1 | (function (global, factory) {
2 | typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
3 | typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
4 | (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.F2 = {}));
5 | }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
6 |
7 | |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 | var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
24 | extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
25 | ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
26 | function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
27 | return extendStatics(d, b);
28 | };
29 |
30 | function __extends(d, b) {
31 | if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
32 | throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
33 | extendStatics(d, b);
34 | function __() { this.constructor = d; }
35 | d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
36 | }
37 |
38 | var __assign = function() {
39 | __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
40 | for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
41 | s = arguments[i];
42 | for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
43 | }
44 | return t;
45 | };
46 | return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
47 | };
48 |
49 | function __rest(s, e) {
50 | var t = {};
51 | for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
52 | t[p] = s[p];
53 | if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
54 | for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
55 | if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
56 | t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
57 | }
58 | return t;
59 | }
60 |
61 | function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
62 | function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
63 | return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
64 | function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
65 | function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
66 | function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
67 | step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
68 | });
69 | }
70 |
71 | function __generator(thisArg, body) {
72 | var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g = Object.create((typeof Iterator === "function" ? Iterator : Object).prototype);
73 | return g.next = verb(0), g["throw"] = verb(1), g["return"] = verb(2), typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
74 | function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
75 | function step(op) {
76 | if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
77 | while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try {
78 | if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;
79 | if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
80 | switch (op[0]) {
81 | case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
82 | case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
83 | case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
84 | case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
85 | default:
86 | if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
87 | if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
88 | if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
89 | if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
90 | if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
91 | _.trys.pop(); continue;
92 | }
93 | op = body.call(thisArg, _);
94 | } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
95 | if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
96 | }
97 | }
98 |
99 | function __values(o) {
100 | var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
101 | if (m) return m.call(o);
102 | if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
103 | next: function () {
104 | if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
105 | return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
106 | }
107 | };
108 | throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
109 | }
110 |
111 | function __read(o, n) {
112 | var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
113 | if (!m) return o;
114 | var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;
115 | try {
116 | while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);
117 | }
118 | catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
119 | finally {
120 | try {
121 | if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
122 | }
123 | finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
124 | }
125 | return ar;
126 | }
127 |
128 | function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
129 | if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
130 | if (ar || !(i in from)) {
131 | if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);
132 | ar[i] = from[i];
133 | }
134 | }
135 | return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
136 | }
137 |
138 | var _SuppressedError = typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) {
139 | var e = new Error(message);
140 | return e.name = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e;
141 | };
142 |
143 | var isArrayLike = function (value) {
144 | |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 | return value !== null && typeof value !== 'function' && isFinite(value.length);
151 | };
152 |
153 | var filter = function (arr, func) {
154 | if (!isArrayLike(arr)) {
155 | return arr;
156 | }
157 | var result = [];
158 | for (var index = 0; index < arr.length; index++) {
159 | var value = arr[index];
160 | if (func(value, index)) {
161 | result.push(value);
162 | }
163 | }
164 | return result;
165 | };
166 |
167 | |
168 |
169 |
170 | var isFunction = (function (value) {
171 | return typeof value === 'function';
172 | });
173 |
174 |
175 | var isNil = function (value) {
176 | |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 | return value === null || value === undefined;
181 | };
182 |
183 | var toString = {}.toString;
184 | var isType = function (value, type) { return toString.call(value) === '[object ' + type + ']'; };
185 |
186 | var isArray = (function (value) {
187 | return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(value) : isType(value, 'Array');
188 | });
189 |
190 | var isObject = (function (value) {
191 | |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 | var type = typeof value;
198 | return (value !== null && type === 'object') || type === 'function';
199 | });
200 |
201 | function each(elements, func) {
202 | if (!elements) {
203 | return;
204 | }
205 | var rst;
206 | if (isArray(elements)) {
207 | for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {
208 | rst = func(elements[i], i);
209 | if (rst === false) {
210 | break;
211 | }
212 | }
213 | }
214 | else if (isObject(elements)) {
215 | for (var k in elements) {
216 | if (elements.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
217 | rst = func(elements[k], k);
218 | if (rst === false) {
219 | break;
220 | }
221 | }
222 | }
223 | }
224 | }
225 |
226 | var keys = Object.keys
227 | ? function (obj) { return Object.keys(obj); }
228 | : function (obj) {
229 | var result = [];
230 | each(obj, function (value, key) {
231 | if (!(isFunction(obj) && key === 'prototype')) {
232 | result.push(key);
233 | }
234 | });
235 | return result;
236 | };
237 |
238 | function isMatch(obj, attrs) {
239 | var _keys = keys(attrs);
240 | var length = _keys.length;
241 | if (isNil(obj))
242 | return !length;
243 | for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
244 | var key = _keys[i];
245 | if (attrs[key] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) {
246 | return false;
247 | }
248 | }
249 | return true;
250 | }
251 |
252 | var isObjectLike = function (value) {
253 | |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 | return typeof value === 'object' && value !== null;
260 | };
261 |
262 | var isPlainObject = function (value) {
263 | |
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 | if (!isObjectLike(value) || !isType(value, 'Object')) {
270 | return false;
271 | }
272 | if (Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === null) {
273 | return true;
274 | }
275 | var proto = value;
276 | while (Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) !== null) {
277 | proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto);
278 | }
279 | return Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === proto;
280 | };
281 |
282 | function find(arr, predicate) {
283 | if (!isArray(arr))
284 | return null;
285 | var _predicate;
286 | if (isFunction(predicate)) {
287 | _predicate = predicate;
288 | }
289 | if (isPlainObject(predicate)) {
290 | _predicate = function (a) { return isMatch(a, predicate); };
291 | }
292 | if (_predicate) {
293 | for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) {
294 | if (_predicate(arr[i])) {
295 | return arr[i];
296 | }
297 | }
298 | }
299 | return null;
300 | }
301 |
302 | function findIndex(arr, predicate, fromIndex) {
303 | if (fromIndex === void 0) { fromIndex = 0; }
304 | for (var i = fromIndex; i < arr.length; i++) {
305 | if (predicate(arr[i], i)) {
306 |
307 | return i;
308 | }
309 | }
310 | return -1;
311 | }
312 |
313 | |
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 | var flatten = function (arr) {
323 | if (!isArray(arr)) {
324 | return [];
325 | }
326 | var rst = [];
327 | for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
328 | rst = rst.concat(arr[i]);
329 | }
330 | return rst;
331 | };
332 |
333 | |
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |
350 | var max = (function (arr) {
351 | if (!isArray(arr)) {
352 | return undefined;
353 | }
354 | return arr.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
355 | return Math.max(prev, curr);
356 | }, arr[0]);
357 | });
358 |
359 | |
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 | var min = (function (arr) {
377 | if (!isArray(arr)) {
378 | return undefined;
379 | }
380 | return arr.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
381 | return Math.min(prev, curr);
382 | }, arr[0]);
383 | });
384 |
385 | var getRange = function (values) {
386 |
387 | var filterValues = values.filter(function (v) { return !isNaN(v); });
388 | if (!filterValues.length) {
389 |
390 | return {
391 | min: 0,
392 | max: 0,
393 | };
394 | }
395 | if (isArray(values[0])) {
396 | var tmp = [];
397 | for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
398 | tmp = tmp.concat(values[i]);
399 | }
400 | filterValues = tmp;
401 | }
402 | var max$1 = max(filterValues);
403 | var min$1 = min(filterValues);
404 | return {
405 | min: min$1,
406 | max: max$1,
407 | };
408 | };
409 |
410 | var reduce = function (arr, fn, init) {
411 | if (!isArray(arr) && !isPlainObject(arr)) {
412 | return arr;
413 | }
414 | var result = init;
415 | each(arr, function (data, i) {
416 | result = fn(result, data, i);
417 | });
418 | return result;
419 | };
420 |
421 | var isString = (function (str) {
422 | return isType(str, 'String');
423 | });
424 |
425 | var valuesOfKey = (function (data, name) {
426 | var rst = [];
427 | var tmpMap = {};
428 | for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
429 | var obj = data[i];
430 | var value = obj[name];
431 | if (!isNil(value)) {
432 |
433 | if (!isArray(value)) {
434 | value = [value];
435 | }
436 | for (var j = 0; j < value.length; j++) {
437 | var val = value[j];
438 |
439 | if (!tmpMap[val]) {
440 | rst.push(val);
441 | tmpMap[val] = true;
442 | }
443 | }
444 | }
445 | }
446 | return rst;
447 | });
448 |
449 | function head(o) {
450 | if (isArrayLike(o)) {
451 | return o[0];
452 | }
453 | return undefined;
454 | }
455 |
456 | function last(o) {
457 | if (isArrayLike(o)) {
458 | var arr = o;
459 | return arr[arr.length - 1];
460 | }
461 | return undefined;
462 | }
463 |
464 | var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
465 | function groupBy(data, condition) {
466 | if (!condition || !isArray(data)) {
467 | return {};
468 | }
469 | var result = {};
470 |
471 | var predicate = isFunction(condition) ? condition : function (item) { return item[condition]; };
472 | var key;
473 | for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
474 | var item = data[i];
475 | key = predicate(item);
476 | if (hasOwnProperty.call(result, key)) {
477 | result[key].push(item);
478 | }
479 | else {
480 | result[key] = [item];
481 | }
482 | }
483 | return result;
484 | }
485 |
486 | |
487 |
488 |
489 |
490 |
491 | function groupToMap(data, condition) {
492 | if (!condition) {
493 | return {
494 | 0: data,
495 | };
496 | }
497 | if (!isFunction(condition)) {
498 |
499 | var paramscondition_1 = isArray(condition) ? condition : condition.replace(/\s+/g, '').split('*');
500 | condition = function (row) {
501 | var unique = '_';
502 |
503 | for (var i = 0, l = paramscondition_1.length; i < l; i++) {
504 | unique += row[paramscondition_1[i]] && row[paramscondition_1[i]].toString();
505 | }
506 | return unique;
507 | };
508 | }
509 | return groupBy(data, condition);
510 | }
511 |
512 | var group = (function (data, condition) {
513 | if (!condition) {
514 |
515 | return [data];
516 | }
517 | var groups = groupToMap(data, condition);
518 | var array = [];
519 | for (var i in groups) {
520 | array.push(groups[i]);
521 | }
522 | return array;
523 | });
524 |
525 | var clamp = function (a, min, max) {
526 | if (a < min) {
527 | return min;
528 | }
529 | else if (a > max) {
530 | return max;
531 | }
532 | return a;
533 | };
534 |
535 | |
536 |
537 |
538 |
539 | var isNumber = function (value) {
540 | return isType(value, 'Number');
541 | };
542 |
543 | var PRECISION = 0.00001;
544 | function isNumberEqual(a, b, precision) {
545 | if (precision === void 0) { precision = PRECISION; }
546 | return Math.abs(a - b) < precision;
547 | }
548 |
549 | var mod = function (n, m) {
550 | return ((n % m) + m) % m;
551 | };
552 |
553 | var toString$1 = (function (value) {
554 | if (isNil(value))
555 | return '';
556 | return value.toString();
557 | });
558 |
559 | var upperFirst = function (value) {
560 | var str = toString$1(value);
561 | return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
562 | };
563 |
564 | var toString$2 = {}.toString;
565 | var getType = function (value) {
566 | return toString$2
567 | .call(value)
568 | .replace(/^\[object /, '')
569 | .replace(/]$/, '');
570 | };
571 |
572 | |
573 |
574 |
575 |
576 |
577 |
578 | var isBoolean = function (value) {
579 | return isType(value, 'Boolean');
580 | };
581 |
582 | var isDate = function (value) {
583 | return isType(value, 'Date');
584 | };
585 |
586 | var isNull = function (value) {
587 | return value === null;
588 | };
589 |
590 | var objectProto = Object.prototype;
591 | var isPrototype = function (value) {
592 | var Ctor = value && value.constructor;
593 | var proto = (typeof Ctor === 'function' && Ctor.prototype) || objectProto;
594 | return value === proto;
595 | };
596 |
597 | var isUndefined = function (value) {
598 | return value === undefined;
599 | };
600 |
601 |
602 | function _mix(dist, obj) {
603 | for (var key in obj) {
604 | if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== 'constructor' && obj[key] !== undefined) {
605 | dist[key] = obj[key];
606 | }
607 | }
608 | }
609 | function mix(dist, src1, src2, src3) {
610 | if (src1)
611 | _mix(dist, src1);
612 | if (src2)
613 | _mix(dist, src2);
614 | if (src3)
615 | _mix(dist, src3);
616 | return dist;
617 | }
618 |
619 | var clone = function (obj) {
620 | if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) {
621 | return obj;
622 | }
623 | var rst;
624 | if (isArray(obj)) {
625 | rst = [];
626 | for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
627 | if (typeof obj[i] === 'object' && obj[i] != null) {
628 | rst[i] = clone(obj[i]);
629 | }
630 | else {
631 | rst[i] = obj[i];
632 | }
633 | }
634 | }
635 | else {
636 | rst = {};
637 | for (var k in obj) {
638 | if (typeof obj[k] === 'object' && obj[k] != null) {
639 | rst[k] = clone(obj[k]);
640 | }
641 | else {
642 | rst[k] = obj[k];
643 | }
644 | }
645 | }
646 | return rst;
647 | };
648 |
649 | var MAX_MIX_LEVEL = 5;
650 | function hasOwn(object, property) {
651 | if (Object.hasOwn) {
652 | return Object.hasOwn(object, property);
653 | }
654 | if (object == null) {
655 | throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
656 | }
657 | return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Object(object), property);
658 | }
659 | function _deepMix(dist, src, level, maxLevel) {
660 | level = level || 0;
661 | maxLevel = maxLevel || MAX_MIX_LEVEL;
662 | for (var key in src) {
663 | if (hasOwn(src, key)) {
664 | var value = src[key];
665 | if (value !== null && isPlainObject(value)) {
666 | if (!isPlainObject(dist[key])) {
667 | dist[key] = {};
668 | }
669 | if (level < maxLevel) {
670 | _deepMix(dist[key], value, level + 1, maxLevel);
671 | }
672 | else {
673 | dist[key] = src[key];
674 | }
675 | }
676 | else if (isArray(value)) {
677 | dist[key] = [];
678 | dist[key] = dist[key].concat(value);
679 | }
680 | else if (value !== undefined) {
681 | dist[key] = value;
682 | }
683 | }
684 | }
685 | }
686 |
687 | var deepMix = function (rst) {
688 | var args = [];
689 | for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
690 | args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
691 | }
692 | for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i += 1) {
693 | _deepMix(rst, args[i]);
694 | }
695 | return rst;
696 | };
697 |
698 | var hasOwnProperty$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
699 | function isEmpty(value) {
700 | |
701 |
702 |
703 |
704 |
705 |
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 | if (isNil(value)) {
710 | return true;
711 | }
712 | if (isArrayLike(value)) {
713 | return !value.length;
714 | }
715 | var type = getType(value);
716 | if (type === 'Map' || type === 'Set') {
717 | return !value.size;
718 | }
719 | if (isPrototype(value)) {
720 | return !Object.keys(value).length;
721 | }
722 | for (var key in value) {
723 | if (hasOwnProperty$1.call(value, key)) {
724 | return false;
725 | }
726 | }
727 | return true;
728 | }
729 |
730 | var isEqual = function (value, other) {
731 | if (value === other) {
732 | return true;
733 | }
734 | if (!value || !other) {
735 | return false;
736 | }
737 | if (isString(value) || isString(other)) {
738 | return false;
739 | }
740 | if (isArrayLike(value) || isArrayLike(other)) {
741 | if (value.length !== other.length) {
742 | return false;
743 | }
744 | var rst = true;
745 | for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
746 | rst = isEqual(value[i], other[i]);
747 | if (!rst) {
748 | break;
749 | }
750 | }
751 | return rst;
752 | }
753 | if (isObjectLike(value) || isObjectLike(other)) {
754 | var valueKeys = Object.keys(value);
755 | var otherKeys = Object.keys(other);
756 | if (valueKeys.length !== otherKeys.length) {
757 | return false;
758 | }
759 | var rst = true;
760 | for (var i = 0; i < valueKeys.length; i++) {
761 | rst = isEqual(value[valueKeys[i]], other[valueKeys[i]]);
762 | if (!rst) {
763 | break;
764 | }
765 | }
766 | return rst;
767 | }
768 | return false;
769 | };
770 |
771 | var map = function (arr, func) {
772 | if (!isArrayLike(arr)) {
773 |
774 | return arr;
775 | }
776 | var result = [];
777 | for (var index = 0; index < arr.length; index++) {
778 | var value = arr[index];
779 | result.push(func(value, index));
780 | }
781 | return result;
782 | };
783 |
784 | var identity = function (v) { return v; };
785 | var mapValues = (function (object, func) {
786 | if (func === void 0) { func = identity; }
787 | var r = {};
788 | if (isObject(object) && !isNil(object)) {
789 | Object.keys(object).forEach(function (key) {
790 |
791 | r[key] = func(object[key], key);
792 | });
793 | }
794 | return r;
795 | });
796 |
797 | |
798 |
799 |
800 |
801 |
802 |
803 | var get = (function (obj, key, defaultValue) {
804 | var p = 0;
805 | var keyArr = isString(key) ? key.split('.') : key;
806 | while (obj && p < keyArr.length) {
807 | obj = obj[keyArr[p++]];
808 | }
809 | return obj === undefined || p < keyArr.length ? defaultValue : obj;
810 | });
811 |
812 | var hasOwnProperty$2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
813 | var pick = (function (object, keys) {
814 | if (object === null || !isPlainObject(object)) {
815 | return {};
816 | }
817 | var result = {};
818 | each(keys, function (key) {
819 | if (hasOwnProperty$2.call(object, key)) {
820 | result[key] = object[key];
821 | }
822 | });
823 | return result;
824 | });
825 |
826 | var omit = (function (obj, keys) {
827 | return reduce(obj, function (r, curr, key) {
828 | if (!keys.includes(key)) {
829 | r[key] = curr;
830 | }
831 | return r;
832 | }, {});
833 | });
834 |
835 | |
836 |
837 |
838 | var default_1 = (function () {
839 | function default_1() {
840 | this.map = {};
841 | }
842 | default_1.prototype.has = function (key) {
843 | return this.map[key] !== undefined;
844 | };
845 | default_1.prototype.get = function (key, def) {
846 | var v = this.map[key];
847 | return v === undefined ? def : v;
848 | };
849 | default_1.prototype.set = function (key, value) {
850 | this.map[key] = value;
851 | };
852 | default_1.prototype.clear = function () {
853 | this.map = {};
854 | };
855 | default_1.prototype.delete = function (key) {
856 | delete this.map[key];
857 | };
858 | default_1.prototype.size = function () {
859 | return Object.keys(this.map).length;
860 | };
861 | return default_1;
862 | }());
863 |
864 | |
865 |
866 |
867 |
868 |
869 | var EPSILON = 0.000001;
870 | var ARRAY_TYPE = typeof Float32Array !== 'undefined' ? Float32Array : Array;
871 | if (!Math.hypot) Math.hypot = function () {
872 | var y = 0,
873 | i = arguments.length;
874 |
875 | while (i--) {
876 | y += arguments[i] * arguments[i];
877 | }
878 |
879 | return Math.sqrt(y);
880 | };
881 |
882 | |
883 |
884 |
885 |
886 |
887 |
888 |
889 |
890 |
891 | function rotate(out, a, rad) {
892 | var a0 = a[0],
893 | a1 = a[1],
894 | a2 = a[2],
895 | a3 = a[3],
896 | a4 = a[4],
897 | a5 = a[5];
898 | var s = Math.sin(rad);
899 | var c = Math.cos(rad);
900 | out[0] = a0 * c + a2 * s;
901 | out[1] = a1 * c + a3 * s;
902 | out[2] = a0 * -s + a2 * c;
903 | out[3] = a1 * -s + a3 * c;
904 | out[4] = a4;
