbol;
1897 }
1898 getDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol, originalId) {
1899 const declaration = super.getDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol, originalId);
1900 if (declaration === null) {
1901 return null;
1902 }
1903 return this.detectKnownDeclaration(declaration);
1904 }
1905 resolveAliasedClassIdentifier(declaration) {
1906 this.ensurePreprocessed(declaration.getSourceFile());
1907 return this.aliasedClassDeclarations.has(declaration) ? this.aliasedClassDeclarations.get(declaration) : null;
1908 }
1909 ensurePreprocessed(sourceFile) {
1910 if (!this.preprocessedSourceFiles.has(sourceFile)) {
1911 this.preprocessedSourceFiles.add(sourceFile);
1912 for (const statement of this.getModuleStatements(sourceFile)) {
1913 this.preprocessStatement(statement);
1914 }
1915 }
1916 }
1917 preprocessStatement(statement) {
1918 if (!ts11.isVariableStatement(statement)) {
1919 return;
1920 }
1921 const declarations = statement.declarationList.declarations;
1922 if (declarations.length !== 1) {
1923 return;
1924 }
1925 const declaration = declarations[0];
1926 const initializer = declaration.initializer;
1927 if (!ts11.isIdentifier(declaration.name) || !initializer || !isAssignment2(initializer) || !ts11.isIdentifier(initializer.left) || !this.isClass(declaration)) {
1928 return;
1929 }
1930 const aliasedIdentifier = initializer.left;
1931 const aliasedDeclaration = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(aliasedIdentifier);
1932 if (aliasedDeclaration === null) {
1933 throw new Error(`Unable to locate declaration of ${aliasedIdentifier.text} in "${statement.getText()}"`);
1934 }
1935 this.aliasedClassDeclarations.set(aliasedDeclaration.node, declaration.name);
1936 }
1937 getModuleStatements(sourceFile) {
1938 return Array.from(sourceFile.statements);
1939 }
1940 findDecoratedVariableValue(node, symbol) {
1941 if (!node) {
1942 return null;
1943 }
1944 if (ts11.isBinaryExpression(node) && node.operatorToken.kind === ts11.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) {
1945 const left = node.left;
1946 const right = node.right;
1947 if (ts11.isIdentifier(left) && this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(left) === symbol) {
1948 return ts11.isCallExpression(right) && getCalleeName(right) === "__decorate" ? right : null;
1949 }
1950 return this.findDecoratedVariableValue(right, symbol);
1951 }
1952 return node.forEachChild((node2) => this.findDecoratedVariableValue(node2, symbol)) || null;
1953 }
1954 getStaticProperty(symbol, propertyName) {
1955 var _a, _b, _c, _d;
1956 return ((_a = symbol.implementation.exports) == null ? void 0 : _a.get(propertyName)) || ((_c = (_b = symbol.adjacent) == null ? void 0 : _b.exports) == null ? void 0 : _c.get(propertyName)) || ((_d = symbol.declaration.exports) == null ? void 0 : _d.get(propertyName));
1957 }
1958 acquireDecoratorInfo(classSymbol) {
1959 const decl = classSymbol.declaration.valueDeclaration;
1960 if (this.decoratorCache.has(decl)) {
1961 return this.decoratorCache.get(decl);
1962 }
1963 const staticProps = this.computeDecoratorInfoFromStaticProperties(classSymbol);
1964 const helperCalls = this.computeDecoratorInfoFromHelperCalls(classSymbol);
1965 const decoratorInfo = {
1966 classDecorators: staticProps.classDecorators || helperCalls.classDecorators,
1967 memberDecorators: staticProps.memberDecorators || helperCalls.memberDecorators,
1968 constructorParamInfo: staticProps.constructorParamInfo || helperCalls.constructorParamInfo
1969 };
1970 this.decoratorCache.set(decl, decoratorInfo);
1971 return decoratorInfo;
1972 }
1973 computeDecoratorInfoFromStaticProperties(classSymbol) {
1974 let classDecorators = null;
1975 let memberDecorators = null;
1976 let constructorParamInfo = null;
1977 const decoratorsProperty = this.getStaticProperty(classSymbol, DECORATORS);
1978 if (decoratorsProperty !== void 0) {
1979 classDecorators = this.getClassDecoratorsFromStaticProperty(decoratorsProperty);
1980 }
1981 const propDecoratorsProperty = this.getStaticProperty(classSymbol, PROP_DECORATORS);
1982 if (propDecoratorsProperty !== void 0) {
1983 memberDecorators = this.getMemberDecoratorsFromStaticProperty(propDecoratorsProperty);
1984 }
1985 const constructorParamsProperty = this.getStaticProperty(classSymbol, CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS);
1986 if (constructorParamsProperty !== void 0) {
1987 constructorParamInfo = this.getParamInfoFromStaticProperty(constructorParamsProperty);
1988 }
1989 return { classDecorators, memberDecorators, constructorParamInfo };
1990 }
1991 getClassDecoratorsFromStaticProperty(decoratorsSymbol) {
1992 const decoratorsIdentifier = decoratorsSymbol.valueDeclaration;
1993 if (decoratorsIdentifier && decoratorsIdentifier.parent) {
1994 if (ts11.isBinaryExpression(decoratorsIdentifier.parent) && decoratorsIdentifier.parent.operatorToken.kind === ts11.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) {
1995 const decoratorsArray = decoratorsIdentifier.parent.right;
1996 return this.reflectDecorators(decoratorsArray).filter((decorator) => this.isFromCore(decorator));
1997 }
1998 }
1999 return null;
2000 }
2001 getMembersOfSymbol(symbol) {
2002 const members = [];
2003 const { memberDecorators } = this.acquireDecoratorInfo(symbol);
2004 const decoratorsMap = new Map(memberDecorators);
2005 if (symbol.implementation.members) {
2006 symbol.implementation.members.forEach((value, key) => {
2007 const decorators = decoratorsMap.get(key);
2008 const reflectedMembers = this.reflectMembers(value, decorators);
2009 if (reflectedMembers) {
2010 decoratorsMap.delete(key);
2011 members.push(...reflectedMembers);
2012 }
2013 });
2014 }
2015 if (symbol.implementation.exports) {
2016 symbol.implementation.exports.forEach((value, key) => {
2017 const decorators = decoratorsMap.get(key);
2018 const reflectedMembers = this.reflectMembers(value, decorators, true);
2019 if (reflectedMembers) {
2020 decoratorsMap.delete(key);
2021 members.push(...reflectedMembers);
2022 }
2023 });
2024 }
2025 if (ts11.isVariableDeclaration(symbol.declaration.valueDeclaration)) {
2026 if (symbol.declaration.exports) {
2027 symbol.declaration.exports.forEach((value, key) => {
2028 const decorators = decoratorsMap.get(key);
2029 const reflectedMembers = this.reflectMembers(value, decorators, true);
2030 if (reflectedMembers) {
2031 decoratorsMap.delete(key);
2032 members.push(...reflectedMembers);
2033 }
2034 });
2035 }
2036 }
2037 if (symbol.adjacent !== void 0) {
2038 if (ts11.isVariableDeclaration(symbol.adjacent.valueDeclaration)) {
2039 if (symbol.adjacent.exports !== void 0) {
2040 symbol.adjacent.exports.forEach((value, key) => {
2041 const decorators = decoratorsMap.get(key);
2042 const reflectedMembers = this.reflectMembers(value, decorators, true);
2043 if (reflectedMembers) {
2044 decoratorsMap.delete(key);
2045 members.push(...reflectedMembers);
2046 }
2047 });
2048 }
2049 }
2050 }
2051 decoratorsMap.forEach((value, key) => {
2052 members.push({
2053 implementation: null,
2054 decorators: value,
2055 isStatic: false,
2056 kind: ClassMemberKind.Property,
2057 name: key,
2058 nameNode: null,
2059 node: null,
2060 type: null,
2061 value: null
2062 });
2063 });
2064 return members;
2065 }
2066 getMemberDecoratorsFromStaticProperty(decoratorsProperty) {
2067 const memberDecorators = new Map();
2068 const propDecoratorsMap = getPropertyValueFromSymbol(decoratorsProperty);
2069 if (propDecoratorsMap && ts11.isObjectLiteralExpression(propDecoratorsMap)) {
2070 const propertiesMap = reflectObjectLiteral(propDecoratorsMap);
2071 propertiesMap.forEach((value, name) => {
2072 const decorators = this.reflectDecorators(value).filter((decorator) => this.isFromCore(decorator));
2073 if (decorators.length) {
2074 memberDecorators.set(name, decorators);
2075 }
2076 });
2077 }
2078 return memberDecorators;
2079 }
2080 computeDecoratorInfoFromHelperCalls(classSymbol) {
2081 let classDecorators = null;
2082 const memberDecorators = new Map();
2083 const constructorParamInfo = [];
2084 const getConstructorParamInfo = (index) => {
2085 let param = constructorParamInfo[index];
2086 if (param === void 0) {
2087 param = constructorParamInfo[index] = { decorators: null, typeExpression: null };
2088 }
2089 return param;
2090 };
2091 const helperCalls = this.getHelperCallsForClass(classSymbol, ["__decorate"]);
2092 const outerDeclaration = classSymbol.declaration.valueDeclaration;
2093 const innerDeclaration = classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration;
2094 const adjacentDeclaration = this.getAdjacentNameOfClassSymbol(classSymbol).parent;
2095 const matchesClass = (identifier) => {
2096 const decl = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(identifier);
2097 return decl !== null && (decl.node === adjacentDeclaration || decl.node === outerDeclaration || decl.node === innerDeclaration);
2098 };
2099 for (const helperCall of helperCalls) {
2100 if (isClassDecorateCall(helperCall, matchesClass)) {
2101 const helperArgs = helperCall.arguments[0];
2102 for (const element of helperArgs.elements) {
2103 const entry = this.reflectDecorateHelperEntry(element);
2104 if (entry === null) {
2105 continue;
2106 }
2107 if (entry.type === "decorator") {
2108 if (this.isFromCore(entry.decorator)) {
2109 (classDecorators || (classDecorators = [])).push(entry.decorator);
2110 }
2111 } else if (entry.type === "param:decorators") {
2112 const param = getConstructorParamInfo(entry.index);
2113 (param.decorators || (param.decorators = [])).push(entry.decorator);
2114 } else if (entry.type === "params") {
2115 entry.types.forEach((type, index) => getConstructorParamInfo(index).typeExpression = type);
2116 }
2117 }
2118 } else if (isMemberDecorateCall(helperCall, matchesClass)) {
2119 const helperArgs = helperCall.arguments[0];
2120 const memberName = helperCall.arguments[2].text;
2121 for (const element of helperArgs.elements) {
2122 const entry = this.reflectDecorateHelperEntry(element);
2123 if (entry === null) {
2124 continue;
2125 }
2126 if (entry.type === "decorator") {
2127 if (this.isFromCore(entry.decorator)) {
2128 const decorators = memberDecorators.has(memberName) ? memberDecorators.get(memberName) : [];
2129 decorators.push(entry.decorator);
2130 memberDecorators.set(memberName, decorators);
2131 }
2132 } else {
2133 }
2134 }
2135 }
2136 }
2137 return { classDecorators, memberDecorators, constructorParamInfo };
2138 }
2139 reflectDecorateHelperEntry(expression) {
2140 if (!ts11.isCallExpression(expression)) {
2141 return null;
2142 }
2143 const call = expression;
2144 const helperName = getCalleeName(call);
2145 if (helperName === "__metadata") {
2146 const key = call.arguments[0];
2147 if (key === void 0 || !ts11.isStringLiteral(key) || key.text !== "design:paramtypes") {
2148 return null;
2149 }
2150 const value = call.arguments[1];
2151 if (value === void 0 || !ts11.isArrayLiteralExpression(value)) {
2152 return null;
2153 }
2154 return {
2155 type: "params",
2156 types: Array.from(value.elements)
2157 };
2158 }
2159 if (helperName === "__param") {
2160 const indexArg = call.arguments[0];
2161 const index = indexArg && ts11.isNumericLiteral(indexArg) ? parseInt(indexArg.text, 10) : NaN;
2162 if (isNaN(index)) {
2163 return null;
2164 }
2165 const decoratorCall = call.arguments[1];
2166 if (decoratorCall === void 0 || !ts11.isCallExpression(decoratorCall)) {
2167 return null;
2168 }
2169 const decorator2 = this.reflectDecoratorCall(decoratorCall);
2170 if (decorator2 === null) {
2171 return null;
2172 }
2173 return {
2174 type: "param:decorators",
2175 index,
2176 decorator: decorator2
2177 };
2178 }
2179 const decorator = this.reflectDecoratorCall(call);
2180 if (decorator === null) {
2181 return null;
2182 }
2183 return {
2184 type: "decorator",
2185 decorator
2186 };
2187 }
2188 reflectDecoratorCall(call) {
2189 const decoratorExpression = call.expression;
2190 if (!isDecoratorIdentifier(decoratorExpression)) {
2191 return null;
2192 }
2193 const decoratorIdentifier = ts11.isIdentifier(decoratorExpression) ? decoratorExpression : decoratorExpression.name;
2194 return {
2195 name: decoratorIdentifier.text,
2196 identifier: decoratorExpression,
2197 import: this.getImportOfIdentifier(decoratorIdentifier),
2198 node: call,
2199 args: Array.from(call.arguments)
2200 };
2201 }
2202 getHelperCall(statement, helperNames) {
2203 if ((ts11.isExpressionStatement(statement) || ts11.isReturnStatement(statement)) && statement.expression) {
2204 let expression = statement.expression;
2205 while (isAssignment2(expression)) {
2206 expression = expression.right;
2207 }
2208 if (ts11.isCallExpression(expression)) {
2209 const calleeName = getCalleeName(expression);
2210 if (calleeName !== null && helperNames.includes(calleeName)) {
2211 return expression;
2212 }
2213 }
2214 }
2215 return null;
2216 }
2217 reflectDecorators(decoratorsArray) {
2218 const decorators = [];
2219 if (ts11.isArrayLiteralExpression(decoratorsArray)) {
2220 decoratorsArray.elements.forEach((node) => {
2221 if (ts11.isObjectLiteralExpression(node)) {
2222 const decorator = reflectObjectLiteral(node);
2223 if (decorator.has("type")) {
2224 let decoratorType = decorator.get("type");
2225 if (isDecoratorIdentifier(decoratorType)) {
2226 const decoratorIdentifier = ts11.isIdentifier(decoratorType) ? decoratorType : decoratorType.name;
2227 decorators.push({
2228 name: decoratorIdentifier.text,
2229 identifier: decoratorType,
2230 import: this.getImportOfIdentifier(decoratorIdentifier),
2231 node,
2232 args: getDecoratorArgs(node)
2233 });
2234 }
2235 }
2236 }
2237 });
2238 }
2239 return decorators;
2240 }
2241 reflectMembers(symbol, decorators, isStatic) {
2242 if (symbol.flags & ts11.SymbolFlags.Accessor) {
2243 const members = [];
2244 const setter = symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.find(ts11.isSetAccessor);
2245 const getter = symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.find(ts11.isGetAccessor);
2246 const setterMember = setter && this.reflectMember(setter, ClassMemberKind.Setter, decorators, isStatic);
2247 if (setterMember) {
2248 members.push(setterMember);
2249 decorators = void 0;
2250 }
2251 const getterMember = getter && this.reflectMember(getter, ClassMemberKind.Getter, decorators, isStatic);
2252 if (getterMember) {
2253 members.push(getterMember);
2254 }
2255 return members;
2256 }
2257 let kind = null;
2258 if (symbol.flags & ts11.SymbolFlags.Method) {
2259 kind = ClassMemberKind.Method;
2260 } else if (symbol.flags & ts11.SymbolFlags.Property) {
2261 kind = ClassMemberKind.Property;
2262 }
2263 const node = symbol.valueDeclaration || symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations[0];
2264 if (!node) {
2265 return null;
2266 }
2267 const member = this.reflectMember(node, kind, decorators, isStatic);
2268 if (!member) {
2269 return null;
2270 }
2271 return [member];
2272 }
2273 reflectMember(node, kind, decorators, isStatic) {
2274 let value = null;
2275 let name = null;
2276 let nameNode = null;
2277 if (!isClassMemberType(node)) {
2278 return null;
2279 }
2280 if (isStatic && isPropertyAccess(node)) {
2281 name = node.name.text;
2282 value = kind === ClassMemberKind.Property ? node.parent.right : null;
2283 } else if (isThisAssignment(node)) {
2284 kind = ClassMemberKind.Property;
2285 name = node.left.name.text;
2286 value = node.right;
2287 isStatic = false;
2288 } else if (ts11.isConstructorDeclaration(node)) {
2289 kind = ClassMemberKind.Constructor;
2290 name = "constructor";
2291 isStatic = false;
2292 }
2293 if (kind === null) {
2294 this.logger.warn(`Unknown member type: "${node.getText()}`);
2295 return null;
2296 }
2297 if (!name) {
2298 if (isNamedDeclaration2(node)) {
2299 name = node.name.text;
2300 nameNode = node.name;
2301 } else {
2302 return null;
2303 }
2304 }
2305 if (isStatic === void 0) {
2306 isStatic = node.modifiers !== void 0 && node.modifiers.some((mod) => mod.kind === ts11.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword);
2307 }
2308 const type = node.type || null;
2309 return {
2310 node,
2311 implementation: node,
2312 kind,
2313 type,
2314 name,
2315 nameNode,
2316 value,
2317 isStatic,
2318 decorators: decorators || []
2319 };
2320 }
2321 getConstructorParameterDeclarations(classSymbol) {
2322 const members = classSymbol.implementation.members;
2323 if (members && members.has(CONSTRUCTOR)) {
2324 const constructorSymbol = members.get(CONSTRUCTOR);
2325 const constructor = constructorSymbol.declarations && constructorSymbol.declarations[0];
2326 if (!constructor) {
2327 return [];
2328 }
2329 if (constructor.parameters.length > 0) {
2330 return Array.from(constructor.parameters);
2331 }
2332 if (isSynthesizedConstructor(constructor)) {
2333 return null;
2334 }
2335 return [];
2336 }
2337 return null;
2338 }
2339 getConstructorParamInfo(classSymbol, parameterNodes) {
2340 const { constructorParamInfo } = this.acquireDecoratorInfo(classSymbol);
2341 return parameterNodes.map((node, index) => {
2342 const { decorators, typeExpression } = constructorParamInfo[index] ? constructorParamInfo[index] : { decorators: null, typeExpression: null };
2343 const nameNode = node.name;
2344 const typeValueReference = this.typeToValue(typeExpression);
2345 return {
2346 name: getNameText(nameNode),
2347 nameNode,
2348 typeValueReference,
2349 typeNode: null,
2350 decorators
2351 };
2352 });
2353 }
2354 typeToValue(typeExpression) {
2355 if (typeExpression === null) {
2356 return {
2357 kind: 2,
2358 reason: { kind: 0 }
2359 };
2360 }
2361 const imp = this.getImportOfExpression(typeExpression);
2362 const decl = this.getDeclarationOfExpression(typeExpression);
2363 if (imp === null || decl === null) {
2364 return {
2365 kind: 0,
2366 expression: typeExpression,
2367 defaultImportStatement: null
2368 };
2369 }
2370 return {
2371 kind: 1,
2372 valueDeclaration: decl.node,
2373 moduleName: imp.from,
2374 importedName: imp.name,
2375 nestedPath: null
2376 };
2377 }
2378 getImportOfExpression(expression) {
2379 if (ts11.isIdentifier(expression)) {
2380 return this.getImportOfIdentifier(expression);
2381 } else if (ts11.isPropertyAccessExpression(expression) && ts11.isIdentifier(expression.name)) {
2382 return this.getImportOfIdentifier(expression.name);
2383 } else {
2384 return null;
2385 }
2386 }
2387 getParamInfoFromStaticProperty(paramDecoratorsProperty) {
2388 const paramDecorators = getPropertyValueFromSymbol(paramDecoratorsProperty);
2389 if (paramDecorators) {
2390 const container = ts11.isArrowFunction(paramDecorators) ? paramDecorators.body : paramDecorators;
2391 if (ts11.isArrayLiteralExpression(container)) {
2392 const elements = container.elements;
2393 return elements.map((element) => ts11.isObjectLiteralExpression(element) ? reflectObjectLiteral(element) : null).map((paramInfo) => {
2394 const typeExpression = paramInfo && paramInfo.has("type") ? paramInfo.get("type") : null;
2395 const decoratorInfo = paramInfo && paramInfo.has("decorators") ? paramInfo.get("decorators") : null;
2396 const decorators = decoratorInfo && this.reflectDecorators(decoratorInfo).filter((decorator) => this.isFromCore(decorator));
2397 return { typeExpression, decorators };
2398 });
2399 } else if (paramDecorators !== void 0) {
2400 this.logger.warn("Invalid constructor parameter decorator in " + paramDecorators.getSourceFile().fileName + ":\n", paramDecorators.getText());
2401 }
2402 }
2403 return null;
2404 }
2405 getHelperCallsForClass(classSymbol, helperNames) {
2406 return this.getStatementsForClass(classSymbol).map((statement) => this.getHelperCall(statement, helperNames)).filter(isDefined);
2407 }
2408 getStatementsForClass(classSymbol) {
2409 const classNode = classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration;
2410 if (isTopLevel(classNode)) {
2411 return this.getModuleStatements(classNode.getSourceFile());
2412 }
2413 const statement = getContainingStatement(classNode);
2414 if (ts11.isBlock(statement.parent)) {
2415 return Array.from(statement.parent.statements);
2416 }
2417 throw new Error(`Unable to find adjacent statements for ${classSymbol.name}`);
2418 }
2419 isFromCore(decorator) {
2420 if (this.isCore) {
2421 return !decorator.import || /^\./.test(decorator.import.from);
2422 } else {
2423 return !!decorator.import && decorator.import.from === "@angular/core";
2424 }
2425 }
2426 computePublicDtsDeclarationMap(src, dts) {
2427 const declarationMap = new Map();
2428 const dtsDeclarationMap = new Map();
2429 const rootDts = getRootFileOrFail(dts);
2430 this.collectDtsExportedDeclarations(dtsDeclarationMap, rootDts, dts.program.getTypeChecker());
2431 const rootSrc = getRootFileOrFail(src);
2432 this.collectSrcExportedDeclarations(declarationMap, dtsDeclarationMap, rootSrc);
2433 return declarationMap;
2434 }
2435 computePrivateDtsDeclarationMap(src, dts) {
2436 const declarationMap = new Map();
2437 const dtsDeclarationMap = new Map();
2438 const typeChecker = dts.program.getTypeChecker();
2439 const dtsFiles = getNonRootPackageFiles(dts);
2440 for (const dtsFile of dtsFiles) {
2441 this.collectDtsExportedDeclarations(dtsDeclarationMap, dtsFile, typeChecker);
2442 }
2443 const srcFiles = getNonRootPackageFiles(src);
2444 for (const srcFile of srcFiles) {
2445 this.collectSrcExportedDeclarations(declarationMap, dtsDeclarationMap, srcFile);
2446 }
2447 return declarationMap;
2448 }
2449 collectDtsExportedDeclarations(dtsDeclarationMap, srcFile, checker) {
2450 const srcModule = srcFile && checker.getSymbolAtLocation(srcFile);
2451 const moduleExports = srcModule && checker.getExportsOfModule(srcModule);
2452 if (moduleExports) {
2453 moduleExports.forEach((exportedSymbol) => {
2454 const name = exportedSymbol.name;
2455 if (exportedSymbol.flags & ts11.SymbolFlags.Alias) {
2456 exportedSymbol = checker.getAliasedSymbol(exportedSymbol);
2457 }
2458 const declaration = exportedSymbol.valueDeclaration;
2459 if (declaration && !dtsDeclarationMap.has(name)) {
2460 dtsDeclarationMap.set(name, declaration);
2461 }
2462 });
2463 }
2464 }
2465 collectSrcExportedDeclarations(declarationMap, dtsDeclarationMap, srcFile) {
2466 const fileExports = this.getExportsOfModule(srcFile);
2467 if (fileExports !== null) {
2468 for (const [exportName, { node: declarationNode }] of fileExports) {
2469 if (dtsDeclarationMap.has(exportName)) {
2470 declarationMap.set(declarationNode, dtsDeclarationMap.get(exportName));
2471 }
2472 }
2473 }
2474 }
2475 getDeclarationOfExpression(expression) {
2476 if (ts11.isIdentifier(expression)) {
2477 return this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(expression);
2478 }
2479 if (!ts11.isPropertyAccessExpression(expression) || !ts11.isIdentifier(expression.expression)) {
2480 return null;
2481 }
2482 const namespaceDecl = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(expression.expression);
2483 if (!namespaceDecl || !ts11.isSourceFile(namespaceDecl.node)) {
2484 return null;
2485 }
2486 const namespaceExports = this.getExportsOfModule(namespaceDecl.node);
2487 if (namespaceExports === null) {
2488 return null;
2489 }
2490 if (!namespaceExports.has(expression.name.text)) {
2491 return null;
2492 }
2493 const exportDecl = namespaceExports.get(expression.name.text);
2494 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, exportDecl), { viaModule: namespaceDecl.viaModule });
2495 }
2496 isJavaScriptObjectDeclaration(decl) {
2497 const node = decl.node;
2498 if (!ts11.isVariableDeclaration(node) || !ts11.isIdentifier(node.name) || node.name.text !== "Object" || node.type === void 0) {
2499 return false;
2500 }
2501 const typeNode = node.type;
2502 if (!ts11.isTypeReferenceNode(typeNode) || !ts11.isIdentifier(typeNode.typeName) || typeNode.typeName.text !== "ObjectConstructor") {
2503 return false;
2504 }
2505 return this.src.program.isSourceFileDefaultLibrary(node.getSourceFile());
2506 }
2507 resolveEnumMembers(declaration) {
2508 if (declaration.initializer !== void 0)
2509 return null;
2510 const variableStmt = declaration.parent.parent;
2511 if (!ts11.isVariableStatement(variableStmt))
2512 return null;
2513 const block = variableStmt.parent;
2514 if (!ts11.isBlock(block) && !ts11.isSourceFile(block))
2515 return null;
2516 const declarationIndex = block.statements.findIndex((statement) => statement === variableStmt);
2517 if (declarationIndex === -1 || declarationIndex === block.statements.length - 1)
2518 return null;
2519 const subsequentStmt = block.statements[declarationIndex + 1];
2520 if (!ts11.isExpressionStatement(subsequentStmt))
2521 return null;
2522 const iife = stripParentheses(subsequentStmt.expression);
2523 if (!ts11.isCallExpression(iife) || !isEnumDeclarationIife(iife))
2524 return null;
2525 const fn = stripParentheses(iife.expression);
2526 if (!ts11.isFunctionExpression(fn))
2527 return null;
2528 return this.reflectEnumMembers(fn);
2529 }
2530 reflectEnumMembers(fn) {
2531 if (fn.parameters.length !== 1)
2532 return null;
2533 const enumName = fn.parameters[0].name;
2534 if (!ts11.isIdentifier(enumName))
2535 return null;
2536 const enumMembers = [];
2537 for (const statement of fn.body.statements) {
2538 const enumMember = this.reflectEnumMember(enumName, statement);
2539 if (enumMember === null) {
2540 return null;
2541 }
2542 enumMembers.push(enumMember);
2543 }
2544 return enumMembers;
2545 }
2546 reflectEnumMember(enumName, statement) {
2547 if (!ts11.isExpressionStatement(statement))
2548 return null;
2549 const expression = statement.expression;
2550 if (!isEnumAssignment(enumName, expression)) {
2551 return null;
2552 }
2553 const assignment = reflectEnumAssignment(expression);
2554 if (assignment != null) {
2555 return assignment;
2556 }
2557 const innerExpression = expression.left.argumentExpression;
2558 if (!isEnumAssignment(enumName, innerExpression)) {
2559 return null;
2560 }
2561 return reflectEnumAssignment(innerExpression);
2562 }
2563 getAdjacentNameOfClassSymbol(classSymbol) {
2564 if (classSymbol.adjacent !== void 0) {
2565 return this.getNameFromClassSymbolDeclaration(classSymbol, classSymbol.adjacent.valueDeclaration);
2566 } else {
2567 return this.getNameFromClassSymbolDeclaration(classSymbol, classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration);
2568 }
2569 }
2571function isEnumDeclarationIife(iife) {
2572 if (iife.arguments.length !== 1)
2573 return false;
2574 const arg = iife.arguments[0];
2575 if (!ts11.isBinaryExpression(arg) || arg.operatorToken.kind !== ts11.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken || !ts11.isParenthesizedExpression(arg.right)) {
2576 return false;
2577 }
2578 const right = arg.right.expression;
2579 if (!ts11.isBinaryExpression(right) || right.operatorToken.kind !== ts11.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) {
2580 return false;
2581 }
2582 if (!ts11.isObjectLiteralExpression(right.right) || right.right.properties.length !== 0) {
2583 return false;
2584 }
2585 return true;
2587function isEnumAssignment(enumName, expression) {
2588 if (!ts11.isBinaryExpression(expression) || expression.operatorToken.kind !== ts11.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken || !ts11.isElementAccessExpression(expression.left)) {
2589 return false;
2590 }
2591 const enumIdentifier = expression.left.expression;
2592 return ts11.isIdentifier(enumIdentifier) && enumIdentifier.text === enumName.text;
2594function reflectEnumAssignment(expression) {
2595 const memberName = expression.left.argumentExpression;
2596 if (!ts11.isPropertyName(memberName))
2597 return null;
2598 return { name: memberName, initializer: expression.right };
2600function isAssignmentStatement(statement) {
2601 return ts11.isExpressionStatement(statement) && isAssignment2(statement.expression) && ts11.isIdentifier(statement.expression.left);
2603function getIifeBody(expression) {
2604 const call = stripParentheses(expression);
2605 if (!ts11.isCallExpression(call)) {
2606 return void 0;
2607 }
2608 const fn = stripParentheses(call.expression);
2609 if (!ts11.isFunctionExpression(fn) && !ts11.isArrowFunction(fn)) {
2610 return void 0;
2611 }
2612 return fn.body;
2614function isAssignment2(node) {
2615 return ts11.isBinaryExpression(node) && node.operatorToken.kind === ts11.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken;
2617function isClassDecorateCall(call, matches) {
2618 const helperArgs = call.arguments[0];
2619 if (helperArgs === void 0 || !ts11.isArrayLiteralExpression(helperArgs)) {
2620 return false;
2621 }
2622 const target = call.arguments[1];
2623 return target !== void 0 && ts11.isIdentifier(target) && matches(target);
2625function isMemberDecorateCall(call, matches) {
2626 const helperArgs = call.arguments[0];
2627 if (helperArgs === void 0 || !ts11.isArrayLiteralExpression(helperArgs)) {
2628 return false;
2629 }
2630 const target = call.arguments[1];
2631 if (target === void 0 || !ts11.isPropertyAccessExpression(target) || !ts11.isIdentifier(target.expression) || !matches(target.expression) || target.name.text !== "prototype") {
2632 return false;
2633 }
2634 const memberName = call.arguments[2];
2635 return memberName !== void 0 && ts11.isStringLiteral(memberName);
2637function getPropertyValueFromSymbol(propSymbol) {
2638 const propIdentifier = propSymbol.valueDeclaration;
2639 const parent = propIdentifier && propIdentifier.parent;
2640 return parent && ts11.isBinaryExpression(parent) ? parent.right : void 0;
2642function getCalleeName(call) {
2643 if (ts11.isIdentifier(call.expression)) {
2644 return stripDollarSuffix(call.expression.text);
2645 }
2646 if (ts11.isPropertyAccessExpression(call.expression)) {
2647 return stripDollarSuffix(call.expression.name.text);
2648 }
2649 return null;
2651function isInitializedVariableClassDeclaration(node) {
2652 return isNamedVariableDeclaration(node) && node.initializer !== void 0;
2654function skipClassAliases(node) {
2655 let expression = node.initializer;
2656 while (isAssignment2(expression)) {
2657 expression = expression.right;
2658 }
2659 return expression;
2661function getInnerClassDeclaration(expression) {
2662 if (ts11.isClassExpression(expression) && hasNameIdentifier(expression)) {
2663 return expression;
2664 }
2665 const iifeBody = getIifeBody(expression);
2666 if (iifeBody === void 0) {
2667 return null;
2668 }
2669 if (!ts11.isBlock(iifeBody)) {
2670 return ts11.isClassExpression(iifeBody) && isNamedDeclaration2(iifeBody) ? iifeBody : null;
2671 } else {
2672 for (const statement of iifeBody.statements) {
2673 if (isNamedClassDeclaration(statement) || isNamedFunctionDeclaration(statement)) {
2674 return statement;
2675 }
2676 if (ts11.isVariableStatement(statement)) {
2677 for (const declaration of statement.declarationList.declarations) {
2678 if (isInitializedVariableClassDeclaration(declaration)) {
2679 const expression2 = skipClassAliases(declaration);
2680 if (ts11.isClassExpression(expression2) && hasNameIdentifier(expression2)) {
2681 return expression2;
2682 }
2683 }
2684 }
2685 }
2686 }
2687 }
2688 return null;
2690function getDecoratorArgs(node) {
2691 const argsProperty = node.properties.filter(ts11.isPropertyAssignment).find((property2) => getNameText(property2.name) === "args");
2692 const argsExpression = argsProperty && argsProperty.initializer;
2693 return argsExpression && ts11.isArrayLiteralExpression(argsExpression) ? Array.from(argsExpression.elements) : [];
2695function isPropertyAccess(node) {
2696 return !!node.parent && ts11.isBinaryExpression(node.parent) && ts11.isPropertyAccessExpression(node);
2698function isThisAssignment(node) {
2699 return ts11.isBinaryExpression(node) && ts11.isPropertyAccessExpression(node.left) && node.left.expression.kind === ts11.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword;
2701function isNamedDeclaration2(node) {
2702 const anyNode = node;
2703 return !!anyNode.name && ts11.isIdentifier(anyNode.name);
2705function isClassMemberType(node) {
2706 return (ts11.isClassElement(node) || isPropertyAccess(node) || ts11.isBinaryExpression(node)) && !ts11.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(node);
2708function getFarLeftHandSideOfAssignment(declaration) {
2709 let node = declaration.parent;
2710 if (isAssignment2(node) && ts11.isIdentifier(node.left)) {
2711 node = node.parent;
2712 }
2713 return ts11.isVariableDeclaration(node) ? node : void 0;
2715function getContainingVariableDeclaration(node) {
2716 node = node.parent;
2717 while (node !== void 0) {
2718 if (isNamedVariableDeclaration(node)) {
2719 return node;
2720 }
2721 node = node.parent;
2722 }
2723 return void 0;
2725function isSynthesizedConstructor(constructor) {
2726 if (!constructor.body)
2727 return false;
2728 const firstStatement = constructor.body.statements[0];
2729 if (!firstStatement || !ts11.isExpressionStatement(firstStatement))
2730 return false;
2731 return isSynthesizedSuperCall(firstStatement.expression);
2733function isSynthesizedSuperCall(expression) {
2734 if (!ts11.isCallExpression(expression))
2735 return false;
2736 if (expression.expression.kind !== ts11.SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword)
2737 return false;
2738 if (expression.arguments.length !== 1)
2739 return false;
2740 const argument = expression.arguments[0];
2741 return ts11.isSpreadElement(argument) && ts11.isIdentifier(argument.expression) && argument.expression.text === "arguments";
2743function getContainingStatement(node) {
2744 while (node.parent) {
2745 if (ts11.isBlock(node.parent) || ts11.isSourceFile(node.parent)) {
2746 break;
2747 }
2748 node = node.parent;
2749 }
2750 return node;
2752function getRootFileOrFail(bundle) {
2753 const rootFile = bundle.program.getSourceFile(bundle.path);
2754 if (rootFile === void 0) {
2755 throw new Error(`The given rootPath ${rootFile} is not a file of the program.`);
2756 }
2757 return rootFile;
2759function getNonRootPackageFiles(bundle) {
2760 const rootFile = bundle.program.getSourceFile(bundle.path);
2761 return bundle.program.getSourceFiles().filter((f) => f !== rootFile && isWithinPackage(bundle.package, absoluteFromSourceFile(f)));
2763function isTopLevel(node) {
2764 while (node = node.parent) {
2765 if (ts11.isBlock(node)) {
2766 return false;
2767 }
2768 }
2769 return true;
2771function getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(node) {
2772 if (!ts11.isFunctionDeclaration(node) && !ts11.isClassDeclaration(node) && !ts11.isVariableStatement(node)) {
2773 return null;
2774 }
2775 let outerNode = node.parent;
2776 if (!outerNode || !ts11.isBlock(outerNode))
2777 return null;
2778 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
2779 if (!outerNode || !ts11.isFunctionExpression(outerNode) && !ts11.isArrowFunction(outerNode)) {
2780 return null;
2781 }
2782 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
2783 if (outerNode && ts11.isParenthesizedExpression(outerNode))
2784 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
2785 if (!outerNode || !ts11.isCallExpression(outerNode))
2786 return null;
2787 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
2788 if (outerNode && ts11.isParenthesizedExpression(outerNode))
2789 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
2790 while (isAssignment2(outerNode.parent)) {
2791 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
2792 }
2793 return outerNode;
2796// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/esm5_host.mjs
2797import ts12 from "typescript";
2798var Esm5ReflectionHost = class extends Esm2015ReflectionHost {
2799 getBaseClassExpression(clazz) {
2800 const superBaseClassExpression = super.getBaseClassExpression(clazz);
2801 if (superBaseClassExpression !== null) {
2802 return superBaseClassExpression;
2803 }
2804 const iife = getIifeFn(this.getClassSymbol(clazz));
2805 if (iife === null)
2806 return null;
2807 if (iife.parameters.length !== 1 || !isSuperIdentifier(iife.parameters[0].name)) {
2808 return null;
2809 }
2810 if (!ts12.isCallExpression(iife.parent)) {
2811 return null;
2812 }
2813 return iife.parent.arguments[0];
2814 }
2815 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
2816 const declaration = super.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
2817 if (declaration === null) {
2818 const nonEmittedNorImportedTsHelperDeclaration = getTsHelperFnFromIdentifier(id);
2819 if (nonEmittedNorImportedTsHelperDeclaration !== null) {
2820 return {
2821 kind: 1,
2822 node: id,
2823 known: nonEmittedNorImportedTsHelperDeclaration,
2824 viaModule: null
2825 };
2826 }
2827 }
2828 if (declaration === null || declaration.node === null || declaration.known !== null) {
2829 return declaration;
2830 }
2831 if (!ts12.isVariableDeclaration(declaration.node) || declaration.node.initializer !== void 0 || !ts12.isBlock(declaration.node.parent.parent.parent)) {
2832 return declaration;
2833 }
2834 const block = declaration.node.parent.parent.parent;
2835 const aliasSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(declaration.node.name);
2836 for (let i = 0; i < block.statements.length; i++) {
2837 const statement = block.statements[i];
2838 if (isAssignmentStatement(statement) && ts12.isIdentifier(statement.expression.left) && ts12.isIdentifier(statement.expression.right) && this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(statement.expression.left) === aliasSymbol) {
2839 return this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(statement.expression.right);
2840 }
2841 }
2842 return declaration;
2843 }
2844 getDefinitionOfFunction(node) {
2845 const definition = super.getDefinitionOfFunction(node);
2846 if (definition === null) {
2847 return null;
2848 }
2849 if (definition.body !== null) {
2850 let lookingForInitializers = true;
2851 const statements = definition.body.filter((s) => {
2852 lookingForInitializers = lookingForInitializers && captureParamInitializer(s, definition.parameters);
2853 return !lookingForInitializers;
2854 });
2855 definition.body = statements;
2856 }
2857 return definition;
2858 }
2859 detectKnownDeclaration(decl) {
2860 decl = super.detectKnownDeclaration(decl);
2861 if (decl.known === null && decl.node !== null) {
2862 decl.known = getTsHelperFnFromDeclaration(decl.node);
2863 }
2864 return decl;
2865 }
2866 getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(declaration) {
2867 const classSymbol = super.getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(declaration);
2868 if (classSymbol !== void 0) {
2869 return classSymbol;
2870 }
2871 if (!isNamedFunctionDeclaration(declaration)) {
2872 return void 0;
2873 }
2874 const outerNode = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(declaration);
2875 if (outerNode === null || !hasNameIdentifier(outerNode)) {
2876 return void 0;
2877 }
2878 return this.createClassSymbol(outerNode.name, declaration);
2879 }
2880 getConstructorParameterDeclarations(classSymbol) {
2881 const constructor = classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration;
2882 if (!ts12.isFunctionDeclaration(constructor))
2883 return null;
2884 if (constructor.parameters.length > 0) {
2885 return Array.from(constructor.parameters);
2886 }
2887 if (this.isSynthesizedConstructor(constructor)) {
2888 return null;
2889 }
2890 return [];
2891 }
2892 getParamInfoFromStaticProperty(paramDecoratorsProperty) {
2893 const paramDecorators = getPropertyValueFromSymbol(paramDecoratorsProperty);
2894 const returnStatement = getReturnStatement(paramDecorators);
2895 const expression = returnStatement ? returnStatement.expression : paramDecorators;
2896 if (expression && ts12.isArrayLiteralExpression(expression)) {
2897 const elements = expression.elements;
2898 return elements.map(reflectArrayElement).map((paramInfo) => {
2899 const typeExpression = paramInfo && paramInfo.has("type") ? paramInfo.get("type") : null;
2900 const decoratorInfo = paramInfo && paramInfo.has("decorators") ? paramInfo.get("decorators") : null;
2901 const decorators = decoratorInfo && this.reflectDecorators(decoratorInfo);
2902 return { typeExpression, decorators };
2903 });
2904 } else if (paramDecorators !== void 0) {
2905 this.logger.warn("Invalid constructor parameter decorator in " + paramDecorators.getSourceFile().fileName + ":\n", paramDecorators.getText());
2906 }
2907 return null;
2908 }
2909 reflectMembers(symbol, decorators, isStatic) {
2910 const node = symbol.valueDeclaration || symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations[0];
2911 const propertyDefinition = node && getPropertyDefinition(node);
2912 if (propertyDefinition) {
2913 const members2 = [];
2914 if (propertyDefinition.setter) {
2915 members2.push({
2916 node,
2917 implementation: propertyDefinition.setter,
2918 kind: ClassMemberKind.Setter,
2919 type: null,
2920 name: symbol.name,
2921 nameNode: null,
2922 value: null,
2923 isStatic: isStatic || false,
2924 decorators: decorators || []
2925 });
2926 decorators = void 0;
2927 }
2928 if (propertyDefinition.getter) {
2929 members2.push({
2930 node,
2931 implementation: propertyDefinition.getter,
2932 kind: ClassMemberKind.Getter,
2933 type: null,
2934 name: symbol.name,
2935 nameNode: null,
2936 value: null,
2937 isStatic: isStatic || false,
2938 decorators: decorators || []
2939 });
2940 }
2941 return members2;
2942 }
2943 const members = super.reflectMembers(symbol, decorators, isStatic);
2944 members && members.forEach((member) => {
2945 if (member && member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Method && member.isStatic && member.node && ts12.isPropertyAccessExpression(member.node) && member.node.parent && ts12.isBinaryExpression(member.node.parent) && ts12.isFunctionExpression(member.node.parent.right)) {
2946 member.implementation = member.node.parent.right;
2947 }
2948 });
2949 return members;
2950 }
2951 getStatementsForClass(classSymbol) {
2952 const classDeclarationParent = classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration.parent;
2953 return ts12.isBlock(classDeclarationParent) ? Array.from(classDeclarationParent.statements) : [];
2954 }
2955 isSynthesizedConstructor(constructor) {
2956 if (!constructor.body)
2957 return false;
2958 const firstStatement = constructor.body.statements[0];
2959 if (!firstStatement)
2960 return false;
2961 return this.isSynthesizedSuperThisAssignment(firstStatement) || this.isSynthesizedSuperReturnStatement(firstStatement);
2962 }
2963 isSynthesizedSuperThisAssignment(statement) {
2964 if (!ts12.isVariableStatement(statement))
2965 return false;
2966 const variableDeclarations = statement.declarationList.declarations;
2967 if (variableDeclarations.length !== 1)
2968 return false;
2969 const variableDeclaration = variableDeclarations[0];
2970 if (!ts12.isIdentifier(variableDeclaration.name) || !variableDeclaration.name.text.startsWith("_this"))
2971 return false;
2972 const initializer = variableDeclaration.initializer;
2973 if (!initializer)
2974 return false;
2975 return this.isSynthesizedDefaultSuperCall(initializer);
2976 }
2977 isSynthesizedSuperReturnStatement(statement) {
2978 if (!ts12.isReturnStatement(statement))
2979 return false;
2980 const expression = statement.expression;
2981 if (!expression)
2982 return false;
2983 return this.isSynthesizedDefaultSuperCall(expression);
2984 }
2985 isSynthesizedDefaultSuperCall(expression) {
2986 if (!isBinaryExpr(expression, ts12.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken))
2987 return false;
2988 if (expression.right.kind !== ts12.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword)
2989 return false;
2990 const left = expression.left;
2991 if (isBinaryExpr(left, ts12.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken)) {
2992 return isSuperNotNull(left.left) && this.isSuperApplyCall(left.right);
2993 } else {
2994 return this.isSuperApplyCall(left);
2995 }
2996 }
2997 isSuperApplyCall(expression) {
2998 if (!ts12.isCallExpression(expression) || expression.arguments.length !== 2)
2999 return false;
3000 const targetFn = expression.expression;
3001 if (!ts12.isPropertyAccessExpression(targetFn))
3002 return false;
3003 if (!isSuperIdentifier(targetFn.expression))
3004 return false;
3005 if (targetFn.name.text !== "apply")
3006 return false;
3007 const thisArgument = expression.arguments[0];
3008 if (thisArgument.kind !== ts12.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword)
3009 return false;
3010 const argumentsExpr = expression.arguments[1];
3011 if (isArgumentsIdentifier(argumentsExpr)) {
3012 return true;
3013 }
3014 return this.isSpreadArgumentsExpression(argumentsExpr);
3015 }
3016 isSpreadArgumentsExpression(expression) {
3017 const call = this.extractKnownHelperCall(expression);
3018 if (call === null) {
3019 return false;
3020 }
3021 if (call.helper === KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpread) {
3022 return call.args.length === 1 && isArgumentsIdentifier(call.args[0]);
3023 } else if (call.helper === KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpreadArray) {
3024 if (call.args.length !== 2 && call.args.length !== 3) {
3025 return false;
3026 }
3027 const firstArg = call.args[0];
3028 if (!ts12.isArrayLiteralExpression(firstArg) || firstArg.elements.length !== 0) {
3029 return false;
3030 }
3031 const secondArg = this.extractKnownHelperCall(call.args[1]);
3032 if (secondArg === null || secondArg.helper !== KnownDeclaration.TsHelperRead) {
3033 return false;
3034 }
3035 return secondArg.args.length === 1 && isArgumentsIdentifier(secondArg.args[0]);
3036 } else {
3037 return false;
3038 }
3039 }
3040 extractKnownHelperCall(expression) {
3041 if (!ts12.isCallExpression(expression)) {
3042 return null;
3043 }
3044 const receiverExpr = expression.expression;
3045 let receiver = null;
3046 if (ts12.isIdentifier(receiverExpr)) {
3047 receiver = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(receiverExpr);
3048 } else if (ts12.isPropertyAccessExpression(receiverExpr) && ts12.isIdentifier(receiverExpr.name)) {
3049 receiver = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(receiverExpr.name);
3050 }
3051 if (receiver === null || receiver.known === null) {
3052 return null;
3053 }
3054 return {
3055 helper: receiver.known,
3056 args: expression.arguments
3057 };
3058 }
3060function getPropertyDefinition(node) {
3061 if (!ts12.isCallExpression(node))
3062 return null;
3063 const fn = node.expression;
3064 if (!ts12.isPropertyAccessExpression(fn) || !ts12.isIdentifier(fn.expression) || fn.expression.text !== "Object" || fn.name.text !== "defineProperty")
3065 return null;
3066 const descriptor = node.arguments[2];
3067 if (!descriptor || !ts12.isObjectLiteralExpression(descriptor))
3068 return null;
3069 return {
3070 setter: readPropertyFunctionExpression(descriptor, "set"),
3071 getter: readPropertyFunctionExpression(descriptor, "get")
3072 };
3074function readPropertyFunctionExpression(object, name) {
3075 const property2 = object.properties.find((p2) => ts12.isPropertyAssignment(p2) && ts12.isIdentifier(p2.name) && p2.name.text === name);
3076 return property2 && ts12.isFunctionExpression(property2.initializer) && property2.initializer || null;
3078function getReturnStatement(declaration) {
3079 return declaration && ts12.isFunctionExpression(declaration) ? declaration.body.statements.find(ts12.isReturnStatement) : void 0;
3081function reflectArrayElement(element) {
3082 return ts12.isObjectLiteralExpression(element) ? reflectObjectLiteral(element) : null;
3084function isArgumentsIdentifier(expression) {
3085 return ts12.isIdentifier(expression) && expression.text === "arguments";
3087function isSuperNotNull(expression) {
3088 return isBinaryExpr(expression, ts12.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken) && isSuperIdentifier(expression.left);
3090function isBinaryExpr(expression, operator) {
3091 return ts12.isBinaryExpression(expression) && expression.operatorToken.kind === operator;
3093function isSuperIdentifier(node) {
3094 return ts12.isIdentifier(node) && node.text.startsWith("_super");
3096function captureParamInitializer(statement, parameters) {
3097 if (ts12.isIfStatement(statement) && isUndefinedComparison(statement.expression) && ts12.isBlock(statement.thenStatement) && statement.thenStatement.statements.length === 1) {
3098 const ifStatementComparison = statement.expression;
3099 const thenStatement = statement.thenStatement.statements[0];
3100 if (isAssignmentStatement(thenStatement)) {
3101 const comparisonName = ifStatementComparison.left.text;
3102 const assignmentName = thenStatement.expression.left.text;
3103 if (comparisonName === assignmentName) {
3104 const parameter = parameters.find((p2) => p2.name === comparisonName);
3105 if (parameter) {
3106 parameter.initializer = thenStatement.expression.right;
3107 return true;
3108 }
3109 }
3110 }
3111 }
3112 return false;
3114function isUndefinedComparison(expression) {
3115 return ts12.isBinaryExpression(expression) && expression.operatorToken.kind === ts12.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken && ts12.isVoidExpression(expression.right) && ts12.isIdentifier(expression.left);
3117function getIifeFn(classSymbol) {
3118 if (classSymbol === void 0) {
3119 return null;
3120 }
3121 const innerDeclaration = classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration;
3122 const iifeBody = innerDeclaration.parent;
3123 if (!ts12.isBlock(iifeBody)) {
3124 return null;
3125 }
3126 const iifeWrapper = iifeBody.parent;
3127 return iifeWrapper && ts12.isFunctionExpression(iifeWrapper) ? iifeWrapper : null;
3130// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/umd_host.mjs
3131var UmdReflectionHost = class extends Esm5ReflectionHost {
3132 constructor(logger, isCore, src, dts = null) {
3133 super(logger, isCore, src, dts);
3134 this.umdModules = new FactoryMap((sf) => this.computeUmdModule(sf));
3135 this.umdExports = new FactoryMap((sf) => this.computeExportsOfUmdModule(sf));
3136 this.umdImportPaths = new FactoryMap((param) => this.computeImportPath(param));
3137 this.program = src.program;
3138 this.compilerHost = src.host;
3139 }
3140 getImportOfIdentifier(id) {
3141 const nsIdentifier = findNamespaceOfIdentifier(id);
3142 const importParameter = nsIdentifier && this.findUmdImportParameter(nsIdentifier);
3143 const from = importParameter && this.getUmdImportPath(importParameter);
3144 return from !== null ? { from, name: id.text } : null;
3145 }
3146 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
3147 const declaration = this.getExportsDeclaration(id) || this.getUmdModuleDeclaration(id) || this.getUmdDeclaration(id);
3148 if (declaration !== null) {
3149 return declaration;
3150 }
3151 const superDeclaration = super.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
3152 if (superDeclaration === null) {
3153 return null;
3154 }
3155 const outerNode = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(superDeclaration.node);
3156 if (outerNode === null) {
3157 return superDeclaration;
3158 }
3159 if (!isExportsAssignment(outerNode)) {
3160 return superDeclaration;
3161 }
3162 return {
3163 kind: 1,
3164 node: outerNode.left,
3165 implementation: outerNode.right,
3166 known: null,
3167 viaModule: null
3168 };
3169 }
3170 getExportsOfModule(module7) {
3171 return super.getExportsOfModule(module7) || this.umdExports.get(module7.getSourceFile());
3172 }
3173 getUmdModule(sourceFile) {
3174 if (sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
3175 return null;
3176 }
3177 return this.umdModules.get(sourceFile);
3178 }
3179 getUmdImportPath(importParameter) {
3180 return this.umdImportPaths.get(importParameter);
3181 }
3182 getModuleStatements(sourceFile) {
3183 const umdModule = this.getUmdModule(sourceFile);
3184 return umdModule !== null ? Array.from(umdModule.factoryFn.body.statements) : [];
3185 }
3186 getClassSymbolFromOuterDeclaration(declaration) {
3187 const superSymbol = super.getClassSymbolFromOuterDeclaration(declaration);
3188 if (superSymbol) {
3189 return superSymbol;
3190 }
3191 if (!isExportsDeclaration(declaration)) {
3192 return void 0;
3193 }
3194 let initializer = skipAliases(declaration.parent.right);
3195 if (ts13.isIdentifier(initializer)) {
3196 const implementation = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(initializer);
3197 if (implementation !== null) {
3198 const implementationSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(implementation.node);
3199 if (implementationSymbol !== null) {
3200 return implementationSymbol;
3201 }
3202 }
3203 }
3204 const innerDeclaration = getInnerClassDeclaration(initializer);
3205 if (innerDeclaration !== null) {
3206 return this.createClassSymbol(declaration.name, innerDeclaration);
3207 }
3208 return void 0;
3209 }
3210 getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(declaration) {
3211 const superClassSymbol = super.getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(declaration);
3212 if (superClassSymbol !== void 0) {
3213 return superClassSymbol;
3214 }
3215 if (!isNamedFunctionDeclaration(declaration)) {
3216 return void 0;
3217 }
3218 const outerNode = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(declaration);
3219 if (outerNode === null || !isExportsAssignment(outerNode)) {
3220 return void 0;
3221 }
3222 return this.createClassSymbol(outerNode.left.name, declaration);
3223 }
3224 addClassSymbolsFromStatement(classes, statement) {
3225 super.addClassSymbolsFromStatement(classes, statement);
3226 if (isExportsStatement(statement)) {
3227 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(statement.expression.left);
3228 if (classSymbol) {
3229 classes.set(classSymbol.implementation, classSymbol);
3230 }
3231 }
3232 }
3233 preprocessStatement(statement) {
3234 super.preprocessStatement(statement);
3235 if (!isExportsStatement(statement)) {
3236 return;
3237 }
3238 const declaration = statement.expression.left;
3239 const initializer = statement.expression.right;
3240 if (!isAssignment2(initializer) || !ts13.isIdentifier(initializer.left) || !this.isClass(declaration)) {
3241 return;
3242 }
3243 const aliasedIdentifier = initializer.left;
3244 const aliasedDeclaration = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(aliasedIdentifier);
3245 if (aliasedDeclaration === null || aliasedDeclaration.node === null) {
3246 throw new Error(`Unable to locate declaration of ${aliasedIdentifier.text} in "${statement.getText()}"`);
3247 }
3248 this.aliasedClassDeclarations.set(aliasedDeclaration.node, declaration.name);
3249 }
3250 computeUmdModule(sourceFile) {
3251 if (sourceFile.statements.length !== 1) {
3252 throw new Error(`Expected UMD module file (${sourceFile.fileName}) to contain exactly one statement, but found ${sourceFile.statements.length}.`);
3253 }
3254 return parseStatementForUmdModule(sourceFile.statements[0]);
3255 }
3256 computeExportsOfUmdModule(sourceFile) {
3257 const moduleMap = new Map();
3258 for (const statement of this.getModuleStatements(sourceFile)) {
3259 if (isExportsStatement(statement)) {
3260 const exportDeclaration = this.extractBasicUmdExportDeclaration(statement);
3261 if (!moduleMap.has(exportDeclaration.name)) {
3262 moduleMap.set(exportDeclaration.name, exportDeclaration.declaration);
3263 }
3264 } else if (isWildcardReexportStatement(statement)) {
3265 const reexports = this.extractUmdWildcardReexports(statement, sourceFile);
3266 for (const reexport of reexports) {
3267 moduleMap.set(reexport.name, reexport.declaration);
3268 }
3269 } else if (isDefinePropertyReexportStatement(statement)) {
3270 const exportDeclaration = this.extractUmdDefinePropertyExportDeclaration(statement);
3271 if (exportDeclaration !== null) {
3272 moduleMap.set(exportDeclaration.name, exportDeclaration.declaration);
3273 }
3274 }
3275 }
3276 return moduleMap;
3277 }
3278 computeImportPath(param) {
3279 const umdModule = this.getUmdModule(param.getSourceFile());
3280 if (umdModule === null) {
3281 return null;
3282 }
3283 const imports = getImportsOfUmdModule(umdModule);
3284 if (imports === null) {
3285 return null;
3286 }
3287 let importPath = null;
3288 for (const i of imports) {
3289 this.umdImportPaths.set(i.parameter, i.path);
3290 if (i.parameter === param) {
3291 importPath = i.path;
3292 }
3293 }
3294 return importPath;
3295 }
3296 extractBasicUmdExportDeclaration(statement) {
3297 var _a;
3298 const name = statement.expression.left.name.text;
3299 const exportExpression = skipAliases(statement.expression.right);
3300 const declaration = (_a = this.getDeclarationOfExpression(exportExpression)) != null ? _a : {
3301 kind: 1,
3302 node: statement.expression.left,
3303 implementation: statement.expression.right,
3304 known: null,
3305 viaModule: null
3306 };
3307 return { name, declaration };
3308 }
3309 extractUmdWildcardReexports(statement, containingFile) {
3310 const reexportArg = statement.expression.arguments[0];
3311 const requireCall = isRequireCall(reexportArg) ? reexportArg : ts13.isIdentifier(reexportArg) ? findRequireCallReference(reexportArg, this.checker) : null;
3312 let importPath = null;
3313 if (requireCall !== null) {
3314 importPath = requireCall.arguments[0].text;
3315 } else if (ts13.isIdentifier(reexportArg)) {
3316 const importParameter = this.findUmdImportParameter(reexportArg);
3317 importPath = importParameter && this.getUmdImportPath(importParameter);
3318 }
3319 if (importPath === null) {
3320 return [];
3321 }
3322 const importedFile = this.resolveModuleName(importPath, containingFile);
3323 if (importedFile === void 0) {
3324 return [];
3325 }
3326 const importedExports = this.getExportsOfModule(importedFile);
3327 if (importedExports === null) {
3328 return [];
3329 }
3330 const viaModule = stripExtension2(importedFile.fileName);
3331 const reexports = [];
3332 importedExports.forEach((decl, name) => reexports.push({ name, declaration: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, decl), { viaModule }) }));
3333 return reexports;
3334 }
3335 extractUmdDefinePropertyExportDeclaration(statement) {
3336 const args = statement.expression.arguments;
3337 const name = args[1].text;
3338 const getterFnExpression = extractGetterFnExpression(statement);
3339 if (getterFnExpression === null) {
3340 return null;
3341 }
3342 const declaration = this.getDeclarationOfExpression(getterFnExpression);
3343 if (declaration !== null) {
3344 return { name, declaration };
3345 }
3346 return {
3347 name,
3348 declaration: {
3349 kind: 1,
3350 node: args[1],
3351 implementation: getterFnExpression,
3352 known: null,
3353 viaModule: null
3354 }
3355 };
3356 }
3357 findUmdImportParameter(id) {
3358 const symbol = id && this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(id) || null;
3359 const declaration = symbol && symbol.valueDeclaration;
3360 return declaration && ts13.isParameter(declaration) ? declaration : null;
3361 }
3362 getUmdDeclaration(id) {
3363 const nsIdentifier = findNamespaceOfIdentifier(id);
3364 if (nsIdentifier === null) {
3365 return null;
3366 }
3367 if (nsIdentifier.parent.parent && isExportsAssignment(nsIdentifier.parent.parent)) {
3368 const initializer = nsIdentifier.parent.parent.right;
3369 if (ts13.isIdentifier(initializer)) {
3370 return this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(initializer);
3371 }
3372 return this.detectKnownDeclaration({
3373 kind: 1,
3374 node: nsIdentifier.parent.parent.left,
3375 implementation: skipAliases(nsIdentifier.parent.parent.right),
3376 viaModule: null,
3377 known: null
3378 });
3379 }
3380 const moduleDeclaration = this.getUmdModuleDeclaration(nsIdentifier);
3381 if (moduleDeclaration === null || moduleDeclaration.node === null || !ts13.isSourceFile(moduleDeclaration.node)) {
3382 return null;
3383 }
3384 const moduleExports = this.getExportsOfModule(moduleDeclaration.node);
3385 if (moduleExports === null) {
3386 return null;
3387 }
3388 const declaration = moduleExports.get(id.text);
3389 if (!moduleExports.has(id.text)) {
3390 return null;
3391 }
3392 const viaModule = declaration.viaModule === null ? moduleDeclaration.viaModule : declaration.viaModule;
3393 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, declaration), { viaModule, known: getTsHelperFnFromIdentifier(id) });
3394 }
3395 getExportsDeclaration(id) {
3396 if (!isExportsIdentifier(id)) {
3397 return null;
3398 }
3399 const exportsSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolsInScope(id, ts13.SymbolFlags.Variable).find((symbol) => symbol.name === "exports");
3400 const node = (exportsSymbol == null ? void 0 : exportsSymbol.valueDeclaration) !== void 0 && !ts13.isFunctionExpression(exportsSymbol.valueDeclaration.parent) ? exportsSymbol.valueDeclaration : id.getSourceFile();
3401 return {
3402 kind: 0,
3403 node,
3404 viaModule: null,
3405 known: null,
3406 identity: null
3407 };
3408 }
3409 getUmdModuleDeclaration(id) {
3410 const importPath = this.getImportPathFromParameter(id) || this.getImportPathFromRequireCall(id);
3411 if (importPath === null) {
3412 return null;
3413 }
3414 const module7 = this.resolveModuleName(importPath, id.getSourceFile());
3415 if (module7 === void 0) {
3416 return null;
3417 }
3418 const viaModule = isExternalImport(importPath) ? importPath : null;
3419 return { kind: 0, node: module7, viaModule, known: null, identity: null };
3420 }
3421 getImportPathFromParameter(id) {
3422 const importParameter = this.findUmdImportParameter(id);
3423 if (importParameter === null) {
3424 return null;
3425 }
3426 return this.getUmdImportPath(importParameter);
3427 }
3428 getImportPathFromRequireCall(id) {
3429 const requireCall = findRequireCallReference(id, this.checker);
3430 if (requireCall === null) {
3431 return null;
3432 }
3433 return requireCall.arguments[0].text;
3434 }
3435 getDeclarationOfExpression(expression) {
3436 const inner = getInnerClassDeclaration(expression);
3437 if (inner !== null) {
3438 const outer = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(inner);
3439 if (outer !== null && isExportsAssignment(outer)) {
3440 return {
3441 kind: 1,
3442 node: outer.left,
3443 implementation: inner,
3444 known: null,
3445 viaModule: null
3446 };
3447 }
3448 }
3449 return super.getDeclarationOfExpression(expression);
3450 }
3451 resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile) {
3452 if (this.compilerHost.resolveModuleNames) {
3453 const moduleInfo = this.compilerHost.resolveModuleNames([moduleName], containingFile.fileName, void 0, void 0, this.program.getCompilerOptions())[0];
3454 return moduleInfo && this.program.getSourceFile(absoluteFrom(moduleInfo.resolvedFileName));
3455 } else {
3456 const moduleInfo = ts13.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile.fileName, this.program.getCompilerOptions(), this.compilerHost);
3457 return moduleInfo.resolvedModule && this.program.getSourceFile(absoluteFrom(moduleInfo.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName));
3458 }
3459 }
3461function parseStatementForUmdModule(statement) {
3462 const wrapper = getUmdWrapper(statement);
3463 if (wrapper === null)
3464 return null;
3465 const factoryFnParamIndex = wrapper.fn.parameters.findIndex((parameter) => ts13.isIdentifier(parameter.name) && parameter.name.text === "factory");
3466 if (factoryFnParamIndex === -1)
3467 return null;
3468 const factoryFn = stripParentheses(wrapper.call.arguments[factoryFnParamIndex]);
3469 if (!factoryFn || !ts13.isFunctionExpression(factoryFn))
3470 return null;
3471 let factoryCalls = null;
3472 return {
3473 wrapperFn: wrapper.fn,
3474 factoryFn,
3475 get factoryCalls() {
3476 if (factoryCalls === null) {
3477 factoryCalls = parseUmdWrapperFunction(this.wrapperFn);
3478 }
3479 return factoryCalls;
3480 }
3481 };
3483function getUmdWrapper(statement) {
3484 if (!ts13.isExpressionStatement(statement))
3485 return null;
3486 if (ts13.isParenthesizedExpression(statement.expression) && ts13.isCallExpression(statement.expression.expression) && ts13.isFunctionExpression(statement.expression.expression.expression)) {
3487 const call = statement.expression.expression;
3488 const fn = statement.expression.expression.expression;
3489 return { call, fn };
3490 }
3491 if (ts13.isCallExpression(statement.expression) && ts13.isParenthesizedExpression(statement.expression.expression) && ts13.isFunctionExpression(statement.expression.expression.expression)) {
3492 const call = statement.expression;
3493 const fn = statement.expression.expression.expression;
3494 return { call, fn };
3495 }
3496 return null;
3498function parseUmdWrapperFunction(wrapperFn) {
3499 const stmt = wrapperFn.body.statements[0];
3500 let conditionalFactoryCalls;
3501 if (ts13.isExpressionStatement(stmt) && ts13.isConditionalExpression(stmt.expression)) {
3502 conditionalFactoryCalls = extractFactoryCallsFromConditionalExpression(stmt.expression);
3503 } else if (ts13.isIfStatement(stmt)) {
3504 conditionalFactoryCalls = extractFactoryCallsFromIfStatement(stmt);
3505 } else {
3506 throw new Error("UMD wrapper body is not in a supported format (expected a conditional expression or if statement):\n" + wrapperFn.body.getText());
3507 }
3508 const amdDefine = getAmdDefineCall(conditionalFactoryCalls);
3509 const commonJs = getCommonJsFactoryCall(conditionalFactoryCalls);
3510 const commonJs2 = getCommonJs2FactoryCall(conditionalFactoryCalls);
3511 const global = getGlobalFactoryCall(conditionalFactoryCalls);
3512 const cjsCallForImports = commonJs2 || commonJs;
3513 if (cjsCallForImports === null) {
3514 throw new Error("Unable to find a CommonJS or CommonJS2 factory call inside the UMD wrapper function:\n" + stmt.getText());
3515 }
3516 return { amdDefine, commonJs, commonJs2, global, cjsCallForImports };
3518function extractFactoryCallsFromConditionalExpression(node) {
3519 const factoryCalls = [];
3520 let currentNode = node;
3521 while (ts13.isConditionalExpression(currentNode)) {
3522 if (!ts13.isBinaryExpression(currentNode.condition)) {
3523 throw new Error("Condition inside UMD wrapper is not a binary expression:\n" + currentNode.condition.getText());
3524 }
3525 factoryCalls.push({
3526 condition: currentNode.condition,
3527 factoryCall: getFunctionCallFromExpression(currentNode.whenTrue)
3528 });
3529 currentNode = currentNode.whenFalse;
3530 }
3531 factoryCalls.push({
3532 condition: null,
3533 factoryCall: getFunctionCallFromExpression(currentNode)
3534 });
3535 return factoryCalls;
3537function extractFactoryCallsFromIfStatement(node) {
3538 const factoryCalls = [];
3539 let currentNode = node;
3540 while (currentNode && ts13.isIfStatement(currentNode)) {
3541 if (!ts13.isBinaryExpression(currentNode.expression)) {
3542 throw new Error("Condition inside UMD wrapper is not a binary expression:\n" + currentNode.expression.getText());
3543 }
3544 if (!ts13.isExpressionStatement(currentNode.thenStatement)) {
3545 throw new Error("Then-statement inside UMD wrapper is not an expression statement:\n" + currentNode.thenStatement.getText());
3546 }
3547 factoryCalls.push({
3548 condition: currentNode.expression,
3549 factoryCall: getFunctionCallFromExpression(currentNode.thenStatement.expression)
3550 });
3551 currentNode = currentNode.elseStatement;
3552 }
3553 if (currentNode) {
3554 if (!ts13.isExpressionStatement(currentNode)) {
3555 throw new Error("Else-statement inside UMD wrapper is not an expression statement:\n" + currentNode.getText());
3556 }
3557 factoryCalls.push({
3558 condition: null,
3559 factoryCall: getFunctionCallFromExpression(currentNode.expression)
3560 });
3561 }
3562 return factoryCalls;
3564function getFunctionCallFromExpression(node) {
3565 if (ts13.isParenthesizedExpression(node)) {
3566 return getFunctionCallFromExpression(node.expression);
3567 }
3568 if (ts13.isBinaryExpression(node) && [ts13.SyntaxKind.CommaToken, ts13.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken].includes(node.operatorToken.kind)) {
3569 return getFunctionCallFromExpression(node.right);
3570 }
3571 if (!ts13.isCallExpression(node)) {
3572 throw new Error("Expression inside UMD wrapper is not a call expression:\n" + node.getText());
3573 }
3574 return node;
3576function getAmdDefineCall(calls) {
3577 var _a;
3578 const amdConditionalCall = calls.find((call) => {
3579 var _a2;
3580 return ((_a2 = call.condition) == null ? void 0 : _a2.operatorToken.kind) === ts13.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken && oneOfBinaryConditions(call.condition, (exp) => isTypeOf(exp, "define")) && ts13.isIdentifier(call.factoryCall.expression) && call.factoryCall.expression.text === "define";
3581 });
3582 return (_a = amdConditionalCall == null ? void 0 : amdConditionalCall.factoryCall) != null ? _a : null;
3584function getCommonJsFactoryCall(calls) {
3585 var _a;
3586 const cjsConditionalCall = calls.find((call) => {
3587 var _a2;
3588 return ((_a2 = call.condition) == null ? void 0 : _a2.operatorToken.kind) === ts13.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken && isTypeOf(call.condition, "exports") && ts13.isIdentifier(call.factoryCall.expression) && call.factoryCall.expression.text === "factory";
3589 });
3590 return (_a = cjsConditionalCall == null ? void 0 : cjsConditionalCall.factoryCall) != null ? _a : null;
3592function getCommonJs2FactoryCall(calls) {
3593 var _a;
3594 const cjs2ConditionalCall = calls.find((call) => {
3595 var _a2;
3596 return ((_a2 = call.condition) == null ? void 0 : _a2.operatorToken.kind) === ts13.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken && oneOfBinaryConditions(call.condition, (exp) => isTypeOf(exp, "exports", "module")) && ts13.isIdentifier(call.factoryCall.expression) && call.factoryCall.expression.text === "factory";
3597 });
3598 return (_a = cjs2ConditionalCall == null ? void 0 : cjs2ConditionalCall.factoryCall) != null ? _a : null;
3600function getGlobalFactoryCall(calls) {
3601 var _a;
3602 const globalConditionalCall = calls.find((call) => call.condition === null);
3603 return (_a = globalConditionalCall == null ? void 0 : globalConditionalCall.factoryCall) != null ? _a : null;
3605function oneOfBinaryConditions(node, test) {
3606 return test(node.left) || test(node.right);
3608function isTypeOf(node, ...types) {
3609 return ts13.isBinaryExpression(node) && ts13.isTypeOfExpression(node.left) && ts13.isIdentifier(node.left.expression) && types.includes(node.left.expression.text);
3611function getImportsOfUmdModule(umdModule) {
3612 const imports = [];
3613 const cjsFactoryCall = umdModule.factoryCalls.cjsCallForImports;
3614 const depStartIndex = cjsFactoryCall.arguments.findIndex((arg) => isRequireCall(arg));
3615 if (depStartIndex !== -1) {
3616 for (let i = depStartIndex; i < umdModule.factoryFn.parameters.length; i++) {
3617 imports.push({
3618 parameter: umdModule.factoryFn.parameters[i],
3619 path: getRequiredModulePath(cjsFactoryCall, i)
3620 });
3621 }
3622 }
3623 return imports;
3625function getRequiredModulePath(cjsFactoryCall, paramIndex) {
3626 const requireCall = cjsFactoryCall.arguments[paramIndex];
3627 if (requireCall !== void 0 && !isRequireCall(requireCall)) {
3628 throw new Error(`Argument at index ${paramIndex} of UMD factory call is not a \`require\` call with a single string argument:
3629` + cjsFactoryCall.getText());
3630 }
3631 return requireCall.arguments[0].text;
3633function isExportsIdentifier(node) {
3634 return ts13.isIdentifier(node) && node.text === "exports";
3637// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/entry_point.mjs
3638var SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES = ["fesm2015", "fesm5", "es2015", "esm2015", "esm5", "main", "module", "browser"];
3639var NO_ENTRY_POINT = "no-entry-point";
3640var IGNORED_ENTRY_POINT = "ignored-entry-point";
3641var INCOMPATIBLE_ENTRY_POINT = "incompatible-entry-point";
3642function getEntryPointInfo(fs5, config, logger, packagePath, entryPointPath) {
3643 const packagePackageJsonPath = fs5.resolve(packagePath, "package.json");
3644 const entryPointPackageJsonPath = fs5.resolve(entryPointPath, "package.json");
3645 const loadedPackagePackageJson = loadPackageJson(fs5, packagePackageJsonPath);
3646 const loadedEntryPointPackageJson = packagePackageJsonPath === entryPointPackageJsonPath ? loadedPackagePackageJson : loadPackageJson(fs5, entryPointPackageJsonPath);
3647 const { packageName, packageVersion } = getPackageNameAndVersion(fs5, packagePath, loadedPackagePackageJson, loadedEntryPointPackageJson);
3648 const repositoryUrl = getRepositoryUrl(loadedPackagePackageJson);
3649 const packageConfig = config.getPackageConfig(packageName, packagePath, packageVersion);
3650 const entryPointConfig = packageConfig.entryPoints.get(entryPointPath);
3651 let entryPointPackageJson;
3652 if (entryPointConfig === void 0) {
3653 if (!fs5.exists(entryPointPackageJsonPath)) {
3654 return NO_ENTRY_POINT;
3655 } else if (loadedEntryPointPackageJson === null) {
3656 logger.warn(`Failed to read entry point info from invalid 'package.json' file: ${entryPointPackageJsonPath}`);
3658 } else {
3659 entryPointPackageJson = loadedEntryPointPackageJson;
3660 }
3661 } else if (entryPointConfig.ignore === true) {
3663 } else {
3664 entryPointPackageJson = mergeConfigAndPackageJson(fs5, loadedEntryPointPackageJson, entryPointConfig, packagePath, entryPointPath);
3665 }
3666 const typings = entryPointPackageJson.typings || entryPointPackageJson.types || guessTypingsFromPackageJson(fs5, entryPointPath, entryPointPackageJson);
3667 if (typeof typings !== "string") {
3669 }
3670 const metadataPath = fs5.resolve(entryPointPath, typings.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, "") + ".metadata.json");
3671 const compiledByAngular = entryPointConfig !== void 0 || fs5.exists(metadataPath);
3672 const entryPointInfo = {
3673 name: entryPointPackageJson.name,
3674 path: entryPointPath,
3675 packageName,
3676 packagePath,
3677 repositoryUrl,
3678 packageJson: entryPointPackageJson,
3679 typings: fs5.resolve(entryPointPath, typings),
3680 compiledByAngular,
3681 ignoreMissingDependencies: entryPointConfig !== void 0 ? !!entryPointConfig.ignoreMissingDependencies : false,
3682 generateDeepReexports: entryPointConfig !== void 0 ? !!entryPointConfig.generateDeepReexports : false
3683 };
3684 return entryPointInfo;
3686function isEntryPoint(result) {
3687 return result !== NO_ENTRY_POINT && result !== INCOMPATIBLE_ENTRY_POINT && result !== IGNORED_ENTRY_POINT;
3689function getEntryPointFormat(fs5, entryPoint, property2) {
3690 switch (property2) {
3691 case "fesm2015":
3692 return "esm2015";
3693 case "fesm5":
3694 return "esm5";
3695 case "es2015":
3696 return "esm2015";
3697 case "esm2015":
3698 return "esm2015";
3699 case "esm5":
3700 return "esm5";
3701 case "browser":
3702 const browserFile = entryPoint.packageJson["browser"];
3703 if (typeof browserFile !== "string") {
3704 return void 0;
3705 }
3706 return sniffModuleFormat(fs5, fs5.join(entryPoint.path, browserFile));
3707 case "main":
3708 const mainFile = entryPoint.packageJson["main"];
3709 if (mainFile === void 0) {
3710 return void 0;
3711 }
3712 return sniffModuleFormat(fs5, fs5.join(entryPoint.path, mainFile));
3713 case "module":
3714 const moduleFilePath = entryPoint.packageJson["module"];
3715 if (typeof moduleFilePath === "string" && moduleFilePath.includes("esm2015")) {
3716 return `esm2015`;
3717 }
3718 return "esm5";
3719 default:
3720 return void 0;
3721 }
3723function loadPackageJson(fs5, packageJsonPath) {
3724 try {
3725 return JSON.parse(fs5.readFile(packageJsonPath));
3726 } catch {
3727 return null;
3728 }
3730function sniffModuleFormat(fs5, sourceFilePath) {
3731 const resolvedPath = resolveFileWithPostfixes(fs5, sourceFilePath, ["", ".js", "/index.js"]);
3732 if (resolvedPath === null) {
3733 return void 0;
3734 }
3735 const sourceFile = ts14.createSourceFile(sourceFilePath, fs5.readFile(resolvedPath), ts14.ScriptTarget.ES5);
3736 if (sourceFile.statements.length === 0) {
3737 return void 0;
3738 }
3739 if (ts14.isExternalModule(sourceFile)) {
3740 return "esm5";
3741 } else if (parseStatementForUmdModule(sourceFile.statements[0]) !== null) {
3742 return "umd";
3743 } else {
3744 return "commonjs";
3745 }
3747function mergeConfigAndPackageJson(fs5, entryPointPackageJson, entryPointConfig, packagePath, entryPointPath) {
3748 if (entryPointPackageJson !== null) {
3749 return __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, entryPointPackageJson), entryPointConfig.override);
3750 } else {
3751 const name = `${fs5.basename(packagePath)}/${fs5.relative(packagePath, entryPointPath)}`;
3752 return __spreadValues({ name }, entryPointConfig.override);
3753 }
3755function guessTypingsFromPackageJson(fs5, entryPointPath, entryPointPackageJson) {
3756 for (const prop of SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES) {
3757 const field = entryPointPackageJson[prop];
3758 if (typeof field !== "string") {
3759 continue;
3760 }
3761 const relativeTypingsPath = field.replace(/\.js$/, ".d.ts");
3762 const typingsPath = fs5.resolve(entryPointPath, relativeTypingsPath);
3763 if (fs5.exists(typingsPath)) {
3764 return typingsPath;
3765 }
3766 }
3767 return null;
3769function getPackageNameAndVersion(fs5, packagePath, packagePackageJson, entryPointPackageJson) {
3770 var _a;
3771 let packageName;
3772 if (packagePackageJson !== null) {
3773 packageName = packagePackageJson.name;
3774 } else if (entryPointPackageJson !== null) {
3775 packageName = /^(?:@[^/]+\/)?[^/]*/.exec(entryPointPackageJson.name)[0];
3776 } else {
3777 const lastSegment = fs5.basename(packagePath);
3778 const secondLastSegment = fs5.basename(fs5.dirname(packagePath));
3779 packageName = secondLastSegment.startsWith("@") ? `${secondLastSegment}/${lastSegment}` : lastSegment;
3780 }
3781 return {
3782 packageName,
3783 packageVersion: (_a = packagePackageJson == null ? void 0 : packagePackageJson.version) != null ? _a : null
3784 };
3786function getRepositoryUrl(packageJson) {
3787 if ((packageJson == null ? void 0 : packageJson.repository) === void 0) {
3788 return "";
3789 }
3790 if (typeof packageJson.repository === "string") {
3791 return packageJson.repository;
3792 }
3793 return packageJson.repository.url;
3796// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/dependencies/dependency_resolver.mjs
3797var builtinNodeJsModules = new Set(module2.builtinModules);
3798var DependencyResolver = class {
3799 constructor(fs5, logger, config, hosts, typingsHost) {
3800 this.fs = fs5;
3801 this.logger = logger;
3802 this.config = config;
3803 this.hosts = hosts;
3804 this.typingsHost = typingsHost;
3805 }
3806 sortEntryPointsByDependency(entryPoints, target) {
3807 const { invalidEntryPoints, ignoredDependencies, graph } = this.computeDependencyGraph(entryPoints);
3808 let sortedEntryPointNodes;
3809 if (target) {
3810 if (target.compiledByAngular && graph.hasNode(target.path)) {
3811 sortedEntryPointNodes = graph.dependenciesOf(target.path);
3812 sortedEntryPointNodes.push(target.path);
3813 } else {
3814 sortedEntryPointNodes = [];
3815 }
3816 } else {
3817 sortedEntryPointNodes = graph.overallOrder();
3818 }
3819 return {
3820 entryPoints: sortedEntryPointNodes.map((path7) => graph.getNodeData(path7)),
3821 graph,
3822 invalidEntryPoints,
3823 ignoredDependencies
3824 };
3825 }
3826 getEntryPointWithDependencies(entryPoint) {
3827 const dependencies = createDependencyInfo();
3828 if (entryPoint.compiledByAngular) {
3829 const formatInfo = this.getEntryPointFormatInfo(entryPoint);
3830 const host = this.hosts[formatInfo.format];
3831 if (!host) {
3832 throw new Error(`Could not find a suitable format for computing dependencies of entry-point: '${entryPoint.path}'.`);
3833 }
3834 host.collectDependencies(formatInfo.path, dependencies);
3835 this.typingsHost.collectDependencies(entryPoint.typings, dependencies);
3836 }
3837 return { entryPoint, depInfo: dependencies };
3838 }
3839 computeDependencyGraph(entryPoints) {
3840 const invalidEntryPoints = [];
3841 const ignoredDependencies = [];
3842 const graph = new DepGraph();
3843 const angularEntryPoints = entryPoints.filter((e) => e.entryPoint.compiledByAngular);
3844 angularEntryPoints.forEach((e) => graph.addNode(e.entryPoint.path, e.entryPoint));
3845 angularEntryPoints.forEach(({ entryPoint, depInfo: { dependencies, missing, deepImports } }) => {
3846 const missingDependencies = Array.from(missing).filter((dep) => !builtinNodeJsModules.has(dep));
3847 if (missingDependencies.length > 0 && !entryPoint.ignoreMissingDependencies) {
3848 removeNodes(entryPoint, missingDependencies);
3849 } else {
3850 dependencies.forEach((dependencyPath) => {
3851 if (!graph.hasNode(entryPoint.path)) {
3852 } else if (graph.hasNode(dependencyPath)) {
3853 graph.addDependency(entryPoint.path, dependencyPath);
3854 } else if (invalidEntryPoints.some((i) => i.entryPoint.path === dependencyPath)) {
3855 removeNodes(entryPoint, [dependencyPath]);
3856 } else {
3857 ignoredDependencies.push({ entryPoint, dependencyPath });
3858 }
3859 });
3860 }
3861 if (deepImports.size > 0) {
3862 const notableDeepImports = this.filterIgnorableDeepImports(entryPoint, deepImports);
3863 if (notableDeepImports.length > 0) {
3864 const imports = notableDeepImports.map((i) => `'${i}'`).join(", ");
3865 this.logger.warn(`Entry point '${entryPoint.name}' contains deep imports into ${imports}. This is probably not a problem, but may cause the compilation of entry points to be out of order.`);
3866 }
3867 }
3868 });
3869 return { invalidEntryPoints, ignoredDependencies, graph };
3870 function removeNodes(entryPoint, missingDependencies) {
3871 const nodesToRemove = [entryPoint.path, ...graph.dependantsOf(entryPoint.path)];
3872 nodesToRemove.forEach((node) => {
3873 invalidEntryPoints.push({ entryPoint: graph.getNodeData(node), missingDependencies });
3874 graph.removeNode(node);
3875 });
3876 }
3877 }
3878 getEntryPointFormatInfo(entryPoint) {
3879 for (const property2 of SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES) {
3880 const formatPath = entryPoint.packageJson[property2];
3881 if (formatPath === void 0)
3882 continue;
3883 const format = getEntryPointFormat(this.fs, entryPoint, property2);
3884 if (format === void 0)
3885 continue;
3886 return { format, path: this.fs.resolve(entryPoint.path, formatPath) };
3887 }
3888 throw new Error(`There is no appropriate source code format in '${entryPoint.path}' entry-point.`);
3889 }
3890 filterIgnorableDeepImports(entryPoint, deepImports) {
3891 const version = entryPoint.packageJson.version || null;
3892 const packageConfig = this.config.getPackageConfig(entryPoint.packageName, entryPoint.packagePath, version);
3893 const matchers = packageConfig.ignorableDeepImportMatchers;
3894 return Array.from(deepImports).filter((deepImport) => !matchers.some((matcher) => matcher.test(deepImport)));
3895 }
3898// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/dependencies/esm_dependency_host.mjs
3899import ts15 from "typescript";
3900var EsmDependencyHost = class extends DependencyHostBase {
3901 constructor(fs5, moduleResolver, scanImportExpressions = true) {
3902 super(fs5, moduleResolver);
3903 this.scanImportExpressions = scanImportExpressions;
3904 this.scanner = ts15.createScanner(ts15.ScriptTarget.Latest, true);
3905 }
3906 canSkipFile(fileContents) {
3907 return !hasImportOrReexportStatements(fileContents);
3908 }
3909 extractImports(file, fileContents) {
3910 const imports = new Set();
3911 const templateStack = [];
3912 let lastToken = ts15.SyntaxKind.Unknown;
3913 let currentToken = ts15.SyntaxKind.Unknown;
3914 const stopAtIndex = findLastPossibleImportOrReexport(fileContents);
3915 this.scanner.setText(fileContents);
3916 while ((currentToken = this.scanner.scan()) !== ts15.SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) {
3917 if (this.scanner.getTokenPos() > stopAtIndex) {
3918 break;
3919 }
3920 switch (currentToken) {
3921 case ts15.SyntaxKind.TemplateHead:
3922 templateStack.push(currentToken);
3923 break;
3924 case ts15.SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken:
3925 if (templateStack.length > 0) {
3926 templateStack.push(currentToken);
3927 }
3928 break;
3929 case ts15.SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken:
3930 if (templateStack.length > 0) {
3931 const templateToken = templateStack[templateStack.length - 1];
3932 if (templateToken === ts15.SyntaxKind.TemplateHead) {
3933 currentToken = this.scanner.reScanTemplateToken(false);
3934 if (currentToken === ts15.SyntaxKind.TemplateTail) {
3935 templateStack.pop();
3936 }
3937 } else {
3938 templateStack.pop();
3939 }
3940 }
3941 break;
3942 case ts15.SyntaxKind.SlashToken:
3943 case ts15.SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken:
3944 if (canPrecedeARegex(lastToken)) {
3945 currentToken = this.scanner.reScanSlashToken();
3946 }
3947 break;
3948 case ts15.SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword:
3949 const importPath = this.extractImportPath();
3950 if (importPath !== null) {
3951 imports.add(importPath);
3952 }
3953 break;
3954 case ts15.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword:
3955 const reexportPath = this.extractReexportPath();
3956 if (reexportPath !== null) {
3957 imports.add(reexportPath);
3958 }
3959 break;
3960 }
3961 lastToken = currentToken;
3962 }
3963 this.scanner.setText("");
3964 return imports;
3965 }
3966 extractImportPath() {
3967 let sideEffectImportPath = this.tryStringLiteral();
3968 if (sideEffectImportPath !== null) {
3969 return sideEffectImportPath;
3970 }
3971 let kind = this.scanner.getToken();
3972 if (kind === ts15.SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken) {
3973 return this.scanImportExpressions ? this.tryStringLiteral() : null;
3974 }
3975 if (kind === ts15.SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
3976 kind = this.scanner.scan();
3977 if (kind === ts15.SyntaxKind.CommaToken) {
3978 kind = this.scanner.scan();
3979 }
3980 }
3981 if (kind === ts15.SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken) {
3982 kind = this.skipNamespacedClause();
3983 if (kind === null) {
3984 return null;
3985 }
3986 } else if (kind === ts15.SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) {
3987 kind = this.skipNamedClause();
3988 }
3989 if (kind !== ts15.SyntaxKind.FromKeyword) {
3990 return null;
3991 }
3992 return this.tryStringLiteral();
3993 }
3994 extractReexportPath() {
3995 let token = this.scanner.scan();
3996 if (token === ts15.SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken) {
3997 token = this.skipNamespacedClause();
3998 if (token === null) {
3999 return null;
4000 }
4001 } else if (token === ts15.SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) {
4002 token = this.skipNamedClause();
4003 }
4004 if (token !== ts15.SyntaxKind.FromKeyword) {
4005 return null;
4006 }
4007 return this.tryStringLiteral();
4008 }
4009 skipNamespacedClause() {
4010 let token = this.scanner.scan();
4011 if (token === ts15.SyntaxKind.AsKeyword) {
4012 token = this.scanner.scan();
4013 if (token !== ts15.SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
4014 return null;
4015 }
4016 token = this.scanner.scan();
4017 }
4018 return token;
4019 }
4020 skipNamedClause() {
4021 let braceCount = 1;
4022 let token = this.scanner.scan();
4023 while (braceCount > 0 && token !== ts15.SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) {
4024 if (token === ts15.SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) {
4025 braceCount++;
4026 } else if (token === ts15.SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken) {
4027 braceCount--;
4028 }
4029 token = this.scanner.scan();
4030 }
4031 return token;
4032 }
4033 tryStringLiteral() {
4034 return this.scanner.scan() === ts15.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral ? this.scanner.getTokenValue() : null;
4035 }
4037function hasImportOrReexportStatements(source) {
4038 return /(?:import|export)[\s\S]+?(["'])(?:\\\1|.)+?\1/.test(source);
4040function findLastPossibleImportOrReexport(source) {
4041 return Math.max(source.lastIndexOf("import"), source.lastIndexOf(" from "));
4043function canPrecedeARegex(kind) {
4044 switch (kind) {
4045 case ts15.SyntaxKind.Identifier:
4046 case ts15.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral:
4047 case ts15.SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral:
4048 case ts15.SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral:
4049 case ts15.SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral:
4050 case ts15.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword:
4051 case ts15.SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken:
4052 case ts15.SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken:
4053 case ts15.SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken:
4054 case ts15.SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken:
4055 case ts15.SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken:
4056 case ts15.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword:
4057 case ts15.SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword:
4058 return false;
4059 default:
4060 return true;
4061 }
4064// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/dependencies/dts_dependency_host.mjs
4065var DtsDependencyHost = class extends EsmDependencyHost {
4066 constructor(fs5, pathMappings) {
4067 super(fs5, new ModuleResolver(fs5, pathMappings, ["", ".d.ts", "/index.d.ts", ".js", "/index.js"]), false);
4068 }
4069 processImport(importPath, file, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen) {
4070 return super.processImport(importPath, file, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen) || super.processImport(`@types/${importPath}`, file, dependencies, missing, deepImports, alreadySeen);
4071 }
4074// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/dependencies/umd_dependency_host.mjs
4075import ts16 from "typescript";
4076var UmdDependencyHost = class extends DependencyHostBase {
4077 canSkipFile(fileContents) {
4078 return !hasRequireCalls(fileContents);
4079 }
4080 extractImports(file, fileContents) {
4081 const sf = ts16.createSourceFile(file, fileContents, ts16.ScriptTarget.ES2015, true, ts16.ScriptKind.JS);
4082 if (sf.statements.length !== 1) {
4083 return new Set();
4084 }
4085 const umdModule = parseStatementForUmdModule(sf.statements[0]);
4086 const umdImports = umdModule && getImportsOfUmdModule(umdModule);
4087 if (umdImports === null) {
4088 return new Set();
4089 }
4090 return new Set(umdImports.map((i) => i.path));
4091 }
4094// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/entry_point_finder/utils.mjs
4095function getBasePaths(logger, sourceDirectory, pathMappings) {
4096 const fs5 = getFileSystem();
4097 const basePaths = [sourceDirectory];
4098 if (pathMappings) {
4099 const baseUrl = fs5.resolve(pathMappings.baseUrl);
4100 if (fs5.isRoot(baseUrl)) {
4101 logger.warn(`The provided pathMappings baseUrl is the root path ${baseUrl}.
