218 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 import {createRequire as __cjsCompatRequire} from 'module';
3 const require = __cjsCompatRequire(import.meta.url);
4 const __ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__ = import.meta.url;
6import {
7 CycleAnalyzer,
8 ImportGraph,
9 LocalModuleScopeRegistry,
10 MetadataDtsModuleScopeResolver,
11 TypeCheckScopeRegistry,
12 isShim,
13 readConfiguration
14} from "./chunk-ZPZWKMTE.js";
15import {
16 CompilationMode,
17 ComponentDecoratorHandler,
18 CompoundMetadataReader,
19 CompoundMetadataRegistry,
20 DirectiveDecoratorHandler,
21 DtsMetadataReader,
22 DtsTransformRegistry,
23 HandlerFlags,
24 InjectableClassRegistry,
25 InjectableDecoratorHandler,
26 LocalMetadataRegistry,
27 NgModuleDecoratorHandler,
28 PartialEvaluator,
29 PipeDecoratorHandler,
30 ResourceRegistry,
31 TraitCompiler,
32 TraitState,
33 forwardRefResolver,
34 readBaseClass
35} from "./chunk-KAJ5EOEG.js";
36import {
37 ClassMemberKind,
38 KnownDeclaration,
39 TypeScriptReflectionHost,
40 isConcreteDeclaration,
41 isDecoratorIdentifier,
42 isNamedClassDeclaration,
43 isNamedFunctionDeclaration,
44 isNamedVariableDeclaration,
45 reflectObjectLiteral
46} from "./chunk-Q5GIQ3RV.js";
47import {
48 ConsoleLogger,
49 LogLevel
50} from "./chunk-LX5Q27EF.js";
51import {
52 ContentOrigin,
53 SourceFileLoader
54} from "./chunk-EIFOOEXQ.js";
55import {
56 AbsoluteModuleStrategy,
57 ImportManager,
58 LocalIdentifierStrategy,
59 LogicalProjectStrategy,
60 ModuleResolver,
61 NoopImportRewriter,
62 PrivateExportAliasingHost,
63 R3SymbolsImportRewriter,
64 Reference,
65 ReferenceEmitter,
66 isAssignment,
67 isDtsPath,
68 isFatalDiagnosticError,
69 isFromDtsFile,
70 isSymbolWithValueDeclaration,
71 replaceTsWithNgInErrors,
72 translateStatement,
73 translateType,
74 validateAndRewriteCoreSymbol
75} from "./chunk-WXB5AWIG.js";
76import {
77 LogicalFileSystem,
78 NgtscCompilerHost,
79 absoluteFrom,
80 absoluteFromSourceFile,
81 dirname,
82 getFileSystem,
83 isLocalRelativePath,
84 isRooted,
85 relative,
86 toRelativeImport
87} from "./chunk-CLV7JFJQ.js";
88import {
90} from "./chunk-R4NY3TJC.js";
91import {
92 __spreadProps,
93 __spreadValues
94} from "./chunk-GMSUYBZP.js";
96// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/create_compile_function.mjs
97import ts23 from "typescript";
99// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/entry_point.mjs
100import ts7 from "typescript";
102// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/umd_host.mjs
103import ts6 from "typescript";
105// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/utils.mjs
106import ts from "typescript";
107function isDefined(value) {
108 return value !== void 0 && value !== null;
110function getNameText(name) {
111 return ts.isIdentifier(name) || ts.isLiteralExpression(name) ? name.text : name.getText();
113function hasNameIdentifier(declaration) {
114 const namedDeclaration = declaration;
115 return namedDeclaration.name !== void 0 && ts.isIdentifier(namedDeclaration.name);
117function isRelativePath(path) {
118 return isRooted(path) || /^\.\.?(\/|\\|$)/.test(path);
120var FactoryMap = class {
121 constructor(factory, entries) {
122 this.factory = factory;
123 this.internalMap = new Map(entries);
124 }
125 get(key) {
126 if (!this.internalMap.has(key)) {
127 this.internalMap.set(key, this.factory(key));
128 }
129 return this.internalMap.get(key);
130 }
131 set(key, value) {
132 this.internalMap.set(key, value);
133 }
135function resolveFileWithPostfixes(fs, path, postFixes) {
136 for (const postFix of postFixes) {
137 const testPath = absoluteFrom(path + postFix);
138 if (fs.exists(testPath) && fs.stat(testPath).isFile()) {
139 return testPath;
140 }
141 }
142 return null;
144function getTsHelperFnFromDeclaration(decl) {
145 if (!ts.isFunctionDeclaration(decl) && !ts.isVariableDeclaration(decl)) {
146 return null;
147 }
148 if (decl.name === void 0 || !ts.isIdentifier(decl.name)) {
149 return null;
150 }
151 return getTsHelperFnFromIdentifier(decl.name);
153function getTsHelperFnFromIdentifier(id) {
154 switch (stripDollarSuffix(id.text)) {
155 case "__assign":
156 return KnownDeclaration.TsHelperAssign;
157 case "__spread":
158 return KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpread;
159 case "__spreadArrays":
160 return KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpreadArrays;
161 case "__spreadArray":
162 return KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpreadArray;
163 case "__read":
164 return KnownDeclaration.TsHelperRead;
165 default:
166 return null;
167 }
169function stripDollarSuffix(value) {
170 return value.replace(/\$\d+$/, "");
172function stripExtension(fileName) {
173 return fileName.replace(/\..+$/, "");
176// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/commonjs_umd_utils.mjs
177import ts2 from "typescript";
178function findNamespaceOfIdentifier(id) {
179 return id.parent && ts2.isPropertyAccessExpression(id.parent) && id.parent.name === id && ts2.isIdentifier(id.parent.expression) ? id.parent.expression : null;
181function findRequireCallReference(id, checker) {
182 var _a, _b;
183 const symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(id) || null;
184 const declaration = (_b = symbol == null ? void 0 : symbol.valueDeclaration) != null ? _b : (_a = symbol == null ? void 0 : symbol.declarations) == null ? void 0 : _a[0];
185 const initializer = declaration && ts2.isVariableDeclaration(declaration) && declaration.initializer || null;
186 return initializer && isRequireCall(initializer) ? initializer : null;
188function isWildcardReexportStatement(stmt) {
189 if (!ts2.isExpressionStatement(stmt) || !ts2.isCallExpression(stmt.expression)) {
190 return false;
191 }
192 let fnName = null;
193 if (ts2.isIdentifier(stmt.expression.expression)) {
194 fnName = stmt.expression.expression.text;
195 } else if (ts2.isPropertyAccessExpression(stmt.expression.expression) && ts2.isIdentifier(stmt.expression.expression.name)) {
196 fnName = stmt.expression.expression.name.text;
197 }
198 if (fnName !== "__export" && fnName !== "__exportStar") {
199 return false;
200 }
201 return stmt.expression.arguments.length > 0;
203function isDefinePropertyReexportStatement(stmt) {
204 if (!ts2.isExpressionStatement(stmt) || !ts2.isCallExpression(stmt.expression)) {
205 return false;
206 }
207 if (!ts2.isPropertyAccessExpression(stmt.expression.expression) || !ts2.isIdentifier(stmt.expression.expression.expression) || stmt.expression.expression.expression.text !== "Object" || !ts2.isIdentifier(stmt.expression.expression.name) || stmt.expression.expression.name.text !== "defineProperty") {
208 return false;
209 }
210 const args = stmt.expression.arguments;
211 if (args.length !== 3) {
212 return false;
213 }
214 const exportsObject = args[0];
215 if (!ts2.isIdentifier(exportsObject) || exportsObject.text !== "exports") {
216 return false;
217 }
218 const propertyKey = args[1];
219 if (!ts2.isStringLiteral(propertyKey)) {
220 return false;
221 }
222 const propertyDescriptor = args[2];
223 if (!ts2.isObjectLiteralExpression(propertyDescriptor)) {
224 return false;
225 }
226 return propertyDescriptor.properties.some((prop) => prop.name !== void 0 && ts2.isIdentifier(prop.name) && prop.name.text === "get");
228function extractGetterFnExpression(statement) {
229 const args = statement.expression.arguments;
230 const getterFn = args[2].properties.find((prop) => prop.name !== void 0 && ts2.isIdentifier(prop.name) && prop.name.text === "get");
231 if (getterFn === void 0 || !ts2.isPropertyAssignment(getterFn) || !ts2.isFunctionExpression(getterFn.initializer)) {
232 return null;
233 }
234 const returnStatement = getterFn.initializer.body.statements[0];
235 if (!ts2.isReturnStatement(returnStatement) || returnStatement.expression === void 0) {
236 return null;
237 }
238 return returnStatement.expression;
240function isRequireCall(node) {
241 return ts2.isCallExpression(node) && ts2.isIdentifier(node.expression) && node.expression.text === "require" && node.arguments.length === 1 && ts2.isStringLiteral(node.arguments[0]);
243function isExternalImport(path) {
244 return !/^\.\.?(\/|$)/.test(path);
246function isExportsDeclaration(expr) {
247 return expr.parent && isExportsAssignment(expr.parent);
249function isExportsAssignment(expr) {
250 return isAssignment(expr) && ts2.isPropertyAccessExpression(expr.left) && ts2.isIdentifier(expr.left.expression) && expr.left.expression.text === "exports" && ts2.isIdentifier(expr.left.name);
252function isExportsStatement(stmt) {
253 return ts2.isExpressionStatement(stmt) && isExportsAssignment(stmt.expression);
255function skipAliases(node) {
256 while (isAssignment(node)) {
257 node = node.right;
258 }
259 return node;
262// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/esm2015_host.mjs
263import ts4 from "typescript";
265// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/util.mjs
266function isWithinPackage(packagePath, filePath) {
267 const relativePath = relative(packagePath, filePath);
268 return isLocalRelativePath(relativePath) && !relativePath.startsWith("node_modules/");
270var NoopDependencyTracker = class {
271 addDependency() {
272 }
273 addResourceDependency() {
274 }
275 recordDependencyAnalysisFailure() {
276 }
278var NOOP_DEPENDENCY_TRACKER = new NoopDependencyTracker();
280// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/utils.mjs
281import ts3 from "typescript";
282function stripParentheses(node) {
283 return ts3.isParenthesizedExpression(node) ? node.expression : node;
286// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/esm2015_host.mjs
287var DECORATORS = "decorators";
288var PROP_DECORATORS = "propDecorators";
289var CONSTRUCTOR = "__constructor";
290var CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS = "ctorParameters";
291var Esm2015ReflectionHost = class extends TypeScriptReflectionHost {
292 constructor(logger, isCore, src, dts = null) {
293 super(src.program.getTypeChecker());
294 this.logger = logger;
295 this.isCore = isCore;
296 this.src = src;
297 this.dts = dts;
298 this.publicDtsDeclarationMap = null;
299 this.privateDtsDeclarationMap = null;
300 this.preprocessedSourceFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
301 this.aliasedClassDeclarations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
302 this.decoratorCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
303 }
304 getClassSymbol(declaration) {
305 const symbol = this.getClassSymbolFromOuterDeclaration(declaration);
306 if (symbol !== void 0) {
307 return symbol;
308 }
309 const innerDeclaration = this.getInnerDeclarationFromAliasOrInner(declaration);
310 return this.getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(innerDeclaration);
311 }
312 getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(declaration) {
313 const symbol = this.getClassSymbol(declaration);
314 if (!symbol) {
315 return null;
316 }
317 return this.getDecoratorsOfSymbol(symbol);
318 }
319 getMembersOfClass(clazz) {
320 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
321 if (!classSymbol) {
322 throw new Error(`Attempted to get members of a non-class: "${clazz.getText()}"`);
323 }
324 return this.getMembersOfSymbol(classSymbol);
325 }
326 getConstructorParameters(clazz) {
327 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
328 if (!classSymbol) {
329 throw new Error(`Attempted to get constructor parameters of a non-class: "${clazz.getText()}"`);
330 }
331 const parameterNodes = this.getConstructorParameterDeclarations(classSymbol);
332 if (parameterNodes) {
333 return this.getConstructorParamInfo(classSymbol, parameterNodes);
334 }
335 return null;
336 }
337 getBaseClassExpression(clazz) {
338 const superBaseClassIdentifier = super.getBaseClassExpression(clazz);
339 if (superBaseClassIdentifier) {
340 return superBaseClassIdentifier;
341 }
342 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
343 if ((classSymbol == null ? void 0 : classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration) === void 0 || !isNamedDeclaration(classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration)) {
344 return null;
345 }
346 return super.getBaseClassExpression(classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration);
347 }
348 getInternalNameOfClass(clazz) {
349 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
350 if (classSymbol === void 0) {
351 throw new Error(`getInternalNameOfClass() called on a non-class: expected ${clazz.name.text} to be a class declaration.`);
352 }
353 return this.getNameFromClassSymbolDeclaration(classSymbol, classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration);
354 }
355 getAdjacentNameOfClass(clazz) {
356 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
357 if (classSymbol === void 0) {
358 throw new Error(`getAdjacentNameOfClass() called on a non-class: expected ${clazz.name.text} to be a class declaration.`);
359 }
360 return this.getAdjacentNameOfClassSymbol(classSymbol);
361 }
362 getNameFromClassSymbolDeclaration(classSymbol, declaration) {
363 if (declaration === void 0) {
364 throw new Error(`getInternalNameOfClass() called on a class with an undefined internal declaration. External class name: ${classSymbol.name}; internal class name: ${classSymbol.implementation.name}.`);
365 }
366 if (!isNamedDeclaration(declaration)) {
367 throw new Error(`getInternalNameOfClass() called on a class with an anonymous inner declaration: expected a name on:
369 }
370 return declaration.name;
371 }
372 isClass(node) {
373 return super.isClass(node) || this.getClassSymbol(node) !== void 0;
374 }
375 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
376 const superDeclaration = super.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
377 if (superDeclaration === null) {
378 return superDeclaration;
379 }
380 if (superDeclaration.known !== null || isConcreteDeclaration(superDeclaration) && superDeclaration.identity !== null) {
381 return superDeclaration;
382 }
383 let declarationNode = superDeclaration.node;
384 if (isNamedVariableDeclaration(superDeclaration.node) && !isTopLevel(superDeclaration.node)) {
385 const variableValue = this.getVariableValue(superDeclaration.node);
386 if (variableValue !== null && ts4.isClassExpression(variableValue)) {
387 declarationNode = getContainingStatement(variableValue);
388 }
389 }
390 const outerNode = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(declarationNode);
391 const declaration = outerNode !== null && isNamedVariableDeclaration(outerNode) ? this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(outerNode.name) : superDeclaration;
392 if (declaration === null || declaration.known !== null || isConcreteDeclaration(declaration) && declaration.identity !== null) {
393 return declaration;
394 }
395 const aliasedIdentifier = this.resolveAliasedClassIdentifier(declaration.node);
396 if (aliasedIdentifier !== null) {
397 return this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(aliasedIdentifier);
398 }
399 if (isConcreteDeclaration(declaration) && ts4.isVariableDeclaration(declaration.node)) {
400 const enumMembers = this.resolveEnumMembers(declaration.node);
401 if (enumMembers !== null) {
402 declaration.identity = { kind: 0, enumMembers };
403 }
404 }
405 return declaration;
406 }
407 getDecoratorsOfSymbol(symbol) {
408 const { classDecorators } = this.acquireDecoratorInfo(symbol);
409 if (classDecorators === null) {
410 return null;
411 }
412 return Array.from(classDecorators);
413 }
414 getVariableValue(declaration) {
415 const value = super.getVariableValue(declaration);
416 if (value) {
417 return value;
418 }
419 const block = declaration.parent.parent.parent;
420 const symbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(declaration.name);
421 if (symbol && (ts4.isBlock(block) || ts4.isSourceFile(block))) {
422 const decorateCall = this.findDecoratedVariableValue(block, symbol);
423 const target = decorateCall && decorateCall.arguments[1];
424 if (target && ts4.isIdentifier(target)) {
425 const targetSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(target);
426 const targetDeclaration = targetSymbol && targetSymbol.valueDeclaration;
427 if (targetDeclaration) {
428 if (ts4.isClassDeclaration(targetDeclaration) || ts4.isFunctionDeclaration(targetDeclaration)) {
429 return targetDeclaration.name || null;
430 } else if (ts4.isVariableDeclaration(targetDeclaration)) {
431 let targetValue = targetDeclaration.initializer;
432 while (targetValue && isAssignment2(targetValue)) {
433 targetValue = targetValue.right;
434 }
435 if (targetValue) {
436 return targetValue;
437 }
438 }
439 }
440 }
441 }
442 return null;
443 }
444 findClassSymbols(sourceFile) {
445 const classes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
446 this.getModuleStatements(sourceFile).forEach((statement) => this.addClassSymbolsFromStatement(classes, statement));
447 return Array.from(classes.values());
448 }
449 getGenericArityOfClass(clazz) {
450 const dtsDeclaration = this.getDtsDeclaration(clazz);
451 if (dtsDeclaration && ts4.isClassDeclaration(dtsDeclaration)) {
452 return dtsDeclaration.typeParameters ? dtsDeclaration.typeParameters.length : 0;
453 }
454 return null;
455 }
456 getDtsDeclaration(declaration) {
457 if (this.dts === null) {
458 return null;
459 }
460 if (!isNamedDeclaration(declaration)) {
461 throw new Error(`Cannot get the dts file for a declaration that has no name: ${declaration.getText()} in ${declaration.getSourceFile().fileName}`);
462 }
463 const decl = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(declaration.name);
464 if (decl === null) {
465 throw new Error(`Cannot get the dts file for a node that cannot be associated with a declaration ${declaration.getText()} in ${declaration.getSourceFile().fileName}`);
466 }
467 if (this.publicDtsDeclarationMap === null) {
468 this.publicDtsDeclarationMap = this.computePublicDtsDeclarationMap(this.src, this.dts);
469 }
470 if (this.publicDtsDeclarationMap.has(decl.node)) {
471 return this.publicDtsDeclarationMap.get(decl.node);
472 }
473 if (this.privateDtsDeclarationMap === null) {
474 this.privateDtsDeclarationMap = this.computePrivateDtsDeclarationMap(this.src, this.dts);
475 }
476 if (this.privateDtsDeclarationMap.has(decl.node)) {
477 return this.privateDtsDeclarationMap.get(decl.node);
478 }
479 return null;
480 }
481 getEndOfClass(classSymbol) {
482 const implementation = classSymbol.implementation;
483 let last = implementation.valueDeclaration;
484 const implementationStatement = getContainingStatement(last);
485 if (implementationStatement === null)
486 return last;
487 const container = implementationStatement.parent;
488 if (ts4.isBlock(container)) {
489 const returnStatementIndex = container.statements.findIndex(ts4.isReturnStatement);
490 if (returnStatementIndex === -1) {
491 throw new Error(`Compiled class wrapper IIFE does not have a return statement: ${classSymbol.name} in ${classSymbol.declaration.valueDeclaration.getSourceFile().fileName}`);
492 }
493 last = container.statements[returnStatementIndex - 1];
494 } else if (ts4.isSourceFile(container)) {
495 if (implementation.exports !== void 0) {
496 implementation.exports.forEach((exportSymbol) => {
497 if (exportSymbol.valueDeclaration === void 0) {
498 return;
499 }
500 const exportStatement = getContainingStatement(exportSymbol.valueDeclaration);
501 if (exportStatement !== null && last.getEnd() < exportStatement.getEnd()) {
502 last = exportStatement;
503 }
504 });
505 }
506 const helpers = this.getHelperCallsForClass(classSymbol, ["__decorate", "__extends", "__param", "__metadata"]);
507 helpers.forEach((helper) => {
508 const helperStatement = getContainingStatement(helper);
509 if (helperStatement !== null && last.getEnd() < helperStatement.getEnd()) {
510 last = helperStatement;
511 }
512 });
513 }
514 return last;
515 }
516 detectKnownDeclaration(decl) {
517 if (decl.known === null && this.isJavaScriptObjectDeclaration(decl)) {
518 decl.known = KnownDeclaration.JsGlobalObject;
519 }
520 return decl;
521 }
522 addClassSymbolsFromStatement(classes, statement) {
523 if (ts4.isVariableStatement(statement)) {
524 statement.declarationList.declarations.forEach((declaration) => {
525 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(declaration);
526 if (classSymbol) {
527 classes.set(classSymbol.implementation, classSymbol);
528 }
529 });
530 } else if (ts4.isClassDeclaration(statement)) {
531 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(statement);
532 if (classSymbol) {
533 classes.set(classSymbol.implementation, classSymbol);
534 }
535 }
536 }
537 getInnerDeclarationFromAliasOrInner(declaration) {
538 if (declaration.parent !== void 0 && isNamedVariableDeclaration(declaration.parent)) {
539 const variableValue = this.getVariableValue(declaration.parent);
540 if (variableValue !== null) {
541 declaration = variableValue;
542 }
543 }
544 return declaration;
545 }
546 getClassSymbolFromOuterDeclaration(declaration) {
547 if (isNamedClassDeclaration(declaration) && isTopLevel(declaration)) {
548 return this.createClassSymbol(declaration.name, null);
549 }
550 if (!isInitializedVariableClassDeclaration(declaration)) {
551 return void 0;
552 }
553 const innerDeclaration = getInnerClassDeclaration(skipClassAliases(declaration));
554 if (innerDeclaration === null) {
555 return void 0;
556 }
557 return this.createClassSymbol(declaration.name, innerDeclaration);
558 }
559 getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(declaration) {
560 let outerDeclaration = void 0;
561 if (ts4.isClassExpression(declaration) && hasNameIdentifier(declaration)) {
562 outerDeclaration = getFarLeftHandSideOfAssignment(declaration);
563 if (outerDeclaration !== void 0 && !isTopLevel(outerDeclaration)) {
564 outerDeclaration = getContainingVariableDeclaration(outerDeclaration);
565 }
566 } else if (isNamedClassDeclaration(declaration)) {
567 if (isTopLevel(declaration)) {
568 outerDeclaration = declaration;
569 } else {
570 outerDeclaration = getContainingVariableDeclaration(declaration);
571 }
572 }
573 if (outerDeclaration === void 0 || !hasNameIdentifier(outerDeclaration)) {
574 return void 0;
575 }
576 return this.createClassSymbol(outerDeclaration.name, declaration);
577 }
578 createClassSymbol(outerDeclaration, innerDeclaration) {
579 const declarationSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(outerDeclaration);
580 if (declarationSymbol === void 0) {
581 return void 0;
582 }
583 let implementationSymbol = declarationSymbol;
584 if (innerDeclaration !== null && isNamedDeclaration(innerDeclaration)) {
585 implementationSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(innerDeclaration.name);
586 }
587 if (!isSymbolWithValueDeclaration(implementationSymbol)) {
588 return void 0;
589 }
590 const classSymbol = {
591 name: declarationSymbol.name,
592 declaration: declarationSymbol,
593 implementation: implementationSymbol,
594 adjacent: this.getAdjacentSymbol(declarationSymbol, implementationSymbol)
595 };
596 return classSymbol;
597 }
598 getAdjacentSymbol(declarationSymbol, implementationSymbol) {
599 if (declarationSymbol === implementationSymbol) {
600 return void 0;
601 }
602 const innerDeclaration = implementationSymbol.valueDeclaration;
603 if (!ts4.isClassExpression(innerDeclaration) && !ts4.isFunctionExpression(innerDeclaration)) {
604 return void 0;
605 }
606 const adjacentDeclaration = getFarLeftHandSideOfAssignment(innerDeclaration);
607 if (adjacentDeclaration === void 0 || !isNamedVariableDeclaration(adjacentDeclaration)) {
608 return void 0;
609 }
610 const adjacentSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(adjacentDeclaration.name);
611 if (adjacentSymbol === declarationSymbol || adjacentSymbol === implementationSymbol || !isSymbolWithValueDeclaration(adjacentSymbol)) {
612 return void 0;
613 }
614 return adjacentSymbol;
615 }
616 getDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol, originalId) {
617 const declaration = super.getDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol, originalId);
618 if (declaration === null) {
619 return null;
620 }
621 return this.detectKnownDeclaration(declaration);
622 }
623 resolveAliasedClassIdentifier(declaration) {
624 this.ensurePreprocessed(declaration.getSourceFile());
625 return this.aliasedClassDeclarations.has(declaration) ? this.aliasedClassDeclarations.get(declaration) : null;
626 }
627 ensurePreprocessed(sourceFile) {
628 if (!this.preprocessedSourceFiles.has(sourceFile)) {
629 this.preprocessedSourceFiles.add(sourceFile);
630 for (const statement of this.getModuleStatements(sourceFile)) {
631 this.preprocessStatement(statement);
632 }
633 }
634 }
635 preprocessStatement(statement) {
636 if (!ts4.isVariableStatement(statement)) {
637 return;
638 }
639 const declarations = statement.declarationList.declarations;
640 if (declarations.length !== 1) {
641 return;
642 }
643 const declaration = declarations[0];
644 const initializer = declaration.initializer;
645 if (!ts4.isIdentifier(declaration.name) || !initializer || !isAssignment2(initializer) || !ts4.isIdentifier(initializer.left) || !this.isClass(declaration)) {
646 return;
647 }
648 const aliasedIdentifier = initializer.left;
649 const aliasedDeclaration = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(aliasedIdentifier);
650 if (aliasedDeclaration === null) {
651 throw new Error(`Unable to locate declaration of ${aliasedIdentifier.text} in "${statement.getText()}"`);
652 }
653 this.aliasedClassDeclarations.set(aliasedDeclaration.node, declaration.name);
654 }
655 getModuleStatements(sourceFile) {
656 return Array.from(sourceFile.statements);
657 }
658 findDecoratedVariableValue(node, symbol) {
659 if (!node) {
660 return null;
661 }
662 if (ts4.isBinaryExpression(node) && node.operatorToken.kind === ts4.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) {
663 const left = node.left;
664 const right = node.right;
665 if (ts4.isIdentifier(left) && this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(left) === symbol) {
666 return ts4.isCallExpression(right) && getCalleeName(right) === "__decorate" ? right : null;
667 }
668 return this.findDecoratedVariableValue(right, symbol);
669 }
670 return node.forEachChild((node2) => this.findDecoratedVariableValue(node2, symbol)) || null;
671 }
672 getStaticProperty(symbol, propertyName) {
673 var _a, _b, _c, _d;
674 return ((_a = symbol.implementation.exports) == null ? void 0 : _a.get(propertyName)) || ((_c = (_b = symbol.adjacent) == null ? void 0 : _b.exports) == null ? void 0 : _c.get(propertyName)) || ((_d = symbol.declaration.exports) == null ? void 0 : _d.get(propertyName));
675 }
676 acquireDecoratorInfo(classSymbol) {
677 const decl = classSymbol.declaration.valueDeclaration;
678 if (this.decoratorCache.has(decl)) {
679 return this.decoratorCache.get(decl);
680 }
681 const staticProps = this.computeDecoratorInfoFromStaticProperties(classSymbol);
682 const helperCalls = this.computeDecoratorInfoFromHelperCalls(classSymbol);
683 const decoratorInfo = {
684 classDecorators: staticProps.classDecorators || helperCalls.classDecorators,
685 memberDecorators: staticProps.memberDecorators || helperCalls.memberDecorators,
686 constructorParamInfo: staticProps.constructorParamInfo || helperCalls.constructorParamInfo
687 };
688 this.decoratorCache.set(decl, decoratorInfo);
689 return decoratorInfo;
690 }
691 computeDecoratorInfoFromStaticProperties(classSymbol) {
692 let classDecorators = null;
693 let memberDecorators = null;
694 let constructorParamInfo = null;
695 const decoratorsProperty = this.getStaticProperty(classSymbol, DECORATORS);
696 if (decoratorsProperty !== void 0) {
697 classDecorators = this.getClassDecoratorsFromStaticProperty(decoratorsProperty);
698 }
699 const propDecoratorsProperty = this.getStaticProperty(classSymbol, PROP_DECORATORS);
700 if (propDecoratorsProperty !== void 0) {
701 memberDecorators = this.getMemberDecoratorsFromStaticProperty(propDecoratorsProperty);
702 }
703 const constructorParamsProperty = this.getStaticProperty(classSymbol, CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS);
704 if (constructorParamsProperty !== void 0) {
705 constructorParamInfo = this.getParamInfoFromStaticProperty(constructorParamsProperty);
