1.74 kBCSSView Raw
1/* Animation Durations */
2/** Component sizing */
3:host {
4 display: block;
5 /** Height and width are provided for md-progress-circle to act as a default.
6 The height and width are expected to be overwritten by application css. */
7 height: 100px;
8 width: 100px;
9 /** SVG's viewBox is defined as 0 0 100 100, this means that all SVG children will placed
10 based on a 100px by 100px box. Additionally all SVG sizes and locations are in reference to
11 this viewBox.
12 */ }
13 :host svg {
14 height: 100%;
15 width: 100%;
16 transform-origin: center; }
17 :host path {
18 fill: transparent;
19 stroke: #00897b;
20 /** Stroke width of 10px defines stroke as 10% of the viewBox */
21 stroke-width: 10px; }
22 :host[color='accent'] path {
23 stroke: #8e24aa; }
24 :host[color='warn'] path {
25 stroke: #e53935; }
26 :host[mode='indeterminate'] {
27 animation-duration: 5250ms, 2887.5ms;
28 animation-name: md-progress-circle-sporadic-rotate, md-progress-circle-linear-rotate;
29 animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1), linear;
30 animation-iteration-count: infinite;
31 transition: none; }
33/** Animations for indeterminate mode */
34@keyframes md-progress-circle-linear-rotate {
35 0% {
36 transform: rotate(0deg); }
37 100% {
38 transform: rotate(360deg); } }
40@keyframes md-progress-circle-sporadic-rotate {
41 12.5% {
42 transform: rotate(135deg); }
43 25% {
44 transform: rotate(270deg); }
45 37.5% {
46 transform: rotate(405deg); }
47 50% {
48 transform: rotate(540deg); }
49 62.5% {
50 transform: rotate(675deg); }
51 75% {
52 transform: rotate(810deg); }
53 87.5% {
54 transform: rotate(945deg); }
55 100% {
56 transform: rotate(1080deg); } }
58/*# sourceMappingURL=progress-circle.css.map */