1.29 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ElementRef, Renderer, ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';
2export declare class MdButton {
3 private _elementRef;
4 private _renderer;
5 private _color;
6 /** Whether the button has focus from the keyboard (not the mouse). Used for class binding. */
7 _isKeyboardFocused: boolean;
8 /** Whether a mousedown has occurred on this element in the last 100ms. */
9 _isMouseDown: boolean;
10 /** Whether the ripple effect on click should be disabled. */
11 disableRipple: boolean;
12 constructor(_elementRef: ElementRef, _renderer: Renderer);
13 color: string;
14 _setMousedown(): void;
15 _updateColor(newColor: string): void;
16 _setElementColor(color: string, isAdd: boolean): void;
17 _setKeyboardFocus(): void;
18 _removeKeyboardFocus(): void;
19 /** TODO(hansl): e2e test this function. */
20 focus(): void;
21 getHostElement(): any;
22 isRoundButton(): any;
23 isRippleEnabled(): boolean;
25export declare class MdAnchor extends MdButton {
26 _disabled: boolean;
27 constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer);
28 readonly tabIndex: number;
29 readonly isAriaDisabled: string;
30 disabled: boolean;
31 _haltDisabledEvents(event: Event): void;
33export declare class MdButtonModule {
34 static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders;