29.6 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license Angular v15.1.2
3 * (c) 2010-2022 Google LLC. https://angular.io/
4 * License: MIT
5 */
8import { DoCheck } from '@angular/core';
9import { ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
10import * as i0 from '@angular/core';
11import { Injector } from '@angular/core';
12import { NgModuleFactory } from '@angular/core';
13import { NgModuleRef } from '@angular/core';
14import { NgZone } from '@angular/core';
15import { OnChanges } from '@angular/core';
16import { OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
17import { OnInit } from '@angular/core';
18import { PlatformRef } from '@angular/core';
19import { SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
20import { StaticProvider } from '@angular/core';
21import { Type } from '@angular/core';
22import { Version } from '@angular/core';
25 * @description
26 *
27 * A helper function that allows an Angular component to be used from AngularJS.
28 *
29 * *Part of the [upgrade/static](api?query=upgrade%2Fstatic)
30 * library for hybrid upgrade apps that support AOT compilation*
31 *
32 * This helper function returns a factory function to be used for registering
33 * an AngularJS wrapper directive for "downgrading" an Angular component.
34 *
35 * @usageNotes
36 * ### Examples
37 *
38 * Let's assume that you have an Angular component called `ng2Heroes` that needs
39 * to be made available in AngularJS templates.
40 *
41 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="ng2-heroes"}
42 *
43 * We must create an AngularJS [directive](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive)
44 * that will make this Angular component available inside AngularJS templates.
45 * The `downgradeComponent()` function returns a factory function that we
46 * can use to define the AngularJS directive that wraps the "downgraded" component.
47 *
48 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="ng2-heroes-wrapper"}
49 *
50 * For more details and examples on downgrading Angular components to AngularJS components please
51 * visit the [Upgrade guide](guide/upgrade#using-angular-components-from-angularjs-code).
52 *
53 * @param info contains information about the Component that is being downgraded:
54 *
55 * - `component: Type<any>`: The type of the Component that will be downgraded
56 * - `downgradedModule?: string`: The name of the downgraded module (if any) that the component
57 * "belongs to", as returned by a call to `downgradeModule()`. It is the module, whose
58 * corresponding Angular module will be bootstrapped, when the component needs to be instantiated.
59 * <br />
60 * (This option is only necessary when using `downgradeModule()` to downgrade more than one
61 * Angular module.)
62 * - `propagateDigest?: boolean`: Whether to perform {@link ChangeDetectorRef#detectChanges
63 * change detection} on the component on every
64 * [$digest](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/$rootScope.Scope#$digest). If set to `false`,
65 * change detection will still be performed when any of the component's inputs changes.
66 * (Default: true)
67 *
68 * @returns a factory function that can be used to register the component in an
69 * AngularJS module.
70 *
71 * @publicApi
72 */
73export declare function downgradeComponent(info: {
74 component: Type<any>;
75 downgradedModule?: string;
76 propagateDigest?: boolean;
77 /** @deprecated since v4. This parameter is no longer used */
78 inputs?: string[];
79 /** @deprecated since v4. This parameter is no longer used */
80 outputs?: string[];
81 /** @deprecated since v4. This parameter is no longer used */
82 selectors?: string[];
83}): any;
87 * @description
88 *
89 * A helper function to allow an Angular service to be accessible from AngularJS.
90 *
91 * *Part of the [upgrade/static](api?query=upgrade%2Fstatic)
92 * library for hybrid upgrade apps that support AOT compilation*
93 *
94 * This helper function returns a factory function that provides access to the Angular
95 * service identified by the `token` parameter.
96 *
97 * @usageNotes
98 * ### Examples
99 *
100 * First ensure that the service to be downgraded is provided in an `NgModule`
101 * that will be part of the upgrade application. For example, let's assume we have
102 * defined `HeroesService`
103 *
104 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="ng2-heroes-service"}
105 *
106 * and that we have included this in our upgrade app `NgModule`
107 *
108 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="ng2-module"}
109 *
110 * Now we can register the `downgradeInjectable` factory function for the service
111 * on an AngularJS module.