905 | out[5] = a5;
906 | return out;
907 | }
908 |
909 | |
910 |
911 |
912 |
913 |
914 | |
915 |
916 |
917 |
918 |
919 |
920 | function create() {
921 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(9);
922 |
923 | if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) {
924 | out[1] = 0;
925 | out[2] = 0;
926 | out[3] = 0;
927 | out[5] = 0;
928 | out[6] = 0;
929 | out[7] = 0;
930 | }
931 |
932 | out[0] = 1;
933 | out[4] = 1;
934 | out[8] = 1;
935 | return out;
936 | }
937 | |
938 |
939 |
940 |
941 |
942 |
943 |
944 |
945 | function fromMat4(out, a) {
946 | out[0] = a[0];
947 | out[1] = a[1];
948 | out[2] = a[2];
949 | out[3] = a[4];
950 | out[4] = a[5];
951 | out[5] = a[6];
952 | out[6] = a[8];
953 | out[7] = a[9];
954 | out[8] = a[10];
955 | return out;
956 | }
957 | |
958 |
959 |
960 |
961 |
962 |
963 |
964 |
965 |
966 |
967 |
968 |
969 |
970 |
971 |
972 | function fromValues(m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22) {
973 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(9);
974 | out[0] = m00;
975 | out[1] = m01;
976 | out[2] = m02;
977 | out[3] = m10;
978 | out[4] = m11;
979 | out[5] = m12;
980 | out[6] = m20;
981 | out[7] = m21;
982 | out[8] = m22;
983 | return out;
984 | }
985 |
986 | |
987 |
988 |
989 |
990 |
991 | |
992 |
993 |
994 |
995 |
996 |
997 | function create$1() {
998 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(16);
999 |
1000 | if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) {
1001 | out[1] = 0;
1002 | out[2] = 0;
1003 | out[3] = 0;
1004 | out[4] = 0;
1005 | out[6] = 0;
1006 | out[7] = 0;
1007 | out[8] = 0;
1008 | out[9] = 0;
1009 | out[11] = 0;
1010 | out[12] = 0;
1011 | out[13] = 0;
1012 | out[14] = 0;
1013 | }
1014 |
1015 | out[0] = 1;
1016 | out[5] = 1;
1017 | out[10] = 1;
1018 | out[15] = 1;
1019 | return out;
1020 | }
1021 | |
1022 |
1023 |
1024 |
1025 |
1026 |
1027 |
1028 | function clone$1(a) {
1029 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(16);
1030 | out[0] = a[0];
1031 | out[1] = a[1];
1032 | out[2] = a[2];
1033 | out[3] = a[3];
1034 | out[4] = a[4];
1035 | out[5] = a[5];
1036 | out[6] = a[6];
1037 | out[7] = a[7];
1038 | out[8] = a[8];
1039 | out[9] = a[9];
1040 | out[10] = a[10];
1041 | out[11] = a[11];
1042 | out[12] = a[12];
1043 | out[13] = a[13];
1044 | out[14] = a[14];
1045 | out[15] = a[15];
1046 | return out;
1047 | }
1048 | |
1049 |
1050 |
1051 |
1052 |
1053 |
1054 |
1055 |
1056 | function copy(out, a) {
1057 | out[0] = a[0];
1058 | out[1] = a[1];
1059 | out[2] = a[2];
1060 | out[3] = a[3];
1061 | out[4] = a[4];
1062 | out[5] = a[5];
1063 | out[6] = a[6];
1064 | out[7] = a[7];
1065 | out[8] = a[8];
1066 | out[9] = a[9];
1067 | out[10] = a[10];
1068 | out[11] = a[11];
1069 | out[12] = a[12];
1070 | out[13] = a[13];
1071 | out[14] = a[14];
1072 | out[15] = a[15];
1073 | return out;
1074 | }
1075 | |
1076 |
1077 |
1078 |
1079 |
1080 |
1081 |
1082 |
1083 |
1084 |
1085 |
1086 |
1087 |
1088 |
1089 |
1090 |
1091 |
1092 |
1093 |
1094 |
1095 |
1096 |
1097 | function fromValues$1(m00, m01, m02, m03, m10, m11, m12, m13, m20, m21, m22, m23, m30, m31, m32, m33) {
1098 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(16);
1099 | out[0] = m00;
1100 | out[1] = m01;
1101 | out[2] = m02;
1102 | out[3] = m03;
1103 | out[4] = m10;
1104 | out[5] = m11;
1105 | out[6] = m12;
1106 | out[7] = m13;
1107 | out[8] = m20;
1108 | out[9] = m21;
1109 | out[10] = m22;
1110 | out[11] = m23;
1111 | out[12] = m30;
1112 | out[13] = m31;
1113 | out[14] = m32;
1114 | out[15] = m33;
1115 | return out;
1116 | }
1117 | |
1118 |
1119 |
1120 |
1121 |
1122 |
1123 |
1124 |
1125 |
1126 |
1127 |
1128 |
1129 |
1130 |
1131 |
1132 |
1133 |
1134 |
1135 |
1136 |
1137 |
1138 |
1139 |
1140 | function set(out, m00, m01, m02, m03, m10, m11, m12, m13, m20, m21, m22, m23, m30, m31, m32, m33) {
1141 | out[0] = m00;
1142 | out[1] = m01;
1143 | out[2] = m02;
1144 | out[3] = m03;
1145 | out[4] = m10;
1146 | out[5] = m11;
1147 | out[6] = m12;
1148 | out[7] = m13;
1149 | out[8] = m20;
1150 | out[9] = m21;
1151 | out[10] = m22;
1152 | out[11] = m23;
1153 | out[12] = m30;
1154 | out[13] = m31;
1155 | out[14] = m32;
1156 | out[15] = m33;
1157 | return out;
1158 | }
1159 | |
1160 |
1161 |
1162 |
1163 |
1164 |
1165 |
1166 | function identity$1(out) {
1167 | out[0] = 1;
1168 | out[1] = 0;
1169 | out[2] = 0;
1170 | out[3] = 0;
1171 | out[4] = 0;
1172 | out[5] = 1;
1173 | out[6] = 0;
1174 | out[7] = 0;
1175 | out[8] = 0;
1176 | out[9] = 0;
1177 | out[10] = 1;
1178 | out[11] = 0;
1179 | out[12] = 0;
1180 | out[13] = 0;
1181 | out[14] = 0;
1182 | out[15] = 1;
1183 | return out;
1184 | }
1185 | |
1186 |
1187 |
1188 |
1189 |
1190 |
1191 |
1192 |
1193 | function transpose(out, a) {
1194 |
1195 | if (out === a) {
1196 | var a01 = a[1],
1197 | a02 = a[2],
1198 | a03 = a[3];
1199 | var a12 = a[6],
1200 | a13 = a[7];
1201 | var a23 = a[11];
1202 | out[1] = a[4];
1203 | out[2] = a[8];
1204 | out[3] = a[12];
1205 | out[4] = a01;
1206 | out[6] = a[9];
1207 | out[7] = a[13];
1208 | out[8] = a02;
1209 | out[9] = a12;
1210 | out[11] = a[14];
1211 | out[12] = a03;
1212 | out[13] = a13;
1213 | out[14] = a23;
1214 | } else {
1215 | out[0] = a[0];
1216 | out[1] = a[4];
1217 | out[2] = a[8];
1218 | out[3] = a[12];
1219 | out[4] = a[1];
1220 | out[5] = a[5];
1221 | out[6] = a[9];
1222 | out[7] = a[13];
1223 | out[8] = a[2];
1224 | out[9] = a[6];
1225 | out[10] = a[10];
1226 | out[11] = a[14];
1227 | out[12] = a[3];
1228 | out[13] = a[7];
1229 | out[14] = a[11];
1230 | out[15] = a[15];
1231 | }
1232 |
1233 | return out;
1234 | }
1235 | |
1236 |
1237 |
1238 |
1239 |
1240 |
1241 |
1242 |
1243 | function invert(out, a) {
1244 | var a00 = a[0],
1245 | a01 = a[1],
1246 | a02 = a[2],
1247 | a03 = a[3];
1248 | var a10 = a[4],
1249 | a11 = a[5],
1250 | a12 = a[6],
1251 | a13 = a[7];
1252 | var a20 = a[8],
1253 | a21 = a[9],
1254 | a22 = a[10],
1255 | a23 = a[11];
1256 | var a30 = a[12],
1257 | a31 = a[13],
1258 | a32 = a[14],
1259 | a33 = a[15];
1260 | var b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10;
1261 | var b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10;
1262 | var b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10;
1263 | var b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11;
1264 | var b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11;
1265 | var b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12;
1266 | var b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30;
1267 | var b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30;
1268 | var b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30;
1269 | var b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31;
1270 | var b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31;
1271 | var b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32;
1272 |
1273 | var det = b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06;
1274 |
1275 | if (!det) {
1276 | return null;
1277 | }
1278 |
1279 | det = 1.0 / det;
1280 | out[0] = (a11 * b11 - a12 * b10 + a13 * b09) * det;
1281 | out[1] = (a02 * b10 - a01 * b11 - a03 * b09) * det;
1282 | out[2] = (a31 * b05 - a32 * b04 + a33 * b03) * det;
1283 | out[3] = (a22 * b04 - a21 * b05 - a23 * b03) * det;
1284 | out[4] = (a12 * b08 - a10 * b11 - a13 * b07) * det;
1285 | out[5] = (a00 * b11 - a02 * b08 + a03 * b07) * det;
1286 | out[6] = (a32 * b02 - a30 * b05 - a33 * b01) * det;
1287 | out[7] = (a20 * b05 - a22 * b02 + a23 * b01) * det;
1288 | out[8] = (a10 * b10 - a11 * b08 + a13 * b06) * det;
1289 | out[9] = (a01 * b08 - a00 * b10 - a03 * b06) * det;
1290 | out[10] = (a30 * b04 - a31 * b02 + a33 * b00) * det;
1291 | out[11] = (a21 * b02 - a20 * b04 - a23 * b00) * det;
1292 | out[12] = (a11 * b07 - a10 * b09 - a12 * b06) * det;
1293 | out[13] = (a00 * b09 - a01 * b07 + a02 * b06) * det;
1294 | out[14] = (a31 * b01 - a30 * b03 - a32 * b00) * det;
1295 | out[15] = (a20 * b03 - a21 * b01 + a22 * b00) * det;
1296 | return out;
1297 | }
1298 | |
1299 |
1300 |
1301 |
1302 |
1303 |
1304 |
1305 |
1306 | function adjoint(out, a) {
1307 | var a00 = a[0],
1308 | a01 = a[1],
1309 | a02 = a[2],
1310 | a03 = a[3];
1311 | var a10 = a[4],
1312 | a11 = a[5],
1313 | a12 = a[6],
1314 | a13 = a[7];
1315 | var a20 = a[8],
1316 | a21 = a[9],
1317 | a22 = a[10],
1318 | a23 = a[11];
1319 | var a30 = a[12],
1320 | a31 = a[13],
1321 | a32 = a[14],
1322 | a33 = a[15];
1323 | out[0] = a11 * (a22 * a33 - a23 * a32) - a21 * (a12 * a33 - a13 * a32) + a31 * (a12 * a23 - a13 * a22);
1324 | out[1] = -(a01 * (a22 * a33 - a23 * a32) - a21 * (a02 * a33 - a03 * a32) + a31 * (a02 * a23 - a03 * a22));
1325 | out[2] = a01 * (a12 * a33 - a13 * a32) - a11 * (a02 * a33 - a03 * a32) + a31 * (a02 * a13 - a03 * a12);
1326 | out[3] = -(a01 * (a12 * a23 - a13 * a22) - a11 * (a02 * a23 - a03 * a22) + a21 * (a02 * a13 - a03 * a12));
1327 | out[4] = -(a10 * (a22 * a33 - a23 * a32) - a20 * (a12 * a33 - a13 * a32) + a30 * (a12 * a23 - a13 * a22));
1328 | out[5] = a00 * (a22 * a33 - a23 * a32) - a20 * (a02 * a33 - a03 * a32) + a30 * (a02 * a23 - a03 * a22);
1329 | out[6] = -(a00 * (a12 * a33 - a13 * a32) - a10 * (a02 * a33 - a03 * a32) + a30 * (a02 * a13 - a03 * a12));
1330 | out[7] = a00 * (a12 * a23 - a13 * a22) - a10 * (a02 * a23 - a03 * a22) + a20 * (a02 * a13 - a03 * a12);
1331 | out[8] = a10 * (a21 * a33 - a23 * a31) - a20 * (a11 * a33 - a13 * a31) + a30 * (a11 * a23 - a13 * a21);
1332 | out[9] = -(a00 * (a21 * a33 - a23 * a31) - a20 * (a01 * a33 - a03 * a31) + a30 * (a01 * a23 - a03 * a21));
1333 | out[10] = a00 * (a11 * a33 - a13 * a31) - a10 * (a01 * a33 - a03 * a31) + a30 * (a01 * a13 - a03 * a11);
1334 | out[11] = -(a00 * (a11 * a23 - a13 * a21) - a10 * (a01 * a23 - a03 * a21) + a20 * (a01 * a13 - a03 * a11));
1335 | out[12] = -(a10 * (a21 * a32 - a22 * a31) - a20 * (a11 * a32 - a12 * a31) + a30 * (a11 * a22 - a12 * a21));
1336 | out[13] = a00 * (a21 * a32 - a22 * a31) - a20 * (a01 * a32 - a02 * a31) + a30 * (a01 * a22 - a02 * a21);
1337 | out[14] = -(a00 * (a11 * a32 - a12 * a31) - a10 * (a01 * a32 - a02 * a31) + a30 * (a01 * a12 - a02 * a11));
1338 | out[15] = a00 * (a11 * a22 - a12 * a21) - a10 * (a01 * a22 - a02 * a21) + a20 * (a01 * a12 - a02 * a11);
1339 | return out;
1340 | }
1341 | |
1342 |
1343 |
1344 |
1345 |
1346 |
1347 |
1348 | function determinant(a) {
1349 | var a00 = a[0],
1350 | a01 = a[1],
1351 | a02 = a[2],
1352 | a03 = a[3];
1353 | var a10 = a[4],
1354 | a11 = a[5],
1355 | a12 = a[6],
1356 | a13 = a[7];
1357 | var a20 = a[8],
1358 | a21 = a[9],
1359 | a22 = a[10],
1360 | a23 = a[11];
1361 | var a30 = a[12],
1362 | a31 = a[13],
1363 | a32 = a[14],
1364 | a33 = a[15];
1365 | var b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10;
1366 | var b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10;
1367 | var b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10;
1368 | var b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11;
1369 | var b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11;
1370 | var b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12;
1371 | var b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30;
1372 | var b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30;
1373 | var b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30;
1374 | var b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31;
1375 | var b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31;
1376 | var b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32;
1377 |
1378 | return b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06;
1379 | }
1380 | |
1381 |
1382 |
1383 |
1384 |
1385 |
1386 |
1387 |
1388 |
1389 | function multiply(out, a, b) {
1390 | var a00 = a[0],
1391 | a01 = a[1],
1392 | a02 = a[2],
1393 | a03 = a[3];
1394 | var a10 = a[4],
1395 | a11 = a[5],
1396 | a12 = a[6],
1397 | a13 = a[7];
1398 | var a20 = a[8],
1399 | a21 = a[9],
1400 | a22 = a[10],
1401 | a23 = a[11];
1402 | var a30 = a[12],
1403 | a31 = a[13],
1404 | a32 = a[14],
1405 | a33 = a[15];
1406 |
1407 | var b0 = b[0],
1408 | b1 = b[1],
1409 | b2 = b[2],
1410 | b3 = b[3];
1411 | out[0] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;
1412 | out[1] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;
1413 | out[2] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;
1414 | out[3] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;
1415 | b0 = b[4];
1416 | b1 = b[5];
1417 | b2 = b[6];
1418 | b3 = b[7];
1419 | out[4] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;
1420 | out[5] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;
1421 | out[6] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;
1422 | out[7] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;
1423 | b0 = b[8];
1424 | b1 = b[9];
1425 | b2 = b[10];
1426 | b3 = b[11];
1427 | out[8] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;
1428 | out[9] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;
1429 | out[10] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;
1430 | out[11] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;
1431 | b0 = b[12];
1432 | b1 = b[13];
1433 | b2 = b[14];
1434 | b3 = b[15];
1435 | out[12] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;
1436 | out[13] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;
1437 | out[14] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;
1438 | out[15] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;
1439 | return out;
1440 | }
1441 | |
1442 |
1443 |
1444 |
1445 |
1446 |
1447 |
1448 |
1449 |
1450 | function translate(out, a, v) {
1451 | var x = v[0],
1452 | y = v[1],
1453 | z = v[2];
1454 | var a00, a01, a02, a03;
1455 | var a10, a11, a12, a13;
1456 | var a20, a21, a22, a23;
1457 |
1458 | if (a === out) {
1459 | out[12] = a[0] * x + a[4] * y + a[8] * z + a[12];
1460 | out[13] = a[1] * x + a[5] * y + a[9] * z + a[13];
1461 | out[14] = a[2] * x + a[6] * y + a[10] * z + a[14];
1462 | out[15] = a[3] * x + a[7] * y + a[11] * z + a[15];
1463 | } else {
1464 | a00 = a[0];
1465 | a01 = a[1];
1466 | a02 = a[2];
1467 | a03 = a[3];
1468 | a10 = a[4];
1469 | a11 = a[5];
1470 | a12 = a[6];
1471 | a13 = a[7];
1472 | a20 = a[8];
1473 | a21 = a[9];
1474 | a22 = a[10];
1475 | a23 = a[11];
1476 | out[0] = a00;
1477 | out[1] = a01;
1478 | out[2] = a02;
1479 | out[3] = a03;
1480 | out[4] = a10;
1481 | out[5] = a11;
1482 | out[6] = a12;
1483 | out[7] = a13;
1484 | out[8] = a20;
1485 | out[9] = a21;
1486 | out[10] = a22;
1487 | out[11] = a23;
1488 | out[12] = a00 * x + a10 * y + a20 * z + a[12];
1489 | out[13] = a01 * x + a11 * y + a21 * z + a[13];
1490 | out[14] = a02 * x + a12 * y + a22 * z + a[14];
1491 | out[15] = a03 * x + a13 * y + a23 * z + a[15];
1492 | }
1493 |
1494 | return out;
1495 | }
1496 | |
1497 |
1498 |
1499 |
1500 |
1501 |
1502 |
1503 |
1504 |
1505 | function scale(out, a, v) {
1506 | var x = v[0],
1507 | y = v[1],
1508 | z = v[2];
1509 | out[0] = a[0] * x;
1510 | out[1] = a[1] * x;
1511 | out[2] = a[2] * x;
1512 | out[3] = a[3] * x;
1513 | out[4] = a[4] * y;
1514 | out[5] = a[5] * y;
1515 | out[6] = a[6] * y;
1516 | out[7] = a[7] * y;
1517 | out[8] = a[8] * z;
1518 | out[9] = a[9] * z;
1519 | out[10] = a[10] * z;
1520 | out[11] = a[11] * z;
1521 | out[12] = a[12];
1522 | out[13] = a[13];
1523 | out[14] = a[14];
1524 | out[15] = a[15];
1525 | return out;
1526 | }
1527 | |
1528 |
1529 |
1530 |
1531 |
1532 |
1533 |
1534 |
1535 |
1536 |
1537 | function rotate$1(out, a, rad, axis) {
1538 | var x = axis[0],
1539 | y = axis[1],
1540 | z = axis[2];
1541 | var len = Math.hypot(x, y, z);
1542 | var s, c, t;
1543 | var a00, a01, a02, a03;
1544 | var a10, a11, a12, a13;
1545 | var a20, a21, a22, a23;
1546 | var b00, b01, b02;
1547 | var b10, b11, b12;
1548 | var b20, b21, b22;
1549 |
1550 | if (len < EPSILON) {
1551 | return null;
1552 | }
1553 |
1554 | len = 1 / len;
1555 | x *= len;
1556 | y *= len;
1557 | z *= len;
1558 | s = Math.sin(rad);
1559 | c = Math.cos(rad);
1560 | t = 1 - c;
1561 | a00 = a[0];
1562 | a01 = a[1];
1563 | a02 = a[2];
1564 | a03 = a[3];
1565 | a10 = a[4];
1566 | a11 = a[5];
1567 | a12 = a[6];
1568 | a13 = a[7];
1569 | a20 = a[8];
1570 | a21 = a[9];
1571 | a22 = a[10];
1572 | a23 = a[11];
1573 |
1574 | b00 = x * x * t + c;
1575 | b01 = y * x * t + z * s;
1576 | b02 = z * x * t - y * s;
1577 | b10 = x * y * t - z * s;
1578 | b11 = y * y * t + c;
1579 | b12 = z * y * t + x * s;
1580 | b20 = x * z * t + y * s;
1581 | b21 = y * z * t - x * s;
1582 | b22 = z * z * t + c;
1583 |
1584 | out[0] = a00 * b00 + a10 * b01 + a20 * b02;
1585 | out[1] = a01 * b00 + a11 * b01 + a21 * b02;
1586 | out[2] = a02 * b00 + a12 * b01 + a22 * b02;
1587 | out[3] = a03 * b00 + a13 * b01 + a23 * b02;
1588 | out[4] = a00 * b10 + a10 * b11 + a20 * b12;
1589 | out[5] = a01 * b10 + a11 * b11 + a21 * b12;
1590 | out[6] = a02 * b10 + a12 * b11 + a22 * b12;
1591 | out[7] = a03 * b10 + a13 * b11 + a23 * b12;
1592 | out[8] = a00 * b20 + a10 * b21 + a20 * b22;
1593 | out[9] = a01 * b20 + a11 * b21 + a21 * b22;
1594 | out[10] = a02 * b20 + a12 * b21 + a22 * b22;
1595 | out[11] = a03 * b20 + a13 * b21 + a23 * b22;
1596 |
1597 | if (a !== out) {
1598 |
1599 | out[12] = a[12];
1600 | out[13] = a[13];
1601 | out[14] = a[14];
1602 | out[15] = a[15];
1603 | }
1604 |
1605 | return out;
1606 | }
1607 | |
1608 |
1609 |
1610 |
1611 |
1612 |
1613 |
1614 |
1615 |
1616 | function rotateX(out, a, rad) {
1617 | var s = Math.sin(rad);
1618 | var c = Math.cos(rad);
1619 | var a10 = a[4];
1620 | var a11 = a[5];
1621 | var a12 = a[6];
1622 | var a13 = a[7];
1623 | var a20 = a[8];
1624 | var a21 = a[9];
1625 | var a22 = a[10];
1626 | var a23 = a[11];
1627 |
1628 | if (a !== out) {
1629 |
1630 | out[0] = a[0];
1631 | out[1] = a[1];
1632 | out[2] = a[2];
1633 | out[3] = a[3];
1634 | out[12] = a[12];
1635 | out[13] = a[13];
1636 | out[14] = a[14];
1637 | out[15] = a[15];
1638 | }
1639 |
1640 |
1641 | out[4] = a10 * c + a20 * s;
1642 | out[5] = a11 * c + a21 * s;
1643 | out[6] = a12 * c + a22 * s;
1644 | out[7] = a13 * c + a23 * s;
1645 | out[8] = a20 * c - a10 * s;
1646 | out[9] = a21 * c - a11 * s;
1647 | out[10] = a22 * c - a12 * s;
1648 | out[11] = a23 * c - a13 * s;
1649 | return out;
1650 | }
1651 | |
1652 |
1653 |
1654 |
1655 |
1656 |
1657 |
1658 |
1659 |
1660 | function rotateY(out, a, rad) {
1661 | var s = Math.sin(rad);
1662 | var c = Math.cos(rad);
1663 | var a00 = a[0];
1664 | var a01 = a[1];
1665 | var a02 = a[2];
1666 | var a03 = a[3];
1667 | var a20 = a[8];
1668 | var a21 = a[9];
1669 | var a22 = a[10];
1670 | var a23 = a[11];
1671 |
1672 | if (a !== out) {
1673 |
1674 | out[4] = a[4];
1675 | out[5] = a[5];
1676 | out[6] = a[6];
1677 | out[7] = a[7];
1678 | out[12] = a[12];
1679 | out[13] = a[13];
1680 | out[14] = a[14];
1681 | out[15] = a[15];
1682 | }
1683 |
1684 |
1685 | out[0] = a00 * c - a20 * s;
1686 | out[1] = a01 * c - a21 * s;
1687 | out[2] = a02 * c - a22 * s;
1688 | out[3] = a03 * c - a23 * s;
1689 | out[8] = a00 * s + a20 * c;
1690 | out[9] = a01 * s + a21 * c;
1691 | out[10] = a02 * s + a22 * c;
1692 | out[11] = a03 * s + a23 * c;
1693 | return out;
1694 | }
1695 | |
1696 |
1697 |
1698 |
1699 |
1700 |
1701 |
1702 |
1703 |
1704 | function rotateZ(out, a, rad) {
1705 | var s = Math.sin(rad);
1706 | var c = Math.cos(rad);
1707 | var a00 = a[0];
1708 | var a01 = a[1];
1709 | var a02 = a[2];
1710 | var a03 = a[3];
1711 | var a10 = a[4];
1712 | var a11 = a[5];
1713 | var a12 = a[6];
1714 | var a13 = a[7];
1715 |
1716 | if (a !== out) {
1717 |
1718 | out[8] = a[8];
1719 | out[9] = a[9];
1720 | out[10] = a[10];
1721 | out[11] = a[11];
1722 | out[12] = a[12];
1723 | out[13] = a[13];
1724 | out[14] = a[14];
1725 | out[15] = a[15];
1726 | }
1727 |
1728 |
1729 | out[0] = a00 * c + a10 * s;
1730 | out[1] = a01 * c + a11 * s;
1731 | out[2] = a02 * c + a12 * s;
1732 | out[3] = a03 * c + a13 * s;
1733 | out[4] = a10 * c - a00 * s;
1734 | out[5] = a11 * c - a01 * s;
1735 | out[6] = a12 * c - a02 * s;
1736 | out[7] = a13 * c - a03 * s;
1737 | return out;
1738 | }
1739 | |
1740 |
1741 |
1742 |
1743 |
1744 |
1745 |
1746 |
1747 |
1748 |
1749 |
1750 |
1751 | function fromTranslation(out, v) {
1752 | out[0] = 1;
1753 | out[1] = 0;
1754 | out[2] = 0;
1755 | out[3] = 0;
1756 | out[4] = 0;
1757 | out[5] = 1;
1758 | out[6] = 0;
1759 | out[7] = 0;
1760 | out[8] = 0;
1761 | out[9] = 0;
1762 | out[10] = 1;
1763 | out[11] = 0;
1764 | out[12] = v[0];
1765 | out[13] = v[1];
1766 | out[14] = v[2];
1767 | out[15] = 1;
1768 | return out;
1769 | }
1770 | |
1771 |
1772 |
1773 |
1774 |
1775 |
1776 |
1777 |
1778 |
1779 |
1780 |
1781 |
1782 | function fromScaling(out, v) {
1783 | out[0] = v[0];
1784 | out[1] = 0;
1785 | out[2] = 0;
1786 | out[3] = 0;
1787 | out[4] = 0;
1788 | out[5] = v[1];
1789 | out[6] = 0;
1790 | out[7] = 0;
1791 | out[8] = 0;
1792 | out[9] = 0;
1793 | out[10] = v[2];
1794 | out[11] = 0;
1795 | out[12] = 0;
1796 | out[13] = 0;
1797 | out[14] = 0;
1798 | out[15] = 1;
1799 | return out;
1800 | }
1801 | |
1802 |
1803 |
1804 |
1805 |
1806 |
1807 |
1808 |
1809 |
1810 |
1811 |
1812 |
1813 |
1814 | function fromRotation(out, rad, axis) {
1815 | var x = axis[0],
1816 | y = axis[1],
1817 | z = axis[2];
1818 | var len = Math.hypot(x, y, z);
1819 | var s, c, t;
1820 |
1821 | if (len < EPSILON) {
1822 | return null;
1823 | }
1824 |
1825 | len = 1 / len;
1826 | x *= len;
1827 | y *= len;
1828 | z *= len;
1829 | s = Math.sin(rad);
1830 | c = Math.cos(rad);
1831 | t = 1 - c;
1832 |
1833 | out[0] = x * x * t + c;
1834 | out[1] = y * x * t + z * s;
1835 | out[2] = z * x * t - y * s;
1836 | out[3] = 0;
1837 | out[4] = x * y * t - z * s;
1838 | out[5] = y * y * t + c;
1839 | out[6] = z * y * t + x * s;
1840 | out[7] = 0;
1841 | out[8] = x * z * t + y * s;
1842 | out[9] = y * z * t - x * s;
1843 | out[10] = z * z * t + c;
1844 | out[11] = 0;
1845 | out[12] = 0;
1846 | out[13] = 0;
1847 | out[14] = 0;
1848 | out[15] = 1;
1849 | return out;
1850 | }
1851 | |
1852 |
1853 |
1854 |
1855 |
1856 |
1857 |
1858 |
1859 |
1860 |
1861 |
1862 |
1863 | function fromXRotation(out, rad) {
1864 | var s = Math.sin(rad);
1865 | var c = Math.cos(rad);
1866 |
1867 | out[0] = 1;
1868 | out[1] = 0;
1869 | out[2] = 0;
1870 | out[3] = 0;
1871 | out[4] = 0;
1872 | out[5] = c;
1873 | out[6] = s;
1874 | out[7] = 0;
1875 | out[8] = 0;
1876 | out[9] = -s;
1877 | out[10] = c;
1878 | out[11] = 0;
1879 | out[12] = 0;
1880 | out[13] = 0;
1881 | out[14] = 0;
