296 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 import {createRequire as __cjsCompatRequire} from 'module';
3 const require = __cjsCompatRequire(import.meta.url);
4 const __ESM_IMPORT_META_URL__ = import.meta.url;
6import {
7 CompilationMode,
8 ComponentDecoratorHandler,
9 CompoundMetadataReader,
10 CompoundMetadataRegistry,
11 DirectiveDecoratorHandler,
12 DtsMetadataReader,
13 DtsTransformRegistry,
14 InjectableClassRegistry,
15 InjectableDecoratorHandler,
16 LocalMetadataRegistry,
17 NgModuleDecoratorHandler,
18 NoopReferencesRegistry,
19 PartialEvaluator,
20 PipeDecoratorHandler,
21 ResourceRegistry,
22 SemanticDepGraphUpdater,
23 TraitCompiler,
24 aliasTransformFactory,
25 declarationTransformFactory,
26 flattenInheritedDirectiveMetadata,
27 ivyTransformFactory
28} from "./chunk-KAJ5EOEG.js";
29import {
30 TypeScriptReflectionHost,
31 isNamedClassDeclaration
32} from "./chunk-Q5GIQ3RV.js";
33import {
34 AbsoluteModuleStrategy,
35 AliasStrategy,
37 DefaultImportTracker,
39 ErrorCode,
40 ExtendedTemplateDiagnosticName,
41 ImportFlags,
42 ImportManager,
43 LocalIdentifierStrategy,
44 LogicalProjectStrategy,
45 ModuleResolver,
46 NoopImportRewriter,
47 PrivateExportAliasingHost,
48 R3SymbolsImportRewriter,
49 Reference,
50 ReferenceEmitter,
51 RelativePathStrategy,
52 UnifiedModulesAliasingHost,
53 UnifiedModulesStrategy,
54 assertSuccessfulReferenceEmit,
55 getRootDirs,
56 getSourceFileOrNull,
57 getTokenAtPosition,
58 identifierOfNode,
59 isAssignment,
60 isDtsPath,
61 isNonDeclarationTsPath,
62 isSymbolWithValueDeclaration,
63 makeDiagnostic,
64 makeRelatedInformation,
65 ngErrorCode,
66 nodeNameForError,
67 normalizeSeparators,
68 relativePathBetween,
69 replaceTsWithNgInErrors,
70 toUnredirectedSourceFile,
71 translateExpression,
72 translateType
73} from "./chunk-WXB5AWIG.js";
74import {
75 LogicalFileSystem,
76 absoluteFrom,
77 absoluteFromSourceFile,
78 basename,
79 dirname,
80 getFileSystem,
81 getSourceFileOrError,
82 join,
83 resolve
84} from "./chunk-CLV7JFJQ.js";
85import {
86 ActivePerfRecorder,
87 DelegatingPerfRecorder,
88 PerfCheckpoint,
89 PerfEvent,
90 PerfPhase
91} from "./chunk-R4NY3TJC.js";
92import {
93 __spreadProps,
94 __spreadValues
95} from "./chunk-GMSUYBZP.js";
97// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/api.mjs
100var SOURCE = "angular";
101function isTsDiagnostic(diagnostic) {
102 return diagnostic != null && diagnostic.source !== "angular";
104var EmitFlags;
105(function(EmitFlags2) {
106 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["DTS"] = 1] = "DTS";
107 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["JS"] = 2] = "JS";
108 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["Metadata"] = 4] = "Metadata";
109 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["I18nBundle"] = 8] = "I18nBundle";
110 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["Codegen"] = 16] = "Codegen";
111 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["Default"] = 19] = "Default";
112 EmitFlags2[EmitFlags2["All"] = 31] = "All";
113})(EmitFlags || (EmitFlags = {}));
115// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/compiler_host.mjs
116import ts from "typescript";
117var wrapHostForTest = null;
118function createCompilerHost({ options, tsHost = ts.createCompilerHost(options, true) }) {
119 if (wrapHostForTest !== null) {
120 tsHost = wrapHostForTest(tsHost);
121 }
122 return tsHost;
125// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api/checker.mjs
126var OptimizeFor;
127(function(OptimizeFor2) {
128 OptimizeFor2[OptimizeFor2["SingleFile"] = 0] = "SingleFile";
129 OptimizeFor2[OptimizeFor2["WholeProgram"] = 1] = "WholeProgram";
130})(OptimizeFor || (OptimizeFor = {}));
132// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api/completion.mjs
133var CompletionKind;
134(function(CompletionKind2) {
135 CompletionKind2[CompletionKind2["Reference"] = 0] = "Reference";
136 CompletionKind2[CompletionKind2["Variable"] = 1] = "Variable";
137})(CompletionKind || (CompletionKind = {}));
139// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api/symbols.mjs
140var SymbolKind;
141(function(SymbolKind2) {
142 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Input"] = 0] = "Input";
143 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Output"] = 1] = "Output";
144 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Binding"] = 2] = "Binding";
145 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Reference"] = 3] = "Reference";
146 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Variable"] = 4] = "Variable";
147 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Directive"] = 5] = "Directive";
148 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Element"] = 6] = "Element";
149 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Template"] = 7] = "Template";
150 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Expression"] = 8] = "Expression";
151 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["DomBinding"] = 9] = "DomBinding";
152 SymbolKind2[SymbolKind2["Pipe"] = 10] = "Pipe";
153})(SymbolKind || (SymbolKind = {}));
155// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/program.mjs
156import { HtmlParser, MessageBundle } from "@angular/compiler";
157import ts35 from "typescript";
159// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/i18n.mjs
160import { Xliff, Xliff2, Xmb } from "@angular/compiler";
161import * as path from "path";
162function i18nGetExtension(formatName) {
163 const format = formatName.toLowerCase();
164 switch (format) {
165 case "xmb":
166 return "xmb";
167 case "xlf":
168 case "xlif":
169 case "xliff":
170 case "xlf2":
171 case "xliff2":
172 return "xlf";
173 }
174 throw new Error(`Unsupported format "${formatName}"`);
176function i18nExtract(formatName, outFile, host, options, bundle, pathResolve = path.resolve) {
177 formatName = formatName || "xlf";
178 const ext = i18nGetExtension(formatName);
179 const content = i18nSerialize(bundle, formatName, options);
180 const dstFile = outFile || `messages.${ext}`;
181 const dstPath = pathResolve(options.outDir || options.basePath, dstFile);
182 host.writeFile(dstPath, content, false, void 0, []);
183 return [dstPath];
185function i18nSerialize(bundle, formatName, options) {
186 const format = formatName.toLowerCase();
187 let serializer;
188 switch (format) {
189 case "xmb":
190 serializer = new Xmb();
191 break;
192 case "xliff2":
193 case "xlf2":
194 serializer = new Xliff2();
195 break;
196 case "xlf":
197 case "xliff":
198 default:
199 serializer = new Xliff();
200 }
201 return bundle.write(serializer, getPathNormalizer(options.basePath));
203function getPathNormalizer(basePath) {
204 return (sourcePath) => {
205 sourcePath = basePath ? path.relative(basePath, sourcePath) : sourcePath;
206 return sourcePath.split(path.sep).join("/");
207 };
210// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/typescript_support.mjs
211import ts2 from "typescript";
213// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/version_helpers.mjs
214function toNumbers(value) {
215 const suffixIndex = value.lastIndexOf("-");
216 return value.slice(0, suffixIndex === -1 ? value.length : suffixIndex).split(".").map((segment) => {
217 const parsed = parseInt(segment, 10);
218 if (isNaN(parsed)) {
219 throw Error(`Unable to parse version string ${value}.`);
220 }
221 return parsed;
222 });
224function compareNumbers(a, b) {
225 const max = Math.max(a.length, b.length);
226 const min = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
227 for (let i = 0; i < min; i++) {
228 if (a[i] > b[i])
229 return 1;
230 if (a[i] < b[i])
231 return -1;
232 }
233 if (min !== max) {
234 const longestArray = a.length === max ? a : b;
235 const comparisonResult = a.length === max ? 1 : -1;
236 for (let i = min; i < max; i++) {
237 if (longestArray[i] > 0) {
238 return comparisonResult;
239 }
240 }
241 }
242 return 0;
244function compareVersions(v1, v2) {
245 return compareNumbers(toNumbers(v1), toNumbers(v2));
248// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/typescript_support.mjs
249var MIN_TS_VERSION = "4.4.2";
250var MAX_TS_VERSION = "4.7.0";
251var tsVersion = ts2.version;
252function checkVersion(version, minVersion, maxVersion) {
253 if (compareVersions(version, minVersion) < 0 || compareVersions(version, maxVersion) >= 0) {
254 throw new Error(`The Angular Compiler requires TypeScript >=${minVersion} and <${maxVersion} but ${version} was found instead.`);
255 }
257function verifySupportedTypeScriptVersion() {
258 checkVersion(tsVersion, MIN_TS_VERSION, MAX_TS_VERSION);
261// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core/src/compiler.mjs
262import ts33 from "typescript";
264// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/cycles/src/analyzer.mjs
265var CycleAnalyzer = class {
266 constructor(importGraph) {
267 this.importGraph = importGraph;
268 this.cachedResults = null;
269 }
270 wouldCreateCycle(from, to) {
271 if (this.cachedResults === null || this.cachedResults.from !== from) {
272 this.cachedResults = new CycleResults(from, this.importGraph);
273 }
274 return this.cachedResults.wouldBeCyclic(to) ? new Cycle(this.importGraph, from, to) : null;
275 }
276 recordSyntheticImport(from, to) {
277 this.cachedResults = null;
278 this.importGraph.addSyntheticImport(from, to);
279 }
281var NgCyclicResult = Symbol("NgCyclicResult");
282var CycleResults = class {
283 constructor(from, importGraph) {
284 this.from = from;
285 this.importGraph = importGraph;
286 this.cyclic = {};
287 this.acyclic = {};
288 }
289 wouldBeCyclic(sf) {
290 const cached = this.getCachedResult(sf);
291 if (cached !== null) {
292 return cached;
293 }
294 if (sf === this.from) {
295 return true;
296 }
297 this.markAcyclic(sf);
298 const imports = this.importGraph.importsOf(sf);
299 for (const imported of imports) {
300 if (this.wouldBeCyclic(imported)) {
301 this.markCyclic(sf);
302 return true;
303 }
304 }
305 return false;
306 }
307 getCachedResult(sf) {
308 const result = sf[NgCyclicResult];
309 if (result === this.cyclic) {
310 return true;
311 } else if (result === this.acyclic) {
312 return false;
313 } else {
314 return null;
315 }
316 }
317 markCyclic(sf) {
318 sf[NgCyclicResult] = this.cyclic;
319 }
320 markAcyclic(sf) {
321 sf[NgCyclicResult] = this.acyclic;
322 }
324var Cycle = class {
325 constructor(importGraph, from, to) {
326 this.importGraph = importGraph;
327 this.from = from;
328 this.to = to;
329 }
330 getPath() {
331 return [this.from, ...this.importGraph.findPath(this.to, this.from)];
332 }
335// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/cycles/src/imports.mjs
336import ts3 from "typescript";
337var ImportGraph = class {
338 constructor(checker, perf) {
339 this.checker = checker;
340 this.perf = perf;
341 this.imports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
342 }
343 importsOf(sf) {
344 if (!this.imports.has(sf)) {
345 this.imports.set(sf, this.scanImports(sf));
346 }
347 return this.imports.get(sf);
348 }
349 findPath(start, end) {
350 if (start === end) {
351 return [start];
352 }
353 const found = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([start]);
354 const queue = [new Found(start, null)];
355 while (queue.length > 0) {
356 const current = queue.shift();
357 const imports = this.importsOf(current.sourceFile);
358 for (const importedFile of imports) {
359 if (!found.has(importedFile)) {
360 const next = new Found(importedFile, current);
361 if (next.sourceFile === end) {
362 return next.toPath();
363 }
364 found.add(importedFile);
365 queue.push(next);
366 }
367 }
368 }
369 return null;
370 }
371 addSyntheticImport(sf, imported) {
372 if (isLocalFile(imported)) {
373 this.importsOf(sf).add(imported);
374 }
375 }
376 scanImports(sf) {
377 return this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.CycleDetection, () => {
378 const imports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
379 for (const stmt of sf.statements) {
380 if (!ts3.isImportDeclaration(stmt) && !ts3.isExportDeclaration(stmt) || stmt.moduleSpecifier === void 0) {
381 continue;
382 }
383 if (ts3.isImportDeclaration(stmt) && stmt.importClause !== void 0 && isTypeOnlyImportClause(stmt.importClause)) {
384 continue;
385 }
386 const symbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(stmt.moduleSpecifier);
387 if (symbol === void 0 || symbol.valueDeclaration === void 0) {
388 continue;
389 }
390 const moduleFile = symbol.valueDeclaration;
391 if (ts3.isSourceFile(moduleFile) && isLocalFile(moduleFile)) {
392 imports.add(moduleFile);
393 }
394 }
395 return imports;
396 });
397 }
399function isLocalFile(sf) {
400 return !sf.isDeclarationFile;
402function isTypeOnlyImportClause(node) {
403 if (node.isTypeOnly) {
404 return true;
405 }
406 if (node.namedBindings !== void 0 && ts3.isNamedImports(node.namedBindings) && node.namedBindings.elements.every((specifier) => specifier.isTypeOnly)) {
407 return true;
408 }
409 return false;
411var Found = class {
412 constructor(sourceFile, parent) {
413 this.sourceFile = sourceFile;
414 this.parent = parent;
415 }
416 toPath() {
417 const array = [];
418 let current = this;
419 while (current !== null) {
420 array.push(current.sourceFile);
421 current = current.parent;
422 }
423 return array.reverse();
424 }
427// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/entry_point/src/generator.mjs
428import ts4 from "typescript";
429var FlatIndexGenerator = class {
430 constructor(entryPoint, relativeFlatIndexPath, moduleName) {
431 this.entryPoint = entryPoint;
432 this.moduleName = moduleName;
433 this.shouldEmit = true;
434 this.flatIndexPath = join(dirname(entryPoint), relativeFlatIndexPath).replace(/\.js$/, "") + ".ts";
435 }
436 makeTopLevelShim() {
437 const relativeEntryPoint = relativePathBetween(this.flatIndexPath, this.entryPoint);
438 const contents = `/**
439 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
440 */
442export * from '${relativeEntryPoint}';
444 const genFile = ts4.createSourceFile(this.flatIndexPath, contents, ts4.ScriptTarget.ES2015, true, ts4.ScriptKind.TS);
445 if (this.moduleName !== null) {
446 genFile.moduleName = this.moduleName;
447 }
448 return genFile;
449 }
452// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/entry_point/src/logic.mjs
453function findFlatIndexEntryPoint(rootFiles) {
454 const tsFiles = rootFiles.filter((file) => isNonDeclarationTsPath(file));
455 let resolvedEntryPoint = null;
456 if (tsFiles.length === 1) {
457 resolvedEntryPoint = tsFiles[0];
458 } else {
459 for (const tsFile of tsFiles) {
460 if (getFileSystem().basename(tsFile) === "index.ts" && (resolvedEntryPoint === null || tsFile.length <= resolvedEntryPoint.length)) {
461 resolvedEntryPoint = tsFile;
462 }
463 }
464 }
465 return resolvedEntryPoint;
468// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/entry_point/src/private_export_checker.mjs
469import ts5 from "typescript";
470function checkForPrivateExports(entryPoint, checker, refGraph) {
471 const diagnostics = [];
472 const topLevelExports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
473 const moduleSymbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(entryPoint);
474 if (moduleSymbol === void 0) {
475 throw new Error(`Internal error: failed to get symbol for entrypoint`);
476 }
477 const exportedSymbols = checker.getExportsOfModule(moduleSymbol);
478 exportedSymbols.forEach((symbol) => {
479 if (symbol.flags & ts5.SymbolFlags.Alias) {
480 symbol = checker.getAliasedSymbol(symbol);
481 }
482 const decl = symbol.valueDeclaration;
483 if (decl !== void 0) {
484 topLevelExports.add(decl);
485 }
486 });
487 const checkedSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
488 topLevelExports.forEach((mainExport) => {
489 refGraph.transitiveReferencesOf(mainExport).forEach((transitiveReference) => {
490 if (checkedSet.has(transitiveReference)) {
491 return;
492 }
493 checkedSet.add(transitiveReference);
494 if (!topLevelExports.has(transitiveReference)) {
495 const descriptor = getDescriptorOfDeclaration(transitiveReference);
496 const name = getNameOfDeclaration(transitiveReference);
497 let visibleVia = "NgModule exports";
498 const transitivePath = refGraph.pathFrom(mainExport, transitiveReference);
499 if (transitivePath !== null) {
500 visibleVia = transitivePath.map((seg) => getNameOfDeclaration(seg)).join(" -> ");
501 }
502 const diagnostic = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({
503 category: ts5.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
504 code: ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.SYMBOL_NOT_EXPORTED),
505 file: transitiveReference.getSourceFile()
506 }, getPosOfDeclaration(transitiveReference)), {
507 messageText: `Unsupported private ${descriptor} ${name}. This ${descriptor} is visible to consumers via ${visibleVia}, but is not exported from the top-level library entrypoint.`
508 });
509 diagnostics.push(diagnostic);
510 }
511 });
512 });
513 return diagnostics;
515function getPosOfDeclaration(decl) {
516 const node = getIdentifierOfDeclaration(decl) || decl;
517 return {
518 start: node.getStart(),
519 length: node.getEnd() + 1 - node.getStart()
520 };
522function getIdentifierOfDeclaration(decl) {
523 if ((ts5.isClassDeclaration(decl) || ts5.isVariableDeclaration(decl) || ts5.isFunctionDeclaration(decl)) && decl.name !== void 0 && ts5.isIdentifier(decl.name)) {
524 return decl.name;
525 } else {
526 return null;
527 }
529function getNameOfDeclaration(decl) {
530 const id = getIdentifierOfDeclaration(decl);
531 return id !== null ? id.text : "(unnamed)";
533function getDescriptorOfDeclaration(decl) {
534 switch (decl.kind) {
535 case ts5.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
536 return "class";
537 case ts5.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
538 return "function";
539 case ts5.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
540 return "variable";
541 case ts5.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
542 return "enum";
543 default:
544 return "declaration";
545 }
548// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/entry_point/src/reference_graph.mjs
549var ReferenceGraph = class {
550 constructor() {
551 this.references = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
552 }
553 add(from, to) {
554 if (!this.references.has(from)) {
555 this.references.set(from, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
556 }
557 this.references.get(from).add(to);
558 }
559 transitiveReferencesOf(target) {
560 const set = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
561 this.collectTransitiveReferences(set, target);
562 return set;
563 }
564 pathFrom(source, target) {
565 return this.collectPathFrom(source, target, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
566 }
567 collectPathFrom(source, target, seen) {
568 if (source === target) {
569 return [target];
570 } else if (seen.has(source)) {
571 return null;
572 }
573 seen.add(source);
574 if (!this.references.has(source)) {
575 return null;
576 } else {
577 let candidatePath = null;
578 this.references.get(source).forEach((edge) => {
579 if (candidatePath !== null) {
580 return;
581 }
582 const partialPath = this.collectPathFrom(edge, target, seen);
583 if (partialPath !== null) {
584 candidatePath = [source, ...partialPath];
585 }
586 });
587 return candidatePath;
588 }
589 }
590 collectTransitiveReferences(set, decl) {
591 if (this.references.has(decl)) {
592 this.references.get(decl).forEach((ref) => {
593 if (!set.has(ref)) {
594 set.add(ref);
595 this.collectTransitiveReferences(set, ref);
596 }
597 });
598 }
599 }
602// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/program_driver/src/api.mjs
603var NgOriginalFile = Symbol("NgOriginalFile");
604var UpdateMode;
605(function(UpdateMode2) {
606 UpdateMode2[UpdateMode2["Complete"] = 0] = "Complete";
607 UpdateMode2[UpdateMode2["Incremental"] = 1] = "Incremental";
608})(UpdateMode || (UpdateMode = {}));
610// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/program_driver/src/ts_create_program_driver.mjs
611import ts9 from "typescript";
613// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/adapter.mjs
614import ts6 from "typescript";
616// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/expando.mjs
617var NgExtension = Symbol("NgExtension");
618function isExtended(sf) {
619 return sf[NgExtension] !== void 0;
621function sfExtensionData(sf) {
622 const extSf = sf;
623 if (extSf[NgExtension] !== void 0) {
624 return extSf[NgExtension];
625 }
626 const extension = {
627 isTopLevelShim: false,
628 fileShim: null,
629 originalReferencedFiles: null,
630 taggedReferenceFiles: null
631 };
632 extSf[NgExtension] = extension;
633 return extension;
635function isFileShimSourceFile(sf) {
636 return isExtended(sf) && sf[NgExtension].fileShim !== null;
638function isShim(sf) {
639 return isExtended(sf) && (sf[NgExtension].fileShim !== null || sf[NgExtension].isTopLevelShim);
641function copyFileShimData(from, to) {
642 if (!isFileShimSourceFile(from)) {
643 return;
644 }
645 sfExtensionData(to).fileShim = sfExtensionData(from).fileShim;
647function untagAllTsFiles(program) {
648 for (const sf of program.getSourceFiles()) {
649 untagTsFile(sf);
650 }
652function retagAllTsFiles(program) {
653 for (const sf of program.getSourceFiles()) {
654 retagTsFile(sf);
655 }
657function untagTsFile(sf) {
658 if (sf.isDeclarationFile || !isExtended(sf)) {
659 return;
660 }
661 const ext = sfExtensionData(sf);
662 if (ext.originalReferencedFiles !== null) {
663 sf.referencedFiles = ext.originalReferencedFiles;
664 }
666function retagTsFile(sf) {
667 if (sf.isDeclarationFile || !isExtended(sf)) {
668 return;
669 }
670 const ext = sfExtensionData(sf);
671 if (ext.taggedReferenceFiles !== null) {
672 sf.referencedFiles = ext.taggedReferenceFiles;
673 }
676// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/util.mjs
677var TS_EXTENSIONS = /\.tsx?$/i;
678function makeShimFileName(fileName, suffix) {
679 return absoluteFrom(fileName.replace(TS_EXTENSIONS, suffix));
681function generatedModuleName(originalModuleName, originalFileName, genSuffix) {
682 let moduleName;
683 if (originalFileName.endsWith("/index.ts")) {
684 moduleName = originalModuleName + "/index" + genSuffix;
685 } else {
686 moduleName = originalModuleName + genSuffix;
687 }
688 return moduleName;
691// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/adapter.mjs
692var ShimAdapter = class {
693 constructor(delegate, tsRootFiles, topLevelGenerators, perFileGenerators, oldProgram) {
694 this.delegate = delegate;
695 this.shims = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
696 this.priorShims = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
697 this.notShims = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
698 this.generators = [];
699 this.ignoreForEmit = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
700 this.extensionPrefixes = [];
701 for (const gen of perFileGenerators) {
702 const pattern = `^(.*)\\.${gen.extensionPrefix}\\.ts$`;
703 const regexp = new RegExp(pattern, "i");
704 this.generators.push({
705 generator: gen,
706 test: regexp,
707 suffix: `.${gen.extensionPrefix}.ts`
708 });
709 this.extensionPrefixes.push(gen.extensionPrefix);
710 }
711 const extraInputFiles = [];
712 for (const gen of topLevelGenerators) {
713 const sf = gen.makeTopLevelShim();
714 sfExtensionData(sf).isTopLevelShim = true;
715 if (!gen.shouldEmit) {
716 this.ignoreForEmit.add(sf);
717 }
718 const fileName = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
719 this.shims.set(fileName, sf);
720 extraInputFiles.push(fileName);
721 }
722 for (const rootFile of tsRootFiles) {
723 for (const gen of this.generators) {
724 extraInputFiles.push(makeShimFileName(rootFile, gen.suffix));
725 }
726 }
727 this.extraInputFiles = extraInputFiles;
728 if (oldProgram !== null) {
729 for (const oldSf of oldProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
730 if (oldSf.isDeclarationFile || !isFileShimSourceFile(oldSf)) {
731 continue;
732 }
733 this.priorShims.set(absoluteFromSourceFile(oldSf), oldSf);
734 }
735 }
736 }
737 maybeGenerate(fileName) {
738 if (this.notShims.has(fileName)) {
739 return null;
740 } else if (this.shims.has(fileName)) {
741 return this.shims.get(fileName);
742 }
743 if (isDtsPath(fileName)) {
744 this.notShims.add(fileName);
745 return null;
746 }
747 for (const record of this.generators) {
748 const match = record.test.exec(fileName);
749 if (match === null) {
750 continue;
751 }
752 const prefix = match[1];
753 let baseFileName = absoluteFrom(prefix + ".ts");
754 if (!this.delegate.fileExists(baseFileName)) {
755 baseFileName = absoluteFrom(prefix + ".tsx");
756 if (!this.delegate.fileExists(baseFileName)) {
757 return void 0;
758 }
759 }
760 const inputFile = this.delegate.getSourceFile(baseFileName, ts6.ScriptTarget.Latest);
761 if (inputFile === void 0 || isShim(inputFile)) {
762 return void 0;
763 }
764 return this.generateSpecific(fileName, record.generator, inputFile);
765 }
766 this.notShims.add(fileName);
767 return null;
768 }
769 generateSpecific(fileName, generator, inputFile) {
770 let priorShimSf = null;
771 if (this.priorShims.has(fileName)) {
772 priorShimSf = this.priorShims.get(fileName);
773 this.priorShims.delete(fileName);
774 }
775 const shimSf = generator.generateShimForFile(inputFile, fileName, priorShimSf);
776 sfExtensionData(shimSf).fileShim = {
777 extension: generator.extensionPrefix,
778 generatedFrom: absoluteFromSourceFile(inputFile)
779 };
780 if (!generator.shouldEmit) {
781 this.ignoreForEmit.add(shimSf);
782 }
783 this.shims.set(fileName, shimSf);
784 return shimSf;
785 }
788// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/factory_generator.mjs
789import ts7 from "typescript";
790var TS_DTS_SUFFIX = /(\.d)?\.ts$/;
791var STRIP_NG_FACTORY = /(.*)NgFactory$/;
792var FactoryGenerator = class {
793 constructor() {
794 this.sourceInfo = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
795 this.sourceToFactorySymbols = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
796 this.shouldEmit = true;
797 this.extensionPrefix = "ngfactory";
798 }
799 generateShimForFile(sf, genFilePath) {
800 const absoluteSfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
801 const relativePathToSource = "./" + basename(sf.fileName).replace(TS_DTS_SUFFIX, "");
802 const symbolNames = sf.statements.filter(ts7.isClassDeclaration).filter((decl) => isExported(decl) && decl.decorators !== void 0 && decl.name !== void 0).map((decl) => decl.name.text);
803 let sourceText = "";
804 const leadingComment = getFileoverviewComment(sf);
805 if (leadingComment !== null) {
806 sourceText = leadingComment + "\n\n";
807 }
808 if (symbolNames.length > 0) {
809 const varLines = symbolNames.map((name) => `export const ${name}NgFactory: i0.\u0275NgModuleFactory<any> = new i0.\u0275NgModuleFactory(${name});`);
810 sourceText += [
811 `import * as i0 from '@angular/core';`,
812 `import {${symbolNames.join(", ")}} from '${relativePathToSource}';`,
813 ...varLines
814 ].join("\n");
815 }
816 sourceText += "\nexport const \u0275NonEmptyModule = true;";
817 const genFile = ts7.createSourceFile(genFilePath, sourceText, sf.languageVersion, true, ts7.ScriptKind.TS);
818 if (sf.moduleName !== void 0) {
819 genFile.moduleName = generatedModuleName(sf.moduleName, sf.fileName, ".ngfactory");
820 }
821 const moduleSymbols = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
822 this.sourceToFactorySymbols.set(absoluteSfPath, moduleSymbols);
823 this.sourceInfo.set(genFilePath, {
824 sourceFilePath: absoluteSfPath,
825 moduleSymbols
826 });
827 return genFile;
828 }
829 track(sf, moduleInfo) {
830 if (this.sourceToFactorySymbols.has(sf.fileName)) {
831 this.sourceToFactorySymbols.get(sf.fileName).set(moduleInfo.name, moduleInfo);
832 }
833 }
835function isExported(decl) {
836 return decl.modifiers !== void 0 && decl.modifiers.some((mod) => mod.kind == ts7.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword);
838function generatedFactoryTransform(factoryMap, importRewriter) {
839 return (context) => {
840 return (file) => {
841 return transformFactorySourceFile(factoryMap, context, importRewriter, file);
842 };
843 };
845function transformFactorySourceFile(factoryMap, context, importRewriter, file) {
846 if (!factoryMap.has(file.fileName)) {
847 return file;
848 }
849 const { moduleSymbols, sourceFilePath } = factoryMap.get(file.fileName);
850 const transformedStatements = [];
851 let nonEmptyExport = null;
852 const coreImportIdentifiers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
853 for (const stmt of file.statements) {
854 if (ts7.isImportDeclaration(stmt) && ts7.isStringLiteral(stmt.moduleSpecifier) && stmt.moduleSpecifier.text === "@angular/core") {
855 const rewrittenModuleSpecifier = importRewriter.rewriteSpecifier("@angular/core", sourceFilePath);
856 if (rewrittenModuleSpecifier !== stmt.moduleSpecifier.text) {
857 transformedStatements.push(ts7.updateImportDeclaration(stmt, stmt.decorators, stmt.modifiers, stmt.importClause, ts7.createStringLiteral(rewrittenModuleSpecifier), void 0));
858 if (stmt.importClause !== void 0 && stmt.importClause.namedBindings !== void 0 && ts7.isNamespaceImport(stmt.importClause.namedBindings)) {
859 coreImportIdentifiers.add(stmt.importClause.namedBindings.name.text);
860 }
861 } else {
862 transformedStatements.push(stmt);
863 }
864 } else if (ts7.isVariableStatement(stmt) && stmt.declarationList.declarations.length === 1) {
865 const decl = stmt.declarationList.declarations[0];
866 if (ts7.isIdentifier(decl.name)) {
867 if (decl.name.text === "\u0275NonEmptyModule") {
868 nonEmptyExport = stmt;
869 continue;
870 }
871 const match = STRIP_NG_FACTORY.exec(decl.name.text);
872 const module = match ? moduleSymbols.get(match[1]) : null;
873 if (module) {
874 const moduleIsTreeShakable = !module.hasId;
875 const newStmt = !moduleIsTreeShakable ? stmt : updateInitializers(stmt, (init) => init ? wrapInNoSideEffects(init) : void 0);
876 transformedStatements.push(newStmt);
877 }
878 } else {
879 transformedStatements.push(stmt);
880 }
881 } else {
882 transformedStatements.push(stmt);
883 }
884 }
885 if (!transformedStatements.some(ts7.isVariableStatement) && nonEmptyExport !== null) {
886 transformedStatements.push(nonEmptyExport);
887 }
888 file = ts7.updateSourceFileNode(file, transformedStatements);
889 if (coreImportIdentifiers.size > 0) {
890 const visit = (node) => {
891 node = ts7.visitEachChild(node, (child) => visit(child), context);
892 if (ts7.isPropertyAccessExpression(node) && ts7.isIdentifier(node.expression) && coreImportIdentifiers.has(node.expression.text)) {
893 const rewrittenSymbol = importRewriter.rewriteSymbol(node.name.text, "@angular/core");
894 if (rewrittenSymbol !== node.name.text) {
895 const updated = ts7.updatePropertyAccess(node, node.expression, ts7.createIdentifier(rewrittenSymbol));
896 node = updated;
897 }
898 }
899 return node;
900 };
901 file = visit(file);
902 }
903 return file;
905function getFileoverviewComment(sourceFile) {
906 const text = sourceFile.getFullText();
907 const trivia = text.substring(0, sourceFile.getStart());
908 const leadingComments = ts7.getLeadingCommentRanges(trivia, 0);
909 if (!leadingComments || leadingComments.length === 0) {
910 return null;
911 }
912 const comment = leadingComments[0];
913 if (comment.kind !== ts7.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) {
914 return null;
915 }
916 if (text.substring(comment.end, comment.end + 2) !== "\n\n") {
917 return null;
918 }
919 const commentText = text.substring(comment.pos, comment.end);
920 if (commentText.indexOf("@license") !== -1) {
921 return null;
922 }
923 return commentText;
925function wrapInNoSideEffects(expr) {
926 const noSideEffects = ts7.createPropertyAccess(ts7.createIdentifier("i0"), "\u0275noSideEffects");
927 return ts7.createCall(noSideEffects, [], [
928 ts7.createFunctionExpression([], void 0, void 0, [], [], void 0, ts7.createBlock([
929 ts7.createReturn(expr)
930 ]))
931 ]);
933function updateInitializers(stmt, update) {
934 return ts7.updateVariableStatement(stmt, stmt.modifiers, ts7.updateVariableDeclarationList(stmt.declarationList, stmt.declarationList.declarations.map((decl) => ts7.updateVariableDeclaration(decl, decl.name, decl.type, update(decl.initializer)))));
937// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/reference_tagger.mjs
938var ShimReferenceTagger = class {
939 constructor(shimExtensions) {
940 this.tagged = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
941 this.enabled = true;
942 this.suffixes = shimExtensions.map((extension) => `.${extension}.ts`);
943 }
944 tag(sf) {
945 if (!this.enabled || sf.isDeclarationFile || isShim(sf) || this.tagged.has(sf) || !isNonDeclarationTsPath(sf.fileName)) {
946 return;
947 }
948 const ext = sfExtensionData(sf);
949 if (ext.originalReferencedFiles === null) {
950 ext.originalReferencedFiles = sf.referencedFiles;
951 }
952 const referencedFiles = [...ext.originalReferencedFiles];
953 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
954 for (const suffix of this.suffixes) {
955 referencedFiles.push({
956 fileName: makeShimFileName(sfPath, suffix),
957 pos: 0,
958 end: 0
959 });
960 }
961 ext.taggedReferenceFiles = referencedFiles;
962 sf.referencedFiles = referencedFiles;
963 this.tagged.add(sf);
964 }
965 finalize() {
966 this.enabled = false;
967 this.tagged.clear();
968 }
971// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/shims/src/summary_generator.mjs
972import ts8 from "typescript";
973var SummaryGenerator = class {
974 constructor() {
975 this.shouldEmit = true;
976 this.extensionPrefix = "ngsummary";
977 }
978 generateShimForFile(sf, genFilePath) {
979 const symbolNames = [];
980 for (const stmt of sf.statements) {
981 if (ts8.isClassDeclaration(stmt)) {
982 if (!isExported2(stmt) || stmt.decorators === void 0 || stmt.name === void 0) {
983 continue;
984 }
985 symbolNames.push(stmt.name.text);
986 } else if (ts8.isExportDeclaration(stmt)) {
987 if (stmt.exportClause === void 0 || stmt.moduleSpecifier !== void 0 || !ts8.isNamedExports(stmt.exportClause)) {
988 continue;
989 }
990 for (const specifier of stmt.exportClause.elements) {
991 symbolNames.push(specifier.name.text);
992 }
993 }
994 }
995 const varLines = symbolNames.map((name) => `export const ${name}NgSummary: any = null;`);
996 if (varLines.length === 0) {
997 varLines.push(`export const \u0275empty = null;`);
998 }
999 const sourceText = varLines.join("\n");
1000 const genFile = ts8.createSourceFile(genFilePath, sourceText, sf.languageVersion, true, ts8.ScriptKind.TS);
1001 if (sf.moduleName !== void 0) {
1002 genFile.moduleName = generatedModuleName(sf.moduleName, sf.fileName, ".ngsummary");
1003 }
1004 return genFile;
1005 }
1007function isExported2(decl) {
1008 return decl.modifiers !== void 0 && decl.modifiers.some((mod) => mod.kind == ts8.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword);
1011// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/program_driver/src/ts_create_program_driver.mjs
1012var DelegatingCompilerHost = class {
1013 constructor(delegate) {
1014 this.delegate = delegate;
1015 this.createHash = this.delegateMethod("createHash");
1016 this.directoryExists = this.delegateMethod("directoryExists");
1017 this.getCancellationToken = this.delegateMethod("getCancellationToken");
1018 this.getCanonicalFileName = this.delegateMethod("getCanonicalFileName");
1019 this.getCurrentDirectory = this.delegateMethod("getCurrentDirectory");
1020 this.getDefaultLibFileName = this.delegateMethod("getDefaultLibFileName");
1021 this.getDefaultLibLocation = this.delegateMethod("getDefaultLibLocation");
1022 this.getDirectories = this.delegateMethod("getDirectories");
1023 this.getEnvironmentVariable = this.delegateMethod("getEnvironmentVariable");
1024 this.getNewLine = this.delegateMethod("getNewLine");
1025 this.getParsedCommandLine = this.delegateMethod("getParsedCommandLine");
1026 this.getSourceFileByPath = this.delegateMethod("getSourceFileByPath");
1027 this.readDirectory = this.delegateMethod("readDirectory");
1028 this.readFile = this.delegateMethod("readFile");
1029 this.realpath = this.delegateMethod("realpath");
1030 this.resolveModuleNames = this.delegateMethod("resolveModuleNames");
1031 this.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives = this.delegateMethod("resolveTypeReferenceDirectives");
1032 this.trace = this.delegateMethod("trace");
1033 this.useCaseSensitiveFileNames = this.delegateMethod("useCaseSensitiveFileNames");
1034 this.getModuleResolutionCache = this.delegateMethod("getModuleResolutionCache");
1035 }
1036 delegateMethod(name) {
1037 return this.delegate[name] !== void 0 ? this.delegate[name].bind(this.delegate) : void 0;
1038 }
1040var UpdatedProgramHost = class extends DelegatingCompilerHost {
1041 constructor(sfMap, originalProgram, delegate, shimExtensionPrefixes) {
1042 super(delegate);
1043 this.originalProgram = originalProgram;
1044 this.shimExtensionPrefixes = shimExtensionPrefixes;
1045 this.shimTagger = new ShimReferenceTagger(this.shimExtensionPrefixes);
1046 this.sfMap = sfMap;
1047 }
1048 getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError, shouldCreateNewSourceFile) {
1049 let delegateSf = this.originalProgram.getSourceFile(fileName);
1050 if (delegateSf === void 0) {
1051 delegateSf = this.delegate.getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError, shouldCreateNewSourceFile);
1052 }
1053 if (delegateSf === void 0) {
1054 return void 0;
1055 }
1056 let sf;
1057 if (this.sfMap.has(fileName)) {
1058 sf = this.sfMap.get(fileName);
1059 copyFileShimData(delegateSf, sf);
1060 } else {
1061 sf = delegateSf;
1062 }
1063 sf = toUnredirectedSourceFile(sf);
1064 this.shimTagger.tag(sf);
1065 return sf;
1066 }
1067 postProgramCreationCleanup() {
1068 this.shimTagger.finalize();
1069 }
1070 writeFile() {
1071 throw new Error(`TypeCheckProgramHost should never write files`);
1072 }
1073 fileExists(fileName) {
1074 return this.sfMap.has(fileName) || this.delegate.fileExists(fileName);
1075 }
1077var TsCreateProgramDriver = class {
1078 constructor(originalProgram, originalHost, options, shimExtensionPrefixes) {
1079 this.originalProgram = originalProgram;
1080 this.originalHost = originalHost;
1081 this.options = options;
1082 this.shimExtensionPrefixes = shimExtensionPrefixes;
1083 this.sfMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1084 this.program = this.originalProgram;
1085 this.supportsInlineOperations = true;
1086 }
1087 getProgram() {
1088 return this.program;
1089 }
1090 updateFiles(contents, updateMode) {
1091 if (contents.size === 0) {
1092 if (updateMode !== UpdateMode.Complete || this.sfMap.size === 0) {
1093 return;
1094 }
1095 }
1096 if (updateMode === UpdateMode.Complete) {
1097 this.sfMap.clear();
1098 }
1099 for (const [filePath, { newText, originalFile }] of contents.entries()) {
1100 const sf = ts9.createSourceFile(filePath, newText, ts9.ScriptTarget.Latest, true);
1101 if (originalFile !== null) {
1102 sf[NgOriginalFile] = originalFile;
1103 }
1104 this.sfMap.set(filePath, sf);
1105 }
1106 const host = new UpdatedProgramHost(this.sfMap, this.originalProgram, this.originalHost, this.shimExtensionPrefixes);
1107 const oldProgram = this.program;
1108 retagAllTsFiles(oldProgram);
1109 this.program = ts9.createProgram({
1110 host,
1111 rootNames: this.program.getRootFileNames(),
1112 options: this.options,
1113 oldProgram
1114 });
1115 host.postProgramCreationCleanup();
1116 untagAllTsFiles(this.program);
1117 untagAllTsFiles(oldProgram);
1118 }
1121// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/src/dependency_tracking.mjs
1122var FileDependencyGraph = class {
1123 constructor() {
1124 this.nodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1125 }
1126 addDependency(from, on) {
1127 this.nodeFor(from).dependsOn.add(absoluteFromSourceFile(on));
1128 }
1129 addResourceDependency(from, resource) {
1130 this.nodeFor(from).usesResources.add(resource);
1131 }
1132 recordDependencyAnalysisFailure(file) {
1133 this.nodeFor(file).failedAnalysis = true;
1134 }
1135 getResourceDependencies(from) {
1136 const node = this.nodes.get(from);
1137 return node ? [...node.usesResources] : [];
1138 }
1139 updateWithPhysicalChanges(previous, changedTsPaths, deletedTsPaths, changedResources) {
1140 const logicallyChanged = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
1141 for (const sf of previous.nodes.keys()) {
1142 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
1143 const node = previous.nodeFor(sf);
1144 if (isLogicallyChanged(sf, node, changedTsPaths, deletedTsPaths, changedResources)) {
1145 logicallyChanged.add(sfPath);
1146 } else if (!deletedTsPaths.has(sfPath)) {
1147 this.nodes.set(sf, {
1148 dependsOn: new Set(node.dependsOn),
1149 usesResources: new Set(node.usesResources),
1150 failedAnalysis: false
1151 });
1152 }
1153 }
1154 return logicallyChanged;
1155 }
1156 nodeFor(sf) {
1157 if (!this.nodes.has(sf)) {
1158 this.nodes.set(sf, {
1159 dependsOn: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
1160 usesResources: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
1161 failedAnalysis: false
1162 });
1163 }
1164 return this.nodes.get(sf);
1165 }