706 }
707 return { classDecorators, memberDecorators, constructorParamInfo };
708 }
709 getClassDecoratorsFromStaticProperty(decoratorsSymbol) {
710 const decoratorsIdentifier = decoratorsSymbol.valueDeclaration;
711 if (decoratorsIdentifier && decoratorsIdentifier.parent) {
712 if (ts4.isBinaryExpression(decoratorsIdentifier.parent) && decoratorsIdentifier.parent.operatorToken.kind === ts4.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) {
713 const decoratorsArray = decoratorsIdentifier.parent.right;
714 return this.reflectDecorators(decoratorsArray).filter((decorator) => this.isFromCore(decorator));
715 }
716 }
717 return null;
718 }
719 getMembersOfSymbol(symbol) {
720 const members = [];
721 const { memberDecorators } = this.acquireDecoratorInfo(symbol);
722 const decoratorsMap = new Map(memberDecorators);
723 if (symbol.implementation.members) {
724 symbol.implementation.members.forEach((value, key) => {
725 const decorators = decoratorsMap.get(key);
726 const reflectedMembers = this.reflectMembers(value, decorators);
727 if (reflectedMembers) {
728 decoratorsMap.delete(key);
729 members.push(...reflectedMembers);
730 }
731 });
732 }
733 if (symbol.implementation.exports) {
734 symbol.implementation.exports.forEach((value, key) => {
735 const decorators = decoratorsMap.get(key);
736 const reflectedMembers = this.reflectMembers(value, decorators, true);
737 if (reflectedMembers) {
738 decoratorsMap.delete(key);
739 members.push(...reflectedMembers);
740 }
741 });
742 }
743 if (ts4.isVariableDeclaration(symbol.declaration.valueDeclaration)) {
744 if (symbol.declaration.exports) {
745 symbol.declaration.exports.forEach((value, key) => {
746 const decorators = decoratorsMap.get(key);
747 const reflectedMembers = this.reflectMembers(value, decorators, true);
748 if (reflectedMembers) {
749 decoratorsMap.delete(key);
750 members.push(...reflectedMembers);
751 }
752 });
753 }
754 }
755 if (symbol.adjacent !== void 0) {
756 if (ts4.isVariableDeclaration(symbol.adjacent.valueDeclaration)) {
757 if (symbol.adjacent.exports !== void 0) {
758 symbol.adjacent.exports.forEach((value, key) => {
759 const decorators = decoratorsMap.get(key);
760 const reflectedMembers = this.reflectMembers(value, decorators, true);
761 if (reflectedMembers) {
762 decoratorsMap.delete(key);
763 members.push(...reflectedMembers);
764 }
765 });
766 }
767 }
768 }
769 decoratorsMap.forEach((value, key) => {
770 members.push({
771 implementation: null,
772 decorators: value,
773 isStatic: false,
774 kind: ClassMemberKind.Property,
775 name: key,
776 nameNode: null,
777 node: null,
778 type: null,
779 value: null
780 });
781 });
782 return members;
783 }
784 getMemberDecoratorsFromStaticProperty(decoratorsProperty) {
785 const memberDecorators = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
786 const propDecoratorsMap = getPropertyValueFromSymbol(decoratorsProperty);
787 if (propDecoratorsMap && ts4.isObjectLiteralExpression(propDecoratorsMap)) {
788 const propertiesMap = reflectObjectLiteral(propDecoratorsMap);
789 propertiesMap.forEach((value, name) => {
790 const decorators = this.reflectDecorators(value).filter((decorator) => this.isFromCore(decorator));
791 if (decorators.length) {
792 memberDecorators.set(name, decorators);
793 }
794 });
795 }
796 return memberDecorators;
797 }
798 computeDecoratorInfoFromHelperCalls(classSymbol) {
799 let classDecorators = null;
800 const memberDecorators = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
801 const constructorParamInfo = [];
802 const getConstructorParamInfo = (index) => {
803 let param = constructorParamInfo[index];
804 if (param === void 0) {
805 param = constructorParamInfo[index] = { decorators: null, typeExpression: null };
806 }
807 return param;
808 };
809 const helperCalls = this.getHelperCallsForClass(classSymbol, ["__decorate"]);
810 const outerDeclaration = classSymbol.declaration.valueDeclaration;
811 const innerDeclaration = classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration;
812 const adjacentDeclaration = this.getAdjacentNameOfClassSymbol(classSymbol).parent;
813 const matchesClass = (identifier) => {
814 const decl = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(identifier);
815 return decl !== null && (decl.node === adjacentDeclaration || decl.node === outerDeclaration || decl.node === innerDeclaration);
816 };
817 for (const helperCall of helperCalls) {
818 if (isClassDecorateCall(helperCall, matchesClass)) {
819 const helperArgs = helperCall.arguments[0];
820 for (const element of helperArgs.elements) {
821 const entry = this.reflectDecorateHelperEntry(element);
822 if (entry === null) {
823 continue;
824 }
825 if (entry.type === "decorator") {
826 if (this.isFromCore(entry.decorator)) {
827 (classDecorators || (classDecorators = [])).push(entry.decorator);
828 }
829 } else if (entry.type === "param:decorators") {
830 const param = getConstructorParamInfo(entry.index);
831 (param.decorators || (param.decorators = [])).push(entry.decorator);
832 } else if (entry.type === "params") {
833 entry.types.forEach((type, index) => getConstructorParamInfo(index).typeExpression = type);
834 }
835 }
836 } else if (isMemberDecorateCall(helperCall, matchesClass)) {
837 const helperArgs = helperCall.arguments[0];
838 const memberName = helperCall.arguments[2].text;
839 for (const element of helperArgs.elements) {
840 const entry = this.reflectDecorateHelperEntry(element);
841 if (entry === null) {
842 continue;
843 }
844 if (entry.type === "decorator") {
845 if (this.isFromCore(entry.decorator)) {
846 const decorators = memberDecorators.has(memberName) ? memberDecorators.get(memberName) : [];
847 decorators.push(entry.decorator);
848 memberDecorators.set(memberName, decorators);
849 }
850 } else {
851 }
852 }
853 }
854 }
855 return { classDecorators, memberDecorators, constructorParamInfo };
856 }
857 reflectDecorateHelperEntry(expression) {
858 if (!ts4.isCallExpression(expression)) {
859 return null;
860 }
861 const call = expression;
862 const helperName = getCalleeName(call);
863 if (helperName === "__metadata") {
864 const key = call.arguments[0];
865 if (key === void 0 || !ts4.isStringLiteral(key) || key.text !== "design:paramtypes") {
866 return null;
867 }
868 const value = call.arguments[1];
869 if (value === void 0 || !ts4.isArrayLiteralExpression(value)) {
870 return null;
871 }
872 return {
873 type: "params",
874 types: Array.from(value.elements)
875 };
876 }
877 if (helperName === "__param") {
878 const indexArg = call.arguments[0];
879 const index = indexArg && ts4.isNumericLiteral(indexArg) ? parseInt(indexArg.text, 10) : NaN;
880 if (isNaN(index)) {
881 return null;
882 }
883 const decoratorCall = call.arguments[1];
884 if (decoratorCall === void 0 || !ts4.isCallExpression(decoratorCall)) {
885 return null;
886 }
887 const decorator2 = this.reflectDecoratorCall(decoratorCall);
888 if (decorator2 === null) {
889 return null;
890 }
891 return {
892 type: "param:decorators",
893 index,
894 decorator: decorator2
895 };
896 }
897 const decorator = this.reflectDecoratorCall(call);
898 if (decorator === null) {
899 return null;
900 }
901 return {
902 type: "decorator",
903 decorator
904 };
905 }
906 reflectDecoratorCall(call) {
907 const decoratorExpression = call.expression;
908 if (!isDecoratorIdentifier(decoratorExpression)) {
909 return null;
910 }
911 const decoratorIdentifier = ts4.isIdentifier(decoratorExpression) ? decoratorExpression : decoratorExpression.name;
912 return {
913 name: decoratorIdentifier.text,
914 identifier: decoratorExpression,
915 import: this.getImportOfIdentifier(decoratorIdentifier),
916 node: call,
917 args: Array.from(call.arguments)
918 };
919 }
920 getHelperCall(statement, helperNames) {
921 if ((ts4.isExpressionStatement(statement) || ts4.isReturnStatement(statement)) && statement.expression) {
922 let expression = statement.expression;
923 while (isAssignment2(expression)) {
924 expression = expression.right;
925 }
926 if (ts4.isCallExpression(expression)) {
927 const calleeName = getCalleeName(expression);
928 if (calleeName !== null && helperNames.includes(calleeName)) {
929 return expression;
930 }
931 }
932 }
933 return null;
934 }
935 reflectDecorators(decoratorsArray) {
936 const decorators = [];
937 if (ts4.isArrayLiteralExpression(decoratorsArray)) {
938 decoratorsArray.elements.forEach((node) => {
939 if (ts4.isObjectLiteralExpression(node)) {
940 const decorator = reflectObjectLiteral(node);
941 if (decorator.has("type")) {
942 let decoratorType = decorator.get("type");
943 if (isDecoratorIdentifier(decoratorType)) {
944 const decoratorIdentifier = ts4.isIdentifier(decoratorType) ? decoratorType : decoratorType.name;
945 decorators.push({
946 name: decoratorIdentifier.text,
947 identifier: decoratorType,
948 import: this.getImportOfIdentifier(decoratorIdentifier),
949 node,
950 args: getDecoratorArgs(node)
951 });
952 }
953 }
954 }
955 });
956 }
957 return decorators;
958 }
959 reflectMembers(symbol, decorators, isStatic) {
960 if (symbol.flags & ts4.SymbolFlags.Accessor) {
961 const members = [];
962 const setter = symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.find(ts4.isSetAccessor);
963 const getter = symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.find(ts4.isGetAccessor);
964 const setterMember = setter && this.reflectMember(setter, ClassMemberKind.Setter, decorators, isStatic);
965 if (setterMember) {
966 members.push(setterMember);
967 decorators = void 0;
968 }
969 const getterMember = getter && this.reflectMember(getter, ClassMemberKind.Getter, decorators, isStatic);
970 if (getterMember) {
971 members.push(getterMember);
972 }
973 return members;
974 }
975 let kind = null;
976 if (symbol.flags & ts4.SymbolFlags.Method) {
977 kind = ClassMemberKind.Method;
978 } else if (symbol.flags & ts4.SymbolFlags.Property) {
979 kind = ClassMemberKind.Property;
980 }
981 const node = symbol.valueDeclaration || symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations[0];
982 if (!node) {
983 return null;
984 }
985 const member = this.reflectMember(node, kind, decorators, isStatic);
986 if (!member) {
987 return null;
988 }
989 return [member];
990 }
991 reflectMember(node, kind, decorators, isStatic) {
992 let value = null;
993 let name = null;
994 let nameNode = null;
995 if (!isClassMemberType(node)) {
996 return null;
997 }
998 if (isStatic && isPropertyAccess(node)) {
999 name = node.name.text;
1000 value = kind === ClassMemberKind.Property ? node.parent.right : null;
1001 } else if (isThisAssignment(node)) {
1002 kind = ClassMemberKind.Property;
1003 name = node.left.name.text;
1004 value = node.right;
1005 isStatic = false;
1006 } else if (ts4.isConstructorDeclaration(node)) {
1007 kind = ClassMemberKind.Constructor;
1008 name = "constructor";
1009 isStatic = false;
1010 }
1011 if (kind === null) {
1012 this.logger.warn(`Unknown member type: "${node.getText()}`);
1013 return null;
1014 }
1015 if (!name) {
1016 if (isNamedDeclaration(node)) {
1017 name = node.name.text;
1018 nameNode = node.name;
1019 } else {
1020 return null;
1021 }
1022 }
1023 if (isStatic === void 0) {
1024 isStatic = node.modifiers !== void 0 && node.modifiers.some((mod) => mod.kind === ts4.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword);
1025 }
1026 const type = node.type || null;
1027 return {
1028 node,
1029 implementation: node,
1030 kind,
1031 type,
1032 name,
1033 nameNode,
1034 value,
1035 isStatic,
1036 decorators: decorators || []
1037 };
1038 }
1039 getConstructorParameterDeclarations(classSymbol) {
1040 const members = classSymbol.implementation.members;
1041 if (members && members.has(CONSTRUCTOR)) {
1042 const constructorSymbol = members.get(CONSTRUCTOR);
1043 const constructor = constructorSymbol.declarations && constructorSymbol.declarations[0];
1044 if (!constructor) {
1045 return [];
1046 }
1047 if (constructor.parameters.length > 0) {
1048 return Array.from(constructor.parameters);
1049 }
1050 if (isSynthesizedConstructor(constructor)) {
1051 return null;
1052 }
1053 return [];
1054 }
1055 return null;
1056 }
1057 getConstructorParamInfo(classSymbol, parameterNodes) {
1058 const { constructorParamInfo } = this.acquireDecoratorInfo(classSymbol);
1059 return parameterNodes.map((node, index) => {
1060 const { decorators, typeExpression } = constructorParamInfo[index] ? constructorParamInfo[index] : { decorators: null, typeExpression: null };
1061 const nameNode = node.name;
1062 const typeValueReference = this.typeToValue(typeExpression);
1063 return {
1064 name: getNameText(nameNode),
1065 nameNode,
1066 typeValueReference,
1067 typeNode: null,
1068 decorators
1069 };
1070 });
1071 }
1072 typeToValue(typeExpression) {
1073 if (typeExpression === null) {
1074 return {
1075 kind: 2,
1076 reason: { kind: 0 }
1077 };
1078 }
1079 const imp = this.getImportOfExpression(typeExpression);
1080 const decl = this.getDeclarationOfExpression(typeExpression);
1081 if (imp === null || decl === null) {
1082 return {
1083 kind: 0,
1084 expression: typeExpression,
1085 defaultImportStatement: null
1086 };
1087 }
1088 return {
1089 kind: 1,
1090 valueDeclaration: decl.node,
1091 moduleName: imp.from,
1092 importedName: imp.name,
1093 nestedPath: null
1094 };
1095 }
1096 getImportOfExpression(expression) {
1097 if (ts4.isIdentifier(expression)) {
1098 return this.getImportOfIdentifier(expression);
1099 } else if (ts4.isPropertyAccessExpression(expression) && ts4.isIdentifier(expression.name)) {
1100 return this.getImportOfIdentifier(expression.name);
1101 } else {
1102 return null;
1103 }
1104 }
1105 getParamInfoFromStaticProperty(paramDecoratorsProperty) {
1106 const paramDecorators = getPropertyValueFromSymbol(paramDecoratorsProperty);
1107 if (paramDecorators) {
1108 const container = ts4.isArrowFunction(paramDecorators) ? paramDecorators.body : paramDecorators;
1109 if (ts4.isArrayLiteralExpression(container)) {
1110 const elements = container.elements;
1111 return elements.map((element) => ts4.isObjectLiteralExpression(element) ? reflectObjectLiteral(element) : null).map((paramInfo) => {
1112 const typeExpression = paramInfo && paramInfo.has("type") ? paramInfo.get("type") : null;
1113 const decoratorInfo = paramInfo && paramInfo.has("decorators") ? paramInfo.get("decorators") : null;
1114 const decorators = decoratorInfo && this.reflectDecorators(decoratorInfo).filter((decorator) => this.isFromCore(decorator));
1115 return { typeExpression, decorators };
1116 });
1117 } else if (paramDecorators !== void 0) {
1118 this.logger.warn("Invalid constructor parameter decorator in " + paramDecorators.getSourceFile().fileName + ":\n", paramDecorators.getText());
1119 }
1120 }
1121 return null;
1122 }
1123 getHelperCallsForClass(classSymbol, helperNames) {
1124 return this.getStatementsForClass(classSymbol).map((statement) => this.getHelperCall(statement, helperNames)).filter(isDefined);
1125 }
1126 getStatementsForClass(classSymbol) {
1127 const classNode = classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration;
1128 if (isTopLevel(classNode)) {
1129 return this.getModuleStatements(classNode.getSourceFile());
1130 }
1131 const statement = getContainingStatement(classNode);
1132 if (ts4.isBlock(statement.parent)) {
1133 return Array.from(statement.parent.statements);
1134 }
1135 throw new Error(`Unable to find adjacent statements for ${classSymbol.name}`);
1136 }
1137 isFromCore(decorator) {
1138 if (this.isCore) {
1139 return !decorator.import || /^\./.test(decorator.import.from);
1140 } else {
1141 return !!decorator.import && decorator.import.from === "@angular/core";
1142 }
1143 }
1144 computePublicDtsDeclarationMap(src, dts) {
1145 const declarationMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1146 const dtsDeclarationMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1147 const rootDts = getRootFileOrFail(dts);
1148 this.collectDtsExportedDeclarations(dtsDeclarationMap, rootDts, dts.program.getTypeChecker());
1149 const rootSrc = getRootFileOrFail(src);
1150 this.collectSrcExportedDeclarations(declarationMap, dtsDeclarationMap, rootSrc);
1151 return declarationMap;
1152 }
1153 computePrivateDtsDeclarationMap(src, dts) {
1154 const declarationMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1155 const dtsDeclarationMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1156 const typeChecker = dts.program.getTypeChecker();
1157 const dtsFiles = getNonRootPackageFiles(dts);
1158 for (const dtsFile of dtsFiles) {
1159 this.collectDtsExportedDeclarations(dtsDeclarationMap, dtsFile, typeChecker);
1160 }
1161 const srcFiles = getNonRootPackageFiles(src);
1162 for (const srcFile of srcFiles) {
1163 this.collectSrcExportedDeclarations(declarationMap, dtsDeclarationMap, srcFile);
1164 }
1165 return declarationMap;
1166 }
1167 collectDtsExportedDeclarations(dtsDeclarationMap, srcFile, checker) {
1168 const srcModule = srcFile && checker.getSymbolAtLocation(srcFile);
1169 const moduleExports = srcModule && checker.getExportsOfModule(srcModule);
1170 if (moduleExports) {
1171 moduleExports.forEach((exportedSymbol) => {
1172 const name = exportedSymbol.name;
1173 if (exportedSymbol.flags & ts4.SymbolFlags.Alias) {
1174 exportedSymbol = checker.getAliasedSymbol(exportedSymbol);
1175 }
1176 const declaration = exportedSymbol.valueDeclaration;
1177 if (declaration && !dtsDeclarationMap.has(name)) {
1178 dtsDeclarationMap.set(name, declaration);
1179 }
1180 });
1181 }
1182 }
1183 collectSrcExportedDeclarations(declarationMap, dtsDeclarationMap, srcFile) {
1184 const fileExports = this.getExportsOfModule(srcFile);
1185 if (fileExports !== null) {
1186 for (const [exportName, { node: declarationNode }] of fileExports) {
1187 if (dtsDeclarationMap.has(exportName)) {
1188 declarationMap.set(declarationNode, dtsDeclarationMap.get(exportName));
1189 }
1190 }
1191 }
1192 }
1193 getDeclarationOfExpression(expression) {
1194 if (ts4.isIdentifier(expression)) {
1195 return this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(expression);
1196 }
1197 if (!ts4.isPropertyAccessExpression(expression) || !ts4.isIdentifier(expression.expression)) {
1198 return null;
1199 }
1200 const namespaceDecl = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(expression.expression);
1201 if (!namespaceDecl || !ts4.isSourceFile(namespaceDecl.node)) {
1202 return null;
1203 }
1204 const namespaceExports = this.getExportsOfModule(namespaceDecl.node);
1205 if (namespaceExports === null) {
1206 return null;
1207 }
1208 if (!namespaceExports.has(expression.name.text)) {
1209 return null;
1210 }
1211 const exportDecl = namespaceExports.get(expression.name.text);
1212 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, exportDecl), { viaModule: namespaceDecl.viaModule });
1213 }
1214 isJavaScriptObjectDeclaration(decl) {
1215 const node = decl.node;
1216 if (!ts4.isVariableDeclaration(node) || !ts4.isIdentifier(node.name) || node.name.text !== "Object" || node.type === void 0) {
1217 return false;
1218 }
1219 const typeNode = node.type;
1220 if (!ts4.isTypeReferenceNode(typeNode) || !ts4.isIdentifier(typeNode.typeName) || typeNode.typeName.text !== "ObjectConstructor") {
1221 return false;
1222 }
1223 return this.src.program.isSourceFileDefaultLibrary(node.getSourceFile());
1224 }
1225 resolveEnumMembers(declaration) {
1226 if (declaration.initializer !== void 0)
1227 return null;
1228 const variableStmt = declaration.parent.parent;
1229 if (!ts4.isVariableStatement(variableStmt))
1230 return null;
1231 const block = variableStmt.parent;
1232 if (!ts4.isBlock(block) && !ts4.isSourceFile(block))
1233 return null;
1234 const declarationIndex = block.statements.findIndex((statement) => statement === variableStmt);
1235 if (declarationIndex === -1 || declarationIndex === block.statements.length - 1)
1236 return null;
1237 const subsequentStmt = block.statements[declarationIndex + 1];
1238 if (!ts4.isExpressionStatement(subsequentStmt))
1239 return null;
1240 const iife = stripParentheses(subsequentStmt.expression);
1241 if (!ts4.isCallExpression(iife) || !isEnumDeclarationIife(iife))
1242 return null;
1243 const fn = stripParentheses(iife.expression);
1244 if (!ts4.isFunctionExpression(fn))
1245 return null;
1246 return this.reflectEnumMembers(fn);
1247 }
1248 reflectEnumMembers(fn) {
1249 if (fn.parameters.length !== 1)
1250 return null;
1251 const enumName = fn.parameters[0].name;
1252 if (!ts4.isIdentifier(enumName))
1253 return null;
1254 const enumMembers = [];
1255 for (const statement of fn.body.statements) {
1256 const enumMember = this.reflectEnumMember(enumName, statement);
1257 if (enumMember === null) {
1258 return null;
1259 }
1260 enumMembers.push(enumMember);
1261 }
1262 return enumMembers;
1263 }
1264 reflectEnumMember(enumName, statement) {
1265 if (!ts4.isExpressionStatement(statement))
1266 return null;
1267 const expression = statement.expression;
1268 if (!isEnumAssignment(enumName, expression)) {
1269 return null;
1270 }
1271 const assignment = reflectEnumAssignment(expression);
1272 if (assignment != null) {
1273 return assignment;
1274 }
1275 const innerExpression = expression.left.argumentExpression;
1276 if (!isEnumAssignment(enumName, innerExpression)) {
1277 return null;
1278 }
1279 return reflectEnumAssignment(innerExpression);
1280 }
1281 getAdjacentNameOfClassSymbol(classSymbol) {
1282 if (classSymbol.adjacent !== void 0) {
1283 return this.getNameFromClassSymbolDeclaration(classSymbol, classSymbol.adjacent.valueDeclaration);
1284 } else {
1285 return this.getNameFromClassSymbolDeclaration(classSymbol, classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration);
1286 }
1287 }
1289function isEnumDeclarationIife(iife) {
1290 if (iife.arguments.length !== 1)
1291 return false;
1292 const arg = iife.arguments[0];
1293 if (!ts4.isBinaryExpression(arg) || arg.operatorToken.kind !== ts4.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken || !ts4.isParenthesizedExpression(arg.right)) {
1294 return false;
1295 }
1296 const right = arg.right.expression;
1297 if (!ts4.isBinaryExpression(right) || right.operatorToken.kind !== ts4.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) {
1298 return false;
1299 }
1300 if (!ts4.isObjectLiteralExpression(right.right) || right.right.properties.length !== 0) {
1301 return false;
1302 }
1303 return true;
1305function isEnumAssignment(enumName, expression) {
1306 if (!ts4.isBinaryExpression(expression) || expression.operatorToken.kind !== ts4.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken || !ts4.isElementAccessExpression(expression.left)) {
1307 return false;
1308 }
1309 const enumIdentifier = expression.left.expression;
1310 return ts4.isIdentifier(enumIdentifier) && enumIdentifier.text === enumName.text;
1312function reflectEnumAssignment(expression) {
1313 const memberName = expression.left.argumentExpression;
1314 if (!ts4.isPropertyName(memberName))
1315 return null;
1316 return { name: memberName, initializer: expression.right };
1318function isAssignmentStatement(statement) {
1319 return ts4.isExpressionStatement(statement) && isAssignment2(statement.expression) && ts4.isIdentifier(statement.expression.left);
1321function getIifeBody(expression) {
1322 const call = stripParentheses(expression);
1323 if (!ts4.isCallExpression(call)) {
1324 return void 0;
1325 }
1326 const fn = stripParentheses(call.expression);
1327 if (!ts4.isFunctionExpression(fn) && !ts4.isArrowFunction(fn)) {
1328 return void 0;
1329 }
1330 return fn.body;
1332function isAssignment2(node) {
1333 return ts4.isBinaryExpression(node) && node.operatorToken.kind === ts4.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken;
1335function isClassDecorateCall(call, matches) {
1336 const helperArgs = call.arguments[0];
1337 if (helperArgs === void 0 || !ts4.isArrayLiteralExpression(helperArgs)) {
1338 return false;
1339 }
1340 const target = call.arguments[1];
1341 return target !== void 0 && ts4.isIdentifier(target) && matches(target);
1343function isMemberDecorateCall(call, matches) {
1344 const helperArgs = call.arguments[0];
1345 if (helperArgs === void 0 || !ts4.isArrayLiteralExpression(helperArgs)) {
1346 return false;
1347 }
1348 const target = call.arguments[1];
1349 if (target === void 0 || !ts4.isPropertyAccessExpression(target) || !ts4.isIdentifier(target.expression) || !matches(target.expression) || target.name.text !== "prototype") {
1350 return false;
1351 }
1352 const memberName = call.arguments[2];
1353 return memberName !== void 0 && ts4.isStringLiteral(memberName);
1355function getPropertyValueFromSymbol(propSymbol) {
1356 const propIdentifier = propSymbol.valueDeclaration;
1357 const parent = propIdentifier && propIdentifier.parent;
1358 return parent && ts4.isBinaryExpression(parent) ? parent.right : void 0;
1360function getCalleeName(call) {
1361 if (ts4.isIdentifier(call.expression)) {
1362 return stripDollarSuffix(call.expression.text);
1363 }
1364 if (ts4.isPropertyAccessExpression(call.expression)) {
1365 return stripDollarSuffix(call.expression.name.text);
1366 }
1367 return null;
1369function isInitializedVariableClassDeclaration(node) {
1370 return isNamedVariableDeclaration(node) && node.initializer !== void 0;
1372function skipClassAliases(node) {
1373 let expression = node.initializer;
1374 while (isAssignment2(expression)) {
1375 expression = expression.right;
1376 }
1377 return expression;
1379function getInnerClassDeclaration(expression) {
1380 if (ts4.isClassExpression(expression) && hasNameIdentifier(expression)) {
1381 return expression;
1382 }
1383 const iifeBody = getIifeBody(expression);
1384 if (iifeBody === void 0) {
1385 return null;
1386 }
1387 if (!ts4.isBlock(iifeBody)) {
1388 return ts4.isClassExpression(iifeBody) && isNamedDeclaration(iifeBody) ? iifeBody : null;
1389 } else {
1390 for (const statement of iifeBody.statements) {
1391 if (isNamedClassDeclaration(statement) || isNamedFunctionDeclaration(statement)) {
1392 return statement;
1393 }
1394 if (ts4.isVariableStatement(statement)) {
1395 for (const declaration of statement.declarationList.declarations) {
1396 if (isInitializedVariableClassDeclaration(declaration)) {
1397 const expression2 = skipClassAliases(declaration);
1398 if (ts4.isClassExpression(expression2) && hasNameIdentifier(expression2)) {
1399 return expression2;
1400 }
1401 }
1402 }
1403 }
1404 }
1405 }
1406 return null;
1408function getDecoratorArgs(node) {
1409 const argsProperty = node.properties.filter(ts4.isPropertyAssignment).find((property2) => getNameText(property2.name) === "args");
1410 const argsExpression = argsProperty && argsProperty.initializer;
1411 return argsExpression && ts4.isArrayLiteralExpression(argsExpression) ? Array.from(argsExpression.elements) : [];
1413function isPropertyAccess(node) {
1414 return !!node.parent && ts4.isBinaryExpression(node.parent) && ts4.isPropertyAccessExpression(node);
1416function isThisAssignment(node) {
1417 return ts4.isBinaryExpression(node) && ts4.isPropertyAccessExpression(node.left) && node.left.expression.kind === ts4.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword;
1419function isNamedDeclaration(node) {
1420 const anyNode = node;
1421 return !!anyNode.name && ts4.isIdentifier(anyNode.name);
1423function isClassMemberType(node) {
1424 return (ts4.isClassElement(node) || isPropertyAccess(node) || ts4.isBinaryExpression(node)) && !ts4.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(node);
1426function getFarLeftHandSideOfAssignment(declaration) {
1427 let node = declaration.parent;
1428 if (isAssignment2(node) && ts4.isIdentifier(node.left)) {
1429 node = node.parent;
1430 }
1431 return ts4.isVariableDeclaration(node) ? node : void 0;
1433function getContainingVariableDeclaration(node) {
1434 node = node.parent;
1435 while (node !== void 0) {
1436 if (isNamedVariableDeclaration(node)) {
1437 return node;
1438 }
1439 node = node.parent;
1440 }
1441 return void 0;
1443function isSynthesizedConstructor(constructor) {
1444 if (!constructor.body)
1445 return false;
1446 const firstStatement = constructor.body.statements[0];
1447 if (!firstStatement || !ts4.isExpressionStatement(firstStatement))
1448 return false;
1449 return isSynthesizedSuperCall(firstStatement.expression);
1451function isSynthesizedSuperCall(expression) {