1882 | out[15] = 1;
1883 | return out;
1884 | }
1885 | |
1886 |
1887 |
1888 |
1889 |
1890 |
1891 |
1892 |
1893 |
1894 |
1895 |
1896 |
1897 | function fromYRotation(out, rad) {
1898 | var s = Math.sin(rad);
1899 | var c = Math.cos(rad);
1900 |
1901 | out[0] = c;
1902 | out[1] = 0;
1903 | out[2] = -s;
1904 | out[3] = 0;
1905 | out[4] = 0;
1906 | out[5] = 1;
1907 | out[6] = 0;
1908 | out[7] = 0;
1909 | out[8] = s;
1910 | out[9] = 0;
1911 | out[10] = c;
1912 | out[11] = 0;
1913 | out[12] = 0;
1914 | out[13] = 0;
1915 | out[14] = 0;
1916 | out[15] = 1;
1917 | return out;
1918 | }
1919 | |
1920 |
1921 |
1922 |
1923 |
1924 |
1925 |
1926 |
1927 |
1928 |
1929 |
1930 |
1931 | function fromZRotation(out, rad) {
1932 | var s = Math.sin(rad);
1933 | var c = Math.cos(rad);
1934 |
1935 | out[0] = c;
1936 | out[1] = s;
1937 | out[2] = 0;
1938 | out[3] = 0;
1939 | out[4] = -s;
1940 | out[5] = c;
1941 | out[6] = 0;
1942 | out[7] = 0;
1943 | out[8] = 0;
1944 | out[9] = 0;
1945 | out[10] = 1;
1946 | out[11] = 0;
1947 | out[12] = 0;
1948 | out[13] = 0;
1949 | out[14] = 0;
1950 | out[15] = 1;
1951 | return out;
1952 | }
1953 | |
1954 |
1955 |
1956 |
1957 |
1958 |
1959 |
1960 |
1961 |
1962 |
1963 |
1964 |
1965 |
1966 |
1967 |
1968 |
1969 | function fromRotationTranslation(out, q, v) {
1970 |
1971 | var x = q[0],
1972 | y = q[1],
1973 | z = q[2],
1974 | w = q[3];
1975 | var x2 = x + x;
1976 | var y2 = y + y;
1977 | var z2 = z + z;
1978 | var xx = x * x2;
1979 | var xy = x * y2;
1980 | var xz = x * z2;
1981 | var yy = y * y2;
1982 | var yz = y * z2;
1983 | var zz = z * z2;
1984 | var wx = w * x2;
1985 | var wy = w * y2;
1986 | var wz = w * z2;
1987 | out[0] = 1 - (yy + zz);
1988 | out[1] = xy + wz;
1989 | out[2] = xz - wy;
1990 | out[3] = 0;
1991 | out[4] = xy - wz;
1992 | out[5] = 1 - (xx + zz);
1993 | out[6] = yz + wx;
1994 | out[7] = 0;
1995 | out[8] = xz + wy;
1996 | out[9] = yz - wx;
1997 | out[10] = 1 - (xx + yy);
1998 | out[11] = 0;
1999 | out[12] = v[0];
2000 | out[13] = v[1];
2001 | out[14] = v[2];
2002 | out[15] = 1;
2003 | return out;
2004 | }
2005 | |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 | function fromQuat2(out, a) {
2014 | var translation = new ARRAY_TYPE(3);
2015 | var bx = -a[0],
2016 | by = -a[1],
2017 | bz = -a[2],
2018 | bw = a[3],
2019 | ax = a[4],
2020 | ay = a[5],
2021 | az = a[6],
2022 | aw = a[7];
2023 | var magnitude = bx * bx + by * by + bz * bz + bw * bw;
2024 |
2025 | if (magnitude > 0) {
2026 | translation[0] = (ax * bw + aw * bx + ay * bz - az * by) * 2 / magnitude;
2027 | translation[1] = (ay * bw + aw * by + az * bx - ax * bz) * 2 / magnitude;
2028 | translation[2] = (az * bw + aw * bz + ax * by - ay * bx) * 2 / magnitude;
2029 | } else {
2030 | translation[0] = (ax * bw + aw * bx + ay * bz - az * by) * 2;
2031 | translation[1] = (ay * bw + aw * by + az * bx - ax * bz) * 2;
2032 | translation[2] = (az * bw + aw * bz + ax * by - ay * bx) * 2;
2033 | }
2034 |
2035 | fromRotationTranslation(out, a, translation);
2036 | return out;
2037 | }
2038 | |
2039 |
2040 |
2041 |
2042 |
2043 |
2044 |
2045 |
2046 |
2047 |
2048 | function getTranslation(out, mat) {
2049 | out[0] = mat[12];
2050 | out[1] = mat[13];
2051 | out[2] = mat[14];
2052 | return out;
2053 | }
2054 | |
2055 |
2056 |
2057 |
2058 |
2059 |
2060 |
2061 |
2062 |
2063 |
2064 |
2065 | function getScaling(out, mat) {
2066 | var m11 = mat[0];
2067 | var m12 = mat[1];
2068 | var m13 = mat[2];
2069 | var m21 = mat[4];
2070 | var m22 = mat[5];
2071 | var m23 = mat[6];
2072 | var m31 = mat[8];
2073 | var m32 = mat[9];
2074 | var m33 = mat[10];
2075 | out[0] = Math.hypot(m11, m12, m13);
2076 | out[1] = Math.hypot(m21, m22, m23);
2077 | out[2] = Math.hypot(m31, m32, m33);
2078 | return out;
2079 | }
2080 | |
2081 |
2082 |
2083 |
2084 |
2085 |
2086 |
2087 |
2088 |
2089 |
2090 | function getRotation(out, mat) {
2091 | var scaling = new ARRAY_TYPE(3);
2092 | getScaling(scaling, mat);
2093 | var is1 = 1 / scaling[0];
2094 | var is2 = 1 / scaling[1];
2095 | var is3 = 1 / scaling[2];
2096 | var sm11 = mat[0] * is1;
2097 | var sm12 = mat[1] * is2;
2098 | var sm13 = mat[2] * is3;
2099 | var sm21 = mat[4] * is1;
2100 | var sm22 = mat[5] * is2;
2101 | var sm23 = mat[6] * is3;
2102 | var sm31 = mat[8] * is1;
2103 | var sm32 = mat[9] * is2;
2104 | var sm33 = mat[10] * is3;
2105 | var trace = sm11 + sm22 + sm33;
2106 | var S = 0;
2107 |
2108 | if (trace > 0) {
2109 | S = Math.sqrt(trace + 1.0) * 2;
2110 | out[3] = 0.25 * S;
2111 | out[0] = (sm23 - sm32) / S;
2112 | out[1] = (sm31 - sm13) / S;
2113 | out[2] = (sm12 - sm21) / S;
2114 | } else if (sm11 > sm22 && sm11 > sm33) {
2115 | S = Math.sqrt(1.0 + sm11 - sm22 - sm33) * 2;
2116 | out[3] = (sm23 - sm32) / S;
2117 | out[0] = 0.25 * S;
2118 | out[1] = (sm12 + sm21) / S;
2119 | out[2] = (sm31 + sm13) / S;
2120 | } else if (sm22 > sm33) {
2121 | S = Math.sqrt(1.0 + sm22 - sm11 - sm33) * 2;
2122 | out[3] = (sm31 - sm13) / S;
2123 | out[0] = (sm12 + sm21) / S;
2124 | out[1] = 0.25 * S;
2125 | out[2] = (sm23 + sm32) / S;
2126 | } else {
2127 | S = Math.sqrt(1.0 + sm33 - sm11 - sm22) * 2;
2128 | out[3] = (sm12 - sm21) / S;
2129 | out[0] = (sm31 + sm13) / S;
2130 | out[1] = (sm23 + sm32) / S;
2131 | out[2] = 0.25 * S;
2132 | }
2133 |
2134 | return out;
2135 | }
2136 | |
2137 |
2138 |
2139 |
2140 |
2141 |
2142 |
2143 |
2144 |
2145 |
2146 |
2147 |
2148 |
2149 |
2150 |
2151 |
2152 |
2153 |
2154 | function fromRotationTranslationScale(out, q, v, s) {
2155 |
2156 | var x = q[0],
2157 | y = q[1],
2158 | z = q[2],
2159 | w = q[3];
2160 | var x2 = x + x;
2161 | var y2 = y + y;
2162 | var z2 = z + z;
2163 | var xx = x * x2;
2164 | var xy = x * y2;
2165 | var xz = x * z2;
2166 | var yy = y * y2;
2167 | var yz = y * z2;
2168 | var zz = z * z2;
2169 | var wx = w * x2;
2170 | var wy = w * y2;
2171 | var wz = w * z2;
2172 | var sx = s[0];
2173 | var sy = s[1];
2174 | var sz = s[2];
2175 | out[0] = (1 - (yy + zz)) * sx;
2176 | out[1] = (xy + wz) * sx;
2177 | out[2] = (xz - wy) * sx;
2178 | out[3] = 0;
2179 | out[4] = (xy - wz) * sy;
2180 | out[5] = (1 - (xx + zz)) * sy;
2181 | out[6] = (yz + wx) * sy;
2182 | out[7] = 0;
2183 | out[8] = (xz + wy) * sz;
2184 | out[9] = (yz - wx) * sz;
2185 | out[10] = (1 - (xx + yy)) * sz;
2186 | out[11] = 0;
2187 | out[12] = v[0];
2188 | out[13] = v[1];
2189 | out[14] = v[2];
2190 | out[15] = 1;
2191 | return out;
2192 | }
2193 | |
2194 |
2195 |
2196 |
2197 |
2198 |
2199 |
2200 |
2201 |
2202 |
2203 |
2204 |
2205 |
2206 |
2207 |
2208 |
2209 |
2210 |
2211 |
2212 |
2213 |
2214 | function fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin(out, q, v, s, o) {
2215 |
2216 | var x = q[0],
2217 | y = q[1],
2218 | z = q[2],
2219 | w = q[3];
2220 | var x2 = x + x;
2221 | var y2 = y + y;
2222 | var z2 = z + z;
2223 | var xx = x * x2;
2224 | var xy = x * y2;
2225 | var xz = x * z2;
2226 | var yy = y * y2;
2227 | var yz = y * z2;
2228 | var zz = z * z2;
2229 | var wx = w * x2;
2230 | var wy = w * y2;
2231 | var wz = w * z2;
2232 | var sx = s[0];
2233 | var sy = s[1];
2234 | var sz = s[2];
2235 | var ox = o[0];
2236 | var oy = o[1];
2237 | var oz = o[2];
2238 | var out0 = (1 - (yy + zz)) * sx;
2239 | var out1 = (xy + wz) * sx;
2240 | var out2 = (xz - wy) * sx;
2241 | var out4 = (xy - wz) * sy;
2242 | var out5 = (1 - (xx + zz)) * sy;
2243 | var out6 = (yz + wx) * sy;
2244 | var out8 = (xz + wy) * sz;
2245 | var out9 = (yz - wx) * sz;
2246 | var out10 = (1 - (xx + yy)) * sz;
2247 | out[0] = out0;
2248 | out[1] = out1;
2249 | out[2] = out2;
2250 | out[3] = 0;
2251 | out[4] = out4;
2252 | out[5] = out5;
2253 | out[6] = out6;
2254 | out[7] = 0;
2255 | out[8] = out8;
2256 | out[9] = out9;
2257 | out[10] = out10;
2258 | out[11] = 0;
2259 | out[12] = v[0] + ox - (out0 * ox + out4 * oy + out8 * oz);
2260 | out[13] = v[1] + oy - (out1 * ox + out5 * oy + out9 * oz);
2261 | out[14] = v[2] + oz - (out2 * ox + out6 * oy + out10 * oz);
2262 | out[15] = 1;
2263 | return out;
2264 | }
2265 | |
2266 |
2267 |
2268 |
2269 |
2270 |
2271 |
2272 |
2273 |
2274 | function fromQuat(out, q) {
2275 | var x = q[0],
2276 | y = q[1],
2277 | z = q[2],
2278 | w = q[3];
2279 | var x2 = x + x;
2280 | var y2 = y + y;
2281 | var z2 = z + z;
2282 | var xx = x * x2;
2283 | var yx = y * x2;
2284 | var yy = y * y2;
2285 | var zx = z * x2;
2286 | var zy = z * y2;
2287 | var zz = z * z2;
2288 | var wx = w * x2;
2289 | var wy = w * y2;
2290 | var wz = w * z2;
2291 | out[0] = 1 - yy - zz;
2292 | out[1] = yx + wz;
2293 | out[2] = zx - wy;
2294 | out[3] = 0;
2295 | out[4] = yx - wz;
2296 | out[5] = 1 - xx - zz;
2297 | out[6] = zy + wx;
2298 | out[7] = 0;
2299 | out[8] = zx + wy;
2300 | out[9] = zy - wx;
2301 | out[10] = 1 - xx - yy;
2302 | out[11] = 0;
2303 | out[12] = 0;
2304 | out[13] = 0;
2305 | out[14] = 0;
2306 | out[15] = 1;
2307 | return out;
2308 | }
2309 | |
2310 |
2311 |
2312 |
2313 |
2314 |
2315 |
2316 |
2317 |
2318 |
2319 |
2320 |
2321 |
2322 | function frustum(out, left, right, bottom, top, near, far) {
2323 | var rl = 1 / (right - left);
2324 | var tb = 1 / (top - bottom);
2325 | var nf = 1 / (near - far);
2326 | out[0] = near * 2 * rl;
2327 | out[1] = 0;
2328 | out[2] = 0;
2329 | out[3] = 0;
2330 | out[4] = 0;
2331 | out[5] = near * 2 * tb;
2332 | out[6] = 0;
2333 | out[7] = 0;
2334 | out[8] = (right + left) * rl;
2335 | out[9] = (top + bottom) * tb;
2336 | out[10] = (far + near) * nf;
2337 | out[11] = -1;
2338 | out[12] = 0;
2339 | out[13] = 0;
2340 | out[14] = far * near * 2 * nf;
2341 | out[15] = 0;
2342 | return out;
2343 | }
2344 | |
2345 |
2346 |
2347 |
2348 |
2349 |
2350 |
2351 |
2352 |
2353 |
2354 |
2355 |
2356 |
2357 |
2358 | function perspectiveNO(out, fovy, aspect, near, far) {
2359 | var f = 1.0 / Math.tan(fovy / 2),
2360 | nf;
2361 | out[0] = f / aspect;
2362 | out[1] = 0;
2363 | out[2] = 0;
2364 | out[3] = 0;
2365 | out[4] = 0;
2366 | out[5] = f;
2367 | out[6] = 0;
2368 | out[7] = 0;
2369 | out[8] = 0;
2370 | out[9] = 0;
2371 | out[11] = -1;
2372 | out[12] = 0;
2373 | out[13] = 0;
2374 | out[15] = 0;
2375 |
2376 | if (far != null && far !== Infinity) {
2377 | nf = 1 / (near - far);
2378 | out[10] = (far + near) * nf;
2379 | out[14] = 2 * far * near * nf;
2380 | } else {
2381 | out[10] = -1;
2382 | out[14] = -2 * near;
2383 | }
2384 |
2385 | return out;
2386 | }
2387 | |
2388 |
2389 |
2390 |
2391 |
2392 | var perspective = perspectiveNO;
2393 | |
2394 |
2395 |
2396 |
2397 |
2398 |
2399 |
2400 |
2401 |
2402 |
2403 |
2404 |
2405 |
2406 |
2407 | function perspectiveZO(out, fovy, aspect, near, far) {
2408 | var f = 1.0 / Math.tan(fovy / 2),
2409 | nf;
2410 | out[0] = f / aspect;
2411 | out[1] = 0;
2412 | out[2] = 0;
2413 | out[3] = 0;
2414 | out[4] = 0;
2415 | out[5] = f;
2416 | out[6] = 0;
2417 | out[7] = 0;
2418 | out[8] = 0;
2419 | out[9] = 0;
2420 | out[11] = -1;
2421 | out[12] = 0;
2422 | out[13] = 0;
2423 | out[15] = 0;
2424 |
2425 | if (far != null && far !== Infinity) {
2426 | nf = 1 / (near - far);
2427 | out[10] = far * nf;
2428 | out[14] = far * near * nf;
2429 | } else {
2430 | out[10] = -1;
2431 | out[14] = -near;
2432 | }
2433 |
2434 | return out;
2435 | }
2436 | |
2437 |
2438 |
2439 |
2440 |
2441 |
2442 |
2443 |
2444 |
2445 |
2446 |
2447 |
2448 | function perspectiveFromFieldOfView(out, fov, near, far) {
2449 | var upTan = Math.tan(fov.upDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0);
2450 | var downTan = Math.tan(fov.downDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0);
2451 | var leftTan = Math.tan(fov.leftDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0);
2452 | var rightTan = Math.tan(fov.rightDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0);
2453 | var xScale = 2.0 / (leftTan + rightTan);
2454 | var yScale = 2.0 / (upTan + downTan);
2455 | out[0] = xScale;
2456 | out[1] = 0.0;
2457 | out[2] = 0.0;
2458 | out[3] = 0.0;
2459 | out[4] = 0.0;
2460 | out[5] = yScale;
2461 | out[6] = 0.0;
2462 | out[7] = 0.0;
2463 | out[8] = -((leftTan - rightTan) * xScale * 0.5);
2464 | out[9] = (upTan - downTan) * yScale * 0.5;
2465 | out[10] = far / (near - far);
2466 | out[11] = -1.0;
2467 | out[12] = 0.0;
2468 | out[13] = 0.0;
2469 | out[14] = far * near / (near - far);
2470 | out[15] = 0.0;
2471 | return out;
2472 | }
2473 | |
2474 |
2475 |
2476 |
2477 |
2478 |
2479 |
2480 |
2481 |
2482 |
2483 |
2484 |
2485 |
2486 |
2487 |
2488 | function orthoNO(out, left, right, bottom, top, near, far) {
2489 | var lr = 1 / (left - right);
2490 | var bt = 1 / (bottom - top);
2491 | var nf = 1 / (near - far);
2492 | out[0] = -2 * lr;
2493 | out[1] = 0;
2494 | out[2] = 0;
2495 | out[3] = 0;
2496 | out[4] = 0;
2497 | out[5] = -2 * bt;
2498 | out[6] = 0;
2499 | out[7] = 0;
2500 | out[8] = 0;
2501 | out[9] = 0;
2502 | out[10] = 2 * nf;
2503 | out[11] = 0;
2504 | out[12] = (left + right) * lr;
2505 | out[13] = (top + bottom) * bt;
2506 | out[14] = (far + near) * nf;
2507 | out[15] = 1;
2508 | return out;
2509 | }
2510 | |
2511 |
2512 |
2513 |
2514 |
2515 | var ortho = orthoNO;
2516 | |
2517 |
2518 |
2519 |
2520 |
2521 |
2522 |
2523 |
2524 |
2525 |
2526 |
2527 |
2528 |
2529 |
2530 |
2531 | function orthoZO(out, left, right, bottom, top, near, far) {
2532 | var lr = 1 / (left - right);
2533 | var bt = 1 / (bottom - top);
2534 | var nf = 1 / (near - far);
2535 | out[0] = -2 * lr;
2536 | out[1] = 0;
2537 | out[2] = 0;
2538 | out[3] = 0;
2539 | out[4] = 0;
2540 | out[5] = -2 * bt;
2541 | out[6] = 0;
2542 | out[7] = 0;
2543 | out[8] = 0;
2544 | out[9] = 0;
2545 | out[10] = nf;
2546 | out[11] = 0;
2547 | out[12] = (left + right) * lr;
2548 | out[13] = (top + bottom) * bt;
2549 | out[14] = near * nf;
2550 | out[15] = 1;
2551 | return out;
2552 | }
2553 | |
2554 |
2555 |
2556 |
2557 |
2558 |
2559 |
2560 |
2561 |
2562 |
2563 |
2564 | function lookAt(out, eye, center, up) {
2565 | var x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2, z0, z1, z2, len;
2566 | var eyex = eye[0];
2567 | var eyey = eye[1];
2568 | var eyez = eye[2];
2569 | var upx = up[0];
2570 | var upy = up[1];
2571 | var upz = up[2];
2572 | var centerx = center[0];
2573 | var centery = center[1];
2574 | var centerz = center[2];
2575 |
2576 | if (Math.abs(eyex - centerx) < EPSILON && Math.abs(eyey - centery) < EPSILON && Math.abs(eyez - centerz) < EPSILON) {
2577 | return identity$1(out);
2578 | }
2579 |
2580 | z0 = eyex - centerx;
2581 | z1 = eyey - centery;
2582 | z2 = eyez - centerz;
2583 | len = 1 / Math.hypot(z0, z1, z2);
2584 | z0 *= len;
2585 | z1 *= len;
2586 | z2 *= len;
2587 | x0 = upy * z2 - upz * z1;
2588 | x1 = upz * z0 - upx * z2;
2589 | x2 = upx * z1 - upy * z0;
2590 | len = Math.hypot(x0, x1, x2);
2591 |
2592 | if (!len) {
2593 | x0 = 0;
2594 | x1 = 0;
2595 | x2 = 0;
2596 | } else {
2597 | len = 1 / len;
2598 | x0 *= len;
2599 | x1 *= len;
2600 | x2 *= len;
2601 | }
2602 |
2603 | y0 = z1 * x2 - z2 * x1;
2604 | y1 = z2 * x0 - z0 * x2;
2605 | y2 = z0 * x1 - z1 * x0;
2606 | len = Math.hypot(y0, y1, y2);
2607 |
2608 | if (!len) {
2609 | y0 = 0;
2610 | y1 = 0;
2611 | y2 = 0;
2612 | } else {
2613 | len = 1 / len;
2614 | y0 *= len;
2615 | y1 *= len;
2616 | y2 *= len;
2617 | }
2618 |
2619 | out[0] = x0;
2620 | out[1] = y0;
2621 | out[2] = z0;
2622 | out[3] = 0;
2623 | out[4] = x1;
2624 | out[5] = y1;
2625 | out[6] = z1;
2626 | out[7] = 0;
2627 | out[8] = x2;
2628 | out[9] = y2;
2629 | out[10] = z2;
2630 | out[11] = 0;
2631 | out[12] = -(x0 * eyex + x1 * eyey + x2 * eyez);
2632 | out[13] = -(y0 * eyex + y1 * eyey + y2 * eyez);
2633 | out[14] = -(z0 * eyex + z1 * eyey + z2 * eyez);
2634 | out[15] = 1;
2635 | return out;
2636 | }
2637 | |
2638 |
2639 |
2640 |
2641 |
2642 |
2643 |
2644 |
2645 |
2646 |
2647 | function targetTo(out, eye, target, up) {
2648 | var eyex = eye[0],
2649 | eyey = eye[1],
2650 | eyez = eye[2],
2651 | upx = up[0],
2652 | upy = up[1],
2653 | upz = up[2];
2654 | var z0 = eyex - target[0],
2655 | z1 = eyey - target[1],
2656 | z2 = eyez - target[2];
2657 | var len = z0 * z0 + z1 * z1 + z2 * z2;
2658 |
2659 | if (len > 0) {
2660 | len = 1 / Math.sqrt(len);
2661 | z0 *= len;
2662 | z1 *= len;
2663 | z2 *= len;
2664 | }
2665 |
2666 | var x0 = upy * z2 - upz * z1,
2667 | x1 = upz * z0 - upx * z2,
2668 | x2 = upx * z1 - upy * z0;
2669 | len = x0 * x0 + x1 * x1 + x2 * x2;
2670 |
2671 | if (len > 0) {
2672 | len = 1 / Math.sqrt(len);
2673 | x0 *= len;
2674 | x1 *= len;
2675 | x2 *= len;
2676 | }
2677 |
2678 | out[0] = x0;
2679 | out[1] = x1;
2680 | out[2] = x2;
2681 | out[3] = 0;
2682 | out[4] = z1 * x2 - z2 * x1;
2683 | out[5] = z2 * x0 - z0 * x2;
2684 | out[6] = z0 * x1 - z1 * x0;
2685 | out[7] = 0;
2686 | out[8] = z0;
2687 | out[9] = z1;
2688 | out[10] = z2;
2689 | out[11] = 0;
2690 | out[12] = eyex;
2691 | out[13] = eyey;
2692 | out[14] = eyez;
2693 | out[15] = 1;
2694 | return out;
2695 | }
2696 | |
2697 |
2698 |
2699 |
2700 |
2701 |
2702 |
2703 | function str(a) {
2704 | return "mat4(" + a[0] + ", " + a[1] + ", " + a[2] + ", " + a[3] + ", " + a[4] + ", " + a[5] + ", " + a[6] + ", " + a[7] + ", " + a[8] + ", " + a[9] + ", " + a[10] + ", " + a[11] + ", " + a[12] + ", " + a[13] + ", " + a[14] + ", " + a[15] + ")";
2705 | }
2706 | |
2707 |
2708 |
2709 |
2710 |
2711 |
2712 |
2713 | function frob(a) {
2714 | return Math.hypot(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7], a[8], a[9], a[10], a[11], a[12], a[13], a[14], a[15]);
2715 | }
2716 | |
2717 |
2718 |
2719 |
2720 |
2721 |
2722 |
2723 |
2724 |
2725 | function add(out, a, b) {
2726 | out[0] = a[0] + b[0];
2727 | out[1] = a[1] + b[1];
2728 | out[2] = a[2] + b[2];
2729 | out[3] = a[3] + b[3];
2730 | out[4] = a[4] + b[4];
2731 | out[5] = a[5] + b[5];
2732 | out[6] = a[6] + b[6];
2733 | out[7] = a[7] + b[7];
2734 | out[8] = a[8] + b[8];
2735 | out[9] = a[9] + b[9];
2736 | out[10] = a[10] + b[10];
2737 | out[11] = a[11] + b[11];
2738 | out[12] = a[12] + b[12];
2739 | out[13] = a[13] + b[13];
2740 | out[14] = a[14] + b[14];
2741 | out[15] = a[15] + b[15];
2742 | return out;
2743 | }
2744 | |
2745 |
2746 |
2747 |
2748 |
2749 |
2750 |
2751 |
2752 |
2753 | function subtract(out, a, b) {
2754 | out[0] = a[0] - b[0];
2755 | out[1] = a[1] - b[1];
2756 | out[2] = a[2] - b[2];
2757 | out[3] = a[3] - b[3];
2758 | out[4] = a[4] - b[4];
2759 | out[5] = a[5] - b[5];
2760 | out[6] = a[6] - b[6];
2761 | out[7] = a[7] - b[7];
2762 | out[8] = a[8] - b[8];
2763 | out[9] = a[9] - b[9];
2764 | out[10] = a[10] - b[10];
2765 | out[11] = a[11] - b[11];
2766 | out[12] = a[12] - b[12];
2767 | out[13] = a[13] - b[13];
2768 | out[14] = a[14] - b[14];
2769 | out[15] = a[15] - b[15];
2770 | return out;
2771 | }
2772 | |
2773 |
2774 |
2775 |
2776 |
2777 |
2778 |
2779 |
2780 |
2781 | function multiplyScalar(out, a, b) {
2782 | out[0] = a[0] * b;
2783 | out[1] = a[1] * b;
2784 | out[2] = a[2] * b;
2785 | out[3] = a[3] * b;
2786 | out[4] = a[4] * b;
2787 | out[5] = a[5] * b;
2788 | out[6] = a[6] * b;
2789 | out[7] = a[7] * b;
2790 | out[8] = a[8] * b;
2791 | out[9] = a[9] * b;
2792 | out[10] = a[10] * b;
2793 | out[11] = a[11] * b;
2794 | out[12] = a[12] * b;
2795 | out[13] = a[13] * b;
2796 | out[14] = a[14] * b;
2797 | out[15] = a[15] * b;
2798 | return out;
2799 | }
2800 | |
2801 |
2802 |
2803 |
2804 |
2805 |
2806 |
2807 |
2808 |
2809 |
2810 | function multiplyScalarAndAdd(out, a, b, scale) {
2811 | out[0] = a[0] + b[0] * scale;
2812 | out[1] = a[1] + b[1] * scale;
2813 | out[2] = a[2] + b[2] * scale;
2814 | out[3] = a[3] + b[3] * scale;
2815 | out[4] = a[4] + b[4] * scale;
2816 | out[5] = a[5] + b[5] * scale;
2817 | out[6] = a[6] + b[6] * scale;
2818 | out[7] = a[7] + b[7] * scale;
2819 | out[8] = a[8] + b[8] * scale;
2820 | out[9] = a[9] + b[9] * scale;
2821 | out[10] = a[10] + b[10] * scale;
2822 | out[11] = a[11] + b[11] * scale;
2823 | out[12] = a[12] + b[12] * scale;
2824 | out[13] = a[13] + b[13] * scale;
2825 | out[14] = a[14] + b[14] * scale;
2826 | out[15] = a[15] + b[15] * scale;
2827 | return out;
2828 | }
2829 | |
2830 |
2831 |
2832 |
2833 |
2834 |
2835 |
2836 |
2837 | function exactEquals(a, b) {
2838 | return a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1] && a[2] === b[2] && a[3] === b[3] && a[4] === b[4] && a[5] === b[5] && a[6] === b[6] && a[7] === b[7] && a[8] === b[8] && a[9] === b[9] && a[10] === b[10] && a[11] === b[11] && a[12] === b[12] && a[13] === b[13] && a[14] === b[14] && a[15] === b[15];
2839 | }
2840 | |
2841 |
2842 |
2843 |
2844 |
2845 |
2846 |
2847 |
2848 | function equals(a, b) {
2849 | var a0 = a[0],
2850 | a1 = a[1],
2851 | a2 = a[2],
2852 | a3 = a[3];
2853 | var a4 = a[4],
2854 | a5 = a[5],
2855 | a6 = a[6],
2856 | a7 = a[7];
2857 | var a8 = a[8],
2858 | a9 = a[9],
2859 | a10 = a[10],
2860 | a11 = a[11];
2861 | var a12 = a[12],
2862 | a13 = a[13],
2863 | a14 = a[14],
2864 | a15 = a[15];
2865 | var b0 = b[0],
2866 | b1 = b[1],
2867 | b2 = b[2],
2868 | b3 = b[3];
2869 | var b4 = b[4],
2870 | b5 = b[5],
2871 | b6 = b[6],
2872 | b7 = b[7];
2873 | var b8 = b[8],
2874 | b9 = b[9],
2875 | b10 = b[10],
2876 | b11 = b[11];
2877 | var b12 = b[12],
2878 | b13 = b[13],
2879 | b14 = b[14],
2880 | b15 = b[15];
2881 | return Math.abs(a0 - b0) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a0), Math.abs(b0)) && Math.abs(a1 - b1) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a1), Math.abs(b1)) && Math.abs(a2 - b2) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a2), Math.abs(b2)) && Math.abs(a3 - b3) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a3), Math.abs(b3)) && Math.abs(a4 - b4) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a4), Math.abs(b4)) && Math.abs(a5 - b5) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a5), Math.abs(b5)) && Math.abs(a6 - b6) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a6), Math.abs(b6)) && Math.abs(a7 - b7) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a7), Math.abs(b7)) && Math.abs(a8 - b8) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a8), Math.abs(b8)) && Math.abs(a9 - b9) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a9), Math.abs(b9)) && Math.abs(a10 - b10) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a10), Math.abs(b10)) && Math.abs(a11 - b11) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a11), Math.abs(b11)) && Math.abs(a12 - b12) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a12), Math.abs(b12)) && Math.abs(a13 - b13) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a13), Math.abs(b13)) && Math.abs(a14 - b14) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a14), Math.abs(b14)) && Math.abs(a15 - b15) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a15), Math.abs(b15));