112 *
113 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="downgrade-ng2-heroes-service"}
114 *
115 * Inside an AngularJS component's controller we can get hold of the
116 * downgraded service via the name we gave when downgrading.
117 *
118 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="example-app"}
119 *
120 * <div class="alert is-important">
121 *
122 * When using `downgradeModule()`, downgraded injectables will not be available until the Angular
123 * module that provides them is instantiated. In order to be safe, you need to ensure that the
124 * downgraded injectables are not used anywhere _outside_ the part of the app where it is
125 * guaranteed that their module has been instantiated.
126 *
127 * For example, it is _OK_ to use a downgraded service in an upgraded component that is only used
128 * from a downgraded Angular component provided by the same Angular module as the injectable, but
129 * it is _not OK_ to use it in an AngularJS component that may be used independently of Angular or
130 * use it in a downgraded Angular component from a different module.
131 *
132 * </div>
133 *
134 * @param token an `InjectionToken` that identifies a service provided from Angular.
135 * @param downgradedModule the name of the downgraded module (if any) that the injectable
136 * "belongs to", as returned by a call to `downgradeModule()`. It is the module, whose injector will
137 * be used for instantiating the injectable.<br />
138 * (This option is only necessary when using `downgradeModule()` to downgrade more than one Angular
139 * module.)
140 *
141 * @returns a [factory function](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/di) that can be
142 * used to register the service on an AngularJS module.
143 *
144 * @publicApi
145 */
146export declare function downgradeInjectable(token: any, downgradedModule?: string): Function;
149 * @description
150 *
151 * A helper function for creating an AngularJS module that can bootstrap an Angular module
152 * "on-demand" (possibly lazily) when a {@link downgradeComponent downgraded component} needs to be
153 * instantiated.
154 *
155 * *Part of the [upgrade/static](api?query=upgrade/static) library for hybrid upgrade apps that
156 * support AOT compilation.*
157 *
158 * It allows loading/bootstrapping the Angular part of a hybrid application lazily and not having to
159 * pay the cost up-front. For example, you can have an AngularJS application that uses Angular for
160 * specific routes and only instantiate the Angular modules if/when the user visits one of these
161 * routes.
162 *
163 * The Angular module will be bootstrapped once (when requested for the first time) and the same
164 * reference will be used from that point onwards.
165 *
166 * `downgradeModule()` requires either an `NgModuleFactory`, `NgModule` class or a function:
167 * - `NgModuleFactory`: If you pass an `NgModuleFactory`, it will be used to instantiate a module
168 * using `platformBrowser`'s {@link PlatformRef#bootstrapModuleFactory bootstrapModuleFactory()}.
169 * NOTE: this type of the argument is deprecated. Please either provide an `NgModule` class or a
170 * bootstrap function instead.
171 * - `NgModule` class: If you pass an NgModule class, it will be used to instantiate a module
172 * using `platformBrowser`'s {@link PlatformRef#bootstrapModule bootstrapModule()}.
173 * - `Function`: If you pass a function, it is expected to return a promise resolving to an
174 * `NgModuleRef`. The function is called with an array of extra {@link StaticProvider Providers}
175 * that are expected to be available from the returned `NgModuleRef`'s `Injector`.
176 *
177 * `downgradeModule()` returns the name of the created AngularJS wrapper module. You can use it to
178 * declare a dependency in your main AngularJS module.
179 *
180 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/lite/module.ts region="basic-how-to"}
181 *
182 * For more details on how to use `downgradeModule()` see
183 * [Upgrading for Performance](guide/upgrade-performance).
184 *
185 * @usageNotes
186 *
187 * Apart from `UpgradeModule`, you can use the rest of the `upgrade/static` helpers as usual to
188 * build a hybrid application. Note that the Angular pieces (e.g. downgraded services) will not be
189 * available until the downgraded module has been bootstrapped, i.e. by instantiating a downgraded
190 * component.
