3.35 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4 *
5 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
6 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
7 */
9 * @module
10 * @description
11 * Entry point from which you should import all public core APIs.
12 */
13export { ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, Attribute, ContentChild, ContentChildren, Query, ViewChild, ViewChildren, Component, Directive, HostBinding, HostListener, Input, Output, Pipe, AfterContentChecked, AfterContentInit, AfterViewChecked, AfterViewInit, DoCheck, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA, NgModule, ViewEncapsulation } from './metadata';
14export { Version, VERSION } from './version';
15export { Class } from './util';
16export { forwardRef, resolveForwardRef, Injector, ReflectiveInjector, ResolvedReflectiveFactory, ReflectiveKey, OpaqueToken, Inject, Optional, Injectable, Self, SkipSelf, Host } from './di';
17export { createPlatform, assertPlatform, destroyPlatform, getPlatform, PlatformRef, ApplicationRef, enableProdMode, isDevMode, createPlatformFactory, NgProbeToken } from './application_ref';
19export { APP_INITIALIZER, ApplicationInitStatus } from './application_init';
20export { NgZone } from './zone';
21export { RenderComponentType, Renderer, RootRenderer } from './render';
22export { COMPILER_OPTIONS, Compiler, CompilerFactory, ModuleWithComponentFactories, ComponentFactory, ComponentRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, ElementRef, NgModuleFactory, NgModuleRef, NgModuleFactoryLoader, getModuleFactory, QueryList, SystemJsNgModuleLoader, SystemJsNgModuleLoaderConfig, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef, EmbeddedViewRef, ViewRef } from './linker';
23export { DebugElement, DebugNode, asNativeElements, getDebugNode } from './debug/debug_node';
24export { Testability, TestabilityRegistry, setTestabilityGetter } from './testability/testability';
25export { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, CollectionChangeRecord, DefaultIterableDiffer, IterableDiffers, KeyValueChangeRecord, KeyValueDiffers, SimpleChange, WrappedValue } from './change_detection';
26export { platformCore } from './platform_core_providers';
27export { TRANSLATIONS, TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT, LOCALE_ID } from './i18n/tokens';
28export { ApplicationModule } from './application_module';
29export { wtfCreateScope, wtfLeave, wtfStartTimeRange, wtfEndTimeRange } from './profile/profile';
30export { Type } from './type';
31export { EventEmitter } from './facade/async';
32export { ErrorHandler } from './error_handler';
33export { __core_private__ } from './core_private_export';
34export { AUTO_STYLE, AnimationEntryMetadata, AnimationStateMetadata, AnimationStateDeclarationMetadata, AnimationStateTransitionMetadata, AnimationMetadata, AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata, AnimationStyleMetadata, AnimationAnimateMetadata, AnimationWithStepsMetadata, AnimationSequenceMetadata, AnimationGroupMetadata, animate, group, sequence, style, state, keyframes, transition, trigger } from './animation/metadata';
35export { AnimationTransitionEvent } from './animation/animation_transition_event';
36export { AnimationPlayer } from './animation/animation_player';
37export { Sanitizer, SecurityContext } from './security';
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