2882 | }
2883 | |
2884 |
2885 |
2886 |
2887 |
2888 | var mul = multiply;
2889 | |
2890 |
2891 |
2892 |
2893 |
2894 | var sub = subtract;
2895 |
2896 | var mat4 = Object.freeze({
2897 | __proto__: null,
2898 | create: create$1,
2899 | clone: clone$1,
2900 | copy: copy,
2901 | fromValues: fromValues$1,
2902 | set: set,
2903 | identity: identity$1,
2904 | transpose: transpose,
2905 | invert: invert,
2906 | adjoint: adjoint,
2907 | determinant: determinant,
2908 | multiply: multiply,
2909 | translate: translate,
2910 | scale: scale,
2911 | rotate: rotate$1,
2912 | rotateX: rotateX,
2913 | rotateY: rotateY,
2914 | rotateZ: rotateZ,
2915 | fromTranslation: fromTranslation,
2916 | fromScaling: fromScaling,
2917 | fromRotation: fromRotation,
2918 | fromXRotation: fromXRotation,
2919 | fromYRotation: fromYRotation,
2920 | fromZRotation: fromZRotation,
2921 | fromRotationTranslation: fromRotationTranslation,
2922 | fromQuat2: fromQuat2,
2923 | getTranslation: getTranslation,
2924 | getScaling: getScaling,
2925 | getRotation: getRotation,
2926 | fromRotationTranslationScale: fromRotationTranslationScale,
2927 | fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin: fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin,
2928 | fromQuat: fromQuat,
2929 | frustum: frustum,
2930 | perspectiveNO: perspectiveNO,
2931 | perspective: perspective,
2932 | perspectiveZO: perspectiveZO,
2933 | perspectiveFromFieldOfView: perspectiveFromFieldOfView,
2934 | orthoNO: orthoNO,
2935 | ortho: ortho,
2936 | orthoZO: orthoZO,
2937 | lookAt: lookAt,
2938 | targetTo: targetTo,
2939 | str: str,
2940 | frob: frob,
2941 | add: add,
2942 | subtract: subtract,
2943 | multiplyScalar: multiplyScalar,
2944 | multiplyScalarAndAdd: multiplyScalarAndAdd,
2945 | exactEquals: exactEquals,
2946 | equals: equals,
2947 | mul: mul,
2948 | sub: sub
2949 | });
2950 |
2951 | /**
2952 | * 3 Dimensional Vector
2953 | * @module vec3
2954 | */
2955 |
2956 | /**
2957 | * Creates a new, empty vec3
2958 | *
2959 | * @returns {vec3} a new 3D vector
2960 | */
2961 |
2962 | function create$2() {
2963 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(3);
2964 |
2965 | if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) {
2966 | out[0] = 0;
2967 | out[1] = 0;
2968 | out[2] = 0;
2969 | }
2970 |
2971 | return out;
2972 | }
2973 | |
2974 |
2975 |
2976 |
2977 |
2978 |
2979 |
2980 | function clone$2(a) {
2981 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(3);
2982 | out[0] = a[0];
2983 | out[1] = a[1];
2984 | out[2] = a[2];
2985 | return out;
2986 | }
2987 | |
2988 |
2989 |
2990 |
2991 |
2992 |
2993 |
2994 | function length(a) {
2995 | var x = a[0];
2996 | var y = a[1];
2997 | var z = a[2];
2998 | return Math.hypot(x, y, z);
2999 | }
3000 | |
3001 |
3002 |
3003 |
3004 |
3005 |
3006 |
3007 |
3008 |
3009 | function fromValues$2(x, y, z) {
3010 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(3);
3011 | out[0] = x;
3012 | out[1] = y;
3013 | out[2] = z;
3014 | return out;
3015 | }
3016 | |
3017 |
3018 |
3019 |
3020 |
3021 |
3022 |
3023 |
3024 | function copy$1(out, a) {
3025 | out[0] = a[0];
3026 | out[1] = a[1];
3027 | out[2] = a[2];
3028 | return out;
3029 | }
3030 | |
3031 |
3032 |
3033 |
3034 |
3035 |
3036 |
3037 |
3038 |
3039 |
3040 | function set$1(out, x, y, z) {
3041 | out[0] = x;
3042 | out[1] = y;
3043 | out[2] = z;
3044 | return out;
3045 | }
3046 | |
3047 |
3048 |
3049 |
3050 |
3051 |
3052 |
3053 |
3054 |
3055 | function add$1(out, a, b) {
3056 | out[0] = a[0] + b[0];
3057 | out[1] = a[1] + b[1];
3058 | out[2] = a[2] + b[2];
3059 | return out;
3060 | }
3061 | |
3062 |
3063 |
3064 |
3065 |
3066 |
3067 |
3068 |
3069 |
3070 | function subtract$1(out, a, b) {
3071 | out[0] = a[0] - b[0];
3072 | out[1] = a[1] - b[1];
3073 | out[2] = a[2] - b[2];
3074 | return out;
3075 | }
3076 | |
3077 |
3078 |
3079 |
3080 |
3081 |
3082 |
3083 |
3084 |
3085 | function multiply$1(out, a, b) {
3086 | out[0] = a[0] * b[0];
3087 | out[1] = a[1] * b[1];
3088 | out[2] = a[2] * b[2];
3089 | return out;
3090 | }
3091 | |
3092 |
3093 |
3094 |
3095 |
3096 |
3097 |
3098 |
3099 |
3100 | function scale$1(out, a, b) {
3101 | out[0] = a[0] * b;
3102 | out[1] = a[1] * b;
3103 | out[2] = a[2] * b;
3104 | return out;
3105 | }
3106 | |
3107 |
3108 |
3109 |
3110 |
3111 |
3112 |
3113 |
3114 | function normalize(out, a) {
3115 | var x = a[0];
3116 | var y = a[1];
3117 | var z = a[2];
3118 | var len = x * x + y * y + z * z;
3119 |
3120 | if (len > 0) {
3121 |
3122 | len = 1 / Math.sqrt(len);
3123 | }
3124 |
3125 | out[0] = a[0] * len;
3126 | out[1] = a[1] * len;
3127 | out[2] = a[2] * len;
3128 | return out;
3129 | }
3130 | |
3131 |
3132 |
3133 |
3134 |
3135 |
3136 |
3137 |
3138 | function dot(a, b) {
3139 | return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
3140 | }
3141 | |
3142 |
3143 |
3144 |
3145 |
3146 |
3147 |
3148 |
3149 |
3150 | function cross(out, a, b) {
3151 | var ax = a[0],
3152 | ay = a[1],
3153 | az = a[2];
3154 | var bx = b[0],
3155 | by = b[1],
3156 | bz = b[2];
3157 | out[0] = ay * bz - az * by;
3158 | out[1] = az * bx - ax * bz;
3159 | out[2] = ax * by - ay * bx;
3160 | return out;
3161 | }
3162 | |
3163 |
3164 |
3165 |
3166 |
3167 |
3168 |
3169 |
3170 |
3171 |
3172 | function lerp(out, a, b, t) {
3173 | var ax = a[0];
3174 | var ay = a[1];
3175 | var az = a[2];
3176 | out[0] = ax + t * (b[0] - ax);
3177 | out[1] = ay + t * (b[1] - ay);
3178 | out[2] = az + t * (b[2] - az);
3179 | return out;
3180 | }
3181 | |
3182 |
3183 |
3184 |
3185 |
3186 |
3187 |
3188 |
3189 |
3190 |
3191 | function transformMat4(out, a, m) {
3192 | var x = a[0],
3193 | y = a[1],
3194 | z = a[2];
3195 | var w = m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[11] * z + m[15];
3196 | w = w || 1.0;
3197 | out[0] = (m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[8] * z + m[12]) / w;
3198 | out[1] = (m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[9] * z + m[13]) / w;
3199 | out[2] = (m[2] * x + m[6] * y + m[10] * z + m[14]) / w;
3200 | return out;
3201 | }
3202 | |
3203 |
3204 |
3205 |
3206 |
3207 |
3208 |
3209 |
3210 |
3211 | function transformMat3(out, a, m) {
3212 | var x = a[0],
3213 | y = a[1],
3214 | z = a[2];
3215 | out[0] = x * m[0] + y * m[3] + z * m[6];
3216 | out[1] = x * m[1] + y * m[4] + z * m[7];
3217 | out[2] = x * m[2] + y * m[5] + z * m[8];
3218 | return out;
3219 | }
3220 | |
3221 |
3222 |
3223 |
3224 |
3225 |
3226 |
3227 |
3228 |
3229 |
3230 | function transformQuat(out, a, q) {
3231 |
3232 | var qx = q[0],
3233 | qy = q[1],
3234 | qz = q[2],
3235 | qw = q[3];
3236 | var x = a[0],
3237 | y = a[1],
3238 | z = a[2];
3239 |
3240 |
3241 | var uvx = qy * z - qz * y,
3242 | uvy = qz * x - qx * z,
3243 | uvz = qx * y - qy * x;
3244 |
3245 | var uuvx = qy * uvz - qz * uvy,
3246 | uuvy = qz * uvx - qx * uvz,
3247 | uuvz = qx * uvy - qy * uvx;
3248 |
3249 | var w2 = qw * 2;
3250 | uvx *= w2;
3251 | uvy *= w2;
3252 | uvz *= w2;
3253 |
3254 | uuvx *= 2;
3255 | uuvy *= 2;
3256 | uuvz *= 2;
3257 |
3258 | out[0] = x + uvx + uuvx;
3259 | out[1] = y + uvy + uuvy;
3260 | out[2] = z + uvz + uuvz;
3261 | return out;
3262 | }
3263 | |
3264 |
3265 |
3266 |
3267 |
3268 |
3269 |
3270 |
3271 | function equals$1(a, b) {
3272 | var a0 = a[0],
3273 | a1 = a[1],
3274 | a2 = a[2];
3275 | var b0 = b[0],
3276 | b1 = b[1],
3277 | b2 = b[2];
3278 | return Math.abs(a0 - b0) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a0), Math.abs(b0)) && Math.abs(a1 - b1) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a1), Math.abs(b1)) && Math.abs(a2 - b2) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1.0, Math.abs(a2), Math.abs(b2));
3279 | }
3280 | |
3281 |
3282 |
3283 |
3284 |
3285 | var len = length;
3286 | |
3287 |
3288 |
3289 |
3290 |
3291 |
3292 |
3293 |
3294 |
3295 |
3296 |
3297 |
3298 |
3299 | var forEach = function () {
3300 | var vec = create$2();
3301 | return function (a, stride, offset, count, fn, arg) {
3302 | var i, l;
3303 |
3304 | if (!stride) {
3305 | stride = 3;
3306 | }
3307 |
3308 | if (!offset) {
3309 | offset = 0;
3310 | }
3311 |
3312 | if (count) {
3313 | l = Math.min(count * stride + offset, a.length);
3314 | } else {
3315 | l = a.length;
3316 | }
3317 |
3318 | for (i = offset; i < l; i += stride) {
3319 | vec[0] = a[i];
3320 | vec[1] = a[i + 1];
3321 | vec[2] = a[i + 2];
3322 | fn(vec, vec, arg);
3323 | a[i] = vec[0];
3324 | a[i + 1] = vec[1];
3325 | a[i + 2] = vec[2];
3326 | }
3327 |
3328 | return a;
3329 | };
3330 | }();
3331 |
3332 | |
3333 |
3334 |
3335 |
3336 |
3337 | |
3338 |
3339 |
3340 |
3341 |
3342 |
3343 | function create$3() {
3344 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(4);
3345 |
3346 | if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) {
3347 | out[0] = 0;
3348 | out[1] = 0;
3349 | out[2] = 0;
3350 | out[3] = 0;
3351 | }
3352 |
3353 | return out;
3354 | }
3355 | |
3356 |
3357 |
3358 |
3359 |
3360 |
3361 |
3362 |
3363 |
3364 |
3365 | function fromValues$3(x, y, z, w) {
3366 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(4);
3367 | out[0] = x;
3368 | out[1] = y;
3369 | out[2] = z;
3370 | out[3] = w;
3371 | return out;
3372 | }
3373 | |
3374 |
3375 |
3376 |
3377 |
3378 |
3379 |
3380 |
3381 | function copy$2(out, a) {
3382 | out[0] = a[0];
3383 | out[1] = a[1];
3384 | out[2] = a[2];
3385 | out[3] = a[3];
3386 | return out;
3387 | }
3388 | |
3389 |
3390 |
3391 |
3392 |
3393 |
3394 |
3395 |
3396 | function normalize$1(out, a) {
3397 | var x = a[0];
3398 | var y = a[1];
3399 | var z = a[2];
3400 | var w = a[3];
3401 | var len = x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w;
3402 |
3403 | if (len > 0) {
3404 | len = 1 / Math.sqrt(len);
3405 | }
3406 |
3407 | out[0] = x * len;
3408 | out[1] = y * len;
3409 | out[2] = z * len;
3410 | out[3] = w * len;
3411 | return out;
3412 | }
3413 | |
3414 |
3415 |
3416 |
3417 |
3418 |
3419 |
3420 |
3421 |
3422 | function transformMat4$1(out, a, m) {
3423 | var x = a[0],
3424 | y = a[1],
3425 | z = a[2],
3426 | w = a[3];
3427 | out[0] = m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[8] * z + m[12] * w;
3428 | out[1] = m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[9] * z + m[13] * w;
3429 | out[2] = m[2] * x + m[6] * y + m[10] * z + m[14] * w;
3430 | out[3] = m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[11] * z + m[15] * w;
3431 | return out;
3432 | }
3433 | |
3434 |
3435 |
3436 |
3437 |
3438 |
3439 |
3440 |
3441 |
3442 |
3443 |
3444 |
3445 |
3446 | var forEach$1 = function () {
3447 | var vec = create$3();
3448 | return function (a, stride, offset, count, fn, arg) {
3449 | var i, l;
3450 |
3451 | if (!stride) {
3452 | stride = 4;
3453 | }
3454 |
3455 | if (!offset) {
3456 | offset = 0;
3457 | }
3458 |
3459 | if (count) {
3460 | l = Math.min(count * stride + offset, a.length);
3461 | } else {
3462 | l = a.length;
3463 | }
3464 |
3465 | for (i = offset; i < l; i += stride) {
3466 | vec[0] = a[i];
3467 | vec[1] = a[i + 1];
3468 | vec[2] = a[i + 2];
3469 | vec[3] = a[i + 3];
3470 | fn(vec, vec, arg);
3471 | a[i] = vec[0];
3472 | a[i + 1] = vec[1];
3473 | a[i + 2] = vec[2];
3474 | a[i + 3] = vec[3];
3475 | }
3476 |
3477 | return a;
3478 | };
3479 | }();
3480 |
3481 | |
3482 |
3483 |
3484 |
3485 |
3486 | |
3487 |
3488 |
3489 |
3490 |
3491 |
3492 | function create$4() {
3493 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(4);
3494 |
3495 | if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) {
3496 | out[0] = 0;
3497 | out[1] = 0;
3498 | out[2] = 0;
3499 | }
3500 |
3501 | out[3] = 1;
3502 | return out;
3503 | }
3504 | |
3505 |
3506 |
3507 |
3508 |
3509 |
3510 |
3511 |
3512 |
3513 |
3514 | function setAxisAngle(out, axis, rad) {
3515 | rad = rad * 0.5;
3516 | var s = Math.sin(rad);
3517 | out[0] = s * axis[0];
3518 | out[1] = s * axis[1];
3519 | out[2] = s * axis[2];
3520 | out[3] = Math.cos(rad);
3521 | return out;
3522 | }
3523 | |
3524 |
3525 |
3526 |
3527 |
3528 |
3529 |
3530 |
3531 |
3532 | function multiply$2(out, a, b) {
3533 | var ax = a[0],
3534 | ay = a[1],
3535 | az = a[2],
3536 | aw = a[3];
3537 | var bx = b[0],
3538 | by = b[1],
3539 | bz = b[2],
3540 | bw = b[3];
3541 | out[0] = ax * bw + aw * bx + ay * bz - az * by;
3542 | out[1] = ay * bw + aw * by + az * bx - ax * bz;
3543 | out[2] = az * bw + aw * bz + ax * by - ay * bx;
3544 | out[3] = aw * bw - ax * bx - ay * by - az * bz;
3545 | return out;
3546 | }
3547 | |
3548 |
3549 |
3550 |
3551 |
3552 |
3553 |
3554 |
3555 |
3556 |
3557 | function slerp(out, a, b, t) {
3558 |
3559 |
3560 | var ax = a[0],
3561 | ay = a[1],
3562 | az = a[2],
3563 | aw = a[3];
3564 | var bx = b[0],
3565 | by = b[1],
3566 | bz = b[2],
3567 | bw = b[3];
3568 | var omega, cosom, sinom, scale0, scale1;
3569 |
3570 | cosom = ax * bx + ay * by + az * bz + aw * bw;
3571 |
3572 | if (cosom < 0.0) {
3573 | cosom = -cosom;
3574 | bx = -bx;
3575 | by = -by;
3576 | bz = -bz;
3577 | bw = -bw;
3578 | }
3579 |
3580 |
3581 | if (1.0 - cosom > EPSILON) {
3582 |
3583 | omega = Math.acos(cosom);
3584 | sinom = Math.sin(omega);
3585 | scale0 = Math.sin((1.0 - t) * omega) / sinom;
3586 | scale1 = Math.sin(t * omega) / sinom;
3587 | } else {
3588 |
3589 |
3590 | scale0 = 1.0 - t;
3591 | scale1 = t;
3592 | }
3593 |
3594 |
3595 | out[0] = scale0 * ax + scale1 * bx;
3596 | out[1] = scale0 * ay + scale1 * by;
3597 | out[2] = scale0 * az + scale1 * bz;
3598 | out[3] = scale0 * aw + scale1 * bw;
3599 | return out;
3600 | }
3601 | |
3602 |
3603 |
3604 |
3605 |
3606 |
3607 |
3608 |
3609 | function invert$1(out, a) {
3610 | var a0 = a[0],
3611 | a1 = a[1],
3612 | a2 = a[2],
3613 | a3 = a[3];
3614 | var dot = a0 * a0 + a1 * a1 + a2 * a2 + a3 * a3;
3615 | var invDot = dot ? 1.0 / dot : 0;
3616 |
3617 | out[0] = -a0 * invDot;
3618 | out[1] = -a1 * invDot;
3619 | out[2] = -a2 * invDot;
3620 | out[3] = a3 * invDot;
3621 | return out;
3622 | }
3623 | |
3624 |
3625 |
3626 |
3627 |
3628 |
3629 |
3630 |
3631 |
3632 |
3633 |
3634 |
3635 | function fromMat3(out, m) {
3636 |
3637 |
3638 | var fTrace = m[0] + m[4] + m[8];
3639 | var fRoot;
3640 |
3641 | if (fTrace > 0.0) {
3642 |
3643 | fRoot = Math.sqrt(fTrace + 1.0);
3644 |
3645 | out[3] = 0.5 * fRoot;
3646 | fRoot = 0.5 / fRoot;
3647 |
3648 | out[0] = (m[5] - m[7]) * fRoot;
3649 | out[1] = (m[6] - m[2]) * fRoot;
3650 | out[2] = (m[1] - m[3]) * fRoot;
3651 | } else {
3652 |
3653 | var i = 0;
3654 | if (m[4] > m[0]) i = 1;
3655 | if (m[8] > m[i * 3 + i]) i = 2;
3656 | var j = (i + 1) % 3;
3657 | var k = (i + 2) % 3;
3658 | fRoot = Math.sqrt(m[i * 3 + i] - m[j * 3 + j] - m[k * 3 + k] + 1.0);
3659 | out[i] = 0.5 * fRoot;
3660 | fRoot = 0.5 / fRoot;
3661 | out[3] = (m[j * 3 + k] - m[k * 3 + j]) * fRoot;
3662 | out[j] = (m[j * 3 + i] + m[i * 3 + j]) * fRoot;
3663 | out[k] = (m[k * 3 + i] + m[i * 3 + k]) * fRoot;
3664 | }
3665 |
3666 | return out;
3667 | }
3668 | |
3669 |
3670 |
3671 |
3672 |
3673 |
3674 |
3675 |
3676 |
3677 |
3678 |
3679 | function fromEuler(out, x, y, z) {
3680 | var halfToRad = 0.5 * Math.PI / 180.0;
3681 | x *= halfToRad;
3682 | y *= halfToRad;
3683 | z *= halfToRad;
3684 | var sx = Math.sin(x);
3685 | var cx = Math.cos(x);
3686 | var sy = Math.sin(y);
3687 | var cy = Math.cos(y);
3688 | var sz = Math.sin(z);
3689 | var cz = Math.cos(z);
3690 | out[0] = sx * cy * cz - cx * sy * sz;
3691 | out[1] = cx * sy * cz + sx * cy * sz;
3692 | out[2] = cx * cy * sz - sx * sy * cz;
3693 | out[3] = cx * cy * cz + sx * sy * sz;
3694 | return out;
3695 | }
3696 | |
3697 |
3698 |
3699 |
3700 |
3701 |
3702 |
3703 |
3704 |
3705 |
3706 |
3707 | var fromValues$4 = fromValues$3;
3708 | |
3709 |
3710 |
3711 |
3712 |
3713 |
3714 |
3715 |
3716 |
3717 | var copy$3 = copy$2;
3718 | |
3719 |
3720 |
3721 |
3722 |
3723 | var mul$1 = multiply$2;
3724 | |
3725 |
3726 |
3727 |
3728 |
3729 |
3730 |
3731 |
3732 |
3733 | var normalize$2 = normalize$1;
3734 | |
3735 |
3736 |
3737 |
3738 |
3739 |
3740 |
3741 |
3742 |
3743 |
3744 |
3745 |
3746 | var rotationTo = function () {
3747 | var tmpvec3 = create$2();
3748 | var xUnitVec3 = fromValues$2(1, 0, 0);
3749 | var yUnitVec3 = fromValues$2(0, 1, 0);
3750 | return function (out, a, b) {
3751 | var dot$1 = dot(a, b);
3752 |
3753 | if (dot$1 < -0.999999) {
3754 | cross(tmpvec3, xUnitVec3, a);
3755 | if (len(tmpvec3) < 0.000001) cross(tmpvec3, yUnitVec3, a);
3756 | normalize(tmpvec3, tmpvec3);
3757 | setAxisAngle(out, tmpvec3, Math.PI);
3758 | return out;
3759 | } else if (dot$1 > 0.999999) {
3760 | out[0] = 0;
3761 | out[1] = 0;
3762 | out[2] = 0;
3763 | out[3] = 1;
3764 | return out;
3765 | } else {
3766 | cross(tmpvec3, a, b);
3767 | out[0] = tmpvec3[0];
3768 | out[1] = tmpvec3[1];
3769 | out[2] = tmpvec3[2];
3770 | out[3] = 1 + dot$1;
3771 | return normalize$2(out, out);
3772 | }
3773 | };
3774 | }();
3775 | |
3776 |
3777 |
3778 |
3779 |
3780 |
3781 |
3782 |
3783 |
3784 |
3785 |
3786 |
3787 | var sqlerp = function () {
3788 | var temp1 = create$4();
3789 | var temp2 = create$4();
3790 | return function (out, a, b, c, d, t) {
3791 | slerp(temp1, a, d, t);
3792 | slerp(temp2, b, c, t);
3793 | slerp(out, temp1, temp2, 2 * t * (1 - t));
3794 | return out;
3795 | };
3796 | }();
3797 | |
3798 |
3799 |
3800 |
3801 |
3802 |
3803 |
3804 |
3805 |
3806 |
3807 |
3808 | var setAxes = function () {
3809 | var matr = create();
3810 | return function (out, view, right, up) {
3811 | matr[0] = right[0];
3812 | matr[3] = right[1];
3813 | matr[6] = right[2];
3814 | matr[1] = up[0];
3815 | matr[4] = up[1];
3816 | matr[7] = up[2];
3817 | matr[2] = -view[0];
3818 | matr[5] = -view[1];
3819 | matr[8] = -view[2];
3820 | return normalize$2(out, fromMat3(out, matr));
3821 | };
3822 | }();
3823 |
3824 | |
3825 |
3826 |
3827 |
3828 |
3829 | |
3830 |
3831 |
3832 |
3833 |
3834 |
3835 | function create$5() {
3836 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(2);
3837 |
3838 | if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) {
3839 | out[0] = 0;
3840 | out[1] = 0;
3841 | }
3842 |
3843 | return out;
3844 | }
3845 | |
3846 |
3847 |
3848 |
3849 |
3850 |
3851 |
3852 |
3853 | function fromValues$5(x, y) {
3854 | var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(2);
3855 | out[0] = x;
3856 | out[1] = y;
3857 | return out;
3858 | }
3859 | |
3860 |
3861 |
3862 |
3863 |
3864 |
3865 |
3866 |
3867 | function copy$4(out, a) {
3868 | out[0] = a[0];
3869 | out[1] = a[1];
3870 | return out;
3871 | }
3872 | |
3873 |
3874 |
3875 |
3876 |
3877 |
3878 |
3879 |
3880 |
3881 | function add$2(out, a, b) {
3882 | out[0] = a[0] + b[0];
3883 | out[1] = a[1] + b[1];
3884 | return out;
3885 | }
3886 | |
3887 |
3888 |
3889 |
3890 |
3891 |
3892 |
3893 |
3894 |
3895 | function subtract$2(out, a, b) {
3896 | out[0] = a[0] - b[0];
3897 | out[1] = a[1] - b[1];
3898 | return out;
3899 | }
3900 | |
3901 |
3902 |
3903 |
3904 |
3905 |
3906 |
3907 |
3908 |
3909 | function min$1(out, a, b) {
3910 | out[0] = Math.min(a[0], b[0]);
3911 | out[1] = Math.min(a[1], b[1]);
3912 | return out;
3913 | }
3914 | |
3915 |
3916 |
3917 |
3918 |
3919 |
3920 |
3921 |
3922 |
3923 | function max$1(out, a, b) {
3924 | out[0] = Math.max(a[0], b[0]);
3925 | out[1] = Math.max(a[1], b[1]);
3926 | return out;
3927 | }
3928 | |
3929 |
3930 |
3931 |
3932 |
3933 |
3934 |
3935 |
3936 |
3937 | function scale$2(out, a, b) {
3938 | out[0] = a[0] * b;
3939 | out[1] = a[1] * b;
3940 | return out;
3941 | }
3942 | |
3943 |
3944 |
3945 |
3946 |
3947 |
3948 |
3949 |
3950 | function distance(a, b) {
3951 | var x = b[0] - a[0],
3952 | y = b[1] - a[1];
3953 | return Math.hypot(x, y);
3954 | }
3955 | |
3956 |
3957 |
3958 |
3959 |
3960 |
3961 |
3962 | function length$1(a) {
3963 | var x = a[0],
3964 | y = a[1];
3965 | return Math.hypot(x, y);
3966 | }
3967 | |
3968 |
3969 |
3970 |
3971 |
3972 |
3973 |
3974 |
3975 | function normalize$3(out, a) {
3976 | var x = a[0],
3977 | y = a[1];
3978 | var len = x * x + y * y;
3979 |
3980 | if (len > 0) {
3981 |
3982 | len = 1 / Math.sqrt(len);
3983 | }
3984 |
3985 | out[0] = a[0] * len;
3986 | out[1] = a[1] * len;
3987 | return out;
3988 | }
3989 | |
3990 |
3991 |
3992 |
3993 |
3994 |
3995 |
3996 |
3997 | function dot$1(a, b) {
3998 | return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1];
3999 | }
4000 | |
4001 |
4002 |
4003 |
4004 |
4005 |
4006 |
4007 |
4008 |
4009 | function transformMat2d(out, a, m) {
4010 | var x = a[0],
4011 | y = a[1];
4012 | out[0] = m[0] * x + m[2] * y + m[4];
4013 | out[1] = m[1] * x + m[3] * y + m[5];
4014 | return out;
4015 | }
4016 | |
4017 |
4018 |
4019 |
4020 |
4021 |
4022 |
4023 | function angle(a, b) {
4024 | var x1 = a[0],
4025 | y1 = a[1],
4026 | x2 = b[0],
4027 | y2 = b[1],
4028 |
4029 | mag = Math.sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * Math.sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2),
4030 |
4031 | cosine = mag && (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2) / mag;
4032 |
4033 | return Math.acos(Math.min(Math.max(cosine, -1), 1));
4034 | }
4035 | |
4036 |
4037 |
4038 |
4039 |
4040 |
4041 |
4042 |
4043 | function exactEquals$1(a, b) {
4044 | return a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1];
4045 | }
4046 | |
4047 |
4048 |
4049 |
4050 |
4051 | var sub$1 = subtract$2;
4052 | |
4053 |
4054 |
4055 |
4056 |
4057 |
4058 |
4059 |
4060 |
4061 |
4062 |
4063 |
4064 |
4065 | var forEach$2 = function () {
4066 | var vec = create$5();
4067 | return function (a, stride, offset, count, fn, arg) {
4068 | var i, l;
4069 |
4070 | if (!stride) {
4071 | stride = 2;
4072 | }
4073 |
4074 | if (!offset) {
4075 | offset = 0;
4076 | }
4077 |
4078 | if (count) {
4079 | l = Math.min(count * stride + offset, a.length);
4080 | } else {
4081 | l = a.length;
4082 | }
4083 |
4084 | for (i = offset; i < l; i += stride) {
4085 | vec[0] = a[i];
4086 | vec[1] = a[i + 1];
4087 | fn(vec, vec, arg);
4088 | a[i] = vec[0];
4089 | a[i + 1] = vec[1];
4090 | }
4091 |
4092 | return a;
4093 | };
4094 | }();
4095 |
4096 | |
4097 |
4098 |
4099 |
4100 | function roundPath(path, round) {
4101 | if (round === 'off')
4102 | return [].concat(path);
4103 |
4104 |
4105 | var pow = typeof round === 'number' && round >= 1 ? Math.pow(10, round) : 1;
4106 | return path.map(function (pi) {
4107 | var values = pi
4108 | .slice(1)
4109 | .map(Number)
4110 | .map(function (n) { return (round ? Math.round(n * pow) / pow : Math.round(n)); });
4111 |
4112 | return [pi[0]].concat(values);
4113 | });
4114 | }
4115 |
4116 | |
4117 |
4118 |
4119 |
4120 | function path2String(path, round) {
4121 | if (round === void 0) { round = 'off'; }
4122 | return roundPath(path, round)
4123 | .map(function (x) { return x[0] + x.slice(1).join(' '); })
4124 | .join('');
4125 | }
4126 |
4127 | var paramsParser = {
4128 | x1: 0,
4129 | y1: 0,
4130 | x2: 0,
4131 | y2: 0,
4132 | x: 0,
4133 | y: 0,
4134 | qx: null,
4135 | qy: null,
4136 | };
4137 |
4138 | function fixArc(pathArray, allPathCommands, i) {
4139 | if (pathArray[i].length > 7) {
4140 | pathArray[i].shift();
4141 | var pi = pathArray[i];
4142 |
4143 | var ni = i;
4144 | while (pi.length) {
4145 |
4146 | allPathCommands[i] = 'A';
4147 |
4148 | pathArray.splice((ni += 1), 0, ['C'].concat(pi.splice(0, 6)));
4149 | }
4150 | pathArray.splice(i, 1);
4151 | }
4152 | }
4153 |
4154 | var paramsCount = {
4155 | a: 7,
4156 | c: 6,
4157 | h: 1,
4158 | l: 2,
4159 | m: 2,
4160 | r: 4,
4161 | q: 4,
4162 | s: 4,
4163 | t: 2,
4164 | v: 1,
4165 | z: 0,
4166 | };
4167 |
4168 | |
4169 |
4170 |
4171 | function isPathArray(path) {
4172 | return (Array.isArray(path) &&
4173 | path.every(function (seg) {
4174 | var lk = seg[0].toLowerCase();
4175 | return paramsCount[lk] === seg.length - 1 && 'achlmqstvz'.includes(lk);
4176 | }));
4177 | }
4178 |
4179 | |
4180 |
4181 |
4182 |
4183 | function isAbsoluteArray(path) {
4184 | return (isPathArray(path) &&
4185 |
4186 | path.every(function (_a) {
4187 | var x = _a[0];
4188 | return x === x.toUpperCase();
4189 | }));
4190 | }
4191 |
4192 | |
4193 |
4194 |
4195 |
4196 |
4197 | function isNormalizedArray(path) {
4198 | return isAbsoluteArray(path) && path.every(function (_a) {
4199 | var pc = _a[0];
4200 | return 'ACLMQZ'.includes(pc);
4201 | });
4202 | }
4203 |
4204 | |
4205 |
4206 |
4207 | function finalizeSegment(path) {
4208 | var pathCommand = path.pathValue[path.segmentStart];
4209 | var LK = pathCommand.toLowerCase();
4210 | var data = path.data;
4211 | while (data.length >= paramsCount[LK]) {
4212 |
4213 |
4214 | if (LK === 'm' && data.length > 2) {
4215 |
4216 | path.segments.push([pathCommand].concat(data.splice(0, 2)));
4217 | LK = 'l';
4218 | pathCommand = pathCommand === 'm' ? 'l' : 'L';
4219 | }
4220 | else {
4221 |
4222 | path.segments.push([pathCommand].concat(data.splice(0, paramsCount[LK])));
4223 | }
4224 | if (!paramsCount[LK]) {
4225 | break;
4226 | }
4227 | }
4228 | }
4229 |
4230 | |
4231 |
4232 |
4233 |
4234 | function scanFlag(path) {
4235 | var index = path.index, pathValue = path.pathValue;
4236 | var code = pathValue.charCodeAt(index);
4237 | if (code === 0x30 ) {
4238 | path.param = 0;
4239 | path.index += 1;
4240 | return;
4241 | }
4242 | if (code === 0x31 ) {
4243 | path.param = 1;
4244 | path.index += 1;
4245 | return;
4246 | }
4247 | path.err = "[path-util]: invalid Arc flag \"" + pathValue[index] + "\", expecting 0 or 1 at index " + index;
4248 | }
4249 |
4250 | |
4251 |
4252 |
4253 |
4254 | function isDigitStart(code) {
4255 | return ((code >= 48 && code <= 57) || code === 0x2b || code === 0x2d || code === 0x2e);
4256 | }
4257 | function isDigit(code) {
4258 | return code >= 48 && code <= 57;
4259 | }
4260 |
4261 | |
4262 |
4263 |
4264 |
4265 | function scanParam(path) {
4266 | var max = path.max, pathValue = path.pathValue, start = path.index;
4267 | var index = start;
4268 | var zeroFirst = false;
4269 | var hasCeiling = false;
4270 | var hasDecimal = false;
4271 | var hasDot = false;
4272 | var ch;
4273 | if (index >= max) {
4274 |
4275 | path.err = "[path-util]: Invalid path value at index " + index + ", \"pathValue\" is missing param";
4276 | return;
4277 | }
4278 | ch = pathValue.charCodeAt(index);
4279 | if (ch === 0x2b || ch === 0x2d ) {
4280 | index += 1;
4281 |
4282 | ch = pathValue.charCodeAt(index);
4283 | }
4284 |
4285 |
4286 | if (!isDigit(ch) && ch !== 0x2e ) {
4287 |
4288 | path.err = "[path-util]: Invalid path value at index " + index + ", \"" + pathValue[index] + "\" is not a number";
4289 | return;
4290 | }
4291 | if (ch !== 0x2e ) {
4292 | zeroFirst = ch === 0x30 ;
4293 | index += 1;
4294 | ch = pathValue.charCodeAt(index);
4295 | if (zeroFirst && index < max) {
4296 |
4297 | if (ch && isDigit(ch)) {
4298 |
4299 |
4300 | path.err = "[path-util]: Invalid path value at index " + start + ", \"" + pathValue[start] + "\" illegal number";
4301 | return;
4302 | }
4303 | }
4304 | while (index < max && isDigit(pathValue.charCodeAt(index))) {
4305 | index += 1;
4306 | hasCeiling = true;
4307 | }
4308 | ch = pathValue.charCodeAt(index);
4309 | }
4310 | if (ch === 0x2e ) {
4311 | hasDot = true;
4312 | index += 1;
4313 | while (isDigit(pathValue.charCodeAt(index))) {
4314 | index += 1;
4315 | hasDecimal = true;
4316 | }
4317 | ch = pathValue.charCodeAt(index);
4318 | }
4319 | if (ch === 0x65 || ch === 0x45 ) {
4320 | if (hasDot && !hasCeiling && !hasDecimal) {
4321 | path.err = "[path-util]: Invalid path value at index " + index + ", \"" + pathValue[index] + "\" invalid float exponent";
4322 | return;
4323 | }
4324 | index += 1;
4325 | ch = pathValue.charCodeAt(index);
4326 | if (ch === 0x2b || ch === 0x2d ) {
4327 | index += 1;
4328 | }
4329 | if (index < max && isDigit(pathValue.charCodeAt(index))) {
4330 | while (index < max && isDigit(pathValue.charCodeAt(index))) {
4331 | index += 1;
4332 | }
4333 | }
4334 | else {
4335 | path.err = "[path-util]: Invalid path value at index " + index + ", \"" + pathValue[index] + "\" invalid integer exponent";
4336 | return;
4337 | }
4338 | }
4339 | path.index = index;
4340 | path.param = +path.pathValue.slice(start, index);
4341 | }
4342 |
4343 | |
4344 |
4345 |
4346 | function isSpace(ch) {
4347 | var specialSpaces = [
4348 | 0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200a, 0x202f,
4349 | 0x205f, 0x3000, 0xfeff,
4350 | ];
4351 |
4352 | return (ch === 0x0a ||
4353 | ch === 0x0d ||
4354 | ch === 0x2028 ||
4355 | ch === 0x2029 ||
4356 |
4357 | ch === 0x20 ||
4358 | ch === 0x09 ||
4359 | ch === 0x0b ||
4360 | ch === 0x0c ||
4361 | ch === 0xa0 ||
4362 | (ch >= 0x1680 && specialSpaces.includes(ch)));
4363 | }
4364 |
4365 | |
4366 |
4367 |
4368 |
4369 |
4370 | function skipSpaces(path) {
4371 | var pathValue = path.pathValue, max = path.max;
4372 | while (path.index < max && isSpace(pathValue.charCodeAt(path.index))) {
4373 | path.index += 1;
4374 | }
4375 | }
4376 |
4377 | |
4378 |
4379 |
4380 | function isPathCommand(code) {
4381 |
4382 | switch (code | 0x20) {
4383 | case 0x6d :
4384 | case 0x7a :
4385 | case 0x6c :
4386 | case 0x68 :
4387 | case 0x76 :
4388 | case 0x63 :
4389 | case 0x73 :
4390 | case 0x71 :
4391 | case 0x74 :
4392 | case 0x61 :
4393 |
4394 | return true;
4395 | default:
4396 | return false;
4397 | }
4398 | }
4399 |
4400 | |
4401 |
4402 |
4403 | function isArcCommand(code) {
4404 | return (code | 0x20) === 0x61;
4405 | }
4406 |
4407 | |
4408 |
4409 |
4410 |
4411 | function scanSegment(path) {
4412 | var max = path.max, pathValue = path.pathValue, index = path.index;
4413 | var cmdCode = pathValue.charCodeAt(index);
4414 | var reqParams = paramsCount[pathValue[index].toLowerCase()];
4415 | path.segmentStart = index;
4416 | if (!isPathCommand(cmdCode)) {
4417 | path.err = "[path-util]: Invalid path value \"" + pathValue[index] + "\" is not a path command";
4418 | return;
4419 | }
4420 | path.index += 1;
4421 | skipSpaces(path);
4422 | path.data = [];
4423 | if (!reqParams) {
4424 |
4425 | finalizeSegment(path);
4426 | return;
4427 | }
4428 | for (;;) {
4429 | for (var i = reqParams; i > 0; i -= 1) {
4430 | if (isArcCommand(cmdCode) && (i === 3 || i === 4))
4431 | scanFlag(path);
4432 | else
4433 | scanParam(path);
4434 | if (path.err.length) {
4435 | return;
4436 | }
4437 | path.data.push(path.param);
4438 | skipSpaces(path);
4439 |
4440 | if (path.index < max && pathValue.charCodeAt(path.index) === 0x2c ) {
4441 | path.index += 1;
4442 | skipSpaces(path);
4443 | }
4444 | }
4445 | if (path.index >= path.max) {
4446 | break;
4447 | }
4448 |
4449 | if (!isDigitStart(pathValue.charCodeAt(path.index))) {
4450 | break;
4451 | }
4452 | }
4453 | finalizeSegment(path);
4454 | }
4455 |
4456 | |
4457 |
4458 |
4459 |
4460 | var PathParser = (function () {
4461 | function PathParser(pathString) {
4462 | this.pathValue = pathString;
4463 |
4464 | this.segments = [];
4465 | this.max = pathString.length;
4466 | this.index = 0;
4467 | this.param = 0.0;
4468 | this.segmentStart = 0;
4469 | this.data = [];
4470 | this.err = '';
4471 | }
4472 | return PathParser;
4473 | }());
4474 |
4475 | |
4476 |
4477 |
4478 |
4479 | function parsePathString(pathInput) {
4480 | if (isPathArray(pathInput)) {
4481 | return [].concat(pathInput);
4482 | }
4483 | var path = new PathParser(pathInput);
4484 | skipSpaces(path);
4485 | while (path.index < path.max && !path.err.length) {
4486 | scanSegment(path);
4487 | }
4488 | return path.err ? path.err : path.segments;
4489 | }
4490 |
4491 | function path2Absolute(pathInput) {
4492 | if (isAbsoluteArray(pathInput)) {
4493 | return [].concat(pathInput);
4494 | }
4495 | var path = parsePathString(pathInput);
4496 |
4497 |
4498 |
4499 | var x = 0;
4500 | var y = 0;
4501 | var mx = 0;
4502 | var my = 0;
4503 |
4504 | return path.map(function (segment) {
4505 | var values = segment.slice(1).map(Number);
4506 | var pathCommand = segment[0];
4507 | var absCommand = pathCommand.toUpperCase();
4508 | if (pathCommand === 'M') {
4509 | x = values[0], y = values[1];
4510 | mx = x;
4511 | my = y;
4512 | return ['M', x, y];
4513 | }
4514 | var absoluteSegment;
4515 | if (pathCommand !== absCommand) {
4516 | switch (absCommand) {
4517 | case 'A':
4518 | absoluteSegment = [
4519 | absCommand,
4520 | values[0],
4521 | values[1],
4522 | values[2],
4523 | values[3],
4524 | values[4],
4525 | values[5] + x,
4526 | values[6] + y,
4527 | ];
4528 | break;
4529 | case 'V':
4530 | absoluteSegment = [absCommand, values[0] + y];
4531 | break;
4532 | case 'H':
4533 | absoluteSegment = [absCommand, values[0] + x];
4534 | break;
4535 | default: {
4536 |
4537 |
4538 | var absValues = values.map(function (n, j) { return n + (j % 2 ? y : x); });
4539 |
4540 |
4541 | absoluteSegment = [absCommand].concat(absValues);
4542 | }
4543 | }
4544 | }
4545 | else {
4546 |
4547 | absoluteSegment = [absCommand].concat(values);
4548 | }
4549 | var segLength = absoluteSegment.length;
4550 | switch (absCommand) {
4551 | case 'Z':
4552 | x = mx;
4553 | y = my;
4554 | break;
4555 | case 'H':
4556 | x = absoluteSegment[1];
4557 | break;
4558 | case 'V':
4559 | y = absoluteSegment[1];
4560 | break;
4561 | default:
4562 | x = absoluteSegment[segLength - 2];
4563 | y = absoluteSegment[segLength - 1];
4564 | if (absCommand === 'M') {
4565 | mx = x;
4566 | my = y;
4567 | }
4568 | }
4569 | return absoluteSegment;
4570 | });
4571 | }
4572 |
4573 | |
4574 |
4575 |
4576 |
4577 | function normalizeSegment(segment, params) {
4578 | var pathCommand = segment[0];
4579 | var px1 = params.x1, py1 = params.y1, px2 = params.x2, py2 = params.y2;
4580 | var values = segment.slice(1).map(Number);
4581 | var result = segment;
4582 | if (!'TQ'.includes(pathCommand)) {
4583 |
4584 | params.qx = null;
4585 | params.qy = null;
4586 | }
4587 | if (pathCommand === 'H') {
4588 | result = ['L', segment[1], py1];
4589 | }
4590 | else if (pathCommand === 'V') {
4591 | result = ['L', px1, segment[1]];
4592 | }
4593 | else if (pathCommand === 'S') {
4594 | var x1 = px1 * 2 - px2;
4595 | var y1 = py1 * 2 - py2;
4596 | params.x1 = x1;
4597 | params.y1 = y1;
4598 | result = ['C', x1, y1].concat(values);
4599 | }
4600 | else if (pathCommand === 'T') {
4601 | var qx = px1 * 2 - params.qx;
4602 | var qy = py1 * 2 - params.qy;
4603 | params.qx = qx;
4604 | params.qy = qy;
4605 | result = ['Q', qx, qy].concat(values);
4606 | }
4607 | else if (pathCommand === 'Q') {
4608 | var nqx = values[0], nqy = values[1];
4609 | params.qx = nqx;
4610 | params.qy = nqy;
4611 | }
4612 | return result;
4613 | }
4614 |
4615 | |
4616 |
4617 |
4618 |
4619 |
4620 |
4621 | function normalizePath(pathInput) {
4622 | if (isNormalizedArray(pathInput)) {
4623 | return [].concat(pathInput);
4624 | }
4625 | var path = path2Absolute(pathInput);
4626 | var params = __assign({}, paramsParser);
4627 | for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i += 1) {
4628 |
4629 | path[i] = normalizeSegment(path[i], params);
4630 | var segment = path[i];
4631 | var seglen = segment.length;
4632 | params.x1 = +segment[seglen - 2];
4633 | params.y1 = +segment[seglen - 1];
4634 | params.x2 = +segment[seglen - 4] || params.x1;
4635 | params.y2 = +segment[seglen - 3] || params.y1;
4636 | }
4637 | return path;
4638 | }
4639 |
4640 | |
4641 |
4642 |
4643 |
4644 |
4645 |
4646 |
4647 | function isCurveArray(path) {
4648 | return isNormalizedArray(path) && path.every(function (_a) {
4649 | var pc = _a[0];
4650 | return 'MC'.includes(pc);
4651 | });
4652 | }
4653 |
4654 | function rotateVector(x, y, rad) {
4655 | var X = x * Math.cos(rad) - y * Math.sin(rad);
4656 | var Y = x * Math.sin(rad) + y * Math.cos(rad);
4657 | return { x: X, y: Y };
4658 | }
4659 |
4660 | |
4661 |
4662 |
4663 |
4664 |
4665 |
4666 | function arcToCubic(X1, Y1, RX, RY, angle, LAF, SF, X2, Y2, recursive) {
4667 | var x1 = X1;
4668 | var y1 = Y1;
4669 | var rx = RX;
4670 | var ry = RY;
4671 | var x2 = X2;
4672 | var y2 = Y2;
4673 |
4674 |
4675 | var d120 = (Math.PI * 120) / 180;
4676 | var rad = (Math.PI / 180) * (+angle || 0);
4677 |
4678 | var res = [];
4679 | var xy;
4680 | var f1;
4681 | var f2;
4682 | var cx;
4683 | var cy;
4684 | if (!recursive) {
4685 | xy = rotateVector(x1, y1, -rad);
4686 | x1 = xy.x;
4687 | y1 = xy.y;
4688 | xy = rotateVector(x2, y2, -rad);
4689 | x2 = xy.x;
4690 | y2 = xy.y;
4691 | var x = (x1 - x2) / 2;
4692 | var y = (y1 - y2) / 2;
4693 | var h = (x * x) / (rx * rx) + (y * y) / (ry * ry);
4694 | if (h > 1) {
4695 | h = Math.sqrt(h);
4696 | rx *= h;
4697 | ry *= h;
4698 | }
4699 | var rx2 = rx * rx;
4700 | var ry2 = ry * ry;
4701 | var k = (LAF === SF ? -1 : 1) *
4702 | Math.sqrt(Math.abs((rx2 * ry2 - rx2 * y * y - ry2 * x * x) / (rx2 * y * y + ry2 * x * x)));
4703 | cx = (k * rx * y) / ry + (x1 + x2) / 2;
4704 | cy = (k * -ry * x) / rx + (y1 + y2) / 2;
4705 |
4706 | f1 = Math.asin(((((y1 - cy) / ry) * Math.pow(10, 9)) >> 0) / Math.pow(10, 9));
4707 |
4708 | f2 = Math.asin(((((y2 - cy) / ry) * Math.pow(10, 9)) >> 0) / Math.pow(10, 9));
4709 | f1 = x1 < cx ? Math.PI - f1 : f1;
4710 | f2 = x2 < cx ? Math.PI - f2 : f2;
4711 | if (f1 < 0)
4712 | f1 = Math.PI * 2 + f1;
4713 | if (f2 < 0)
4714 | f2 = Math.PI * 2 + f2;
4715 | if (SF && f1 > f2) {
4716 | f1 -= Math.PI * 2;
4717 | }
4718 | if (!SF && f2 > f1) {
4719 | f2 -= Math.PI * 2;
4720 | }
4721 | }
4722 | else {
4723 | f1 = recursive[0], f2 = recursive[1], cx = recursive[2], cy = recursive[3];
4724 | }
4725 | var df = f2 - f1;
4726 | if (Math.abs(df) > d120) {
4727 | var f2old = f2;
4728 | var x2old = x2;
4729 | var y2old = y2;
4730 | f2 = f1 + d120 * (SF && f2 > f1 ? 1 : -1);
4731 | x2 = cx + rx * Math.cos(f2);
4732 | y2 = cy + ry * Math.sin(f2);
4733 | res = arcToCubic(x2, y2, rx, ry, angle, 0, SF, x2old, y2old, [f2, f2old, cx, cy]);
4734 | }
4735 | df = f2 - f1;
4736 | var c1 = Math.cos(f1);
4737 | var s1 = Math.sin(f1);
4738 | var c2 = Math.cos(f2);
4739 | var s2 = Math.sin(f2);
4740 | var t = Math.tan(df / 4);
4741 | var hx = (4 / 3) * rx * t;
4742 | var hy = (4 / 3) * ry * t;
4743 | var m1 = [x1, y1];
4744 | var m2 = [x1 + hx * s1, y1 - hy * c1];
4745 | var m3 = [x2 + hx * s2, y2 - hy * c2];
4746 | var m4 = [x2, y2];
4747 | m2[0] = 2 * m1[0] - m2[0];
4748 | m2[1] = 2 * m1[1] - m2[1];
4749 | if (recursive) {
4750 | return m2.concat(m3, m4, res);
4751 |
4752 | }
4753 | res = m2.concat(m3, m4, res);
4754 |
4755 | var newres = [];
4756 | for (var i = 0, ii = res.length; i < ii; i += 1) {
4757 | newres[i] = i % 2 ? rotateVector(res[i - 1], res[i], rad).y : rotateVector(res[i], res[i + 1], rad).x;
4758 | }
4759 | return newres;
4760 | }
4761 |
4762 |
4763 |
4764 |
4765 |
4766 |
4767 |
4768 |
4769 |
4770 |
4771 |
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4932 |
4933 |
4934 |
4935 |
4936 |
4937 |
4938 |
4939 |
4940 |
4941 |
4942 |
4943 |
4944 | function quadToCubic(x1, y1, qx, qy, x2, y2) {
4945 | var r13 = 1 / 3;
4946 | var r23 = 2 / 3;
4947 | return [
4948 | r13 * x1 + r23 * qx,
4949 | r13 * y1 + r23 * qy,
4950 | r13 * x2 + r23 * qx,
4951 | r13 * y2 + r23 * qy,
4952 | x2,
4953 | y2,
4954 | ];
4955 | }
4956 |
4957 | function midPoint(a, b, t) {
4958 | var ax = a[0];
4959 | var ay = a[1];
4960 | var bx = b[0];
4961 | var by = b[1];
4962 | return [ax + (bx - ax) * t, ay + (by - ay) * t];
4963 | }
4964 |
4965 | var lineToCubic = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
4966 | var t = 0.5;
4967 | var mid = midPoint([x1, y1], [x2, y2], t);
4968 | return __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], mid, true), [x2, y2, x2, y2], false);
4969 | };
4970 |
4971 | function segmentToCubic(segment, params) {
4972 | var pathCommand = segment[0];
4973 | var values = segment.slice(1).map(Number);
4974 | var x = values[0], y = values[1];
4975 | var args;
4976 | var px1 = params.x1, py1 = params.y1, px = params.x, py = params.y;
4977 | if (!'TQ'.includes(pathCommand)) {
4978 | params.qx = null;
4979 | params.qy = null;
4980 | }
4981 | switch (pathCommand) {
4982 | case 'M':
4983 | params.x = x;
4984 | params.y = y;
4985 | return segment;
4986 | case 'A':
4987 | args = [px1, py1].concat(values);
4988 |
4989 | return ['C'].concat(arcToCubic(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9]));
4990 | case 'Q':
4991 | params.qx = x;
4992 | params.qy = y;
4993 | args = [px1, py1].concat(values);
4994 |
4995 | return ['C'].concat(quadToCubic(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]));
4996 | case 'L':
4997 |
4998 | return ['C'].concat(lineToCubic(px1, py1, x, y));
4999 | case 'Z':
5000 |
5001 | if (px1 === px && py1 === py) {
5002 | return ['C', px1, py1, px, py, px, py];
5003 | }
5004 |
5005 | return ['C'].concat(lineToCubic(px1, py1, px, py));
5006 | }
5007 | return segment;
5008 | }
5009 |
5010 |
5011 | function path2Curve(pathInput, needZCommandIndexes) {
5012 | if (needZCommandIndexes === void 0) { needZCommandIndexes = false; }
5013 | if (isCurveArray(pathInput)) {
5014 | var cloned = [].concat(pathInput);
5015 | if (needZCommandIndexes) {
5016 | return [cloned, []];
5017 | }
5018 | else {
5019 | return cloned;
5020 | }
5021 | }
5022 |
5023 |
5024 | var path = normalizePath(pathInput);
5025 | var params = __assign({}, paramsParser);
5026 | var allPathCommands = [];
5027 | var pathCommand = '';
5028 | var ii = path.length;
5029 | var segment;
5030 | var seglen;
5031 | var zCommandIndexes = [];
5032 | for (var i = 0; i < ii; i += 1) {
5033 | if (path[i])
5034 | pathCommand = path[i][0];
5035 | allPathCommands[i] = pathCommand;
5036 | var curveSegment = segmentToCubic(path[i], params);
5037 | path[i] = curveSegment;
5038 | fixArc(path, allPathCommands, i);
5039 | ii = path.length;
5040 |
5041 |
5042 | if (pathCommand === 'Z') {
5043 | zCommandIndexes.push(i);
5044 | }
5045 | segment = path[i];
5046 | seglen = segment.length;
5047 | params.x1 = +segment[seglen - 2];
5048 | params.y1 = +segment[seglen - 1];
5049 | params.x2 = +segment[seglen - 4] || params.x1;
5050 | params.y2 = +segment[seglen - 3] || params.y1;
5051 | }
5052 |
5053 | if (needZCommandIndexes) {
5054 | return [path, zCommandIndexes];
5055 | }
5056 | else {
5057 | return path;
5058 | }
5059 | }
5060 |
5061 | function clonePath(path) {
5062 | return path.map(function (x) { return (Array.isArray(x) ? [].concat(x) : x); });
5063 | }
5064 |
5065 |
5066 | function reverseCurve(pathArray) {
5067 | var rotatedCurve = pathArray
5068 | .slice(1)
5069 | .map(function (x, i, curveOnly) {
5070 |
5071 | return !i ? pathArray[0].slice(1).concat(x.slice(1)) : curveOnly[i - 1].slice(-2).concat(x.slice(1));
5072 | })
5073 |
5074 | .map(function (x) { return x.map(function (y, i) { return x[x.length - i - 2 * (1 - (i % 2))]; }); })
5075 | .reverse();
5076 | return [['M'].concat(rotatedCurve[0].slice(0, 2))].concat(rotatedCurve.map(function (x) { return ['C'].concat(x.slice(2)); }));
5077 | }
5078 |
5079 | function distanceSquareRoot(a, b) {
5080 | return Math.sqrt((a[0] - b[0]) * (a[0] - b[0]) + (a[1] - b[1]) * (a[1] - b[1]));
5081 | }
5082 |
5083 | |
5084 |
5085 |
5086 |
5087 | function segmentLineFactory(x1, y1, x2, y2, distance) {
5088 | var length = distanceSquareRoot([x1, y1], [x2, y2]);
5089 | var point = { x: 0, y: 0 };
5090 | if (typeof distance === 'number') {
5091 | if (distance <= 0) {
5092 | point = { x: x1, y: y1 };
5093 | }
5094 | else if (distance >= length) {
5095 | point = { x: x2, y: y2 };
5096 | }
5097 | else {
5098 | var _a = midPoint([x1, y1], [x2, y2], distance / length), x = _a[0], y = _a[1];
5099 | point = { x: x, y: y };
5100 | }
5101 | }
5102 | return {
5103 | length: length,
5104 | point: point,
5105 | min: {
5106 | x: Math.min(x1, x2),
5107 | y: Math.min(y1, y2),
5108 | },
5109 | max: {
5110 | x: Math.max(x1, x2),
5111 | y: Math.max(y1, y2),
5112 | },
5113 | };
5114 | }
5115 |
5116 | function angleBetween(v0, v1) {
5117 | var v0x = v0.x, v0y = v0.y;
5118 | var v1x = v1.x, v1y = v1.y;
5119 | var p = v0x * v1x + v0y * v1y;
5120 | var n = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(v0x, 2) + Math.pow(v0y, 2)) * (Math.pow(v1x, 2) + Math.pow(v1y, 2)));
5121 | var sign = v0x * v1y - v0y * v1x < 0 ? -1 : 1;
5122 | var angle = sign * Math.acos(p / n);
5123 | return angle;
5124 | }
5125 | |
5126 |
5127 |
5128 |
5129 |
5130 | function getPointAtArcSegmentLength(x1, y1, RX, RY, angle, LAF, SF, x, y, t) {
5131 | var abs = Math.abs, sin = Math.sin, cos = Math.cos, sqrt = Math.sqrt, PI = Math.PI;
5132 | var rx = abs(RX);
5133 | var ry = abs(RY);
5134 | var xRot = ((angle % 360) + 360) % 360;
5135 | var xRotRad = xRot * (PI / 180);
5136 | if (x1 === x && y1 === y) {
5137 | return { x: x1, y: y1 };
5138 | }
5139 | if (rx === 0 || ry === 0) {
5140 | return segmentLineFactory(x1, y1, x, y, t).point;
5141 | }
5142 | var dx = (x1 - x) / 2;
5143 | var dy = (y1 - y) / 2;