191 *
192 * <div class="alert is-important">
193 *
194 * You cannot use `downgradeModule()` and `UpgradeModule` in the same hybrid application.<br />
195 * Use one or the other.
196 *
197 * </div>
198 *
199 * ### Differences with `UpgradeModule`
200 *
201 * Besides their different API, there are two important internal differences between
202 * `downgradeModule()` and `UpgradeModule` that affect the behavior of hybrid applications:
203 *
204 * 1. Unlike `UpgradeModule`, `downgradeModule()` does not bootstrap the main AngularJS module
205 * inside the {@link NgZone Angular zone}.
206 * 2. Unlike `UpgradeModule`, `downgradeModule()` does not automatically run a
207 * [$digest()](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/$rootScope.Scope#$digest) when changes are
208 * detected in the Angular part of the application.
209 *
210 * What this means is that applications using `UpgradeModule` will run change detection more
211 * frequently in order to ensure that both frameworks are properly notified about possible changes.
212 * This will inevitably result in more change detection runs than necessary.
213 *
214 * `downgradeModule()`, on the other side, does not try to tie the two change detection systems as
215 * tightly, restricting the explicit change detection runs only to cases where it knows it is
216 * necessary (e.g. when the inputs of a downgraded component change). This improves performance,
217 * especially in change-detection-heavy applications, but leaves it up to the developer to manually
218 * notify each framework as needed.
219 *
220 * For a more detailed discussion of the differences and their implications, see
221 * [Upgrading for Performance](guide/upgrade-performance).
222 *
223 * <div class="alert is-helpful">
224 *
225 * You can manually trigger a change detection run in AngularJS using
226 * [scope.$apply(...)](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/$rootScope.Scope#$apply) or
227 * [$rootScope.$digest()](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/$rootScope.Scope#$digest).
228 *
229 * You can manually trigger a change detection run in Angular using {@link NgZone#run
230 * ngZone.run(...)}.
231 *
232 * </div>
233 *
234 * ### Downgrading multiple modules
235 *
236 * It is possible to downgrade multiple modules and include them in an AngularJS application. In
237 * that case, each downgraded module will be bootstrapped when an associated downgraded component or
238 * injectable needs to be instantiated.
239 *
240 * Things to keep in mind, when downgrading multiple modules:
241 *
242 * - Each downgraded component/injectable needs to be explicitly associated with a downgraded
243 * module. See `downgradeComponent()` and `downgradeInjectable()` for more details.
244 *
245 * - If you want some injectables to be shared among all downgraded modules, you can provide them as
246 * `StaticProvider`s, when creating the `PlatformRef` (e.g. via `platformBrowser` or
247 * `platformBrowserDynamic`).
248 *
249 * - When using {@link PlatformRef#bootstrapmodule `bootstrapModule()`} or
250 * {@link PlatformRef#bootstrapmodulefactory `bootstrapModuleFactory()`} to bootstrap the
251 * downgraded modules, each one is considered a "root" module. As a consequence, a new instance
252 * will be created for every injectable provided in `"root"` (via
253 * {@link Injectable#providedIn `providedIn`}).
254 * If this is not your intention, you can have a shared module (that will act as act as the "root"
255 * module) and create all downgraded modules using that module's injector:
256 *
257 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/lite-multi-shared/module.ts region="shared-root-module"}
258 *
259 * @publicApi
260 */
261export declare function downgradeModule<T>(moduleOrBootstrapFn: Type<T> | ((extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) => Promise<NgModuleRef<T>>)): string;
264 * @description
265 *
266 * A helper function for creating an AngularJS module that can bootstrap an Angular module
267 * "on-demand" (possibly lazily) when a {@link downgradeComponent downgraded component} needs to be
268 * instantiated.
269 *
270 * *Part of the [upgrade/static](api?query=upgrade/static) library for hybrid upgrade apps that
271 * support AOT compilation.*
272 *
273 * It allows loading/bootstrapping the Angular part of a hybrid application lazily and not having to
274 * pay the cost up-front. For example, you can have an AngularJS application that uses Angular for
275 * specific routes and only instantiate the Angular modules if/when the user visits one of these
276 * routes.