4102This is likely to mess up how ngcc finds entry-points and is probably not correct.
4103Please check your path mappings configuration such as in the tsconfig.json file.`);
4104 }
4105 for (const paths of Object.values(pathMappings.paths)) {
4106 for (const path7 of paths) {
4107 let foundMatch = false;
4108 const { prefix, hasWildcard } = extractPathPrefix(path7);
4109 let basePath = fs5.resolve(baseUrl, prefix);
4110 if (fs5.exists(basePath) && fs5.stat(basePath).isFile()) {
4111 basePath = fs5.dirname(basePath);
4112 }
4113 if (fs5.exists(basePath)) {
4114 basePaths.push(basePath);
4115 foundMatch = true;
4116 }
4117 if (hasWildcard) {
4118 const wildcardContainer = fs5.dirname(basePath);
4119 const wildcardPrefix = fs5.basename(basePath);
4120 if (isExistingDirectory(fs5, wildcardContainer)) {
4121 const candidates = fs5.readdir(wildcardContainer);
4122 for (const candidate of candidates) {
4123 if (candidate.startsWith(wildcardPrefix)) {
4124 const candidatePath = fs5.resolve(wildcardContainer, candidate);
4125 if (isExistingDirectory(fs5, candidatePath)) {
4126 foundMatch = true;
4127 basePaths.push(candidatePath);
4128 }
4129 }
4130 }
4131 }
4132 }
4133 if (!foundMatch) {
4134 logger.debug(`The basePath "${basePath}" computed from baseUrl "${baseUrl}" and path mapping "${path7}" does not exist in the file-system.
4135It will not be scanned for entry-points.`);
4136 }
4137 }
4138 }
4139 }
4140 const dedupedBasePaths = dedupePaths(fs5, basePaths);
4141 if (fs5.basename(sourceDirectory) === "node_modules" && !dedupedBasePaths.includes(sourceDirectory)) {
4142 dedupedBasePaths.unshift(sourceDirectory);
4143 }
4144 return dedupedBasePaths;
4146function isExistingDirectory(fs5, path7) {
4147 return fs5.exists(path7) && fs5.stat(path7).isDirectory();
4149function extractPathPrefix(path7) {
4150 const [prefix, rest] = path7.split("*", 2);
4151 return { prefix, hasWildcard: rest !== void 0 };
4153function trackDuration(task, log) {
4154 const startTime = Date.now();
4155 const result = task();
4156 const duration = Math.round((Date.now() - startTime) / 100) / 10;
4157 log(duration);
4158 return result;
4160function dedupePaths(fs5, paths) {
4161 const root = { children: new Map() };
4162 for (const path7 of paths) {
4163 addPath(fs5, root, path7);
4164 }
4165 return flattenTree(root);
4167function addPath(fs5, root, path7) {
4168 let node = root;
4169 if (!fs5.isRoot(path7)) {
4170 const segments = path7.split("/");
4171 for (let index = 0; index < segments.length; index++) {
4172 if (isLeaf(node)) {
4173 return;
4174 }
4175 const next = segments[index];
4176 if (!node.children.has(next)) {
4177 node.children.set(next, { children: new Map() });
4178 }
4179 node = node.children.get(next);
4180 }
4181 }
4182 convertToLeaf(node, path7);
4184function flattenTree(root) {
4185 const paths = [];
4186 const nodes = [root];
4187 for (let index = 0; index < nodes.length; index++) {
4188 const node = nodes[index];
4189 if (isLeaf(node)) {
4190 paths.push(node.path);
4191 } else {
4192 node.children.forEach((value) => nodes.push(value));
4193 }
4194 }
4195 return paths;
4197function isLeaf(node) {
4198 return node.path !== void 0;
4200function convertToLeaf(node, path7) {
4201 node.path = path7;
4204// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/entry_point_finder/directory_walker_entry_point_finder.mjs
4205var DirectoryWalkerEntryPointFinder = class {
4206 constructor(logger, resolver, entryPointCollector, entryPointManifest, sourceDirectory, pathMappings) {
4207 this.logger = logger;
4208 this.resolver = resolver;
4209 this.entryPointCollector = entryPointCollector;
4210 this.entryPointManifest = entryPointManifest;
4211 this.sourceDirectory = sourceDirectory;
4212 this.pathMappings = pathMappings;
4213 this.basePaths = getBasePaths(this.logger, this.sourceDirectory, this.pathMappings);
4214 }
4215 findEntryPoints() {
4216 const unsortedEntryPoints = [];
4217 for (const basePath of this.basePaths) {
4218 const entryPoints = this.entryPointManifest.readEntryPointsUsingManifest(basePath) || this.walkBasePathForPackages(basePath);
4219 entryPoints.forEach((e) => unsortedEntryPoints.push(e));
4220 }
4221 return this.resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency(unsortedEntryPoints);
4222 }
4223 walkBasePathForPackages(basePath) {
4224 this.logger.debug(`No manifest found for ${basePath} so walking the directories for entry-points.`);
4225 const entryPoints = trackDuration(() => this.entryPointCollector.walkDirectoryForPackages(basePath), (duration) => this.logger.debug(`Walking ${basePath} for entry-points took ${duration}s.`));
4226 this.entryPointManifest.writeEntryPointManifest(basePath, entryPoints);
4227 return entryPoints;
4228 }
4231// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/writing/in_place_file_writer.mjs
4232var NGCC_BACKUP_EXTENSION = ".__ivy_ngcc_bak";
4233var InPlaceFileWriter = class {
4234 constructor(fs5, logger, errorOnFailedEntryPoint) {
4235 this.fs = fs5;
4236 this.logger = logger;
4237 this.errorOnFailedEntryPoint = errorOnFailedEntryPoint;
4238 }
4239 writeBundle(_bundle, transformedFiles, _formatProperties) {
4240 transformedFiles.forEach((file) => this.writeFileAndBackup(file));
4241 }
4242 revertBundle(_entryPoint, transformedFilePaths, _formatProperties) {
4243 for (const filePath of transformedFilePaths) {
4244 this.revertFileAndBackup(filePath);
4245 }
4246 }
4247 writeFileAndBackup(file) {
4248 this.fs.ensureDir(dirname(file.path));
4249 const backPath = absoluteFrom(`${file.path}${NGCC_BACKUP_EXTENSION}`);
4250 if (this.fs.exists(backPath)) {
4251 if (this.errorOnFailedEntryPoint) {
4252 throw new Error(`Tried to overwrite ${backPath} with an ngcc back up file, which is disallowed.`);
4253 } else {
4254 this.logger.error(`Tried to write ${backPath} with an ngcc back up file but it already exists so not writing, nor backing up, ${file.path}.
4255This error may be caused by one of the following:
4256* two or more entry-points overlap and ngcc has been asked to process some files more than once.
4257 In this case, you should check other entry-points in this package
4258 and set up a config to ignore any that you are not using.
4259* a previous run of ngcc was killed in the middle of processing, in a way that cannot be recovered.
4260 In this case, you should try cleaning the node_modules directory and any dist directories that contain local libraries. Then try again.`);
4261 }
4262 } else {
4263 if (this.fs.exists(file.path)) {
4264 this.fs.moveFile(file.path, backPath);
4265 }
4266 this.fs.writeFile(file.path, file.contents);
4267 }
4268 }
4269 revertFileAndBackup(filePath) {
4270 if (this.fs.exists(filePath)) {
4271 this.fs.removeFile(filePath);
4272 const backPath = absoluteFrom(`${filePath}${NGCC_BACKUP_EXTENSION}`);
4273 if (this.fs.exists(backPath)) {
4274 this.fs.moveFile(backPath, filePath);
4275 }
4276 }
4277 }
4280// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/writing/new_entry_point_file_writer.mjs
4281var NGCC_DIRECTORY = "__ivy_ngcc__";
4282var NGCC_PROPERTY_EXTENSION = "_ivy_ngcc";
4283var NewEntryPointFileWriter = class extends InPlaceFileWriter {
4284 constructor(fs5, logger, errorOnFailedEntryPoint, pkgJsonUpdater) {
4285 super(fs5, logger, errorOnFailedEntryPoint);
4286 this.pkgJsonUpdater = pkgJsonUpdater;
4287 }
4288 writeBundle(bundle, transformedFiles, formatProperties) {
4289 const entryPoint = bundle.entryPoint;
4290 const ngccFolder = this.fs.join(entryPoint.packagePath, NGCC_DIRECTORY);
4291 this.copyBundle(bundle, entryPoint.packagePath, ngccFolder, transformedFiles);
4292 transformedFiles.forEach((file) => this.writeFile(file, entryPoint.packagePath, ngccFolder));
4293 this.updatePackageJson(entryPoint, formatProperties, ngccFolder);
4294 }
4295 revertBundle(entryPoint, transformedFilePaths, formatProperties) {
4296 for (const filePath of transformedFilePaths) {
4297 this.revertFile(filePath, entryPoint.packagePath);
4298 }
4299 this.revertPackageJson(entryPoint, formatProperties);
4300 }
4301 copyBundle(bundle, packagePath, ngccFolder, transformedFiles) {
4302 const doNotCopy = new Set(transformedFiles.map((f) => f.path));
4303 bundle.src.program.getSourceFiles().forEach((sourceFile) => {
4304 const originalPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sourceFile);
4305 if (doNotCopy.has(originalPath)) {
4306 return;
4307 }
4308 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(packagePath, originalPath);
4309 const isInsidePackage = isLocalRelativePath(relativePath);
4310 if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile && isInsidePackage) {
4311 const newPath = this.fs.resolve(ngccFolder, relativePath);
4312 this.fs.ensureDir(this.fs.dirname(newPath));
4313 this.fs.copyFile(originalPath, newPath);
4314 this.copyAndUpdateSourceMap(originalPath, newPath);
4315 }
4316 });
4317 }
4318 copyAndUpdateSourceMap(originalSrcPath, newSrcPath) {
4319 var _a;
4320 const sourceMapPath = originalSrcPath + ".map";
4321 if (this.fs.exists(sourceMapPath)) {
4322 try {
4323 const sourceMap = JSON.parse(this.fs.readFile(sourceMapPath));
4324 const newSourceMapPath = newSrcPath + ".map";
4325 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(this.fs.dirname(newSourceMapPath), this.fs.dirname(sourceMapPath));
4326 sourceMap.sourceRoot = this.fs.join(relativePath, sourceMap.sourceRoot || ".");
4327 this.fs.ensureDir(this.fs.dirname(newSourceMapPath));
4328 this.fs.writeFile(newSourceMapPath, JSON.stringify(sourceMap));
4329 } catch (e) {
4330 this.logger.warn(`Failed to process source-map at ${sourceMapPath}`);
4331 this.logger.warn((_a = e.message) != null ? _a : e);
4332 }
4333 }
4334 }
4335 writeFile(file, packagePath, ngccFolder) {
4336 if (isDtsPath(file.path.replace(/\.map$/, ""))) {
4337 super.writeFileAndBackup(file);
4338 } else {
4339 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(packagePath, file.path);
4340 const newFilePath = this.fs.resolve(ngccFolder, relativePath);
4341 this.fs.ensureDir(this.fs.dirname(newFilePath));
4342 this.fs.writeFile(newFilePath, file.contents);
4343 }
4344 }
4345 revertFile(filePath, packagePath) {
4346 if (isDtsPath(filePath.replace(/\.map$/, ""))) {
4347 super.revertFileAndBackup(filePath);
4348 } else if (this.fs.exists(filePath)) {
4349 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(packagePath, filePath);
4350 const newFilePath = this.fs.resolve(packagePath, NGCC_DIRECTORY, relativePath);
4351 this.fs.removeFile(newFilePath);
4352 }
4353 }
4354 updatePackageJson(entryPoint, formatProperties, ngccFolder) {
4355 if (formatProperties.length === 0) {
4356 return;
4357 }
4358 const packageJson = entryPoint.packageJson;
4359 const packageJsonPath = this.fs.join(entryPoint.path, "package.json");
4360 const oldFormatProp = formatProperties[0];
4361 const oldFormatPath = packageJson[oldFormatProp];
4362 const oldAbsFormatPath = this.fs.resolve(entryPoint.path, oldFormatPath);
4363 const newAbsFormatPath = this.fs.resolve(ngccFolder, this.fs.relative(entryPoint.packagePath, oldAbsFormatPath));
4364 const newFormatPath = this.fs.relative(entryPoint.path, newAbsFormatPath);
4365 const update = this.pkgJsonUpdater.createUpdate();
4366 for (const formatProperty of formatProperties) {
4367 if (packageJson[formatProperty] !== oldFormatPath) {
4368 throw new Error(`Unable to update '${packageJsonPath}': Format properties (${formatProperties.join(", ")}) map to more than one format-path.`);
4369 }
4370 update.addChange([`${formatProperty}${NGCC_PROPERTY_EXTENSION}`], newFormatPath, { before: formatProperty });
4371 }
4372 update.writeChanges(packageJsonPath, packageJson);
4373 }
4374 revertPackageJson(entryPoint, formatProperties) {
4375 if (formatProperties.length === 0) {
4376 return;
4377 }
4378 const packageJson = entryPoint.packageJson;
4379 const packageJsonPath = this.fs.join(entryPoint.path, "package.json");
4380 const update = this.pkgJsonUpdater.createUpdate();
4381 for (const formatProperty of formatProperties) {
4382 update.addChange([`${formatProperty}${NGCC_PROPERTY_EXTENSION}`], void 0);
4383 }
4384 update.writeChanges(packageJsonPath, packageJson);
4385 }
4388// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/entry_point_finder/entry_point_collector.mjs
4389var EntryPointCollector = class {
4390 constructor(fs5, config, logger, resolver) {
4391 this.fs = fs5;
4392 this.config = config;
4393 this.logger = logger;
4394 this.resolver = resolver;
4395 }
4396 walkDirectoryForPackages(sourceDirectory) {
4397 const primaryEntryPoint = getEntryPointInfo(this.fs, this.config, this.logger, sourceDirectory, sourceDirectory);
4398 if (primaryEntryPoint === INCOMPATIBLE_ENTRY_POINT) {
4399 return [];
4400 }
4401 const entryPoints = [];
4402 if (primaryEntryPoint !== NO_ENTRY_POINT) {
4403 if (primaryEntryPoint !== IGNORED_ENTRY_POINT) {
4404 entryPoints.push(this.resolver.getEntryPointWithDependencies(primaryEntryPoint));
4405 }
4406 this.collectSecondaryEntryPoints(entryPoints, sourceDirectory, sourceDirectory, this.fs.readdir(sourceDirectory));
4407 if (entryPoints.some((e) => e.entryPoint.compiledByAngular)) {
4408 const nestedNodeModulesPath = this.fs.join(sourceDirectory, "node_modules");
4409 if (this.fs.exists(nestedNodeModulesPath)) {
4410 entryPoints.push(...this.walkDirectoryForPackages(nestedNodeModulesPath));
4411 }
4412 }
4413 return entryPoints;
4414 }
4415 for (const path7 of this.fs.readdir(sourceDirectory)) {
4416 if (isIgnorablePath(path7)) {
4417 continue;
4418 }
4419 const absolutePath = this.fs.resolve(sourceDirectory, path7);
4420 const stat = this.fs.lstat(absolutePath);
4421 if (stat.isSymbolicLink() || !stat.isDirectory()) {
4422 continue;
4423 }
4424 entryPoints.push(...this.walkDirectoryForPackages(this.fs.join(sourceDirectory, path7)));
4425 }
4426 return entryPoints;
4427 }
4428 collectSecondaryEntryPoints(entryPoints, packagePath, directory, paths) {
4429 for (const path7 of paths) {
4430 if (isIgnorablePath(path7)) {
4431 continue;
4432 }
4433 const absolutePath = this.fs.resolve(directory, path7);
4434 const stat = this.fs.lstat(absolutePath);
4435 if (stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
4436 continue;
4437 }
4438 const isDirectory = stat.isDirectory();
4439 if (!path7.endsWith(".js") && !isDirectory) {
4440 continue;
4441 }
4442 const possibleEntryPointPath = isDirectory ? absolutePath : stripJsExtension(absolutePath);
4443 const subEntryPoint = getEntryPointInfo(this.fs, this.config, this.logger, packagePath, possibleEntryPointPath);
4444 if (isEntryPoint(subEntryPoint)) {
4445 entryPoints.push(this.resolver.getEntryPointWithDependencies(subEntryPoint));
4446 }
4447 if (!isDirectory) {
4448 continue;
4449 }
4450 const canContainEntryPoints = subEntryPoint === NO_ENTRY_POINT || subEntryPoint === INCOMPATIBLE_ENTRY_POINT;
4451 const childPaths = this.fs.readdir(absolutePath);
4452 if (canContainEntryPoints && childPaths.some((childPath) => childPath.endsWith(".js") && this.fs.stat(this.fs.resolve(absolutePath, childPath)).isFile())) {
4453 continue;
4454 }
4455 this.collectSecondaryEntryPoints(entryPoints, packagePath, absolutePath, childPaths);
4456 }
4457 }
4459function stripJsExtension(filePath) {
4460 return filePath.replace(/\.js$/, "");
4462function isIgnorablePath(path7) {
4463 return path7.startsWith(".") || path7 === "node_modules" || path7 === NGCC_DIRECTORY;
4466// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/path_mappings.mjs
4467function getPathMappingsFromTsConfig(fs5, tsConfig, projectPath) {
4468 if (tsConfig !== null && tsConfig.options.baseUrl !== void 0 && tsConfig.options.paths !== void 0) {
4469 return {
4470 baseUrl: fs5.resolve(projectPath, tsConfig.options.baseUrl),
4471 paths: tsConfig.options.paths
4472 };
4473 }
4476// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/entry_point_finder/tracing_entry_point_finder.mjs
4477var TracingEntryPointFinder = class {
4478 constructor(fs5, config, logger, resolver, basePath, pathMappings) {
4479 this.fs = fs5;
4480 this.config = config;
4481 this.logger = logger;
4482 this.resolver = resolver;
4483 this.basePath = basePath;
4484 this.pathMappings = pathMappings;
4485 this.basePaths = null;
4486 }
4487 findEntryPoints() {
4488 const unsortedEntryPoints = new Map();
4489 const unprocessedPaths = this.getInitialEntryPointPaths();
4490 while (unprocessedPaths.length > 0) {
4491 const path7 = unprocessedPaths.shift();
4492 const entryPointWithDeps = this.getEntryPointWithDeps(path7);
4493 if (entryPointWithDeps === null) {
4494 continue;
4495 }
4496 unsortedEntryPoints.set(entryPointWithDeps.entryPoint.path, entryPointWithDeps);
4497 entryPointWithDeps.depInfo.dependencies.forEach((dep) => {
4498 if (!unsortedEntryPoints.has(dep)) {
4499 unprocessedPaths.push(dep);
4500 }
4501 });
4502 }
4503 return this.resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency(Array.from(unsortedEntryPoints.values()));
4504 }
4505 getBasePaths() {
4506 if (this.basePaths === null) {
4507 this.basePaths = getBasePaths(this.logger, this.basePath, this.pathMappings);
4508 }
4509 return this.basePaths;
4510 }
4513// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/entry_point_finder/program_based_entry_point_finder.mjs
4514var ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder = class extends TracingEntryPointFinder {
4515 constructor(fs5, config, logger, resolver, entryPointCollector, entryPointManifest, basePath, tsConfig, projectPath) {
4516 super(fs5, config, logger, resolver, basePath, getPathMappingsFromTsConfig(fs5, tsConfig, projectPath));
4517 this.entryPointCollector = entryPointCollector;
4518 this.entryPointManifest = entryPointManifest;
4519 this.tsConfig = tsConfig;
4520 this.entryPointsWithDependencies = null;
4521 }
4522 getInitialEntryPointPaths() {
4523 const moduleResolver = new ModuleResolver(this.fs, this.pathMappings, ["", ".ts", "/index.ts"]);
4524 const host = new EsmDependencyHost(this.fs, moduleResolver);
4525 const dependencies = createDependencyInfo();
4526 const rootFiles = this.tsConfig.rootNames.map((rootName) => this.fs.resolve(rootName));
4527 this.logger.debug(`Using the program from ${this.tsConfig.project} to seed the entry-point finding.`);
4528 this.logger.debug(`Collecting dependencies from the following files:` + rootFiles.map((file) => `
4529- ${file}`));
4530 host.collectDependenciesInFiles(rootFiles, dependencies);
4531 return Array.from(dependencies.dependencies);
4532 }
4533 getEntryPointWithDeps(entryPointPath) {
4534 const entryPoints = this.findOrLoadEntryPoints();
4535 if (!entryPoints.has(entryPointPath)) {
4536 return null;
4537 }
4538 const entryPointWithDeps = entryPoints.get(entryPointPath);
4539 if (!entryPointWithDeps.entryPoint.compiledByAngular) {
4540 return null;
4541 }
4542 return entryPointWithDeps;
4543 }
4544 findOrLoadEntryPoints() {
4545 if (this.entryPointsWithDependencies === null) {
4546 const entryPointsWithDependencies = this.entryPointsWithDependencies = new Map();
4547 for (const basePath of this.getBasePaths()) {
4548 const entryPoints = this.entryPointManifest.readEntryPointsUsingManifest(basePath) || this.walkBasePathForPackages(basePath);
4549 for (const e of entryPoints) {
4550 entryPointsWithDependencies.set(e.entryPoint.path, e);
4551 }
4552 }
4553 }
4554 return this.entryPointsWithDependencies;
4555 }
4556 walkBasePathForPackages(basePath) {
4557 this.logger.debug(`No manifest found for ${basePath} so walking the directories for entry-points.`);
4558 const entryPoints = trackDuration(() => this.entryPointCollector.walkDirectoryForPackages(basePath), (duration) => this.logger.debug(`Walking ${basePath} for entry-points took ${duration}s.`));
4559 this.entryPointManifest.writeEntryPointManifest(basePath, entryPoints);
4560 return entryPoints;
4561 }
4564// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/build_marker.mjs
4565var NGCC_VERSION = "13.0.3";
4566function needsCleaning(packageJson) {
4567 return Object.values(packageJson.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__ || {}).some((value) => value !== NGCC_VERSION);
4569function cleanPackageJson(packageJson) {
4570 if (packageJson.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__ !== void 0) {
4571 delete packageJson.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__;
4572 for (const prop of Object.keys(packageJson)) {
4573 if (prop.endsWith(NGCC_PROPERTY_EXTENSION)) {
4574 delete packageJson[prop];
4575 }
4576 }
4577 const scripts = packageJson.scripts;
4578 if (scripts !== void 0 && scripts.prepublishOnly) {
4579 delete scripts.prepublishOnly;
4580 if (scripts.prepublishOnly__ivy_ngcc_bak !== void 0) {
4581 scripts.prepublishOnly = scripts.prepublishOnly__ivy_ngcc_bak;
4582 delete scripts.prepublishOnly__ivy_ngcc_bak;
4583 }
4584 }
4585 return true;
4586 }
4587 return false;
4589function hasBeenProcessed(packageJson, format) {
4590 return packageJson.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__ !== void 0 && packageJson.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__[format] === NGCC_VERSION;
4592function markAsProcessed(pkgJsonUpdater, packageJson, packageJsonPath, formatProperties) {
4593 const update = pkgJsonUpdater.createUpdate();
4594 for (const prop of formatProperties) {
4595 update.addChange(["__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__", prop], NGCC_VERSION, "alphabetic");
4596 }
4597 const oldPrepublishOnly = packageJson.scripts && packageJson.scripts.prepublishOnly;
4598 const newPrepublishOnly = `node --eval "console.error('ERROR: Trying to publish a package that has been compiled by NGCC. This is not allowed.\\nPlease delete and rebuild the package, without compiling with NGCC, before attempting to publish.\\nNote that NGCC may have been run by importing this package into another project that is being built with Ivy enabled.\\n')" && exit 1`;
4599 if (oldPrepublishOnly && oldPrepublishOnly !== newPrepublishOnly) {
4600 update.addChange(["scripts", "prepublishOnly__ivy_ngcc_bak"], oldPrepublishOnly);
4601 }
4602 update.addChange(["scripts", "prepublishOnly"], newPrepublishOnly);
4603 update.writeChanges(packageJsonPath, packageJson);
4606// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/entry_point_finder/targeted_entry_point_finder.mjs
4607var TargetedEntryPointFinder = class extends TracingEntryPointFinder {
4608 constructor(fs5, config, logger, resolver, basePath, pathMappings, targetPath) {
4609 super(fs5, config, logger, resolver, basePath, pathMappings);
4610 this.targetPath = targetPath;
4611 }
4612 findEntryPoints() {
4613 const entryPoints = super.findEntryPoints();
4614 const invalidTarget = entryPoints.invalidEntryPoints.find((i) => i.entryPoint.path === this.targetPath);
4615 if (invalidTarget !== void 0) {
4616 throw new Error(`The target entry-point "${invalidTarget.entryPoint.name}" has missing dependencies:
4617` + invalidTarget.missingDependencies.map((dep) => ` - ${dep}
4619 }
4620 return entryPoints;
4621 }
4622 targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(propertiesToConsider, compileAllFormats) {
4623 const entryPointWithDeps = this.getEntryPointWithDeps(this.targetPath);
4624 if (entryPointWithDeps === null) {
4625 return false;
4626 }
4627 for (const property2 of propertiesToConsider) {
4628 if (entryPointWithDeps.entryPoint.packageJson[property2]) {
4629 if (!hasBeenProcessed(entryPointWithDeps.entryPoint.packageJson, property2)) {
4630 return true;
4631 }
4632 if (!compileAllFormats) {
4633 return false;
4634 }
4635 }
4636 }
4637 return false;
4638 }
4639 getInitialEntryPointPaths() {
4640 return [this.targetPath];
4641 }
4642 getEntryPointWithDeps(entryPointPath) {
4643 const packagePath = this.computePackagePath(entryPointPath);
4644 const entryPoint = getEntryPointInfo(this.fs, this.config, this.logger, packagePath, entryPointPath);
4645 if (!isEntryPoint(entryPoint) || !entryPoint.compiledByAngular) {
4646 return null;
4647 }
4648 return this.resolver.getEntryPointWithDependencies(entryPoint);
4649 }
4650 computePackagePath(entryPointPath) {
4651 if (this.isPathContainedBy(this.basePath, entryPointPath)) {
4652 const packagePath = this.computePackagePathFromContainingPath(entryPointPath, this.basePath);
4653 if (packagePath !== null) {
4654 return packagePath;
4655 }
4656 }
4657 for (const basePath of this.getBasePaths()) {
4658 if (this.isPathContainedBy(basePath, entryPointPath)) {
4659 const packagePath = this.computePackagePathFromContainingPath(entryPointPath, basePath);
4660 if (packagePath !== null) {
4661 return packagePath;
4662 }
4663 break;
4664 }
4665 }
4666 return this.computePackagePathFromNearestNodeModules(entryPointPath);
4667 }
4668 isPathContainedBy(base, test) {
4669 return test === base || test.startsWith(base) && !this.fs.relative(base, test).startsWith("..");
4670 }
4671 computePackagePathFromContainingPath(entryPointPath, containingPath) {
4672 let packagePath = containingPath;
4673 const segments = this.splitPath(this.fs.relative(containingPath, entryPointPath));
4674 let nodeModulesIndex = segments.lastIndexOf("node_modules");
4675 if (nodeModulesIndex === -1) {
4676 if (this.fs.exists(this.fs.join(packagePath, "package.json"))) {
4677 return packagePath;
4678 }
4679 }
4680 while (nodeModulesIndex >= 0) {
4681 packagePath = this.fs.join(packagePath, segments.shift());
4682 nodeModulesIndex--;
4683 }
4684 for (const segment of segments) {
4685 packagePath = this.fs.join(packagePath, segment);
4686 if (this.fs.exists(this.fs.join(packagePath, "package.json"))) {
4687 return packagePath;
4688 }
4689 }
4690 return null;
4691 }
4692 computePackagePathFromNearestNodeModules(entryPointPath) {
4693 let packagePath = entryPointPath;
4694 let scopedPackagePath = packagePath;
4695 let containerPath = this.fs.dirname(packagePath);
4696 while (!this.fs.isRoot(containerPath) && !containerPath.endsWith("node_modules")) {
4697 scopedPackagePath = packagePath;
4698 packagePath = containerPath;
4699 containerPath = this.fs.dirname(containerPath);
4700 }
4701 if (this.fs.exists(this.fs.join(packagePath, "package.json"))) {
4702 return packagePath;
4703 } else if (this.fs.basename(packagePath).startsWith("@") && this.fs.exists(this.fs.join(scopedPackagePath, "package.json"))) {
4704 return scopedPackagePath;
4705 } else {
4706 return entryPointPath;
4707 }
4708 }
4709 splitPath(path7) {
4710 const segments = [];
4711 let container = this.fs.dirname(path7);
4712 while (path7 !== container) {
4713 segments.unshift(this.fs.basename(path7));
4714 path7 = container;
4715 container = this.fs.dirname(container);
4716 }
4717 return segments;
4718 }
4721// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/tasks/api.mjs
4722var DtsProcessing;
4723(function(DtsProcessing2) {
4724 DtsProcessing2[DtsProcessing2["Yes"] = 0] = "Yes";
4725 DtsProcessing2[DtsProcessing2["No"] = 1] = "No";
4726 DtsProcessing2[DtsProcessing2["Only"] = 2] = "Only";
4727})(DtsProcessing || (DtsProcessing = {}));
4728var TaskDependencies = Map;
4730// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/tasks/utils.mjs
4731var stringifyTask = (task) => `{entryPoint: ${task.entryPoint.name}, formatProperty: ${task.formatProperty}, processDts: ${DtsProcessing[task.processDts]}}`;
4732function computeTaskDependencies(tasks, graph) {
4733 const dependencies = new TaskDependencies();
4734 const candidateDependencies = new Map();
4735 tasks.forEach((task) => {
4736 const entryPointPath = task.entryPoint.path;
4737 const deps = graph.dependenciesOf(entryPointPath);
4738 const taskDependencies = deps.filter((dep) => candidateDependencies.has(dep)).map((dep) => candidateDependencies.get(dep));
4739 if (taskDependencies.length > 0) {
4740 for (const dependency of taskDependencies) {
4741 const taskDependents = getDependentsSet(dependencies, dependency);
4742 taskDependents.add(task);
4743 }
4744 }
4745 if (task.processDts !== DtsProcessing.No) {
4746 if (candidateDependencies.has(entryPointPath)) {
4747 const otherTask = candidateDependencies.get(entryPointPath);
4748 throw new Error(`Invariant violated: Multiple tasks are assigned generating typings for '${entryPointPath}':
4749 - ${stringifyTask(otherTask)}
4750 - ${stringifyTask(task)}`);
4751 }
4752 candidateDependencies.set(entryPointPath, task);
4753 } else {
4754 if (candidateDependencies.has(entryPointPath)) {
4755 const typingsTask = candidateDependencies.get(entryPointPath);
4756 const typingsTaskDependents = getDependentsSet(dependencies, typingsTask);
4757 typingsTaskDependents.add(task);
4758 }
4759 }
4760 });
4761 return dependencies;
4763function getDependentsSet(map, task) {
4764 if (!map.has(task)) {
4765 map.set(task, new Set());
4766 }
4767 return map.get(task);
4769function getBlockedTasks(dependencies) {
4770 const blockedTasks = new Map();
4771 for (const [dependency, dependents] of dependencies) {
4772 for (const dependent of dependents) {
4773 const dependentSet = getDependentsSet(blockedTasks, dependent);
4774 dependentSet.add(dependency);
4775 }
4776 }
4777 return blockedTasks;
4779function sortTasksByPriority(tasks, dependencies) {
4780 const priorityPerTask = new Map();
4781 const computePriority = (task, idx) => [dependencies.has(task) ? dependencies.get(task).size : 0, idx];
4782 tasks.forEach((task, i) => priorityPerTask.set(task, computePriority(task, i)));
4783 return tasks.slice().sort((task1, task2) => {
4784 const [p1, idx1] = priorityPerTask.get(task1);
4785 const [p2, idx2] = priorityPerTask.get(task2);
4786 return p2 - p1 || idx1 - idx2;
4787 });
4790// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/tasks/queues/base_task_queue.mjs
4791var BaseTaskQueue = class {
4792 constructor(logger, tasks, dependencies) {
4793 this.logger = logger;
4794 this.tasks = tasks;
4795 this.dependencies = dependencies;
4796 this.inProgressTasks = new Set();
4797 this.tasksToSkip = new Map();
4798 }
4799 get allTasksCompleted() {
4800 return this.tasks.length === 0 && this.inProgressTasks.size === 0;
4801 }
4802 getNextTask() {
4803 let nextTask = this.computeNextTask();
4804 while (nextTask !== null) {
4805 if (!this.tasksToSkip.has(nextTask)) {
4806 break;
4807 }
4808 this.markAsCompleted(nextTask);
4809 const failedTask = this.tasksToSkip.get(nextTask);
4810 this.logger.warn(`Skipping processing of ${nextTask.entryPoint.name} because its dependency ${failedTask.entryPoint.name} failed to compile.`);
4811 nextTask = this.computeNextTask();
4812 }
4813 return nextTask;
4814 }
4815 markAsCompleted(task) {
4816 if (!this.inProgressTasks.has(task)) {
4817 throw new Error(`Trying to mark task that was not in progress as completed: ${stringifyTask(task)}`);
4818 }
4819 this.inProgressTasks.delete(task);
4820 }
4821 markAsFailed(task) {
4822 if (this.dependencies.has(task)) {
4823 for (const dependentTask of this.dependencies.get(task)) {
4824 this.skipDependentTasks(dependentTask, task);
4825 }
4826 }
4827 }
4828 markAsUnprocessed(task) {
4829 if (!this.inProgressTasks.has(task)) {
4830 throw new Error(`Trying to mark task that was not in progress as unprocessed: ${stringifyTask(task)}`);
4831 }
4832 this.inProgressTasks.delete(task);
4833 this.tasks.unshift(task);
4834 }
4835 toString() {
4836 const inProgTasks = Array.from(this.inProgressTasks);
4837 return `${this.constructor.name}
4838 All tasks completed: ${this.allTasksCompleted}
4839 Unprocessed tasks (${this.tasks.length}): ${this.stringifyTasks(this.tasks, " ")}
4840 In-progress tasks (${inProgTasks.length}): ${this.stringifyTasks(inProgTasks, " ")}`;
4841 }
4842 skipDependentTasks(task, failedTask) {
4843 this.tasksToSkip.set(task, failedTask);
4844 if (this.dependencies.has(task)) {
4845 for (const dependentTask of this.dependencies.get(task)) {
4846 this.skipDependentTasks(dependentTask, failedTask);
4847 }
4848 }
4849 }
4850 stringifyTasks(tasks, indentation) {
4851 return tasks.map((task) => `
4852${indentation}- ${stringifyTask(task)}`).join("");
4853 }
4856// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/tasks/queues/parallel_task_queue.mjs
4857var ParallelTaskQueue = class extends BaseTaskQueue {
4858 constructor(logger, tasks, dependencies) {
4859 super(logger, sortTasksByPriority(tasks, dependencies), dependencies);
4860 this.blockedTasks = getBlockedTasks(dependencies);
4861 }
4862 computeNextTask() {
4863 const nextTaskIdx = this.tasks.findIndex((task) => !this.blockedTasks.has(task));
4864 if (nextTaskIdx === -1)
4865 return null;
4866 const nextTask = this.tasks[nextTaskIdx];
4867 this.tasks.splice(nextTaskIdx, 1);
4868 this.inProgressTasks.add(nextTask);
4869 return nextTask;
4870 }
4871 markAsCompleted(task) {
4872 super.markAsCompleted(task);
4873 if (!this.dependencies.has(task)) {
4874 return;
4875 }
4876 for (const dependentTask of this.dependencies.get(task)) {
4877 if (this.blockedTasks.has(dependentTask)) {
4878 const blockingTasks = this.blockedTasks.get(dependentTask);
4879 blockingTasks.delete(task);
4880 if (blockingTasks.size === 0) {
4881 this.blockedTasks.delete(dependentTask);
4882 }
4883 }
4884 }
4885 }
4886 toString() {
4887 return `${super.toString()}
4888 Blocked tasks (${this.blockedTasks.size}): ${this.stringifyBlockedTasks(" ")}`;
4889 }
4890 stringifyBlockedTasks(indentation) {
4891 return Array.from(this.blockedTasks).map(([task, blockingTasks]) => `
4892${indentation}- ${stringifyTask(task)} (${blockingTasks.size}): ` + this.stringifyTasks(Array.from(blockingTasks), `${indentation} `)).join("");
4893 }
4896// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/tasks/queues/serial_task_queue.mjs
4897var SerialTaskQueue = class extends BaseTaskQueue {
4898 computeNextTask() {
4899 const nextTask = this.tasks.shift() || null;
4900 if (nextTask) {
4901 if (this.inProgressTasks.size > 0) {
4902 const inProgressTask = this.inProgressTasks.values().next().value;
4903 throw new Error("Trying to get next task, while there is already a task in progress: " + stringifyTask(inProgressTask));
4904 }
4905 this.inProgressTasks.add(nextTask);
4906 }
4907 return nextTask;
4908 }
4911// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/writing/cleaning/utils.mjs
4912function isLocalDirectory(fs5, path7) {
4913 if (fs5.exists(path7)) {
4914 const stat = fs5.lstat(path7);
4915 return stat.isDirectory();
4916 } else {
4917 return false;
4918 }
4921// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/writing/cleaning/cleaning_strategies.mjs
4922var PackageJsonCleaner = class {
4923 constructor(fs5) {
4924 this.fs = fs5;
4925 }
4926 canClean(_path, basename6) {
4927 return basename6 === "package.json";
4928 }
4929 clean(path7, _basename) {
4930 const packageJson = JSON.parse(this.fs.readFile(path7));
4931 if (cleanPackageJson(packageJson)) {
4932 this.fs.writeFile(path7, `${JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 2)}
4934 }
4935 }
4937var NgccDirectoryCleaner = class {
4938 constructor(fs5) {
4939 this.fs = fs5;
4940 }
4941 canClean(path7, basename6) {
4942 return basename6 === NGCC_DIRECTORY && isLocalDirectory(this.fs, path7);
4943 }
4944 clean(path7, _basename) {
4945 this.fs.removeDeep(path7);
4946 }
4948var BackupFileCleaner = class {
4949 constructor(fs5) {
4950 this.fs = fs5;
4951 }
4952 canClean(path7, basename6) {
4953 return this.fs.extname(basename6) === NGCC_BACKUP_EXTENSION && this.fs.exists(absoluteFrom(path7.replace(NGCC_BACKUP_EXTENSION, "")));
4954 }
4955 clean(path7, _basename) {
4956 this.fs.moveFile(path7, absoluteFrom(path7.replace(NGCC_BACKUP_EXTENSION, "")));
4957 }
4960// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/writing/cleaning/package_cleaner.mjs
4961var PackageCleaner = class {
4962 constructor(fs5, cleaners) {
4963 this.fs = fs5;
4964 this.cleaners = cleaners;
4965 }
4966 clean(directory) {
4967 const basenames = this.fs.readdir(directory);
4968 for (const basename6 of basenames) {
4969 if (basename6 === "node_modules") {
4970 continue;
4971 }
4972 const path7 = this.fs.resolve(directory, basename6);
4973 for (const cleaner of this.cleaners) {
4974 if (cleaner.canClean(path7, basename6)) {
4975 cleaner.clean(path7, basename6);
4976 break;
4977 }
4978 }
4979 if (isLocalDirectory(this.fs, path7)) {
4980 this.clean(path7);
4981 }
4982 }
4983 }
4985function cleanOutdatedPackages(fileSystem, entryPoints) {
4986 const packagesToClean = new Set();
4987 for (const entryPoint of entryPoints) {
4988 if (needsCleaning(entryPoint.packageJson)) {
4989 packagesToClean.add(entryPoint.packagePath);
4990 }
4991 }
4992 const cleaner = new PackageCleaner(fileSystem, [
4993 new PackageJsonCleaner(fileSystem),
4994 new NgccDirectoryCleaner(fileSystem),
4995 new BackupFileCleaner(fileSystem)
4996 ]);
4997 for (const packagePath of packagesToClean) {
4998 cleaner.clean(packagePath);
4999 }
5000 return packagesToClean.size > 0;
5003// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/analyze_entry_points.mjs
5004function getAnalyzeEntryPointsFn(logger, finder, fileSystem, supportedPropertiesToConsider, typingsOnly, compileAllFormats, propertiesToConsider, inParallel) {
5005 return () => {
5006 logger.debug("Analyzing entry-points...");
5007 const startTime = Date.now();
5008 let entryPointInfo = finder.findEntryPoints();
5009 const cleaned = cleanOutdatedPackages(fileSystem, entryPointInfo.entryPoints);
5010 if (cleaned) {
5011 entryPointInfo = finder.findEntryPoints();
5012 }
5013 const { entryPoints, invalidEntryPoints, graph } = entryPointInfo;
5014 logInvalidEntryPoints(logger, invalidEntryPoints);
5015 const unprocessableEntryPointPaths = [];
5016 const tasks = [];
5017 for (const entryPoint of entryPoints) {
5018 const packageJson = entryPoint.packageJson;
5019 const { propertiesToProcess, equivalentPropertiesMap } = getPropertiesToProcess(packageJson, supportedPropertiesToConsider, compileAllFormats, typingsOnly);
5020 if (propertiesToProcess.length === 0) {
5021 unprocessableEntryPointPaths.push(entryPoint.path);
5022 continue;
5023 }
5024 const hasProcessedTypings = hasBeenProcessed(packageJson, "typings");
5025 if (hasProcessedTypings && typingsOnly) {
5026 logger.debug(`Skipping ${entryPoint.name} : typings have already been processed.`);
5027 continue;
5028 }
5029 let processDts = hasProcessedTypings ? DtsProcessing.No : typingsOnly ? DtsProcessing.Only : DtsProcessing.Yes;
5030 for (const formatProperty of propertiesToProcess) {
5031 if (hasBeenProcessed(entryPoint.packageJson, formatProperty)) {
5032 logger.debug(`Skipping ${entryPoint.name} : ${formatProperty} (already compiled).`);
5033 continue;
5034 }
5035 const formatPropertiesToMarkAsProcessed = equivalentPropertiesMap.get(formatProperty);
5036 tasks.push({ entryPoint, formatProperty, formatPropertiesToMarkAsProcessed, processDts });
5037 processDts = DtsProcessing.No;
5038 }
5039 }
5040 if (unprocessableEntryPointPaths.length > 0) {
5041 throw new Error(`Unable to process any formats for the following entry-points (tried ${propertiesToConsider.join(", ")}): ` + unprocessableEntryPointPaths.map((path7) => `
5042 - ${path7}`).join(""));
5043 }
5044 const duration = Math.round((Date.now() - startTime) / 100) / 10;
5045 logger.debug(`Analyzed ${entryPoints.length} entry-points in ${duration}s. (Total tasks: ${tasks.length})`);
5046 return getTaskQueue(logger, inParallel, tasks, graph);
5047 };
5049function logInvalidEntryPoints(logger, invalidEntryPoints) {
5050 invalidEntryPoints.forEach((invalidEntryPoint) => {
5051 logger.debug(`Invalid entry-point ${invalidEntryPoint.entryPoint.path}.`, `It is missing required dependencies:
5052` + invalidEntryPoint.missingDependencies.map((dep) => ` - ${dep}`).join("\n"));
5053 });
5055function getPropertiesToProcess(packageJson, propertiesToConsider, compileAllFormats, typingsOnly) {
5056 const formatPathsToConsider = new Set();
5057 const propertiesToProcess = [];
5058 for (const prop of propertiesToConsider) {
5059 const formatPath = packageJson[prop];
5060 if (typeof formatPath !== "string")
5061 continue;
5062 if (formatPathsToConsider.has(formatPath))
5063 continue;
5064 formatPathsToConsider.add(formatPath);
5065 propertiesToProcess.push(prop);
5066 if (!compileAllFormats)
5067 break;
5068 }
5069 const formatPathToProperties = {};
5070 for (const prop of SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES) {
5071 const formatPath = packageJson[prop];
5072 if (typeof formatPath !== "string")
5073 continue;
5074 if (!formatPathsToConsider.has(formatPath))
5075 continue;
5076 const list = formatPathToProperties[formatPath] || (formatPathToProperties[formatPath] = []);
5077 list.push(prop);
5078 }
5079 const equivalentPropertiesMap = new Map();
5080 for (const prop of propertiesToConsider) {
5081 const formatPath = packageJson[prop];
5082 const equivalentProperties = typingsOnly ? [] : formatPathToProperties[formatPath];
5083 equivalentPropertiesMap.set(prop, equivalentProperties);
5084 }
5085 return { propertiesToProcess, equivalentPropertiesMap };
5087function getTaskQueue(logger, inParallel, tasks, graph) {
5088 const dependencies = computeTaskDependencies(tasks, graph);
5089 return inParallel ? new ParallelTaskQueue(logger, tasks, dependencies) : new SerialTaskQueue(logger, tasks, dependencies);
5092// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/cluster/master.mjs
5093import cluster2 from "cluster";
5094import module3 from "module";
5096// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/cluster/utils.mjs
5097import cluster from "cluster";
5098var Deferred = class {
5099 constructor() {
5100 this.promise = new Promise((resolve5, reject) => {
5101 this.resolve = resolve5;
5102 this.reject = reject;
5103 });
5104 }
5106var sendMessageToWorker = (workerId, msg) => {
5107 if (!cluster.isMaster) {
5108 throw new Error("Unable to send message to worker process: Sender is not the master process.");
5109 }
5110 const worker = cluster.workers[workerId];
5111 if (worker === void 0 || worker.isDead() || !worker.isConnected()) {
5112 throw new Error("Unable to send message to worker process: Recipient does not exist or has disconnected.");
5113 }
5114 return new Promise((resolve5, reject) => {
5115 worker.send(msg, (err) => err === null ? resolve5() : reject(err));
5116 });
5119// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/cluster/master.mjs
5120var ClusterMaster = class {
5121 constructor(maxWorkerCount, fileSystem, logger, fileWriter, pkgJsonUpdater, analyzeEntryPoints, createTaskCompletedCallback) {
5122 this.maxWorkerCount = maxWorkerCount;
5123 this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
5124 this.logger = logger;
5125 this.fileWriter = fileWriter;
5126 this.pkgJsonUpdater = pkgJsonUpdater;
5127 this.finishedDeferred = new Deferred();
5128 this.processingStartTime = -1;
5129 this.taskAssignments = new Map();
5130 this.remainingRespawnAttempts = 3;
5131 if (!cluster2.isMaster) {
5132 throw new Error("Tried to instantiate `ClusterMaster` on a worker process.");
5133 }
5134 cluster2.setupMaster({ exec: getClusterWorkerScriptPath(fileSystem) });
5135 this.taskQueue = analyzeEntryPoints();
5136 this.onTaskCompleted = createTaskCompletedCallback(this.taskQueue);
5137 }
5138 run() {
5139 if (this.taskQueue.allTasksCompleted) {
5140 return Promise.resolve();
5141 }
5142 this.logger.info('Processing legacy "View Engine" libraries:');
5143 cluster2.on("message", this.wrapEventHandler((worker, msg) => this.onWorkerMessage(worker.id, msg)));
5144 cluster2.on("exit", this.wrapEventHandler((worker, code, signal) => this.onWorkerExit(worker, code, signal)));
5145 cluster2.fork();
5146 return this.finishedDeferred.promise.then(() => this.stopWorkers(), (err) => {
5147 this.stopWorkers();
5148 return Promise.reject(err);
5149 });
5150 }
5151 maybeDistributeWork() {
5152 let isWorkerAvailable = false;
5153 if (this.taskQueue.allTasksCompleted) {
5154 const duration = Math.round((Date.now() - this.processingStartTime) / 100) / 10;
5155 this.logger.debug(`Processed tasks in ${duration}s.`);
5156 this.logger.info("Encourage the library authors to publish an Ivy distribution.");
5157 return this.finishedDeferred.resolve();
5158 }
5159 for (const [workerId, assignedTask] of Array.from(this.taskAssignments)) {
5160 if (assignedTask !== null) {
5161 continue;
5162 } else {
5163 isWorkerAvailable = true;
5164 }
5165 const task = this.taskQueue.getNextTask();
5166 if (task === null) {
5167 break;
5168 }
5169 this.taskAssignments.set(workerId, { task });
5170 sendMessageToWorker(workerId, { type: "process-task", task });
5171 isWorkerAvailable = false;
5172 }
5173 if (!isWorkerAvailable) {
5174 const spawnedWorkerCount = Object.keys(cluster2.workers).length;
5175 if (spawnedWorkerCount < this.maxWorkerCount) {
5176 this.logger.debug("Spawning another worker process as there is more work to be done.");
5177 cluster2.fork();
5178 } else {
5179 this.logger.debug(`All ${spawnedWorkerCount} workers are currently busy and cannot take on more work.`);
5180 }
5181 } else {
5182 const busyWorkers = Array.from(this.taskAssignments).filter(([_workerId, task]) => task !== null).map(([workerId]) => workerId);
5183 const totalWorkerCount = this.taskAssignments.size;
5184 const idleWorkerCount = totalWorkerCount - busyWorkers.length;
5185 this.logger.debug(`No assignments for ${idleWorkerCount} idle (out of ${totalWorkerCount} total) workers. Busy workers: ${busyWorkers.join(", ")}`);
5186 if (busyWorkers.length === 0) {
5187 throw new Error(`There are still unprocessed tasks in the queue and no tasks are currently in progress, yet the queue did not return any available tasks: ${this.taskQueue}`);
5188 }
5189 }
5190 }
5191 onWorkerExit(worker, code, signal) {
5192 if (worker.exitedAfterDisconnect)
5193 return;
5194 const assignment = this.taskAssignments.get(worker.id);
5195 this.taskAssignments.delete(worker.id);
5196 this.logger.warn(`Worker #${worker.id} exited unexpectedly (code: ${code} | signal: ${signal}).
5197 Current task: ${assignment == null ? "-" : stringifyTask(assignment.task)}
5198 Current phase: ${assignment == null ? "-" : assignment.files == null ? "compiling" : "writing files"}`);
5199 if (assignment == null) {
5200 this.logger.debug(`Spawning another worker process to replace #${worker.id}...`);
5201 cluster2.fork();
5202 } else {
5203 const { task, files } = assignment;
5204 if (files != null) {
5205 this.logger.debug(`Reverting ${files.length} transformed files...`);
5206 this.fileWriter.revertBundle(task.entryPoint, files, task.formatPropertiesToMarkAsProcessed);
5207 }
5208 this.taskQueue.markAsUnprocessed(task);
5209 const spawnedWorkerCount = Object.keys(cluster2.workers).length;
5210 if (spawnedWorkerCount > 0) {
5211 this.logger.debug(`Not spawning another worker process to replace #${worker.id}. Continuing with ${spawnedWorkerCount} workers...`);
5212 this.maybeDistributeWork();
5213 } else if (this.remainingRespawnAttempts > 0) {
5214 this.logger.debug(`Spawning another worker process to replace #${worker.id}...`);
5215 this.remainingRespawnAttempts--;
5216 cluster2.fork();
5217 } else {
5218 throw new Error("All worker processes crashed and attempts to re-spawn them failed. Please check your system and ensure there is enough memory available.");
5219 }
5220 }
5221 }
5222 onWorkerMessage(workerId, msg) {
5223 if (msg.type === "ready") {
5224 this.onWorkerReady(workerId);
5225 return;
5226 }
5227 if (!this.taskAssignments.has(workerId)) {
5228 const knownWorkers = Array.from(this.taskAssignments.keys());
5229 throw new Error(`Received message from unknown worker #${workerId} (known workers: ${knownWorkers.join(", ")}): ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`);
5230 }
5231 switch (msg.type) {
5232 case "error":
5233 throw new Error(`Error on worker #${workerId}: ${msg.error}`);
5234 case "task-completed":
5235 return this.onWorkerTaskCompleted(workerId, msg);
5236 case "transformed-files":
5237 return this.onWorkerTransformedFiles(workerId, msg);
5238 case "update-package-json":
5239 return this.onWorkerUpdatePackageJson(workerId, msg);
5240 default:
5241 throw new Error(`Invalid message received from worker #${workerId}: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`);
5242 }
5243 }
5244 onWorkerReady(workerId) {
5245 if (this.taskAssignments.has(workerId)) {
5246 throw new Error(`Invariant violated: Worker #${workerId} came online more than once.`);
5247 }
5248 if (this.processingStartTime === -1) {
5249 this.logger.debug("Processing tasks...");
5250 this.processingStartTime = Date.now();
5251 }
5252 this.taskAssignments.set(workerId, null);
5253 this.maybeDistributeWork();
5254 }
5255 onWorkerTaskCompleted(workerId, msg) {
5256 const assignment = this.taskAssignments.get(workerId) || null;
5257 if (assignment === null) {
5258 throw new Error(`Expected worker #${workerId} to have a task assigned, while handling message: ` + JSON.stringify(msg));
5259 }
5260 this.onTaskCompleted(assignment.task, msg.outcome, msg.message);
5261 this.taskQueue.markAsCompleted(assignment.task);
5262 this.taskAssignments.set(workerId, null);
5263 this.maybeDistributeWork();
5264 }
5265 onWorkerTransformedFiles(workerId, msg) {
5266 const assignment = this.taskAssignments.get(workerId) || null;
5267 if (assignment === null) {
5268 throw new Error(`Expected worker #${workerId} to have a task assigned, while handling message: ` + JSON.stringify(msg));
5269 }
5270 const oldFiles = assignment.files;
5271 const newFiles = msg.files;
5272 if (oldFiles !== void 0) {
5273 throw new Error(`Worker #${workerId} reported transformed files more than once.