5144 | var transformedPoint = {
5145 | x: cos(xRotRad) * dx + sin(xRotRad) * dy,
5146 | y: -sin(xRotRad) * dx + cos(xRotRad) * dy,
5147 | };
5148 | var radiiCheck = Math.pow(transformedPoint.x, 2) / Math.pow(rx, 2) + Math.pow(transformedPoint.y, 2) / Math.pow(ry, 2);
5149 | if (radiiCheck > 1) {
5150 | rx *= sqrt(radiiCheck);
5151 | ry *= sqrt(radiiCheck);
5152 | }
5153 | var cSquareNumerator = Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(ry, 2) - Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(transformedPoint.y, 2) - Math.pow(ry, 2) * Math.pow(transformedPoint.x, 2);
5154 | var cSquareRootDenom = Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(transformedPoint.y, 2) + Math.pow(ry, 2) * Math.pow(transformedPoint.x, 2);
5155 | var cRadicand = cSquareNumerator / cSquareRootDenom;
5156 | cRadicand = cRadicand < 0 ? 0 : cRadicand;
5157 | var cCoef = (LAF !== SF ? 1 : -1) * sqrt(cRadicand);
5158 | var transformedCenter = {
5159 | x: cCoef * ((rx * transformedPoint.y) / ry),
5160 | y: cCoef * (-(ry * transformedPoint.x) / rx),
5161 | };
5162 | var center = {
5163 | x: cos(xRotRad) * transformedCenter.x - sin(xRotRad) * transformedCenter.y + (x1 + x) / 2,
5164 | y: sin(xRotRad) * transformedCenter.x + cos(xRotRad) * transformedCenter.y + (y1 + y) / 2,
5165 | };
5166 | var startVector = {
5167 | x: (transformedPoint.x - transformedCenter.x) / rx,
5168 | y: (transformedPoint.y - transformedCenter.y) / ry,
5169 | };
5170 | var startAngle = angleBetween({ x: 1, y: 0 }, startVector);
5171 | var endVector = {
5172 | x: (-transformedPoint.x - transformedCenter.x) / rx,
5173 | y: (-transformedPoint.y - transformedCenter.y) / ry,
5174 | };
5175 | var sweepAngle = angleBetween(startVector, endVector);
5176 | if (!SF && sweepAngle > 0) {
5177 | sweepAngle -= 2 * PI;
5178 | }
5179 | else if (SF && sweepAngle < 0) {
5180 | sweepAngle += 2 * PI;
5181 | }
5182 | sweepAngle %= 2 * PI;
5183 | var alpha = startAngle + sweepAngle * t;
5184 | var ellipseComponentX = rx * cos(alpha);
5185 | var ellipseComponentY = ry * sin(alpha);
5186 | var point = {
5187 | x: cos(xRotRad) * ellipseComponentX - sin(xRotRad) * ellipseComponentY + center.x,
5188 | y: sin(xRotRad) * ellipseComponentX + cos(xRotRad) * ellipseComponentY + center.y,
5189 | };
5190 |
5191 |
5192 |
5193 |
5194 |
5195 |
5196 |
5197 | return point;
5198 | }
5199 | |
5200 |
5201 |
5202 |
5203 |
5204 |
5205 | function segmentArcFactory(X1, Y1, RX, RY, angle, LAF, SF, X2, Y2, distance, options) {
5206 | var _a;
5207 | var _b = options.bbox, bbox = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = options.length, length = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = options.sampleSize, sampleSize = _d === void 0 ? 30 : _d;
5208 | var distanceIsNumber = typeof distance === 'number';
5209 | var x = X1;
5210 | var y = Y1;
5211 | var LENGTH = 0;
5212 | var prev = [x, y, LENGTH];
5213 | var cur = [x, y];
5214 | var t = 0;
5215 | var POINT = { x: 0, y: 0 };
5216 | var POINTS = [{ x: x, y: y }];
5217 | if (distanceIsNumber && distance <= 0) {
5218 | POINT = { x: x, y: y };
5219 | }
5220 |
5221 | for (var j = 0; j <= sampleSize; j += 1) {
5222 | t = j / sampleSize;
5223 | (_a = getPointAtArcSegmentLength(X1, Y1, RX, RY, angle, LAF, SF, X2, Y2, t), x = _a.x, y = _a.y);
5224 | if (bbox) {
5225 | POINTS.push({ x: x, y: y });
5226 | }
5227 | if (length) {
5228 | LENGTH += distanceSquareRoot(cur, [x, y]);
5229 | }
5230 | cur = [x, y];
5231 | if (distanceIsNumber && LENGTH >= distance && distance > prev[2]) {
5232 | var dv = (LENGTH - distance) / (LENGTH - prev[2]);
5233 | POINT = {
5234 | x: cur[0] * (1 - dv) + prev[0] * dv,
5235 | y: cur[1] * (1 - dv) + prev[1] * dv,
5236 | };
5237 | }
5238 | prev = [x, y, LENGTH];
5239 | }
5240 | if (distanceIsNumber && distance >= LENGTH) {
5241 | POINT = { x: X2, y: Y2 };
5242 | }
5243 | return {
5244 | length: LENGTH,
5245 | point: POINT,
5246 | min: {
5247 | x: Math.min.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.x; })),
5248 | y: Math.min.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.y; })),
5249 | },
5250 | max: {
5251 | x: Math.max.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.x; })),
5252 | y: Math.max.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.y; })),
5253 | },
5254 | };
5255 | }
5256 |
5257 | |
5258 |
5259 |
5260 |
5261 | function getPointAtCubicSegmentLength(x1, y1, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x2, y2, t) {
5262 | var t1 = 1 - t;
5263 | return {
5264 | x: Math.pow(t1, 3) * x1 + 3 * Math.pow(t1, 2) * t * c1x + 3 * t1 * Math.pow(t, 2) * c2x + Math.pow(t, 3) * x2,
5265 | y: Math.pow(t1, 3) * y1 + 3 * Math.pow(t1, 2) * t * c1y + 3 * t1 * Math.pow(t, 2) * c2y + Math.pow(t, 3) * y2,
5266 | };
5267 | }
5268 | |
5269 |
5270 |
5271 |
5272 | function segmentCubicFactory(x1, y1, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x2, y2, distance, options) {
5273 | var _a;
5274 | var _b = options.bbox, bbox = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = options.length, length = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = options.sampleSize, sampleSize = _d === void 0 ? 10 : _d;
5275 | var distanceIsNumber = typeof distance === 'number';
5276 | var x = x1;
5277 | var y = y1;
5278 | var LENGTH = 0;
5279 | var prev = [x, y, LENGTH];
5280 | var cur = [x, y];
5281 | var t = 0;
5282 | var POINT = { x: 0, y: 0 };
5283 | var POINTS = [{ x: x, y: y }];
5284 | if (distanceIsNumber && distance <= 0) {
5285 | POINT = { x: x, y: y };
5286 | }
5287 |
5288 | for (var j = 0; j <= sampleSize; j += 1) {
5289 | t = j / sampleSize;
5290 | (_a = getPointAtCubicSegmentLength(x1, y1, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x2, y2, t), x = _a.x, y = _a.y);
5291 | if (bbox) {
5292 | POINTS.push({ x: x, y: y });
5293 | }
5294 | if (length) {
5295 | LENGTH += distanceSquareRoot(cur, [x, y]);
5296 | }
5297 | cur = [x, y];
5298 | if (distanceIsNumber && LENGTH >= distance && distance > prev[2]) {
5299 | var dv = (LENGTH - distance) / (LENGTH - prev[2]);
5300 | POINT = {
5301 | x: cur[0] * (1 - dv) + prev[0] * dv,
5302 | y: cur[1] * (1 - dv) + prev[1] * dv,
5303 | };
5304 | }
5305 | prev = [x, y, LENGTH];
5306 | }
5307 | if (distanceIsNumber && distance >= LENGTH) {
5308 | POINT = { x: x2, y: y2 };
5309 | }
5310 | return {
5311 | length: LENGTH,
5312 | point: POINT,
5313 | min: {
5314 | x: Math.min.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.x; })),
5315 | y: Math.min.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.y; })),
5316 | },
5317 | max: {
5318 | x: Math.max.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.x; })),
5319 | y: Math.max.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.y; })),
5320 | },
5321 | };
5322 | }
5323 |
5324 | |
5325 |
5326 |
5327 |
5328 |
5329 |
5330 | function getPointAtQuadSegmentLength(x1, y1, cx, cy, x2, y2, t) {
5331 | var t1 = 1 - t;
5332 | return {
5333 | x: Math.pow(t1, 2) * x1 + 2 * t1 * t * cx + Math.pow(t, 2) * x2,
5334 | y: Math.pow(t1, 2) * y1 + 2 * t1 * t * cy + Math.pow(t, 2) * y2,
5335 | };
5336 | }
5337 | |
5338 |
5339 |
5340 |
5341 | function segmentQuadFactory(x1, y1, qx, qy, x2, y2, distance, options) {
5342 | var _a;
5343 | var _b = options.bbox, bbox = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = options.length, length = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = options.sampleSize, sampleSize = _d === void 0 ? 10 : _d;
5344 | var distanceIsNumber = typeof distance === 'number';
5345 | var x = x1;
5346 | var y = y1;
5347 | var LENGTH = 0;
5348 | var prev = [x, y, LENGTH];
5349 | var cur = [x, y];
5350 | var t = 0;
5351 | var POINT = { x: 0, y: 0 };
5352 | var POINTS = [{ x: x, y: y }];
5353 | if (distanceIsNumber && distance <= 0) {
5354 | POINT = { x: x, y: y };
5355 | }
5356 | for (var j = 0; j <= sampleSize; j += 1) {
5357 | t = j / sampleSize;
5358 | (_a = getPointAtQuadSegmentLength(x1, y1, qx, qy, x2, y2, t), x = _a.x, y = _a.y);
5359 | if (bbox) {
5360 | POINTS.push({ x: x, y: y });
5361 | }
5362 | if (length) {
5363 | LENGTH += distanceSquareRoot(cur, [x, y]);
5364 | }
5365 | cur = [x, y];
5366 | if (distanceIsNumber && LENGTH >= distance && distance > prev[2]) {
5367 | var dv = (LENGTH - distance) / (LENGTH - prev[2]);
5368 | POINT = {
5369 | x: cur[0] * (1 - dv) + prev[0] * dv,
5370 | y: cur[1] * (1 - dv) + prev[1] * dv,
5371 | };
5372 | }
5373 | prev = [x, y, LENGTH];
5374 | }
5375 |
5376 | if (distanceIsNumber && distance >= LENGTH) {
5377 | POINT = { x: x2, y: y2 };
5378 | }
5379 | return {
5380 | length: LENGTH,
5381 | point: POINT,
5382 | min: {
5383 | x: Math.min.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.x; })),
5384 | y: Math.min.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.y; })),
5385 | },
5386 | max: {
5387 | x: Math.max.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.x; })),
5388 | y: Math.max.apply(null, POINTS.map(function (n) { return n.y; })),
5389 | },
5390 | };
5391 | }
5392 |
5393 | |
5394 |
5395 |
5396 |
5397 |
5398 | function pathLengthFactory(pathInput, distance, options) {
5399 | var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
5400 | var path = normalizePath(pathInput);
5401 | var distanceIsNumber = typeof distance === 'number';
5402 | var isM;
5403 | var data = [];
5404 | var pathCommand;
5405 | var x = 0;
5406 | var y = 0;
5407 | var mx = 0;
5408 | var my = 0;
5409 | var seg;
5410 | var MIN = [];
5411 | var MAX = [];
5412 | var length = 0;
5413 | var min = { x: 0, y: 0 };
5414 | var max = min;
5415 | var point = min;
5416 | var POINT = min;
5417 | var LENGTH = 0;
5418 | for (var i = 0, ll = path.length; i < ll; i += 1) {
5419 | seg = path[i];
5420 | pathCommand = seg[0];
5421 | isM = pathCommand === 'M';
5422 | data = !isM ? [x, y].concat(seg.slice(1)) : data;
5423 |
5424 |
5425 | if (isM) {
5426 |
5427 | mx = seg[1], my = seg[2];
5428 | min = { x: mx, y: my };
5429 | max = min;
5430 | length = 0;
5431 | if (distanceIsNumber && distance < 0.001) {
5432 | POINT = min;
5433 | }
5434 | }
5435 | else if (pathCommand === 'L') {
5436 | (_a = segmentLineFactory(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], (distance || 0) - LENGTH), length = _a.length, min = _a.min, max = _a.max, point = _a.point);
5437 | }
5438 | else if (pathCommand === 'A') {
5439 | (_b = segmentArcFactory(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7], data[8], (distance || 0) - LENGTH, options || {}), length = _b.length, min = _b.min, max = _b.max, point = _b.point);
5440 | }
5441 | else if (pathCommand === 'C') {
5442 | (_c = segmentCubicFactory(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7], (distance || 0) - LENGTH, options || {}), length = _c.length, min = _c.min, max = _c.max, point = _c.point);
5443 | }
5444 | else if (pathCommand === 'Q') {
5445 | (_d = segmentQuadFactory(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], (distance || 0) - LENGTH, options || {}), length = _d.length, min = _d.min, max = _d.max, point = _d.point);
5446 | }
5447 | else if (pathCommand === 'Z') {
5448 | data = [x, y, mx, my];
5449 | (_e = segmentLineFactory(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], (distance || 0) - LENGTH), length = _e.length, min = _e.min, max = _e.max, point = _e.point);
5450 | }
5451 | if (distanceIsNumber && LENGTH < distance && LENGTH + length >= distance) {
5452 | POINT = point;
5453 | }
5454 | MAX.push(max);
5455 | MIN.push(min);
5456 | LENGTH += length;
5457 | _f = pathCommand !== 'Z' ? seg.slice(-2) : [mx, my], x = _f[0], y = _f[1];
5458 | }
5459 |
5460 |
5461 | if (distanceIsNumber && distance >= LENGTH) {
5462 | POINT = { x: x, y: y };
5463 | }
5464 | return {
5465 | length: LENGTH,
5466 | point: POINT,
5467 | min: {
5468 | x: Math.min.apply(null, MIN.map(function (n) { return n.x; })),
5469 | y: Math.min.apply(null, MIN.map(function (n) { return n.y; })),
5470 | },
5471 | max: {
5472 | x: Math.max.apply(null, MAX.map(function (n) { return n.x; })),
5473 | y: Math.max.apply(null, MAX.map(function (n) { return n.y; })),
5474 | },
5475 | };
5476 | }
5477 |
5478 | |
5479 |
5480 |
5481 |
5482 |
5483 |
5484 | function getTotalLength(pathInput, options) {
5485 | return pathLengthFactory(pathInput, undefined, __assign(__assign({}, options), { bbox: false, length: true })).length;
5486 | }
5487 |
5488 | function getRotations(a) {
5489 | var segCount = a.length;
5490 | var pointCount = segCount - 1;
5491 | return a.map(function (f, idx) {
5492 | return a.map(function (p, i) {
5493 | var oldSegIdx = idx + i;
5494 | var seg;
5495 | if (i === 0 || (a[oldSegIdx] && a[oldSegIdx][0] === 'M')) {
5496 | seg = a[oldSegIdx];
5497 | return ['M'].concat(seg.slice(-2));
5498 | }
5499 | if (oldSegIdx >= segCount)
5500 | oldSegIdx -= pointCount;
5501 | return a[oldSegIdx];
5502 | });
5503 | });
5504 | }
5505 | function getRotatedCurve(a, b) {
5506 | var segCount = a.length - 1;
5507 | var lineLengths = [];
5508 | var computedIndex = 0;
5509 | var sumLensSqrd = 0;
5510 | var rotations = getRotations(a);
5511 | rotations.forEach(function (r, i) {
5512 | a.slice(1).forEach(function (s, j) {
5513 |
5514 | sumLensSqrd += distanceSquareRoot(a[(i + j) % segCount].slice(-2), b[j % segCount].slice(-2));
5515 | });
5516 | lineLengths[i] = sumLensSqrd;
5517 | sumLensSqrd = 0;
5518 | });
5519 | computedIndex = lineLengths.indexOf(Math.min.apply(null, lineLengths));
5520 | return rotations[computedIndex];
5521 | }
5522 |
5523 | |
5524 |
5525 |
5526 |
5527 |
5528 | function getCubicSegArea(x1, y1, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x2, y2) {
5529 |
5530 | return ((3 *
5531 | ((y2 - y1) * (c1x + c2x) -
5532 | (x2 - x1) * (c1y + c2y) +
5533 | c1y * (x1 - c2x) -
5534 | c1x * (y1 - c2y) +
5535 | y2 * (c2x + x1 / 3) -
5536 | x2 * (c2y + y1 / 3))) /
5537 | 20);
5538 | }
5539 | |
5540 |
5541 |
5542 |
5543 |
5544 |
5545 | function getPathArea(path) {
5546 | var x = 0;
5547 | var y = 0;
5548 | var len = 0;
5549 | return path2Curve(path)
5550 | .map(function (seg) {
5551 | var _a;
5552 | switch (seg[0]) {
5553 | case 'M':
5554 | x = seg[1], y = seg[2];
5555 | return 0;
5556 | default:
5557 |
5558 | var _b = seg.slice(1), c1x = _b[0], c1y = _b[1], c2x = _b[2], c2y = _b[3], x2 = _b[4], y2 = _b[5];
5559 | len = getCubicSegArea(x, y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x2, y2);
5560 | _a = seg.slice(-2), x = _a[0], y = _a[1];
5561 | return len;
5562 | }
5563 | })
5564 | .reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, 0);
5565 | }
5566 |
5567 |
5568 |
5569 |
5570 |
5571 |
5572 |
5573 |
5574 |
5575 |
5576 |
5577 |
5578 |
5579 |
5580 |
5581 |
5582 |
5583 |
5584 |
5585 |
5586 |
5587 |
5588 |
5589 |
5590 |
5591 |
5592 | function getDrawDirection(pathArray) {
5593 | return getPathArea(pathArray) >= 0;
5594 | }
5595 |
5596 | |
5597 |
5598 |
5599 | function getPointAtLength(pathInput, distance, options) {
5600 | return pathLengthFactory(pathInput, distance, __assign(__assign({}, options), { bbox: false, length: true })).point;
5601 | }
5602 |
5603 | function splitCubic(pts, t) {
5604 | if (t === void 0) { t = 0.5; }
5605 | var p0 = pts.slice(0, 2);
5606 | var p1 = pts.slice(2, 4);
5607 | var p2 = pts.slice(4, 6);
5608 | var p3 = pts.slice(6, 8);
5609 | var p4 = midPoint(p0, p1, t);
5610 | var p5 = midPoint(p1, p2, t);
5611 | var p6 = midPoint(p2, p3, t);
5612 | var p7 = midPoint(p4, p5, t);
5613 | var p8 = midPoint(p5, p6, t);
5614 | var p9 = midPoint(p7, p8, t);
5615 | return [
5616 |
5617 | ['C'].concat(p4, p7, p9),
5618 |
5619 | ['C'].concat(p8, p6, p3),
5620 | ];
5621 | }
5622 | function getCurveArray(segments) {
5623 | return segments.map(function (segment, i, pathArray) {
5624 |
5625 | var segmentData = i && pathArray[i - 1].slice(-2).concat(segment.slice(1));
5626 |
5627 | var curveLength = i
5628 | ? segmentCubicFactory(segmentData[0], segmentData[1], segmentData[2], segmentData[3], segmentData[4], segmentData[5], segmentData[6], segmentData[7], segmentData[8], { bbox: false }).length
5629 | : 0;
5630 | var subsegs;
5631 | if (i) {
5632 |
5633 | subsegs = curveLength ? splitCubic(segmentData) : [segment, segment];
5634 | }
5635 | else {
5636 | subsegs = [segment];
5637 | }
5638 | return {
5639 | s: segment,
5640 | ss: subsegs,
5641 | l: curveLength,
5642 | };
5643 | });
5644 | }
5645 | function equalizeSegments(path1, path2, TL) {
5646 | var c1 = getCurveArray(path1);
5647 | var c2 = getCurveArray(path2);
5648 | var L1 = c1.length;
5649 | var L2 = c2.length;
5650 | var l1 = c1.filter(function (x) { return x.l; }).length;
5651 | var l2 = c2.filter(function (x) { return x.l; }).length;
5652 | var m1 = c1.filter(function (x) { return x.l; }).reduce(function (a, _a) {
5653 | var l = _a.l;
5654 | return a + l;
5655 | }, 0) / l1 || 0;
5656 | var m2 = c2.filter(function (x) { return x.l; }).reduce(function (a, _a) {
5657 | var l = _a.l;
5658 | return a + l;
5659 | }, 0) / l2 || 0;
5660 | var tl = TL || Math.max(L1, L2);
5661 | var mm = [m1, m2];
5662 | var dif = [tl - L1, tl - L2];
5663 | var canSplit = 0;
5664 | var result = [c1, c2].map(function (x, i) {
5665 |
5666 | return x.l === tl
5667 | ? x.map(function (y) { return y.s; })
5668 | : x
5669 | .map(function (y, j) {
5670 | canSplit = j && dif[i] && y.l >= mm[i];
5671 | dif[i] -= canSplit ? 1 : 0;
5672 | return canSplit ? y.ss : [y.s];
5673 | })
5674 | .flat();
5675 | });
5676 | return result[0].length === result[1].length ? result : equalizeSegments(result[0], result[1], tl);
5677 | }
5678 |
5679 | var Component = function () {
5680 | function Component(props, context, updater) {
5681 | this.isMounted = false;
5682 |
5683 | this.destroyed = false;
5684 | this.props = props;
5685 | this.state = {};
5686 | this.context = context;
5687 | this.updater = updater;
5688 | }
5689 | Component.prototype.willMount = function () {};
5690 | Component.prototype.didMount = function () {};
5691 | Component.prototype.shouldUpdate = function (_nextProps) {
5692 | return true;
5693 | };
5694 | Component.prototype.willReceiveProps = function (_props, _context) {};
5695 | Component.prototype.willUpdate = function () {};
5696 | Component.prototype.didUpdate = function () {};
5697 | Component.prototype.render = function () {
5698 | return null;
5699 | };
5700 | Component.prototype.willUnmount = function () {};
5701 | Component.prototype.didUnmount = function () {};
5702 | Component.prototype.setState = function (partialState, callback) {
5703 | if (this.destroyed) {
5704 | return;
5705 | }
5706 | this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, partialState, callback);
5707 | };
5708 | Component.prototype.forceUpdate = function (callback) {
5709 | if (this.destroyed) {
5710 | return;
5711 | }
5712 | this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, {}, callback);
5713 | };
5714 | Component.prototype.setAnimate = function (animate) {
5715 | this.animate = animate;
5716 | this._vNode.animate = animate;
5717 | };
5718 | Component.prototype.destroy = function () {
5719 | this.destroyed = true;
5720 | this.animator = null;
5721 | };
5722 | return Component;
5723 | }();
5724 |
5725 |
5726 | Component.prototype.isF2Component = true;
5727 |
5728 | function cloneElement(element, props) {
5729 | if (!element) return element;
5730 | return __assign(__assign({}, element), {
5731 | props: __assign(__assign({}, element.props), props)
5732 | });
5733 | }
5734 | function map$1(children, fn) {
5735 | if (!children) {
5736 | return fn(children);
5737 | }
5738 | if (isArray(children)) {
5739 | return children.map(function (child) {
5740 | return map$1(child, fn);
5741 | });
5742 | }
5743 | return fn(children);
5744 | }
5745 | function compareArray(nextElements, lastElements, callback) {
5746 | var keyed = {};
5747 | var nextLength = nextElements.length;
5748 | var lastLength = lastElements.length;
5749 | for (var i = 0, len = lastLength; i < len; i++) {
5750 | var element = lastElements[i];
5751 | if (element && !isNil(element.key)) {
5752 | var key = element.key;
5753 | keyed[key] = element;
5754 | }
5755 | }
5756 | var result = [];
5757 |
5758 | for (var i = 0, len = nextLength; i < len; i++) {
5759 | var element = nextElements[i];
5760 | if (!element) {
5761 | continue;
5762 | }
5763 | var key = element.key;
5764 | var lastElement = void 0;
5765 |
5766 | if (!isNil(element.key)) {
5767 | lastElement = keyed[key];
5768 | if (lastElement) delete keyed[key];
5769 | } else {
5770 |
5771 | lastElement = lastElements[i];
5772 | }
5773 |
5774 | if (!lastElement) {
5775 | result.push(compare(element, null, callback));
5776 | continue;
5777 | }
5778 |
5779 | if (lastElement === null || lastElement === void 0 ? void 0 : lastElement.__processed) {
5780 | result.push(compare(element, null, callback));
5781 | continue;
5782 | }
5783 |
5784 | lastElement.__processed = true;
5785 | result.push(compare(element, lastElement, callback));
5786 | }
5787 |
5788 | for (var i = 0, len = lastLength; i < len; i++) {
5789 | var lastElement = lastElements[i];
5790 | if (!lastElement) {
5791 | continue;
5792 | }
5793 | if (!(lastElement === null || lastElement === void 0 ? void 0 : lastElement.__processed)) {
5794 | result.push(compare(null, lastElement, callback));
5795 | } else {
5796 | delete lastElement.__processed;
5797 | }
5798 | }
5799 | return result;
5800 | }
5801 |
5802 | function compare(nextElement, lastElement, callback) {
5803 |
5804 | if (!nextElement || !lastElement) {
5805 | return callback(nextElement, lastElement);
5806 | }
5807 | if (isArray(nextElement) || isArray(lastElement)) {
5808 | var nextElementArray = isArray(nextElement) ? nextElement : [nextElement];
5809 | var lastElementArray = isArray(lastElement) ? lastElement : [lastElement];
5810 | return compareArray(nextElementArray, lastElementArray, callback);
5811 | }
5812 | return callback(nextElement, lastElement);
5813 | }
5814 | function toArray(element) {
5815 | if (!element) {
5816 | return element;
5817 | }
5818 | if (!isArray(element)) {
5819 | return [element];
5820 | }
5821 | var newArray = [];
5822 | for (var i = 0, len = element.length; i < len; i++) {
5823 | var item = element[i];
5824 | if (isArray(item)) {
5825 | newArray = newArray.concat(toArray(item));
5826 | } else {
5827 | newArray.push(item);
5828 | }
5829 | }
5830 | return newArray;
5831 | }
5832 | var Children = {
5833 | cloneElement: cloneElement,
5834 | map: map$1,