277 *
278 * The Angular module will be bootstrapped once (when requested for the first time) and the same
279 * reference will be used from that point onwards.
280 *
281 * `downgradeModule()` requires either an `NgModuleFactory`, `NgModule` class or a function:
282 * - `NgModuleFactory`: If you pass an `NgModuleFactory`, it will be used to instantiate a module
283 * using `platformBrowser`'s {@link PlatformRef#bootstrapModuleFactory bootstrapModuleFactory()}.
284 * NOTE: this type of the argument is deprecated. Please either provide an `NgModule` class or a
285 * bootstrap function instead.
286 * - `NgModule` class: If you pass an NgModule class, it will be used to instantiate a module
287 * using `platformBrowser`'s {@link PlatformRef#bootstrapModule bootstrapModule()}.
288 * - `Function`: If you pass a function, it is expected to return a promise resolving to an
289 * `NgModuleRef`. The function is called with an array of extra {@link StaticProvider Providers}
290 * that are expected to be available from the returned `NgModuleRef`'s `Injector`.
291 *
292 * `downgradeModule()` returns the name of the created AngularJS wrapper module. You can use it to
293 * declare a dependency in your main AngularJS module.
294 *
295 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/lite/module.ts region="basic-how-to"}
296 *
297 * For more details on how to use `downgradeModule()` see
298 * [Upgrading for Performance](guide/upgrade-performance).
299 *
300 * @usageNotes
301 *
302 * Apart from `UpgradeModule`, you can use the rest of the `upgrade/static` helpers as usual to
303 * build a hybrid application. Note that the Angular pieces (e.g. downgraded services) will not be
304 * available until the downgraded module has been bootstrapped, i.e. by instantiating a downgraded
305 * component.
306 *
307 * <div class="alert is-important">
308 *
309 * You cannot use `downgradeModule()` and `UpgradeModule` in the same hybrid application.<br />
310 * Use one or the other.
311 *
312 * </div>
313 *
314 * ### Differences with `UpgradeModule`
315 *
316 * Besides their different API, there are two important internal differences between
317 * `downgradeModule()` and `UpgradeModule` that affect the behavior of hybrid applications:
318 *
319 * 1. Unlike `UpgradeModule`, `downgradeModule()` does not bootstrap the main AngularJS module
320 * inside the {@link NgZone Angular zone}.
321 * 2. Unlike `UpgradeModule`, `downgradeModule()` does not automatically run a
322 * [$digest()](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/$rootScope.Scope#$digest) when changes are
323 * detected in the Angular part of the application.
324 *
325 * What this means is that applications using `UpgradeModule` will run change detection more
326 * frequently in order to ensure that both frameworks are properly notified about possible changes.
327 * This will inevitably result in more change detection runs than necessary.
328 *
329 * `downgradeModule()`, on the other side, does not try to tie the two change detection systems as
330 * tightly, restricting the explicit change detection runs only to cases where it knows it is
331 * necessary (e.g. when the inputs of a downgraded component change). This improves performance,
332 * especially in change-detection-heavy applications, but leaves it up to the developer to manually
333 * notify each framework as needed.
334 *
335 * For a more detailed discussion of the differences and their implications, see
336 * [Upgrading for Performance](guide/upgrade-performance).
337 *
338 * <div class="alert is-helpful">
339 *
340 * You can manually trigger a change detection run in AngularJS using
341 * [scope.$apply(...)](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/$rootScope.Scope#$apply) or
342 * [$rootScope.$digest()](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/$rootScope.Scope#$digest).
343 *
344 * You can manually trigger a change detection run in Angular using {@link NgZone#run
345 * ngZone.run(...)}.
346 *
347 * </div>
348 *
349 * ### Downgrading multiple modules
350 *
351 * It is possible to downgrade multiple modules and include them in an AngularJS application. In
352 * that case, each downgraded module will be bootstrapped when an associated downgraded component or
353 * injectable needs to be instantiated.
