13.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var __spreadArrays = (this && this.__spreadArrays) || function () {
2 for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
3 for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
4 for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
5 r[k] = a[j];
6 return r;
8import { r as registerInstance, h } from './core-bb3ac537.js';
9var keys = ['inputs', 'outputs', 'props', 'events', 'methods'];
10var Api = /** @class */ (function () {
11 function Api(hostRef) {
12 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
13 }
14 Api.prototype.hasApi = function () {
15 if (!this.doc) {
16 return false;
17 }
18 for (var _i = 0, keys_1 = keys; _i < keys_1.length; _i++) {
19 var k = keys_1[_i];
20 if (this.doc[k] && this.doc[k].length > 0) {
21 return true;
22 }
23 }
24 };
25 Api.prototype.angular = function () {
26 return [
27 this.doc.inputs ? this.doc.inputs.map(function (i) { return h("ad-input-def", { input: i }); }) : undefined,
28 this.doc.outputs ? this.doc.outputs.map(function (i) { return h("ad-output-def", { output: i }); }) : undefined,
29 this.doc.props ? this.doc.props.map(function (i) { return h("ad-prop-def", { prop: i }); }) : undefined
30 ];
31 };
32 Api.prototype.stencil = function () {
33 return [
34 this.doc.props ? this.doc.props.map(function (i) { return h("ad-prop-def", { prop: i }); }) : undefined,
35 this.doc.events ? this.doc.events.map(function (i) { return h("ad-event-def", { event: i }); }) : undefined,
36 ];
37 };
38 Api.prototype.render = function () {
39 if (!this.hasApi()) {
40 return undefined;
41 }
42 var isAngular = !this.doc.tag;
43 return (h("article", { id: "api", class: "api" }, h("h2", null, "API"), isAngular ? this.angular() : this.stencil(), this.doc.methods ? this.doc.methods.map(function (i) { return h("ad-method-def", { method: i }); }) : undefined));
44 };
45 Object.defineProperty(Api, "style", {
46 get: function () { return ".sc-ad-api-h{display:block;font-size:.875rem;font-family:var(--anj-font-family);font-weight:400;line-height:1.5;outline:none}.sc-ad-api-h, .sc-ad-api-h:after, .sc-ad-api-h:before{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;outline:none}.sc-ad-api-h:active, .sc-ad-api-h .sc-ad-api:active, .sc-ad-api-h:focus, .sc-ad-api-h .sc-ad-api:focus{outline:none}.sc-ad-api-h .api.sc-ad-api{border-bottom:1px solid var(--anj-border);margin-bottom:3rem;padding-bottom:3rem}.sc-ad-api-h .api.sc-ad-api h2.sc-ad-api{margin-bottom:1.5rem}"; },
47 enumerable: true,
48 configurable: true
49 });
50 return Api;
52var ApiName = /** @class */ (function () {
53 function ApiName(hostRef) {
54 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
55 }
56 Object.defineProperty(ApiName, "style", {
57 get: function () { return "ad-api-name{display:inline;font-size:.875rem;font-family:var(--anj-font-family);font-weight:400;line-height:1.5;outline:none}ad-api-name,ad-api-name:after,ad-api-name:before{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;outline:none}ad-api-name:active,ad-api-name :active,ad-api-name:focus,ad-api-name :focus{outline:none}ad-api-name:after{color:var(--anj-secondary-dark);content:\":\";margin-right:.5rem}"; },
58 enumerable: true,
59 configurable: true
60 });
61 return ApiName;
63var ArgDef = /** @class */ (function () {
64 function ArgDef(hostRef) {
65 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
66 }
67 ArgDef.prototype.render = function () {
68 return [
69 h("ad-api-name", null, this.arg.name),
70 h("ad-type-def", null, this.arg.type)
71 ];
72 };
73 Object.defineProperty(ArgDef, "style", {
74 get: function () { return "ad-arg-def{display:inline;font-size:.875rem;font-family:var(--anj-font-family);font-weight:400;line-height:1.5;outline:none}ad-arg-def,ad-arg-def:after,ad-arg-def:before{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;outline:none}ad-arg-def:active,ad-arg-def :active,ad-arg-def:focus,ad-arg-def :focus{outline:none}ad-arg-def:after{color:var(--anj-secondary-dark);content:\",\";margin-right:.5rem}ad-arg-def:last-child:after{content:none;margin-right:0}"; },
75 enumerable: true,
76 configurable: true
77 });
78 return ArgDef;
80var Decorator = /** @class */ (function () {
81 function Decorator(hostRef) {
82 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
83 }
84 Object.defineProperty(Decorator, "style", {
85 get: function () { return "ad-decorator{color:var(--anj-secondary-dark)}.api.ng ad-method-def ad-decorator,.api.ng ad-prop-def ad-decorator{display:none}"; },
