1 | <p align="center">
2 | <a href="https://github.com/PatrickJS/angular-hmr" target="_blank">
3 | <img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1016365/26220655/77e69902-3be1-11e7-8305-87471affe598.png" alt="Angular HMR" width="500" height="320"/>
4 | </a>
5 | </p>
6 |
7 |
8 | # Angular Hot Module Replacement
9 | > Angular-HMR
10 | Hot Module Reloading for Webpack and Angular. All versions of Angular and Webpack will work with this module
11 |
12 | `npm install @angularclass/hmr`
13 |
14 | ![hmr-state-dom](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1016365/18380378/e573320e-762b-11e6-99e0-cc110ffacc6a.gif)
15 |
16 | `main.browser.ts`
17 | ```typescript
18 | import { removeNgStyles, createNewHosts, bootloader } from '@angularclass/hmr';
19 |
20 | @NgModule({
21 | bootstrap: [ App ],
22 | declarations: [ App ],
23 | imports: [
24 | // Angular 2
25 | BrowserModule,
26 | FormsModule,
27 | HttpModule,
28 | RouterModule.forRoot([], {
29 | useHash: true
30 | }),
31 | // app
32 | appModule
33 | // vendors
34 | ],
35 | providers: []
36 | })
37 | class MainModule {
38 | constructor(public appRef: ApplicationRef) {}
39 | hmrOnInit(store) {
40 | if (!store || !store.state) return;
41 | console.log('HMR store', store);
42 | console.log('store.state.data:', store.state.data)
43 | // inject AppStore here and update it
44 | // this.AppStore.update(store.state)
45 | if ('restoreInputValues' in store) {
46 | store.restoreInputValues();
47 | }
48 | // change detection
49 | this.appRef.tick();
50 | delete store.state;
51 | delete store.restoreInputValues;
52 | }
53 | hmrOnDestroy(store) {
54 | var cmpLocation = this.appRef.components.map(cmp => cmp.location.nativeElement);
55 | // recreate elements
56 | store.disposeOldHosts = createNewHosts(cmpLocation)
57 | // inject your AppStore and grab state then set it on store
58 | // var appState = this.AppStore.get()
59 | store.state = {data: 'yolo'};
60 | // store.state = Object.assign({}, appState)
61 | // save input values
62 | store.restoreInputValues = createInputTransfer();
63 | // remove styles
64 | removeNgStyles();
65 | }
66 | hmrAfterDestroy(store) {
67 | // display new elements
68 | store.disposeOldHosts()
69 | delete store.disposeOldHosts;
70 | // anything you need done the component is removed
71 | }
72 | }
73 |
74 | export function main() {
75 | return platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(MainModule)
76 | // use `hmrModule` or the "@angularclass/hmr-loader"
77 | .then((ngModuleRef: any) => {
78 | // `module` global ref for webpackhmr
79 | // Don't run this in Prod
80 | return hmrModule(ngModuleRef, module);
81 | });
82 | }
83 |
84 | // boot on document ready
85 | bootloader(main);
86 |
87 | ```
88 | `bootloader` is only needed to detect that the dom is ready before bootstraping otherwise bootstrap. This is needed because that dom is already ready during reloading.
89 |
90 | ## Important Helpers
91 | * **removeNgStyles**: remove angular styles
92 | * **createNewHosts and disposeOldHosts**: recreate root elements for bootstrapping
93 | * **bootloader**: boot on document ready or boot if it's already ready
94 | * **createInputTransfer** and **restoreInputValues**: transfer input DOM state during replacement
95 |
96 | ## Production
97 | In production you only need bootloader which just does this:
98 | ```typescript
99 | export function bootloader(main) {
100 | if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
101 | main()
102 | } else {
103 | document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main);
104 | }
105 | }
106 | ```
107 | You would bootstrap your app the normal way, in production, after dom is ready. Also, in production, you should remove the loader:
108 |
109 | ___
110 |
111 | ## @NGRX/platform (NGRX 4.x.x)
112 | To hook into NGRX 4 you simply need to supply a reducer to set the state, and include it in your development metaReducers.
113 | ```typescript
114 | // make sure you export for AoT
115 | export function stateSetter(reducer: ActionReducer<any>): ActionReducer<any> {
116 | return function(state: any, action: any) {
117 | if (action.type === 'SET_ROOT_STATE') {
118 | return action.payload;
119 | }
120 | return reducer(state, action);
121 | };
122 | }
123 | ```
124 | In your root reducer you can do something like this to include it in your `metaReducers`.
125 | You should access your environment here and only include this in development.
126 | ```typescript
127 | /**
128 | * By default, @ngrx/store uses combineReducers with the reducer map to compose
129 | * the root meta-reducer. To add more meta-reducers, provide an array of meta-reducers
130 | * that will be composed to form the root meta-reducer.
131 | */
132 | export const metaReducers: ActionReducer<any, any>[] = [stateSetter]
133 | ```
134 | Simply supply the metaReducer to the `StoreModule` and your hmr is hooked in.
135 | ```typescript
136 | StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers }),
137 | ```
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 | enjoy — **PatrickJS**