354 *
355 * Things to keep in mind, when downgrading multiple modules:
356 *
357 * - Each downgraded component/injectable needs to be explicitly associated with a downgraded
358 * module. See `downgradeComponent()` and `downgradeInjectable()` for more details.
359 *
360 * - If you want some injectables to be shared among all downgraded modules, you can provide them as
361 * `StaticProvider`s, when creating the `PlatformRef` (e.g. via `platformBrowser` or
362 * `platformBrowserDynamic`).
363 *
364 * - When using {@link PlatformRef#bootstrapmodule `bootstrapModule()`} or
365 * {@link PlatformRef#bootstrapmodulefactory `bootstrapModuleFactory()`} to bootstrap the
366 * downgraded modules, each one is considered a "root" module. As a consequence, a new instance
367 * will be created for every injectable provided in `"root"` (via
368 * {@link Injectable#providedIn `providedIn`}).
369 * If this is not your intention, you can have a shared module (that will act as act as the "root"
370 * module) and create all downgraded modules using that module's injector:
371 *
372 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/lite-multi-shared/module.ts region="shared-root-module"}
373 *
374 * @publicApi
375 *
376 * @deprecated Passing `NgModuleFactory` as the `downgradeModule` function argument is deprecated,
377 * please pass an NgModule class reference instead.
378 */
379export declare function downgradeModule<T>(moduleOrBootstrapFn: NgModuleFactory<T>): string;
382 * Returns the current AngularJS global.
383 *
384 * @publicApi
385 */
386export declare function getAngularJSGlobal(): any;
389 * @deprecated Use `getAngularJSGlobal` instead.
390 *
391 * @publicApi
392 */
393export declare function getAngularLib(): any;
396 * Resets the AngularJS global.
397 *
398 * Used when AngularJS is loaded lazily, and not available on `window`.
399 *
400 * @publicApi
401 */
402export declare function setAngularJSGlobal(ng: any): void;
405 * @deprecated Use `setAngularJSGlobal` instead.
406 *
407 * @publicApi
408 */
409export declare function setAngularLib(ng: any): void;
412 * @description
413 *
414 * A helper class that allows an AngularJS component to be used from Angular.
415 *
416 * *Part of the [upgrade/static](api?query=upgrade%2Fstatic)
417 * library for hybrid upgrade apps that support AOT compilation.*
418 *
419 * This helper class should be used as a base class for creating Angular directives
420 * that wrap AngularJS components that need to be "upgraded".
421 *
422 * @usageNotes
423 * ### Examples
424 *
425 * Let's assume that you have an AngularJS component called `ng1Hero` that needs
426 * to be made available in Angular templates.
427 *
428 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="ng1-hero"}
429 *
430 * We must create a `Directive` that will make this AngularJS component
431 * available inside Angular templates.
432 *
433 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="ng1-hero-wrapper"}
434 *
435 * In this example you can see that we must derive from the `UpgradeComponent`
436 * base class but also provide an {@link Directive `@Directive`} decorator. This is
437 * because the AOT compiler requires that this information is statically available at
438 * compile time.
439 *
440 * Note that we must do the following:
441 * * specify the directive's selector (`ng1-hero`)
442 * * specify all inputs and outputs that the AngularJS component expects
443 * * derive from `UpgradeComponent`
444 * * call the base class from the constructor, passing
445 * * the AngularJS name of the component (`ng1Hero`)
446 * * the `ElementRef` and `Injector` for the component wrapper
447 *
448 * @publicApi
449 * @extensible
450 */
451export declare class UpgradeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, DoCheck, OnDestroy {
452 private name;
453 private elementRef;
454 private injector;
455 private helper;
456 private $injector;
457 private element;
458 private $element;
459 private $componentScope;
460 private directive;
461 private bindings;
462 private controllerInstance;
463 private bindingDestination;
464 private pendingChanges;
465 private unregisterDoCheckWatcher;
466 /**
467 * Create a new `UpgradeComponent` instance. You should not normally need to do this.
468 * Instead you should derive a new class from this one and call the super constructor
469 * from the base class.