5274 Old files (${oldFiles.length}): [${oldFiles.join(", ")}]
5275 New files (${newFiles.length}): [${newFiles.join(", ")}]
5277 }
5278 assignment.files = newFiles;
5279 }
5280 onWorkerUpdatePackageJson(workerId, msg) {
5281 const assignment = this.taskAssignments.get(workerId) || null;
5282 if (assignment === null) {
5283 throw new Error(`Expected worker #${workerId} to have a task assigned, while handling message: ` + JSON.stringify(msg));
5284 }
5285 const entryPoint = assignment.task.entryPoint;
5286 const expectedPackageJsonPath = this.fileSystem.resolve(entryPoint.path, "package.json");
5287 if (expectedPackageJsonPath !== msg.packageJsonPath) {
5288 throw new Error(`Received '${msg.type}' message from worker #${workerId} for '${msg.packageJsonPath}', but was expecting '${expectedPackageJsonPath}' (based on task assignment).`);
5289 }
5290 this.pkgJsonUpdater.writeChanges(msg.changes, msg.packageJsonPath, entryPoint.packageJson);
5291 }
5292 stopWorkers() {
5293 const workers = Object.values(cluster2.workers);
5294 this.logger.debug(`Stopping ${workers.length} workers...`);
5295 cluster2.removeAllListeners();
5296 workers.forEach((worker) => worker.kill());
5297 }
5298 wrapEventHandler(fn) {
5299 return async (...args) => {
5300 try {
5301 await fn(...args);
5302 } catch (err) {
5303 this.finishedDeferred.reject(err);
5304 }
5305 };
5306 }
5308function getClusterWorkerScriptPath(fileSystem) {
5309 const requireFn = typeof __require !== "undefined" ? __require : module3.createRequire(__ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__);
5310 const workerScriptPath = requireFn.resolve("@angular/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/cluster/ngcc_cluster_worker");
5311 return fileSystem.resolve(workerScriptPath);
5314// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/cluster/executor.mjs
5315var ClusterExecutor = class {
5316 constructor(workerCount, fileSystem, logger, fileWriter, pkgJsonUpdater, lockFile, createTaskCompletedCallback) {
5317 this.workerCount = workerCount;
5318 this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
5319 this.logger = logger;
5320 this.fileWriter = fileWriter;
5321 this.pkgJsonUpdater = pkgJsonUpdater;
5322 this.lockFile = lockFile;
5323 this.createTaskCompletedCallback = createTaskCompletedCallback;
5324 }
5325 async execute(analyzeEntryPoints, _createCompileFn) {
5326 return this.lockFile.lock(async () => {
5327 this.logger.debug(`Running ngcc on ${this.constructor.name} (using ${this.workerCount} worker processes).`);
5328 const master = new ClusterMaster(this.workerCount, this.fileSystem, this.logger, this.fileWriter, this.pkgJsonUpdater, analyzeEntryPoints, this.createTaskCompletedCallback);
5329 return await master.run();
5330 });
5331 }
5334// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/create_compile_function.mjs
5335import ts61 from "typescript";
5337// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/diagnostics/src/error_code.mjs
5338var ErrorCode;
5339(function(ErrorCode2) {
5341 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG"] = 1002] = "DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG";
5342 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["DECORATOR_NOT_CALLED"] = 1003] = "DECORATOR_NOT_CALLED";
5344 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["DECORATOR_UNEXPECTED"] = 1005] = "DECORATOR_UNEXPECTED";
5345 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["DECORATOR_COLLISION"] = 1006] = "DECORATOR_COLLISION";
5346 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE"] = 1010] = "VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE";
5347 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["VALUE_NOT_LITERAL"] = 1011] = "VALUE_NOT_LITERAL";
5349 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["PIPE_MISSING_NAME"] = 2002] = "PIPE_MISSING_NAME";
5350 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["PARAM_MISSING_TOKEN"] = 2003] = "PARAM_MISSING_TOKEN";
5352 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["UNDECORATED_PROVIDER"] = 2005] = "UNDECORATED_PROVIDER";
5357 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["SYMBOL_NOT_EXPORTED"] = 3001] = "SYMBOL_NOT_EXPORTED";
5359 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["IMPORT_CYCLE_DETECTED"] = 3003] = "IMPORT_CYCLE_DETECTED";
5362 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["HOST_BINDING_PARSE_ERROR"] = 5001] = "HOST_BINDING_PARSE_ERROR";
5363 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["TEMPLATE_PARSE_ERROR"] = 5002] = "TEMPLATE_PARSE_ERROR";
5372 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["SCHEMA_INVALID_ELEMENT"] = 8001] = "SCHEMA_INVALID_ELEMENT";
5375 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["MISSING_PIPE"] = 8004] = "MISSING_PIPE";
5378 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["SPLIT_TWO_WAY_BINDING"] = 8007] = "SPLIT_TWO_WAY_BINDING";
5379 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["INVALID_BANANA_IN_BOX"] = 8101] = "INVALID_BANANA_IN_BOX";
5381 ErrorCode2[ErrorCode2["INLINE_TCB_REQUIRED"] = 8900] = "INLINE_TCB_REQUIRED";
5386})(ErrorCode || (ErrorCode = {}));
5388// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/diagnostics/src/docs.mjs
5399// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/diagnostics/src/error.mjs
5400import ts17 from "typescript";
5402// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/diagnostics/src/util.mjs
5403var ERROR_CODE_MATCHER = /(\u001b\[\d+m ?)TS-99(\d+: ?\u001b\[\d+m)/g;
5404function replaceTsWithNgInErrors(errors) {
5405 return errors.replace(ERROR_CODE_MATCHER, "$1NG$2");
5407function ngErrorCode(code) {
5408 return parseInt("-99" + code);
5411// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/diagnostics/src/error.mjs
5412var FatalDiagnosticError = class {
5413 constructor(code, node, message, relatedInformation) {
5414 this.code = code;
5415 this.node = node;
5416 this.message = message;
5417 this.relatedInformation = relatedInformation;
5418 this._isFatalDiagnosticError = true;
5419 }
5420 toDiagnostic() {
5421 return makeDiagnostic(this.code, this.node, this.message, this.relatedInformation);
5422 }
5424function makeDiagnostic(code, node, messageText, relatedInformation) {
5425 node = ts17.getOriginalNode(node);
5426 return {
5427 category: ts17.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
5428 code: ngErrorCode(code),
5429 file: ts17.getOriginalNode(node).getSourceFile(),
5430 start: node.getStart(void 0, false),
5431 length: node.getWidth(),
5432 messageText,
5433 relatedInformation
5434 };
5436function makeRelatedInformation(node, messageText) {
5437 node = ts17.getOriginalNode(node);
5438 return {
5439 category: ts17.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
5440 code: 0,
5441 file: node.getSourceFile(),
5442 start: node.getStart(),
5443 length: node.getWidth(),
5444 messageText
5445 };
5447function isFatalDiagnosticError(err) {
5448 return err._isFatalDiagnosticError === true;
5451// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/bundle_program.mjs
5452import ts19 from "typescript";
5454// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/patch_ts_expando_initializer.mjs
5455import ts18 from "typescript";
5456function patchTsGetExpandoInitializer() {
5457 if (isTs31778GetExpandoInitializerFixed()) {
5458 return null;
5459 }
5460 const originalGetExpandoInitializer = ts18.getExpandoInitializer;
5461 if (originalGetExpandoInitializer === void 0) {
5462 throw makeUnsupportedTypeScriptError();
5463 }
5464 ts18.getExpandoInitializer = (initializer, isPrototypeAssignment) => {
5465 if (ts18.isParenthesizedExpression(initializer) && ts18.isCallExpression(initializer.expression)) {
5466 initializer = initializer.expression;
5467 }
5468 return originalGetExpandoInitializer(initializer, isPrototypeAssignment);
5469 };
5470 return originalGetExpandoInitializer;
5472function restoreGetExpandoInitializer(originalGetExpandoInitializer) {
5473 if (originalGetExpandoInitializer !== null) {
5474 ts18.getExpandoInitializer = originalGetExpandoInitializer;
5475 }
5477var ts31778FixedResult = null;
5478function isTs31778GetExpandoInitializerFixed() {
5479 if (ts31778FixedResult !== null) {
5480 return ts31778FixedResult;
5481 }
5482 ts31778FixedResult = checkIfExpandoPropertyIsPresent();
5483 if (!ts31778FixedResult) {
5484 const originalGetExpandoInitializer = patchTsGetExpandoInitializer();
5485 try {
5486 const patchIsSuccessful = checkIfExpandoPropertyIsPresent();
5487 if (!patchIsSuccessful) {
5488 throw makeUnsupportedTypeScriptError();
5489 }
5490 } finally {
5491 restoreGetExpandoInitializer(originalGetExpandoInitializer);
5492 }
5493 }
5494 return ts31778FixedResult;
5496function checkIfExpandoPropertyIsPresent() {
5497 const sourceText = `
5498 (function() {
5499 var A = (function() {
5500 function A() {}
5501 return A;
5502 }());
5503 A.expando = true;
5504 }());`;
5505 const sourceFile = ts18.createSourceFile("test.js", sourceText, ts18.ScriptTarget.ES5, true, ts18.ScriptKind.JS);
5506 const host = {
5507 getSourceFile() {
5508 return sourceFile;
5509 },
5510 fileExists() {
5511 return true;
5512 },
5513 readFile() {
5514 return "";
5515 },
5516 writeFile() {
5517 },
5518 getDefaultLibFileName() {
5519 return "";
5520 },
5521 getCurrentDirectory() {
5522 return "";
5523 },
5524 getDirectories() {
5525 return [];
5526 },
5527 getCanonicalFileName(fileName) {
5528 return fileName;
5529 },
5530 useCaseSensitiveFileNames() {
5531 return true;
5532 },
5533 getNewLine() {
5534 return "\n";
5535 }
5536 };
5537 const options = { noResolve: true, noLib: true, noEmit: true, allowJs: true };
5538 const program = ts18.createProgram(["test.js"], options, host);
5539 function visitor(node) {
5540 if (ts18.isVariableDeclaration(node) && hasNameIdentifier(node) && node.name.text === "A") {
5541 return node;
5542 }
5543 return ts18.forEachChild(node, visitor);
5544 }
5545 const declaration = ts18.forEachChild(sourceFile, visitor);
5546 if (declaration === void 0) {
5547 throw new Error("Unable to find declaration of outer A");
5548 }
5549 const symbol = program.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(declaration.name);
5550 if (symbol === void 0) {
5551 throw new Error("Unable to resolve symbol of outer A");
5552 }
5553 return symbol.exports !== void 0 && symbol.exports.has("expando");
5555function makeUnsupportedTypeScriptError() {
5556 return new Error("The TypeScript version used is not supported by ngcc.");
5559// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/bundle_program.mjs
5560function makeBundleProgram(fs5, isCore, pkg, path7, r3FileName, options, host, additionalFiles = []) {
5561 const r3SymbolsPath = isCore ? findR3SymbolsPath(fs5, fs5.dirname(path7), r3FileName) : null;
5562 let rootPaths = r3SymbolsPath ? [path7, r3SymbolsPath, ...additionalFiles] : [path7, ...additionalFiles];
5563 const originalGetExpandoInitializer = patchTsGetExpandoInitializer();
5564 const program = ts19.createProgram(rootPaths, options, host);
5565 program.getTypeChecker();
5566 restoreGetExpandoInitializer(originalGetExpandoInitializer);
5567 const file = program.getSourceFile(path7);
5568 const r3SymbolsFile = r3SymbolsPath && program.getSourceFile(r3SymbolsPath) || null;
5569 return { program, options, host, package: pkg, path: path7, file, r3SymbolsPath, r3SymbolsFile };
5571function findR3SymbolsPath(fs5, directory, filename) {
5572 const r3SymbolsFilePath = fs5.resolve(directory, filename);
5573 if (fs5.exists(r3SymbolsFilePath)) {
5574 return r3SymbolsFilePath;
5575 }
5576 const subDirectories = fs5.readdir(directory).filter((p2) => !p2.startsWith(".")).filter((p2) => p2 !== "node_modules").filter((p2) => {
5577 const stat = fs5.lstat(fs5.resolve(directory, p2));
5578 return stat.isDirectory() && !stat.isSymbolicLink();
5579 });
5580 for (const subDirectory of subDirectories) {
5581 const r3SymbolsFilePath2 = findR3SymbolsPath(fs5, fs5.resolve(directory, subDirectory), filename);
5582 if (r3SymbolsFilePath2) {
5583 return r3SymbolsFilePath2;
5584 }
5585 }
5586 return null;
5589// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/ngcc_compiler_host.mjs
5590import ts20 from "typescript";
5591var NgccSourcesCompilerHost = class extends NgtscCompilerHost {
5592 constructor(fs5, options, cache, moduleResolutionCache, packagePath) {
5593 super(fs5, options);
5594 this.cache = cache;
5595 this.moduleResolutionCache = moduleResolutionCache;
5596 this.packagePath = packagePath;
5597 }
5598 getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion) {
5599 return this.cache.getCachedSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion);
5600 }
5601 resolveModuleNames(moduleNames, containingFile, reusedNames, redirectedReference) {
5602 return moduleNames.map((moduleName) => {
5603 const { resolvedModule } = ts20.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, this.options, this, this.moduleResolutionCache, redirectedReference);
5604 if ((resolvedModule == null ? void 0 : resolvedModule.extension) === ts20.Extension.Dts && containingFile.endsWith(".js") && isRelativePath(moduleName)) {
5605 const jsFile = resolvedModule.resolvedFileName.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, ".js");
5606 if (this.fileExists(jsFile)) {
5607 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, resolvedModule), { resolvedFileName: jsFile, extension: ts20.Extension.Js });
5608 }
5609 }
5610 if ((resolvedModule == null ? void 0 : resolvedModule.extension) === ts20.Extension.Js && !isWithinPackage(this.packagePath, this.fs.resolve(resolvedModule.resolvedFileName))) {
5611 return void 0;
5612 }
5613 return resolvedModule;
5614 });
5615 }
5617var NgccDtsCompilerHost = class extends NgtscCompilerHost {
5618 constructor(fs5, options, cache, moduleResolutionCache) {
5619 super(fs5, options);
5620 this.cache = cache;
5621 this.moduleResolutionCache = moduleResolutionCache;
5622 }
5623 getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion) {
5624 return this.cache.getCachedSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion);
5625 }
5626 resolveModuleNames(moduleNames, containingFile, reusedNames, redirectedReference) {
5627 return moduleNames.map((moduleName) => {
5628 const { resolvedModule } = ts20.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, this.options, this, this.moduleResolutionCache, redirectedReference);
5629 return resolvedModule;
5630 });
5631 }
5634// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/source_file_cache.mjs
5635import ts21 from "typescript";
5636var SharedFileCache = class {
5637 constructor(fs5) {
5638 this.fs = fs5;
5639 this.sfCache = new Map();
5640 }
5641 getCachedSourceFile(fileName) {
5642 const absPath = this.fs.resolve(fileName);
5643 if (isDefaultLibrary(absPath, this.fs)) {
5644 return this.getStableCachedFile(absPath);
5645 } else if (isAngularDts(absPath, this.fs)) {
5646 return this.getVolatileCachedFile(absPath);
5647 } else {
5648 return void 0;
5649 }
5650 }
5651 getStableCachedFile(absPath) {
5652 if (!this.sfCache.has(absPath)) {
5653 const content = readFile(absPath, this.fs);
5654 if (content === void 0) {
5655 return void 0;
5656 }
5657 const sf = ts21.createSourceFile(absPath, content, ts21.ScriptTarget.ES2015);
5658 this.sfCache.set(absPath, sf);
5659 }
5660 return this.sfCache.get(absPath);
5661 }
5662 getVolatileCachedFile(absPath) {
5663 const content = readFile(absPath, this.fs);
5664 if (content === void 0) {
5665 return void 0;
5666 }
5667 if (!this.sfCache.has(absPath) || this.sfCache.get(absPath).text !== content) {
5668 const sf = ts21.createSourceFile(absPath, content, ts21.ScriptTarget.ES2015);
5669 this.sfCache.set(absPath, sf);
5670 }
5671 return this.sfCache.get(absPath);
5672 }
5674var DEFAULT_LIB_PATTERN = ["node_modules", "typescript", "lib", /^lib\..+\.d\.ts$/];
5675function isDefaultLibrary(absPath, fs5) {
5676 return isFile(absPath, DEFAULT_LIB_PATTERN, fs5);
5678var ANGULAR_DTS_PATTERN = ["node_modules", "@angular", /./, /\.d\.ts$/];
5679function isAngularDts(absPath, fs5) {
5680 return isFile(absPath, ANGULAR_DTS_PATTERN, fs5);
5682function isFile(path7, segments, fs5) {
5683 for (let i = segments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
5684 const pattern = segments[i];
5685 const segment = fs5.basename(path7);
5686 if (typeof pattern === "string") {
5687 if (pattern !== segment) {
5688 return false;
5689 }
5690 } else {
5691 if (!pattern.test(segment)) {
5692 return false;
5693 }
5694 }
5695 path7 = fs5.dirname(path7);
5696 }
5697 return true;
5699var EntryPointFileCache = class {
5700 constructor(fs5, sharedFileCache) {
5701 this.fs = fs5;
5702 this.sharedFileCache = sharedFileCache;
5703 this.sfCache = new Map();
5704 }
5705 getCachedSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion) {
5706 const staticSf = this.sharedFileCache.getCachedSourceFile(fileName);
5707 if (staticSf !== void 0) {
5708 return staticSf;
5709 }
5710 const absPath = this.fs.resolve(fileName);
5711 if (this.sfCache.has(absPath)) {
5712 return this.sfCache.get(absPath);
5713 }
5714 const content = readFile(absPath, this.fs);
5715 if (content === void 0) {
5716 return void 0;
5717 }
5718 const sf = ts21.createSourceFile(fileName, content, languageVersion);
5719 this.sfCache.set(absPath, sf);
5720 return sf;
5721 }
5723function readFile(absPath, fs5) {
5724 if (!fs5.exists(absPath) || !fs5.stat(absPath).isFile()) {
5725 return void 0;
5726 }
5727 return fs5.readFile(absPath);
5729function createModuleResolutionCache(fs5) {
5730 return ts21.createModuleResolutionCache(fs5.pwd(), (fileName) => {
5731 return fs5.isCaseSensitive() ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase();
5732 });
5735// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/entry_point_bundle.mjs
5736function makeEntryPointBundle(fs5, entryPoint, sharedFileCache, moduleResolutionCache, formatPath, isCore, format, dtsProcessing, pathMappings, mirrorDtsFromSrc = false, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat = true) {
5737 const rootDir = entryPoint.packagePath;
5738 const options = __spreadValues({ allowJs: true, maxNodeModuleJsDepth: Infinity, rootDir }, pathMappings);
5739 const entryPointCache = new EntryPointFileCache(fs5, sharedFileCache);
5740 const dtsHost = new NgccDtsCompilerHost(fs5, options, entryPointCache, moduleResolutionCache);
5741 const srcHost = new NgccSourcesCompilerHost(fs5, options, entryPointCache, moduleResolutionCache, entryPoint.packagePath);
5742 const absFormatPath = fs5.resolve(entryPoint.path, formatPath);
5743 const typingsPath = fs5.resolve(entryPoint.path, entryPoint.typings);
5744 const src = makeBundleProgram(fs5, isCore, entryPoint.packagePath, absFormatPath, "r3_symbols.js", options, srcHost);
5745 const additionalDtsFiles = dtsProcessing !== DtsProcessing.No && mirrorDtsFromSrc ? computePotentialDtsFilesFromJsFiles(fs5, src.program, absFormatPath, typingsPath) : [];
5746 const dts = dtsProcessing !== DtsProcessing.No ? makeBundleProgram(fs5, isCore, entryPoint.packagePath, typingsPath, "r3_symbols.d.ts", __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { allowJs: false }), dtsHost, additionalDtsFiles) : null;
5747 const isFlatCore = isCore && src.r3SymbolsFile === null;
5748 return {
5749 entryPoint,
5750 format,
5751 rootDirs: [rootDir],
5752 isCore,
5753 isFlatCore,
5754 src,
5755 dts,
5756 dtsProcessing,
5757 enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat
5758 };
5760function computePotentialDtsFilesFromJsFiles(fs5, srcProgram, formatPath, typingsPath) {
5761 const formatRoot = fs5.dirname(formatPath);
5762 const typingsRoot = fs5.dirname(typingsPath);
5763 const additionalFiles = [];
5764 for (const sf of srcProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
5765 if (!sf.fileName.endsWith(".js")) {
5766 continue;
5767 }
5768 const mirroredDtsPath = fs5.resolve(typingsRoot, fs5.relative(formatRoot, sf.fileName.replace(/\.js$/, ".d.ts")));
5769 if (fs5.exists(mirroredDtsPath)) {
5770 additionalFiles.push(mirroredDtsPath);
5771 }
5772 }
5773 return additionalFiles;
5776// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/transformer.mjs
5777import ts60 from "typescript";
5779// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/decoration_analyzer.mjs
5780import { ConstantPool as ConstantPool2 } from "@angular/compiler";
5782// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/component.mjs
5783import { compileClassMetadata as compileClassMetadata3, compileComponentFromMetadata, compileDeclareClassMetadata as compileDeclareClassMetadata3, compileDeclareComponentFromMetadata, CssSelector, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, DomElementSchemaRegistry, ExternalExpr as ExternalExpr7, FactoryTarget as FactoryTarget3, InterpolationConfig, makeBindingParser as makeBindingParser2, ParseSourceFile as ParseSourceFile2, parseTemplate, R3TargetBinder, SelectorMatcher, ViewEncapsulation, WrappedNodeExpr as WrappedNodeExpr6 } from "@angular/compiler";
5784import ts45 from "typescript";
5786// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/imports/src/alias.mjs
5787import { ExternalExpr as ExternalExpr2 } from "@angular/compiler";
5789// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/imports/src/emitter.mjs
5790import { ExternalExpr, ExternalReference, WrappedNodeExpr } from "@angular/compiler";
5791import ts23 from "typescript";
5793// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/imports/src/find_export.mjs
5794import ts22 from "typescript";
5795function findExportedNameOfNode(target, file, reflector) {
5796 const exports = reflector.getExportsOfModule(file);
5797 if (exports === null) {
5798 return null;
5799 }
5800 const declaredName = isNamedDeclaration(target) ? target.name.text : null;
5801 let foundExportName = null;
5802 for (const [exportName, declaration] of exports) {
5803 if (declaration.node !== target) {
5804 continue;
5805 }
5806 if (exportName === declaredName) {
5807 return exportName;
5808 }
5809 foundExportName = exportName;
5810 }
5811 if (foundExportName === null) {
5812 throw new Error(`Failed to find exported name of node (${target.getText()}) in '${file.fileName}'.`);
5813 }
5814 return foundExportName;
5817// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/imports/src/emitter.mjs
5818var ImportFlags;
5819(function(ImportFlags2) {
5820 ImportFlags2[ImportFlags2["None"] = 0] = "None";
5821 ImportFlags2[ImportFlags2["ForceNewImport"] = 1] = "ForceNewImport";
5822 ImportFlags2[ImportFlags2["NoAliasing"] = 2] = "NoAliasing";
5823 ImportFlags2[ImportFlags2["AllowTypeImports"] = 4] = "AllowTypeImports";
5824})(ImportFlags || (ImportFlags = {}));
5825var ReferenceEmitter = class {
5826 constructor(strategies) {
5827 this.strategies = strategies;
5828 }
5829 emit(ref, context, importFlags = ImportFlags.None) {
5830 for (const strategy of this.strategies) {
5831 const emitted = strategy.emit(ref, context, importFlags);
5832 if (emitted !== null) {
5833 return emitted;
5834 }
5835 }
5836 throw new Error(`Unable to write a reference to ${nodeNameForError(ref.node)} in ${ref.node.getSourceFile().fileName} from ${context.fileName}`);
5837 }
5839var LocalIdentifierStrategy = class {
5840 emit(ref, context, importFlags) {
5841 const refSf = getSourceFile(ref.node);
5842 if (importFlags & ImportFlags.ForceNewImport && refSf !== context) {
5843 return null;
5844 }
5845 if (!isDeclaration(ref.node) && refSf === context) {
5846 return {
5847 expression: new WrappedNodeExpr(ref.node),
5848 importedFile: null
5849 };
5850 }
5851 const identifier = ref.getIdentityIn(context);
5852 if (identifier !== null) {
5853 return {
5854 expression: new WrappedNodeExpr(identifier),
5855 importedFile: null
5856 };
5857 } else {
5858 return null;
5859 }
5860 }
5862var AbsoluteModuleStrategy = class {
5863 constructor(program, checker, moduleResolver, reflectionHost) {
5864 this.program = program;
5865 this.checker = checker;
5866 this.moduleResolver = moduleResolver;
5867 this.reflectionHost = reflectionHost;
5868 this.moduleExportsCache = new Map();
5869 }
5870 emit(ref, context, importFlags) {
5871 if (ref.bestGuessOwningModule === null) {
5872 return null;
5873 } else if (!isDeclaration(ref.node)) {
5874 throw new Error(`Debug assert: unable to import a Reference to non-declaration of type ${ts23.SyntaxKind[ref.node.kind]}.`);
5875 } else if ((importFlags & ImportFlags.AllowTypeImports) === 0 && isTypeDeclaration(ref.node)) {
5876 throw new Error(`Importing a type-only declaration of type ${ts23.SyntaxKind[ref.node.kind]} in a value position is not allowed.`);
5877 }
5878 const { specifier, resolutionContext } = ref.bestGuessOwningModule;
5879 const exports = this.getExportsOfModule(specifier, resolutionContext);
5880 if (exports === null || !exports.exportMap.has(ref.node)) {
5881 throw new Error(`Symbol ${ref.debugName} declared in ${getSourceFile(ref.node).fileName} is not exported from ${specifier} (import into ${context.fileName})`);
5882 }
5883 const symbolName = exports.exportMap.get(ref.node);
5884 return {
5885 expression: new ExternalExpr(new ExternalReference(specifier, symbolName)),
5886 importedFile: exports.module
5887 };
5888 }
5889 getExportsOfModule(moduleName, fromFile) {
5890 if (!this.moduleExportsCache.has(moduleName)) {
5891 this.moduleExportsCache.set(moduleName, this.enumerateExportsOfModule(moduleName, fromFile));
5892 }
5893 return this.moduleExportsCache.get(moduleName);
5894 }
5895 enumerateExportsOfModule(specifier, fromFile) {
5896 const entryPointFile = this.moduleResolver.resolveModule(specifier, fromFile);
5897 if (entryPointFile === null) {
5898 return null;
5899 }
5900 const exports = this.reflectionHost.getExportsOfModule(entryPointFile);
5901 if (exports === null) {
5902 return null;
5903 }
5904 const exportMap = new Map();
5905 for (const [name, declaration] of exports) {
5906 if (exportMap.has(declaration.node)) {
5907 const existingExport = exportMap.get(declaration.node);
5908 if (isNamedDeclaration(declaration.node) && declaration.node.name.text === existingExport) {
5909 continue;
5910 }
5911 }
5912 exportMap.set(declaration.node, name);
5913 }
5914 return { module: entryPointFile, exportMap };
5915 }
5917var LogicalProjectStrategy = class {
5918 constructor(reflector, logicalFs) {
5919 this.reflector = reflector;
5920 this.logicalFs = logicalFs;
5921 }
5922 emit(ref, context) {
5923 const destSf = getSourceFile(ref.node);
5924 const destPath = this.logicalFs.logicalPathOfSf(destSf);
5925 if (destPath === null) {
5926 return null;
5927 }
5928 const originPath = this.logicalFs.logicalPathOfSf(context);
5929 if (originPath === null) {
5930 throw new Error(`Debug assert: attempt to import from ${context.fileName} but it's outside the program?`);
5931 }
5932 if (destPath === originPath) {
5933 return null;
5934 }
5935 const name = findExportedNameOfNode(ref.node, destSf, this.reflector);
5936 if (name === null) {
5937 return null;
5938 }
5939 const moduleName = LogicalProjectPath.relativePathBetween(originPath, destPath);
5940 return {
5941 expression: new ExternalExpr({ moduleName, name }),
5942 importedFile: destSf
5943 };
5944 }
5947// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/imports/src/alias.mjs
5948var PrivateExportAliasingHost = class {
5949 constructor(host) {
5950 this.host = host;
5951 this.aliasExportsInDts = true;
5952 }
5953 maybeAliasSymbolAs(ref, context, ngModuleName) {
5954 if (ref.hasOwningModuleGuess) {
5955 return null;
5956 }
5957 const exports = this.host.getExportsOfModule(context);
5958 if (exports === null) {
5959 throw new Error(`Could not determine the exports of: ${context.fileName}`);
5960 }
5961 let found = false;
5962 exports.forEach((value) => {
5963 if (value.node === ref.node) {
5964 found = true;
5965 }
5966 });
5967 if (found) {
5968 return null;
5969 }
5970 return `\u0275ngExport\u0275${ngModuleName}\u0275${ref.node.name.text}`;
5971 }
5972 getAliasIn() {
5973 return null;
5974 }
5977// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/util/src/path.mjs
5978function relativePathBetween(from, to) {
5979 const relativePath = stripExtension(relative(dirname(resolve(from)), resolve(to)));
5980 return relativePath !== "" ? toRelativeImport(relativePath) : null;
5983// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/imports/src/core.mjs
5984var NoopImportRewriter = class {
5985 shouldImportSymbol(symbol, specifier) {
5986 return true;
5987 }
5988 rewriteSymbol(symbol, specifier) {
5989 return symbol;
5990 }
5991 rewriteSpecifier(specifier, inContextOfFile) {
5992 return specifier;
5993 }
5995var CORE_SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS = new Map([
5996 ["\u0275\u0275defineInjectable", "\u0275\u0275defineInjectable"],
5997 ["\u0275\u0275defineInjector", "\u0275\u0275defineInjector"],
5998 ["\u0275\u0275defineNgModule", "\u0275\u0275defineNgModule"],
5999 ["\u0275\u0275setNgModuleScope", "\u0275\u0275setNgModuleScope"],
6000 ["\u0275\u0275inject", "\u0275\u0275inject"],
6001 ["\u0275\u0275FactoryDeclaration", "\u0275\u0275FactoryDeclaration"],
6002 ["\u0275setClassMetadata", "setClassMetadata"],
6003 ["\u0275\u0275InjectableDeclaration", "\u0275\u0275InjectableDeclaration"],
6004 ["\u0275\u0275InjectorDeclaration", "\u0275\u0275InjectorDeclaration"],
6005 ["\u0275\u0275NgModuleDeclaration", "\u0275\u0275NgModuleDeclaration"],
6006 ["\u0275NgModuleFactory", "NgModuleFactory"],
6007 ["\u0275noSideEffects", "\u0275noSideEffects"]
6009var CORE_MODULE = "@angular/core";
6010var R3SymbolsImportRewriter = class {
6011 constructor(r3SymbolsPath) {
6012 this.r3SymbolsPath = r3SymbolsPath;
6013 }
6014 shouldImportSymbol(symbol, specifier) {
6015 return true;
6016 }
6017 rewriteSymbol(symbol, specifier) {
6018 if (specifier !== CORE_MODULE) {
6019 return symbol;
6020 }
6021 return validateAndRewriteCoreSymbol(symbol);
6022 }
6023 rewriteSpecifier(specifier, inContextOfFile) {
6024 if (specifier !== CORE_MODULE) {
6025 return specifier;
6026 }
6027 const relativePathToR3Symbols = relativePathBetween(inContextOfFile, this.r3SymbolsPath);
6028 if (relativePathToR3Symbols === null) {
6029 throw new Error(`Failed to rewrite import inside ${CORE_MODULE}: ${inContextOfFile} -> ${this.r3SymbolsPath}`);
6030 }
6031 return relativePathToR3Symbols;
6032 }
6034function validateAndRewriteCoreSymbol(name) {
6035 if (!CORE_SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS.has(name)) {
6036 throw new Error(`Importing unexpected symbol ${name} while compiling ${CORE_MODULE}`);
6037 }
6038 return CORE_SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS.get(name);
6041// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/imports/src/default.mjs
6042import ts24 from "typescript";
6043var DefaultImportDeclaration = Symbol("DefaultImportDeclaration");
6044function attachDefaultImportDeclaration(expr, importDecl) {
6045 expr[DefaultImportDeclaration] = importDecl;
6048// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/imports/src/references.mjs
6049var Reference = class {
6050 constructor(node, bestGuessOwningModule = null) {
6051 this.node = node;
6052 this.identifiers = [];
6053 this.synthetic = false;
6054 this._alias = null;
6055 this.bestGuessOwningModule = bestGuessOwningModule;
6056 const id = identifierOfNode(node);
6057 if (id !== null) {
6058 this.identifiers.push(id);
6059 }
6060 }
6061 get ownedByModuleGuess() {
6062 if (this.bestGuessOwningModule !== null) {
6063 return this.bestGuessOwningModule.specifier;
6064 } else {
6065 return null;
6066 }
6067 }
6068 get hasOwningModuleGuess() {
6069 return this.bestGuessOwningModule !== null;
6070 }
6071 get debugName() {
6072 const id = identifierOfNode(this.node);
6073 return id !== null ? id.text : null;
6074 }
6075 get alias() {
6076 return this._alias;
6077 }
6078 addIdentifier(identifier) {
6079 this.identifiers.push(identifier);
6080 }
6081 getIdentityIn(context) {
6082 return this.identifiers.find((id) => id.getSourceFile() === context) || null;
6083 }
6084 getIdentityInExpression(expr) {
6085 const sf = expr.getSourceFile();
6086 return this.identifiers.find((id) => {
6087 if (id.getSourceFile() !== sf) {
6088 return false;
6089 }
6090 return id.pos >= expr.pos && id.end <= expr.end;
6091 }) || null;
6092 }
6093 getOriginForDiagnostics(container, fallback = container) {
6094 const id = this.getIdentityInExpression(container);
6095 return id !== null ? id : fallback;
6096 }
6097 cloneWithAlias(alias) {
6098 const ref = new Reference(this.node, this.bestGuessOwningModule);
6099 ref.identifiers = [...this.identifiers];
6100 ref._alias = alias;
6101 return ref;
6102 }
6103 cloneWithNoIdentifiers() {
6104 const ref = new Reference(this.node, this.bestGuessOwningModule);
6105 ref._alias = this._alias;
6106 ref.identifiers = [];
6107 return ref;
6108 }
6111// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/imports/src/resolver.mjs
6112var ModuleResolver2 = class {
6113 constructor(program, compilerOptions, host, moduleResolutionCache) {
6114 this.program = program;
6115 this.compilerOptions = compilerOptions;
6116 this.host = host;
6117 this.moduleResolutionCache = moduleResolutionCache;
6118 }
6119 resolveModule(moduleName, containingFile) {
6120 const resolved = resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, this.compilerOptions, this.host, this.moduleResolutionCache);
6121 if (resolved === void 0) {
6122 return null;
6123 }
6124 return getSourceFileOrNull(this.program, absoluteFrom(resolved.resolvedFileName));
6125 }
6128// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/semantic_graph/src/api.mjs
6129import ts25 from "typescript";
6130var SemanticSymbol = class {
6131 constructor(decl) {
6132 this.decl = decl;
6133 this.path = absoluteFromSourceFile(decl.getSourceFile());
6134 this.identifier = getSymbolIdentifier(decl);
6135 }
6137function getSymbolIdentifier(decl) {
6138 if (!ts25.isSourceFile(decl.parent)) {
6139 return null;
6140 }
6141 return decl.name.text;
6144// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/semantic_graph/src/graph.mjs
6145import { ExternalExpr as ExternalExpr3 } from "@angular/compiler";
6147// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/semantic_graph/src/type_parameters.mjs
6148import ts26 from "typescript";
6150// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/semantic_graph/src/util.mjs
6151function isSymbolEqual(a, b) {
6152 if (a.decl === b.decl) {
6153 return true;
6154 }
6155 if (a.identifier === null || b.identifier === null) {
6156 return false;
6157 }
6158 return a.path === b.path && a.identifier === b.identifier;
6160function isReferenceEqual(a, b) {
6161 if (!isSymbolEqual(a.symbol, b.symbol)) {
6162 return false;
6163 }
6164 return a.importPath === b.importPath;
6166function referenceEquality(a, b) {
6167 return a === b;
6169function isArrayEqual(a, b, equalityTester = referenceEquality) {
6170 if (a === null || b === null) {
6171 return a === b;
6172 }
6173 if (a.length !== b.length) {
6174 return false;
6175 }
6176 return !a.some((item, index) => !equalityTester(item, b[index]));
6178function isSetEqual(a, b, equalityTester = referenceEquality) {
6179 if (a === null || b === null) {
6180 return a === b;
6181 }
6182 if (a.size !== b.size) {
6183 return false;
6184 }
6185 for (const itemA of a) {
6186 let found = false;
6187 for (const itemB of b) {
6188 if (equalityTester(itemA, itemB)) {
6189 found = true;
6190 break;
6191 }
6192 }
6193 if (!found) {
6194 return false;
6195 }
6196 }
6197 return true;
6200// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/semantic_graph/src/type_parameters.mjs
6201function extractSemanticTypeParameters(node) {
6202 if (!ts26.isClassDeclaration(node) || node.typeParameters === void 0) {
6203 return null;
6204 }
6205 return node.typeParameters.map((typeParam) => ({ hasGenericTypeBound: typeParam.constraint !== void 0 }));
6207function areTypeParametersEqual(current, previous) {
6208 if (!isArrayEqual(current, previous, isTypeParameterEqual)) {
6209 return false;
6210 }
6211 if (current !== null && current.some((typeParam) => typeParam.hasGenericTypeBound)) {
6212 return false;
6213 }
6214 return true;
6216function isTypeParameterEqual(a, b) {
6217 return a.hasGenericTypeBound === b.hasGenericTypeBound;
6220// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/metadata/src/api.mjs
6221var MetaType;
6222(function(MetaType2) {
6223 MetaType2[MetaType2["Pipe"] = 0] = "Pipe";
6224 MetaType2[MetaType2["Directive"] = 1] = "Directive";
6225})(MetaType || (MetaType = {}));
6227// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/metadata/src/dts.mjs
6228import ts28 from "typescript";
6230// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/metadata/src/property_mapping.mjs
6231var ClassPropertyMapping = class {
6232 constructor(forwardMap) {
6233 this.forwardMap = forwardMap;
6234 this.reverseMap = reverseMapFromForwardMap(forwardMap);
6235 }
6236 static empty() {
6237 return new ClassPropertyMapping(new Map());
6238 }
6239 static fromMappedObject(obj) {
6240 const forwardMap = new Map();
6241 for (const classPropertyName of Object.keys(obj)) {
6242 const value = obj[classPropertyName];
6243 const bindingPropertyName = Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value;
6244 const inputOrOutput = { classPropertyName, bindingPropertyName };
6245 forwardMap.set(classPropertyName, inputOrOutput);
6246 }
6247 return new ClassPropertyMapping(forwardMap);
6248 }
6249 static merge(a, b) {
6250 const forwardMap = new Map(a.forwardMap.entries());
6251 for (const [classPropertyName, inputOrOutput] of b.forwardMap) {
6252 forwardMap.set(classPropertyName, inputOrOutput);
6253 }
6254 return new ClassPropertyMapping(forwardMap);
6255 }
6256 get classPropertyNames() {
6257 return Array.from(this.forwardMap.keys());
6258 }
6259 get propertyNames() {
6260 return Array.from(this.reverseMap.keys());
6261 }
6262 hasBindingPropertyName(propertyName) {
6263 return this.reverseMap.has(propertyName);
6264 }
6265 getByBindingPropertyName(propertyName) {
6266 return this.reverseMap.has(propertyName) ? this.reverseMap.get(propertyName) : null;
6267 }
6268 getByClassPropertyName(classPropertyName) {
6269 return this.forwardMap.has(classPropertyName) ? this.forwardMap.get(classPropertyName) : null;
6270 }
6271 toDirectMappedObject() {
6272 const obj = {};
6273 for (const [classPropertyName, inputOrOutput] of this.forwardMap) {
6274 obj[classPropertyName] = inputOrOutput.bindingPropertyName;
6275 }
6276 return obj;
6277 }
6278 toJointMappedObject() {
6279 const obj = {};
6280 for (const [classPropertyName, inputOrOutput] of this.forwardMap) {
6281 if (inputOrOutput.bindingPropertyName === classPropertyName) {
6282 obj[classPropertyName] = inputOrOutput.bindingPropertyName;
6283 } else {
6284 obj[classPropertyName] = [inputOrOutput.bindingPropertyName, classPropertyName];
6285 }
6286 }
6287 return obj;
6288 }
6289 *[Symbol.iterator]() {
6290 for (const [classPropertyName, inputOrOutput] of this.forwardMap.entries()) {
6291 yield [classPropertyName, inputOrOutput.bindingPropertyName];
6292 }
6293 }
6295function reverseMapFromForwardMap(forwardMap) {
6296 const reverseMap = new Map();
6297 for (const [_, inputOrOutput] of forwardMap) {
6298 if (!reverseMap.has(inputOrOutput.bindingPropertyName)) {
6299 reverseMap.set(inputOrOutput.bindingPropertyName, []);
6300 }
6301 reverseMap.get(inputOrOutput.bindingPropertyName).push(inputOrOutput);
6302 }
6303 return reverseMap;
6306// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/metadata/src/util.mjs
6307import ts27 from "typescript";
6308function extractReferencesFromType(checker, def, bestGuessOwningModule) {
6309 if (!ts27.isTupleTypeNode(def)) {
6310 return [];
6311 }
6312 return def.elements.map((element) => {
6313 if (!ts27.isTypeQueryNode(element)) {
6314 throw new Error(`Expected TypeQueryNode: ${nodeDebugInfo(element)}`);
6315 }
6316 const type = element.exprName;
6317 const { node, from } = reflectTypeEntityToDeclaration(type, checker);
6318 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(node)) {
6319 throw new Error(`Expected named ClassDeclaration: ${nodeDebugInfo(node)}`);
6320 }
6321 if (from !== null && !from.startsWith(".")) {
6322 return new Reference(node, { specifier: from, resolutionContext: def.getSourceFile().fileName });
6323 } else {
6324 return new Reference(node, bestGuessOwningModule);
6325 }
6326 });
6328function readStringType(type) {
6329 if (!ts27.isLiteralTypeNode(type) || !ts27.isStringLiteral(type.literal)) {
6330 return null;
6331 }
6332 return type.literal.text;
6334function readStringMapType(type) {
6335 if (!ts27.isTypeLiteralNode(type)) {
6336 return {};
6337 }
6338 const obj = {};
6339 type.members.forEach((member) => {
6340 if (!ts27.isPropertySignature(member) || member.type === void 0 || member.name === void 0 || !ts27.isStringLiteral(member.name)) {
6341 return;
6342 }
6343 const value = readStringType(member.type);
6344 if (value === null) {
6345 return null;
6346 }
6347 obj[member.name.text] = value;
6348 });
6349 return obj;
6351function readStringArrayType(type) {
6352 if (!ts27.isTupleTypeNode(type)) {
6353 return [];
6354 }
6355 const res = [];
6356 type.elements.forEach((el) => {
6357 if (!ts27.isLiteralTypeNode(el) || !ts27.isStringLiteral(el.literal)) {
6358 return;
6359 }
6360 res.push(el.literal.text);
6361 });
6362 return res;
6364function extractDirectiveTypeCheckMeta(node, inputs, reflector) {
6365 const members = reflector.getMembersOfClass(node);
6366 const staticMembers = members.filter((member) => member.isStatic);
6367 const ngTemplateGuards = staticMembers.map(extractTemplateGuard).filter((guard) => guard !== null);
6368 const hasNgTemplateContextGuard = staticMembers.some((member) => member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Method && member.name === "ngTemplateContextGuard");
6369 const coercedInputFields = new Set(staticMembers.map(extractCoercedInput).filter((inputName) => inputName !== null));
6370 const restrictedInputFields = new Set();
6371 const stringLiteralInputFields = new Set();
6372 const undeclaredInputFields = new Set();
6373 for (const classPropertyName of inputs.classPropertyNames) {
6374 const field = members.find((member) => member.name === classPropertyName);
6375 if (field === void 0 || field.node === null) {
6376 undeclaredInputFields.add(classPropertyName);
6377 continue;
6378 }
6379 if (isRestricted(field.node)) {
6380 restrictedInputFields.add(classPropertyName);
6381 }
6382 if (field.nameNode !== null && ts27.isStringLiteral(field.nameNode)) {
6383 stringLiteralInputFields.add(classPropertyName);
6384 }
6385 }
6386 const arity = reflector.getGenericArityOfClass(node);
6387 return {
6388 hasNgTemplateContextGuard,
6389 ngTemplateGuards,
6390 coercedInputFields,
6391 restrictedInputFields,
6392 stringLiteralInputFields,
6393 undeclaredInputFields,
6394 isGeneric: arity !== null && arity > 0
6395 };
6397function isRestricted(node) {
6398 if (node.modifiers === void 0) {
6399 return false;
6400 }
6401 return node.modifiers.some((modifier) => modifier.kind === ts27.SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword || modifier.kind === ts27.SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword || modifier.kind === ts27.SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword);
6403function extractTemplateGuard(member) {
6404 if (!member.name.startsWith("ngTemplateGuard_")) {
6405 return null;
6406 }
6407 const inputName = afterUnderscore(member.name);
6408 if (member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Property) {
6409 let type = null;
6410 if (member.type !== null && ts27.isLiteralTypeNode(member.type) && ts27.isStringLiteral(member.type.literal)) {
6411 type = member.type.literal.text;
6412 }
6413 if (type !== "binding") {
6414 return null;
6415 }
6416 return { inputName, type };
6417 } else if (member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Method) {
6418 return { inputName, type: "invocation" };
6419 } else {
6420 return null;
6421 }
6423function extractCoercedInput(member) {
6424 if (member.kind !== ClassMemberKind.Property || !member.name.startsWith("ngAcceptInputType_")) {
6425 return null;
6426 }
6427 return afterUnderscore(member.name);
6429var CompoundMetadataReader = class {
6430 constructor(readers) {
6431 this.readers = readers;
6432 }
6433 getDirectiveMetadata(node) {
6434 for (const reader of this.readers) {
6435 const meta = reader.getDirectiveMetadata(node);
6436 if (meta !== null) {
6437 return meta;
6438 }
6439 }
6440 return null;
6441 }
6442 getNgModuleMetadata(node) {
6443 for (const reader of this.readers) {
6444 const meta = reader.getNgModuleMetadata(node);
6445 if (meta !== null) {
6446 return meta;
6447 }
6448 }
6449 return null;
6450 }
6451 getPipeMetadata(node) {
6452 for (const reader of this.readers) {
6453 const meta = reader.getPipeMetadata(node);
6454 if (meta !== null) {
6455 return meta;
6456 }
6457 }
6458 return null;
6459 }
6461function afterUnderscore(str) {
6462 const pos = str.indexOf("_");
6463 if (pos === -1) {
6464 throw new Error(`Expected '${str}' to contain '_'`);
6465 }
6466 return str.substr(pos + 1);
6468function hasInjectableFields(clazz, host) {
6469 const members = host.getMembersOfClass(clazz);
6470 return members.some(({ isStatic, name }) => isStatic && (name === "\u0275prov" || name === "\u0275fac"));
6473// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/metadata/src/dts.mjs
6474var DtsMetadataReader = class {
6475 constructor(checker, reflector) {
6476 this.checker = checker;
6477 this.reflector = reflector;
6478 }
6479 getNgModuleMetadata(ref) {
6480 const clazz = ref.node;
6481 const ngModuleDef = this.reflector.getMembersOfClass(clazz).find((member) => member.name === "\u0275mod" && member.isStatic);
6482 if (ngModuleDef === void 0) {
6483 return null;
6484 } else if (ngModuleDef.type === null || !ts28.isTypeReferenceNode(ngModuleDef.type) || ngModuleDef.type.typeArguments === void 0 || ngModuleDef.type.typeArguments.length !== 4) {
6485 return null;
6486 }
6487 const [_, declarationMetadata, importMetadata, exportMetadata] = ngModuleDef.type.typeArguments;
6488 return {
6489 ref,
6490 declarations: extractReferencesFromType(this.checker, declarationMetadata, ref.bestGuessOwningModule),
6491 exports: extractReferencesFromType(this.checker, exportMetadata, ref.bestGuessOwningModule),
6492 imports: extractReferencesFromType(this.checker, importMetadata, ref.bestGuessOwningModule),
6493 schemas: [],
6494 rawDeclarations: null
6495 };
6496 }
6497 getDirectiveMetadata(ref) {
6498 const clazz = ref.node;
6499 const def = this.reflector.getMembersOfClass(clazz).find((field) => field.isStatic && (field.name === "\u0275cmp" || field.name === "\u0275dir"));
6500 if (def === void 0) {
6501 return null;
6502 } else if (def.type === null || !ts28.isTypeReferenceNode(def.type) || def.type.typeArguments === void 0 || def.type.typeArguments.length < 2) {
6503 return null;
6504 }
6505 const isComponent = def.name === "\u0275cmp";
6506 const ctorParams = this.reflector.getConstructorParameters(clazz);
6507 const isStructural = !isComponent && ctorParams !== null && ctorParams.some((param) => {
6508 return param.typeValueReference.kind === 1 && param.typeValueReference.moduleName === "@angular/core" && param.typeValueReference.importedName === "TemplateRef";
6509 });
6510 const inputs = ClassPropertyMapping.fromMappedObject(readStringMapType(def.type.typeArguments[3]));
6511 const outputs = ClassPropertyMapping.fromMappedObject(readStringMapType(def.type.typeArguments[4]));
6512 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({
6513 type: MetaType.Directive,
6514 ref,
6515 name: clazz.name.text,
6516 isComponent,
6517 selector: readStringType(def.type.typeArguments[1]),
6518 exportAs: readStringArrayType(def.type.typeArguments[2]),
6519 inputs,
6520 outputs,
6521 queries: readStringArrayType(def.type.typeArguments[5])
6522 }, extractDirectiveTypeCheckMeta(clazz, inputs, this.reflector)), {
6523 baseClass: readBaseClass(clazz, this.checker, this.reflector),
6524 isPoisoned: false,
6525 isStructural
6526 });
6527 }
6528 getPipeMetadata(ref) {
6529 const def = this.reflector.getMembersOfClass(ref.node).find((field) => field.isStatic && field.name === "\u0275pipe");
6530 if (def === void 0) {
6531 return null;
6532 } else if (def.type === null || !ts28.isTypeReferenceNode(def.type) || def.type.typeArguments === void 0 || def.type.typeArguments.length < 2) {
6533 return null;
6534 }
6535 const type = def.type.typeArguments[1];
6536 if (!ts28.isLiteralTypeNode(type) || !ts28.isStringLiteral(type.literal)) {
6537 return null;
6538 }
6539 const name = type.literal.text;
6540 return {
6541 type: MetaType.Pipe,
6542 ref,
6543 name,
6544 nameExpr: null
6545 };
6546 }
6548function readBaseClass(clazz, checker, reflector) {
6549 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(clazz)) {
6550 return reflector.hasBaseClass(clazz) ? "dynamic" : null;
6551 }
6552 if (clazz.heritageClauses !== void 0) {
6553 for (const clause of clazz.heritageClauses) {
6554 if (clause.token === ts28.SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword) {
6555 const baseExpr = clause.types[0].expression;
6556 let symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(baseExpr);
6557 if (symbol === void 0) {
6558 return "dynamic";
6559 } else if (symbol.flags & ts28.SymbolFlags.Alias) {
6560 symbol = checker.getAliasedSymbol(symbol);
6561 }
6562 if (symbol.valueDeclaration !== void 0 && isNamedClassDeclaration(symbol.valueDeclaration)) {
6563 return new Reference(symbol.valueDeclaration);
6564 } else {
6565 return "dynamic";
6566 }
6567 }
6568 }
6569 }
6570 return null;
6573// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/metadata/src/inheritance.mjs
6574function flattenInheritedDirectiveMetadata(reader, dir) {
6575 const topMeta = reader.getDirectiveMetadata(dir);
6576 if (topMeta === null) {
6577 throw new Error(`Metadata not found for directive: ${dir.debugName}`);
6578 }
6579 if (topMeta.baseClass === null) {
6580 return topMeta;
6581 }
6582 const coercedInputFields = new Set();
6583 const undeclaredInputFields = new Set();
6584 const restrictedInputFields = new Set();
6585 const stringLiteralInputFields = new Set();
6586 let isDynamic = false;
6587 let inputs = ClassPropertyMapping.empty();
6588 let outputs = ClassPropertyMapping.empty();
6589 let isStructural = false;
6590 const addMetadata = (meta) => {
6591 if (meta.baseClass === "dynamic") {
6592 isDynamic = true;
6593 } else if (meta.baseClass !== null) {
6594 const baseMeta = reader.getDirectiveMetadata(meta.baseClass);
6595 if (baseMeta !== null) {
6596 addMetadata(baseMeta);
6597 } else {
6598 isDynamic = true;
6599 }
6600 }
6601 isStructural = isStructural || meta.isStructural;
6602 inputs = ClassPropertyMapping.merge(inputs, meta.inputs);
6603 outputs = ClassPropertyMapping.merge(outputs, meta.outputs);
6604 for (const coercedInputField of meta.coercedInputFields) {
6605 coercedInputFields.add(coercedInputField);
6606 }
6607 for (const undeclaredInputField of meta.undeclaredInputFields) {
6608 undeclaredInputFields.add(undeclaredInputField);
6609 }
6610 for (const restrictedInputField of meta.restrictedInputFields) {
6611 restrictedInputFields.add(restrictedInputField);
6612 }
6613 for (const field of meta.stringLiteralInputFields) {
6614 stringLiteralInputFields.add(field);
6615 }
6616 };
6617 addMetadata(topMeta);
6618 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, topMeta), {
6619 inputs,
6620 outputs,
6621 coercedInputFields,
6622 undeclaredInputFields,
6623 restrictedInputFields,
6624 stringLiteralInputFields,
6625 baseClass: isDynamic ? "dynamic" : null,
6626 isStructural
6627 });
6630// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/metadata/src/registry.mjs
6631var LocalMetadataRegistry = class {
6632 constructor() {
6633 this.directives = new Map();
6634 this.ngModules = new Map();
6635 this.pipes = new Map();
6636 }
6637 getDirectiveMetadata(ref) {
6638 return this.directives.has(ref.node) ? this.directives.get(ref.node) : null;
6639 }
6640 getNgModuleMetadata(ref) {
6641 return this.ngModules.has(ref.node) ? this.ngModules.get(ref.node) : null;
6642 }
6643 getPipeMetadata(ref) {
6644 return this.pipes.has(ref.node) ? this.pipes.get(ref.node) : null;
6645 }
6646 registerDirectiveMetadata(meta) {
6647 this.directives.set(meta.ref.node, meta);
6648 }
6649 registerNgModuleMetadata(meta) {
6650 this.ngModules.set(meta.ref.node, meta);
6651 }
6652 registerPipeMetadata(meta) {
6653 this.pipes.set(meta.ref.node, meta);
6654 }
6656var CompoundMetadataRegistry = class {
6657 constructor(registries) {
6658 this.registries = registries;
6659 }
6660 registerDirectiveMetadata(meta) {
6661 for (const registry of this.registries) {
6662 registry.registerDirectiveMetadata(meta);
6663 }
6664 }
6665 registerNgModuleMetadata(meta) {
6666 for (const registry of this.registries) {
6667 registry.registerNgModuleMetadata(meta);
6668 }
6669 }
6670 registerPipeMetadata(meta) {
6671 for (const registry of this.registries) {
6672 registry.registerPipeMetadata(meta);
6673 }
6674 }
6676var InjectableClassRegistry = class {
6677 constructor(host) {
6678 this.host = host;
6679 this.classes = new Set();
6680 }
6681 registerInjectable(declaration) {
6682 this.classes.add(declaration);
6683 }
6684 isInjectable(declaration) {
6685 return this.classes.has(declaration) || hasInjectableFields(declaration, this.host);
6686 }
6689// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/metadata/src/resource_registry.mjs
6690var ResourceRegistry = class {
6691 constructor() {
6692 this.externalTemplateToComponentsMap = new Map();
6693 this.componentToTemplateMap = new Map();
6694 this.componentToStylesMap = new Map();
6695 this.externalStyleToComponentsMap = new Map();
6696 }
6697 getComponentsWithTemplate(template) {
6698 if (!this.externalTemplateToComponentsMap.has(template)) {
6699 return new Set();
6700 }
6701 return this.externalTemplateToComponentsMap.get(template);
6702 }
6703 registerResources(resources, component) {
6704 if (resources.template !== null) {
6705 this.registerTemplate(resources.template, component);
6706 }
6707 for (const style of resources.styles) {
6708 this.registerStyle(style, component);
6709 }
6710 }
6711 registerTemplate(templateResource, component) {
6712 const { path: path7 } = templateResource;
6713 if (path7 !== null) {
6714 if (!this.externalTemplateToComponentsMap.has(path7)) {
6715 this.externalTemplateToComponentsMap.set(path7, new Set());
6716 }
6717 this.externalTemplateToComponentsMap.get(path7).add(component);
6718 }
6719 this.componentToTemplateMap.set(component, templateResource);
6720 }
6721 getTemplate(component) {
6722 if (!this.componentToTemplateMap.has(component)) {
6723 return null;
6724 }
6725 return this.componentToTemplateMap.get(component);
6726 }
6727 registerStyle(styleResource, component) {
6728 const { path: path7 } = styleResource;
6729 if (!this.componentToStylesMap.has(component)) {
6730 this.componentToStylesMap.set(component, new Set());
6731 }
6732 if (path7 !== null) {
6733 if (!this.externalStyleToComponentsMap.has(path7)) {
6734 this.externalStyleToComponentsMap.set(path7, new Set());
6735 }
6736 this.externalStyleToComponentsMap.get(path7).add(component);
6737 }
6738 this.componentToStylesMap.get(component).add(styleResource);
6739 }
6740 getStyles(component) {
6741 if (!this.componentToStylesMap.has(component)) {
6742 return new Set();
6743 }
6744 return this.componentToStylesMap.get(component);
6745 }
6746 getComponentsWithStyle(styleUrl) {
6747 if (!this.externalStyleToComponentsMap.has(styleUrl)) {
6748 return new Set();
6749 }
6750 return this.externalStyleToComponentsMap.get(styleUrl);
6751 }
6754// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator/src/diagnostics.mjs
6755import ts29 from "typescript";
6757// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator/src/dynamic.mjs
6758var DynamicValue = class {
6759 constructor(node, reason, code) {
6760 this.node = node;
6761 this.reason = reason;
6762 this.code = code;
6763 }
6764 static fromDynamicInput(node, input) {
6765 return new DynamicValue(node, input, 0);
6766 }
6767 static fromDynamicString(node) {
6768 return new DynamicValue(node, void 0, 1);
6769 }
6770 static fromExternalReference(node, ref) {
6771 return new DynamicValue(node, ref, 2);
6772 }
6773 static fromUnsupportedSyntax(node) {
6774 return new DynamicValue(node, void 0, 3);
6775 }
6776 static fromUnknownIdentifier(node) {
6777 return new DynamicValue(node, void 0, 4);
6778 }
6779 static fromInvalidExpressionType(node, value) {
6780 return new DynamicValue(node, value, 5);
6781 }
6782 static fromComplexFunctionCall(node, fn) {
6783 return new DynamicValue(node, fn, 6);
6784 }
6785 static fromDynamicType(node) {
6786 return new DynamicValue(node, void 0, 7);
6787 }
6788 static fromUnknown(node) {
6789 return new DynamicValue(node, void 0, 8);
6790 }
6791 isFromDynamicInput() {
6792 return this.code === 0;
6793 }
6794 isFromDynamicString() {
6795 return this.code === 1;
6796 }
6797 isFromExternalReference() {
6798 return this.code === 2;
6799 }
6800 isFromUnsupportedSyntax() {
6801 return this.code === 3;
6802 }
6803 isFromUnknownIdentifier() {
6804 return this.code === 4;
6805 }
6806 isFromInvalidExpressionType() {
6807 return this.code === 5;
6808 }
6809 isFromComplexFunctionCall() {
6810 return this.code === 6;
6811 }
6812 isFromDynamicType() {
6813 return this.code === 7;
6814 }
6815 isFromUnknown() {
6816 return this.code === 8;
6817 }
6818 accept(visitor) {
6819 switch (this.code) {
6820 case 0:
6821 return visitor.visitDynamicInput(this);
6822 case 1:
6823 return visitor.visitDynamicString(this);
6824 case 2:
6825 return visitor.visitExternalReference(this);
6826 case 3:
6827 return visitor.visitUnsupportedSyntax(this);
6828 case 4:
6829 return visitor.visitUnknownIdentifier(this);
6830 case 5:
6831 return visitor.visitInvalidExpressionType(this);
6832 case 6:
6833 return visitor.visitComplexFunctionCall(this);
6834 case 7:
6835 return visitor.visitDynamicType(this);
6836 case 8:
6837 return visitor.visitUnknown(this);
6838 }
6839 }
6842// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator/src/result.mjs
6843var ResolvedModule = class {
6844 constructor(exports, evaluate) {
6845 this.exports = exports;
6846 this.evaluate = evaluate;
6847 }
6848 getExport(name) {
6849 if (!this.exports.has(name)) {
6850 return void 0;
6851 }
6852 return this.evaluate(this.exports.get(name));
6853 }
6854 getExports() {
6855 const map = new Map();
6856 this.exports.forEach((decl, name) => {
6857 map.set(name, this.evaluate(decl));
6858 });
6859 return map;
6860 }
6862var EnumValue = class {
6863 constructor(enumRef, name, resolved) {
6864 this.enumRef = enumRef;
6865 this.name = name;
6866 this.resolved = resolved;
6867 }
6869var KnownFn = class {
6872// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator/src/diagnostics.mjs
6873function describeResolvedType(value, maxDepth = 1) {
6874 var _a, _b;
6875 if (value === null) {
6876 return "null";
6877 } else if (value === void 0) {
6878 return "undefined";
6879 } else if (typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "boolean" || typeof value === "string") {
6880 return typeof value;
6881 } else if (value instanceof Map) {
6882 if (maxDepth === 0) {
6883 return "object";
6884 }
6885 const entries = Array.from(value.entries()).map(([key, v]) => {
6886 return `${quoteKey(key)}: ${describeResolvedType(v, maxDepth - 1)}`;
6887 });
6888 return entries.length > 0 ? `{ ${entries.join("; ")} }` : "{}";
6889 } else if (value instanceof ResolvedModule) {
6890 return "(module)";
6891 } else if (value instanceof EnumValue) {
6892 return (_a = value.enumRef.debugName) != null ? _a : "(anonymous)";
6893 } else if (value instanceof Reference) {
6894 return (_b = value.debugName) != null ? _b : "(anonymous)";
6895 } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
6896 if (maxDepth === 0) {
6897 return "Array";
6898 }
6899 return `[${value.map((v) => describeResolvedType(v, maxDepth - 1)).join(", ")}]`;
6900 } else if (value instanceof DynamicValue) {
6901 return "(not statically analyzable)";
6902 } else if (value instanceof KnownFn) {
6903 return "Function";
6904 } else {
6905 return "unknown";
6906 }
6908function quoteKey(key) {
6909 if (/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i.test(key)) {
6910 return key;
6911 } else {
6912 return `'${key.replace(/'/g, "\\'")}'`;
6913 }
6915function traceDynamicValue(node, value) {
6916 return value.accept(new TraceDynamicValueVisitor(node));
6918var TraceDynamicValueVisitor = class {
6919 constructor(node) {
6920 this.node = node;
6921 this.currentContainerNode = null;
6922 }
6923 visitDynamicInput(value) {
6924 const trace = value.reason.accept(this);
6925 if (this.shouldTrace(value.node)) {
6926 const info = makeRelatedInformation(value.node, "Unable to evaluate this expression statically.");
6927 trace.unshift(info);
6928 }
6929 return trace;
6930 }
6931 visitDynamicString(value) {
6932 return [makeRelatedInformation(value.node, "A string value could not be determined statically.")];
6933 }
6934 visitExternalReference(value) {
6935 const name = value.reason.debugName;
6936 const description = name !== null ? `'${name}'` : "an anonymous declaration";
6937 return [makeRelatedInformation(value.node, `A value for ${description} cannot be determined statically, as it is an external declaration.`)];
6938 }
6939 visitComplexFunctionCall(value) {
6940 return [
6941 makeRelatedInformation(value.node, "Unable to evaluate function call of complex function. A function must have exactly one return statement."),
6942 makeRelatedInformation(value.reason.node, "Function is declared here.")