86 enumerable: true,
87 configurable: true
88 });
89 return Decorator;
91var EventDef = /** @class */ (function () {
92 function EventDef(hostRef) {
93 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
94 }
95 EventDef.prototype.render = function () {
96 return [
97 h("h4", null, h("ad-decorator", null, "@Event"), "\u00A0", h("ad-api-name", null, this.event.event), h("ad-type-def", null, "<", this.event.detail, ">")),
98 h("p", null, this.event.docs)
99 ];
100 };
101 Object.defineProperty(EventDef, "style", {
102 get: function () { return "ad-event-def,ad-input-def,ad-method-def,ad-output-def,ad-prop-def{display:block;margin-bottom:1.5rem}ad-event-def h4,ad-input-def h4,ad-method-def h4,ad-output-def h4,ad-prop-def h4{color:var(--anj-dark);font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;margin:0 0 .5rem;padding:0}"; },
103 enumerable: true,
104 configurable: true
105 });
106 return EventDef;
108var InputDef = /** @class */ (function () {
109 function InputDef(hostRef) {
110 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
111 }
112 InputDef.prototype.render = function () {
113 return [
114 h("h4", null, h("ad-decorator", null, "@Input\u00A0"), h("ad-api-name", null, this.input.name), h("ad-type-def", null, this.input.type)),
115 h("p", null, this.input.docs)
116 ];
117 };
118 Object.defineProperty(InputDef, "style", {
119 get: function () { return "ad-event-def,ad-input-def,ad-method-def,ad-output-def,ad-prop-def{display:block;margin-bottom:1.5rem}ad-event-def h4,ad-input-def h4,ad-method-def h4,ad-output-def h4,ad-prop-def h4{color:var(--anj-dark);font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;margin:0 0 .5rem;padding:0}"; },
120 enumerable: true,
121 configurable: true
122 });
123 return InputDef;
125var MethodDef = /** @class */ (function () {
126 function MethodDef(hostRef) {
127 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
128 }
129 MethodDef.prototype.nameless = function (name) {
130 return "(" + name.split('(')[1];
131 };
132 MethodDef.prototype.render = function () {
133 return [
134 h("h4", null, h("ad-decorator", null, "@Method\u00A0"), h("ad-api-name", null, this.method.name), h("ad-type-def", null, this.nameless(this.method.signature))),
135 h("p", null, this.method.docs)
136 ];
137 };
138 Object.defineProperty(MethodDef, "style", {
139 get: function () { return "ad-event-def,ad-input-def,ad-method-def,ad-output-def,ad-prop-def{display:block;margin-bottom:1.5rem}ad-event-def h4,ad-input-def h4,ad-method-def h4,ad-output-def h4,ad-prop-def h4{color:var(--anj-dark);font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;margin:0 0 .5rem;padding:0}"; },
140 enumerable: true,
141 configurable: true
142 });
143 return MethodDef;
145var OutputDef = /** @class */ (function () {
146 function OutputDef(hostRef) {
147 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
148 }
149 OutputDef.prototype.render = function () {
150 return [
151 h("h4", null, h("ad-decorator", null, "@Output\u00A0"), h("ad-api-name", null, this.output.name), h("ad-type-def", null, this.output.type)),
152 h("p", null, this.output.docs)
153 ];
154 };
155 Object.defineProperty(OutputDef, "style", {
156 get: function () { return "ad-event-def,ad-input-def,ad-method-def,ad-output-def,ad-prop-def{display:block;margin-bottom:1.5rem}ad-event-def h4,ad-input-def h4,ad-method-def h4,ad-output-def h4,ad-prop-def h4{color:var(--anj-dark);font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;margin:0 0 .5rem;padding:0}"; },
157 enumerable: true,
158 configurable: true
159 });
160 return OutputDef;
162var PropDef = /** @class */ (function () {
163 function PropDef(hostRef) {
164 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
165 }
166 PropDef.prototype.render = function () {
167 return [
168 h("h4", null, h("ad-decorator", null, "@Prop\u00A0"), h("ad-api-name", null, this.prop.name), h("ad-type-def", null, this.prop.type)),
169 h("p", null, this.prop.docs)
170 ];
171 };
172 Object.defineProperty(PropDef, "style", {
173 get: function () { return "ad-event-def,ad-input-def,ad-method-def,ad-output-def,ad-prop-def{display:block;margin-bottom:1.5rem}ad-event-def h4,ad-input-def h4,ad-method-def h4,ad-output-def h4,ad-prop-def h4{color:var(--anj-dark);font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;margin:0 0 .5rem;padding:0}"; },
174 enumerable: true,
175 configurable: true
176 });
177 return PropDef;