1452 if (!ts4.isCallExpression(expression))
1453 return false;
1454 if (expression.expression.kind !== ts4.SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword)
1455 return false;
1456 if (expression.arguments.length !== 1)
1457 return false;
1458 const argument = expression.arguments[0];
1459 return ts4.isSpreadElement(argument) && ts4.isIdentifier(argument.expression) && argument.expression.text === "arguments";
1461function getContainingStatement(node) {
1462 while (node.parent) {
1463 if (ts4.isBlock(node.parent) || ts4.isSourceFile(node.parent)) {
1464 break;
1465 }
1466 node = node.parent;
1467 }
1468 return node;
1470function getRootFileOrFail(bundle) {
1471 const rootFile = bundle.program.getSourceFile(bundle.path);
1472 if (rootFile === void 0) {
1473 throw new Error(`The given rootPath ${rootFile} is not a file of the program.`);
1474 }
1475 return rootFile;
1477function getNonRootPackageFiles(bundle) {
1478 const rootFile = bundle.program.getSourceFile(bundle.path);
1479 return bundle.program.getSourceFiles().filter((f) => f !== rootFile && isWithinPackage(bundle.package, absoluteFromSourceFile(f)));
1481function isTopLevel(node) {
1482 while (node = node.parent) {
1483 if (ts4.isBlock(node)) {
1484 return false;
1485 }
1486 }
1487 return true;
1489function getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(node) {
1490 if (!ts4.isFunctionDeclaration(node) && !ts4.isClassDeclaration(node) && !ts4.isVariableStatement(node)) {
1491 return null;
1492 }
1493 let outerNode = node.parent;
1494 if (!outerNode || !ts4.isBlock(outerNode))
1495 return null;
1496 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
1497 if (!outerNode || !ts4.isFunctionExpression(outerNode) && !ts4.isArrowFunction(outerNode)) {
1498 return null;
1499 }
1500 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
1501 if (outerNode && ts4.isParenthesizedExpression(outerNode))
1502 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
1503 if (!outerNode || !ts4.isCallExpression(outerNode))
1504 return null;
1505 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
1506 if (outerNode && ts4.isParenthesizedExpression(outerNode))
1507 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
1508 while (isAssignment2(outerNode.parent)) {
1509 outerNode = outerNode.parent;
1510 }
1511 return outerNode;
1514// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/esm5_host.mjs
1515import ts5 from "typescript";
1516var Esm5ReflectionHost = class extends Esm2015ReflectionHost {
1517 getBaseClassExpression(clazz) {
1518 const superBaseClassExpression = super.getBaseClassExpression(clazz);
1519 if (superBaseClassExpression !== null) {
1520 return superBaseClassExpression;
1521 }
1522 const iife = getIifeFn(this.getClassSymbol(clazz));
1523 if (iife === null)
1524 return null;
1525 if (iife.parameters.length !== 1 || !isSuperIdentifier(iife.parameters[0].name)) {
1526 return null;
1527 }
1528 if (!ts5.isCallExpression(iife.parent)) {
1529 return null;
1530 }
1531 return iife.parent.arguments[0];
1532 }
1533 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
1534 const declaration = super.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
1535 if (declaration === null) {
1536 const nonEmittedNorImportedTsHelperDeclaration = getTsHelperFnFromIdentifier(id);
1537 if (nonEmittedNorImportedTsHelperDeclaration !== null) {
1538 return {
1539 kind: 1,
1540 node: id,
1541 known: nonEmittedNorImportedTsHelperDeclaration,
1542 viaModule: null
1543 };
1544 }
1545 }
1546 if (declaration === null || declaration.node === null || declaration.known !== null) {
1547 return declaration;
1548 }
1549 if (!ts5.isVariableDeclaration(declaration.node) || declaration.node.initializer !== void 0 || !ts5.isBlock(declaration.node.parent.parent.parent)) {
1550 return declaration;
1551 }
1552 const block = declaration.node.parent.parent.parent;
1553 const aliasSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(declaration.node.name);
1554 for (let i = 0; i < block.statements.length; i++) {
1555 const statement = block.statements[i];
1556 if (isAssignmentStatement(statement) && ts5.isIdentifier(statement.expression.left) && ts5.isIdentifier(statement.expression.right) && this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(statement.expression.left) === aliasSymbol) {
1557 return this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(statement.expression.right);
1558 }
1559 }
1560 return declaration;
1561 }
1562 getDefinitionOfFunction(node) {
1563 const definition = super.getDefinitionOfFunction(node);
1564 if (definition === null) {
1565 return null;
1566 }
1567 if (definition.body !== null) {
1568 let lookingForInitializers = true;
1569 const statements = definition.body.filter((s) => {
1570 lookingForInitializers = lookingForInitializers && captureParamInitializer(s, definition.parameters);
1571 return !lookingForInitializers;
1572 });
1573 definition.body = statements;
1574 }
1575 return definition;
1576 }
1577 detectKnownDeclaration(decl) {
1578 decl = super.detectKnownDeclaration(decl);
1579 if (decl.known === null && decl.node !== null) {
1580 decl.known = getTsHelperFnFromDeclaration(decl.node);
1581 }
1582 return decl;
1583 }
1584 getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(declaration) {
1585 const classSymbol = super.getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(declaration);
1586 if (classSymbol !== void 0) {
1587 return classSymbol;
1588 }
1589 if (!isNamedFunctionDeclaration(declaration)) {
1590 return void 0;
1591 }
1592 const outerNode = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(declaration);
1593 if (outerNode === null || !hasNameIdentifier(outerNode)) {
1594 return void 0;
1595 }
1596 return this.createClassSymbol(outerNode.name, declaration);
1597 }
1598 getConstructorParameterDeclarations(classSymbol) {
1599 const constructor = classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration;
1600 if (!ts5.isFunctionDeclaration(constructor))
1601 return null;
1602 if (constructor.parameters.length > 0) {
1603 return Array.from(constructor.parameters);
1604 }
1605 if (this.isSynthesizedConstructor(constructor)) {
1606 return null;
1607 }
1608 return [];
1609 }
1610 getParamInfoFromStaticProperty(paramDecoratorsProperty) {
1611 const paramDecorators = getPropertyValueFromSymbol(paramDecoratorsProperty);
1612 const returnStatement = getReturnStatement(paramDecorators);
1613 const expression = returnStatement ? returnStatement.expression : paramDecorators;
1614 if (expression && ts5.isArrayLiteralExpression(expression)) {
1615 const elements = expression.elements;
1616 return elements.map(reflectArrayElement).map((paramInfo) => {
1617 const typeExpression = paramInfo && paramInfo.has("type") ? paramInfo.get("type") : null;
1618 const decoratorInfo = paramInfo && paramInfo.has("decorators") ? paramInfo.get("decorators") : null;
1619 const decorators = decoratorInfo && this.reflectDecorators(decoratorInfo);
1620 return { typeExpression, decorators };
1621 });
1622 } else if (paramDecorators !== void 0) {
1623 this.logger.warn("Invalid constructor parameter decorator in " + paramDecorators.getSourceFile().fileName + ":\n", paramDecorators.getText());
1624 }
1625 return null;
1626 }
1627 reflectMembers(symbol, decorators, isStatic) {
1628 const node = symbol.valueDeclaration || symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations[0];
1629 const propertyDefinition = node && getPropertyDefinition(node);
1630 if (propertyDefinition) {
1631 const members2 = [];
1632 if (propertyDefinition.setter) {
1633 members2.push({
1634 node,
1635 implementation: propertyDefinition.setter,
1636 kind: ClassMemberKind.Setter,
1637 type: null,
1638 name: symbol.name,
1639 nameNode: null,
1640 value: null,
1641 isStatic: isStatic || false,
1642 decorators: decorators || []
1643 });
1644 decorators = void 0;
1645 }
1646 if (propertyDefinition.getter) {
1647 members2.push({
1648 node,
1649 implementation: propertyDefinition.getter,
1650 kind: ClassMemberKind.Getter,
1651 type: null,
1652 name: symbol.name,
1653 nameNode: null,
1654 value: null,
1655 isStatic: isStatic || false,
1656 decorators: decorators || []
1657 });
1658 }
1659 return members2;
1660 }
1661 const members = super.reflectMembers(symbol, decorators, isStatic);
1662 members && members.forEach((member) => {
1663 if (member && member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Method && member.isStatic && member.node && ts5.isPropertyAccessExpression(member.node) && member.node.parent && ts5.isBinaryExpression(member.node.parent) && ts5.isFunctionExpression(member.node.parent.right)) {
1664 member.implementation = member.node.parent.right;
1665 }
1666 });
1667 return members;
1668 }
1669 getStatementsForClass(classSymbol) {
1670 const classDeclarationParent = classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration.parent;
1671 return ts5.isBlock(classDeclarationParent) ? Array.from(classDeclarationParent.statements) : [];
1672 }
1673 isSynthesizedConstructor(constructor) {
1674 if (!constructor.body)
1675 return false;
1676 const firstStatement = constructor.body.statements[0];
1677 if (!firstStatement)
1678 return false;
1679 return this.isSynthesizedSuperThisAssignment(firstStatement) || this.isSynthesizedSuperReturnStatement(firstStatement);
1680 }
1681 isSynthesizedSuperThisAssignment(statement) {
1682 if (!ts5.isVariableStatement(statement))
1683 return false;
1684 const variableDeclarations = statement.declarationList.declarations;
1685 if (variableDeclarations.length !== 1)
1686 return false;
1687 const variableDeclaration = variableDeclarations[0];
1688 if (!ts5.isIdentifier(variableDeclaration.name) || !variableDeclaration.name.text.startsWith("_this"))
1689 return false;
1690 const initializer = variableDeclaration.initializer;
1691 if (!initializer)
1692 return false;
1693 return this.isSynthesizedDefaultSuperCall(initializer);
1694 }
1695 isSynthesizedSuperReturnStatement(statement) {
1696 if (!ts5.isReturnStatement(statement))
1697 return false;
1698 const expression = statement.expression;
1699 if (!expression)
1700 return false;
1701 return this.isSynthesizedDefaultSuperCall(expression);
1702 }
1703 isSynthesizedDefaultSuperCall(expression) {
1704 if (!isBinaryExpr(expression, ts5.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken))
1705 return false;
1706 if (expression.right.kind !== ts5.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword)
1707 return false;
1708 const left = expression.left;
1709 if (isBinaryExpr(left, ts5.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken)) {
1710 return isSuperNotNull(left.left) && this.isSuperApplyCall(left.right);
1711 } else {
1712 return this.isSuperApplyCall(left);
1713 }
1714 }
1715 isSuperApplyCall(expression) {
1716 if (!ts5.isCallExpression(expression) || expression.arguments.length !== 2)
1717 return false;
1718 const targetFn = expression.expression;
1719 if (!ts5.isPropertyAccessExpression(targetFn))
1720 return false;
1721 if (!isSuperIdentifier(targetFn.expression))
1722 return false;
1723 if (targetFn.name.text !== "apply")
1724 return false;
1725 const thisArgument = expression.arguments[0];
1726 if (thisArgument.kind !== ts5.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword)
1727 return false;
1728 const argumentsExpr = expression.arguments[1];
1729 if (isArgumentsIdentifier(argumentsExpr)) {
1730 return true;
1731 }
1732 return this.isSpreadArgumentsExpression(argumentsExpr);
1733 }
1734 isSpreadArgumentsExpression(expression) {
1735 const call = this.extractKnownHelperCall(expression);
1736 if (call === null) {
1737 return false;
1738 }
1739 if (call.helper === KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpread) {
1740 return call.args.length === 1 && isArgumentsIdentifier(call.args[0]);
1741 } else if (call.helper === KnownDeclaration.TsHelperSpreadArray) {
1742 if (call.args.length !== 2 && call.args.length !== 3) {
1743 return false;
1744 }
1745 const firstArg = call.args[0];
1746 if (!ts5.isArrayLiteralExpression(firstArg) || firstArg.elements.length !== 0) {
1747 return false;
1748 }
1749 const secondArg = this.extractKnownHelperCall(call.args[1]);
1750 if (secondArg === null || secondArg.helper !== KnownDeclaration.TsHelperRead) {
1751 return false;
1752 }
1753 return secondArg.args.length === 1 && isArgumentsIdentifier(secondArg.args[0]);
1754 } else {
1755 return false;
1756 }
1757 }
1758 extractKnownHelperCall(expression) {
1759 if (!ts5.isCallExpression(expression)) {
1760 return null;
1761 }
1762 const receiverExpr = expression.expression;
1763 let receiver = null;
1764 if (ts5.isIdentifier(receiverExpr)) {
1765 receiver = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(receiverExpr);
1766 } else if (ts5.isPropertyAccessExpression(receiverExpr) && ts5.isIdentifier(receiverExpr.name)) {
1767 receiver = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(receiverExpr.name);
1768 }
1769 if (receiver === null || receiver.known === null) {
1770 return null;
1771 }
1772 return {
1773 helper: receiver.known,
1774 args: expression.arguments
1775 };
1776 }
1778function getPropertyDefinition(node) {
1779 if (!ts5.isCallExpression(node))
1780 return null;
1781 const fn = node.expression;
1782 if (!ts5.isPropertyAccessExpression(fn) || !ts5.isIdentifier(fn.expression) || fn.expression.text !== "Object" || fn.name.text !== "defineProperty")
1783 return null;
1784 const descriptor = node.arguments[2];
1785 if (!descriptor || !ts5.isObjectLiteralExpression(descriptor))
1786 return null;
1787 return {
1788 setter: readPropertyFunctionExpression(descriptor, "set"),
1789 getter: readPropertyFunctionExpression(descriptor, "get")
1790 };
1792function readPropertyFunctionExpression(object, name) {
1793 const property2 = object.properties.find((p) => ts5.isPropertyAssignment(p) && ts5.isIdentifier(p.name) && p.name.text === name);
1794 return property2 && ts5.isFunctionExpression(property2.initializer) && property2.initializer || null;
1796function getReturnStatement(declaration) {
1797 return declaration && ts5.isFunctionExpression(declaration) ? declaration.body.statements.find(ts5.isReturnStatement) : void 0;
1799function reflectArrayElement(element) {
1800 return ts5.isObjectLiteralExpression(element) ? reflectObjectLiteral(element) : null;
1802function isArgumentsIdentifier(expression) {
1803 return ts5.isIdentifier(expression) && expression.text === "arguments";
1805function isSuperNotNull(expression) {
1806 return isBinaryExpr(expression, ts5.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken) && isSuperIdentifier(expression.left);
1808function isBinaryExpr(expression, operator) {
1809 return ts5.isBinaryExpression(expression) && expression.operatorToken.kind === operator;
1811function isSuperIdentifier(node) {
1812 return ts5.isIdentifier(node) && node.text.startsWith("_super");
1814function captureParamInitializer(statement, parameters) {
1815 if (ts5.isIfStatement(statement) && isUndefinedComparison(statement.expression) && ts5.isBlock(statement.thenStatement) && statement.thenStatement.statements.length === 1) {
1816 const ifStatementComparison = statement.expression;
1817 const thenStatement = statement.thenStatement.statements[0];
1818 if (isAssignmentStatement(thenStatement)) {
1819 const comparisonName = ifStatementComparison.left.text;
1820 const assignmentName = thenStatement.expression.left.text;
1821 if (comparisonName === assignmentName) {
1822 const parameter = parameters.find((p) => p.name === comparisonName);
1823 if (parameter) {
1824 parameter.initializer = thenStatement.expression.right;
1825 return true;
1826 }
1827 }
1828 }
1829 }
1830 return false;
1832function isUndefinedComparison(expression) {
1833 return ts5.isBinaryExpression(expression) && expression.operatorToken.kind === ts5.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken && ts5.isVoidExpression(expression.right) && ts5.isIdentifier(expression.left);
1835function getIifeFn(classSymbol) {
1836 if (classSymbol === void 0) {
1837 return null;
1838 }
1839 const innerDeclaration = classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration;
1840 const iifeBody = innerDeclaration.parent;
1841 if (!ts5.isBlock(iifeBody)) {
1842 return null;
1843 }
1844 const iifeWrapper = iifeBody.parent;
1845 return iifeWrapper && ts5.isFunctionExpression(iifeWrapper) ? iifeWrapper : null;
1848// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/umd_host.mjs
1849var UmdReflectionHost = class extends Esm5ReflectionHost {
1850 constructor(logger, isCore, src, dts = null) {
1851 super(logger, isCore, src, dts);
1852 this.umdModules = new FactoryMap((sf) => this.computeUmdModule(sf));
1853 this.umdExports = new FactoryMap((sf) => this.computeExportsOfUmdModule(sf));
1854 this.umdImportPaths = new FactoryMap((param) => this.computeImportPath(param));
1855 this.program = src.program;
1856 this.compilerHost = src.host;
1857 }
1858 getImportOfIdentifier(id) {
1859 const nsIdentifier = findNamespaceOfIdentifier(id);
1860 const importParameter = nsIdentifier && this.findUmdImportParameter(nsIdentifier);
1861 const from = importParameter && this.getUmdImportPath(importParameter);
1862 return from !== null ? { from, name: id.text } : null;
1863 }
1864 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
1865 const declaration = this.getExportsDeclaration(id) || this.getUmdModuleDeclaration(id) || this.getUmdDeclaration(id);
1866 if (declaration !== null) {
1867 return declaration;
1868 }
1869 const superDeclaration = super.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
1870 if (superDeclaration === null) {
1871 return null;
1872 }
1873 const outerNode = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(superDeclaration.node);
1874 if (outerNode === null) {
1875 return superDeclaration;
1876 }
1877 if (!isExportsAssignment(outerNode)) {
1878 return superDeclaration;
1879 }
1880 return {
1881 kind: 1,
1882 node: outerNode.left,
1883 implementation: outerNode.right,
1884 known: null,
1885 viaModule: null
1886 };
1887 }
1888 getExportsOfModule(module) {
1889 return super.getExportsOfModule(module) || this.umdExports.get(module.getSourceFile());
1890 }
1891 getUmdModule(sourceFile) {
1892 if (sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
1893 return null;
1894 }
1895 return this.umdModules.get(sourceFile);
1896 }
1897 getUmdImportPath(importParameter) {
1898 return this.umdImportPaths.get(importParameter);
1899 }
1900 getModuleStatements(sourceFile) {
1901 const umdModule = this.getUmdModule(sourceFile);
1902 return umdModule !== null ? Array.from(umdModule.factoryFn.body.statements) : [];
1903 }
1904 getClassSymbolFromOuterDeclaration(declaration) {
1905 const superSymbol = super.getClassSymbolFromOuterDeclaration(declaration);
1906 if (superSymbol) {
1907 return superSymbol;
1908 }
1909 if (!isExportsDeclaration(declaration)) {
1910 return void 0;
1911 }
1912 let initializer = skipAliases(declaration.parent.right);
1913 if (ts6.isIdentifier(initializer)) {
1914 const implementation = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(initializer);
1915 if (implementation !== null) {
1916 const implementationSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(implementation.node);
1917 if (implementationSymbol !== null) {
1918 return implementationSymbol;
1919 }
1920 }
1921 }
1922 const innerDeclaration = getInnerClassDeclaration(initializer);
1923 if (innerDeclaration !== null) {
1924 return this.createClassSymbol(declaration.name, innerDeclaration);
1925 }
1926 return void 0;
1927 }
1928 getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(declaration) {
1929 const superClassSymbol = super.getClassSymbolFromInnerDeclaration(declaration);
1930 if (superClassSymbol !== void 0) {
1931 return superClassSymbol;
1932 }
1933 if (!isNamedFunctionDeclaration(declaration)) {
1934 return void 0;
1935 }
1936 const outerNode = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(declaration);
1937 if (outerNode === null || !isExportsAssignment(outerNode)) {
1938 return void 0;
1939 }
1940 return this.createClassSymbol(outerNode.left.name, declaration);
1941 }
1942 addClassSymbolsFromStatement(classes, statement) {
1943 super.addClassSymbolsFromStatement(classes, statement);
1944 if (isExportsStatement(statement)) {
1945 const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(statement.expression.left);
1946 if (classSymbol) {
1947 classes.set(classSymbol.implementation, classSymbol);
1948 }
1949 }
1950 }
1951 preprocessStatement(statement) {
1952 super.preprocessStatement(statement);
1953 if (!isExportsStatement(statement)) {
1954 return;
1955 }
1956 const declaration = statement.expression.left;
1957 const initializer = statement.expression.right;
1958 if (!isAssignment2(initializer) || !ts6.isIdentifier(initializer.left) || !this.isClass(declaration)) {
1959 return;
1960 }
1961 const aliasedIdentifier = initializer.left;
1962 const aliasedDeclaration = this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(aliasedIdentifier);
1963 if (aliasedDeclaration === null || aliasedDeclaration.node === null) {
1964 throw new Error(`Unable to locate declaration of ${aliasedIdentifier.text} in "${statement.getText()}"`);
1965 }
1966 this.aliasedClassDeclarations.set(aliasedDeclaration.node, declaration.name);
1967 }
1968 computeUmdModule(sourceFile) {
1969 if (sourceFile.statements.length !== 1) {
1970 throw new Error(`Expected UMD module file (${sourceFile.fileName}) to contain exactly one statement, but found ${sourceFile.statements.length}.`);
1971 }
1972 return parseStatementForUmdModule(sourceFile.statements[0]);
1973 }
1974 computeExportsOfUmdModule(sourceFile) {
1975 const moduleMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1976 for (const statement of this.getModuleStatements(sourceFile)) {
1977 if (isExportsStatement(statement)) {
1978 const exportDeclaration = this.extractBasicUmdExportDeclaration(statement);
1979 if (!moduleMap.has(exportDeclaration.name)) {
1980 moduleMap.set(exportDeclaration.name, exportDeclaration.declaration);
1981 }
1982 } else if (isWildcardReexportStatement(statement)) {
1983 const reexports = this.extractUmdWildcardReexports(statement, sourceFile);
1984 for (const reexport of reexports) {
1985 moduleMap.set(reexport.name, reexport.declaration);
1986 }
1987 } else if (isDefinePropertyReexportStatement(statement)) {
1988 const exportDeclaration = this.extractUmdDefinePropertyExportDeclaration(statement);
1989 if (exportDeclaration !== null) {
1990 moduleMap.set(exportDeclaration.name, exportDeclaration.declaration);
1991 }
1992 }
1993 }
1994 return moduleMap;
1995 }
1996 computeImportPath(param) {
1997 const umdModule = this.getUmdModule(param.getSourceFile());
1998 if (umdModule === null) {
1999 return null;
2000 }
2001 const imports = getImportsOfUmdModule(umdModule);
2002 if (imports === null) {
2003 return null;
2004 }
2005 let importPath = null;
2006 for (const i of imports) {
2007 this.umdImportPaths.set(i.parameter, i.path);
2008 if (i.parameter === param) {
2009 importPath = i.path;
2010 }
2011 }
2012 return importPath;
2013 }
2014 extractBasicUmdExportDeclaration(statement) {
2015 var _a;
2016 const name = statement.expression.left.name.text;
2017 const exportExpression = skipAliases(statement.expression.right);
2018 const declaration = (_a = this.getDeclarationOfExpression(exportExpression)) != null ? _a : {
2019 kind: 1,
2020 node: statement.expression.left,
2021 implementation: statement.expression.right,
2022 known: null,
2023 viaModule: null
2024 };
2025 return { name, declaration };
2026 }
2027 extractUmdWildcardReexports(statement, containingFile) {
2028 const reexportArg = statement.expression.arguments[0];
2029 const requireCall = isRequireCall(reexportArg) ? reexportArg : ts6.isIdentifier(reexportArg) ? findRequireCallReference(reexportArg, this.checker) : null;
2030 let importPath = null;
2031 if (requireCall !== null) {
2032 importPath = requireCall.arguments[0].text;
2033 } else if (ts6.isIdentifier(reexportArg)) {
2034 const importParameter = this.findUmdImportParameter(reexportArg);
2035 importPath = importParameter && this.getUmdImportPath(importParameter);
2036 }
2037 if (importPath === null) {
2038 return [];
2039 }
2040 const importedFile = this.resolveModuleName(importPath, containingFile);
2041 if (importedFile === void 0) {
2042 return [];
2043 }
2044 const importedExports = this.getExportsOfModule(importedFile);
2045 if (importedExports === null) {
2046 return [];
2047 }
2048 const viaModule = stripExtension(importedFile.fileName);
2049 const reexports = [];
2050 importedExports.forEach((decl, name) => reexports.push({ name, declaration: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, decl), { viaModule }) }));
2051 return reexports;
2052 }
2053 extractUmdDefinePropertyExportDeclaration(statement) {
2054 const args = statement.expression.arguments;
2055 const name = args[1].text;
2056 const getterFnExpression = extractGetterFnExpression(statement);
2057 if (getterFnExpression === null) {
2058 return null;
2059 }
2060 const declaration = this.getDeclarationOfExpression(getterFnExpression);
2061 if (declaration !== null) {
2062 return { name, declaration };
2063 }
2064 return {
2065 name,
2066 declaration: {
2067 kind: 1,
2068 node: args[1],
2069 implementation: getterFnExpression,
2070 known: null,
2071 viaModule: null
2072 }
2073 };
2074 }
2075 findUmdImportParameter(id) {
2076 const symbol = id && this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(id) || null;
2077 const declaration = symbol && symbol.valueDeclaration;
2078 return declaration && ts6.isParameter(declaration) ? declaration : null;
2079 }
2080 getUmdDeclaration(id) {
2081 const nsIdentifier = findNamespaceOfIdentifier(id);
2082 if (nsIdentifier === null) {
2083 return null;
2084 }
2085 if (nsIdentifier.parent.parent && isExportsAssignment(nsIdentifier.parent.parent)) {
2086 const initializer = nsIdentifier.parent.parent.right;
2087 if (ts6.isIdentifier(initializer)) {
2088 return this.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(initializer);
2089 }
2090 return this.detectKnownDeclaration({
2091 kind: 1,
2092 node: nsIdentifier.parent.parent.left,
2093 implementation: skipAliases(nsIdentifier.parent.parent.right),
2094 viaModule: null,
2095 known: null
2096 });
2097 }
2098 const moduleDeclaration = this.getUmdModuleDeclaration(nsIdentifier);
2099 if (moduleDeclaration === null || moduleDeclaration.node === null || !ts6.isSourceFile(moduleDeclaration.node)) {
2100 return null;
2101 }
2102 const moduleExports = this.getExportsOfModule(moduleDeclaration.node);
2103 if (moduleExports === null) {
2104 return null;
2105 }
2106 const declaration = moduleExports.get(id.text);
2107 if (!moduleExports.has(id.text)) {
2108 return null;
2109 }
2110 const viaModule = declaration.viaModule === null ? moduleDeclaration.viaModule : declaration.viaModule;
2111 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, declaration), { viaModule, known: getTsHelperFnFromIdentifier(id) });
2112 }
2113 getExportsDeclaration(id) {
2114 if (!isExportsIdentifier(id)) {
2115 return null;
2116 }
2117 const exportsSymbol = this.checker.getSymbolsInScope(id, ts6.SymbolFlags.Variable).find((symbol) => symbol.name === "exports");
2118 const node = (exportsSymbol == null ? void 0 : exportsSymbol.valueDeclaration) !== void 0 && !ts6.isFunctionExpression(exportsSymbol.valueDeclaration.parent) ? exportsSymbol.valueDeclaration : id.getSourceFile();
2119 return {
2120 kind: 0,
2121 node,
2122 viaModule: null,
2123 known: null,
2124 identity: null
2125 };
2126 }
2127 getUmdModuleDeclaration(id) {
2128 const importPath = this.getImportPathFromParameter(id) || this.getImportPathFromRequireCall(id);
2129 if (importPath === null) {
2130 return null;
2131 }
2132 const module = this.resolveModuleName(importPath, id.getSourceFile());
2133 if (module === void 0) {
2134 return null;
2135 }
2136 const viaModule = isExternalImport(importPath) ? importPath : null;
2137 return { kind: 0, node: module, viaModule, known: null, identity: null };
2138 }
2139 getImportPathFromParameter(id) {
2140 const importParameter = this.findUmdImportParameter(id);
2141 if (importParameter === null) {
2142 return null;
2143 }
2144 return this.getUmdImportPath(importParameter);