5835 | toArray: toArray,
5836 | compare: compare
5837 | };
5838 |
5839 | function getDefaultExportFromCjs (x) {
5840 | return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, 'default') ? x['default'] : x;
5841 | }
5842 |
5843 | function createCommonjsModule(fn, basedir, module) {
5844 | return module = {
5845 | path: basedir,
5846 | exports: {},
5847 | require: function (path, base) {
5848 | return commonjsRequire(path, (base === undefined || base === null) ? module.path : base);
5849 | }
5850 | }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;
5851 | }
5852 |
5853 | function commonjsRequire () {
5854 | throw new Error('Dynamic requires are not currently supported by @rollup/plugin-commonjs');
5855 | }
5856 |
5857 | var eventemitter3 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
5858 |
5859 | var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
5860 | , prefix = '~';
5861 |
5862 | |
5863 |
5864 |
5865 |
5866 |
5867 |
5868 |
5869 | function Events() {}
5870 |
5871 |
5872 |
5873 |
5874 |
5875 |
5876 |
5877 |
5878 | if (Object.create) {
5879 | Events.prototype = Object.create(null);
5880 |
5881 |
5882 |
5883 |
5884 |
5885 | if (!new Events().__proto__) prefix = false;
5886 | }
5887 |
5888 | |
5889 |
5890 |
5891 |
5892 |
5893 |
5894 |
5895 |
5896 |
5897 | function EE(fn, context, once) {
5898 | this.fn = fn;
5899 | this.context = context;
5900 | this.once = once || false;
5901 | }
5902 |
5903 | |
5904 |
5905 |
5906 |
5907 |
5908 |
5909 |
5910 |
5911 |
5912 |
5913 |
5914 | function addListener(emitter, event, fn, context, once) {
5915 | if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
5916 | throw new TypeError('The listener must be a function');
5917 | }
5918 |
5919 | var listener = new EE(fn, context || emitter, once)
5920 | , evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
5921 |
5922 | if (!emitter._events[evt]) emitter._events[evt] = listener, emitter._eventsCount++;
5923 | else if (!emitter._events[evt].fn) emitter._events[evt].push(listener);
5924 | else emitter._events[evt] = [emitter._events[evt], listener];
5925 |
5926 | return emitter;
5927 | }
5928 |
5929 | |
5930 |
5931 |
5932 |
5933 |
5934 |
5935 |
5936 | function clearEvent(emitter, evt) {
5937 | if (--emitter._eventsCount === 0) emitter._events = new Events();
5938 | else delete emitter._events[evt];
5939 | }
5940 |
5941 | |
5942 |
5943 |
5944 |
5945 |
5946 |
5947 |
5948 | function EventEmitter() {
5949 | this._events = new Events();
5950 | this._eventsCount = 0;
5951 | }
5952 |
5953 | |
5954 |
5955 |
5956 |
5957 |
5958 |
5959 |
5960 | EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {
5961 | var names = []
5962 | , events
5963 | , name;
5964 |
5965 | if (this._eventsCount === 0) return names;
5966 |
5967 | for (name in (events = this._events)) {
5968 | if (has.call(events, name)) names.push(prefix ? name.slice(1) : name);
5969 | }
5970 |
5971 | if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
5972 | return names.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(events));
5973 | }
5974 |
5975 | return names;
5976 | };
5977 |
5978 | |
5979 |
5980 |
5981 |
5982 |
5983 |
5984 |
5985 | EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(event) {
5986 | var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event
5987 | , handlers = this._events[evt];
5988 |
5989 | if (!handlers) return [];
5990 | if (handlers.fn) return [handlers.fn];
5991 |
5992 | for (var i = 0, l = handlers.length, ee = new Array(l); i < l; i++) {
5993 | ee[i] = handlers[i].fn;
5994 | }
5995 |
5996 | return ee;
5997 | };
5998 |
5999 | |
6000 |
6001 |
6002 |
6003 |
6004 |
6005 |
6006 | EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = function listenerCount(event) {
6007 | var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event
6008 | , listeners = this._events[evt];
6009 |
6010 | if (!listeners) return 0;
6011 | if (listeners.fn) return 1;
6012 | return listeners.length;
6013 | };
6014 |
6015 | |
6016 |
6017 |
6018 |
6019 |
6020 |
6021 |
6022 | EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
6023 | var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
6024 |
6025 | if (!this._events[evt]) return false;
6026 |
6027 | var listeners = this._events[evt]
6028 | , len = arguments.length
6029 | , args
6030 | , i;
6031 |
6032 | if (listeners.fn) {
6033 | if (listeners.once) this.removeListener(event, listeners.fn, undefined, true);
6034 |
6035 | switch (len) {
6036 | case 1: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context), true;
6037 | case 2: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1), true;
6038 | case 3: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2), true;
6039 | case 4: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3), true;
6040 | case 5: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4), true;
6041 | case 6: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5), true;
6042 | }
6043 |
6044 | for (i = 1, args = new Array(len -1); i < len; i++) {
6045 | args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
6046 | }
6047 |
6048 | listeners.fn.apply(listeners.context, args);
6049 | } else {
6050 | var length = listeners.length
6051 | , j;
6052 |
6053 | for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
6054 | if (listeners[i].once) this.removeListener(event, listeners[i].fn, undefined, true);
6055 |
6056 | switch (len) {
6057 | case 1: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context); break;
6058 | case 2: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1); break;
6059 | case 3: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2); break;
6060 | case 4: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2, a3); break;
6061 | default:
6062 | if (!args) for (j = 1, args = new Array(len -1); j < len; j++) {
6063 | args[j - 1] = arguments[j];
6064 | }
6065 |
6066 | listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i].context, args);
6067 | }
6068 | }
6069 | }
6070 |
6071 | return true;
6072 | };
6073 |
6074 | |
6075 |
6076 |
6077 |
6078 |
6079 |
6080 |
6081 |
6082 |
6083 | EventEmitter.prototype.on = function on(event, fn, context) {
6084 | return addListener(this, event, fn, context, false);
6085 | };
6086 |
6087 | |
6088 |
6089 |
6090 |
6091 |
6092 |
6093 |
6094 |
6095 |
6096 | EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(event, fn, context) {
6097 | return addListener(this, event, fn, context, true);
6098 | };
6099 |
6100 | |
6101 |
6102 |
6103 |
6104 |
6105 |
6106 |
6107 |
6108 |
6109 |
6110 | EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(event, fn, context, once) {
6111 | var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
6112 |
6113 | if (!this._events[evt]) return this;
6114 | if (!fn) {
6115 | clearEvent(this, evt);
6116 | return this;
6117 | }
6118 |
6119 | var listeners = this._events[evt];
6120 |
6121 | if (listeners.fn) {
6122 | if (
6123 | listeners.fn === fn &&
6124 | (!once || listeners.once) &&
6125 | (!context || listeners.context === context)
6126 | ) {
6127 | clearEvent(this, evt);
6128 | }
6129 | } else {
6130 | for (var i = 0, events = [], length = listeners.length; i < length; i++) {
6131 | if (
6132 | listeners[i].fn !== fn ||
6133 | (once && !listeners[i].once) ||
6134 | (context && listeners[i].context !== context)
6135 | ) {
6136 | events.push(listeners[i]);
6137 | }
6138 | }
6139 |
6140 |
6141 |
6142 |
6143 | if (events.length) this._events[evt] = events.length === 1 ? events[0] : events;
6144 | else clearEvent(this, evt);
6145 | }
6146 |
6147 | return this;
6148 | };
6149 |
6150 | |
6151 |
6152 |
6153 |
6154 |
6155 |
6156 |
6157 | EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(event) {
6158 | var evt;
6159 |
6160 | if (event) {
6161 | evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
6162 | if (this._events[evt]) clearEvent(this, evt);
6163 | } else {
6164 | this._events = new Events();
6165 | this._eventsCount = 0;
6166 | }
6167 |
6168 | return this;
6169 | };
6170 |
6171 |
6172 |
6173 |
6174 | EventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener;
6175 | EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on;
6176 |
6177 |
6178 |
6179 |
6180 | EventEmitter.prefixed = prefix;
6181 |
6182 |
6183 |
6184 |
6185 | EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
6186 |
6187 |
6188 |
6189 |
6190 | {
6191 | module.exports = EventEmitter;
6192 | }
6193 | });
6194 |
6195 | function define(constructor, factory, prototype) {
6196 | constructor.prototype = factory.prototype = prototype;
6197 | prototype.constructor = constructor;
6198 | }
6199 |
6200 | function extend(parent, definition) {
6201 | var prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
6202 | for (var key in definition) prototype[key] = definition[key];
6203 | return prototype;
6204 | }
6205 |
6206 | function Color() {}
6207 |
6208 | var darker = 0.7;
6209 | var brighter = 1 / darker;
6210 |
6211 | var reI = "\\s*([+-]?\\d+)\\s*",
6212 | reN = "\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)\\s*",
6213 | reP = "\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)%\\s*",
6214 | reHex = /^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/,
6215 | reRgbInteger = new RegExp("^rgb\\(" + [reI, reI, reI] + "\\)$"),
6216 | reRgbPercent = new RegExp("^rgb\\(" + [reP, reP, reP] + "\\)$"),
6217 | reRgbaInteger = new RegExp("^rgba\\(" + [reI, reI, reI, reN] + "\\)$"),
6218 | reRgbaPercent = new RegExp("^rgba\\(" + [reP, reP, reP, reN] + "\\)$"),
6219 | reHslPercent = new RegExp("^hsl\\(" + [reN, reP, reP] + "\\)$"),
6220 | reHslaPercent = new RegExp("^hsla\\(" + [reN, reP, reP, reN] + "\\)$");
6221 |
6222 | var named = {
6223 | aliceblue: 0xf0f8ff,
6224 | antiquewhite: 0xfaebd7,
6225 | aqua: 0x00ffff,
6226 | aquamarine: 0x7fffd4,
6227 | azure: 0xf0ffff,
6228 | beige: 0xf5f5dc,
6229 | bisque: 0xffe4c4,
6230 | black: 0x000000,
6231 | blanchedalmond: 0xffebcd,
6232 | blue: 0x0000ff,
6233 | blueviolet: 0x8a2be2,
6234 | brown: 0xa52a2a,
6235 | burlywood: 0xdeb887,
6236 | cadetblue: 0x5f9ea0,
6237 | chartreuse: 0x7fff00,
6238 | chocolate: 0xd2691e,
6239 | coral: 0xff7f50,
6240 | cornflowerblue: 0x6495ed,
6241 | cornsilk: 0xfff8dc,
6242 | crimson: 0xdc143c,
6243 | cyan: 0x00ffff,
6244 | darkblue: 0x00008b,
6245 | darkcyan: 0x008b8b,
6246 | darkgoldenrod: 0xb8860b,
6247 | darkgray: 0xa9a9a9,
6248 | darkgreen: 0x006400,
6249 | darkgrey: 0xa9a9a9,
6250 | darkkhaki: 0xbdb76b,
6251 | darkmagenta: 0x8b008b,
6252 | darkolivegreen: 0x556b2f,
6253 | darkorange: 0xff8c00,
6254 | darkorchid: 0x9932cc,
6255 | darkred: 0x8b0000,
6256 | darksalmon: 0xe9967a,
6257 | darkseagreen: 0x8fbc8f,
6258 | darkslateblue: 0x483d8b,
6259 | darkslategray: 0x2f4f4f,
6260 | darkslategrey: 0x2f4f4f,
6261 | darkturquoise: 0x00ced1,
6262 | darkviolet: 0x9400d3,
6263 | deeppink: 0xff1493,
6264 | deepskyblue: 0x00bfff,
6265 | dimgray: 0x696969,
6266 | dimgrey: 0x696969,
6267 | dodgerblue: 0x1e90ff,
6268 | firebrick: 0xb22222,
6269 | floralwhite: 0xfffaf0,
6270 | forestgreen: 0x228b22,
6271 | fuchsia: 0xff00ff,
6272 | gainsboro: 0xdcdcdc,
6273 | ghostwhite: 0xf8f8ff,
6274 | gold: 0xffd700,
6275 | goldenrod: 0xdaa520,
6276 | gray: 0x808080,
6277 | green: 0x008000,
6278 | greenyellow: 0xadff2f,
6279 | grey: 0x808080,
6280 | honeydew: 0xf0fff0,
6281 | hotpink: 0xff69b4,
6282 | indianred: 0xcd5c5c,
6283 | indigo: 0x4b0082,
6284 | ivory: 0xfffff0,
6285 | khaki: 0xf0e68c,
6286 | lavender: 0xe6e6fa,
6287 | lavenderblush: 0xfff0f5,
6288 | lawngreen: 0x7cfc00,
6289 | lemonchiffon: 0xfffacd,
6290 | lightblue: 0xadd8e6,
6291 | lightcoral: 0xf08080,
6292 | lightcyan: 0xe0ffff,
6293 | lightgoldenrodyellow: 0xfafad2,
6294 | lightgray: 0xd3d3d3,
6295 | lightgreen: 0x90ee90,
6296 | lightgrey: 0xd3d3d3,
6297 | lightpink: 0xffb6c1,
6298 | lightsalmon: 0xffa07a,
6299 | lightseagreen: 0x20b2aa,
6300 | lightskyblue: 0x87cefa,
6301 | lightslategray: 0x778899,
6302 | lightslategrey: 0x778899,
6303 | lightsteelblue: 0xb0c4de,
6304 | lightyellow: 0xffffe0,
6305 | lime: 0x00ff00,
6306 | limegreen: 0x32cd32,
6307 | linen: 0xfaf0e6,
6308 | magenta: 0xff00ff,
6309 | maroon: 0x800000,
6310 | mediumaquamarine: 0x66cdaa,
6311 | mediumblue: 0x0000cd,
6312 | mediumorchid: 0xba55d3,
6313 | mediumpurple: 0x9370db,
6314 | mediumseagreen: 0x3cb371,
6315 | mediumslateblue: 0x7b68ee,
6316 | mediumspringgreen: 0x00fa9a,
6317 | mediumturquoise: 0x48d1cc,
6318 | mediumvioletred: 0xc71585,
6319 | midnightblue: 0x191970,
6320 | mintcream: 0xf5fffa,
6321 | mistyrose: 0xffe4e1,
6322 | moccasin: 0xffe4b5,
6323 | navajowhite: 0xffdead,
6324 | navy: 0x000080,
6325 | oldlace: 0xfdf5e6,
6326 | olive: 0x808000,
6327 | olivedrab: 0x6b8e23,
6328 | orange: 0xffa500,
6329 | orangered: 0xff4500,
6330 | orchid: 0xda70d6,
6331 | palegoldenrod: 0xeee8aa,
6332 | palegreen: 0x98fb98,
6333 | paleturquoise: 0xafeeee,
6334 | palevioletred: 0xdb7093,
6335 | papayawhip: 0xffefd5,
6336 | peachpuff: 0xffdab9,
6337 | peru: 0xcd853f,
6338 | pink: 0xffc0cb,
6339 | plum: 0xdda0dd,
6340 | powderblue: 0xb0e0e6,
6341 | purple: 0x800080,
6342 | rebeccapurple: 0x663399,
6343 | red: 0xff0000,
6344 | rosybrown: 0xbc8f8f,
6345 | royalblue: 0x4169e1,
6346 | saddlebrown: 0x8b4513,
6347 | salmon: 0xfa8072,
6348 | sandybrown: 0xf4a460,
6349 | seagreen: 0x2e8b57,
6350 | seashell: 0xfff5ee,
6351 | sienna: 0xa0522d,
6352 | silver: 0xc0c0c0,
6353 | skyblue: 0x87ceeb,
6354 | slateblue: 0x6a5acd,
6355 | slategray: 0x708090,
6356 | slategrey: 0x708090,
6357 | snow: 0xfffafa,
6358 | springgreen: 0x00ff7f,
6359 | steelblue: 0x4682b4,
6360 | tan: 0xd2b48c,
6361 | teal: 0x008080,
6362 | thistle: 0xd8bfd8,
6363 | tomato: 0xff6347,
6364 | turquoise: 0x40e0d0,
6365 | violet: 0xee82ee,
6366 | wheat: 0xf5deb3,
6367 | white: 0xffffff,
6368 | whitesmoke: 0xf5f5f5,
6369 | yellow: 0xffff00,
6370 | yellowgreen: 0x9acd32
6371 | };
6372 |
6373 | define(Color, color, {
6374 | copy: function(channels) {
6375 | return Object.assign(new this.constructor, this, channels);
6376 | },
6377 | displayable: function() {
6378 | return this.rgb().displayable();
6379 | },
6380 | hex: color_formatHex,
6381 | formatHex: color_formatHex,
6382 | formatHsl: color_formatHsl,
6383 | formatRgb: color_formatRgb,
6384 | toString: color_formatRgb
6385 | });
6386 |
6387 | function color_formatHex() {
6388 | return this.rgb().formatHex();
6389 | }
6390 |
6391 | function color_formatHsl() {
6392 | return hslConvert(this).formatHsl();
6393 | }
6394 |
6395 | function color_formatRgb() {
6396 | return this.rgb().formatRgb();
6397 | }
6398 |
6399 | function color(format) {
6400 | var m, l;
6401 | format = (format + "").trim().toLowerCase();
6402 | return (m = reHex.exec(format)) ? (l = m[1].length, m = parseInt(m[1], 16), l === 6 ? rgbn(m)
6403 | : l === 3 ? new Rgb((m >> 8 & 0xf) | (m >> 4 & 0xf0), (m >> 4 & 0xf) | (m & 0xf0), ((m & 0xf) << 4) | (m & 0xf), 1)
6404 | : l === 8 ? rgba(m >> 24 & 0xff, m >> 16 & 0xff, m >> 8 & 0xff, (m & 0xff) / 0xff)
6405 | : l === 4 ? rgba((m >> 12 & 0xf) | (m >> 8 & 0xf0), (m >> 8 & 0xf) | (m >> 4 & 0xf0), (m >> 4 & 0xf) | (m & 0xf0), (((m & 0xf) << 4) | (m & 0xf)) / 0xff)
6406 | : null)
6407 | : (m = reRgbInteger.exec(format)) ? new Rgb(m[1], m[2], m[3], 1)
6408 | : (m = reRgbPercent.exec(format)) ? new Rgb(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, 1)
6409 | : (m = reRgbaInteger.exec(format)) ? rgba(m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4])
6410 | : (m = reRgbaPercent.exec(format)) ? rgba(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, m[4])
6411 | : (m = reHslPercent.exec(format)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, 1)
6412 | : (m = reHslaPercent.exec(format)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, m[4])
6413 | : named.hasOwnProperty(format) ? rgbn(named[format])
6414 | : format === "transparent" ? new Rgb(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0)
6415 | : null;
6416 | }
6417 |
6418 | function rgbn(n) {
6419 | return new Rgb(n >> 16 & 0xff, n >> 8 & 0xff, n & 0xff, 1);
6420 | }
6421 |
6422 | function rgba(r, g, b, a) {
6423 | if (a <= 0) r = g = b = NaN;
6424 | return new Rgb(r, g, b, a);
6425 | }
6426 |
6427 | function rgbConvert(o) {
6428 | if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o);
6429 | if (!o) return new Rgb;
6430 | o = o.rgb();
6431 | return new Rgb(o.r, o.g, o.b, o.opacity);
6432 | }
6433 |
6434 | function rgb(r, g, b, opacity) {
6435 | return arguments.length === 1 ? rgbConvert(r) : new Rgb(r, g, b, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
6436 | }
6437 |
6438 | function Rgb(r, g, b, opacity) {
6439 | this.r = +r;
6440 | this.g = +g;
6441 | this.b = +b;
6442 | this.opacity = +opacity;
6443 | }
6444 |
6445 | define(Rgb, rgb, extend(Color, {
6446 | brighter: function(k) {
6447 | k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k);
6448 | return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity);
6449 | },
6450 | darker: function(k) {
6451 | k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k);
6452 | return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity);
6453 | },
6454 | rgb: function() {
6455 | return this;
6456 | },
6457 | displayable: function() {
6458 | return (-0.5 <= this.r && this.r < 255.5)
6459 | && (-0.5 <= this.g && this.g < 255.5)
6460 | && (-0.5 <= this.b && this.b < 255.5)
6461 | && (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1);
6462 | },
6463 | hex: rgb_formatHex,
6464 | formatHex: rgb_formatHex,
6465 | formatRgb: rgb_formatRgb,
6466 | toString: rgb_formatRgb
6467 | }));
6468 |
6469 | function rgb_formatHex() {
6470 | return "#" + hex(this.r) + hex(this.g) + hex(this.b);
6471 | }
6472 |
6473 | function rgb_formatRgb() {
6474 | var a = this.opacity; a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a));
6475 | return (a === 1 ? "rgb(" : "rgba(")
6476 | + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.r) || 0)) + ", "
6477 | + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.g) || 0)) + ", "
6478 | + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.b) || 0))
6479 | + (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")");
6480 | }
6481 |
6482 | function hex(value) {
6483 | value = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(value) || 0));
6484 | return (value < 16 ? "0" : "") + value.toString(16);
6485 | }
6486 |
6487 | function hsla(h, s, l, a) {
6488 | if (a <= 0) h = s = l = NaN;
6489 | else if (l <= 0 || l >= 1) h = s = NaN;
6490 | else if (s <= 0) h = NaN;
6491 | return new Hsl(h, s, l, a);
6492 | }
6493 |
6494 | function hslConvert(o) {
6495 | if (o instanceof Hsl) return new Hsl(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity);
6496 | if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o);
6497 | if (!o) return new Hsl;
6498 | if (o instanceof Hsl) return o;
6499 | o = o.rgb();
6500 | var r = o.r / 255,
6501 | g = o.g / 255,
6502 | b = o.b / 255,
6503 | min = Math.min(r, g, b),
6504 | max = Math.max(r, g, b),
6505 | h = NaN,
6506 | s = max - min,
6507 | l = (max + min) / 2;
6508 | if (s) {
6509 | if (r === max) h = (g - b) / s + (g < b) * 6;
6510 | else if (g === max) h = (b - r) / s + 2;
6511 | else h = (r - g) / s + 4;
6512 | s /= l < 0.5 ? max + min : 2 - max - min;
6513 | h *= 60;
6514 | } else {
6515 | s = l > 0 && l < 1 ? 0 : h;
6516 | }
6517 | return new Hsl(h, s, l, o.opacity);
6518 | }
6519 |
6520 | function hsl(h, s, l, opacity) {
6521 | return arguments.length === 1 ? hslConvert(h) : new Hsl(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
6522 | }
6523 |
6524 | function Hsl(h, s, l, opacity) {
6525 | this.h = +h;
6526 | this.s = +s;
6527 | this.l = +l;
6528 | this.opacity = +opacity;
6529 | }
6530 |
6531 | define(Hsl, hsl, extend(Color, {
6532 | brighter: function(k) {
6533 | k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k);
6534 | return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
6535 | },
6536 | darker: function(k) {
6537 | k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k);
6538 | return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
6539 | },
6540 | rgb: function() {
6541 | var h = this.h % 360 + (this.h < 0) * 360,
6542 | s = isNaN(h) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s,
6543 | l = this.l,
6544 | m2 = l + (l < 0.5 ? l : 1 - l) * s,
6545 | m1 = 2 * l - m2;
6546 | return new Rgb(
6547 | hsl2rgb(h >= 240 ? h - 240 : h + 120, m1, m2),
6548 | hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2),
6549 | hsl2rgb(h < 120 ? h + 240 : h - 120, m1, m2),
6550 | this.opacity
6551 | );
6552 | },
6553 | displayable: function() {
6554 | return (0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1 || isNaN(this.s))
6555 | && (0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1)
6556 | && (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1);
6557 | },
6558 | formatHsl: function() {
6559 | var a = this.opacity; a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a));
6560 | return (a === 1 ? "hsl(" : "hsla(")
6561 | + (this.h || 0) + ", "
6562 | + (this.s || 0) * 100 + "%, "
6563 | + (this.l || 0) * 100 + "%"
6564 | + (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")");
6565 | }
6566 | }));
6567 |
6568 |
6569 | function hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2) {
6570 | return (h < 60 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * h / 60
6571 | : h < 180 ? m2
6572 | : h < 240 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - h) / 60
6573 | : m1) * 255;
6574 | }
6575 |
6576 | function distance$1(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
6577 | var dx = x1 - x2;
6578 | var dy = y1 - y2;
6579 | return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
6580 | }
6581 | function getBBoxByArray(xArr, yArr) {
6582 | var minX = Math.min.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(xArr), false));
6583 | var minY = Math.min.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(yArr), false));
6584 | var maxX = Math.max.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(xArr), false));
6585 | var maxY = Math.max.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(yArr), false));
6586 | return {
6587 | x: minX,
6588 | y: minY,
6589 | width: maxX - minX,
6590 | height: maxY - minY,
6591 | };
6592 | }
6593 |
6594 | function xExtrema(rx, ry, xRotation) {
6595 | return Math.atan((-ry / rx) * Math.tan(xRotation));
6596 | }
6597 |
