8.61 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {
3 for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
4 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
5 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
7var collection_1 = require('../src/facade/collection');
8var exceptions_1 = require('../src/facade/exceptions');
9var lang_1 = require('../src/facade/lang');
10function convertUrlParamsToArray(urlParams) {
11 var paramsArray = [];
12 if (lang_1.isBlank(urlParams)) {
13 return [];
14 }
15 collection_1.StringMapWrapper.forEach(urlParams, function (value /** TODO #9100 */, key /** TODO #9100 */) {
16 paramsArray.push((value === true) ? key : key + '=' + value);
17 });
18 return paramsArray;
20exports.convertUrlParamsToArray = convertUrlParamsToArray;
21// Convert an object of url parameters into a string that can be used in an URL
22function serializeParams(urlParams, joiner) {
23 if (joiner === void 0) { joiner = '&'; }
24 return convertUrlParamsToArray(urlParams).join(joiner);
26exports.serializeParams = serializeParams;
28 * This class represents a parsed URL
29 */
30var Url = (function () {
31 function Url(path, child, auxiliary, params) {
32 if (child === void 0) { child = null; }
33 if (auxiliary === void 0) { auxiliary = []; }
34 if (params === void 0) { params = {}; }
35 this.path = path;
36 this.child = child;
37 this.auxiliary = auxiliary;
38 this.params = params;
39 }
40 Url.prototype.toString = function () {
41 return this.path + this._matrixParamsToString() + this._auxToString() + this._childString();
42 };
43 Url.prototype.segmentToString = function () { return this.path + this._matrixParamsToString(); };
44 /** @internal */
45 Url.prototype._auxToString = function () {
46 return this.auxiliary.length > 0 ?
47 ('(' + this.auxiliary.map(function (sibling) { return sibling.toString(); }).join('//') + ')') :
48 '';
49 };
50 Url.prototype._matrixParamsToString = function () {
51 var paramString = serializeParams(this.params, ';');
52 if (paramString.length > 0) {
53 return ';' + paramString;
54 }
55 return '';
56 };
57 /** @internal */
58 Url.prototype._childString = function () { return lang_1.isPresent(this.child) ? ('/' + this.child.toString()) : ''; };
59 return Url;
61exports.Url = Url;
62var RootUrl = (function (_super) {
63 __extends(RootUrl, _super);
64 function RootUrl(path, child, auxiliary, params) {
65 if (child === void 0) { child = null; }
66 if (auxiliary === void 0) { auxiliary = []; }
67 if (params === void 0) { params = null; }
68 _super.call(this, path, child, auxiliary, params);
69 }
70 RootUrl.prototype.toString = function () {
71 return this.path + this._auxToString() + this._childString() + this._queryParamsToString();
72 };
73 RootUrl.prototype.segmentToString = function () { return this.path + this._queryParamsToString(); };
74 RootUrl.prototype._queryParamsToString = function () {
75 if (lang_1.isBlank(this.params)) {
76 return '';
77 }
78 return '?' + serializeParams(this.params);
79 };
80 return RootUrl;
82exports.RootUrl = RootUrl;
83function pathSegmentsToUrl(pathSegments) {
84 var url = new Url(pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1]);
85 for (var i = pathSegments.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
86 url = new Url(pathSegments[i], url);
87 }
88 return url;
90exports.pathSegmentsToUrl = pathSegmentsToUrl;
91var SEGMENT_RE = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.create('^[^\\/\\(\\)\\?;=&#]+');
92function matchUrlSegment(str) {
93 var match = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(SEGMENT_RE, str);
94 return lang_1.isPresent(match) ? match[0] : '';
96var QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_RE = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.create('^[^\\(\\)\\?;&#]+');
97function matchUrlQueryParamValue(str) {
98 var match = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_RE, str);
99 return lang_1.isPresent(match) ? match[0] : '';
101var UrlParser = (function () {
102 function UrlParser() {
103 }
104 UrlParser.prototype.peekStartsWith = function (str) { return this._remaining.startsWith(str); };
105 UrlParser.prototype.capture = function (str) {
106 if (!this._remaining.startsWith(str)) {
107 throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Expected \"" + str + "\".");
108 }
109 this._remaining = this._remaining.substring(str.length);
110 };
111 UrlParser.prototype.parse = function (url) {
112 this._remaining = url;
113 if (url == '' || url == '/') {
114 return new Url('');
115 }
116 return this.parseRoot();
117 };
118 // segment + (aux segments) + (query params)
119 UrlParser.prototype.parseRoot = function () {
120 if (this.peekStartsWith('/')) {
121 this.capture('/');
122 }
123 var path = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining);
124 this.capture(path);
125 var aux = [];
126 if (this.peekStartsWith('(')) {
127 aux = this.parseAuxiliaryRoutes();
128 }
129 if (this.peekStartsWith(';')) {
130 // TODO: should these params just be dropped?
