3.05 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
4 *
5 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
6 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
7 */
8/// <amd-module name="@angular/language-service/src/ts_utils" />
9import * as ts from 'typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary';
10interface DirectiveClassLike {
11 decoratorId: ts.Identifier;
12 classId: ts.Identifier;
15 * Return metadata about `node` if it looks like an Angular directive class.
16 * In this case, potential matches are `@NgModule`, `@Component`, `@Directive`,
17 * `@Pipe`, etc.
18 * These class declarations all share some common attributes, namely their
19 * decorator takes exactly one parameter and the parameter must be an object
20 * literal.
21 *
22 * For example,
23 * v---------- `decoratorId`
24 * @NgModule({ <
25 * declarations: [], < classDecln-al
26 * }) <
27 * class AppModule {} <
28 * ^----- `classId`
29 *
30 * @param node Potential node that represents an Angular directive.
31 */
32export declare function getDirectiveClassLike(node: ts.Node): DirectiveClassLike | undefined;
34 * Finds the value of a property assignment that is nested in a TypeScript node and is of a certain
35 * type T.
36 *
37 * @param startNode node to start searching for nested property assignment from
38 * @param propName property assignment name
39 * @param predicate function to verify that a node is of type T.
40 * @return node property assignment value of type T, or undefined if none is found
41 */
42export declare function findPropertyValueOfType<T extends ts.Node>(startNode: ts.Node, propName: string, predicate: (node: ts.Node) => node is T): T | undefined;
44 * Return the node that most tightly encompass the specified `position`.
45 * @param node
46 * @param position
47 */
48export declare function findTightestNode(node: ts.Node, position: number): ts.Node | undefined;
50 * Returns a property assignment from the assignment value if the property name
51 * matches the specified `key`, or `undefined` if there is no match.
52 */
53export declare function getPropertyAssignmentFromValue(value: ts.Node, key: string): ts.PropertyAssignment | undefined;
55 * Given the node which is the string of the inline template for a component, returns the
56 * `ts.ClassDeclaration` for the component.
57 */
58export declare function getClassDeclOfInlineTemplateNode(templateStringNode: ts.Node): ts.ClassDeclaration | undefined;
60 * Given a decorator property assignment, return the ClassDeclaration node that corresponds to the
61 * directive class the property applies to.
62 * If the property assignment is not on a class decorator, no declaration is returned.
63 *
64 * For example,
65 *
66 * @Component({
67 * template: '<div></div>'
68 * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^---- property assignment
69 * })
70 * class AppComponent {}
71 * ^---- class declaration node
72 *
73 * @param propAsgnNode property assignment
74 */
75export declare function getClassDeclFromDecoratorProp(propAsgnNode: ts.PropertyAssignment): ts.ClassDeclaration | undefined;
76export {};