6943 ];
6944 }
6945 visitInvalidExpressionType(value) {
6946 return [makeRelatedInformation(value.node, "Unable to evaluate an invalid expression.")];
6947 }
6948 visitUnknown(value) {
6949 return [makeRelatedInformation(value.node, "Unable to evaluate statically.")];
6950 }
6951 visitUnknownIdentifier(value) {
6952 return [makeRelatedInformation(value.node, "Unknown reference.")];
6953 }
6954 visitDynamicType(value) {
6955 return [makeRelatedInformation(value.node, "Dynamic type.")];
6956 }
6957 visitUnsupportedSyntax(value) {
6958 return [makeRelatedInformation(value.node, "This syntax is not supported.")];
6959 }
6960 shouldTrace(node) {
6961 if (node === this.node) {
6962 return false;
6963 }
6964 const container = getContainerNode(node);
6965 if (container === this.currentContainerNode) {
6966 return false;
6967 }
6968 this.currentContainerNode = container;
6969 return true;
6970 }
6972function getContainerNode(node) {
6973 let currentNode = node;
6974 while (currentNode !== void 0) {
6975 switch (currentNode.kind) {
6976 case ts29.SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement:
6977 case ts29.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement:
6978 case ts29.SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement:
6979 case ts29.SyntaxKind.IfStatement:
6980 case ts29.SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement:
6981 case ts29.SyntaxKind.DoStatement:
6982 case ts29.SyntaxKind.WhileStatement:
6983 case ts29.SyntaxKind.ForStatement:
6984 case ts29.SyntaxKind.ForInStatement:
6985 case ts29.SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement:
6986 case ts29.SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement:
6987 case ts29.SyntaxKind.BreakStatement:
6988 case ts29.SyntaxKind.ThrowStatement:
6989 case ts29.SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern:
6990 case ts29.SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern:
6991 return currentNode;
6992 }
6993 currentNode = currentNode.parent;
6994 }
6995 return node.getSourceFile();
6998// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator/src/interpreter.mjs
6999import ts30 from "typescript";
7001// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator/src/builtin.mjs
7002var ArraySliceBuiltinFn = class extends KnownFn {
7003 constructor(lhs) {
7004 super();
7005 this.lhs = lhs;
7006 }
7007 evaluate(node, args) {
7008 if (args.length === 0) {
7009 return this.lhs;
7010 } else {
7011 return DynamicValue.fromUnknown(node);
7012 }
7013 }
7015var ArrayConcatBuiltinFn = class extends KnownFn {
7016 constructor(lhs) {
7017 super();
7018 this.lhs = lhs;
7019 }
7020 evaluate(node, args) {
7021 const result = [...this.lhs];
7022 for (const arg of args) {
7023 if (arg instanceof DynamicValue) {
7024 result.push(DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, arg));
7025 } else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
7026 result.push(...arg);
7027 } else {
7028 result.push(arg);
7029 }
7030 }
7031 return result;
7032 }
7034var StringConcatBuiltinFn = class extends KnownFn {
7035 constructor(lhs) {
7036 super();
7037 this.lhs = lhs;
7038 }
7039 evaluate(node, args) {
7040 let result = this.lhs;
7041 for (const arg of args) {
7042 const resolved = arg instanceof EnumValue ? arg.resolved : arg;
7043 if (typeof resolved === "string" || typeof resolved === "number" || typeof resolved === "boolean" || resolved == null) {
7044 result = result.concat(resolved);
7045 } else {
7046 return DynamicValue.fromUnknown(node);
7047 }
7048 }
7049 return result;
7050 }
7052var ObjectAssignBuiltinFn = class extends KnownFn {
7053 evaluate(node, args) {
7054 if (args.length === 0) {
7055 return DynamicValue.fromUnsupportedSyntax(node);
7056 }
7057 for (const arg of args) {
7058 if (arg instanceof DynamicValue) {
7059 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, arg);
7060 } else if (!(arg instanceof Map)) {
7061 return DynamicValue.fromUnsupportedSyntax(node);
7062 }
7063 }
7064 const [target, ...sources] = args;
7065 for (const source of sources) {
7066 source.forEach((value, key) => target.set(key, value));
7067 }
7068 return target;
7069 }
7072// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator/src/ts_helpers.mjs
7073var AssignHelperFn = class extends ObjectAssignBuiltinFn {
7075var SpreadHelperFn = class extends KnownFn {
7076 evaluate(node, args) {
7077 const result = [];
7078 for (const arg of args) {
7079 if (arg instanceof DynamicValue) {
7080 result.push(DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, arg));
7081 } else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
7082 result.push(...arg);
7083 } else {
7084 result.push(arg);
7085 }
7086 }
7087 return result;
7088 }
7090var SpreadArrayHelperFn = class extends KnownFn {
7091 evaluate(node, args) {
7092 if (args.length !== 2 && args.length !== 3) {
7093 return DynamicValue.fromUnknown(node);
7094 }
7095 const [to, from] = args;
7096 if (to instanceof DynamicValue) {
7097 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, to);
7098 } else if (from instanceof DynamicValue) {
7099 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, from);
7100 }
7101 if (!Array.isArray(to)) {
7102 return DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node, to);
7103 } else if (!Array.isArray(from)) {
7104 return DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node, from);
7105 }
7106 return to.concat(from);
7107 }
7109var ReadHelperFn = class extends KnownFn {
7110 evaluate(node, args) {
7111 if (args.length !== 1) {
7112 return DynamicValue.fromUnknown(node);
7113 }
7114 const [value] = args;
7115 if (value instanceof DynamicValue) {
7116 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, value);
7117 }
7118 if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
7119 return DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node, value);
7120 }
7121 return value;
7122 }
7125// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator/src/known_declaration.mjs
7126var jsGlobalObjectValue = new Map([["assign", new ObjectAssignBuiltinFn()]]);
7127var assignTsHelperFn = new AssignHelperFn();
7128var spreadTsHelperFn = new SpreadHelperFn();
7129var spreadArrayTsHelperFn = new SpreadArrayHelperFn();
7130var readTsHelperFn = new ReadHelperFn();
7131function resolveKnownDeclaration(decl) {
7132 switch (decl) {
7133 case KnownDeclaration.JsGlobalObject:
7134 return jsGlobalObjectValue;
7135 case KnownDeclaration.TsHelperAssign:
7136 return assignTsHelperFn;
7137 case KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpread:
7138 case KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpreadArrays:
7139 return spreadTsHelperFn;
7140 case KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpreadArray:
7141 return spreadArrayTsHelperFn;
7142 case KnownDeclaration.TsHelperRead:
7143 return readTsHelperFn;
7144 default:
7145 throw new Error(`Cannot resolve known declaration. Received: ${KnownDeclaration[decl]}.`);
7146 }
7149// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator/src/interpreter.mjs
7150function literalBinaryOp(op) {
7151 return { op, literal: true };
7153function referenceBinaryOp(op) {
7154 return { op, literal: false };
7156var BINARY_OPERATORS = new Map([
7157 [ts30.SyntaxKind.PlusToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a + b)],
7158 [ts30.SyntaxKind.MinusToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a - b)],
7159 [ts30.SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a * b)],
7160 [ts30.SyntaxKind.SlashToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a / b)],
7161 [ts30.SyntaxKind.PercentToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a % b)],
7162 [ts30.SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a & b)],
7163 [ts30.SyntaxKind.BarToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a | b)],
7164 [ts30.SyntaxKind.CaretToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a ^ b)],
7165 [ts30.SyntaxKind.LessThanToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a < b)],
7166 [ts30.SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a <= b)],
7167 [ts30.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a > b)],
7168 [ts30.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a >= b)],
7169 [ts30.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a == b)],
7170 [ts30.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a === b)],
7171 [ts30.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a != b)],
7172 [ts30.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a !== b)],
7173 [ts30.SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a << b)],
7174 [ts30.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a >> b)],
7175 [ts30.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => a >>> b)],
7176 [ts30.SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken, literalBinaryOp((a, b) => Math.pow(a, b))],
7177 [ts30.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken, referenceBinaryOp((a, b) => a && b)],
7178 [ts30.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken, referenceBinaryOp((a, b) => a || b)]
7180var UNARY_OPERATORS = new Map([
7181 [ts30.SyntaxKind.TildeToken, (a) => ~a],
7182 [ts30.SyntaxKind.MinusToken, (a) => -a],
7183 [ts30.SyntaxKind.PlusToken, (a) => +a],
7184 [ts30.SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken, (a) => !a]
7186var StaticInterpreter = class {
7187 constructor(host, checker, dependencyTracker) {
7188 this.host = host;
7189 this.checker = checker;
7190 this.dependencyTracker = dependencyTracker;
7191 }
7192 visit(node, context) {
7193 return this.visitExpression(node, context);
7194 }
7195 visitExpression(node, context) {
7196 let result;
7197 if (node.kind === ts30.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword) {
7198 return true;
7199 } else if (node.kind === ts30.SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword) {
7200 return false;
7201 } else if (node.kind === ts30.SyntaxKind.NullKeyword) {
7202 return null;
7203 } else if (ts30.isStringLiteral(node)) {
7204 return node.text;
7205 } else if (ts30.isNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(node)) {
7206 return node.text;
7207 } else if (ts30.isTemplateExpression(node)) {
7208 result = this.visitTemplateExpression(node, context);
7209 } else if (ts30.isNumericLiteral(node)) {
7210 return parseFloat(node.text);
7211 } else if (ts30.isObjectLiteralExpression(node)) {
7212 result = this.visitObjectLiteralExpression(node, context);
7213 } else if (ts30.isIdentifier(node)) {
7214 result = this.visitIdentifier(node, context);
7215 } else if (ts30.isPropertyAccessExpression(node)) {
7216 result = this.visitPropertyAccessExpression(node, context);
7217 } else if (ts30.isCallExpression(node)) {
7218 result = this.visitCallExpression(node, context);
7219 } else if (ts30.isConditionalExpression(node)) {
7220 result = this.visitConditionalExpression(node, context);
7221 } else if (ts30.isPrefixUnaryExpression(node)) {
7222 result = this.visitPrefixUnaryExpression(node, context);
7223 } else if (ts30.isBinaryExpression(node)) {
7224 result = this.visitBinaryExpression(node, context);
7225 } else if (ts30.isArrayLiteralExpression(node)) {
7226 result = this.visitArrayLiteralExpression(node, context);
7227 } else if (ts30.isParenthesizedExpression(node)) {
7228 result = this.visitParenthesizedExpression(node, context);
7229 } else if (ts30.isElementAccessExpression(node)) {
7230 result = this.visitElementAccessExpression(node, context);
7231 } else if (ts30.isAsExpression(node)) {
7232 result = this.visitExpression(node.expression, context);
7233 } else if (ts30.isNonNullExpression(node)) {
7234 result = this.visitExpression(node.expression, context);
7235 } else if (this.host.isClass(node)) {
7236 result = this.visitDeclaration(node, context);
7237 } else {
7238 return DynamicValue.fromUnsupportedSyntax(node);
7239 }
7240 if (result instanceof DynamicValue && result.node !== node) {
7241 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, result);
7242 }
7243 return result;
7244 }
7245 visitArrayLiteralExpression(node, context) {
7246 const array = [];
7247 for (let i = 0; i < node.elements.length; i++) {
7248 const element = node.elements[i];
7249 if (ts30.isSpreadElement(element)) {
7250 array.push(...this.visitSpreadElement(element, context));
7251 } else {
7252 array.push(this.visitExpression(element, context));
7253 }
7254 }
7255 return array;
7256 }
7257 visitObjectLiteralExpression(node, context) {
7258 const map = new Map();
7259 for (let i = 0; i < node.properties.length; i++) {
7260 const property2 = node.properties[i];
7261 if (ts30.isPropertyAssignment(property2)) {
7262 const name = this.stringNameFromPropertyName(property2.name, context);
7263 if (name === void 0) {
7264 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, DynamicValue.fromDynamicString(property2.name));
7265 }
7266 map.set(name, this.visitExpression(property2.initializer, context));
7267 } else if (ts30.isShorthandPropertyAssignment(property2)) {
7268 const symbol = this.checker.getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(property2);
7269 if (symbol === void 0 || symbol.valueDeclaration === void 0) {
7270 map.set(property2.name.text, DynamicValue.fromUnknown(property2));
7271 } else {
7272 map.set(property2.name.text, this.visitDeclaration(symbol.valueDeclaration, context));
7273 }
7274 } else if (ts30.isSpreadAssignment(property2)) {
7275 const spread = this.visitExpression(property2.expression, context);
7276 if (spread instanceof DynamicValue) {
7277 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, spread);
7278 } else if (spread instanceof Map) {
7279 spread.forEach((value, key) => map.set(key, value));
7280 } else if (spread instanceof ResolvedModule) {
7281 spread.getExports().forEach((value, key) => map.set(key, value));
7282 } else {
7283 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(property2, spread));
7284 }
7285 } else {
7286 return DynamicValue.fromUnknown(node);
7287 }
7288 }
7289 return map;
7290 }
7291 visitTemplateExpression(node, context) {
7292 const pieces = [node.head.text];
7293 for (let i = 0; i < node.templateSpans.length; i++) {
7294 const span = node.templateSpans[i];
7295 const value = literal(this.visit(span.expression, context), () => DynamicValue.fromDynamicString(span.expression));
7296 if (value instanceof DynamicValue) {
7297 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, value);
7298 }
7299 pieces.push(`${value}`, span.literal.text);
7300 }
7301 return pieces.join("");
7302 }
7303 visitIdentifier(node, context) {
7304 const decl = this.host.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(node);
7305 if (decl === null) {
7306 if (node.originalKeywordKind === ts30.SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword) {
7307 return void 0;
7308 } else {
7309 if (this.dependencyTracker !== null && this.host.getImportOfIdentifier(node) !== null) {
7310 this.dependencyTracker.recordDependencyAnalysisFailure(context.originatingFile);
7311 }
7312 return DynamicValue.fromUnknownIdentifier(node);
7313 }
7314 }
7315 if (decl.known !== null) {
7316 return resolveKnownDeclaration(decl.known);
7317 } else if (isConcreteDeclaration(decl) && decl.identity !== null && decl.identity.kind === 0) {
7318 return this.getResolvedEnum(decl.node, decl.identity.enumMembers, context);
7319 }
7320 const declContext = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, context), joinModuleContext(context, node, decl));
7321 const result = this.visitAmbiguousDeclaration(decl, declContext);
7322 if (result instanceof Reference) {
7323 if (!result.synthetic) {
7324 result.addIdentifier(node);
7325 }
7326 } else if (result instanceof DynamicValue) {
7327 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, result);
7328 }
7329 return result;
7330 }
7331 visitDeclaration(node, context) {
7332 if (this.dependencyTracker !== null) {
7333 this.dependencyTracker.addDependency(context.originatingFile, node.getSourceFile());
7334 }
7335 if (this.host.isClass(node)) {
7336 return this.getReference(node, context);
7337 } else if (ts30.isVariableDeclaration(node)) {
7338 return this.visitVariableDeclaration(node, context);
7339 } else if (ts30.isParameter(node) && context.scope.has(node)) {
7340 return context.scope.get(node);
7341 } else if (ts30.isExportAssignment(node)) {
7342 return this.visitExpression(node.expression, context);
7343 } else if (ts30.isEnumDeclaration(node)) {
7344 return this.visitEnumDeclaration(node, context);
7345 } else if (ts30.isSourceFile(node)) {
7346 return this.visitSourceFile(node, context);
7347 } else if (ts30.isBindingElement(node)) {
7348 return this.visitBindingElement(node, context);
7349 } else {
7350 return this.getReference(node, context);
7351 }
7352 }
7353 visitVariableDeclaration(node, context) {
7354 const value = this.host.getVariableValue(node);
7355 if (value !== null) {
7356 return this.visitExpression(value, context);
7357 } else if (isVariableDeclarationDeclared(node)) {
7358 if (node.type !== void 0) {
7359 const evaluatedType = this.visitType(node.type, context);
7360 if (!(evaluatedType instanceof DynamicValue)) {
7361 return evaluatedType;
7362 }
7363 }
7364 return this.getReference(node, context);
7365 } else {
7366 return void 0;
7367 }
7368 }
7369 visitEnumDeclaration(node, context) {
7370 const enumRef = this.getReference(node, context);
7371 const map = new Map();
7372 node.members.forEach((member) => {
7373 const name = this.stringNameFromPropertyName(member.name, context);
7374 if (name !== void 0) {
7375 const resolved = member.initializer && this.visit(member.initializer, context);
7376 map.set(name, new EnumValue(enumRef, name, resolved));
7377 }
7378 });
7379 return map;
7380 }
7381 visitElementAccessExpression(node, context) {
7382 const lhs = this.visitExpression(node.expression, context);
7383 if (lhs instanceof DynamicValue) {
7384 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, lhs);
7385 }
7386 const rhs = this.visitExpression(node.argumentExpression, context);
7387 if (rhs instanceof DynamicValue) {
7388 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, rhs);
7389 }
7390 if (typeof rhs !== "string" && typeof rhs !== "number") {
7391 return DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node, rhs);
7392 }
7393 return this.accessHelper(node, lhs, rhs, context);
7394 }
7395 visitPropertyAccessExpression(node, context) {
7396 const lhs = this.visitExpression(node.expression, context);
7397 const rhs = node.name.text;
7398 if (lhs instanceof DynamicValue) {
7399 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, lhs);
7400 }
7401 return this.accessHelper(node, lhs, rhs, context);
7402 }
7403 visitSourceFile(node, context) {
7404 const declarations = this.host.getExportsOfModule(node);
7405 if (declarations === null) {
7406 return DynamicValue.fromUnknown(node);
7407 }
7408 return new ResolvedModule(declarations, (decl) => {
7409 if (decl.known !== null) {
7410 return resolveKnownDeclaration(decl.known);
7411 }
7412 const declContext = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, context), joinModuleContext(context, node, decl));
7413 return this.visitAmbiguousDeclaration(decl, declContext);
7414 });
7415 }
7416 visitAmbiguousDeclaration(decl, declContext) {
7417 return decl.kind === 1 && decl.implementation !== void 0 && !isDeclaration(decl.implementation) ? this.visitExpression(decl.implementation, declContext) : this.visitDeclaration(decl.node, declContext);
7418 }
7419 accessHelper(node, lhs, rhs, context) {
7420 const strIndex = `${rhs}`;
7421 if (lhs instanceof Map) {
7422 if (lhs.has(strIndex)) {
7423 return lhs.get(strIndex);
7424 } else {
7425 return void 0;
7426 }
7427 } else if (lhs instanceof ResolvedModule) {
7428 return lhs.getExport(strIndex);
7429 } else if (Array.isArray(lhs)) {
7430 if (rhs === "length") {
7431 return lhs.length;
7432 } else if (rhs === "slice") {
7433 return new ArraySliceBuiltinFn(lhs);
7434 } else if (rhs === "concat") {
7435 return new ArrayConcatBuiltinFn(lhs);
7436 }
7437 if (typeof rhs !== "number" || !Number.isInteger(rhs)) {
7438 return DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node, rhs);
7439 }
7440 return lhs[rhs];
7441 } else if (typeof lhs === "string" && rhs === "concat") {
7442 return new StringConcatBuiltinFn(lhs);
7443 } else if (lhs instanceof Reference) {
7444 const ref = lhs.node;
7445 if (this.host.isClass(ref)) {
7446 const module7 = owningModule(context, lhs.bestGuessOwningModule);
7447 let value = void 0;
7448 const member = this.host.getMembersOfClass(ref).find((member2) => member2.isStatic && member2.name === strIndex);
7449 if (member !== void 0) {
7450 if (member.value !== null) {
7451 value = this.visitExpression(member.value, context);
7452 } else if (member.implementation !== null) {
7453 value = new Reference(member.implementation, module7);
7454 } else if (member.node) {
7455 value = new Reference(member.node, module7);
7456 }
7457 }
7458 return value;
7459 } else if (isDeclaration(ref)) {
7460 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, DynamicValue.fromExternalReference(ref, lhs));
7461 }
7462 } else if (lhs instanceof DynamicValue) {
7463 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, lhs);
7464 }
7465 return DynamicValue.fromUnknown(node);
7466 }
7467 visitCallExpression(node, context) {
7468 const lhs = this.visitExpression(node.expression, context);
7469 if (lhs instanceof DynamicValue) {
7470 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, lhs);
7471 }
7472 if (lhs instanceof KnownFn) {
7473 return lhs.evaluate(node, this.evaluateFunctionArguments(node, context));
7474 }
7475 if (!(lhs instanceof Reference)) {
7476 return DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node.expression, lhs);
7477 }
7478 const fn = this.host.getDefinitionOfFunction(lhs.node);
7479 if (fn === null) {
7480 return DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node.expression, lhs);
7481 }
7482 if (!isFunctionOrMethodReference(lhs)) {
7483 return DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node.expression, lhs);
7484 }
7485 if (fn.body === null) {
7486 let expr = null;
7487 if (context.foreignFunctionResolver) {
7488 expr = context.foreignFunctionResolver(lhs, node.arguments);
7489 }
7490 if (expr === null) {
7491 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, DynamicValue.fromExternalReference(node.expression, lhs));
7492 }
7493 if (expr.getSourceFile() !== node.expression.getSourceFile() && lhs.bestGuessOwningModule !== null) {
7494 context = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, context), {
7495 absoluteModuleName: lhs.bestGuessOwningModule.specifier,
7496 resolutionContext: lhs.bestGuessOwningModule.resolutionContext
7497 });
7498 }
7499 return this.visitFfrExpression(expr, context);
7500 }
7501 let res = this.visitFunctionBody(node, fn, context);
7502 if (res instanceof DynamicValue && context.foreignFunctionResolver !== void 0) {
7503 const ffrExpr = context.foreignFunctionResolver(lhs, node.arguments);
7504 if (ffrExpr !== null) {
7505 const ffrRes = this.visitFfrExpression(ffrExpr, context);
7506 if (!(ffrRes instanceof DynamicValue)) {
7507 res = ffrRes;
7508 }
7509 }
7510 }
7511 return res;
7512 }
7513 visitFfrExpression(expr, context) {
7514 const res = this.visitExpression(expr, context);
7515 if (res instanceof Reference) {
7516 res.synthetic = true;
7517 }
7518 return res;
7519 }
7520 visitFunctionBody(node, fn, context) {
7521 if (fn.body === null) {
7522 return DynamicValue.fromUnknown(node);
7523 } else if (fn.body.length !== 1 || !ts30.isReturnStatement(fn.body[0])) {
7524 return DynamicValue.fromComplexFunctionCall(node, fn);
7525 }
7526 const ret = fn.body[0];
7527 const args = this.evaluateFunctionArguments(node, context);
7528 const newScope = new Map();
7529 const calleeContext = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, context), { scope: newScope });
7530 fn.parameters.forEach((param, index) => {
7531 let arg = args[index];
7532 if (param.node.dotDotDotToken !== void 0) {
7533 arg = args.slice(index);
7534 }
7535 if (arg === void 0 && param.initializer !== null) {
7536 arg = this.visitExpression(param.initializer, calleeContext);
7537 }
7538 newScope.set(param.node, arg);
7539 });
7540 return ret.expression !== void 0 ? this.visitExpression(ret.expression, calleeContext) : void 0;
7541 }
7542 visitConditionalExpression(node, context) {
7543 const condition = this.visitExpression(node.condition, context);
7544 if (condition instanceof DynamicValue) {
7545 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, condition);
7546 }
7547 if (condition) {
7548 return this.visitExpression(node.whenTrue, context);
7549 } else {
7550 return this.visitExpression(node.whenFalse, context);
7551 }
7552 }
7553 visitPrefixUnaryExpression(node, context) {
7554 const operatorKind = node.operator;
7555 if (!UNARY_OPERATORS.has(operatorKind)) {
7556 return DynamicValue.fromUnsupportedSyntax(node);
7557 }
7558 const op = UNARY_OPERATORS.get(operatorKind);
7559 const value = this.visitExpression(node.operand, context);
7560 if (value instanceof DynamicValue) {
7561 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, value);
7562 } else {
7563 return op(value);
7564 }
7565 }
7566 visitBinaryExpression(node, context) {
7567 const tokenKind = node.operatorToken.kind;
7568 if (!BINARY_OPERATORS.has(tokenKind)) {
7569 return DynamicValue.fromUnsupportedSyntax(node);
7570 }
7571 const opRecord = BINARY_OPERATORS.get(tokenKind);
7572 let lhs, rhs;
7573 if (opRecord.literal) {
7574 lhs = literal(this.visitExpression(node.left, context), (value) => DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node.left, value));
7575 rhs = literal(this.visitExpression(node.right, context), (value) => DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node.right, value));
7576 } else {
7577 lhs = this.visitExpression(node.left, context);
7578 rhs = this.visitExpression(node.right, context);
7579 }
7580 if (lhs instanceof DynamicValue) {
7581 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, lhs);
7582 } else if (rhs instanceof DynamicValue) {
7583 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, rhs);
7584 } else {
7585 return opRecord.op(lhs, rhs);
7586 }
7587 }
7588 visitParenthesizedExpression(node, context) {
7589 return this.visitExpression(node.expression, context);
7590 }
7591 evaluateFunctionArguments(node, context) {
7592 const args = [];
7593 for (const arg of node.arguments) {
7594 if (ts30.isSpreadElement(arg)) {
7595 args.push(...this.visitSpreadElement(arg, context));
7596 } else {
7597 args.push(this.visitExpression(arg, context));
7598 }
7599 }
7600 return args;
7601 }
7602 visitSpreadElement(node, context) {
7603 const spread = this.visitExpression(node.expression, context);
7604 if (spread instanceof DynamicValue) {
7605 return [DynamicValue.fromDynamicInput(node, spread)];
7606 } else if (!Array.isArray(spread)) {
7607 return [DynamicValue.fromInvalidExpressionType(node, spread)];
7608 } else {
7609 return spread;
7610 }
7611 }
7612 visitBindingElement(node, context) {
7613 const path7 = [];
7614 let closestDeclaration = node;
7615 while (ts30.isBindingElement(closestDeclaration) || ts30.isArrayBindingPattern(closestDeclaration) || ts30.isObjectBindingPattern(closestDeclaration)) {
7616 if (ts30.isBindingElement(closestDeclaration)) {
7617 path7.unshift(closestDeclaration);
7618 }
7619 closestDeclaration = closestDeclaration.parent;
7620 }
7621 if (!ts30.isVariableDeclaration(closestDeclaration) || closestDeclaration.initializer === void 0) {
7622 return DynamicValue.fromUnknown(node);
7623 }
7624 let value = this.visit(closestDeclaration.initializer, context);
7625 for (const element of path7) {
7626 let key;
7627 if (ts30.isArrayBindingPattern(element.parent)) {
7628 key = element.parent.elements.indexOf(element);
7629 } else {
7630 const name = element.propertyName || element.name;
7631 if (ts30.isIdentifier(name)) {
7632 key = name.text;
7633 } else {
7634 return DynamicValue.fromUnknown(element);
7635 }
7636 }
7637 value = this.accessHelper(element, value, key, context);
7638 if (value instanceof DynamicValue) {
7639 return value;
7640 }
7641 }
7642 return value;
7643 }
7644 stringNameFromPropertyName(node, context) {
7645 if (ts30.isIdentifier(node) || ts30.isStringLiteral(node) || ts30.isNumericLiteral(node)) {
7646 return node.text;
7647 } else if (ts30.isComputedPropertyName(node)) {
7648 const literal2 = this.visitExpression(node.expression, context);
7649 return typeof literal2 === "string" ? literal2 : void 0;
7650 } else {
7651 return void 0;
7652 }
7653 }
7654 getResolvedEnum(node, enumMembers, context) {
7655 const enumRef = this.getReference(node, context);
7656 const map = new Map();
7657 enumMembers.forEach((member) => {
7658 const name = this.stringNameFromPropertyName(member.name, context);
7659 if (name !== void 0) {
7660 const resolved = this.visit(member.initializer, context);
7661 map.set(name, new EnumValue(enumRef, name, resolved));
7662 }
7663 });
7664 return map;
7665 }
7666 getReference(node, context) {
7667 return new Reference(node, owningModule(context));
7668 }
7669 visitType(node, context) {
7670 if (ts30.isLiteralTypeNode(node)) {
7671 return this.visitExpression(node.literal, context);
7672 } else if (ts30.isTupleTypeNode(node)) {
7673 return this.visitTupleType(node, context);
7674 } else if (ts30.isNamedTupleMember(node)) {
7675 return this.visitType(node.type, context);
7676 }
7677 return DynamicValue.fromDynamicType(node);
7678 }
7679 visitTupleType(node, context) {
7680 const res = [];
7681 for (const elem of node.elements) {
7682 res.push(this.visitType(elem, context));
7683 }
7684 return res;
7685 }
7687function isFunctionOrMethodReference(ref) {
7688 return ts30.isFunctionDeclaration(ref.node) || ts30.isMethodDeclaration(ref.node) || ts30.isFunctionExpression(ref.node);
7690function literal(value, reject) {
7691 if (value instanceof EnumValue) {
7692 value = value.resolved;
7693 }
7694 if (value instanceof DynamicValue || value === null || value === void 0 || typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "boolean") {
7695 return value;
7696 }
7697 return reject(value);
7699function isVariableDeclarationDeclared(node) {
7700 if (node.parent === void 0 || !ts30.isVariableDeclarationList(node.parent)) {
7701 return false;
7702 }
7703 const declList = node.parent;
7704 if (declList.parent === void 0 || !ts30.isVariableStatement(declList.parent)) {
7705 return false;
7706 }
7707 const varStmt = declList.parent;
7708 return varStmt.modifiers !== void 0 && varStmt.modifiers.some((mod) => mod.kind === ts30.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword);
7710var EMPTY = {};
7711function joinModuleContext(existing, node, decl) {
7712 if (decl.viaModule !== null && decl.viaModule !== existing.absoluteModuleName) {
7713 return {
7714 absoluteModuleName: decl.viaModule,
7715 resolutionContext: node.getSourceFile().fileName
7716 };
7717 } else {
7718 return EMPTY;
7719 }
7721function owningModule(context, override = null) {
7722 let specifier = context.absoluteModuleName;
7723 if (override !== null) {
7724 specifier = override.specifier;
7725 }
7726 if (specifier !== null) {
7727 return {
7728 specifier,
7729 resolutionContext: context.resolutionContext
7730 };
7731 } else {
7732 return null;
7733 }
7736// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator/src/interface.mjs
7737var PartialEvaluator = class {
7738 constructor(host, checker, dependencyTracker) {
7739 this.host = host;
7740 this.checker = checker;
7741 this.dependencyTracker = dependencyTracker;
7742 }
7743 evaluate(expr, foreignFunctionResolver) {
7744 const interpreter = new StaticInterpreter(this.host, this.checker, this.dependencyTracker);
7745 const sourceFile = expr.getSourceFile();
7746 return interpreter.visit(expr, {
7747 originatingFile: sourceFile,
7748 absoluteModuleName: null,
7749 resolutionContext: sourceFile.fileName,
7750 scope: new Map(),
7751 foreignFunctionResolver
7752 });
7753 }
7756// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/perf/src/api.mjs
7757var PerfPhase;
7758(function(PerfPhase2) {
7759 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["Unaccounted"] = 0] = "Unaccounted";
7760 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["Setup"] = 1] = "Setup";
7761 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["TypeScriptProgramCreate"] = 2] = "TypeScriptProgramCreate";
7762 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["Reconciliation"] = 3] = "Reconciliation";
7763 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["ResourceUpdate"] = 4] = "ResourceUpdate";
7764 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["TypeScriptDiagnostics"] = 5] = "TypeScriptDiagnostics";
7765 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["Analysis"] = 6] = "Analysis";
7766 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["Resolve"] = 7] = "Resolve";
7767 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["CycleDetection"] = 8] = "CycleDetection";
7768 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["TcbGeneration"] = 9] = "TcbGeneration";
7769 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["TcbUpdateProgram"] = 10] = "TcbUpdateProgram";
7770 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["TypeScriptEmit"] = 11] = "TypeScriptEmit";
7771 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["Compile"] = 12] = "Compile";
7772 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["TtcAutocompletion"] = 13] = "TtcAutocompletion";
7773 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["TtcDiagnostics"] = 14] = "TtcDiagnostics";
7774 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["TtcSymbol"] = 15] = "TtcSymbol";
7775 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["LsReferencesAndRenames"] = 16] = "LsReferencesAndRenames";
7776 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["LsQuickInfo"] = 17] = "LsQuickInfo";
7777 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["LsDefinition"] = 18] = "LsDefinition";
7778 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["LsCompletions"] = 19] = "LsCompletions";
7779 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["LsTcb"] = 20] = "LsTcb";
7780 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["LsDiagnostics"] = 21] = "LsDiagnostics";
7781 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["LsComponentLocations"] = 22] = "LsComponentLocations";
7782 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["LsSignatureHelp"] = 23] = "LsSignatureHelp";
7783 PerfPhase2[PerfPhase2["LAST"] = 24] = "LAST";
7784})(PerfPhase || (PerfPhase = {}));
7785var PerfEvent;
7786(function(PerfEvent2) {
7787 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["InputDtsFile"] = 0] = "InputDtsFile";
7788 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["InputTsFile"] = 1] = "InputTsFile";
7789 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["AnalyzeComponent"] = 2] = "AnalyzeComponent";
7790 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["AnalyzeDirective"] = 3] = "AnalyzeDirective";
7791 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["AnalyzeInjectable"] = 4] = "AnalyzeInjectable";
7792 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["AnalyzeNgModule"] = 5] = "AnalyzeNgModule";
7793 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["AnalyzePipe"] = 6] = "AnalyzePipe";
7794 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["TraitAnalyze"] = 7] = "TraitAnalyze";
7795 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["TraitReuseAnalysis"] = 8] = "TraitReuseAnalysis";
7796 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["SourceFilePhysicalChange"] = 9] = "SourceFilePhysicalChange";
7797 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["SourceFileLogicalChange"] = 10] = "SourceFileLogicalChange";
7798 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["SourceFileReuseAnalysis"] = 11] = "SourceFileReuseAnalysis";
7799 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["GenerateTcb"] = 12] = "GenerateTcb";
7800 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["SkipGenerateTcbNoInline"] = 13] = "SkipGenerateTcbNoInline";
7801 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["ReuseTypeCheckFile"] = 14] = "ReuseTypeCheckFile";
7802 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["UpdateTypeCheckProgram"] = 15] = "UpdateTypeCheckProgram";
7803 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["EmitSkipSourceFile"] = 16] = "EmitSkipSourceFile";
7804 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["EmitSourceFile"] = 17] = "EmitSourceFile";
7805 PerfEvent2[PerfEvent2["LAST"] = 18] = "LAST";
7806})(PerfEvent || (PerfEvent = {}));
7807var PerfCheckpoint;
7808(function(PerfCheckpoint2) {
7809 PerfCheckpoint2[PerfCheckpoint2["Initial"] = 0] = "Initial";
7810 PerfCheckpoint2[PerfCheckpoint2["TypeScriptProgramCreate"] = 1] = "TypeScriptProgramCreate";
7811 PerfCheckpoint2[PerfCheckpoint2["PreAnalysis"] = 2] = "PreAnalysis";
7812 PerfCheckpoint2[PerfCheckpoint2["Analysis"] = 3] = "Analysis";
7813 PerfCheckpoint2[PerfCheckpoint2["Resolve"] = 4] = "Resolve";
7814 PerfCheckpoint2[PerfCheckpoint2["TtcGeneration"] = 5] = "TtcGeneration";
7815 PerfCheckpoint2[PerfCheckpoint2["TtcUpdateProgram"] = 6] = "TtcUpdateProgram";
7816 PerfCheckpoint2[PerfCheckpoint2["PreEmit"] = 7] = "PreEmit";
7817 PerfCheckpoint2[PerfCheckpoint2["Emit"] = 8] = "Emit";
7818 PerfCheckpoint2[PerfCheckpoint2["LAST"] = 9] = "LAST";
7819})(PerfCheckpoint || (PerfCheckpoint = {}));
7821// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/perf/src/noop.mjs
7822var NoopPerfRecorder = class {
7823 eventCount() {
7824 }
7825 memory() {
7826 }
7827 phase() {
7828 return PerfPhase.Unaccounted;
7829 }
7830 inPhase(phase, fn) {
7831 return fn();
7832 }
7833 reset() {
7834 }
7836var NOOP_PERF_RECORDER = new NoopPerfRecorder();
7838// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/transform/src/api.mjs
7839var CompilationMode;
7840(function(CompilationMode2) {
7841 CompilationMode2[CompilationMode2["FULL"] = 0] = "FULL";
7842 CompilationMode2[CompilationMode2["PARTIAL"] = 1] = "PARTIAL";
7843})(CompilationMode || (CompilationMode = {}));
7844var HandlerPrecedence;
7845(function(HandlerPrecedence2) {
7846 HandlerPrecedence2[HandlerPrecedence2["PRIMARY"] = 0] = "PRIMARY";
7847 HandlerPrecedence2[HandlerPrecedence2["SHARED"] = 1] = "SHARED";
7848 HandlerPrecedence2[HandlerPrecedence2["WEAK"] = 2] = "WEAK";
7849})(HandlerPrecedence || (HandlerPrecedence = {}));
7850var HandlerFlags;
7851(function(HandlerFlags2) {
7852 HandlerFlags2[HandlerFlags2["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE";
7853 HandlerFlags2[HandlerFlags2["FULL_INHERITANCE"] = 1] = "FULL_INHERITANCE";
7854})(HandlerFlags || (HandlerFlags = {}));
7856// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/transform/src/alias.mjs
7857import ts31 from "typescript";
7859// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/transform/src/compilation.mjs
7860import ts32 from "typescript";
7862// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/transform/src/trait.mjs
7863var TraitState;
7864(function(TraitState2) {
7865 TraitState2[TraitState2["Pending"] = 0] = "Pending";
7866 TraitState2[TraitState2["Analyzed"] = 1] = "Analyzed";
7867 TraitState2[TraitState2["Resolved"] = 2] = "Resolved";
7868 TraitState2[TraitState2["Skipped"] = 3] = "Skipped";
7869})(TraitState || (TraitState = {}));
7870var Trait = {
7871 pending: (handler, detected) => TraitImpl.pending(handler, detected)
7873var TraitImpl = class {
7874 constructor(handler, detected) {
7875 this.state = TraitState.Pending;
7876 this.analysis = null;
7877 this.symbol = null;
7878 this.resolution = null;
7879 this.analysisDiagnostics = null;
7880 this.resolveDiagnostics = null;
7881 this.handler = handler;
7882 this.detected = detected;
7883 }
7884 toAnalyzed(analysis, diagnostics, symbol) {
7885 this.assertTransitionLegal(TraitState.Pending, TraitState.Analyzed);
7886 this.analysis = analysis;
7887 this.analysisDiagnostics = diagnostics;
7888 this.symbol = symbol;
7889 this.state = TraitState.Analyzed;
7890 return this;
7891 }
7892 toResolved(resolution, diagnostics) {
7893 this.assertTransitionLegal(TraitState.Analyzed, TraitState.Resolved);
7894 if (this.analysis === null) {
7895 throw new Error(`Cannot transition an Analyzed trait with a null analysis to Resolved`);
7896 }
7897 this.resolution = resolution;
7898 this.state = TraitState.Resolved;
7899 this.resolveDiagnostics = diagnostics;
7900 return this;
7901 }
7902 toSkipped() {
7903 this.assertTransitionLegal(TraitState.Pending, TraitState.Skipped);
7904 this.state = TraitState.Skipped;
7905 return this;
7906 }
7907 assertTransitionLegal(allowedState, transitionTo) {
7908 if (!(this.state === allowedState)) {
7909 throw new Error(`Assertion failure: cannot transition from ${TraitState[this.state]} to ${TraitState[transitionTo]}.`);
7910 }
7911 }
7912 static pending(handler, detected) {
7913 return new TraitImpl(handler, detected);
7914 }
7917// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/transform/src/compilation.mjs
7918var TraitCompiler = class {
7919 constructor(handlers, reflector, perf, incrementalBuild, compileNonExportedClasses, compilationMode, dtsTransforms, semanticDepGraphUpdater) {
7920 this.handlers = handlers;
7921 this.reflector = reflector;
7922 this.perf = perf;
7923 this.incrementalBuild = incrementalBuild;
7924 this.compileNonExportedClasses = compileNonExportedClasses;
7925 this.compilationMode = compilationMode;
7926 this.dtsTransforms = dtsTransforms;
7927 this.semanticDepGraphUpdater = semanticDepGraphUpdater;
7928 this.classes = new Map();
7929 this.fileToClasses = new Map();
7930 this.filesWithoutTraits = new Set();
7931 this.reexportMap = new Map();
7932 this.handlersByName = new Map();
7933 for (const handler of handlers) {
7934 this.handlersByName.set(handler.name, handler);
7935 }
7936 }
7937 analyzeSync(sf) {
7938 this.analyze(sf, false);
7939 }
7940 analyzeAsync(sf) {
7941 return this.analyze(sf, true);
7942 }
7943 analyze(sf, preanalyze) {
7944 if (sf.isDeclarationFile) {
7945 return void 0;
7946 }
7947 const promises = [];
7948 const priorWork = this.incrementalBuild.priorAnalysisFor(sf);
7949 if (priorWork !== null) {
7950 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.SourceFileReuseAnalysis);
7951 if (priorWork.length > 0) {
7952 for (const priorRecord of priorWork) {
7953 this.adopt(priorRecord);
7954 }
7955 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.TraitReuseAnalysis, priorWork.length);
7956 } else {
7957 this.filesWithoutTraits.add(sf);
7958 }
7959 return;
7960 }
7961 const visit2 = (node) => {
7962 if (this.reflector.isClass(node)) {
7963 this.analyzeClass(node, preanalyze ? promises : null);
7964 }
7965 ts32.forEachChild(node, visit2);
7966 };
7967 visit2(sf);
7968 if (preanalyze && promises.length > 0) {
7969 return Promise.all(promises).then(() => void 0);
7970 } else {
7971 return void 0;
7972 }
7973 }
7974 recordFor(clazz) {
7975 if (this.classes.has(clazz)) {
7976 return this.classes.get(clazz);
7977 } else {
7978 return null;
7979 }
7980 }
7981 recordsFor(sf) {
7982 if (!this.fileToClasses.has(sf)) {
7983 return null;
7984 }
7985 const records = [];
7986 for (const clazz of this.fileToClasses.get(sf)) {
7987 records.push(this.classes.get(clazz));
7988 }
7989 return records;
7990 }
7991 getAnalyzedRecords() {
7992 const result = new Map();
7993 for (const [sf, classes] of this.fileToClasses) {
7994 const records = [];
7995 for (const clazz of classes) {
7996 records.push(this.classes.get(clazz));
7997 }
7998 result.set(sf, records);
7999 }
8000 for (const sf of this.filesWithoutTraits) {
8001 result.set(sf, []);
8002 }
8003 return result;
8004 }
8005 adopt(priorRecord) {
8006 const record = {
8007 hasPrimaryHandler: priorRecord.hasPrimaryHandler,
8008 hasWeakHandlers: priorRecord.hasWeakHandlers,
8009 metaDiagnostics: priorRecord.metaDiagnostics,
8010 node: priorRecord.node,
8011 traits: []
8012 };
8013 for (const priorTrait of priorRecord.traits) {
8014 const handler = this.handlersByName.get(priorTrait.handler.name);
8015 let trait = Trait.pending(handler, priorTrait.detected);
8016 if (priorTrait.state === TraitState.Analyzed || priorTrait.state === TraitState.Resolved) {
8017 const symbol = this.makeSymbolForTrait(handler, record.node, priorTrait.analysis);
8018 trait = trait.toAnalyzed(priorTrait.analysis, priorTrait.analysisDiagnostics, symbol);
8019 if (trait.analysis !== null && trait.handler.register !== void 0) {
8020 trait.handler.register(record.node, trait.analysis);
8021 }
8022 } else if (priorTrait.state === TraitState.Skipped) {
8023 trait = trait.toSkipped();
8024 }
8025 record.traits.push(trait);
8026 }
8027 this.classes.set(record.node, record);
8028 const sf = record.node.getSourceFile();
8029 if (!this.fileToClasses.has(sf)) {
8030 this.fileToClasses.set(sf, new Set());
8031 }
8032 this.fileToClasses.get(sf).add(record.node);
8033 }
8034 scanClassForTraits(clazz) {
8035 if (!this.compileNonExportedClasses && !this.reflector.isStaticallyExported(clazz)) {
8036 return null;
8037 }
8038 const decorators = this.reflector.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(clazz);
8039 return this.detectTraits(clazz, decorators);
8040 }
8041 detectTraits(clazz, decorators) {
8042 let record = this.recordFor(clazz);
8043 let foundTraits = [];
8044 for (const handler of this.handlers) {
8045 const result = handler.detect(clazz, decorators);
8046 if (result === void 0) {
8047 continue;
8048 }
8049 const isPrimaryHandler = handler.precedence === HandlerPrecedence.PRIMARY;
8050 const isWeakHandler = handler.precedence === HandlerPrecedence.WEAK;
8051 const trait = Trait.pending(handler, result);
8052 foundTraits.push(trait);
8053 if (record === null) {
8054 record = {
8055 node: clazz,
8056 traits: [trait],
8057 metaDiagnostics: null,
8058 hasPrimaryHandler: isPrimaryHandler,
8059 hasWeakHandlers: isWeakHandler
8060 };
8061 this.classes.set(clazz, record);
8062 const sf = clazz.getSourceFile();
8063 if (!this.fileToClasses.has(sf)) {
8064 this.fileToClasses.set(sf, new Set());
8065 }
8066 this.fileToClasses.get(sf).add(clazz);
8067 } else {
8068 if (!isWeakHandler && record.hasWeakHandlers) {
8069 record.traits = record.traits.filter((field) => field.handler.precedence !== HandlerPrecedence.WEAK);
8070 record.hasWeakHandlers = false;
8071 } else if (isWeakHandler && !record.hasWeakHandlers) {
8072 continue;
8073 }
8074 if (isPrimaryHandler && record.hasPrimaryHandler) {
8075 record.metaDiagnostics = [{
8076 category: ts32.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
8077 code: Number("-99" + ErrorCode.DECORATOR_COLLISION),
8078 file: getSourceFile(clazz),
8079 start: clazz.getStart(void 0, false),
8080 length: clazz.getWidth(),
8081 messageText: "Two incompatible decorators on class"
8082 }];
8083 record.traits = foundTraits = [];
8084 break;
8085 }
8086 record.traits.push(trait);
8087 record.hasPrimaryHandler = record.hasPrimaryHandler || isPrimaryHandler;
8088 }
8089 }
8090 return foundTraits.length > 0 ? foundTraits : null;
8091 }
8092 makeSymbolForTrait(handler, decl, analysis) {
8093 if (analysis === null) {
8094 return null;
8095 }
8096 const symbol = handler.symbol(decl, analysis);
8097 if (symbol !== null && this.semanticDepGraphUpdater !== null) {
8098 const isPrimary = handler.precedence === HandlerPrecedence.PRIMARY;
8099 if (!isPrimary) {
8100 throw new Error(`AssertionError: ${handler.name} returned a symbol but is not a primary handler.`);
8101 }
8102 this.semanticDepGraphUpdater.registerSymbol(symbol);
8103 }
8104 return symbol;
8105 }
8106 analyzeClass(clazz, preanalyzeQueue) {
8107 const traits = this.scanClassForTraits(clazz);
8108 if (traits === null) {
8109 return;
8110 }
8111 for (const trait of traits) {
8112 const analyze = () => this.analyzeTrait(clazz, trait);
8113 let preanalysis = null;
8114 if (preanalyzeQueue !== null && trait.handler.preanalyze !== void 0) {
8115 try {
8116 preanalysis = trait.handler.preanalyze(clazz, trait.detected.metadata) || null;
8117 } catch (err) {
8118 if (err instanceof FatalDiagnosticError) {
8119 trait.toAnalyzed(null, [err.toDiagnostic()], null);
8120 return;
8121 } else {
8122 throw err;
8123 }
8124 }
8125 }
8126 if (preanalysis !== null) {
8127 preanalyzeQueue.push(preanalysis.then(analyze));
8128 } else {
8129 analyze();
8130 }
8131 }
8132 }
8133 analyzeTrait(clazz, trait, flags) {
8134 var _a, _b, _c;
8135 if (trait.state !== TraitState.Pending) {
8136 throw new Error(`Attempt to analyze trait of ${clazz.name.text} in state ${TraitState[trait.state]} (expected DETECTED)`);
8137 }
8138 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.TraitAnalyze);
8139 let result;
8140 try {
8141 result = trait.handler.analyze(clazz, trait.detected.metadata, flags);
8142 } catch (err) {
8143 if (err instanceof FatalDiagnosticError) {
8144 trait.toAnalyzed(null, [err.toDiagnostic()], null);
8145 return;
8146 } else {
8147 throw err;
8148 }
8149 }
8150 const symbol = this.makeSymbolForTrait(trait.handler, clazz, (_a = result.analysis) != null ? _a : null);
8151 if (result.analysis !== void 0 && trait.handler.register !== void 0) {
8152 trait.handler.register(clazz, result.analysis);
8153 }
8154 trait = trait.toAnalyzed((_b = result.analysis) != null ? _b : null, (_c = result.diagnostics) != null ? _c : null, symbol);
8155 }
8156 resolve() {
8157 var _a, _b;
8158 const classes = Array.from(this.classes.keys());
8159 for (const clazz of classes) {
8160 const record = this.classes.get(clazz);
8161 for (let trait of record.traits) {
8162 const handler = trait.handler;
8163 switch (trait.state) {
8164 case TraitState.Skipped:
8165 continue;
8166 case TraitState.Pending:
8167 throw new Error(`Resolving a trait that hasn't been analyzed: ${clazz.name.text} / ${Object.getPrototypeOf(trait.handler).constructor.name}`);
8168 case TraitState.Resolved:
8169 throw new Error(`Resolving an already resolved trait`);
8170 }
8171 if (trait.analysis === null) {
8172 continue;
8173 }
8174 if (handler.resolve === void 0) {
8175 trait = trait.toResolved(null, null);
8176 continue;
8177 }
8178 let result;
8179 try {
8180 result = handler.resolve(clazz, trait.analysis, trait.symbol);
8181 } catch (err) {
8182 if (err instanceof FatalDiagnosticError) {
8183 trait = trait.toResolved(null, [err.toDiagnostic()]);
8184 continue;
8185 } else {
8186 throw err;
8187 }
8188 }
8189 trait = trait.toResolved((_a = result.data) != null ? _a : null, (_b = result.diagnostics) != null ? _b : null);
8190 if (result.reexports !== void 0) {
8191 const fileName = clazz.getSourceFile().fileName;
8192 if (!this.reexportMap.has(fileName)) {
8193 this.reexportMap.set(fileName, new Map());
8194 }
8195 const fileReexports = this.reexportMap.get(fileName);
8196 for (const reexport of result.reexports) {
8197 fileReexports.set(reexport.asAlias, [reexport.fromModule, reexport.symbolName]);
8198 }
8199 }
8200 }
8201 }
8202 }
8203 typeCheck(sf, ctx) {
8204 if (!this.fileToClasses.has(sf)) {
8205 return;
8206 }
8207 for (const clazz of this.fileToClasses.get(sf)) {
8208 const record = this.classes.get(clazz);
8209 for (const trait of record.traits) {
8210 if (trait.state !== TraitState.Resolved) {
8211 continue;
8212 } else if (trait.handler.typeCheck === void 0) {
8213 continue;
8214 }
8215 if (trait.resolution !== null) {
8216 trait.handler.typeCheck(ctx, clazz, trait.analysis, trait.resolution);
8217 }
8218 }
8219 }
8220 }
8221 extendedTemplateCheck(sf, extendedTemplateChecker) {
8222 const classes = this.fileToClasses.get(sf);
8223 if (classes === void 0) {
8224 return [];
8225 }
8226 const diagnostics = [];
8227 for (const clazz of classes) {
8228 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(clazz)) {
8229 continue;
8230 }
8231 const record = this.classes.get(clazz);
8232 for (const trait of record.traits) {
8233 if (trait.handler.extendedTemplateCheck === void 0) {
8234 continue;
8235 }
8236 diagnostics.push(...trait.handler.extendedTemplateCheck(clazz, extendedTemplateChecker));
8237 }
8238 }
8239 return diagnostics;
8240 }
8241 index(ctx) {
8242 for (const clazz of this.classes.keys()) {
8243 const record = this.classes.get(clazz);
8244 for (const trait of record.traits) {
8245 if (trait.state !== TraitState.Resolved) {
8246 continue;
8247 } else if (trait.handler.index === void 0) {
8248 continue;
8249 }
8250 if (trait.resolution !== null) {
8251 trait.handler.index(ctx, clazz, trait.analysis, trait.resolution);
8252 }
8253 }
8254 }
8255 }
8256 xi18n(bundle) {
8257 for (const clazz of this.classes.keys()) {
8258 const record = this.classes.get(clazz);
8259 for (const trait of record.traits) {
8260 if (trait.state !== TraitState.Analyzed && trait.state !== TraitState.Resolved) {
8261 continue;
8262 } else if (trait.handler.xi18n === void 0) {
8263 continue;
8264 }
8265 if (trait.analysis !== null) {
8266 trait.handler.xi18n(bundle, clazz, trait.analysis);
8267 }
8268 }
8269 }
8270 }
8271 updateResources(clazz) {
8272 if (!this.reflector.isClass(clazz) || !this.classes.has(clazz)) {
8273 return;
8274 }
8275 const record = this.classes.get(clazz);
8276 for (const trait of record.traits) {
8277 if (trait.state !== TraitState.Resolved || trait.handler.updateResources === void 0) {
8278 continue;
8279 }
8280 trait.handler.updateResources(clazz, trait.analysis, trait.resolution);
8281 }
8282 }
8283 compile(clazz, constantPool) {
8284 const original = ts32.getOriginalNode(clazz);
8285 if (!this.reflector.isClass(clazz) || !this.reflector.isClass(original) || !this.classes.has(original)) {
8286 return null;
8287 }
8288 const record = this.classes.get(original);
8289 let res = [];
8290 for (const trait of record.traits) {
8291 if (trait.state !== TraitState.Resolved || trait.analysisDiagnostics !== null || trait.resolveDiagnostics !== null) {
8292 continue;
8293 }
8294 let compileRes;
8295 if (this.compilationMode === CompilationMode.PARTIAL && trait.handler.compilePartial !== void 0) {
8296 compileRes = trait.handler.compilePartial(clazz, trait.analysis, trait.resolution);
8297 } else {
8298 compileRes = trait.handler.compileFull(clazz, trait.analysis, trait.resolution, constantPool);
8299 }
8300 const compileMatchRes = compileRes;
8301 if (Array.isArray(compileMatchRes)) {
8302 for (const result of compileMatchRes) {
8303 if (!res.some((r) => r.name === result.name)) {
8304 res.push(result);
8305 }
8306 }
8307 } else if (!res.some((result) => result.name === compileMatchRes.name)) {
8308 res.push(compileMatchRes);
8309 }
8310 }
8311 this.dtsTransforms.getIvyDeclarationTransform(original.getSourceFile()).addFields(original, res);
8312 return res.length > 0 ? res : null;
8313 }
8314 decoratorsFor(node) {
8315 const original = ts32.getOriginalNode(node);
8316 if (!this.reflector.isClass(original) || !this.classes.has(original)) {
8317 return [];
8318 }
8319 const record = this.classes.get(original);
8320 const decorators = [];
8321 for (const trait of record.traits) {
8322 if (trait.state !== TraitState.Resolved) {
8323 continue;
8324 }
8325 if (trait.detected.trigger !== null && ts32.isDecorator(trait.detected.trigger)) {
8326 decorators.push(trait.detected.trigger);
8327 }
8328 }
8329 return decorators;
8330 }
8331 get diagnostics() {
8332 const diagnostics = [];
8333 for (const clazz of this.classes.keys()) {
8334 const record = this.classes.get(clazz);
8335 if (record.metaDiagnostics !== null) {
8336 diagnostics.push(...record.metaDiagnostics);
8337 }
8338 for (const trait of record.traits) {
8339 if ((trait.state === TraitState.Analyzed || trait.state === TraitState.Resolved) && trait.analysisDiagnostics !== null) {
8340 diagnostics.push(...trait.analysisDiagnostics);
8341 }
8342 if (trait.state === TraitState.Resolved && trait.resolveDiagnostics !== null) {
8343 diagnostics.push(...trait.resolveDiagnostics);
8344 }
8345 }
8346 }
8347 return diagnostics;
8348 }
8349 get exportStatements() {
8350 return this.reexportMap;
8351 }
8354// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/transform/src/declaration.mjs
8355import ts37 from "typescript";
8357// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/translator/src/context.mjs
8358var Context = class {
8359 constructor(isStatement) {
8360 this.isStatement = isStatement;
8361 }
8362 get withExpressionMode() {
8363 return this.isStatement ? new Context(false) : this;
8364 }
8365 get withStatementMode() {
8366 return !this.isStatement ? new Context(true) : this;
8367 }
8370// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/translator/src/import_manager.mjs
8371import ts33 from "typescript";
8372var ImportManager = class {
8373 constructor(rewriter = new NoopImportRewriter(), prefix = "i") {
8374 this.rewriter = rewriter;
8375 this.prefix = prefix;
8376 this.specifierToIdentifier = new Map();
8377 this.nextIndex = 0;
8378 }
8379 generateNamespaceImport(moduleName) {
8380 if (!this.specifierToIdentifier.has(moduleName)) {
8381 this.specifierToIdentifier.set(moduleName, ts33.createIdentifier(`${this.prefix}${this.nextIndex++}`));
8382 }
8383 return this.specifierToIdentifier.get(moduleName);
8384 }
8385 generateNamedImport(moduleName, originalSymbol) {
8386 const symbol = this.rewriter.rewriteSymbol(originalSymbol, moduleName);
8387 if (!this.rewriter.shouldImportSymbol(symbol, moduleName)) {
8388 return { moduleImport: null, symbol };
8389 }
8390 const moduleImport = this.generateNamespaceImport(moduleName);
8391 return { moduleImport, symbol };
8392 }
8393 getAllImports(contextPath) {
8394 const imports = [];
8395 for (const [originalSpecifier, qualifier] of this.specifierToIdentifier) {
8396 const specifier = this.rewriter.rewriteSpecifier(originalSpecifier, contextPath);
8397 imports.push({
8398 specifier,
8399 qualifier
8400 });
8401 }
8402 return imports;
8403 }
8406// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/translator/src/translator.mjs
8407import {
8408 BinaryOperator,
8409 ConditionalExpr,
8410 StmtModifier,
8411 UnaryOperator
8412} from "@angular/compiler";
8413var UNARY_OPERATORS2 = new Map([
8414 [UnaryOperator.Minus, "-"],
8415 [UnaryOperator.Plus, "+"]
8417var BINARY_OPERATORS2 = new Map([
8418 [BinaryOperator.And, "&&"],
8419 [BinaryOperator.Bigger, ">"],
8420 [BinaryOperator.BiggerEquals, ">="],
8421 [BinaryOperator.BitwiseAnd, "&"],
8422 [BinaryOperator.Divide, "/"],
8423 [BinaryOperator.Equals, "=="],
8424 [BinaryOperator.Identical, "==="],
8425 [BinaryOperator.Lower, "<"],
8426 [BinaryOperator.LowerEquals, "<="],
8427 [BinaryOperator.Minus, "-"],
8428 [BinaryOperator.Modulo, "%"],
8429 [BinaryOperator.Multiply, "*"],
8430 [BinaryOperator.NotEquals, "!="],
8431 [BinaryOperator.NotIdentical, "!=="],
8432 [BinaryOperator.Or, "||"],
8433 [BinaryOperator.Plus, "+"],
8434 [BinaryOperator.NullishCoalesce, "??"]
8436var ExpressionTranslatorVisitor = class {
8437 constructor(factory, imports, options) {
8438 this.factory = factory;
8439 this.imports = imports;
8440 this.downlevelTaggedTemplates = options.downlevelTaggedTemplates === true;
8441 this.downlevelVariableDeclarations = options.downlevelVariableDeclarations === true;
8442 this.recordWrappedNode = options.recordWrappedNode || (() => {
8443 });
8444 }
8445 visitDeclareVarStmt(stmt, context) {
8446 var _a;
8447 const varType = this.downlevelVariableDeclarations ? "var" : stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Final) ? "const" : "let";
8448 return this.attachComments(this.factory.createVariableDeclaration(stmt.name, (_a = stmt.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.visitExpression(this, context.withExpressionMode), varType), stmt.leadingComments);
8449 }
8450 visitDeclareFunctionStmt(stmt, context) {
8451 return this.attachComments(this.factory.createFunctionDeclaration(stmt.name, stmt.params.map((param) => param.name), this.factory.createBlock(this.visitStatements(stmt.statements, context.withStatementMode))), stmt.leadingComments);
8452 }
8453 visitExpressionStmt(stmt, context) {
8454 return this.attachComments(this.factory.createExpressionStatement(stmt.expr.visitExpression(this, context.withStatementMode)), stmt.leadingComments);
8455 }
8456 visitReturnStmt(stmt, context) {
8457 return this.attachComments(this.factory.createReturnStatement(stmt.value.visitExpression(this, context.withExpressionMode)), stmt.leadingComments);
8458 }
8459 visitDeclareClassStmt(_stmt, _context) {
8460 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8461 }
8462 visitIfStmt(stmt, context) {
8463 return this.attachComments(this.factory.createIfStatement(stmt.condition.visitExpression(this, context), this.factory.createBlock(this.visitStatements(stmt.trueCase, context.withStatementMode)), stmt.falseCase.length > 0 ? this.factory.createBlock(this.visitStatements(stmt.falseCase, context.withStatementMode)) : null), stmt.leadingComments);
8464 }
8465 visitTryCatchStmt(_stmt, _context) {
8466 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8467 }
8468 visitThrowStmt(stmt, context) {
8469 return this.attachComments(this.factory.createThrowStatement(stmt.error.visitExpression(this, context.withExpressionMode)), stmt.leadingComments);
8470 }
8471 visitReadVarExpr(ast, _context) {
8472 const identifier = this.factory.createIdentifier(ast.name);
8473 this.setSourceMapRange(identifier, ast.sourceSpan);
8474 return identifier;
8475 }
8476 visitWriteVarExpr(expr, context) {
8477 const assignment = this.factory.createAssignment(this.setSourceMapRange(this.factory.createIdentifier(expr.name), expr.sourceSpan), expr.value.visitExpression(this, context));
8478 return context.isStatement ? assignment : this.factory.createParenthesizedExpression(assignment);
8479 }
8480 visitWriteKeyExpr(expr, context) {
8481 const exprContext = context.withExpressionMode;
8482 const target = this.factory.createElementAccess(expr.receiver.visitExpression(this, exprContext), expr.index.visitExpression(this, exprContext));
8483 const assignment = this.factory.createAssignment(target, expr.value.visitExpression(this, exprContext));
8484 return context.isStatement ? assignment : this.factory.createParenthesizedExpression(assignment);
8485 }
8486 visitWritePropExpr(expr, context) {
8487 const target = this.factory.createPropertyAccess(expr.receiver.visitExpression(this, context), expr.name);
8488 return this.factory.createAssignment(target, expr.value.visitExpression(this, context));
8489 }
8490 visitInvokeFunctionExpr(ast, context) {
8491 return this.setSourceMapRange(this.factory.createCallExpression(ast.fn.visitExpression(this, context), ast.args.map((arg) => arg.visitExpression(this, context)), ast.pure), ast.sourceSpan);
8492 }
8493 visitTaggedTemplateExpr(ast, context) {
8494 return this.setSourceMapRange(this.createTaggedTemplateExpression(ast.tag.visitExpression(this, context), {
8495 elements: ast.template.elements.map((e) => {
8496 var _a;
8497 return createTemplateElement({
8498 cooked: e.text,
8499 raw: e.rawText,
8500 range: (_a = e.sourceSpan) != null ? _a : ast.sourceSpan
8501 });
8502 }),
8503 expressions: ast.template.expressions.map((e) => e.visitExpression(this, context))
8504 }), ast.sourceSpan);
8505 }
8506 visitInstantiateExpr(ast, context) {
8507 return this.factory.createNewExpression(ast.classExpr.visitExpression(this, context), ast.args.map((arg) => arg.visitExpression(this, context)));
8508 }
8509 visitLiteralExpr(ast, _context) {
8510 return this.setSourceMapRange(this.factory.createLiteral(ast.value), ast.sourceSpan);
8511 }
8512 visitLocalizedString(ast, context) {
8513 const elements = [createTemplateElement(ast.serializeI18nHead())];
8514 const expressions = [];
8515 for (let i = 0; i < ast.expressions.length; i++) {
8516 const placeholder = this.setSourceMapRange(ast.expressions[i].visitExpression(this, context), ast.getPlaceholderSourceSpan(i));
8517 expressions.push(placeholder);
8518 elements.push(createTemplateElement(ast.serializeI18nTemplatePart(i + 1)));
8519 }
8520 const localizeTag = this.factory.createIdentifier("$localize");
8521 return this.setSourceMapRange(this.createTaggedTemplateExpression(localizeTag, { elements, expressions }), ast.sourceSpan);
8522 }
8523 createTaggedTemplateExpression(tag, template) {
8524 return this.downlevelTaggedTemplates ? this.createES5TaggedTemplateFunctionCall(tag, template) : this.factory.createTaggedTemplate(tag, template);
8525 }
8526 createES5TaggedTemplateFunctionCall(tagHandler, { elements, expressions }) {
8527 const { moduleImport, symbol } = this.imports.generateNamedImport("tslib", "__makeTemplateObject");
8528 const __makeTemplateObjectHelper = moduleImport === null ? this.factory.createIdentifier(symbol) : this.factory.createPropertyAccess(moduleImport, symbol);
8529 const cooked = [];
8530 const raw = [];
8531 for (const element of elements) {
8532 cooked.push(this.factory.setSourceMapRange(this.factory.createLiteral(element.cooked), element.range));
8533 raw.push(this.factory.setSourceMapRange(this.factory.createLiteral(element.raw), element.range));
8534 }
8535 const templateHelperCall = this.factory.createCallExpression(__makeTemplateObjectHelper, [this.factory.createArrayLiteral(cooked), this.factory.createArrayLiteral(raw)], false);
8536 return this.factory.createCallExpression(tagHandler, [templateHelperCall, ...expressions], false);
8537 }
8538 visitExternalExpr(ast, _context) {
8539 if (ast.value.name === null) {
8540 if (ast.value.moduleName === null) {
8541 throw new Error("Invalid import without name nor moduleName");
8542 }
8543 return this.imports.generateNamespaceImport(ast.value.moduleName);
8544 }
8545 if (ast.value.moduleName !== null) {
8546 const { moduleImport, symbol } = this.imports.generateNamedImport(ast.value.moduleName, ast.value.name);
8547 if (moduleImport === null) {
8548 return this.factory.createIdentifier(symbol);
8549 } else {
8550 return this.factory.createPropertyAccess(moduleImport, symbol);
8551 }
8552 } else {
8553 return this.factory.createIdentifier(ast.value.name);
8554 }
8555 }
8556 visitConditionalExpr(ast, context) {
8557 let cond = ast.condition.visitExpression(this, context);
8558 if (ast.condition instanceof ConditionalExpr) {
8559 cond = this.factory.createParenthesizedExpression(cond);
8560 }
8561 return this.factory.createConditional(cond, ast.trueCase.visitExpression(this, context), ast.falseCase.visitExpression(this, context));
8562 }
8563 visitNotExpr(ast, context) {
8564 return this.factory.createUnaryExpression("!", ast.condition.visitExpression(this, context));
8565 }
8566 visitAssertNotNullExpr(ast, context) {
8567 return ast.condition.visitExpression(this, context);
8568 }
8569 visitCastExpr(ast, context) {
8570 return ast.value.visitExpression(this, context);
8571 }
8572 visitFunctionExpr(ast, context) {
8573 var _a;
8574 return this.factory.createFunctionExpression((_a = ast.name) != null ? _a : null, ast.params.map((param) => param.name), this.factory.createBlock(this.visitStatements(ast.statements, context)));
8575 }
8576 visitBinaryOperatorExpr(ast, context) {
8577 if (!BINARY_OPERATORS2.has(ast.operator)) {
8578 throw new Error(`Unknown binary operator: ${BinaryOperator[ast.operator]}`);
8579 }
8580 return this.factory.createBinaryExpression(ast.lhs.visitExpression(this, context), BINARY_OPERATORS2.get(ast.operator), ast.rhs.visitExpression(this, context));
8581 }
8582 visitReadPropExpr(ast, context) {
8583 return this.factory.createPropertyAccess(ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, context), ast.name);
8584 }
8585 visitReadKeyExpr(ast, context) {
8586 return this.factory.createElementAccess(ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, context), ast.index.visitExpression(this, context));
8587 }
8588 visitLiteralArrayExpr(ast, context) {
8589 return this.factory.createArrayLiteral(ast.entries.map((expr) => this.setSourceMapRange(expr.visitExpression(this, context), ast.sourceSpan)));
8590 }
8591 visitLiteralMapExpr(ast, context) {
8592 const properties = ast.entries.map((entry) => {
8593 return {
8594 propertyName: entry.key,
8595 quoted: entry.quoted,
8596 value: entry.value.visitExpression(this, context)
8597 };
8598 });
8599 return this.setSourceMapRange(this.factory.createObjectLiteral(properties), ast.sourceSpan);
8600 }
8601 visitCommaExpr(ast, context) {
8602 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8603 }
8604 visitWrappedNodeExpr(ast, _context) {
8605 this.recordWrappedNode(ast);
8606 return ast.node;
8607 }
8608 visitTypeofExpr(ast, context) {
8609 return this.factory.createTypeOfExpression(ast.expr.visitExpression(this, context));
8610 }
8611 visitUnaryOperatorExpr(ast, context) {
8612 if (!UNARY_OPERATORS2.has(ast.operator)) {
8613 throw new Error(`Unknown unary operator: ${UnaryOperator[ast.operator]}`);
8614 }
8615 return this.factory.createUnaryExpression(UNARY_OPERATORS2.get(ast.operator), ast.expr.visitExpression(this, context));
8616 }
8617 visitStatements(statements, context) {
8618 return statements.map((stmt) => stmt.visitStatement(this, context)).filter((stmt) => stmt !== void 0);
8619 }
8620 setSourceMapRange(ast, span) {
8621 return this.factory.setSourceMapRange(ast, createRange(span));
8622 }
8623 attachComments(statement, leadingComments) {
8624 if (leadingComments !== void 0) {
8625 this.factory.attachComments(statement, leadingComments);
8626 }
8627 return statement;
8628 }
8630function createTemplateElement({ cooked, raw, range }) {
8631 return { cooked, raw, range: createRange(range) };
8633function createRange(span) {
8634 if (span === null) {
8635 return null;
8636 }
8637 const { start, end } = span;
8638 const { url, content } = start.file;
8639 if (!url) {
8640 return null;
8641 }
8642 return {
8643 url,
8644 content,
8645 start: { offset: start.offset, line: start.line, column: start.col },
8646 end: { offset: end.offset, line: end.line, column: end.col }
8647 };
8650// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/translator/src/type_translator.mjs
8651import {
8652 BuiltinTypeName
8653} from "@angular/compiler";
8654import ts34 from "typescript";
8655function translateType(type, imports) {
8656 return type.visitType(new TypeTranslatorVisitor(imports), new Context(false));
8658var TypeTranslatorVisitor = class {
8659 constructor(imports) {
8660 this.imports = imports;
8661 }
8662 visitBuiltinType(type, context) {
8663 switch (type.name) {
8664 case BuiltinTypeName.Bool:
8665 return ts34.createKeywordTypeNode(ts34.SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword);
8666 case BuiltinTypeName.Dynamic:
8667 return ts34.createKeywordTypeNode(ts34.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword);
8668 case BuiltinTypeName.Int:
8669 case BuiltinTypeName.Number:
8670 return ts34.createKeywordTypeNode(ts34.SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword);
8671 case BuiltinTypeName.String:
8672 return ts34.createKeywordTypeNode(ts34.SyntaxKind.StringKeyword);
8673 case BuiltinTypeName.None:
8674 return ts34.createKeywordTypeNode(ts34.SyntaxKind.NeverKeyword);
8675 default:
8676 throw new Error(`Unsupported builtin type: ${BuiltinTypeName[type.name]}`);
8677 }
8678 }
8679 visitExpressionType(type, context) {
8680 const typeNode = this.translateExpression(type.value, context);
8681 if (type.typeParams === null) {
8682 return typeNode;
8683 }
8684 if (!ts34.isTypeReferenceNode(typeNode)) {
8685 throw new Error("An ExpressionType with type arguments must translate into a TypeReferenceNode");
8686 } else if (typeNode.typeArguments !== void 0) {
8687 throw new Error(`An ExpressionType with type arguments cannot have multiple levels of type arguments`);
8688 }
8689 const typeArgs = type.typeParams.map((param) => this.translateType(param, context));
8690 return ts34.createTypeReferenceNode(typeNode.typeName, typeArgs);
8691 }
8692 visitArrayType(type, context) {
8693 return ts34.createArrayTypeNode(this.translateType(type.of, context));
8694 }
8695 visitMapType(type, context) {
8696 const parameter = ts34.createParameter(void 0, void 0, void 0, "key", void 0, ts34.createKeywordTypeNode(ts34.SyntaxKind.StringKeyword));
8697 const typeArgs = type.valueType !== null ? this.translateType(type.valueType, context) : ts34.createKeywordTypeNode(ts34.SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword);
8698 const indexSignature = ts34.createIndexSignature(void 0, void 0, [parameter], typeArgs);
8699 return ts34.createTypeLiteralNode([indexSignature]);
8700 }
8701 visitReadVarExpr(ast, context) {
8702 if (ast.name === null) {
8703 throw new Error(`ReadVarExpr with no variable name in type`);
8704 }
8705 return ts34.createTypeQueryNode(ts34.createIdentifier(ast.name));
8706 }
8707 visitWriteVarExpr(expr, context) {
8708 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8709 }
8710 visitWriteKeyExpr(expr, context) {
8711 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8712 }
8713 visitWritePropExpr(expr, context) {
8714 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8715 }
8716 visitInvokeFunctionExpr(ast, context) {
8717 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8718 }
8719 visitTaggedTemplateExpr(ast, context) {
8720 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8721 }
8722 visitInstantiateExpr(ast, context) {
8723 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8724 }
8725 visitLiteralExpr(ast, context) {
8726 if (ast.value === null) {
8727 return ts34.createLiteralTypeNode(ts34.createNull());
8728 } else if (ast.value === void 0) {
8729 return ts34.createKeywordTypeNode(ts34.SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword);
8730 } else if (typeof ast.value === "boolean") {
8731 return ts34.createLiteralTypeNode(ts34.createLiteral(ast.value));
8732 } else if (typeof ast.value === "number") {
8733 return ts34.createLiteralTypeNode(ts34.createLiteral(ast.value));
8734 } else {
8735 return ts34.createLiteralTypeNode(ts34.createLiteral(ast.value));
8736 }
8737 }
8738 visitLocalizedString(ast, context) {
8739 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8740 }
8741 visitExternalExpr(ast, context) {
8742 if (ast.value.moduleName === null || ast.value.name === null) {
8743 throw new Error(`Import unknown module or symbol`);
8744 }
8745 const { moduleImport, symbol } = this.imports.generateNamedImport(ast.value.moduleName, ast.value.name);
8746 const symbolIdentifier = ts34.createIdentifier(symbol);
8747 const typeName = moduleImport ? ts34.createQualifiedName(moduleImport, symbolIdentifier) : symbolIdentifier;
8748 const typeArguments = ast.typeParams !== null ? ast.typeParams.map((type) => this.translateType(type, context)) : void 0;
8749 return ts34.createTypeReferenceNode(typeName, typeArguments);
8750 }
8751 visitConditionalExpr(ast, context) {
8752 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8753 }
8754 visitNotExpr(ast, context) {
8755 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8756 }
8757 visitAssertNotNullExpr(ast, context) {
8758 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8759 }
8760 visitCastExpr(ast, context) {
8761 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8762 }
8763 visitFunctionExpr(ast, context) {
8764 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8765 }
8766 visitUnaryOperatorExpr(ast, context) {
8767 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8768 }
8769 visitBinaryOperatorExpr(ast, context) {
8770 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8771 }
8772 visitReadPropExpr(ast, context) {
8773 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8774 }
8775 visitReadKeyExpr(ast, context) {
8776 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8777 }
8778 visitLiteralArrayExpr(ast, context) {
8779 const values = ast.entries.map((expr) => this.translateExpression(expr, context));
8780 return ts34.createTupleTypeNode(values);
8781 }
8782 visitLiteralMapExpr(ast, context) {
8783 const entries = ast.entries.map((entry) => {
8784 const { key, quoted } = entry;
8785 const type = this.translateExpression(entry.value, context);
8786 return ts34.createPropertySignature(void 0, quoted ? ts34.createStringLiteral(key) : key, void 0, type, void 0);
8787 });
8788 return ts34.createTypeLiteralNode(entries);
8789 }
8790 visitCommaExpr(ast, context) {
8791 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
8792 }
8793 visitWrappedNodeExpr(ast, context) {
8794 const node = ast.node;
8795 if (ts34.isEntityName(node)) {
8796 return ts34.createTypeReferenceNode(node, void 0);
8797 } else if (ts34.isTypeNode(node)) {
8798 return node;
8799 } else if (ts34.isLiteralExpression(node)) {
8800 return ts34.createLiteralTypeNode(node);
8801 } else {
8802 throw new Error(`Unsupported WrappedNodeExpr in TypeTranslatorVisitor: ${ts34.SyntaxKind[node.kind]}`);
8803 }
8804 }
8805 visitTypeofExpr(ast, context) {
8806 const typeNode = this.translateExpression(ast.expr, context);
8807 if (!ts34.isTypeReferenceNode(typeNode)) {
8808 throw new Error(`The target of a typeof expression must be a type reference, but it was
8809 ${ts34.SyntaxKind[typeNode.kind]}`);
8810 }
8811 return ts34.createTypeQueryNode(typeNode.typeName);
8812 }
8813 translateType(type, context) {
8814 const typeNode = type.visitType(this, context);
8815 if (!ts34.isTypeNode(typeNode)) {
8816 throw new Error(`A Type must translate to a TypeNode, but was ${ts34.SyntaxKind[typeNode.kind]}`);
8817 }
8818 return typeNode;
8819 }
8820 translateExpression(expr, context) {
8821 const typeNode = expr.visitExpression(this, context);
8822 if (!ts34.isTypeNode(typeNode)) {
8823 throw new Error(`An Expression must translate to a TypeNode, but was ${ts34.SyntaxKind[typeNode.kind]}`);
8824 }
8825 return typeNode;
8826 }
8829// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/translator/src/typescript_ast_factory.mjs
8830import ts35 from "typescript";
8831var PureAnnotation;
8832(function(PureAnnotation2) {
8833 PureAnnotation2["CLOSURE"] = "* @pureOrBreakMyCode ";
8834 PureAnnotation2["TERSER"] = "@__PURE__";
8835})(PureAnnotation || (PureAnnotation = {}));
8836var UNARY_OPERATORS3 = {
8837 "+": ts35.SyntaxKind.PlusToken,
8838 "-": ts35.SyntaxKind.MinusToken,
8839 "!": ts35.SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken
8842 "&&": ts35.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken,
8843 ">": ts35.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken,
8844 ">=": ts35.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken,
8845 "&": ts35.SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken,
8846 "/": ts35.SyntaxKind.SlashToken,
8847 "==": ts35.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken,
8848 "===": ts35.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken,
8849 "<": ts35.SyntaxKind.LessThanToken,
8850 "<=": ts35.SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken,
8851 "-": ts35.SyntaxKind.MinusToken,
8852 "%": ts35.SyntaxKind.PercentToken,
8853 "*": ts35.SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken,
8854 "!=": ts35.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken,
8855 "!==": ts35.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken,
8856 "||": ts35.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken,
8857 "+": ts35.SyntaxKind.PlusToken,
8858 "??": ts35.SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken
8860var VAR_TYPES = {
8861 "const": ts35.NodeFlags.Const,
8862 "let": ts35.NodeFlags.Let,
8863 "var": ts35.NodeFlags.None
8865var TypeScriptAstFactory = class {
8866 constructor(annotateForClosureCompiler) {
8867 this.annotateForClosureCompiler = annotateForClosureCompiler;
8868 this.externalSourceFiles = new Map();
8869 this.attachComments = attachComments;
8870 this.createArrayLiteral = ts35.createArrayLiteral;
8871 this.createConditional = ts35.createConditional;
8872 this.createElementAccess = ts35.createElementAccess;
8873 this.createExpressionStatement = ts35.createExpressionStatement;
8874 this.createIdentifier = ts35.createIdentifier;
8875 this.createParenthesizedExpression = ts35.createParen;
8876 this.createPropertyAccess = ts35.createPropertyAccess;
8877 this.createThrowStatement = ts35.createThrow;
8878 this.createTypeOfExpression = ts35.createTypeOf;
8879 }
8880 createAssignment(target, value) {
8881 return ts35.createBinary(target, ts35.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, value);
8882 }
8883 createBinaryExpression(leftOperand, operator, rightOperand) {
8884 return ts35.createBinary(leftOperand, BINARY_OPERATORS3[operator], rightOperand);
8885 }
8886 createBlock(body) {
8887 return ts35.createBlock(body);
8888 }
8889 createCallExpression(callee, args, pure) {
8890 const call = ts35.createCall(callee, void 0, args);
8891 if (pure) {
8892 ts35.addSyntheticLeadingComment(call, ts35.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia, this.annotateForClosureCompiler ? PureAnnotation.CLOSURE : PureAnnotation.TERSER, false);
8893 }
8894 return call;
8895 }
8896 createFunctionDeclaration(functionName, parameters, body) {
8897 if (!ts35.isBlock(body)) {
8898 throw new Error(`Invalid syntax, expected a block, but got ${ts35.SyntaxKind[body.kind]}.`);
8899 }
8900 return ts35.createFunctionDeclaration(void 0, void 0, void 0, functionName, void 0, parameters.map((param) => ts35.createParameter(void 0, void 0, void 0, param)), void 0, body);
8901 }
8902 createFunctionExpression(functionName, parameters, body) {
8903 if (!ts35.isBlock(body)) {
8904 throw new Error(`Invalid syntax, expected a block, but got ${ts35.SyntaxKind[body.kind]}.`);
8905 }
8906 return ts35.createFunctionExpression(void 0, void 0, functionName != null ? functionName : void 0, void 0, parameters.map((param) => ts35.createParameter(void 0, void 0, void 0, param)), void 0, body);
8907 }
8908 createIfStatement(condition, thenStatement, elseStatement) {
8909 return ts35.createIf(condition, thenStatement, elseStatement != null ? elseStatement : void 0);
8910 }
8911 createLiteral(value) {
8912 if (value === void 0) {
8913 return ts35.createIdentifier("undefined");
8914 } else if (value === null) {
8915 return ts35.createNull();
8916 } else {
8917 return ts35.createLiteral(value);
8918 }
8919 }
8920 createNewExpression(expression, args) {
8921 return ts35.createNew(expression, void 0, args);
8922 }
8923 createObjectLiteral(properties) {
8924 return ts35.createObjectLiteral(properties.map((prop) => ts35.createPropertyAssignment(prop.quoted ? ts35.createLiteral(prop.propertyName) : ts35.createIdentifier(prop.propertyName), prop.value)));
8925 }
8926 createReturnStatement(expression) {
8927 return ts35.createReturn(expression != null ? expression : void 0);
8928 }
8929 createTaggedTemplate(tag, template) {
8930 let templateLiteral;
8931 const length = template.elements.length;
8932 const head = template.elements[0];
8933 if (length === 1) {
8934 templateLiteral = ts35.createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(head.cooked, head.raw);
8935 } else {
8936 const spans = [];
8937 for (let i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) {
8938 const { cooked, raw, range } = template.elements[i];
8939 const middle = createTemplateMiddle(cooked, raw);
8940 if (range !== null) {
8941 this.setSourceMapRange(middle, range);
8942 }
8943 spans.push(ts35.createTemplateSpan(template.expressions[i - 1], middle));
8944 }
8945 const resolvedExpression = template.expressions[length - 2];
8946 const templatePart = template.elements[length - 1];
8947 const templateTail = createTemplateTail(templatePart.cooked, templatePart.raw);
8948 if (templatePart.range !== null) {
8949 this.setSourceMapRange(templateTail, templatePart.range);
8950 }
8951 spans.push(ts35.createTemplateSpan(resolvedExpression, templateTail));
8952 templateLiteral = ts35.createTemplateExpression(ts35.createTemplateHead(head.cooked, head.raw), spans);
8953 }
8954 if (head.range !== null) {
8955 this.setSourceMapRange(templateLiteral, head.range);
8956 }
8957 return ts35.createTaggedTemplate(tag, templateLiteral);
8958 }
8959 createUnaryExpression(operator, operand) {
8960 return ts35.createPrefix(UNARY_OPERATORS3[operator], operand);
8961 }
8962 createVariableDeclaration(variableName, initializer, type) {
8963 return ts35.createVariableStatement(void 0, ts35.createVariableDeclarationList([ts35.createVariableDeclaration(variableName, void 0, initializer != null ? initializer : void 0)], VAR_TYPES[type]));
8964 }
8965 setSourceMapRange(node, sourceMapRange) {
8966 if (sourceMapRange === null) {
8967 return node;
8968 }
8969 const url = sourceMapRange.url;
8970 if (!this.externalSourceFiles.has(url)) {
8971 this.externalSourceFiles.set(url, ts35.createSourceMapSource(url, sourceMapRange.content, (pos) => pos));
8972 }
8973 const source = this.externalSourceFiles.get(url);
8974 ts35.setSourceMapRange(node, { pos: sourceMapRange.start.offset, end: sourceMapRange.end.offset, source });
8975 return node;
8976 }
8978function createTemplateMiddle(cooked, raw) {
8979 const node = ts35.createTemplateHead(cooked, raw);
8980 node.kind = ts35.SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle;
8981 return node;
8983function createTemplateTail(cooked, raw) {
8984 const node = ts35.createTemplateHead(cooked, raw);
8985 node.kind = ts35.SyntaxKind.TemplateTail;
8986 return node;
8988function attachComments(statement, leadingComments) {
8989 for (const comment of leadingComments) {
8990 const commentKind = comment.multiline ? ts35.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia : ts35.SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia;
8991 if (comment.multiline) {
8992 ts35.addSyntheticLeadingComment(statement, commentKind, comment.toString(), comment.trailingNewline);
8993 } else {
8994 for (const line of comment.toString().split("\n")) {
8995 ts35.addSyntheticLeadingComment(statement, commentKind, line, comment.trailingNewline);
8996 }
8997 }
8998 }
9001// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/translator/src/typescript_translator.mjs
9002function translateStatement(statement, imports, options = {}) {
9003 return statement.visitStatement(new ExpressionTranslatorVisitor(new TypeScriptAstFactory(options.annotateForClosureCompiler === true), imports, options), new Context(true));
9006// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/transform/src/utils.mjs
9007import ts36 from "typescript";
9009// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/transform/src/declaration.mjs
9010var DtsTransformRegistry = class {
9011 constructor() {
9012 this.ivyDeclarationTransforms = new Map();
9013 }
9014 getIvyDeclarationTransform(sf) {
9015 if (!this.ivyDeclarationTransforms.has(sf)) {
9016 this.ivyDeclarationTransforms.set(sf, new IvyDeclarationDtsTransform());
9017 }
9018 return this.ivyDeclarationTransforms.get(sf);
9019 }
9020 getAllTransforms(sf) {
9021 if (!sf.isDeclarationFile) {
9022 return null;
9023 }
9024 const originalSf = ts37.getOriginalNode(sf);
9025 let transforms = null;
9026 if (this.ivyDeclarationTransforms.has(originalSf)) {
9027 transforms = [];
9028 transforms.push(this.ivyDeclarationTransforms.get(originalSf));
9029 }
9030 return transforms;
9031 }
9033var IvyDeclarationDtsTransform = class {
9034 constructor() {
9035 this.declarationFields = new Map();
9036 }
9037 addFields(decl, fields) {
9038 this.declarationFields.set(decl, fields);
9039 }
9040 transformClass(clazz, members, imports) {
9041 const original = ts37.getOriginalNode(clazz);
9042 if (!this.declarationFields.has(original)) {
9043 return clazz;
9044 }
9045 const fields = this.declarationFields.get(original);
9046 const newMembers = fields.map((decl) => {
9047 const modifiers = [ts37.createModifier(ts37.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword)];
9048 const typeRef = translateType(decl.type, imports);
9049 markForEmitAsSingleLine(typeRef);
9050 return ts37.createProperty(void 0, modifiers, decl.name, void 0, typeRef, void 0);
9051 });
9052 return ts37.updateClassDeclaration(clazz, clazz.decorators, clazz.modifiers, clazz.name, clazz.typeParameters, clazz.heritageClauses, [...members, ...newMembers]);
9053 }
9055function markForEmitAsSingleLine(node) {
9056 ts37.setEmitFlags(node, ts37.EmitFlags.SingleLine);
9057 ts37.forEachChild(node, markForEmitAsSingleLine);
9060// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/transform/src/transform.mjs
9061import { ConstantPool } from "@angular/compiler";
9062import ts39 from "typescript";
9064// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/util/src/visitor.mjs
9065import ts38 from "typescript";
9067// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/transform/src/transform.mjs
9068var NO_DECORATORS = new Set();
9070// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/diagnostics.mjs
9071import ts41 from "typescript";
9073// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/util.mjs
9074import { ExternalExpr as ExternalExpr4, LiteralExpr, ParseLocation, ParseSourceFile, ParseSourceSpan, ReadPropExpr, WrappedNodeExpr as WrappedNodeExpr2 } from "@angular/compiler";
9075import ts40 from "typescript";
9076function getConstructorDependencies(clazz, reflector, isCore) {
9077 const deps = [];
9078 const errors = [];
9079 let ctorParams = reflector.getConstructorParameters(clazz);
9080 if (ctorParams === null) {
9081 if (reflector.hasBaseClass(clazz)) {
9082 return null;
9083 } else {
9084 ctorParams = [];
9085 }
9086 }
9087 ctorParams.forEach((param, idx) => {
9088 let token = valueReferenceToExpression(param.typeValueReference);
9089 let attributeNameType = null;
9090 let optional = false, self = false, skipSelf = false, host = false;
9091 (param.decorators || []).filter((dec) => isCore || isAngularCore(dec)).forEach((dec) => {
9092 const name = isCore || dec.import === null ? dec.name : dec.import.name;
9093 if (name === "Inject") {
9094 if (dec.args === null || dec.args.length !== 1) {
9095 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, Decorator.nodeForError(dec), `Unexpected number of arguments to @Inject().`);
9096 }
9097 token = new WrappedNodeExpr2(dec.args[0]);
9098 } else if (name === "Optional") {
9099 optional = true;
9100 } else if (name === "SkipSelf") {
9101 skipSelf = true;
9102 } else if (name === "Self") {
9103 self = true;
9104 } else if (name === "Host") {
9105 host = true;
9106 } else if (name === "Attribute") {
9107 if (dec.args === null || dec.args.length !== 1) {
9108 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, Decorator.nodeForError(dec), `Unexpected number of arguments to @Attribute().`);
9109 }
9110 const attributeName = dec.args[0];
9111 token = new WrappedNodeExpr2(attributeName);
9112 if (ts40.isStringLiteralLike(attributeName)) {
9113 attributeNameType = new LiteralExpr(attributeName.text);
9114 } else {
9115 attributeNameType = new WrappedNodeExpr2(ts40.createKeywordTypeNode(ts40.SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword));
9116 }
9117 } else {
9118 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_UNEXPECTED, Decorator.nodeForError(dec), `Unexpected decorator ${name} on parameter.`);
9119 }
9120 });
9121 if (token === null) {
9122 if (param.typeValueReference.kind !== 2) {
9123 throw new Error("Illegal state: expected value reference to be unavailable if no token is present");
9124 }
9125 errors.push({
9126 index: idx,
9127 param,
9128 reason: param.typeValueReference.reason
9129 });
9130 } else {
9131 deps.push({ token, attributeNameType, optional, self, skipSelf, host });
9132 }
9133 });
9134 if (errors.length === 0) {
9135 return { deps };
9136 } else {
9137 return { deps: null, errors };
9138 }
9140function valueReferenceToExpression(valueRef) {
9141 if (valueRef.kind === 2) {
9142 return null;
9143 } else if (valueRef.kind === 0) {
9144 const expr = new WrappedNodeExpr2(valueRef.expression);
9145 if (valueRef.defaultImportStatement !== null) {
9146 attachDefaultImportDeclaration(expr, valueRef.defaultImportStatement);
9147 }
9148 return expr;
9149 } else {
9150 let importExpr = new ExternalExpr4({ moduleName: valueRef.moduleName, name: valueRef.importedName });
9151 if (valueRef.nestedPath !== null) {
9152 for (const property2 of valueRef.nestedPath) {
9153 importExpr = new ReadPropExpr(importExpr, property2);
9154 }
9155 }
9156 return importExpr;
9157 }
9159function unwrapConstructorDependencies(deps) {
9160 if (deps === null) {
9161 return null;
9162 } else if (deps.deps !== null) {
9163 return deps.deps;
9164 } else {
9165 return "invalid";
9166 }
9168function getValidConstructorDependencies(clazz, reflector, isCore) {
9169 return validateConstructorDependencies(clazz, getConstructorDependencies(clazz, reflector, isCore));
9171function validateConstructorDependencies(clazz, deps) {
9172 if (deps === null) {
9173 return null;
9174 } else if (deps.deps !== null) {
9175 return deps.deps;
9176 } else {
9177 const error2 = deps.errors[0];
9178 throw createUnsuitableInjectionTokenError(clazz, error2);
9179 }
9181function createUnsuitableInjectionTokenError(clazz, error2) {
9182 const { param, index, reason } = error2;
9183 let chainMessage = void 0;
9184 let hints = void 0;
9185 switch (reason.kind) {
9186 case 5:
9187 chainMessage = "Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.";
9188 hints = [
9189 makeRelatedInformation(reason.typeNode, "This type is not supported as injection token.")
9190 ];
9191 break;
9192 case 1:
9193 chainMessage = "Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.";
9194 hints = [
9195 makeRelatedInformation(reason.typeNode, "This type does not have a value, so it cannot be used as injection token.")
9196 ];
9197 if (reason.decl !== null) {
9198 hints.push(makeRelatedInformation(reason.decl, "The type is declared here."));
9199 }
9200 break;
9201 case 2:
9202 chainMessage = "Consider changing the type-only import to a regular import, or use the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.";
9203 hints = [
9204 makeRelatedInformation(reason.typeNode, "This type is imported using a type-only import, which prevents it from being usable as an injection token."),
9205 makeRelatedInformation(reason.importClause, "The type-only import occurs here.")