1167function isLogicallyChanged(sf, node, changedTsPaths, deletedTsPaths, changedResources) {
1168 if (node.failedAnalysis) {
1169 return true;
1170 }
1171 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
1172 if (changedTsPaths.has(sfPath) || deletedTsPaths.has(sfPath)) {
1173 return true;
1174 }
1175 for (const dep of node.dependsOn) {
1176 if (changedTsPaths.has(dep) || deletedTsPaths.has(dep)) {
1177 return true;
1178 }
1179 }
1180 for (const dep of node.usesResources) {
1181 if (changedResources.has(dep)) {
1182 return true;
1183 }
1184 }
1185 return false;
1188// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/src/state.mjs
1189var IncrementalStateKind;
1190(function(IncrementalStateKind2) {
1191 IncrementalStateKind2[IncrementalStateKind2["Fresh"] = 0] = "Fresh";
1192 IncrementalStateKind2[IncrementalStateKind2["Delta"] = 1] = "Delta";
1193 IncrementalStateKind2[IncrementalStateKind2["Analyzed"] = 2] = "Analyzed";
1194})(IncrementalStateKind || (IncrementalStateKind = {}));
1196// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/src/incremental.mjs
1197var PhaseKind;
1198(function(PhaseKind2) {
1199 PhaseKind2[PhaseKind2["Analysis"] = 0] = "Analysis";
1200 PhaseKind2[PhaseKind2["TypeCheckAndEmit"] = 1] = "TypeCheckAndEmit";
1201})(PhaseKind || (PhaseKind = {}));
1202var IncrementalCompilation = class {
1203 constructor(state, depGraph, versions, step) {
1204 this.depGraph = depGraph;
1205 this.versions = versions;
1206 this.step = step;
1207 this._state = state;
1208 this.phase = {
1209 kind: PhaseKind.Analysis,
1210 semanticDepGraphUpdater: new SemanticDepGraphUpdater(step !== null ? step.priorState.semanticDepGraph : null)
1211 };
1212 }
1213 static fresh(program, versions) {
1214 const state = {
1215 kind: IncrementalStateKind.Fresh
1216 };
1217 return new IncrementalCompilation(state, new FileDependencyGraph(), versions, null);
1218 }
1219 static incremental(program, newVersions, oldProgram, oldState, modifiedResourceFiles, perf) {
1220 return perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.Reconciliation, () => {
1221 const physicallyChangedTsFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
1222 const changedResourceFiles = new Set(modifiedResourceFiles != null ? modifiedResourceFiles : []);
1223 let priorAnalysis;
1224 switch (oldState.kind) {
1225 case IncrementalStateKind.Fresh:
1226 return IncrementalCompilation.fresh(program, newVersions);
1227 case IncrementalStateKind.Analyzed:
1228 priorAnalysis = oldState;
1229 break;
1230 case IncrementalStateKind.Delta:
1231 priorAnalysis = oldState.lastAnalyzedState;
1232 for (const sfPath of oldState.physicallyChangedTsFiles) {
1233 physicallyChangedTsFiles.add(sfPath);
1234 }
1235 for (const resourcePath of oldState.changedResourceFiles) {
1236 changedResourceFiles.add(resourcePath);
1237 }
1238 break;
1239 }
1240 const oldVersions = priorAnalysis.versions;
1241 const oldFilesArray = oldProgram.getSourceFiles().map(toOriginalSourceFile);
1242 const oldFiles = new Set(oldFilesArray);
1243 const deletedTsFiles = new Set(oldFilesArray.map((sf) => absoluteFromSourceFile(sf)));
1244 for (const possiblyRedirectedNewFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
1245 const sf = toOriginalSourceFile(possiblyRedirectedNewFile);
1246 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
1247 deletedTsFiles.delete(sfPath);
1248 if (oldFiles.has(sf)) {
1249 if (oldVersions === null || newVersions === null) {
1250 continue;
1251 }
1252 if (oldVersions.has(sfPath) && newVersions.has(sfPath) && oldVersions.get(sfPath) === newVersions.get(sfPath)) {
1253 continue;
1254 }
1255 }
1256 if (sf.isDeclarationFile) {
1257 return IncrementalCompilation.fresh(program, newVersions);
1258 }
1259 physicallyChangedTsFiles.add(sfPath);
1260 }
1261 for (const deletedFileName of deletedTsFiles) {
1262 physicallyChangedTsFiles.delete(resolve(deletedFileName));
1263 }
1264 const depGraph = new FileDependencyGraph();
1265 const logicallyChangedTsFiles = depGraph.updateWithPhysicalChanges(priorAnalysis.depGraph, physicallyChangedTsFiles, deletedTsFiles, changedResourceFiles);
1266 for (const sfPath of physicallyChangedTsFiles) {
1267 logicallyChangedTsFiles.add(sfPath);
1268 }
1269 const state = {
1270 kind: IncrementalStateKind.Delta,
1271 physicallyChangedTsFiles,
1272 changedResourceFiles,
1273 lastAnalyzedState: priorAnalysis
1274 };
1275 return new IncrementalCompilation(state, depGraph, newVersions, {
1276 priorState: priorAnalysis,
1277 logicallyChangedTsFiles
1278 });
1279 });
1280 }
1281 get state() {
1282 return this._state;
1283 }
1284 get semanticDepGraphUpdater() {
1285 if (this.phase.kind !== PhaseKind.Analysis) {
1286 throw new Error(`AssertionError: Cannot update the SemanticDepGraph after analysis completes`);
1287 }
1288 return this.phase.semanticDepGraphUpdater;
1289 }
1290 recordSuccessfulAnalysis(traitCompiler) {
1291 if (this.phase.kind !== PhaseKind.Analysis) {
1292 throw new Error(`AssertionError: Incremental compilation in phase ${PhaseKind[this.phase.kind]}, expected Analysis`);
1293 }
1294 const { needsEmit, needsTypeCheckEmit, newGraph } = this.phase.semanticDepGraphUpdater.finalize();
1295 let emitted;
1296 if (this.step === null) {
1297 emitted = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
1298 } else {
1299 emitted = new Set(this.step.priorState.emitted);
1300 for (const sfPath of this.step.logicallyChangedTsFiles) {
1301 emitted.delete(sfPath);
1302 }
1303 for (const sfPath of needsEmit) {
1304 emitted.delete(sfPath);
1305 }
1306 }
1307 this._state = {
1308 kind: IncrementalStateKind.Analyzed,
1309 versions: this.versions,
1310 depGraph: this.depGraph,
1311 semanticDepGraph: newGraph,
1312 priorAnalysis: traitCompiler.getAnalyzedRecords(),
1313 typeCheckResults: null,
1314 emitted
1315 };
1316 this.phase = {
1317 kind: PhaseKind.TypeCheckAndEmit,
1318 needsEmit,
1319 needsTypeCheckEmit
1320 };
1321 }
1322 recordSuccessfulTypeCheck(results) {
1323 if (this._state.kind !== IncrementalStateKind.Analyzed) {
1324 throw new Error(`AssertionError: Expected successfully analyzed compilation.`);
1325 } else if (this.phase.kind !== PhaseKind.TypeCheckAndEmit) {
1326 throw new Error(`AssertionError: Incremental compilation in phase ${PhaseKind[this.phase.kind]}, expected TypeCheck`);
1327 }
1328 this._state.typeCheckResults = results;
1329 }
1330 recordSuccessfulEmit(sf) {
1331 if (this._state.kind !== IncrementalStateKind.Analyzed) {
1332 throw new Error(`AssertionError: Expected successfully analyzed compilation.`);
1333 }
1334 this._state.emitted.add(absoluteFromSourceFile(sf));
1335 }
1336 priorAnalysisFor(sf) {
1337 if (this.step === null) {
1338 return null;
1339 }
1340 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
1341 if (this.step.logicallyChangedTsFiles.has(sfPath)) {
1342 return null;
1343 }
1344 const priorAnalysis = this.step.priorState.priorAnalysis;
1345 if (!priorAnalysis.has(sf)) {
1346 return null;
1347 }
1348 return priorAnalysis.get(sf);
1349 }
1350 priorTypeCheckingResultsFor(sf) {
1351 if (this.phase.kind !== PhaseKind.TypeCheckAndEmit) {
1352 throw new Error(`AssertionError: Expected successfully analyzed compilation.`);
1353 }
1354 if (this.step === null) {
1355 return null;
1356 }
1357 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
1358 if (this.step.logicallyChangedTsFiles.has(sfPath) || this.phase.needsTypeCheckEmit.has(sfPath)) {
1359 return null;
1360 }
1361 if (this.step.priorState.typeCheckResults === null || !this.step.priorState.typeCheckResults.has(sfPath)) {
1362 return null;
1363 }
1364 const priorResults = this.step.priorState.typeCheckResults.get(sfPath);
1365 if (priorResults.hasInlines) {
1366 return null;
1367 }
1368 return priorResults;
1369 }
1370 safeToSkipEmit(sf) {
1371 if (this.step === null) {
1372 return false;
1373 }
1374 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
1375 if (this.step.logicallyChangedTsFiles.has(sfPath)) {
1376 return false;
1377 }
1378 if (this.phase.kind !== PhaseKind.TypeCheckAndEmit) {
1379 throw new Error(`AssertionError: Expected successful analysis before attempting to emit files`);
1380 }
1381 if (this.phase.needsEmit.has(sfPath)) {
1382 return false;
1383 }
1384 return this.step.priorState.emitted.has(sfPath);
1385 }
1387function toOriginalSourceFile(sf) {
1388 const unredirectedSf = toUnredirectedSourceFile(sf);
1389 const originalFile = unredirectedSf[NgOriginalFile];
1390 if (originalFile !== void 0) {
1391 return originalFile;
1392 } else {
1393 return unredirectedSf;
1394 }
1397// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/incremental/src/strategy.mjs
1398var TrackedIncrementalBuildStrategy = class {
1399 constructor() {
1400 this.state = null;
1401 this.isSet = false;
1402 }
1403 getIncrementalState() {
1404 return this.state;
1405 }
1406 setIncrementalState(state) {
1407 this.state = state;
1408 this.isSet = true;
1409 }
1410 toNextBuildStrategy() {
1411 const strategy = new TrackedIncrementalBuildStrategy();
1412 strategy.state = this.isSet ? this.state : null;
1413 return strategy;
1414 }
1416var PatchedProgramIncrementalBuildStrategy = class {
1417 getIncrementalState(program) {
1418 const state = program[SYM_INCREMENTAL_STATE];
1419 if (state === void 0) {
1420 return null;
1421 }
1422 return state;
1423 }
1424 setIncrementalState(state, program) {
1425 program[SYM_INCREMENTAL_STATE] = state;
1426 }
1427 toNextBuildStrategy() {
1428 return this;
1429 }
1431var SYM_INCREMENTAL_STATE = Symbol("NgIncrementalState");
1433// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/indexer/src/api.mjs
1434var IdentifierKind;
1435(function(IdentifierKind2) {
1436 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Property"] = 0] = "Property";
1437 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Method"] = 1] = "Method";
1438 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Element"] = 2] = "Element";
1439 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Template"] = 3] = "Template";
1440 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Attribute"] = 4] = "Attribute";
1441 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Reference"] = 5] = "Reference";
1442 IdentifierKind2[IdentifierKind2["Variable"] = 6] = "Variable";
1443})(IdentifierKind || (IdentifierKind = {}));
1444var AbsoluteSourceSpan = class {
1445 constructor(start, end) {
1446 this.start = start;
1447 this.end = end;
1448 }
1451// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/indexer/src/context.mjs
1452var IndexingContext = class {
1453 constructor() {
1454 this.components = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
1455 }
1456 addComponent(info) {
1457 this.components.add(info);
1458 }
1461// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/indexer/src/transform.mjs
1462import { ParseSourceFile } from "@angular/compiler";
1464// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/indexer/src/template.mjs
1465import { ASTWithSource, ImplicitReceiver, PropertyRead, PropertyWrite, RecursiveAstVisitor, TmplAstElement, TmplAstRecursiveVisitor, TmplAstReference, TmplAstTemplate } from "@angular/compiler";
1466var ExpressionVisitor = class extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
1467 constructor(expressionStr, absoluteOffset, boundTemplate, targetToIdentifier) {
1468 super();
1469 this.expressionStr = expressionStr;
1470 this.absoluteOffset = absoluteOffset;
1471 this.boundTemplate = boundTemplate;
1472 this.targetToIdentifier = targetToIdentifier;
1473 this.identifiers = [];
1474 this.errors = [];
1475 }
1476 static getIdentifiers(ast, source, absoluteOffset, boundTemplate, targetToIdentifier) {
1477 const visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(source, absoluteOffset, boundTemplate, targetToIdentifier);
1478 visitor.visit(ast);
1479 return { identifiers: visitor.identifiers, errors: visitor.errors };
1480 }
1481 visit(ast) {
1482 ast.visit(this);
1483 }
1484 visitPropertyRead(ast, context) {
1485 this.visitIdentifier(ast, IdentifierKind.Property);
1486 super.visitPropertyRead(ast, context);
1487 }
1488 visitPropertyWrite(ast, context) {
1489 this.visitIdentifier(ast, IdentifierKind.Property);
1490 super.visitPropertyWrite(ast, context);
1491 }
1492 visitIdentifier(ast, kind) {
1493 if (!(ast.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver)) {
1494 return;
1495 }
1496 let identifierStart = ast.sourceSpan.start - this.absoluteOffset;
1497 if (ast instanceof PropertyRead || ast instanceof PropertyWrite) {
1498 identifierStart = ast.nameSpan.start - this.absoluteOffset;
1499 }
1500 if (!this.expressionStr.substring(identifierStart).startsWith(ast.name)) {
1501 this.errors.push(new Error(`Impossible state: "${ast.name}" not found in "${this.expressionStr}" at location ${identifierStart}`));
1502 return;
1503 }
1504 const absoluteStart = this.absoluteOffset + identifierStart;
1505 const span = new AbsoluteSourceSpan(absoluteStart, absoluteStart + ast.name.length);
1506 const targetAst = this.boundTemplate.getExpressionTarget(ast);
1507 const target = targetAst ? this.targetToIdentifier(targetAst) : null;
1508 const identifier = {
1509 name: ast.name,
1510 span,
1511 kind,
1512 target
1513 };
1514 this.identifiers.push(identifier);
1515 }
1517var TemplateVisitor = class extends TmplAstRecursiveVisitor {
1518 constructor(boundTemplate) {
1519 super();
1520 this.boundTemplate = boundTemplate;
1521 this.identifiers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
1522 this.errors = [];
1523 this.targetIdentifierCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1524 this.elementAndTemplateIdentifierCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1525 }
1526 visit(node) {
1527 node.visit(this);
1528 }
1529 visitAll(nodes) {
1530 nodes.forEach((node) => this.visit(node));
1531 }
1532 visitElement(element) {
1533 const elementIdentifier = this.elementOrTemplateToIdentifier(element);
1534 if (elementIdentifier !== null) {
1535 this.identifiers.add(elementIdentifier);
1536 }
1537 this.visitAll(element.references);
1538 this.visitAll(element.inputs);
1539 this.visitAll(element.attributes);
1540 this.visitAll(element.children);
1541 this.visitAll(element.outputs);
1542 }
1543 visitTemplate(template) {
1544 const templateIdentifier = this.elementOrTemplateToIdentifier(template);
1545 if (templateIdentifier !== null) {
1546 this.identifiers.add(templateIdentifier);
1547 }
1548 this.visitAll(template.variables);
1549 this.visitAll(template.attributes);
1550 this.visitAll(template.templateAttrs);
1551 this.visitAll(template.children);
1552 this.visitAll(template.references);
1553 }
1554 visitBoundAttribute(attribute) {
1555 if (attribute.valueSpan === void 0) {
1556 return;
1557 }
1558 const { identifiers, errors } = ExpressionVisitor.getIdentifiers(attribute.value, attribute.valueSpan.toString(), attribute.valueSpan.start.offset, this.boundTemplate, this.targetToIdentifier.bind(this));
1559 identifiers.forEach((id) => this.identifiers.add(id));
1560 this.errors.push(...errors);
1561 }
1562 visitBoundEvent(attribute) {
1563 this.visitExpression(attribute.handler);
1564 }
1565 visitBoundText(text) {
1566 this.visitExpression(text.value);
1567 }
1568 visitReference(reference) {
1569 const referenceIdentifer = this.targetToIdentifier(reference);
1570 if (referenceIdentifer === null) {
1571 return;
1572 }
1573 this.identifiers.add(referenceIdentifer);
1574 }
1575 visitVariable(variable) {
1576 const variableIdentifier = this.targetToIdentifier(variable);
1577 if (variableIdentifier === null) {
1578 return;
1579 }
1580 this.identifiers.add(variableIdentifier);
1581 }
1582 elementOrTemplateToIdentifier(node) {
1583 var _a;
1584 if (this.elementAndTemplateIdentifierCache.has(node)) {
1585 return this.elementAndTemplateIdentifierCache.get(node);
1586 }
1587 let name;
1588 let kind;
1589 if (node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
1590 name = (_a = node.tagName) != null ? _a : "ng-template";
1591 kind = IdentifierKind.Template;
1592 } else {
1593 name = node.name;
1594 kind = IdentifierKind.Element;
1595 }
1596 if (name.startsWith(":")) {
1597 name = name.split(":").pop();
1598 }
1599 const sourceSpan = node.startSourceSpan;
1600 const start = this.getStartLocation(name, sourceSpan);
1601 if (start === null) {
1602 return null;
1603 }
1604 const absoluteSpan = new AbsoluteSourceSpan(start, start + name.length);
1605 const attributes = node.attributes.map(({ name: name2, sourceSpan: sourceSpan2 }) => {
1606 return {
1607 name: name2,
1608 span: new AbsoluteSourceSpan(sourceSpan2.start.offset, sourceSpan2.end.offset),
1609 kind: IdentifierKind.Attribute
1610 };
1611 });
1612 const usedDirectives = this.boundTemplate.getDirectivesOfNode(node) || [];
1613 const identifier = {
1614 name,
1615 span: absoluteSpan,
1616 kind,
1617 attributes: new Set(attributes),
1618 usedDirectives: new Set(usedDirectives.map((dir) => {
1619 return {
1620 node: dir.ref.node,
1621 selector: dir.selector
1622 };
1623 }))
1624 };
1625 this.elementAndTemplateIdentifierCache.set(node, identifier);
1626 return identifier;
1627 }
1628 targetToIdentifier(node) {
1629 if (this.targetIdentifierCache.has(node)) {
1630 return this.targetIdentifierCache.get(node);
1631 }
1632 const { name, sourceSpan } = node;
1633 const start = this.getStartLocation(name, sourceSpan);
1634 if (start === null) {
1635 return null;
1636 }
1637 const span = new AbsoluteSourceSpan(start, start + name.length);
1638 let identifier;
1639 if (node instanceof TmplAstReference) {
1640 const refTarget = this.boundTemplate.getReferenceTarget(node);
1641 let target = null;
1642 if (refTarget) {
1643 let node2 = null;
1644 let directive = null;
1645 if (refTarget instanceof TmplAstElement || refTarget instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
1646 node2 = this.elementOrTemplateToIdentifier(refTarget);
1647 } else {
1648 node2 = this.elementOrTemplateToIdentifier(refTarget.node);
1649 directive = refTarget.directive.ref.node;
1650 }
1651 if (node2 === null) {
1652 return null;
1653 }
1654 target = {
1655 node: node2,
1656 directive
1657 };
1658 }
1659 identifier = {
1660 name,
1661 span,
1662 kind: IdentifierKind.Reference,
1663 target
1664 };
1665 } else {
1666 identifier = {
1667 name,
1668 span,
1669 kind: IdentifierKind.Variable
1670 };
1671 }
1672 this.targetIdentifierCache.set(node, identifier);
1673 return identifier;
1674 }
1675 getStartLocation(name, context) {
1676 const localStr = context.toString();
1677 if (!localStr.includes(name)) {
1678 this.errors.push(new Error(`Impossible state: "${name}" not found in "${localStr}"`));
1679 return null;
1680 }
1681 return context.start.offset + localStr.indexOf(name);
1682 }
1683 visitExpression(ast) {
1684 if (ast instanceof ASTWithSource && ast.source !== null) {
1685 const targetToIdentifier = this.targetToIdentifier.bind(this);
1686 const absoluteOffset = ast.sourceSpan.start;
1687 const { identifiers, errors } = ExpressionVisitor.getIdentifiers(ast, ast.source, absoluteOffset, this.boundTemplate, targetToIdentifier);
1688 identifiers.forEach((id) => this.identifiers.add(id));
1689 this.errors.push(...errors);
1690 }
1691 }
1693function getTemplateIdentifiers(boundTemplate) {
1694 const visitor = new TemplateVisitor(boundTemplate);
1695 if (boundTemplate.target.template !== void 0) {
1696 visitor.visitAll(boundTemplate.target.template);
1697 }
1698 return { identifiers: visitor.identifiers, errors: visitor.errors };
1701// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/indexer/src/transform.mjs
1702function generateAnalysis(context) {
1703 const analysis = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1704 context.components.forEach(({ declaration, selector, boundTemplate, templateMeta }) => {
1705 const name = declaration.name.getText();
1706 const usedComponents = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
1707 const usedDirs = boundTemplate.getUsedDirectives();
1708 usedDirs.forEach((dir) => {
1709 if (dir.isComponent) {
1710 usedComponents.add(dir.ref.node);
1711 }
1712 });
1713 const componentFile = new ParseSourceFile(declaration.getSourceFile().getFullText(), declaration.getSourceFile().fileName);
1714 let templateFile;
1715 if (templateMeta.isInline) {
1716 templateFile = componentFile;
1717 } else {
1718 templateFile = templateMeta.file;
1719 }
1720 const { identifiers, errors } = getTemplateIdentifiers(boundTemplate);
1721 analysis.set(declaration, {
1722 name,
1723 selector,
1724 file: componentFile,
1725 template: {
1726 identifiers,
1727 usedComponents,
1728 isInline: templateMeta.isInline,
1729 file: templateFile
1730 },
1731 errors
1732 });
1733 });
1734 return analysis;
1737// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/resource/src/loader.mjs
1738import ts10 from "typescript";
1739var CSS_PREPROCESSOR_EXT = /(\.scss|\.sass|\.less|\.styl)$/;
1740var RESOURCE_MARKER = ".$ngresource$";
1742var AdapterResourceLoader = class {
1743 constructor(adapter, options) {
1744 this.adapter = adapter;
1745 this.options = options;
1746 this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1747 this.fetching = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1748 this.lookupResolutionHost = createLookupResolutionHost(this.adapter);
1749 this.canPreload = !!this.adapter.readResource;
1750 this.canPreprocess = !!this.adapter.transformResource;
1751 }
1752 resolve(url, fromFile) {
1753 let resolvedUrl = null;
1754 if (this.adapter.resourceNameToFileName) {
1755 resolvedUrl = this.adapter.resourceNameToFileName(url, fromFile, (url2, fromFile2) => this.fallbackResolve(url2, fromFile2));
1756 } else {
1757 resolvedUrl = this.fallbackResolve(url, fromFile);
1758 }
1759 if (resolvedUrl === null) {
1760 throw new Error(`HostResourceResolver: could not resolve ${url} in context of ${fromFile})`);
1761 }
1762 return resolvedUrl;
1763 }
1764 preload(resolvedUrl, context) {
1765 if (!this.adapter.readResource) {
1766 throw new Error("HostResourceLoader: the CompilerHost provided does not support pre-loading resources.");
1767 }
1768 if (this.cache.has(resolvedUrl)) {
1769 return void 0;
1770 } else if (this.fetching.has(resolvedUrl)) {
1771 return this.fetching.get(resolvedUrl);
1772 }
1773 let result = this.adapter.readResource(resolvedUrl);
1774 if (this.adapter.transformResource && context.type === "style") {
1775 const resourceContext = {
1776 type: "style",
1777 containingFile: context.containingFile,
1778 resourceFile: resolvedUrl
1779 };
1780 result = Promise.resolve(result).then(async (str) => {
1781 const transformResult = await this.adapter.transformResource(str, resourceContext);
1782 return transformResult === null ? str : transformResult.content;
1783 });
1784 }
1785 if (typeof result === "string") {
1786 this.cache.set(resolvedUrl, result);
1787 return void 0;
1788 } else {
1789 const fetchCompletion = result.then((str) => {
1790 this.fetching.delete(resolvedUrl);
1791 this.cache.set(resolvedUrl, str);
1792 });
1793 this.fetching.set(resolvedUrl, fetchCompletion);
1794 return fetchCompletion;
1795 }
1796 }
1797 async preprocessInline(data, context) {
1798 if (!this.adapter.transformResource || context.type !== "style") {
1799 return data;
1800 }
1801 const transformResult = await this.adapter.transformResource(data, { type: "style", containingFile: context.containingFile, resourceFile: null });
1802 if (transformResult === null) {
1803 return data;
1804 }
1805 return transformResult.content;
1806 }
1807 load(resolvedUrl) {
1808 if (this.cache.has(resolvedUrl)) {
1809 return this.cache.get(resolvedUrl);
1810 }
1811 const result = this.adapter.readResource ? this.adapter.readResource(resolvedUrl) : this.adapter.readFile(resolvedUrl);
1812 if (typeof result !== "string") {
1813 throw new Error(`HostResourceLoader: loader(${resolvedUrl}) returned a Promise`);
1814 }
1815 this.cache.set(resolvedUrl, result);
1816 return result;
1817 }
1818 invalidate() {
1819 this.cache.clear();
1820 }
1821 fallbackResolve(url, fromFile) {
1822 let candidateLocations;
1823 if (url.startsWith("/")) {
1824 candidateLocations = this.getRootedCandidateLocations(url);
1825 } else {
1826 if (!url.startsWith(".")) {
1827 url = `./${url}`;
1828 }
1829 candidateLocations = this.getResolvedCandidateLocations(url, fromFile);
1830 }
1831 for (const candidate of candidateLocations) {
1832 if (this.adapter.fileExists(candidate)) {
1833 return candidate;
1834 } else if (CSS_PREPROCESSOR_EXT.test(candidate)) {
1835 const cssFallbackUrl = candidate.replace(CSS_PREPROCESSOR_EXT, ".css");
1836 if (this.adapter.fileExists(cssFallbackUrl)) {
1837 return cssFallbackUrl;
1838 }
1839 }
1840 }
1841 return null;
1842 }
1843 getRootedCandidateLocations(url) {
1844 const segment = "." + url;
1845 return this.adapter.rootDirs.map((rootDir) => join(rootDir, segment));
1846 }
1847 getResolvedCandidateLocations(url, fromFile) {
1848 const failedLookup = ts10.resolveModuleName(url + RESOURCE_MARKER, fromFile, this.options, this.lookupResolutionHost);
1849 if (failedLookup.failedLookupLocations === void 0) {
1850 throw new Error(`Internal error: expected to find failedLookupLocations during resolution of resource '${url}' in context of ${fromFile}`);
1851 }
1852 return failedLookup.failedLookupLocations.filter((candidate) => candidate.endsWith(RESOURCE_MARKER_TS)).map((candidate) => candidate.slice(0, -RESOURCE_MARKER_TS.length));
1853 }
1855function createLookupResolutionHost(adapter) {
1856 var _a, _b, _c;
1857 return {
1858 directoryExists(directoryName) {
1859 if (directoryName.includes(RESOURCE_MARKER)) {
1860 return false;
1861 } else if (adapter.directoryExists !== void 0) {
1862 return adapter.directoryExists(directoryName);
1863 } else {
1864 return true;
1865 }
1866 },
1867 fileExists(fileName) {
1868 if (fileName.includes(RESOURCE_MARKER)) {
1869 return false;
1870 } else {
1871 return adapter.fileExists(fileName);
1872 }
1873 },
1874 readFile: adapter.readFile.bind(adapter),
1875 getCurrentDirectory: adapter.getCurrentDirectory.bind(adapter),
1876 getDirectories: (_a = adapter.getDirectories) == null ? void 0 : _a.bind(adapter),
1877 realpath: (_b = adapter.realpath) == null ? void 0 : _b.bind(adapter),
1878 trace: (_c = adapter.trace) == null ? void 0 : _c.bind(adapter),
1879 useCaseSensitiveFileNames: typeof adapter.useCaseSensitiveFileNames === "function" ? adapter.useCaseSensitiveFileNames.bind(adapter) : adapter.useCaseSensitiveFileNames
1880 };
1883// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/scope/src/dependency.mjs
1884var MetadataDtsModuleScopeResolver = class {
1885 constructor(dtsMetaReader, aliasingHost) {
1886 this.dtsMetaReader = dtsMetaReader;
1887 this.aliasingHost = aliasingHost;
1888 this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1889 }
1890 resolve(ref) {
1891 const clazz = ref.node;
1892 const sourceFile = clazz.getSourceFile();
1893 if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
1894 throw new Error(`Debug error: DtsModuleScopeResolver.read(${ref.debugName} from ${sourceFile.fileName}), but not a .d.ts file`);
1895 }
1896 if (this.cache.has(clazz)) {
1897 return this.cache.get(clazz);
1898 }
1899 const directives = [];
1900 const pipes = [];
1901 const ngModules = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([clazz]);
1902 const meta = this.dtsMetaReader.getNgModuleMetadata(ref);
1903 if (meta === null) {
1904 this.cache.set(clazz, null);
1905 return null;
1906 }
1907 const declarations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
1908 for (const declRef of meta.declarations) {
1909 declarations.add(declRef.node);
1910 }
1911 for (const exportRef of meta.exports) {
1912 const directive = this.dtsMetaReader.getDirectiveMetadata(exportRef);
1913 if (directive !== null) {
1914 const isReExport = !declarations.has(exportRef.node);
1915 directives.push(this.maybeAlias(directive, sourceFile, isReExport));
1916 continue;
1917 }
1918 const pipe = this.dtsMetaReader.getPipeMetadata(exportRef);
1919 if (pipe !== null) {
1920 const isReExport = !declarations.has(exportRef.node);
1921 pipes.push(this.maybeAlias(pipe, sourceFile, isReExport));
1922 continue;
1923 }
1924 const exportScope2 = this.resolve(exportRef);
1925 if (exportScope2 !== null) {
1926 if (this.aliasingHost === null) {
1927 directives.push(...exportScope2.exported.directives);
1928 pipes.push(...exportScope2.exported.pipes);
1929 } else {
1930 for (const directive2 of exportScope2.exported.directives) {
1931 directives.push(this.maybeAlias(directive2, sourceFile, true));
1932 }
1933 for (const pipe2 of exportScope2.exported.pipes) {
1934 pipes.push(this.maybeAlias(pipe2, sourceFile, true));
1935 }
1936 for (const ngModule of exportScope2.exported.ngModules) {
1937 ngModules.add(ngModule);
1938 }
1939 }
1940 }
1941 continue;
1942 }
1943 const exportScope = {
1944 exported: {
1945 directives,
1946 pipes,
1947 ngModules: Array.from(ngModules),
1948 isPoisoned: false
1949 }
1950 };
1951 this.cache.set(clazz, exportScope);
1952 return exportScope;
1953 }
1954 maybeAlias(dirOrPipe, maybeAliasFrom, isReExport) {
1955 const ref = dirOrPipe.ref;
1956 if (this.aliasingHost === null || ref.node.getSourceFile() === maybeAliasFrom) {
1957 return dirOrPipe;
1958 }
1959 const alias = this.aliasingHost.getAliasIn(ref.node, maybeAliasFrom, isReExport);
1960 if (alias === null) {
1961 return dirOrPipe;
1962 }
1963 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, dirOrPipe), {
1964 ref: ref.cloneWithAlias(alias)
1965 });
1966 }
1969// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/scope/src/local.mjs
1970import { ExternalExpr } from "@angular/compiler";
1971import ts11 from "typescript";
1972var LocalModuleScopeRegistry = class {
1973 constructor(localReader, dependencyScopeReader, refEmitter, aliasingHost) {
1974 this.localReader = localReader;
1975 this.dependencyScopeReader = dependencyScopeReader;
1976 this.refEmitter = refEmitter;
1977 this.aliasingHost = aliasingHost;
1978 this.sealed = false;
1979 this.declarationToModule = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1980 this.duplicateDeclarations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1981 this.moduleToRef = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1982 this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1983 this.remoteScoping = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1984 this.scopeErrors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
1985 this.modulesWithStructuralErrors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
1986 }
1987 registerNgModuleMetadata(data) {
1988 this.assertCollecting();
1989 const ngModule = data.ref.node;
1990 this.moduleToRef.set(data.ref.node, data.ref);
1991 for (const decl of data.declarations) {
1992 this.registerDeclarationOfModule(ngModule, decl, data.rawDeclarations);
1993 }
1994 }
1995 registerDirectiveMetadata(directive) {
1996 }
1997 registerPipeMetadata(pipe) {
1998 }
1999 getScopeForComponent(clazz) {
2000 const scope = !this.declarationToModule.has(clazz) ? null : this.getScopeOfModule(this.declarationToModule.get(clazz).ngModule);
2001 return scope;
2002 }
2003 getDuplicateDeclarations(node) {
2004 if (!this.duplicateDeclarations.has(node)) {
2005 return null;
2006 }
2007 return Array.from(this.duplicateDeclarations.get(node).values());
2008 }
2009 getScopeOfModule(clazz) {
2010 return this.moduleToRef.has(clazz) ? this.getScopeOfModuleReference(this.moduleToRef.get(clazz)) : null;
2011 }
2012 getDiagnosticsOfModule(clazz) {
2013 this.getScopeOfModule(clazz);
2014 if (this.scopeErrors.has(clazz)) {
2015 return this.scopeErrors.get(clazz);
2016 } else {
2017 return null;
2018 }
2019 }
2020 registerDeclarationOfModule(ngModule, decl, rawDeclarations) {
2021 const declData = {
2022 ngModule,
2023 ref: decl,
2024 rawDeclarations
2025 };
2026 if (this.duplicateDeclarations.has(decl.node)) {
2027 this.duplicateDeclarations.get(decl.node).set(ngModule, declData);
2028 } else if (this.declarationToModule.has(decl.node) && this.declarationToModule.get(decl.node).ngModule !== ngModule) {
2029 const duplicateDeclMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2030 const firstDeclData = this.declarationToModule.get(decl.node);
2031 this.modulesWithStructuralErrors.add(firstDeclData.ngModule);
2032 this.modulesWithStructuralErrors.add(ngModule);
2033 duplicateDeclMap.set(firstDeclData.ngModule, firstDeclData);
2034 duplicateDeclMap.set(ngModule, declData);
2035 this.duplicateDeclarations.set(decl.node, duplicateDeclMap);
2036 this.declarationToModule.delete(decl.node);
2037 } else {
2038 this.declarationToModule.set(decl.node, declData);
2039 }
2040 }
2041 getScopeOfModuleReference(ref) {
2042 if (this.cache.has(ref.node)) {
2043 return this.cache.get(ref.node);
2044 }
2045 this.sealed = true;
2046 const ngModule = this.localReader.getNgModuleMetadata(ref);
2047 if (ngModule === null) {
2048 this.cache.set(ref.node, null);
2049 return null;
2050 }
2051 const compilationModules = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ngModule.ref.node]);
2052 const exportedModules = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ngModule.ref.node]);
2053 const diagnostics = [];
2054 const compilationDirectives = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2055 const compilationPipes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2056 const declared = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
2057 const exportDirectives = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2058 const exportPipes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2059 let isPoisoned = false;
2060 if (this.modulesWithStructuralErrors.has(ngModule.ref.node)) {
2061 isPoisoned = true;
2062 }
2063 for (const decl of ngModule.imports) {
2064 const importScope = this.getExportedScope(decl, diagnostics, ref.node, "import");
2065 if (importScope === null) {
2066 diagnostics.push(invalidRef(ref.node, decl, "import"));
2067 isPoisoned = true;
2068 continue;
2069 } else if (importScope === "invalid" || importScope.exported.isPoisoned) {
2070 diagnostics.push(invalidTransitiveNgModuleRef(ref.node, decl, "import"));
2071 isPoisoned = true;
2072 if (importScope === "invalid") {
2073 continue;
2074 }
2075 }
2076 for (const directive of importScope.exported.directives) {
2077 compilationDirectives.set(directive.ref.node, directive);
2078 }
2079 for (const pipe of importScope.exported.pipes) {
2080 compilationPipes.set(pipe.ref.node, pipe);
2081 }
2082 for (const importedModule of importScope.exported.ngModules) {
2083 compilationModules.add(importedModule);
2084 }
2085 }
2086 for (const decl of ngModule.declarations) {
2087 const directive = this.localReader.getDirectiveMetadata(decl);
2088 const pipe = this.localReader.getPipeMetadata(decl);
2089 if (directive !== null) {
2090 compilationDirectives.set(decl.node, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, directive), { ref: decl }));
2091 if (directive.isPoisoned) {
2092 isPoisoned = true;
2093 }
2094 } else if (pipe !== null) {
2095 compilationPipes.set(decl.node, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, pipe), { ref: decl }));
2096 } else {
2097 const errorNode = decl.getOriginForDiagnostics(ngModule.rawDeclarations);
2098 diagnostics.push(makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_DECLARATION, errorNode, `The class '${decl.node.name.text}' is listed in the declarations of the NgModule '${ngModule.ref.node.name.text}', but is not a directive, a component, or a pipe. Either remove it from the NgModule's declarations, or add an appropriate Angular decorator.`, [makeRelatedInformation(decl.node.name, `'${decl.node.name.text}' is declared here.`)]));
2099 isPoisoned = true;
2100 continue;
2101 }
2102 declared.add(decl.node);
2103 }
2104 for (const decl of ngModule.exports) {
2105 const exportScope = this.getExportedScope(decl, diagnostics, ref.node, "export");
2106 if (exportScope === "invalid" || exportScope !== null && exportScope.exported.isPoisoned) {
2107 diagnostics.push(invalidTransitiveNgModuleRef(ref.node, decl, "export"));
2108 isPoisoned = true;
2109 if (exportScope === "invalid") {
2110 continue;
2111 }
2112 } else if (exportScope !== null) {
2113 for (const directive of exportScope.exported.directives) {
2114 exportDirectives.set(directive.ref.node, directive);
2115 }
2116 for (const pipe of exportScope.exported.pipes) {
2117 exportPipes.set(pipe.ref.node, pipe);
2118 }
2119 for (const exportedModule of exportScope.exported.ngModules) {
2120 exportedModules.add(exportedModule);
2121 }
2122 } else if (compilationDirectives.has(decl.node)) {
2123 const directive = compilationDirectives.get(decl.node);
2124 exportDirectives.set(decl.node, directive);
2125 } else if (compilationPipes.has(decl.node)) {
2126 const pipe = compilationPipes.get(decl.node);
2127 exportPipes.set(decl.node, pipe);
2128 } else {
2129 if (this.localReader.getDirectiveMetadata(decl) !== null || this.localReader.getPipeMetadata(decl) !== null) {
2130 diagnostics.push(invalidReexport(ref.node, decl));
2131 } else {
2132 diagnostics.push(invalidRef(ref.node, decl, "export"));
2133 }
2134 isPoisoned = true;
2135 continue;
2136 }
2137 }
2138 const exported = {
2139 directives: Array.from(exportDirectives.values()),
2140 pipes: Array.from(exportPipes.values()),
2141 ngModules: Array.from(exportedModules),
2142 isPoisoned
2143 };
2144 const reexports = this.getReexports(ngModule, ref, declared, exported, diagnostics);
2145 const scope = {
2146 ngModule: ngModule.ref.node,
2147 compilation: {
2148 directives: Array.from(compilationDirectives.values()),
2149 pipes: Array.from(compilationPipes.values()),
2150 ngModules: Array.from(compilationModules),
2151 isPoisoned
2152 },
2153 exported,
2154 reexports,
2155 schemas: ngModule.schemas
2156 };
2157 if (diagnostics.length > 0) {
2158 this.scopeErrors.set(ref.node, diagnostics);
2159 this.modulesWithStructuralErrors.add(ref.node);
2160 }
2161 this.cache.set(ref.node, scope);
2162 return scope;
2163 }
2164 getRemoteScope(node) {
2165 return this.remoteScoping.has(node) ? this.remoteScoping.get(node) : null;
2166 }
2167 setComponentRemoteScope(node, directives, pipes) {
2168 this.remoteScoping.set(node, { directives, pipes });
2169 }
2170 getExportedScope(ref, diagnostics, ownerForErrors, type) {
2171 if (ref.node.getSourceFile().isDeclarationFile) {
2172 if (!ts11.isClassDeclaration(ref.node)) {
2173 const code = type === "import" ? ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_IMPORT : ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_EXPORT;
2174 diagnostics.push(makeDiagnostic(code, identifierOfNode(ref.node) || ref.node, `Appears in the NgModule.${type}s of ${nodeNameForError(ownerForErrors)}, but could not be resolved to an NgModule`));
2175 return "invalid";
2176 }
2177 return this.dependencyScopeReader.resolve(ref);
2178 } else {
2179 return this.getScopeOfModuleReference(ref);
2180 }
2181 }
2182 getReexports(ngModule, ref, declared, exported, diagnostics) {
2183 let reexports = null;
2184 const sourceFile = ref.node.getSourceFile();
2185 if (this.aliasingHost === null) {
2186 return null;
2187 }
2188 reexports = [];
2189 const reexportMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2190 const ngModuleRef = ref;
2191 const addReexport = (exportRef) => {
2192 if (exportRef.node.getSourceFile() === sourceFile) {
2193 return;
2194 }
2195 const isReExport = !declared.has(exportRef.node);
2196 const exportName = this.aliasingHost.maybeAliasSymbolAs(exportRef, sourceFile, ngModule.ref.node.name.text, isReExport);
2197 if (exportName === null) {
2198 return;
2199 }
2200 if (!reexportMap.has(exportName)) {
2201 if (exportRef.alias && exportRef.alias instanceof ExternalExpr) {
2202 reexports.push({
2203 fromModule: exportRef.alias.value.moduleName,
2204 symbolName: exportRef.alias.value.name,
2205 asAlias: exportName
2206 });
2207 } else {
2208 const emittedRef = this.refEmitter.emit(exportRef.cloneWithNoIdentifiers(), sourceFile);
2209 assertSuccessfulReferenceEmit(emittedRef, ngModuleRef.node.name, "class");
2210 const expr = emittedRef.expression;
2211 if (!(expr instanceof ExternalExpr) || expr.value.moduleName === null || expr.value.name === null) {
2212 throw new Error("Expected ExternalExpr");
2213 }
2214 reexports.push({
2215 fromModule: expr.value.moduleName,
2216 symbolName: expr.value.name,
2217 asAlias: exportName
2218 });
2219 }
2220 reexportMap.set(exportName, exportRef);
2221 } else {
2222 const prevRef = reexportMap.get(exportName);
2223 diagnostics.push(reexportCollision(ngModuleRef.node, prevRef, exportRef));
2224 }
2225 };
2226 for (const { ref: ref2 } of exported.directives) {
2227 addReexport(ref2);
2228 }
2229 for (const { ref: ref2 } of exported.pipes) {
2230 addReexport(ref2);
2231 }
2232 return reexports;
2233 }
2234 assertCollecting() {
2235 if (this.sealed) {
2236 throw new Error(`Assertion: LocalModuleScopeRegistry is not COLLECTING`);
2237 }
2238 }
2240function invalidRef(clazz, decl, type) {
2241 const code = type === "import" ? ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_IMPORT : ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_EXPORT;
2242 const resolveTarget = type === "import" ? "NgModule" : "NgModule, Component, Directive, or Pipe";
2243 let message = `Appears in the NgModule.${type}s of ${nodeNameForError(clazz)}, but could not be resolved to an ${resolveTarget} class.
