1 | <h1 align="center">
2 | <b>@antv/coord</b>
3 | </h1>
4 | <div align="center">
5 |
6 | Toolkit for mapping elements of sets into geometric objects. ([demo](https://observablehq.com/@pearmini/antv-coord))
7 |
8 | 
9 |
10 | [](https://github.com/antvis/coord/actions)
11 | [](https://coveralls.io/github/antvis/coord?branch=master)
12 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@antv/coord)
13 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@antv/coord)
14 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@antv/coord)
15 |
16 | </div>
17 |
18 | ## ✨ Features
19 |
20 | - **Powerful**: Not only does @antv/coord provide some basic affine transformations(translate, rotate, scale, etc.), it also provide some advanced coordinate system transformations(polar, helix, parallel) and cool fisheye transformations.
21 | - **Fixable**: It is a independent lib which means you can use it with other libs besides [G2](https://github.com/antvis/g2/), such as [D3](https://github.com/d3/d3) to create some awesome charts and animations.
22 | - **Fully embrace TypeScript**: All code are written in TypeScript and complete type definition files are provided.
23 |
24 | 
25 |
26 | ## 📦 Installation
27 |
28 | ```bash
29 | $ npm install @antv/coord
30 | ```
31 |
32 | ## 🔨 Getting Started
33 |
34 | ```ts
35 | import { Coordinate, Options } from '@antv/coord';
36 |
37 | const optons: Options = {
38 | x: 0,
39 | y: 0,
40 | width: 500,
41 | height: 500,
42 | transformations: [['cartesian']]
43 | };
44 |
45 | const coord = new Coordinate(options);
46 | coord.transform('translate', 10, 10);
47 | coord.map([0.5, 0.5]); // [260, 260]
48 | coord.getSize(); // [500, 500]
49 | coord.getCenter(); // [250, 250]
50 | ```
51 |
52 | ## 📎 Links
53 |
54 | - [Online Demo](https://observablehq.com/@pearmini/antv-coord)
55 | - [API Reference](./docs/api/README.md)
56 |
57 | ## 📮 Contribution
58 |
59 | ```bash
60 | $ git clone git@github.com:antvis/coord.git
61 |
62 | $ cd coord
63 |
64 | $ npm i
65 |
66 | $ npm t
67 | ```
68 |
69 | Then send a pull request after coding.
70 |
71 | ## 📄 License
72 |
73 | MIT@[AntV](https://github.com/antvis).