1 |
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7 |
8 | import { ApplicationRef } from '@angular/core';
9 | import { EnvironmentProviders } from '@angular/core';
10 | import * as i0 from '@angular/core';
11 | import * as i1 from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
12 | import * as i2 from '@angular/platform-browser';
13 | import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
14 | import { PlatformRef } from '@angular/core';
15 | import { Provider } from '@angular/core';
16 | import { StaticProvider } from '@angular/core';
17 | import { Type } from '@angular/core';
18 | import { Version } from '@angular/core';
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26 | export declare const BEFORE_APP_SERIALIZED: InjectionToken<readonly (() => void | Promise<void>)[]>;
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33 | export declare const INITIAL_CONFIG: InjectionToken<PlatformConfig>;
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39 |
40 | export declare interface PlatformConfig {
41 | |
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43 |
44 |
45 | document?: string;
46 | |
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50 |
51 |
52 | url?: string;
53 | }
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57 |
58 | export declare function platformServer(extraProviders?: StaticProvider[] | undefined): PlatformRef;
59 |
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64 |
65 | export declare class PlatformState {
66 | private _doc;
67 | constructor(_doc: any);
68 | /**
69 | * Renders the current state of the platform to string.
70 | */
71 | renderToString(): string;
72 | /**
73 | * Returns the current DOM state.
74 | */
75 | getDocument(): any;
76 | static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PlatformState, never>;
77 | static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<PlatformState>;
78 | }
79 |
80 | /**
81 | * Sets up providers necessary to enable server rendering functionality for the application.
82 | *
83 | * @usageNotes
84 | *
85 | * Basic example of how you can add server support to your application:
86 | * ```ts
87 | * bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
88 | * providers: [provideServerRendering()]
89 | * });
90 | * ```
91 | *
92 | * @publicApi
93 | * @returns A set of providers to setup the server.
94 | */
95 | export declare function provideServerRendering(): EnvironmentProviders;
96 |
97 | /**
98 | * Bootstraps an instance of an Angular application and renders it to a string.
99 |
100 | * ```ts
101 | * const bootstrap = () => bootstrapApplication(RootComponent, appConfig);
102 | * const output: string = await renderApplication(bootstrap);
103 | * ```
104 | *
105 | * @param bootstrap A method that when invoked returns a promise that returns an `ApplicationRef`
106 | * instance once resolved.
107 | * @param options Additional configuration for the render operation:
108 | * - `document` - the document of the page to render, either as an HTML string or
109 | * as a reference to the `document` instance.
110 | * - `url` - the URL for the current render request.
111 | * - `platformProviders` - the platform level providers for the current render request.
112 | *
113 | * @returns A Promise, that returns serialized (to a string) rendered page, once resolved.
114 | *
115 | * @publicApi
116 | */
117 | export declare function renderApplication<T>(bootstrap: () => Promise<ApplicationRef>, options: {
118 | document?: string | Document;
119 | url?: string;
120 | platformProviders?: Provider[];
121 | }): Promise<string>;
122 |
123 | /**
124 | * Bootstraps an application using provided NgModule and serializes the page content to string.
125 | *
126 | * @param moduleType A reference to an NgModule that should be used for bootstrap.
127 | * @param options Additional configuration for the render operation:
128 | * - `document` - the document of the page to render, either as an HTML string or
129 | * as a reference to the `document` instance.
130 | * - `url` - the URL for the current render request.
131 | * - `extraProviders` - set of platform level providers for the current render request.
132 | *
133 | * @publicApi
134 | */
135 | export declare function renderModule<T>(moduleType: Type<T>, options: {
136 | document?: string | Document;
137 | url?: string;
138 | extraProviders?: StaticProvider[];
139 | }): Promise<string>;
140 |
141 | /**
142 | * The ng module for the server.
143 | *
144 | * @publicApi
145 | */
146 | export declare class ServerModule {
147 | static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<ServerModule, never>;
148 | static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration<ServerModule, never, [typeof i1.NoopAnimationsModule], [typeof i2.BrowserModule]>;
149 | static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<ServerModule>;
150 | }
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154 |
155 | export declare const VERSION: Version;
156 |
157 | export declare const ɵENABLE_DOM_EMULATION: InjectionToken<boolean>;
158 |
159 | export declare const ɵINTERNAL_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS: StaticProvider[];
160 |
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166 | export declare const ɵSERVER_CONTEXT: InjectionToken<string>;
167 |
168 | export declare const ɵSERVER_RENDER_PROVIDERS: Provider[];
169 |
170 | export { }