9206 ];
9207 break;
9208 case 4:
9209 chainMessage = "Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.";
9210 hints = [
9211 makeRelatedInformation(reason.typeNode, "This type corresponds with a namespace, which cannot be used as injection token."),
9212 makeRelatedInformation(reason.importClause, "The namespace import occurs here.")
9213 ];
9214 break;
9215 case 3:
9216 chainMessage = "The type should reference a known declaration.";
9217 hints = [makeRelatedInformation(reason.typeNode, "This type could not be resolved.")];
9218 break;
9219 case 0:
9220 chainMessage = "Consider adding a type to the parameter or use the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.";
9221 break;
9222 }
9223 const chain = {
9224 messageText: `No suitable injection token for parameter '${param.name || index}' of class '${clazz.name.text}'.`,
9225 category: ts40.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
9226 code: 0,
9227 next: [{
9228 messageText: chainMessage,
9229 category: ts40.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
9230 code: 0
9231 }]
9232 };
9233 return new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.PARAM_MISSING_TOKEN, param.nameNode, chain, hints);
9235function toR3Reference(valueRef, typeRef, valueContext, typeContext, refEmitter) {
9236 return {
9237 value: refEmitter.emit(valueRef, valueContext).expression,
9238 type: refEmitter.emit(typeRef, typeContext, ImportFlags.ForceNewImport | ImportFlags.AllowTypeImports).expression
9239 };
9241function isAngularCore(decorator) {
9242 return decorator.import !== null && decorator.import.from === "@angular/core";
9244function isAngularCoreReference(reference, symbolName) {
9245 return reference.ownedByModuleGuess === "@angular/core" && reference.debugName === symbolName;
9247function findAngularDecorator(decorators, name, isCore) {
9248 return decorators.find((decorator) => isAngularDecorator(decorator, name, isCore));
9250function isAngularDecorator(decorator, name, isCore) {
9251 if (isCore) {
9252 return decorator.name === name;
9253 } else if (isAngularCore(decorator)) {
9254 return decorator.import.name === name;
9255 }
9256 return false;
9258function unwrapExpression(node) {
9259 while (ts40.isAsExpression(node) || ts40.isParenthesizedExpression(node)) {
9260 node = node.expression;
9261 }
9262 return node;
9264function expandForwardRef(arg) {
9265 arg = unwrapExpression(arg);
9266 if (!ts40.isArrowFunction(arg) && !ts40.isFunctionExpression(arg)) {
9267 return null;
9268 }
9269 const body = arg.body;
9270 if (ts40.isBlock(body)) {
9271 if (body.statements.length !== 1) {
9272 return null;
9273 }
9274 const stmt = body.statements[0];
9275 if (!ts40.isReturnStatement(stmt) || stmt.expression === void 0) {
9276 return null;
9277 }
9278 return stmt.expression;
9279 } else {
9280 return body;
9281 }
9283function tryUnwrapForwardRef(node, reflector) {
9284 node = unwrapExpression(node);
9285 if (!ts40.isCallExpression(node) || node.arguments.length !== 1) {
9286 return null;
9287 }
9288 const fn = ts40.isPropertyAccessExpression(node.expression) ? node.expression.name : node.expression;
9289 if (!ts40.isIdentifier(fn)) {
9290 return null;
9291 }
9292 const expr = expandForwardRef(node.arguments[0]);
9293 if (expr === null) {
9294 return null;
9295 }
9296 const imp = reflector.getImportOfIdentifier(fn);
9297 if (imp === null || imp.from !== "@angular/core" || imp.name !== "forwardRef") {
9298 return null;
9299 }
9300 return expr;
9302function forwardRefResolver(ref, args) {
9303 if (!isAngularCoreReference(ref, "forwardRef") || args.length !== 1) {
9304 return null;
9305 }
9306 return expandForwardRef(args[0]);
9308function combineResolvers(resolvers) {
9309 return (ref, args) => {
9310 for (const resolver of resolvers) {
9311 const resolved = resolver(ref, args);
9312 if (resolved !== null) {
9313 return resolved;
9314 }
9315 }
9316 return null;
9317 };
9319function isExpressionForwardReference(expr, context, contextSource) {
9320 if (isWrappedTsNodeExpr(expr)) {
9321 const node = ts40.getOriginalNode(expr.node);
9322 return node.getSourceFile() === contextSource && context.pos < node.pos;
9323 } else {
9324 return false;
9325 }
9327function isWrappedTsNodeExpr(expr) {
9328 return expr instanceof WrappedNodeExpr2;
9330function readBaseClass2(node, reflector, evaluator) {
9331 const baseExpression = reflector.getBaseClassExpression(node);
9332 if (baseExpression !== null) {
9333 const baseClass = evaluator.evaluate(baseExpression);
9334 if (baseClass instanceof Reference && reflector.isClass(baseClass.node)) {
9335 return baseClass;
9336 } else {
9337 return "dynamic";
9338 }
9339 }
9340 return null;
9342var parensWrapperTransformerFactory = (context) => {
9343 const visitor = (node) => {
9344 const visited = ts40.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
9345 if (ts40.isArrowFunction(visited) || ts40.isFunctionExpression(visited)) {
9346 return ts40.createParen(visited);
9347 }
9348 return visited;
9349 };
9350 return (node) => ts40.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
9352function wrapFunctionExpressionsInParens(expression) {
9353 return ts40.transform(expression, [parensWrapperTransformerFactory]).transformed[0];
9355function makeDuplicateDeclarationError(node, data, kind) {
9356 const context = [];
9357 for (const decl of data) {
9358 if (decl.rawDeclarations === null) {
9359 continue;
9360 }
9361 const contextNode = decl.ref.getOriginForDiagnostics(decl.rawDeclarations, decl.ngModule.name);
9362 context.push(makeRelatedInformation(contextNode, `'${node.name.text}' is listed in the declarations of the NgModule '${decl.ngModule.name.text}'.`));
9363 }
9364 return makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_DECLARATION_NOT_UNIQUE, node.name, `The ${kind} '${node.name.text}' is declared by more than one NgModule.`, context);
9366function resolveProvidersRequiringFactory(rawProviders, reflector, evaluator) {
9367 const providers = new Set();
9368 const resolvedProviders = evaluator.evaluate(rawProviders);
9369 if (!Array.isArray(resolvedProviders)) {
9370 return providers;
9371 }
9372 resolvedProviders.forEach(function processProviders(provider) {
9373 let tokenClass = null;
9374 if (Array.isArray(provider)) {
9375 provider.forEach(processProviders);
9376 } else if (provider instanceof Reference) {
9377 tokenClass = provider;
9378 } else if (provider instanceof Map && provider.has("useClass") && !provider.has("deps")) {
9379 const useExisting = provider.get("useClass");
9380 if (useExisting instanceof Reference) {
9381 tokenClass = useExisting;
9382 }
9383 }
9384 if (tokenClass !== null && !tokenClass.node.getSourceFile().isDeclarationFile && reflector.isClass(tokenClass.node)) {
9385 const constructorParameters = reflector.getConstructorParameters(tokenClass.node);
9386 if (constructorParameters !== null && constructorParameters.length > 0) {
9387 providers.add(tokenClass);
9388 }
9389 }
9390 });
9391 return providers;
9393function wrapTypeReference(reflector, clazz) {
9394 const dtsClass = reflector.getDtsDeclaration(clazz);
9395 const value = new WrappedNodeExpr2(clazz.name);
9396 const type = dtsClass !== null && isNamedClassDeclaration(dtsClass) ? new WrappedNodeExpr2(dtsClass.name) : value;
9397 return { value, type };
9399function createSourceSpan(node) {
9400 const sf = node.getSourceFile();
9401 const [startOffset, endOffset] = [node.getStart(), node.getEnd()];
9402 const { line: startLine, character: startCol } = sf.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(startOffset);
9403 const { line: endLine, character: endCol } = sf.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(endOffset);
9404 const parseSf = new ParseSourceFile(sf.getFullText(), sf.fileName);
9405 return new ParseSourceSpan(new ParseLocation(parseSf, startOffset, startLine + 1, startCol + 1), new ParseLocation(parseSf, endOffset, endLine + 1, endCol + 1));
9407function compileResults(fac, def, metadataStmt, propName) {
9408 const statements = def.statements;
9409 if (metadataStmt !== null) {
9410 statements.push(metadataStmt);
9411 }
9412 return [
9413 fac,
9414 {
9415 name: propName,
9416 initializer: def.expression,
9417 statements: def.statements,
9418 type: def.type
9419 }
9420 ];
9422function toFactoryMetadata(meta, target) {
9423 return {
9424 name: meta.name,
9425 type: meta.type,
9426 internalType: meta.internalType,
9427 typeArgumentCount: meta.typeArgumentCount,
9428 deps: meta.deps,
9429 target
9430 };
9433// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/diagnostics.mjs
9434function createValueHasWrongTypeError(node, value, messageText) {
9435 var _a;
9436 let chainedMessage;
9437 let relatedInformation;
9438 if (value instanceof DynamicValue) {
9439 chainedMessage = "Value could not be determined statically.";
9440 relatedInformation = traceDynamicValue(node, value);
9441 } else if (value instanceof Reference) {
9442 const target = value.debugName !== null ? `'${value.debugName}'` : "an anonymous declaration";
9443 chainedMessage = `Value is a reference to ${target}.`;
9444 const referenceNode = (_a = identifierOfNode(value.node)) != null ? _a : value.node;
9445 relatedInformation = [makeRelatedInformation(referenceNode, "Reference is declared here.")];
9446 } else {
9447 chainedMessage = `Value is of type '${describeResolvedType(value)}'.`;
9448 }
9449 const chain = {
9450 messageText,
9451 category: ts41.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
9452 code: 0,
9453 next: [{
9454 messageText: chainedMessage,
9455 category: ts41.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
9456 code: 0
9457 }]
9458 };
9459 return new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, node, chain, relatedInformation);
9461function getProviderDiagnostics(providerClasses, providersDeclaration, registry) {
9462 const diagnostics = [];
9463 for (const provider of providerClasses) {
9464 if (registry.isInjectable(provider.node)) {
9465 continue;
9466 }
9467 const contextNode = provider.getOriginForDiagnostics(providersDeclaration);
9468 diagnostics.push(makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.UNDECORATED_PROVIDER, contextNode, `The class '${provider.node.name.text}' cannot be created via dependency injection, as it does not have an Angular decorator. This will result in an error at runtime.
9470Either add the @Injectable() decorator to '${provider.node.name.text}', or configure a different provider (such as a provider with 'useFactory').
9471`, [makeRelatedInformation(provider.node, `'${provider.node.name.text}' is declared here.`)]));
9472 }
9473 return diagnostics;
9475function getDirectiveDiagnostics(node, reader, evaluator, reflector, scopeRegistry, kind) {
9476 let diagnostics = [];
9477 const addDiagnostics = (more) => {
9478 if (more === null) {
9479 return;
9480 } else if (diagnostics === null) {
9481 diagnostics = Array.isArray(more) ? more : [more];
9482 } else if (Array.isArray(more)) {
9483 diagnostics.push(...more);
9484 } else {
9485 diagnostics.push(more);
9486 }
9487 };
9488 const duplicateDeclarations = scopeRegistry.getDuplicateDeclarations(node);
9489 if (duplicateDeclarations !== null) {
9490 addDiagnostics(makeDuplicateDeclarationError(node, duplicateDeclarations, kind));
9491 }
9492 addDiagnostics(checkInheritanceOfDirective(node, reader, reflector, evaluator));
9493 return diagnostics;
9495function getUndecoratedClassWithAngularFeaturesDiagnostic(node) {
9496 return makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.UNDECORATED_CLASS_USING_ANGULAR_FEATURES, node.name, `Class is using Angular features but is not decorated. Please add an explicit Angular decorator.`);
9498function checkInheritanceOfDirective(node, reader, reflector, evaluator) {
9499 if (!reflector.isClass(node) || reflector.getConstructorParameters(node) !== null) {
9500 return null;
9501 }
9502 let baseClass = readBaseClass2(node, reflector, evaluator);
9503 while (baseClass !== null) {
9504 if (baseClass === "dynamic") {
9505 return null;
9506 }
9507 const baseClassMeta = reader.getDirectiveMetadata(baseClass);
9508 if (baseClassMeta !== null) {
9509 return null;
9510 }
9511 const baseClassConstructorParams = reflector.getConstructorParameters(baseClass.node);
9512 const newParentClass = readBaseClass2(baseClass.node, reflector, evaluator);
9513 if (baseClassConstructorParams !== null && baseClassConstructorParams.length > 0) {
9514 return getInheritedUndecoratedCtorDiagnostic(node, baseClass, reader);
9515 } else if (baseClassConstructorParams !== null || newParentClass === null) {
9516 return null;
9517 }
9518 baseClass = newParentClass;
9519 }
9520 return null;
9522function getInheritedUndecoratedCtorDiagnostic(node, baseClass, reader) {
9523 const subclassMeta = reader.getDirectiveMetadata(new Reference(node));
9524 const dirOrComp = subclassMeta.isComponent ? "Component" : "Directive";
9525 const baseClassName = baseClass.debugName;
9526 return makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.DIRECTIVE_INHERITS_UNDECORATED_CTOR, node.name, `The ${dirOrComp.toLowerCase()} ${node.name.text} inherits its constructor from ${baseClassName}, but the latter does not have an Angular decorator of its own. Dependency injection will not be able to resolve the parameters of ${baseClassName}'s constructor. Either add a @Directive decorator to ${baseClassName}, or add an explicit constructor to ${node.name.text}.`);
9529// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/directive.mjs
9530import { compileClassMetadata, compileDeclareClassMetadata, compileDeclareDirectiveFromMetadata, compileDirectiveFromMetadata, createMayBeForwardRefExpression, emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue, ExternalExpr as ExternalExpr5, FactoryTarget, getSafePropertyAccessString, makeBindingParser, parseHostBindings, verifyHostBindings, WrappedNodeExpr as WrappedNodeExpr4 } from "@angular/compiler";
9531import ts43 from "typescript";
9533// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/factory.mjs
9534import { compileDeclareFactoryFunction, compileFactoryFunction } from "@angular/compiler";
9535function compileNgFactoryDefField(metadata) {
9536 const res = compileFactoryFunction(metadata);
9537 return { name: "\u0275fac", initializer: res.expression, statements: res.statements, type: res.type };
9539function compileDeclareFactory(metadata) {
9540 const res = compileDeclareFactoryFunction(metadata);
9541 return { name: "\u0275fac", initializer: res.expression, statements: res.statements, type: res.type };
9544// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/metadata.mjs
9545import { FunctionExpr, LiteralArrayExpr, LiteralExpr as LiteralExpr2, literalMap, ReturnStatement, WrappedNodeExpr as WrappedNodeExpr3 } from "@angular/compiler";
9546import ts42 from "typescript";
9547function extractClassMetadata(clazz, reflection, isCore, annotateForClosureCompiler, angularDecoratorTransform = (dec) => dec) {
9548 if (!reflection.isClass(clazz)) {
9549 return null;
9550 }
9551 const id = reflection.getAdjacentNameOfClass(clazz);
9552 const classDecorators = reflection.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(clazz);
9553 if (classDecorators === null) {
9554 return null;
9555 }
9556 const ngClassDecorators = classDecorators.filter((dec) => isAngularDecorator2(dec, isCore)).map((decorator) => decoratorToMetadata(angularDecoratorTransform(decorator), annotateForClosureCompiler)).map((decorator) => removeIdentifierReferences(decorator, id.text));
9557 if (ngClassDecorators.length === 0) {
9558 return null;
9559 }
9560 const metaDecorators = new WrappedNodeExpr3(ts42.createArrayLiteral(ngClassDecorators));
9561 let metaCtorParameters = null;
9562 const classCtorParameters = reflection.getConstructorParameters(clazz);
9563 if (classCtorParameters !== null) {
9564 const ctorParameters = classCtorParameters.map((param) => ctorParameterToMetadata(param, isCore));
9565 metaCtorParameters = new FunctionExpr([], [
9566 new ReturnStatement(new LiteralArrayExpr(ctorParameters))
9567 ]);
9568 }
9569 let metaPropDecorators = null;
9570 const classMembers = reflection.getMembersOfClass(clazz).filter((member) => !member.isStatic && member.decorators !== null && member.decorators.length > 0);
9571 const duplicateDecoratedMemberNames = classMembers.map((member) => member.name).filter((name, i, arr) => arr.indexOf(name) < i);
9572 if (duplicateDecoratedMemberNames.length > 0) {
9573 throw new Error(`Duplicate decorated properties found on class '${clazz.name.text}': ` + duplicateDecoratedMemberNames.join(", "));
9574 }
9575 const decoratedMembers = classMembers.map((member) => {
9576 var _a;
9577 return classMemberToMetadata((_a = member.nameNode) != null ? _a : member.name, member.decorators, isCore);
9578 });
9579 if (decoratedMembers.length > 0) {
9580 metaPropDecorators = new WrappedNodeExpr3(ts42.createObjectLiteral(decoratedMembers));
9581 }
9582 return {
9583 type: new WrappedNodeExpr3(id),
9584 decorators: metaDecorators,
9585 ctorParameters: metaCtorParameters,
9586 propDecorators: metaPropDecorators
9587 };
9589function ctorParameterToMetadata(param, isCore) {
9590 const type = param.typeValueReference.kind !== 2 ? valueReferenceToExpression(param.typeValueReference) : new LiteralExpr2(void 0);
9591 const mapEntries = [
9592 { key: "type", value: type, quoted: false }
9593 ];
9594 if (param.decorators !== null) {
9595 const ngDecorators = param.decorators.filter((dec) => isAngularDecorator2(dec, isCore)).map((decorator) => decoratorToMetadata(decorator));
9596 const value = new WrappedNodeExpr3(ts42.createArrayLiteral(ngDecorators));
9597 mapEntries.push({ key: "decorators", value, quoted: false });
9598 }
9599 return literalMap(mapEntries);
9601function classMemberToMetadata(name, decorators, isCore) {
9602 const ngDecorators = decorators.filter((dec) => isAngularDecorator2(dec, isCore)).map((decorator) => decoratorToMetadata(decorator));
9603 const decoratorMeta = ts42.createArrayLiteral(ngDecorators);
9604 return ts42.createPropertyAssignment(name, decoratorMeta);
9606function decoratorToMetadata(decorator, wrapFunctionsInParens) {
9607 if (decorator.identifier === null) {
9608 throw new Error("Illegal state: synthesized decorator cannot be emitted in class metadata.");
9609 }
9610 const properties = [
9611 ts42.createPropertyAssignment("type", ts42.getMutableClone(decorator.identifier))
9612 ];
9613 if (decorator.args !== null && decorator.args.length > 0) {
9614 const args = decorator.args.map((arg) => {
9615 const expr = ts42.getMutableClone(arg);
9616 return wrapFunctionsInParens ? wrapFunctionExpressionsInParens(expr) : expr;
9617 });
9618 properties.push(ts42.createPropertyAssignment("args", ts42.createArrayLiteral(args)));
9619 }
9620 return ts42.createObjectLiteral(properties, true);
9622function isAngularDecorator2(decorator, isCore) {
9623 return isCore || decorator.import !== null && decorator.import.from === "@angular/core";
9625function removeIdentifierReferences(node, name) {
9626 const result = ts42.transform(node, [(context) => (root) => ts42.visitNode(root, function walk(current) {
9627 return ts42.isIdentifier(current) && current.text === name ? ts42.createIdentifier(current.text) : ts42.visitEachChild(current, walk, context);
9628 })]);
9629 return result.transformed[0];
9632// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/directive.mjs
9633var EMPTY_OBJECT = {};
9635 "Input",
9636 "Output",
9637 "ViewChild",
9638 "ViewChildren",
9639 "ContentChild",
9640 "ContentChildren",
9641 "HostBinding",
9642 "HostListener"
9644var LIFECYCLE_HOOKS = new Set([
9645 "ngOnChanges",
9646 "ngOnInit",
9647 "ngOnDestroy",
9648 "ngDoCheck",
9649 "ngAfterViewInit",
9650 "ngAfterViewChecked",
9651 "ngAfterContentInit",
9652 "ngAfterContentChecked"
9654var DirectiveSymbol = class extends SemanticSymbol {
9655 constructor(decl, selector, inputs, outputs, exportAs, typeCheckMeta, typeParameters) {
9656 super(decl);
9657 this.selector = selector;
9658 this.inputs = inputs;
9659 this.outputs = outputs;
9660 this.exportAs = exportAs;
9661 this.typeCheckMeta = typeCheckMeta;
9662 this.typeParameters = typeParameters;
9663 this.baseClass = null;
9664 }
9665 isPublicApiAffected(previousSymbol) {
9666 if (!(previousSymbol instanceof DirectiveSymbol)) {
9667 return true;
9668 }
9669 return this.selector !== previousSymbol.selector || !isArrayEqual(this.inputs.propertyNames, previousSymbol.inputs.propertyNames) || !isArrayEqual(this.outputs.propertyNames, previousSymbol.outputs.propertyNames) || !isArrayEqual(this.exportAs, previousSymbol.exportAs);
9670 }
9671 isTypeCheckApiAffected(previousSymbol) {
9672 if (this.isPublicApiAffected(previousSymbol)) {
9673 return true;
9674 }
9675 if (!(previousSymbol instanceof DirectiveSymbol)) {
9676 return true;
9677 }
9678 if (!isArrayEqual(Array.from(this.inputs), Array.from(previousSymbol.inputs), isInputMappingEqual) || !isArrayEqual(Array.from(this.outputs), Array.from(previousSymbol.outputs), isInputMappingEqual)) {
9679 return true;
9680 }
9681 if (!areTypeParametersEqual(this.typeParameters, previousSymbol.typeParameters)) {
9682 return true;
9683 }
9684 if (!isTypeCheckMetaEqual(this.typeCheckMeta, previousSymbol.typeCheckMeta)) {
9685 return true;
9686 }
9687 if (!isBaseClassEqual(this.baseClass, previousSymbol.baseClass)) {
9688 return true;
9689 }
9690 return false;
9691 }
9693function isInputMappingEqual(current, previous) {
9694 return current[0] === previous[0] && current[1] === previous[1];
9696function isTypeCheckMetaEqual(current, previous) {
9697 if (current.hasNgTemplateContextGuard !== previous.hasNgTemplateContextGuard) {
9698 return false;
9699 }
9700 if (current.isGeneric !== previous.isGeneric) {
9701 return false;
9702 }
9703 if (!isArrayEqual(current.ngTemplateGuards, previous.ngTemplateGuards, isTemplateGuardEqual)) {
9704 return false;
9705 }
9706 if (!isSetEqual(current.coercedInputFields, previous.coercedInputFields)) {
9707 return false;
9708 }
9709 if (!isSetEqual(current.restrictedInputFields, previous.restrictedInputFields)) {
9710 return false;
9711 }
9712 if (!isSetEqual(current.stringLiteralInputFields, previous.stringLiteralInputFields)) {
9713 return false;
9714 }
9715 if (!isSetEqual(current.undeclaredInputFields, previous.undeclaredInputFields)) {
9716 return false;
9717 }
9718 return true;
9720function isTemplateGuardEqual(current, previous) {
9721 return current.inputName === previous.inputName && current.type === previous.type;
9723function isBaseClassEqual(current, previous) {
9724 if (current === null || previous === null) {
9725 return current === previous;
9726 }
9727 return isSymbolEqual(current, previous);
9729var DirectiveDecoratorHandler = class {
9730 constructor(reflector, evaluator, metaRegistry, scopeRegistry, metaReader, injectableRegistry, isCore, semanticDepGraphUpdater, annotateForClosureCompiler, compileUndecoratedClassesWithAngularFeatures, perf) {
9731 this.reflector = reflector;
9732 this.evaluator = evaluator;
9733 this.metaRegistry = metaRegistry;
9734 this.scopeRegistry = scopeRegistry;
9735 this.metaReader = metaReader;
9736 this.injectableRegistry = injectableRegistry;
9737 this.isCore = isCore;
9738 this.semanticDepGraphUpdater = semanticDepGraphUpdater;
9739 this.annotateForClosureCompiler = annotateForClosureCompiler;
9740 this.compileUndecoratedClassesWithAngularFeatures = compileUndecoratedClassesWithAngularFeatures;
9741 this.perf = perf;
9742 this.precedence = HandlerPrecedence.PRIMARY;
9743 this.name = DirectiveDecoratorHandler.name;
9744 }
9745 detect(node, decorators) {
9746 if (!decorators) {
9747 const angularField = this.findClassFieldWithAngularFeatures(node);
9748 return angularField ? { trigger: angularField.node, decorator: null, metadata: null } : void 0;
9749 } else {
9750 const decorator = findAngularDecorator(decorators, "Directive", this.isCore);
9751 return decorator ? { trigger: decorator.node, decorator, metadata: decorator } : void 0;
9752 }
9753 }
9754 analyze(node, decorator, flags = HandlerFlags.NONE) {
9755 if (this.compileUndecoratedClassesWithAngularFeatures === false && decorator === null) {
9756 return { diagnostics: [getUndecoratedClassWithAngularFeaturesDiagnostic(node)] };
9757 }
9758 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.AnalyzeDirective);
9759 const directiveResult = extractDirectiveMetadata(node, decorator, this.reflector, this.evaluator, this.isCore, flags, this.annotateForClosureCompiler);
9760 if (directiveResult === void 0) {
9761 return {};
9762 }
9763 const analysis = directiveResult.metadata;
9764 let providersRequiringFactory = null;
9765 if (directiveResult !== void 0 && directiveResult.decorator.has("providers")) {
9766 providersRequiringFactory = resolveProvidersRequiringFactory(directiveResult.decorator.get("providers"), this.reflector, this.evaluator);
9767 }
9768 return {
9769 analysis: {
9770 inputs: directiveResult.inputs,
9771 outputs: directiveResult.outputs,
9772 meta: analysis,
9773 classMetadata: extractClassMetadata(node, this.reflector, this.isCore, this.annotateForClosureCompiler),
9774 baseClass: readBaseClass2(node, this.reflector, this.evaluator),
9775 typeCheckMeta: extractDirectiveTypeCheckMeta(node, directiveResult.inputs, this.reflector),
9776 providersRequiringFactory,
9777 isPoisoned: false,
9778 isStructural: directiveResult.isStructural
9779 }
9780 };
9781 }
9782 symbol(node, analysis) {
9783 const typeParameters = extractSemanticTypeParameters(node);
9784 return new DirectiveSymbol(node, analysis.meta.selector, analysis.inputs, analysis.outputs, analysis.meta.exportAs, analysis.typeCheckMeta, typeParameters);
9785 }
9786 register(node, analysis) {
9787 const ref = new Reference(node);
9788 this.metaRegistry.registerDirectiveMetadata(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({
9789 type: MetaType.Directive,
9790 ref,
9791 name: node.name.text,
9792 selector: analysis.meta.selector,
9793 exportAs: analysis.meta.exportAs,
9794 inputs: analysis.inputs,
9795 outputs: analysis.outputs,
9796 queries: analysis.meta.queries.map((query) => query.propertyName),
9797 isComponent: false,
9798 baseClass: analysis.baseClass
9799 }, analysis.typeCheckMeta), {
9800 isPoisoned: analysis.isPoisoned,
9801 isStructural: analysis.isStructural
9802 }));
9803 this.injectableRegistry.registerInjectable(node);
9804 }
9805 resolve(node, analysis, symbol) {
9806 if (this.semanticDepGraphUpdater !== null && analysis.baseClass instanceof Reference) {
9807 symbol.baseClass = this.semanticDepGraphUpdater.getSymbol(analysis.baseClass.node);
9808 }
9809 const diagnostics = [];
9810 if (analysis.providersRequiringFactory !== null && analysis.meta.providers instanceof WrappedNodeExpr4) {
9811 const providerDiagnostics = getProviderDiagnostics(analysis.providersRequiringFactory, analysis.meta.providers.node, this.injectableRegistry);
9812 diagnostics.push(...providerDiagnostics);
9813 }
9814 const directiveDiagnostics = getDirectiveDiagnostics(node, this.metaReader, this.evaluator, this.reflector, this.scopeRegistry, "Directive");
9815 if (directiveDiagnostics !== null) {
9816 diagnostics.push(...directiveDiagnostics);
9817 }
9818 return { diagnostics: diagnostics.length > 0 ? diagnostics : void 0 };
9819 }
9820 compileFull(node, analysis, resolution, pool) {
9821 const fac = compileNgFactoryDefField(toFactoryMetadata(analysis.meta, FactoryTarget.Directive));
9822 const def = compileDirectiveFromMetadata(analysis.meta, pool, makeBindingParser());
9823 const classMetadata = analysis.classMetadata !== null ? compileClassMetadata(analysis.classMetadata).toStmt() : null;
9824 return compileResults(fac, def, classMetadata, "\u0275dir");
9825 }
9826 compilePartial(node, analysis, resolution) {
9827 const fac = compileDeclareFactory(toFactoryMetadata(analysis.meta, FactoryTarget.Directive));
9828 const def = compileDeclareDirectiveFromMetadata(analysis.meta);
9829 const classMetadata = analysis.classMetadata !== null ? compileDeclareClassMetadata(analysis.classMetadata).toStmt() : null;
9830 return compileResults(fac, def, classMetadata, "\u0275dir");
9831 }
9832 findClassFieldWithAngularFeatures(node) {
9833 return this.reflector.getMembersOfClass(node).find((member) => {
9834 if (!member.isStatic && member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Method && LIFECYCLE_HOOKS.has(member.name)) {
9835 return true;
9836 }
9837 if (member.decorators) {
9838 return member.decorators.some((decorator) => FIELD_DECORATORS.some((decoratorName) => isAngularDecorator(decorator, decoratorName, this.isCore)));
9839 }
9840 return false;
9841 });
9842 }
9844function extractDirectiveMetadata(clazz, decorator, reflector, evaluator, isCore, flags, annotateForClosureCompiler, defaultSelector = null) {
9845 let directive;
9846 if (decorator === null || decorator.args === null || decorator.args.length === 0) {
9847 directive = new Map();
9848 } else if (decorator.args.length !== 1) {
9849 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), `Incorrect number of arguments to @${decorator.name} decorator`);
9850 } else {
9851 const meta = unwrapExpression(decorator.args[0]);
9852 if (!ts43.isObjectLiteralExpression(meta)) {
9853 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARG_NOT_LITERAL, meta, `@${decorator.name} argument must be an object literal`);
9854 }
9855 directive = reflectObjectLiteral(meta);
9856 }
9857 if (directive.has("jit")) {
9858 return void 0;
9859 }
9860 const members = reflector.getMembersOfClass(clazz);
9861 const decoratedElements = members.filter((member) => !member.isStatic && member.decorators !== null);
9862 const coreModule = isCore ? void 0 : "@angular/core";
9863 const inputsFromMeta = parseFieldToPropertyMapping(directive, "inputs", evaluator);
9864 const inputsFromFields = parseDecoratedFields(filterToMembersWithDecorator(decoratedElements, "Input", coreModule), evaluator, resolveInput);
9865 const outputsFromMeta = parseFieldToPropertyMapping(directive, "outputs", evaluator);
9866 const outputsFromFields = parseDecoratedFields(filterToMembersWithDecorator(decoratedElements, "Output", coreModule), evaluator, resolveOutput);
9867 const contentChildFromFields = queriesFromFields(filterToMembersWithDecorator(decoratedElements, "ContentChild", coreModule), reflector, evaluator);
9868 const contentChildrenFromFields = queriesFromFields(filterToMembersWithDecorator(decoratedElements, "ContentChildren", coreModule), reflector, evaluator);
9869 const queries = [...contentChildFromFields, ...contentChildrenFromFields];
9870 const viewChildFromFields = queriesFromFields(filterToMembersWithDecorator(decoratedElements, "ViewChild", coreModule), reflector, evaluator);
9871 const viewChildrenFromFields = queriesFromFields(filterToMembersWithDecorator(decoratedElements, "ViewChildren", coreModule), reflector, evaluator);
9872 const viewQueries = [...viewChildFromFields, ...viewChildrenFromFields];
9873 if (directive.has("queries")) {
9874 const queriesFromDecorator = extractQueriesFromDecorator(directive.get("queries"), reflector, evaluator, isCore);
9875 queries.push(...queriesFromDecorator.content);
9876 viewQueries.push(...queriesFromDecorator.view);
9877 }
9878 let selector = defaultSelector;
9879 if (directive.has("selector")) {
9880 const expr = directive.get("selector");
9881 const resolved = evaluator.evaluate(expr);
9882 if (typeof resolved !== "string") {
9883 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(expr, resolved, `selector must be a string`);
9884 }
9885 selector = resolved === "" ? defaultSelector : resolved;
9886 if (!selector) {
9887 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DIRECTIVE_MISSING_SELECTOR, expr, `Directive ${clazz.name.text} has no selector, please add it!`);
9888 }
9889 }
9890 const host = extractHostBindings(decoratedElements, evaluator, coreModule, directive);
9891 const providers = directive.has("providers") ? new WrappedNodeExpr4(annotateForClosureCompiler ? wrapFunctionExpressionsInParens(directive.get("providers")) : directive.get("providers")) : null;
9892 const usesOnChanges = members.some((member) => !member.isStatic && member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Method && member.name === "ngOnChanges");
9893 let exportAs = null;
9894 if (directive.has("exportAs")) {
9895 const expr = directive.get("exportAs");
9896 const resolved = evaluator.evaluate(expr);
9897 if (typeof resolved !== "string") {
9898 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(expr, resolved, `exportAs must be a string`);
9899 }
9900 exportAs = resolved.split(",").map((part) => part.trim());
9901 }
9902 const rawCtorDeps = getConstructorDependencies(clazz, reflector, isCore);
9903 const ctorDeps = selector !== null ? validateConstructorDependencies(clazz, rawCtorDeps) : unwrapConstructorDependencies(rawCtorDeps);
9904 const isStructural = ctorDeps !== null && ctorDeps !== "invalid" && ctorDeps.some((dep) => dep.token instanceof ExternalExpr5 && dep.token.value.moduleName === "@angular/core" && dep.token.value.name === "TemplateRef");
9905 const usesInheritance = reflector.hasBaseClass(clazz);
9906 const type = wrapTypeReference(reflector, clazz);
9907 const internalType = new WrappedNodeExpr4(reflector.getInternalNameOfClass(clazz));
9908 const inputs = ClassPropertyMapping.fromMappedObject(__spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, inputsFromMeta), inputsFromFields));
9909 const outputs = ClassPropertyMapping.fromMappedObject(__spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, outputsFromMeta), outputsFromFields));
9910 const metadata = {
9911 name: clazz.name.text,
9912 deps: ctorDeps,
9913 host,
9914 lifecycle: {
9915 usesOnChanges
9916 },
9917 inputs: inputs.toJointMappedObject(),
9918 outputs: outputs.toDirectMappedObject(),
9919 queries,
9920 viewQueries,
9921 selector,
9922 fullInheritance: !!(flags & HandlerFlags.FULL_INHERITANCE),
9923 type,
9924 internalType,
9925 typeArgumentCount: reflector.getGenericArityOfClass(clazz) || 0,
9926 typeSourceSpan: createSourceSpan(clazz.name),
9927 usesInheritance,
9928 exportAs,
9929 providers
9930 };
9931 return {
9932 decorator: directive,
9933 metadata,
9934 inputs,
9935 outputs,
9936 isStructural
9937 };
9939function extractQueryMetadata(exprNode, name, args, propertyName, reflector, evaluator) {
9940 if (args.length === 0) {
9941 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, exprNode, `@${name} must have arguments`);
9942 }
9943 const first = name === "ViewChild" || name === "ContentChild";
9944 const forwardReferenceTarget = tryUnwrapForwardRef(args[0], reflector);
9945 const node = forwardReferenceTarget != null ? forwardReferenceTarget : args[0];
9946 const arg = evaluator.evaluate(node);
9947 let isStatic = false;
9948 let predicate = null;
9949 if (arg instanceof Reference || arg instanceof DynamicValue) {
9950 predicate = createMayBeForwardRefExpression(new WrappedNodeExpr4(node), forwardReferenceTarget !== null ? 2 : 0);
9951 } else if (typeof arg === "string") {
9952 predicate = [arg];
9953 } else if (isStringArrayOrDie(arg, `@${name} predicate`, node)) {
9954 predicate = arg;
9955 } else {
9956 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(node, arg, `@${name} predicate cannot be interpreted`);
9957 }
9958 let read = null;
9959 let descendants = name !== "ContentChildren";
9960 let emitDistinctChangesOnly = emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue;
9961 if (args.length === 2) {
9962 const optionsExpr = unwrapExpression(args[1]);
9963 if (!ts43.isObjectLiteralExpression(optionsExpr)) {
9964 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARG_NOT_LITERAL, optionsExpr, `@${name} options must be an object literal`);
9965 }
9966 const options = reflectObjectLiteral(optionsExpr);
9967 if (options.has("read")) {
9968 read = new WrappedNodeExpr4(options.get("read"));
9969 }
9970 if (options.has("descendants")) {
9971 const descendantsExpr = options.get("descendants");
9972 const descendantsValue = evaluator.evaluate(descendantsExpr);
9973 if (typeof descendantsValue !== "boolean") {
9974 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(descendantsExpr, descendantsValue, `@${name} options.descendants must be a boolean`);
9975 }
9976 descendants = descendantsValue;
9977 }
9978 if (options.has("emitDistinctChangesOnly")) {
9979 const emitDistinctChangesOnlyExpr = options.get("emitDistinctChangesOnly");
9980 const emitDistinctChangesOnlyValue = evaluator.evaluate(emitDistinctChangesOnlyExpr);
9981 if (typeof emitDistinctChangesOnlyValue !== "boolean") {
9982 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(emitDistinctChangesOnlyExpr, emitDistinctChangesOnlyValue, `@${name} options.emitDistinctChangesOnly must be a boolean`);
9983 }
9984 emitDistinctChangesOnly = emitDistinctChangesOnlyValue;
9985 }
9986 if (options.has("static")) {
9987 const staticValue = evaluator.evaluate(options.get("static"));
9988 if (typeof staticValue !== "boolean") {
9989 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(node, staticValue, `@${name} options.static must be a boolean`);
9990 }
9991 isStatic = staticValue;
9992 }
9993 } else if (args.length > 2) {
9994 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, node, `@${name} has too many arguments`);
9995 }
9996 return {
9997 propertyName,
9998 predicate,
9999 first,
10000 descendants,
10001 read,
10002 static: isStatic,
10003 emitDistinctChangesOnly
10004 };
10006function extractQueriesFromDecorator(queryData, reflector, evaluator, isCore) {
10007 const content = [], view = [];
10008 if (!ts43.isObjectLiteralExpression(queryData)) {
10009 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, queryData, "Decorator queries metadata must be an object literal");
10010 }
10011 reflectObjectLiteral(queryData).forEach((queryExpr, propertyName) => {
10012 queryExpr = unwrapExpression(queryExpr);
10013 if (!ts43.isNewExpression(queryExpr)) {
10014 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, queryData, "Decorator query metadata must be an instance of a query type");
10015 }
10016 const queryType = ts43.isPropertyAccessExpression(queryExpr.expression) ? queryExpr.expression.name : queryExpr.expression;
10017 if (!ts43.isIdentifier(queryType)) {
10018 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, queryData, "Decorator query metadata must be an instance of a query type");
10019 }
10020 const type = reflector.getImportOfIdentifier(queryType);
10021 if (type === null || !isCore && type.from !== "@angular/core" || !QUERY_TYPES.has(type.name)) {
10022 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, queryData, "Decorator query metadata must be an instance of a query type");
10023 }
10024 const query = extractQueryMetadata(queryExpr, type.name, queryExpr.arguments || [], propertyName, reflector, evaluator);
10025 if (type.name.startsWith("Content")) {
10026 content.push(query);
10027 } else {
10028 view.push(query);
10029 }
10030 });
10031 return { content, view };
10033function isStringArrayOrDie(value, name, node) {
10034 if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
10035 return false;
10036 }
10037 for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
10038 if (typeof value[i] !== "string") {
10039 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(node, value[i], `Failed to resolve ${name} at position ${i} to a string`);
10040 }
10041 }
10042 return true;
10044function parseFieldArrayValue(directive, field, evaluator) {
10045 if (!directive.has(field)) {
10046 return null;
10047 }
10048 const expression = directive.get(field);
10049 const value = evaluator.evaluate(expression);
10050 if (!isStringArrayOrDie(value, field, expression)) {
10051 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(expression, value, `Failed to resolve @Directive.${field} to a string array`);
10052 }
10053 return value;
10055function parseFieldToPropertyMapping(directive, field, evaluator) {
10056 const metaValues = parseFieldArrayValue(directive, field, evaluator);
10057 if (!metaValues) {
10058 return EMPTY_OBJECT;
10059 }
10060 return metaValues.reduce((results, value) => {
10061 const [field2, property2] = value.split(":", 2).map((str) => str.trim());
10062 results[field2] = property2 || field2;
10063 return results;
10064 }, {});
10066function parseDecoratedFields(fields, evaluator, mapValueResolver) {
10067 return fields.reduce((results, field) => {
10068 const fieldName = field.member.name;
10069 field.decorators.forEach((decorator) => {
10070 if (decorator.args == null || decorator.args.length === 0) {
10071 results[fieldName] = fieldName;
10072 } else if (decorator.args.length === 1) {
10073 const property2 = evaluator.evaluate(decorator.args[0]);
10074 if (typeof property2 !== "string") {
10075 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), property2, `@${decorator.name} decorator argument must resolve to a string`);
10076 }
10077 results[fieldName] = mapValueResolver(property2, fieldName);
10078 } else {
10079 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), `@${decorator.name} can have at most one argument, got ${decorator.args.length} argument(s)`);
10080 }
10081 });
10082 return results;
10083 }, {});
10085function resolveInput(publicName, internalName) {
10086 return [publicName, internalName];
10088function resolveOutput(publicName, internalName) {
10089 return publicName;
10091function queriesFromFields(fields, reflector, evaluator) {
10092 return fields.map(({ member, decorators }) => {
10093 const decorator = decorators[0];
10094 const node = member.node || Decorator.nodeForError(decorator);
10095 if (member.decorators.some((v) => v.name === "Input")) {
10096 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_COLLISION, node, "Cannot combine @Input decorators with query decorators");
10097 }
10098 if (decorators.length !== 1) {
10099 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_COLLISION, node, "Cannot have multiple query decorators on the same class member");
10100 } else if (!isPropertyTypeMember(member)) {
10101 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_UNEXPECTED, node, "Query decorator must go on a property-type member");
10102 }
10103 return extractQueryMetadata(node, decorator.name, decorator.args || [], member.name, reflector, evaluator);
10104 });
10106function isPropertyTypeMember(member) {
10107 return member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Getter || member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Setter || member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Property;
10109function evaluateHostExpressionBindings(hostExpr, evaluator) {
10110 const hostMetaMap = evaluator.evaluate(hostExpr);
10111 if (!(hostMetaMap instanceof Map)) {
10112 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(hostExpr, hostMetaMap, `Decorator host metadata must be an object`);
10113 }
10114 const hostMetadata = {};
10115 hostMetaMap.forEach((value, key) => {
10116 if (value instanceof EnumValue) {
10117 value = value.resolved;
10118 }
10119 if (typeof key !== "string") {
10120 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(hostExpr, key, `Decorator host metadata must be a string -> string object, but found unparseable key`);
10121 }
10122 if (typeof value == "string") {
10123 hostMetadata[key] = value;
10124 } else if (value instanceof DynamicValue) {
10125 hostMetadata[key] = new WrappedNodeExpr4(value.node);
10126 } else {
10127 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(hostExpr, value, `Decorator host metadata must be a string -> string object, but found unparseable value`);
10128 }
10129 });
10130 const bindings = parseHostBindings(hostMetadata);
10131 const errors = verifyHostBindings(bindings, createSourceSpan(hostExpr));
10132 if (errors.length > 0) {
10133 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.HOST_BINDING_PARSE_ERROR, hostExpr, errors.map((error2) => error2.msg).join("\n"));
10134 }
10135 return bindings;
10137function extractHostBindings(members, evaluator, coreModule, metadata) {
10138 let bindings;
10139 if (metadata && metadata.has("host")) {
10140 bindings = evaluateHostExpressionBindings(metadata.get("host"), evaluator);
10141 } else {
10142 bindings = parseHostBindings({});
10143 }
10144 filterToMembersWithDecorator(members, "HostBinding", coreModule).forEach(({ member, decorators }) => {
10145 decorators.forEach((decorator) => {
10146 let hostPropertyName = member.name;
10147 if (decorator.args !== null && decorator.args.length > 0) {
10148 if (decorator.args.length !== 1) {
10149 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), `@HostBinding can have at most one argument, got ${decorator.args.length} argument(s)`);
10150 }
10151 const resolved = evaluator.evaluate(decorator.args[0]);
10152 if (typeof resolved !== "string") {
10153 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), resolved, `@HostBinding's argument must be a string`);
10154 }
10155 hostPropertyName = resolved;
10156 }
10157 bindings.properties[hostPropertyName] = getSafePropertyAccessString("this", member.name);
10158 });
10159 });
10160 filterToMembersWithDecorator(members, "HostListener", coreModule).forEach(({ member, decorators }) => {
10161 decorators.forEach((decorator) => {
10162 let eventName = member.name;
10163 let args = [];
10164 if (decorator.args !== null && decorator.args.length > 0) {
10165 if (decorator.args.length > 2) {
10166 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, decorator.args[2], `@HostListener can have at most two arguments`);
10167 }
10168 const resolved = evaluator.evaluate(decorator.args[0]);
10169 if (typeof resolved !== "string") {
10170 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(decorator.args[0], resolved, `@HostListener's event name argument must be a string`);
10171 }
10172 eventName = resolved;
10173 if (decorator.args.length === 2) {
10174 const expression = decorator.args[1];
10175 const resolvedArgs = evaluator.evaluate(decorator.args[1]);
10176 if (!isStringArrayOrDie(resolvedArgs, "@HostListener.args", expression)) {
10177 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(decorator.args[1], resolvedArgs, `@HostListener's second argument must be a string array`);
10178 }
10179 args = resolvedArgs;
10180 }
10181 }
10182 bindings.listeners[eventName] = `${member.name}(${args.join(",")})`;
10183 });
10184 });
10185 return bindings;
10187var QUERY_TYPES = new Set([
10188 "ContentChild",
10189 "ContentChildren",
10190 "ViewChild",
10191 "ViewChildren"
10194// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/ng_module.mjs
10195import { compileClassMetadata as compileClassMetadata2, compileDeclareClassMetadata as compileDeclareClassMetadata2, compileDeclareInjectorFromMetadata, compileDeclareNgModuleFromMetadata, compileInjector, compileNgModule, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, ExternalExpr as ExternalExpr6, FactoryTarget as FactoryTarget2, InvokeFunctionExpr, LiteralArrayExpr as LiteralArrayExpr2, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA, R3Identifiers, WrappedNodeExpr as WrappedNodeExpr5 } from "@angular/compiler";
10196import ts44 from "typescript";
10197var NgModuleSymbol = class extends SemanticSymbol {
10198 constructor() {
10199 super(...arguments);
10200 this.remotelyScopedComponents = [];
10201 }
10202 isPublicApiAffected(previousSymbol) {
10203 if (!(previousSymbol instanceof NgModuleSymbol)) {
10204 return true;
10205 }
10206 return false;
10207 }
10208 isEmitAffected(previousSymbol) {
10209 if (!(previousSymbol instanceof NgModuleSymbol)) {
10210 return true;
10211 }
10212 if (previousSymbol.remotelyScopedComponents.length !== this.remotelyScopedComponents.length) {
10213 return true;
10214 }
10215 for (const currEntry of this.remotelyScopedComponents) {
10216 const prevEntry = previousSymbol.remotelyScopedComponents.find((prevEntry2) => {
10217 return isSymbolEqual(prevEntry2.component, currEntry.component);
10218 });
10219 if (prevEntry === void 0) {
10220 return true;
10221 }
10222 if (!isArrayEqual(currEntry.usedDirectives, prevEntry.usedDirectives, isReferenceEqual)) {
10223 return true;
10224 }
10225 if (!isArrayEqual(currEntry.usedPipes, prevEntry.usedPipes, isReferenceEqual)) {
10226 return true;
10227 }
10228 }
10229 return false;
10230 }
10231 isTypeCheckApiAffected(previousSymbol) {
10232 if (!(previousSymbol instanceof NgModuleSymbol)) {
10233 return true;
10234 }
10235 return false;
10236 }
10237 addRemotelyScopedComponent(component, usedDirectives, usedPipes) {
10238 this.remotelyScopedComponents.push({ component, usedDirectives, usedPipes });
10239 }
10241var NgModuleDecoratorHandler = class {
10242 constructor(reflector, evaluator, metaReader, metaRegistry, scopeRegistry, referencesRegistry, isCore, refEmitter, factoryTracker, annotateForClosureCompiler, injectableRegistry, perf) {
10243 this.reflector = reflector;
10244 this.evaluator = evaluator;
10245 this.metaReader = metaReader;
10246 this.metaRegistry = metaRegistry;
10247 this.scopeRegistry = scopeRegistry;
10248 this.referencesRegistry = referencesRegistry;
10249 this.isCore = isCore;
10250 this.refEmitter = refEmitter;
10251 this.factoryTracker = factoryTracker;
10252 this.annotateForClosureCompiler = annotateForClosureCompiler;
10253 this.injectableRegistry = injectableRegistry;
10254 this.perf = perf;
10255 this.precedence = HandlerPrecedence.PRIMARY;
10256 this.name = NgModuleDecoratorHandler.name;
10257 }
10258 detect(node, decorators) {
10259 if (!decorators) {
10260 return void 0;
10261 }
10262 const decorator = findAngularDecorator(decorators, "NgModule", this.isCore);
10263 if (decorator !== void 0) {
10264 return {
10265 trigger: decorator.node,
10266 decorator,
10267 metadata: decorator
10268 };
10269 } else {
10270 return void 0;
10271 }
10272 }
10273 analyze(node, decorator) {
10274 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.AnalyzeNgModule);
10275 const name = node.name.text;
10276 if (decorator.args === null || decorator.args.length > 1) {
10277 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), `Incorrect number of arguments to @NgModule decorator`);
10278 }
10279 const meta = decorator.args.length === 1 ? unwrapExpression(decorator.args[0]) : ts44.createObjectLiteral([]);
10280 if (!ts44.isObjectLiteralExpression(meta)) {
10281 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARG_NOT_LITERAL, meta, "@NgModule argument must be an object literal");
10282 }
10283 const ngModule = reflectObjectLiteral(meta);
10284 if (ngModule.has("jit")) {
10285 return {};
10286 }
10287 const moduleResolvers = combineResolvers([
10288 (ref) => this._extractModuleFromModuleWithProvidersFn(ref.node),
10289 forwardRefResolver
10290 ]);
10291 const diagnostics = [];
10292 let declarationRefs = [];
10293 let rawDeclarations = null;
10294 if (ngModule.has("declarations")) {
10295 rawDeclarations = ngModule.get("declarations");
10296 const declarationMeta = this.evaluator.evaluate(rawDeclarations, forwardRefResolver);
10297 declarationRefs = this.resolveTypeList(rawDeclarations, declarationMeta, name, "declarations");
10298 for (const ref of declarationRefs) {
10299 if (ref.node.getSourceFile().isDeclarationFile) {
10300 const errorNode = ref.getOriginForDiagnostics(rawDeclarations);
10301 diagnostics.push(makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_DECLARATION, errorNode, `Cannot declare '${ref.node.name.text}' in an NgModule as it's not a part of the current compilation.`, [makeRelatedInformation(ref.node.name, `'${ref.node.name.text}' is declared here.`)]));
10302 }
10303 }
10304 }
10305 if (diagnostics.length > 0) {
10306 return { diagnostics };
10307 }
10308 let importRefs = [];
10309 if (ngModule.has("imports")) {
10310 const rawImports = ngModule.get("imports");
10311 const importsMeta = this.evaluator.evaluate(rawImports, moduleResolvers);
10312 importRefs = this.resolveTypeList(rawImports, importsMeta, name, "imports");
10313 }
10314 let exportRefs = [];
10315 if (ngModule.has("exports")) {
10316 const rawExports = ngModule.get("exports");
10317 const exportsMeta = this.evaluator.evaluate(rawExports, moduleResolvers);
10318 exportRefs = this.resolveTypeList(rawExports, exportsMeta, name, "exports");
10319 this.referencesRegistry.add(node, ...exportRefs);
10320 }
10321 let bootstrapRefs = [];
10322 if (ngModule.has("bootstrap")) {
10323 const expr = ngModule.get("bootstrap");
10324 const bootstrapMeta = this.evaluator.evaluate(expr, forwardRefResolver);
10325 bootstrapRefs = this.resolveTypeList(expr, bootstrapMeta, name, "bootstrap");
10326 }
10327 const schemas = [];
10328 if (ngModule.has("schemas")) {
10329 const rawExpr = ngModule.get("schemas");
10330 const result = this.evaluator.evaluate(rawExpr);
10331 if (!Array.isArray(result)) {
10332 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(rawExpr, result, `NgModule.schemas must be an array`);
10333 }
10334 for (const schemaRef of result) {
10335 if (!(schemaRef instanceof Reference)) {
10336 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(rawExpr, result, "NgModule.schemas must be an array of schemas");
10337 }
10338 const id2 = schemaRef.getIdentityIn(schemaRef.node.getSourceFile());
10339 if (id2 === null || schemaRef.ownedByModuleGuess !== "@angular/core") {
10340 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(rawExpr, result, "NgModule.schemas must be an array of schemas");
10341 }
10342 switch (id2.text) {
10344 schemas.push(CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA);
10345 break;
10346 case "NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA":
10347 schemas.push(NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA);
10348 break;
10349 default:
10350 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(rawExpr, schemaRef, `'${schemaRef.debugName}' is not a valid NgModule schema`);
10351 }
10352 }
10353 }
10354 const id = ngModule.has("id") ? new WrappedNodeExpr5(ngModule.get("id")) : null;
10355 const valueContext = node.getSourceFile();
10356 let typeContext = valueContext;
10357 const typeNode = this.reflector.getDtsDeclaration(node);
10358 if (typeNode !== null) {
10359 typeContext = typeNode.getSourceFile();
10360 }
10361 const bootstrap = bootstrapRefs.map((bootstrap2) => this._toR3Reference(bootstrap2, valueContext, typeContext));
10362 const declarations = declarationRefs.map((decl) => this._toR3Reference(decl, valueContext, typeContext));
10363 const imports = importRefs.map((imp) => this._toR3Reference(imp, valueContext, typeContext));
10364 const exports = exportRefs.map((exp) => this._toR3Reference(exp, valueContext, typeContext));
10365 const isForwardReference = (ref) => isExpressionForwardReference(ref.value, node.name, valueContext);
10366 const containsForwardDecls = bootstrap.some(isForwardReference) || declarations.some(isForwardReference) || imports.some(isForwardReference) || exports.some(isForwardReference);
10367 const type = wrapTypeReference(this.reflector, node);
10368 const internalType = new WrappedNodeExpr5(this.reflector.getInternalNameOfClass(node));
10369 const adjacentType = new WrappedNodeExpr5(this.reflector.getAdjacentNameOfClass(node));
10370 const ngModuleMetadata = {
10371 type,
10372 internalType,
10373 adjacentType,
10374 bootstrap,
10375 declarations,
10376 exports,
10377 imports,
10378 containsForwardDecls,
10379 id,
10380 emitInline: false,
10381 schemas: []
10382 };
10383 const rawProviders = ngModule.has("providers") ? ngModule.get("providers") : null;
10384 const wrapperProviders = rawProviders !== null ? new WrappedNodeExpr5(this.annotateForClosureCompiler ? wrapFunctionExpressionsInParens(rawProviders) : rawProviders) : null;
10385 const injectorImports = [];
10386 if (ngModule.has("imports")) {
10387 injectorImports.push(new WrappedNodeExpr5(ngModule.get("imports")));
10388 }
10389 const injectorMetadata = {
10390 name,
10391 type,
10392 internalType,
10393 providers: wrapperProviders,
10394 imports: injectorImports
10395 };
10396 const factoryMetadata = {
10397 name,
10398 type,
10399 internalType,
10400 typeArgumentCount: 0,
10401 deps: getValidConstructorDependencies(node, this.reflector, this.isCore),
10402 target: FactoryTarget2.NgModule
10403 };
10404 return {
10405 analysis: {
10406 id,
10407 schemas,
10408 mod: ngModuleMetadata,
10409 inj: injectorMetadata,
10410 fac: factoryMetadata,
10411 declarations: declarationRefs,
10412 rawDeclarations,
10413 imports: importRefs,
10414 exports: exportRefs,
10415 providers: rawProviders,
10416 providersRequiringFactory: rawProviders ? resolveProvidersRequiringFactory(rawProviders, this.reflector, this.evaluator) : null,
10417 classMetadata: extractClassMetadata(node, this.reflector, this.isCore, this.annotateForClosureCompiler),
10418 factorySymbolName: node.name.text
10419 }
10420 };
10421 }
10422 symbol(node) {
10423 return new NgModuleSymbol(node);
10424 }
10425 register(node, analysis) {
10426 this.metaRegistry.registerNgModuleMetadata({
10427 ref: new Reference(node),
10428 schemas: analysis.schemas,
10429 declarations: analysis.declarations,
10430 imports: analysis.imports,
10431 exports: analysis.exports,
10432 rawDeclarations: analysis.rawDeclarations
10433 });
10434 if (this.factoryTracker !== null) {
10435 this.factoryTracker.track(node.getSourceFile(), {
10436 name: analysis.factorySymbolName,
10437 hasId: analysis.id !== null
10438 });
10439 }
10440 this.injectableRegistry.registerInjectable(node);
10441 }
10442 resolve(node, analysis) {
10443 const scope = this.scopeRegistry.getScopeOfModule(node);
10444 const diagnostics = [];
10445 const scopeDiagnostics = this.scopeRegistry.getDiagnosticsOfModule(node);
10446 if (scopeDiagnostics !== null) {
10447 diagnostics.push(...scopeDiagnostics);
10448 }
10449 if (analysis.providersRequiringFactory !== null) {
10450 const providerDiagnostics = getProviderDiagnostics(analysis.providersRequiringFactory, analysis.providers, this.injectableRegistry);
10451 diagnostics.push(...providerDiagnostics);
10452 }
10453 const data = {
10454 injectorImports: []
10455 };
10456 if (scope !== null && !scope.compilation.isPoisoned) {
10457 const context = getSourceFile(node);
10458 for (const exportRef of analysis.exports) {
10459 if (isNgModule(exportRef.node, scope.compilation)) {
10460 data.injectorImports.push(this.refEmitter.emit(exportRef, context).expression);
10461 }
10462 }
10463 for (const decl of analysis.declarations) {
10464 const metadata = this.metaReader.getDirectiveMetadata(decl);
10465 if (metadata !== null && metadata.selector === null) {
10466 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DIRECTIVE_MISSING_SELECTOR, decl.node, `Directive ${decl.node.name.text} has no selector, please add it!`);
10467 }
10468 }
10469 }
10470 if (diagnostics.length > 0) {
10471 return { diagnostics };
10472 }
10473 if (scope === null || scope.compilation.isPoisoned || scope.exported.isPoisoned || scope.reexports === null) {
10474 return { data };
10475 } else {
10476 return {
10477 data,
10478 reexports: scope.reexports
10479 };
10480 }
10481 }
10482 compileFull(node, { inj, mod, fac, classMetadata, declarations }, { injectorImports }) {
10483 const factoryFn = compileNgFactoryDefField(fac);
10484 const ngInjectorDef = compileInjector(this.mergeInjectorImports(inj, injectorImports));
10485 const ngModuleDef = compileNgModule(mod);
10486 const statements = ngModuleDef.statements;
10487 const metadata = classMetadata !== null ? compileClassMetadata2(classMetadata) : null;
10488 this.insertMetadataStatement(statements, metadata);
10489 this.appendRemoteScopingStatements(statements, node, declarations);
10490 return this.compileNgModule(factoryFn, ngInjectorDef, ngModuleDef);
10491 }
10492 compilePartial(node, { inj, fac, mod, classMetadata }, { injectorImports }) {
10493 const factoryFn = compileDeclareFactory(fac);
10494 const injectorDef = compileDeclareInjectorFromMetadata(this.mergeInjectorImports(inj, injectorImports));
10495 const ngModuleDef = compileDeclareNgModuleFromMetadata(mod);
10496 const metadata = classMetadata !== null ? compileDeclareClassMetadata2(classMetadata) : null;
10497 this.insertMetadataStatement(ngModuleDef.statements, metadata);
10498 return this.compileNgModule(factoryFn, injectorDef, ngModuleDef);
10499 }
10500 mergeInjectorImports(inj, injectorImports) {
10501 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, inj), { imports: [...inj.imports, ...injectorImports] });
10502 }
10503 insertMetadataStatement(ngModuleStatements, metadata) {
10504 if (metadata !== null) {
10505 ngModuleStatements.unshift(metadata.toStmt());
10506 }
10507 }
10508 appendRemoteScopingStatements(ngModuleStatements, node, declarations) {
10509 const context = getSourceFile(node);
10510 for (const decl of declarations) {
10511 const remoteScope = this.scopeRegistry.getRemoteScope(decl.node);
10512 if (remoteScope !== null) {
10513 const directives = remoteScope.directives.map((directive) => this.refEmitter.emit(directive, context).expression);
10514 const pipes = remoteScope.pipes.map((pipe) => this.refEmitter.emit(pipe, context).expression);
10515 const directiveArray = new LiteralArrayExpr2(directives);
10516 const pipesArray = new LiteralArrayExpr2(pipes);
10517 const declExpr = this.refEmitter.emit(decl, context).expression;
10518 const setComponentScope = new ExternalExpr6(R3Identifiers.setComponentScope);
10519 const callExpr = new InvokeFunctionExpr(setComponentScope, [declExpr, directiveArray, pipesArray]);
10520 ngModuleStatements.push(callExpr.toStmt());
10521 }
10522 }
10523 }
10524 compileNgModule(factoryFn, injectorDef, ngModuleDef) {
10525 const res = [
10526 factoryFn,
10527 {
10528 name: "\u0275mod",
10529 initializer: ngModuleDef.expression,
10530 statements: ngModuleDef.statements,
10531 type: ngModuleDef.type
10532 },
10533 {
10534 name: "\u0275inj",
10535 initializer: injectorDef.expression,
10536 statements: injectorDef.statements,
10537 type: injectorDef.type
10538 }
10539 ];
10540 return res;
10541 }
10542 _toR3Reference(valueRef, valueContext, typeContext) {
10543 if (valueRef.hasOwningModuleGuess) {
10544 return toR3Reference(valueRef, valueRef, valueContext, valueContext, this.refEmitter);
10545 } else {
10546 let typeRef = valueRef;
10547 let typeNode = this.reflector.getDtsDeclaration(typeRef.node);
10548 if (typeNode !== null && isNamedClassDeclaration(typeNode)) {
10549 typeRef = new Reference(typeNode);
10550 }
10551 return toR3Reference(valueRef, typeRef, valueContext, typeContext, this.refEmitter);
10552 }
10553 }
10554 _extractModuleFromModuleWithProvidersFn(node) {
10555 const type = node.type || null;
10556 return type && (this._reflectModuleFromTypeParam(type, node) || this._reflectModuleFromLiteralType(type));
10557 }
10558 _reflectModuleFromTypeParam(type, node) {
10559 if (!ts44.isTypeReferenceNode(type)) {
10560 return null;
10561 }
10562 const typeName = type && (ts44.isIdentifier(type.typeName) && type.typeName || ts44.isQualifiedName(type.typeName) && type.typeName.right) || null;
10563 if (typeName === null) {
10564 return null;
10565 }
10566 const id = this.reflector.getImportOfIdentifier(typeName);
10567 if (id === null || id.name !== "ModuleWithProviders") {
10568 return null;
10569 }
10570 if (!this.isCore && id.from !== "@angular/core") {
10571 return null;
10572 }
10573 if (type.typeArguments === void 0 || type.typeArguments.length !== 1) {
10574 const parent = ts44.isMethodDeclaration(node) && ts44.isClassDeclaration(node.parent) ? node.parent : null;
10575 const symbolName = (parent && parent.name ? parent.name.getText() + "." : "") + (node.name ? node.name.getText() : "anonymous");
10576 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_MODULE_WITH_PROVIDERS_MISSING_GENERIC, type, `${symbolName} returns a ModuleWithProviders type without a generic type argument. Please add a generic type argument to the ModuleWithProviders type. If this occurrence is in library code you don't control, please contact the library authors.`);
10577 }
10578 const arg = type.typeArguments[0];
10579 return typeNodeToValueExpr(arg);
10580 }
10581 _reflectModuleFromLiteralType(type) {
10582 if (!ts44.isIntersectionTypeNode(type)) {
10583 return null;
10584 }
10585 for (const t of type.types) {
10586 if (ts44.isTypeLiteralNode(t)) {
10587 for (const m of t.members) {
10588 const ngModuleType = ts44.isPropertySignature(m) && ts44.isIdentifier(m.name) && m.name.text === "ngModule" && m.type || null;
10589 const ngModuleExpression = ngModuleType && typeNodeToValueExpr(ngModuleType);
10590 if (ngModuleExpression) {
10591 return ngModuleExpression;
10592 }
10593 }
10594 }
10595 }
10596 return null;
10597 }
10598 isClassDeclarationReference(ref) {
10599 return this.reflector.isClass(ref.node);
10600 }
10601 resolveTypeList(expr, resolvedList, className, arrayName) {
10602 const refList = [];
10603 if (!Array.isArray(resolvedList)) {
10604 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(expr, resolvedList, `Expected array when reading the NgModule.${arrayName} of ${className}`);
10605 }
10606 resolvedList.forEach((entry, idx) => {
10607 if (entry instanceof Map && entry.has("ngModule")) {
10608 entry = entry.get("ngModule");
10609 }
10610 if (Array.isArray(entry)) {
10611 refList.push(...this.resolveTypeList(expr, entry, className, arrayName));
10612 } else if (entry instanceof Reference) {
10613 if (!this.isClassDeclarationReference(entry)) {
10614 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(entry.node, entry, `Value at position ${idx} in the NgModule.${arrayName} of ${className} is not a class`);
10615 }
10616 refList.push(entry);
10617 } else {
10618 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(expr, entry, `Value at position ${idx} in the NgModule.${arrayName} of ${className} is not a reference`);
10619 }
10620 });
10621 return refList;
10622 }
10624function isNgModule(node, compilation) {
10625 return !compilation.directives.some((directive) => directive.ref.node === node) && !compilation.pipes.some((pipe) => pipe.ref.node === node);
10628// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/component.mjs
10629var EMPTY_MAP = new Map();
10630var EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
10631var ComponentSymbol = class extends DirectiveSymbol {
10632 constructor() {
10633 super(...arguments);
10634 this.usedDirectives = [];
10635 this.usedPipes = [];
10636 this.isRemotelyScoped = false;
10637 }
10638 isEmitAffected(previousSymbol, publicApiAffected) {
10639 if (!(previousSymbol instanceof ComponentSymbol)) {
10640 return true;
10641 }
10642 const isSymbolUnaffected = (current, previous) => isReferenceEqual(current, previous) && !publicApiAffected.has(current.symbol);
10643 return this.isRemotelyScoped !== previousSymbol.isRemotelyScoped || !isArrayEqual(this.usedDirectives, previousSymbol.usedDirectives, isSymbolUnaffected) || !isArrayEqual(this.usedPipes, previousSymbol.usedPipes, isSymbolUnaffected);
10644 }
10645 isTypeCheckBlockAffected(previousSymbol, typeCheckApiAffected) {
10646 if (!(previousSymbol instanceof ComponentSymbol)) {
10647 return true;
10648 }
10649 const isInheritanceChainAffected = (symbol) => {
10650 let currentSymbol = symbol;
10651 while (currentSymbol instanceof DirectiveSymbol) {
10652 if (typeCheckApiAffected.has(currentSymbol)) {
10653 return true;
10654 }
10655 currentSymbol = currentSymbol.baseClass;
10656 }
10657 return false;
10658 };
10659 const isDirectiveUnaffected = (current, previous) => isReferenceEqual(current, previous) && !isInheritanceChainAffected(current.symbol);
10660 const isPipeUnaffected = (current, previous) => isReferenceEqual(current, previous) && !typeCheckApiAffected.has(current.symbol);
10661 return !isArrayEqual(this.usedDirectives, previousSymbol.usedDirectives, isDirectiveUnaffected) || !isArrayEqual(this.usedPipes, previousSymbol.usedPipes, isPipeUnaffected);
10662 }
10664var ComponentDecoratorHandler = class {
10665 constructor(reflector, evaluator, metaRegistry, metaReader, scopeReader, scopeRegistry, typeCheckScopeRegistry, resourceRegistry, isCore, resourceLoader, rootDirs, defaultPreserveWhitespaces, i18nUseExternalIds, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat, usePoisonedData, i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs, moduleResolver, cycleAnalyzer, cycleHandlingStrategy, refEmitter, depTracker, injectableRegistry, semanticDepGraphUpdater, annotateForClosureCompiler, perf) {
10666 this.reflector = reflector;
10667 this.evaluator = evaluator;
10668 this.metaRegistry = metaRegistry;
10669 this.metaReader = metaReader;
10670 this.scopeReader = scopeReader;
10671 this.scopeRegistry = scopeRegistry;
10672 this.typeCheckScopeRegistry = typeCheckScopeRegistry;
10673 this.resourceRegistry = resourceRegistry;
10674 this.isCore = isCore;
10675 this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;
10676 this.rootDirs = rootDirs;
10677 this.defaultPreserveWhitespaces = defaultPreserveWhitespaces;
10678 this.i18nUseExternalIds = i18nUseExternalIds;
10679 this.enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat = enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat;
10680 this.usePoisonedData = usePoisonedData;
10681 this.i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs = i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs;
10682 this.moduleResolver = moduleResolver;
10683 this.cycleAnalyzer = cycleAnalyzer;
10684 this.cycleHandlingStrategy = cycleHandlingStrategy;
10685 this.refEmitter = refEmitter;
10686 this.depTracker = depTracker;
10687 this.injectableRegistry = injectableRegistry;
10688 this.semanticDepGraphUpdater = semanticDepGraphUpdater;
10689 this.annotateForClosureCompiler = annotateForClosureCompiler;
10690 this.perf = perf;
10691 this.literalCache = new Map();
10692 this.elementSchemaRegistry = new DomElementSchemaRegistry();
10693 this.preanalyzeTemplateCache = new Map();
10694 this.preanalyzeStylesCache = new Map();
10695 this.precedence = HandlerPrecedence.PRIMARY;
10696 this.name = ComponentDecoratorHandler.name;
10697 }
10698 detect(node, decorators) {
10699 if (!decorators) {
10700 return void 0;
10701 }
10702 const decorator = findAngularDecorator(decorators, "Component", this.isCore);
10703 if (decorator !== void 0) {
10704 return {
10705 trigger: decorator.node,
10706 decorator,
10707 metadata: decorator
10708 };
10709 } else {
10710 return void 0;
10711 }
10712 }
10713 preanalyze(node, decorator) {
10714 if (!this.resourceLoader.canPreload) {
10715 return void 0;
10716 }
10717 const meta = this._resolveLiteral(decorator);