470 *
471 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="ng1-hero-wrapper" }
472 *
473 * * The `name` parameter should be the name of the AngularJS directive.
474 * * The `elementRef` and `injector` parameters should be acquired from Angular by dependency
475 * injection into the base class constructor.
476 */
477 constructor(name: string, elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector);
478 ngOnInit(): void;
479 ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
480 ngDoCheck(): void;
481 ngOnDestroy(): void;
482 private initializeBindings;
483 private initializeOutputs;
484 private bindOutputs;
485 private forwardChanges;
486 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<UpgradeComponent, never>;
487 static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<UpgradeComponent, never, never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
491 * @description
492 *
493 * An `NgModule`, which you import to provide AngularJS core services,
494 * and has an instance method used to bootstrap the hybrid upgrade application.
495 *
496 * *Part of the [upgrade/static](api?query=upgrade/static)
497 * library for hybrid upgrade apps that support AOT compilation*
498 *
499 * The `upgrade/static` package contains helpers that allow AngularJS and Angular components
500 * to be used together inside a hybrid upgrade application, which supports AOT compilation.
501 *
502 * Specifically, the classes and functions in the `upgrade/static` module allow the following:
503 *
504 * 1. Creation of an Angular directive that wraps and exposes an AngularJS component so
505 * that it can be used in an Angular template. See `UpgradeComponent`.
506 * 2. Creation of an AngularJS directive that wraps and exposes an Angular component so
507 * that it can be used in an AngularJS template. See `downgradeComponent`.
508 * 3. Creation of an Angular root injector provider that wraps and exposes an AngularJS
509 * service so that it can be injected into an Angular context. See
510 * {@link UpgradeModule#upgrading-an-angular-1-service Upgrading an AngularJS service} below.
511 * 4. Creation of an AngularJS service that wraps and exposes an Angular injectable
512 * so that it can be injected into an AngularJS context. See `downgradeInjectable`.
513 * 3. Bootstrapping of a hybrid Angular application which contains both of the frameworks
514 * coexisting in a single application.
515 *
516 * @usageNotes
517 *
518 * ```ts
519 * import {UpgradeModule} from '@angular/upgrade/static';
520 * ```
521 *
522 * See also the {@link UpgradeModule#examples examples} below.
523 *
524 * ### Mental Model
525 *
526 * When reasoning about how a hybrid application works it is useful to have a mental model which
527 * describes what is happening and explains what is happening at the lowest level.
528 *
529 * 1. There are two independent frameworks running in a single application, each framework treats
530 * the other as a black box.
531 * 2. Each DOM element on the page is owned exactly by one framework. Whichever framework
532 * instantiated the element is the owner. Each framework only updates/interacts with its own
533 * DOM elements and ignores others.
534 * 3. AngularJS directives always execute inside the AngularJS framework codebase regardless of
535 * where they are instantiated.
536 * 4. Angular components always execute inside the Angular framework codebase regardless of
537 * where they are instantiated.
538 * 5. An AngularJS component can be "upgraded"" to an Angular component. This is achieved by
539 * defining an Angular directive, which bootstraps the AngularJS component at its location
540 * in the DOM. See `UpgradeComponent`.
541 * 6. An Angular component can be "downgraded" to an AngularJS component. This is achieved by
542 * defining an AngularJS directive, which bootstraps the Angular component at its location
543 * in the DOM. See `downgradeComponent`.
544 * 7. Whenever an "upgraded"/"downgraded" component is instantiated the host element is owned by
545 * the framework doing the instantiation. The other framework then instantiates and owns the
546 * view for that component.
547 * 1. This implies that the component bindings will always follow the semantics of the
548 * instantiation framework.
549 * 2. The DOM attributes are parsed by the framework that owns the current template. So
550 * attributes in AngularJS templates must use kebab-case, while AngularJS templates must use
551 * camelCase.
552 * 3. However the template binding syntax will always use the Angular style, e.g. square
553 * brackets (`[...]`) for property binding.
