11.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 import {createRequire as __cjsCompatRequire} from 'module';
3 const require = __cjsCompatRequire(import.meta.url);
4 const __ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__ = import.meta.url;
6import {
7 __require
8} from "./chunk-GMSUYBZP.js";
10// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/util.mjs
11var TS_DTS_JS_EXTENSION = /(?:\.d)?\.ts$|\.js$/;
12function normalizeSeparators(path) {
13 return path.replace(/\\/g, "/");
15function stripExtension(path) {
16 return path.replace(TS_DTS_JS_EXTENSION, "");
18function getSourceFileOrError(program, fileName) {
19 const sf = program.getSourceFile(fileName);
20 if (sf === void 0) {
21 throw new Error(`Program does not contain "${fileName}" - available files are ${program.getSourceFiles().map((sf2) => sf2.fileName).join(", ")}`);
22 }
23 return sf;
26// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/invalid_file_system.mjs
27var InvalidFileSystem = class {
28 exists(path) {
29 throw makeError();
30 }
31 readFile(path) {
32 throw makeError();
33 }
34 readFileBuffer(path) {
35 throw makeError();
36 }
37 writeFile(path, data, exclusive) {
38 throw makeError();
39 }
40 removeFile(path) {
41 throw makeError();
42 }
43 symlink(target, path) {
44 throw makeError();
45 }
46 readdir(path) {
47 throw makeError();
48 }
49 lstat(path) {
50 throw makeError();
51 }
52 stat(path) {
53 throw makeError();
54 }
55 pwd() {
56 throw makeError();
57 }
58 chdir(path) {
59 throw makeError();
60 }
61 extname(path) {
62 throw makeError();
63 }
64 copyFile(from, to) {
65 throw makeError();
66 }
67 moveFile(from, to) {
68 throw makeError();
69 }
70 ensureDir(path) {
71 throw makeError();
72 }
73 removeDeep(path) {
74 throw makeError();
75 }
76 isCaseSensitive() {
77 throw makeError();
78 }
79 resolve(...paths) {
80 throw makeError();
81 }
82 dirname(file) {
83 throw makeError();
84 }
85 join(basePath, ...paths) {
86 throw makeError();
87 }
88 isRoot(path) {
89 throw makeError();
90 }
91 isRooted(path) {
92 throw makeError();
93 }
94 relative(from, to) {
95 throw makeError();
96 }
97 basename(filePath, extension) {
98 throw makeError();
99 }
100 realpath(filePath) {
101 throw makeError();
102 }
103 getDefaultLibLocation() {
104 throw makeError();
105 }
106 normalize(path) {
107 throw makeError();
108 }
110function makeError() {
111 return new Error("FileSystem has not been configured. Please call `setFileSystem()` before calling this method.");
114// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/helpers.mjs
115var fs = new InvalidFileSystem();
116function getFileSystem() {
117 return fs;
119function setFileSystem(fileSystem) {
120 fs = fileSystem;
122function absoluteFrom(path) {
123 if (!fs.isRooted(path)) {
124 throw new Error(`Internal Error: absoluteFrom(${path}): path is not absolute`);
125 }
126 return fs.resolve(path);
128var ABSOLUTE_PATH = Symbol("AbsolutePath");
129function absoluteFromSourceFile(sf) {
130 const sfWithPatch = sf;
131 if (sfWithPatch[ABSOLUTE_PATH] === void 0) {
132 sfWithPatch[ABSOLUTE_PATH] = fs.resolve(sfWithPatch.fileName);
133 }
134 return sfWithPatch[ABSOLUTE_PATH];
136function relativeFrom(path) {
137 const normalized = normalizeSeparators(path);
138 if (fs.isRooted(normalized)) {
139 throw new Error(`Internal Error: relativeFrom(${path}): path is not relative`);
140 }
141 return normalized;
143function dirname(file) {
144 return fs.dirname(file);
146function join(basePath, ...paths) {
147 return fs.join(basePath, ...paths);
149function resolve(basePath, ...paths) {
150 return fs.resolve(basePath, ...paths);
152function isRoot(path) {
153 return fs.isRoot(path);
155function isRooted(path) {
156 return fs.isRooted(path);
158function relative(from, to) {
159 return fs.relative(from, to);
161function basename(filePath, extension) {
162 return fs.basename(filePath, extension);