2246 const library = decl.ownedByModuleGuess !== null ? ` (${decl.ownedByModuleGuess})` : "";
2247 const sf = decl.node.getSourceFile();
2248 if (!sf.isDeclarationFile) {
2249 const annotationType = type === "import" ? "@NgModule" : "Angular";
2250 message += `Is it missing an ${annotationType} annotation?`;
2251 } else if (sf.fileName.indexOf("node_modules") !== -1) {
2252 message += `This likely means that the library${library} which declares ${decl.debugName} has not been processed correctly by ngcc, or is not compatible with Angular Ivy. Check if a newer version of the library is available, and update if so. Also consider checking with the library's authors to see if the library is expected to be compatible with Ivy.`;
2253 } else {
2254 message += `This likely means that the dependency${library} which declares ${decl.debugName} has not been processed correctly by ngcc.`;
2255 }
2256 return makeDiagnostic(code, identifierOfNode(decl.node) || decl.node, message);
2258function invalidTransitiveNgModuleRef(clazz, decl, type) {
2259 const code = type === "import" ? ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_IMPORT : ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_EXPORT;
2260 return makeDiagnostic(code, identifierOfNode(decl.node) || decl.node, `Appears in the NgModule.${type}s of ${nodeNameForError(clazz)}, but itself has errors`);
2262function invalidReexport(clazz, decl) {
2263 return makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_REEXPORT, identifierOfNode(decl.node) || decl.node, `Present in the NgModule.exports of ${nodeNameForError(clazz)} but neither declared nor imported`);
2265function reexportCollision(module, refA, refB) {
2266 const childMessageText = `This directive/pipe is part of the exports of '${module.name.text}' and shares the same name as another exported directive/pipe.`;
2267 return makeDiagnostic(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_REEXPORT_NAME_COLLISION, module.name, `
2268 There was a name collision between two classes named '${refA.node.name.text}', which are both part of the exports of '${module.name.text}'.
2270 Angular generates re-exports of an NgModule's exported directives/pipes from the module's source file in certain cases, using the declared name of the class. If two classes of the same name are exported, this automatic naming does not work.
2272 To fix this problem please re-export one or both classes directly from this file.
2273 `.trim(), [
2274 makeRelatedInformation(refA.node.name, childMessageText),
2275 makeRelatedInformation(refB.node.name, childMessageText)
2276 ]);
2279// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/scope/src/typecheck.mjs
2280import { CssSelector, SelectorMatcher } from "@angular/compiler";
2281import ts12 from "typescript";
2282var TypeCheckScopeRegistry = class {
2283 constructor(scopeReader, metaReader) {
2284 this.scopeReader = scopeReader;
2285 this.metaReader = metaReader;
2286 this.flattenedDirectiveMetaCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2287 this.scopeCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2288 }
2289 getTypeCheckScope(node) {
2290 const matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
2291 const directives = [];
2292 const pipes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2293 const scope = this.scopeReader.getScopeForComponent(node);
2294 if (scope === null) {
2295 return {
2296 matcher,
2297 directives,
2298 pipes,
2299 schemas: [],
2300 isPoisoned: false
2301 };
2302 }
2303 if (this.scopeCache.has(scope.ngModule)) {
2304 return this.scopeCache.get(scope.ngModule);
2305 }
2306 for (const meta of scope.compilation.directives) {
2307 if (meta.selector !== null) {
2308 const extMeta = this.getTypeCheckDirectiveMetadata(meta.ref);
2309 matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector.parse(meta.selector), extMeta);
2310 directives.push(extMeta);
2311 }
2312 }
2313 for (const { name, ref } of scope.compilation.pipes) {
2314 if (!ts12.isClassDeclaration(ref.node)) {
2315 throw new Error(`Unexpected non-class declaration ${ts12.SyntaxKind[ref.node.kind]} for pipe ${ref.debugName}`);
2316 }
2317 pipes.set(name, ref);
2318 }
2319 const typeCheckScope = {
2320 matcher,
2321 directives,
2322 pipes,
2323 schemas: scope.schemas,
2324 isPoisoned: scope.compilation.isPoisoned || scope.exported.isPoisoned
2325 };
2326 this.scopeCache.set(scope.ngModule, typeCheckScope);
2327 return typeCheckScope;
2328 }
2329 getTypeCheckDirectiveMetadata(ref) {
2330 const clazz = ref.node;
2331 if (this.flattenedDirectiveMetaCache.has(clazz)) {
2332 return this.flattenedDirectiveMetaCache.get(clazz);
2333 }
2334 const meta = flattenInheritedDirectiveMetadata(this.metaReader, ref);
2335 this.flattenedDirectiveMetaCache.set(clazz, meta);
2336 return meta;
2337 }
2340// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/checker.mjs
2341import { CssSelector as CssSelector2, DomElementSchemaRegistry as DomElementSchemaRegistry2 } from "@angular/compiler";
2343// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/diagnostics/src/diagnostic.mjs
2344import ts13 from "typescript";
2345function makeTemplateDiagnostic(templateId, mapping, span, category, code, messageText, relatedMessages) {
2346 if (mapping.type === "direct") {
2347 let relatedInformation = void 0;
2348 if (relatedMessages !== void 0) {
2349 relatedInformation = [];
2350 for (const relatedMessage of relatedMessages) {
2351 relatedInformation.push({
2352 category: ts13.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
2353 code: 0,
2354 file: relatedMessage.sourceFile,
2355 start: relatedMessage.start,
2356 length: relatedMessage.end - relatedMessage.start,
2357 messageText: relatedMessage.text
2358 });
2359 }
2360 }
2361 return {
2362 source: "ngtsc",
2363 code,
2364 category,
2365 messageText,
2366 file: mapping.node.getSourceFile(),
2367 componentFile: mapping.node.getSourceFile(),
2368 templateId,
2369 start: span.start.offset,
2370 length: span.end.offset - span.start.offset,
2371 relatedInformation
2372 };
2373 } else if (mapping.type === "indirect" || mapping.type === "external") {
2374 const componentSf = mapping.componentClass.getSourceFile();
2375 const componentName = mapping.componentClass.name.text;
2376 const fileName = mapping.type === "indirect" ? `${componentSf.fileName} (${componentName} template)` : mapping.templateUrl;
2377 const sf = ts13.createSourceFile(fileName, mapping.template, ts13.ScriptTarget.Latest, false, ts13.ScriptKind.JSX);
2378 let relatedInformation = [];
2379 if (relatedMessages !== void 0) {
2380 for (const relatedMessage of relatedMessages) {
2381 relatedInformation.push({
2382 category: ts13.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
2383 code: 0,
2384 file: relatedMessage.sourceFile,
2385 start: relatedMessage.start,
2386 length: relatedMessage.end - relatedMessage.start,
2387 messageText: relatedMessage.text
2388 });
2389 }
2390 }
2391 relatedInformation.push({
2392 category: ts13.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
2393 code: 0,
2394 file: componentSf,
2395 start: mapping.node.getStart(),
2396 length: mapping.node.getEnd() - mapping.node.getStart(),
2397 messageText: `Error occurs in the template of component ${componentName}.`
2398 });
2399 return {
2400 source: "ngtsc",
2401 category,
2402 code,
2403 messageText,
2404 file: sf,
2405 componentFile: componentSf,
2406 templateId,
2407 start: span.start.offset,
2408 length: span.end.offset - span.start.offset,
2409 relatedInformation
2410 };
2411 } else {
2412 throw new Error(`Unexpected source mapping type: ${mapping.type}`);
2413 }
2416// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/diagnostics/src/id.mjs
2417var TEMPLATE_ID = Symbol("ngTemplateId");
2418var NEXT_TEMPLATE_ID = Symbol("ngNextTemplateId");
2419function getTemplateId(clazz) {
2420 const node = clazz;
2421 if (node[TEMPLATE_ID] === void 0) {
2422 node[TEMPLATE_ID] = allocateTemplateId(node.getSourceFile());
2423 }
2424 return node[TEMPLATE_ID];
2426function allocateTemplateId(sf) {
2427 if (sf[NEXT_TEMPLATE_ID] === void 0) {
2428 sf[NEXT_TEMPLATE_ID] = 1;
2429 }
2430 return `tcb${sf[NEXT_TEMPLATE_ID]++}`;
2433// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/completion.mjs
2434import { EmptyExpr, ImplicitReceiver as ImplicitReceiver2, PropertyRead as PropertyRead2, PropertyWrite as PropertyWrite2, SafePropertyRead, TmplAstReference as TmplAstReference2, TmplAstTextAttribute } from "@angular/compiler";
2435import ts15 from "typescript";
2437// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/comments.mjs
2438import { AbsoluteSourceSpan as AbsoluteSourceSpan2 } from "@angular/compiler";
2439import ts14 from "typescript";
2440var parseSpanComment = /^(\d+),(\d+)$/;
2441function readSpanComment(node, sourceFile = node.getSourceFile()) {
2442 return ts14.forEachTrailingCommentRange(sourceFile.text, node.getEnd(), (pos, end, kind) => {
2443 if (kind !== ts14.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) {
2444 return null;
2445 }
2446 const commentText = sourceFile.text.substring(pos + 2, end - 2);
2447 const match = commentText.match(parseSpanComment);
2448 if (match === null) {
2449 return null;
2450 }
2451 return new AbsoluteSourceSpan2(+match[1], +match[2]);
2452 }) || null;
2454var CommentTriviaType;
2455(function(CommentTriviaType2) {
2456 CommentTriviaType2["DIAGNOSTIC"] = "D";
2457 CommentTriviaType2["EXPRESSION_TYPE_IDENTIFIER"] = "T";
2458})(CommentTriviaType || (CommentTriviaType = {}));
2459var ExpressionIdentifier;
2460(function(ExpressionIdentifier2) {
2461 ExpressionIdentifier2["DIRECTIVE"] = "DIR";
2462 ExpressionIdentifier2["COMPONENT_COMPLETION"] = "COMPCOMP";
2463 ExpressionIdentifier2["EVENT_PARAMETER"] = "EP";
2464})(ExpressionIdentifier || (ExpressionIdentifier = {}));
2465function addExpressionIdentifier(node, identifier) {
2466 ts14.addSyntheticTrailingComment(node, ts14.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia, `${CommentTriviaType.EXPRESSION_TYPE_IDENTIFIER}:${identifier}`, false);
2468var IGNORE_FOR_DIAGNOSTICS_MARKER = `${CommentTriviaType.DIAGNOSTIC}:ignore`;
2469function markIgnoreDiagnostics(node) {
2470 ts14.addSyntheticTrailingComment(node, ts14.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia, IGNORE_FOR_DIAGNOSTICS_MARKER, false);
2472function hasIgnoreForDiagnosticsMarker(node, sourceFile) {
2473 return ts14.forEachTrailingCommentRange(sourceFile.text, node.getEnd(), (pos, end, kind) => {
2474 if (kind !== ts14.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) {
2475 return null;
2476 }
2477 const commentText = sourceFile.text.substring(pos + 2, end - 2);
2478 return commentText === IGNORE_FOR_DIAGNOSTICS_MARKER;
2479 }) === true;
2481function makeRecursiveVisitor(visitor) {
2482 function recursiveVisitor(node) {
2483 const res = visitor(node);
2484 return res !== null ? res : node.forEachChild(recursiveVisitor);
2485 }
2486 return recursiveVisitor;
2488function getSpanFromOptions(opts) {
2489 let withSpan = null;
2490 if (opts.withSpan !== void 0) {
2491 if (opts.withSpan instanceof AbsoluteSourceSpan2) {
2492 withSpan = opts.withSpan;
2493 } else {
2494 withSpan = { start: opts.withSpan.start.offset, end: opts.withSpan.end.offset };
2495 }
2496 }
2497 return withSpan;
2499function findFirstMatchingNode(tcb, opts) {
2500 var _a;
2501 const withSpan = getSpanFromOptions(opts);
2502 const withExpressionIdentifier = opts.withExpressionIdentifier;
2503 const sf = tcb.getSourceFile();
2504 const visitor = makeRecursiveVisitor((node) => {
2505 if (!opts.filter(node)) {
2506 return null;
2507 }
2508 if (withSpan !== null) {
2509 const comment = readSpanComment(node, sf);
2510 if (comment === null || withSpan.start !== comment.start || withSpan.end !== comment.end) {
2511 return null;
2512 }
2513 }
2514 if (withExpressionIdentifier !== void 0 && !hasExpressionIdentifier(sf, node, withExpressionIdentifier)) {
2515 return null;
2516 }
2517 return node;
2518 });
2519 return (_a = tcb.forEachChild(visitor)) != null ? _a : null;
2521function findAllMatchingNodes(tcb, opts) {
2522 const withSpan = getSpanFromOptions(opts);
2523 const withExpressionIdentifier = opts.withExpressionIdentifier;
2524 const results = [];
2525 const stack = [tcb];
2526 const sf = tcb.getSourceFile();
2527 while (stack.length > 0) {
2528 const node = stack.pop();
2529 if (!opts.filter(node)) {
2530 stack.push(...node.getChildren());
2531 continue;
2532 }
2533 if (withSpan !== null) {
2534 const comment = readSpanComment(node, sf);
2535 if (comment === null || withSpan.start !== comment.start || withSpan.end !== comment.end) {
2536 stack.push(...node.getChildren());
2537 continue;
2538 }
2539 }
2540 if (withExpressionIdentifier !== void 0 && !hasExpressionIdentifier(sf, node, withExpressionIdentifier)) {
2541 continue;
2542 }
2543 results.push(node);
2544 }
2545 return results;
2547function hasExpressionIdentifier(sourceFile, node, identifier) {
2548 return ts14.forEachTrailingCommentRange(sourceFile.text, node.getEnd(), (pos, end, kind) => {
2549 if (kind !== ts14.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) {
2550 return false;
2551 }
2552 const commentText = sourceFile.text.substring(pos + 2, end - 2);
2553 return commentText === `${CommentTriviaType.EXPRESSION_TYPE_IDENTIFIER}:${identifier}`;
2554 }) || false;
2557// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/completion.mjs
2558var CompletionEngine = class {
2559 constructor(tcb, data, tcbPath, tcbIsShim) {
2560 this.tcb = tcb;
2561 this.data = data;
2562 this.tcbPath = tcbPath;
2563 this.tcbIsShim = tcbIsShim;
2564 this.templateContextCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2565 this.expressionCompletionCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2566 const globalRead = findFirstMatchingNode(this.tcb, {
2567 filter: ts15.isPropertyAccessExpression,
2568 withExpressionIdentifier: ExpressionIdentifier.COMPONENT_COMPLETION
2569 });
2570 if (globalRead !== null) {
2571 this.componentContext = {
2572 tcbPath: this.tcbPath,
2573 isShimFile: this.tcbIsShim,
2574 positionInFile: globalRead.name.getStart()
2575 };
2576 } else {
2577 this.componentContext = null;
2578 }
2579 }
2580 getGlobalCompletions(context, node) {
2581 if (this.componentContext === null) {
2582 return null;
2583 }
2584 const templateContext = this.getTemplateContextCompletions(context);
2585 if (templateContext === null) {
2586 return null;
2587 }
2588 let nodeContext = null;
2589 if (node instanceof EmptyExpr) {
2590 const nodeLocation = findFirstMatchingNode(this.tcb, {
2591 filter: ts15.isIdentifier,
2592 withSpan: node.sourceSpan
2593 });
2594 if (nodeLocation !== null) {
2595 nodeContext = {
2596 tcbPath: this.tcbPath,
2597 isShimFile: this.tcbIsShim,
2598 positionInFile: nodeLocation.getStart()
2599 };
2600 }
2601 }
2602 if (node instanceof PropertyRead2 && node.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver2) {
2603 const nodeLocation = findFirstMatchingNode(this.tcb, {
2604 filter: ts15.isPropertyAccessExpression,
2605 withSpan: node.sourceSpan
2606 });
2607 if (nodeLocation) {
2608 nodeContext = {
2609 tcbPath: this.tcbPath,
2610 isShimFile: this.tcbIsShim,
2611 positionInFile: nodeLocation.getStart()
2612 };
2613 }
2614 }
2615 return {
2616 componentContext: this.componentContext,
2617 templateContext,
2618 nodeContext
2619 };
2620 }
2621 getExpressionCompletionLocation(expr) {
2622 if (this.expressionCompletionCache.has(expr)) {
2623 return this.expressionCompletionCache.get(expr);
2624 }
2625 let tsExpr = null;
2626 if (expr instanceof PropertyRead2 || expr instanceof PropertyWrite2) {
2627 tsExpr = findFirstMatchingNode(this.tcb, {
2628 filter: ts15.isPropertyAccessExpression,
2629 withSpan: expr.nameSpan
2630 });
2631 } else if (expr instanceof SafePropertyRead) {
2632 const ternaryExpr = findFirstMatchingNode(this.tcb, {
2633 filter: ts15.isParenthesizedExpression,
2634 withSpan: expr.sourceSpan
2635 });
2636 if (ternaryExpr === null || !ts15.isConditionalExpression(ternaryExpr.expression)) {
2637 return null;
2638 }
2639 const whenTrue = ternaryExpr.expression.whenTrue;
2640 if (ts15.isPropertyAccessExpression(whenTrue)) {
2641 tsExpr = whenTrue;
2642 } else if (ts15.isCallExpression(whenTrue) && ts15.isPropertyAccessExpression(whenTrue.expression)) {
2643 tsExpr = whenTrue.expression;
2644 }
2645 }
2646 if (tsExpr === null) {
2647 return null;
2648 }
2649 const res = {
2650 tcbPath: this.tcbPath,
2651 isShimFile: this.tcbIsShim,
2652 positionInFile: tsExpr.name.getEnd()
2653 };
2654 this.expressionCompletionCache.set(expr, res);
2655 return res;
2656 }
2657 getLiteralCompletionLocation(expr) {
2658 if (this.expressionCompletionCache.has(expr)) {
2659 return this.expressionCompletionCache.get(expr);
2660 }
2661 let tsExpr = null;
2662 if (expr instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute) {
2663 const strNode = findFirstMatchingNode(this.tcb, {
2664 filter: ts15.isParenthesizedExpression,
2665 withSpan: expr.sourceSpan
2666 });
2667 if (strNode !== null && ts15.isStringLiteral(strNode.expression)) {
2668 tsExpr = strNode.expression;
2669 }
2670 } else {
2671 tsExpr = findFirstMatchingNode(this.tcb, {
2672 filter: (n) => ts15.isStringLiteral(n) || ts15.isNumericLiteral(n),
2673 withSpan: expr.sourceSpan
2674 });
2675 }
2676 if (tsExpr === null) {
2677 return null;
2678 }
2679 let positionInShimFile = tsExpr.getEnd();
2680 if (ts15.isStringLiteral(tsExpr)) {
2681 positionInShimFile -= 1;
2682 }
2683 const res = {
2684 tcbPath: this.tcbPath,
2685 isShimFile: this.tcbIsShim,
2686 positionInFile: positionInShimFile
2687 };
2688 this.expressionCompletionCache.set(expr, res);
2689 return res;
2690 }
2691 getTemplateContextCompletions(context) {
2692 if (this.templateContextCache.has(context)) {
2693 return this.templateContextCache.get(context);
2694 }
2695 const templateContext = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
2696 for (const node of this.data.boundTarget.getEntitiesInTemplateScope(context)) {
2697 if (node instanceof TmplAstReference2) {
2698 templateContext.set(node.name, {
2699 kind: CompletionKind.Reference,
2700 node
2701 });
2702 } else {
2703 templateContext.set(node.name, {
2704 kind: CompletionKind.Variable,
2705 node
2706 });
2707 }
2708 }
2709 this.templateContextCache.set(context, templateContext);
2710 return templateContext;
2711 }
2714// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/context.mjs
2715import ts29 from "typescript";
2717// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/dom.mjs
2718import { DomElementSchemaRegistry } from "@angular/compiler";
2719import ts16 from "typescript";
2720var REGISTRY = new DomElementSchemaRegistry();
2721var REMOVE_XHTML_REGEX = /^:xhtml:/;
2722var RegistryDomSchemaChecker = class {
2723 constructor(resolver) {
2724 this.resolver = resolver;
2725 this._diagnostics = [];
2726 }
2727 get diagnostics() {
2728 return this._diagnostics;
2729 }
2730 checkElement(id, element, schemas) {
2731 const name = element.name.replace(REMOVE_XHTML_REGEX, "");
2732 if (!REGISTRY.hasElement(name, schemas)) {
2733 const mapping = this.resolver.getSourceMapping(id);
2734 let errorMsg = `'${name}' is not a known element:
2736 errorMsg += `1. If '${name}' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module.
2738 if (name.indexOf("-") > -1) {
2739 errorMsg += `2. If '${name}' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.`;
2740 } else {
2741 errorMsg += `2. To allow any element add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.`;
2742 }
2743 const diag = makeTemplateDiagnostic(id, mapping, element.startSourceSpan, ts16.DiagnosticCategory.Error, ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.SCHEMA_INVALID_ELEMENT), errorMsg);
2744 this._diagnostics.push(diag);
2745 }
2746 }
2747 checkProperty(id, element, name, span, schemas) {
2748 if (!REGISTRY.hasProperty(element.name, name, schemas)) {
2749 const mapping = this.resolver.getSourceMapping(id);
2750 let errorMsg = `Can't bind to '${name}' since it isn't a known property of '${element.name}'.`;
2751 if (element.name.startsWith("ng-")) {
2752 errorMsg += `
27531. If '${name}' is an Angular directive, then add 'CommonModule' to the '@NgModule.imports' of this component.
27542. To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.`;
2755 } else if (element.name.indexOf("-") > -1) {
2756 errorMsg += `
27571. If '${element.name}' is an Angular component and it has '${name}' input, then verify that it is part of this module.
27582. If '${element.name}' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.
27593. To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.`;
2760 }
2761 const diag = makeTemplateDiagnostic(id, mapping, span, ts16.DiagnosticCategory.Error, ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.SCHEMA_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE), errorMsg);
2762 this._diagnostics.push(diag);
2763 }
2764 }
2767// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/environment.mjs
2768import { ExpressionType, ExternalExpr as ExternalExpr2, TypeModifier } from "@angular/compiler";
2769import ts22 from "typescript";
2771// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/ts_util.mjs
2772import ts17 from "typescript";
2773var SAFE_TO_CAST_WITHOUT_PARENS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
2774 ts17.SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression,
2775 ts17.SyntaxKind.Identifier,
2776 ts17.SyntaxKind.CallExpression,
2777 ts17.SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression,
2778 ts17.SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression,
2779 ts17.SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression,
2780 ts17.SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression,
2781 ts17.SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression,
2782 ts17.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral,
2783 ts17.SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral,
2784 ts17.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword,
2785 ts17.SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword,
2786 ts17.SyntaxKind.NullKeyword,
2787 ts17.SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword
2789function tsCastToAny(expr) {
2790 if (!SAFE_TO_CAST_WITHOUT_PARENS.has(expr.kind)) {
2791 expr = ts17.createParen(expr);
2792 }
2793 return ts17.createParen(ts17.createAsExpression(expr, ts17.createKeywordTypeNode(ts17.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword)));
2795function tsCreateElement(tagName) {
2796 const createElement = ts17.createPropertyAccess(ts17.createIdentifier("document"), "createElement");
2797 return ts17.createCall(createElement, void 0, [ts17.createLiteral(tagName)]);
2799function tsDeclareVariable(id, type) {
2800 const decl = ts17.createVariableDeclaration(id, type, ts17.createNonNullExpression(ts17.createNull()));
2801 return ts17.createVariableStatement(void 0, [decl]);
2803function tsCreateTypeQueryForCoercedInput(typeName, coercedInputName) {
2804 return ts17.createTypeQueryNode(ts17.createQualifiedName(typeName, `ngAcceptInputType_${coercedInputName}`));
2806function tsCreateVariable(id, initializer) {
2807 const decl = ts17.createVariableDeclaration(id, void 0, initializer);
2808 return ts17.createVariableStatement(void 0, [decl]);
2810function tsCallMethod(receiver, methodName, args = []) {
2811 const methodAccess = ts17.createPropertyAccess(receiver, methodName);
2812 return ts17.createCall(methodAccess, void 0, args);
2814function checkIfClassIsExported(node) {
2815 if (node.modifiers !== void 0 && node.modifiers.some((mod) => mod.kind === ts17.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword)) {
2816 return true;
2817 } else if (node.parent !== void 0 && ts17.isSourceFile(node.parent) && checkIfFileHasExport(node.parent, node.name.text)) {
2818 return true;
2819 }
2820 return false;
2822function checkIfFileHasExport(sf, name) {
2823 for (const stmt of sf.statements) {
2824 if (ts17.isExportDeclaration(stmt) && stmt.exportClause !== void 0 && ts17.isNamedExports(stmt.exportClause)) {
2825 for (const element of stmt.exportClause.elements) {
2826 if (element.propertyName === void 0 && element.name.text === name) {
2827 return true;
2828 } else if (element.propertyName !== void 0 && element.propertyName.text == name) {
2829 return true;
2830 }
2831 }
2832 }
2833 }
2834 return false;
2836function isAccessExpression(node) {
2837 return ts17.isPropertyAccessExpression(node) || ts17.isElementAccessExpression(node);
2840// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_constructor.mjs
2841import ts21 from "typescript";
2843// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/tcb_util.mjs
2844import ts20 from "typescript";
2846// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_parameter_emitter.mjs
2847import ts19 from "typescript";
2849// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_emitter.mjs
2850import ts18 from "typescript";
2851var INELIGIBLE = {};
2852function canEmitType(type, canEmit) {
2853 return canEmitTypeWorker(type);
2854 function canEmitTypeWorker(type2) {
2855 return visitNode(type2) !== INELIGIBLE;
2856 }
2857 function visitNode(node) {
2858 if (ts18.isImportTypeNode(node)) {
2859 return INELIGIBLE;
2860 }
2861 if (ts18.isTypeReferenceNode(node) && !canEmitTypeReference(node)) {
2862 return INELIGIBLE;
2863 } else {
2864 return ts18.forEachChild(node, visitNode);
2865 }
2866 }
2867 function canEmitTypeReference(type2) {
2868 if (!canEmit(type2)) {
2869 return false;
2870 }
2871 return type2.typeArguments === void 0 || type2.typeArguments.every(canEmitTypeWorker);
2872 }
2874var TypeEmitter = class {
2875 constructor(translator) {
2876 this.translator = translator;
2877 }
2878 emitType(type) {
2879 const typeReferenceTransformer = (context) => {
2880 const visitNode = (node) => {
2881 if (ts18.isImportTypeNode(node)) {
2882 throw new Error("Unable to emit import type");
2883 }
2884 if (ts18.isTypeReferenceNode(node)) {
2885 return this.emitTypeReference(node);
2886 } else if (ts18.isLiteralExpression(node)) {
2887 const clone = ts18.getMutableClone(node);
2888 ts18.setTextRange(clone, { pos: -1, end: -1 });
2889 return clone;
2890 } else {
2891 return ts18.visitEachChild(node, visitNode, context);
2892 }
2893 };
2894 return (node) => ts18.visitNode(node, visitNode);
2895 };
2896 return ts18.transform(type, [typeReferenceTransformer]).transformed[0];
2897 }
2898 emitTypeReference(type) {
2899 const translatedType = this.translator(type);
2900 if (translatedType === null) {
2901 throw new Error("Unable to emit an unresolved reference");
2902 }
2903 let typeArguments = void 0;
2904 if (type.typeArguments !== void 0) {
2905 typeArguments = ts18.createNodeArray(type.typeArguments.map((typeArg) => this.emitType(typeArg)));
2906 }
2907 return ts18.updateTypeReferenceNode(type, translatedType.typeName, typeArguments);
2908 }
2911// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_parameter_emitter.mjs
2912var TypeParameterEmitter = class {
2913 constructor(typeParameters, reflector) {
2914 this.typeParameters = typeParameters;
2915 this.reflector = reflector;
2916 }
2917 canEmit(canEmitReference) {
2918 if (this.typeParameters === void 0) {
2919 return true;
2920 }
2921 return this.typeParameters.every((typeParam) => {
2922 return this.canEmitType(typeParam.constraint, canEmitReference) && this.canEmitType(typeParam.default, canEmitReference);
2923 });
2924 }
2925 canEmitType(type, canEmitReference) {
2926 if (type === void 0) {
2927 return true;
2928 }
2929 return canEmitType(type, (typeReference) => {
2930 const reference = this.resolveTypeReference(typeReference);
2931 if (reference === null) {
2932 return false;
2933 }
2934 if (reference instanceof Reference) {
2935 return canEmitReference(reference);
2936 }
2937 return true;
2938 });
2939 }
2940 emit(emitReference) {
2941 if (this.typeParameters === void 0) {
2942 return void 0;
2943 }
2944 const emitter = new TypeEmitter((type) => this.translateTypeReference(type, emitReference));
2945 return this.typeParameters.map((typeParam) => {
2946 const constraint = typeParam.constraint !== void 0 ? emitter.emitType(typeParam.constraint) : void 0;
2947 const defaultType = typeParam.default !== void 0 ? emitter.emitType(typeParam.default) : void 0;
2948 return ts19.updateTypeParameterDeclaration(typeParam, typeParam.name, constraint, defaultType);
2949 });
2950 }
2951 resolveTypeReference(type) {
2952 const target = ts19.isIdentifier(type.typeName) ? type.typeName : type.typeName.right;
2953 const declaration = this.reflector.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(target);
2954 if (declaration === null || declaration.node === null) {
2955 return null;
2956 }
2957 if (this.isLocalTypeParameter(declaration.node)) {
2958 return type;
2959 }
2960 let owningModule = null;
2961 if (declaration.viaModule !== null) {
2962 owningModule = {
2963 specifier: declaration.viaModule,
2964 resolutionContext: type.getSourceFile().fileName
2965 };
2966 }
2967 return new Reference(declaration.node, owningModule);
2968 }
2969 translateTypeReference(type, emitReference) {
2970 const reference = this.resolveTypeReference(type);
2971 if (!(reference instanceof Reference)) {
2972 return reference;
2973 }
2974 const typeNode = emitReference(reference);
2975 if (typeNode === null) {
2976 return null;
2977 }
2978 if (!ts19.isTypeReferenceNode(typeNode)) {
2979 throw new Error(`Expected TypeReferenceNode for emitted reference, got ${ts19.SyntaxKind[typeNode.kind]}.`);
2980 }
2981 return typeNode;
2982 }
2983 isLocalTypeParameter(decl) {
2984 return this.typeParameters.some((param) => param === decl);
2985 }
2988// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/tcb_util.mjs
2989var TcbInliningRequirement;
2990(function(TcbInliningRequirement2) {
2991 TcbInliningRequirement2[TcbInliningRequirement2["MustInline"] = 0] = "MustInline";
2992 TcbInliningRequirement2[TcbInliningRequirement2["ShouldInlineForGenericBounds"] = 1] = "ShouldInlineForGenericBounds";
2993 TcbInliningRequirement2[TcbInliningRequirement2["None"] = 2] = "None";
2994})(TcbInliningRequirement || (TcbInliningRequirement = {}));
2995function requiresInlineTypeCheckBlock(node, env, usedPipes, reflector) {
2996 if (!checkIfClassIsExported(node)) {
2997 return TcbInliningRequirement.MustInline;
2998 } else if (!checkIfGenericTypeBoundsCanBeEmitted(node, reflector, env)) {
2999 return TcbInliningRequirement.ShouldInlineForGenericBounds;
3000 } else if (Array.from(usedPipes.values()).some((pipeRef) => !checkIfClassIsExported(pipeRef.node))) {
3001 return TcbInliningRequirement.MustInline;
3002 } else {
3003 return TcbInliningRequirement.None;
3004 }
3006function getTemplateMapping(shimSf, position, resolver, isDiagnosticRequest) {
3007 const node = getTokenAtPosition(shimSf, position);
3008 const sourceLocation = findSourceLocation(node, shimSf, isDiagnosticRequest);
3009 if (sourceLocation === null) {
3010 return null;
3011 }
3012 const mapping = resolver.getSourceMapping(sourceLocation.id);
3013 const span = resolver.toParseSourceSpan(sourceLocation.id, sourceLocation.span);
3014 if (span === null) {
3015 return null;
3016 }
3017 return { sourceLocation, templateSourceMapping: mapping, span };
3019function findTypeCheckBlock(file, id, isDiagnosticRequest) {
3020 for (const stmt of file.statements) {
3021 if (ts20.isFunctionDeclaration(stmt) && getTemplateId2(stmt, file, isDiagnosticRequest) === id) {
3022 return stmt;
3023 }
3024 }
3025 return null;
3027function findSourceLocation(node, sourceFile, isDiagnosticsRequest) {
3028 while (node !== void 0 && !ts20.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) {
3029 if (hasIgnoreForDiagnosticsMarker(node, sourceFile) && isDiagnosticsRequest) {
3030 return null;
3031 }
3032 const span = readSpanComment(node, sourceFile);
3033 if (span !== null) {
3034 const id = getTemplateId2(node, sourceFile, isDiagnosticsRequest);
3035 if (id === null) {
3036 return null;
3037 }
3038 return { id, span };
3039 }
3040 node = node.parent;
3041 }
3042 return null;
3044function getTemplateId2(node, sourceFile, isDiagnosticRequest) {
3045 while (!ts20.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) {
3046 if (hasIgnoreForDiagnosticsMarker(node, sourceFile) && isDiagnosticRequest) {
3047 return null;
3048 }
3049 node = node.parent;
3050 if (node === void 0) {
3051 return null;
3052 }
3053 }
3054 const start = node.getFullStart();
3055 return ts20.forEachLeadingCommentRange(sourceFile.text, start, (pos, end, kind) => {
3056 if (kind !== ts20.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) {
3057 return null;
3058 }
3059 const commentText = sourceFile.text.substring(pos + 2, end - 2);
3060 return commentText;
3061 }) || null;
3063function checkIfGenericTypeBoundsCanBeEmitted(node, reflector, env) {
3064 const emitter = new TypeParameterEmitter(node.typeParameters, reflector);
3065 return emitter.canEmit((ref) => env.canReferenceType(ref));
3068// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_constructor.mjs
3069function generateTypeCtorDeclarationFn(node, meta, nodeTypeRef, typeParams) {
3070 const rawTypeArgs = typeParams !== void 0 ? generateGenericArgs(typeParams) : void 0;
3071 const rawType = ts21.createTypeReferenceNode(nodeTypeRef, rawTypeArgs);
3072 const initParam = constructTypeCtorParameter(node, meta, rawType);
3073 const typeParameters = typeParametersWithDefaultTypes(typeParams);
3074 if (meta.body) {
3075 const fnType = ts21.createFunctionTypeNode(typeParameters, [initParam], rawType);
3076 const decl = ts21.createVariableDeclaration(meta.fnName, fnType, ts21.createNonNullExpression(ts21.createNull()));
3077 const declList = ts21.createVariableDeclarationList([decl], ts21.NodeFlags.Const);
3078 return ts21.createVariableStatement(void 0, declList);
3079 } else {
3080 return ts21.createFunctionDeclaration(void 0, [ts21.createModifier(ts21.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword)], void 0, meta.fnName, typeParameters, [initParam], rawType, void 0);
3081 }
3083function generateInlineTypeCtor(node, meta) {
3084 const rawTypeArgs = node.typeParameters !== void 0 ? generateGenericArgs(node.typeParameters) : void 0;
3085 const rawType = ts21.createTypeReferenceNode(node.name, rawTypeArgs);
3086 const initParam = constructTypeCtorParameter(node, meta, rawType);
3087 let body = void 0;
3088 if (meta.body) {
3089 body = ts21.createBlock([
3090 ts21.createReturn(ts21.createNonNullExpression(ts21.createNull()))
3091 ]);
3092 }
3093 return ts21.createMethod(void 0, [ts21.createModifier(ts21.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword)], void 0, meta.fnName, void 0, typeParametersWithDefaultTypes(node.typeParameters), [initParam], rawType, body);
3095function constructTypeCtorParameter(node, meta, rawType) {
3096 let initType = null;
3097 const keys = meta.fields.inputs;
3098 const plainKeys = [];
3099 const coercedKeys = [];
3100 for (const key of keys) {
3101 if (!meta.coercedInputFields.has(key)) {
3102 plainKeys.push(ts21.createLiteralTypeNode(ts21.createStringLiteral(key)));
3103 } else {
3104 coercedKeys.push(ts21.createPropertySignature(void 0, key, void 0, tsCreateTypeQueryForCoercedInput(rawType.typeName, key), void 0));
3105 }
3106 }
3107 if (plainKeys.length > 0) {
3108 const keyTypeUnion = ts21.createUnionTypeNode(plainKeys);
3109 initType = ts21.createTypeReferenceNode("Pick", [rawType, keyTypeUnion]);
3110 }
3111 if (coercedKeys.length > 0) {
3112 const coercedLiteral = ts21.createTypeLiteralNode(coercedKeys);
3113 initType = initType !== null ? ts21.createIntersectionTypeNode([initType, coercedLiteral]) : coercedLiteral;
3114 }
3115 if (initType === null) {
3116 initType = ts21.createTypeLiteralNode([]);
3117 }
3118 return ts21.createParameter(void 0, void 0, void 0, "init", void 0, initType, void 0);
3120function generateGenericArgs(params) {
3121 return params.map((param) => ts21.createTypeReferenceNode(param.name, void 0));
3123function requiresInlineTypeCtor(node, host, env) {
3124 return !checkIfGenericTypeBoundsCanBeEmitted(node, host, env);
3126function typeParametersWithDefaultTypes(params) {
3127 if (params === void 0) {
3128 return void 0;
3129 }
3130 return params.map((param) => {
3131 if (param.default === void 0) {
3132 return ts21.updateTypeParameterDeclaration(param, param.name, param.constraint, ts21.createKeywordTypeNode(ts21.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword));
3133 } else {
3134 return param;
3135 }
3136 });
3139// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/environment.mjs
3140var Environment = class {
3141 constructor(config, importManager, refEmitter, reflector, contextFile) {
3142 this.config = config;
3143 this.importManager = importManager;
3144 this.refEmitter = refEmitter;
3145 this.reflector = reflector;
3146 this.contextFile = contextFile;
3147 this.nextIds = {
3148 pipeInst: 1,
3149 typeCtor: 1
3150 };
3151 this.typeCtors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
3152 this.typeCtorStatements = [];
3153 this.pipeInsts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
3154 this.pipeInstStatements = [];
3155 }
3156 typeCtorFor(dir) {
3157 const dirRef = dir.ref;
3158 const node = dirRef.node;
3159 if (this.typeCtors.has(node)) {
3160 return this.typeCtors.get(node);
3161 }
3162 if (requiresInlineTypeCtor(node, this.reflector, this)) {
3163 const ref = this.reference(dirRef);
3164 const typeCtorExpr = ts22.createPropertyAccess(ref, "ngTypeCtor");
3165 this.typeCtors.set(node, typeCtorExpr);
3166 return typeCtorExpr;
3167 } else {
3168 const fnName = `_ctor${this.nextIds.typeCtor++}`;
3169 const nodeTypeRef = this.referenceType(dirRef);
3170 if (!ts22.isTypeReferenceNode(nodeTypeRef)) {
3171 throw new Error(`Expected TypeReferenceNode from reference to ${dirRef.debugName}`);
3172 }
3173 const meta = {
3174 fnName,
3175 body: true,
3176 fields: {
3177 inputs: dir.inputs.classPropertyNames,
3178 outputs: dir.outputs.classPropertyNames,
3179 queries: dir.queries
3180 },
3181 coercedInputFields: dir.coercedInputFields
3182 };
3183 const typeParams = this.emitTypeParameters(node);
3184 const typeCtor = generateTypeCtorDeclarationFn(node, meta, nodeTypeRef.typeName, typeParams);
3185 this.typeCtorStatements.push(typeCtor);
3186 const fnId = ts22.createIdentifier(fnName);
3187 this.typeCtors.set(node, fnId);
3188 return fnId;
3189 }
3190 }
3191 pipeInst(ref) {
3192 if (this.pipeInsts.has(ref.node)) {
3193 return this.pipeInsts.get(ref.node);
3194 }
3195 const pipeType = this.referenceType(ref);
3196 const pipeInstId = ts22.createIdentifier(`_pipe${this.nextIds.pipeInst++}`);
3197 this.pipeInstStatements.push(tsDeclareVariable(pipeInstId, pipeType));
3198 this.pipeInsts.set(ref.node, pipeInstId);
3199 return pipeInstId;
3200 }
3201 reference(ref) {
3202 const ngExpr = this.refEmitter.emit(ref, this.contextFile, ImportFlags.NoAliasing);
3203 assertSuccessfulReferenceEmit(ngExpr, this.contextFile, "class");
3204 return translateExpression(ngExpr.expression, this.importManager);
3205 }
3206 canReferenceType(ref) {
3207 const result = this.refEmitter.emit(ref, this.contextFile, ImportFlags.NoAliasing | ImportFlags.AllowTypeImports | ImportFlags.AllowRelativeDtsImports);
3208 return result.kind === 0;
3209 }
3210 referenceType(ref) {
3211 const ngExpr = this.refEmitter.emit(ref, this.contextFile, ImportFlags.NoAliasing | ImportFlags.AllowTypeImports | ImportFlags.AllowRelativeDtsImports);
3212 assertSuccessfulReferenceEmit(ngExpr, this.contextFile, "symbol");
3213 return translateType(new ExpressionType(ngExpr.expression), this.importManager);
3214 }
3215 emitTypeParameters(declaration) {
3216 const emitter = new TypeParameterEmitter(declaration.typeParameters, this.reflector);
3217 return emitter.emit((ref) => this.referenceType(ref));
3218 }
3219 referenceExternalType(moduleName, name, typeParams) {
3220 const external = new ExternalExpr2({ moduleName, name });
3221 return translateType(new ExpressionType(external, TypeModifier.None, typeParams), this.importManager);
3222 }
3223 getPreludeStatements() {
3224 return [
3225 ...this.pipeInstStatements,
3226 ...this.typeCtorStatements
3227 ];
3228 }
3231// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/oob.mjs
3232import { TmplAstElement as TmplAstElement2 } from "@angular/compiler";
3233import ts23 from "typescript";
3234var OutOfBandDiagnosticRecorderImpl = class {
3235 constructor(resolver) {
3236 this.resolver = resolver;
3237 this._diagnostics = [];
3238 this.recordedPipes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
3239 }
3240 get diagnostics() {
3241 return this._diagnostics;
3242 }
3243 missingReferenceTarget(templateId, ref) {
3244 const mapping = this.resolver.getSourceMapping(templateId);
3245 const value = ref.value.trim();
3246 const errorMsg = `No directive found with exportAs '${value}'.`;
3247 this._diagnostics.push(makeTemplateDiagnostic(templateId, mapping, ref.valueSpan || ref.sourceSpan, ts23.DiagnosticCategory.Error, ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.MISSING_REFERENCE_TARGET), errorMsg));
3248 }
3249 missingPipe(templateId, ast) {
3250 if (this.recordedPipes.has(ast)) {
3251 return;
3252 }
3253 const mapping = this.resolver.getSourceMapping(templateId);
3254 const errorMsg = `No pipe found with name '${ast.name}'.`;
3255 const sourceSpan = this.resolver.toParseSourceSpan(templateId, ast.nameSpan);
3256 if (sourceSpan === null) {
3257 throw new Error(`Assertion failure: no SourceLocation found for usage of pipe '${ast.name}'.`);
3258 }
3259 this._diagnostics.push(makeTemplateDiagnostic(templateId, mapping, sourceSpan, ts23.DiagnosticCategory.Error, ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.MISSING_PIPE), errorMsg));
3260 this.recordedPipes.add(ast);
3261 }
3262 illegalAssignmentToTemplateVar(templateId, assignment, target) {
3263 var _a, _b;
3264 const mapping = this.resolver.getSourceMapping(templateId);
3265 const errorMsg = `Cannot use variable '${assignment.name}' as the left-hand side of an assignment expression. Template variables are read-only.`;
3266 const sourceSpan = this.resolver.toParseSourceSpan(templateId, assignment.sourceSpan);
3267 if (sourceSpan === null) {
3268 throw new Error(`Assertion failure: no SourceLocation found for property binding.`);
3269 }
3270 this._diagnostics.push(makeTemplateDiagnostic(templateId, mapping, sourceSpan, ts23.DiagnosticCategory.Error, ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.WRITE_TO_READ_ONLY_VARIABLE), errorMsg, [{
3271 text: `The variable ${assignment.name} is declared here.`,
3272 start: ((_a = target.valueSpan) == null ? void 0 : _a.start.offset) || target.sourceSpan.start.offset,
3273 end: ((_b = target.valueSpan) == null ? void 0 : _b.end.offset) || target.sourceSpan.end.offset,
3274 sourceFile: mapping.node.getSourceFile()
3275 }]));
3276 }
3277 duplicateTemplateVar(templateId, variable, firstDecl) {
3278 const mapping = this.resolver.getSourceMapping(templateId);
3279 const errorMsg = `Cannot redeclare variable '${variable.name}' as it was previously declared elsewhere for the same template.`;
3280 this._diagnostics.push(makeTemplateDiagnostic(templateId, mapping, variable.sourceSpan, ts23.DiagnosticCategory.Error, ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_VARIABLE_DECLARATION), errorMsg, [{
3281 text: `The variable '${firstDecl.name}' was first declared here.`,
3282 start: firstDecl.sourceSpan.start.offset,
3283 end: firstDecl.sourceSpan.end.offset,
3284 sourceFile: mapping.node.getSourceFile()
3285 }]));
3286 }
3287 requiresInlineTcb(templateId, node) {
3288 this._diagnostics.push(makeInlineDiagnostic(templateId, ErrorCode.INLINE_TCB_REQUIRED, node.name, `This component requires inline template type-checking, which is not supported by the current environment.`));
3289 }
3290 requiresInlineTypeConstructors(templateId, node, directives) {
3291 let message;
3292 if (directives.length > 1) {
3293 message = `This component uses directives which require inline type constructors, which are not supported by the current environment.`;
3294 } else {
3295 message = `This component uses a directive which requires an inline type constructor, which is not supported by the current environment.`;
3296 }
3297 this._diagnostics.push(makeInlineDiagnostic(templateId, ErrorCode.INLINE_TYPE_CTOR_REQUIRED, node.name, message, directives.map((dir) => makeRelatedInformation(dir.name, `Requires an inline type constructor.`))));
3298 }
3299 suboptimalTypeInference(templateId, variables) {
3300 const mapping = this.resolver.getSourceMapping(templateId);
3301 let diagnosticVar = null;
3302 for (const variable of variables) {
3303 if (diagnosticVar === null || (variable.value === "" || variable.value === "$implicit")) {
3304 diagnosticVar = variable;
3305 }
3306 }
3307 if (diagnosticVar === null) {
3308 return;
3309 }
3310 let varIdentification = `'${diagnosticVar.name}'`;
3311 if (variables.length === 2) {
3312 varIdentification += ` (and 1 other)`;
3313 } else if (variables.length > 2) {
3314 varIdentification += ` (and ${variables.length - 1} others)`;
3315 }
3316 const message = `This structural directive supports advanced type inference, but the current compiler configuration prevents its usage. The variable ${varIdentification} will have type 'any' as a result.