10718 const component = reflectObjectLiteral(meta);
10719 const containingFile = node.getSourceFile().fileName;
10720 const resolveStyleUrl = (styleUrl) => {
10721 try {
10722 const resourceUrl = this.resourceLoader.resolve(styleUrl, containingFile);
10723 return this.resourceLoader.preload(resourceUrl, { type: "style", containingFile });
10724 } catch {
10725 return void 0;
10726 }
10727 };
10728 const templateAndTemplateStyleResources = this._preloadAndParseTemplate(node, decorator, component, containingFile).then((template) => {
10729 if (template === null) {
10730 return void 0;
10731 }
10732 return Promise.all(template.styleUrls.map((styleUrl) => resolveStyleUrl(styleUrl))).then(() => void 0);
10733 });
10734 const componentStyleUrls = this._extractComponentStyleUrls(component);
10735 let inlineStyles;
10736 if (component.has("styles")) {
10737 const litStyles = parseFieldArrayValue(component, "styles", this.evaluator);
10738 if (litStyles === null) {
10739 this.preanalyzeStylesCache.set(node, null);
10740 } else {
10741 inlineStyles = Promise.all(litStyles.map((style) => this.resourceLoader.preprocessInline(style, { type: "style", containingFile }))).then((styles) => {
10742 this.preanalyzeStylesCache.set(node, styles);
10743 });
10744 }
10745 } else {
10746 this.preanalyzeStylesCache.set(node, null);
10747 }
10748 return Promise.all([
10749 templateAndTemplateStyleResources,
10750 inlineStyles,
10751 ...componentStyleUrls.map((styleUrl) => resolveStyleUrl(styleUrl.url))
10752 ]).then(() => void 0);
10753 }
10754 analyze(node, decorator, flags = HandlerFlags.NONE) {
10755 var _a, _b;
10756 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.AnalyzeComponent);
10757 const containingFile = node.getSourceFile().fileName;
10758 this.literalCache.delete(decorator);
10759 let diagnostics;
10760 let isPoisoned = false;
10761 const directiveResult = extractDirectiveMetadata(node, decorator, this.reflector, this.evaluator, this.isCore, flags, this.annotateForClosureCompiler, this.elementSchemaRegistry.getDefaultComponentElementName());
10762 if (directiveResult === void 0) {
10763 return {};
10764 }
10765 const { decorator: component, metadata, inputs, outputs } = directiveResult;
10766 const encapsulation = (_a = this._resolveEnumValue(component, "encapsulation", "ViewEncapsulation")) != null ? _a : ViewEncapsulation.Emulated;
10767 const changeDetection = this._resolveEnumValue(component, "changeDetection", "ChangeDetectionStrategy");
10768 let animations = null;
10769 if (component.has("animations")) {
10770 animations = new WrappedNodeExpr6(component.get("animations"));
10771 }
10772 const relativeContextFilePath = this.rootDirs.reduce((previous, rootDir) => {
10773 const candidate = relative(absoluteFrom(rootDir), absoluteFrom(containingFile));
10774 if (previous === void 0 || candidate.length < previous.length) {
10775 return candidate;
10776 } else {
10777 return previous;
10778 }
10779 }, void 0);
10780 let viewProvidersRequiringFactory = null;
10781 let providersRequiringFactory = null;
10782 let wrappedViewProviders = null;
10783 if (component.has("viewProviders")) {
10784 const viewProviders = component.get("viewProviders");
10785 viewProvidersRequiringFactory = resolveProvidersRequiringFactory(viewProviders, this.reflector, this.evaluator);
10786 wrappedViewProviders = new WrappedNodeExpr6(this.annotateForClosureCompiler ? wrapFunctionExpressionsInParens(viewProviders) : viewProviders);
10787 }
10788 if (component.has("providers")) {
10789 providersRequiringFactory = resolveProvidersRequiringFactory(component.get("providers"), this.reflector, this.evaluator);
10790 }
10791 let template;
10792 if (this.preanalyzeTemplateCache.has(node)) {
10793 const preanalyzed = this.preanalyzeTemplateCache.get(node);
10794 this.preanalyzeTemplateCache.delete(node);
10795 template = preanalyzed;
10796 } else {
10797 const templateDecl = this.parseTemplateDeclaration(decorator, component, containingFile);
10798 template = this.extractTemplate(node, templateDecl);
10799 }
10800 const templateResource = template.declaration.isInline ? { path: null, expression: component.get("template") } : {
10801 path: absoluteFrom(template.declaration.resolvedTemplateUrl),
10802 expression: template.sourceMapping.node
10803 };
10804 let styles = [];
10805 const styleResources = this._extractStyleResources(component, containingFile);
10806 const styleUrls = [
10807 ...this._extractComponentStyleUrls(component),
10808 ...this._extractTemplateStyleUrls(template)
10809 ];
10810 for (const styleUrl of styleUrls) {
10811 try {
10812 const resourceUrl = this.resourceLoader.resolve(styleUrl.url, containingFile);
10813 const resourceStr = this.resourceLoader.load(resourceUrl);
10814 styles.push(resourceStr);
10815 if (this.depTracker !== null) {
10816 this.depTracker.addResourceDependency(node.getSourceFile(), absoluteFrom(resourceUrl));
10817 }
10818 } catch {
10819 if (diagnostics === void 0) {
10820 diagnostics = [];
10821 }
10822 const resourceType = styleUrl.source === 2 ? 2 : 1;
10823 diagnostics.push(this.makeResourceNotFoundError(styleUrl.url, styleUrl.nodeForError, resourceType).toDiagnostic());
10824 }
10825 }
10826 if (encapsulation === ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom && metadata.selector !== null) {
10827 const selectorError = checkCustomElementSelectorForErrors(metadata.selector);
10828 if (selectorError !== null) {
10829 if (diagnostics === void 0) {
10830 diagnostics = [];
10831 }
10832 diagnostics.push(makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.COMPONENT_INVALID_SHADOW_DOM_SELECTOR, component.get("selector"), selectorError));
10833 }
10834 }
10835 let inlineStyles = null;
10836 if (this.preanalyzeStylesCache.has(node)) {
10837 inlineStyles = this.preanalyzeStylesCache.get(node);
10838 this.preanalyzeStylesCache.delete(node);
10839 if (inlineStyles !== null) {
10840 styles.push(...inlineStyles);
10841 }
10842 } else {
10843 if (this.resourceLoader.canPreprocess) {
10844 throw new Error("Inline resource processing requires asynchronous preanalyze.");
10845 }
10846 if (component.has("styles")) {
10847 const litStyles = parseFieldArrayValue(component, "styles", this.evaluator);
10848 if (litStyles !== null) {
10849 inlineStyles = [...litStyles];
10850 styles.push(...litStyles);
10851 }
10852 }
10853 }
10854 if (template.styles.length > 0) {
10855 styles.push(...template.styles);
10856 }
10857 const output = {
10858 analysis: {
10859 baseClass: readBaseClass2(node, this.reflector, this.evaluator),
10860 inputs,
10861 outputs,
10862 meta: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, metadata), {
10863 template: {
10864 nodes: template.nodes,
10865 ngContentSelectors: template.ngContentSelectors
10866 },
10867 encapsulation,
10868 interpolation: (_b = template.interpolationConfig) != null ? _b : DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG,
10869 styles,
10870 animations,
10871 viewProviders: wrappedViewProviders,
10872 i18nUseExternalIds: this.i18nUseExternalIds,
10873 relativeContextFilePath
10874 }),
10875 typeCheckMeta: extractDirectiveTypeCheckMeta(node, inputs, this.reflector),
10876 classMetadata: extractClassMetadata(node, this.reflector, this.isCore, this.annotateForClosureCompiler, (dec) => this._transformDecoratorToInlineResources(dec, component, styles, template)),
10877 template,
10878 providersRequiringFactory,
10879 viewProvidersRequiringFactory,
10880 inlineStyles,
10881 styleUrls,
10882 resources: {
10883 styles: styleResources,
10884 template: templateResource
10885 },
10886 isPoisoned
10887 },
10888 diagnostics
10889 };
10890 if (changeDetection !== null) {
10891 output.analysis.meta.changeDetection = changeDetection;
10892 }
10893 return output;
10894 }
10895 symbol(node, analysis) {
10896 const typeParameters = extractSemanticTypeParameters(node);
10897 return new ComponentSymbol(node, analysis.meta.selector, analysis.inputs, analysis.outputs, analysis.meta.exportAs, analysis.typeCheckMeta, typeParameters);
10898 }
10899 register(node, analysis) {
10900 const ref = new Reference(node);
10901 this.metaRegistry.registerDirectiveMetadata(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({
10902 type: MetaType.Directive,
10903 ref,
10904 name: node.name.text,
10905 selector: analysis.meta.selector,
10906 exportAs: analysis.meta.exportAs,
10907 inputs: analysis.inputs,
10908 outputs: analysis.outputs,
10909 queries: analysis.meta.queries.map((query) => query.propertyName),
10910 isComponent: true,
10911 baseClass: analysis.baseClass
10912 }, analysis.typeCheckMeta), {
10913 isPoisoned: analysis.isPoisoned,
10914 isStructural: false
10915 }));
10916 this.resourceRegistry.registerResources(analysis.resources, node);
10917 this.injectableRegistry.registerInjectable(node);
10918 }
10919 index(context, node, analysis) {
10920 if (analysis.isPoisoned && !this.usePoisonedData) {
10921 return null;
10922 }
10923 const scope = this.scopeReader.getScopeForComponent(node);
10924 const selector = analysis.meta.selector;
10925 const matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
10926 if (scope !== null) {
10927 if ((scope.compilation.isPoisoned || scope.exported.isPoisoned) && !this.usePoisonedData) {
10928 return null;
10929 }
10930 for (const directive of scope.compilation.directives) {
10931 if (directive.selector !== null) {
10932 matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector.parse(directive.selector), directive);
10933 }
10934 }
10935 }
10936 const binder = new R3TargetBinder(matcher);
10937 const boundTemplate = binder.bind({ template: analysis.template.diagNodes });
10938 context.addComponent({
10939 declaration: node,
10940 selector,
10941 boundTemplate,
10942 templateMeta: {
10943 isInline: analysis.template.declaration.isInline,
10944 file: analysis.template.file
10945 }
10946 });
10947 }
10948 typeCheck(ctx, node, meta) {
10949 if (this.typeCheckScopeRegistry === null || !ts45.isClassDeclaration(node)) {
10950 return;
10951 }
10952 if (meta.isPoisoned && !this.usePoisonedData) {
10953 return;
10954 }
10955 const scope = this.typeCheckScopeRegistry.getTypeCheckScope(node);
10956 if (scope.isPoisoned && !this.usePoisonedData) {
10957 return;
10958 }
10959 const binder = new R3TargetBinder(scope.matcher);
10960 ctx.addTemplate(new Reference(node), binder, meta.template.diagNodes, scope.pipes, scope.schemas, meta.template.sourceMapping, meta.template.file, meta.template.errors);
10961 }
10962 extendedTemplateCheck(component, extendedTemplateChecker) {
10963 return extendedTemplateChecker.getDiagnosticsForComponent(component);
10964 }
10965 resolve(node, analysis, symbol) {
10966 if (this.semanticDepGraphUpdater !== null && analysis.baseClass instanceof Reference) {
10967 symbol.baseClass = this.semanticDepGraphUpdater.getSymbol(analysis.baseClass.node);
10968 }
10969 if (analysis.isPoisoned && !this.usePoisonedData) {
10970 return {};
10971 }
10972 const context = node.getSourceFile();
10973 const scope = this.scopeReader.getScopeForComponent(node);
10974 let metadata = analysis.meta;
10975 const data = {
10976 directives: EMPTY_ARRAY,
10977 pipes: EMPTY_MAP,
10978 declarationListEmitMode: 0
10979 };
10980 if (scope !== null && (!scope.compilation.isPoisoned || this.usePoisonedData)) {
10981 const matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
10982 for (const dir of scope.compilation.directives) {
10983 if (dir.selector !== null) {
10984 matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector.parse(dir.selector), dir);
10985 }
10986 }
10987 const pipes = new Map();
10988 for (const pipe of scope.compilation.pipes) {
10989 pipes.set(pipe.name, pipe.ref);
10990 }
10991 const binder = new R3TargetBinder(matcher);
10992 const bound = binder.bind({ template: metadata.template.nodes });
10993 const usedDirectives = bound.getUsedDirectives().map((directive) => {
10994 const type = this.refEmitter.emit(directive.ref, context);
10995 return {
10996 ref: directive.ref,
10997 type: type.expression,
10998 importedFile: type.importedFile,
10999 selector: directive.selector,
11000 inputs: directive.inputs.propertyNames,
11001 outputs: directive.outputs.propertyNames,
11002 exportAs: directive.exportAs,
11003 isComponent: directive.isComponent
11004 };
11005 });
11006 const usedPipes = [];
11007 for (const pipeName of bound.getUsedPipes()) {
11008 if (!pipes.has(pipeName)) {
11009 continue;
11010 }
11011 const pipe = pipes.get(pipeName);
11012 const type = this.refEmitter.emit(pipe, context);
11013 usedPipes.push({
11014 ref: pipe,
11015 pipeName,
11016 expression: type.expression,
11017 importedFile: type.importedFile
11018 });
11019 }
11020 if (this.semanticDepGraphUpdater !== null) {
11021 symbol.usedDirectives = usedDirectives.map((dir) => this.semanticDepGraphUpdater.getSemanticReference(dir.ref.node, dir.type));
11022 symbol.usedPipes = usedPipes.map((pipe) => this.semanticDepGraphUpdater.getSemanticReference(pipe.ref.node, pipe.expression));
11023 }
11024 const cyclesFromDirectives = new Map();
11025 for (const usedDirective of usedDirectives) {
11026 const cycle = this._checkForCyclicImport(usedDirective.importedFile, usedDirective.type, context);
11027 if (cycle !== null) {
11028 cyclesFromDirectives.set(usedDirective, cycle);
11029 }
11030 }
11031 const cyclesFromPipes = new Map();
11032 for (const usedPipe of usedPipes) {
11033 const cycle = this._checkForCyclicImport(usedPipe.importedFile, usedPipe.expression, context);
11034 if (cycle !== null) {
11035 cyclesFromPipes.set(usedPipe, cycle);
11036 }
11037 }
11038 const cycleDetected = cyclesFromDirectives.size !== 0 || cyclesFromPipes.size !== 0;
11039 if (!cycleDetected) {
11040 for (const { type, importedFile } of usedDirectives) {
11041 this._recordSyntheticImport(importedFile, type, context);
11042 }
11043 for (const { expression, importedFile } of usedPipes) {
11044 this._recordSyntheticImport(importedFile, expression, context);
11045 }
11046 const wrapDirectivesAndPipesInClosure = usedDirectives.some((dir) => isExpressionForwardReference(dir.type, node.name, context)) || usedPipes.some((pipe) => isExpressionForwardReference(pipe.expression, node.name, context));
11047 data.directives = usedDirectives;
11048 data.pipes = new Map(usedPipes.map((pipe) => [pipe.pipeName, pipe.expression]));
11049 data.declarationListEmitMode = wrapDirectivesAndPipesInClosure ? 1 : 0;
11050 } else {
11051 if (this.cycleHandlingStrategy === 0) {
11052 this.scopeRegistry.setComponentRemoteScope(node, usedDirectives.map((dir) => dir.ref), usedPipes.map((pipe) => pipe.ref));
11053 symbol.isRemotelyScoped = true;
11054 if (this.semanticDepGraphUpdater !== null) {
11055 const moduleSymbol = this.semanticDepGraphUpdater.getSymbol(scope.ngModule);
11056 if (!(moduleSymbol instanceof NgModuleSymbol)) {
11057 throw new Error(`AssertionError: Expected ${scope.ngModule.name} to be an NgModuleSymbol.`);
11058 }
11059 moduleSymbol.addRemotelyScopedComponent(symbol, symbol.usedDirectives, symbol.usedPipes);
11060 }
11061 } else {
11062 const relatedMessages = [];
11063 for (const [dir, cycle] of cyclesFromDirectives) {
11064 relatedMessages.push(makeCyclicImportInfo(dir.ref, dir.isComponent ? "component" : "directive", cycle));
11065 }
11066 for (const [pipe, cycle] of cyclesFromPipes) {
11067 relatedMessages.push(makeCyclicImportInfo(pipe.ref, "pipe", cycle));
11068 }
11069 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.IMPORT_CYCLE_DETECTED, node, "One or more import cycles would need to be created to compile this component, which is not supported by the current compiler configuration.", relatedMessages);
11070 }
11071 }
11072 }
11073 const diagnostics = [];
11074 if (analysis.providersRequiringFactory !== null && analysis.meta.providers instanceof WrappedNodeExpr6) {
11075 const providerDiagnostics = getProviderDiagnostics(analysis.providersRequiringFactory, analysis.meta.providers.node, this.injectableRegistry);
11076 diagnostics.push(...providerDiagnostics);
11077 }
11078 if (analysis.viewProvidersRequiringFactory !== null && analysis.meta.viewProviders instanceof WrappedNodeExpr6) {
11079 const viewProviderDiagnostics = getProviderDiagnostics(analysis.viewProvidersRequiringFactory, analysis.meta.viewProviders.node, this.injectableRegistry);
11080 diagnostics.push(...viewProviderDiagnostics);
11081 }
11082 const directiveDiagnostics = getDirectiveDiagnostics(node, this.metaReader, this.evaluator, this.reflector, this.scopeRegistry, "Component");
11083 if (directiveDiagnostics !== null) {
11084 diagnostics.push(...directiveDiagnostics);
11085 }
11086 if (diagnostics.length > 0) {
11087 return { diagnostics };
11088 }
11089 return { data };
11090 }
11091 xi18n(ctx, node, analysis) {
11092 var _a;
11093 ctx.updateFromTemplate(analysis.template.content, analysis.template.declaration.resolvedTemplateUrl, (_a = analysis.template.interpolationConfig) != null ? _a : DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG);
11094 }
11095 updateResources(node, analysis) {
11096 const containingFile = node.getSourceFile().fileName;
11097 const templateDecl = analysis.template.declaration;
11098 if (!templateDecl.isInline) {
11099 analysis.template = this.extractTemplate(node, templateDecl);
11100 }
11101 let styles = [];
11102 if (analysis.styleUrls !== null) {
11103 for (const styleUrl of analysis.styleUrls) {
11104 try {
11105 const resolvedStyleUrl = this.resourceLoader.resolve(styleUrl.url, containingFile);
11106 const styleText = this.resourceLoader.load(resolvedStyleUrl);
11107 styles.push(styleText);
11108 } catch (e) {
11109 }
11110 }
11111 }
11112 if (analysis.inlineStyles !== null) {
11113 for (const styleText of analysis.inlineStyles) {
11114 styles.push(styleText);
11115 }
11116 }
11117 for (const styleText of analysis.template.styles) {
11118 styles.push(styleText);
11119 }
11120 analysis.meta.styles = styles;
11121 }
11122 compileFull(node, analysis, resolution, pool) {
11123 if (analysis.template.errors !== null && analysis.template.errors.length > 0) {
11124 return [];
11125 }
11126 const meta = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, analysis.meta), resolution);
11127 const fac = compileNgFactoryDefField(toFactoryMetadata(meta, FactoryTarget3.Component));
11128 const def = compileComponentFromMetadata(meta, pool, makeBindingParser2());
11129 const classMetadata = analysis.classMetadata !== null ? compileClassMetadata3(analysis.classMetadata).toStmt() : null;
11130 return compileResults(fac, def, classMetadata, "\u0275cmp");
11131 }
11132 compilePartial(node, analysis, resolution) {
11133 if (analysis.template.errors !== null && analysis.template.errors.length > 0) {
11134 return [];
11135 }
11136 const templateInfo = {
11137 content: analysis.template.content,
11138 sourceUrl: analysis.template.declaration.resolvedTemplateUrl,
11139 isInline: analysis.template.declaration.isInline,
11140 inlineTemplateLiteralExpression: analysis.template.sourceMapping.type === "direct" ? new WrappedNodeExpr6(analysis.template.sourceMapping.node) : null
11141 };
11142 const meta = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, analysis.meta), resolution);
11143 const fac = compileDeclareFactory(toFactoryMetadata(meta, FactoryTarget3.Component));
11144 const def = compileDeclareComponentFromMetadata(meta, analysis.template, templateInfo);
11145 const classMetadata = analysis.classMetadata !== null ? compileDeclareClassMetadata3(analysis.classMetadata).toStmt() : null;
11146 return compileResults(fac, def, classMetadata, "\u0275cmp");
11147 }
11148 _transformDecoratorToInlineResources(dec, component, styles, template) {
11149 if (dec.name !== "Component") {
11150 return dec;
11151 }
11152 if (!component.has("templateUrl") && !component.has("styleUrls")) {
11153 return dec;
11154 }
11155 const metadata = new Map(component);
11156 if (metadata.has("templateUrl")) {
11157 metadata.delete("templateUrl");
11158 metadata.set("template", ts45.createStringLiteral(template.content));
11159 }
11160 if (metadata.has("styleUrls")) {
11161 metadata.delete("styleUrls");
11162 metadata.set("styles", ts45.createArrayLiteral(styles.map((s) => ts45.createStringLiteral(s))));
11163 }
11164 const newMetadataFields = [];
11165 for (const [name, value] of metadata.entries()) {
11166 newMetadataFields.push(ts45.createPropertyAssignment(name, value));
11167 }
11168 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, dec), { args: [ts45.createObjectLiteral(newMetadataFields)] });
11169 }
11170 _resolveLiteral(decorator) {
11171 if (this.literalCache.has(decorator)) {
11172 return this.literalCache.get(decorator);
11173 }
11174 if (decorator.args === null || decorator.args.length !== 1) {
11175 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), `Incorrect number of arguments to @Component decorator`);
11176 }
11177 const meta = unwrapExpression(decorator.args[0]);
11178 if (!ts45.isObjectLiteralExpression(meta)) {
11179 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARG_NOT_LITERAL, meta, `Decorator argument must be literal.`);
11180 }
11181 this.literalCache.set(decorator, meta);
11182 return meta;
11183 }
11184 _resolveEnumValue(component, field, enumSymbolName) {
11185 let resolved = null;
11186 if (component.has(field)) {
11187 const expr = component.get(field);
11188 const value = this.evaluator.evaluate(expr);
11189 if (value instanceof EnumValue && isAngularCoreReference(value.enumRef, enumSymbolName)) {
11190 resolved = value.resolved;
11191 } else {
11192 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(expr, value, `${field} must be a member of ${enumSymbolName} enum from @angular/core`);
11193 }
11194 }
11195 return resolved;
11196 }
11197 _extractComponentStyleUrls(component) {
11198 if (!component.has("styleUrls")) {
11199 return [];
11200 }
11201 return this._extractStyleUrlsFromExpression(component.get("styleUrls"));
11202 }
11203 _extractStyleUrlsFromExpression(styleUrlsExpr) {
11204 const styleUrls = [];
11205 if (ts45.isArrayLiteralExpression(styleUrlsExpr)) {
11206 for (const styleUrlExpr of styleUrlsExpr.elements) {
11207 if (ts45.isSpreadElement(styleUrlExpr)) {
11208 styleUrls.push(...this._extractStyleUrlsFromExpression(styleUrlExpr.expression));
11209 } else {
11210 const styleUrl = this.evaluator.evaluate(styleUrlExpr);
11211 if (typeof styleUrl !== "string") {
11212 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(styleUrlExpr, styleUrl, "styleUrl must be a string");
11213 }
11214 styleUrls.push({
11215 url: styleUrl,
11216 source: 2,
11217 nodeForError: styleUrlExpr
11218 });
11219 }
11220 }
11221 } else {
11222 const evaluatedStyleUrls = this.evaluator.evaluate(styleUrlsExpr);
11223 if (!isStringArray(evaluatedStyleUrls)) {
11224 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(styleUrlsExpr, evaluatedStyleUrls, "styleUrls must be an array of strings");
11225 }
11226 for (const styleUrl of evaluatedStyleUrls) {
11227 styleUrls.push({
11228 url: styleUrl,
11229 source: 2,
11230 nodeForError: styleUrlsExpr
11231 });
11232 }
11233 }
11234 return styleUrls;
11235 }
11236 _extractStyleResources(component, containingFile) {
11237 const styles = new Set();
11238 function stringLiteralElements(array) {
11239 return array.elements.filter((e) => ts45.isStringLiteralLike(e));
11240 }
11241 const styleUrlsExpr = component.get("styleUrls");
11242 if (styleUrlsExpr !== void 0 && ts45.isArrayLiteralExpression(styleUrlsExpr)) {
11243 for (const expression of stringLiteralElements(styleUrlsExpr)) {
11244 try {
11245 const resourceUrl = this.resourceLoader.resolve(expression.text, containingFile);
11246 styles.add({ path: absoluteFrom(resourceUrl), expression });
11247 } catch {
11248 }
11249 }
11250 }
11251 const stylesExpr = component.get("styles");
11252 if (stylesExpr !== void 0 && ts45.isArrayLiteralExpression(stylesExpr)) {
11253 for (const expression of stringLiteralElements(stylesExpr)) {
11254 styles.add({ path: null, expression });
11255 }
11256 }
11257 return styles;
11258 }
11259 _preloadAndParseTemplate(node, decorator, component, containingFile) {
11260 if (component.has("templateUrl")) {
11261 const templateUrlExpr = component.get("templateUrl");
11262 const templateUrl = this.evaluator.evaluate(templateUrlExpr);
11263 if (typeof templateUrl !== "string") {
11264 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(templateUrlExpr, templateUrl, "templateUrl must be a string");
11265 }
11266 try {
11267 const resourceUrl = this.resourceLoader.resolve(templateUrl, containingFile);
11268 const templatePromise = this.resourceLoader.preload(resourceUrl, { type: "template", containingFile });
11269 if (templatePromise !== void 0) {
11270 return templatePromise.then(() => {
11271 const templateDecl = this.parseTemplateDeclaration(decorator, component, containingFile);
11272 const template = this.extractTemplate(node, templateDecl);
11273 this.preanalyzeTemplateCache.set(node, template);
11274 return template;
11275 });
11276 } else {
11277 return Promise.resolve(null);
11278 }
11279 } catch (e) {
11280 throw this.makeResourceNotFoundError(templateUrl, templateUrlExpr, 0);
11281 }
11282 } else {
11283 const templateDecl = this.parseTemplateDeclaration(decorator, component, containingFile);
11284 const template = this.extractTemplate(node, templateDecl);
11285 this.preanalyzeTemplateCache.set(node, template);
11286 return Promise.resolve(template);
11287 }
11288 }
11289 extractTemplate(node, template) {
11290 if (template.isInline) {
11291 let sourceStr;
11292 let sourceParseRange = null;
11293 let templateContent;
11294 let sourceMapping;
11295 let escapedString = false;
11296 let sourceMapUrl;
11297 if (ts45.isStringLiteral(template.expression) || ts45.isNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(template.expression)) {
11298 sourceParseRange = getTemplateRange(template.expression);
11299 sourceStr = template.expression.getSourceFile().text;
11300 templateContent = template.expression.text;
11301 escapedString = true;
11302 sourceMapping = {
11303 type: "direct",
11304 node: template.expression
11305 };
11306 sourceMapUrl = template.resolvedTemplateUrl;
11307 } else {
11308 const resolvedTemplate = this.evaluator.evaluate(template.expression);
11309 if (typeof resolvedTemplate !== "string") {
11310 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(template.expression, resolvedTemplate, "template must be a string");
11311 }
11312 sourceStr = resolvedTemplate;
11313 templateContent = resolvedTemplate;
11314 sourceMapping = {
11315 type: "indirect",
11316 node: template.expression,
11317 componentClass: node,
11318 template: templateContent
11319 };
11320 sourceMapUrl = null;
11321 }
11322 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, this._parseTemplate(template, sourceStr, sourceParseRange, escapedString, sourceMapUrl)), {
11323 content: templateContent,
11324 sourceMapping,
11325 declaration: template
11326 });
11327 } else {
11328 const templateContent = this.resourceLoader.load(template.resolvedTemplateUrl);
11329 if (this.depTracker !== null) {
11330 this.depTracker.addResourceDependency(node.getSourceFile(), absoluteFrom(template.resolvedTemplateUrl));
11331 }
11332 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, this._parseTemplate(template, templateContent, null, false, template.resolvedTemplateUrl)), {
11333 content: templateContent,
11334 sourceMapping: {
11335 type: "external",
11336 componentClass: node,
11337 node: template.templateUrlExpression,
11338 template: templateContent,
11339 templateUrl: template.resolvedTemplateUrl
11340 },
11341 declaration: template
11342 });
11343 }
11344 }
11345 _parseTemplate(template, sourceStr, sourceParseRange, escapedString, sourceMapUrl) {
11346 const i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs = escapedString || this.i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs;
11347 const parsedTemplate = parseTemplate(sourceStr, sourceMapUrl != null ? sourceMapUrl : "", {
11348 preserveWhitespaces: template.preserveWhitespaces,
11349 interpolationConfig: template.interpolationConfig,
11350 range: sourceParseRange != null ? sourceParseRange : void 0,
11351 escapedString,
11352 enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat: this.enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat,
11353 i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs,
11354 alwaysAttemptHtmlToR3AstConversion: this.usePoisonedData
11355 });
11356 const { nodes: diagNodes } = parseTemplate(sourceStr, sourceMapUrl != null ? sourceMapUrl : "", {
11357 preserveWhitespaces: true,
11358 preserveLineEndings: true,
11359 interpolationConfig: template.interpolationConfig,
11360 range: sourceParseRange != null ? sourceParseRange : void 0,
11361 escapedString,
11362 enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat: this.enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat,
11363 i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs,
11364 leadingTriviaChars: [],
11365 alwaysAttemptHtmlToR3AstConversion: this.usePoisonedData
11366 });
11367 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, parsedTemplate), {
11368 diagNodes,
11369 file: new ParseSourceFile2(sourceStr, sourceMapUrl != null ? sourceMapUrl : "")
11370 });
11371 }
11372 parseTemplateDeclaration(decorator, component, containingFile) {
11373 let preserveWhitespaces = this.defaultPreserveWhitespaces;
11374 if (component.has("preserveWhitespaces")) {
11375 const expr = component.get("preserveWhitespaces");
11376 const value = this.evaluator.evaluate(expr);
11377 if (typeof value !== "boolean") {
11378 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(expr, value, "preserveWhitespaces must be a boolean");
11379 }
11380 preserveWhitespaces = value;
11381 }
11382 let interpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG;
11383 if (component.has("interpolation")) {
11384 const expr = component.get("interpolation");
11385 const value = this.evaluator.evaluate(expr);
11386 if (!Array.isArray(value) || value.length !== 2 || !value.every((element) => typeof element === "string")) {
11387 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(expr, value, "interpolation must be an array with 2 elements of string type");
11388 }
11389 interpolationConfig = InterpolationConfig.fromArray(value);
11390 }
11391 if (component.has("templateUrl")) {
11392 const templateUrlExpr = component.get("templateUrl");
11393 const templateUrl = this.evaluator.evaluate(templateUrlExpr);
11394 if (typeof templateUrl !== "string") {
11395 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(templateUrlExpr, templateUrl, "templateUrl must be a string");
11396 }
11397 try {
11398 const resourceUrl = this.resourceLoader.resolve(templateUrl, containingFile);
11399 return {
11400 isInline: false,
11401 interpolationConfig,
11402 preserveWhitespaces,
11403 templateUrl,
11404 templateUrlExpression: templateUrlExpr,
11405 resolvedTemplateUrl: resourceUrl
11406 };
11407 } catch (e) {
11408 throw this.makeResourceNotFoundError(templateUrl, templateUrlExpr, 0);
11409 }
11410 } else if (component.has("template")) {
11411 return {
11412 isInline: true,
11413 interpolationConfig,
11414 preserveWhitespaces,
11415 expression: component.get("template"),
11416 templateUrl: containingFile,
11417 resolvedTemplateUrl: containingFile
11418 };
11419 } else {
11420 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.COMPONENT_MISSING_TEMPLATE, Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), "component is missing a template");
11421 }
11422 }
11423 _resolveImportedFile(importedFile, expr, origin) {
11424 if (importedFile !== "unknown") {
11425 return importedFile;
11426 }
11427 if (!(expr instanceof ExternalExpr7)) {
11428 return null;
11429 }
11430 return this.moduleResolver.resolveModule(expr.value.moduleName, origin.fileName);
11431 }
11432 _checkForCyclicImport(importedFile, expr, origin) {
11433 const imported = this._resolveImportedFile(importedFile, expr, origin);
11434 if (imported === null) {
11435 return null;
11436 }
11437 return this.cycleAnalyzer.wouldCreateCycle(origin, imported);
11438 }
11439 _recordSyntheticImport(importedFile, expr, origin) {
11440 const imported = this._resolveImportedFile(importedFile, expr, origin);
11441 if (imported === null) {
11442 return;
11443 }
11444 this.cycleAnalyzer.recordSyntheticImport(origin, imported);
11445 }
11446 makeResourceNotFoundError(file, nodeForError, resourceType) {
11447 let errorText;
11448 switch (resourceType) {
11449 case 0:
11450 errorText = `Could not find template file '${file}'.`;
11451 break;
11452 case 1:
11453 errorText = `Could not find stylesheet file '${file}' linked from the template.`;
11454 break;
11455 case 2:
11456 errorText = `Could not find stylesheet file '${file}'.`;
11457 break;
11458 }
11459 return new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.COMPONENT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, nodeForError, errorText);
11460 }
11461 _extractTemplateStyleUrls(template) {
11462 if (template.styleUrls === null) {
11463 return [];
11464 }
11465 const nodeForError = getTemplateDeclarationNodeForError(template.declaration);
11466 return template.styleUrls.map((url) => ({ url, source: 1, nodeForError }));
11467 }
11469function getTemplateRange(templateExpr) {
11470 const startPos = templateExpr.getStart() + 1;
11471 const { line, character } = ts45.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(templateExpr.getSourceFile(), startPos);
11472 return {
11473 startPos,
11474 startLine: line,
11475 startCol: character,
11476 endPos: templateExpr.getEnd() - 1
11477 };
11479function isStringArray(resolvedValue) {
11480 return Array.isArray(resolvedValue) && resolvedValue.every((elem) => typeof elem === "string");
11482function getTemplateDeclarationNodeForError(declaration) {
11483 switch (declaration.isInline) {
11484 case true:
11485 return declaration.expression;
11486 case false:
11487 return declaration.templateUrlExpression;
11488 }
11490function makeCyclicImportInfo(ref, type, cycle) {
11491 const name = ref.debugName || "(unknown)";
11492 const path7 = cycle.getPath().map((sf) => sf.fileName).join(" -> ");
11493 const message = `The ${type} '${name}' is used in the template but importing it would create a cycle: `;
11494 return makeRelatedInformation(ref.node, message + path7);
11496function checkCustomElementSelectorForErrors(selector) {
11497 if (selector.includes(".") || selector.includes("[") && selector.includes("]")) {
11498 return null;
11499 }
11500 if (!/^[a-z]/.test(selector)) {
11501 return "Selector of a ShadowDom-encapsulated component must start with a lower case letter.";
11502 }
11503 if (/[A-Z]/.test(selector)) {
11504 return "Selector of a ShadowDom-encapsulated component must all be in lower case.";
11505 }
11506 if (!selector.includes("-")) {
11507 return "Selector of a component that uses ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom must contain a hyphen.";
11508 }
11509 return null;
11512// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/injectable.mjs
11513import { compileClassMetadata as compileClassMetadata4, compileDeclareClassMetadata as compileDeclareClassMetadata4, compileDeclareInjectableFromMetadata, compileInjectable, createMayBeForwardRefExpression as createMayBeForwardRefExpression2, FactoryTarget as FactoryTarget4, LiteralExpr as LiteralExpr3, WrappedNodeExpr as WrappedNodeExpr7 } from "@angular/compiler";
11514import ts46 from "typescript";
11515var InjectableDecoratorHandler = class {
11516 constructor(reflector, isCore, strictCtorDeps, injectableRegistry, perf, errorOnDuplicateProv = true) {
11517 this.reflector = reflector;
11518 this.isCore = isCore;
11519 this.strictCtorDeps = strictCtorDeps;
11520 this.injectableRegistry = injectableRegistry;
11521 this.perf = perf;
11522 this.errorOnDuplicateProv = errorOnDuplicateProv;
11523 this.precedence = HandlerPrecedence.SHARED;
11524 this.name = InjectableDecoratorHandler.name;
11525 }
11526 detect(node, decorators) {
11527 if (!decorators) {
11528 return void 0;
11529 }
11530 const decorator = findAngularDecorator(decorators, "Injectable", this.isCore);
11531 if (decorator !== void 0) {
11532 return {
11533 trigger: decorator.node,
11534 decorator,
11535 metadata: decorator
11536 };
11537 } else {
11538 return void 0;
11539 }
11540 }
11541 analyze(node, decorator) {
11542 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.AnalyzeInjectable);
11543 const meta = extractInjectableMetadata(node, decorator, this.reflector);
11544 const decorators = this.reflector.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(node);
11545 return {
11546 analysis: {
11547 meta,
11548 ctorDeps: extractInjectableCtorDeps(node, meta, decorator, this.reflector, this.isCore, this.strictCtorDeps),
11549 classMetadata: extractClassMetadata(node, this.reflector, this.isCore),
11550 needsFactory: !decorators || decorators.every((current) => !isAngularCore(current) || current.name === "Injectable")
11551 }
11552 };
11553 }
11554 symbol() {
11555 return null;
11556 }
11557 register(node) {
11558 this.injectableRegistry.registerInjectable(node);
11559 }
11560 compileFull(node, analysis) {
11561 return this.compile(compileNgFactoryDefField, (meta) => compileInjectable(meta, false), compileClassMetadata4, node, analysis);
11562 }
11563 compilePartial(node, analysis) {
11564 return this.compile(compileDeclareFactory, compileDeclareInjectableFromMetadata, compileDeclareClassMetadata4, node, analysis);
11565 }
11566 compile(compileFactoryFn, compileInjectableFn, compileClassMetadataFn, node, analysis) {
11567 const results = [];
11568 if (analysis.needsFactory) {
11569 const meta = analysis.meta;
11570 const factoryRes = compileFactoryFn(toFactoryMetadata(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, meta), { deps: analysis.ctorDeps }), FactoryTarget4.Injectable));
11571 if (analysis.classMetadata !== null) {
11572 factoryRes.statements.push(compileClassMetadataFn(analysis.classMetadata).toStmt());
11573 }
11574 results.push(factoryRes);
11575 }
11576 const \u0275prov = this.reflector.getMembersOfClass(node).find((member) => member.name === "\u0275prov");
11577 if (\u0275prov !== void 0 && this.errorOnDuplicateProv) {
11578 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.INJECTABLE_DUPLICATE_PROV, \u0275prov.nameNode || \u0275prov.node || node, "Injectables cannot contain a static \u0275prov property, because the compiler is going to generate one.");
11579 }
11580 if (\u0275prov === void 0) {
11581 const res = compileInjectableFn(analysis.meta);
11582 results.push({ name: "\u0275prov", initializer: res.expression, statements: res.statements, type: res.type });
11583 }
11584 return results;
11585 }
11587function extractInjectableMetadata(clazz, decorator, reflector) {
11588 const name = clazz.name.text;
11589 const type = wrapTypeReference(reflector, clazz);
11590 const internalType = new WrappedNodeExpr7(reflector.getInternalNameOfClass(clazz));
11591 const typeArgumentCount = reflector.getGenericArityOfClass(clazz) || 0;
11592 if (decorator.args === null) {
11593 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_NOT_CALLED, Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), "@Injectable must be called");
11594 }
11595 if (decorator.args.length === 0) {
11596 return {
11597 name,
11598 type,
11599 typeArgumentCount,
11600 internalType,
11601 providedIn: createMayBeForwardRefExpression2(new LiteralExpr3(null), 0)
11602 };
11603 } else if (decorator.args.length === 1) {
11604 const metaNode = decorator.args[0];
11605 if (!ts46.isObjectLiteralExpression(metaNode)) {
11606 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARG_NOT_LITERAL, metaNode, `@Injectable argument must be an object literal`);
11607 }
11608 const meta = reflectObjectLiteral(metaNode);
11609 const providedIn = meta.has("providedIn") ? getProviderExpression(meta.get("providedIn"), reflector) : createMayBeForwardRefExpression2(new LiteralExpr3(null), 0);
11610 let deps = void 0;
11611 if ((meta.has("useClass") || meta.has("useFactory")) && meta.has("deps")) {
11612 const depsExpr = meta.get("deps");
11613 if (!ts46.isArrayLiteralExpression(depsExpr)) {
11614 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.VALUE_NOT_LITERAL, depsExpr, `@Injectable deps metadata must be an inline array`);
11615 }
11616 deps = depsExpr.elements.map((dep) => getDep(dep, reflector));
11617 }
11618 const result = { name, type, typeArgumentCount, internalType, providedIn };
11619 if (meta.has("useValue")) {
11620 result.useValue = getProviderExpression(meta.get("useValue"), reflector);
11621 } else if (meta.has("useExisting")) {
11622 result.useExisting = getProviderExpression(meta.get("useExisting"), reflector);
11623 } else if (meta.has("useClass")) {
11624 result.useClass = getProviderExpression(meta.get("useClass"), reflector);
11625 result.deps = deps;
11626 } else if (meta.has("useFactory")) {
11627 result.useFactory = new WrappedNodeExpr7(meta.get("useFactory"));
11628 result.deps = deps;
11629 }
11630 return result;
11631 } else {
11632 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, decorator.args[2], "Too many arguments to @Injectable");
11633 }
11635function getProviderExpression(expression, reflector) {
11636 const forwardRefValue = tryUnwrapForwardRef(expression, reflector);
11637 return createMayBeForwardRefExpression2(new WrappedNodeExpr7(forwardRefValue != null ? forwardRefValue : expression), forwardRefValue !== null ? 2 : 0);
11639function extractInjectableCtorDeps(clazz, meta, decorator, reflector, isCore, strictCtorDeps) {
11640 if (decorator.args === null) {
11641 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_NOT_CALLED, Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), "@Injectable must be called");
11642 }
11643 let ctorDeps = null;
11644 if (decorator.args.length === 0) {
11645 if (strictCtorDeps) {
11646 ctorDeps = getValidConstructorDependencies(clazz, reflector, isCore);
11647 } else {
11648 ctorDeps = unwrapConstructorDependencies(getConstructorDependencies(clazz, reflector, isCore));
11649 }
11650 return ctorDeps;
11651 } else if (decorator.args.length === 1) {
11652 const rawCtorDeps = getConstructorDependencies(clazz, reflector, isCore);
11653 if (strictCtorDeps && meta.useValue === void 0 && meta.useExisting === void 0 && meta.useClass === void 0 && meta.useFactory === void 0) {
11654 ctorDeps = validateConstructorDependencies(clazz, rawCtorDeps);
11655 } else {
11656 ctorDeps = unwrapConstructorDependencies(rawCtorDeps);
11657 }
11658 }
11659 return ctorDeps;
11661function getDep(dep, reflector) {
11662 const meta = {
11663 token: new WrappedNodeExpr7(dep),
11664 attributeNameType: null,
11665 host: false,
11666 optional: false,
11667 self: false,
11668 skipSelf: false
11669 };
11670 function maybeUpdateDecorator(dec, reflector2, token) {
11671 const source = reflector2.getImportOfIdentifier(dec);
11672 if (source === null || source.from !== "@angular/core") {
11673 return false;
11674 }
11675 switch (source.name) {
11676 case "Inject":
11677 if (token !== void 0) {
11678 meta.token = new WrappedNodeExpr7(token);
11679 }
11680 break;
11681 case "Optional":
11682 meta.optional = true;
11683 break;
11684 case "SkipSelf":
11685 meta.skipSelf = true;
11686 break;
11687 case "Self":
11688 meta.self = true;
11689 break;
11690 default:
11691 return false;
11692 }
11693 return true;
11694 }
11695 if (ts46.isArrayLiteralExpression(dep)) {
11696 dep.elements.forEach((el) => {
11697 let isDecorator = false;
11698 if (ts46.isIdentifier(el)) {
11699 isDecorator = maybeUpdateDecorator(el, reflector);
11700 } else if (ts46.isNewExpression(el) && ts46.isIdentifier(el.expression)) {
11701 const token = el.arguments && el.arguments.length > 0 && el.arguments[0] || void 0;
11702 isDecorator = maybeUpdateDecorator(el.expression, reflector, token);
11703 }
11704 if (!isDecorator) {
11705 meta.token = new WrappedNodeExpr7(el);
11706 }
11707 });
11708 }
11709 return meta;
11712// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/pipe.mjs
11713import { compileClassMetadata as compileClassMetadata5, compileDeclareClassMetadata as compileDeclareClassMetadata5, compileDeclarePipeFromMetadata, compilePipeFromMetadata, FactoryTarget as FactoryTarget5, WrappedNodeExpr as WrappedNodeExpr8 } from "@angular/compiler";
11714import ts47 from "typescript";
11715var PipeSymbol = class extends SemanticSymbol {
11716 constructor(decl, name) {
11717 super(decl);
11718 this.name = name;
11719 }
11720 isPublicApiAffected(previousSymbol) {
11721 if (!(previousSymbol instanceof PipeSymbol)) {
11722 return true;
11723 }
11724 return this.name !== previousSymbol.name;
11725 }
11726 isTypeCheckApiAffected(previousSymbol) {
11727 return this.isPublicApiAffected(previousSymbol);
11728 }
11730var PipeDecoratorHandler = class {
11731 constructor(reflector, evaluator, metaRegistry, scopeRegistry, injectableRegistry, isCore, perf) {
11732 this.reflector = reflector;
11733 this.evaluator = evaluator;
11734 this.metaRegistry = metaRegistry;
11735 this.scopeRegistry = scopeRegistry;
11736 this.injectableRegistry = injectableRegistry;
11737 this.isCore = isCore;
11738 this.perf = perf;
11739 this.precedence = HandlerPrecedence.PRIMARY;
11740 this.name = PipeDecoratorHandler.name;
11741 }
11742 detect(node, decorators) {
11743 if (!decorators) {
11744 return void 0;
11745 }
11746 const decorator = findAngularDecorator(decorators, "Pipe", this.isCore);
11747 if (decorator !== void 0) {
11748 return {
11749 trigger: decorator.node,
11750 decorator,
11751 metadata: decorator
11752 };
11753 } else {
11754 return void 0;
11755 }
11756 }
11757 analyze(clazz, decorator) {
11758 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.AnalyzePipe);
11759 const name = clazz.name.text;
11760 const type = wrapTypeReference(this.reflector, clazz);
11761 const internalType = new WrappedNodeExpr8(this.reflector.getInternalNameOfClass(clazz));
11762 if (decorator.args === null) {
11763 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_NOT_CALLED, Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), `@Pipe must be called`);
11764 }
11765 if (decorator.args.length !== 1) {
11766 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, Decorator.nodeForError(decorator), "@Pipe must have exactly one argument");
11767 }
11768 const meta = unwrapExpression(decorator.args[0]);
11769 if (!ts47.isObjectLiteralExpression(meta)) {
11770 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARG_NOT_LITERAL, meta, "@Pipe must have a literal argument");
11771 }
11772 const pipe = reflectObjectLiteral(meta);
11773 if (!pipe.has("name")) {
11774 throw new FatalDiagnosticError(ErrorCode.PIPE_MISSING_NAME, meta, `@Pipe decorator is missing name field`);
11775 }
11776 const pipeNameExpr = pipe.get("name");
11777 const pipeName = this.evaluator.evaluate(pipeNameExpr);
11778 if (typeof pipeName !== "string") {
11779 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(pipeNameExpr, pipeName, `@Pipe.name must be a string`);
11780 }
11781 let pure = true;
11782 if (pipe.has("pure")) {
11783 const expr = pipe.get("pure");
11784 const pureValue = this.evaluator.evaluate(expr);
11785 if (typeof pureValue !== "boolean") {
11786 throw createValueHasWrongTypeError(expr, pureValue, `@Pipe.pure must be a boolean`);
11787 }
11788 pure = pureValue;
11789 }
11790 return {
11791 analysis: {
11792 meta: {
11793 name,
11794 type,
11795 internalType,
11796 typeArgumentCount: this.reflector.getGenericArityOfClass(clazz) || 0,
11797 pipeName,
11798 deps: getValidConstructorDependencies(clazz, this.reflector, this.isCore),
11799 pure
11800 },
11801 classMetadata: extractClassMetadata(clazz, this.reflector, this.isCore),
11802 pipeNameExpr
11803 }
11804 };
11805 }
11806 symbol(node, analysis) {
11807 return new PipeSymbol(node, analysis.meta.name);
11808 }
11809 register(node, analysis) {
11810 const ref = new Reference(node);
11811 this.metaRegistry.registerPipeMetadata({ type: MetaType.Pipe, ref, name: analysis.meta.pipeName, nameExpr: analysis.pipeNameExpr });
11812 this.injectableRegistry.registerInjectable(node);
11813 }
11814 resolve(node) {
11815 const duplicateDeclData = this.scopeRegistry.getDuplicateDeclarations(node);
11816 if (duplicateDeclData !== null) {
11817 return {
11818 diagnostics: [makeDuplicateDeclarationError(node, duplicateDeclData, "Pipe")]
11819 };
11820 }
11821 return {};
11822 }
11823 compileFull(node, analysis) {
11824 const fac = compileNgFactoryDefField(toFactoryMetadata(analysis.meta, FactoryTarget5.Pipe));
11825 const def = compilePipeFromMetadata(analysis.meta);
11826 const classMetadata = analysis.classMetadata !== null ? compileClassMetadata5(analysis.classMetadata).toStmt() : null;
11827 return compileResults(fac, def, classMetadata, "\u0275pipe");
11828 }
11829 compilePartial(node, analysis) {
11830 const fac = compileDeclareFactory(toFactoryMetadata(analysis.meta, FactoryTarget5.Pipe));
11831 const def = compileDeclarePipeFromMetadata(analysis.meta);
11832 const classMetadata = analysis.classMetadata !== null ? compileDeclareClassMetadata5(analysis.classMetadata).toStmt() : null;
11833 return compileResults(fac, def, classMetadata, "\u0275pipe");
11834 }
11837// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/cycles/src/analyzer.mjs
11838var CycleAnalyzer = class {
11839 constructor(importGraph) {
11840 this.importGraph = importGraph;
11841 this.cachedResults = null;
11842 }
11843 wouldCreateCycle(from, to) {
11844 if (this.cachedResults === null || this.cachedResults.from !== from) {
11845 this.cachedResults = new CycleResults(from, this.importGraph);
11846 }
11847 return this.cachedResults.wouldBeCyclic(to) ? new Cycle(this.importGraph, from, to) : null;
11848 }
11849 recordSyntheticImport(from, to) {
11850 this.cachedResults = null;
11851 this.importGraph.addSyntheticImport(from, to);
11852 }
11854var NgCyclicResult = Symbol("NgCyclicResult");
11855var CycleResults = class {
11856 constructor(from, importGraph) {
11857 this.from = from;
11858 this.importGraph = importGraph;
11859 this.cyclic = {};
11860 this.acyclic = {};
11861 }
11862 wouldBeCyclic(sf) {
11863 const cached = this.getCachedResult(sf);
11864 if (cached !== null) {
11865 return cached;
11866 }
11867 if (sf === this.from) {
11868 return true;
11869 }
11870 this.markAcyclic(sf);
11871 const imports = this.importGraph.importsOf(sf);
11872 for (const imported of imports) {
11873 if (this.wouldBeCyclic(imported)) {
11874 this.markCyclic(sf);
11875 return true;
11876 }
11877 }
11878 return false;
11879 }
11880 getCachedResult(sf) {
11881 const result = sf[NgCyclicResult];
11882 if (result === this.cyclic) {
11883 return true;
11884 } else if (result === this.acyclic) {
11885 return false;
11886 } else {
11887 return null;
11888 }
11889 }
11890 markCyclic(sf) {
11891 sf[NgCyclicResult] = this.cyclic;
11892 }
11893 markAcyclic(sf) {
11894 sf[NgCyclicResult] = this.acyclic;
11895 }
11897var Cycle = class {
11898 constructor(importGraph, from, to) {
11899 this.importGraph = importGraph;
11900 this.from = from;
11901 this.to = to;
11902 }
11903 getPath() {
11904 return [this.from, ...this.importGraph.findPath(this.to, this.from)];
11905 }
11908// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/cycles/src/imports.mjs
11909import ts48 from "typescript";
11910var ImportGraph = class {
11911 constructor(checker, perf) {
11912 this.checker = checker;
11913 this.perf = perf;
11914 this.imports = new Map();
11915 }
11916 importsOf(sf) {
11917 if (!this.imports.has(sf)) {
11918 this.imports.set(sf, this.scanImports(sf));
11919 }
11920 return this.imports.get(sf);
11921 }
11922 findPath(start, end) {
11923 if (start === end) {
11924 return [start];
11925 }
11926 const found = new Set([start]);
11927 const queue = [new Found(start, null)];
11928 while (queue.length > 0) {
11929 const current = queue.shift();
11930 const imports = this.importsOf(current.sourceFile);
11931 for (const importedFile of imports) {
11932 if (!found.has(importedFile)) {
11933 const next = new Found(importedFile, current);
11934 if (next.sourceFile === end) {
11935 return next.toPath();
11936 }
11937 found.add(importedFile);
11938 queue.push(next);
11939 }
11940 }
11941 }
11942 return null;
11943 }
11944 addSyntheticImport(sf, imported) {
11945 if (isLocalFile(imported)) {
11946 this.importsOf(sf).add(imported);
11947 }
11948 }
11949 scanImports(sf) {
11950 return this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.CycleDetection, () => {
11951 const imports = new Set();
11952 for (const stmt of sf.statements) {
11953 if (!ts48.isImportDeclaration(stmt) && !ts48.isExportDeclaration(stmt) || stmt.moduleSpecifier === void 0) {
11954 continue;
11955 }
11956 if (ts48.isImportDeclaration(stmt) && stmt.importClause !== void 0 && stmt.importClause.isTypeOnly) {
11957 continue;
11958 }
11959 const symbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(stmt.moduleSpecifier);
11960 if (symbol === void 0 || symbol.valueDeclaration === void 0) {
11961 continue;
11962 }
11963 const moduleFile = symbol.valueDeclaration;
11964 if (ts48.isSourceFile(moduleFile) && isLocalFile(moduleFile)) {
11965 imports.add(moduleFile);
11966 }
11967 }
11968 return imports;
11969 });
11970 }
11972function isLocalFile(sf) {
11973 return !sf.isDeclarationFile;
11975var Found = class {
11976 constructor(sourceFile, parent) {
11977 this.sourceFile = sourceFile;
11978 this.parent = parent;
11979 }
11980 toPath() {
11981 const array = [];
11982 let current = this;
11983 while (current !== null) {
11984 array.push(current.sourceFile);
11985 current = current.parent;
11986 }
11987 return array.reverse();
11988 }
11991// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/scope/src/dependency.mjs
11992var MetadataDtsModuleScopeResolver = class {
11993 constructor(dtsMetaReader, aliasingHost) {
11994 this.dtsMetaReader = dtsMetaReader;
11995 this.aliasingHost = aliasingHost;
11996 this.cache = new Map();
11997 }
11998 resolve(ref) {
11999 const clazz = ref.node;
12000 const sourceFile = clazz.getSourceFile();
12001 if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
12002 throw new Error(`Debug error: DtsModuleScopeResolver.read(${ref.debugName} from ${sourceFile.fileName}), but not a .d.ts file`);
12003 }
12004 if (this.cache.has(clazz)) {
12005 return this.cache.get(clazz);
12006 }
12007 const directives = [];
12008 const pipes = [];
12009 const ngModules = new Set([clazz]);
12010 const meta = this.dtsMetaReader.getNgModuleMetadata(ref);
12011 if (meta === null) {
12012 this.cache.set(clazz, null);
12013 return null;
12014 }
12015 const declarations = new Set();
12016 for (const declRef of meta.declarations) {
12017 declarations.add(declRef.node);
12018 }
12019 for (const exportRef of meta.exports) {
12020 const directive = this.dtsMetaReader.getDirectiveMetadata(exportRef);
12021 if (directive !== null) {
12022 const isReExport = !declarations.has(exportRef.node);
12023 directives.push(this.maybeAlias(directive, sourceFile, isReExport));
12024 continue;
12025 }
12026 const pipe = this.dtsMetaReader.getPipeMetadata(exportRef);
12027 if (pipe !== null) {
12028 const isReExport = !declarations.has(exportRef.node);
12029 pipes.push(this.maybeAlias(pipe, sourceFile, isReExport));
12030 continue;
12031 }
12032 const exportScope2 = this.resolve(exportRef);
12033 if (exportScope2 !== null) {
12034 if (this.aliasingHost === null) {
12035 directives.push(...exportScope2.exported.directives);
12036 pipes.push(...exportScope2.exported.pipes);
12037 } else {
12038 for (const directive2 of exportScope2.exported.directives) {
12039 directives.push(this.maybeAlias(directive2, sourceFile, true));
12040 }
12041 for (const pipe2 of exportScope2.exported.pipes) {
12042 pipes.push(this.maybeAlias(pipe2, sourceFile, true));
12043 }
12044 for (const ngModule of exportScope2.exported.ngModules) {
12045 ngModules.add(ngModule);
12046 }
12047 }
12048 }
12049 continue;
12050 }
12051 const exportScope = {
12052 exported: {
12053 directives,
12054 pipes,
12055 ngModules: Array.from(ngModules),
12056 isPoisoned: false
12057 }
12058 };
12059 this.cache.set(clazz, exportScope);
12060 return exportScope;
12061 }
12062 maybeAlias(dirOrPipe, maybeAliasFrom, isReExport) {
12063 const ref = dirOrPipe.ref;
12064 if (this.aliasingHost === null || ref.node.getSourceFile() === maybeAliasFrom) {
12065 return dirOrPipe;
12066 }
12067 const alias = this.aliasingHost.getAliasIn(ref.node, maybeAliasFrom, isReExport);
12068 if (alias === null) {
12069 return dirOrPipe;
12070 }
12071 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, dirOrPipe), {
12072 ref: ref.cloneWithAlias(alias)
12073 });
12074 }
12077// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/scope/src/local.mjs
12078import { ExternalExpr as ExternalExpr8 } from "@angular/compiler";
12079import ts49 from "typescript";
12080var LocalModuleScopeRegistry = class {
12081 constructor(localReader, dependencyScopeReader, refEmitter, aliasingHost) {
12082 this.localReader = localReader;
12083 this.dependencyScopeReader = dependencyScopeReader;
12084 this.refEmitter = refEmitter;
12085 this.aliasingHost = aliasingHost;
12086 this.sealed = false;
12087 this.declarationToModule = new Map();
12088 this.duplicateDeclarations = new Map();
12089 this.moduleToRef = new Map();
12090 this.cache = new Map();
12091 this.remoteScoping = new Map();
12092 this.scopeErrors = new Map();
12093 this.modulesWithStructuralErrors = new Set();
12094 }
12095 registerNgModuleMetadata(data) {
12096 this.assertCollecting();
12097 const ngModule = data.ref.node;
12098 this.moduleToRef.set(data.ref.node, data.ref);
12099 for (const decl of data.declarations) {
12100 this.registerDeclarationOfModule(ngModule, decl, data.rawDeclarations);
12101 }
12102 }
12103 registerDirectiveMetadata(directive) {
12104 }
12105 registerPipeMetadata(pipe) {
12106 }
12107 getScopeForComponent(clazz) {
12108 const scope = !this.declarationToModule.has(clazz) ? null : this.getScopeOfModule(this.declarationToModule.get(clazz).ngModule);
12109 return scope;
12110 }
12111 getDuplicateDeclarations(node) {
12112 if (!this.duplicateDeclarations.has(node)) {
12113 return null;
12114 }
12115 return Array.from(this.duplicateDeclarations.get(node).values());
12116 }
12117 getScopeOfModule(clazz) {
12118 return this.moduleToRef.has(clazz) ? this.getScopeOfModuleReference(this.moduleToRef.get(clazz)) : null;
12119 }
12120 getDiagnosticsOfModule(clazz) {
12121 this.getScopeOfModule(clazz);
12122 if (this.scopeErrors.has(clazz)) {
12123 return this.scopeErrors.get(clazz);
12124 } else {
12125 return null;
12126 }
12127 }
12128 registerDeclarationOfModule(ngModule, decl, rawDeclarations) {
12129 const declData = {
12130 ngModule,
12131 ref: decl,
12132 rawDeclarations
12133 };
12134 if (this.duplicateDeclarations.has(decl.node)) {
12135 this.duplicateDeclarations.get(decl.node).set(ngModule, declData);
12136 } else if (this.declarationToModule.has(decl.node) && this.declarationToModule.get(decl.node).ngModule !== ngModule) {
12137 const duplicateDeclMap = new Map();
12138 const firstDeclData = this.declarationToModule.get(decl.node);
12139 this.modulesWithStructuralErrors.add(firstDeclData.ngModule);
12140 this.modulesWithStructuralErrors.add(ngModule);
12141 duplicateDeclMap.set(firstDeclData.ngModule, firstDeclData);
12142 duplicateDeclMap.set(ngModule, declData);
12143 this.duplicateDeclarations.set(decl.node, duplicateDeclMap);
12144 this.declarationToModule.delete(decl.node);
12145 } else {
12146 this.declarationToModule.set(decl.node, declData);
12147 }
12148 }
12149 getScopeOfModuleReference(ref) {
12150 if (this.cache.has(ref.node)) {
12151 return this.cache.get(ref.node);
12152 }
12153 this.sealed = true;
12154 const ngModule = this.localReader.getNgModuleMetadata(ref);
12155 if (ngModule === null) {
12156 this.cache.set(ref.node, null);
12157 return null;
12158 }
12159 const compilationModules = new Set([ngModule.ref.node]);
12160 const exportedModules = new Set([ngModule.ref.node]);
12161 const diagnostics = [];
12162 const compilationDirectives = new Map();
12163 const compilationPipes = new Map();
12164 const declared = new Set();
12165 const exportDirectives = new Map();
12166 const exportPipes = new Map();
12167 let isPoisoned = false;
12168 if (this.modulesWithStructuralErrors.has(ngModule.ref.node)) {
12169 isPoisoned = true;
12170 }
12171 for (const decl of ngModule.imports) {
12172 const importScope = this.getExportedScope(decl, diagnostics, ref.node, "import");
12173 if (importScope === null) {
12174 diagnostics.push(invalidRef(ref.node, decl, "import"));
12175 isPoisoned = true;
12176 continue;
12177 } else if (importScope === "invalid" || importScope.exported.isPoisoned) {
12178 diagnostics.push(invalidTransitiveNgModuleRef(ref.node, decl, "import"));
12179 isPoisoned = true;
12180 if (importScope === "invalid") {
12181 continue;
12182 }
12183 }
12184 for (const directive of importScope.exported.directives) {
12185 compilationDirectives.set(directive.ref.node, directive);
12186 }
12187 for (const pipe of importScope.exported.pipes) {
12188 compilationPipes.set(pipe.ref.node, pipe);
12189 }
12190 for (const importedModule of importScope.exported.ngModules) {
12191 compilationModules.add(importedModule);
12192 }
12193 }
12194 for (const decl of ngModule.declarations) {
12195 const directive = this.localReader.getDirectiveMetadata(decl);
12196 const pipe = this.localReader.getPipeMetadata(decl);
12197 if (directive !== null) {
12198 compilationDirectives.set(decl.node, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, directive), { ref: decl }));
12199 if (directive.isPoisoned) {
12200 isPoisoned = true;
12201 }
12202 } else if (pipe !== null) {
12203 compilationPipes.set(decl.node, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, pipe), { ref: decl }));
12204 } else {
12205 const errorNode = decl.getOriginForDiagnostics(ngModule.rawDeclarations);
12206 diagnostics.push(makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_DECLARATION, errorNode, `The class '${decl.node.name.text}' is listed in the declarations of the NgModule '${ngModule.ref.node.name.text}', but is not a directive, a component, or a pipe. Either remove it from the NgModule's declarations, or add an appropriate Angular decorator.`, [makeRelatedInformation(decl.node.name, `'${decl.node.name.text}' is declared here.`)]));
12207 isPoisoned = true;
12208 continue;
12209 }
12210 declared.add(decl.node);
12211 }
12212 for (const decl of ngModule.exports) {
12213 const exportScope = this.getExportedScope(decl, diagnostics, ref.node, "export");
12214 if (exportScope === "invalid" || exportScope !== null && exportScope.exported.isPoisoned) {
12215 diagnostics.push(invalidTransitiveNgModuleRef(ref.node, decl, "export"));
12216 isPoisoned = true;
12217 if (exportScope === "invalid") {
12218 continue;
12219 }
12220 } else if (exportScope !== null) {
12221 for (const directive of exportScope.exported.directives) {
12222 exportDirectives.set(directive.ref.node, directive);
12223 }
12224 for (const pipe of exportScope.exported.pipes) {
12225 exportPipes.set(pipe.ref.node, pipe);
12226 }
12227 for (const exportedModule of exportScope.exported.ngModules) {
12228 exportedModules.add(exportedModule);
12229 }
12230 } else if (compilationDirectives.has(decl.node)) {
12231 const directive = compilationDirectives.get(decl.node);
12232 exportDirectives.set(decl.node, directive);
12233 } else if (compilationPipes.has(decl.node)) {
12234 const pipe = compilationPipes.get(decl.node);
12235 exportPipes.set(decl.node, pipe);
12236 } else {
12237 if (this.localReader.getDirectiveMetadata(decl) !== null || this.localReader.getPipeMetadata(decl) !== null) {
12238 diagnostics.push(invalidReexport(ref.node, decl));
12239 } else {
12240 diagnostics.push(invalidRef(ref.node, decl, "export"));
12241 }
12242 isPoisoned = true;
12243 continue;
12244 }
12245 }
12246 const exported = {
12247 directives: Array.from(exportDirectives.values()),
12248 pipes: Array.from(exportPipes.values()),
12249 ngModules: Array.from(exportedModules),
12250 isPoisoned
12251 };
12252 const reexports = this.getReexports(ngModule, ref, declared, exported, diagnostics);
12253 const scope = {
12254 ngModule: ngModule.ref.node,
12255 compilation: {
12256 directives: Array.from(compilationDirectives.values()),
12257 pipes: Array.from(compilationPipes.values()),
12258 ngModules: Array.from(compilationModules),
12259 isPoisoned
12260 },
12261 exported,
12262 reexports,
12263 schemas: ngModule.schemas
12264 };
12265 if (diagnostics.length > 0) {
12266 this.scopeErrors.set(ref.node, diagnostics);
12267 this.modulesWithStructuralErrors.add(ref.node);
12268 }
12269 this.cache.set(ref.node, scope);
12270 return scope;
12271 }
12272 getRemoteScope(node) {
12273 return this.remoteScoping.has(node) ? this.remoteScoping.get(node) : null;
12274 }
12275 setComponentRemoteScope(node, directives, pipes) {
12276 this.remoteScoping.set(node, { directives, pipes });
12277 }
12278 getExportedScope(ref, diagnostics, ownerForErrors, type) {
12279 if (ref.node.getSourceFile().isDeclarationFile) {
12280 if (!ts49.isClassDeclaration(ref.node)) {
12281 const code = type === "import" ? ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_IMPORT : ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_EXPORT;
12282 diagnostics.push(makeDiagnostic(code, identifierOfNode(ref.node) || ref.node, `Appears in the NgModule.${type}s of ${nodeNameForError(ownerForErrors)}, but could not be resolved to an NgModule`));
12283 return "invalid";
12284 }
12285 return this.dependencyScopeReader.resolve(ref);
12286 } else {
12287 return this.getScopeOfModuleReference(ref);
12288 }
12289 }
12290 getReexports(ngModule, ref, declared, exported, diagnostics) {
12291 let reexports = null;
12292 const sourceFile = ref.node.getSourceFile();
12293 if (this.aliasingHost === null) {
12294 return null;
12295 }
12296 reexports = [];
12297 const reexportMap = new Map();
12298 const ngModuleRef = ref;
12299 const addReexport = (exportRef) => {
12300 if (exportRef.node.getSourceFile() === sourceFile) {
12301 return;
12302 }
12303 const isReExport = !declared.has(exportRef.node);
12304 const exportName = this.aliasingHost.maybeAliasSymbolAs(exportRef, sourceFile, ngModule.ref.node.name.text, isReExport);
12305 if (exportName === null) {
12306 return;
12307 }
12308 if (!reexportMap.has(exportName)) {
12309 if (exportRef.alias && exportRef.alias instanceof ExternalExpr8) {
12310 reexports.push({
12311 fromModule: exportRef.alias.value.moduleName,
12312 symbolName: exportRef.alias.value.name,
12313 asAlias: exportName
12314 });
12315 } else {
12316 const expr = this.refEmitter.emit(exportRef.cloneWithNoIdentifiers(), sourceFile).expression;
12317 if (!(expr instanceof ExternalExpr8) || expr.value.moduleName === null || expr.value.name === null) {
12318 throw new Error("Expected ExternalExpr");
12319 }
12320 reexports.push({
12321 fromModule: expr.value.moduleName,
12322 symbolName: expr.value.name,
12323 asAlias: exportName
12324 });
12325 }
12326 reexportMap.set(exportName, exportRef);
12327 } else {
12328 const prevRef = reexportMap.get(exportName);
12329 diagnostics.push(reexportCollision(ngModuleRef.node, prevRef, exportRef));
12330 }
12331 };
12332 for (const { ref: ref2 } of exported.directives) {
12333 addReexport(ref2);
12334 }
12335 for (const { ref: ref2 } of exported.pipes) {
12336 addReexport(ref2);
12337 }
12338 return reexports;
12339 }
12340 assertCollecting() {
12341 if (this.sealed) {
12342 throw new Error(`Assertion: LocalModuleScopeRegistry is not COLLECTING`);
12343 }
12344 }
12346function invalidRef(clazz, decl, type) {
12347 const code = type === "import" ? ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_IMPORT : ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_EXPORT;
12348 const resolveTarget = type === "import" ? "NgModule" : "NgModule, Component, Directive, or Pipe";
12349 let message = `Appears in the NgModule.${type}s of ${nodeNameForError(clazz)}, but could not be resolved to an ${resolveTarget} class.
12352 const library = decl.ownedByModuleGuess !== null ? ` (${decl.ownedByModuleGuess})` : "";
12353 const sf = decl.node.getSourceFile();
12354 if (!sf.isDeclarationFile) {
12355 const annotationType = type === "import" ? "@NgModule" : "Angular";
12356 message += `Is it missing an ${annotationType} annotation?`;
12357 } else if (sf.fileName.indexOf("node_modules") !== -1) {
12358 message += `This likely means that the library${library} which declares ${decl.debugName} has not been processed correctly by ngcc, or is not compatible with Angular Ivy. Check if a newer version of the library is available, and update if so. Also consider checking with the library's authors to see if the library is expected to be compatible with Ivy.`;
12359 } else {
12360 message += `This likely means that the dependency${library} which declares ${decl.debugName} has not been processed correctly by ngcc.`;
12361 }
12362 return makeDiagnostic(code, identifierOfNode(decl.node) || decl.node, message);
12364function invalidTransitiveNgModuleRef(clazz, decl, type) {
12365 const code = type === "import" ? ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_IMPORT : ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_EXPORT;
12366 return makeDiagnostic(code, identifierOfNode(decl.node) || decl.node, `Appears in the NgModule.${type}s of ${nodeNameForError(clazz)}, but itself has errors`);
12368function invalidReexport(clazz, decl) {
12369 return makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_REEXPORT, identifierOfNode(decl.node) || decl.node, `Present in the NgModule.exports of ${nodeNameForError(clazz)} but neither declared nor imported`);
12371function reexportCollision(module7, refA, refB) {
12372 const childMessageText = `This directive/pipe is part of the exports of '${module7.name.text}' and shares the same name as another exported directive/pipe.`;
12373 return makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_REEXPORT_NAME_COLLISION, module7.name, `
12374 There was a name collision between two classes named '${refA.node.name.text}', which are both part of the exports of '${module7.name.text}'.
12376 Angular generates re-exports of an NgModule's exported directives/pipes from the module's source file in certain cases, using the declared name of the class. If two classes of the same name are exported, this automatic naming does not work.