554 * 8. Angular is bootstrapped first; AngularJS is bootstrapped second. AngularJS always owns the
555 * root component of the application.
556 * 9. The new application is running in an Angular zone, and therefore it no longer needs calls to
557 * `$apply()`.
558 *
559 * ### The `UpgradeModule` class
560 *
561 * This class is an `NgModule`, which you import to provide AngularJS core services,
562 * and has an instance method used to bootstrap the hybrid upgrade application.
563 *
564 * * Core AngularJS services<br />
565 * Importing this `NgModule` will add providers for the core
566 * [AngularJS services](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service) to the root injector.
567 *
568 * * Bootstrap<br />
569 * The runtime instance of this class contains a {@link UpgradeModule#bootstrap `bootstrap()`}
570 * method, which you use to bootstrap the top level AngularJS module onto an element in the
571 * DOM for the hybrid upgrade app.
572 *
573 * It also contains properties to access the {@link UpgradeModule#injector root injector}, the
574 * bootstrap `NgZone` and the
575 * [AngularJS $injector](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/auto/service/$injector).
576 *
577 * ### Examples
578 *
579 * Import the `UpgradeModule` into your top level {@link NgModule Angular `NgModule`}.
580 *
581 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region='ng2-module'}
582 *
583 * Then inject `UpgradeModule` into your Angular `NgModule` and use it to bootstrap the top level
584 * [AngularJS module](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/angular.Module) in the
585 * `ngDoBootstrap()` method.
586 *
587 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region='bootstrap-ng1'}
588 *
589 * Finally, kick off the whole process, by bootstrapping your top level Angular `NgModule`.
590 *
591 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region='bootstrap-ng2'}
592 *
593 * {@a upgrading-an-angular-1-service}
594 * ### Upgrading an AngularJS service
595 *
596 * There is no specific API for upgrading an AngularJS service. Instead you should just follow the
597 * following recipe:
598 *
599 * Let's say you have an AngularJS service:
600 *
601 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="ng1-text-formatter-service"}
602 *
603 * Then you should define an Angular provider to be included in your `NgModule` `providers`
604 * property.
605 *
606 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="upgrade-ng1-service"}
607 *
608 * Then you can use the "upgraded" AngularJS service by injecting it into an Angular component
609 * or service.
610 *
611 * {@example upgrade/static/ts/full/module.ts region="use-ng1-upgraded-service"}
612 *
613 * @publicApi
614 */
615export declare class UpgradeModule {
616 /** The bootstrap zone for the upgrade application */
617 ngZone: NgZone;
618 /**
619 * The owning `NgModuleRef`s `PlatformRef` instance.
620 * This is used to tie the lifecycle of the bootstrapped AngularJS apps to that of the Angular
621 * `PlatformRef`.
622 */
623 private platformRef;
624 /**
625 * The AngularJS `$injector` for the upgrade application.
626 */
627 $injector: any;
628 /** The Angular Injector **/
629 injector: Injector;
630 constructor(
631 /** The root `Injector` for the upgrade application. */
632 injector: Injector,
633 /** The bootstrap zone for the upgrade application */
634 ngZone: NgZone,
635 /**
636 * The owning `NgModuleRef`s `PlatformRef` instance.
637 * This is used to tie the lifecycle of the bootstrapped AngularJS apps to that of the Angular
638 * `PlatformRef`.
639 */
640 platformRef: PlatformRef);
641 /**
642 * Bootstrap an AngularJS application from this NgModule
643 * @param element the element on which to bootstrap the AngularJS application
644 * @param [modules] the AngularJS modules to bootstrap for this application
645 * @param [config] optional extra AngularJS bootstrap configuration
646 * @return The value returned by
647 * [angular.bootstrap()](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.bootstrap).
648 */
649 bootstrap(element: Element, modules?: string[], config?: any): any;
650 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<UpgradeModule, never>;
651 static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration<UpgradeModule, never, never, never>;
652 static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<UpgradeModule>;
656 * @publicApi
657 */
658export declare const VERSION: Version;
660export { }
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