3318Consider enabling the 'strictTemplates' option in your tsconfig.json for better type inference within this template.`;
3319 this._diagnostics.push(makeTemplateDiagnostic(templateId, mapping, diagnosticVar.keySpan, ts23.DiagnosticCategory.Suggestion, ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.SUGGEST_SUBOPTIMAL_TYPE_INFERENCE), message));
3320 }
3321 splitTwoWayBinding(templateId, input, output, inputConsumer, outputConsumer) {
3322 const mapping = this.resolver.getSourceMapping(templateId);
3323 const errorMsg = `The property and event halves of the two-way binding '${input.name}' are not bound to the same target.
3324 Find more at https://angular.io/guide/two-way-binding#how-two-way-binding-works`;
3325 const relatedMessages = [];
3326 relatedMessages.push({
3327 text: `The property half of the binding is to the '${inputConsumer.name.text}' component.`,
3328 start: inputConsumer.name.getStart(),
3329 end: inputConsumer.name.getEnd(),
3330 sourceFile: inputConsumer.name.getSourceFile()
3331 });
3332 if (outputConsumer instanceof TmplAstElement2) {
3333 let message = `The event half of the binding is to a native event called '${input.name}' on the <${outputConsumer.name}> DOM element.`;
3334 if (!mapping.node.getSourceFile().isDeclarationFile) {
3335 message += `
3337 Are you missing an output declaration called '${output.name}'?`;
3338 }
3339 relatedMessages.push({
3340 text: message,
3341 start: outputConsumer.sourceSpan.start.offset + 1,
3342 end: outputConsumer.sourceSpan.start.offset + outputConsumer.name.length + 1,
3343 sourceFile: mapping.node.getSourceFile()
3344 });
3345 } else {
3346 relatedMessages.push({
3347 text: `The event half of the binding is to the '${outputConsumer.name.text}' component.`,
3348 start: outputConsumer.name.getStart(),
3349 end: outputConsumer.name.getEnd(),
3350 sourceFile: outputConsumer.name.getSourceFile()
3351 });
3352 }
3353 this._diagnostics.push(makeTemplateDiagnostic(templateId, mapping, input.keySpan, ts23.DiagnosticCategory.Error, ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.SPLIT_TWO_WAY_BINDING), errorMsg, relatedMessages));
3354 }
3356function makeInlineDiagnostic(templateId, code, node, messageText, relatedInformation) {
3357 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, makeDiagnostic(code, node, messageText, relatedInformation)), {
3358 componentFile: node.getSourceFile(),
3359 templateId
3360 });
3363// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/shim.mjs
3364import ts24 from "typescript";
3365var TypeCheckShimGenerator = class {
3366 constructor() {
3367 this.extensionPrefix = "ngtypecheck";
3368 this.shouldEmit = false;
3369 }
3370 generateShimForFile(sf, genFilePath, priorShimSf) {
3371 if (priorShimSf !== null) {
3372 return priorShimSf;
3373 }
3374 return ts24.createSourceFile(genFilePath, "export const USED_FOR_NG_TYPE_CHECKING = true;", ts24.ScriptTarget.Latest, true, ts24.ScriptKind.TS);
3375 }
3376 static shimFor(fileName) {
3377 return absoluteFrom(fileName.replace(/\.tsx?$/, ".ngtypecheck.ts"));
3378 }
3381// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_check_block.mjs
3382import { BindingPipe, Call as Call2, DYNAMIC_TYPE, ImplicitReceiver as ImplicitReceiver4, PropertyRead as PropertyRead4, PropertyWrite as PropertyWrite3, SafeCall, SafePropertyRead as SafePropertyRead3, ThisReceiver, TmplAstBoundAttribute, TmplAstBoundText, TmplAstElement as TmplAstElement3, TmplAstIcu, TmplAstReference as TmplAstReference3, TmplAstTemplate as TmplAstTemplate2, TmplAstTextAttribute as TmplAstTextAttribute2, TmplAstVariable as TmplAstVariable2 } from "@angular/compiler";
3383import ts27 from "typescript";
3385// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/diagnostics.mjs
3386import { AbsoluteSourceSpan as AbsoluteSourceSpan3 } from "@angular/compiler";
3387import ts25 from "typescript";
3388function wrapForDiagnostics(expr) {
3389 return ts25.createParen(expr);
3391function wrapForTypeChecker(expr) {
3392 return ts25.createParen(expr);
3394function addParseSpanInfo(node, span) {
3395 let commentText;
3396 if (span instanceof AbsoluteSourceSpan3) {
3397 commentText = `${span.start},${span.end}`;
3398 } else {
3399 commentText = `${span.start.offset},${span.end.offset}`;
3400 }
3401 ts25.addSyntheticTrailingComment(node, ts25.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia, commentText, false);
3403function addTemplateId(tcb, id) {
3404 ts25.addSyntheticLeadingComment(tcb, ts25.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia, id, true);
3406function shouldReportDiagnostic(diagnostic) {
3407 const { code } = diagnostic;
3408 if (code === 6133) {
3409 return false;
3410 } else if (code === 6199) {
3411 return false;
3412 } else if (code === 2695) {
3413 return false;
3414 } else if (code === 7006) {
3415 return false;
3416 }
3417 return true;
3419function translateDiagnostic(diagnostic, resolver) {
3420 if (diagnostic.file === void 0 || diagnostic.start === void 0) {
3421 return null;
3422 }
3423 const fullMapping = getTemplateMapping(diagnostic.file, diagnostic.start, resolver, true);
3424 if (fullMapping === null) {
3425 return null;
3426 }
3427 const { sourceLocation, templateSourceMapping, span } = fullMapping;
3428 return makeTemplateDiagnostic(sourceLocation.id, templateSourceMapping, span, diagnostic.category, diagnostic.code, diagnostic.messageText);
3431// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/expression.mjs
3432import { ASTWithSource as ASTWithSource2, Call, EmptyExpr as EmptyExpr2, PropertyRead as PropertyRead3, SafeKeyedRead, SafePropertyRead as SafePropertyRead2 } from "@angular/compiler";
3433import ts26 from "typescript";
3434var NULL_AS_ANY = ts26.createAsExpression(ts26.createNull(), ts26.createKeywordTypeNode(ts26.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword));
3435var UNDEFINED = ts26.createIdentifier("undefined");
3436var UNARY_OPS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
3437 ["+", ts26.SyntaxKind.PlusToken],
3438 ["-", ts26.SyntaxKind.MinusToken]
3440var BINARY_OPS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
3441 ["+", ts26.SyntaxKind.PlusToken],
3442 ["-", ts26.SyntaxKind.MinusToken],
3443 ["<", ts26.SyntaxKind.LessThanToken],
3444 [">", ts26.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken],
3445 ["<=", ts26.SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken],
3446 [">=", ts26.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken],
3447 ["==", ts26.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken],
3448 ["===", ts26.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken],
3449 ["*", ts26.SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken],
3450 ["/", ts26.SyntaxKind.SlashToken],
3451 ["%", ts26.SyntaxKind.PercentToken],
3452 ["!=", ts26.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken],
3453 ["!==", ts26.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken],
3454 ["||", ts26.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken],
3455 ["&&", ts26.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken],
3456 ["&", ts26.SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken],
3457 ["|", ts26.SyntaxKind.BarToken],
3458 ["??", ts26.SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken]
3460function astToTypescript(ast, maybeResolve, config) {
3461 const translator = new AstTranslator(maybeResolve, config);
3462 return translator.translate(ast);
3464var AstTranslator = class {
3465 constructor(maybeResolve, config) {
3466 this.maybeResolve = maybeResolve;
3467 this.config = config;
3468 }
3469 translate(ast) {
3470 if (ast instanceof ASTWithSource2) {
3471 ast = ast.ast;
3472 }
3473 if (ast instanceof EmptyExpr2) {
3474 const res = ts26.factory.createIdentifier("undefined");
3475 addParseSpanInfo(res, ast.sourceSpan);
3476 return res;
3477 }
3478 const resolved = this.maybeResolve(ast);
3479 if (resolved !== null) {
3480 return resolved;
3481 }
3482 return ast.visit(this);
3483 }
3484 visitUnary(ast) {
3485 const expr = this.translate(ast.expr);
3486 const op = UNARY_OPS.get(ast.operator);
3487 if (op === void 0) {
3488 throw new Error(`Unsupported Unary.operator: ${ast.operator}`);
3489 }
3490 const node = wrapForDiagnostics(ts26.createPrefix(op, expr));
3491 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3492 return node;
3493 }
3494 visitBinary(ast) {
3495 const lhs = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.left));
3496 const rhs = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.right));
3497 const op = BINARY_OPS.get(ast.operation);
3498 if (op === void 0) {
3499 throw new Error(`Unsupported Binary.operation: ${ast.operation}`);
3500 }
3501 const node = ts26.createBinary(lhs, op, rhs);
3502 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3503 return node;
3504 }
3505 visitChain(ast) {
3506 const elements = ast.expressions.map((expr) => this.translate(expr));
3507 const node = wrapForDiagnostics(ts26.createCommaList(elements));
3508 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3509 return node;
3510 }
3511 visitConditional(ast) {
3512 const condExpr = this.translate(ast.condition);
3513 const trueExpr = this.translate(ast.trueExp);
3514 const falseExpr = wrapForTypeChecker(this.translate(ast.falseExp));
3515 const node = ts26.createParen(ts26.createConditional(condExpr, trueExpr, falseExpr));
3516 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3517 return node;
3518 }
3519 visitImplicitReceiver(ast) {
3520 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
3521 }
3522 visitThisReceiver(ast) {
3523 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
3524 }
3525 visitInterpolation(ast) {
3526 return ast.expressions.reduce((lhs, ast2) => ts26.createBinary(lhs, ts26.SyntaxKind.PlusToken, wrapForTypeChecker(this.translate(ast2))), ts26.createLiteral(""));
3527 }
3528 visitKeyedRead(ast) {
3529 const receiver = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.receiver));
3530 const key = this.translate(ast.key);
3531 const node = ts26.createElementAccess(receiver, key);
3532 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3533 return node;
3534 }
3535 visitKeyedWrite(ast) {
3536 const receiver = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.receiver));
3537 const left = ts26.createElementAccess(receiver, this.translate(ast.key));
3538 const right = wrapForTypeChecker(this.translate(ast.value));
3539 const node = wrapForDiagnostics(ts26.createBinary(left, ts26.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, right));
3540 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3541 return node;
3542 }
3543 visitLiteralArray(ast) {
3544 const elements = ast.expressions.map((expr) => this.translate(expr));
3545 const literal = ts26.createArrayLiteral(elements);
3546 const node = this.config.strictLiteralTypes ? literal : tsCastToAny(literal);
3547 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3548 return node;
3549 }
3550 visitLiteralMap(ast) {
3551 const properties = ast.keys.map(({ key }, idx) => {
3552 const value = this.translate(ast.values[idx]);
3553 return ts26.createPropertyAssignment(ts26.createStringLiteral(key), value);
3554 });
3555 const literal = ts26.createObjectLiteral(properties, true);
3556 const node = this.config.strictLiteralTypes ? literal : tsCastToAny(literal);
3557 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3558 return node;
3559 }
3560 visitLiteralPrimitive(ast) {
3561 let node;
3562 if (ast.value === void 0) {
3563 node = ts26.createIdentifier("undefined");
3564 } else if (ast.value === null) {
3565 node = ts26.createNull();
3566 } else {
3567 node = ts26.createLiteral(ast.value);
3568 }
3569 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3570 return node;
3571 }
3572 visitNonNullAssert(ast) {
3573 const expr = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.expression));
3574 const node = ts26.createNonNullExpression(expr);
3575 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3576 return node;
3577 }
3578 visitPipe(ast) {
3579 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
3580 }
3581 visitPrefixNot(ast) {
3582 const expression = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.expression));
3583 const node = ts26.createLogicalNot(expression);
3584 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3585 return node;
3586 }
3587 visitPropertyRead(ast) {
3588 const receiver = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.receiver));
3589 const name = ts26.createPropertyAccess(receiver, ast.name);
3590 addParseSpanInfo(name, ast.nameSpan);
3591 const node = wrapForDiagnostics(name);
3592 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3593 return node;
3594 }
3595 visitPropertyWrite(ast) {
3596 const receiver = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.receiver));
3597 const left = ts26.createPropertyAccess(receiver, ast.name);
3598 addParseSpanInfo(left, ast.nameSpan);
3599 const leftWithPath = wrapForDiagnostics(left);
3600 addParseSpanInfo(leftWithPath, ast.sourceSpan);
3601 const right = wrapForTypeChecker(this.translate(ast.value));
3602 const node = wrapForDiagnostics(ts26.createBinary(leftWithPath, ts26.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, right));
3603 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3604 return node;
3605 }
3606 visitQuote(ast) {
3607 return NULL_AS_ANY;
3608 }
3609 visitSafePropertyRead(ast) {
3610 let node;
3611 const receiver = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.receiver));
3612 if (this.config.strictSafeNavigationTypes) {
3613 const expr = ts26.createPropertyAccess(ts26.createNonNullExpression(receiver), ast.name);
3614 addParseSpanInfo(expr, ast.nameSpan);
3615 node = ts26.createParen(ts26.createConditional(NULL_AS_ANY, expr, UNDEFINED));
3616 } else if (VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector.veWillInferAnyFor(ast)) {
3617 node = ts26.createPropertyAccess(tsCastToAny(receiver), ast.name);
3618 } else {
3619 const expr = ts26.createPropertyAccess(ts26.createNonNullExpression(receiver), ast.name);
3620 addParseSpanInfo(expr, ast.nameSpan);
3621 node = tsCastToAny(expr);
3622 }
3623 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3624 return node;
3625 }
3626 visitSafeKeyedRead(ast) {
3627 const receiver = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.receiver));
3628 const key = this.translate(ast.key);
3629 let node;
3630 if (this.config.strictSafeNavigationTypes) {
3631 const expr = ts26.createElementAccess(ts26.createNonNullExpression(receiver), key);
3632 addParseSpanInfo(expr, ast.sourceSpan);
3633 node = ts26.createParen(ts26.createConditional(NULL_AS_ANY, expr, UNDEFINED));
3634 } else if (VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector.veWillInferAnyFor(ast)) {
3635 node = ts26.createElementAccess(tsCastToAny(receiver), key);
3636 } else {
3637 const expr = ts26.createElementAccess(ts26.createNonNullExpression(receiver), key);
3638 addParseSpanInfo(expr, ast.sourceSpan);
3639 node = tsCastToAny(expr);
3640 }
3641 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3642 return node;
3643 }
3644 visitCall(ast) {
3645 const args = ast.args.map((expr2) => this.translate(expr2));
3646 let expr;
3647 const receiver = ast.receiver;
3648 if (receiver instanceof PropertyRead3) {
3649 const resolved = this.maybeResolve(receiver);
3650 if (resolved !== null) {
3651 expr = resolved;
3652 } else {
3653 const propertyReceiver = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(receiver.receiver));
3654 expr = ts26.createPropertyAccess(propertyReceiver, receiver.name);
3655 addParseSpanInfo(expr, receiver.nameSpan);
3656 }
3657 } else {
3658 expr = this.translate(receiver);
3659 }
3660 let node;
3661 if (ast.receiver instanceof SafePropertyRead2 || ast.receiver instanceof SafeKeyedRead) {
3662 node = this.convertToSafeCall(ast, expr, args);
3663 } else {
3664 node = ts26.createCall(expr, void 0, args);
3665 }
3666 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3667 return node;
3668 }
3669 visitSafeCall(ast) {
3670 const args = ast.args.map((expr2) => this.translate(expr2));
3671 const expr = wrapForDiagnostics(this.translate(ast.receiver));
3672 const node = this.convertToSafeCall(ast, expr, args);
3673 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
3674 return node;
3675 }
3676 convertToSafeCall(ast, expr, args) {
3677 if (this.config.strictSafeNavigationTypes) {
3678 const call = ts26.createCall(ts26.createNonNullExpression(expr), void 0, args);
3679 return ts26.createParen(ts26.createConditional(NULL_AS_ANY, call, UNDEFINED));
3680 }
3681 if (VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector.veWillInferAnyFor(ast)) {
3682 return ts26.createCall(tsCastToAny(expr), void 0, args);
3683 }
3684 return tsCastToAny(ts26.createCall(ts26.createNonNullExpression(expr), void 0, args));
3685 }
3687var VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector = class {
3688 static veWillInferAnyFor(ast) {
3689 const visitor = VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector.SINGLETON;
3690 return ast instanceof Call ? ast.visit(visitor) : ast.receiver.visit(visitor);
3691 }
3692 visitUnary(ast) {
3693 return ast.expr.visit(this);
3694 }
3695 visitBinary(ast) {
3696 return ast.left.visit(this) || ast.right.visit(this);
3697 }
3698 visitChain(ast) {
3699 return false;
3700 }
3701 visitConditional(ast) {
3702 return ast.condition.visit(this) || ast.trueExp.visit(this) || ast.falseExp.visit(this);
3703 }
3704 visitCall(ast) {
3705 return true;
3706 }
3707 visitSafeCall(ast) {
3708 return false;
3709 }
3710 visitImplicitReceiver(ast) {
3711 return false;
3712 }
3713 visitThisReceiver(ast) {
3714 return false;
3715 }
3716 visitInterpolation(ast) {
3717 return ast.expressions.some((exp) => exp.visit(this));
3718 }
3719 visitKeyedRead(ast) {
3720 return false;
3721 }
3722 visitKeyedWrite(ast) {
3723 return false;
3724 }
3725 visitLiteralArray(ast) {
3726 return true;
3727 }
3728 visitLiteralMap(ast) {
3729 return true;
3730 }
3731 visitLiteralPrimitive(ast) {
3732 return false;
3733 }
3734 visitPipe(ast) {
3735 return true;
3736 }
3737 visitPrefixNot(ast) {
3738 return ast.expression.visit(this);
3739 }
3740 visitNonNullAssert(ast) {
3741 return ast.expression.visit(this);
3742 }
3743 visitPropertyRead(ast) {
3744 return false;
3745 }
3746 visitPropertyWrite(ast) {
3747 return false;
3748 }
3749 visitQuote(ast) {
3750 return false;
3751 }
3752 visitSafePropertyRead(ast) {
3753 return false;
3754 }
3755 visitSafeKeyedRead(ast) {
3756 return false;
3757 }
3759VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector.SINGLETON = new VeSafeLhsInferenceBugDetector();
3761// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/template_semantics.mjs
3762import { ImplicitReceiver as ImplicitReceiver3, RecursiveAstVisitor as RecursiveAstVisitor2, TmplAstVariable } from "@angular/compiler";
3763var ExpressionSemanticVisitor = class extends RecursiveAstVisitor2 {
3764 constructor(templateId, boundTarget, oob) {
3765 super();
3766 this.templateId = templateId;
3767 this.boundTarget = boundTarget;
3768 this.oob = oob;
3769 }
3770 visitPropertyWrite(ast, context) {
3771 super.visitPropertyWrite(ast, context);
3772 if (!(ast.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver3)) {
3773 return;
3774 }
3775 const target = this.boundTarget.getExpressionTarget(ast);
3776 if (target instanceof TmplAstVariable) {
3777 this.oob.illegalAssignmentToTemplateVar(this.templateId, ast, target);
3778 }
3779 }
3780 static visit(ast, id, boundTarget, oob) {
3781 ast.visit(new ExpressionSemanticVisitor(id, boundTarget, oob));
3782 }
3785// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_check_block.mjs
3786var TcbGenericContextBehavior;
3787(function(TcbGenericContextBehavior2) {
3788 TcbGenericContextBehavior2[TcbGenericContextBehavior2["UseEmitter"] = 0] = "UseEmitter";
3789 TcbGenericContextBehavior2[TcbGenericContextBehavior2["CopyClassNodes"] = 1] = "CopyClassNodes";
3790 TcbGenericContextBehavior2[TcbGenericContextBehavior2["FallbackToAny"] = 2] = "FallbackToAny";
3791})(TcbGenericContextBehavior || (TcbGenericContextBehavior = {}));
3792function generateTypeCheckBlock(env, ref, name, meta, domSchemaChecker, oobRecorder, genericContextBehavior) {
3793 const tcb = new Context(env, domSchemaChecker, oobRecorder, meta.id, meta.boundTarget, meta.pipes, meta.schemas);
3794 const scope = Scope.forNodes(tcb, null, tcb.boundTarget.target.template, null);
3795 const ctxRawType = env.referenceType(ref);
3796 if (!ts27.isTypeReferenceNode(ctxRawType)) {
3797 throw new Error(`Expected TypeReferenceNode when referencing the ctx param for ${ref.debugName}`);
3798 }
3799 let typeParameters = void 0;
3800 let typeArguments = void 0;
3801 if (ref.node.typeParameters !== void 0) {
3802 if (!env.config.useContextGenericType) {
3803 genericContextBehavior = TcbGenericContextBehavior.FallbackToAny;
3804 }
3805 switch (genericContextBehavior) {
3806 case TcbGenericContextBehavior.UseEmitter:
3807 typeParameters = new TypeParameterEmitter(ref.node.typeParameters, env.reflector).emit((typeRef) => env.referenceType(typeRef));
3808 typeArguments = typeParameters.map((param) => ts27.factory.createTypeReferenceNode(param.name));
3809 break;
3810 case TcbGenericContextBehavior.CopyClassNodes:
3811 typeParameters = [...ref.node.typeParameters];
3812 typeArguments = typeParameters.map((param) => ts27.factory.createTypeReferenceNode(param.name));
3813 break;
3814 case TcbGenericContextBehavior.FallbackToAny:
3815 typeArguments = ref.node.typeParameters.map(() => ts27.factory.createKeywordTypeNode(ts27.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword));
3816 break;
3817 }
3818 }
3819 const paramList = [tcbCtxParam(ref.node, ctxRawType.typeName, typeArguments)];
3820 const scopeStatements = scope.render();
3821 const innerBody = ts27.createBlock([
3822 ...env.getPreludeStatements(),
3823 ...scopeStatements
3824 ]);
3825 const body = ts27.createBlock([ts27.createIf(ts27.createTrue(), innerBody, void 0)]);
3826 const fnDecl = ts27.createFunctionDeclaration(void 0, void 0, void 0, name, env.config.useContextGenericType ? typeParameters : void 0, paramList, void 0, body);
3827 addTemplateId(fnDecl, meta.id);
3828 return fnDecl;
3830var TcbOp = class {
3831 circularFallback() {
3833 }
3835var TcbElementOp = class extends TcbOp {
3836 constructor(tcb, scope, element) {
3837 super();
3838 this.tcb = tcb;
3839 this.scope = scope;
3840 this.element = element;
3841 }
3842 get optional() {
3843 return true;
3844 }
3845 execute() {
3846 const id = this.tcb.allocateId();
3847 const initializer = tsCreateElement(this.element.name);
3848 addParseSpanInfo(initializer, this.element.startSourceSpan || this.element.sourceSpan);
3849 this.scope.addStatement(tsCreateVariable(id, initializer));
3850 return id;
3851 }
3853var TcbVariableOp = class extends TcbOp {
3854 constructor(tcb, scope, template, variable) {
3855 super();
3856 this.tcb = tcb;
3857 this.scope = scope;
3858 this.template = template;
3859 this.variable = variable;
3860 }
3861 get optional() {
3862 return false;
3863 }
3864 execute() {
3865 const ctx = this.scope.resolve(this.template);
3866 const id = this.tcb.allocateId();
3867 const initializer = ts27.createPropertyAccess(ctx, this.variable.value || "$implicit");
3868 addParseSpanInfo(id, this.variable.keySpan);
3869 let variable;
3870 if (this.variable.valueSpan !== void 0) {
3871 addParseSpanInfo(initializer, this.variable.valueSpan);
3872 variable = tsCreateVariable(id, wrapForTypeChecker(initializer));
3873 } else {
3874 variable = tsCreateVariable(id, initializer);
3875 }
3876 addParseSpanInfo(variable.declarationList.declarations[0], this.variable.sourceSpan);
3877 this.scope.addStatement(variable);
3878 return id;
3879 }
3881var TcbTemplateContextOp = class extends TcbOp {
3882 constructor(tcb, scope) {
3883 super();
3884 this.tcb = tcb;
3885 this.scope = scope;
3886 this.optional = true;
3887 }
3888 execute() {
3889 const ctx = this.tcb.allocateId();
3890 const type = ts27.createKeywordTypeNode(ts27.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword);
3891 this.scope.addStatement(tsDeclareVariable(ctx, type));
3892 return ctx;
3893 }
3895var TcbTemplateBodyOp = class extends TcbOp {
3896 constructor(tcb, scope, template) {
3897 super();
3898 this.tcb = tcb;
3899 this.scope = scope;
3900 this.template = template;
3901 }
3902 get optional() {
3903 return false;
3904 }
3905 execute() {
3906 const directiveGuards = [];
3907 const directives = this.tcb.boundTarget.getDirectivesOfNode(this.template);
3908 if (directives !== null) {
3909 for (const dir of directives) {
3910 const dirInstId = this.scope.resolve(this.template, dir);
3911 const dirId = this.tcb.env.reference(dir.ref);
3912 dir.ngTemplateGuards.forEach((guard2) => {
3913 const boundInput = this.template.inputs.find((i) => i.name === guard2.inputName) || this.template.templateAttrs.find((i) => i instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute && i.name === guard2.inputName);
3914 if (boundInput !== void 0) {
3915 const expr = tcbExpression(boundInput.value, this.tcb, this.scope);
3916 markIgnoreDiagnostics(expr);
3917 if (guard2.type === "binding") {
3918 directiveGuards.push(expr);
3919 } else {
3920 const guardInvoke = tsCallMethod(dirId, `ngTemplateGuard_${guard2.inputName}`, [
3921 dirInstId,
3922 expr
3923 ]);
3924 addParseSpanInfo(guardInvoke, boundInput.value.sourceSpan);
3925 directiveGuards.push(guardInvoke);
3926 }
3927 }
3928 });
3929 if (dir.hasNgTemplateContextGuard) {
3930 if (this.tcb.env.config.applyTemplateContextGuards) {
3931 const ctx = this.scope.resolve(this.template);
3932 const guardInvoke = tsCallMethod(dirId, "ngTemplateContextGuard", [dirInstId, ctx]);
3933 addParseSpanInfo(guardInvoke, this.template.sourceSpan);
3934 directiveGuards.push(guardInvoke);
3935 } else if (this.template.variables.length > 0 && this.tcb.env.config.suggestionsForSuboptimalTypeInference) {
3936 this.tcb.oobRecorder.suboptimalTypeInference(this.tcb.id, this.template.variables);
3937 }
3938 }
3939 }
3940 }
3941 let guard = null;
3942 if (directiveGuards.length > 0) {
3943 guard = directiveGuards.reduce((expr, dirGuard) => ts27.createBinary(expr, ts27.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken, dirGuard), directiveGuards.pop());
3944 }
3945 const tmplScope = Scope.forNodes(this.tcb, this.scope, this.template, guard);
3946 const statements = tmplScope.render();
3947 if (statements.length === 0) {
3948 return null;
3949 }
3950 let tmplBlock = ts27.createBlock(statements);
3951 if (guard !== null) {
3952 tmplBlock = ts27.createIf(guard, tmplBlock);
3953 }
3954 this.scope.addStatement(tmplBlock);
3955 return null;
3956 }
3958var TcbTextInterpolationOp = class extends TcbOp {
3959 constructor(tcb, scope, binding) {
3960 super();
3961 this.tcb = tcb;
3962 this.scope = scope;
3963 this.binding = binding;
3964 }
3965 get optional() {
3966 return false;
3967 }
3968 execute() {
3969 const expr = tcbExpression(this.binding.value, this.tcb, this.scope);
3970 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(expr));
3971 return null;
3972 }
3974var TcbDirectiveTypeOpBase = class extends TcbOp {
3975 constructor(tcb, scope, node, dir) {
3976 super();
3977 this.tcb = tcb;
3978 this.scope = scope;
3979 this.node = node;
3980 this.dir = dir;
3981 }
3982 get optional() {
3983 return true;
3984 }
3985 execute() {
3986 const dirRef = this.dir.ref;
3987 const rawType = this.tcb.env.referenceType(this.dir.ref);
3988 let type;
3989 if (this.dir.isGeneric === false || dirRef.node.typeParameters === void 0) {
3990 type = rawType;
3991 } else {
3992 if (!ts27.isTypeReferenceNode(rawType)) {
3993 throw new Error(`Expected TypeReferenceNode when referencing the type for ${this.dir.ref.debugName}`);
3994 }
3995 const typeArguments = dirRef.node.typeParameters.map(() => ts27.factory.createKeywordTypeNode(ts27.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword));
3996 type = ts27.factory.createTypeReferenceNode(rawType.typeName, typeArguments);
3997 }
3998 const id = this.tcb.allocateId();
3999 addExpressionIdentifier(type, ExpressionIdentifier.DIRECTIVE);
4000 addParseSpanInfo(type, this.node.startSourceSpan || this.node.sourceSpan);
4001 this.scope.addStatement(tsDeclareVariable(id, type));
4002 return id;
4003 }
4005var TcbNonGenericDirectiveTypeOp = class extends TcbDirectiveTypeOpBase {
4006 execute() {
4007 const dirRef = this.dir.ref;
4008 if (this.dir.isGeneric) {
4009 throw new Error(`Assertion Error: expected ${dirRef.debugName} not to be generic.`);
4010 }
4011 return super.execute();
4012 }
4014var TcbGenericDirectiveTypeWithAnyParamsOp = class extends TcbDirectiveTypeOpBase {
4015 execute() {
4016 const dirRef = this.dir.ref;
4017 if (dirRef.node.typeParameters === void 0) {
4018 throw new Error(`Assertion Error: expected typeParameters when creating a declaration for ${dirRef.debugName}`);
4019 }
4020 return super.execute();
4021 }
4023var TcbReferenceOp = class extends TcbOp {
4024 constructor(tcb, scope, node, host, target) {
4025 super();
4026 this.tcb = tcb;
4027 this.scope = scope;
4028 this.node = node;
4029 this.host = host;
4030 this.target = target;
4031 this.optional = true;
4032 }
4033 execute() {
4034 const id = this.tcb.allocateId();
4035 let initializer = this.target instanceof TmplAstTemplate2 || this.target instanceof TmplAstElement3 ? this.scope.resolve(this.target) : this.scope.resolve(this.host, this.target);
4036 if (this.target instanceof TmplAstElement3 && !this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfDomReferences || !this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfNonDomReferences) {
4037 initializer = ts27.createAsExpression(initializer, ts27.createKeywordTypeNode(ts27.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword));
4038 } else if (this.target instanceof TmplAstTemplate2) {
4039 initializer = ts27.createAsExpression(initializer, ts27.createKeywordTypeNode(ts27.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword));
4040 initializer = ts27.createAsExpression(initializer, this.tcb.env.referenceExternalType("@angular/core", "TemplateRef", [DYNAMIC_TYPE]));
4041 initializer = ts27.createParen(initializer);
4042 }
4043 addParseSpanInfo(initializer, this.node.sourceSpan);
4044 addParseSpanInfo(id, this.node.keySpan);
4045 this.scope.addStatement(tsCreateVariable(id, initializer));
4046 return id;
4047 }
4049var TcbInvalidReferenceOp = class extends TcbOp {
4050 constructor(tcb, scope) {
4051 super();
4052 this.tcb = tcb;
4053 this.scope = scope;
4054 this.optional = true;
4055 }
4056 execute() {
4057 const id = this.tcb.allocateId();
4058 this.scope.addStatement(tsCreateVariable(id, NULL_AS_ANY));
4059 return id;
4060 }
4062var TcbDirectiveCtorOp = class extends TcbOp {
4063 constructor(tcb, scope, node, dir) {
4064 super();
4065 this.tcb = tcb;
4066 this.scope = scope;
4067 this.node = node;
4068 this.dir = dir;
4069 }
4070 get optional() {
4071 return true;
4072 }
4073 execute() {
4074 const id = this.tcb.allocateId();
4075 addExpressionIdentifier(id, ExpressionIdentifier.DIRECTIVE);
4076 addParseSpanInfo(id, this.node.startSourceSpan || this.node.sourceSpan);
4077 const genericInputs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4078 const inputs = getBoundInputs(this.dir, this.node, this.tcb);
4079 for (const input of inputs) {
4080 if (!this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfAttributes && input.attribute instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute2) {
4081 continue;
4082 }
4083 for (const fieldName of input.fieldNames) {
4084 if (genericInputs.has(fieldName)) {
4085 continue;
4086 }
4087 const expression = translateInput(input.attribute, this.tcb, this.scope);
4088 genericInputs.set(fieldName, {
4089 type: "binding",
4090 field: fieldName,
4091 expression,
4092 sourceSpan: input.attribute.sourceSpan
4093 });
4094 }
4095 }
4096 for (const [fieldName] of this.dir.inputs) {
4097 if (!genericInputs.has(fieldName)) {
4098 genericInputs.set(fieldName, { type: "unset", field: fieldName });
4099 }
4100 }
4101 const typeCtor = tcbCallTypeCtor(this.dir, this.tcb, Array.from(genericInputs.values()));
4102 markIgnoreDiagnostics(typeCtor);
4103 this.scope.addStatement(tsCreateVariable(id, typeCtor));
4104 return id;
4105 }
4106 circularFallback() {
4107 return new TcbDirectiveCtorCircularFallbackOp(this.tcb, this.scope, this.node, this.dir);
4108 }
4110var TcbDirectiveInputsOp = class extends TcbOp {
4111 constructor(tcb, scope, node, dir) {
4112 super();
4113 this.tcb = tcb;
4114 this.scope = scope;
4115 this.node = node;
4116 this.dir = dir;
4117 }
4118 get optional() {
4119 return false;
4120 }
4121 execute() {
4122 let dirId = null;
4123 const inputs = getBoundInputs(this.dir, this.node, this.tcb);
4124 for (const input of inputs) {
4125 const expr = widenBinding(translateInput(input.attribute, this.tcb, this.scope), this.tcb);
4126 let assignment = wrapForDiagnostics(expr);
4127 for (const fieldName of input.fieldNames) {
4128 let target;
4129 if (this.dir.coercedInputFields.has(fieldName)) {
4130 const dirTypeRef = this.tcb.env.referenceType(this.dir.ref);
4131 if (!ts27.isTypeReferenceNode(dirTypeRef)) {
4132 throw new Error(`Expected TypeReferenceNode from reference to ${this.dir.ref.debugName}`);
4133 }
4134 const id = this.tcb.allocateId();
4135 const type = tsCreateTypeQueryForCoercedInput(dirTypeRef.typeName, fieldName);
4136 this.scope.addStatement(tsDeclareVariable(id, type));
4137 target = id;
4138 } else if (this.dir.undeclaredInputFields.has(fieldName)) {
4139 continue;
4140 } else if (!this.tcb.env.config.honorAccessModifiersForInputBindings && this.dir.restrictedInputFields.has(fieldName)) {
4141 if (dirId === null) {
4142 dirId = this.scope.resolve(this.node, this.dir);
4143 }
4144 const id = this.tcb.allocateId();
4145 const dirTypeRef = this.tcb.env.referenceType(this.dir.ref);
4146 if (!ts27.isTypeReferenceNode(dirTypeRef)) {
4147 throw new Error(`Expected TypeReferenceNode from reference to ${this.dir.ref.debugName}`);
4148 }
4149 const type = ts27.createIndexedAccessTypeNode(ts27.createTypeQueryNode(dirId), ts27.createLiteralTypeNode(ts27.createStringLiteral(fieldName)));
4150 const temp = tsDeclareVariable(id, type);
4151 this.scope.addStatement(temp);
4152 target = id;
4153 } else {
4154 if (dirId === null) {
4155 dirId = this.scope.resolve(this.node, this.dir);
4156 }
4157 target = this.dir.stringLiteralInputFields.has(fieldName) ? ts27.createElementAccess(dirId, ts27.createStringLiteral(fieldName)) : ts27.createPropertyAccess(dirId, ts27.createIdentifier(fieldName));
4158 }
4159 if (input.attribute.keySpan !== void 0) {
4160 addParseSpanInfo(target, input.attribute.keySpan);
4161 }
4162 assignment = ts27.createBinary(target, ts27.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, assignment);
4163 }
4164 addParseSpanInfo(assignment, input.attribute.sourceSpan);
4165 if (!this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfAttributes && input.attribute instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute2) {
4166 markIgnoreDiagnostics(assignment);
4167 }
4168 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(assignment));
4169 }
4170 return null;
4171 }
4173var TcbDirectiveCtorCircularFallbackOp = class extends TcbOp {
4174 constructor(tcb, scope, node, dir) {
4175 super();
4176 this.tcb = tcb;
4177 this.scope = scope;
4178 this.node = node;
4179 this.dir = dir;
4180 }
4181 get optional() {
4182 return false;
4183 }
4184 execute() {
4185 const id = this.tcb.allocateId();
4186 const typeCtor = this.tcb.env.typeCtorFor(this.dir);
4187 const circularPlaceholder = ts27.createCall(typeCtor, void 0, [ts27.createNonNullExpression(ts27.createNull())]);
4188 this.scope.addStatement(tsCreateVariable(id, circularPlaceholder));
4189 return id;
4190 }
4192var TcbDomSchemaCheckerOp = class extends TcbOp {
4193 constructor(tcb, element, checkElement, claimedInputs) {
4194 super();
4195 this.tcb = tcb;
4196 this.element = element;
4197 this.checkElement = checkElement;
4198 this.claimedInputs = claimedInputs;
4199 }
4200 get optional() {
4201 return false;
4202 }
4203 execute() {
4204 if (this.checkElement) {
4205 this.tcb.domSchemaChecker.checkElement(this.tcb.id, this.element, this.tcb.schemas);
4206 }
4207 for (const binding of this.element.inputs) {
4208 if (binding.type === 0 && this.claimedInputs.has(binding.name)) {
4209 continue;
4210 }
4211 if (binding.type === 0) {
4212 if (binding.name !== "style" && binding.name !== "class") {
4213 const propertyName = ATTR_TO_PROP[binding.name] || binding.name;
4214 this.tcb.domSchemaChecker.checkProperty(this.tcb.id, this.element, propertyName, binding.sourceSpan, this.tcb.schemas);
4215 }
4216 }
4217 }
4218 return null;
4219 }
4221var ATTR_TO_PROP = {
4222 "class": "className",
4223 "for": "htmlFor",
4224 "formaction": "formAction",
4225 "innerHtml": "innerHTML",
4226 "readonly": "readOnly",
4227 "tabindex": "tabIndex"
4229var TcbUnclaimedInputsOp = class extends TcbOp {
4230 constructor(tcb, scope, element, claimedInputs) {
4231 super();
4232 this.tcb = tcb;
4233 this.scope = scope;
4234 this.element = element;
4235 this.claimedInputs = claimedInputs;
4236 }
4237 get optional() {
4238 return false;
4239 }
4240 execute() {
4241 let elId = null;
4242 for (const binding of this.element.inputs) {