2145 }
2146 getImportPathFromRequireCall(id) {
2147 const requireCall = findRequireCallReference(id, this.checker);
2148 if (requireCall === null) {
2149 return null;
2150 }
2151 return requireCall.arguments[0].text;
2152 }
2153 getDeclarationOfExpression(expression) {
2154 const inner = getInnerClassDeclaration(expression);
2155 if (inner !== null) {
2156 const outer = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(inner);
2157 if (outer !== null && isExportsAssignment(outer)) {
2158 return {
2159 kind: 1,
2160 node: outer.left,
2161 implementation: inner,
2162 known: null,
2163 viaModule: null
2164 };
2165 }
2166 }
2167 return super.getDeclarationOfExpression(expression);
2168 }
2169 resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile) {
2170 if (this.compilerHost.resolveModuleNames) {
2171 const moduleInfo = this.compilerHost.resolveModuleNames([moduleName], containingFile.fileName, void 0, void 0, this.program.getCompilerOptions())[0];
2172 return moduleInfo && this.program.getSourceFile(absoluteFrom(moduleInfo.resolvedFileName));
2173 } else {
2174 const moduleInfo = ts6.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile.fileName, this.program.getCompilerOptions(), this.compilerHost);
2175 return moduleInfo.resolvedModule && this.program.getSourceFile(absoluteFrom(moduleInfo.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName));
2176 }
2177 }
2179function parseStatementForUmdModule(statement) {
2180 const wrapper = getUmdWrapper(statement);
2181 if (wrapper === null)
2182 return null;
2183 const factoryFnParamIndex = wrapper.fn.parameters.findIndex((parameter) => ts6.isIdentifier(parameter.name) && parameter.name.text === "factory");
2184 if (factoryFnParamIndex === -1)
2185 return null;
2186 const factoryFn = stripParentheses(wrapper.call.arguments[factoryFnParamIndex]);
2187 if (!factoryFn || !ts6.isFunctionExpression(factoryFn))
2188 return null;
2189 let factoryCalls = null;
2190 return {
2191 wrapperFn: wrapper.fn,
2192 factoryFn,
2193 get factoryCalls() {
2194 if (factoryCalls === null) {
2195 factoryCalls = parseUmdWrapperFunction(this.wrapperFn);
2196 }
2197 return factoryCalls;
2198 }
2199 };
2201function getUmdWrapper(statement) {
2202 if (!ts6.isExpressionStatement(statement))
2203 return null;
2204 if (ts6.isParenthesizedExpression(statement.expression) && ts6.isCallExpression(statement.expression.expression) && ts6.isFunctionExpression(statement.expression.expression.expression)) {
2205 const call = statement.expression.expression;
2206 const fn = statement.expression.expression.expression;
2207 return { call, fn };
2208 }
2209 if (ts6.isCallExpression(statement.expression) && ts6.isParenthesizedExpression(statement.expression.expression) && ts6.isFunctionExpression(statement.expression.expression.expression)) {
2210 const call = statement.expression;
2211 const fn = statement.expression.expression.expression;
2212 return { call, fn };
2213 }
2214 return null;
2216function parseUmdWrapperFunction(wrapperFn) {
2217 const stmt = wrapperFn.body.statements[0];
2218 let conditionalFactoryCalls;
2219 if (ts6.isExpressionStatement(stmt) && ts6.isConditionalExpression(stmt.expression)) {
2220 conditionalFactoryCalls = extractFactoryCallsFromConditionalExpression(stmt.expression);
2221 } else if (ts6.isIfStatement(stmt)) {
2222 conditionalFactoryCalls = extractFactoryCallsFromIfStatement(stmt);
2223 } else {
2224 throw new Error("UMD wrapper body is not in a supported format (expected a conditional expression or if statement):\n" + wrapperFn.body.getText());
2225 }
2226 const amdDefine = getAmdDefineCall(conditionalFactoryCalls);
2227 const commonJs = getCommonJsFactoryCall(conditionalFactoryCalls);
2228 const commonJs2 = getCommonJs2FactoryCall(conditionalFactoryCalls);
2229 const global = getGlobalFactoryCall(conditionalFactoryCalls);
2230 const cjsCallForImports = commonJs2 || commonJs;
2231 if (cjsCallForImports === null) {
2232 throw new Error("Unable to find a CommonJS or CommonJS2 factory call inside the UMD wrapper function:\n" + stmt.getText());
2233 }
2234 return { amdDefine, commonJs, commonJs2, global, cjsCallForImports };
2236function extractFactoryCallsFromConditionalExpression(node) {
2237 const factoryCalls = [];
2238 let currentNode = node;
2239 while (ts6.isConditionalExpression(currentNode)) {
2240 if (!ts6.isBinaryExpression(currentNode.condition)) {
2241 throw new Error("Condition inside UMD wrapper is not a binary expression:\n" + currentNode.condition.getText());
2242 }
2243 factoryCalls.push({
2244 condition: currentNode.condition,
2245 factoryCall: getFunctionCallFromExpression(currentNode.whenTrue)
2246 });
2247 currentNode = currentNode.whenFalse;
2248 }
2249 factoryCalls.push({
2250 condition: null,
2251 factoryCall: getFunctionCallFromExpression(currentNode)
2252 });
2253 return factoryCalls;
2255function extractFactoryCallsFromIfStatement(node) {
2256 const factoryCalls = [];
2257 let currentNode = node;
2258 while (currentNode && ts6.isIfStatement(currentNode)) {
2259 if (!ts6.isBinaryExpression(currentNode.expression)) {
2260 throw new Error("Condition inside UMD wrapper is not a binary expression:\n" + currentNode.expression.getText());
2261 }
2262 if (!ts6.isExpressionStatement(currentNode.thenStatement)) {
2263 throw new Error("Then-statement inside UMD wrapper is not an expression statement:\n" + currentNode.thenStatement.getText());
2264 }
2265 factoryCalls.push({
2266 condition: currentNode.expression,
2267 factoryCall: getFunctionCallFromExpression(currentNode.thenStatement.expression)
2268 });
2269 currentNode = currentNode.elseStatement;
2270 }
2271 if (currentNode) {
2272 if (!ts6.isExpressionStatement(currentNode)) {
2273 throw new Error("Else-statement inside UMD wrapper is not an expression statement:\n" + currentNode.getText());
2274 }
2275 factoryCalls.push({
2276 condition: null,
2277 factoryCall: getFunctionCallFromExpression(currentNode.expression)
2278 });
2279 }
2280 return factoryCalls;
2282function getFunctionCallFromExpression(node) {
2283 if (ts6.isParenthesizedExpression(node)) {
2284 return getFunctionCallFromExpression(node.expression);
2285 }
2286 if (ts6.isBinaryExpression(node) && [ts6.SyntaxKind.CommaToken, ts6.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken].includes(node.operatorToken.kind)) {
2287 return getFunctionCallFromExpression(node.right);
2288 }
2289 if (!ts6.isCallExpression(node)) {
2290 throw new Error("Expression inside UMD wrapper is not a call expression:\n" + node.getText());
2291 }
2292 return node;
2294function getAmdDefineCall(calls) {
2295 var _a;
2296 const amdConditionalCall = calls.find((call) => {
2297 var _a2;
2298 return ((_a2 = call.condition) == null ? void 0 : _a2.operatorToken.kind) === ts6.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken && oneOfBinaryConditions(call.condition, (exp) => isTypeOf(exp, "define")) && ts6.isIdentifier(call.factoryCall.expression) && call.factoryCall.expression.text === "define";
2299 });
2300 return (_a = amdConditionalCall == null ? void 0 : amdConditionalCall.factoryCall) != null ? _a : null;
2302function getCommonJsFactoryCall(calls) {
2303 var _a;
2304 const cjsConditionalCall = calls.find((call) => {
2305 var _a2;
2306 return ((_a2 = call.condition) == null ? void 0 : _a2.operatorToken.kind) === ts6.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken && isTypeOf(call.condition, "exports") && ts6.isIdentifier(call.factoryCall.expression) && call.factoryCall.expression.text === "factory";
2307 });
2308 return (_a = cjsConditionalCall == null ? void 0 : cjsConditionalCall.factoryCall) != null ? _a : null;
2310function getCommonJs2FactoryCall(calls) {
2311 var _a;
2312 const cjs2ConditionalCall = calls.find((call) => {
2313 var _a2;
2314 return ((_a2 = call.condition) == null ? void 0 : _a2.operatorToken.kind) === ts6.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken && oneOfBinaryConditions(call.condition, (exp) => isTypeOf(exp, "exports", "module")) && ts6.isIdentifier(call.factoryCall.expression) && call.factoryCall.expression.text === "factory";
2315 });
2316 return (_a = cjs2ConditionalCall == null ? void 0 : cjs2ConditionalCall.factoryCall) != null ? _a : null;
2318function getGlobalFactoryCall(calls) {
2319 var _a;
2320 const globalConditionalCall = calls.find((call) => call.condition === null);
2321 return (_a = globalConditionalCall == null ? void 0 : globalConditionalCall.factoryCall) != null ? _a : null;
2323function oneOfBinaryConditions(node, test) {
2324 return test(node.left) || test(node.right);
2326function isTypeOf(node, ...types) {
2327 return ts6.isBinaryExpression(node) && ts6.isTypeOfExpression(node.left) && ts6.isIdentifier(node.left.expression) && types.includes(node.left.expression.text);
2329function getImportsOfUmdModule(umdModule) {
2330 const imports = [];
2331 const factoryFnParams = umdModule.factoryFn.parameters;
2332 const cjsFactoryCallArgs = umdModule.factoryCalls.cjsCallForImports.arguments;
2333 for (let i = 0; i < factoryFnParams.length; i++) {
2334 const arg = cjsFactoryCallArgs[i];
2335 if (arg !== void 0 && isRequireCall(arg)) {
2336 imports.push({
2337 parameter: factoryFnParams[i],
2338 path: arg.arguments[0].text
2339 });
2340 }
2341 }
2342 return imports;
2344function isExportsIdentifier(node) {
2345 return ts6.isIdentifier(node) && node.text === "exports";
2348// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/entry_point.mjs
2349var SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES = ["fesm2015", "fesm5", "es2015", "esm2015", "esm5", "main", "module", "browser"];
2350var NO_ENTRY_POINT = "no-entry-point";
2351var IGNORED_ENTRY_POINT = "ignored-entry-point";
2352var INCOMPATIBLE_ENTRY_POINT = "incompatible-entry-point";
2353function getEntryPointInfo(fs, config, logger, packagePath, entryPointPath) {
2354 const packagePackageJsonPath = fs.resolve(packagePath, "package.json");
2355 const entryPointPackageJsonPath = fs.resolve(entryPointPath, "package.json");
2356 const loadedPackagePackageJson = loadPackageJson(fs, packagePackageJsonPath);
2357 const loadedEntryPointPackageJson = packagePackageJsonPath === entryPointPackageJsonPath ? loadedPackagePackageJson : loadPackageJson(fs, entryPointPackageJsonPath);
2358 const { packageName, packageVersion } = getPackageNameAndVersion(fs, packagePath, loadedPackagePackageJson, loadedEntryPointPackageJson);
2359 const repositoryUrl = getRepositoryUrl(loadedPackagePackageJson);
2360 const packageConfig = config.getPackageConfig(packageName, packagePath, packageVersion);
2361 const entryPointConfig = packageConfig.entryPoints.get(entryPointPath);
2362 let entryPointPackageJson;
2363 if (entryPointConfig === void 0) {
2364 if (!fs.exists(entryPointPackageJsonPath)) {
2365 return NO_ENTRY_POINT;
2366 } else if (loadedEntryPointPackageJson === null) {
2367 logger.warn(`Failed to read entry point info from invalid 'package.json' file: ${entryPointPackageJsonPath}`);
2369 } else {
2370 entryPointPackageJson = loadedEntryPointPackageJson;
2371 }
2372 } else if (entryPointConfig.ignore === true) {
2374 } else {
2375 entryPointPackageJson = mergeConfigAndPackageJson(fs, loadedEntryPointPackageJson, entryPointConfig, packagePath, entryPointPath);
2376 }
2377 const typings = entryPointPackageJson.typings || entryPointPackageJson.types || guessTypingsFromPackageJson(fs, entryPointPath, entryPointPackageJson);
2378 if (typeof typings !== "string") {
2380 }
2381 const metadataPath = fs.resolve(entryPointPath, typings.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, "") + ".metadata.json");
2382 const compiledByAngular = entryPointConfig !== void 0 || fs.exists(metadataPath);
2383 const entryPointInfo = {
2384 name: entryPointPackageJson.name,
2385 path: entryPointPath,
2386 packageName,
2387 packagePath,
2388 repositoryUrl,
2389 packageJson: entryPointPackageJson,
2390 typings: fs.resolve(entryPointPath, typings),
2391 compiledByAngular,
2392 ignoreMissingDependencies: entryPointConfig !== void 0 ? !!entryPointConfig.ignoreMissingDependencies : false,
2393 generateDeepReexports: entryPointConfig !== void 0 ? !!entryPointConfig.generateDeepReexports : false
2394 };
2395 return entryPointInfo;
2397function isEntryPoint(result) {
2398 return result !== NO_ENTRY_POINT && result !== INCOMPATIBLE_ENTRY_POINT && result !== IGNORED_ENTRY_POINT;
2400function getEntryPointFormat(fs, entryPoint, property2) {
2401 switch (property2) {
2402 case "fesm2015":
2403 return "esm2015";
2404 case "fesm5":
2405 return "esm5";
2406 case "es2015":
2407 return "esm2015";
2408 case "esm2015":
2409 return "esm2015";
2410 case "esm5":
2411 return "esm5";
2412 case "browser":
2413 const browserFile = entryPoint.packageJson["browser"];
2414 if (typeof browserFile !== "string") {
2415 return void 0;
2416 }
2417 return sniffModuleFormat(fs, fs.join(entryPoint.path, browserFile));
2418 case "main":
2419 const mainFile = entryPoint.packageJson["main"];
2420 if (mainFile === void 0) {
2421 return void 0;
2422 }
2423 return sniffModuleFormat(fs, fs.join(entryPoint.path, mainFile));
2424 case "module":
2425 const moduleFilePath = entryPoint.packageJson["module"];
2426 if (typeof moduleFilePath === "string" && moduleFilePath.includes("esm2015")) {
2427 return `esm2015`;
2428 }
2429 return "esm5";
2430 default:
2431 return void 0;
2432 }
2434function loadPackageJson(fs, packageJsonPath) {
2435 try {
2436 return JSON.parse(fs.readFile(packageJsonPath));
2437 } catch {
2438 return null;
2439 }
2441function sniffModuleFormat(fs, sourceFilePath) {
2442 const resolvedPath = resolveFileWithPostfixes(fs, sourceFilePath, ["", ".js", "/index.js"]);
2443 if (resolvedPath === null) {
2444 return void 0;
2445 }
2446 const sourceFile = ts7.createSourceFile(sourceFilePath, fs.readFile(resolvedPath), ts7.ScriptTarget.ES5);
2447 if (sourceFile.statements.length === 0) {
2448 return void 0;
2449 }
2450 if (ts7.isExternalModule(sourceFile)) {
2451 return "esm5";
2452 } else if (parseStatementForUmdModule(sourceFile.statements[0]) !== null) {
2453 return "umd";
2454 } else {
2455 return "commonjs";
2456 }
2458function mergeConfigAndPackageJson(fs, entryPointPackageJson, entryPointConfig, packagePath, entryPointPath) {
2459 if (entryPointPackageJson !== null) {
2460 return __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, entryPointPackageJson), entryPointConfig.override);
2461 } else {
2462 const name = `${fs.basename(packagePath)}/${fs.relative(packagePath, entryPointPath)}`;
2463 return __spreadValues({ name }, entryPointConfig.override);
2464 }
2466function guessTypingsFromPackageJson(fs, entryPointPath, entryPointPackageJson) {
2467 for (const prop of SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES) {
2468 const field = entryPointPackageJson[prop];
2469 if (typeof field !== "string") {
2470 continue;
2471 }
2472 const relativeTypingsPath = field.replace(/\.js$/, ".d.ts");
2473 const typingsPath = fs.resolve(entryPointPath, relativeTypingsPath);
2474 if (fs.exists(typingsPath)) {
2475 return typingsPath;
2476 }
2477 }
2478 return null;
2480function getPackageNameAndVersion(fs, packagePath, packagePackageJson, entryPointPackageJson) {
2481 var _a;
2482 let packageName;
2483 if (packagePackageJson !== null) {
2484 packageName = packagePackageJson.name;
2485 } else if (entryPointPackageJson !== null) {
2486 packageName = /^(?:@[^/]+\/)?[^/]*/.exec(entryPointPackageJson.name)[0];
2487 } else {
2488 const lastSegment = fs.basename(packagePath);
2489 const secondLastSegment = fs.basename(fs.dirname(packagePath));
2490 packageName = secondLastSegment.startsWith("@") ? `${secondLastSegment}/${lastSegment}` : lastSegment;
2491 }
2492 return {
2493 packageName,
2494 packageVersion: (_a = packagePackageJson == null ? void 0 : packagePackageJson.version) != null ? _a : null
2495 };
2497function getRepositoryUrl(packageJson) {
2498 if ((packageJson == null ? void 0 : packageJson.repository) === void 0) {
2499 return "";
2500 }
2501 if (typeof packageJson.repository === "string") {
2502 return packageJson.repository;
2503 }
2504 return packageJson.repository.url;
2507// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/tasks/api.mjs
2508var DtsProcessing;
2509(function(DtsProcessing2) {
2510 DtsProcessing2[DtsProcessing2["Yes"] = 0] = "Yes";
2511 DtsProcessing2[DtsProcessing2["No"] = 1] = "No";
2512 DtsProcessing2[DtsProcessing2["Only"] = 2] = "Only";
2513})(DtsProcessing || (DtsProcessing = {}));
2514var TaskDependencies = Map;
2516// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/adjust_cjs_umd_exports.mjs
2517import ts8 from "typescript";
2518function adjustElementAccessExports(sourceText) {
2519 if (!/exports\[["']/.test(sourceText)) {
2520 return sourceText;
2521 }
2522 const replacements = [];
2523 const sf = ts8.createSourceFile("input.js", sourceText, ts8.ScriptTarget.ES5, false, ts8.ScriptKind.JS);
2524 ts8.forEachChild(sf, function visitNode(node) {
2525 if (ts8.isElementAccessExpression(node) && isExportsIdentifier2(node.expression) && ts8.isStringLiteral(node.argumentExpression) && isJsIdentifier(node.argumentExpression.text)) {
2526 replacements.push({
2527 start: node.getStart(sf),
2528 end: node.getEnd(),
2529 identifier: node.argumentExpression.text
2530 });
2531 }
2532 ts8.forEachChild(node, visitNode);
2533 });
2534 replacements.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);
2535 const parts = [];
2536 let currentIndex = 0;
2537 for (const replacement of replacements) {
2538 parts.push(sourceText.substring(currentIndex, replacement.start));
2539 parts.push(`exports. ${replacement.identifier} `);
2540 currentIndex = replacement.end;
2541 }
2542 parts.push(sourceText.substring(currentIndex));
2543 return parts.join("");
2545function isExportsIdentifier2(expr) {
2546 return ts8.isIdentifier(expr) && expr.text === "exports";
2548var identifierPattern = /^(?!(?:do|if|in|for|let|new|try|var|case|else|enum|eval|false|null|this|true|void|with|break|catch|class|const|super|throw|while|yield|delete|export|import|public|return|static|switch|typeof|default|extends|finally|package|private|continue|debugger|function|arguments|interface|protected|implements|instanceof)$)[$A-Z\_a-z\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u02c1\u02c6-\u02d1\u02e0-\u02e4\u02ec\u02ee\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037a-\u037d\u0386\u0388-\u038a\u038c\u038e-\u03a1\u03a3-\u03f5\u03f7-\u0481\u048a-\u0527\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05d0-\u05ea\u05f0-\u05f2\u0620-\u064a\u066e\u066f\u0671-\u06d3\u06d5\u06e5\u06e6\u06ee\u06ef\u06fa-\u06fc\u06ff\u0710\u0712-\u072f\u074d-\u07a5\u07b1\u07ca-\u07ea\u07f4\u07f5\u07fa\u0800-\u0815\u081a\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08a0\u08a2-\u08ac\u0904-\u0939\u093d\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0977\u0979-\u097f\u0985-\u098c\u098f\u0990\u0993-\u09a8\u09aa-\u09b0\u09b2\u09b6-\u09b9\u09bd\u09ce\u09dc\u09dd\u09df-\u09e1\u09f0\u09f1\u0a05-\u0a0a\u0a0f\u0a10\u0a13-\u0a28\u0a2a-\u0a30\u0a32\u0a33\u0a35\u0a36\u0a38\u0a39\u0a59-\u0a5c\u0a5e\u0a72-\u0a74\u0a85-\u0a8d\u0a8f-\u0a91\u0a93-\u0aa8\u0aaa-\u0ab0\u0ab2\u0ab3\u0ab5-\u0ab9\u0abd\u0ad0\u0ae0\u0ae1\u0b05-\u0b0c\u0b0f\u0b10\u0b13-\u0b28\u0b2a-\u0b30\u0b32\u0b33\u0b35-\u0b39\u0b3d\u0b5c\u0b5d\u0b5f-\u0b61\u0b71\u0b83\u0b85-\u0b8a\u0b8e-\u0b90\u0b92-\u0b95\u0b99\u0b9a\u0b9c\u0b9e\u0b9f\u0ba3\u0ba4\u0ba8-\u0baa\u0bae-\u0bb9\u0bd0\u0c05-\u0c0c\u0c0e-\u0c10\u0c12-\u0c28\u0c2a-\u0c33\u0c35-\u0c39\u0c3d\u0c58\u0c59\u0c60\u0c61\u0c85-\u0c8c\u0c8e-\u0c90\u0c92-\u0ca8\u0caa-\u0cb3\u0cb5-\u0cb9\u0cbd\u0cde\u0ce0\u0ce1\u0cf1\u0cf2\u0d05-\u0d0c\u0d0e-\u0d10\u0d12-\u0d3a\u0d3d\u0d4e\u0d60\u0d61\u0d7a-\u0d7f\u0d85-\u0d96\u0d9a-\u0db1\u0db3-\u0dbb\u0dbd\u0dc0-\u0dc6\u0e01-\u0e30\u0e32\u0e33\u0e40-\u0e46\u0e81\u0e82\u0e84\u0e87\u0e88\u0e8a\u0e8d\u0e94-\u0e97\u0e99-\u0e9f\u0ea1-\u0ea3\u0ea5\u0ea7\u0eaa\u0eab\u0ead-\u0eb0\u0eb2\u0eb3\u0ebd\u0ec0-\u0ec4\u0ec6\u0edc-\u0edf\u0f00\u0f40-\u0f47\u0f49-\u0f6c\u0f88-\u0f8c\u1000-\u102a\u103f\u1050-\u1055\u105a-\u105d\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106e-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108e\u10a0-\u10c5\u10c7\u10cd\u10d0-\u10fa\u10fc-\u1248\u124a-\u124d\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125a-\u125d\u1260-\u1288\u128a-\u128d\u1290-\u12b0\u12b2-\u12b5\u12b8-\u12be\u12c0\u12c2-\u12c5\u12c8-\u12d6\u12d8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135a\u1380-\u138f\u13a0-\u13f4\u1401-\u166c\u166f-\u167f\u1681-\u169a\u16a0-\u16ea\u16ee-\u16f0\u1700-\u170c\u170e-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176c\u176e-\u1770\u1780-\u17b3\u17d7\u17dc\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18a8\u18aa\u18b0-\u18f5\u1900-\u191c\u1950-\u196d\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19ab\u19c1-\u19c7\u1a00-\u1a16\u1a20-\u1a54\u1aa7\u1b05-\u1b33\u1b45-\u1b4b\u1b83-\u1ba0\u1bae\u1baf\u1bba-\u1be5\u1c00-\u1c23\u1c4d-\u1c4f\u1c5a-\u1c7d\u1ce9-\u1cec\u1cee-\u1cf1\u1cf5\u1cf6\u1d00-\u1dbf\u1e00-\u1f15\u1f18-\u1f1d\u1f20-\u1f45\u1f48-\u1f4d\u1f50-\u1f57\u1f59\u1f5b\u1f5d\u1f5f-\u1f7d\u1f80-\u1fb4\u1fb6-\u1fbc\u1fbe\u1fc2-\u1fc4\u1fc6-\u1fcc\u1fd0-\u1fd3\u1fd6-\u1fdb\u1fe0-\u1fec\u1ff2-\u1ff4\u1ff6-\u1ffc\u2071\u207f\u2090-\u209c\u2102\u2107\u210a-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211d\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212a-\u212d\u212f-\u2139\u213c-\u213f\u2145-\u2149\u214e\u2160-\u2188\u2c00-\u2c2e\u2c30-\u2c5e\u2c60-\u2ce4\u2ceb-\u2cee\u2cf2\u2cf3\u2d00-\u2d25\u2d27\u2d2d\u2d30-\u2d67\u2d6f\u2d80-\u2d96\u2da0-\u2da6\u2da8-\u2dae\u2db0-\u2db6\u2db8-\u2dbe\u2dc0-\u2dc6\u2dc8-\u2dce\u2dd0-\u2dd6\u2dd8-\u2dde\u2e2f\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303c\u3041-\u3096\u309d-\u309f\u30a1-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3105-\u312d\u3131-\u318e\u31a0-\u31ba\u31f0-\u31ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\ua000-\ua48c\ua4d0-\ua4fd\ua500-\ua60c\ua610-\ua61f\ua62a\ua62b\ua640-\ua66e\ua67f-\ua697\ua6a0-\ua6ef\ua717-\ua71f\ua722-\ua788\ua78b-\ua78e\ua790-\ua793\ua7a0-\ua7aa\ua7f8-\ua801\ua803-\ua805\ua807-\ua80a\ua80c-\ua822\ua840-\ua873\ua882-\ua8b3\ua8f2-\ua8f7\ua8fb\ua90a-\ua925\ua930-\ua946\ua960-\ua97c\ua984-\ua9b2\ua9cf\uaa00-\uaa28\uaa40-\uaa42\uaa44-\uaa4b\uaa60-\uaa76\uaa7a\uaa80-\uaaaf\uaab1\uaab5\uaab6\uaab9-\uaabd\uaac0\uaac2\uaadb-\uaadd\uaae0-\uaaea\uaaf2-\uaaf4\uab01-\uab06\uab09-\uab0e\uab11-\uab16\uab20-\uab26\uab28-\uab2e\uabc0-\uabe2\uac00-\ud7a3\ud7b0-\ud7c6\ud7cb-\ud7fb\uf900-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\ufb00-\ufb06\ufb13-\ufb17\ufb1d\ufb1f-\ufb28\ufb2a-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40\ufb41\ufb43\ufb44\ufb46-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufd3d\ufd50-\ufd8f\ufd92-\ufdc7\ufdf0-\ufdfb\ufe70-\ufe74\ufe76-\ufefc\uff21-\uff3a\uff41-\uff5a\uff66-\uffbe\uffc2-\uffc7\uffca-\uffcf\uffd2-\uffd7\uffda-\uffdc][$A-Z\_a-z\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u02c1\u02c6-\u02d1\u02e0-\u02e4\u02ec\u02ee\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037a-\u037d\u0386\u0388-\u038a\u038c\u038e-\u03a1\u03a3-\u03f5\u03f7-\u0481\u048a-\u0527\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05d0-\u05ea\u05f0-\u05f2\u0620-\u064a\u066e\u066f\u0671-\u06d3\u06d5\u06e5\u06e6\u06ee\u06ef\u06fa-\u06fc\u06ff\u0710\u0712-\u072f\u074d-\u07a5\u07b1\u07ca-\u07ea\u07f4\u07f5\u07fa\u0800-\u0815\u081a\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08a0\u08a2-\u08ac\u0904-\u0939\u093d\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0977\u0979-\u097f\u0985-\u098c\u098f\u0990\u0993-\u09a8\u09aa-\u09b0\u09b2\u09b6-\u09b9\u09bd\u09ce\u09dc\u09dd\u09df-\u09e1\u09f0\u09f1\u0a05-\u0a0a\u0a0f\u0a10\u0a13-\u0a28\u0a2a-\u0a30\u0a32\u0a33\u0a35\u0a36\u0a38\u0a39\u0a59-\u0a5c\u0a5e\u0a72-\u0a74\u0a85-\u0a8d\u0a8f-\u0a91\u0a93-\u0aa8\u0aaa-\u0ab0\u0ab2\u0ab3\u0ab5-\u0ab9\u0abd\u0ad0\u0ae0\u0ae1\u0b05-\u0b0c\u0b0f\u0b10\u0b13-\u0b28\u0b2a-\u0b30\u0b32\u0b33\u0b35-\u0b39\u0b3d\u0b5c\u0b5d\u0b5f-\u0b61\u0b71\u0b83\u0b85-\u0b8a\u0b8e-\u0b90\u0b92-\u0b95\u0b99\u0b9a\u0b9c\u0b9e\u0b9f\u0ba3\u0ba4\u0ba8-\u0baa\u0bae-\u0bb9\u0bd0\u0c05-\u0c0c\u0c0e-\u0c10\u0c12-\u0c28\u0c2a-\u0c33\u0c35-\u0c39\u0c3d\u0c58\u0c59\u0c60\u0c61\u0c85-\u0c8c\u0c8e-\u0c90\u0c92-\u0ca8\u0caa-\u0cb3\u0cb5-\u0cb9\u0cbd\u0cde\u0ce0\u0ce1\u0cf1\u0cf2\u0d05-\u0d0c\u0d0e-\u0d10\u0d12-\u0d3a\u0d3d\u0d4e\u0d60\u0d61\u0d7a-\u0d7f\u0d85-\u0d96\u0d9a-\u0db1\u0db3-\u0dbb\u0dbd\u0dc0-\u0dc6\u0e01-\u0e30\u0e32\u0e33\u0e40-\u0e46\u0e81\u0e82\u0e84\u0e87\u0e88\u0e8a\u0e8d\u0e94-\u0e97\u0e99-\u0e9f\u0ea1-\u0ea3\u0ea5\u0ea7\u0eaa\u0eab\u0ead-\u0eb0\u0eb2\u0eb3\u0ebd\u0ec0-\u0ec4\u0ec6\u0edc-\u0edf\u0f00\u0f40-\u0f47\u0f49-\u0f6c\u0f88-\u0f8c\u1000-\u102a\u103f\u1050-\u1055\u105a-\u105d\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106e-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108e\u10a0-\u10c5\u10c7\u10cd\u10d0-\u10fa\u10fc-\u1248\u124a-\u124d\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125a-\u125d\u1260-\u1288\u128a-\u128d\u1290-\u12b0\u12b2-\u12b5\u12b8-\u12be\u12c0\u12c2-\u12c5\u12c8-\u12d6\u12d8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135a\u1380-\u138f\u13a0-\u13f4\u1401-\u166c\u166f-\u167f\u1681-\u169a\u16a0-\u16ea\u16ee-\u16f0\u1700-\u170c\u170e-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176c\u176e-\u1770\u1780-\u17b3\u17d7\u17dc\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18a8\u18aa\u18b0-\u18f5\u1900-\u191c\u1950-\u196d\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19ab\u19c1-\u19c7\u1a00-\u1a16\u1a20-\u1a54\u1aa7\u1b05-\u1b33\u1b45-\u1b4b\u1b83-\u1ba0\u1bae\u1baf\u1bba-\u1be5\u1c00-\u1c23\u1c4d-\u1c4f\u1c5a-\u1c7d\u1ce9-\u1cec\u1cee-\u1cf1\u1cf5\u1cf6\u1d00-\u1dbf\u1e00-\u1f15\u1f18-\u1f1d\u1f20-\u1f45\u1f48-\u1f4d\u1f50-\u1f57\u1f59\u1f5b\u1f5d\u1f5f-\u1f7d\u1f80-\u1fb4\u1fb6-\u1fbc\u1fbe\u1fc2-\u1fc4\u1fc6-\u1fcc\u1fd0-\u1fd3\u1fd6-\u1fdb\u1fe0-\u1fec\u1ff2-\u1ff4\u1ff6-\u1ffc\u2071\u207f\u2090-\u209c\u2102\u2107\u210a-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211d\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212a-\u212d\u212f-\u2139\u213c-\u213f\u2145-\u2149\u214e\u2160-\u2188\u2c00-\u2c2e\u2c30-\u2c5e\u2c60-\u2ce4\u2ceb-\u2cee\u2cf2\u2cf3\u2d00-\u2d25\u2d27\u2d2d\u2d30-\u2d67\u2d6f\u2d80-\u2d96\u2da0-\u2da6\u2da8-\u2dae\u2db0-\u2db6\u2db8-\u2dbe\u2dc0-\u2dc6\u2dc8-\u2dce\u2dd0-\u2dd6\u2dd8-\u2dde\u2e2f\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303c\u3041-\u3096\u309d-\u309f\u30a1-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3105-\u312d\u3131-\u318e\u31a0-\u31ba\u31f0-\u31ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\ua000-\ua48c\ua4d0-\ua4fd\ua500-\ua60c\ua610-\ua61f\ua62a\ua62b\ua640-\ua66e\ua67f-\ua697\ua6a0-\ua6ef\ua717-\ua71f\ua722-\ua788\ua78b-\ua78e\ua790-\ua793\ua7a0-\ua7aa\ua7f8-\ua801\ua803-\ua805\ua807-\ua80a\ua80c-\ua822\ua840-\ua873\ua882-\ua8b3\ua8f2-\ua8f7\ua8fb\ua90a-\ua925\ua930-\ua946\ua960-\ua97c\ua984-\ua9b2\ua9cf\uaa00-\uaa28\uaa40-\uaa42\uaa44-\uaa4b\uaa60-\uaa76\uaa7a\uaa80-\uaaaf\uaab1\uaab5\uaab6\uaab9-\uaabd\uaac0\uaac2\uaadb-\uaadd\uaae0-\uaaea\uaaf2-\uaaf4\uab01-\uab06\uab09-\uab0e\uab11-\uab16\uab20-\uab26\uab28-\uab2e\uabc0-\uabe2\uac00-\ud7a3\ud7b0-\ud7c6\ud7cb-\ud7fb\uf900-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\ufb00-\ufb06\ufb13-\ufb17\ufb1d\ufb1f-\ufb28\ufb2a-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40\ufb41\ufb43\ufb44\ufb46-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufd3d\ufd50-\ufd8f\ufd92-\ufdc7\ufdf0-\ufdfb\ufe70-\ufe74\ufe76-\ufefc\uff21-\uff3a\uff41-\uff5a\uff66-\uffbe\uffc2-\uffc7\uffca-\uffcf\uffd2-\uffd7\uffda-\uffdc0-9\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0487\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a\u064b-\u0669\u0670\u06d6-\u06dc\u06df-\u06e4\u06e7\u06e8\u06ea-\u06ed\u06f0-\u06f9\u0711\u0730-\u074a\u07a6-\u07b0\u07c0-\u07c9\u07eb-\u07f3\u0816-\u0819\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0859-\u085b\u08e4-\u08fe\u0900-\u0903\u093a-\u093c\u093e-\u094f\u0951-\u0957\u0962\u0963\u0966-\u096f\u0981-\u0983\u09bc\u09be-\u09c4\u09c7\u09c8\u09cb-\u09cd\u09d7\u09e2\u09e3\u09e6-\u09ef\u0a01-\u0a03\u0a3c\u0a3e-\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a66-\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81-\u0a83\u0abc\u0abe-\u0ac5\u0ac7-\u0ac9\u0acb-\u0acd\u0ae2\u0ae3\u0ae6-\u0aef\u0b01-\u0b03\u0b3c\u0b3e-\u0b44\u0b47\u0b48\u0b4b-\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b62\u0b63\u0b66-\u0b6f\u0b82\u0bbe-\u0bc2\u0bc6-\u0bc8\u0bca-\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0be6-\u0bef\u0c01-\u0c03\u0c3e-\u0c44\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c62\u0c63\u0c66-\u0c6f\u0c82\u0c83\u0cbc\u0cbe-\u0cc4\u0cc6-\u0cc8\u0cca-\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0ce2\u0ce3\u0ce6-\u0cef\u0d02\u0d03\u0d3e-\u0d44\u0d46-\u0d48\u0d4a-\u0d4d\u0d57\u0d62\u0d63\u0d66-\u0d6f\u0d82\u0d83\u0dca\u0dcf-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0dd8-\u0ddf\u0df2\u0df3\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e47-\u0e4e\u0e50-\u0e59\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0eb9\u0ebb\u0ebc\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0ed0-\u0ed9\u0f18\u0f19\u0f20-\u0f29\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f3e\u0f3f\u0f71-\u0f84\u0f86\u0f87\u0f8d-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u102b-\u103e\u1040-\u1049\u1056-\u1059\u105e-\u1060\u1062-\u1064\u1067-\u106d\u1071-\u1074\u1082-\u108d\u108f-\u109d\u135d-\u135f\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17b4-\u17d3\u17dd\u17e0-\u17e9\u180b-\u180d\u1810-\u1819\u18a9\u1920-\u192b\u1930-\u193b\u1946-\u194f\u19b0-\u19c0\u19c8\u19c9\u19d0-\u19d9\u1a17-\u1a1b\u1a55-\u1a5e\u1a60-\u1a7c\u1a7f-\u1a89\u1a90-\u1a99\u1b00-\u1b04\u1b34-\u1b44\u1b50-\u1b59\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80-\u1b82\u1ba1-\u1bad\u1bb0-\u1bb9\u1be6-\u1bf3\u1c24-\u1c37\u1c40-\u1c49\u1c50-\u1c59\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1ce8\u1ced\u1cf2-\u1cf4\u1dc0-\u1de6\u1dfc-\u1dff\u200c\u200d\u203f\u2040\u2054\u20d0-\u20dc\u20e1\u20e5-\u20f0\u2cef-\u2cf1\u2d7f\u2de0-\u2dff\u302a-\u302f\u3099\u309a\ua620-\ua629\ua66f\ua674-\ua67d\ua69f\ua6f0\ua6f1\ua802\ua806\ua80b\ua823-\ua827\ua880\ua881\ua8b4-\ua8c4\ua8d0-\ua8d9\ua8e0-\ua8f1\ua900-\ua909\ua926-\ua92d\ua947-\ua953\ua980-\ua983\ua9b3-\ua9c0\ua9d0-\ua9d9\uaa29-\uaa36\uaa43\uaa4c\uaa4d\uaa50-\uaa59\uaa7b\uaab0\uaab2-\uaab4\uaab7\uaab8\uaabe\uaabf\uaac1\uaaeb-\uaaef\uaaf5\uaaf6\uabe3-\uabea\uabec\uabed\uabf0-\uabf9\ufb1e\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe26\ufe33\ufe34\ufe4d-\ufe4f\uff10-\uff19\uff3f]*$/;
