10.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5const core = require('./core-96a5dc61.js');
7const keys = ['inputs', 'outputs', 'props', 'events', 'methods'];
8const Api = class {
9 constructor(hostRef) {
10 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
11 }
12 hasApi() {
13 if (!this.doc) {
14 return false;
15 }
16 for (const k of keys) {
17 if (this.doc[k] && this.doc[k].length > 0) {
18 return true;
19 }
20 }
21 }
22 angular() {
23 return [
24 this.doc.inputs ? this.doc.inputs.map(i => core.h("ad-input-def", { input: i })) : undefined,
25 this.doc.outputs ? this.doc.outputs.map(i => core.h("ad-output-def", { output: i })) : undefined,
26 this.doc.props ? this.doc.props.map(i => core.h("ad-prop-def", { prop: i })) : undefined
27 ];
28 }
29 stencil() {
30 return [
31 this.doc.props ? this.doc.props.map(i => core.h("ad-prop-def", { prop: i })) : undefined,
32 this.doc.events ? this.doc.events.map(i => core.h("ad-event-def", { event: i })) : undefined,
33 ];
34 }
35 render() {
36 if (!this.hasApi()) {
37 return undefined;
38 }
39 const isAngular = !this.doc.tag;
40 return (core.h("article", { id: "api", class: "api" }, core.h("h2", null, "API"), isAngular ? this.angular() : this.stencil(), this.doc.methods ? this.doc.methods.map(i => core.h("ad-method-def", { method: i })) : undefined));
41 }
42 static get style() { return ".sc-ad-api-h{display:block;font-size:.875rem;font-family:var(--anj-font-family);font-weight:400;line-height:1.5;outline:none}.sc-ad-api-h, .sc-ad-api-h:after, .sc-ad-api-h:before{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;outline:none}.sc-ad-api-h:active, .sc-ad-api-h .sc-ad-api:active, .sc-ad-api-h:focus, .sc-ad-api-h .sc-ad-api:focus{outline:none}.sc-ad-api-h .api.sc-ad-api{border-bottom:1px solid var(--anj-border);margin-bottom:3rem;padding-bottom:3rem}.sc-ad-api-h .api.sc-ad-api h2.sc-ad-api{margin-bottom:1.5rem}"; }
45const ApiName = class {
46 constructor(hostRef) {
47 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
48 }
49 static get style() { return "ad-api-name{display:inline;font-size:.875rem;font-family:var(--anj-font-family);font-weight:400;line-height:1.5;outline:none}ad-api-name,ad-api-name:after,ad-api-name:before{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;outline:none}ad-api-name:active,ad-api-name :active,ad-api-name:focus,ad-api-name :focus{outline:none}ad-api-name:after{color:var(--anj-secondary-dark);content:\":\";margin-right:.5rem}"; }
52const ArgDef = class {
53 constructor(hostRef) {
54 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
55 }
56 render() {
57 return [
58 core.h("ad-api-name", null, this.arg.name),
59 core.h("ad-type-def", null, this.arg.type)
60 ];
61 }
62 static get style() { return "ad-arg-def{display:inline;font-size:.875rem;font-family:var(--anj-font-family);font-weight:400;line-height:1.5;outline:none}ad-arg-def,ad-arg-def:after,ad-arg-def:before{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;outline:none}ad-arg-def:active,ad-arg-def :active,ad-arg-def:focus,ad-arg-def :focus{outline:none}ad-arg-def:after{color:var(--anj-secondary-dark);content:\",\";margin-right:.5rem}ad-arg-def:last-child:after{content:none;margin-right:0}"; }
65const Decorator = class {
66 constructor(hostRef) {
67 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
68 }
69 static get style() { return "ad-decorator{color:var(--anj-secondary-dark)}.api.ng ad-method-def ad-decorator,.api.ng ad-prop-def ad-decorator{display:none}"; }
72const EventDef = class {
73 constructor(hostRef) {
74 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
75 }
76 render() {
77 return [
78 core.h("h4", null, core.h("ad-decorator", null, "@Event"), "\u00A0", core.h("ad-api-name", null, this.event.event), core.h("ad-type-def", null, "<", this.event.detail, ">")),
79 core.h("p", null, this.event.docs)
80 ];
81 }
82 static get style() { return "ad-event-def,ad-input-def,ad-method-def,ad-output-def,ad-prop-def{display:block;margin-bottom:1.5rem}ad-event-def h4,ad-input-def h4,ad-method-def h4,ad-output-def h4,ad-prop-def h4{color:var(--anj-dark);font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;margin:0 0 .5rem;padding:0}"; }
85const InputDef = class {
86 constructor(hostRef) {
87 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
88 }
89 render() {
90 return [
91 core.h("h4", null, core.h("ad-decorator", null, "@Input\u00A0"), core.h("ad-api-name", null, this.input.name), core.h("ad-type-def", null, this.input.type)),
92 core.h("p", null, this.input.docs)
93 ];
94 }
95 static get style() { return "ad-event-def,ad-input-def,ad-method-def,ad-output-def,ad-prop-def{display:block;margin-bottom:1.5rem}ad-event-def h4,ad-input-def h4,ad-method-def h4,ad-output-def h4,ad-prop-def h4{color:var(--anj-dark);font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;margin:0 0 .5rem;padding:0}"; }
98const MethodDef = class {
99 constructor(hostRef) {
100 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
101 }
102 nameless(name) {
103 return `(${name.split('(')[1]}`;
104 }
105 render() {
106 return [
107 core.h("h4", null, core.h("ad-decorator", null, "@Method\u00A0"), core.h("ad-api-name", null, this.method.name), core.h("ad-type-def", null, this.nameless(this.method.signature))),