4243 if (binding.type === 0 && this.claimedInputs.has(binding.name)) {
4244 continue;
4245 }
4246 const expr = widenBinding(tcbExpression(binding.value, this.tcb, this.scope), this.tcb);
4247 if (this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfDomBindings && binding.type === 0) {
4248 if (binding.name !== "style" && binding.name !== "class") {
4249 if (elId === null) {
4250 elId = this.scope.resolve(this.element);
4251 }
4252 const propertyName = ATTR_TO_PROP[binding.name] || binding.name;
4253 const prop = ts27.createElementAccess(elId, ts27.createStringLiteral(propertyName));
4254 const stmt = ts27.createBinary(prop, ts27.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, wrapForDiagnostics(expr));
4255 addParseSpanInfo(stmt, binding.sourceSpan);
4256 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(stmt));
4257 } else {
4258 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(expr));
4259 }
4260 } else {
4261 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(expr));
4262 }
4263 }
4264 return null;
4265 }
4267var TcbDirectiveOutputsOp = class extends TcbOp {
4268 constructor(tcb, scope, node, dir) {
4269 super();
4270 this.tcb = tcb;
4271 this.scope = scope;
4272 this.node = node;
4273 this.dir = dir;
4274 }
4275 get optional() {
4276 return false;
4277 }
4278 execute() {
4279 let dirId = null;
4280 const outputs = this.dir.outputs;
4281 for (const output of this.node.outputs) {
4282 if (output.type !== 0 || !outputs.hasBindingPropertyName(output.name)) {
4283 continue;
4284 }
4285 if (this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfOutputEvents && output.name.endsWith("Change")) {
4286 const inputName = output.name.slice(0, -6);
4287 isSplitTwoWayBinding(inputName, output, this.node.inputs, this.tcb);
4288 }
4289 const field = outputs.getByBindingPropertyName(output.name)[0].classPropertyName;
4290 if (dirId === null) {
4291 dirId = this.scope.resolve(this.node, this.dir);
4292 }
4293 const outputField = ts27.createElementAccess(dirId, ts27.createStringLiteral(field));
4294 addParseSpanInfo(outputField, output.keySpan);
4295 if (this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfOutputEvents) {
4296 const handler = tcbCreateEventHandler(output, this.tcb, this.scope, 0);
4297 const subscribeFn = ts27.createPropertyAccess(outputField, "subscribe");
4298 const call = ts27.createCall(subscribeFn, void 0, [handler]);
4299 addParseSpanInfo(call, output.sourceSpan);
4300 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(call));
4301 } else {
4302 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(outputField));
4303 const handler = tcbCreateEventHandler(output, this.tcb, this.scope, 1);
4304 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(handler));
4305 }
4306 ExpressionSemanticVisitor.visit(output.handler, this.tcb.id, this.tcb.boundTarget, this.tcb.oobRecorder);
4307 }
4308 return null;
4309 }
4311var TcbUnclaimedOutputsOp = class extends TcbOp {
4312 constructor(tcb, scope, element, claimedOutputs) {
4313 super();
4314 this.tcb = tcb;
4315 this.scope = scope;
4316 this.element = element;
4317 this.claimedOutputs = claimedOutputs;
4318 }
4319 get optional() {
4320 return false;
4321 }
4322 execute() {
4323 let elId = null;
4324 for (const output of this.element.outputs) {
4325 if (this.claimedOutputs.has(output.name)) {
4326 continue;
4327 }
4328 if (this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfOutputEvents && output.name.endsWith("Change")) {
4329 const inputName = output.name.slice(0, -6);
4330 if (isSplitTwoWayBinding(inputName, output, this.element.inputs, this.tcb)) {
4331 continue;
4332 }
4333 }
4334 if (output.type === 1) {
4335 const eventType = this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfAnimationEvents ? this.tcb.env.referenceExternalType("@angular/animations", "AnimationEvent") : 1;
4336 const handler = tcbCreateEventHandler(output, this.tcb, this.scope, eventType);
4337 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(handler));
4338 } else if (this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfDomEvents) {
4339 const handler = tcbCreateEventHandler(output, this.tcb, this.scope, 0);
4340 if (elId === null) {
4341 elId = this.scope.resolve(this.element);
4342 }
4343 const propertyAccess = ts27.createPropertyAccess(elId, "addEventListener");
4344 addParseSpanInfo(propertyAccess, output.keySpan);
4345 const call = ts27.createCall(propertyAccess, void 0, [ts27.createStringLiteral(output.name), handler]);
4346 addParseSpanInfo(call, output.sourceSpan);
4347 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(call));
4348 } else {
4349 const handler = tcbCreateEventHandler(output, this.tcb, this.scope, 1);
4350 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(handler));
4351 }
4352 ExpressionSemanticVisitor.visit(output.handler, this.tcb.id, this.tcb.boundTarget, this.tcb.oobRecorder);
4353 }
4354 return null;
4355 }
4357var TcbComponentContextCompletionOp = class extends TcbOp {
4358 constructor(scope) {
4359 super();
4360 this.scope = scope;
4361 this.optional = false;
4362 }
4363 execute() {
4364 const ctx = ts27.createIdentifier("ctx");
4365 const ctxDot = ts27.createPropertyAccess(ctx, "");
4366 markIgnoreDiagnostics(ctxDot);
4367 addExpressionIdentifier(ctxDot, ExpressionIdentifier.COMPONENT_COMPLETION);
4368 this.scope.addStatement(ts27.createExpressionStatement(ctxDot));
4369 return null;
4370 }
4372var INFER_TYPE_FOR_CIRCULAR_OP_EXPR = ts27.createNonNullExpression(ts27.createNull());
4373var Context = class {
4374 constructor(env, domSchemaChecker, oobRecorder, id, boundTarget, pipes, schemas) {
4375 this.env = env;
4376 this.domSchemaChecker = domSchemaChecker;
4377 this.oobRecorder = oobRecorder;
4378 this.id = id;
4379 this.boundTarget = boundTarget;
4380 this.pipes = pipes;
4381 this.schemas = schemas;
4382 this.nextId = 1;
4383 }
4384 allocateId() {
4385 return ts27.createIdentifier(`_t${this.nextId++}`);
4386 }
4387 getPipeByName(name) {
4388 if (!this.pipes.has(name)) {
4389 return null;
4390 }
4391 return this.pipes.get(name);
4392 }
4394var Scope = class {
4395 constructor(tcb, parent = null, guard = null) {
4396 this.tcb = tcb;
4397 this.parent = parent;
4398 this.guard = guard;
4399 this.opQueue = [];
4400 this.elementOpMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4401 this.directiveOpMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4402 this.referenceOpMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4403 this.templateCtxOpMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4404 this.varMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4405 this.statements = [];
4406 }
4407 static forNodes(tcb, parent, templateOrNodes, guard) {
4408 const scope = new Scope(tcb, parent, guard);
4409 if (parent === null && tcb.env.config.enableTemplateTypeChecker) {
4410 scope.opQueue.push(new TcbComponentContextCompletionOp(scope));
4411 }
4412 let children;
4413 if (templateOrNodes instanceof TmplAstTemplate2) {
4414 const varMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4415 for (const v of templateOrNodes.variables) {
4416 if (!varMap.has(v.name)) {
4417 varMap.set(v.name, v);
4418 } else {
4419 const firstDecl = varMap.get(v.name);
4420 tcb.oobRecorder.duplicateTemplateVar(tcb.id, v, firstDecl);
4421 }
4422 const opIndex = scope.opQueue.push(new TcbVariableOp(tcb, scope, templateOrNodes, v)) - 1;
4423 scope.varMap.set(v, opIndex);
4424 }
4425 children = templateOrNodes.children;
4426 } else {
4427 children = templateOrNodes;
4428 }
4429 for (const node of children) {
4430 scope.appendNode(node);
4431 }
4432 return scope;
4433 }
4434 resolve(node, directive) {
4435 const res = this.resolveLocal(node, directive);
4436 if (res !== null) {
4437 const clone = ts27.getMutableClone(res);
4438 ts27.setSyntheticTrailingComments(clone, []);
4439 return clone;
4440 } else if (this.parent !== null) {
4441 return this.parent.resolve(node, directive);
4442 } else {
4443 throw new Error(`Could not resolve ${node} / ${directive}`);
4444 }
4445 }
4446 addStatement(stmt) {
4447 this.statements.push(stmt);
4448 }
4449 render() {
4450 for (let i = 0; i < this.opQueue.length; i++) {
4451 const skipOptional = !this.tcb.env.config.enableTemplateTypeChecker;
4452 this.executeOp(i, skipOptional);
4453 }
4454 return this.statements;
4455 }
4456 guards() {
4457 let parentGuards = null;
4458 if (this.parent !== null) {
4459 parentGuards = this.parent.guards();
4460 }
4461 if (this.guard === null) {
4462 return parentGuards;
4463 } else if (parentGuards === null) {
4464 return this.guard;
4465 } else {
4466 return ts27.createBinary(parentGuards, ts27.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken, this.guard);
4467 }
4468 }
4469 resolveLocal(ref, directive) {
4470 if (ref instanceof TmplAstReference3 && this.referenceOpMap.has(ref)) {
4471 return this.resolveOp(this.referenceOpMap.get(ref));
4472 } else if (ref instanceof TmplAstVariable2 && this.varMap.has(ref)) {
4473 return this.resolveOp(this.varMap.get(ref));
4474 } else if (ref instanceof TmplAstTemplate2 && directive === void 0 && this.templateCtxOpMap.has(ref)) {
4475 return this.resolveOp(this.templateCtxOpMap.get(ref));
4476 } else if ((ref instanceof TmplAstElement3 || ref instanceof TmplAstTemplate2) && directive !== void 0 && this.directiveOpMap.has(ref)) {
4477 const dirMap = this.directiveOpMap.get(ref);
4478 if (dirMap.has(directive)) {
4479 return this.resolveOp(dirMap.get(directive));
4480 } else {
4481 return null;
4482 }
4483 } else if (ref instanceof TmplAstElement3 && this.elementOpMap.has(ref)) {
4484 return this.resolveOp(this.elementOpMap.get(ref));
4485 } else {
4486 return null;
4487 }
4488 }
4489 resolveOp(opIndex) {
4490 const res = this.executeOp(opIndex, false);
4491 if (res === null) {
4492 throw new Error(`Error resolving operation, got null`);
4493 }
4494 return res;
4495 }
4496 executeOp(opIndex, skipOptional) {
4497 const op = this.opQueue[opIndex];
4498 if (!(op instanceof TcbOp)) {
4499 return op;
4500 }
4501 if (skipOptional && op.optional) {
4502 return null;
4503 }
4504 this.opQueue[opIndex] = op.circularFallback();
4505 const res = op.execute();
4506 this.opQueue[opIndex] = res;
4507 return res;
4508 }
4509 appendNode(node) {
4510 if (node instanceof TmplAstElement3) {
4511 const opIndex = this.opQueue.push(new TcbElementOp(this.tcb, this, node)) - 1;
4512 this.elementOpMap.set(node, opIndex);
4513 this.appendDirectivesAndInputsOfNode(node);
4514 this.appendOutputsOfNode(node);
4515 for (const child of node.children) {
4516 this.appendNode(child);
4517 }
4518 this.checkAndAppendReferencesOfNode(node);
4519 } else if (node instanceof TmplAstTemplate2) {
4520 this.appendDirectivesAndInputsOfNode(node);
4521 this.appendOutputsOfNode(node);
4522 const ctxIndex = this.opQueue.push(new TcbTemplateContextOp(this.tcb, this)) - 1;
4523 this.templateCtxOpMap.set(node, ctxIndex);
4524 if (this.tcb.env.config.checkTemplateBodies) {
4525 this.opQueue.push(new TcbTemplateBodyOp(this.tcb, this, node));
4526 } else if (this.tcb.env.config.alwaysCheckSchemaInTemplateBodies) {
4527 this.appendDeepSchemaChecks(node.children);
4528 }
4529 this.checkAndAppendReferencesOfNode(node);
4530 } else if (node instanceof TmplAstBoundText) {
4531 this.opQueue.push(new TcbTextInterpolationOp(this.tcb, this, node));
4532 } else if (node instanceof TmplAstIcu) {
4533 this.appendIcuExpressions(node);
4534 }
4535 }
4536 checkAndAppendReferencesOfNode(node) {
4537 for (const ref of node.references) {
4538 const target = this.tcb.boundTarget.getReferenceTarget(ref);
4539 let ctxIndex;
4540 if (target === null) {
4541 this.tcb.oobRecorder.missingReferenceTarget(this.tcb.id, ref);
4542 ctxIndex = this.opQueue.push(new TcbInvalidReferenceOp(this.tcb, this)) - 1;
4543 } else if (target instanceof TmplAstTemplate2 || target instanceof TmplAstElement3) {
4544 ctxIndex = this.opQueue.push(new TcbReferenceOp(this.tcb, this, ref, node, target)) - 1;
4545 } else {
4546 ctxIndex = this.opQueue.push(new TcbReferenceOp(this.tcb, this, ref, node, target.directive)) - 1;
4547 }
4548 this.referenceOpMap.set(ref, ctxIndex);
4549 }
4550 }
4551 appendDirectivesAndInputsOfNode(node) {
4552 const claimedInputs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
4553 const directives = this.tcb.boundTarget.getDirectivesOfNode(node);
4554 if (directives === null || directives.length === 0) {
4555 if (node instanceof TmplAstElement3) {
4556 this.opQueue.push(new TcbUnclaimedInputsOp(this.tcb, this, node, claimedInputs));
4557 this.opQueue.push(new TcbDomSchemaCheckerOp(this.tcb, node, true, claimedInputs));
4558 }
4559 return;
4560 }
4561 const dirMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4562 for (const dir of directives) {
4563 let directiveOp;
4564 const host = this.tcb.env.reflector;
4565 const dirRef = dir.ref;
4566 if (!dir.isGeneric) {
4567 directiveOp = new TcbNonGenericDirectiveTypeOp(this.tcb, this, node, dir);
4568 } else if (!requiresInlineTypeCtor(dirRef.node, host, this.tcb.env) || this.tcb.env.config.useInlineTypeConstructors) {
4569 directiveOp = new TcbDirectiveCtorOp(this.tcb, this, node, dir);
4570 } else {
4571 directiveOp = new TcbGenericDirectiveTypeWithAnyParamsOp(this.tcb, this, node, dir);
4572 }
4573 const dirIndex = this.opQueue.push(directiveOp) - 1;
4574 dirMap.set(dir, dirIndex);
4575 this.opQueue.push(new TcbDirectiveInputsOp(this.tcb, this, node, dir));
4576 }
4577 this.directiveOpMap.set(node, dirMap);
4578 if (node instanceof TmplAstElement3) {
4579 for (const dir of directives) {
4580 for (const propertyName of dir.inputs.propertyNames) {
4581 claimedInputs.add(propertyName);
4582 }
4583 }
4584 this.opQueue.push(new TcbUnclaimedInputsOp(this.tcb, this, node, claimedInputs));
4585 const checkElement = directives.length === 0;
4586 this.opQueue.push(new TcbDomSchemaCheckerOp(this.tcb, node, checkElement, claimedInputs));
4587 }
4588 }
4589 appendOutputsOfNode(node) {
4590 const claimedOutputs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
4591 const directives = this.tcb.boundTarget.getDirectivesOfNode(node);
4592 if (directives === null || directives.length === 0) {
4593 if (node instanceof TmplAstElement3) {
4594 this.opQueue.push(new TcbUnclaimedOutputsOp(this.tcb, this, node, claimedOutputs));
4595 }
4596 return;
4597 }
4598 for (const dir of directives) {
4599 this.opQueue.push(new TcbDirectiveOutputsOp(this.tcb, this, node, dir));
4600 }
4601 if (node instanceof TmplAstElement3) {
4602 for (const dir of directives) {
4603 for (const outputProperty of dir.outputs.propertyNames) {
4604 claimedOutputs.add(outputProperty);
4605 }
4606 }
4607 this.opQueue.push(new TcbUnclaimedOutputsOp(this.tcb, this, node, claimedOutputs));
4608 }
4609 }
4610 appendDeepSchemaChecks(nodes) {
4611 for (const node of nodes) {
4612 if (!(node instanceof TmplAstElement3 || node instanceof TmplAstTemplate2)) {
4613 continue;
4614 }
4615 if (node instanceof TmplAstElement3) {
4616 const claimedInputs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
4617 const directives = this.tcb.boundTarget.getDirectivesOfNode(node);
4618 let hasDirectives;
4619 if (directives === null || directives.length === 0) {
4620 hasDirectives = false;
4621 } else {
4622 hasDirectives = true;
4623 for (const dir of directives) {
4624 for (const propertyName of dir.inputs.propertyNames) {
4625 claimedInputs.add(propertyName);
4626 }
4627 }
4628 }
4629 this.opQueue.push(new TcbDomSchemaCheckerOp(this.tcb, node, !hasDirectives, claimedInputs));
4630 }
4631 this.appendDeepSchemaChecks(node.children);
4632 }
4633 }
4634 appendIcuExpressions(node) {
4635 for (const variable of Object.values(node.vars)) {
4636 this.opQueue.push(new TcbTextInterpolationOp(this.tcb, this, variable));
4637 }
4638 for (const placeholder of Object.values(node.placeholders)) {
4639 if (placeholder instanceof TmplAstBoundText) {
4640 this.opQueue.push(new TcbTextInterpolationOp(this.tcb, this, placeholder));
4641 }
4642 }
4643 }
4645function tcbCtxParam(node, name, typeArguments) {
4646 const type = ts27.factory.createTypeReferenceNode(name, typeArguments);
4647 return ts27.factory.createParameterDeclaration(void 0, void 0, void 0, "ctx", void 0, type, void 0);
4649function tcbExpression(ast, tcb, scope) {
4650 const translator = new TcbExpressionTranslator(tcb, scope);
4651 return translator.translate(ast);
4653var TcbExpressionTranslator = class {
4654 constructor(tcb, scope) {
4655 this.tcb = tcb;
4656 this.scope = scope;
4657 }
4658 translate(ast) {
4659 return astToTypescript(ast, (ast2) => this.resolve(ast2), this.tcb.env.config);
4660 }
4661 resolve(ast) {
4662 if (ast instanceof PropertyRead4 && ast.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver4) {
4663 return this.resolveTarget(ast);
4664 } else if (ast instanceof PropertyWrite3 && ast.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver4) {
4665 const target = this.resolveTarget(ast);
4666 if (target === null) {
4667 return null;
4668 }
4669 const expr = this.translate(ast.value);
4670 const result = ts27.createParen(ts27.createBinary(target, ts27.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, expr));
4671 addParseSpanInfo(result, ast.sourceSpan);
4672 return result;
4673 } else if (ast instanceof ImplicitReceiver4) {
4674 return ts27.createIdentifier("ctx");
4675 } else if (ast instanceof BindingPipe) {
4676 const expr = this.translate(ast.exp);
4677 const pipeRef = this.tcb.getPipeByName(ast.name);
4678 let pipe;
4679 if (pipeRef === null) {
4680 this.tcb.oobRecorder.missingPipe(this.tcb.id, ast);
4681 pipe = NULL_AS_ANY;
4682 } else {
4683 pipe = this.tcb.env.pipeInst(pipeRef);
4684 }
4685 const args = ast.args.map((arg) => this.translate(arg));
4686 let methodAccess = ts27.factory.createPropertyAccessExpression(pipe, "transform");
4687 addParseSpanInfo(methodAccess, ast.nameSpan);
4688 if (!this.tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfPipes) {
4689 methodAccess = ts27.factory.createAsExpression(methodAccess, ts27.factory.createKeywordTypeNode(ts27.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword));
4690 }
4691 const result = ts27.createCall(methodAccess, void 0, [expr, ...args]);
4692 addParseSpanInfo(result, ast.sourceSpan);
4693 return result;
4694 } else if ((ast instanceof Call2 || ast instanceof SafeCall) && (ast.receiver instanceof PropertyRead4 || ast.receiver instanceof SafePropertyRead3)) {
4695 if (ast.receiver.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver4 && !(ast.receiver.receiver instanceof ThisReceiver) && ast.receiver.name === "$any" && ast.args.length === 1) {
4696 const expr = this.translate(ast.args[0]);
4697 const exprAsAny = ts27.createAsExpression(expr, ts27.createKeywordTypeNode(ts27.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword));
4698 const result = ts27.createParen(exprAsAny);
4699 addParseSpanInfo(result, ast.sourceSpan);
4700 return result;
4701 }
4702 const receiver = this.resolveTarget(ast);
4703 if (receiver === null) {
4704 return null;
4705 }
4706 const method = wrapForDiagnostics(receiver);
4707 addParseSpanInfo(method, ast.receiver.nameSpan);
4708 const args = ast.args.map((arg) => this.translate(arg));
4709 const node = ts27.createCall(method, void 0, args);
4710 addParseSpanInfo(node, ast.sourceSpan);
4711 return node;
4712 } else {
4713 return null;
4714 }
4715 }
4716 resolveTarget(ast) {
4717 const binding = this.tcb.boundTarget.getExpressionTarget(ast);
4718 if (binding === null) {
4719 return null;
4720 }
4721 const expr = this.scope.resolve(binding);
4722 addParseSpanInfo(expr, ast.sourceSpan);
4723 return expr;
4724 }
4726function tcbCallTypeCtor(dir, tcb, inputs) {
4727 const typeCtor = tcb.env.typeCtorFor(dir);
4728 const members = inputs.map((input) => {
4729 const propertyName = ts27.createStringLiteral(input.field);
4730 if (input.type === "binding") {
4731 const expr = widenBinding(input.expression, tcb);
4732 const assignment = ts27.createPropertyAssignment(propertyName, wrapForDiagnostics(expr));
4733 addParseSpanInfo(assignment, input.sourceSpan);
4734 return assignment;
4735 } else {
4736 return ts27.createPropertyAssignment(propertyName, NULL_AS_ANY);
4737 }
4738 });
4739 return ts27.createCall(typeCtor, void 0, [ts27.createObjectLiteral(members)]);
4741function getBoundInputs(directive, node, tcb) {
4742 const boundInputs = [];
4743 const processAttribute = (attr) => {
4744 if (attr instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute && attr.type !== 0) {
4745 return;
4746 }
4747 const inputs = directive.inputs.getByBindingPropertyName(attr.name);
4748 if (inputs === null) {
4749 return;
4750 }
4751 const fieldNames = inputs.map((input) => input.classPropertyName);
4752 boundInputs.push({ attribute: attr, fieldNames });
4753 };
4754 node.inputs.forEach(processAttribute);
4755 node.attributes.forEach(processAttribute);
4756 if (node instanceof TmplAstTemplate2) {
4757 node.templateAttrs.forEach(processAttribute);
4758 }
4759 return boundInputs;
4761function translateInput(attr, tcb, scope) {
4762 if (attr instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute) {
4763 return tcbExpression(attr.value, tcb, scope);
4764 } else {
4765 return ts27.createStringLiteral(attr.value);
4766 }
4768function widenBinding(expr, tcb) {
4769 if (!tcb.env.config.checkTypeOfInputBindings) {
4770 return tsCastToAny(expr);
4771 } else if (!tcb.env.config.strictNullInputBindings) {
4772 if (ts27.isObjectLiteralExpression(expr) || ts27.isArrayLiteralExpression(expr)) {
4773 return expr;
4774 } else {
4775 return ts27.createNonNullExpression(expr);
4776 }
4777 } else {
4778 return expr;
4779 }
4781var EVENT_PARAMETER = "$event";
4782function tcbCreateEventHandler(event, tcb, scope, eventType) {
4783 const handler = tcbEventHandlerExpression(event.handler, tcb, scope);
4784 let eventParamType;
4785 if (eventType === 0) {
4786 eventParamType = void 0;
4787 } else if (eventType === 1) {
4788 eventParamType = ts27.createKeywordTypeNode(ts27.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword);
4789 } else {
4790 eventParamType = eventType;
4791 }
4792 const guards = scope.guards();
4793 let body = ts27.createExpressionStatement(handler);
4794 if (guards !== null) {
4795 body = ts27.createIf(guards, body);
4796 }
4797 const eventParam = ts27.createParameter(void 0, void 0, void 0, EVENT_PARAMETER, void 0, eventParamType);
4798 addExpressionIdentifier(eventParam, ExpressionIdentifier.EVENT_PARAMETER);
4799 return ts27.createFunctionExpression(void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, [eventParam], ts27.createKeywordTypeNode(ts27.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword), ts27.createBlock([body]));
4801function tcbEventHandlerExpression(ast, tcb, scope) {
4802 const translator = new TcbEventHandlerTranslator(tcb, scope);
4803 return translator.translate(ast);
4805function isSplitTwoWayBinding(inputName, output, inputs, tcb) {
4806 const input = inputs.find((input2) => input2.name === inputName);
4807 if (input === void 0 || input.sourceSpan !== output.sourceSpan) {
4808 return false;
4809 }
4810 const inputConsumer = tcb.boundTarget.getConsumerOfBinding(input);
4811 const outputConsumer = tcb.boundTarget.getConsumerOfBinding(output);
4812 if (outputConsumer === null || inputConsumer.ref === void 0 || outputConsumer instanceof TmplAstTemplate2) {
4813 return false;
4814 }
4815 if (outputConsumer instanceof TmplAstElement3) {
4816 tcb.oobRecorder.splitTwoWayBinding(tcb.id, input, output, inputConsumer.ref.node, outputConsumer);
4817 return true;
4818 } else if (outputConsumer.ref !== inputConsumer.ref) {
4819 tcb.oobRecorder.splitTwoWayBinding(tcb.id, input, output, inputConsumer.ref.node, outputConsumer.ref.node);
4820 return true;
4821 }
4822 return false;
4824var TcbEventHandlerTranslator = class extends TcbExpressionTranslator {
4825 resolve(ast) {
4826 if (ast instanceof PropertyRead4 && ast.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver4 && !(ast.receiver instanceof ThisReceiver) && ast.name === EVENT_PARAMETER) {
4827 const event = ts27.createIdentifier(EVENT_PARAMETER);
4828 addParseSpanInfo(event, ast.nameSpan);
4829 return event;
4830 }
4831 return super.resolve(ast);
4832 }
4835// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/type_check_file.mjs
4836import ts28 from "typescript";
4837var TypeCheckFile = class extends Environment {
4838 constructor(fileName, config, refEmitter, reflector, compilerHost) {
4839 super(config, new ImportManager(new NoopImportRewriter(), "i"), refEmitter, reflector, ts28.createSourceFile(compilerHost.getCanonicalFileName(fileName), "", ts28.ScriptTarget.Latest, true));
4840 this.fileName = fileName;
4841 this.nextTcbId = 1;
4842 this.tcbStatements = [];
4843 }
4844 addTypeCheckBlock(ref, meta, domSchemaChecker, oobRecorder, genericContextBehavior) {
4845 const fnId = ts28.createIdentifier(`_tcb${this.nextTcbId++}`);
4846 const fn = generateTypeCheckBlock(this, ref, fnId, meta, domSchemaChecker, oobRecorder, genericContextBehavior);
4847 this.tcbStatements.push(fn);
4848 }
4849 render(removeComments) {
4850 let source = this.importManager.getAllImports(this.contextFile.fileName).map((i) => `import * as ${i.qualifier.text} from '${i.specifier}';`).join("\n") + "\n\n";
4851 const printer = ts28.createPrinter({ removeComments });
4852 source += "\n";
4853 for (const stmt of this.pipeInstStatements) {
4854 source += printer.printNode(ts28.EmitHint.Unspecified, stmt, this.contextFile) + "\n";
4855 }
4856 for (const stmt of this.typeCtorStatements) {
4857 source += printer.printNode(ts28.EmitHint.Unspecified, stmt, this.contextFile) + "\n";
4858 }
4859 source += "\n";
4860 for (const stmt of this.tcbStatements) {
4861 source += printer.printNode(ts28.EmitHint.Unspecified, stmt, this.contextFile) + "\n";
4862 }
4863 source += "\nexport const IS_A_MODULE = true;\n";
4864 return source;
4865 }
4866 getPreludeStatements() {
4867 return [];
4868 }
4871// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/context.mjs
4872var InliningMode;
4873(function(InliningMode2) {
4874 InliningMode2[InliningMode2["InlineOps"] = 0] = "InlineOps";
4875 InliningMode2[InliningMode2["Error"] = 1] = "Error";
4876})(InliningMode || (InliningMode = {}));
4877var TypeCheckContextImpl = class {
4878 constructor(config, compilerHost, refEmitter, reflector, host, inlining, perf) {
4879 this.config = config;
4880 this.compilerHost = compilerHost;
4881 this.refEmitter = refEmitter;
4882 this.reflector = reflector;
4883 this.host = host;
4884 this.inlining = inlining;
4885 this.perf = perf;
4886 this.fileMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4887 this.opMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4888 this.typeCtorPending = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
4889 if (inlining === InliningMode.Error && config.useInlineTypeConstructors) {
4890 throw new Error(`AssertionError: invalid inlining configuration.`);
4891 }
4892 }
4893 addTemplate(ref, binder, template, pipes, schemas, sourceMapping, file, parseErrors) {
4894 if (!this.host.shouldCheckComponent(ref.node)) {
4895 return;
4896 }
4897 const fileData = this.dataForFile(ref.node.getSourceFile());
4898 const shimData = this.pendingShimForComponent(ref.node);
4899 const templateId = fileData.sourceManager.getTemplateId(ref.node);
4900 const templateDiagnostics = [];
4901 if (parseErrors !== null) {
4902 templateDiagnostics.push(...this.getTemplateDiagnostics(parseErrors, templateId, sourceMapping));
4903 }
4904 const boundTarget = binder.bind({ template });
4905 if (this.inlining === InliningMode.InlineOps) {
4906 for (const dir of boundTarget.getUsedDirectives()) {
4907 const dirRef = dir.ref;
4908 const dirNode = dirRef.node;
4909 if (!dir.isGeneric || !requiresInlineTypeCtor(dirNode, this.reflector, shimData.file)) {
4910 continue;
4911 }
4912 this.addInlineTypeCtor(fileData, dirNode.getSourceFile(), dirRef, {
4913 fnName: "ngTypeCtor",
4914 body: !dirNode.getSourceFile().isDeclarationFile,
4915 fields: {
4916 inputs: dir.inputs.classPropertyNames,
4917 outputs: dir.outputs.classPropertyNames,
4918 queries: dir.queries
4919 },
4920 coercedInputFields: dir.coercedInputFields
4921 });
4922 }
4923 }
4924 shimData.templates.set(templateId, {
4925 template,
4926 boundTarget,
4927 templateDiagnostics
4928 });
4929 const inliningRequirement = requiresInlineTypeCheckBlock(ref.node, shimData.file, pipes, this.reflector);
4930 if (this.inlining === InliningMode.Error && inliningRequirement === TcbInliningRequirement.MustInline) {
4931 shimData.oobRecorder.requiresInlineTcb(templateId, ref.node);
4932 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.SkipGenerateTcbNoInline);
4933 return;
4934 }
4935 const meta = {
4936 id: fileData.sourceManager.captureSource(ref.node, sourceMapping, file),
4937 boundTarget,
4938 pipes,
4939 schemas
4940 };
4941 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.GenerateTcb);
4942 if (inliningRequirement !== TcbInliningRequirement.None && this.inlining === InliningMode.InlineOps) {
4943 this.addInlineTypeCheckBlock(fileData, shimData, ref, meta);
4944 } else if (inliningRequirement === TcbInliningRequirement.ShouldInlineForGenericBounds && this.inlining === InliningMode.Error) {
4945 shimData.file.addTypeCheckBlock(ref, meta, shimData.domSchemaChecker, shimData.oobRecorder, TcbGenericContextBehavior.FallbackToAny);
4946 } else {
4947 shimData.file.addTypeCheckBlock(ref, meta, shimData.domSchemaChecker, shimData.oobRecorder, TcbGenericContextBehavior.UseEmitter);
4948 }
4949 }
4950 addInlineTypeCtor(fileData, sf, ref, ctorMeta) {
4951 if (this.typeCtorPending.has(ref.node)) {
4952 return;
4953 }
4954 this.typeCtorPending.add(ref.node);
4955 if (!this.opMap.has(sf)) {
4956 this.opMap.set(sf, []);
4957 }
4958 const ops = this.opMap.get(sf);
4959 ops.push(new TypeCtorOp(ref, ctorMeta));
4960 fileData.hasInlines = true;
4961 }
4962 transform(sf) {
4963 if (!this.opMap.has(sf)) {
4964 return null;
4965 }
4966 const importManager = new ImportManager(new NoopImportRewriter(), "_i");
4967 const ops = this.opMap.get(sf).sort(orderOps);
4968 const textParts = splitStringAtPoints(sf.text, ops.map((op) => op.splitPoint));
4969 const printer = ts29.createPrinter({ omitTrailingSemicolon: true });
4970 let code = textParts[0];
4971 ops.forEach((op, idx) => {
4972 const text = op.execute(importManager, sf, this.refEmitter, printer);
4973 code += "\n\n" + text + textParts[idx + 1];
4974 });
4975 let imports = importManager.getAllImports(sf.fileName).map((i) => `import * as ${i.qualifier.text} from '${i.specifier}';`).join("\n");
4976 code = imports + "\n" + code;
4977 return code;
4978 }
4979 finalize() {
4980 const updates = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
4981 for (const originalSf of this.opMap.keys()) {
4982 const newText = this.transform(originalSf);
4983 if (newText !== null) {
4984 updates.set(absoluteFromSourceFile(originalSf), {
4985 newText,
4986 originalFile: originalSf
4987 });
4988 }
4989 }
4990 for (const [sfPath, pendingFileData] of this.fileMap) {
4991 for (const pendingShimData of pendingFileData.shimData.values()) {
4992 this.host.recordShimData(sfPath, {
4993 genesisDiagnostics: [
4994 ...pendingShimData.domSchemaChecker.diagnostics,
4995 ...pendingShimData.oobRecorder.diagnostics
4996 ],
4997 hasInlines: pendingFileData.hasInlines,
4998 path: pendingShimData.file.fileName,
4999 templates: pendingShimData.templates
5000 });
5001 const sfText = pendingShimData.file.render(false);
5002 updates.set(pendingShimData.file.fileName, {
5003 newText: sfText,
5004 originalFile: null
5005 });
5006 }
5007 }
5008 return updates;
5009 }
5010 addInlineTypeCheckBlock(fileData, shimData, ref, tcbMeta) {
5011 const sf = ref.node.getSourceFile();
5012 if (!this.opMap.has(sf)) {
5013 this.opMap.set(sf, []);
5014 }
5015 const ops = this.opMap.get(sf);
5016 ops.push(new InlineTcbOp(ref, tcbMeta, this.config, this.reflector, shimData.domSchemaChecker, shimData.oobRecorder));
5017 fileData.hasInlines = true;
5018 }
5019 pendingShimForComponent(node) {
5020 const fileData = this.dataForFile(node.getSourceFile());
5021 const shimPath = TypeCheckShimGenerator.shimFor(absoluteFromSourceFile(node.getSourceFile()));
5022 if (!fileData.shimData.has(shimPath)) {
5023 fileData.shimData.set(shimPath, {
5024 domSchemaChecker: new RegistryDomSchemaChecker(fileData.sourceManager),
5025 oobRecorder: new OutOfBandDiagnosticRecorderImpl(fileData.sourceManager),
5026 file: new TypeCheckFile(shimPath, this.config, this.refEmitter, this.reflector, this.compilerHost),
5027 templates: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()
5028 });
5029 }
5030 return fileData.shimData.get(shimPath);
5031 }
5032 dataForFile(sf) {
5033 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
5034 if (!this.fileMap.has(sfPath)) {
5035 const data = {
5036 hasInlines: false,
5037 sourceManager: this.host.getSourceManager(sfPath),
5038 shimData: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()
5039 };
5040 this.fileMap.set(sfPath, data);
5041 }
5042 return this.fileMap.get(sfPath);
5043 }
5044 getTemplateDiagnostics(parseErrors, templateId, sourceMapping) {
5045 return parseErrors.map((error) => {
5046 const span = error.span;
5047 if (span.start.offset === span.end.offset) {
5048 span.end.offset++;
5049 }
5050 return makeTemplateDiagnostic(templateId, sourceMapping, span, ts29.DiagnosticCategory.Error, ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.TEMPLATE_PARSE_ERROR), error.msg);
5051 });
5052 }
5054var InlineTcbOp = class {
5055 constructor(ref, meta, config, reflector, domSchemaChecker, oobRecorder) {
5056 this.ref = ref;
5057 this.meta = meta;
5058 this.config = config;
5059 this.reflector = reflector;
5060 this.domSchemaChecker = domSchemaChecker;
5061 this.oobRecorder = oobRecorder;
5062 }
5063 get splitPoint() {
5064 return this.ref.node.end + 1;
5065 }
5066 execute(im, sf, refEmitter, printer) {
5067 const env = new Environment(this.config, im, refEmitter, this.reflector, sf);
5068 const fnName = ts29.createIdentifier(`_tcb_${this.ref.node.pos}`);
5069 const fn = generateTypeCheckBlock(env, this.ref, fnName, this.meta, this.domSchemaChecker, this.oobRecorder, TcbGenericContextBehavior.CopyClassNodes);
5070 return printer.printNode(ts29.EmitHint.Unspecified, fn, sf);
5071 }
5073var TypeCtorOp = class {
5074 constructor(ref, meta) {
5075 this.ref = ref;
5076 this.meta = meta;
5077 }
5078 get splitPoint() {
5079 return this.ref.node.end - 1;
5080 }
5081 execute(im, sf, refEmitter, printer) {
5082 const tcb = generateInlineTypeCtor(this.ref.node, this.meta);
5083 return printer.printNode(ts29.EmitHint.Unspecified, tcb, sf);
5084 }
5086function orderOps(op1, op2) {
5087 return op1.splitPoint - op2.splitPoint;
5089function splitStringAtPoints(str, points) {
5090 const splits = [];
5091 let start = 0;
5092 for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
5093 const point = points[i];
5094 splits.push(str.substring(start, point));
5095 start = point;
5096 }
5097 splits.push(str.substring(start));
5098 return splits;
5101// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/source.mjs
5102import { ParseLocation, ParseSourceSpan } from "@angular/compiler";
5104// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/line_mappings.mjs
5105var LF_CHAR = 10;
5106var CR_CHAR = 13;
5107var LINE_SEP_CHAR = 8232;
5108var PARAGRAPH_CHAR = 8233;
5109function getLineAndCharacterFromPosition(lineStartsMap, position) {
5110 const lineIndex = findClosestLineStartPosition(lineStartsMap, position);
5111 return { character: position - lineStartsMap[lineIndex], line: lineIndex };
5113function computeLineStartsMap(text) {
5114 const result = [0];
5115 let pos = 0;
5116 while (pos < text.length) {
5117 const char = text.charCodeAt(pos++);
5118 if (char === CR_CHAR) {
5119 if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === LF_CHAR) {
5120 pos++;
5121 }
5122 result.push(pos);
5123 } else if (char === LF_CHAR || char === LINE_SEP_CHAR || char === PARAGRAPH_CHAR) {
5124 result.push(pos);
5125 }
5126 }
5127 result.push(pos);
5128 return result;
5130function findClosestLineStartPosition(linesMap, position, low = 0, high = linesMap.length - 1) {
5131 while (low <= high) {
5132 const pivotIdx = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
5133 const pivotEl = linesMap[pivotIdx];
5134 if (pivotEl === position) {
5135 return pivotIdx;
5136 } else if (position > pivotEl) {
5137 low = pivotIdx + 1;
5138 } else {
5139 high = pivotIdx - 1;
5140 }
5141 }
5142 return low - 1;
5145// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/source.mjs
5146var TemplateSource = class {
5147 constructor(mapping, file) {
5148 this.mapping = mapping;
5149 this.file = file;
5150 this.lineStarts = null;
5151 }
5152 toParseSourceSpan(start, end) {
5153 const startLoc = this.toParseLocation(start);
5154 const endLoc = this.toParseLocation(end);
5155 return new ParseSourceSpan(startLoc, endLoc);
5156 }
5157 toParseLocation(position) {
5158 const lineStarts = this.acquireLineStarts();
5159 const { line, character } = getLineAndCharacterFromPosition(lineStarts, position);
5160 return new ParseLocation(this.file, position, line, character);
5161 }
5162 acquireLineStarts() {
5163 if (this.lineStarts === null) {
5164 this.lineStarts = computeLineStartsMap(this.file.content);
5165 }
5166 return this.lineStarts;