2549function isJsIdentifier(text) {
2550 return identifierPattern.test(text);
2553// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/bundle_program.mjs
2554import ts10 from "typescript";
2556// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/patch_ts_expando_initializer.mjs
2557import ts9 from "typescript";
2558function patchTsGetExpandoInitializer() {
2559 if (isTs31778GetExpandoInitializerFixed()) {
2560 return null;
2561 }
2562 const originalGetExpandoInitializer = ts9.getExpandoInitializer;
2563 if (originalGetExpandoInitializer === void 0) {
2564 throw makeUnsupportedTypeScriptError();
2565 }
2566 ts9.getExpandoInitializer = (initializer, isPrototypeAssignment) => {
2567 if (ts9.isParenthesizedExpression(initializer) && ts9.isCallExpression(initializer.expression)) {
2568 initializer = initializer.expression;
2569 }
2570 return originalGetExpandoInitializer(initializer, isPrototypeAssignment);
2571 };
2572 return originalGetExpandoInitializer;
2574function restoreGetExpandoInitializer(originalGetExpandoInitializer) {
2575 if (originalGetExpandoInitializer !== null) {
2576 ts9.getExpandoInitializer = originalGetExpandoInitializer;
2577 }
2579var ts31778FixedResult = null;
2580function isTs31778GetExpandoInitializerFixed() {
2581 if (ts31778FixedResult !== null) {
2582 return ts31778FixedResult;
2583 }
2584 ts31778FixedResult = checkIfExpandoPropertyIsPresent();
2585 if (!ts31778FixedResult) {
2586 const originalGetExpandoInitializer = patchTsGetExpandoInitializer();
2587 try {
2588 const patchIsSuccessful = checkIfExpandoPropertyIsPresent();
2589 if (!patchIsSuccessful) {
2590 throw makeUnsupportedTypeScriptError();
2591 }
2592 } finally {
2593 restoreGetExpandoInitializer(originalGetExpandoInitializer);
2594 }
2595 }
2596 return ts31778FixedResult;
2598function checkIfExpandoPropertyIsPresent() {
2599 const sourceText = `
2600 (function() {
2601 var A = (function() {
2602 function A() {}
2603 return A;
2604 }());
2605 A.expando = true;
2606 }());`;
2607 const sourceFile = ts9.createSourceFile("test.js", sourceText, ts9.ScriptTarget.ES5, true, ts9.ScriptKind.JS);
2608 const host = {
2609 getSourceFile() {
2610 return sourceFile;
2611 },
2612 fileExists() {
2613 return true;
2614 },
2615 readFile() {
2616 return "";
2617 },
2618 writeFile() {
2619 },
2620 getDefaultLibFileName() {
2621 return "";
2622 },
2623 getCurrentDirectory() {
2624 return "";
2625 },
2626 getDirectories() {
2627 return [];
2628 },
2629 getCanonicalFileName(fileName) {
2630 return fileName;
2631 },
2632 useCaseSensitiveFileNames() {
2633 return true;
2634 },
2635 getNewLine() {
2636 return "\n";
2637 }
2638 };
2639 const options = { noResolve: true, noLib: true, noEmit: true, allowJs: true };
2640 const program = ts9.createProgram(["test.js"], options, host);
2641 function visitor(node) {
2642 if (ts9.isVariableDeclaration(node) && hasNameIdentifier(node) && node.name.text === "A") {
2643 return node;
2644 }
2645 return ts9.forEachChild(node, visitor);
2646 }
2647 const declaration = ts9.forEachChild(sourceFile, visitor);
2648 if (declaration === void 0) {
2649 throw new Error("Unable to find declaration of outer A");
2650 }
2651 const symbol = program.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(declaration.name);
2652 if (symbol === void 0) {
2653 throw new Error("Unable to resolve symbol of outer A");
2654 }
2655 return symbol.exports !== void 0 && symbol.exports.has("expando");
2657function makeUnsupportedTypeScriptError() {
2658 return new Error("The TypeScript version used is not supported by ngcc.");
2661// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/bundle_program.mjs
2662function makeBundleProgram(fs, isCore, pkg, path, r3FileName, options, host, additionalFiles = []) {
2663 const r3SymbolsPath = isCore ? findR3SymbolsPath(fs, fs.dirname(path), r3FileName) : null;
2664 let rootPaths = r3SymbolsPath ? [path, r3SymbolsPath, ...additionalFiles] : [path, ...additionalFiles];
2665 const originalGetExpandoInitializer = patchTsGetExpandoInitializer();
2666 const program = ts10.createProgram(rootPaths, options, host);
2667 program.getTypeChecker();
2668 restoreGetExpandoInitializer(originalGetExpandoInitializer);
2669 const file = program.getSourceFile(path);
2670 const r3SymbolsFile = r3SymbolsPath && program.getSourceFile(r3SymbolsPath) || null;
2671 return { program, options, host, package: pkg, path, file, r3SymbolsPath, r3SymbolsFile };
2673function findR3SymbolsPath(fs, directory, filename) {
2674 const r3SymbolsFilePath = fs.resolve(directory, filename);
2675 if (fs.exists(r3SymbolsFilePath)) {
2676 return r3SymbolsFilePath;
2677 }
2678 const subDirectories = fs.readdir(directory).filter((p) => !p.startsWith(".")).filter((p) => p !== "node_modules").filter((p) => {
2679 const stat = fs.lstat(fs.resolve(directory, p));
2680 return stat.isDirectory() && !stat.isSymbolicLink();
2681 });
2682 for (const subDirectory of subDirectories) {
2683 const r3SymbolsFilePath2 = findR3SymbolsPath(fs, fs.resolve(directory, subDirectory), filename);
2684 if (r3SymbolsFilePath2) {
2685 return r3SymbolsFilePath2;
2686 }
2687 }
2688 return null;
2691// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/ngcc_compiler_host.mjs
2692import ts11 from "typescript";
2693var NgccSourcesCompilerHost = class extends NgtscCompilerHost {
2694 constructor(fs, options, cache, moduleResolutionCache, packagePath) {
2695 super(fs, options);
2696 this.cache = cache;
2697 this.moduleResolutionCache = moduleResolutionCache;
2698 this.packagePath = packagePath;
2699 }
2700 getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion) {
2701 return this.cache.getCachedSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion);
2702 }
2703 resolveModuleNames(moduleNames, containingFile, reusedNames, redirectedReference) {
2704 return moduleNames.map((moduleName) => {
2705 const { resolvedModule } = ts11.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, this.options, this, this.moduleResolutionCache, redirectedReference);
2706 if ((resolvedModule == null ? void 0 : resolvedModule.extension) === ts11.Extension.Dts && containingFile.endsWith(".js") && isRelativePath(moduleName)) {
2707 const jsFile = resolvedModule.resolvedFileName.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, ".js");
2708 if (this.fileExists(jsFile)) {
2709 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, resolvedModule), { resolvedFileName: jsFile, extension: ts11.Extension.Js });
2710 }
2711 }
2712 if ((resolvedModule == null ? void 0 : resolvedModule.extension) === ts11.Extension.Js && !isWithinPackage(this.packagePath, this.fs.resolve(resolvedModule.resolvedFileName))) {
2713 return void 0;
2714 }
2715 return resolvedModule;
2716 });
2717 }
2719var NgccDtsCompilerHost = class extends NgtscCompilerHost {
2720 constructor(fs, options, cache, moduleResolutionCache) {
2721 super(fs, options);
2722 this.cache = cache;
2723 this.moduleResolutionCache = moduleResolutionCache;
2724 }
2725 getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion) {
2726 return this.cache.getCachedSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion);
2727 }
2728 resolveModuleNames(moduleNames, containingFile, reusedNames, redirectedReference) {
2729 return moduleNames.map((moduleName) => {
2730 const { resolvedModule } = ts11.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, this.options, this, this.moduleResolutionCache, redirectedReference);
2731 return resolvedModule;
2732 });
2733 }
2736// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/source_file_cache.mjs
2737import ts12 from "typescript";
2738var SharedFileCache = class {
2739 constructor(fs) {
2740 this.fs = fs;
2741 this.sfCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2742 }
2743 getCachedSourceFile(fileName) {
2744 const absPath = this.fs.resolve(fileName);
2745 if (isDefaultLibrary(absPath, this.fs)) {
2746 return this.getStableCachedFile(absPath);
2747 } else if (isAngularDts(absPath, this.fs)) {
2748 return this.getVolatileCachedFile(absPath);
2749 } else {
2750 return void 0;
2751 }
2752 }
2753 getStableCachedFile(absPath) {
2754 if (!this.sfCache.has(absPath)) {
2755 const content = readFile(absPath, this.fs);
2756 if (content === void 0) {
2757 return void 0;
2758 }
2759 const sf = ts12.createSourceFile(absPath, content, ts12.ScriptTarget.ES2015);
2760 this.sfCache.set(absPath, sf);
2761 }
2762 return this.sfCache.get(absPath);
2763 }
2764 getVolatileCachedFile(absPath) {
2765 const content = readFile(absPath, this.fs);
2766 if (content === void 0) {
2767 return void 0;
2768 }
2769 if (!this.sfCache.has(absPath) || this.sfCache.get(absPath).text !== content) {
2770 const sf = ts12.createSourceFile(absPath, content, ts12.ScriptTarget.ES2015);
2771 this.sfCache.set(absPath, sf);
2772 }
2773 return this.sfCache.get(absPath);
2774 }
2776var DEFAULT_LIB_PATTERN = ["node_modules", "typescript", "lib", /^lib\..+\.d\.ts$/];
2777function isDefaultLibrary(absPath, fs) {
2778 return isFile(absPath, DEFAULT_LIB_PATTERN, fs);
2780var ANGULAR_DTS_PATTERN = ["node_modules", "@angular", /./, /\.d\.ts$/];
2781function isAngularDts(absPath, fs) {
2782 return isFile(absPath, ANGULAR_DTS_PATTERN, fs);
2784function isFile(path, segments, fs) {
2785 for (let i = segments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
2786 const pattern = segments[i];
2787 const segment = fs.basename(path);
2788 if (typeof pattern === "string") {
2789 if (pattern !== segment) {
2790 return false;
2791 }
2792 } else {
2793 if (!pattern.test(segment)) {
2794 return false;
2795 }
2796 }
2797 path = fs.dirname(path);
2798 }
2799 return true;
2801var EntryPointFileCache = class {
2802 constructor(fs, sharedFileCache, processSourceText) {
2803 this.fs = fs;
2804 this.sharedFileCache = sharedFileCache;
2805 this.processSourceText = processSourceText;
2806 this.sfCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2807 }
2808 getCachedSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion) {
2809 const staticSf = this.sharedFileCache.getCachedSourceFile(fileName);
2810 if (staticSf !== void 0) {
2811 return staticSf;
2812 }
2813 const absPath = this.fs.resolve(fileName);
2814 if (this.sfCache.has(absPath)) {
2815 return this.sfCache.get(absPath);
2816 }
2817 const content = readFile(absPath, this.fs);
2818 if (content === void 0) {
2819 return void 0;
2820 }
2821 const processed = this.processSourceText(content);
2822 const sf = ts12.createSourceFile(fileName, processed, languageVersion);
2823 this.sfCache.set(absPath, sf);
2824 return sf;
2825 }
2827function readFile(absPath, fs) {
2828 if (!fs.exists(absPath) || !fs.stat(absPath).isFile()) {
2829 return void 0;
2830 }
2831 return fs.readFile(absPath);
2833function createModuleResolutionCache(fs) {
2834 return ts12.createModuleResolutionCache(fs.pwd(), (fileName) => {
2835 return fs.isCaseSensitive() ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase();
2836 });
2839// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/entry_point_bundle.mjs
2840function createSourceTextProcessor(format) {
2841 if (format === "umd" || format === "commonjs") {
2842 return adjustElementAccessExports;
2843 } else {
2844 return (sourceText) => sourceText;
2845 }
2847function makeEntryPointBundle(fs, entryPoint, sharedFileCache, moduleResolutionCache, formatPath, isCore, format, dtsProcessing, pathMappings, mirrorDtsFromSrc = false, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat = true) {
2848 const rootDir = entryPoint.packagePath;
2849 const options = __spreadValues({ allowJs: true, maxNodeModuleJsDepth: Infinity, rootDir }, pathMappings);
2850 const processSourceText = createSourceTextProcessor(format);
2851 const entryPointCache = new EntryPointFileCache(fs, sharedFileCache, processSourceText);
2852 const dtsHost = new NgccDtsCompilerHost(fs, options, entryPointCache, moduleResolutionCache);
2853 const srcHost = new NgccSourcesCompilerHost(fs, options, entryPointCache, moduleResolutionCache, entryPoint.packagePath);
2854 const absFormatPath = fs.resolve(entryPoint.path, formatPath);
2855 const typingsPath = fs.resolve(entryPoint.path, entryPoint.typings);
2856 const src = makeBundleProgram(fs, isCore, entryPoint.packagePath, absFormatPath, "r3_symbols.js", options, srcHost);
2857 const additionalDtsFiles = dtsProcessing !== DtsProcessing.No && mirrorDtsFromSrc ? computePotentialDtsFilesFromJsFiles(fs, src.program, absFormatPath, typingsPath) : [];
2858 const dts = dtsProcessing !== DtsProcessing.No ? makeBundleProgram(fs, isCore, entryPoint.packagePath, typingsPath, "r3_symbols.d.ts", __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { allowJs: false }), dtsHost, additionalDtsFiles) : null;
2859 const isFlatCore = isCore && src.r3SymbolsFile === null;
2860 return {
2861 entryPoint,
2862 format,
2863 rootDirs: [rootDir],
2864 isCore,
2865 isFlatCore,
2866 src,
2867 dts,
2868 dtsProcessing,
2869 enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat
2870 };
2872function computePotentialDtsFilesFromJsFiles(fs, srcProgram, formatPath, typingsPath) {
2873 const formatRoot = fs.dirname(formatPath);
2874 const typingsRoot = fs.dirname(typingsPath);
2875 const additionalFiles = [];
2876 for (const sf of srcProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
2877 if (!sf.fileName.endsWith(".js")) {
2878 continue;
2879 }
2880 const mirroredDtsPath = fs.resolve(typingsRoot, fs.relative(formatRoot, sf.fileName.replace(/\.js$/, ".d.ts")));
2881 if (fs.exists(mirroredDtsPath)) {
2882 additionalFiles.push(mirroredDtsPath);
2883 }
2884 }
2885 return additionalFiles;
2888// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/transformer.mjs
2889import ts22 from "typescript";
2891// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/decoration_analyzer.mjs
2892import { ConstantPool } from "@angular/compiler";
2894// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/migrations/utils.mjs
2895import ts13 from "typescript";
2896function isClassDeclaration(clazz) {
2897 return isNamedClassDeclaration(clazz) || isNamedFunctionDeclaration(clazz) || isNamedVariableDeclaration(clazz);
2899function hasDirectiveDecorator(host, clazz) {
2900 const ref = new Reference(clazz);
2901 return host.metadata.getDirectiveMetadata(ref) !== null;
2903function hasPipeDecorator(host, clazz) {
2904 const ref = new Reference(clazz);
2905 return host.metadata.getPipeMetadata(ref) !== null;
2907function hasConstructor(host, clazz) {
2908 return host.reflectionHost.getConstructorParameters(clazz) !== null;
2910function createDirectiveDecorator(clazz, metadata) {
2911 const args = [];
2912 if (metadata !== void 0) {
2913 const metaArgs = [];
2914 if (metadata.selector !== null) {
2915 metaArgs.push(property("selector", metadata.selector));
2916 }
2917 if (metadata.exportAs !== null) {
2918 metaArgs.push(property("exportAs", metadata.exportAs.join(", ")));
2919 }
2920 args.push(reifySourceFile(ts13.createObjectLiteral(metaArgs)));
2921 }
2922 return {
2923 name: "Directive",
2924 identifier: null,
2925 import: { name: "Directive", from: "@angular/core" },
2926 node: null,
2927 synthesizedFor: clazz.name,
2928 args
2929 };
2931function createComponentDecorator(clazz, metadata) {
2932 const metaArgs = [
2933 property("template", "")
2934 ];
2935 if (metadata.selector !== null) {
2936 metaArgs.push(property("selector", metadata.selector));
2937 }
2938 if (metadata.exportAs !== null) {
2939 metaArgs.push(property("exportAs", metadata.exportAs.join(", ")));
2940 }
2941 return {
2942 name: "Component",
2943 identifier: null,
2944 import: { name: "Component", from: "@angular/core" },
2945 node: null,
2946 synthesizedFor: clazz.name,
2947 args: [
2948 reifySourceFile(ts13.createObjectLiteral(metaArgs))
2949 ]
2950 };
2952function createInjectableDecorator(clazz) {
2953 return {
2954 name: "Injectable",
2955 identifier: null,
2956 import: { name: "Injectable", from: "@angular/core" },
2957 node: null,
2958 synthesizedFor: clazz.name,
2959 args: []
2960 };
2962function property(name, value) {
2963 return ts13.createPropertyAssignment(name, ts13.createStringLiteral(value));
2965var EMPTY_SF = ts13.createSourceFile("(empty)", "", ts13.ScriptTarget.Latest);
2966function reifySourceFile(expr) {
2967 const printer = ts13.createPrinter();
2968 const exprText = printer.printNode(ts13.EmitHint.Unspecified, expr, EMPTY_SF);
2969 const sf = ts13.createSourceFile("(synthetic)", `const expr = ${exprText};`, ts13.ScriptTarget.Latest, true, ts13.ScriptKind.JS);
2970 const stmt = sf.statements[0];
2971 if (!ts13.isVariableStatement(stmt)) {
2972 throw new Error(`Expected VariableStatement, got ${ts13.SyntaxKind[stmt.kind]}`);
2973 }
2974 return stmt.declarationList.declarations[0].initializer;
2977// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/migrations/missing_injectable_migration.mjs
2978var MissingInjectableMigration = class {
2979 apply(clazz, host) {
2980 const decorators = host.reflectionHost.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(clazz);
2981 if (decorators === null) {
2982 return null;
2983 }
2984 for (const decorator of decorators) {
2985 const name = getAngularCoreDecoratorName(decorator);
2986 if (name === "NgModule") {
2987 migrateNgModuleProviders(decorator, host);
2988 } else if (name === "Directive") {
2989 migrateDirectiveProviders(decorator, host, false);
2990 } else if (name === "Component") {
2991 migrateDirectiveProviders(decorator, host, true);
2992 }
2993 }
2994 return null;
2995 }
2997function migrateNgModuleProviders(decorator, host) {
2998 if (decorator.args === null || decorator.args.length !== 1) {
2999 return;
3000 }
3001 const metadata = host.evaluator.evaluate(decorator.args[0], forwardRefResolver);
3002 if (!(metadata instanceof Map)) {
3003 return;
3004 }
3005 migrateProviders(metadata, "providers", host);
3007function migrateDirectiveProviders(decorator, host, isComponent) {
3008 if (decorator.args === null || decorator.args.length !== 1) {
3009 return;
3010 }
3011 const metadata = host.evaluator.evaluate(decorator.args[0], forwardRefResolver);
3012 if (!(metadata instanceof Map)) {
3013 return;
3014 }
3015 migrateProviders(metadata, "providers", host);
3016 if (isComponent) {
3017 migrateProviders(metadata, "viewProviders", host);
3018 }
3020function migrateProviders(metadata, field, host) {
3021 if (!metadata.has(field)) {
3022 return;
3023 }
3024 const providers = metadata.get(field);
3025 if (!Array.isArray(providers)) {
3026 return;
3027 }
3028 for (const provider of providers) {
3029 migrateProvider(provider, host);
3030 }
3032function migrateProvider(provider, host) {
3033 if (provider instanceof Map) {
3034 if (!provider.has("provide") || provider.has("useValue") || provider.has("useFactory") || provider.has("useExisting")) {
3035 return;
3036 }
3037 if (provider.has("useClass")) {
3038 if (!provider.has("deps")) {
3039 migrateProviderClass(provider.get("useClass"), host);
3040 }
3041 } else {
3042 migrateProviderClass(provider.get("provide"), host);
3043 }
3044 } else if (Array.isArray(provider)) {
3045 for (const v of provider) {
3046 migrateProvider(v, host);
3047 }
3048 } else {
3049 migrateProviderClass(provider, host);
3050 }
3052function migrateProviderClass(provider, host) {
3053 if (!(provider instanceof Reference)) {
3054 return;
3055 }
3056 const clazz = provider.node;
3057 if (isClassDeclaration(clazz) && host.isInScope(clazz) && needsInjectableDecorator(clazz, host)) {
3058 host.injectSyntheticDecorator(clazz, createInjectableDecorator(clazz));
3059 }
3061var NO_MIGRATE_DECORATORS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["Injectable", "Directive", "Component", "Pipe"]);
3062function needsInjectableDecorator(clazz, host) {
3063 const decorators = host.getAllDecorators(clazz);
3064 if (decorators === null) {
3065 return true;
3066 }
3067 for (const decorator of decorators) {
3068 const name = getAngularCoreDecoratorName(decorator);
3069 if (name !== null && NO_MIGRATE_DECORATORS.has(name)) {
3070 return false;
3071 }
3072 }
3073 return true;
3075function getAngularCoreDecoratorName(decorator) {
3076 if (decorator.import === null || decorator.import.from !== "@angular/core") {
3077 return null;
3078 }
3079 return decorator.import.name;
3082// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/migrations/undecorated_child_migration.mjs
3083var UndecoratedChildMigration = class {
3084 apply(clazz, host) {
3085 const moduleMeta = host.metadata.getNgModuleMetadata(new Reference(clazz));
3086 if (moduleMeta === null) {
3087 return null;
3088 }
3089 for (const decl of moduleMeta.declarations) {
3090 this.maybeMigrate(decl, host);
3091 }
3092 return null;
3093 }
3094 maybeMigrate(ref, host) {
3095 if (hasDirectiveDecorator(host, ref.node) || hasPipeDecorator(host, ref.node)) {
3096 return;
3097 }
3098 const baseRef = readBaseClass(ref.node, host.reflectionHost, host.evaluator);
3099 if (baseRef === null) {
3100 return;
3101 } else if (baseRef === "dynamic") {
3102 return;
3103 }
3104 this.maybeMigrate(baseRef, host);
3105 const baseMeta = host.metadata.getDirectiveMetadata(baseRef);
3106 if (baseMeta === null) {
3107 return;
3108 }
3109 if (baseMeta.isComponent) {
3110 host.injectSyntheticDecorator(ref.node, createComponentDecorator(ref.node, baseMeta), HandlerFlags.FULL_INHERITANCE);
3111 } else {
3112 host.injectSyntheticDecorator(ref.node, createDirectiveDecorator(ref.node, baseMeta), HandlerFlags.FULL_INHERITANCE);
3113 }
3114 }
3117// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/migrations/undecorated_parent_migration.mjs
3118var UndecoratedParentMigration = class {
3119 apply(clazz, host) {
3120 if (!hasDirectiveDecorator(host, clazz) || hasConstructor(host, clazz)) {
3121 return null;
3122 }
3123 let baseClazzRef = determineBaseClass(clazz, host);
3124 while (baseClazzRef !== null) {
3125 const baseClazz = baseClazzRef.node;
3126 if (hasDirectiveDecorator(host, baseClazz) || !host.isInScope(baseClazz)) {
3127 break;
3128 }
3129 host.injectSyntheticDecorator(baseClazz, createDirectiveDecorator(baseClazz));
3130 if (hasConstructor(host, baseClazz)) {
3131 break;
3132 }
3133 baseClazzRef = determineBaseClass(baseClazz, host);
3134 }
3135 return null;
3136 }
3138function determineBaseClass(clazz, host) {
3139 const baseClassExpr = host.reflectionHost.getBaseClassExpression(clazz);
3140 if (baseClassExpr === null) {
3141 return null;
3142 }
3143 const baseClass = host.evaluator.evaluate(baseClassExpr);
3144 if (!(baseClass instanceof Reference) || !isClassDeclaration(baseClass.node)) {
3145 return null;
3146 }
3147 return baseClass;
3150// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/migration_host.mjs
3151import ts14 from "typescript";
3152var DefaultMigrationHost = class {
3153 constructor(reflectionHost, metadata, evaluator, compiler, entryPointPath) {
3154 this.reflectionHost = reflectionHost;
3155 this.metadata = metadata;
3156 this.evaluator = evaluator;
3157 this.compiler = compiler;
3158 this.entryPointPath = entryPointPath;
3159 }
3160 injectSyntheticDecorator(clazz, decorator, flags) {
3161 const migratedTraits = this.compiler.injectSyntheticDecorator(clazz, decorator, flags);
3162 for (const trait of migratedTraits) {
3163 if ((trait.state === TraitState.Analyzed || trait.state === TraitState.Resolved) && trait.analysisDiagnostics !== null) {
3164 trait.analysisDiagnostics = trait.analysisDiagnostics.map((diag) => createMigrationDiagnostic(diag, clazz, decorator));
3165 }
3166 if (trait.state === TraitState.Resolved && trait.resolveDiagnostics !== null) {
3167 trait.resolveDiagnostics = trait.resolveDiagnostics.map((diag) => createMigrationDiagnostic(diag, clazz, decorator));
3168 }
3169 }
3170 }
3171 getAllDecorators(clazz) {
3172 return this.compiler.getAllDecorators(clazz);
3173 }
3174 isInScope(clazz) {
3175 return isWithinPackage(this.entryPointPath, absoluteFromSourceFile(clazz.getSourceFile()));
3176 }
3178function createMigrationDiagnostic(diagnostic, source, decorator) {
3179 const clone = __spreadValues({}, diagnostic);
3180 const chain = [{
3181 messageText: `Occurs for @${decorator.name} decorator inserted by an automatic migration`,
3182 category: ts14.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
3183 code: 0
3184 }];
3185 if (decorator.args !== null) {
3186 const args = decorator.args.map((arg) => arg.getText()).join(", ");
3187 chain.push({
3188 messageText: `@${decorator.name}(${args})`,
3189 category: ts14.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
3190 code: 0
3191 });
3192 }
3193 if (typeof clone.messageText === "string") {
3194 clone.messageText = {
3195 messageText: clone.messageText,
3196 category: diagnostic.category,
3197 code: diagnostic.code,
3198 next: chain
3199 };
3200 } else {
3201 if (clone.messageText.next === void 0) {
3202 clone.messageText.next = chain;
3203 } else {
3204 clone.messageText.next.push(...chain);
3205 }
3206 }
3207 return clone;
3210// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/ngcc_trait_compiler.mjs
3211var NgccTraitCompiler = class extends TraitCompiler {
3212 constructor(handlers, ngccReflector) {
3213 super(handlers, ngccReflector, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER, new NoIncrementalBuild(), true, CompilationMode.FULL, new DtsTransformRegistry(), null, { isShim, isResource: () => false });
3214 this.ngccReflector = ngccReflector;
3215 }
3216 get analyzedFiles() {
3217 return Array.from(this.fileToClasses.keys());
3218 }
3219 analyzeFile(sf) {
3220 const ngccClassSymbols = this.ngccReflector.findClassSymbols(sf);
3221 for (const classSymbol of ngccClassSymbols) {
3222 this.analyzeClass(classSymbol.declaration.valueDeclaration, null);
3223 }
3224 return void 0;
3225 }
3226 injectSyntheticDecorator(clazz, decorator, flags) {
3227 const migratedTraits = this.detectTraits(clazz, [decorator]);
3228 if (migratedTraits === null) {