164function isLocalRelativePath(relativePath) {
165 return !isRooted(relativePath) && !relativePath.startsWith("..");
167function toRelativeImport(relativePath) {
168 return isLocalRelativePath(relativePath) ? `./${relativePath}` : relativePath;
171// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/compiler_host.mjs
172import * as os from "os";
173import ts from "typescript";
174var NgtscCompilerHost = class {
175 constructor(fs3, options = {}) {
176 this.fs = fs3;
177 this.options = options;
178 }
179 getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion) {
180 const text = this.readFile(fileName);
181 return text !== void 0 ? ts.createSourceFile(fileName, text, languageVersion, true) : void 0;
182 }
183 getDefaultLibFileName(options) {
184 return this.fs.join(this.getDefaultLibLocation(), ts.getDefaultLibFileName(options));
185 }
186 getDefaultLibLocation() {
187 return this.fs.getDefaultLibLocation();
188 }
189 writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles) {
190 const path = absoluteFrom(fileName);
191 this.fs.ensureDir(this.fs.dirname(path));
192 this.fs.writeFile(path, data);
193 }
194 getCurrentDirectory() {
195 return this.fs.pwd();
196 }
197 getCanonicalFileName(fileName) {
198 return this.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase();
199 }
200 useCaseSensitiveFileNames() {
201 return this.fs.isCaseSensitive();
202 }
203 getNewLine() {
204 switch (this.options.newLine) {
205 case ts.NewLineKind.CarriageReturnLineFeed:
206 return "\r\n";
207 case ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed:
208 return "\n";
209 default:
210 return os.EOL;
211 }
212 }
213 fileExists(fileName) {
214 const absPath = this.fs.resolve(fileName);
215 return this.fs.exists(absPath) && this.fs.stat(absPath).isFile();
216 }
217 readFile(fileName) {
218 const absPath = this.fs.resolve(fileName);
219 if (!this.fileExists(absPath)) {
220 return void 0;
221 }
222 return this.fs.readFile(absPath);
223 }
224 realpath(path) {
225 return this.fs.realpath(this.fs.resolve(path));
226 }
229// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/logical.mjs
230var LogicalProjectPath = {
231 relativePathBetween: function(from, to) {
232 const relativePath = relative(dirname(resolve(from)), resolve(to));
233 return toRelativeImport(relativePath);
234 }
236var LogicalFileSystem = class {
237 constructor(rootDirs, compilerHost) {
238 this.compilerHost = compilerHost;
239 this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
240 this.rootDirs = rootDirs.concat([]).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length);
241 this.canonicalRootDirs = this.rootDirs.map((dir) => this.compilerHost.getCanonicalFileName(dir));
242 }
243 logicalPathOfSf(sf) {
244 return this.logicalPathOfFile(absoluteFromSourceFile(sf));
245 }
246 logicalPathOfFile(physicalFile) {
247 if (!this.cache.has(physicalFile)) {
248 const canonicalFilePath = this.compilerHost.getCanonicalFileName(physicalFile);
249 let logicalFile = null;
250 for (let i = 0; i < this.rootDirs.length; i++) {
251 const rootDir = this.rootDirs[i];
252 const canonicalRootDir = this.canonicalRootDirs[i];
253 if (isWithinBasePath(canonicalRootDir, canonicalFilePath)) {
254 logicalFile = this.createLogicalProjectPath(physicalFile, rootDir);
255 if (logicalFile.indexOf("/node_modules/") !== -1) {
256 logicalFile = null;
257 } else {
258 break;
259 }
260 }
261 }
262 this.cache.set(physicalFile, logicalFile);
263 }
264 return this.cache.get(physicalFile);
265 }
266 createLogicalProjectPath(file, rootDir) {
267 const logicalPath = stripExtension(file.substr(rootDir.length));
268 return logicalPath.startsWith("/") ? logicalPath : "/" + logicalPath;
269 }
271function isWithinBasePath(base, path) {
272 return isLocalRelativePath(relative(base, path));
275// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/node_js_file_system.mjs