5167 }
5169var TemplateSourceManager = class {
5170 constructor() {
5171 this.templateSources = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
5172 }
5173 getTemplateId(node) {
5174 return getTemplateId(node);
5175 }
5176 captureSource(node, mapping, file) {
5177 const id = getTemplateId(node);
5178 this.templateSources.set(id, new TemplateSource(mapping, file));
5179 return id;
5180 }
5181 getSourceMapping(id) {
5182 if (!this.templateSources.has(id)) {
5183 throw new Error(`Unexpected unknown template ID: ${id}`);
5184 }
5185 return this.templateSources.get(id).mapping;
5186 }
5187 toParseSourceSpan(id, span) {
5188 if (!this.templateSources.has(id)) {
5189 return null;
5190 }
5191 const templateSource = this.templateSources.get(id);
5192 return templateSource.toParseSourceSpan(span.start, span.end);
5193 }
5196// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/template_symbol_builder.mjs
5197import { AST, ASTWithSource as ASTWithSource3, BindingPipe as BindingPipe2, PropertyRead as PropertyRead5, PropertyWrite as PropertyWrite4, SafePropertyRead as SafePropertyRead4, TmplAstBoundAttribute as TmplAstBoundAttribute2, TmplAstBoundEvent, TmplAstElement as TmplAstElement4, TmplAstReference as TmplAstReference4, TmplAstTemplate as TmplAstTemplate3, TmplAstTextAttribute as TmplAstTextAttribute3, TmplAstVariable as TmplAstVariable3 } from "@angular/compiler";
5198import ts30 from "typescript";
5199var SymbolBuilder = class {
5200 constructor(tcbPath, tcbIsShim, typeCheckBlock, templateData, componentScopeReader, getTypeChecker) {
5201 this.tcbPath = tcbPath;
5202 this.tcbIsShim = tcbIsShim;
5203 this.typeCheckBlock = typeCheckBlock;
5204 this.templateData = templateData;
5205 this.componentScopeReader = componentScopeReader;
5206 this.getTypeChecker = getTypeChecker;
5207 this.symbolCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
5208 }
5209 getSymbol(node) {
5210 if (this.symbolCache.has(node)) {
5211 return this.symbolCache.get(node);
5212 }
5213 let symbol = null;
5214 if (node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute2 || node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute3) {
5215 symbol = this.getSymbolOfInputBinding(node);
5216 } else if (node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent) {
5217 symbol = this.getSymbolOfBoundEvent(node);
5218 } else if (node instanceof TmplAstElement4) {
5219 symbol = this.getSymbolOfElement(node);
5220 } else if (node instanceof TmplAstTemplate3) {
5221 symbol = this.getSymbolOfAstTemplate(node);
5222 } else if (node instanceof TmplAstVariable3) {
5223 symbol = this.getSymbolOfVariable(node);
5224 } else if (node instanceof TmplAstReference4) {
5225 symbol = this.getSymbolOfReference(node);
5226 } else if (node instanceof BindingPipe2) {
5227 symbol = this.getSymbolOfPipe(node);
5228 } else if (node instanceof AST) {
5229 symbol = this.getSymbolOfTemplateExpression(node);
5230 } else {
5231 }
5232 this.symbolCache.set(node, symbol);
5233 return symbol;
5234 }
5235 getSymbolOfAstTemplate(template) {
5236 const directives = this.getDirectivesOfNode(template);
5237 return { kind: SymbolKind.Template, directives, templateNode: template };
5238 }
5239 getSymbolOfElement(element) {
5240 var _a;
5241 const elementSourceSpan = (_a = element.startSourceSpan) != null ? _a : element.sourceSpan;
5242 const node = findFirstMatchingNode(this.typeCheckBlock, { withSpan: elementSourceSpan, filter: ts30.isVariableDeclaration });
5243 if (node === null) {
5244 return null;
5245 }
5246 const symbolFromDeclaration = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(node);
5247 if (symbolFromDeclaration === null || symbolFromDeclaration.tsSymbol === null) {
5248 return null;
5249 }
5250 const directives = this.getDirectivesOfNode(element);
5251 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, symbolFromDeclaration), {
5252 kind: SymbolKind.Element,
5253 directives,
5254 templateNode: element
5255 });
5256 }
5257 getDirectivesOfNode(element) {
5258 var _a;
5259 const elementSourceSpan = (_a = element.startSourceSpan) != null ? _a : element.sourceSpan;
5260 const tcbSourceFile = this.typeCheckBlock.getSourceFile();
5261 const isDirectiveDeclaration = (node) => (ts30.isTypeNode(node) || ts30.isIdentifier(node)) && ts30.isVariableDeclaration(node.parent) && hasExpressionIdentifier(tcbSourceFile, node, ExpressionIdentifier.DIRECTIVE);
5262 const nodes = findAllMatchingNodes(this.typeCheckBlock, { withSpan: elementSourceSpan, filter: isDirectiveDeclaration });
5263 return nodes.map((node) => {
5264 var _a2;
5265 const symbol = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(node.parent);
5266 if (symbol === null || !isSymbolWithValueDeclaration(symbol.tsSymbol) || !ts30.isClassDeclaration(symbol.tsSymbol.valueDeclaration)) {
5267 return null;
5268 }
5269 const meta = this.getDirectiveMeta(element, symbol.tsSymbol.valueDeclaration);
5270 if (meta === null) {
5271 return null;
5272 }
5273 const ngModule = this.getDirectiveModule(symbol.tsSymbol.valueDeclaration);
5274 if (meta.selector === null) {
5275 return null;
5276 }
5277 const isComponent = (_a2 = meta.isComponent) != null ? _a2 : null;
5278 const directiveSymbol = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, symbol), {
5279 tsSymbol: symbol.tsSymbol,
5280 selector: meta.selector,
5281 isComponent,
5282 ngModule,
5283 kind: SymbolKind.Directive,
5284 isStructural: meta.isStructural
5285 });
5286 return directiveSymbol;
5287 }).filter((d) => d !== null);
5288 }
5289 getDirectiveMeta(host, directiveDeclaration) {
5290 var _a;
5291 let directives = this.templateData.boundTarget.getDirectivesOfNode(host);
5292 const firstChild = host.children[0];
5293 if (firstChild instanceof TmplAstElement4) {
5294 const isMicrosyntaxTemplate = host instanceof TmplAstTemplate3 && sourceSpanEqual(firstChild.sourceSpan, host.sourceSpan);
5295 if (isMicrosyntaxTemplate) {
5296 const firstChildDirectives = this.templateData.boundTarget.getDirectivesOfNode(firstChild);
5297 if (firstChildDirectives !== null && directives !== null) {
5298 directives = directives.concat(firstChildDirectives);
5299 } else {
5300 directives = directives != null ? directives : firstChildDirectives;
5301 }
5302 }
5303 }
5304 if (directives === null) {
5305 return null;
5306 }
5307 return (_a = directives.find((m) => m.ref.node === directiveDeclaration)) != null ? _a : null;
5308 }
5309 getDirectiveModule(declaration) {
5310 const scope = this.componentScopeReader.getScopeForComponent(declaration);
5311 if (scope === null) {
5312 return null;
5313 }
5314 return scope.ngModule;
5315 }
5316 getSymbolOfBoundEvent(eventBinding) {
5317 const consumer = this.templateData.boundTarget.getConsumerOfBinding(eventBinding);
5318 if (consumer === null) {
5319 return null;
5320 }
5321 let expectedAccess;
5322 if (consumer instanceof TmplAstTemplate3 || consumer instanceof TmplAstElement4) {
5323 expectedAccess = "addEventListener";
5324 } else {
5325 const bindingPropertyNames = consumer.outputs.getByBindingPropertyName(eventBinding.name);
5326 if (bindingPropertyNames === null || bindingPropertyNames.length === 0) {
5327 return null;
5328 }
5329 expectedAccess = bindingPropertyNames[0].classPropertyName;
5330 }
5331 function filter(n) {
5332 if (!isAccessExpression(n)) {
5333 return false;
5334 }
5335 if (ts30.isPropertyAccessExpression(n)) {
5336 return n.name.getText() === expectedAccess;
5337 } else {
5338 return ts30.isStringLiteral(n.argumentExpression) && n.argumentExpression.text === expectedAccess;
5339 }
5340 }
5341 const outputFieldAccesses = findAllMatchingNodes(this.typeCheckBlock, { withSpan: eventBinding.keySpan, filter });
5342 const bindings = [];
5343 for (const outputFieldAccess of outputFieldAccesses) {
5344 if (consumer instanceof TmplAstTemplate3 || consumer instanceof TmplAstElement4) {
5345 if (!ts30.isPropertyAccessExpression(outputFieldAccess)) {
5346 continue;
5347 }
5348 const addEventListener = outputFieldAccess.name;
5349 const tsSymbol = this.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(addEventListener);
5350 const tsType = this.getTypeChecker().getTypeAtLocation(addEventListener);
5351 const positionInFile = this.getTcbPositionForNode(addEventListener);
5352 const target = this.getSymbol(consumer);
5353 if (target === null || tsSymbol === void 0) {
5354 continue;
5355 }
5356 bindings.push({
5357 kind: SymbolKind.Binding,
5358 tsSymbol,
5359 tsType,
5360 target,
5361 tcbLocation: {
5362 tcbPath: this.tcbPath,
5363 isShimFile: this.tcbIsShim,
5364 positionInFile
5365 }
5366 });
5367 } else {
5368 if (!ts30.isElementAccessExpression(outputFieldAccess)) {
5369 continue;
5370 }
5371 const tsSymbol = this.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(outputFieldAccess.argumentExpression);
5372 if (tsSymbol === void 0) {
5373 continue;
5374 }
5375 const target = this.getDirectiveSymbolForAccessExpression(outputFieldAccess, consumer);
5376 if (target === null) {
5377 continue;
5378 }
5379 const positionInFile = this.getTcbPositionForNode(outputFieldAccess);
5380 const tsType = this.getTypeChecker().getTypeAtLocation(outputFieldAccess);
5381 bindings.push({
5382 kind: SymbolKind.Binding,
5383 tsSymbol,
5384 tsType,
5385 target,
5386 tcbLocation: {
5387 tcbPath: this.tcbPath,
5388 isShimFile: this.tcbIsShim,
5389 positionInFile
5390 }
5391 });
5392 }
5393 }
5394 if (bindings.length === 0) {
5395 return null;
5396 }
5397 return { kind: SymbolKind.Output, bindings };
5398 }
5399 getSymbolOfInputBinding(binding) {
5400 const consumer = this.templateData.boundTarget.getConsumerOfBinding(binding);
5401 if (consumer === null) {
5402 return null;
5403 }
5404 if (consumer instanceof TmplAstElement4 || consumer instanceof TmplAstTemplate3) {
5405 const host = this.getSymbol(consumer);
5406 return host !== null ? { kind: SymbolKind.DomBinding, host } : null;
5407 }
5408 const nodes = findAllMatchingNodes(this.typeCheckBlock, { withSpan: binding.sourceSpan, filter: isAssignment });
5409 const bindings = [];
5410 for (const node of nodes) {
5411 if (!isAccessExpression(node.left)) {
5412 continue;
5413 }
5414 const symbolInfo = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(node.left);
5415 if (symbolInfo === null || symbolInfo.tsSymbol === null) {
5416 continue;
5417 }
5418 const target = this.getDirectiveSymbolForAccessExpression(node.left, consumer);
5419 if (target === null) {
5420 continue;
5421 }
5422 bindings.push(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, symbolInfo), {
5423 tsSymbol: symbolInfo.tsSymbol,
5424 kind: SymbolKind.Binding,
5425 target
5426 }));
5427 }
5428 if (bindings.length === 0) {
5429 return null;
5430 }
5431 return { kind: SymbolKind.Input, bindings };
5432 }
5433 getDirectiveSymbolForAccessExpression(node, { isComponent, selector, isStructural }) {
5434 var _a;
5435 const tsSymbol = this.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(node.expression);
5436 if ((tsSymbol == null ? void 0 : tsSymbol.declarations) === void 0 || tsSymbol.declarations.length === 0 || selector === null) {
5437 return null;
5438 }
5439 const [declaration] = tsSymbol.declarations;
5440 if (!ts30.isVariableDeclaration(declaration) || !hasExpressionIdentifier(declaration.getSourceFile(), (_a = declaration.type) != null ? _a : declaration.name, ExpressionIdentifier.DIRECTIVE)) {
5441 return null;
5442 }
5443 const symbol = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(declaration);
5444 if (symbol === null || !isSymbolWithValueDeclaration(symbol.tsSymbol) || !ts30.isClassDeclaration(symbol.tsSymbol.valueDeclaration)) {
5445 return null;
5446 }
5447 const ngModule = this.getDirectiveModule(symbol.tsSymbol.valueDeclaration);
5448 return {
5449 kind: SymbolKind.Directive,
5450 tsSymbol: symbol.tsSymbol,
5451 tsType: symbol.tsType,
5452 tcbLocation: symbol.tcbLocation,
5453 isComponent,
5454 isStructural,
5455 selector,
5456 ngModule
5457 };
5458 }
5459 getSymbolOfVariable(variable) {
5460 const node = findFirstMatchingNode(this.typeCheckBlock, { withSpan: variable.sourceSpan, filter: ts30.isVariableDeclaration });
5461 if (node === null || node.initializer === void 0) {
5462 return null;
5463 }
5464 const expressionSymbol = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(node.initializer);
5465 if (expressionSymbol === null) {
5466 return null;
5467 }
5468 return {
5469 tsType: expressionSymbol.tsType,
5470 tsSymbol: expressionSymbol.tsSymbol,
5471 initializerLocation: expressionSymbol.tcbLocation,
5472 kind: SymbolKind.Variable,
5473 declaration: variable,
5474 localVarLocation: {
5475 tcbPath: this.tcbPath,
5476 isShimFile: this.tcbIsShim,
5477 positionInFile: this.getTcbPositionForNode(node.name)
5478 }
5479 };
5480 }
5481 getSymbolOfReference(ref) {
5482 const target = this.templateData.boundTarget.getReferenceTarget(ref);
5483 let node = findFirstMatchingNode(this.typeCheckBlock, { withSpan: ref.sourceSpan, filter: ts30.isVariableDeclaration });
5484 if (node === null || target === null || node.initializer === void 0) {
5485 return null;
5486 }
5487 const originalDeclaration = ts30.isParenthesizedExpression(node.initializer) && ts30.isAsExpression(node.initializer.expression) ? this.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(node.name) : this.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(node.initializer);
5488 if (originalDeclaration === void 0 || originalDeclaration.valueDeclaration === void 0) {
5489 return null;
5490 }
5491 const symbol = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(originalDeclaration.valueDeclaration);
5492 if (symbol === null || symbol.tsSymbol === null) {
5493 return null;
5494 }
5495 const referenceVarTcbLocation = {
5496 tcbPath: this.tcbPath,
5497 isShimFile: this.tcbIsShim,
5498 positionInFile: this.getTcbPositionForNode(node)
5499 };
5500 if (target instanceof TmplAstTemplate3 || target instanceof TmplAstElement4) {
5501 return {
5502 kind: SymbolKind.Reference,
5503 tsSymbol: symbol.tsSymbol,
5504 tsType: symbol.tsType,
5505 target,
5506 declaration: ref,
5507 targetLocation: symbol.tcbLocation,
5508 referenceVarLocation: referenceVarTcbLocation
5509 };
5510 } else {
5511 if (!ts30.isClassDeclaration(target.directive.ref.node)) {
5512 return null;
5513 }
5514 return {
5515 kind: SymbolKind.Reference,
5516 tsSymbol: symbol.tsSymbol,
5517 tsType: symbol.tsType,
5518 declaration: ref,
5519 target: target.directive.ref.node,
5520 targetLocation: symbol.tcbLocation,
5521 referenceVarLocation: referenceVarTcbLocation
5522 };
5523 }
5524 }
5525 getSymbolOfPipe(expression) {
5526 const methodAccess = findFirstMatchingNode(this.typeCheckBlock, { withSpan: expression.nameSpan, filter: ts30.isPropertyAccessExpression });
5527 if (methodAccess === null) {
5528 return null;
5529 }
5530 const pipeVariableNode = methodAccess.expression;
5531 const pipeDeclaration = this.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(pipeVariableNode);
5532 if (pipeDeclaration === void 0 || pipeDeclaration.valueDeclaration === void 0) {
5533 return null;
5534 }
5535 const pipeInstance = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(pipeDeclaration.valueDeclaration);
5536 if (pipeInstance === null || !isSymbolWithValueDeclaration(pipeInstance.tsSymbol)) {
5537 return null;
5538 }
5539 const symbolInfo = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(methodAccess);
5540 if (symbolInfo === null) {
5541 return null;
5542 }
5543 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({
5544 kind: SymbolKind.Pipe
5545 }, symbolInfo), {
5546 classSymbol: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, pipeInstance), {
5547 tsSymbol: pipeInstance.tsSymbol
5548 })
5549 });
5550 }
5551 getSymbolOfTemplateExpression(expression) {
5552 if (expression instanceof ASTWithSource3) {
5553 expression = expression.ast;
5554 }
5555 const expressionTarget = this.templateData.boundTarget.getExpressionTarget(expression);
5556 if (expressionTarget !== null) {
5557 return this.getSymbol(expressionTarget);
5558 }
5559 let withSpan = expression.sourceSpan;
5560 if (expression instanceof PropertyWrite4) {
5561 withSpan = expression.nameSpan;
5562 }
5563 let node = null;
5564 if (expression instanceof PropertyRead5) {
5565 node = findFirstMatchingNode(this.typeCheckBlock, { withSpan, filter: ts30.isPropertyAccessExpression });
5566 }
5567 if (node === null) {
5568 node = findFirstMatchingNode(this.typeCheckBlock, { withSpan, filter: anyNodeFilter });
5569 }
5570 if (node === null) {
5571 return null;
5572 }
5573 while (ts30.isParenthesizedExpression(node)) {
5574 node = node.expression;
5575 }
5576 if (expression instanceof SafePropertyRead4 && ts30.isConditionalExpression(node)) {
5577 const whenTrueSymbol = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(node.whenTrue);
5578 if (whenTrueSymbol === null) {
5579 return null;
5580 }
5581 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, whenTrueSymbol), {
5582 kind: SymbolKind.Expression,
5583 tsType: this.getTypeChecker().getTypeAtLocation(node)
5584 });
5585 } else {
5586 const symbolInfo = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(node);
5587 return symbolInfo === null ? null : __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, symbolInfo), { kind: SymbolKind.Expression });
5588 }
5589 }
5590 getSymbolOfTsNode(node) {
5591 var _a;
5592 while (ts30.isParenthesizedExpression(node)) {
5593 node = node.expression;
5594 }
5595 let tsSymbol;
5596 if (ts30.isPropertyAccessExpression(node)) {
5597 tsSymbol = this.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(node.name);
5598 } else if (ts30.isElementAccessExpression(node)) {
5599 tsSymbol = this.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(node.argumentExpression);
5600 } else {
5601 tsSymbol = this.getTypeChecker().getSymbolAtLocation(node);
5602 }
5603 const positionInFile = this.getTcbPositionForNode(node);
5604 const type = this.getTypeChecker().getTypeAtLocation(node);
5605 return {
5606 tsSymbol: (_a = tsSymbol != null ? tsSymbol : type.symbol) != null ? _a : null,
5607 tsType: type,
5608 tcbLocation: {
5609 tcbPath: this.tcbPath,
5610 isShimFile: this.tcbIsShim,
5611 positionInFile
5612 }
5613 };
5614 }
5615 getTcbPositionForNode(node) {
5616 if (ts30.isTypeReferenceNode(node)) {
5617 return this.getTcbPositionForNode(node.typeName);
5618 } else if (ts30.isQualifiedName(node)) {
5619 return node.right.getStart();
5620 } else if (ts30.isPropertyAccessExpression(node)) {
5621 return node.name.getStart();
5622 } else if (ts30.isElementAccessExpression(node)) {
5623 return node.argumentExpression.getStart();
5624 } else {
5625 return node.getStart();
5626 }
5627 }
5629function anyNodeFilter(n) {
5630 return true;
5632function sourceSpanEqual(a, b) {
5633 return a.start.offset === b.start.offset && a.end.offset === b.end.offset;
5636// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/checker.mjs
5637var REGISTRY2 = new DomElementSchemaRegistry2();
5638var TemplateTypeCheckerImpl = class {
5639 constructor(originalProgram, programDriver, typeCheckAdapter, config, refEmitter, reflector, compilerHost, priorBuild, componentScopeReader, typeCheckScopeRegistry, perf) {
5640 this.originalProgram = originalProgram;
5641 this.programDriver = programDriver;
5642 this.typeCheckAdapter = typeCheckAdapter;
5643 this.config = config;
5644 this.refEmitter = refEmitter;
5645 this.reflector = reflector;
5646 this.compilerHost = compilerHost;
5647 this.priorBuild = priorBuild;
5648 this.componentScopeReader = componentScopeReader;
5649 this.typeCheckScopeRegistry = typeCheckScopeRegistry;
5650 this.perf = perf;
5651 this.state = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
5652 this.completionCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
5653 this.symbolBuilderCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
5654 this.scopeCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
5655 this.elementTagCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
5656 this.isComplete = false;
5657 }
5658 getTemplate(component) {
5659 const { data } = this.getLatestComponentState(component);
5660 if (data === null) {
5661 return null;
5662 }
5663 return data.template;
5664 }
5665 getLatestComponentState(component) {
5666 this.ensureShimForComponent(component);
5667 const sf = component.getSourceFile();
5668 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
5669 const shimPath = TypeCheckShimGenerator.shimFor(sfPath);
5670 const fileRecord = this.getFileData(sfPath);
5671 if (!fileRecord.shimData.has(shimPath)) {
5672 return { data: null, tcb: null, tcbPath: shimPath, tcbIsShim: true };
5673 }
5674 const templateId = fileRecord.sourceManager.getTemplateId(component);
5675 const shimRecord = fileRecord.shimData.get(shimPath);
5676 const id = fileRecord.sourceManager.getTemplateId(component);
5677 const program = this.programDriver.getProgram();
5678 const shimSf = getSourceFileOrNull(program, shimPath);
5679 if (shimSf === null || !fileRecord.shimData.has(shimPath)) {
5680 throw new Error(`Error: no shim file in program: ${shimPath}`);
5681 }
5682 let tcb = findTypeCheckBlock(shimSf, id, false);
5683 let tcbPath = shimPath;
5684 if (tcb === null) {
5685 const inlineSf = getSourceFileOrError(program, sfPath);
5686 tcb = findTypeCheckBlock(inlineSf, id, false);
5687 if (tcb !== null) {
5688 tcbPath = sfPath;
5689 }
5690 }
5691 let data = null;
5692 if (shimRecord.templates.has(templateId)) {
5693 data = shimRecord.templates.get(templateId);
5694 }
5695 return { data, tcb, tcbPath, tcbIsShim: tcbPath === shimPath };
5696 }
5697 isTrackedTypeCheckFile(filePath) {
5698 return this.getFileAndShimRecordsForPath(filePath) !== null;
5699 }
5700 getFileRecordForTcbLocation({ tcbPath, isShimFile }) {
5701 if (!isShimFile) {
5702 if (this.state.has(tcbPath)) {
5703 return this.state.get(tcbPath);
5704 } else {
5705 return null;
5706 }
5707 }
5708 const records = this.getFileAndShimRecordsForPath(tcbPath);
5709 if (records !== null) {
5710 return records.fileRecord;
5711 } else {
5712 return null;
5713 }
5714 }
5715 getFileAndShimRecordsForPath(shimPath) {
5716 for (const fileRecord of this.state.values()) {
5717 if (fileRecord.shimData.has(shimPath)) {
5718 return { fileRecord, shimRecord: fileRecord.shimData.get(shimPath) };
5719 }
5720 }
5721 return null;
5722 }
5723 getTemplateMappingAtTcbLocation(tcbLocation) {
5724 const fileRecord = this.getFileRecordForTcbLocation(tcbLocation);
5725 if (fileRecord === null) {
5726 return null;
5727 }
5728 const shimSf = this.programDriver.getProgram().getSourceFile(tcbLocation.tcbPath);
5729 if (shimSf === void 0) {
5730 return null;
5731 }
5732 return getTemplateMapping(shimSf, tcbLocation.positionInFile, fileRecord.sourceManager, false);
5733 }
5734 generateAllTypeCheckBlocks() {
5735 this.ensureAllShimsForAllFiles();
5736 }
5737 getDiagnosticsForFile(sf, optimizeFor) {
5738 switch (optimizeFor) {
5739 case OptimizeFor.WholeProgram:
5740 this.ensureAllShimsForAllFiles();
5741 break;
5742 case OptimizeFor.SingleFile:
5743 this.ensureAllShimsForOneFile(sf);
5744 break;
5745 }
5746 return this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.TtcDiagnostics, () => {
5747 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
5748 const fileRecord = this.state.get(sfPath);
5749 const typeCheckProgram = this.programDriver.getProgram();
5750 const diagnostics = [];
5751 if (fileRecord.hasInlines) {
5752 const inlineSf = getSourceFileOrError(typeCheckProgram, sfPath);
5753 diagnostics.push(...typeCheckProgram.getSemanticDiagnostics(inlineSf).map((diag) => convertDiagnostic(diag, fileRecord.sourceManager)));
5754 }
5755 for (const [shimPath, shimRecord] of fileRecord.shimData) {
5756 const shimSf = getSourceFileOrError(typeCheckProgram, shimPath);
5757 diagnostics.push(...typeCheckProgram.getSemanticDiagnostics(shimSf).map((diag) => convertDiagnostic(diag, fileRecord.sourceManager)));
5758 diagnostics.push(...shimRecord.genesisDiagnostics);
5759 for (const templateData of shimRecord.templates.values()) {
5760 diagnostics.push(...templateData.templateDiagnostics);
5761 }
5762 }
5763 return diagnostics.filter((diag) => diag !== null);
5764 });
5765 }
5766 getDiagnosticsForComponent(component) {
5767 this.ensureShimForComponent(component);
5768 return this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.TtcDiagnostics, () => {
5769 const sf = component.getSourceFile();
5770 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
5771 const shimPath = TypeCheckShimGenerator.shimFor(sfPath);
5772 const fileRecord = this.getFileData(sfPath);
5773 if (!fileRecord.shimData.has(shimPath)) {
5774 return [];
5775 }
5776 const templateId = fileRecord.sourceManager.getTemplateId(component);
5777 const shimRecord = fileRecord.shimData.get(shimPath);
5778 const typeCheckProgram = this.programDriver.getProgram();
5779 const diagnostics = [];
5780 if (shimRecord.hasInlines) {
5781 const inlineSf = getSourceFileOrError(typeCheckProgram, sfPath);
5782 diagnostics.push(...typeCheckProgram.getSemanticDiagnostics(inlineSf).map((diag) => convertDiagnostic(diag, fileRecord.sourceManager)));
5783 }
5784 const shimSf = getSourceFileOrError(typeCheckProgram, shimPath);
5785 diagnostics.push(...typeCheckProgram.getSemanticDiagnostics(shimSf).map((diag) => convertDiagnostic(diag, fileRecord.sourceManager)));
5786 diagnostics.push(...shimRecord.genesisDiagnostics);
5787 for (const templateData of shimRecord.templates.values()) {
5788 diagnostics.push(...templateData.templateDiagnostics);
5789 }
5790 return diagnostics.filter((diag) => diag !== null && diag.templateId === templateId);
5791 });
5792 }
5793 getTypeCheckBlock(component) {
5794 return this.getLatestComponentState(component).tcb;
5795 }
5796 getGlobalCompletions(context, component, node) {
5797 const engine = this.getOrCreateCompletionEngine(component);
5798 if (engine === null) {
5799 return null;
5800 }
5801 return this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.TtcAutocompletion, () => engine.getGlobalCompletions(context, node));
5802 }
5803 getExpressionCompletionLocation(ast, component) {
5804 const engine = this.getOrCreateCompletionEngine(component);
5805 if (engine === null) {
5806 return null;
5807 }
5808 return this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.TtcAutocompletion, () => engine.getExpressionCompletionLocation(ast));
5809 }
5810 getLiteralCompletionLocation(node, component) {
5811 const engine = this.getOrCreateCompletionEngine(component);
5812 if (engine === null) {
5813 return null;
5814 }
5815 return this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.TtcAutocompletion, () => engine.getLiteralCompletionLocation(node));
5816 }
5817 invalidateClass(clazz) {
5818 this.completionCache.delete(clazz);
5819 this.symbolBuilderCache.delete(clazz);
5820 this.scopeCache.delete(clazz);
5821 this.elementTagCache.delete(clazz);
5822 const sf = clazz.getSourceFile();
5823 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
5824 const shimPath = TypeCheckShimGenerator.shimFor(sfPath);
5825 const fileData = this.getFileData(sfPath);
5826 const templateId = fileData.sourceManager.getTemplateId(clazz);
5827 fileData.shimData.delete(shimPath);
5828 fileData.isComplete = false;
5829 this.isComplete = false;
5830 }
5831 makeTemplateDiagnostic(clazz, sourceSpan, category, errorCode, message, relatedInformation) {
5832 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(clazz.getSourceFile());
5833 const fileRecord = this.state.get(sfPath);
5834 const templateId = fileRecord.sourceManager.getTemplateId(clazz);
5835 const mapping = fileRecord.sourceManager.getSourceMapping(templateId);
5836 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, makeTemplateDiagnostic(templateId, mapping, sourceSpan, category, ngErrorCode(errorCode), message, relatedInformation)), {
5837 __ngCode: errorCode
5838 });
5839 }
5840 getOrCreateCompletionEngine(component) {
5841 if (this.completionCache.has(component)) {
5842 return this.completionCache.get(component);
5843 }
5844 const { tcb, data, tcbPath, tcbIsShim } = this.getLatestComponentState(component);
5845 if (tcb === null || data === null) {
5846 return null;
5847 }
5848 const engine = new CompletionEngine(tcb, data, tcbPath, tcbIsShim);
5849 this.completionCache.set(component, engine);
5850 return engine;
5851 }
5852 maybeAdoptPriorResultsForFile(sf) {
5853 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
5854 if (this.state.has(sfPath)) {
5855 const existingResults = this.state.get(sfPath);
5856 if (existingResults.isComplete) {
5857 return;
5858 }
5859 }
5860 const previousResults = this.priorBuild.priorTypeCheckingResultsFor(sf);
5861 if (previousResults === null || !previousResults.isComplete) {
5862 return;
5863 }
5864 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.ReuseTypeCheckFile);
5865 this.state.set(sfPath, previousResults);
5866 }
5867 ensureAllShimsForAllFiles() {
5868 if (this.isComplete) {
5869 return;
5870 }
5871 this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.TcbGeneration, () => {
5872 const host = new WholeProgramTypeCheckingHost(this);
5873 const ctx = this.newContext(host);
5874 for (const sf of this.originalProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
5875 if (sf.isDeclarationFile || isShim(sf)) {
5876 continue;
5877 }
5878 this.maybeAdoptPriorResultsForFile(sf);
5879 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
5880 const fileData = this.getFileData(sfPath);
5881 if (fileData.isComplete) {
5882 continue;
5883 }
5884 this.typeCheckAdapter.typeCheck(sf, ctx);
5885 fileData.isComplete = true;
5886 }
5887 this.updateFromContext(ctx);
5888 this.isComplete = true;
5889 });
5890 }
5891 ensureAllShimsForOneFile(sf) {
5892 this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.TcbGeneration, () => {
5893 this.maybeAdoptPriorResultsForFile(sf);
5894 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
5895 const fileData = this.getFileData(sfPath);
5896 if (fileData.isComplete) {
5897 return;
5898 }
5899 const host = new SingleFileTypeCheckingHost(sfPath, fileData, this);
5900 const ctx = this.newContext(host);
5901 this.typeCheckAdapter.typeCheck(sf, ctx);
5902 fileData.isComplete = true;
5903 this.updateFromContext(ctx);
5904 });
5905 }
5906 ensureShimForComponent(component) {
5907 const sf = component.getSourceFile();
5908 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(sf);
5909 const shimPath = TypeCheckShimGenerator.shimFor(sfPath);
5910 this.maybeAdoptPriorResultsForFile(sf);
5911 const fileData = this.getFileData(sfPath);
5912 if (fileData.shimData.has(shimPath)) {
5913 return;
5914 }
5915 const host = new SingleShimTypeCheckingHost(sfPath, fileData, this, shimPath);
5916 const ctx = this.newContext(host);
5917 this.typeCheckAdapter.typeCheck(sf, ctx);
5918 this.updateFromContext(ctx);
5919 }
5920 newContext(host) {
5921 const inlining = this.programDriver.supportsInlineOperations ? InliningMode.InlineOps : InliningMode.Error;
5922 return new TypeCheckContextImpl(this.config, this.compilerHost, this.refEmitter, this.reflector, host, inlining, this.perf);
5923 }
5924 clearAllShimDataUsingInlines() {
5925 for (const fileData of this.state.values()) {
5926 if (!fileData.hasInlines) {
5927 continue;
5928 }
5929 for (const [shimFile, shimData] of fileData.shimData.entries()) {
5930 if (shimData.hasInlines) {
5931 fileData.shimData.delete(shimFile);
5932 }
5933 }
5934 fileData.hasInlines = false;
5935 fileData.isComplete = false;
5936 this.isComplete = false;
5937 }
5938 }
5939 updateFromContext(ctx) {
5940 const updates = ctx.finalize();
5941 return this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.TcbUpdateProgram, () => {
5942 if (updates.size > 0) {
5943 this.perf.eventCount(PerfEvent.UpdateTypeCheckProgram);
5944 }
5945 this.programDriver.updateFiles(updates, UpdateMode.Incremental);
5946 this.priorBuild.recordSuccessfulTypeCheck(this.state);
5947 this.perf.memory(PerfCheckpoint.TtcUpdateProgram);
5948 });
5949 }
5950 getFileData(path2) {
5951 if (!this.state.has(path2)) {
5952 this.state.set(path2, {
5953 hasInlines: false,
5954 sourceManager: new TemplateSourceManager(),
5955 isComplete: false,
5956 shimData: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()
5957 });
5958 }
5959 return this.state.get(path2);
5960 }
5961 getSymbolOfNode(node, component) {
5962 const builder = this.getOrCreateSymbolBuilder(component);
5963 if (builder === null) {
5964 return null;
5965 }
5966 return this.perf.inPhase(PerfPhase.TtcSymbol, () => builder.getSymbol(node));
5967 }
5968 getOrCreateSymbolBuilder(component) {
5969 if (this.symbolBuilderCache.has(component)) {
5970 return this.symbolBuilderCache.get(component);
5971 }
5972 const { tcb, data, tcbPath, tcbIsShim } = this.getLatestComponentState(component);
5973 if (tcb === null || data === null) {
5974 return null;
5975 }
5976 const builder = new SymbolBuilder(tcbPath, tcbIsShim, tcb, data, this.componentScopeReader, () => this.programDriver.getProgram().getTypeChecker());
5977 this.symbolBuilderCache.set(component, builder);
5978 return builder;
5979 }
5980 getDirectivesInScope(component) {
5981 const data = this.getScopeData(component);
5982 if (data === null) {
5983 return null;
5984 }
5985 return data.directives;
5986 }
5987 getPipesInScope(component) {
5988 const data = this.getScopeData(component);
5989 if (data === null) {
5990 return null;
5991 }
5992 return data.pipes;
5993 }
5994 getDirectiveMetadata(dir) {
5995 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(dir)) {
5996 return null;
5997 }
5998 return this.typeCheckScopeRegistry.getTypeCheckDirectiveMetadata(new Reference(dir));
5999 }
6000 getPotentialElementTags(component) {
6001 if (this.elementTagCache.has(component)) {
6002 return this.elementTagCache.get(component);
6003 }
6004 const tagMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
6005 for (const tag of REGISTRY2.allKnownElementNames()) {
6006 tagMap.set(tag, null);
6007 }
6008 const scope = this.getScopeData(component);
6009 if (scope !== null) {
6010 for (const directive of scope.directives) {
6011 for (const selector of CssSelector2.parse(directive.selector)) {
6012 if (selector.element === null || tagMap.has(selector.element)) {
6013 continue;
6014 }
6015 tagMap.set(selector.element, directive);
6016 }
6017 }
6018 }
6019 this.elementTagCache.set(component, tagMap);
6020 return tagMap;
6021 }
6022 getPotentialDomBindings(tagName) {
6023 const attributes = REGISTRY2.allKnownAttributesOfElement(tagName);
6024 return attributes.map((attribute) => ({
6025 attribute,
6026 property: REGISTRY2.getMappedPropName(attribute)
6027 }));
6028 }
6029 getPotentialDomEvents(tagName) {
6030 return REGISTRY2.allKnownEventsOfElement(tagName);
6031 }
6032 getScopeData(component) {
6033 if (this.scopeCache.has(component)) {
6034 return this.scopeCache.get(component);
6035 }
6036 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(component)) {
6037 throw new Error(`AssertionError: components must have names`);
6038 }
6039 const scope = this.componentScopeReader.getScopeForComponent(component);
6040 if (scope === null) {
6041 return null;
6042 }
6043 const data = {
6044 directives: [],
6045 pipes: [],
6046 isPoisoned: scope.compilation.isPoisoned
6047 };
6048 const typeChecker = this.programDriver.getProgram().getTypeChecker();
6049 for (const dir of scope.compilation.directives) {
6050 if (dir.selector === null) {
6051 continue;
6052 }
6053 const tsSymbol = typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(dir.ref.node.name);
6054 if (!isSymbolWithValueDeclaration(tsSymbol)) {
6055 continue;
6056 }
6057 let ngModule = null;
6058 const moduleScopeOfDir = this.componentScopeReader.getScopeForComponent(dir.ref.node);
6059 if (moduleScopeOfDir !== null) {
6060 ngModule = moduleScopeOfDir.ngModule;
6061 }
6062 data.directives.push({
6063 isComponent: dir.isComponent,
6064 isStructural: dir.isStructural,
6065 selector: dir.selector,
6066 tsSymbol,
6067 ngModule
6068 });
6069 }
6070 for (const pipe of scope.compilation.pipes) {
6071 const tsSymbol = typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(pipe.ref.node.name);
6072 if (tsSymbol === void 0) {
6073 continue;
6074 }
6075 data.pipes.push({
6076 name: pipe.name,
6077 tsSymbol
6078 });
6079 }
6080 this.scopeCache.set(component, data);
6081 return data;
6082 }
6084function convertDiagnostic(diag, sourceResolver) {
6085 if (!shouldReportDiagnostic(diag)) {
6086 return null;
6087 }
6088 return translateDiagnostic(diag, sourceResolver);
6090var WholeProgramTypeCheckingHost = class {
6091 constructor(impl) {
6092 this.impl = impl;
6093 }
6094 getSourceManager(sfPath) {
6095 return this.impl.getFileData(sfPath).sourceManager;
6096 }
6097 shouldCheckComponent(node) {
6098 const sfPath = absoluteFromSourceFile(node.getSourceFile());
6099 const shimPath = TypeCheckShimGenerator.shimFor(sfPath);
6100 const fileData = this.impl.getFileData(sfPath);
6101 return !fileData.shimData.has(shimPath);
6102 }
6103 recordShimData(sfPath, data) {
6104 const fileData = this.impl.getFileData(sfPath);
6105 fileData.shimData.set(data.path, data);
6106 if (data.hasInlines) {
6107 fileData.hasInlines = true;
6108 }
6109 }
6110 recordComplete(sfPath) {
6111 this.impl.getFileData(sfPath).isComplete = true;
6112 }
6114var SingleFileTypeCheckingHost = class {
6115 constructor(sfPath, fileData, impl) {
6116 this.sfPath = sfPath;
