3.79 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { AUTO_STYLE } from '@angular/core';
2export var MockAnimationPlayer = (function () {
3 function MockAnimationPlayer(startingStyles, keyframes, previousPlayers) {
4 var _this = this;
5 if (startingStyles === void 0) { startingStyles = {}; }
6 if (keyframes === void 0) { keyframes = []; }
7 if (previousPlayers === void 0) { previousPlayers = []; }
8 this.startingStyles = startingStyles;
9 this.keyframes = keyframes;
10 this._onDoneFns = [];
11 this._onStartFns = [];
12 this._finished = false;
13 this._destroyed = false;
14 this._started = false;
15 this.parentPlayer = null;
16 this.previousStyles = {};
17 this.log = [];
18 previousPlayers.forEach(function (player) {
19 if (player instanceof MockAnimationPlayer) {
20 var styles_1 = player._captureStyles();
21 Object.keys(styles_1).forEach(function (prop) { return _this.previousStyles[prop] = styles_1[prop]; });
22 }
23 });
24 }
25 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype._onFinish = function () {
26 if (!this._finished) {
27 this._finished = true;
28 this.log.push('finish');
29 this._onDoneFns.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(); });
30 this._onDoneFns = [];
31 }
32 };
33 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.init = function () { this.log.push('init'); };
34 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.onDone = function (fn) { this._onDoneFns.push(fn); };
35 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.onStart = function (fn) { this._onStartFns.push(fn); };
36 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.hasStarted = function () { return this._started; };
37 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.play = function () {
38 if (!this.hasStarted()) {
39 this._onStartFns.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(); });
40 this._onStartFns = [];
41 this._started = true;
42 }
43 this.log.push('play');
44 };
45 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.pause = function () { this.log.push('pause'); };
46 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.restart = function () { this.log.push('restart'); };
47 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.finish = function () { this._onFinish(); };
48 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.reset = function () {
49 this.log.push('reset');
50 this._destroyed = false;
51 this._finished = false;
52 this._started = false;
53 };
54 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.destroy = function () {
55 if (!this._destroyed) {
56 this._destroyed = true;
57 this.finish();
58 this.log.push('destroy');
59 }
60 };
61 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.setPosition = function (p) { };
62 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype.getPosition = function () { return 0; };
63 MockAnimationPlayer.prototype._captureStyles = function () {
64 var _this = this;
65 var captures = {};
66 if (this.hasStarted()) {
67 // when assembling the captured styles, it's important that
68 // we build the keyframe styles in the following order:
69 // {startingStyles, ... other styles within keyframes, ... previousStyles }
70 Object.keys(this.startingStyles).forEach(function (prop) {
71 captures[prop] = _this.startingStyles[prop];
72 });
73 this.keyframes.forEach(function (kf) {
74 var offset = kf[0], styles = kf[1];
75 var newStyles = {};
76 Object.keys(styles).forEach(function (prop) { captures[prop] = _this._finished ? styles[prop] : AUTO_STYLE; });
77 });
78 }
79 Object.keys(this.previousStyles).forEach(function (prop) {
80 captures[prop] = _this.previousStyles[prop];
81 });
82 return captures;
83 };
84 return MockAnimationPlayer;
86//# sourceMappingURL=mock_animation_player.js.map
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