179var RealTime = /** @class */ (function () {
180 function RealTime(hostRef) {
181 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
182 }
183 Object.defineProperty(RealTime, "style", {
184 get: function () { return "ad-real-time{border:1px dashed var(--anj-border);border-radius:.25rem;display:block;margin-top:1.5rem;overflow-x:auto;padding:1rem;width:100%}"; },
185 enumerable: true,
186 configurable: true
187 });
188 return RealTime;
190var Toc = /** @class */ (function () {
191 function Toc(hostRef) {
192 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
193 this.activeId = '#overview';
194 /**
195 * The object map of usa cases to their markdown
196 */
197 this.docs = {};
198 /**
199 * The object map of usa cases to their markdown
200 */
201 this.keys = [];
202 }
203 Toc.prototype.onDemosChange = function () {
204 this.sectionIds = ['#overview'].concat(this.keys.map(function (d) { return "#" + d; })).concat('#api');
205 };
206 Toc.prototype.connectedCallback = function () {
207 this.navigate = debounce(this.navigate.bind(this), 100);
208 this.onScroll = debounce(this.onScroll.bind(this), 25);
209 this.onDemosChange();
210 if (window.location.hash) {
211 this.navigate();
212 }
213 };
214 Toc.prototype.onScroll = function () {
215 var els = this.sectionIds.map(function (id) { return document.querySelector(id); });
216 var closest = els[0];
217 els.slice(1).forEach(function (el) {
218 if (el && Math.abs(window.scrollY - el.offsetTop) < Math.abs(window.scrollY - closest.offsetTop)) {
219 closest = el;
220 }
221 });
222 this.activeId = "#" + closest.getAttribute('id');
223 };
224 Toc.prototype.parseTitle = function (id) {
225 var usage = id.replace('#', '');
226 var doc = this.docs[usage];
227 return doc ? doc.split(/##(.*?)\n/).find(function (p) { return p !== ''; }).trim() : usage;
228 };
229 Toc.prototype.anchorClass = function (usage) {
230 return usage === this.activeId ? 'anj-active' : '';
231 };
232 Toc.prototype.navigate = function () {
233 var _this = this;
234 return new Promise(function (resolve) {
235 window.setTimeout(function () {
236 _this.activeId = window.location.hash;
237 var el = document.querySelector(_this.activeId);
238 if (el) {
239 window.scrollTo(0, el.offsetTop);
240 }
241 resolve();
242 }, 500);
243 });
244 };
245 Toc.prototype.render = function () {
246 var _this = this;
247 if (!this.sectionIds) {
248 return;
249 }
250 var path = window.location.pathname;
251 return (h("div", { class: "anj-toc" }, this.sectionIds.map(function (id) { return h("a", { href: "" + path + id, onClick: function () { return _this.activeId = id; }, class: _this.anchorClass(id) }, _this.parseTitle(id)); })));
252 };
253 Object.defineProperty(Toc, "watchers", {
254 get: function () {
255 return {
256 "keys": ["onDemosChange"]
257 };
258 },
259 enumerable: true,
260 configurable: true
261 });
262 Object.defineProperty(Toc, "style", {
263 get: function () { return "ad-toc{display:block;position:relative}ad-toc .anj-toc{padding:1rem 0;position:fixed;top:3rem}ad-toc a{display:block;font-size:.75rem;margin-bottom:.5rem;text-transform:capitalize;-webkit-transition:color .2s ease;transition:color .2s ease}ad-toc a:focus{text-decoration:underline}ad-toc a:active{text-decoration:none}ad-toc a.anj-active,ad-toc a.anj-active:focus,ad-toc a.anj-active:hover{color:var(--anj-primary);text-decoration:none}"; },
264 enumerable: true,
265 configurable: true
266 });
267 return Toc;
269var debounce = function (func, wait) {
270 if (wait === void 0) { wait = 0; }
271 var timer;
272 return function () {
273 var args = [];
274 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
275 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
276 }
277 clearTimeout(timer);
278 timer = setTimeout.apply(void 0, __spreadArrays([func, wait], args));
279 };
281var TypeDef = /** @class */ (function () {
282 function TypeDef(hostRef) {
283 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
284 }
285 Object.defineProperty(TypeDef, "style", {
286 get: function () { return "ad-type-def{color:var(--anj-neutral-dark);font-size:.75rem}"; },
287 enumerable: true,
288 configurable: true
289 });
290 return TypeDef;
292export { Api as ad_api, ApiName as ad_api_name, ArgDef as ad_arg_def, Decorator as ad_decorator, EventDef as ad_event_def, InputDef as ad_input_def, MethodDef as ad_method_def, OutputDef as ad_output_def, PropDef as ad_prop_def, RealTime as ad_real_time, Toc as ad_toc, TypeDef as ad_type_def };