6117 this.fileData = fileData;
6118 this.impl = impl;
6119 this.seenInlines = false;
6120 }
6121 assertPath(sfPath) {
6122 if (this.sfPath !== sfPath) {
6123 throw new Error(`AssertionError: querying TypeCheckingHost outside of assigned file`);
6124 }
6125 }
6126 getSourceManager(sfPath) {
6127 this.assertPath(sfPath);
6128 return this.fileData.sourceManager;
6129 }
6130 shouldCheckComponent(node) {
6131 if (this.sfPath !== absoluteFromSourceFile(node.getSourceFile())) {
6132 return false;
6133 }
6134 const shimPath = TypeCheckShimGenerator.shimFor(this.sfPath);
6135 return !this.fileData.shimData.has(shimPath);
6136 }
6137 recordShimData(sfPath, data) {
6138 this.assertPath(sfPath);
6139 if (data.hasInlines && !this.seenInlines) {
6140 this.impl.clearAllShimDataUsingInlines();
6141 this.seenInlines = true;
6142 }
6143 this.fileData.shimData.set(data.path, data);
6144 if (data.hasInlines) {
6145 this.fileData.hasInlines = true;
6146 }
6147 }
6148 recordComplete(sfPath) {
6149 this.assertPath(sfPath);
6150 this.fileData.isComplete = true;
6151 }
6153var SingleShimTypeCheckingHost = class extends SingleFileTypeCheckingHost {
6154 constructor(sfPath, fileData, impl, shimPath) {
6155 super(sfPath, fileData, impl);
6156 this.shimPath = shimPath;
6157 }
6158 shouldCheckNode(node) {
6159 if (this.sfPath !== absoluteFromSourceFile(node.getSourceFile())) {
6160 return false;
6161 }
6162 const shimPath = TypeCheckShimGenerator.shimFor(this.sfPath);
6163 if (shimPath !== this.shimPath) {
6164 return false;
6165 }
6166 return !this.fileData.shimData.has(shimPath);
6167 }
6170// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/extended/checks/invalid_banana_in_box/index.mjs
6171import { TmplAstBoundEvent as TmplAstBoundEvent2 } from "@angular/compiler";
6173// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/extended/api/api.mjs
6174import { ASTWithSource as ASTWithSource4, RecursiveAstVisitor as RecursiveAstVisitor3 } from "@angular/compiler";
6175var TemplateCheckWithVisitor = class {
6176 run(ctx, component, template) {
6177 const visitor = new TemplateVisitor2(ctx, component, this);
6178 return visitor.getDiagnostics(template);
6179 }
6181var TemplateVisitor2 = class extends RecursiveAstVisitor3 {
6182 constructor(ctx, component, check) {
6183 super();
6184 this.ctx = ctx;
6185 this.component = component;
6186 this.check = check;
6187 this.diagnostics = [];
6188 }
6189 visit(node, context) {
6190 this.diagnostics.push(...this.check.visitNode(this.ctx, this.component, node));
6191 node.visit(this);
6192 }
6193 visitAllNodes(nodes) {
6194 for (const node of nodes) {
6195 this.visit(node);
6196 }
6197 }
6198 visitAst(ast) {
6199 if (ast instanceof ASTWithSource4) {
6200 ast = ast.ast;
6201 }
6202 this.visit(ast);
6203 }
6204 visitElement(element) {
6205 this.visitAllNodes(element.attributes);
6206 this.visitAllNodes(element.inputs);
6207 this.visitAllNodes(element.outputs);
6208 this.visitAllNodes(element.references);
6209 this.visitAllNodes(element.children);
6210 }
6211 visitTemplate(template) {
6212 this.visitAllNodes(template.attributes);
6213 if (template.tagName === "ng-template") {
6214 this.visitAllNodes(template.inputs);
6215 this.visitAllNodes(template.outputs);
6216 this.visitAllNodes(template.templateAttrs);
6217 }
6218 this.visitAllNodes(template.variables);
6219 this.visitAllNodes(template.references);
6220 this.visitAllNodes(template.children);
6221 }
6222 visitContent(content) {
6223 }
6224 visitVariable(variable) {
6225 }
6226 visitReference(reference) {
6227 }
6228 visitTextAttribute(attribute) {
6229 }
6230 visitBoundAttribute(attribute) {
6231 this.visitAst(attribute.value);
6232 }
6233 visitBoundEvent(attribute) {
6234 this.visitAst(attribute.handler);
6235 }
6236 visitText(text) {
6237 }
6238 visitBoundText(text) {
6239 this.visitAst(text.value);
6240 }
6241 visitIcu(icu) {
6242 }
6243 getDiagnostics(template) {
6244 this.diagnostics = [];
6245 this.visitAllNodes(template);
6246 return this.diagnostics;
6247 }
6250// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/extended/checks/invalid_banana_in_box/index.mjs
6251var InvalidBananaInBoxCheck = class extends TemplateCheckWithVisitor {
6252 constructor() {
6253 super(...arguments);
6254 this.code = ErrorCode.INVALID_BANANA_IN_BOX;
6255 }
6256 visitNode(ctx, component, node) {
6257 if (!(node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent2))
6258 return [];
6259 const name = node.name;
6260 if (!name.startsWith("[") || !name.endsWith("]"))
6261 return [];
6262 const boundSyntax = node.sourceSpan.toString();
6263 const expectedBoundSyntax = boundSyntax.replace(`(${name})`, `[(${name.slice(1, -1)})]`);
6264 const diagnostic = ctx.makeTemplateDiagnostic(node.sourceSpan, `In the two-way binding syntax the parentheses should be inside the brackets, ex. '${expectedBoundSyntax}'.
6265 Find more at https://angular.io/guide/two-way-binding`);
6266 return [diagnostic];
6267 }
6269var factory = {
6270 code: ErrorCode.INVALID_BANANA_IN_BOX,
6271 name: ExtendedTemplateDiagnosticName.INVALID_BANANA_IN_BOX,
6272 create: () => new InvalidBananaInBoxCheck()
6275// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/extended/checks/nullish_coalescing_not_nullable/index.mjs
6276import { Binary } from "@angular/compiler";
6277import ts31 from "typescript";
6278var NullishCoalescingNotNullableCheck = class extends TemplateCheckWithVisitor {
6279 constructor() {
6280 super(...arguments);
6282 }
6283 visitNode(ctx, component, node) {
6284 if (!(node instanceof Binary) || node.operation !== "??")
6285 return [];
6286 const symbolLeft = ctx.templateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNode(node.left, component);
6287 if (symbolLeft === null || symbolLeft.kind !== SymbolKind.Expression) {
6288 return [];
6289 }
6290 const typeLeft = symbolLeft.tsType;
6291 if (typeLeft.flags & (ts31.TypeFlags.Any | ts31.TypeFlags.Unknown)) {
6292 return [];
6293 }
6294 if (typeLeft.getNonNullableType() !== typeLeft)
6295 return [];
6296 const symbol = ctx.templateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNode(node, component);
6297 if (symbol.kind !== SymbolKind.Expression) {
6298 return [];
6299 }
6300 const templateMapping = ctx.templateTypeChecker.getTemplateMappingAtTcbLocation(symbol.tcbLocation);
6301 if (templateMapping === null) {
6302 return [];
6303 }
6304 const diagnostic = ctx.makeTemplateDiagnostic(templateMapping.span, `The left side of this nullish coalescing operation does not include 'null' or 'undefined' in its type, therefore the '??' operator can be safely removed.`);
6305 return [diagnostic];
6306 }
6308var factory2 = {
6310 name: ExtendedTemplateDiagnosticName.NULLISH_COALESCING_NOT_NULLABLE,
6311 create: (options) => {
6312 const strictNullChecks = options.strictNullChecks === void 0 ? !!options.strict : !!options.strictNullChecks;
6313 if (!strictNullChecks) {
6314 return null;
6315 }
6316 return new NullishCoalescingNotNullableCheck();
6317 }
6320// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/extended/src/extended_template_checker.mjs
6321import ts32 from "typescript";
6323// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core/api/src/public_options.mjs
6324var DiagnosticCategoryLabel;
6325(function(DiagnosticCategoryLabel2) {
6326 DiagnosticCategoryLabel2["Warning"] = "warning";
6327 DiagnosticCategoryLabel2["Error"] = "error";
6328 DiagnosticCategoryLabel2["Suppress"] = "suppress";
6329})(DiagnosticCategoryLabel || (DiagnosticCategoryLabel = {}));
6331// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/extended/src/extended_template_checker.mjs
6332var ExtendedTemplateCheckerImpl = class {
6333 constructor(templateTypeChecker, typeChecker, templateCheckFactories, options) {
6334 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
6335 this.partialCtx = { templateTypeChecker, typeChecker };
6336 this.templateChecks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
6337 for (const factory3 of templateCheckFactories) {
6338 const category = diagnosticLabelToCategory((_e = (_d = (_b = (_a = options == null ? void 0 : options.extendedDiagnostics) == null ? void 0 : _a.checks) == null ? void 0 : _b[factory3.name]) != null ? _d : (_c = options == null ? void 0 : options.extendedDiagnostics) == null ? void 0 : _c.defaultCategory) != null ? _e : DiagnosticCategoryLabel.Warning);
6339 if (category === null) {
6340 continue;
6341 }
6342 const check = factory3.create(options);
6343 if (check === null) {
6344 continue;
6345 }
6346 this.templateChecks.set(check, category);
6347 }
6348 }
6349 getDiagnosticsForComponent(component) {
6350 const template = this.partialCtx.templateTypeChecker.getTemplate(component);
6351 if (template === null) {
6352 return [];
6353 }
6354 const diagnostics = [];
6355 for (const [check, category] of this.templateChecks.entries()) {
6356 const ctx = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, this.partialCtx), {
6357 makeTemplateDiagnostic: (span, message, relatedInformation) => {
6358 return this.partialCtx.templateTypeChecker.makeTemplateDiagnostic(component, span, category, check.code, message, relatedInformation);
6359 }
6360 });
6361 diagnostics.push(...check.run(ctx, component, template));
6362 }
6363 return diagnostics;
6364 }
6366function diagnosticLabelToCategory(label) {
6367 switch (label) {
6368 case DiagnosticCategoryLabel.Warning:
6369 return ts32.DiagnosticCategory.Warning;
6370 case DiagnosticCategoryLabel.Error:
6371 return ts32.DiagnosticCategory.Error;
6372 case DiagnosticCategoryLabel.Suppress:
6373 return null;
6374 default:
6375 return assertNever(label);
6376 }
6378function assertNever(value) {
6379 throw new Error(`Unexpected call to 'assertNever()' with value:
6383// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/extended/index.mjs
6385 factory,
6386 factory2
6389// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core/src/compiler.mjs
6390var CompilationTicketKind;
6391(function(CompilationTicketKind2) {
6392 CompilationTicketKind2[CompilationTicketKind2["Fresh"] = 0] = "Fresh";
6393 CompilationTicketKind2[CompilationTicketKind2["IncrementalTypeScript"] = 1] = "IncrementalTypeScript";
6394 CompilationTicketKind2[CompilationTicketKind2["IncrementalResource"] = 2] = "IncrementalResource";
6395})(CompilationTicketKind || (CompilationTicketKind = {}));
6396function freshCompilationTicket(tsProgram, options, incrementalBuildStrategy, programDriver, perfRecorder, enableTemplateTypeChecker, usePoisonedData) {
6397 return {
6398 kind: CompilationTicketKind.Fresh,
6399 tsProgram,
6400 options,
6401 incrementalBuildStrategy,
6402 programDriver,
6403 enableTemplateTypeChecker,
6404 usePoisonedData,
6405 perfRecorder: perfRecorder != null ? perfRecorder : ActivePerfRecorder.zeroedToNow()
6406 };
6408function incrementalFromCompilerTicket(oldCompiler, newProgram, incrementalBuildStrategy, programDriver, modifiedResourceFiles, perfRecorder) {
6409 const oldProgram = oldCompiler.getCurrentProgram();
6410 const oldState = oldCompiler.incrementalStrategy.getIncrementalState(oldProgram);
6411 if (oldState === null) {
6412 return freshCompilationTicket(newProgram, oldCompiler.options, incrementalBuildStrategy, programDriver, perfRecorder, oldCompiler.enableTemplateTypeChecker, oldCompiler.usePoisonedData);
6413 }
6414 if (perfRecorder === null) {
6415 perfRecorder = ActivePerfRecorder.zeroedToNow();
6416 }
6417 const incrementalCompilation = IncrementalCompilation.incremental(newProgram, versionMapFromProgram(newProgram, programDriver), oldProgram, oldState, modifiedResourceFiles, perfRecorder);
6418 return {
6419 kind: CompilationTicketKind.IncrementalTypeScript,
6420 enableTemplateTypeChecker: oldCompiler.enableTemplateTypeChecker,
6421 usePoisonedData: oldCompiler.usePoisonedData,
6422 options: oldCompiler.options,
6423 incrementalBuildStrategy,
6424 incrementalCompilation,
6425 programDriver,
6426 newProgram,
6427 perfRecorder
6428 };
6430function incrementalFromStateTicket(oldProgram, oldState, newProgram, options, incrementalBuildStrategy, programDriver, modifiedResourceFiles, perfRecorder, enableTemplateTypeChecker, usePoisonedData) {
6431 if (perfRecorder === null) {
6432 perfRecorder = ActivePerfRecorder.zeroedToNow();
6433 }
6434 const incrementalCompilation = IncrementalCompilation.incremental(newProgram, versionMapFromProgram(newProgram, programDriver), oldProgram, oldState, modifiedResourceFiles, perfRecorder);
6435 return {
6436 kind: CompilationTicketKind.IncrementalTypeScript,
6437 newProgram,
6438 options,
6439 incrementalBuildStrategy,
6440 incrementalCompilation,
6441 programDriver,
6442 enableTemplateTypeChecker,
6443 usePoisonedData,
6444 perfRecorder
6445 };
6447var NgCompiler = class {
6448 constructor(adapter, options, inputProgram, programDriver, incrementalStrategy, incrementalCompilation, enableTemplateTypeChecker, usePoisonedData, livePerfRecorder) {
6449 this.adapter = adapter;
6450 this.options = options;
6451 this.inputProgram = inputProgram;
6452 this.programDriver = programDriver;
6453 this.incrementalStrategy = incrementalStrategy;
6454 this.incrementalCompilation = incrementalCompilation;
6455 this.enableTemplateTypeChecker = enableTemplateTypeChecker;
6456 this.usePoisonedData = usePoisonedData;
6457 this.livePerfRecorder = livePerfRecorder;
6458 this.compilation = null;
6459 this.constructionDiagnostics = [];
6460 this.nonTemplateDiagnostics = null;
6461 this.delegatingPerfRecorder = new DelegatingPerfRecorder(this.perfRecorder);
6462 this.constructionDiagnostics.push(...this.adapter.constructionDiagnostics, ...verifyCompatibleTypeCheckOptions(this.options));
6463 this.currentProgram = inputProgram;
6464 this.closureCompilerEnabled = !!this.options.annotateForClosureCompiler;
6465 this.entryPoint = adapter.entryPoint !== null ? getSourceFileOrNull(inputProgram, adapter.entryPoint) : null;
6466 const moduleResolutionCache = ts33.createModuleResolutionCache(this.adapter.getCurrentDirectory(), this.adapter.getCanonicalFileName.bind(this.adapter));
6467 this.moduleResolver = new ModuleResolver(inputProgram, this.options, this.adapter, moduleResolutionCache);
6468 this.resourceManager = new AdapterResourceLoader(adapter, this.options);
6469 this.cycleAnalyzer = new CycleAnalyzer(new ImportGraph(inputProgram.getTypeChecker(), this.delegatingPerfRecorder));
6470 this.incrementalStrategy.setIncrementalState(this.incrementalCompilation.state, inputProgram);
6471 this.ignoreForDiagnostics = new Set(inputProgram.getSourceFiles().filter((sf) => this.adapter.isShim(sf)));
6472 this.ignoreForEmit = this.adapter.ignoreForEmit;
6473 let dtsFileCount = 0;
6474 let nonDtsFileCount = 0;
6475 for (const sf of inputProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
6476 if (sf.isDeclarationFile) {
6477 dtsFileCount++;
6478 } else {
6479 nonDtsFileCount++;
6480 }
6481 }
6482 livePerfRecorder.eventCount(PerfEvent.InputDtsFile, dtsFileCount);
6483 livePerfRecorder.eventCount(PerfEvent.InputTsFile, nonDtsFileCount);
6484 }
6485 static fromTicket(ticket, adapter) {
6486 switch (ticket.kind) {
6487 case CompilationTicketKind.Fresh:
6488 return new NgCompiler(adapter, ticket.options, ticket.tsProgram, ticket.programDriver, ticket.incrementalBuildStrategy, IncrementalCompilation.fresh(ticket.tsProgram, versionMapFromProgram(ticket.tsProgram, ticket.programDriver)), ticket.enableTemplateTypeChecker, ticket.usePoisonedData, ticket.perfRecorder);
6489 case CompilationTicketKind.IncrementalTypeScript:
6490 return new NgCompiler(adapter, ticket.options, ticket.newProgram, ticket.programDriver, ticket.incrementalBuildStrategy, ticket.incrementalCompilation, ticket.enableTemplateTypeChecker, ticket.usePoisonedData, ticket.perfRecorder);
6491 case CompilationTicketKind.IncrementalResource:
6492 const compiler = ticket.compiler;
6493 compiler.updateWithChangedResources(ticket.modifiedResourceFiles, ticket.perfRecorder);
6494 return compiler;
6495 }
6496 }
6497 get perfRecorder() {
6498 return this.livePerfRecorder;
6499 }
6500 get incrementalDriver() {
6501 return this.incrementalCompilation;
6502 }
6503 updateWithChangedResources(changedResources, perfRecorder) {
6504 this.livePerfRecorder = perfRecorder;
6505 this.delegatingPerfRecorder.target = perfRecorder;
6506 perfRecorder.inPhase(PerfPhase.ResourceUpdate, () => {
6507 if (this.compilation === null) {
6508 return;
6509 }
6510 this.resourceManager.invalidate();
6511 const classesToUpdate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
6512 for (const resourceFile of changedResources) {
6513 for (const templateClass of this.getComponentsWithTemplateFile(resourceFile)) {
6514 classesToUpdate.add(templateClass);
6515 }
6516 for (const styleClass of this.getComponentsWithStyleFile(resourceFile)) {
6517 classesToUpdate.add(styleClass);
6518 }
6519 }
6520 for (const clazz of classesToUpdate) {
6521 this.compilation.traitCompiler.updateResources(clazz);
6522 if (!ts33.isClassDeclaration(clazz)) {
6523 continue;
6524 }
6525 this.compilation.templateTypeChecker.invalidateClass(clazz);
6526 }
6527 });
6528 }
6529 getResourceDependencies(file) {
6530 this.ensureAnalyzed();
6531 return this.incrementalCompilation.depGraph.getResourceDependencies(file);
6532 }
6533 getDiagnostics() {
6534 const diagnostics = [];
6535 diagnostics.push(...this.getNonTemplateDiagnostics(), ...this.getTemplateDiagnostics());
6536 if (this.options.strictTemplates) {
6537 diagnostics.push(...this.getExtendedTemplateDiagnostics());
6538 }
6539 return this.addMessageTextDetails(diagnostics);
6540 }
6541 getDiagnosticsForFile(file, optimizeFor) {
6542 const diagnostics = [];
6543 diagnostics.push(...this.getNonTemplateDiagnostics().filter((diag) => diag.file === file), ...this.getTemplateDiagnosticsForFile(file, optimizeFor));
6544 if (this.options.strictTemplates) {
6545 diagnostics.push(...this.getExtendedTemplateDiagnostics(file));
6546 }
6547 return this.addMessageTextDetails(diagnostics);
6548 }
6549 getDiagnosticsForComponent(component) {
6550 const compilation = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6551 const ttc = compilation.templateTypeChecker;
6552 const diagnostics = [];
6553 diagnostics.push(...ttc.getDiagnosticsForComponent(component));
6554 const extendedTemplateChecker = compilation.extendedTemplateChecker;
6555 if (this.options.strictTemplates && extendedTemplateChecker) {
6556 diagnostics.push(...extendedTemplateChecker.getDiagnosticsForComponent(component));
6557 }
6558 return this.addMessageTextDetails(diagnostics);
6559 }
6560 addMessageTextDetails(diagnostics) {
6561 return diagnostics.map((diag) => {
6562 if (diag.code && COMPILER_ERRORS_WITH_GUIDES.has(ngErrorCode(diag.code))) {
6563 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, diag), {
6564 messageText: diag.messageText + `. Find more at ${ERROR_DETAILS_PAGE_BASE_URL}/NG${ngErrorCode(diag.code)}`
6565 });
6566 }
6567 return diag;
6568 });
6569 }
6570 getOptionDiagnostics() {
6571 return this.constructionDiagnostics;
6572 }
6573 getCurrentProgram() {
6574 return this.currentProgram;
6575 }
6576 getTemplateTypeChecker() {
6577 if (!this.enableTemplateTypeChecker) {
6578 throw new Error("The `TemplateTypeChecker` does not work without `enableTemplateTypeChecker`.");
6579 }
6580 return this.ensureAnalyzed().templateTypeChecker;
6581 }
6582 getComponentsWithTemplateFile(templateFilePath) {
6583 const { resourceRegistry } = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6584 return resourceRegistry.getComponentsWithTemplate(resolve(templateFilePath));
6585 }
6586 getComponentsWithStyleFile(styleFilePath) {
6587 const { resourceRegistry } = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6588 return resourceRegistry.getComponentsWithStyle(resolve(styleFilePath));
6589 }
6590 getComponentResources(classDecl) {
6591 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(classDecl)) {
6592 return null;
6593 }
6594 const { resourceRegistry } = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6595 const styles = resourceRegistry.getStyles(classDecl);
6596 const template = resourceRegistry.getTemplate(classDecl);
6597 if (template === null) {
6598 return null;
6599 }
6600 return { styles, template };
6601 }
6602 getMeta(classDecl) {
6603 var _a;
6604 if (!isNamedClassDeclaration(classDecl)) {
6605 return null;
6606 }
6607 const ref = new Reference(classDecl);
6608 const { metaReader } = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6609 const meta = (_a = metaReader.getPipeMetadata(ref)) != null ? _a : metaReader.getDirectiveMetadata(ref);
6610 if (meta === null) {
6611 return null;
6612 }
6613 return meta;
6614 }
6615 async analyzeAsync() {
6616 if (this.compilation !== null) {
6617 return;
6618 }
6619 await this.perfRecorder.inPhase(PerfPhase.Analysis, async () => {
6620 this.compilation = this.makeCompilation();
6621 const promises = [];
6622 for (const sf of this.inputProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
6623 if (sf.isDeclarationFile) {
6624 continue;
6625 }
6626 let analysisPromise = this.compilation.traitCompiler.analyzeAsync(sf);
6627 if (analysisPromise !== void 0) {
6628 promises.push(analysisPromise);
6629 }
6630 }
6631 await Promise.all(promises);
6632 this.perfRecorder.memory(PerfCheckpoint.Analysis);
6633 this.resolveCompilation(this.compilation.traitCompiler);
6634 });
6635 }
6636 prepareEmit() {
6637 const compilation = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6638 const coreImportsFrom = compilation.isCore ? getR3SymbolsFile(this.inputProgram) : null;
6639 let importRewriter;
6640 if (coreImportsFrom !== null) {
6641 importRewriter = new R3SymbolsImportRewriter(coreImportsFrom.fileName);
6642 } else {
6643 importRewriter = new NoopImportRewriter();
6644 }
6645 const defaultImportTracker = new DefaultImportTracker();
6646 const before = [
6647 ivyTransformFactory(compilation.traitCompiler, compilation.reflector, importRewriter, defaultImportTracker, this.delegatingPerfRecorder, compilation.isCore, this.closureCompilerEnabled),
6648 aliasTransformFactory(compilation.traitCompiler.exportStatements),
6649 defaultImportTracker.importPreservingTransformer()
6650 ];
6651 const afterDeclarations = [];
6652 if (compilation.dtsTransforms !== null) {
6653 afterDeclarations.push(declarationTransformFactory(compilation.dtsTransforms, importRewriter));
6654 }
6655 if (compilation.aliasingHost !== null && compilation.aliasingHost.aliasExportsInDts) {
6656 afterDeclarations.push(aliasTransformFactory(compilation.traitCompiler.exportStatements));
6657 }
6658 if (this.adapter.factoryTracker !== null) {
6659 before.push(generatedFactoryTransform(this.adapter.factoryTracker.sourceInfo, importRewriter));
6660 }
6661 return { transformers: { before, afterDeclarations } };
6662 }
6663 getIndexedComponents() {
6664 const compilation = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6665 const context = new IndexingContext();
6666 compilation.traitCompiler.index(context);
6667 return generateAnalysis(context);
6668 }
6669 xi18n(ctx) {
6670 const compilation = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6671 compilation.traitCompiler.xi18n(ctx);
6672 }
6673 ensureAnalyzed() {
6674 if (this.compilation === null) {
6675 this.analyzeSync();
6676 }
6677 return this.compilation;
6678 }
6679 analyzeSync() {
6680 this.perfRecorder.inPhase(PerfPhase.Analysis, () => {
6681 this.compilation = this.makeCompilation();
6682 for (const sf of this.inputProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
6683 if (sf.isDeclarationFile) {
6684 continue;
6685 }
6686 this.compilation.traitCompiler.analyzeSync(sf);
6687 }
6688 this.perfRecorder.memory(PerfCheckpoint.Analysis);
6689 this.resolveCompilation(this.compilation.traitCompiler);
6690 });
6691 }
6692 resolveCompilation(traitCompiler) {
6693 this.perfRecorder.inPhase(PerfPhase.Resolve, () => {
6694 traitCompiler.resolve();
6695 this.incrementalCompilation.recordSuccessfulAnalysis(traitCompiler);
6696 this.perfRecorder.memory(PerfCheckpoint.Resolve);
6697 });
6698 }
6699 get fullTemplateTypeCheck() {
6700 const strictTemplates = !!this.options.strictTemplates;
6701 return strictTemplates || !!this.options.fullTemplateTypeCheck;
6702 }
6703 getTypeCheckingConfig() {
6704 const strictTemplates = !!this.options.strictTemplates;
6705 const useInlineTypeConstructors = this.programDriver.supportsInlineOperations;
6706 let typeCheckingConfig;
6707 if (this.fullTemplateTypeCheck) {
6708 typeCheckingConfig = {
6709 applyTemplateContextGuards: strictTemplates,
6710 checkQueries: false,
6711 checkTemplateBodies: true,
6712 alwaysCheckSchemaInTemplateBodies: true,
6713 checkTypeOfInputBindings: strictTemplates,
6714 honorAccessModifiersForInputBindings: false,
6715 strictNullInputBindings: strictTemplates,
6716 checkTypeOfAttributes: strictTemplates,
6717 checkTypeOfDomBindings: false,
6718 checkTypeOfOutputEvents: strictTemplates,
6719 checkTypeOfAnimationEvents: strictTemplates,
6720 checkTypeOfDomEvents: strictTemplates,
6721 checkTypeOfDomReferences: strictTemplates,
6722 checkTypeOfNonDomReferences: true,
6723 checkTypeOfPipes: true,
6724 strictSafeNavigationTypes: strictTemplates,
6725 useContextGenericType: strictTemplates,
6726 strictLiteralTypes: true,
6727 enableTemplateTypeChecker: this.enableTemplateTypeChecker,
6728 useInlineTypeConstructors,
6729 suggestionsForSuboptimalTypeInference: this.enableTemplateTypeChecker && !strictTemplates
6730 };
6731 } else {
6732 typeCheckingConfig = {
6733 applyTemplateContextGuards: false,
6734 checkQueries: false,
6735 checkTemplateBodies: false,
6736 alwaysCheckSchemaInTemplateBodies: this.closureCompilerEnabled,
6737 checkTypeOfInputBindings: false,
6738 strictNullInputBindings: false,
6739 honorAccessModifiersForInputBindings: false,
6740 checkTypeOfAttributes: false,
6741 checkTypeOfDomBindings: false,
6742 checkTypeOfOutputEvents: false,
6743 checkTypeOfAnimationEvents: false,
6744 checkTypeOfDomEvents: false,
6745 checkTypeOfDomReferences: false,
6746 checkTypeOfNonDomReferences: false,
6747 checkTypeOfPipes: false,
6748 strictSafeNavigationTypes: false,
6749 useContextGenericType: false,
6750 strictLiteralTypes: false,
6751 enableTemplateTypeChecker: this.enableTemplateTypeChecker,
6752 useInlineTypeConstructors,
6753 suggestionsForSuboptimalTypeInference: false
6754 };
6755 }
6756 if (this.options.strictInputTypes !== void 0) {
6757 typeCheckingConfig.checkTypeOfInputBindings = this.options.strictInputTypes;
6758 typeCheckingConfig.applyTemplateContextGuards = this.options.strictInputTypes;
6759 }
6760 if (this.options.strictInputAccessModifiers !== void 0) {
6761 typeCheckingConfig.honorAccessModifiersForInputBindings = this.options.strictInputAccessModifiers;
6762 }
6763 if (this.options.strictNullInputTypes !== void 0) {
6764 typeCheckingConfig.strictNullInputBindings = this.options.strictNullInputTypes;
6765 }
6766 if (this.options.strictOutputEventTypes !== void 0) {
6767 typeCheckingConfig.checkTypeOfOutputEvents = this.options.strictOutputEventTypes;
6768 typeCheckingConfig.checkTypeOfAnimationEvents = this.options.strictOutputEventTypes;
6769 }
6770 if (this.options.strictDomEventTypes !== void 0) {
6771 typeCheckingConfig.checkTypeOfDomEvents = this.options.strictDomEventTypes;
6772 }
6773 if (this.options.strictSafeNavigationTypes !== void 0) {
6774 typeCheckingConfig.strictSafeNavigationTypes = this.options.strictSafeNavigationTypes;
6775 }
6776 if (this.options.strictDomLocalRefTypes !== void 0) {
6777 typeCheckingConfig.checkTypeOfDomReferences = this.options.strictDomLocalRefTypes;
6778 }
6779 if (this.options.strictAttributeTypes !== void 0) {
6780 typeCheckingConfig.checkTypeOfAttributes = this.options.strictAttributeTypes;
6781 }
6782 if (this.options.strictContextGenerics !== void 0) {
6783 typeCheckingConfig.useContextGenericType = this.options.strictContextGenerics;
6784 }
6785 if (this.options.strictLiteralTypes !== void 0) {
6786 typeCheckingConfig.strictLiteralTypes = this.options.strictLiteralTypes;
6787 }
6788 return typeCheckingConfig;
6789 }
6790 getTemplateDiagnostics() {
6791 const compilation = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6792 const diagnostics = [];
6793 for (const sf of this.inputProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
6794 if (sf.isDeclarationFile || this.adapter.isShim(sf)) {
6795 continue;
6796 }
6797 diagnostics.push(...compilation.templateTypeChecker.getDiagnosticsForFile(sf, OptimizeFor.WholeProgram));
6798 }
6799 const program = this.programDriver.getProgram();
6800 this.incrementalStrategy.setIncrementalState(this.incrementalCompilation.state, program);
6801 this.currentProgram = program;
6802 return diagnostics;
6803 }
6804 getTemplateDiagnosticsForFile(sf, optimizeFor) {
6805 const compilation = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6806 const diagnostics = [];
6807 if (!sf.isDeclarationFile && !this.adapter.isShim(sf)) {
6808 diagnostics.push(...compilation.templateTypeChecker.getDiagnosticsForFile(sf, optimizeFor));
6809 }
6810 const program = this.programDriver.getProgram();
6811 this.incrementalStrategy.setIncrementalState(this.incrementalCompilation.state, program);
6812 this.currentProgram = program;
6813 return diagnostics;
6814 }
6815 getNonTemplateDiagnostics() {
6816 if (this.nonTemplateDiagnostics === null) {
6817 const compilation = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6818 this.nonTemplateDiagnostics = [...compilation.traitCompiler.diagnostics];
6819 if (this.entryPoint !== null && compilation.exportReferenceGraph !== null) {
6820 this.nonTemplateDiagnostics.push(...checkForPrivateExports(this.entryPoint, this.inputProgram.getTypeChecker(), compilation.exportReferenceGraph));
6821 }
6822 }
6823 return this.nonTemplateDiagnostics;
6824 }
6825 getExtendedTemplateDiagnostics(sf) {
6826 const diagnostics = [];
6827 const compilation = this.ensureAnalyzed();
6828 const extendedTemplateChecker = compilation.extendedTemplateChecker;
6829 if (!extendedTemplateChecker) {
6830 return [];
6831 }
6832 if (sf !== void 0) {
6833 return compilation.traitCompiler.extendedTemplateCheck(sf, extendedTemplateChecker);
6834 }
6835 for (const sf2 of this.inputProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
6836 diagnostics.push(...compilation.traitCompiler.extendedTemplateCheck(sf2, extendedTemplateChecker));
6837 }
6838 return diagnostics;
6839 }
6840 makeCompilation() {
6841 const checker = this.inputProgram.getTypeChecker();
6842 const reflector = new TypeScriptReflectionHost(checker);
6843 let refEmitter;
6844 let aliasingHost = null;
6845 if (this.adapter.unifiedModulesHost === null || !this.options._useHostForImportGeneration) {
6846 let localImportStrategy;
6847 if (this.options.rootDir !== void 0 || this.options.rootDirs !== void 0 && this.options.rootDirs.length > 0) {
6848 localImportStrategy = new LogicalProjectStrategy(reflector, new LogicalFileSystem([...this.adapter.rootDirs], this.adapter));
6849 } else {
6850 localImportStrategy = new RelativePathStrategy(reflector);
6851 }
6852 refEmitter = new ReferenceEmitter([
6853 new LocalIdentifierStrategy(),
6854 new AbsoluteModuleStrategy(this.inputProgram, checker, this.moduleResolver, reflector),
6855 localImportStrategy
6856 ]);
6857 if (this.entryPoint === null && this.options.generateDeepReexports === true) {
6858 aliasingHost = new PrivateExportAliasingHost(reflector);
6859 }
6860 } else {
6861 refEmitter = new ReferenceEmitter([
6862 new LocalIdentifierStrategy(),
6863 new AliasStrategy(),
6864 new UnifiedModulesStrategy(reflector, this.adapter.unifiedModulesHost)
6865 ]);
6866 aliasingHost = new UnifiedModulesAliasingHost(this.adapter.unifiedModulesHost);
6867 }
6868 const evaluator = new PartialEvaluator(reflector, checker, this.incrementalCompilation.depGraph);
6869 const dtsReader = new DtsMetadataReader(checker, reflector);
6870 const localMetaRegistry = new LocalMetadataRegistry();
6871 const localMetaReader = localMetaRegistry;
6872 const depScopeReader = new MetadataDtsModuleScopeResolver(dtsReader, aliasingHost);
6873 const scopeRegistry = new LocalModuleScopeRegistry(localMetaReader, depScopeReader, refEmitter, aliasingHost);
6874 const scopeReader = scopeRegistry;
6875 const semanticDepGraphUpdater = this.incrementalCompilation.semanticDepGraphUpdater;
6876 const metaRegistry = new CompoundMetadataRegistry([localMetaRegistry, scopeRegistry]);
6877 const injectableRegistry = new InjectableClassRegistry(reflector);
6878 const metaReader = new CompoundMetadataReader([localMetaReader, dtsReader]);
6879 const typeCheckScopeRegistry = new TypeCheckScopeRegistry(scopeReader, metaReader);
6880 let referencesRegistry;
6881 let exportReferenceGraph = null;
6882 if (this.entryPoint !== null) {
6883 exportReferenceGraph = new ReferenceGraph();
6884 referencesRegistry = new ReferenceGraphAdapter(exportReferenceGraph);
6885 } else {
6886 referencesRegistry = new NoopReferencesRegistry();
6887 }
6888 const dtsTransforms = new DtsTransformRegistry();
6889 const isCore = isAngularCorePackage(this.inputProgram);
6890 const resourceRegistry = new ResourceRegistry();
6891 const compilationMode = this.options.compilationMode === "partial" && !isCore ? CompilationMode.PARTIAL : CompilationMode.FULL;
6892 const cycleHandlingStrategy = compilationMode === CompilationMode.FULL ? 0 : 1;
6893 const handlers = [
6894 new ComponentDecoratorHandler(reflector, evaluator, metaRegistry, metaReader, scopeReader, scopeRegistry, typeCheckScopeRegistry, resourceRegistry, isCore, this.resourceManager, this.adapter.rootDirs, this.options.preserveWhitespaces || false, this.options.i18nUseExternalIds !== false, this.options.enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat !== false, this.usePoisonedData, this.options.i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs, this.moduleResolver, this.cycleAnalyzer, cycleHandlingStrategy, refEmitter, this.incrementalCompilation.depGraph, injectableRegistry, semanticDepGraphUpdater, this.closureCompilerEnabled, this.delegatingPerfRecorder),
6895 new DirectiveDecoratorHandler(reflector, evaluator, metaRegistry, scopeRegistry, metaReader, injectableRegistry, isCore, semanticDepGraphUpdater, this.closureCompilerEnabled, false, this.delegatingPerfRecorder),
6896 new PipeDecoratorHandler(reflector, evaluator, metaRegistry, scopeRegistry, injectableRegistry, isCore, this.delegatingPerfRecorder),
6897 new InjectableDecoratorHandler(reflector, isCore, this.options.strictInjectionParameters || false, injectableRegistry, this.delegatingPerfRecorder),
6898 new NgModuleDecoratorHandler(reflector, evaluator, metaReader, metaRegistry, scopeRegistry, referencesRegistry, isCore, refEmitter, this.adapter.factoryTracker, this.closureCompilerEnabled, injectableRegistry, this.delegatingPerfRecorder)
6899 ];
6900 const traitCompiler = new TraitCompiler(handlers, reflector, this.delegatingPerfRecorder, this.incrementalCompilation, this.options.compileNonExportedClasses !== false, compilationMode, dtsTransforms, semanticDepGraphUpdater, this.adapter);
6901 const notifyingDriver = new NotifyingProgramDriverWrapper(this.programDriver, (program) => {
6902 this.incrementalStrategy.setIncrementalState(this.incrementalCompilation.state, program);
6903 this.currentProgram = program;
6904 });
6905 const templateTypeChecker = new TemplateTypeCheckerImpl(this.inputProgram, notifyingDriver, traitCompiler, this.getTypeCheckingConfig(), refEmitter, reflector, this.adapter, this.incrementalCompilation, scopeRegistry, typeCheckScopeRegistry, this.delegatingPerfRecorder);
6906 const extendedTemplateChecker = this.constructionDiagnostics.length === 0 ? new ExtendedTemplateCheckerImpl(templateTypeChecker, checker, ALL_DIAGNOSTIC_FACTORIES, this.options) : null;
6907 return {
6908 isCore,
6909 traitCompiler,
6910 reflector,
6911 scopeRegistry,
6912 dtsTransforms,
6913 exportReferenceGraph,
6914 metaReader,
6915 typeCheckScopeRegistry,
6916 aliasingHost,
6917 refEmitter,
6918 templateTypeChecker,
6919 resourceRegistry,
6920 extendedTemplateChecker
6921 };
6922 }
6924function isAngularCorePackage(program) {
6925 const r3Symbols = getR3SymbolsFile(program);
6926 if (r3Symbols === null) {
6927 return false;
6928 }
6929 return r3Symbols.statements.some((stmt) => {
6930 if (!ts33.isVariableStatement(stmt)) {
6931 return false;
6932 }
6933 if (stmt.modifiers === void 0 || !stmt.modifiers.some((mod) => mod.kind === ts33.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword)) {
6934 return false;
6935 }
6936 return stmt.declarationList.declarations.some((decl) => {
6937 if (!ts33.isIdentifier(decl.name) || decl.name.text !== "ITS_JUST_ANGULAR") {
6938 return false;
6939 }
6940 if (decl.initializer === void 0 || decl.initializer.kind !== ts33.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword) {
6941 return false;
6942 }
6943 return true;
6944 });
6945 });
6947function getR3SymbolsFile(program) {
6948 return program.getSourceFiles().find((file) => file.fileName.indexOf("r3_symbols.ts") >= 0) || null;
6950function* verifyCompatibleTypeCheckOptions(options) {
6951 var _a, _b, _c;
6952 if (options.fullTemplateTypeCheck === false && options.strictTemplates === true) {
6953 yield makeConfigDiagnostic({
6954 category: ts33.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
6956 messageText: `
6957Angular compiler option "strictTemplates" is enabled, however "fullTemplateTypeCheck" is disabled.