3229 return [];
3230 }
3231 for (const trait of migratedTraits) {
3232 this.analyzeTrait(clazz, trait, flags);
3233 }
3234 return migratedTraits;
3235 }
3236 getAllDecorators(clazz) {
3237 const record = this.recordFor(clazz);
3238 if (record === null) {
3239 return null;
3240 }
3241 return record.traits.map((trait) => trait.detected.decorator).filter(isDefined);
3242 }
3244var NoIncrementalBuild = class {
3245 priorAnalysisFor(sf) {
3246 return null;
3247 }
3248 priorTypeCheckingResultsFor() {
3249 return null;
3250 }
3251 recordSuccessfulTypeCheck() {
3252 }
3255// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/types.mjs
3256var DecorationAnalyses = Map;
3258// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/decoration_analyzer.mjs
3259var NgccResourceLoader = class {
3260 constructor(fs) {
3261 this.fs = fs;
3262 this.canPreload = false;
3263 this.canPreprocess = false;
3264 }
3265 preload() {
3266 throw new Error("Not implemented.");
3267 }
3268 preprocessInline() {
3269 throw new Error("Not implemented.");
3270 }
3271 load(url) {
3272 return this.fs.readFile(this.fs.resolve(url));
3273 }
3274 resolve(url, containingFile) {
3275 return this.fs.resolve(this.fs.dirname(containingFile), url);
3276 }
3278var DecorationAnalyzer = class {
3279 constructor(fs, bundle, reflectionHost, referencesRegistry, diagnosticHandler = () => {
3280 }, tsConfig = null) {
3281 this.fs = fs;
3282 this.bundle = bundle;
3283 this.reflectionHost = reflectionHost;
3284 this.referencesRegistry = referencesRegistry;
3285 this.diagnosticHandler = diagnosticHandler;
3286 this.tsConfig = tsConfig;
3287 this.program = this.bundle.src.program;
3288 this.options = this.bundle.src.options;
3289 this.host = this.bundle.src.host;
3290 this.typeChecker = this.bundle.src.program.getTypeChecker();
3291 this.rootDirs = this.bundle.rootDirs;
3292 this.packagePath = this.bundle.entryPoint.packagePath;
3293 this.isCore = this.bundle.isCore;
3294 this.compilerOptions = this.tsConfig !== null ? this.tsConfig.options : {};
3295 this.moduleResolver = new ModuleResolver(this.program, this.options, this.host, null);
3296 this.resourceManager = new NgccResourceLoader(this.fs);
3297 this.metaRegistry = new LocalMetadataRegistry();
3298 this.dtsMetaReader = new DtsMetadataReader(this.typeChecker, this.reflectionHost);
3299 this.fullMetaReader = new CompoundMetadataReader([this.metaRegistry, this.dtsMetaReader]);
3300 this.refEmitter = new ReferenceEmitter([
3301 new LocalIdentifierStrategy(),
3302 new AbsoluteModuleStrategy(this.program, this.typeChecker, this.moduleResolver, this.reflectionHost),
3303 new LogicalProjectStrategy(this.reflectionHost, new LogicalFileSystem(this.rootDirs, this.host))
3304 ]);
3305 this.aliasingHost = this.bundle.entryPoint.generateDeepReexports ? new PrivateExportAliasingHost(this.reflectionHost) : null;
3306 this.dtsModuleScopeResolver = new MetadataDtsModuleScopeResolver(this.dtsMetaReader, this.aliasingHost);
3307 this.scopeRegistry = new LocalModuleScopeRegistry(this.metaRegistry, this.dtsModuleScopeResolver, this.refEmitter, this.aliasingHost);
3308 this.fullRegistry = new CompoundMetadataRegistry([this.metaRegistry, this.scopeRegistry]);
3309 this.evaluator = new PartialEvaluator(this.reflectionHost, this.typeChecker, null);
3310 this.importGraph = new ImportGraph(this.typeChecker, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER);
3311 this.cycleAnalyzer = new CycleAnalyzer(this.importGraph);
3312 this.injectableRegistry = new InjectableClassRegistry(this.reflectionHost);
3313 this.typeCheckScopeRegistry = new TypeCheckScopeRegistry(this.scopeRegistry, this.fullMetaReader);
3314 this.handlers = [
3315 new ComponentDecoratorHandler(this.reflectionHost, this.evaluator, this.fullRegistry, this.fullMetaReader, this.scopeRegistry, this.scopeRegistry, this.typeCheckScopeRegistry, new ResourceRegistry(), this.isCore, this.resourceManager, this.rootDirs, !!this.compilerOptions.preserveWhitespaces, true, this.bundle.enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat, false, false, this.moduleResolver, this.cycleAnalyzer, 0, this.refEmitter, NOOP_DEPENDENCY_TRACKER, this.injectableRegistry, null, !!this.compilerOptions.annotateForClosureCompiler, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER),
3316 new DirectiveDecoratorHandler(this.reflectionHost, this.evaluator, this.fullRegistry, this.scopeRegistry, this.fullMetaReader, this.injectableRegistry, this.isCore, null, !!this.compilerOptions.annotateForClosureCompiler, true, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER),
3317 new PipeDecoratorHandler(this.reflectionHost, this.evaluator, this.metaRegistry, this.scopeRegistry, this.injectableRegistry, this.isCore, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER),
3318 new InjectableDecoratorHandler(this.reflectionHost, this.isCore, false, this.injectableRegistry, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER, false),
3319 new NgModuleDecoratorHandler(this.reflectionHost, this.evaluator, this.fullMetaReader, this.fullRegistry, this.scopeRegistry, this.referencesRegistry, this.isCore, this.refEmitter, null, !!this.compilerOptions.annotateForClosureCompiler, this.injectableRegistry, NOOP_PERF_RECORDER)
3320 ];
3321 this.compiler = new NgccTraitCompiler(this.handlers, this.reflectionHost);
3322 this.migrations = [
3323 new UndecoratedParentMigration(),
3324 new UndecoratedChildMigration(),
3325 new MissingInjectableMigration()
3326 ];
3327 }
3328 analyzeProgram() {
3329 for (const sourceFile of this.program.getSourceFiles()) {
3330 if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile && isWithinPackage(this.packagePath, absoluteFromSourceFile(sourceFile))) {
3331 this.compiler.analyzeFile(sourceFile);
3332 }
3333 }
3334 this.applyMigrations();
3335 this.compiler.resolve();
3336 this.reportDiagnostics();
3337 const decorationAnalyses = new DecorationAnalyses();
3338 for (const analyzedFile of this.compiler.analyzedFiles) {
3339 const compiledFile = this.compileFile(analyzedFile);
3340 decorationAnalyses.set(compiledFile.sourceFile, compiledFile);
3341 }
3342 return decorationAnalyses;
3343 }
3344 applyMigrations() {
3345 const migrationHost = new DefaultMigrationHost(this.reflectionHost, this.fullMetaReader, this.evaluator, this.compiler, this.bundle.entryPoint.path);
3346 this.migrations.forEach((migration) => {
3347 this.compiler.analyzedFiles.forEach((analyzedFile) => {
3348 const records = this.compiler.recordsFor(analyzedFile);
3349 if (records === null) {
3350 throw new Error("Assertion error: file to migrate must have records.");
3351 }
3352 records.forEach((record) => {
3353 const addDiagnostic = (diagnostic) => {
3354 if (record.metaDiagnostics === null) {
3355 record.metaDiagnostics = [];
3356 }
3357 record.metaDiagnostics.push(diagnostic);
3358 };
3359 try {
3360 const result = migration.apply(record.node, migrationHost);
3361 if (result !== null) {
3362 addDiagnostic(result);
3363 }
3364 } catch (e) {
3365 if (isFatalDiagnosticError(e)) {
3366 addDiagnostic(e.toDiagnostic());
3367 } else {
3368 throw e;
3369 }
3370 }
3371 });
3372 });
3373 });
3374 }
3375 reportDiagnostics() {
3376 this.compiler.diagnostics.forEach(this.diagnosticHandler);
3377 }
3378 compileFile(sourceFile) {
3379 const constantPool = new ConstantPool();
3380 const records = this.compiler.recordsFor(sourceFile);
3381 if (records === null) {
3382 throw new Error("Assertion error: file to compile must have records.");
3383 }
3384 const compiledClasses = [];
3385 for (const record of records) {
3386 const compilation = this.compiler.compile(record.node, constantPool);
3387 if (compilation === null) {
3388 continue;
3389 }
3390 compiledClasses.push({
3391 name: record.node.name.text,
3392 decorators: this.compiler.getAllDecorators(record.node),
3393 declaration: record.node,
3394 compilation
3395 });
3396 }
3397 const reexports = this.getReexportsForSourceFile(sourceFile);
3398 return { constantPool, sourceFile, compiledClasses, reexports };
3399 }
3400 getReexportsForSourceFile(sf) {
3401 const exportStatements = this.compiler.exportStatements;
3402 if (!exportStatements.has(sf.fileName)) {
3403 return [];
3404 }
3405 const exports = exportStatements.get(sf.fileName);
3406 const reexports = [];
3407 exports.forEach(([fromModule, symbolName], asAlias) => {
3408 reexports.push({ asAlias, fromModule, symbolName });
3409 });
3410 return reexports;
3411 }
3414// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/module_with_providers_analyzer.mjs
3415import ts15 from "typescript";
3416var ModuleWithProvidersAnalyses = Map;
3417var ModuleWithProvidersAnalyzer = class {
3418 constructor(host, typeChecker, referencesRegistry, processDts) {
3419 this.host = host;
3420 this.typeChecker = typeChecker;
3421 this.referencesRegistry = referencesRegistry;
3422 this.processDts = processDts;
3423 this.evaluator = new PartialEvaluator(this.host, this.typeChecker, null);
3424 }
3425 analyzeProgram(program) {
3426 const analyses = new ModuleWithProvidersAnalyses();
3427 const rootFiles = this.getRootFiles(program);
3428 rootFiles.forEach((f) => {
3429 const fns = this.getModuleWithProvidersFunctions(f);
3430 fns && fns.forEach((fn) => {
3431 if (fn.ngModule.bestGuessOwningModule === null) {
3432 this.referencesRegistry.add(fn.ngModule.node, new Reference(fn.ngModule.node));
3433 }
3434 if (this.processDts) {
3435 const dtsFn = this.getDtsModuleWithProvidersFunction(fn);
3436 const dtsFnType = dtsFn.declaration.type;
3437 const typeParam = dtsFnType && ts15.isTypeReferenceNode(dtsFnType) && dtsFnType.typeArguments && dtsFnType.typeArguments[0] || null;
3438 if (!typeParam || isAnyKeyword(typeParam)) {
3439 const dtsFile = dtsFn.declaration.getSourceFile();
3440 const analysis = analyses.has(dtsFile) ? analyses.get(dtsFile) : [];
3441 analysis.push(dtsFn);
3442 analyses.set(dtsFile, analysis);
3443 }
3444 }
3445 });
3446 });
3447 return analyses;
3448 }
3449 getRootFiles(program) {
3450 return program.getRootFileNames().map((f) => program.getSourceFile(f)).filter(isDefined);
3451 }
3452 getModuleWithProvidersFunctions(f) {
3453 const exports = this.host.getExportsOfModule(f);
3454 if (!exports)
3455 return [];
3456 const infos = [];
3457 exports.forEach((declaration) => {
3458 if (declaration.node === null) {
3459 return;
3460 }
3461 if (this.host.isClass(declaration.node)) {
3462 this.host.getMembersOfClass(declaration.node).forEach((member) => {
3463 if (member.isStatic) {
3464 const info = this.parseForModuleWithProviders(member.name, member.node, member.implementation, declaration.node);
3465 if (info) {
3466 infos.push(info);
3467 }
3468 }
3469 });
3470 } else {
3471 if (hasNameIdentifier(declaration.node)) {
3472 const info = this.parseForModuleWithProviders(declaration.node.name.text, declaration.node);
3473 if (info) {
3474 infos.push(info);
3475 }
3476 }
3477 }
3478 });
3479 return infos;
3480 }
3481 parseForModuleWithProviders(name, node, implementation = node, container = null) {
3482 if (implementation === null || !ts15.isFunctionDeclaration(implementation) && !ts15.isMethodDeclaration(implementation) && !ts15.isFunctionExpression(implementation)) {
3483 return null;
3484 }
3485 const declaration = implementation;
3486 const definition = this.host.getDefinitionOfFunction(declaration);
3487 if (definition === null) {
3488 return null;
3489 }
3490 const body = definition.body;
3491 if (body === null || body.length === 0) {
3492 return null;
3493 }
3494 const lastStatement = body[body.length - 1];
3495 if (!ts15.isReturnStatement(lastStatement) || lastStatement.expression === void 0) {
3496 return null;
3497 }
3498 const result = this.evaluator.evaluate(lastStatement.expression);
3499 if (!(result instanceof Map) || !result.has("ngModule")) {
3500 return null;
3501 }
3502 const ngModuleRef = result.get("ngModule");
3503 if (!(ngModuleRef instanceof Reference)) {
3504 return null;
3505 }
3506 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(ngModuleRef.node) && !isNamedVariableDeclaration(ngModuleRef.node)) {
3507 throw new Error(`The identity given by ${ngModuleRef.debugName} referenced in "${declaration.getText()}" doesn't appear to be a "class" declaration.`);
3508 }
3509 const ngModule = ngModuleRef;
3510 return { name, ngModule, declaration, container };
3511 }
3512 getDtsModuleWithProvidersFunction(fn) {
3513 let dtsFn = null;
3514 const containerClass = fn.container && this.host.getClassSymbol(fn.container);
3515 if (containerClass) {
3516 const dtsClass = this.host.getDtsDeclaration(containerClass.declaration.valueDeclaration);
3517 dtsFn = dtsClass && ts15.isClassDeclaration(dtsClass) ? dtsClass.members.find((member) => ts15.isMethodDeclaration(member) && ts15.isIdentifier(member.name) && member.name.text === fn.name) : null;
3518 } else {
3519 dtsFn = this.host.getDtsDeclaration(fn.declaration);
3520 }
3521 if (!dtsFn) {
3522 throw new Error(`Matching type declaration for ${fn.declaration.getText()} is missing`);
3523 }
3524 if (!isFunctionOrMethod(dtsFn)) {
3525 throw new Error(`Matching type declaration for ${fn.declaration.getText()} is not a function: ${dtsFn.getText()}`);
3526 }
3527 const container = containerClass ? containerClass.declaration.valueDeclaration : null;
3528 const ngModule = this.resolveNgModuleReference(fn);
3529 return { name: fn.name, container, declaration: dtsFn, ngModule };
3530 }
3531 resolveNgModuleReference(fn) {
3532 const ngModule = fn.ngModule;
3533 if (ngModule.bestGuessOwningModule !== null) {
3534 return ngModule;
3535 }
3536 const dtsNgModule = this.host.getDtsDeclaration(ngModule.node);
3537 if (!dtsNgModule) {
3538 throw new Error(`No typings declaration can be found for the referenced NgModule class in ${fn.declaration.getText()}.`);
3539 }
3540 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(dtsNgModule)) {
3541 throw new Error(`The referenced NgModule in ${fn.declaration.getText()} is not a named class declaration in the typings program; instead we get ${dtsNgModule.getText()}`);
3542 }
3543 return new Reference(dtsNgModule, null);
3544 }
3546function isFunctionOrMethod(declaration) {
3547 return ts15.isFunctionDeclaration(declaration) || ts15.isMethodDeclaration(declaration);
3549function isAnyKeyword(typeParam) {
3550 return typeParam.kind === ts15.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword;
3553// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/ngcc_references_registry.mjs
3554var NgccReferencesRegistry = class {
3555 constructor(host) {
3556 this.host = host;
3557 this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
3558 }
3559 add(source, ...references) {
3560 references.forEach((ref) => {
3561 if (ref.bestGuessOwningModule === null && hasNameIdentifier(ref.node)) {
3562 const declaration = this.host.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(ref.node.name);
3563 if (declaration && hasNameIdentifier(declaration.node)) {
3564 this.map.set(declaration.node.name, declaration);
3565 }
3566 }
3567 });
3568 }
3569 getDeclarationMap() {
3570 return this.map;
3571 }
3574// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/analysis/private_declarations_analyzer.mjs
3575var PrivateDeclarationsAnalyzer = class {
3576 constructor(host, referencesRegistry) {
3577 this.host = host;
3578 this.referencesRegistry = referencesRegistry;
3579 }
3580 analyzeProgram(program) {
3581 const rootFiles = this.getRootFiles(program);
3582 return this.getPrivateDeclarations(rootFiles, this.referencesRegistry.getDeclarationMap());
3583 }
3584 getRootFiles(program) {
3585 return program.getRootFileNames().map((f) => program.getSourceFile(f)).filter(isDefined);
3586 }
3587 getPrivateDeclarations(rootFiles, declarations) {
3588 const privateDeclarations = new Map(declarations);
3589 rootFiles.forEach((f) => {
3590 const exports = this.host.getExportsOfModule(f);
3591 if (exports) {
3592 exports.forEach((declaration, exportedName) => {
3593 if (declaration.node !== null && hasNameIdentifier(declaration.node)) {
3594 if (privateDeclarations.has(declaration.node.name)) {
3595 const privateDeclaration = privateDeclarations.get(declaration.node.name);
3596 if (privateDeclaration.node !== declaration.node) {
3597 throw new Error(`${declaration.node.name.text} is declared multiple times.`);
3598 }
3599 privateDeclarations.delete(declaration.node.name);
3600 }
3601 }
3602 });
3603 }
3604 });
3605 return Array.from(privateDeclarations.keys()).map((id) => {
3606 const from = absoluteFromSourceFile(id.getSourceFile());
3607 const declaration = privateDeclarations.get(id);
3608 const dtsDeclaration = this.host.getDtsDeclaration(declaration.node);
3609 const dtsFrom = dtsDeclaration && absoluteFromSourceFile(dtsDeclaration.getSourceFile());
3610 return { identifier: id.text, from, dtsFrom };
3611 });
3612 }
3615// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/commonjs_host.mjs
3616import ts16 from "typescript";
3617var CommonJsReflectionHost = class extends Esm5ReflectionHost {
3618 constructor(logger, isCore, src, dts = null) {
3619 super(logger, isCore, src, dts);
3620 this.commonJsExports = new FactoryMap((sf) => this.computeExportsOfCommonJsModule(sf));
3621 this.topLevelHelperCalls = new FactoryMap((helperName) => new FactoryMap((sf) => sf.statements.map((stmt) => this.getHelperCall(stmt, [helperName])).filter(isDefined)));
3622 this.program = src.program;
3623 this.compilerHost = src.host;
3624 }
3625 getImportOfIdentifier(id) {
3626 const requireCall = this.findCommonJsImport(id);
3627 if (requireCall === null) {
3628 return null;
3629 }
3630 return { from: requireCall.arguments[0].text, name: id.text };
3631 }
3632 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
3633 return this.getCommonJsModuleDeclaration(id) || super.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
3634 }
3635 getExportsOfModule(module) {
3636 return super.getExportsOfModule(module) || this.commonJsExports.get(module.getSourceFile());
3637 }
3638 getHelperCallsForClass(classSymbol, helperNames) {
3639 const esm5HelperCalls = super.getHelperCallsForClass(classSymbol, helperNames);
3640 if (esm5HelperCalls.length > 0) {
3641 return esm5HelperCalls;
3642 } else {
3643 const sourceFile = classSymbol.declaration.valueDeclaration.getSourceFile();
3644 return this.getTopLevelHelperCalls(sourceFile, helperNames);
3645 }
3646 }
3647 getTopLevelHelperCalls(sourceFile, helperNames) {
3648 const calls = [];
3649 helperNames.forEach((helperName) => {
3650 const helperCallsMap = this.topLevelHelperCalls.get(helperName);
3651 calls.push(...helperCallsMap.get(sourceFile));
3652 });
3653 return calls;
3654 }
3655 computeExportsOfCommonJsModule(sourceFile) {
3656 const moduleMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
3657 for (const statement of this.getModuleStatements(sourceFile)) {
3658 if (isExportsStatement(statement)) {
3659 const exportDeclaration = this.extractBasicCommonJsExportDeclaration(statement);
3660 moduleMap.set(exportDeclaration.name, exportDeclaration.declaration);
3661 } else if (isWildcardReexportStatement(statement)) {
3662 const reexports = this.extractCommonJsWildcardReexports(statement, sourceFile);
3663 for (const reexport of reexports) {
3664 moduleMap.set(reexport.name, reexport.declaration);
3665 }
3666 } else if (isDefinePropertyReexportStatement(statement)) {
3667 const exportDeclaration = this.extractCommonJsDefinePropertyExportDeclaration(statement);
3668 if (exportDeclaration !== null) {
3669 moduleMap.set(exportDeclaration.name, exportDeclaration.declaration);
3670 }
3671 }
3672 }
3673 return moduleMap;
3674 }
3675 extractBasicCommonJsExportDeclaration(statement) {
3676 var _a;
3677 const exportExpression = skipAliases(statement.expression.right);
3678 const node = statement.expression.left;
3679 const declaration = (_a = this.getDeclarationOfExpression(exportExpression)) != null ? _a : {
3680 kind: 1,
3681 node,
3682 implementation: exportExpression,
3683 known: null,
3684 viaModule: null
3685 };
3686 return { name: node.name.text, declaration };
3687 }
3688 extractCommonJsWildcardReexports(statement, containingFile) {
3689 const reexportArg = statement.expression.arguments[0];
3690 const requireCall = isRequireCall(reexportArg) ? reexportArg : ts16.isIdentifier(reexportArg) ? findRequireCallReference(reexportArg, this.checker) : null;
3691 if (requireCall === null) {
3692 return [];
3693 }
3694 const importPath = requireCall.arguments[0].text;
3695 const importedFile = this.resolveModuleName(importPath, containingFile);
3696 if (importedFile === void 0) {
3697 return [];
3698 }
3699 const importedExports = this.getExportsOfModule(importedFile);
3700 if (importedExports === null) {
3701 return [];
3702 }
3703 const viaModule = isExternalImport(importPath) ? importPath : null;
3704 const reexports = [];
3705 importedExports.forEach((declaration, name) => {
3706 if (viaModule !== null && declaration.viaModule === null) {
3707 declaration = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, declaration), { viaModule });
3708 }
3709 reexports.push({ name, declaration });
3710 });
3711 return reexports;
3712 }
3713 extractCommonJsDefinePropertyExportDeclaration(statement) {
3714 const args = statement.expression.arguments;
3715 const name = args[1].text;
3716 const getterFnExpression = extractGetterFnExpression(statement);
3717 if (getterFnExpression === null) {
3718 return null;
3719 }
3720 const declaration = this.getDeclarationOfExpression(getterFnExpression);
3721 if (declaration !== null) {
3722 return { name, declaration };
3723 }
3724 return {
3725 name,
3726 declaration: {
3727 kind: 1,
3728 node: args[1],
3729 implementation: getterFnExpression,
3730 known: null,
3731 viaModule: null
3732 }
3733 };
3734 }
3735 findCommonJsImport(id) {
3736 const nsIdentifier = findNamespaceOfIdentifier(id);
3737 return nsIdentifier && findRequireCallReference(nsIdentifier, this.checker);
3738 }
3739 getCommonJsModuleDeclaration(id) {
3740 const requireCall = findRequireCallReference(id, this.checker);
3741 if (requireCall === null) {
3742 return null;
3743 }
3744 const importPath = requireCall.arguments[0].text;
3745 const module = this.resolveModuleName(importPath, id.getSourceFile());
3746 if (module === void 0) {
3747 return null;
3748 }
3749 const viaModule = isExternalImport(importPath) ? importPath : null;
3750 return { node: module, known: null, viaModule, identity: null, kind: 0 };
3751 }
3752 getDeclarationOfExpression(expression) {
3753 const inner = getInnerClassDeclaration(expression);
3754 if (inner !== null) {
3755 const outer = getOuterNodeFromInnerDeclaration(inner);
3756 if (outer !== null && isExportsAssignment(outer)) {
3757 return {
3758 kind: 1,
3759 node: outer.left,
3760 implementation: inner,
3761 known: null,
3762 viaModule: null
3763 };
3764 }
3765 }
3766 return super.getDeclarationOfExpression(expression);
3767 }
3768 resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile) {
3769 if (this.compilerHost.resolveModuleNames) {
3770 const moduleInfo = this.compilerHost.resolveModuleNames([moduleName], containingFile.fileName, void 0, void 0, this.program.getCompilerOptions())[0];
3771 return moduleInfo && this.program.getSourceFile(absoluteFrom(moduleInfo.resolvedFileName));
3772 } else {
3773 const moduleInfo = ts16.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile.fileName, this.program.getCompilerOptions(), this.compilerHost);
3774 return moduleInfo.resolvedModule && this.program.getSourceFile(absoluteFrom(moduleInfo.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName));
3775 }
3776 }
3779// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/host/delegating_host.mjs
3780var DelegatingReflectionHost = class {
3781 constructor(tsHost, ngccHost) {
3782 this.tsHost = tsHost;
3783 this.ngccHost = ngccHost;
3784 }
3785 getConstructorParameters(clazz) {
3786 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
3787 return this.tsHost.getConstructorParameters(clazz);
3788 }
3789 return this.ngccHost.getConstructorParameters(clazz);
3790 }
3791 getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id) {
3792 if (isFromDtsFile(id)) {
3793 const declaration = this.tsHost.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
3794 return declaration !== null ? this.detectKnownDeclaration(declaration) : null;
3795 }
3796 return this.ngccHost.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(id);
3797 }
3798 getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(declaration) {
3799 if (isFromDtsFile(declaration)) {
3800 return this.tsHost.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(declaration);
3801 }
3802 return this.ngccHost.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(declaration);
3803 }
3804 getDefinitionOfFunction(fn) {
3805 if (isFromDtsFile(fn)) {
3806 return this.tsHost.getDefinitionOfFunction(fn);
3807 }
3808 return this.ngccHost.getDefinitionOfFunction(fn);
3809 }
3810 getDtsDeclaration(declaration) {
3811 if (isFromDtsFile(declaration)) {
3812 return this.tsHost.getDtsDeclaration(declaration);
3813 }
3814 return this.ngccHost.getDtsDeclaration(declaration);
3815 }
3816 getExportsOfModule(module) {
3817 if (isFromDtsFile(module)) {
3818 const exportMap = this.tsHost.getExportsOfModule(module);
3819 if (exportMap !== null) {
3820 exportMap.forEach((decl) => this.detectKnownDeclaration(decl));
3821 }
3822 return exportMap;
3823 }
3824 return this.ngccHost.getExportsOfModule(module);
3825 }
3826 getGenericArityOfClass(clazz) {
3827 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
3828 return this.tsHost.getGenericArityOfClass(clazz);
3829 }
3830 return this.ngccHost.getGenericArityOfClass(clazz);
3831 }
3832 getImportOfIdentifier(id) {
3833 if (isFromDtsFile(id)) {
3834 return this.tsHost.getImportOfIdentifier(id);
3835 }
3836 return this.ngccHost.getImportOfIdentifier(id);
3837 }
3838 getInternalNameOfClass(clazz) {
3839 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
3840 return this.tsHost.getInternalNameOfClass(clazz);
3841 }
3842 return this.ngccHost.getInternalNameOfClass(clazz);
3843 }
3844 getAdjacentNameOfClass(clazz) {
3845 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
3846 return this.tsHost.getAdjacentNameOfClass(clazz);
3847 }
3848 return this.ngccHost.getAdjacentNameOfClass(clazz);
3849 }
3850 getMembersOfClass(clazz) {
3851 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
3852 return this.tsHost.getMembersOfClass(clazz);
3853 }
3854 return this.ngccHost.getMembersOfClass(clazz);
3855 }
3856 getVariableValue(declaration) {
3857 if (isFromDtsFile(declaration)) {
3858 return this.tsHost.getVariableValue(declaration);
3859 }
3860 return this.ngccHost.getVariableValue(declaration);
3861 }
3862 hasBaseClass(clazz) {
3863 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
3864 return this.tsHost.hasBaseClass(clazz);
3865 }
3866 return this.ngccHost.hasBaseClass(clazz);
3867 }
3868 getBaseClassExpression(clazz) {
3869 if (isFromDtsFile(clazz)) {
3870 return this.tsHost.getBaseClassExpression(clazz);
3871 }
3872 return this.ngccHost.getBaseClassExpression(clazz);
3873 }
3874 isClass(node) {
3875 if (isFromDtsFile(node)) {
3876 return this.tsHost.isClass(node);
3877 }
3878 return this.ngccHost.isClass(node);
3879 }
3880 findClassSymbols(sourceFile) {
3881 return this.ngccHost.findClassSymbols(sourceFile);
3882 }
3883 getClassSymbol(node) {
3884 return this.ngccHost.getClassSymbol(node);
3885 }
3886 getDecoratorsOfSymbol(symbol) {
3887 return this.ngccHost.getDecoratorsOfSymbol(symbol);
3888 }
3889 getEndOfClass(classSymbol) {
3890 return this.ngccHost.getEndOfClass(classSymbol);
3891 }
3892 detectKnownDeclaration(decl) {
3893 return this.ngccHost.detectKnownDeclaration(decl);
3894 }
3895 isStaticallyExported(decl) {
3896 return this.ngccHost.isStaticallyExported(decl);
3897 }
3900// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/commonjs_rendering_formatter.mjs
3901import ts19 from "typescript";
3903// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/esm5_rendering_formatter.mjs
3904import ts18 from "typescript";
3906// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/esm_rendering_formatter.mjs
3907import ts17 from "typescript";
3909// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/ngcc_import_rewriter.mjs