131 this.parseMatrixParams();
132 }
133 var child = null;
134 if (this.peekStartsWith('/') && !this.peekStartsWith('//')) {
135 this.capture('/');
136 child = this.parseSegment();
137 }
138 var queryParams = null;
139 if (this.peekStartsWith('?')) {
140 queryParams = this.parseQueryParams();
141 }
142 return new RootUrl(path, child, aux, queryParams);
143 };
144 // segment + (matrix params) + (aux segments)
145 UrlParser.prototype.parseSegment = function () {
146 if (this._remaining.length == 0) {
147 return null;
148 }
149 if (this.peekStartsWith('/')) {
150 this.capture('/');
151 }
152 var path = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining);
153 this.capture(path);
154 var matrixParams = null;
155 if (this.peekStartsWith(';')) {
156 matrixParams = this.parseMatrixParams();
157 }
158 var aux = [];
159 if (this.peekStartsWith('(')) {
160 aux = this.parseAuxiliaryRoutes();
161 }
162 var child = null;
163 if (this.peekStartsWith('/') && !this.peekStartsWith('//')) {
164 this.capture('/');
165 child = this.parseSegment();
166 }
167 return new Url(path, child, aux, matrixParams);
168 };
169 UrlParser.prototype.parseQueryParams = function () {
170 var params = {};
171 this.capture('?');
172 this.parseQueryParam(params);
173 while (this._remaining.length > 0 && this.peekStartsWith('&')) {
174 this.capture('&');
175 this.parseQueryParam(params);
176 }
177 return params;
178 };
179 UrlParser.prototype.parseMatrixParams = function () {
180 var params = {};
181 while (this._remaining.length > 0 && this.peekStartsWith(';')) {
182 this.capture(';');
183 this.parseParam(params);
184 }
185 return params;
186 };
187 UrlParser.prototype.parseParam = function (params) {
188 var key = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining);
189 if (lang_1.isBlank(key)) {
190 return;
191 }
192 this.capture(key);
193 var value = true;
194 if (this.peekStartsWith('=')) {
195 this.capture('=');
196 var valueMatch = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining);
197 if (lang_1.isPresent(valueMatch)) {
198 value = valueMatch;
199 this.capture(value);
200 }
201 }
202 params[key] = value;
203 };
204 UrlParser.prototype.parseQueryParam = function (params) {
205 var key = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining);
206 if (lang_1.isBlank(key)) {
207 return;
208 }
209 this.capture(key);
210 var value = true;
211 if (this.peekStartsWith('=')) {
212 this.capture('=');
213 var valueMatch = matchUrlQueryParamValue(this._remaining);
214 if (lang_1.isPresent(valueMatch)) {
215 value = valueMatch;
216 this.capture(value);
217 }
218 }
219 params[key] = value;
220 };
221 UrlParser.prototype.parseAuxiliaryRoutes = function () {
222 var routes = [];
223 this.capture('(');
224 while (!this.peekStartsWith(')') && this._remaining.length > 0) {
225 routes.push(this.parseSegment());
226 if (this.peekStartsWith('//')) {
227 this.capture('//');
228 }
229 }
230 this.capture(')');
231 return routes;
232 };
233 return UrlParser;
235exports.UrlParser = UrlParser;
236exports.parser = new UrlParser();
237//# sourceMappingURL=url_parser.js.map
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