6959Having the "strictTemplates" flag enabled implies that "fullTemplateTypeCheck" is also enabled, so
6960the latter can not be explicitly disabled.
6962One of the following actions is required:
69631. Remove the "fullTemplateTypeCheck" option.
69642. Remove "strictTemplates" or set it to 'false'.
6966More information about the template type checking compiler options can be found in the documentation:
6968 `.trim()
6969 });
6970 }
6971 if (options.extendedDiagnostics && options.strictTemplates === false) {
6972 yield makeConfigDiagnostic({
6973 category: ts33.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
6975 messageText: `
6976Angular compiler option "extendedDiagnostics" is configured, however "strictTemplates" is disabled.
6978Using "extendedDiagnostics" requires that "strictTemplates" is also enabled.
6980One of the following actions is required:
69811. Remove "strictTemplates: false" to enable it.
69822. Remove "extendedDiagnostics" configuration to disable them.
6983 `.trim()
6984 });
6985 }
6986 const allowedCategoryLabels = Array.from(Object.values(DiagnosticCategoryLabel));
6987 const defaultCategory = (_a = options.extendedDiagnostics) == null ? void 0 : _a.defaultCategory;
6988 if (defaultCategory && !allowedCategoryLabels.includes(defaultCategory)) {
6989 yield makeConfigDiagnostic({
6990 category: ts33.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
6992 messageText: `
6993Angular compiler option "extendedDiagnostics.defaultCategory" has an unknown diagnostic category: "${defaultCategory}".
6995Allowed diagnostic categories are:
6997 `.trim()
6998 });
6999 }
7000 const allExtendedDiagnosticNames = ALL_DIAGNOSTIC_FACTORIES.map((factory3) => factory3.name);
7001 for (const [checkName, category] of Object.entries((_c = (_b = options.extendedDiagnostics) == null ? void 0 : _b.checks) != null ? _c : {})) {
7002 if (!allExtendedDiagnosticNames.includes(checkName)) {
7003 yield makeConfigDiagnostic({
7004 category: ts33.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
7006 messageText: `
7007Angular compiler option "extendedDiagnostics.checks" has an unknown check: "${checkName}".
7009Allowed check names are:
7011 `.trim()
7012 });
7013 }
7014 if (!allowedCategoryLabels.includes(category)) {
7015 yield makeConfigDiagnostic({
7016 category: ts33.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
7018 messageText: `
7019Angular compiler option "extendedDiagnostics.checks['${checkName}']" has an unknown diagnostic category: "${category}".
7021Allowed diagnostic categories are:
7023 `.trim()
7024 });
7025 }
7026 }
7028function makeConfigDiagnostic({ category, code, messageText }) {
7029 return {
7030 category,
7031 code: ngErrorCode(code),
7032 file: void 0,
7033 start: void 0,
7034 length: void 0,
7035 messageText
7036 };
7038var ReferenceGraphAdapter = class {
7039 constructor(graph) {
7040 this.graph = graph;
7041 }
7042 add(source, ...references) {
7043 for (const { node } of references) {
7044 let sourceFile = node.getSourceFile();
7045 if (sourceFile === void 0) {
7046 sourceFile = ts33.getOriginalNode(node).getSourceFile();
7047 }
7048 if (sourceFile === void 0 || !isDtsPath(sourceFile.fileName)) {
7049 this.graph.add(source, node);
7050 }
7051 }
7052 }
7054var NotifyingProgramDriverWrapper = class {
7055 constructor(delegate, notifyNewProgram) {
7056 var _a;
7057 this.delegate = delegate;
7058 this.notifyNewProgram = notifyNewProgram;
7059 this.getSourceFileVersion = (_a = this.delegate.getSourceFileVersion) == null ? void 0 : _a.bind(this);
7060 }
7061 get supportsInlineOperations() {
7062 return this.delegate.supportsInlineOperations;
7063 }
7064 getProgram() {
7065 return this.delegate.getProgram();
7066 }
7067 updateFiles(contents, updateMode) {
7068 this.delegate.updateFiles(contents, updateMode);
7069 this.notifyNewProgram(this.delegate.getProgram());
7070 }
7072function versionMapFromProgram(program, driver) {
7073 if (driver.getSourceFileVersion === void 0) {
7074 return null;
7075 }
7076 const versions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
7077 for (const possiblyRedirectedSourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
7078 const sf = toUnredirectedSourceFile(possiblyRedirectedSourceFile);
7079 versions.set(absoluteFromSourceFile(sf), driver.getSourceFileVersion(sf));
7080 }
7081 return versions;
7084// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core/src/host.mjs
7085import ts34 from "typescript";
7086var DelegatingCompilerHost2 = class {
7087 constructor(delegate) {
7088 this.delegate = delegate;
7089 this.createHash = this.delegateMethod("createHash");
7090 this.directoryExists = this.delegateMethod("directoryExists");
7091 this.fileNameToModuleName = this.delegateMethod("fileNameToModuleName");
7092 this.getCancellationToken = this.delegateMethod("getCancellationToken");
7093 this.getCanonicalFileName = this.delegateMethod("getCanonicalFileName");
7094 this.getCurrentDirectory = this.delegateMethod("getCurrentDirectory");
7095 this.getDefaultLibFileName = this.delegateMethod("getDefaultLibFileName");
7096 this.getDefaultLibLocation = this.delegateMethod("getDefaultLibLocation");
7097 this.getDirectories = this.delegateMethod("getDirectories");
7098 this.getEnvironmentVariable = this.delegateMethod("getEnvironmentVariable");
7099 this.getModifiedResourceFiles = this.delegateMethod("getModifiedResourceFiles");
7100 this.getNewLine = this.delegateMethod("getNewLine");
7101 this.getParsedCommandLine = this.delegateMethod("getParsedCommandLine");
7102 this.getSourceFileByPath = this.delegateMethod("getSourceFileByPath");
7103 this.readDirectory = this.delegateMethod("readDirectory");
7104 this.readFile = this.delegateMethod("readFile");
7105 this.readResource = this.delegateMethod("readResource");
7106 this.transformResource = this.delegateMethod("transformResource");
7107 this.realpath = this.delegateMethod("realpath");
7108 this.resolveModuleNames = this.delegateMethod("resolveModuleNames");
7109 this.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives = this.delegateMethod("resolveTypeReferenceDirectives");
7110 this.resourceNameToFileName = this.delegateMethod("resourceNameToFileName");
7111 this.trace = this.delegateMethod("trace");
7112 this.useCaseSensitiveFileNames = this.delegateMethod("useCaseSensitiveFileNames");
7113 this.writeFile = this.delegateMethod("writeFile");
7114 this.getModuleResolutionCache = this.delegateMethod("getModuleResolutionCache");
7115 }
7116 delegateMethod(name) {
7117 return this.delegate[name] !== void 0 ? this.delegate[name].bind(this.delegate) : void 0;
7118 }
7120var NgCompilerHost = class extends DelegatingCompilerHost2 {
7121 constructor(delegate, inputFiles, rootDirs, shimAdapter, shimTagger, entryPoint, factoryTracker, diagnostics) {
7122 super(delegate);
7123 this.shimAdapter = shimAdapter;
7124 this.shimTagger = shimTagger;
7125 this.factoryTracker = null;
7126 this.entryPoint = null;
7127 this.factoryTracker = factoryTracker;
7128 this.entryPoint = entryPoint;
7129 this.constructionDiagnostics = diagnostics;
7130 this.inputFiles = [...inputFiles, ...shimAdapter.extraInputFiles];
7131 this.rootDirs = rootDirs;
7132 if (this.resolveModuleNames === void 0) {
7133 this.resolveModuleNames = this.createCachedResolveModuleNamesFunction();
7134 }
7135 }
7136 get ignoreForEmit() {
7137 return this.shimAdapter.ignoreForEmit;
7138 }
7139 get shimExtensionPrefixes() {
7140 return this.shimAdapter.extensionPrefixes;
7141 }
7142 postProgramCreationCleanup() {
7143 this.shimTagger.finalize();
7144 }
7145 static wrap(delegate, inputFiles, options, oldProgram) {
7146 const allowEmptyCodegenFiles = options.allowEmptyCodegenFiles || false;
7147 const shouldGenerateFactoryShims = options.generateNgFactoryShims !== void 0 ? options.generateNgFactoryShims : allowEmptyCodegenFiles;
7148 const shouldGenerateSummaryShims = options.generateNgSummaryShims !== void 0 ? options.generateNgSummaryShims : allowEmptyCodegenFiles;
7149 const topLevelShimGenerators = [];
7150 const perFileShimGenerators = [];
7151 if (shouldGenerateSummaryShims) {
7152 perFileShimGenerators.push(new SummaryGenerator());
7153 }
7154 let factoryTracker = null;
7155 if (shouldGenerateFactoryShims) {
7156 const factoryGenerator = new FactoryGenerator();
7157 perFileShimGenerators.push(factoryGenerator);
7158 factoryTracker = factoryGenerator;
7159 }
7160 const rootDirs = getRootDirs(delegate, options);
7161 perFileShimGenerators.push(new TypeCheckShimGenerator());
7162 let diagnostics = [];
7163 const normalizedTsInputFiles = [];
7164 for (const inputFile of inputFiles) {
7165 if (!isNonDeclarationTsPath(inputFile)) {
7166 continue;
7167 }
7168 normalizedTsInputFiles.push(resolve(inputFile));
7169 }
7170 let entryPoint = null;
7171 if (options.flatModuleOutFile != null && options.flatModuleOutFile !== "") {
7172 entryPoint = findFlatIndexEntryPoint(normalizedTsInputFiles);
7173 if (entryPoint === null) {
7174 diagnostics.push({
7175 category: ts34.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
7176 code: ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.CONFIG_FLAT_MODULE_NO_INDEX),
7177 file: void 0,
7178 start: void 0,
7179 length: void 0,
7180 messageText: 'Angular compiler option "flatModuleOutFile" requires one and only one .ts file in the "files" field.'
7181 });
7182 } else {
7183 const flatModuleId = options.flatModuleId || null;
7184 const flatModuleOutFile = normalizeSeparators(options.flatModuleOutFile);
7185 const flatIndexGenerator = new FlatIndexGenerator(entryPoint, flatModuleOutFile, flatModuleId);
7186 topLevelShimGenerators.push(flatIndexGenerator);
7187 }
7188 }
7189 const shimAdapter = new ShimAdapter(delegate, normalizedTsInputFiles, topLevelShimGenerators, perFileShimGenerators, oldProgram);
7190 const shimTagger = new ShimReferenceTagger(perFileShimGenerators.map((gen) => gen.extensionPrefix));
7191 return new NgCompilerHost(delegate, inputFiles, rootDirs, shimAdapter, shimTagger, entryPoint, factoryTracker, diagnostics);
7192 }
7193 isShim(sf) {
7194 return isShim(sf);
7195 }
7196 isResource(sf) {
7197 return false;
7198 }
7199 getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError, shouldCreateNewSourceFile) {
7200 const shimSf = this.shimAdapter.maybeGenerate(resolve(fileName));
7201 if (shimSf !== null) {
7202 return shimSf;
7203 }
7204 const sf = this.delegate.getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError, shouldCreateNewSourceFile);
7205 if (sf === void 0) {
7206 return void 0;
7207 }
7208 this.shimTagger.tag(sf);
7209 return sf;
7210 }
7211 fileExists(fileName) {
7212 return this.delegate.fileExists(fileName) || this.shimAdapter.maybeGenerate(resolve(fileName)) != null;
7213 }
7214 get unifiedModulesHost() {
7215 return this.fileNameToModuleName !== void 0 ? this : null;
7216 }
7217 createCachedResolveModuleNamesFunction() {
7218 const moduleResolutionCache = ts34.createModuleResolutionCache(this.getCurrentDirectory(), this.getCanonicalFileName.bind(this));
7219 return (moduleNames, containingFile, reusedNames, redirectedReference, options) => {
7220 return moduleNames.map((moduleName) => {
7221 const module = ts34.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, options, this, moduleResolutionCache, redirectedReference);
7222 return module.resolvedModule;
7223 });
7224 };
7225 }
7228// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/program.mjs
7229var NgtscProgram = class {
7230 constructor(rootNames, options, delegateHost, oldProgram) {
7231 this.options = options;
7232 const perfRecorder = ActivePerfRecorder.zeroedToNow();
7233 perfRecorder.phase(PerfPhase.Setup);
7234 if (!options.disableTypeScriptVersionCheck) {
7235 verifySupportedTypeScriptVersion();
7236 }
7237 const reuseProgram = oldProgram == null ? void 0 : oldProgram.compiler.getCurrentProgram();
7238 this.host = NgCompilerHost.wrap(delegateHost, rootNames, options, reuseProgram != null ? reuseProgram : null);
7239 if (reuseProgram !== void 0) {
7240 retagAllTsFiles(reuseProgram);
7241 }
7242 this.tsProgram = perfRecorder.inPhase(PerfPhase.TypeScriptProgramCreate, () => ts35.createProgram(this.host.inputFiles, options, this.host, reuseProgram));
7243 perfRecorder.phase(PerfPhase.Unaccounted);
7244 perfRecorder.memory(PerfCheckpoint.TypeScriptProgramCreate);
7245 this.host.postProgramCreationCleanup();
7246 untagAllTsFiles(this.tsProgram);
7247 const programDriver = new TsCreateProgramDriver(this.tsProgram, this.host, this.options, this.host.shimExtensionPrefixes);
7248 this.incrementalStrategy = oldProgram !== void 0 ? oldProgram.incrementalStrategy.toNextBuildStrategy() : new TrackedIncrementalBuildStrategy();
7249 const modifiedResourceFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
7250 if (this.host.getModifiedResourceFiles !== void 0) {
7251 const strings = this.host.getModifiedResourceFiles();
7252 if (strings !== void 0) {
7253 for (const fileString of strings) {
7254 modifiedResourceFiles.add(absoluteFrom(fileString));
7255 }
7256 }
7257 }
7258 let ticket;
7259 if (oldProgram === void 0) {
7260 ticket = freshCompilationTicket(this.tsProgram, options, this.incrementalStrategy, programDriver, perfRecorder, false, false);
7261 } else {
7262 ticket = incrementalFromCompilerTicket(oldProgram.compiler, this.tsProgram, this.incrementalStrategy, programDriver, modifiedResourceFiles, perfRecorder);
7263 }
7264 this.compiler = NgCompiler.fromTicket(ticket, this.host);
7265 }
7266 getTsProgram() {
7267 return this.tsProgram;
7268 }
7269 getReuseTsProgram() {
7270 return this.compiler.getCurrentProgram();
7271 }
7272 getTsOptionDiagnostics(cancellationToken) {
7273 return this.compiler.perfRecorder.inPhase(PerfPhase.TypeScriptDiagnostics, () => this.tsProgram.getOptionsDiagnostics(cancellationToken));
7274 }
7275 getTsSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
7276 return this.compiler.perfRecorder.inPhase(PerfPhase.TypeScriptDiagnostics, () => {
7277 const ignoredFiles = this.compiler.ignoreForDiagnostics;
7278 let res;
7279 if (sourceFile !== void 0) {
7280 if (ignoredFiles.has(sourceFile)) {
7281 return [];
7282 }
7283 res = this.tsProgram.getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
7284 } else {
7285 const diagnostics = [];
7286 for (const sf of this.tsProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
7287 if (!ignoredFiles.has(sf)) {
7288 diagnostics.push(...this.tsProgram.getSyntacticDiagnostics(sf, cancellationToken));
7289 }
7290 }
7291 res = diagnostics;
7292 }
7293 return res;
7294 });
7295 }
7296 getTsSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
7297 return this.compiler.perfRecorder.inPhase(PerfPhase.TypeScriptDiagnostics, () => {
7298 const ignoredFiles = this.compiler.ignoreForDiagnostics;
7299 let res;
7300 if (sourceFile !== void 0) {
7301 if (ignoredFiles.has(sourceFile)) {
7302 return [];
7303 }
7304 res = this.tsProgram.getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
7305 } else {
7306 const diagnostics = [];
7307 for (const sf of this.tsProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
7308 if (!ignoredFiles.has(sf)) {
7309 diagnostics.push(...this.tsProgram.getSemanticDiagnostics(sf, cancellationToken));
7310 }
7311 }
7312 res = diagnostics;
7313 }
7314 return res;
7315 });
7316 }
7317 getNgOptionDiagnostics(cancellationToken) {
7318 return this.compiler.getOptionDiagnostics();
7319 }
7320 getNgStructuralDiagnostics(cancellationToken) {
7321 return [];
7322 }
7323 getNgSemanticDiagnostics(fileName, cancellationToken) {
7324 let sf = void 0;
7325 if (fileName !== void 0) {
7326 sf = this.tsProgram.getSourceFile(fileName);
7327 if (sf === void 0) {
7328 return [];
7329 }
7330 }
7331 if (sf === void 0) {
7332 return this.compiler.getDiagnostics();
7333 } else {
7334 return this.compiler.getDiagnosticsForFile(sf, OptimizeFor.WholeProgram);
7335 }
7336 }
7337 loadNgStructureAsync() {
7338 return this.compiler.analyzeAsync();
7339 }
7340 listLazyRoutes(entryRoute) {
7341 return [];
7342 }
7343 emitXi18n() {
7344 var _a, _b, _c;
7345 const ctx = new MessageBundle(new HtmlParser(), [], {}, (_a = this.options.i18nOutLocale) != null ? _a : null);
7346 this.compiler.xi18n(ctx);
7347 i18nExtract((_b = this.options.i18nOutFormat) != null ? _b : null, (_c = this.options.i18nOutFile) != null ? _c : null, this.host, this.options, ctx, resolve);
7348 }
7349 emit(opts) {
7350 if (opts !== void 0 && opts.emitFlags !== void 0 && opts.emitFlags & EmitFlags.I18nBundle) {
7351 this.emitXi18n();
7352 if (!(opts.emitFlags & EmitFlags.JS)) {
7353 return {
7354 diagnostics: [],
7355 emitSkipped: true,
7356 emittedFiles: []
7357 };
7358 }
7359 }
7360 this.compiler.perfRecorder.memory(PerfCheckpoint.PreEmit);
7361 const res = this.compiler.perfRecorder.inPhase(PerfPhase.TypeScriptEmit, () => {
7362 const { transformers } = this.compiler.prepareEmit();
7363 const ignoreFiles = this.compiler.ignoreForEmit;
7364 const emitCallback = opts && opts.emitCallback || defaultEmitCallback;
7365 const writeFile = (fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles) => {
7366 if (sourceFiles !== void 0) {
7367 for (const writtenSf of sourceFiles) {
7368 if (writtenSf.isDeclarationFile) {
7369 continue;
7370 }
7371 this.compiler.incrementalCompilation.recordSuccessfulEmit(writtenSf);
7372 }
7373 }
7374 this.host.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles);
7375 };
7376 const customTransforms = opts && opts.customTransformers;
7377 const beforeTransforms = transformers.before || [];
7378 const afterDeclarationsTransforms = transformers.afterDeclarations;
7379 if (customTransforms !== void 0 && customTransforms.beforeTs !== void 0) {
7380 beforeTransforms.push(...customTransforms.beforeTs);
7381 }
7382 const emitResults = [];
7383 for (const targetSourceFile of this.tsProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
7384 if (targetSourceFile.isDeclarationFile || ignoreFiles.has(targetSourceFile)) {
7385 continue;
7386 }
7387 if (this.compiler.incrementalCompilation.safeToSkipEmit(targetSourceFile)) {
7388 this.compiler.perfRecorder.eventCount(PerfEvent.EmitSkipSourceFile);
7389 continue;
7390 }
7391 this.compiler.perfRecorder.eventCount(PerfEvent.EmitSourceFile);
7392 emitResults.push(emitCallback({
7393 targetSourceFile,
7394 program: this.tsProgram,
7395 host: this.host,
7396 options: this.options,
7397 emitOnlyDtsFiles: false,
7398 writeFile,
7399 customTransformers: {
7400 before: beforeTransforms,
7401 after: customTransforms && customTransforms.afterTs,
7402 afterDeclarations: afterDeclarationsTransforms
7403 }
7404 }));
7405 }
7406 this.compiler.perfRecorder.memory(PerfCheckpoint.Emit);
7407 return (opts && opts.mergeEmitResultsCallback || mergeEmitResults)(emitResults);
7408 });
7409 if (this.options.tracePerformance !== void 0) {
7410 const perf = this.compiler.perfRecorder.finalize();
7411 getFileSystem().writeFile(getFileSystem().resolve(this.options.tracePerformance), JSON.stringify(perf, null, 2));
7412 }
7413 return res;
7414 }
7415 getIndexedComponents() {
7416 return this.compiler.getIndexedComponents();
7417 }
7418 getEmittedSourceFiles() {
7419 throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
7420 }
7422var defaultEmitCallback = ({ program, targetSourceFile, writeFile, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, customTransformers }) => program.emit(targetSourceFile, writeFile, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, customTransformers);
7423function mergeEmitResults(emitResults) {
7424 const diagnostics = [];
7425 let emitSkipped = false;
7426 const emittedFiles = [];
7427 for (const er of emitResults) {
7428 diagnostics.push(...er.diagnostics);
7429 emitSkipped = emitSkipped || er.emitSkipped;
7430 emittedFiles.push(...er.emittedFiles || []);
7431 }
7432 return { diagnostics, emitSkipped, emittedFiles };
7435// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/program.mjs
7436function createProgram({ rootNames, options, host, oldProgram }) {
7437 return new NgtscProgram(rootNames, options, host, oldProgram);
7440// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/perform_compile.mjs
7441import ts37 from "typescript";
7443// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/transformers/util.mjs
7444import ts36 from "typescript";
7445var GENERATED_FILES = /(.*?)\.(ngfactory|shim\.ngstyle|ngstyle|ngsummary)\.(js|d\.ts|ts)$/;
7446function createMessageDiagnostic(messageText) {
7447 return {
7448 file: void 0,
7449 start: void 0,
7450 length: void 0,
7451 category: ts36.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
7452 messageText,
7454 source: SOURCE
7455 };
7458// bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/perform_compile.mjs
7459var defaultFormatHost = {
7460 getCurrentDirectory: () => ts37.sys.getCurrentDirectory(),
7461 getCanonicalFileName: (fileName) => fileName,
7462 getNewLine: () => ts37.sys.newLine
7464function formatDiagnostics(diags, host = defaultFormatHost) {
7465 if (diags && diags.length) {
7466 return diags.map((diagnostic) => replaceTsWithNgInErrors(ts37.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext([diagnostic], host))).join("");
7467 } else {
7468 return "";
7469 }
7471function calcProjectFileAndBasePath(project, host = getFileSystem()) {
7472 const absProject = host.resolve(project);
7473 const projectIsDir = host.lstat(absProject).isDirectory();
7474 const projectFile = projectIsDir ? host.join(absProject, "tsconfig.json") : absProject;
7475 const projectDir = projectIsDir ? absProject : host.dirname(absProject);
7476 const basePath = host.resolve(projectDir);
7477 return { projectFile, basePath };
7479function readConfiguration(project, existingOptions, host = getFileSystem()) {
7480 var _a, _b;
7481 try {
7482 const fs = getFileSystem();
7483 const readConfigFile = (configFile) => ts37.readConfigFile(configFile, (file) => host.readFile(host.resolve(file)));
7484 const readAngularCompilerOptions = (configFile, parentOptions = {}) => {
7485 const { config: config2, error: error2 } = readConfigFile(configFile);
7486 if (error2) {
7487 return parentOptions;
7488 }
7489 const existingNgCompilerOptions = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, config2.angularCompilerOptions), parentOptions);
7490 if (config2.extends && typeof config2.extends === "string") {
7491 const extendedConfigPath = getExtendedConfigPath(configFile, config2.extends, host, fs);
7492 if (extendedConfigPath !== null) {
7493 return readAngularCompilerOptions(extendedConfigPath, existingNgCompilerOptions);
7494 }
7495 }
7496 return existingNgCompilerOptions;
7497 };
7498 const { projectFile, basePath } = calcProjectFileAndBasePath(project, host);
7499 const configFileName = host.resolve(host.pwd(), projectFile);
7500 const { config, error } = readConfigFile(projectFile);
7501 if (error) {
7502 return {
7503 project,
7504 errors: [error],
7505 rootNames: [],
7506 options: {},
7507 emitFlags: EmitFlags.Default
7508 };
7509 }
7510 const existingCompilerOptions = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({
7511 genDir: basePath,
7512 basePath
7513 }, readAngularCompilerOptions(configFileName)), existingOptions);
7514 const parseConfigHost = createParseConfigHost(host, fs);
7515 const { options, errors, fileNames: rootNames, projectReferences } = ts37.parseJsonConfigFileContent(config, parseConfigHost, basePath, existingCompilerOptions, configFileName);
7516 options.enableIvy = !!((_a = options.enableIvy) != null ? _a : true);
7517 let emitFlags = EmitFlags.Default;
7518 if (!(options.skipMetadataEmit || options.flatModuleOutFile)) {
7519 emitFlags |= EmitFlags.Metadata;
7520 }
7521 if (options.skipTemplateCodegen) {
7522 emitFlags = emitFlags & ~EmitFlags.Codegen;
7523 }
7524 return { project: projectFile, rootNames, projectReferences, options, errors, emitFlags };
7525 } catch (e) {
7526 const errors = [{
7527 category: ts37.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
7528 messageText: (_b = e.stack) != null ? _b : e.message,
7529 file: void 0,
7530 start: void 0,
7531 length: void 0,
7532 source: "angular",
7534 }];
7535 return { project: "", errors, rootNames: [], options: {}, emitFlags: EmitFlags.Default };
7536 }
7538function createParseConfigHost(host, fs = getFileSystem()) {
7539 return {
7540 fileExists: host.exists.bind(host),
7541 readDirectory: ts37.sys.readDirectory,
7542 readFile: host.readFile.bind(host),
7543 useCaseSensitiveFileNames: fs.isCaseSensitive()
7544 };
7546function getExtendedConfigPath(configFile, extendsValue, host, fs) {
7547 const result = getExtendedConfigPathWorker(configFile, extendsValue, host, fs);
7548 if (result !== null) {
7549 return result;
7550 }
7551 return getExtendedConfigPathWorker(configFile, `${extendsValue}.json`, host, fs);
7553function getExtendedConfigPathWorker(configFile, extendsValue, host, fs) {
7554 if (extendsValue.startsWith(".") || fs.isRooted(extendsValue)) {
7555 const extendedConfigPath = host.resolve(host.dirname(configFile), extendsValue);
7556 if (host.exists(extendedConfigPath)) {
7557 return extendedConfigPath;
7558 }
7559 } else {
7560 const parseConfigHost = createParseConfigHost(host, fs);
7561 const { resolvedModule } = ts37.nodeModuleNameResolver(extendsValue, configFile, { moduleResolution: ts37.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, resolveJsonModule: true }, parseConfigHost);
7562 if (resolvedModule) {
7563 return absoluteFrom(resolvedModule.resolvedFileName);
7564 }
7565 }
7566 return null;
7568function exitCodeFromResult(diags) {
7569 if (!diags)
7570 return 0;
7571 if (diags.every((diag) => diag.category !== ts37.DiagnosticCategory.Error)) {
7572 return 0;
7573 }
7574 return diags.some((d) => d.source === "angular" && d.code === UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE) ? 2 : 1;
7576function performCompilation({ rootNames, options, host, oldProgram, emitCallback, mergeEmitResultsCallback, gatherDiagnostics = defaultGatherDiagnostics, customTransformers, emitFlags = EmitFlags.Default, modifiedResourceFiles = null }) {
7577 var _a;
7578 let program;
7579 let emitResult;
7580 let allDiagnostics = [];
7581 try {
7582 if (!host) {
7583 host = createCompilerHost({ options });
7584 }
7585 if (modifiedResourceFiles) {
7586 host.getModifiedResourceFiles = () => modifiedResourceFiles;
7587 }
7588 program = createProgram({ rootNames, host, options, oldProgram });
7589 const beforeDiags = Date.now();
7590 allDiagnostics.push(...gatherDiagnostics(program));
7591 if (options.diagnostics) {
7592 const afterDiags = Date.now();
7593 allDiagnostics.push(createMessageDiagnostic(`Time for diagnostics: ${afterDiags - beforeDiags}ms.`));
7594 }
7595 if (!hasErrors(allDiagnostics)) {
7596 emitResult = program.emit({ emitCallback, mergeEmitResultsCallback, customTransformers, emitFlags });
7597 allDiagnostics.push(...emitResult.diagnostics);
7598 return { diagnostics: allDiagnostics, program, emitResult };
7599 }
7600 return { diagnostics: allDiagnostics, program };
7601 } catch (e) {
7602 program = void 0;
7603 allDiagnostics.push({
7604 category: ts37.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
7605 messageText: (_a = e.stack) != null ? _a : e.message,
7607 file: void 0,
7608 start: void 0,
7609 length: void 0
7610 });
7611 return { diagnostics: allDiagnostics, program };
7612 }
7614function defaultGatherDiagnostics(program) {
7615 const allDiagnostics = [];
7616 function checkDiagnostics(diags) {
7617 if (diags) {
7618 allDiagnostics.push(...diags);
7619 return !hasErrors(diags);
7620 }
7621 return true;
7622 }
7623 let checkOtherDiagnostics = true;
7624 checkOtherDiagnostics = checkOtherDiagnostics && checkDiagnostics([...program.getTsOptionDiagnostics(), ...program.getNgOptionDiagnostics()]);
7625 checkOtherDiagnostics = checkOtherDiagnostics && checkDiagnostics(program.getTsSyntacticDiagnostics());
7626 checkOtherDiagnostics = checkOtherDiagnostics && checkDiagnostics([...program.getTsSemanticDiagnostics(), ...program.getNgStructuralDiagnostics()]);
7627 checkOtherDiagnostics = checkOtherDiagnostics && checkDiagnostics(program.getNgSemanticDiagnostics());
7628 return allDiagnostics;
7630function hasErrors(diags) {
7631 return diags.some((d) => d.category === ts37.DiagnosticCategory.Error);
7634export {
7637 SOURCE,
7638 isTsDiagnostic,
7639 EmitFlags,
7640 createCompilerHost,
7641 CycleAnalyzer,
7642 ImportGraph,
7643 isShim,
7644 untagAllTsFiles,
7645 TsCreateProgramDriver,
7646 PatchedProgramIncrementalBuildStrategy,
7647 MetadataDtsModuleScopeResolver,
7648 LocalModuleScopeRegistry,
7649 TypeCheckScopeRegistry,
7650 OptimizeFor,
7651 freshCompilationTicket,
7652 incrementalFromStateTicket,
7653 NgCompiler,
7654 NgCompilerHost,
7655 NgtscProgram,
7656 createProgram,
7658 createMessageDiagnostic,
7659 formatDiagnostics,
7660 calcProjectFileAndBasePath,
7661 readConfiguration,
7662 exitCodeFromResult,
7663 performCompilation,
7664 defaultGatherDiagnostics
7667 * @license
7668 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
7669 *
7670 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
7671 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
7672 */
7673// Closure Compiler ignores @suppress and similar if the comment contains @license.
7674//# sourceMappingURL=chunk-ZPZWKMTE.js.map