276import * as fs2 from "fs";
277import module from "module";
278import * as p from "path";
279import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
280var NodeJSPathManipulation = class {
281 pwd() {
282 return this.normalize(process.cwd());
283 }
284 chdir(dir) {
285 process.chdir(dir);
286 }
287 resolve(...paths) {
288 return this.normalize(p.resolve(...paths));
289 }
290 dirname(file) {
291 return this.normalize(p.dirname(file));
292 }
293 join(basePath, ...paths) {
294 return this.normalize(p.join(basePath, ...paths));
295 }
296 isRoot(path) {
297 return this.dirname(path) === this.normalize(path);
298 }
299 isRooted(path) {
300 return p.isAbsolute(path);
301 }
302 relative(from, to) {
303 return this.normalize(p.relative(from, to));
304 }
305 basename(filePath, extension) {
306 return p.basename(filePath, extension);
307 }
308 extname(path) {
309 return p.extname(path);
310 }
311 normalize(path) {
312 return path.replace(/\\/g, "/");
313 }
315var isCommonJS = typeof __filename !== "undefined";
316var currentFileUrl = isCommonJS ? null : __ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__;
317var currentFileName = isCommonJS ? __filename : fileURLToPath(currentFileUrl);
318var NodeJSReadonlyFileSystem = class extends NodeJSPathManipulation {
319 constructor() {
320 super(...arguments);
321 this._caseSensitive = void 0;
322 }
323 isCaseSensitive() {
324 if (this._caseSensitive === void 0) {
325 this._caseSensitive = !fs2.existsSync(this.normalize(toggleCase(currentFileName)));
326 }
327 return this._caseSensitive;
328 }
329 exists(path) {
330 return fs2.existsSync(path);
331 }
332 readFile(path) {
333 return fs2.readFileSync(path, "utf8");
334 }
335 readFileBuffer(path) {
336 return fs2.readFileSync(path);
337 }
338 readdir(path) {
339 return fs2.readdirSync(path);
340 }
341 lstat(path) {
342 return fs2.lstatSync(path);
343 }
344 stat(path) {
345 return fs2.statSync(path);
346 }
347 realpath(path) {
348 return this.resolve(fs2.realpathSync(path));
349 }
350 getDefaultLibLocation() {
351 const requireFn = isCommonJS ? __require : module.createRequire(currentFileUrl);
352 return this.resolve(requireFn.resolve("typescript"), "..");
353 }
355var NodeJSFileSystem = class extends NodeJSReadonlyFileSystem {
356 writeFile(path, data, exclusive = false) {
357 fs2.writeFileSync(path, data, exclusive ? { flag: "wx" } : void 0);
358 }
359 removeFile(path) {
360 fs2.unlinkSync(path);
361 }
362 symlink(target, path) {
363 fs2.symlinkSync(target, path);
364 }
365 copyFile(from, to) {
366 fs2.copyFileSync(from, to);
367 }
368 moveFile(from, to) {
369 fs2.renameSync(from, to);
370 }
371 ensureDir(path) {
372 const parents = [];
373 while (!this.isRoot(path) && !this.exists(path)) {
374 parents.push(path);
375 path = this.dirname(path);
376 }
377 while (parents.length) {
378 this.safeMkdir(parents.pop());
379 }
380 }
381 removeDeep(path) {
382 fs2.rmdirSync(path, { recursive: true });
383 }
384 safeMkdir(path) {
385 try {
386 fs2.mkdirSync(path);
387 } catch (err) {
388 if (!this.exists(path) || !this.stat(path).isDirectory()) {
389 throw err;
390 }
391 }
392 }
394function toggleCase(str) {
395 return str.replace(/\w/g, (ch) => ch.toUpperCase() === ch ? ch.toLowerCase() : ch.toUpperCase());
398export {
399 stripExtension,
400 getSourceFileOrError,
401 getFileSystem,
402 setFileSystem,
403 absoluteFrom,
404 absoluteFromSourceFile,
405 relativeFrom,
406 dirname,
407 join,
408 resolve,
409 isRoot,
410 isRooted,
411 relative,
412 basename,
413 isLocalRelativePath,
414 toRelativeImport,
415 NgtscCompilerHost,
416 LogicalProjectPath,
417 LogicalFileSystem,
418 NodeJSFileSystem
421 * @license
422 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
423 *
424 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
425 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
426 */
427//# sourceMappingURL=chunk-CLV7JFJQ.js.map