3910var NgccFlatImportRewriter = class {
3911 shouldImportSymbol(symbol, specifier) {
3912 if (specifier === "@angular/core") {
3913 return false;
3914 } else {
3915 return true;
3916 }
3917 }
3918 rewriteSymbol(symbol, specifier) {
3919 if (specifier === "@angular/core") {
3920 return validateAndRewriteCoreSymbol(symbol);
3921 } else {
3922 return symbol;
3923 }
3924 }
3925 rewriteSpecifier(originalModulePath, inContextOfFile) {
3926 return originalModulePath;
3927 }
3930// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/utils.mjs
3931function getImportRewriter(r3SymbolsFile, isCore, isFlat) {
3932 if (isCore && isFlat) {
3933 return new NgccFlatImportRewriter();
3934 } else if (isCore) {
3935 return new R3SymbolsImportRewriter(r3SymbolsFile.fileName);
3936 } else {
3937 return new NoopImportRewriter();
3938 }
3940function stripExtension2(filePath) {
3941 return filePath.replace(/\.(js|d\.ts)$/, "");
3944// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/esm_rendering_formatter.mjs
3945var EsmRenderingFormatter = class {
3946 constructor(fs, host, isCore) {
3947 this.fs = fs;
3948 this.host = host;
3949 this.isCore = isCore;
3950 this.printer = ts17.createPrinter({ newLine: ts17.NewLineKind.LineFeed });
3951 }
3952 addImports(output, imports, sf) {
3953 if (imports.length === 0) {
3954 return;
3955 }
3956 const insertionPoint = this.findEndOfImports(sf);
3957 const renderedImports = imports.map((i) => `import * as ${i.qualifier.text} from '${i.specifier}';
3959 output.appendLeft(insertionPoint, renderedImports);
3960 }
3961 addExports(output, entryPointBasePath, exports, importManager, file) {
3962 exports.forEach((e) => {
3963 let exportFrom = "";
3964 const isDtsFile = isDtsPath(entryPointBasePath);
3965 const from = isDtsFile ? e.dtsFrom : e.from;
3966 if (from) {
3967 const basePath = stripExtension2(from);
3968 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(this.fs.dirname(entryPointBasePath), basePath);
3969 const relativeImport = toRelativeImport(relativePath);
3970 exportFrom = entryPointBasePath !== basePath ? ` from '${relativeImport}'` : "";
3971 }
3972 const exportStr = `
3973export {${e.identifier}}${exportFrom};`;
3974 output.append(exportStr);
3975 });
3976 }
3977 addDirectExports(output, exports, importManager, file) {
3978 for (const e of exports) {
3979 const exportStatement = `
3980export {${e.symbolName} as ${e.asAlias}} from '${e.fromModule}';`;
3981 output.append(exportStatement);
3982 }
3983 }
3984 addConstants(output, constants, file) {
3985 if (constants === "") {
3986 return;
3987 }
3988 const insertionPoint = this.findEndOfImports(file);
3989 output.appendRight(insertionPoint, "\n" + constants + "\n");
3990 }
3991 addDefinitions(output, compiledClass, definitions) {
3992 const classSymbol = this.host.getClassSymbol(compiledClass.declaration);
3993 if (!classSymbol) {
3994 throw new Error(`Compiled class does not have a valid symbol: ${compiledClass.name}`);
3995 }
3996 const declarationStatement = getContainingStatement(classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration);
3997 const insertionPoint = declarationStatement.getEnd();
3998 output.appendLeft(insertionPoint, "\n" + definitions);
3999 }
4000 addAdjacentStatements(output, compiledClass, statements) {
4001 const classSymbol = this.host.getClassSymbol(compiledClass.declaration);
4002 if (!classSymbol) {
4003 throw new Error(`Compiled class does not have a valid symbol: ${compiledClass.name}`);
4004 }
4005 const endOfClass = this.host.getEndOfClass(classSymbol);
4006 output.appendLeft(endOfClass.getEnd(), "\n" + statements);
4007 }
4008 removeDecorators(output, decoratorsToRemove) {
4009 decoratorsToRemove.forEach((nodesToRemove, containerNode) => {
4010 if (ts17.isArrayLiteralExpression(containerNode)) {
4011 const items = containerNode.elements;
4012 if (items.length === nodesToRemove.length) {
4013 const statement = findStatement(containerNode);
4014 if (statement) {
4015 if (ts17.isExpressionStatement(statement)) {
4016 output.remove(statement.getFullStart(), statement.getEnd());
4017 } else if (ts17.isReturnStatement(statement) && statement.expression && isAssignment2(statement.expression)) {
4018 const startOfRemoval = statement.expression.left.getEnd();
4019 const endOfRemoval = getEndExceptSemicolon(statement);
4020 output.remove(startOfRemoval, endOfRemoval);
4021 }
4022 }
4023 } else {
4024 nodesToRemove.forEach((node) => {
4025 const nextSibling = getNextSiblingInArray(node, items);
4026 let end;
4027 if (nextSibling !== null && output.slice(nextSibling.getFullStart() - 1, nextSibling.getFullStart()) === ",") {
4028 end = nextSibling.getFullStart() - 1 + nextSibling.getLeadingTriviaWidth();
4029 } else if (output.slice(node.getEnd(), node.getEnd() + 1) === ",") {
4030 end = node.getEnd() + 1;
4031 } else {
4032 end = node.getEnd();
4033 }
4034 output.remove(node.getFullStart(), end);
4035 });
4036 }
4037 }
4038 });
4039 }
4040 addModuleWithProvidersParams(outputText, moduleWithProviders, importManager) {
4041 moduleWithProviders.forEach((info) => {
4042 const ngModuleName = info.ngModule.node.name.text;
4043 const declarationFile = absoluteFromSourceFile(info.declaration.getSourceFile());
4044 const ngModuleFile = absoluteFromSourceFile(info.ngModule.node.getSourceFile());
4045 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(this.fs.dirname(declarationFile), ngModuleFile);
4046 const relativeImport = toRelativeImport(relativePath);
4047 const importPath = info.ngModule.ownedByModuleGuess || (declarationFile !== ngModuleFile ? stripExtension2(relativeImport) : null);
4048 const ngModule = generateImportString(importManager, importPath, ngModuleName);
4049 if (info.declaration.type) {
4050 const typeName = info.declaration.type && ts17.isTypeReferenceNode(info.declaration.type) ? info.declaration.type.typeName : null;
4051 if (this.isCoreModuleWithProvidersType(typeName)) {
4052 outputText.overwrite(info.declaration.type.getStart(), info.declaration.type.getEnd(), `ModuleWithProviders<${ngModule}>`);
4053 } else {
4054 const originalTypeString = info.declaration.type.getText();
4055 outputText.overwrite(info.declaration.type.getStart(), info.declaration.type.getEnd(), `(${originalTypeString})&{ngModule:${ngModule}}`);
4056 }
4057 } else {
4058 const lastToken = info.declaration.getLastToken();
4059 const insertPoint = lastToken && lastToken.kind === ts17.SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken ? lastToken.getStart() : info.declaration.getEnd();
4060 outputText.appendLeft(insertPoint, `: ${generateImportString(importManager, "@angular/core", "ModuleWithProviders")}<${ngModule}>`);
4061 }
4062 });
4063 }
4064 printStatement(stmt, sourceFile, importManager) {
4065 const node = translateStatement(stmt, importManager);
4066 const code = this.printer.printNode(ts17.EmitHint.Unspecified, node, sourceFile);
4067 return code;
4068 }
4069 findEndOfImports(sf) {
4070 for (const stmt of sf.statements) {
4071 if (!ts17.isImportDeclaration(stmt) && !ts17.isImportEqualsDeclaration(stmt) && !ts17.isNamespaceImport(stmt)) {
4072 return stmt.getStart();
4073 }
4074 }
4075 return 0;
4076 }
4077 isCoreModuleWithProvidersType(typeName) {
4078 const id = typeName && ts17.isIdentifier(typeName) ? this.host.getImportOfIdentifier(typeName) : null;
4079 return id && id.name === "ModuleWithProviders" && (this.isCore || id.from === "@angular/core");
4080 }
4082function findStatement(node) {
4083 while (node) {
4084 if (ts17.isExpressionStatement(node) || ts17.isReturnStatement(node)) {
4085 return node;
4086 }
4087 node = node.parent;
4088 }
4089 return void 0;
4091function generateImportString(importManager, importPath, importName) {
4092 const importAs = importPath ? importManager.generateNamedImport(importPath, importName) : null;
4093 return importAs && importAs.moduleImport ? `${importAs.moduleImport.text}.${importAs.symbol}` : `${importName}`;
4095function getNextSiblingInArray(node, array) {
4096 const index = array.indexOf(node);
4097 return index !== -1 && array.length > index + 1 ? array[index + 1] : null;
4099function getEndExceptSemicolon(statement) {
4100 const lastToken = statement.getLastToken();
4101 return lastToken && lastToken.kind === ts17.SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken ? statement.getEnd() - 1 : statement.getEnd();
4104// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/esm5_rendering_formatter.mjs
4105var Esm5RenderingFormatter = class extends EsmRenderingFormatter {
4106 addDefinitions(output, compiledClass, definitions) {
4107 const classSymbol = this.host.getClassSymbol(compiledClass.declaration);
4108 if (!classSymbol) {
4109 throw new Error(`Compiled class "${compiledClass.name}" in "${compiledClass.declaration.getSourceFile().fileName}" does not have a valid syntax.
4110Expected an ES5 IIFE wrapped function. But got:
4111` + compiledClass.declaration.getText());
4112 }
4113 const declarationStatement = getContainingStatement(classSymbol.implementation.valueDeclaration);
4114 const iifeBody = declarationStatement.parent;
4115 if (!iifeBody || !ts18.isBlock(iifeBody)) {
4116 throw new Error(`Compiled class declaration is not inside an IIFE: ${compiledClass.name} in ${compiledClass.declaration.getSourceFile().fileName}`);
4117 }
4118 const returnStatement = iifeBody.statements.find(ts18.isReturnStatement);
4119 if (!returnStatement) {
4120 throw new Error(`Compiled class wrapper IIFE does not have a return statement: ${compiledClass.name} in ${compiledClass.declaration.getSourceFile().fileName}`);
4121 }
4122 const insertionPoint = returnStatement.getFullStart();
4123 output.appendLeft(insertionPoint, "\n" + definitions);
4124 }
4125 printStatement(stmt, sourceFile, importManager) {
4126 const node = translateStatement(stmt, importManager, { downlevelTaggedTemplates: true, downlevelVariableDeclarations: true });
4127 const code = this.printer.printNode(ts18.EmitHint.Unspecified, node, sourceFile);
4128 return code;
4129 }
4132// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/commonjs_rendering_formatter.mjs
4133var CommonJsRenderingFormatter = class extends Esm5RenderingFormatter {
4134 constructor(fs, commonJsHost, isCore) {
4135 super(fs, commonJsHost, isCore);
4136 this.commonJsHost = commonJsHost;
4137 }
4138 addImports(output, imports, file) {
4139 if (imports.length === 0) {
4140 return;
4141 }
4142 const insertionPoint = this.findEndOfImports(file);
4143 const renderedImports = imports.map((i) => `var ${i.qualifier.text} = require('${i.specifier}');
4145 output.appendLeft(insertionPoint, renderedImports);
4146 }
4147 addExports(output, entryPointBasePath, exports, importManager, file) {
4148 exports.forEach((e) => {
4149 const basePath = stripExtension2(e.from);
4150 const relativePath = "./" + this.fs.relative(this.fs.dirname(entryPointBasePath), basePath);
4151 const namedImport = entryPointBasePath !== basePath ? importManager.generateNamedImport(relativePath, e.identifier) : { symbol: e.identifier, moduleImport: null };
4152 const importNamespace = namedImport.moduleImport ? `${namedImport.moduleImport.text}.` : "";
4153 const exportStr = `
4154exports.${e.identifier} = ${importNamespace}${namedImport.symbol};`;
4155 output.append(exportStr);
4156 });
4157 }
4158 addDirectExports(output, exports, importManager, file) {
4159 for (const e of exports) {
4160 const namedImport = importManager.generateNamedImport(e.fromModule, e.symbolName);
4161 const importNamespace = namedImport.moduleImport ? `${namedImport.moduleImport.text}.` : "";
4162 const exportStr = `
4163exports.${e.asAlias} = ${importNamespace}${namedImport.symbol};`;
4164 output.append(exportStr);
4165 }
4166 }
4167 findEndOfImports(sf) {
4168 for (const statement of sf.statements) {
4169 if (ts19.isExpressionStatement(statement) && isRequireCall(statement.expression)) {
4170 continue;
4171 }
4172 const declarations = ts19.isVariableStatement(statement) ? Array.from(statement.declarationList.declarations) : [];
4173 if (declarations.some((d) => !d.initializer || !isRequireCall(d.initializer))) {
4174 return statement.getStart();
4175 }
4176 }
4177 return 0;
4178 }
4181// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/dts_renderer.mjs
4182import MagicString from "magic-string";
4183import ts20 from "typescript";
4185// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/constants.mjs
4186var IMPORT_PREFIX = "\u0275ngcc";
4189// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/source_maps.mjs
4190import mapHelpers from "convert-source-map";
4191function renderSourceAndMap(logger, fs, sourceFile, generatedMagicString) {
4192 var _a;
4193 const sourceFilePath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sourceFile);
4194 const sourceMapPath = absoluteFrom(`${sourceFilePath}.map`);
4195 const generatedContent = generatedMagicString.toString();
4196 const generatedMap = generatedMagicString.generateMap({ file: sourceFilePath, source: sourceFilePath, includeContent: true });
4197 try {
4198 const loader = new SourceFileLoader(fs, logger, {});
4199 const generatedFile = loader.loadSourceFile(sourceFilePath, generatedContent, { map: generatedMap, mapPath: sourceMapPath });
4200 const rawMergedMap = generatedFile.renderFlattenedSourceMap();
4201 const mergedMap = mapHelpers.fromObject(rawMergedMap);
4202 const originalFile = loader.loadSourceFile(sourceFilePath, generatedMagicString.original);
4203 if (originalFile.rawMap === null && !sourceFile.isDeclarationFile || ((_a = originalFile.rawMap) == null ? void 0 : _a.origin) === ContentOrigin.Inline) {
4204 return [
4205 { path: sourceFilePath, contents: `${generatedFile.contents}
4206${mergedMap.toComment()}` }
4207 ];
4208 }
4209 const sourceMapComment = mapHelpers.generateMapFileComment(`${fs.basename(sourceFilePath)}.map`);
4210 return [
4211 { path: sourceFilePath, contents: `${generatedFile.contents}
4212${sourceMapComment}` },
4213 { path: sourceMapPath, contents: mergedMap.toJSON() }
4214 ];
4215 } catch (e) {
4216 logger.error(`Error when flattening the source-map "${sourceMapPath}" for "${sourceFilePath}": ${e.toString()}`);
4217 return [
4218 { path: sourceFilePath, contents: generatedContent },
4219 { path: sourceMapPath, contents: mapHelpers.fromObject(generatedMap).toJSON() }
4220 ];
4221 }
4224// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/dts_renderer.mjs
4225var DtsRenderInfo = class {
4226 constructor() {
4227 this.classInfo = [];
4228 this.moduleWithProviders = [];
4229 this.privateExports = [];
4230 this.reexports = [];
4231 }
4233var DtsRenderer = class {
4234 constructor(dtsFormatter, fs, logger, host, bundle) {
4235 this.dtsFormatter = dtsFormatter;
4236 this.fs = fs;
4237 this.logger = logger;
4238 this.host = host;
4239 this.bundle = bundle;
4240 }
4241 renderProgram(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, moduleWithProvidersAnalyses) {
4242 const renderedFiles = [];
4243 if (this.bundle.dts) {
4244 const dtsFiles = this.getTypingsFilesToRender(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, moduleWithProvidersAnalyses);
4245 if (!dtsFiles.has(this.bundle.dts.file)) {
4246 dtsFiles.set(this.bundle.dts.file, new DtsRenderInfo());
4247 }
4248 dtsFiles.forEach((renderInfo, file) => renderedFiles.push(...this.renderDtsFile(file, renderInfo)));
4249 }
4250 return renderedFiles;
4251 }
4252 renderDtsFile(dtsFile, renderInfo) {
4253 const outputText = new MagicString(dtsFile.text);
4254 const printer = ts20.createPrinter();
4255 const importManager = new ImportManager(getImportRewriter(this.bundle.dts.r3SymbolsFile, this.bundle.isCore, false), IMPORT_PREFIX);
4256 renderInfo.classInfo.forEach((dtsClass) => {
4257 const endOfClass = dtsClass.dtsDeclaration.getEnd();
4258 dtsClass.compilation.forEach((declaration) => {
4259 const type = translateType(declaration.type, importManager);
4260 markForEmitAsSingleLine(type);
4261 const typeStr = printer.printNode(ts20.EmitHint.Unspecified, type, dtsFile);
4262 const newStatement = ` static ${declaration.name}: ${typeStr};
4264 outputText.appendRight(endOfClass - 1, newStatement);
4265 });
4266 });
4267 if (renderInfo.reexports.length > 0) {
4268 for (const e of renderInfo.reexports) {
4269 const newStatement = `
4270export {${e.symbolName} as ${e.asAlias}} from '${e.fromModule}';`;
4271 outputText.append(newStatement);
4272 }
4273 }
4274 this.dtsFormatter.addModuleWithProvidersParams(outputText, renderInfo.moduleWithProviders, importManager);
4275 this.dtsFormatter.addExports(outputText, dtsFile.fileName, renderInfo.privateExports, importManager, dtsFile);
4276 this.dtsFormatter.addImports(outputText, importManager.getAllImports(dtsFile.fileName), dtsFile);
4277 return renderSourceAndMap(this.logger, this.fs, dtsFile, outputText);
4278 }
4279 getTypingsFilesToRender(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, moduleWithProvidersAnalyses) {
4280 const dtsMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4281 decorationAnalyses.forEach((compiledFile) => {
4282 let appliedReexports = false;
4283 compiledFile.compiledClasses.forEach((compiledClass) => {
4284 const dtsDeclaration = this.host.getDtsDeclaration(compiledClass.declaration);
4285 if (dtsDeclaration) {
4286 const dtsFile = dtsDeclaration.getSourceFile();
4287 const renderInfo = dtsMap.has(dtsFile) ? dtsMap.get(dtsFile) : new DtsRenderInfo();
4288 renderInfo.classInfo.push({ dtsDeclaration, compilation: compiledClass.compilation });
4289 if (!appliedReexports && compiledClass.declaration.getSourceFile().fileName === dtsFile.fileName.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, ".js")) {
4290 renderInfo.reexports.push(...compiledFile.reexports);
4291 appliedReexports = true;
4292 }
4293 dtsMap.set(dtsFile, renderInfo);
4294 }
4295 });
4296 });
4297 if (moduleWithProvidersAnalyses !== null) {
4298 moduleWithProvidersAnalyses.forEach((moduleWithProvidersToFix, dtsFile) => {
4299 const renderInfo = dtsMap.has(dtsFile) ? dtsMap.get(dtsFile) : new DtsRenderInfo();
4300 renderInfo.moduleWithProviders = moduleWithProvidersToFix;
4301 dtsMap.set(dtsFile, renderInfo);
4302 });
4303 }
4304 if (privateDeclarationsAnalyses.length) {
4305 privateDeclarationsAnalyses.forEach((e) => {
4306 if (!e.dtsFrom) {
4307 throw new Error(`There is no typings path for ${e.identifier} in ${e.from}.
4308We need to add an export for this class to a .d.ts typings file because Angular compiler needs to be able to reference this class in compiled code, such as templates.
4309The simplest fix for this is to ensure that this class is exported from the package's entry-point.`);
4310 }
4311 });
4312 const dtsEntryPoint = this.bundle.dts.file;
4313 const renderInfo = dtsMap.has(dtsEntryPoint) ? dtsMap.get(dtsEntryPoint) : new DtsRenderInfo();
4314 renderInfo.privateExports = privateDeclarationsAnalyses;
4315 dtsMap.set(dtsEntryPoint, renderInfo);
4316 }
4317 return dtsMap;
4318 }
4320function markForEmitAsSingleLine(node) {
4321 ts20.setEmitFlags(node, ts20.EmitFlags.SingleLine);
4322 ts20.forEachChild(node, markForEmitAsSingleLine);
4325// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/renderer.mjs
4326import { jsDocComment, WrappedNodeExpr, WritePropExpr } from "@angular/compiler";
4327import MagicString2 from "magic-string";
4329// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/rendering_formatter.mjs
4330var RedundantDecoratorMap = Map;
4332// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/renderer.mjs
4333var Renderer = class {
4334 constructor(host, srcFormatter, fs, logger, bundle, tsConfig = null) {
4335 this.host = host;
4336 this.srcFormatter = srcFormatter;
4337 this.fs = fs;
4338 this.logger = logger;
4339 this.bundle = bundle;
4340 this.tsConfig = tsConfig;
4341 }
4342 renderProgram(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses) {
4343 const renderedFiles = [];
4344 this.bundle.src.program.getSourceFiles().forEach((sourceFile) => {
4345 if (decorationAnalyses.has(sourceFile) || sourceFile === this.bundle.src.file) {
4346 const compiledFile = decorationAnalyses.get(sourceFile);
4347 renderedFiles.push(...this.renderFile(sourceFile, compiledFile, privateDeclarationsAnalyses));
4348 }
4349 });
4350 return renderedFiles;
4351 }
4352 renderFile(sourceFile, compiledFile, privateDeclarationsAnalyses) {
4353 const isEntryPoint2 = sourceFile === this.bundle.src.file;
4354 const outputText = new MagicString2(sourceFile.text);
4355 const importManager = new ImportManager(getImportRewriter(this.bundle.src.r3SymbolsFile, this.bundle.isCore, this.bundle.isFlatCore), IMPORT_PREFIX);
4356 if (compiledFile) {
4357 const decoratorsToRemove = this.computeDecoratorsToRemove(compiledFile.compiledClasses);
4358 this.srcFormatter.removeDecorators(outputText, decoratorsToRemove);
4359 compiledFile.compiledClasses.forEach((clazz) => {
4360 var _a;
4361 const renderedDefinition = this.renderDefinitions(compiledFile.sourceFile, clazz, importManager, !!((_a = this.tsConfig) == null ? void 0 : _a.options.annotateForClosureCompiler));
4362 this.srcFormatter.addDefinitions(outputText, clazz, renderedDefinition);
4363 const renderedStatements = this.renderAdjacentStatements(compiledFile.sourceFile, clazz, importManager);
4364 this.srcFormatter.addAdjacentStatements(outputText, clazz, renderedStatements);
4365 });
4366 if (!isEntryPoint2 && compiledFile.reexports.length > 0) {
4367 this.srcFormatter.addDirectExports(outputText, compiledFile.reexports, importManager, compiledFile.sourceFile);
4368 }
4369 this.srcFormatter.addConstants(outputText, renderConstantPool(this.srcFormatter, compiledFile.sourceFile, compiledFile.constantPool, importManager), compiledFile.sourceFile);
4370 }
4371 if (isEntryPoint2) {
4372 const entryPointBasePath = stripExtension2(this.bundle.src.path);
4373 this.srcFormatter.addExports(outputText, entryPointBasePath, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, importManager, sourceFile);
4374 }
4375 if (isEntryPoint2 || compiledFile) {
4376 this.srcFormatter.addImports(outputText, importManager.getAllImports(sourceFile.fileName), sourceFile);
4377 }
4378 if (compiledFile || isEntryPoint2) {
4379 return renderSourceAndMap(this.logger, this.fs, sourceFile, outputText);
4380 } else {
4381 return [];
4382 }
4383 }
4384 computeDecoratorsToRemove(classes) {
4385 const decoratorsToRemove = new RedundantDecoratorMap();
4386 classes.forEach((clazz) => {
4387 if (clazz.decorators === null) {
4388 return;
4389 }
4390 clazz.decorators.forEach((dec) => {
4391 if (dec.node === null) {
4392 return;
4393 }
4394 const decoratorArray = dec.node.parent;
4395 if (!decoratorsToRemove.has(decoratorArray)) {
4396 decoratorsToRemove.set(decoratorArray, [dec.node]);
4397 } else {
4398 decoratorsToRemove.get(decoratorArray).push(dec.node);
4399 }
4400 });
4401 });
4402 return decoratorsToRemove;
4403 }
4404 renderDefinitions(sourceFile, compiledClass, imports, annotateForClosureCompiler) {
4405 const name = this.host.getInternalNameOfClass(compiledClass.declaration);
4406 const leadingComment = annotateForClosureCompiler ? jsDocComment([{ tagName: "nocollapse" }]) : void 0;
4407 const statements = compiledClass.compilation.map((c) => createAssignmentStatement(name, c.name, c.initializer, leadingComment));
4408 return this.renderStatements(sourceFile, statements, imports);
4409 }
4410 renderAdjacentStatements(sourceFile, compiledClass, imports) {
4411 const statements = [];
4412 for (const c of compiledClass.compilation) {
4413 statements.push(...c.statements);
4414 }
4415 return this.renderStatements(sourceFile, statements, imports);
4416 }
4417 renderStatements(sourceFile, statements, imports) {
4418 const printStatement = (stmt) => this.srcFormatter.printStatement(stmt, sourceFile, imports);
4419 return statements.map(printStatement).join("\n");
4420 }
4422function renderConstantPool(formatter, sourceFile, constantPool, imports) {
4423 const printStatement = (stmt) => formatter.printStatement(stmt, sourceFile, imports);
4424 return constantPool.statements.map(printStatement).join("\n");
4426function createAssignmentStatement(receiverName, propName, initializer, leadingComment) {
4427 const receiver = new WrappedNodeExpr(receiverName);
4428 const statement = new WritePropExpr(receiver, propName, initializer, void 0, void 0).toStmt();
4429 if (leadingComment !== void 0) {
4430 statement.addLeadingComment(leadingComment);
4431 }
4432 return statement;
4435// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/rendering/umd_rendering_formatter.mjs
4436import ts21 from "typescript";
4437var UmdRenderingFormatter = class extends Esm5RenderingFormatter {
4438 constructor(fs, umdHost, isCore) {
4439 super(fs, umdHost, isCore);
4440 this.umdHost = umdHost;
4441 }
4442 addImports(output, imports, file) {
4443 if (imports.length === 0) {
4444 return;
4445 }
4446 const umdModule = this.umdHost.getUmdModule(file);
4447 if (!umdModule) {
4448 return;
4449 }
4450 const { factoryFn, factoryCalls } = umdModule;
4451 renderCommonJsDependencies(output, factoryCalls.commonJs, imports);
4452 renderCommonJsDependencies(output, factoryCalls.commonJs2, imports);
4453 renderAmdDependencies(output, factoryCalls.amdDefine, imports);
4454 renderGlobalDependencies(output, factoryCalls.global, imports);
4455 renderFactoryParameters(output, factoryFn, imports);
4456 }
4457 addExports(output, entryPointBasePath, exports, importManager, file) {
4458 const umdModule = this.umdHost.getUmdModule(file);
4459 if (!umdModule) {
4460 return;
4461 }
4462 const factoryFunction = umdModule.factoryFn;
4463 const lastStatement = factoryFunction.body.statements[factoryFunction.body.statements.length - 1];
4464 const insertionPoint = lastStatement ? lastStatement.getEnd() : factoryFunction.body.getEnd() - 1;
4465 exports.forEach((e) => {
4466 const basePath = stripExtension2(e.from);
4467 const relativePath = "./" + this.fs.relative(this.fs.dirname(entryPointBasePath), basePath);
4468 const namedImport = entryPointBasePath !== basePath ? importManager.generateNamedImport(relativePath, e.identifier) : { symbol: e.identifier, moduleImport: null };
4469 const importNamespace = namedImport.moduleImport ? `${namedImport.moduleImport.text}.` : "";
4470 const exportStr = `
4471exports.${e.identifier} = ${importNamespace}${namedImport.symbol};`;
4472 output.appendRight(insertionPoint, exportStr);
4473 });
4474 }
4475 addDirectExports(output, exports, importManager, file) {
4476 const umdModule = this.umdHost.getUmdModule(file);
4477 if (!umdModule) {
4478 return;
4479 }
4480 const factoryFunction = umdModule.factoryFn;
4481 const lastStatement = factoryFunction.body.statements[factoryFunction.body.statements.length - 1];
4482 const insertionPoint = lastStatement ? lastStatement.getEnd() : factoryFunction.body.getEnd() - 1;
4483 for (const e of exports) {
4484 const namedImport = importManager.generateNamedImport(e.fromModule, e.symbolName);
4485 const importNamespace = namedImport.moduleImport ? `${namedImport.moduleImport.text}.` : "";
4486 const exportStr = `
4487exports.${e.asAlias} = ${importNamespace}${namedImport.symbol};`;
4488 output.appendRight(insertionPoint, exportStr);
4489 }
4490 }
4491 addConstants(output, constants, file) {
4492 if (constants === "") {
4493 return;
4494 }
4495 const umdModule = this.umdHost.getUmdModule(file);
4496 if (!umdModule) {
4497 return;
4498 }
4499 const factoryFunction = umdModule.factoryFn;
4500 const firstStatement = factoryFunction.body.statements[0];
4501 const insertionPoint = firstStatement ? firstStatement.getStart() : factoryFunction.body.getStart() + 1;
4502 output.appendLeft(insertionPoint, "\n" + constants + "\n");
4503 }
4505function renderCommonJsDependencies(output, factoryCall, imports) {
4506 if (factoryCall === null) {
4507 return;
4508 }
4509 const injectionPoint = factoryCall.arguments.length > 0 ? factoryCall.arguments[0].getFullStart() : factoryCall.getEnd() - 1;
4510 const importString = imports.map((i) => `require('${i.specifier}')`).join(",");
4511 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, importString + (factoryCall.arguments.length > 0 ? "," : ""));
4513function renderAmdDependencies(output, amdDefineCall, imports) {
4514 if (amdDefineCall === null) {
4515 return;
4516 }
4517 const importString = imports.map((i) => `'${i.specifier}'`).join(",");