12378 To fix this problem please re-export one or both classes directly from this file.
12379 `.trim(), [
12380 makeRelatedInformation(refA.node.name, childMessageText),
12381 makeRelatedInformation(refB.node.name, childMessageText)
12382 ]);
12385// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/scope/src/typecheck.mjs
12386import { CssSelector as CssSelector2, SelectorMatcher as SelectorMatcher2 } from "@angular/compiler";
12387import ts50 from "typescript";
12388var TypeCheckScopeRegistry = class {
12389 constructor(scopeReader, metaReader) {
12390 this.scopeReader = scopeReader;
12391 this.metaReader = metaReader;
12392 this.flattenedDirectiveMetaCache = new Map();
12393 this.scopeCache = new Map();
12394 }
12395 getTypeCheckScope(node) {
12396 const matcher = new SelectorMatcher2();
12397 const directives = [];
12398 const pipes = new Map();
12399 const scope = this.scopeReader.getScopeForComponent(node);
12400 if (scope === null) {
12401 return {
12402 matcher,
12403 directives,
12404 pipes,
12405 schemas: [],
12406 isPoisoned: false
12407 };
12408 }
12409 if (this.scopeCache.has(scope.ngModule)) {
12410 return this.scopeCache.get(scope.ngModule);
12411 }
12412 for (const meta of scope.compilation.directives) {
12413 if (meta.selector !== null) {
12414 const extMeta = this.getTypeCheckDirectiveMetadata(meta.ref);
12415 matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector2.parse(meta.selector), extMeta);
12416 directives.push(extMeta);
12417 }
12418 }
12419 for (const { name, ref } of scope.compilation.pipes) {
12420 if (!ts50.isClassDeclaration(ref.node)) {
12421 throw new Error(`Unexpected non-class declaration ${ts50.SyntaxKind[ref.node.kind]} for pipe ${ref.debugName}`);
12422 }
12423 pipes.set(name, ref);
12424 }
12425 const typeCheckScope = {
12426 matcher,
12427 directives,
12428 pipes,
12429 schemas: scope.schemas,
12430 isPoisoned: scope.compilation.isPoisoned || scope.exported.isPoisoned
12431 };
12432 this.scopeCache.set(scope.ngModule, typeCheckScope);
12433 return typeCheckScope;
12434 }
12435 getTypeCheckDirectiveMetadata(ref) {
12436 const clazz = ref.node;
12437 if (this.flattenedDirectiveMetaCache.has(clazz)) {
12438 return this.flattenedDirectiveMetaCache.get(clazz);
12439 }
12440 const meta = flattenInheritedDirectiveMetadata(this.metaReader, ref);
12441 this.flattenedDirectiveMetaCache.set(clazz, meta);
12442 return meta;
12443 }
12446// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/migrations/utils.mjs
12447import ts51 from "typescript";
12448function isClassDeclaration(clazz) {
12449 return isNamedClassDeclaration(clazz) || isNamedFunctionDeclaration(clazz) || isNamedVariableDeclaration(clazz);
12451function hasDirectiveDecorator(host, clazz) {
12452 const ref = new Reference(clazz);
12453 return host.metadata.getDirectiveMetadata(ref) !== null;
12455function hasPipeDecorator(host, clazz) {
12456 const ref = new Reference(clazz);
12457 return host.metadata.getPipeMetadata(ref) !== null;
12459function hasConstructor(host, clazz) {
12460 return host.reflectionHost.getConstructorParameters(clazz) !== null;
12462function createDirectiveDecorator(clazz, metadata) {
12463 const args = [];
12464 if (metadata !== void 0) {
12465 const metaArgs = [];
12466 if (metadata.selector !== null) {
12467 metaArgs.push(property("selector", metadata.selector));
12468 }
12469 if (metadata.exportAs !== null) {
12470 metaArgs.push(property("exportAs", metadata.exportAs.join(", ")));
12471 }
12472 args.push(reifySourceFile(ts51.createObjectLiteral(metaArgs)));
12473 }
12474 return {
12475 name: "Directive",
12476 identifier: null,
12477 import: { name: "Directive", from: "@angular/core" },
12478 node: null,
12479 synthesizedFor: clazz.name,
12480 args
12481 };
12483function createComponentDecorator(clazz, metadata) {
12484 const metaArgs = [
12485 property("template", "")
12486 ];
12487 if (metadata.selector !== null) {
12488 metaArgs.push(property("selector", metadata.selector));
12489 }
12490 if (metadata.exportAs !== null) {
12491 metaArgs.push(property("exportAs", metadata.exportAs.join(", ")));
12492 }
12493 return {
12494 name: "Component",
12495 identifier: null,
12496 import: { name: "Component", from: "@angular/core" },
12497 node: null,
12498 synthesizedFor: clazz.name,
12499 args: [
12500 reifySourceFile(ts51.createObjectLiteral(metaArgs))
12501 ]
12502 };
12504function createInjectableDecorator(clazz) {
12505 return {
12506 name: "Injectable",
12507 identifier: null,
12508 import: { name: "Injectable", from: "@angular/core" },
12509 node: null,
12510 synthesizedFor: clazz.name,
12511 args: []
12512 };
12514function property(name, value) {
12515 return ts51.createPropertyAssignment(name, ts51.createStringLiteral(value));
12517var EMPTY_SF = ts51.createSourceFile("(empty)", "", ts51.ScriptTarget.Latest);
12518function reifySourceFile(expr) {
12519 const printer = ts51.createPrinter();
12520 const exprText = printer.printNode(ts51.EmitHint.Unspecified, expr, EMPTY_SF);
12521 const sf = ts51.createSourceFile("(synthetic)", `const expr = ${exprText};`, ts51.ScriptTarget.Latest, true, ts51.ScriptKind.JS);
12522 const stmt = sf.statements[0];
12523 if (!ts51.isVariableStatement(stmt)) {
12524 throw new Error(`Expected VariableStatement, got ${ts51.SyntaxKind[stmt.kind]}`);
12525 }
12526 return stmt.declarationList.declarations[0].initializer;
12529// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/migrations/missing_injectable_migration.mjs
12530var MissingInjectableMigration = class {
12531 apply(clazz, host) {
12532 const decorators = host.reflectionHost.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(clazz);
12533 if (decorators === null) {
12534 return null;
12535 }
12536 for (const decorator of decorators) {
12537 const name = getAngularCoreDecoratorName(decorator);
12538 if (name === "NgModule") {
12539 migrateNgModuleProviders(decorator, host);
12540 } else if (name === "Directive") {
12541 migrateDirectiveProviders(decorator, host, false);
12542 } else if (name === "Component") {
12543 migrateDirectiveProviders(decorator, host, true);
12544 }
12545 }
12546 return null;
12547 }
12549function migrateNgModuleProviders(decorator, host) {
12550 if (decorator.args === null || decorator.args.length !== 1) {
12551 return;
12552 }
12553 const metadata = host.evaluator.evaluate(decorator.args[0], forwardRefResolver);
12554 if (!(metadata instanceof Map)) {
12555 return;
12556 }
12557 migrateProviders(metadata, "providers", host);
12559function migrateDirectiveProviders(decorator, host, isComponent) {
12560 if (decorator.args === null || decorator.args.length !== 1) {
12561 return;
12562 }
12563 const metadata = host.evaluator.evaluate(decorator.args[0], forwardRefResolver);
12564 if (!(metadata instanceof Map)) {
12565 return;
12566 }
12567 migrateProviders(metadata, "providers", host);
12568 if (isComponent) {
12569 migrateProviders(metadata, "viewProviders", host);
12570 }
12572function migrateProviders(metadata, field, host) {
12573 if (!metadata.has(field)) {
12574 return;
12575 }
12576 const providers = metadata.get(field);
12577 if (!Array.isArray(providers)) {
12578 return;
12579 }
12580 for (const provider of providers) {
12581 migrateProvider(provider, host);
12582 }
12584function migrateProvider(provider, host) {
12585 if (provider instanceof Map) {
12586 if (!provider.has("provide") || provider.has("useValue") || provider.has("useFactory") || provider.has("useExisting")) {
12587 return;
12588 }
12589 if (provider.has("useClass")) {
12590 if (!provider.has("deps")) {
12591 migrateProviderClass(provider.get("useClass"), host);
12592 }
12593 } else {
12594 migrateProviderClass(provider.get("provide"), host);
12595 }
12596 } else if (Array.isArray(provider)) {
12597 for (const v of provider) {
12598 migrateProvider(v, host);
12599 }
12600 } else {
12601 migrateProviderClass(provider, host);
12602 }
12604function migrateProviderClass(provider, host) {
12605 if (!(provider instanceof Reference)) {
12606 return;
12607 }
12608 const clazz = provider.node;
12609 if (isClassDeclaration(clazz) && host.isInScope(clazz) && needsInjectableDecorator(clazz, host)) {
12610 host.injectSyntheticDecorator(clazz, createInjectableDecorator(clazz));
12611 }
12613var NO_MIGRATE_DECORATORS = new Set(["Injectable", "Directive", "Component", "Pipe"]);
12614function needsInjectableDecorator(clazz, host) {
12615 const decorators = host.getAllDecorators(clazz);
12616 if (decorators === null) {
12617 return true;
12618 }
12619 for (const decorator of decorators) {
12620 const name = getAngularCoreDecoratorName(decorator);
12621 if (name !== null && NO_MIGRATE_DECORATORS.has(name)) {
12622 return false;
12623 }
12624 }
12625 return true;
12627function getAngularCoreDecoratorName(decorator) {
12628 if (decorator.import === null || decorator.import.from !== "@angular/core") {
12629 return null;
12630 }
12631 return decorator.import.name;
12634// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/migrations/undecorated_child_migration.mjs
12635var UndecoratedChildMigration = class {
12636 apply(clazz, host) {
12637 const moduleMeta = host.metadata.getNgModuleMetadata(new Reference(clazz));
12638 if (moduleMeta === null) {
12639 return null;
12640 }
12641 for (const decl of moduleMeta.declarations) {
12642 this.maybeMigrate(decl, host);
12643 }
12644 return null;
12645 }
12646 maybeMigrate(ref, host) {
12647 if (hasDirectiveDecorator(host, ref.node) || hasPipeDecorator(host, ref.node)) {
12648 return;
12649 }
12650 const baseRef = readBaseClass2(ref.node, host.reflectionHost, host.evaluator);
12651 if (baseRef === null) {
12652 return;
12653 } else if (baseRef === "dynamic") {
12654 return;
12655 }
12656 this.maybeMigrate(baseRef, host);
12657 const baseMeta = host.metadata.getDirectiveMetadata(baseRef);
12658 if (baseMeta === null) {
12659 return;
12660 }
12661 if (baseMeta.isComponent) {
12662 host.injectSyntheticDecorator(ref.node, createComponentDecorator(ref.node, baseMeta), HandlerFlags.FULL_INHERITANCE);
12663 } else {
12664 host.injectSyntheticDecorator(ref.node, createDirectiveDecorator(ref.node, baseMeta), HandlerFlags.FULL_INHERITANCE);
12665 }
12666 }
12669// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/migrations/undecorated_parent_migration.mjs
12670var UndecoratedParentMigration = class {
12671 apply(clazz, host) {
12672 if (!hasDirectiveDecorator(host, clazz) || hasConstructor(host, clazz)) {
12673 return null;
12674 }
12675 let baseClazzRef = determineBaseClass(clazz, host);
12676 while (baseClazzRef !== null) {
12677 const baseClazz = baseClazzRef.node;
12678 if (hasDirectiveDecorator(host, baseClazz) || !host.isInScope(baseClazz)) {
12679 break;
12680 }
12681 host.injectSyntheticDecorator(baseClazz, createDirectiveDecorator(baseClazz));
12682 if (hasConstructor(host, baseClazz)) {
12683 break;
12684 }
12685 baseClazzRef = determineBaseClass(baseClazz, host);
12686 }
12687 return null;
12688 }
12690function determineBaseClass(clazz, host) {
12691 const baseClassExpr = host.reflectionHost.getBaseClassExpression(clazz);
12692 if (baseClassExpr === null) {
12693 return null;
12694 }
12695 const baseClass = host.evaluator.evaluate(baseClassExpr);
12696 if (!(baseClass instanceof Reference) || !isClassDeclaration(baseClass.node)) {
12697 return null;
12698 }
12699 return baseClass;
12702// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/migration_host.mjs
12703import ts52 from "typescript";
12704var DefaultMigrationHost = class {
12705 constructor(reflectionHost, metadata, evaluator, compiler, entryPointPath) {
12706 this.reflectionHost = reflectionHost;
12707 this.metadata = metadata;
12708 this.evaluator = evaluator;
12709 this.compiler = compiler;
12710 this.entryPointPath = entryPointPath;
12711 }
12712 injectSyntheticDecorator(clazz, decorator, flags) {
12713 const migratedTraits = this.compiler.injectSyntheticDecorator(clazz, decorator, flags);
12714 for (const trait of migratedTraits) {
12715 if ((trait.state === TraitState.Analyzed || trait.state === TraitState.Resolved) && trait.analysisDiagnostics !== null) {
12716 trait.analysisDiagnostics = trait.analysisDiagnostics.map((diag) => createMigrationDiagnostic(diag, clazz, decorator));
12717 }
12718 if (trait.state === TraitState.Resolved && trait.resolveDiagnostics !== null) {
12719 trait.resolveDiagnostics = trait.resolveDiagnostics.map((diag) => createMigrationDiagnostic(diag, clazz, decorator));
12720 }
12721 }
12722 }
12723 getAllDecorators(clazz) {
12724 return this.compiler.getAllDecorators(clazz);
12725 }
12726 isInScope(clazz) {
12727 return isWithinPackage(this.entryPointPath, absoluteFromSourceFile(clazz.getSourceFile()));
12728 }
12730function createMigrationDiagnostic(diagnostic, source, decorator) {
12731 const clone = __spreadValues({}, diagnostic);
12732 const chain = [{
12733 messageText: `Occurs for @${decorator.name} decorator inserted by an automatic migration`,
12734 category: ts52.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
12735 code: 0
12736 }];
12737 if (decorator.args !== null) {
12738 const args = decorator.args.map((arg) => arg.getText()).join(", ");
12739 chain.push({
12740 messageText: `@${decorator.name}(${args})`,
12741 category: ts52.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
12742 code: 0
12743 });
12744 }
12745 if (typeof clone.messageText === "string") {
12746 clone.messageText = {
12747 messageText: clone.messageText,
12748 category: diagnostic.category,
12749 code: diagnostic.code,
12750 next: chain
12751 };
12752 } else {
12753 if (clone.messageText.next === void 0) {
12754 clone.messageText.next = chain;
12755 } else {
12756 clone.messageText.next.push(...chain);
12757 }
12758 }
12759 return clone;
12762// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/ngcc_trait_compiler.mjs
12763var NgccTraitCompiler = class extends TraitCompiler {
12764 constructor(handlers, ngccReflector) {
12765 super(handlers, ngccReflector, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER, new NoIncrementalBuild(), true, CompilationMode.FULL, new DtsTransformRegistry(), null);
12766 this.ngccReflector = ngccReflector;
12767 }
12768 get analyzedFiles() {
12769 return Array.from(this.fileToClasses.keys());
12770 }
12771 analyzeFile(sf) {
12772 const ngccClassSymbols = this.ngccReflector.findClassSymbols(sf);
12773 for (const classSymbol of ngccClassSymbols) {
12774 this.analyzeClass(classSymbol.declaration.valueDeclaration, null);
12775 }
12776 return void 0;
12777 }
12778 injectSyntheticDecorator(clazz, decorator, flags) {
12779 const migratedTraits = this.detectTraits(clazz, [decorator]);
12780 if (migratedTraits === null) {
12781 return [];
12782 }
12783 for (const trait of migratedTraits) {
12784 this.analyzeTrait(clazz, trait, flags);
12785 }
12786 return migratedTraits;
12787 }
12788 getAllDecorators(clazz) {
12789 const record = this.recordFor(clazz);
12790 if (record === null) {
12791 return null;
12792 }
12793 return record.traits.map((trait) => trait.detected.decorator).filter(isDefined);
12794 }
12796var NoIncrementalBuild = class {
12797 priorAnalysisFor(sf) {
12798 return null;
12799 }
12800 priorTypeCheckingResultsFor() {
12801 return null;
12802 }
12803 recordSuccessfulTypeCheck() {
12804 }
12807// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/types.mjs
12808var DecorationAnalyses = Map;
12810// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/decoration_analyzer.mjs
12811var NgccResourceLoader = class {
12812 constructor(fs5) {
12813 this.fs = fs5;
12814 this.canPreload = false;
12815 this.canPreprocess = false;
12816 }
12817 preload() {
12818 throw new Error("Not implemented.");
12819 }
12820 preprocessInline() {
12821 throw new Error("Not implemented.");
12822 }
12823 load(url) {
12824 return this.fs.readFile(this.fs.resolve(url));
12825 }
12826 resolve(url, containingFile) {
12827 return this.fs.resolve(this.fs.dirname(containingFile), url);
12828 }
12830var DecorationAnalyzer = class {
12831 constructor(fs5, bundle, reflectionHost, referencesRegistry, diagnosticHandler = () => {
12832 }, tsConfig = null) {
12833 this.fs = fs5;
12834 this.bundle = bundle;
12835 this.reflectionHost = reflectionHost;
12836 this.referencesRegistry = referencesRegistry;
12837 this.diagnosticHandler = diagnosticHandler;
12838 this.tsConfig = tsConfig;
12839 this.program = this.bundle.src.program;
12840 this.options = this.bundle.src.options;
12841 this.host = this.bundle.src.host;
12842 this.typeChecker = this.bundle.src.program.getTypeChecker();
12843 this.rootDirs = this.bundle.rootDirs;
12844 this.packagePath = this.bundle.entryPoint.packagePath;
12845 this.isCore = this.bundle.isCore;
12846 this.compilerOptions = this.tsConfig !== null ? this.tsConfig.options : {};
12847 this.moduleResolver = new ModuleResolver2(this.program, this.options, this.host, null);
12848 this.resourceManager = new NgccResourceLoader(this.fs);
12849 this.metaRegistry = new LocalMetadataRegistry();
12850 this.dtsMetaReader = new DtsMetadataReader(this.typeChecker, this.reflectionHost);
12851 this.fullMetaReader = new CompoundMetadataReader([this.metaRegistry, this.dtsMetaReader]);
12852 this.refEmitter = new ReferenceEmitter([
12853 new LocalIdentifierStrategy(),
12854 new AbsoluteModuleStrategy(this.program, this.typeChecker, this.moduleResolver, this.reflectionHost),
12855 new LogicalProjectStrategy(this.reflectionHost, new LogicalFileSystem(this.rootDirs, this.host))
12856 ]);
12857 this.aliasingHost = this.bundle.entryPoint.generateDeepReexports ? new PrivateExportAliasingHost(this.reflectionHost) : null;
12858 this.dtsModuleScopeResolver = new MetadataDtsModuleScopeResolver(this.dtsMetaReader, this.aliasingHost);
12859 this.scopeRegistry = new LocalModuleScopeRegistry(this.metaRegistry, this.dtsModuleScopeResolver, this.refEmitter, this.aliasingHost);
12860 this.fullRegistry = new CompoundMetadataRegistry([this.metaRegistry, this.scopeRegistry]);
12861 this.evaluator = new PartialEvaluator(this.reflectionHost, this.typeChecker, null);
12862 this.importGraph = new ImportGraph(this.typeChecker, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER);
12863 this.cycleAnalyzer = new CycleAnalyzer(this.importGraph);
12864 this.injectableRegistry = new InjectableClassRegistry(this.reflectionHost);
12865 this.typeCheckScopeRegistry = new TypeCheckScopeRegistry(this.scopeRegistry, this.fullMetaReader);
12866 this.handlers = [
12867 new ComponentDecoratorHandler(this.reflectionHost, this.evaluator, this.fullRegistry, this.fullMetaReader, this.scopeRegistry, this.scopeRegistry, this.typeCheckScopeRegistry, new ResourceRegistry(), this.isCore, this.resourceManager, this.rootDirs, !!this.compilerOptions.preserveWhitespaces, true, this.bundle.enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat, false, false, this.moduleResolver, this.cycleAnalyzer, 0, this.refEmitter, NOOP_DEPENDENCY_TRACKER, this.injectableRegistry, null, !!this.compilerOptions.annotateForClosureCompiler, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER),
12868 new DirectiveDecoratorHandler(this.reflectionHost, this.evaluator, this.fullRegistry, this.scopeRegistry, this.fullMetaReader, this.injectableRegistry, this.isCore, null, !!this.compilerOptions.annotateForClosureCompiler, true, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER),
12869 new PipeDecoratorHandler(this.reflectionHost, this.evaluator, this.metaRegistry, this.scopeRegistry, this.injectableRegistry, this.isCore, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER),
12870 new InjectableDecoratorHandler(this.reflectionHost, this.isCore, false, this.injectableRegistry, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER, false),
12871 new NgModuleDecoratorHandler(this.reflectionHost, this.evaluator, this.fullMetaReader, this.fullRegistry, this.scopeRegistry, this.referencesRegistry, this.isCore, this.refEmitter, null, !!this.compilerOptions.annotateForClosureCompiler, this.injectableRegistry, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER)
12872 ];
12873 this.compiler = new NgccTraitCompiler(this.handlers, this.reflectionHost);
12874 this.migrations = [
12875 new UndecoratedParentMigration(),
12876 new UndecoratedChildMigration(),
12877 new MissingInjectableMigration()
12878 ];
12879 }
12880 analyzeProgram() {
12881 for (const sourceFile of this.program.getSourceFiles()) {
12882 if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile && isWithinPackage(this.packagePath, absoluteFromSourceFile(sourceFile))) {
12883 this.compiler.analyzeFile(sourceFile);
12884 }
12885 }
12886 this.applyMigrations();
12887 this.compiler.resolve();
12888 this.reportDiagnostics();
12889 const decorationAnalyses = new DecorationAnalyses();
12890 for (const analyzedFile of this.compiler.analyzedFiles) {
12891 const compiledFile = this.compileFile(analyzedFile);
12892 decorationAnalyses.set(compiledFile.sourceFile, compiledFile);
12893 }
12894 return decorationAnalyses;
12895 }
12896 applyMigrations() {
12897 const migrationHost = new DefaultMigrationHost(this.reflectionHost, this.fullMetaReader, this.evaluator, this.compiler, this.bundle.entryPoint.path);
12898 this.migrations.forEach((migration) => {
12899 this.compiler.analyzedFiles.forEach((analyzedFile) => {
12900 const records = this.compiler.recordsFor(analyzedFile);
12901 if (records === null) {
12902 throw new Error("Assertion error: file to migrate must have records.");
12903 }
12904 records.forEach((record) => {
12905 const addDiagnostic = (diagnostic) => {
12906 if (record.metaDiagnostics === null) {
12907 record.metaDiagnostics = [];
12908 }
12909 record.metaDiagnostics.push(diagnostic);
12910 };
12911 try {
12912 const result = migration.apply(record.node, migrationHost);
12913 if (result !== null) {
12914 addDiagnostic(result);
12915 }
12916 } catch (e) {
12917 if (isFatalDiagnosticError(e)) {
12918 addDiagnostic(e.toDiagnostic());
12919 } else {
12920 throw e;
12921 }
12922 }
12923 });
12924 });
12925 });
12926 }
12927 reportDiagnostics() {
12928 this.compiler.diagnostics.forEach(this.diagnosticHandler);
12929 }
12930 compileFile(sourceFile) {
12931 const constantPool = new ConstantPool2();
12932 const records = this.compiler.recordsFor(sourceFile);
12933 if (records === null) {
12934 throw new Error("Assertion error: file to compile must have records.");
12935 }
12936 const compiledClasses = [];
12937 for (const record of records) {
12938 const compilation = this.compiler.compile(record.node, constantPool);
12939 if (compilation === null) {
12940 continue;
12941 }
12942 compiledClasses.push({
12943 name: record.node.name.text,
12944 decorators: this.compiler.getAllDecorators(record.node),
12945 declaration: record.node,
12946 compilation
12947 });
12948 }
12949 const reexports = this.getReexportsForSourceFile(sourceFile);
12950 return { constantPool, sourceFile, compiledClasses, reexports };
12951 }
12952 getReexportsForSourceFile(sf) {
12953 const exportStatements = this.compiler.exportStatements;
12954 if (!exportStatements.has(sf.fileName)) {
12955 return [];
12956 }
12957 const exports = exportStatements.get(sf.fileName);
12958 const reexports = [];
12959 exports.forEach(([fromModule, symbolName], asAlias) => {
12960 reexports.push({ asAlias, fromModule, symbolName });
12961 });
12962 return reexports;
12963 }
12966// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/module_with_providers_analyzer.mjs
12967import ts53 from "typescript";
12968var ModuleWithProvidersAnalyses = Map;
12969var ModuleWithProvidersAnalyzer = class {
12970 constructor(host, typeChecker, referencesRegistry, processDts) {
12971 this.host = host;
12972 this.typeChecker = typeChecker;
12973 this.referencesRegistry = referencesRegistry;
12974 this.processDts = processDts;
12975 this.evaluator = new PartialEvaluator(this.host, this.typeChecker, null);
12976 }
12977 analyzeProgram(program) {
12978 const analyses = new ModuleWithProvidersAnalyses();
12979 const rootFiles = this.getRootFiles(program);
12980 rootFiles.forEach((f) => {
12981 const fns = this.getModuleWithProvidersFunctions(f);
12982 fns && fns.forEach((fn) => {
12983 if (fn.ngModule.bestGuessOwningModule === null) {
12984 this.referencesRegistry.add(fn.ngModule.node, new Reference(fn.ngModule.node));
12985 }
12986 if (this.processDts) {
12987 const dtsFn = this.getDtsModuleWithProvidersFunction(fn);
12988 const dtsFnType = dtsFn.declaration.type;
12989 const typeParam = dtsFnType && ts53.isTypeReferenceNode(dtsFnType) && dtsFnType.typeArguments && dtsFnType.typeArguments[0] || null;
12990 if (!typeParam || isAnyKeyword(typeParam)) {
12991 const dtsFile = dtsFn.declaration.getSourceFile();
12992 const analysis = analyses.has(dtsFile) ? analyses.get(dtsFile) : [];
12993 analysis.push(dtsFn);
12994 analyses.set(dtsFile, analysis);
12995 }
12996 }
12997 });
12998 });
12999 return analyses;
13000 }
13001 getRootFiles(program) {
13002 return program.getRootFileNames().map((f) => program.getSourceFile(f)).filter(isDefined);
13003 }
13004 getModuleWithProvidersFunctions(f) {
13005 const exports = this.host.getExportsOfModule(f);
13006 if (!exports)
13007 return [];
13008 const infos = [];
13009 exports.forEach((declaration) => {
13010 if (declaration.node === null) {
13011 return;
13012 }
13013 if (this.host.isClass(declaration.node)) {
13014 this.host.getMembersOfClass(declaration.node).forEach((member) => {
13015 if (member.isStatic) {
13016 const info = this.parseForModuleWithProviders(member.name, member.node, member.implementation, declaration.node);
13017 if (info) {
13018 infos.push(info);
13019 }
13020 }
13021 });
13022 } else {
13023 if (hasNameIdentifier(declaration.node)) {
13024 const info = this.parseForModuleWithProviders(declaration.node.name.text, declaration.node);
13025 if (info) {
13026 infos.push(info);
13027 }
13028 }
13029 }
13030 });
13031 return infos;
13032 }
13033 parseForModuleWithProviders(name, node, implementation = node, container = null) {
13034 if (implementation === null || !ts53.isFunctionDeclaration(implementation) && !ts53.isMethodDeclaration(implementation) && !ts53.isFunctionExpression(implementation)) {
13035 return null;
13036 }
13037 const declaration = implementation;
13038 const definition = this.host.getDefinitionOfFunction(declaration);
13039 if (definition === null) {
13040 return null;
13041 }
13042 const body = definition.body;
13043 if (body === null || body.length === 0) {
13044 return null;
13045 }
13046 const lastStatement = body[body.length - 1];
13047 if (!ts53.isReturnStatement(lastStatement) || lastStatement.expression === void 0) {
13048 return null;
13049 }
13050 const result = this.evaluator.evaluate(lastStatement.expression);
13051 if (!(result instanceof Map) || !result.has("ngModule")) {
13052 return null;
13053 }
13054 const ngModuleRef = result.get("ngModule");
13055 if (!(ngModuleRef instanceof Reference)) {
13056 return null;
13057 }
13058 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(ngModuleRef.node) && !isNamedVariableDeclaration(ngModuleRef.node)) {
13059 throw new Error(`The identity given by ${ngModuleRef.debugName} referenced in "${declaration.getText()}" doesn't appear to be a "class" declaration.`);
13060 }
13061 const ngModule = ngModuleRef;
13062 return { name, ngModule, declaration, container };
13063 }
13064 getDtsModuleWithProvidersFunction(fn) {
13065 let dtsFn = null;
13066 const containerClass = fn.container && this.host.getClassSymbol(fn.container);
13067 if (containerClass) {
13068 const dtsClass = this.host.getDtsDeclaration(containerClass.declaration.valueDeclaration);
13069 dtsFn = dtsClass && ts53.isClassDeclaration(dtsClass) ? dtsClass.members.find((member) => ts53.isMethodDeclaration(member) && ts53.isIdentifier(member.name) && member.name.text === fn.name) : null;
13070 } else {
13071 dtsFn = this.host.getDtsDeclaration(fn.declaration);
13072 }
13073 if (!dtsFn) {
13074 throw new Error(`Matching type declaration for ${fn.declaration.getText()} is missing`);
13075 }
13076 if (!isFunctionOrMethod(dtsFn)) {
13077 throw new Error(`Matching type declaration for ${fn.declaration.getText()} is not a function: ${dtsFn.getText()}`);
13078 }
13079 const container = containerClass ? containerClass.declaration.valueDeclaration : null;
13080 const ngModule = this.resolveNgModuleReference(fn);
13081 return { name: fn.name, container, declaration: dtsFn, ngModule };
13082 }
13083 resolveNgModuleReference(fn) {
13084 const ngModule = fn.ngModule;
13085 if (ngModule.bestGuessOwningModule !== null) {
13086 return ngModule;
13087 }
13088 const dtsNgModule = this.host.getDtsDeclaration(ngModule.node);
13089 if (!dtsNgModule) {
13090 throw new Error(`No typings declaration can be found for the referenced NgModule class in ${fn.declaration.getText()}.`);
13091 }
13092 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(dtsNgModule)) {
13093 throw new Error(`The referenced NgModule in ${fn.declaration.getText()} is not a named class declaration in the typings program; instead we get ${dtsNgModule.getText()}`);
13094 }
13095 return new Reference(dtsNgModule, null);
13096 }
13098function isFunctionOrMethod(declaration) {
13099 return ts53.isFunctionDeclaration(declaration) || ts53.isMethodDeclaration(declaration);
13101function isAnyKeyword(typeParam) {
13102 return typeParam.kind === ts53.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword;
13105// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/ngcc_references_registry.mjs
13106var NgccReferencesRegistry = class {
13107 constructor(host) {
13108 this.host = host;
13109 this.map = new Map();
13110 }
13111 add(source, ...references) {
13112 references.forEach((ref) => {
13113 if (ref.bestGuessOwningModule === null && hasNameIdentifier(ref.node)) {
13114 const declaration = this.host.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(ref.node.name);
13115 if (declaration && hasNameIdentifier(declaration.node)) {
13116 this.map.set(declaration.node.name, declaration);
13117 }
13118 }
13119 });
13120 }
13121 getDeclarationMap() {
13122 return this.map;
13123 }
13126// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/private_declarations_analyzer.mjs
13127var PrivateDeclarationsAnalyzer = class {
13128 constructor(host, referencesRegistry) {
13129 this.host = host;
13130 this.referencesRegistry = referencesRegistry;
13131 }
13132 analyzeProgram(program) {
13133 const rootFiles = this.getRootFiles(program);
13134 return this.getPrivateDeclarations(rootFiles, this.referencesRegistry.getDeclarationMap());
13135 }
13136 getRootFiles(program) {
13137 return program.getRootFileNames().map((f) => program.getSourceFile(f)).filter(isDefined);
13138 }
13139 getPrivateDeclarations(rootFiles, declarations) {
13140 const privateDeclarations = new Map(declarations);
13141 rootFiles.forEach((f) => {
13142 const exports = this.host.getExportsOfModule(f);
13143 if (exports) {
13144 exports.forEach((declaration, exportedName) => {
13145 if (declaration.node !== null && hasNameIdentifier(declaration.node)) {
13146 if (privateDeclarations.has(declaration.node.name)) {
13147 const privateDeclaration = privateDeclarations.get(declaration.node.name);
13148 if (privateDeclaration.node !== declaration.node) {
13149 throw new Error(`${declaration.node.name.text} is declared multiple times.`);
13150 }
13151 privateDeclarations.delete(declaration.node.name);
13152 }
13153 }
13154 });
13155 }
13156 });
13157 return Array.from(privateDeclarations.keys()).map((id) => {
13158 const from = absoluteFromSourceFile(id.getSourceFile());
13159 const declaration = privateDeclarations.get(id);
13160 const dtsDeclaration = this.host.getDtsDeclaration(declaration.node);
13161 const dtsFrom = dtsDeclaration && absoluteFromSourceFile(dtsDeclaration.getSourceFile());
13162 return { identifier: id.text, from, dtsFrom };
13163 });
13164 }
13167// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/commonjs_host.mjs
13168import ts54 from "typescript";
13169var CommonJsReflectionHost = class extends Esm5ReflectionHost {
13170 constructor(logger, isCore, src, dts = null) {
13171 super(logger, isCore, src, dts);
13172 this.commonJsExports = new FactoryMap((sf) => this.computeExportsOfCommonJsModule(sf));
13173 this.topLevelHelperCalls = new FactoryMap((helperName) => new FactoryMap((sf) => sf.statements.map((stmt) => this.getHelperCall(stmt, [helperName])).filter(isDefined)));
13174 this.program = src.program;
13175 this.compilerHost = src.host;
13176 }
13177 getImportOfIdentifier(id) {
13178 const requireCall = this.findCommonJsImport(id);
13179 if (requireCall === null) {
13180 return null;
13181 }
13182 return { from: requireCall.arguments[0].text, name: id.text };
13183 }
13184 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
13185 return this.getCommonJsModuleDeclaration(id) || super.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
13186 }
13187 getExportsOfModule(module7) {
13188 return super.getExportsOfModule(module7) || this.commonJsExports.get(module7.getSourceFile());
13189 }
13190 getHelperCallsForClass(classSymbol, helperNames) {
13191 const esm5HelperCalls = super.getHelperCallsForClass(classSymbol, helperNames);
13192 if (esm5HelperCalls.length > 0) {
13193 return esm5HelperCalls;
13194 } else {
13195 const sourceFile = classSymbol.declaration.valueDeclaration.getSourceFile();
13196 return this.getTopLevelHelperCalls(sourceFile, helperNames);
13197 }
13198 }
13199 getTopLevelHelperCalls(sourceFile, helperNames) {
13200 const calls = [];
13201 helperNames.forEach((helperName) => {
13202 const helperCallsMap = this.topLevelHelperCalls.get(helperName);
13203 calls.push(...helperCallsMap.get(sourceFile));
13204 });
13205 return calls;
13206 }
13207 computeExportsOfCommonJsModule(sourceFile) {
13208 const moduleMap = new Map();
13209 for (const statement of this.getModuleStatements(sourceFile)) {
13210 if (isExportsStatement(statement)) {
13211 const exportDeclaration = this.extractBasicCommonJsExportDeclaration(statement);
13212 moduleMap.set(exportDeclaration.name, exportDeclaration.declaration);
13213 } else if (isWildcardReexportStatement(statement)) {
13214 const reexports = this.extractCommonJsWildcardReexports(statement, sourceFile);
13215 for (const reexport of reexports) {
13216 moduleMap.set(reexport.name, reexport.declaration);
13217 }
13218 } else if (isDefinePropertyReexportStatement(statement)) {
13219 const exportDeclaration = this.extractCommonJsDefinePropertyExportDeclaration(statement);
13220 if (exportDeclaration !== null) {
13221 moduleMap.set(exportDeclaration.name, exportDeclaration.declaration);
13222 }
13223 }
13224 }
13225 return moduleMap;
13226 }
13227 extractBasicCommonJsExportDeclaration(statement) {
13228 var _a;
13229 const exportExpression = skipAliases(statement.expression.right);
13230 const node = statement.expression.left;
13231 const declaration = (_a = this.getDeclarationOfExpression(exportExpression)) != null ? _a : {
13232 kind: 1,
13233 node,
13234 implementation: exportExpression,
13235 known: null,
13236 viaModule: null
13237 };
13238 return { name: node.name.text, declaration };
13239 }
13240 extractCommonJsWildcardReexports(statement, containingFile) {
13241 const reexportArg = statement.expression.arguments[0];
13242 const requireCall = isRequireCall(reexportArg) ? reexportArg : ts54.isIdentifier(reexportArg) ? findRequireCallReference(reexportArg, this.checker) : null;
13243 if (requireCall === null) {
13244 return [];
13245 }
13246 const importPath = requireCall.arguments[0].text;
13247 const importedFile = this.resolveModuleName(importPath, containingFile);
13248 if (importedFile === void 0) {
13249 return [];
13250 }
13251 const importedExports = this.getExportsOfModule(importedFile);
13252 if (importedExports === null) {
13253 return [];
13254 }
13255 const viaModule = isExternalImport(importPath) ? importPath : null;
13256 const reexports = [];
13257 importedExports.forEach((declaration, name) => {
13258 if (viaModule !== null && declaration.viaModule === null) {
13259 declaration = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, declaration), { viaModule });
13260 }
13261 reexports.push({ name, declaration });
13262 });
13263 return reexports;
13264 }
13265 extractCommonJsDefinePropertyExportDeclaration(statement) {
13266 const args = statement.expression.arguments;
13267 const name = args[1].text;
13268 const getterFnExpression = extractGetterFnExpression(statement);
13269 if (getterFnExpression === null) {
13270 return null;
13271 }
13272 const declaration = this.getDeclarationOfExpression(getterFnExpression);
13273 if (declaration !== null) {
13274 return { name, declaration };
13275 }
13276 return {
13277 name,
13278 declaration: {
13279 kind: 1,
13280 node: args[1],
13281 implementation: getterFnExpression,
13282 known: null,
13283 viaModule: null
13284 }
13285 };
13286 }
13287 findCommonJsImport(id) {
13288 const nsIdentifier = findNamespaceOfIdentifier(id);
13289 return nsIdentifier && findRequireCallReference(nsIdentifier, this.checker);
13290 }
13291 getCommonJsModuleDeclaration(id) {
13292 const requireCall = findRequireCallReference(id, this.checker);
13293 if (requireCall === null) {
13294 return null;
13295 }
13296 const importPath = requireCall.arguments[0].text;
13297 const module7 = this.resolveModuleName(importPath, id.getSourceFile());
13298 if (module7 === void 0) {
13299 return null;
13300 }
13301 const viaModule = isExternalImport(importPath) ? importPath : null;
13302 return { node: module7, known: null, viaModule, identity: null, kind: 0 };
13303 }
13304 getDeclarationOfExpression(expression) {
13305 const inner = getInnerClassDeclaration(expression);
13306 if (inner !== null) {
13307 const outer = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(inner);
13308 if (outer !== null && isExportsAssignment(outer)) {
13309 return {
13310 kind: 1,
13311 node: outer.left,
13312 implementation: inner,
13313 known: null,
13314 viaModule: null
13315 };
13316 }
13317 }
13318 return super.getDeclarationOfExpression(expression);
13319 }
13320 resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile) {
13321 if (this.compilerHost.resolveModuleNames) {
13322 const moduleInfo = this.compilerHost.resolveModuleNames([moduleName], containingFile.fileName, void 0, void 0, this.program.getCompilerOptions())[0];
13323 return moduleInfo && this.program.getSourceFile(absoluteFrom(moduleInfo.resolvedFileName));
13324 } else {
13325 const moduleInfo = ts54.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile.fileName, this.program.getCompilerOptions(), this.compilerHost);
13326 return moduleInfo.resolvedModule && this.program.getSourceFile(absoluteFrom(moduleInfo.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName));
13327 }
13328 }
13331// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/delegating_host.mjs
13332var DelegatingReflectionHost = class {
13333 constructor(tsHost, ngccHost) {
13334 this.tsHost = tsHost;
13335 this.ngccHost = ngccHost;
13336 }
13337 getConstructorParameters(clazz) {
13338 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
13339 return this.tsHost.getConstructorParameters(clazz);
13340 }
13341 return this.ngccHost.getConstructorParameters(clazz);
13342 }
13343 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
13344 if (isFromDtsFile(id)) {
13345 const declaration = this.tsHost.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
13346 return declaration !== null ? this.detectKnownDeclaration(declaration) : null;
13347 }
13348 return this.ngccHost.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
13349 }
13350 getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(declaration) {
13351 if (isFromDtsFile(declaration)) {
13352 return this.tsHost.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(declaration);
13353 }
13354 return this.ngccHost.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(declaration);
13355 }
13356 getDefinitionOfFunction(fn) {
13357 if (isFromDtsFile(fn)) {
13358 return this.tsHost.getDefinitionOfFunction(fn);
13359 }
13360 return this.ngccHost.getDefinitionOfFunction(fn);
13361 }
13362 getDtsDeclaration(declaration) {
13363 if (isFromDtsFile(declaration)) {
13364 return this.tsHost.getDtsDeclaration(declaration);
13365 }
13366 return this.ngccHost.getDtsDeclaration(declaration);
13367 }
13368 getExportsOfModule(module7) {
13369 if (isFromDtsFile(module7)) {
13370 const exportMap = this.tsHost.getExportsOfModule(module7);
13371 if (exportMap !== null) {
13372 exportMap.forEach((decl) => this.detectKnownDeclaration(decl));
13373 }
13374 return exportMap;
13375 }
13376 return this.ngccHost.getExportsOfModule(module7);
13377 }
13378 getGenericArityOfClass(clazz) {
13379 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
13380 return this.tsHost.getGenericArityOfClass(clazz);
13381 }
13382 return this.ngccHost.getGenericArityOfClass(clazz);
13383 }
13384 getImportOfIdentifier(id) {
13385 if (isFromDtsFile(id)) {
13386 return this.tsHost.getImportOfIdentifier(id);
13387 }
13388 return this.ngccHost.getImportOfIdentifier(id);
13389 }
13390 getInternalNameOfClass(clazz) {
13391 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
13392 return this.tsHost.getInternalNameOfClass(clazz);
13393 }
13394 return this.ngccHost.getInternalNameOfClass(clazz);
13395 }
13396 getAdjacentNameOfClass(clazz) {
13397 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
13398 return this.tsHost.getAdjacentNameOfClass(clazz);
13399 }
13400 return this.ngccHost.getAdjacentNameOfClass(clazz);
13401 }
13402 getMembersOfClass(clazz) {
13403 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
13404 return this.tsHost.getMembersOfClass(clazz);
13405 }
13406 return this.ngccHost.getMembersOfClass(clazz);
13407 }
13408 getVariableValue(declaration) {
13409 if (isFromDtsFile(declaration)) {
13410 return this.tsHost.getVariableValue(declaration);
13411 }
13412 return this.ngccHost.getVariableValue(declaration);
13413 }
13414 hasBaseClass(clazz) {
13415 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
13416 return this.tsHost.hasBaseClass(clazz);
13417 }
13418 return this.ngccHost.hasBaseClass(clazz);
13419 }
13420 getBaseClassExpression(clazz) {
13421 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
13422 return this.tsHost.getBaseClassExpression(clazz);
13423 }
13424 return this.ngccHost.getBaseClassExpression(clazz);
13425 }
13426 isClass(node) {
13427 if (isFromDtsFile(node)) {
13428 return this.tsHost.isClass(node);
13429 }
13430 return this.ngccHost.isClass(node);
13431 }
13432 findClassSymbols(sourceFile) {
13433 return this.ngccHost.findClassSymbols(sourceFile);
13434 }
13435 getClassSymbol(node) {
13436 return this.ngccHost.getClassSymbol(node);
13437 }
13438 getDecoratorsOfSymbol(symbol) {
13439 return this.ngccHost.getDecoratorsOfSymbol(symbol);
13440 }
13441 getEndOfClass(classSymbol) {
13442 return this.ngccHost.getEndOfClass(classSymbol);
13443 }
13444 detectKnownDeclaration(decl) {
13445 return this.ngccHost.detectKnownDeclaration(decl);
13446 }
13447 isStaticallyExported(decl) {
13448 return this.ngccHost.isStaticallyExported(decl);
13449 }
13452// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/commonjs_rendering_formatter.mjs
13453import ts57 from "typescript";
13455// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/esm5_rendering_formatter.mjs
13456import ts56 from "typescript";
13458// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/esm_rendering_formatter.mjs
13459import ts55 from "typescript";
13461// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/ngcc_import_rewriter.mjs
13462var NgccFlatImportRewriter = class {
13463 shouldImportSymbol(symbol, specifier) {
13464 if (specifier === "@angular/core") {
13465 return false;
13466 } else {
13467 return true;
13468 }
13469 }
13470 rewriteSymbol(symbol, specifier) {
13471 if (specifier === "@angular/core") {
13472 return validateAndRewriteCoreSymbol(symbol);
13473 } else {
13474 return symbol;
13475 }
13476 }
13477 rewriteSpecifier(originalModulePath, inContextOfFile) {
13478 return originalModulePath;
13479 }
13482// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/utils.mjs
13483function getImportRewriter(r3SymbolsFile, isCore, isFlat) {
13484 if (isCore && isFlat) {
13485 return new NgccFlatImportRewriter();
13486 } else if (isCore) {
13487 return new R3SymbolsImportRewriter(r3SymbolsFile.fileName);
13488 } else {
13489 return new NoopImportRewriter();
13490 }
13492function stripExtension3(filePath) {
13493 return filePath.replace(/\.(js|d\.ts)$/, "");
13496// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/esm_rendering_formatter.mjs
13497var EsmRenderingFormatter = class {
13498 constructor(fs5, host, isCore) {
13499 this.fs = fs5;
13500 this.host = host;
13501 this.isCore = isCore;
13502 this.printer = ts55.createPrinter({ newLine: ts55.NewLineKind.LineFeed });
13503 }
13504 addImports(output, imports, sf) {
13505 if (imports.length === 0) {
13506 return;
13507 }
13508 const insertionPoint = this.findEndOfImports(sf);
13509 const renderedImports = imports.map((i) => `import * as ${i.qualifier.text} from '${i.specifier}';
13511 output.appendLeft(insertionPoint, renderedImports);
13512 }
13513 addExports(output, entryPointBasePath, exports, importManager, file) {
13514 exports.forEach((e) => {
13515 let exportFrom = "";
13516 const isDtsFile = isDtsPath(entryPointBasePath);
13517 const from = isDtsFile ? e.dtsFrom : e.from;
13518 if (from) {
13519 const basePath = stripExtension3(from);
13520 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(this.fs.dirname(entryPointBasePath), basePath);
13521 const relativeImport = toRelativeImport(relativePath);
13522 exportFrom = entryPointBasePath !== basePath ? ` from '${relativeImport}'` : "";
13523 }
13524 const exportStr = `
13525export {${e.identifier}}${exportFrom};`;
13526 output.append(exportStr);
13527 });
13528 }
13529 addDirectExports(output, exports, importManager, file) {
13530 for (const e of exports) {
13531 const exportStatement = `
13532export {${e.symbolName} as ${e.asAlias}} from '${e.fromModule}';`;
13533 output.append(exportStatement);
13534 }
13535 }
13536 addConstants(output, constants, file) {
13537 if (constants === "") {
13538 return;
13539 }
13540 const insertionPoint = this.findEndOfImports(file);
13541 output.appendRight(insertionPoint, "\n" + constants + "\n");
13542 }
13543 addDefinitions(output, compiledClass, definitions) {
13544 const classSymbol = this.host.getClassSymbol(compiledClass.declaration);
13545 if (!classSymbol) {
13546 throw new Error(`Compiled class does not have a valid symbol: ${compiledClass.name}`);
13547 }
13548 const declarationStatement = getContainingStatement(classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration);
13549 const insertionPoint = declarationStatement.getEnd();
13550 output.appendLeft(insertionPoint, "\n" + definitions);
13551 }
13552 addAdjacentStatements(output, compiledClass, statements) {
13553 const classSymbol = this.host.getClassSymbol(compiledClass.declaration);
13554 if (!classSymbol) {
13555 throw new Error(`Compiled class does not have a valid symbol: ${compiledClass.name}`);
13556 }
13557 const endOfClass = this.host.getEndOfClass(classSymbol);
13558 output.appendLeft(endOfClass.getEnd(), "\n" + statements);
13559 }
13560 removeDecorators(output, decoratorsToRemove) {
13561 decoratorsToRemove.forEach((nodesToRemove, containerNode) => {
13562 if (ts55.isArrayLiteralExpression(containerNode)) {
13563 const items = containerNode.elements;
13564 if (items.length === nodesToRemove.length) {
13565 const statement = findStatement(containerNode);
13566 if (statement) {
13567 if (ts55.isExpressionStatement(statement)) {
13568 output.remove(statement.getFullStart(), statement.getEnd());
13569 } else if (ts55.isReturnStatement(statement) && statement.expression && isAssignment2(statement.expression)) {
13570 const startOfRemoval = statement.expression.left.getEnd();
13571 const endOfRemoval = getEndExceptSemicolon(statement);
13572 output.remove(startOfRemoval, endOfRemoval);
13573 }
13574 }
13575 } else {
13576 nodesToRemove.forEach((node) => {
13577 const nextSibling = getNextSiblingInArray(node, items);
13578 let end;
13579 if (nextSibling !== null && output.slice(nextSibling.getFullStart() - 1, nextSibling.getFullStart()) === ",") {
13580 end = nextSibling.getFullStart() - 1 + nextSibling.getLeadingTriviaWidth();
13581 } else if (output.slice(node.getEnd(), node.getEnd() + 1) === ",") {
13582 end = node.getEnd() + 1;
13583 } else {
13584 end = node.getEnd();
13585 }
13586 output.remove(node.getFullStart(), end);
13587 });
13588 }
13589 }
13590 });
13591 }
13592 addModuleWithProvidersParams(outputText, moduleWithProviders, importManager) {
13593 moduleWithProviders.forEach((info) => {
13594 const ngModuleName = info.ngModule.node.name.text;
13595 const declarationFile = absoluteFromSourceFile(info.declaration.getSourceFile());
13596 const ngModuleFile = absoluteFromSourceFile(info.ngModule.node.getSourceFile());
13597 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(this.fs.dirname(declarationFile), ngModuleFile);
13598 const relativeImport = toRelativeImport(relativePath);
13599 const importPath = info.ngModule.ownedByModuleGuess || (declarationFile !== ngModuleFile ? stripExtension3(relativeImport) : null);
13600 const ngModule = generateImportString(importManager, importPath, ngModuleName);
13601 if (info.declaration.type) {
13602 const typeName = info.declaration.type && ts55.isTypeReferenceNode(info.declaration.type) ? info.declaration.type.typeName : null;
13603 if (this.isCoreModuleWithProvidersType(typeName)) {
13604 outputText.overwrite(info.declaration.type.getStart(), info.declaration.type.getEnd(), `ModuleWithProviders<${ngModule}>`);
13605 } else {
13606 const originalTypeString = info.declaration.type.getText();
13607 outputText.overwrite(info.declaration.type.getStart(), info.declaration.type.getEnd(), `(${originalTypeString})&{ngModule:${ngModule}}`);
13608 }
13609 } else {
13610 const lastToken = info.declaration.getLastToken();
13611 const insertPoint = lastToken && lastToken.kind === ts55.SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken ? lastToken.getStart() : info.declaration.getEnd();
13612 outputText.appendLeft(insertPoint, `: ${generateImportString(importManager, "@angular/core", "ModuleWithProviders")}<${ngModule}>`);
13613 }
13614 });
13615 }
13616 printStatement(stmt, sourceFile, importManager) {
13617 const node = translateStatement(stmt, importManager);
13618 const code = this.printer.printNode(ts55.EmitHint.Unspecified, node, sourceFile);
13619 return code;
13620 }
13621 findEndOfImports(sf) {
13622 for (const stmt of sf.statements) {
13623 if (!ts55.isImportDeclaration(stmt) && !ts55.isImportEqualsDeclaration(stmt) && !ts55.isNamespaceImport(stmt)) {
13624 return stmt.getStart();
13625 }
13626 }
13627 return 0;
13628 }
13629 isCoreModuleWithProvidersType(typeName) {
13630 const id = typeName && ts55.isIdentifier(typeName) ? this.host.getImportOfIdentifier(typeName) : null;
13631 return id && id.name === "ModuleWithProviders" && (this.isCore || id.from === "@angular/core");
13632 }
13634function findStatement(node) {
13635 while (node) {
13636 if (ts55.isExpressionStatement(node) || ts55.isReturnStatement(node)) {
13637 return node;
13638 }
13639 node = node.parent;
13640 }
13641 return void 0;
13643function generateImportString(importManager, importPath, importName) {
13644 const importAs = importPath ? importManager.generateNamedImport(importPath, importName) : null;
13645 return importAs && importAs.moduleImport ? `${importAs.moduleImport.text}.${importAs.symbol}` : `${importName}`;
13647function getNextSiblingInArray(node, array) {
13648 const index = array.indexOf(node);
13649 return index !== -1 && array.length > index + 1 ? array[index + 1] : null;
13651function getEndExceptSemicolon(statement) {
13652 const lastToken = statement.getLastToken();
13653 return lastToken && lastToken.kind === ts55.SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken ? statement.getEnd() - 1 : statement.getEnd();
13656// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/esm5_rendering_formatter.mjs
13657var Esm5RenderingFormatter = class extends EsmRenderingFormatter {
13658 addDefinitions(output, compiledClass, definitions) {
13659 const classSymbol = this.host.getClassSymbol(compiledClass.declaration);
13660 if (!classSymbol) {
13661 throw new Error(`Compiled class "${compiledClass.name}" in "${compiledClass.declaration.getSourceFile().fileName}" does not have a valid syntax.
13662Expected an ES5 IIFE wrapped function. But got:
13663` + compiledClass.declaration.getText());
13664 }
13665 const declarationStatement = getContainingStatement(classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration);
13666 const iifeBody = declarationStatement.parent;
13667 if (!iifeBody || !ts56.isBlock(iifeBody)) {
13668 throw new Error(`Compiled class declaration is not inside an IIFE: ${compiledClass.name} in ${compiledClass.declaration.getSourceFile().fileName}`);
13669 }
13670 const returnStatement = iifeBody.statements.find(ts56.isReturnStatement);
13671 if (!returnStatement) {
13672 throw new Error(`Compiled class wrapper IIFE does not have a return statement: ${compiledClass.name} in ${compiledClass.declaration.getSourceFile().fileName}`);
13673 }
13674 const insertionPoint = returnStatement.getFullStart();
13675 output.appendLeft(insertionPoint, "\n" + definitions);
13676 }
13677 printStatement(stmt, sourceFile, importManager) {
13678 const node = translateStatement(stmt, importManager, { downlevelTaggedTemplates: true, downlevelVariableDeclarations: true });
13679 const code = this.printer.printNode(ts56.EmitHint.Unspecified, node, sourceFile);
13680 return code;
13681 }
13684// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/commonjs_rendering_formatter.mjs
13685var CommonJsRenderingFormatter = class extends Esm5RenderingFormatter {
13686 constructor(fs5, commonJsHost, isCore) {
13687 super(fs5, commonJsHost, isCore);
13688 this.commonJsHost = commonJsHost;
13689 }
13690 addImports(output, imports, file) {
13691 if (imports.length === 0) {
13692 return;
13693 }
13694 const insertionPoint = this.findEndOfImports(file);
13695 const renderedImports = imports.map((i) => `var ${i.qualifier.text} = require('${i.specifier}');
13697 output.appendLeft(insertionPoint, renderedImports);
13698 }
13699 addExports(output, entryPointBasePath, exports, importManager, file) {
13700 exports.forEach((e) => {
13701 const basePath = stripExtension3(e.from);
13702 const relativePath = "./" + this.fs.relative(this.fs.dirname(entryPointBasePath), basePath);
13703 const namedImport = entryPointBasePath !== basePath ? importManager.generateNamedImport(relativePath, e.identifier) : { symbol: e.identifier, moduleImport: null };
13704 const importNamespace = namedImport.moduleImport ? `${namedImport.moduleImport.text}.` : "";
13705 const exportStr = `
13706exports.${e.identifier} = ${importNamespace}${namedImport.symbol};`;
13707 output.append(exportStr);
13708 });
13709 }
13710 addDirectExports(output, exports, importManager, file) {
13711 for (const e of exports) {
13712 const namedImport = importManager.generateNamedImport(e.fromModule, e.symbolName);
13713 const importNamespace = namedImport.moduleImport ? `${namedImport.moduleImport.text}.` : "";
13714 const exportStr = `
13715exports.${e.asAlias} = ${importNamespace}${namedImport.symbol};`;
13716 output.append(exportStr);
13717 }
13718 }
13719 findEndOfImports(sf) {
13720 for (const statement of sf.statements) {
13721 if (ts57.isExpressionStatement(statement) && isRequireCall(statement.expression)) {
13722 continue;
13723 }
13724 const declarations = ts57.isVariableStatement(statement) ? Array.from(statement.declarationList.declarations) : [];
13725 if (declarations.some((d) => !d.initializer || !isRequireCall(d.initializer))) {
13726 return statement.getStart();
13727 }
13728 }
13729 return 0;
13730 }
13733// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/dts_renderer.mjs
13734import MagicString from "magic-string";
13735import ts58 from "typescript";
13737// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/constants.mjs
13738var IMPORT_PREFIX = "\u0275ngcc";
13739var NGCC_TIMED_OUT_EXIT_CODE = 177;
13741// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/source_maps.mjs
13742import mapHelpers3 from "convert-source-map";
13744// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/content_origin.mjs
13745var ContentOrigin;
13746(function(ContentOrigin2) {
13747 ContentOrigin2[ContentOrigin2["Provided"] = 0] = "Provided";
13748 ContentOrigin2[ContentOrigin2["Inline"] = 1] = "Inline";
13749 ContentOrigin2[ContentOrigin2["FileSystem"] = 2] = "FileSystem";
13750})(ContentOrigin || (ContentOrigin = {}));
13752// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/source_file.mjs
13753import mapHelpers from "convert-source-map";
13754import { decode, encode } from "sourcemap-codec";
13756// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/segment_marker.mjs
13757function compareSegments(a, b) {
13758 return a.position - b.position;
13760function offsetSegment(startOfLinePositions, marker, offset) {
13761 if (offset === 0) {
13762 return marker;
13763 }
13764 let line = marker.line;
13765 const position = marker.position + offset;
13766 while (line < startOfLinePositions.length - 1 && startOfLinePositions[line + 1] <= position) {
13767 line++;
13768 }
13769 while (line > 0 && startOfLinePositions[line] > position) {
13770 line--;
13771 }
13772 const column = position - startOfLinePositions[line];
13773 return { line, column, position, next: void 0 };
13776// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/source_file.mjs
13777function removeSourceMapComments(contents) {
13778 return mapHelpers.removeMapFileComments(mapHelpers.removeComments(contents)).replace(/\n\n$/, "\n");
13780var SourceFile = class {
13781 constructor(sourcePath, contents, rawMap, sources, fs5) {
13782 this.sourcePath = sourcePath;
13783 this.contents = contents;
13784 this.rawMap = rawMap;
13785 this.sources = sources;
13786 this.fs = fs5;
13787 this.contents = removeSourceMapComments(contents);
13788 this.startOfLinePositions = computeStartOfLinePositions(this.contents);
13789 this.flattenedMappings = this.flattenMappings();
13790 }
13791 renderFlattenedSourceMap() {
13792 const sources = new IndexedMap();
13793 const names = new IndexedSet();
13794 const mappings = [];
13795 const sourcePathDir = this.fs.dirname(this.sourcePath);
13796 const relativeSourcePathCache = new Cache((input) => this.fs.relative(sourcePathDir, input));
13797 for (const mapping of this.flattenedMappings) {
13798 const sourceIndex = sources.set(relativeSourcePathCache.get(mapping.originalSource.sourcePath), mapping.originalSource.contents);
13799 const mappingArray = [
13800 mapping.generatedSegment.column,
13801 sourceIndex,
13802 mapping.originalSegment.line,
13803 mapping.originalSegment.column
13804 ];
13805 if (mapping.name !== void 0) {
13806 const nameIndex = names.add(mapping.name);
13807 mappingArray.push(nameIndex);
13808 }
13809 const line = mapping.generatedSegment.line;
13810 while (line >= mappings.length) {
13811 mappings.push([]);
13812 }
13813 mappings[line].push(mappingArray);
13814 }
13815 const sourceMap = {
13816 version: 3,
13817 file: this.fs.relative(sourcePathDir, this.sourcePath),
13818 sources: sources.keys,
13819 names: names.values,
13820 mappings: encode(mappings),
13821 sourcesContent: sources.values
13822 };
13823 return sourceMap;
13824 }
13825 getOriginalLocation(line, column) {
13826 if (this.flattenedMappings.length === 0) {
13827 return null;
13828 }
13829 let position;
13830 if (line < this.startOfLinePositions.length) {
13831 position = this.startOfLinePositions[line] + column;
13832 } else {
13833 position = this.contents.length;
13834 }
13835 const locationSegment = { line, column, position, next: void 0 };
13836 let mappingIndex = findLastMappingIndexBefore(this.flattenedMappings, locationSegment, false, 0);
13837 if (mappingIndex < 0) {
13838 mappingIndex = 0;
13839 }
13840 const { originalSegment, originalSource, generatedSegment } = this.flattenedMappings[mappingIndex];
13841 const offset = locationSegment.position - generatedSegment.position;
13842 const offsetOriginalSegment = offsetSegment(originalSource.startOfLinePositions, originalSegment, offset);
13843 return {
13844 file: originalSource.sourcePath,
13845 line: offsetOriginalSegment.line,
13846 column: offsetOriginalSegment.column
13847 };
13848 }
13849 flattenMappings() {
13850 const mappings = parseMappings(this.rawMap && this.rawMap.map, this.sources, this.startOfLinePositions);
13851 ensureOriginalSegmentLinks(mappings);
13852 const flattenedMappings = [];
13853 for (let mappingIndex = 0; mappingIndex < mappings.length; mappingIndex++) {
13854 const aToBmapping = mappings[mappingIndex];
13855 const bSource = aToBmapping.originalSource;
13856 if (bSource.flattenedMappings.length === 0) {
13857 flattenedMappings.push(aToBmapping);
13858 continue;
13859 }
13860 const incomingStart = aToBmapping.originalSegment;
13861 const incomingEnd = incomingStart.next;
13862 let outgoingStartIndex = findLastMappingIndexBefore(bSource.flattenedMappings, incomingStart, false, 0);
13863 if (outgoingStartIndex < 0) {
13864 outgoingStartIndex = 0;
13865 }
13866 const outgoingEndIndex = incomingEnd !== void 0 ? findLastMappingIndexBefore(bSource.flattenedMappings, incomingEnd, true, outgoingStartIndex) : bSource.flattenedMappings.length - 1;
13867 for (let bToCmappingIndex = outgoingStartIndex; bToCmappingIndex <= outgoingEndIndex; bToCmappingIndex++) {
13868 const bToCmapping = bSource.flattenedMappings[bToCmappingIndex];
13869 flattenedMappings.push(mergeMappings(this, aToBmapping, bToCmapping));
13870 }
13871 }
13872 return flattenedMappings;
13873 }
13875function findLastMappingIndexBefore(mappings, marker, exclusive, lowerIndex) {
13876 let upperIndex = mappings.length - 1;
13877 const test = exclusive ? -1 : 0;
13878 if (compareSegments(mappings[lowerIndex].generatedSegment, marker) > test) {
13879 return -1;
13880 }
13881 let matchingIndex = -1;
13882 while (lowerIndex <= upperIndex) {
13883 const index = upperIndex + lowerIndex >> 1;
13884 if (compareSegments(mappings[index].generatedSegment, marker) <= test) {
13885 matchingIndex = index;
13886 lowerIndex = index + 1;
13887 } else {
13888 upperIndex = index - 1;
13889 }
13890 }
13891 return matchingIndex;
13893function mergeMappings(generatedSource, ab, bc) {
13894 const name = bc.name || ab.name;
13895 const diff = compareSegments(bc.generatedSegment, ab.originalSegment);
13896 if (diff > 0) {
13897 return {
13898 name,
13899 generatedSegment: offsetSegment(generatedSource.startOfLinePositions, ab.generatedSegment, diff),
13900 originalSource: bc.originalSource,
13901 originalSegment: bc.originalSegment
13902 };
13903 } else {
13904 return {
13905 name,
13906 generatedSegment: ab.generatedSegment,
13907 originalSource: bc.originalSource,
13908 originalSegment: offsetSegment(bc.originalSource.startOfLinePositions, bc.originalSegment, -diff)
13909 };
13910 }
13912function parseMappings(rawMap, sources, generatedSourceStartOfLinePositions) {
13913 if (rawMap === null) {
13914 return [];
13915 }
13916 const rawMappings = decode(rawMap.mappings);
13917 if (rawMappings === null) {
13918 return [];
13919 }
13920 const mappings = [];
13921 for (let generatedLine = 0; generatedLine < rawMappings.length; generatedLine++) {
13922 const generatedLineMappings = rawMappings[generatedLine];
13923 for (const rawMapping of generatedLineMappings) {
13924 if (rawMapping.length >= 4) {
13925 const originalSource = sources[rawMapping[1]];
13926 if (originalSource === null || originalSource === void 0) {
13927 continue;
13928 }
13929 const generatedColumn = rawMapping[0];
13930 const name = rawMapping.length === 5 ? rawMap.names[rawMapping[4]] : void 0;
13931 const line = rawMapping[2];
13932 const column = rawMapping[3];
13933 const generatedSegment = {
13934 line: generatedLine,
13935 column: generatedColumn,
13936 position: generatedSourceStartOfLinePositions[generatedLine] + generatedColumn,
13937 next: void 0
13938 };
13939 const originalSegment = {
13940 line,
13941 column,
13942 position: originalSource.startOfLinePositions[line] + column,
13943 next: void 0
13944 };
13945 mappings.push({ name, generatedSegment, originalSegment, originalSource });
13946 }
13947 }
13948 }
13949 return mappings;
13951function extractOriginalSegments(mappings) {
13952 const originalSegments = new Map();
13953 for (const mapping of mappings) {
13954 const originalSource = mapping.originalSource;
13955 if (!originalSegments.has(originalSource)) {
13956 originalSegments.set(originalSource, []);
13957 }
13958 const segments = originalSegments.get(originalSource);
13959 segments.push(mapping.originalSegment);
13960 }
13961 originalSegments.forEach((segmentMarkers) => segmentMarkers.sort(compareSegments));
13962 return originalSegments;
13964function ensureOriginalSegmentLinks(mappings) {
13965 const segmentsBySource = extractOriginalSegments(mappings);
13966 segmentsBySource.forEach((markers) => {
13967 for (let i = 0; i < markers.length - 1; i++) {
13968 markers[i].next = markers[i + 1];
13969 }
13970 });
13972function computeStartOfLinePositions(str) {
13973 const NEWLINE_MARKER_OFFSET = 1;
13974 const lineLengths = computeLineLengths(str);
13975 const startPositions = [0];
13976 for (let i = 0; i < lineLengths.length - 1; i++) {
13977 startPositions.push(startPositions[i] + lineLengths[i] + NEWLINE_MARKER_OFFSET);
13978 }
13979 return startPositions;
13981function computeLineLengths(str) {
13982 return str.split(/\n/).map((s) => s.length);
13984var IndexedMap = class {
13985 constructor() {
13986 this.map = new Map();
13987 this.keys = [];
13988 this.values = [];
13989 }
13990 set(key, value) {
13991 if (this.map.has(key)) {
13992 return this.map.get(key);
13993 }
13994 const index = this.values.push(value) - 1;
13995 this.keys.push(key);
13996 this.map.set(key, index);
13997 return index;
13998 }
14000var IndexedSet = class {
14001 constructor() {
14002 this.map = new Map();
14003 this.values = [];
14004 }
14005 add(value) {
14006 if (this.map.has(value)) {
14007 return this.map.get(value);
14008 }
14009 const index = this.values.push(value) - 1;
14010 this.map.set(value, index);
14011 return index;
14012 }
14014var Cache = class {
14015 constructor(computeFn) {
14016 this.computeFn = computeFn;
14017 this.map = new Map();
14018 }
14019 get(input) {
14020 if (!this.map.has(input)) {
14021 this.map.set(input, this.computeFn(input));
14022 }
14023 return this.map.get(input);
14024 }
14027// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/source_file_loader.mjs
14028import mapHelpers2 from "convert-source-map";
14029var SCHEME_MATCHER = /^([a-z][a-z0-9.-]*):\/\//i;
14030var SourceFileLoader = class {
14031 constructor(fs5, logger, schemeMap) {
14032 this.fs = fs5;
14033 this.logger = logger;
14034 this.schemeMap = schemeMap;
14035 this.currentPaths = [];
14036 }
14037 loadSourceFile(sourcePath, contents = null, mapAndPath = null) {
14038 const contentsOrigin = contents !== null ? ContentOrigin.Provided : ContentOrigin.FileSystem;
14039 const sourceMapInfo = mapAndPath && __spreadValues({ origin: ContentOrigin.Provided }, mapAndPath);
14040 return this.loadSourceFileInternal(sourcePath, contents, contentsOrigin, sourceMapInfo);
14041 }
14042 loadSourceFileInternal(sourcePath, contents, sourceOrigin, sourceMapInfo) {
14043 const previousPaths = this.currentPaths.slice();
14044 try {
14045 if (contents === null) {
14046 if (!this.fs.exists(sourcePath)) {
14047 return null;
14048 }
14049 contents = this.readSourceFile(sourcePath);
14050 }
14051 if (sourceMapInfo === null) {
14052 sourceMapInfo = this.loadSourceMap(sourcePath, contents, sourceOrigin);
14053 }
14054 let sources = [];
14055 if (sourceMapInfo !== null) {
14056 const basePath = sourceMapInfo.mapPath || sourcePath;
14057 sources = this.processSources(basePath, sourceMapInfo);
14058 }
14059 return new SourceFile(sourcePath, contents, sourceMapInfo, sources, this.fs);
14060 } catch (e) {
14061 this.logger.warn(`Unable to fully load ${sourcePath} for source-map flattening: ${e.message}`);
14062 return null;
14063 } finally {
14064 this.currentPaths = previousPaths;
14065 }
14066 }
14067 loadSourceMap(sourcePath, sourceContents, sourceOrigin) {
14068 const lastLine = this.getLastNonEmptyLine(sourceContents);
14069 const inline = mapHelpers2.commentRegex.exec(lastLine);
14070 if (inline !== null) {
14071 return {
14072 map: mapHelpers2.fromComment(inline.pop()).sourcemap,
14073 mapPath: null,
14074 origin: ContentOrigin.Inline
14075 };
14076 }
14077 if (sourceOrigin === ContentOrigin.Inline) {
14078 return null;
14079 }
14080 const external = mapHelpers2.mapFileCommentRegex.exec(lastLine);
14081 if (external) {
14082 try {
14083 const fileName = external[1] || external[2];
14084 const externalMapPath = this.fs.resolve(this.fs.dirname(sourcePath), fileName);
14085 return {
14086 map: this.readRawSourceMap(externalMapPath),
14087 mapPath: externalMapPath,
14088 origin: ContentOrigin.FileSystem
14089 };
14090 } catch (e) {
14091 this.logger.warn(`Unable to fully load ${sourcePath} for source-map flattening: ${e.message}`);
14092 return null;
14093 }
14094 }
14095 const impliedMapPath = this.fs.resolve(sourcePath + ".map");
14096 if (this.fs.exists(impliedMapPath)) {
14097 return {
14098 map: this.readRawSourceMap(impliedMapPath),
14099 mapPath: impliedMapPath,
14100 origin: ContentOrigin.FileSystem
14101 };
14102 }
14103 return null;
14104 }
14105 processSources(basePath, { map, origin: sourceMapOrigin }) {
14106 const sourceRoot = this.fs.resolve(this.fs.dirname(basePath), this.replaceSchemeWithPath(map.sourceRoot || ""));
14107 return map.sources.map((source, index) => {
14108 const path7 = this.fs.resolve(sourceRoot, this.replaceSchemeWithPath(source));
14109 const content = map.sourcesContent && map.sourcesContent[index] || null;
14110 const sourceOrigin = content !== null && sourceMapOrigin !== ContentOrigin.Provided ? ContentOrigin.Inline : ContentOrigin.FileSystem;
14111 return this.loadSourceFileInternal(path7, content, sourceOrigin, null);
14112 });
14113 }
14114 readSourceFile(sourcePath) {
14115 this.trackPath(sourcePath);
14116 return this.fs.readFile(sourcePath);
14117 }
14118 readRawSourceMap(mapPath) {
14119 this.trackPath(mapPath);
14120 return JSON.parse(this.fs.readFile(mapPath));
14121 }
14122 trackPath(path7) {
14123 if (this.currentPaths.includes(path7)) {
14124 throw new Error(`Circular source file mapping dependency: ${this.currentPaths.join(" -> ")} -> ${path7}`);
14125 }
14126 this.currentPaths.push(path7);
14127 }
14128 getLastNonEmptyLine(contents) {
14129 let trailingWhitespaceIndex = contents.length - 1;
14130 while (trailingWhitespaceIndex > 0 && (contents[trailingWhitespaceIndex] === "\n" || contents[trailingWhitespaceIndex] === "\r")) {
14131 trailingWhitespaceIndex--;
14132 }
14133 let lastRealLineIndex = contents.lastIndexOf("\n", trailingWhitespaceIndex - 1);
14134 if (lastRealLineIndex === -1) {
14135 lastRealLineIndex = 0;
14136 }
14137 return contents.substr(lastRealLineIndex + 1);
14138 }
14139 replaceSchemeWithPath(path7) {
14140 return path7.replace(SCHEME_MATCHER, (_, scheme) => this.schemeMap[scheme.toLowerCase()] || "");
14141 }
14144// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/source_maps.mjs
14145function renderSourceAndMap(logger, fs5, sourceFile, generatedMagicString) {
14146 var _a;
14147 const sourceFilePath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sourceFile);
14148 const sourceMapPath = absoluteFrom(`${sourceFilePath}.map`);
14149 const generatedContent = generatedMagicString.toString();
14150 const generatedMap = generatedMagicString.generateMap({ file: sourceFilePath, source: sourceFilePath, includeContent: true });
14151 try {
14152 const loader = new SourceFileLoader(fs5, logger, {});
14153 const generatedFile = loader.loadSourceFile(sourceFilePath, generatedContent, { map: generatedMap, mapPath: sourceMapPath });
14154 const rawMergedMap = generatedFile.renderFlattenedSourceMap();
14155 const mergedMap = mapHelpers3.fromObject(rawMergedMap);
14156 const originalFile = loader.loadSourceFile(sourceFilePath, generatedMagicString.original);
14157 if (originalFile.rawMap === null && !sourceFile.isDeclarationFile || ((_a = originalFile.rawMap) == null ? void 0 : _a.origin) === ContentOrigin.Inline) {
14158 return [
14159 { path: sourceFilePath, contents: `${generatedFile.contents}
14160${mergedMap.toComment()}` }
14161 ];
14162 }
14163 const sourceMapComment = mapHelpers3.generateMapFileComment(`${fs5.basename(sourceFilePath)}.map`);
14164 return [
14165 { path: sourceFilePath, contents: `${generatedFile.contents}
14166${sourceMapComment}` },
14167 { path: sourceMapPath, contents: mergedMap.toJSON() }
14168 ];
14169 } catch (e) {
14170 logger.error(`Error when flattening the source-map "${sourceMapPath}" for "${sourceFilePath}": ${e.toString()}`);
14171 return [
14172 { path: sourceFilePath, contents: generatedContent },
14173 { path: sourceMapPath, contents: mapHelpers3.fromObject(generatedMap).toJSON() }
14174 ];
14175 }
14178// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/dts_renderer.mjs
14179var DtsRenderInfo = class {
14180 constructor() {
14181 this.classInfo = [];
14182 this.moduleWithProviders = [];
14183 this.privateExports = [];
14184 this.reexports = [];
14185 }
14187var DtsRenderer = class {
14188 constructor(dtsFormatter, fs5, logger, host, bundle) {
14189 this.dtsFormatter = dtsFormatter;
14190 this.fs = fs5;
14191 this.logger = logger;
14192 this.host = host;
14193 this.bundle = bundle;
14194 }
14195 renderProgram(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, moduleWithProvidersAnalyses) {
14196 const renderedFiles = [];
14197 if (this.bundle.dts) {
14198 const dtsFiles = this.getTypingsFilesToRender(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, moduleWithProvidersAnalyses);
14199 if (!dtsFiles.has(this.bundle.dts.file)) {
14200 dtsFiles.set(this.bundle.dts.file, new DtsRenderInfo());
14201 }
14202 dtsFiles.forEach((renderInfo, file) => renderedFiles.push(...this.renderDtsFile(file, renderInfo)));
14203 }
14204 return renderedFiles;
14205 }
14206 renderDtsFile(dtsFile, renderInfo) {
14207 const outputText = new MagicString(dtsFile.text);
14208 const printer = ts58.createPrinter();
14209 const importManager = new ImportManager(getImportRewriter(this.bundle.dts.r3SymbolsFile, this.bundle.isCore, false), IMPORT_PREFIX);
14210 renderInfo.classInfo.forEach((dtsClass) => {
14211 const endOfClass = dtsClass.dtsDeclaration.getEnd();
14212 dtsClass.compilation.forEach((declaration) => {
14213 const type = translateType(declaration.type, importManager);
14214 markForEmitAsSingleLine2(type);
14215 const typeStr = printer.printNode(ts58.EmitHint.Unspecified, type, dtsFile);
14216 const newStatement = ` static ${declaration.name}: ${typeStr};
14218 outputText.appendRight(endOfClass - 1, newStatement);
14219 });
14220 });
14221 if (renderInfo.reexports.length > 0) {
14222 for (const e of renderInfo.reexports) {
14223 const newStatement = `
14224export {${e.symbolName} as ${e.asAlias}} from '${e.fromModule}';`;
14225 outputText.append(newStatement);
14226 }
14227 }
14228 this.dtsFormatter.addModuleWithProvidersParams(outputText, renderInfo.moduleWithProviders, importManager);
14229 this.dtsFormatter.addExports(outputText, dtsFile.fileName, renderInfo.privateExports, importManager, dtsFile);
14230 this.dtsFormatter.addImports(outputText, importManager.getAllImports(dtsFile.fileName), dtsFile);
14231 return renderSourceAndMap(this.logger, this.fs, dtsFile, outputText);
14232 }
14233 getTypingsFilesToRender(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, moduleWithProvidersAnalyses) {
14234 const dtsMap = new Map();
14235 decorationAnalyses.forEach((compiledFile) => {
14236 let appliedReexports = false;
14237 compiledFile.compiledClasses.forEach((compiledClass) => {
14238 const dtsDeclaration = this.host.getDtsDeclaration(compiledClass.declaration);
14239 if (dtsDeclaration) {
14240 const dtsFile = dtsDeclaration.getSourceFile();
14241 const renderInfo = dtsMap.has(dtsFile) ? dtsMap.get(dtsFile) : new DtsRenderInfo();
14242 renderInfo.classInfo.push({ dtsDeclaration, compilation: compiledClass.compilation });
14243 if (!appliedReexports && compiledClass.declaration.getSourceFile().fileName === dtsFile.fileName.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, ".js")) {
14244 renderInfo.reexports.push(...compiledFile.reexports);
14245 appliedReexports = true;
14246 }
14247 dtsMap.set(dtsFile, renderInfo);
14248 }
14249 });
14250 });
14251 if (moduleWithProvidersAnalyses !== null) {
14252 moduleWithProvidersAnalyses.forEach((moduleWithProvidersToFix, dtsFile) => {
14253 const renderInfo = dtsMap.has(dtsFile) ? dtsMap.get(dtsFile) : new DtsRenderInfo();
14254 renderInfo.moduleWithProviders = moduleWithProvidersToFix;
14255 dtsMap.set(dtsFile, renderInfo);
14256 });
14257 }
14258 if (privateDeclarationsAnalyses.length) {
14259 privateDeclarationsAnalyses.forEach((e) => {
14260 if (!e.dtsFrom) {
14261 throw new Error(`There is no typings path for ${e.identifier} in ${e.from}.
14262We need to add an export for this class to a .d.ts typings file because Angular compiler needs to be able to reference this class in compiled code, such as templates.