108 core.h("p", null, this.method.docs)
109 ];
110 }
111 static get style() { return "ad-event-def,ad-input-def,ad-method-def,ad-output-def,ad-prop-def{display:block;margin-bottom:1.5rem}ad-event-def h4,ad-input-def h4,ad-method-def h4,ad-output-def h4,ad-prop-def h4{color:var(--anj-dark);font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;margin:0 0 .5rem;padding:0}"; }
114const OutputDef = class {
115 constructor(hostRef) {
116 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
117 }
118 render() {
119 return [
120 core.h("h4", null, core.h("ad-decorator", null, "@Output\u00A0"), core.h("ad-api-name", null, this.output.name), core.h("ad-type-def", null, this.output.type)),
121 core.h("p", null, this.output.docs)
122 ];
123 }
124 static get style() { return "ad-event-def,ad-input-def,ad-method-def,ad-output-def,ad-prop-def{display:block;margin-bottom:1.5rem}ad-event-def h4,ad-input-def h4,ad-method-def h4,ad-output-def h4,ad-prop-def h4{color:var(--anj-dark);font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;margin:0 0 .5rem;padding:0}"; }
127const PropDef = class {
128 constructor(hostRef) {
129 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
130 }
131 render() {
132 return [
133 core.h("h4", null, core.h("ad-decorator", null, "@Prop\u00A0"), core.h("ad-api-name", null, this.prop.name), core.h("ad-type-def", null, this.prop.type)),
134 core.h("p", null, this.prop.docs)
135 ];
136 }
137 static get style() { return "ad-event-def,ad-input-def,ad-method-def,ad-output-def,ad-prop-def{display:block;margin-bottom:1.5rem}ad-event-def h4,ad-input-def h4,ad-method-def h4,ad-output-def h4,ad-prop-def h4{color:var(--anj-dark);font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;margin:0 0 .5rem;padding:0}"; }
140const RealTime = class {
141 constructor(hostRef) {
142 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
143 }
144 static get style() { return "ad-real-time{border:1px dashed var(--anj-border);border-radius:.25rem;display:block;margin-top:1.5rem;overflow-x:auto;padding:1rem;width:100%}"; }
147const Toc = class {
148 constructor(hostRef) {
149 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
150 this.activeId = '#overview';
151 /**
152 * The object map of usa cases to their markdown
153 */
154 this.docs = {};
155 /**
156 * The object map of usa cases to their markdown
157 */
158 this.keys = [];
159 }
160 onDemosChange() {
161 this.sectionIds = ['#overview'].concat(this.keys.map(d => `#${d}`)).concat('#api');
162 }
163 connectedCallback() {
164 this.navigate = debounce(this.navigate.bind(this), 100);
165 this.onScroll = debounce(this.onScroll.bind(this), 25);
166 this.onDemosChange();
167 if (window.location.hash) {
168 this.navigate();
169 }
170 }
171 onScroll() {
172 const els = this.sectionIds.map(id => document.querySelector(id));
173 let closest = els[0];
174 els.slice(1).forEach(el => {
175 if (el && Math.abs(window.scrollY - el.offsetTop) < Math.abs(window.scrollY - closest.offsetTop)) {
176 closest = el;
177 }
178 });
179 this.activeId = `#${closest.getAttribute('id')}`;
180 }
181 parseTitle(id) {
182 const usage = id.replace('#', '');
183 const doc = this.docs[usage];
184 return doc ? doc.split(/##(.*?)\n/).find(p => p !== '').trim() : usage;
185 }
186 anchorClass(usage) {
187 return usage === this.activeId ? 'anj-active' : '';
188 }
189 navigate() {
190 return new Promise(resolve => {
191 window.setTimeout(() => {
192 this.activeId = window.location.hash;
193 const el = document.querySelector(this.activeId);
194 if (el) {
195 window.scrollTo(0, el.offsetTop);
196 }
197 resolve();
198 }, 500);
199 });
200 }
201 render() {
202 if (!this.sectionIds) {
203 return;
204 }
205 const path = window.location.pathname;
206 return (core.h("div", { class: "anj-toc" }, this.sectionIds.map(id => core.h("a", { href: `${path}${id}`, onClick: () => this.activeId = id, class: this.anchorClass(id) }, this.parseTitle(id)))));
207 }
208 static get watchers() { return {
209 "keys": ["onDemosChange"]
210 }; }
211 static get style() { return "ad-toc{display:block;position:relative}ad-toc .anj-toc{padding:1rem 0;position:fixed;top:3rem}ad-toc a{display:block;font-size:.75rem;margin-bottom:.5rem;text-transform:capitalize;-webkit-transition:color .2s ease;transition:color .2s ease}ad-toc a:focus{text-decoration:underline}ad-toc a:active{text-decoration:none}ad-toc a.anj-active,ad-toc a.anj-active:focus,ad-toc a.anj-active:hover{color:var(--anj-primary);text-decoration:none}"; }
213const debounce = (func, wait = 0) => {
214 let timer;
215 return (...args) => {
216 clearTimeout(timer);
217 timer = setTimeout(func, wait, ...args);
218 };
221const TypeDef = class {
222 constructor(hostRef) {
223 core.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
224 }
225 static get style() { return "ad-type-def{color:var(--anj-neutral-dark);font-size:.75rem}"; }
228exports.ad_api = Api;
229exports.ad_api_name = ApiName;
230exports.ad_arg_def = ArgDef;
231exports.ad_decorator = Decorator;
232exports.ad_event_def = EventDef;
233exports.ad_input_def = InputDef;
234exports.ad_method_def = MethodDef;
235exports.ad_output_def = OutputDef;
236exports.ad_prop_def = PropDef;
237exports.ad_real_time = RealTime;
238exports.ad_toc = Toc;
239exports.ad_type_def = TypeDef;