4518 const factoryIndex = amdDefineCall.arguments.length - 1;
4519 const dependencyArray = amdDefineCall.arguments[factoryIndex - 1];
4520 if (dependencyArray === void 0 || !ts21.isArrayLiteralExpression(dependencyArray)) {
4521 const injectionPoint = amdDefineCall.arguments[factoryIndex].getFullStart();
4522 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, `[${importString}],`);
4523 } else {
4524 const injectionPoint = dependencyArray.elements.length > 0 ? dependencyArray.elements[0].getFullStart() : dependencyArray.getEnd() - 1;
4525 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, importString + (dependencyArray.elements.length > 0 ? "," : ""));
4526 }
4528function renderGlobalDependencies(output, factoryCall, imports) {
4529 if (factoryCall === null) {
4530 return;
4531 }
4532 const injectionPoint = factoryCall.arguments.length > 0 ? factoryCall.arguments[0].getFullStart() : factoryCall.getEnd() - 1;
4533 const importString = imports.map((i) => `global.${getGlobalIdentifier(i)}`).join(",");
4534 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, importString + (factoryCall.arguments.length > 0 ? "," : ""));
4536function renderFactoryParameters(output, factoryFunction, imports) {
4537 const parameters = factoryFunction.parameters;
4538 const parameterString = imports.map((i) => i.qualifier.text).join(",");
4539 if (parameters.length > 0) {
4540 const injectionPoint = parameters[0].getFullStart();
4541 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, parameterString + ",");
4542 } else {
4543 const injectionPoint = factoryFunction.getStart() + factoryFunction.getText().indexOf("()") + 1;
4544 output.appendLeft(injectionPoint, parameterString);
4545 }
4547function getGlobalIdentifier(i) {
4548 return i.specifier.replace(/^@angular\//, "ng.").replace(/^@/, "").replace(/\//g, ".").replace(/[-_]+(.?)/g, (_, c) => c.toUpperCase()).replace(/^./, (c) => c.toLowerCase());
4551// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/transformer.mjs
4552var Transformer = class {
4553 constructor(fs, logger, tsConfig = null) {
4554 this.fs = fs;
4555 this.logger = logger;
4556 this.tsConfig = tsConfig;
4557 }
4558 transform(bundle) {
4559 const ngccReflectionHost = this.getHost(bundle);
4560 const tsReflectionHost = new TypeScriptReflectionHost(bundle.src.program.getTypeChecker());
4561 const reflectionHost = new DelegatingReflectionHost(tsReflectionHost, ngccReflectionHost);
4562 const { decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, moduleWithProvidersAnalyses, diagnostics } = this.analyzeProgram(reflectionHost, bundle);
4563 if (hasErrors(diagnostics)) {
4564 return { success: false, diagnostics };
4565 }
4566 let renderedFiles = [];
4567 if (bundle.dtsProcessing !== DtsProcessing.Only) {
4568 const srcFormatter = this.getRenderingFormatter(ngccReflectionHost, bundle);
4569 const renderer = new Renderer(reflectionHost, srcFormatter, this.fs, this.logger, bundle, this.tsConfig);
4570 renderedFiles = renderer.renderProgram(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
4571 }
4572 if (bundle.dts) {
4573 const dtsFormatter = new EsmRenderingFormatter(this.fs, reflectionHost, bundle.isCore);
4574 const dtsRenderer = new DtsRenderer(dtsFormatter, this.fs, this.logger, reflectionHost, bundle);
4575 const renderedDtsFiles = dtsRenderer.renderProgram(decorationAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses, moduleWithProvidersAnalyses);
4576 renderedFiles = renderedFiles.concat(renderedDtsFiles);
4577 }
4578 return { success: true, diagnostics, transformedFiles: renderedFiles };
4579 }
4580 getHost(bundle) {
4581 switch (bundle.format) {
4582 case "esm2015":
4583 return new Esm2015ReflectionHost(this.logger, bundle.isCore, bundle.src, bundle.dts);
4584 case "esm5":
4585 return new Esm5ReflectionHost(this.logger, bundle.isCore, bundle.src, bundle.dts);
4586 case "umd":
4587 return new UmdReflectionHost(this.logger, bundle.isCore, bundle.src, bundle.dts);
4588 case "commonjs":
4589 return new CommonJsReflectionHost(this.logger, bundle.isCore, bundle.src, bundle.dts);
4590 default:
4591 throw new Error(`Reflection host for "${bundle.format}" not yet implemented.`);
4592 }
4593 }
4594 getRenderingFormatter(host, bundle) {
4595 switch (bundle.format) {
4596 case "esm2015":
4597 return new EsmRenderingFormatter(this.fs, host, bundle.isCore);
4598 case "esm5":
4599 return new Esm5RenderingFormatter(this.fs, host, bundle.isCore);
4600 case "umd":
4601 if (!(host instanceof UmdReflectionHost)) {
4602 throw new Error("UmdRenderer requires a UmdReflectionHost");
4603 }
4604 return new UmdRenderingFormatter(this.fs, host, bundle.isCore);
4605 case "commonjs":
4606 return new CommonJsRenderingFormatter(this.fs, host, bundle.isCore);
4607 default:
4608 throw new Error(`Renderer for "${bundle.format}" not yet implemented.`);
4609 }
4610 }
4611 analyzeProgram(reflectionHost, bundle) {
4612 const referencesRegistry = new NgccReferencesRegistry(reflectionHost);
4613 const diagnostics = [];
4614 const decorationAnalyzer = new DecorationAnalyzer(this.fs, bundle, reflectionHost, referencesRegistry, (diagnostic) => diagnostics.push(diagnostic), this.tsConfig);
4615 const decorationAnalyses = decorationAnalyzer.analyzeProgram();
4616 const moduleWithProvidersAnalyzer = new ModuleWithProvidersAnalyzer(reflectionHost, bundle.src.program.getTypeChecker(), referencesRegistry, bundle.dts !== null);
4617 const moduleWithProvidersAnalyses = moduleWithProvidersAnalyzer && moduleWithProvidersAnalyzer.analyzeProgram(bundle.src.program);
4618 const privateDeclarationsAnalyzer = new PrivateDeclarationsAnalyzer(reflectionHost, referencesRegistry);
4619 const privateDeclarationsAnalyses = privateDeclarationsAnalyzer.analyzeProgram(bundle.src.program);
4620 return {
4621 decorationAnalyses,
4622 privateDeclarationsAnalyses,
4623 moduleWithProvidersAnalyses,
4624 diagnostics
4625 };
4626 }
4628function hasErrors(diagnostics) {
4629 return diagnostics.some((d) => d.category === ts22.DiagnosticCategory.Error);
4632// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/create_compile_function.mjs
4633function getCreateCompileFn(fileSystem, logger, fileWriter, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat, tsConfig, pathMappings) {
4634 return (beforeWritingFiles, onTaskCompleted) => {
4635 const transformer = new Transformer(fileSystem, logger, tsConfig);
4636 const sharedFileCache = new SharedFileCache(fileSystem);
4637 const moduleResolutionCache = createModuleResolutionCache(fileSystem);
4638 return (task) => {
4639 const { entryPoint, formatProperty, formatPropertiesToMarkAsProcessed, processDts } = task;
4640 const isCore = entryPoint.name === "@angular/core";
4641 const packageJson = entryPoint.packageJson;
4642 const formatPath = packageJson[formatProperty];
4643 const format = getEntryPointFormat(fileSystem, entryPoint, formatProperty);
4644 if (!formatPath || !format) {
4645 onTaskCompleted(task, 1, `property \`${formatProperty}\` pointing to a missing or empty file: ${formatPath}`);
4646 return;
4647 }
4648 logger.info(`- ${entryPoint.name} [${formatProperty}/${format}] (${entryPoint.repositoryUrl})`);
4649 const bundle = makeEntryPointBundle(fileSystem, entryPoint, sharedFileCache, moduleResolutionCache, formatPath, isCore, format, processDts, pathMappings, true, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat);
4650 const result = transformer.transform(bundle);
4651 if (result.success) {
4652 if (result.diagnostics.length > 0) {
4653 logger.warn(replaceTsWithNgInErrors(ts23.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(result.diagnostics, bundle.src.host)));
4654 }
4655 const writeBundle = () => {
4656 fileWriter.writeBundle(bundle, result.transformedFiles, formatPropertiesToMarkAsProcessed);
4657 logger.debug(` Successfully compiled ${entryPoint.name} : ${formatProperty}`);
4658 onTaskCompleted(task, 0, null);
4659 };
4660 const beforeWritingResult = beforeWritingFiles(result.transformedFiles);
4661 return beforeWritingResult instanceof Promise ? beforeWritingResult.then(writeBundle) : writeBundle();
4662 } else {
4663 const errors = replaceTsWithNgInErrors(ts23.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(result.diagnostics, bundle.src.host));
4664 onTaskCompleted(task, 1, `compilation errors:
4666 }
4667 };
4668 };
4671// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/ngcc_options.mjs
4672import * as os from "os";
4674// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/path_mappings.mjs
4675function getPathMappingsFromTsConfig(fs, tsConfig, projectPath) {
4676 if (tsConfig !== null && tsConfig.options.baseUrl !== void 0 && tsConfig.options.paths !== void 0) {
4677 return {
4678 baseUrl: fs.resolve(projectPath, tsConfig.options.baseUrl),
4679 paths: tsConfig.options.paths
4680 };
4681 }
4684// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/writing/in_place_file_writer.mjs
4685var NGCC_BACKUP_EXTENSION = ".__ivy_ngcc_bak";
4686var InPlaceFileWriter = class {
4687 constructor(fs, logger, errorOnFailedEntryPoint) {
4688 this.fs = fs;
4689 this.logger = logger;
4690 this.errorOnFailedEntryPoint = errorOnFailedEntryPoint;
4691 }
4692 writeBundle(_bundle, transformedFiles, _formatProperties) {
4693 transformedFiles.forEach((file) => this.writeFileAndBackup(file));
4694 }
4695 revertBundle(_entryPoint, transformedFilePaths, _formatProperties) {
4696 for (const filePath of transformedFilePaths) {
4697 this.revertFileAndBackup(filePath);
4698 }
4699 }
4700 writeFileAndBackup(file) {
4701 this.fs.ensureDir(dirname(file.path));
4702 const backPath = absoluteFrom(`${file.path}${NGCC_BACKUP_EXTENSION}`);
4703 if (this.fs.exists(backPath)) {
4704 if (this.errorOnFailedEntryPoint) {
4705 throw new Error(`Tried to overwrite ${backPath} with an ngcc back up file, which is disallowed.`);
4706 } else {
4707 this.logger.error(`Tried to write ${backPath} with an ngcc back up file but it already exists so not writing, nor backing up, ${file.path}.
4708This error may be caused by one of the following:
4709* two or more entry-points overlap and ngcc has been asked to process some files more than once.
4710 In this case, you should check other entry-points in this package
4711 and set up a config to ignore any that you are not using.
4712* a previous run of ngcc was killed in the middle of processing, in a way that cannot be recovered.
4713 In this case, you should try cleaning the node_modules directory and any dist directories that contain local libraries. Then try again.`);
4714 }
4715 } else {
4716 if (this.fs.exists(file.path)) {
4717 this.fs.moveFile(file.path, backPath);
4718 }
4719 this.fs.writeFile(file.path, file.contents);
4720 }
4721 }
4722 revertFileAndBackup(filePath) {
4723 if (this.fs.exists(filePath)) {
4724 this.fs.removeFile(filePath);
4725 const backPath = absoluteFrom(`${filePath}${NGCC_BACKUP_EXTENSION}`);
4726 if (this.fs.exists(backPath)) {
4727 this.fs.moveFile(backPath, filePath);
4728 }
4729 }
4730 }
4733// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/writing/new_entry_point_file_writer.mjs
4734var NGCC_DIRECTORY = "__ivy_ngcc__";
4735var NGCC_PROPERTY_EXTENSION = "_ivy_ngcc";
4736var NewEntryPointFileWriter = class extends InPlaceFileWriter {
4737 constructor(fs, logger, errorOnFailedEntryPoint, pkgJsonUpdater) {
4738 super(fs, logger, errorOnFailedEntryPoint);
4739 this.pkgJsonUpdater = pkgJsonUpdater;
4740 }
4741 writeBundle(bundle, transformedFiles, formatProperties) {
4742 const entryPoint = bundle.entryPoint;
4743 const ngccFolder = this.fs.join(entryPoint.packagePath, NGCC_DIRECTORY);
4744 this.copyBundle(bundle, entryPoint.packagePath, ngccFolder, transformedFiles);
4745 transformedFiles.forEach((file) => this.writeFile(file, entryPoint.packagePath, ngccFolder));
4746 this.updatePackageJson(entryPoint, formatProperties, ngccFolder);
4747 }
4748 revertBundle(entryPoint, transformedFilePaths, formatProperties) {
4749 for (const filePath of transformedFilePaths) {
4750 this.revertFile(filePath, entryPoint.packagePath);
4751 }
4752 this.revertPackageJson(entryPoint, formatProperties);
4753 }
4754 copyBundle(bundle, packagePath, ngccFolder, transformedFiles) {
4755 const doNotCopy = new Set(transformedFiles.map((f) => f.path));
4756 bundle.src.program.getSourceFiles().forEach((sourceFile) => {
4757 const originalPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sourceFile);
4758 if (doNotCopy.has(originalPath)) {
4759 return;
4760 }
4761 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(packagePath, originalPath);
4762 const isInsidePackage = isLocalRelativePath(relativePath);
4763 if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile && isInsidePackage) {
4764 const newPath = this.fs.resolve(ngccFolder, relativePath);
4765 this.fs.ensureDir(this.fs.dirname(newPath));
4766 this.fs.copyFile(originalPath, newPath);
4767 this.copyAndUpdateSourceMap(originalPath, newPath);
4768 }
4769 });
4770 }
4771 copyAndUpdateSourceMap(originalSrcPath, newSrcPath) {
4772 var _a;
4773 const sourceMapPath = originalSrcPath + ".map";
4774 if (this.fs.exists(sourceMapPath)) {
4775 try {
4776 const sourceMap = JSON.parse(this.fs.readFile(sourceMapPath));
4777 const newSourceMapPath = newSrcPath + ".map";
4778 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(this.fs.dirname(newSourceMapPath), this.fs.dirname(sourceMapPath));
4779 sourceMap.sourceRoot = this.fs.join(relativePath, sourceMap.sourceRoot || ".");
4780 this.fs.ensureDir(this.fs.dirname(newSourceMapPath));
4781 this.fs.writeFile(newSourceMapPath, JSON.stringify(sourceMap));
4782 } catch (e) {
4783 this.logger.warn(`Failed to process source-map at ${sourceMapPath}`);
4784 this.logger.warn((_a = e.message) != null ? _a : e);
4785 }
4786 }
4787 }
4788 writeFile(file, packagePath, ngccFolder) {
4789 if (isDtsPath(file.path.replace(/\.map$/, ""))) {
4790 super.writeFileAndBackup(file);
4791 } else {
4792 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(packagePath, file.path);
4793 const newFilePath = this.fs.resolve(ngccFolder, relativePath);
4794 this.fs.ensureDir(this.fs.dirname(newFilePath));
4795 this.fs.writeFile(newFilePath, file.contents);
4796 }
4797 }
4798 revertFile(filePath, packagePath) {
4799 if (isDtsPath(filePath.replace(/\.map$/, ""))) {
4800 super.revertFileAndBackup(filePath);
4801 } else if (this.fs.exists(filePath)) {
4802 const relativePath = this.fs.relative(packagePath, filePath);
4803 const newFilePath = this.fs.resolve(packagePath, NGCC_DIRECTORY, relativePath);
4804 this.fs.removeFile(newFilePath);
4805 }
4806 }
4807 updatePackageJson(entryPoint, formatProperties, ngccFolder) {
4808 if (formatProperties.length === 0) {
4809 return;
4810 }
4811 const packageJson = entryPoint.packageJson;
4812 const packageJsonPath = this.fs.join(entryPoint.path, "package.json");
4813 const oldFormatProp = formatProperties[0];
4814 const oldFormatPath = packageJson[oldFormatProp];
4815 const oldAbsFormatPath = this.fs.resolve(entryPoint.path, oldFormatPath);
4816 const newAbsFormatPath = this.fs.resolve(ngccFolder, this.fs.relative(entryPoint.packagePath, oldAbsFormatPath));
4817 const newFormatPath = this.fs.relative(entryPoint.path, newAbsFormatPath);
4818 const update = this.pkgJsonUpdater.createUpdate();
4819 for (const formatProperty of formatProperties) {
4820 if (packageJson[formatProperty] !== oldFormatPath) {
4821 throw new Error(`Unable to update '${packageJsonPath}': Format properties (${formatProperties.join(", ")}) map to more than one format-path.`);
4822 }
4823 update.addChange([`${formatProperty}${NGCC_PROPERTY_EXTENSION}`], newFormatPath, { before: formatProperty });
4824 }
4825 update.writeChanges(packageJsonPath, packageJson);
4826 }
4827 revertPackageJson(entryPoint, formatProperties) {
4828 if (formatProperties.length === 0) {
4829 return;
4830 }
4831 const packageJson = entryPoint.packageJson;
4832 const packageJsonPath = this.fs.join(entryPoint.path, "package.json");
4833 const update = this.pkgJsonUpdater.createUpdate();
4834 for (const formatProperty of formatProperties) {
4835 update.addChange([`${formatProperty}${NGCC_PROPERTY_EXTENSION}`], void 0);
4836 }
4837 update.writeChanges(packageJsonPath, packageJson);
4838 }
4841// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/ngcc_options.mjs
4842function getSharedSetup(options) {
4843 const fileSystem = getFileSystem();
4844 const absBasePath = absoluteFrom(options.basePath);
4845 const projectPath = fileSystem.dirname(absBasePath);
4846 const tsConfig = options.tsConfigPath !== null ? getTsConfig(options.tsConfigPath || projectPath) : null;
4847 let { basePath, targetEntryPointPath, propertiesToConsider = SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES, typingsOnly = false, compileAllFormats = true, createNewEntryPointFormats = false, logger = new ConsoleLogger(LogLevel.info), pathMappings = getPathMappingsFromTsConfig(fileSystem, tsConfig, projectPath), async = false, errorOnFailedEntryPoint = false, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat = true, invalidateEntryPointManifest = false, tsConfigPath } = options;
4848 if (!!targetEntryPointPath) {
4849 errorOnFailedEntryPoint = true;
4850 }
4851 if (typingsOnly) {
4852 compileAllFormats = false;
4853 }
4854 checkForSolutionStyleTsConfig(fileSystem, logger, projectPath, options.tsConfigPath, tsConfig);
4855 return {
4856 basePath,
4857 targetEntryPointPath,
4858 propertiesToConsider,
4859 typingsOnly,
4860 compileAllFormats,
4861 createNewEntryPointFormats,
4862 logger,
4863 pathMappings,
4864 async,
4865 errorOnFailedEntryPoint,
4866 enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat,
4867 invalidateEntryPointManifest,
4868 tsConfigPath,
4869 fileSystem,
4870 absBasePath,
4871 projectPath,
4872 tsConfig,
4873 getFileWriter: (pkgJsonUpdater) => createNewEntryPointFormats ? new NewEntryPointFileWriter(fileSystem, logger, errorOnFailedEntryPoint, pkgJsonUpdater) : new InPlaceFileWriter(fileSystem, logger, errorOnFailedEntryPoint)
4874 };
4876var tsConfigCache = null;
4877var tsConfigPathCache = null;
4878function getTsConfig(tsConfigPath) {
4879 if (tsConfigPath !== tsConfigPathCache) {
4880 tsConfigPathCache = tsConfigPath;
4881 tsConfigCache = readConfiguration(tsConfigPath);
4882 }
4883 return tsConfigCache;
4885function clearTsConfigCache() {
4886 tsConfigPathCache = null;
4887 tsConfigCache = null;
4889function checkForSolutionStyleTsConfig(fileSystem, logger, projectPath, tsConfigPath, tsConfig) {
4890 if (tsConfigPath !== null && !tsConfigPath && tsConfig !== null && tsConfig.rootNames.length === 0 && tsConfig.projectReferences !== void 0 && tsConfig.projectReferences.length > 0) {
4891 logger.warn(`The inferred tsconfig file "${tsConfig.project}" appears to be "solution-style" since it contains no root files but does contain project references.
4892This is probably not wanted, since ngcc is unable to infer settings like "paths" mappings from such a file.
4893Perhaps you should have explicitly specified one of the referenced projects using the --tsconfig option. For example:
4895` + tsConfig.projectReferences.map((ref) => ` ngcc ... --tsconfig "${ref.originalPath}"
4896`).join("") + `
4897Find out more about solution-style tsconfig at https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-3-9/#solution-style-tsconfig.
4898If you did intend to use this file, then you can hide this warning by providing it explicitly:
4900 ngcc ... --tsconfig "${fileSystem.relative(projectPath, tsConfig.project)}"`);
4901 }
4903function getMaxNumberOfWorkers() {
4904 const maxWorkers = process.env.NGCC_MAX_WORKERS;
4905 if (maxWorkers === void 0) {
4906 return Math.max(1, Math.min(4, os.cpus().length - 1));
4907 }
4908 const numericMaxWorkers = +maxWorkers.trim();
4909 if (!Number.isInteger(numericMaxWorkers)) {
4910 throw new Error("NGCC_MAX_WORKERS should be an integer.");
4911 } else if (numericMaxWorkers < 1) {
4912 throw new Error("NGCC_MAX_WORKERS should be at least 1.");
4913 }
4914 return numericMaxWorkers;
4917// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/tasks/utils.mjs
4918var stringifyTask = (task) => `{entryPoint: ${task.entryPoint.name}, formatProperty: ${task.formatProperty}, processDts: ${DtsProcessing[task.processDts]}}`;
4919function computeTaskDependencies(tasks, graph) {
4920 const dependencies = new TaskDependencies();
4921 const candidateDependencies = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4922 tasks.forEach((task) => {
4923 const entryPointPath = task.entryPoint.path;
4924 const deps = graph.dependenciesOf(entryPointPath);
4925 const taskDependencies = deps.filter((dep) => candidateDependencies.has(dep)).map((dep) => candidateDependencies.get(dep));
4926 if (taskDependencies.length > 0) {
4927 for (const dependency of taskDependencies) {
4928 const taskDependents = getDependentsSet(dependencies, dependency);
4929 taskDependents.add(task);
4930 }
4931 }
4932 if (task.processDts !== DtsProcessing.No) {
4933 if (candidateDependencies.has(entryPointPath)) {
4934 const otherTask = candidateDependencies.get(entryPointPath);
4935 throw new Error(`Invariant violated: Multiple tasks are assigned generating typings for '${entryPointPath}':
4936 - ${stringifyTask(otherTask)}
4937 - ${stringifyTask(task)}`);
4938 }
4939 candidateDependencies.set(entryPointPath, task);
4940 } else {
4941 if (candidateDependencies.has(entryPointPath)) {
4942 const typingsTask = candidateDependencies.get(entryPointPath);
4943 const typingsTaskDependents = getDependentsSet(dependencies, typingsTask);
4944 typingsTaskDependents.add(task);
4945 }
4946 }
4947 });
4948 return dependencies;
4950function getDependentsSet(map, task) {
4951 if (!map.has(task)) {
4952 map.set(task, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
4953 }
4954 return map.get(task);
4956function getBlockedTasks(dependencies) {
4957 const blockedTasks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4958 for (const [dependency, dependents] of dependencies) {
4959 for (const dependent of dependents) {
4960 const dependentSet = getDependentsSet(blockedTasks, dependent);
4961 dependentSet.add(dependency);
4962 }
4963 }
4964 return blockedTasks;
4966function sortTasksByPriority(tasks, dependencies) {
4967 const priorityPerTask = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4968 const computePriority = (task, idx) => [dependencies.has(task) ? dependencies.get(task).size : 0, idx];
4969 tasks.forEach((task, i) => priorityPerTask.set(task, computePriority(task, i)));
4970 return tasks.slice().sort((task1, task2) => {
4971 const [p1, idx1] = priorityPerTask.get(task1);
4972 const [p2, idx2] = priorityPerTask.get(task2);
4973 return p2 - p1 || idx1 - idx2;
4974 });
4977// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/execution/cluster/utils.mjs
4978import cluster from "cluster";
4979var Deferred = class {
4980 constructor() {
4981 this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
4982 this.resolve = resolve;
4983 this.reject = reject;
4984 });
4985 }
4987var sendMessageToMaster = (msg) => {
4988 if (cluster.isMaster) {
4989 throw new Error("Unable to send message to the master process: Already on the master process.");
4990 }
4991 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
4992 if (process.send === void 0) {
4993 throw new Error("Unable to send message to the master process: Missing `process.send()`.");
4994 }
4995 process.send(msg, (err) => err === null ? resolve() : reject(err));
4996 });
4998var sendMessageToWorker = (workerId, msg) => {
4999 if (!cluster.isMaster) {
5000 throw new Error("Unable to send message to worker process: Sender is not the master process.");
5001 }
5002 const worker = cluster.workers[workerId];
5003 if (worker === void 0 || worker.isDead() || !worker.isConnected()) {
5004 throw new Error("Unable to send message to worker process: Recipient does not exist or has disconnected.");
5005 }
5006 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
5007 worker.send(msg, (err) => err === null ? resolve() : reject(err));
5008 });
5011// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/writing/package_json_updater.mjs
5012var PackageJsonUpdate = class {
5013 constructor(writeChangesImpl) {
5014 this.writeChangesImpl = writeChangesImpl;
5015 this.changes = [];
5016 this.applied = false;
5017 }
5018 addChange(propertyPath, value, positioning = "unimportant") {
5019 this.ensureNotApplied();
5020 this.changes.push([propertyPath, value, positioning]);
5021 return this;
5022 }
5023 writeChanges(packageJsonPath, parsedJson) {
5024 this.ensureNotApplied();
5025 this.writeChangesImpl(this.changes, packageJsonPath, parsedJson);
5026 this.applied = true;
5027 }
5028 ensureNotApplied() {
5029 if (this.applied) {
5030 throw new Error("Trying to apply a `PackageJsonUpdate` that has already been applied.");
5031 }
5032 }
5034var DirectPackageJsonUpdater = class {
5035 constructor(fs) {
5036 this.fs = fs;
5037 }
5038 createUpdate() {
5039 return new PackageJsonUpdate((...args) => this.writeChanges(...args));
5040 }
5041 writeChanges(changes, packageJsonPath, preExistingParsedJson) {
5042 if (changes.length === 0) {
5043 throw new Error(`No changes to write to '${packageJsonPath}'.`);
5044 }
5045 const parsedJson = this.fs.exists(packageJsonPath) ? JSON.parse(this.fs.readFile(packageJsonPath)) : {};
5046 for (const [propPath, value, positioning] of changes) {
5047 if (propPath.length === 0) {
5048 throw new Error(`Missing property path for writing value to '${packageJsonPath}'.`);
5049 }
5050 applyChange(parsedJson, propPath, value, positioning);
5051 if (preExistingParsedJson) {
5052 applyChange(preExistingParsedJson, propPath, value, "unimportant");
5053 }
5054 }
5055 this.fs.ensureDir(dirname(packageJsonPath));
5056 this.fs.writeFile(packageJsonPath, `${JSON.stringify(parsedJson, null, 2)}
5058 }
5060function applyChange(ctx, propPath, value, positioning) {
5061 const lastPropIdx = propPath.length - 1;
5062 const lastProp = propPath[lastPropIdx];
5063 for (let i = 0; i < lastPropIdx; i++) {
5064 const key = propPath[i];
5065 const newCtx = ctx.hasOwnProperty(key) ? ctx[key] : ctx[key] = {};
5066 if (typeof newCtx !== "object" || newCtx === null || Array.isArray(newCtx)) {
5067 throw new Error(`Property path '${propPath.join(".")}' does not point to an object.`);
5068 }
5069 ctx = newCtx;
5070 }
5071 ctx[lastProp] = value;
5072 positionProperty(ctx, lastProp, positioning);
5074function movePropBefore(ctx, prop, isNextProp) {
5075 const allProps = Object.keys(ctx);
5076 const otherProps = allProps.filter((p) => p !== prop);
5077 const nextPropIdx = otherProps.findIndex(isNextProp);
5078 const propsToShift = nextPropIdx === -1 ? [] : otherProps.slice(nextPropIdx);
5079 movePropToEnd(ctx, prop);
5080 propsToShift.forEach((p) => movePropToEnd(ctx, p));
5082function movePropToEnd(ctx, prop) {
5083 const value = ctx[prop];
5084 delete ctx[prop];
5085 ctx[prop] = value;
5087function positionProperty(ctx, prop, positioning) {
5088 switch (positioning) {
5089 case "alphabetic":
5090 movePropBefore(ctx, prop, (p) => p > prop);
5091 break;
5092 case "unimportant":
5093 break;
5094 default:
5095 if (typeof positioning !== "object" || positioning.before === void 0) {
5096 throw new Error(`Unknown positioning (${JSON.stringify(positioning)}) for property '${prop}'.`);
5097 }
5098 movePropBefore(ctx, prop, (p) => p === positioning.before);
5099 break;
5100 }
5103export {
5104 isWildcardReexportStatement,
5105 isRequireCall,
5106 isRelativePath,
5107 resolveFileWithPostfixes,
5108 parseStatementForUmdModule,
5109 getImportsOfUmdModule,
5114 getEntryPointInfo,
5115 isEntryPoint,
5116 getEntryPointFormat,
5120 getPathMappingsFromTsConfig,
5121 DtsProcessing,
5122 stringifyTask,
5123 computeTaskDependencies,
5124 getBlockedTasks,
5125 sortTasksByPriority,
5126 Deferred,
5127 sendMessageToMaster,
5128 sendMessageToWorker,
5130 getCreateCompileFn,
5131 getSharedSetup,
5132 clearTsConfigCache,
5133 getMaxNumberOfWorkers,
5134 PackageJsonUpdate,
5135 DirectPackageJsonUpdater,
5136 applyChange
5139 * @license
5140 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
5141 *
5142 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
5143 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
5144 */
5145//# sourceMappingURL=chunk-D5CHHDFQ.js.map