14263The simplest fix for this is to ensure that this class is exported from the package's entry-point.`);
14264 }
14265 });
14266 const dtsEntryPoint = this.bundle.dts.file;
14267 const renderInfo = dtsMap.has(dtsEntryPoint) ? dtsMap.get(dtsEntryPoint) : new DtsRenderInfo();
14268 renderInfo.privateExports = privateDeclarationsAnalyses;
14269 dtsMap.set(dtsEntryPoint, renderInfo);
14270 }
14271 return dtsMap;
14272 }
14274function markForEmitAsSingleLine2(node) {
14275 ts58.setEmitFlags(node, ts58.EmitFlags.SingleLine);
14276 ts58.forEachChild(node, markForEmitAsSingleLine2);
14279// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/renderer.mjs
14280import { jsDocComment, WrappedNodeExpr as WrappedNodeExpr9, WritePropExpr } from "@angular/compiler";
14281import MagicString2 from "magic-string";
14283// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/rendering_formatter.mjs
14284var RedundantDecoratorMap = Map;
14286// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/renderer.mjs
14287var Renderer = class {
14288 constructor(host, srcFormatter, fs5, logger, bundle, tsConfig = null) {
14289 this.host = host;
14290 this.srcFormatter = srcFormatter;
14291 this.fs = fs5;
14292 this.logger = logger;
14293 this.bundle = bundle;
14294 this.tsConfig = tsConfig;
14295 }
14296 renderProgram(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses) {
14297 const renderedFiles = [];
14298 this.bundle.src.program.getSourceFiles().forEach((sourceFile) => {
14299 if (decorationAnalyses.has(sourceFile) || sourceFile === this.bundle.src.file) {
14300 const compiledFile = decorationAnalyses.get(sourceFile);
14301 renderedFiles.push(...this.renderFile(sourceFile, compiledFile, privateDeclarationsAnalyses));
14302 }
14303 });
14304 return renderedFiles;
14305 }
14306 renderFile(sourceFile, compiledFile, privateDeclarationsAnalyses) {
14307 const isEntryPoint2 = sourceFile === this.bundle.src.file;
14308 const outputText = new MagicString2(sourceFile.text);
14309 const importManager = new ImportManager(getImportRewriter(this.bundle.src.r3SymbolsFile, this.bundle.isCore, this.bundle.isFlatCore), IMPORT_PREFIX);
14310 if (compiledFile) {
14311 const decoratorsToRemove = this.computeDecoratorsToRemove(compiledFile.compiledClasses);
14312 this.srcFormatter.removeDecorators(outputText, decoratorsToRemove);
14313 compiledFile.compiledClasses.forEach((clazz) => {
14314 var _a;
14315 const renderedDefinition = this.renderDefinitions(compiledFile.sourceFile, clazz, importManager, !!((_a = this.tsConfig) == null ? void 0 : _a.options.annotateForClosureCompiler));
14316 this.srcFormatter.addDefinitions(outputText, clazz, renderedDefinition);
14317 const renderedStatements = this.renderAdjacentStatements(compiledFile.sourceFile, clazz, importManager);
14318 this.srcFormatter.addAdjacentStatements(outputText, clazz, renderedStatements);
14319 });
14320 if (!isEntryPoint2 && compiledFile.reexports.length > 0) {
14321 this.srcFormatter.addDirectExports(outputText, compiledFile.reexports, importManager, compiledFile.sourceFile);
14322 }
14323 this.srcFormatter.addConstants(outputText, renderConstantPool(this.srcFormatter, compiledFile.sourceFile, compiledFile.constantPool, importManager), compiledFile.sourceFile);
14324 }
14325 if (isEntryPoint2) {
14326 const entryPointBasePath = stripExtension3(this.bundle.src.path);
14327 this.srcFormatter.addExports(outputText, entryPointBasePath, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, importManager, sourceFile);
14328 }
14329 if (isEntryPoint2 || compiledFile) {
14330 this.srcFormatter.addImports(outputText, importManager.getAllImports(sourceFile.fileName), sourceFile);
14331 }
14332 if (compiledFile || isEntryPoint2) {
14333 return renderSourceAndMap(this.logger, this.fs, sourceFile, outputText);
14334 } else {
14335 return [];
14336 }
14337 }
14338 computeDecoratorsToRemove(classes) {
14339 const decoratorsToRemove = new RedundantDecoratorMap();
14340 classes.forEach((clazz) => {
14341 if (clazz.decorators === null) {
14342 return;
14343 }
14344 clazz.decorators.forEach((dec) => {
14345 if (dec.node === null) {
14346 return;
14347 }
14348 const decoratorArray = dec.node.parent;
14349 if (!decoratorsToRemove.has(decoratorArray)) {
14350 decoratorsToRemove.set(decoratorArray, [dec.node]);
14351 } else {
14352 decoratorsToRemove.get(decoratorArray).push(dec.node);
14353 }
14354 });
14355 });
14356 return decoratorsToRemove;
14357 }
14358 renderDefinitions(sourceFile, compiledClass, imports, annotateForClosureCompiler) {
14359 const name = this.host.getInternalNameOfClass(compiledClass.declaration);
14360 const leadingComment = annotateForClosureCompiler ? jsDocComment([{ tagName: "nocollapse" }]) : void 0;
14361 const statements = compiledClass.compilation.map((c) => createAssignmentStatement(name, c.name, c.initializer, leadingComment));
14362 return this.renderStatements(sourceFile, statements, imports);
14363 }
14364 renderAdjacentStatements(sourceFile, compiledClass, imports) {
14365 const statements = [];
14366 for (const c of compiledClass.compilation) {
14367 statements.push(...c.statements);
14368 }
14369 return this.renderStatements(sourceFile, statements, imports);
14370 }
14371 renderStatements(sourceFile, statements, imports) {
14372 const printStatement = (stmt) => this.srcFormatter.printStatement(stmt, sourceFile, imports);
14373 return statements.map(printStatement).join("\n");
14374 }
14376function renderConstantPool(formatter, sourceFile, constantPool, imports) {
14377 const printStatement = (stmt) => formatter.printStatement(stmt, sourceFile, imports);
14378 return constantPool.statements.map(printStatement).join("\n");
14380function createAssignmentStatement(receiverName, propName, initializer, leadingComment) {
14381 const receiver = new WrappedNodeExpr9(receiverName);
14382 const statement = new WritePropExpr(receiver, propName, initializer, void 0, void 0).toStmt();
14383 if (leadingComment !== void 0) {
14384 statement.addLeadingComment(leadingComment);
14385 }
14386 return statement;
14389// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/umd_rendering_formatter.mjs
14390import ts59 from "typescript";
14391var UmdRenderingFormatter = class extends Esm5RenderingFormatter {
14392 constructor(fs5, umdHost, isCore) {
14393 super(fs5, umdHost, isCore);
14394 this.umdHost = umdHost;
14395 }
14396 addImports(output, imports, file) {
14397 if (imports.length === 0) {
14398 return;
14399 }
14400 const umdModule = this.umdHost.getUmdModule(file);
14401 if (!umdModule) {
14402 return;
14403 }
14404 const { factoryFn, factoryCalls } = umdModule;
14405 renderCommonJsDependencies(output, factoryCalls.commonJs, imports);
14406 renderCommonJsDependencies(output, factoryCalls.commonJs2, imports);
14407 renderAmdDependencies(output, factoryCalls.amdDefine, imports);
14408 renderGlobalDependencies(output, factoryCalls.global, imports);
14409 renderFactoryParameters(output, factoryFn, imports);
14410 }
14411 addExports(output, entryPointBasePath, exports, importManager, file) {
14412 const umdModule = this.umdHost.getUmdModule(file);
14413 if (!umdModule) {
14414 return;
14415 }
14416 const factoryFunction = umdModule.factoryFn;
14417 const lastStatement = factoryFunction.body.statements[factoryFunction.body.statements.length - 1];
14418 const insertionPoint = lastStatement ? lastStatement.getEnd() : factoryFunction.body.getEnd() - 1;
14419 exports.forEach((e) => {
14420 const basePath = stripExtension3(e.from);
14421 const relativePath = "./" + this.fs.relative(this.fs.dirname(entryPointBasePath), basePath);
14422 const namedImport = entryPointBasePath !== basePath ? importManager.generateNamedImport(relativePath, e.identifier) : { symbol: e.identifier, moduleImport: null };
14423 const importNamespace = namedImport.moduleImport ? `${namedImport.moduleImport.text}.` : "";
14424 const exportStr = `
14425exports.${e.identifier} = ${importNamespace}${namedImport.symbol};`;
14426 output.appendRight(insertionPoint, exportStr);
14427 });
14428 }
14429 addDirectExports(output, exports, importManager, file) {
14430 const umdModule = this.umdHost.getUmdModule(file);
14431 if (!umdModule) {
14432 return;
14433 }
14434 const factoryFunction = umdModule.factoryFn;
14435 const lastStatement = factoryFunction.body.statements[factoryFunction.body.statements.length - 1];
14436 const insertionPoint = lastStatement ? lastStatement.getEnd() : factoryFunction.body.getEnd() - 1;
14437 for (const e of exports) {
14438 const namedImport = importManager.generateNamedImport(e.fromModule, e.symbolName);
14439 const importNamespace = namedImport.moduleImport ? `${namedImport.moduleImport.text}.` : "";
14440 const exportStr = `
14441exports.${e.asAlias} = ${importNamespace}${namedImport.symbol};`;
14442 output.appendRight(insertionPoint, exportStr);
14443 }
14444 }
14445 addConstants(output, constants, file) {
14446 if (constants === "") {
14447 return;
14448 }
14449 const umdModule = this.umdHost.getUmdModule(file);
14450 if (!umdModule) {
14451 return;
14452 }
14453 const factoryFunction = umdModule.factoryFn;
14454 const firstStatement = factoryFunction.body.statements[0];
14455 const insertionPoint = firstStatement ? firstStatement.getStart() : factoryFunction.body.getStart() + 1;
14456 output.appendLeft(insertionPoint, "\n" + constants + "\n");
14457 }
14459function renderCommonJsDependencies(output, factoryCall, imports) {
14460 if (factoryCall === null) {
14461 return;
14462 }
14463 const injectionPoint = factoryCall.arguments.length > 0 ? factoryCall.arguments[0].getFullStart() : factoryCall.getEnd() - 1;
14464 const importString = imports.map((i) => `require('${i.specifier}')`).join(",");
14465 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, importString + (factoryCall.arguments.length > 0 ? "," : ""));
14467function renderAmdDependencies(output, amdDefineCall, imports) {
14468 if (amdDefineCall === null) {
14469 return;
14470 }
14471 const importString = imports.map((i) => `'${i.specifier}'`).join(",");
14472 const factoryIndex = amdDefineCall.arguments.length - 1;
14473 const dependencyArray = amdDefineCall.arguments[factoryIndex - 1];
14474 if (dependencyArray === void 0 || !ts59.isArrayLiteralExpression(dependencyArray)) {
14475 const injectionPoint = amdDefineCall.arguments[factoryIndex].getFullStart();
14476 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, `[${importString}],`);
14477 } else {
14478 const injectionPoint = dependencyArray.elements.length > 0 ? dependencyArray.elements[0].getFullStart() : dependencyArray.getEnd() - 1;
14479 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, importString + (dependencyArray.elements.length > 0 ? "," : ""));
14480 }
14482function renderGlobalDependencies(output, factoryCall, imports) {
14483 if (factoryCall === null) {
14484 return;
14485 }
14486 const injectionPoint = factoryCall.arguments.length > 0 ? factoryCall.arguments[0].getFullStart() : factoryCall.getEnd() - 1;
14487 const importString = imports.map((i) => `global.${getGlobalIdentifier(i)}`).join(",");
14488 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, importString + (factoryCall.arguments.length > 0 ? "," : ""));
14490function renderFactoryParameters(output, factoryFunction, imports) {
14491 const parameters = factoryFunction.parameters;
14492 const parameterString = imports.map((i) => i.qualifier.text).join(",");
14493 if (parameters.length > 0) {
14494 const injectionPoint = parameters[0].getFullStart();
14495 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, parameterString + ",");
14496 } else {
14497 const injectionPoint = factoryFunction.getStart() + factoryFunction.getText().indexOf("()") + 1;
14498 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, parameterString);
14499 }
14501function getGlobalIdentifier(i) {
14502 return i.specifier.replace(/^@angular\//, "ng.").replace(/^@/, "").replace(/\//g, ".").replace(/[-_]+(.?)/g, (_, c) => c.toUpperCase()).replace(/^./, (c) => c.toLowerCase());
14505// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/transformer.mjs
14506var Transformer = class {
14507 constructor(fs5, logger, tsConfig = null) {
14508 this.fs = fs5;
14509 this.logger = logger;
14510 this.tsConfig = tsConfig;
14511 }
14512 transform(bundle) {
14513 const ngccReflectionHost = this.getHost(bundle);
14514 const tsReflectionHost = new TypeScriptReflectionHost(bundle.src.program.getTypeChecker());
14515 const reflectionHost = new DelegatingReflectionHost(tsReflectionHost, ngccReflectionHost);
14516 const { decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, moduleWithProvidersAnalyses, diagnostics } = this.analyzeProgram(reflectionHost, bundle);
14517 if (hasErrors(diagnostics)) {
14518 return { success: false, diagnostics };
14519 }
14520 let renderedFiles = [];
14521 if (bundle.dtsProcessing !== DtsProcessing.Only) {
14522 const srcFormatter = this.getRenderingFormatter(ngccReflectionHost, bundle);
14523 const renderer = new Renderer(reflectionHost, srcFormatter, this.fs, this.logger, bundle, this.tsConfig);
14524 renderedFiles = renderer.renderProgram(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
14525 }
14526 if (bundle.dts) {
14527 const dtsFormatter = new EsmRenderingFormatter(this.fs, reflectionHost, bundle.isCore);
14528 const dtsRenderer = new DtsRenderer(dtsFormatter, this.fs, this.logger, reflectionHost, bundle);
14529 const renderedDtsFiles = dtsRenderer.renderProgram(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, moduleWithProvidersAnalyses);
14530 renderedFiles = renderedFiles.concat(renderedDtsFiles);
14531 }
14532 return { success: true, diagnostics, transformedFiles: renderedFiles };
14533 }
14534 getHost(bundle) {
14535 switch (bundle.format) {
14536 case "esm2015":
14537 return new Esm2015ReflectionHost(this.logger, bundle.isCore, bundle.src, bundle.dts);
14538 case "esm5":
14539 return new Esm5ReflectionHost(this.logger, bundle.isCore, bundle.src, bundle.dts);
14540 case "umd":
14541 return new UmdReflectionHost(this.logger, bundle.isCore, bundle.src, bundle.dts);
14542 case "commonjs":
14543 return new CommonJsReflectionHost(this.logger, bundle.isCore, bundle.src, bundle.dts);
14544 default:
14545 throw new Error(`Reflection host for "${bundle.format}" not yet implemented.`);
14546 }
14547 }
14548 getRenderingFormatter(host, bundle) {
14549 switch (bundle.format) {
14550 case "esm2015":
14551 return new EsmRenderingFormatter(this.fs, host, bundle.isCore);
14552 case "esm5":
14553 return new Esm5RenderingFormatter(this.fs, host, bundle.isCore);
14554 case "umd":
14555 if (!(host instanceof UmdReflectionHost)) {
14556 throw new Error("UmdRenderer requires a UmdReflectionHost");
14557 }
14558 return new UmdRenderingFormatter(this.fs, host, bundle.isCore);
14559 case "commonjs":
14560 return new CommonJsRenderingFormatter(this.fs, host, bundle.isCore);
14561 default:
14562 throw new Error(`Renderer for "${bundle.format}" not yet implemented.`);
14563 }
14564 }
14565 analyzeProgram(reflectionHost, bundle) {
14566 const referencesRegistry = new NgccReferencesRegistry(reflectionHost);
14567 const diagnostics = [];
14568 const decorationAnalyzer = new DecorationAnalyzer(this.fs, bundle, reflectionHost, referencesRegistry, (diagnostic) => diagnostics.push(diagnostic), this.tsConfig);
14569 const decorationAnalyses = decorationAnalyzer.analyzeProgram();
14570 const moduleWithProvidersAnalyzer = new ModuleWithProvidersAnalyzer(reflectionHost, bundle.src.program.getTypeChecker(), referencesRegistry, bundle.dts !== null);
14571 const moduleWithProvidersAnalyses = moduleWithProvidersAnalyzer && moduleWithProvidersAnalyzer.analyzeProgram(bundle.src.program);
14572 const privateDeclarationsAnalyzer = new PrivateDeclarationsAnalyzer(reflectionHost, referencesRegistry);
14573 const privateDeclarationsAnalyses = privateDeclarationsAnalyzer.analyzeProgram(bundle.src.program);
14574 return {
14575 decorationAnalyses,
14576 privateDeclarationsAnalyses,
14577 moduleWithProvidersAnalyses,
14578 diagnostics
14579 };
14580 }
14582function hasErrors(diagnostics) {
14583 return diagnostics.some((d) => d.category === ts60.DiagnosticCategory.Error);
14586// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/create_compile_function.mjs
14587function getCreateCompileFn(fileSystem, logger, fileWriter, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat, tsConfig, pathMappings) {
14588 return (beforeWritingFiles, onTaskCompleted) => {
14589 const transformer = new Transformer(fileSystem, logger, tsConfig);
14590 const sharedFileCache = new SharedFileCache(fileSystem);
14591 const moduleResolutionCache = createModuleResolutionCache(fileSystem);
14592 return (task) => {
14593 const { entryPoint, formatProperty, formatPropertiesToMarkAsProcessed, processDts } = task;
14594 const isCore = entryPoint.name === "@angular/core";
14595 const packageJson = entryPoint.packageJson;
14596 const formatPath = packageJson[formatProperty];
14597 const format = getEntryPointFormat(fileSystem, entryPoint, formatProperty);
14598 if (!formatPath || !format) {
14599 onTaskCompleted(task, 1, `property \`${formatProperty}\` pointing to a missing or empty file: ${formatPath}`);
14600 return;
14601 }
14602 logger.info(`- ${entryPoint.name} [${formatProperty}/${format}] (${entryPoint.repositoryUrl})`);
14603 const bundle = makeEntryPointBundle(fileSystem, entryPoint, sharedFileCache, moduleResolutionCache, formatPath, isCore, format, processDts, pathMappings, true, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat);
14604 const result = transformer.transform(bundle);
14605 if (result.success) {
14606 if (result.diagnostics.length > 0) {
14607 logger.warn(replaceTsWithNgInErrors(ts61.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(result.diagnostics, bundle.src.host)));
14608 }
14609 const writeBundle = () => {
14610 fileWriter.writeBundle(bundle, result.transformedFiles, formatPropertiesToMarkAsProcessed);
14611 logger.debug(` Successfully compiled ${entryPoint.name} : ${formatProperty}`);
14612 onTaskCompleted(task, 0, null);
14613 };
14614 const beforeWritingResult = beforeWritingFiles(result.transformedFiles);
14615 return beforeWritingResult instanceof Promise ? beforeWritingResult.then(writeBundle) : writeBundle();
14616 } else {
14617 const errors = replaceTsWithNgInErrors(ts61.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(result.diagnostics, bundle.src.host));
14618 onTaskCompleted(task, 1, `compilation errors:
14620 }
14621 };
14622 };
14625// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/single_process_executor.mjs
14626var SingleProcessorExecutorBase = class {
14627 constructor(logger, createTaskCompletedCallback) {
14628 this.logger = logger;
14629 this.createTaskCompletedCallback = createTaskCompletedCallback;
14630 }
14631 doExecute(analyzeEntryPoints, createCompileFn) {
14632 this.logger.debug(`Running ngcc on ${this.constructor.name}.`);
14633 const taskQueue = analyzeEntryPoints();
14634 const onTaskCompleted = this.createTaskCompletedCallback(taskQueue);
14635 const compile = createCompileFn(() => {
14636 }, onTaskCompleted);
14637 this.logger.debug("Processing tasks...");
14638 const startTime = Date.now();
14639 while (!taskQueue.allTasksCompleted) {
14640 const task = taskQueue.getNextTask();
14641 compile(task);
14642 taskQueue.markAsCompleted(task);
14643 }
14644 const duration = Math.round((Date.now() - startTime) / 1e3);
14645 this.logger.debug(`Processed tasks in ${duration}s.`);
14646 }
14648var SingleProcessExecutorSync = class extends SingleProcessorExecutorBase {
14649 constructor(logger, lockFile, createTaskCompletedCallback) {
14650 super(logger, createTaskCompletedCallback);
14651 this.lockFile = lockFile;
14652 }
14653 execute(analyzeEntryPoints, createCompileFn) {
14654 this.lockFile.lock(() => this.doExecute(analyzeEntryPoints, createCompileFn));
14655 }
14657var SingleProcessExecutorAsync = class extends SingleProcessorExecutorBase {
14658 constructor(logger, lockFile, createTaskCompletedCallback) {
14659 super(logger, createTaskCompletedCallback);
14660 this.lockFile = lockFile;
14661 }
14662 async execute(analyzeEntryPoints, createCompileFn) {
14663 await this.lockFile.lock(async () => this.doExecute(analyzeEntryPoints, createCompileFn));
14664 }
14667// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/tasks/completion.mjs
14668function composeTaskCompletedCallbacks(callbacks) {
14669 return (task, outcome, message) => {
14670 const callback = callbacks[outcome];
14671 if (callback === void 0) {
14672 throw new Error(`Unknown task outcome: "${outcome}" - supported outcomes: ${JSON.stringify(Object.keys(callbacks))}`);
14673 }
14674 callback(task, message);
14675 };
14677function createMarkAsProcessedHandler(fs5, pkgJsonUpdater) {
14678 return (task) => {
14679 const { entryPoint, formatPropertiesToMarkAsProcessed, processDts } = task;
14680 const packageJsonPath = fs5.resolve(entryPoint.path, "package.json");
14681 const propsToMarkAsProcessed = [...formatPropertiesToMarkAsProcessed];
14682 if (processDts !== DtsProcessing.No) {
14683 propsToMarkAsProcessed.push("typings");
14684 }
14685 markAsProcessed(pkgJsonUpdater, entryPoint.packageJson, packageJsonPath, propsToMarkAsProcessed);
14686 };
14688function createThrowErrorHandler(fs5) {
14689 return (task, message) => {
14690 throw new Error(createErrorMessage(fs5, task, message));
14691 };
14693function createLogErrorHandler(logger, fs5, taskQueue) {
14694 return (task, message) => {
14695 taskQueue.markAsFailed(task);
14696 logger.error(createErrorMessage(fs5, task, message));
14697 };
14699function createErrorMessage(fs5, task, message) {
14700 var _a;
14701 const jsFormat = `\`${task.formatProperty}\` as ${(_a = getEntryPointFormat(fs5, task.entryPoint, task.formatProperty)) != null ? _a : "unknown format"}`;
14702 const format = task.typingsOnly ? `typings only using ${jsFormat}` : jsFormat;
14703 message = message !== null ? ` due to ${message}` : "";
14704 return `Failed to compile entry-point ${task.entryPoint.name} (${format})` + message;
14707// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/locking/async_locker.mjs
14708var TimeoutError = class extends Error {
14709 constructor() {
14710 super(...arguments);
14711 this.code = NGCC_TIMED_OUT_EXIT_CODE;
14712 }
14714var AsyncLocker = class {
14715 constructor(lockFile, logger, retryDelay, retryAttempts) {
14716 this.lockFile = lockFile;
14717 this.logger = logger;
14718 this.retryDelay = retryDelay;
14719 this.retryAttempts = retryAttempts;
14720 }
14721 async lock(fn) {
14722 await this.create();
14723 try {
14724 return await fn();
14725 } finally {
14726 this.lockFile.remove();
14727 }
14728 }
14729 async create() {
14730 let pid = "";
14731 for (let attempts = 0; attempts < this.retryAttempts; attempts++) {
14732 try {
14733 return this.lockFile.write();
14734 } catch (e) {
14735 if (e.code !== "EEXIST") {
14736 throw e;
14737 }
14738 const newPid = this.lockFile.read();
14739 if (newPid !== pid) {
14740 attempts = 0;
14741 pid = newPid;
14742 }
14743 if (attempts === 0) {
14744 this.logger.info(`Another process, with id ${pid}, is currently running ngcc.
14745Waiting up to ${this.retryDelay * this.retryAttempts / 1e3}s for it to finish.
14746(If you are sure no ngcc process is running then you should delete the lock-file at ${this.lockFile.path}.)`);
14747 }
14748 await new Promise((resolve5) => setTimeout(resolve5, this.retryDelay));
14749 }
14750 }
14751 throw new TimeoutError(`Timed out waiting ${this.retryAttempts * this.retryDelay / 1e3}s for another ngcc process, with id ${pid}, to complete.
14752(If you are sure no ngcc process is running then you should delete the lock-file at ${this.lockFile.path}.)`);
14753 }
14756// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/locking/lock_file_with_child_process/index.mjs
14757import { fork } from "child_process";
14758import module5 from "module";
14760// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/logging/src/logger.mjs
14761var LogLevel;
14762(function(LogLevel2) {
14763 LogLevel2[LogLevel2["debug"] = 0] = "debug";
14764 LogLevel2[LogLevel2["info"] = 1] = "info";
14765 LogLevel2[LogLevel2["warn"] = 2] = "warn";
14766 LogLevel2[LogLevel2["error"] = 3] = "error";
14767})(LogLevel || (LogLevel = {}));
14769// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/logging/src/console_logger.mjs
14770var RESET = "";
14771var RED = "";
14772var YELLOW = "";
14773var BLUE = "";
14774var DEBUG = `${BLUE}Debug:${RESET}`;
14775var WARN = `${YELLOW}Warning:${RESET}`;
14776var ERROR = `${RED}Error:${RESET}`;
14777var ConsoleLogger = class {
14778 constructor(level) {
14779 this.level = level;
14780 }
14781 debug(...args) {
14782 if (this.level <= LogLevel.debug)
14783 console.debug(DEBUG, ...args);
14784 }
14785 info(...args) {
14786 if (this.level <= LogLevel.info)
14787 console.info(...args);
14788 }
14789 warn(...args) {
14790 if (this.level <= LogLevel.warn)
14791 console.warn(WARN, ...args);
14792 }
14793 error(...args) {
14794 if (this.level <= LogLevel.error)
14795 console.error(ERROR, ...args);
14796 }
14799// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/locking/lock_file.mjs
14800import module4 from "module";
14801function getLockFilePath(fs5) {
14802 const requireFn = typeof __require !== "undefined" ? __require : module4.createRequire(__ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__);
14803 const ngccEntryPointFile = requireFn.resolve("@angular/compiler-cli/package.json");
14804 return fs5.resolve(ngccEntryPointFile, "../../../.ngcc_lock_file");
14807// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/locking/lock_file_with_child_process/util.mjs
14808function removeLockFile(fs5, logger, lockFilePath, pid) {
14809 try {
14810 logger.debug(`Attempting to remove lock-file at ${lockFilePath}.`);
14811 const lockFilePid = fs5.readFile(lockFilePath);
14812 if (lockFilePid === pid) {
14813 logger.debug(`PIDs match (${pid}), so removing ${lockFilePath}.`);
14814 fs5.removeFile(lockFilePath);
14815 } else {
14816 logger.debug(`PIDs do not match (${pid} and ${lockFilePid}), so not removing ${lockFilePath}.`);
14817 }
14818 } catch (e) {
14819 if (e.code === "ENOENT") {
14820 logger.debug(`The lock-file at ${lockFilePath} was already removed.`);
14821 } else {
14822 throw e;
14823 }
14824 }
14827// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/locking/lock_file_with_child_process/index.mjs
14828var LockFileWithChildProcess = class {
14829 constructor(fs5, logger) {
14830 this.fs = fs5;
14831 this.logger = logger;
14832 this.path = getLockFilePath(fs5);
14833 this.unlocker = this.createUnlocker(this.path);
14834 }
14835 write() {
14836 if (this.unlocker === null) {
14837 this.unlocker = this.createUnlocker(this.path);
14838 }
14839 this.logger.debug(`Attemping to write lock-file at ${this.path} with PID ${process.pid}`);
14840 this.fs.writeFile(this.path, process.pid.toString(), true);
14841 this.logger.debug(`Written lock-file at ${this.path} with PID ${process.pid}`);
14842 }
14843 read() {
14844 try {
14845 return this.fs.readFile(this.path);
14846 } catch {
14847 return "{unknown}";
14848 }
14849 }
14850 remove() {
14851 removeLockFile(this.fs, this.logger, this.path, process.pid.toString());
14852 if (this.unlocker !== null) {
14853 this.unlocker.disconnect();
14854 this.unlocker = null;
14855 }
14856 }
14857 createUnlocker(path7) {
14858 var _a, _b;
14859 this.logger.debug("Forking unlocker child-process");
14860 const logLevel = this.logger.level !== void 0 ? this.logger.level.toString() : LogLevel.info.toString();
14861 const isWindows = process.platform === "win32";
14862 const unlocker = fork(getLockFileUnlockerScriptPath(this.fs), [path7, logLevel], { detached: true, stdio: isWindows ? "pipe" : "inherit" });
14863 if (isWindows) {
14864 (_a = unlocker.stdout) == null ? void 0 : _a.on("data", process.stdout.write.bind(process.stdout));
14865 (_b = unlocker.stderr) == null ? void 0 : _b.on("data", process.stderr.write.bind(process.stderr));
14866 }
14867 return unlocker;
14868 }
14870function getLockFileUnlockerScriptPath(fileSystem) {
14871 const requireFn = typeof __require !== "undefined" ? __require : module5.createRequire(__ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__);
14872 const unlockerScriptPath = requireFn.resolve("@angular/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/locking/lock_file_with_child_process/ngcc_lock_unlocker");
14873 return fileSystem.resolve(unlockerScriptPath);
14876// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/locking/sync_locker.mjs
14877var SyncLocker = class {
14878 constructor(lockFile) {
14879 this.lockFile = lockFile;
14880 }
14881 lock(fn) {
14882 this.create();
14883 try {
14884 return fn();
14885 } finally {
14886 this.lockFile.remove();
14887 }
14888 }
14889 create() {
14890 try {
14891 this.lockFile.write();
14892 } catch (e) {
14893 if (e.code !== "EEXIST") {
14894 throw e;
14895 }
14896 this.handleExistingLockFile();
14897 }
14898 }
14899 handleExistingLockFile() {
14900 const pid = this.lockFile.read();
14901 throw new Error(`ngcc is already running at process with id ${pid}.
14902If you are running multiple builds in parallel then you might try pre-processing your node_modules via the command line ngcc tool before starting the builds.
14903(If you are sure no ngcc process is running then you should delete the lock-file at ${this.lockFile.path}.)`);
14904 }
14907// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/ngcc_options.mjs
14908import {
14909 cpus
14910} from "os";
14912// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/perform_compile.mjs
14913import { isSyntaxError as isSyntaxError2 } from "@angular/compiler";
14914import ts110 from "typescript";
14916// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/api.mjs
14917var UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE = 500;
14918var EmitFlags;
14919(function(EmitFlags2) {
14920 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["DTS"] = 1] = "DTS";
14921 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["JS"] = 2] = "JS";
14922 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["Metadata"] = 4] = "Metadata";
14923 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["I18nBundle"] = 8] = "I18nBundle";
14924 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["Codegen"] = 16] = "Codegen";
14925 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["Default"] = 19] = "Default";
14926 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["All"] = 31] = "All";
14927})(EmitFlags || (EmitFlags = {}));
14929// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/compiler_host.mjs
14930import { collectExternalReferences, syntaxError as syntaxError2, TypeScriptEmitter } from "@angular/compiler";
14931import fs3 from "fs";
14932import {
14933 basename as basename5,
14934 dirname as dirname5,
14935 join as join5,
14936 normalize as normalize3,
14937 relative as relative4,
14938 resolve as resolve3
14939} from "path";
14940import ts68 from "typescript";
14942// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/collector.mjs
14943import ts64 from "typescript";
14945// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/evaluator.mjs
14946import ts62 from "typescript";
14947var spreadElementSyntaxKind = ts62.SyntaxKind.SpreadElement || ts62.SyntaxKind.SpreadElementExpression;
14948var empty = ts62.createNodeArray();
14950// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/symbols.mjs
14951import ts63 from "typescript";
14953// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/bundle_index_host.mjs
14954import {
14955 basename as basename4,
14956 dirname as dirname4,
14957 join as join4,
14958 normalize as normalize2
14959} from "path";
14960import ts66 from "typescript";
14962// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/bundler.mjs
14963import {
14964 basename as basename3,
14965 dirname as dirname3,
14966 join as join3,
14967 normalize,
14968 sep
14969} from "path";
14970import ts65 from "typescript";
14972// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/util.mjs
14973import { syntaxError } from "@angular/compiler";
14974import {
14975 relative as relative3
14976} from "path";
14977import ts67 from "typescript";
14979// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/program.mjs
14980import { core, createAotCompiler, getMissingNgModuleMetadataErrorData, getParseErrors, isFormattedError, isSyntaxError } from "@angular/compiler";
14981import {
14982 readFileSync as readFileSync2
14983} from "fs";
14984import * as path6 from "path";
14985import ts109 from "typescript";
14987// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/diagnostics/translate_diagnostics.mjs
14988import ts69 from "typescript";
14990// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core/src/compiler.mjs
14991import ts97 from "typescript";
14993// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/entry_point/src/generator.mjs
14994import ts70 from "typescript";
14996// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/entry_point/src/private_export_checker.mjs
14997import ts71 from "typescript";
14999// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/program_driver/src/api.mjs
15000var NgOriginalFile = Symbol("NgOriginalFile");
15001var UpdateMode;
15002(function(UpdateMode2) {
15003 UpdateMode2[UpdateMode2["Complete"] = 0] = "Complete";
15004 UpdateMode2[UpdateMode2["Incremental"] = 1] = "Incremental";
15005})(UpdateMode || (UpdateMode = {}));
15007// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/program_driver/src/ts_create_program_driver.mjs
15008import ts75 from "typescript";
15010// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/adapter.mjs
15011import ts72 from "typescript";
15013// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/expando.mjs
15014var NgExtension = Symbol("NgExtension");
15016// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/factory_generator.mjs
15017import ts73 from "typescript";
15019// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/summary_generator.mjs
15020import ts74 from "typescript";
15022// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/src/state.mjs
15023var IncrementalStateKind;
15024(function(IncrementalStateKind2) {
15025 IncrementalStateKind2[IncrementalStateKind2["Fresh"] = 0] = "Fresh";
15026 IncrementalStateKind2[IncrementalStateKind2["Delta"] = 1] = "Delta";
15027 IncrementalStateKind2[IncrementalStateKind2["Analyzed"] = 2] = "Analyzed";
15028})(IncrementalStateKind || (IncrementalStateKind = {}));
15030// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/src/incremental.mjs
15031var PhaseKind;
15032(function(PhaseKind2) {
15033 PhaseKind2[PhaseKind2["Analysis"] = 0] = "Analysis";
15034 PhaseKind2[PhaseKind2["TypeCheckAndEmit"] = 1] = "TypeCheckAndEmit";
15035})(PhaseKind || (PhaseKind = {}));
15037// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/src/strategy.mjs
15038var SYM_INCREMENTAL_STATE = Symbol("NgIncrementalState");
15040// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/indexer/src/api.mjs
15041var IdentifierKind;
15042(function(IdentifierKind2) {
15043 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Property"] = 0] = "Property";
15044 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Method"] = 1] = "Method";
15045 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Element"] = 2] = "Element";
15046 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Template"] = 3] = "Template";
15047 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Attribute"] = 4] = "Attribute";
15048 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Reference"] = 5] = "Reference";
15049 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Variable"] = 6] = "Variable";
15050})(IdentifierKind || (IdentifierKind = {}));
15052// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/indexer/src/transform.mjs
15053import { ParseSourceFile as ParseSourceFile3 } from "@angular/compiler";
15055// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/indexer/src/template.mjs
15056import { ASTWithSource, ImplicitReceiver, RecursiveAstVisitor, TmplAstElement, TmplAstRecursiveVisitor, TmplAstReference, TmplAstTemplate } from "@angular/compiler";
15058// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/resource/src/loader.mjs
15059import ts76 from "typescript";
15060var RESOURCE_MARKER = ".$ngresource$";
15063// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/checker.mjs
15064import { CssSelector as CssSelector3, DomElementSchemaRegistry as DomElementSchemaRegistry3 } from "@angular/compiler";
15066// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api/checker.mjs
15067var OptimizeFor;
15068(function(OptimizeFor2) {
15069 OptimizeFor2[OptimizeFor2["SingleFile"] = 0] = "SingleFile";
15070 OptimizeFor2[OptimizeFor2["WholeProgram"] = 1] = "WholeProgram";
15071})(OptimizeFor || (OptimizeFor = {}));
15073// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api/completion.mjs
15074var CompletionKind;
15075(function(CompletionKind2) {
15076 CompletionKind2[CompletionKind2["Reference"] = 0] = "Reference";
15077 CompletionKind2[CompletionKind2["Variable"] = 1] = "Variable";
15078})(CompletionKind || (CompletionKind = {}));
15080// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api/symbols.mjs
15081var SymbolKind;
15082(function(SymbolKind2) {
15083 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Input"] = 0] = "Input";
15084 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Output"] = 1] = "Output";
15085 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Binding"] = 2] = "Binding";
15086 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Reference"] = 3] = "Reference";
15087 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Variable"] = 4] = "Variable";
15088 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Directive"] = 5] = "Directive";
15089 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Element"] = 6] = "Element";
15090 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Template"] = 7] = "Template";
15091 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Expression"] = 8] = "Expression";
15092 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["DomBinding"] = 9] = "DomBinding";
15093 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Pipe"] = 10] = "Pipe";
15094})(SymbolKind || (SymbolKind = {}));
15096// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/diagnostics/src/diagnostic.mjs
15097import ts77 from "typescript";
15099// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/diagnostics/src/id.mjs
15100var TEMPLATE_ID = Symbol("ngTemplateId");
15101var NEXT_TEMPLATE_ID = Symbol("ngNextTemplateId");
15103// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/completion.mjs
15104import { EmptyExpr, ImplicitReceiver as ImplicitReceiver2, PropertyRead, PropertyWrite, SafePropertyRead, TmplAstReference as TmplAstReference2, TmplAstTextAttribute } from "@angular/compiler";
15105import ts79 from "typescript";
15107// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/comments.mjs
15108import { AbsoluteSourceSpan as AbsoluteSourceSpan2 } from "@angular/compiler";
15109import ts78 from "typescript";
15110var CommentTriviaType;
15111(function(CommentTriviaType2) {
15112 CommentTriviaType2["DIAGNOSTIC"] = "D";
15113 CommentTriviaType2["EXPRESSION_TYPE_IDENTIFIER"] = "T";
15114})(CommentTriviaType || (CommentTriviaType = {}));
15115var ExpressionIdentifier;
15116(function(ExpressionIdentifier2) {
15117 ExpressionIdentifier2["DIRECTIVE"] = "DIR";
15118 ExpressionIdentifier2["COMPONENT_COMPLETION"] = "COMPCOMP";
15119 ExpressionIdentifier2["EVENT_PARAMETER"] = "EP";
15120})(ExpressionIdentifier || (ExpressionIdentifier = {}));
15121var IGNORE_FOR_DIAGNOSTICS_MARKER = `${CommentTriviaType.DIAGNOSTIC}:ignore`;
15123// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/context.mjs
15124import ts93 from "typescript";
15126// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/dom.mjs
15127import { DomElementSchemaRegistry as DomElementSchemaRegistry2 } from "@angular/compiler";
15128import ts80 from "typescript";
15129var REGISTRY = new DomElementSchemaRegistry2();
15131// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/environment.mjs
15132import { ExpressionType, ExternalExpr as ExternalExpr9 } from "@angular/compiler";
15133import ts86 from "typescript";
15135// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/ts_util.mjs
15136import ts81 from "typescript";
15137var SAFE_TO_CAST_WITHOUT_PARENS = new Set([
15138 ts81.SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression,
15139 ts81.SyntaxKind.Identifier,
15140 ts81.SyntaxKind.CallExpression,
15141 ts81.SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression,
15142 ts81.SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression,
15143 ts81.SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression,
15144 ts81.SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression,
15145 ts81.SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression,
15146 ts81.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral,
15147 ts81.SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral,
15148 ts81.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword,
15149 ts81.SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword,
15150 ts81.SyntaxKind.NullKeyword,
15151 ts81.SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword
15154// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_constructor.mjs
15155import ts85 from "typescript";
15157// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/tcb_util.mjs
15158import ts84 from "typescript";
15160// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_parameter_emitter.mjs
15161import ts83 from "typescript";
15163// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_emitter.mjs
15164import ts82 from "typescript";
15166// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/tcb_util.mjs
15167var TcbInliningRequirement;
15168(function(TcbInliningRequirement2) {
15169 TcbInliningRequirement2[TcbInliningRequirement2["MustInline"] = 0] = "MustInline";
15170 TcbInliningRequirement2[TcbInliningRequirement2["ShouldInlineForGenericBounds"] = 1] = "ShouldInlineForGenericBounds";
15171 TcbInliningRequirement2[TcbInliningRequirement2["None"] = 2] = "None";
15172})(TcbInliningRequirement || (TcbInliningRequirement = {}));
15174// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/oob.mjs
15175import { TmplAstElement as TmplAstElement2 } from "@angular/compiler";
15176import ts87 from "typescript";
15178// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/shim.mjs
15179import ts88 from "typescript";
15181// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_check_block.mjs
15182import { BindingPipe, Call as Call2, DYNAMIC_TYPE, ImplicitReceiver as ImplicitReceiver4, PropertyRead as PropertyRead2, PropertyWrite as PropertyWrite2, SafePropertyRead as SafePropertyRead3, ThisReceiver, TmplAstBoundAttribute, TmplAstBoundText, TmplAstElement as TmplAstElement3, TmplAstIcu, TmplAstReference as TmplAstReference3, TmplAstTemplate as TmplAstTemplate2, TmplAstTextAttribute as TmplAstTextAttribute2, TmplAstVariable as TmplAstVariable2 } from "@angular/compiler";
15183import ts91 from "typescript";
15185// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/diagnostics.mjs
15186import { AbsoluteSourceSpan as AbsoluteSourceSpan3 } from "@angular/compiler";
15187import ts89 from "typescript";
15189// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/expression.mjs
15190import { ASTWithSource as ASTWithSource2, Call, EmptyExpr as EmptyExpr2, SafeKeyedRead, SafePropertyRead as SafePropertyRead2 } from "@angular/compiler";
15191import ts90 from "typescript";
15192var NULL_AS_ANY = ts90.createAsExpression(ts90.createNull(), ts90.createKeywordTypeNode(ts90.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword));
15193var UNDEFINED = ts90.createIdentifier("undefined");
15194var UNARY_OPS = new Map([
15195 ["+", ts90.SyntaxKind.PlusToken],
15196 ["-", ts90.SyntaxKind.MinusToken]
15198var BINARY_OPS = new Map([
15199 ["+", ts90.SyntaxKind.PlusToken],
15200 ["-", ts90.SyntaxKind.MinusToken],
15201 ["<", ts90.SyntaxKind.LessThanToken],
15202 [">", ts90.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken],
15203 ["<=", ts90.SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken],
15204 [">=", ts90.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken],
15205 ["==", ts90.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken],
15206 ["===", ts90.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken],
15207 ["*", ts90.SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken],
15208 ["/", ts90.SyntaxKind.SlashToken],
15209 ["%", ts90.SyntaxKind.PercentToken],
15210 ["!=", ts90.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken],
15211 ["!==", ts90.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken],
15212 ["||", ts90.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken],
15213 ["&&", ts90.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken],
15214 ["&", ts90.SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken],
15215 ["|", ts90.SyntaxKind.BarToken],
15216 ["??", ts90.SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken]
15218var VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector = class {
15219 static veWillInferAnyFor(ast) {
15220 const visitor = VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector.SINGLETON;
15221 return ast instanceof Call ? ast.visit(visitor) : ast.receiver.visit(visitor);
15222 }
15223 visitUnary(ast) {
15224 return ast.expr.visit(this);
15225 }
15226 visitBinary(ast) {
15227 return ast.left.visit(this) || ast.right.visit(this);
15228 }
15229 visitChain(ast) {
15230 return false;
15231 }
15232 visitConditional(ast) {
15233 return ast.condition.visit(this) || ast.trueExp.visit(this) || ast.falseExp.visit(this);
15234 }
15235 visitCall(ast) {
15236 return true;
15237 }
15238 visitImplicitReceiver(ast) {
15239 return false;
15240 }
15241 visitThisReceiver(ast) {
15242 return false;
15243 }
15244 visitInterpolation(ast) {
15245 return ast.expressions.some((exp) => exp.visit(this));
15246 }
15247 visitKeyedRead(ast) {
15248 return false;
15249 }
15250 visitKeyedWrite(ast) {
15251 return false;
15252 }
15253 visitLiteralArray(ast) {
15254 return true;
15255 }
15256 visitLiteralMap(ast) {
15257 return true;
15258 }
15259 visitLiteralPrimitive(ast) {
15260 return false;
15261 }
15262 visitPipe(ast) {
15263 return true;
15264 }
15265 visitPrefixNot(ast) {
15266 return ast.expression.visit(this);
15267 }
15268 visitNonNullAssert(ast) {
15269 return ast.expression.visit(this);
15270 }
15271 visitPropertyRead(ast) {
15272 return false;
15273 }
15274 visitPropertyWrite(ast) {
15275 return false;
15276 }
15277 visitQuote(ast) {
15278 return false;
15279 }
15280 visitSafePropertyRead(ast) {
15281 return false;
15282 }
15283 visitSafeKeyedRead(ast) {
15284 return false;
15285 }
15287VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector.SINGLETON = new VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector();
15289// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/template_semantics.mjs
15290import { ImplicitReceiver as ImplicitReceiver3, RecursiveAstVisitor as RecursiveAstVisitor2, TmplAstVariable } from "@angular/compiler";
15292// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_check_block.mjs
15293var TcbGenericContextBehavior;
15294(function(TcbGenericContextBehavior2) {
15295 TcbGenericContextBehavior2[TcbGenericContextBehavior2["UseEmitter"] = 0] = "UseEmitter";
15296 TcbGenericContextBehavior2[TcbGenericContextBehavior2["CopyClassNodes"] = 1] = "CopyClassNodes";
15297 TcbGenericContextBehavior2[TcbGenericContextBehavior2["FallbackToAny"] = 2] = "FallbackToAny";
15298})(TcbGenericContextBehavior || (TcbGenericContextBehavior = {}));
15299var INFER_TYPE_FOR_CIRCULAR_OP_EXPR = ts91.createNonNullExpression(ts91.createNull());
15301// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_check_file.mjs
15302import ts92 from "typescript";
15304// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/context.mjs
15305var InliningMode;
15306(function(InliningMode2) {
15307 InliningMode2[InliningMode2["InlineOps"] = 0] = "InlineOps";
15308 InliningMode2[InliningMode2["Error"] = 1] = "Error";
15309})(InliningMode || (InliningMode = {}));
15311// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/source.mjs
15312import { ParseLocation as ParseLocation2, ParseSourceSpan as ParseSourceSpan2 } from "@angular/compiler";
15314// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/template_symbol_builder.mjs
15315import { AST, ASTWithSource as ASTWithSource3, BindingPipe as BindingPipe2, PropertyRead as PropertyRead3, PropertyWrite as PropertyWrite3, SafePropertyRead as SafePropertyRead4, TmplAstBoundAttribute as TmplAstBoundAttribute2, TmplAstBoundEvent, TmplAstElement as TmplAstElement4, TmplAstReference as TmplAstReference4, TmplAstTemplate as TmplAstTemplate3, TmplAstTextAttribute as TmplAstTextAttribute3, TmplAstVariable as TmplAstVariable3 } from "@angular/compiler";
15316import ts94 from "typescript";
15318// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/checker.mjs
15319var REGISTRY2 = new DomElementSchemaRegistry3();
15321// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/extended/checks/invalid_banana_in_box/index.mjs
15322import { TmplAstBoundEvent as TmplAstBoundEvent2 } from "@angular/compiler";
15323import ts95 from "typescript";
15325// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/extended/api/api.mjs
15326import { ASTWithSource as ASTWithSource4, RecursiveAstVisitor as RecursiveAstVisitor3 } from "@angular/compiler";
15328// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/extended/checks/nullish_coalescing_not_nullable/index.mjs
15329import { Binary } from "@angular/compiler";
15330import ts96 from "typescript";
15332// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core/src/compiler.mjs
15333var CompilationTicketKind;
15334(function(CompilationTicketKind2) {
15335 CompilationTicketKind2[CompilationTicketKind2["Fresh"] = 0] = "Fresh";
15336 CompilationTicketKind2[CompilationTicketKind2["IncrementalTypeScript"] = 1] = "IncrementalTypeScript";
15337 CompilationTicketKind2[CompilationTicketKind2["IncrementalResource"] = 2] = "IncrementalResource";
15338})(CompilationTicketKind || (CompilationTicketKind = {}));
15340// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/program.mjs
15341import { HtmlParser, MessageBundle } from "@angular/compiler";
15342import ts100 from "typescript";
15344// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/i18n.mjs
15345import { Xliff, Xliff2, Xmb } from "@angular/compiler";
15346import {
15347 relative as relative5,
15348 resolve as resolve4,
15349 sep as sep2
15350} from "path";
15352// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/typescript_support.mjs
15353import ts98 from "typescript";
15354var tsVersion = ts98.version;
15356// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core/src/host.mjs
15357import ts99 from "typescript";
15359// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/downlevel_decorators_transform/downlevel_decorators_transform.mjs
15360import ts102 from "typescript";
15362// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/downlevel_decorators_transform/patch_alias_reference_resolution.mjs
15363import ts101 from "typescript";
15364var patchedReferencedAliasesSymbol = Symbol("patchedReferencedAliases");
15366// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/inline_resources.mjs
15367import ts103 from "typescript";
15369// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/lower_expressions.mjs
15370import { createLoweredSymbol, isLoweredSymbol } from "@angular/compiler";
15371import ts104 from "typescript";
15373// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/metadata_cache.mjs
15374import ts105 from "typescript";
15376// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/node_emitter_transform.mjs
15377import ts107 from "typescript";
15379// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/node_emitter.mjs
15380import { BinaryOperator as BinaryOperator2, BuiltinMethod, BuiltinVar, ClassStmt, ExternalExpr as ExternalExpr10, Statement, StmtModifier as StmtModifier2, UnaryOperator as UnaryOperator2 } from "@angular/compiler";
15381import ts106 from "typescript";
15383// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/r3_metadata_transform.mjs
15384import { ClassStmt as ClassStmt2, StmtModifier as StmtModifier3 } from "@angular/compiler";
15385import ts108 from "typescript";
15387// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/program.mjs
15389This compilation is using the View Engine compiler which is no longer supported by the Angular team
15390and is being removed. Please upgrade to the Ivy compiler by switching to \`NgtscProgram\`. See
15391https://angular.io/guide/ivy for more information.
15392`.trim().split("\n").join(" ");
15393var LOWER_FIELDS = ["useValue", "useFactory", "data", "id", "loadChildren"];
15394var R3_LOWER_FIELDS = [...LOWER_FIELDS, "providers", "imports", "exports"];
15395var emptyModules = {
15396 ngModules: [],
15397 ngModuleByPipeOrDirective: new Map(),
15398 files: []
15401// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/perform_compile.mjs
15402function calcProjectFileAndBasePath(project, host = getFileSystem()) {
15403 const absProject = host.resolve(project);
15404 const projectIsDir = host.lstat(absProject).isDirectory();
15405 const projectFile = projectIsDir ? host.join(absProject, "tsconfig.json") : absProject;
15406 const projectDir = projectIsDir ? absProject : host.dirname(absProject);
15407 const basePath = host.resolve(projectDir);
15408 return { projectFile, basePath };
15410function readConfiguration(project, existingOptions, host = getFileSystem()) {
15411 var _a;
15412 try {
15413 const fs5 = getFileSystem();
15414 const readConfigFile = (configFile) => ts110.readConfigFile(configFile, (file) => host.readFile(host.resolve(file)));
15415 const readAngularCompilerOptions = (configFile, parentOptions = {}) => {
15416 const { config: config2, error: error3 } = readConfigFile(configFile);
15417 if (error3) {
15418 return parentOptions;
15419 }
15420 const existingNgCompilerOptions = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, config2.angularCompilerOptions), parentOptions);
15421 if (config2.extends && typeof config2.extends === "string") {
15422 const extendedConfigPath = getExtendedConfigPath(configFile, config2.extends, host, fs5);
15423 if (extendedConfigPath !== null) {
15424 return readAngularCompilerOptions(extendedConfigPath, existingNgCompilerOptions);
15425 }
15426 }
15427 return existingNgCompilerOptions;
15428 };
15429 const { projectFile, basePath } = calcProjectFileAndBasePath(project, host);
15430 const configFileName = host.resolve(host.pwd(), projectFile);
15431 const { config, error: error2 } = readConfigFile(projectFile);
15432 if (error2) {
15433 return {
15434 project,
15435 errors: [error2],
15436 rootNames: [],
15437 options: {},
15438 emitFlags: EmitFlags.Default
15439 };
15440 }
15441 const existingCompilerOptions = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({
15442 genDir: basePath,
15443 basePath
15444 }, readAngularCompilerOptions(configFileName)), existingOptions);
15445 const parseConfigHost = createParseConfigHost(host, fs5);
15446 const { options, errors, fileNames: rootNames, projectReferences } = ts110.parseJsonConfigFileContent(config, parseConfigHost, basePath, existingCompilerOptions, configFileName);
15447 options.enableIvy = !!((_a = options.enableIvy) != null ? _a : true);
15448 let emitFlags = EmitFlags.Default;
15449 if (!(options.skipMetadataEmit || options.flatModuleOutFile)) {
15450 emitFlags |= EmitFlags.Metadata;
15451 }
15452 if (options.skipTemplateCodegen) {
15453 emitFlags = emitFlags & ~EmitFlags.Codegen;
15454 }
15455 return { project: projectFile, rootNames, projectReferences, options, errors, emitFlags };
15456 } catch (e) {
15457 const errors = [{
15458 category: ts110.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
15459 messageText: e.stack,
15460 file: void 0,
15461 start: void 0,
15462 length: void 0,
15463 source: "angular",
15465 }];
15466 return { project: "", errors, rootNames: [], options: {}, emitFlags: EmitFlags.Default };
15467 }
15469function createParseConfigHost(host, fs5 = getFileSystem()) {
15470 return {
15471 fileExists: host.exists.bind(host),
15472 readDirectory: ts110.sys.readDirectory,
15473 readFile: host.readFile.bind(host),
15474 useCaseSensitiveFileNames: fs5.isCaseSensitive()
15475 };
15477function getExtendedConfigPath(configFile, extendsValue, host, fs5) {
15478 const result = getExtendedConfigPathWorker(configFile, extendsValue, host, fs5);
15479 if (result !== null) {
15480 return result;
15481 }
15482 return getExtendedConfigPathWorker(configFile, `${extendsValue}.json`, host, fs5);
15484function getExtendedConfigPathWorker(configFile, extendsValue, host, fs5) {
15485 if (extendsValue.startsWith(".") || fs5.isRooted(extendsValue)) {
15486 const extendedConfigPath = host.resolve(host.dirname(configFile), extendsValue);
15487 if (host.exists(extendedConfigPath)) {
15488 return extendedConfigPath;
15489 }
15490 } else {
15491 const parseConfigHost = createParseConfigHost(host, fs5);
15492 const { resolvedModule } = ts110.nodeModuleNameResolver(extendsValue, configFile, { moduleResolution: ts110.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, resolveJsonModule: true }, parseConfigHost);
15493 if (resolvedModule) {
15494 return absoluteFrom(resolvedModule.resolvedFileName);
15495 }
15496 }
15497 return null;
15500// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/ngcc_options.mjs
15501function getSharedSetup(options) {
15502 const fileSystem = getFileSystem();
15503 const absBasePath = absoluteFrom(options.basePath);
15504 const projectPath = fileSystem.dirname(absBasePath);
15505 const tsConfig = options.tsConfigPath !== null ? getTsConfig(options.tsConfigPath || projectPath) : null;
15506 let { basePath, targetEntryPointPath, propertiesToConsider = SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES, typingsOnly = false, compileAllFormats = true, createNewEntryPointFormats = false, logger = new ConsoleLogger(LogLevel.info), pathMappings = getPathMappingsFromTsConfig(fileSystem, tsConfig, projectPath), async = false, errorOnFailedEntryPoint = false, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat = true, invalidateEntryPointManifest = false, tsConfigPath } = options;
15507 if (!!targetEntryPointPath) {
15508 errorOnFailedEntryPoint = true;
15509 }
15510 if (typingsOnly) {
15511 compileAllFormats = false;
15512 }
15513 checkForSolutionStyleTsConfig(fileSystem, logger, projectPath, options.tsConfigPath, tsConfig);
15514 return {
15515 basePath,
15516 targetEntryPointPath,
15517 propertiesToConsider,
15518 typingsOnly,
15519 compileAllFormats,
15520 createNewEntryPointFormats,
15521 logger,
15522 pathMappings,
15523 async,
15524 errorOnFailedEntryPoint,
15525 enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat,
15526 invalidateEntryPointManifest,
15527 tsConfigPath,
15528 fileSystem,
15529 absBasePath,
15530 projectPath,
15531 tsConfig,
15532 getFileWriter: (pkgJsonUpdater) => createNewEntryPointFormats ? new NewEntryPointFileWriter(fileSystem, logger, errorOnFailedEntryPoint, pkgJsonUpdater) : new InPlaceFileWriter(fileSystem, logger, errorOnFailedEntryPoint)
15533 };
15535var tsConfigCache = null;
15536var tsConfigPathCache = null;
15537function getTsConfig(tsConfigPath) {
15538 if (tsConfigPath !== tsConfigPathCache) {
15539 tsConfigPathCache = tsConfigPath;
15540 tsConfigCache = readConfiguration(tsConfigPath);
15541 }
15542 return tsConfigCache;
15544function clearTsConfigCache() {
15545 tsConfigPathCache = null;
15546 tsConfigCache = null;
15548function checkForSolutionStyleTsConfig(fileSystem, logger, projectPath, tsConfigPath, tsConfig) {
15549 if (tsConfigPath !== null && !tsConfigPath && tsConfig !== null && tsConfig.rootNames.length === 0 && tsConfig.projectReferences !== void 0 && tsConfig.projectReferences.length > 0) {
15550 logger.warn(`The inferred tsconfig file "${tsConfig.project}" appears to be "solution-style" since it contains no root files but does contain project references.
15551This is probably not wanted, since ngcc is unable to infer settings like "paths" mappings from such a file.
15552Perhaps you should have explicitly specified one of the referenced projects using the --tsconfig option. For example:
15554` + tsConfig.projectReferences.map((ref) => ` ngcc ... --tsconfig "${ref.originalPath}"
15555`).join("") + `
15556Find out more about solution-style tsconfig at https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-3-9/#solution-style-tsconfig.
15557If you did intend to use this file, then you can hide this warning by providing it explicitly:
15559 ngcc ... --tsconfig "${fileSystem.relative(projectPath, tsConfig.project)}"`);
15560 }
15562function getMaxNumberOfWorkers() {
15563 const maxWorkers = process.env.NGCC_MAX_WORKERS;
15564 if (maxWorkers === void 0) {
15565 return Math.max(1, Math.min(4, cpus().length - 1));
15566 }
15567 const numericMaxWorkers = +maxWorkers.trim();
15568 if (!Number.isInteger(numericMaxWorkers)) {
15569 throw new Error("NGCC_MAX_WORKERS should be an integer.");
15570 } else if (numericMaxWorkers < 1) {
15571 throw new Error("NGCC_MAX_WORKERS should be at least 1.");
15572 }
15573 return numericMaxWorkers;
15576// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/configuration.mjs
15577import { createHash } from "crypto";
15578import module6 from "module";
15579import semver from "semver";
15580import {
15581 runInNewContext
15582} from "vm";
15583var PartiallyProcessedConfig = class {
15584 constructor(projectConfig) {
15585 this.packages = new Map();
15586 this.locking = {};
15587 this.hashAlgorithm = "sha256";
15588 if (projectConfig.locking !== void 0) {
15589 this.locking = projectConfig.locking;
15590 }
15591 for (const packageNameAndVersion in projectConfig.packages) {
15592 const packageConfig = projectConfig.packages[packageNameAndVersion];
15593 if (packageConfig) {
15594 const [packageName, versionRange = "*"] = this.splitNameAndVersion(packageNameAndVersion);
15595 this.addPackageConfig(packageName, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, packageConfig), { versionRange }));
15596 }
15597 }
15598 if (projectConfig.hashAlgorithm !== void 0) {
15599 this.hashAlgorithm = projectConfig.hashAlgorithm;
15600 }
15601 }
15602 splitNameAndVersion(packageNameAndVersion) {
15603 const versionIndex = packageNameAndVersion.lastIndexOf("@");
15604 return versionIndex > 0 ? [
15605 packageNameAndVersion.substring(0, versionIndex),
15606 packageNameAndVersion.substring(versionIndex + 1)
15607 ] : [packageNameAndVersion, void 0];
15608 }
15609 addPackageConfig(packageName, config) {
15610 if (!this.packages.has(packageName)) {
15611 this.packages.set(packageName, []);
15612 }
15613 this.packages.get(packageName).push(config);
15614 }
15615 findPackageConfig(packageName, version) {
15616 var _a;
15617 if (!this.packages.has(packageName)) {
15618 return null;
15619 }
15620 const configs = this.packages.get(packageName);
15621 if (version === null) {
15622 return configs[0];
15623 }
15624 return (_a = configs.find((config) => semver.satisfies(version, config.versionRange, { includePrerelease: true }))) != null ? _a : null;
15625 }
15626 toJson() {
15627 return JSON.stringify(this, (key, value) => {
15628 if (value instanceof Map) {
15629 const res = {};
15630 for (const [k, v] of value) {
15631 res[k] = v;
15632 }
15633 return res;
15634 } else {
15635 return value;
15636 }
15637 });
15638 }
15641 packages: {
15642 "angular2-highcharts": {
15643 entryPoints: {
15644 ".": {
15645 override: {
15646 main: "./index.js"
15647 }
15648 }
15649 }
15650 },
15651 "ng2-dragula": {
15652 entryPoints: {
15653 "./dist": { ignore: true }
15654 }
15655 }
15656 },
15657 locking: {
15658 retryDelay: 500,
15659 retryAttempts: 500
15660 }
15662var NGCC_CONFIG_FILENAME = "ngcc.config.js";
15663var isCommonJS2 = typeof __require !== "undefined";
15664var currentFileUrl2 = isCommonJS2 ? null : __ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__;
15665var ProcessedNgccPackageConfig = class {
15666 constructor(fs5, packagePath, { entryPoints = {}, ignorableDeepImportMatchers = [] }) {
15667 const absolutePathEntries = Object.entries(entryPoints).map(([relativePath, config]) => [fs5.resolve(packagePath, relativePath), config]);
15668 this.packagePath = packagePath;
15669 this.entryPoints = new Map(absolutePathEntries);
15670 this.ignorableDeepImportMatchers = ignorableDeepImportMatchers;
15671 }
15673var NgccConfiguration = class {
15674 constructor(fs5, baseDir) {
15675 this.fs = fs5;
15676 this.cache = new Map();
15677 this.defaultConfig = new PartiallyProcessedConfig(DEFAULT_NGCC_CONFIG);
15678 this.projectConfig = new PartiallyProcessedConfig(this.loadProjectConfig(baseDir));
15679 this.hashAlgorithm = this.projectConfig.hashAlgorithm;
15680 this.hash = this.computeHash();
15681 }
15682 getLockingConfig() {
15683 let { retryAttempts, retryDelay } = this.projectConfig.locking;
15684 if (retryAttempts === void 0) {
15685 retryAttempts = this.defaultConfig.locking.retryAttempts;
15686 }
15687 if (retryDelay === void 0) {
15688 retryDelay = this.defaultConfig.locking.retryDelay;
15689 }
15690 return { retryAttempts, retryDelay };
15691 }
15692 getPackageConfig(packageName, packagePath, version) {
15693 const rawPackageConfig = this.getRawPackageConfig(packageName, packagePath, version);
15694 return new ProcessedNgccPackageConfig(this.fs, packagePath, rawPackageConfig);
15695 }
15696 getRawPackageConfig(packageName, packagePath, version) {
15697 const cacheKey = packageName + (version !== null ? `@${version}` : "");
15698 if (this.cache.has(cacheKey)) {
15699 return this.cache.get(cacheKey);
15700 }
15701 const projectLevelConfig = this.projectConfig.findPackageConfig(packageName, version);
15702 if (projectLevelConfig !== null) {
15703 this.cache.set(cacheKey, projectLevelConfig);
15704 return projectLevelConfig;
15705 }
15706 const packageLevelConfig = this.loadPackageConfig(packagePath, version);
15707 if (packageLevelConfig !== null) {
15708 this.cache.set(cacheKey, packageLevelConfig);
15709 return packageLevelConfig;
15710 }
15711 const defaultLevelConfig = this.defaultConfig.findPackageConfig(packageName, version);
15712 if (defaultLevelConfig !== null) {
15713 this.cache.set(cacheKey, defaultLevelConfig);
15714 return defaultLevelConfig;
15715 }
15716 return { versionRange: "*" };
15717 }
15718 loadProjectConfig(baseDir) {
15719 const configFilePath = this.fs.join(baseDir, NGCC_CONFIG_FILENAME);
15720 if (this.fs.exists(configFilePath)) {
15721 try {
15722 return this.evalSrcFile(configFilePath);
15723 } catch (e) {
15724 throw new Error(`Invalid project configuration file at "${configFilePath}": ` + e.message);
15725 }
15726 } else {
15727 return { packages: {} };
15728 }
15729 }
15730 loadPackageConfig(packagePath, version) {
15731 const configFilePath = this.fs.join(packagePath, NGCC_CONFIG_FILENAME);
15732 if (this.fs.exists(configFilePath)) {
15733 try {
15734 const packageConfig = this.evalSrcFile(configFilePath);
15735 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, packageConfig), {
15736 versionRange: version || "*"
15737 });
15738 } catch (e) {
15739 throw new Error(`Invalid package configuration file at "${configFilePath}": ` + e.message);
15740 }
15741 } else {
15742 return null;
15743 }
15744 }
15745 evalSrcFile(srcPath) {
15746 const requireFn = isCommonJS2 ? __require : module6.createRequire(currentFileUrl2);
15747 const src = this.fs.readFile(srcPath);
15748 const theExports = {};
15749 const sandbox = {
15750 module: { exports: theExports },
15751 exports: theExports,
15752 require: requireFn,
15753 __dirname: this.fs.dirname(srcPath),
15754 __filename: srcPath
15755 };
15756 runInNewContext(src, sandbox, { filename: srcPath });
15757 return sandbox.module.exports;
15758 }
15759 computeHash() {
15760 return createHash(this.hashAlgorithm).update(this.projectConfig.toJson()).digest("hex");
15761 }
15764// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/entry_point_manifest.mjs
15765import { createHash as createHash2 } from "crypto";
15766var EntryPointManifest = class {
15767 constructor(fs5, config, logger) {
15768 this.fs = fs5;
15769 this.config = config;
15770 this.logger = logger;
15771 }
15772 readEntryPointsUsingManifest(basePath) {
15773 try {
15774 if (this.fs.basename(basePath) !== "node_modules") {
15775 return null;
15776 }
15777 const manifestPath = this.getEntryPointManifestPath(basePath);
15778 if (!this.fs.exists(manifestPath)) {
15779 return null;
15780 }
15781 const computedLockFileHash = this.computeLockFileHash(basePath);
15782 if (computedLockFileHash === null) {
15783 return null;
15784 }
15785 const { ngccVersion, configFileHash, lockFileHash, entryPointPaths } = JSON.parse(this.fs.readFile(manifestPath));
15786 if (ngccVersion !== NGCC_VERSION || configFileHash !== this.config.hash || lockFileHash !== computedLockFileHash) {
15787 return null;
15788 }
15789 this.logger.debug(`Entry-point manifest found for ${basePath} so loading entry-point information directly.`);
15790 const startTime = Date.now();
15791 const entryPoints = [];
15792 for (const [packagePath, entryPointPath, dependencyPaths = [], missingPaths = [], deepImportPaths = []] of entryPointPaths) {
15793 const result = getEntryPointInfo(this.fs, this.config, this.logger, this.fs.resolve(basePath, packagePath), this.fs.resolve(basePath, entryPointPath));
15794 if (!isEntryPoint(result)) {
15795 throw new Error(`The entry-point manifest at ${manifestPath} contained an invalid pair of package paths: [${packagePath}, ${entryPointPath}]`);
15796 } else {
15797 entryPoints.push({
15798 entryPoint: result,
15799 depInfo: {
15800 dependencies: new Set(dependencyPaths),
15801 missing: new Set(missingPaths),
15802 deepImports: new Set(deepImportPaths)
15803 }
15804 });
15805 }
15806 }
15807 const duration = Math.round((Date.now() - startTime) / 100) / 10;
15808 this.logger.debug(`Reading entry-points using the manifest entries took ${duration}s.`);
15809 return entryPoints;
15810 } catch (e) {
15811 this.logger.warn(`Unable to read the entry-point manifest for ${basePath}:
15812`, e.stack || e.toString());
15813 return null;
15814 }
15815 }
15816 writeEntryPointManifest(basePath, entryPoints) {
15817 if (this.fs.basename(basePath) !== "node_modules") {
15818 return;
15819 }
15820 const lockFileHash = this.computeLockFileHash(basePath);
15821 if (lockFileHash === null) {
15822 return;
15823 }
15824 const manifest = {
15825 ngccVersion: NGCC_VERSION,
15826 configFileHash: this.config.hash,
15827 lockFileHash,
15828 entryPointPaths: entryPoints.map((e) => {
15829 const entryPointPaths = [
15830 this.fs.relative(basePath, e.entryPoint.packagePath),
15831 this.fs.relative(basePath, e.entryPoint.path)
15832 ];
15833 if (e.depInfo.dependencies.size > 0) {
15834 entryPointPaths[2] = Array.from(e.depInfo.dependencies);
15835 } else if (e.depInfo.missing.size > 0 || e.depInfo.deepImports.size > 0) {
15836 entryPointPaths[2] = [];
15837 }
15838 if (e.depInfo.missing.size > 0) {
15839 entryPointPaths[3] = Array.from(e.depInfo.missing);
15840 } else if (e.depInfo.deepImports.size > 0) {
15841 entryPointPaths[3] = [];
15842 }
15843 if (e.depInfo.deepImports.size > 0) {
15844 entryPointPaths[4] = Array.from(e.depInfo.deepImports);
15845 }
15846 return entryPointPaths;
15847 })
15848 };
15849 this.fs.writeFile(this.getEntryPointManifestPath(basePath), JSON.stringify(manifest));
15850 }
15851 getEntryPointManifestPath(basePath) {
15852 return this.fs.resolve(basePath, "__ngcc_entry_points__.json");
15853 }
15854 computeLockFileHash(basePath) {
15855 const directory = this.fs.dirname(basePath);
15856 for (const lockFileName of ["yarn.lock", "package-lock.json"]) {
15857 const lockFilePath = this.fs.resolve(directory, lockFileName);
15858 if (this.fs.exists(lockFilePath)) {
15859 const lockFileContents = this.fs.readFile(lockFilePath);
15860 return createHash2(this.config.hashAlgorithm).update(lockFileContents).digest("hex");
15861 }
15862 }
15863 return null;
15864 }
15866var InvalidatingEntryPointManifest = class extends EntryPointManifest {
15867 readEntryPointsUsingManifest(_basePath) {
15868 return null;
15869 }
15872// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/writing/package_json_updater.mjs
15873var PackageJsonUpdate = class {
15874 constructor(writeChangesImpl) {
15875 this.writeChangesImpl = writeChangesImpl;
15876 this.changes = [];
15877 this.applied = false;
15878 }
15879 addChange(propertyPath, value, positioning = "unimportant") {
15880 this.ensureNotApplied();
15881 this.changes.push([propertyPath, value, positioning]);
15882 return this;
15883 }
15884 writeChanges(packageJsonPath, parsedJson) {
15885 this.ensureNotApplied();
15886 this.writeChangesImpl(this.changes, packageJsonPath, parsedJson);
15887 this.applied = true;
15888 }
15889 ensureNotApplied() {
15890 if (this.applied) {
15891 throw new Error("Trying to apply a `PackageJsonUpdate` that has already been applied.");
15892 }
15893 }
15895var DirectPackageJsonUpdater = class {
15896 constructor(fs5) {
15897 this.fs = fs5;
15898 }
15899 createUpdate() {
15900 return new PackageJsonUpdate((...args) => this.writeChanges(...args));
15901 }
15902 writeChanges(changes, packageJsonPath, preExistingParsedJson) {
15903 if (changes.length === 0) {
15904 throw new Error(`No changes to write to '${packageJsonPath}'.`);
15905 }
15906 const parsedJson = this.fs.exists(packageJsonPath) ? JSON.parse(this.fs.readFile(packageJsonPath)) : {};
15907 for (const [propPath, value, positioning] of changes) {
15908 if (propPath.length === 0) {
15909 throw new Error(`Missing property path for writing value to '${packageJsonPath}'.`);
15910 }
15911 applyChange(parsedJson, propPath, value, positioning);
15912 if (preExistingParsedJson) {
15913 applyChange(preExistingParsedJson, propPath, value, "unimportant");
15914 }
15915 }
15916 this.fs.ensureDir(dirname(packageJsonPath));
15917 this.fs.writeFile(packageJsonPath, `${JSON.stringify(parsedJson, null, 2)}
15919 }
15921function applyChange(ctx, propPath, value, positioning) {
15922 const lastPropIdx = propPath.length - 1;
15923 const lastProp = propPath[lastPropIdx];
15924 for (let i = 0; i < lastPropIdx; i++) {
15925 const key = propPath[i];
15926 const newCtx = ctx.hasOwnProperty(key) ? ctx[key] : ctx[key] = {};
15927 if (typeof newCtx !== "object" || newCtx === null || Array.isArray(newCtx)) {
15928 throw new Error(`Property path '${propPath.join(".")}' does not point to an object.`);
15929 }
15930 ctx = newCtx;
15931 }
15932 ctx[lastProp] = value;
15933 positionProperty(ctx, lastProp, positioning);
15935function movePropBefore(ctx, prop, isNextProp) {
15936 const allProps = Object.keys(ctx);
15937 const otherProps = allProps.filter((p2) => p2 !== prop);
15938 const nextPropIdx = otherProps.findIndex(isNextProp);
15939 const propsToShift = nextPropIdx === -1 ? [] : otherProps.slice(nextPropIdx);
15940 movePropToEnd(ctx, prop);
15941 propsToShift.forEach((p2) => movePropToEnd(ctx, p2));
15943function movePropToEnd(ctx, prop) {
15944 const value = ctx[prop];
15945 delete ctx[prop];
15946 ctx[prop] = value;
15948function positionProperty(ctx, prop, positioning) {
15949 switch (positioning) {
15950 case "alphabetic":
15951 movePropBefore(ctx, prop, (p2) => p2 > prop);
15952 break;
15953 case "unimportant":
15954 break;
15955 default:
15956 if (typeof positioning !== "object" || positioning.before === void 0) {
15957 throw new Error(`Unknown positioning (${JSON.stringify(positioning)}) for property '${prop}'.`);
15958 }
15959 movePropBefore(ctx, prop, (p2) => p2 === positioning.before);
15960 break;
15961 }
15964// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/main.mjs
15965function mainNgcc(options) {
15966 const { basePath, targetEntryPointPath, propertiesToConsider, typingsOnly, compileAllFormats, logger, pathMappings, async, errorOnFailedEntryPoint, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat, invalidateEntryPointManifest, fileSystem, absBasePath, projectPath, tsConfig, getFileWriter } = getSharedSetup(options);
15967 const config = new NgccConfiguration(fileSystem, projectPath);
15968 const dependencyResolver = getDependencyResolver(fileSystem, logger, config, pathMappings);
15969 const entryPointManifest = invalidateEntryPointManifest ? new InvalidatingEntryPointManifest(fileSystem, config, logger) : new EntryPointManifest(fileSystem, config, logger);
15970 const supportedPropertiesToConsider = ensureSupportedProperties(propertiesToConsider);
15971 const absoluteTargetEntryPointPath = targetEntryPointPath !== void 0 ? fileSystem.resolve(basePath, targetEntryPointPath) : null;
15972 const finder = getEntryPointFinder(fileSystem, logger, dependencyResolver, config, entryPointManifest, absBasePath, absoluteTargetEntryPointPath, pathMappings, options.findEntryPointsFromTsConfigProgram ? tsConfig : null, projectPath);
15973 if (finder instanceof TargetedEntryPointFinder && !finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(supportedPropertiesToConsider, compileAllFormats)) {
15974 logger.debug("The target entry-point has already been processed");
15975 return;
15976 }
15977 const workerCount = async ? getMaxNumberOfWorkers() : 1;
15978 const inParallel = workerCount > 1;
15979 const analyzeEntryPoints = getAnalyzeEntryPointsFn(logger, finder, fileSystem, supportedPropertiesToConsider, typingsOnly, compileAllFormats, propertiesToConsider, inParallel);
15980 const pkgJsonUpdater = new DirectPackageJsonUpdater(fileSystem);
15981 const fileWriter = getFileWriter(pkgJsonUpdater);
15982 const createCompileFn = getCreateCompileFn(fileSystem, logger, fileWriter, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat, tsConfig, pathMappings);
15983 const createTaskCompletedCallback = getCreateTaskCompletedCallback(pkgJsonUpdater, errorOnFailedEntryPoint, logger, fileSystem);
15984 const executor = getExecutor(async, workerCount, logger, fileWriter, pkgJsonUpdater, fileSystem, config, createTaskCompletedCallback);
15985 return executor.execute(analyzeEntryPoints, createCompileFn);
15987function ensureSupportedProperties(properties) {
15988 if (properties === SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES)
15990 const supportedProperties = [];
15991 for (const prop of properties) {
15992 if (SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES.indexOf(prop) !== -1) {
15993 supportedProperties.push(prop);
15994 }
15995 }
15996 if (supportedProperties.length === 0) {
15997 throw new Error(`No supported format property to consider among [${properties.join(", ")}]. Supported properties: ${SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES.join(", ")}`);
15998 }
15999 return supportedProperties;
16001function getCreateTaskCompletedCallback(pkgJsonUpdater, errorOnFailedEntryPoint, logger, fileSystem) {
16002 return (taskQueue) => composeTaskCompletedCallbacks({
16003 [0]: createMarkAsProcessedHandler(fileSystem, pkgJsonUpdater),
16004 [1]: errorOnFailedEntryPoint ? createThrowErrorHandler(fileSystem) : createLogErrorHandler(logger, fileSystem, taskQueue)
16005 });
16007function getExecutor(async, workerCount, logger, fileWriter, pkgJsonUpdater, fileSystem, config, createTaskCompletedCallback) {
16008 const lockFile = new LockFileWithChildProcess(fileSystem, logger);
16009 if (async) {
16010 const { retryAttempts, retryDelay } = config.getLockingConfig();
16011 const locker = new AsyncLocker(lockFile, logger, retryDelay, retryAttempts);
16012 if (workerCount > 1) {
16013 return new ClusterExecutor(workerCount, fileSystem, logger, fileWriter, pkgJsonUpdater, locker, createTaskCompletedCallback);
16014 } else {
16015 return new SingleProcessExecutorAsync(logger, locker, createTaskCompletedCallback);
16016 }
16017 } else {
16018 return new SingleProcessExecutorSync(logger, new SyncLocker(lockFile), createTaskCompletedCallback);
16019 }
16021function getDependencyResolver(fileSystem, logger, config, pathMappings) {
16022 const moduleResolver = new ModuleResolver(fileSystem, pathMappings);
16023 const esmDependencyHost = new EsmDependencyHost(fileSystem, moduleResolver);
16024 const umdDependencyHost = new UmdDependencyHost(fileSystem, moduleResolver);
16025 const commonJsDependencyHost = new CommonJsDependencyHost(fileSystem, moduleResolver);
16026 const dtsDependencyHost = new DtsDependencyHost(fileSystem, pathMappings);
16027 return new DependencyResolver(fileSystem, logger, config, {
16028 esm5: esmDependencyHost,
16029 esm2015: esmDependencyHost,
16030 umd: umdDependencyHost,
16031 commonjs: commonJsDependencyHost
16032 }, dtsDependencyHost);
16034function getEntryPointFinder(fs5, logger, resolver, config, entryPointManifest, basePath, absoluteTargetEntryPointPath, pathMappings, tsConfig, projectPath) {
16035 if (absoluteTargetEntryPointPath !== null) {
16036 return new TargetedEntryPointFinder(fs5, config, logger, resolver, basePath, pathMappings, absoluteTargetEntryPointPath);
16037 } else {
16038 const entryPointCollector = new EntryPointCollector(fs5, config, logger, resolver);
16039 if (tsConfig !== null) {
16040 return new ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder(fs5, config, logger, resolver, entryPointCollector, entryPointManifest, basePath, tsConfig, projectPath);
16041 } else {
16042 return new DirectoryWalkerEntryPointFinder(logger, resolver, entryPointCollector, entryPointManifest, basePath, pathMappings);
16043 }
16044 }
16047// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/index.mjs
16048function process2(options) {
16049 setFileSystem(new NodeJSFileSystem());
16050 return mainNgcc(options);
16052var containingDirPath = typeof __dirname !== "undefined" ? __dirname : dirname6(fileURLToPath2(__ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__));
16053var ngccMainFilePath = join6(containingDirPath, "./main-ngcc.js");
16054export {
16055 ConsoleLogger,
16056 LogLevel,
16057 clearTsConfigCache,
16058 containingDirPath,
16059 ngccMainFilePath,
16060 process2 as process
16063 * @license
16064 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
16065 *
16066 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
16067 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
16068 */
16069//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map