6598 | function yExtrema(rx, ry, xRotation) {
6599 | return Math.atan(ry / (rx * Math.tan(xRotation)));
6600 | }
6601 |
6602 | function xAt(cx, cy, rx, ry, xRotation, angle) {
6603 | return (rx * Math.cos(xRotation) * Math.cos(angle) -
6604 | ry * Math.sin(xRotation) * Math.sin(angle) +
6605 | cx);
6606 | }
6607 |
6608 | function yAt(cx, cy, rx, ry, xRotation, angle) {
6609 | return (rx * Math.sin(xRotation) * Math.cos(angle) +
6610 | ry * Math.cos(xRotation) * Math.sin(angle) +
6611 | cy);
6612 | }
6613 | function box$5(cx, cy, rx, ry, xRotation, startAngle, endAngle) {
6614 | var xDim = xExtrema(rx, ry, xRotation);
6615 | var minX = Infinity;
6616 | var maxX = -Infinity;
6617 | var xs = [startAngle, endAngle];
6618 | for (var i = -Math.PI * 2; i <= Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI) {
6619 | var xAngle = xDim + i;
6620 | if (startAngle < endAngle) {
6621 | if (startAngle < xAngle && xAngle < endAngle) {
6622 | xs.push(xAngle);
6623 | }
6624 | }
6625 | else {
6626 | if (endAngle < xAngle && xAngle < startAngle) {
6627 | xs.push(xAngle);
6628 | }
6629 | }
6630 | }
6631 | for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
6632 | var x = xAt(cx, cy, rx, ry, xRotation, xs[i]);
6633 | if (x < minX) {
6634 | minX = x;
6635 | }
6636 | if (x > maxX) {
6637 | maxX = x;
6638 | }
6639 | }
6640 | var yDim = yExtrema(rx, ry, xRotation);
6641 | var minY = Infinity;
6642 | var maxY = -Infinity;
6643 | var ys = [startAngle, endAngle];
6644 | for (var i = -Math.PI * 2; i <= Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI) {
6645 | var yAngle = yDim + i;
6646 | if (startAngle < endAngle) {
6647 | if (startAngle < yAngle && yAngle < endAngle) {
6648 | ys.push(yAngle);
6649 | }
6650 | }
6651 | else {
6652 | if (endAngle < yAngle && yAngle < startAngle) {
6653 | ys.push(yAngle);
6654 | }
6655 | }
6656 | }
6657 | for (var i = 0; i < ys.length; i++) {
6658 | var y = yAt(cx, cy, rx, ry, xRotation, ys[i]);
6659 | if (y < minY) {
6660 | minY = y;
6661 | }
6662 | if (y > maxY) {
6663 | maxY = y;
6664 | }
6665 | }
6666 | return {
6667 | x: minX,
6668 | y: minY,
6669 | width: maxX - minX,
6670 | height: maxY - minY,
6671 | };
6672 | }
6673 |
6674 | var EPSILON$1 = 0.0001;
6675 | |
6676 |
6677 |
6678 |
6679 |
6680 |
6681 |
6682 |
6683 | function nearestPoint$2(xArr, yArr, x, y, tCallback, length) {
6684 | var t = -1;
6685 | var d = Infinity;
6686 | var v0 = [x, y];
6687 | var segNum = 20;
6688 | if (length && length > 200) {
6689 | segNum = length / 10;
6690 | }
6691 | var increaseRate = 1 / segNum;
6692 | var interval = increaseRate / 10;
6693 | for (var i = 0; i <= segNum; i++) {
6694 | var _t = i * increaseRate;
6695 | var v1 = [
6696 | tCallback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(xArr.concat([_t])), false)),
6697 | tCallback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(yArr.concat([_t])), false)),
6698 | ];
6699 | var d1 = distance$1(v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1]);
6700 | if (d1 < d) {
6701 | t = _t;
6702 | d = d1;
6703 | }
6704 | }
6705 |
6706 | if (t === 0) {
6707 | return {
6708 | x: xArr[0],
6709 | y: yArr[0],
6710 | };
6711 | }
6712 | if (t === 1) {
6713 | var count = xArr.length;
6714 | return {
6715 | x: xArr[count - 1],
6716 | y: yArr[count - 1],
6717 | };
6718 | }
6719 | d = Infinity;
6720 | for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
6721 | if (interval < EPSILON$1) {
6722 | break;
6723 | }
6724 | var prev = t - interval;
6725 | var next = t + interval;
6726 | var v1 = [
6727 | tCallback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(xArr.concat([prev])), false)),
6728 | tCallback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(yArr.concat([prev])), false)),
6729 | ];
6730 | var d1 = distance$1(v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1]);
6731 | if (prev >= 0 && d1 < d) {
6732 | t = prev;
6733 | d = d1;
6734 | }
6735 | else {
6736 | var v2 = [
6737 | tCallback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(xArr.concat([next])), false)),
6738 | tCallback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(yArr.concat([next])), false)),
6739 | ];
6740 | var d2 = distance$1(v0[0], v0[1], v2[0], v2[1]);
6741 | if (next <= 1 && d2 < d) {
6742 | t = next;
6743 | d = d2;
6744 | }
6745 | else {
6746 | interval *= 0.5;
6747 | }
6748 | }
6749 | }
6750 | return {
6751 | x: tCallback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(xArr.concat([t])), false)),
6752 | y: tCallback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(yArr.concat([t])), false)),
6753 | };
6754 | }
6755 | function length$4(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
6756 | return distance$1(x1, y1, x2, y2);
6757 | }
6758 | function pointAt$3(x1, y1, x2, y2, t) {
6759 | return {
6760 | x: (1 - t) * x1 + t * x2,
6761 | y: (1 - t) * y1 + t * y2,
6762 | };
6763 | }
6764 | function pointToLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) {
6765 | var d = [x2 - x1, y2 - y1];
6766 |
6767 | if (exactEquals$1(d, [0, 0])) {
6768 | return Math.sqrt((x - x1) * (x - x1) + (y - y1) * (y - y1));
6769 | }
6770 | var u = [-d[1], d[0]];
6771 | normalize$3(u, u);
6772 | var a = [x - x1, y - y1];
6773 | return Math.abs(dot$1(a, u));
6774 | }
6775 |
6776 | function cubicAt(p0, p1, p2, p3, t) {
6777 | var onet = 1 - t;
6778 | return (onet * onet * onet * p0 +
6779 | 3 * p1 * t * onet * onet +
6780 | 3 * p2 * t * t * onet +
6781 | p3 * t * t * t);
6782 | }
6783 | function extrema$1(p0, p1, p2, p3) {
6784 | var a = -3 * p0 + 9 * p1 - 9 * p2 + 3 * p3;
6785 | var b = 6 * p0 - 12 * p1 + 6 * p2;
6786 | var c = 3 * p1 - 3 * p0;
6787 | var extremas = [];
6788 | var t1;
6789 | var t2;
6790 | var discSqrt;
6791 | if (isNumberEqual(a, 0)) {
6792 | if (!isNumberEqual(b, 0)) {
6793 | t1 = -c / b;
6794 | if (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1) {
6795 | extremas.push(t1);
6796 | }
6797 | }
6798 | }
6799 | else {
6800 | var disc = b * b - 4 * a * c;
6801 | if (isNumberEqual(disc, 0)) {
6802 | extremas.push(-b / (2 * a));
6803 | }
6804 | else if (disc > 0) {
6805 | discSqrt = Math.sqrt(disc);
6806 | t1 = (-b + discSqrt) / (2 * a);
6807 | t2 = (-b - discSqrt) / (2 * a);
6808 | if (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1) {
6809 | extremas.push(t1);
6810 | }
6811 | if (t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1) {
6812 | extremas.push(t2);
6813 | }
6814 | }
6815 | }
6816 | return extremas;
6817 | }
6818 | function box$3(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
6819 | var xArr = [x1, x4];
6820 | var yArr = [y1, y4];
6821 | var xExtrema = extrema$1(x1, x2, x3, x4);
6822 | var yExtrema = extrema$1(y1, y2, y3, y4);
6823 | for (var i = 0; i < xExtrema.length; i++) {
6824 | xArr.push(cubicAt(x1, x2, x3, x4, xExtrema[i]));
6825 | }
6826 | for (var i = 0; i < yExtrema.length; i++) {
6827 | yArr.push(cubicAt(y1, y2, y3, y4, yExtrema[i]));
6828 | }
6829 | return getBBoxByArray(xArr, yArr);
6830 | }
6831 | function nearestPoint$1(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x0, y0, length) {
6832 | return nearestPoint$2([x1, x2, x3, x4], [y1, y2, y3, y4], x0, y0, cubicAt, length);
6833 | }
6834 | function pointDistance$3(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x0, y0, length) {
6835 | var point = nearestPoint$1(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x0, y0, length);
6836 | return distance$1(point.x, point.y, x0, y0);
6837 | }
6838 | function lengthOfSegment(points) {
6839 | if (points.length < 2) {
6840 | return 0;
6841 | }
6842 | var totalLength = 0;
6843 | for (var i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) {
6844 | var from = points[i];
6845 | var to = points[i + 1];
6846 | totalLength += distance$1(from[0], from[1], to[0], to[1]);
6847 | }
6848 | return totalLength;
6849 | }
6850 | function length$2(points) {
6851 | return lengthOfSegment(points);
6852 | }
6853 |
6854 |
6855 | function quadraticAt(p0, p1, p2, t) {
6856 | var onet = 1 - t;
6857 | return onet * onet * p0 + 2 * t * onet * p1 + t * t * p2;
6858 | }
6859 |
6860 | function extrema(p0, p1, p2) {
6861 | var a = p0 + p2 - 2 * p1;
6862 | if (isNumberEqual(a, 0)) {
6863 | return [0.5];
6864 | }
6865 | var rst = (p0 - p1) / a;
6866 | if (rst <= 1 && rst >= 0) {
6867 | return [rst];
6868 | }
6869 | return [];
6870 | }
6871 | function box(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
6872 | var xExtrema = extrema(x1, x2, x3)[0];
6873 | var yExtrema = extrema(y1, y2, y3)[0];
6874 |
6875 | var xArr = [x1, x3];
6876 | var yArr = [y1, y3];
6877 | if (xExtrema !== undefined) {
6878 | xArr.push(quadraticAt(x1, x2, x3, xExtrema));
6879 | }
6880 | if (yExtrema !== undefined) {
6881 | yArr.push(quadraticAt(y1, y2, y3, yExtrema));
6882 | }
6883 | return getBBoxByArray(xArr, yArr);
6884 | }
6885 | function nearestPoint(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x0, y0) {
6886 | return nearestPoint$2([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3], x0, y0, quadraticAt);
6887 | }
6888 | function pointDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x0, y0) {
6889 | var point = nearestPoint(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x0, y0);
6890 | return distance$1(point.x, point.y, x0, y0);
6891 | }
6892 |
6893 | var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
6894 |
6895 | var rbush = {exports: {}};
6896 |
6897 | (function (module, exports) {
6898 | (function (global, factory) {
6899 | module.exports = factory() ;
6900 | }(commonjsGlobal, function () {
6901 | function quickselect(arr, k, left, right, compare) {
6902 | quickselectStep(arr, k, left || 0, right || (arr.length - 1), compare || defaultCompare);
6903 | }
6904 |
6905 | function quickselectStep(arr, k, left, right, compare) {
6906 |
6907 | while (right > left) {
6908 | if (right - left > 600) {
6909 | var n = right - left + 1;
6910 | var m = k - left + 1;
6911 | var z = Math.log(n);
6912 | var s = 0.5 * Math.exp(2 * z / 3);
6913 | var sd = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(z * s * (n - s) / n) * (m - n / 2 < 0 ? -1 : 1);
6914 | var newLeft = Math.max(left, Math.floor(k - m * s / n + sd));
6915 | var newRight = Math.min(right, Math.floor(k + (n - m) * s / n + sd));
6916 | quickselectStep(arr, k, newLeft, newRight, compare);
6917 | }
6918 |
6919 | var t = arr[k];
6920 | var i = left;
6921 | var j = right;
6922 |
6923 | swap(arr, left, k);
6924 | if (compare(arr[right], t) > 0) { swap(arr, left, right); }
6925 |
6926 | while (i < j) {
6927 | swap(arr, i, j);
6928 | i++;
6929 | j--;
6930 | while (compare(arr[i], t) < 0) { i++; }
6931 | while (compare(arr[j], t) > 0) { j--; }
6932 | }
6933 |
6934 | if (compare(arr[left], t) === 0) { swap(arr, left, j); }
6935 | else {
6936 | j++;
6937 | swap(arr, j, right);
6938 | }
6939 |
6940 | if (j <= k) { left = j + 1; }
6941 | if (k <= j) { right = j - 1; }
6942 | }
6943 | }
6944 |
6945 | function swap(arr, i, j) {
6946 | var tmp = arr[i];
6947 | arr[i] = arr[j];
6948 | arr[j] = tmp;
6949 | }
6950 |
6951 | function defaultCompare(a, b) {
6952 | return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
6953 | }
6954 |
6955 | var RBush = function RBush(maxEntries) {
6956 | if ( maxEntries === void 0 ) maxEntries = 9;
6957 |
6958 |
6959 | this._maxEntries = Math.max(4, maxEntries);
6960 | this._minEntries = Math.max(2, Math.ceil(this._maxEntries * 0.4));
6961 | this.clear();
6962 | };
6963 |
6964 | RBush.prototype.all = function all () {
6965 | return this._all(this.data, []);
6966 | };
6967 |
6968 | RBush.prototype.search = function search (bbox) {
6969 | var node = this.data;
6970 | var result = [];
6971 |
6972 | if (!intersects(bbox, node)) { return result; }
6973 |
6974 | var toBBox = this.toBBox;
6975 | var nodesToSearch = [];
6976 |
6977 | while (node) {
6978 | for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
6979 | var child = node.children[i];
6980 | var childBBox = node.leaf ? toBBox(child) : child;
6981 |
6982 | if (intersects(bbox, childBBox)) {
6983 | if (node.leaf) { result.push(child); }
6984 | else if (contains(bbox, childBBox)) { this._all(child, result); }
6985 | else { nodesToSearch.push(child); }
6986 | }
6987 | }
6988 | node = nodesToSearch.pop();
6989 | }
6990 |
6991 | return result;
6992 | };
6993 |
6994 | RBush.prototype.collides = function collides (bbox) {
6995 | var node = this.data;
6996 |
6997 | if (!intersects(bbox, node)) { return false; }
6998 |
6999 | var nodesToSearch = [];
7000 | while (node) {
7001 | for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
7002 | var child = node.children[i];
7003 | var childBBox = node.leaf ? this.toBBox(child) : child;
7004 |
7005 | if (intersects(bbox, childBBox)) {
7006 | if (node.leaf || contains(bbox, childBBox)) { return true; }
7007 | nodesToSearch.push(child);
7008 | }
7009 | }
7010 | node = nodesToSearch.pop();
7011 | }
7012 |
7013 | return false;
7014 | };
7015 |
7016 | RBush.prototype.load = function load (data) {
7017 | if (!(data && data.length)) { return this; }
7018 |
7019 | if (data.length < this._minEntries) {
7020 | for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
7021 | this.insert(data[i]);
7022 | }
7023 | return this;
7024 | }
7025 |
7026 |
7027 | var node = this._build(data.slice(), 0, data.length - 1, 0);
7028 |
7029 | if (!this.data.children.length) {
7030 |
7031 | this.data = node;
7032 |
7033 | } else if (this.data.height === node.height) {
7034 |
7035 | this._splitRoot(this.data, node);
7036 |
7037 | } else {
7038 | if (this.data.height < node.height) {
7039 |
7040 | var tmpNode = this.data;
7041 | this.data = node;
7042 | node = tmpNode;
7043 | }
7044 |
7045 |
7046 | this._insert(node, this.data.height - node.height - 1, true);
7047 | }
7048 |
7049 | return this;
7050 | };
7051 |
7052 | RBush.prototype.insert = function insert (item) {
7053 | if (item) { this._insert(item, this.data.height - 1); }
7054 | return this;
7055 | };
7056 |
7057 | RBush.prototype.clear = function clear () {
7058 | this.data = createNode([]);
7059 | return this;
7060 | };
7061 |
7062 | RBush.prototype.remove = function remove (item, equalsFn) {
7063 | if (!item) { return this; }
7064 |
7065 | var node = this.data;
7066 | var bbox = this.toBBox(item);
7067 | var path = [];
7068 | var indexes = [];
7069 | var i, parent, goingUp;
7070 |
7071 |
7072 | while (node || path.length) {
7073 |
7074 | if (!node) {
7075 | node = path.pop();
7076 | parent = path[path.length - 1];
7077 | i = indexes.pop();
7078 | goingUp = true;
7079 | }
7080 |
7081 | if (node.leaf) {
7082 | var index = findItem(item, node.children, equalsFn);
7083 |
7084 | if (index !== -1) {
7085 |
7086 | node.children.splice(index, 1);
7087 | path.push(node);
7088 | this._condense(path);
7089 | return this;
7090 | }
7091 | }
7092 |
7093 | if (!goingUp && !node.leaf && contains(node, bbox)) {
7094 | path.push(node);
7095 | indexes.push(i);
7096 | i = 0;
7097 | parent = node;
7098 | node = node.children[0];
7099 |
7100 | } else if (parent) {
7101 | i++;
7102 | node = parent.children[i];
7103 | goingUp = false;
7104 |
7105 | } else { node = null; }
7106 | }
7107 |
7108 | return this;
7109 | };
7110 |
7111 | RBush.prototype.toBBox = function toBBox (item) { return item; };
7112 |
7113 | RBush.prototype.compareMinX = function compareMinX (a, b) { return a.minX - b.minX; };
7114 | RBush.prototype.compareMinY = function compareMinY (a, b) { return a.minY - b.minY; };
7115 |
7116 | RBush.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON () { return this.data; };
7117 |
7118 | RBush.prototype.fromJSON = function fromJSON (data) {
7119 | this.data = data;
7120 | return this;
7121 | };
7122 |
7123 | RBush.prototype._all = function _all (node, result) {
7124 | var nodesToSearch = [];
7125 | while (node) {
7126 | if (node.leaf) { result.push.apply(result, node.children); }
7127 | else { nodesToSearch.push.apply(nodesToSearch, node.children); }
7128 |
7129 | node = nodesToSearch.pop();
7130 | }
7131 | return result;
7132 | };
7133 |
7134 | RBush.prototype._build = function _build (items, left, right, height) {
7135 |
7136 | var N = right - left + 1;
7137 | var M = this._maxEntries;
7138 | var node;
7139 |
7140 | if (N <= M) {
7141 |
7142 | node = createNode(items.slice(left, right + 1));
7143 | calcBBox(node, this.toBBox);
7144 | return node;
7145 | }
7146 |
7147 | if (!height) {
7148 |
7149 | height = Math.ceil(Math.log(N) / Math.log(M));
7150 |
7151 |
7152 | M = Math.ceil(N / Math.pow(M, height - 1));
7153 | }
7154 |
7155 | node = createNode([]);
7156 | node.leaf = false;
7157 | node.height = height;
7158 |
7159 |
7160 |
7161 | var N2 = Math.ceil(N / M);
7162 | var N1 = N2 * Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(M));
7163 |
7164 | multiSelect(items, left, right, N1, this.compareMinX);
7165 |
7166 | for (var i = left; i <= right; i += N1) {
7167 |
7168 | var right2 = Math.min(i + N1 - 1, right);
7169 |
7170 | multiSelect(items, i, right2, N2, this.compareMinY);
7171 |
7172 | for (var j = i; j <= right2; j += N2) {
7173 |
7174 | var right3 = Math.min(j + N2 - 1, right2);
7175 |
7176 |
7177 | node.children.push(this._build(items, j, right3, height - 1));
7178 | }
7179 | }
7180 |
7181 | calcBBox(node, this.toBBox);
7182 |
7183 | return node;
7184 | };
7185 |
7186 | RBush.prototype._chooseSubtree = function _chooseSubtree (bbox, node, level, path) {
7187 | while (true) {
7188 | path.push(node);
7189 |
7190 | if (node.leaf || path.length - 1 === level) { break; }
7191 |
7192 | var minArea = Infinity;
7193 | var minEnlargement = Infinity;
7194 | var targetNode = (void 0);
7195 |
7196 | for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
7197 | var child = node.children[i];
7198 | var area = bboxArea(child);
7199 | var enlargement = enlargedArea(bbox, child) - area;
7200 |
7201 |
7202 | if (enlargement < minEnlargement) {
7203 | minEnlargement = enlargement;
7204 | minArea = area < minArea ? area : minArea;
7205 | targetNode = child;
7206 |
7207 | } else if (enlargement === minEnlargement) {
7208 |
7209 | if (area < minArea) {
7210 | minArea = area;
7211 | targetNode = child;
7212 | }
7213 | }
7214 | }
7215 |
7216 | node = targetNode || node.children[0];
7217 | }
7218 |
7219 | return node;
7220 | };
7221 |
7222 | RBush.prototype._insert = function _insert (item, level, isNode) {
7223 | var bbox = isNode ? item : this.toBBox(item);
7224 | var insertPath = [];
7225 |
7226 |
7227 | var node = this._chooseSubtree(bbox, this.data, level, insertPath);
7228 |
7229 |
7230 | node.children.push(item);
7231 | extend(node, bbox);
7232 |
7233 |
7234 | while (level >= 0) {
7235 | if (insertPath[level].children.length > this._maxEntries) {
7236 | this._split(insertPath, level);
7237 | level--;
7238 | } else { break; }
7239 | }
7240 |
7241 |
7242 | this._adjustParentBBoxes(bbox, insertPath, level);
7243 | };
7244 |
7245 |
7246 | RBush.prototype._split = function _split (insertPath, level) {
7247 | var node = insertPath[level];
7248 | var M = node.children.length;
7249 | var m = this._minEntries;
7250 |
7251 | this._chooseSplitAxis(node, m, M);
7252 |
7253 | var splitIndex = this._chooseSplitIndex(node, m, M);
7254 |
7255 | var newNode = createNode(node.children.splice(splitIndex, node.children.length - splitIndex));
7256 | newNode.height = node.height;
7257 | newNode.leaf = node.leaf;
7258 |
7259 | calcBBox(node, this.toBBox);
7260 | calcBBox(newNode, this.toBBox);
7261 |
7262 | if (level) { insertPath[level - 1].children.push(newNode); }
7263 | else { this._splitRoot(node, newNode); }
7264 | };
7265 |
7266 | RBush.prototype._splitRoot = function _splitRoot (node, newNode) {
7267 |
7268 | this.data = createNode([node, newNode]);
7269 | this.data.height = node.height + 1;
7270 | this.data.leaf = false;
7271 | calcBBox(this.data, this.toBBox);
7272 | };
7273 |
7274 | RBush.prototype._chooseSplitIndex = function _chooseSplitIndex (node, m, M) {
7275 | var index;
7276 | var minOverlap = Infinity;
7277 | var minArea = Infinity;
7278 |
7279 | for (var i = m; i <= M - m; i++) {
7280 | var bbox1 = distBBox(node, 0, i, this.toBBox);
7281 | var bbox2 = distBBox(node, i, M, this.toBBox);
7282 |
7283 | var overlap = intersectionArea(bbox1, bbox2);
7284 | var area = bboxArea(bbox1) + bboxArea(bbox2);
7285 |
7286 |
7287 | if (overlap < minOverlap) {
7288 | minOverlap = overlap;
7289 | index = i;
7290 |
7291 | minArea = area < minArea ? area : minArea;
7292 |
7293 | } else if (overlap === minOverlap) {
7294 |
7295 | if (area < minArea) {
7296 | minArea = area;
7297 | index = i;
7298 | }
7299 | }
7300 | }
7301 |
7302 | return index || M - m;
7303 | };
7304 |
7305 |
7306 | RBush.prototype._chooseSplitAxis = function _chooseSplitAxis (node, m, M) {
7307 | var compareMinX = node.leaf ? this.compareMinX : compareNodeMinX;
7308 | var compareMinY = node.leaf ? this.compareMinY : compareNodeMinY;
7309 | var xMargin = this._allDistMargin(node, m, M, compareMinX);
7310 | var yMargin = this._allDistMargin(node, m, M, compareMinY);
7311 |
7312 |
7313 |
7314 | if (xMargin < yMargin) { node.children.sort(compareMinX); }
7315 | };
7316 |
7317 |
7318 | RBush.prototype._allDistMargin = function _allDistMargin (node, m, M, compare) {
7319 | node.children.sort(compare);
7320 |
7321 | var toBBox = this.toBBox;
7322 | var leftBBox = distBBox(node, 0, m, toBBox);
7323 | var rightBBox = distBBox(node, M - m, M, toBBox);
7324 | var margin = bboxMargin(leftBBox) + bboxMargin(rightBBox);
7325 |
7326 | for (var i = m; i < M - m; i++) {
7327 | var child = node.children[i];
7328 | extend(leftBBox, node.leaf ? toBBox(child) : child);
7329 | margin += bboxMargin(leftBBox);
7330 | }
7331 |
7332 | for (var i$1 = M - m - 1; i$1 >= m; i$1--) {
7333 | var child$1 = node.children[i$1];
7334 | extend(rightBBox, node.leaf ? toBBox(child$1) : child$1);
7335 | margin += bboxMargin(rightBBox);
7336 | }
7337 |
7338 | return margin;
7339 | };
7340 |
7341 | RBush.prototype._adjustParentBBoxes = function _adjustParentBBoxes (bbox, path, level) {
7342 |
7343 | for (var i = level; i >= 0; i--) {
7344 | extend(path[i], bbox);
7345 | }
7346 | };
7347 |
7348 | RBush.prototype._condense = function _condense (path) {
7349 |
7350 | for (var i = path.length - 1, siblings = (void 0); i >= 0; i--) {
7351 | if (path[i].children.length === 0) {
7352 | if (i > 0) {
7353 | siblings = path[i - 1].children;
7354 | siblings.splice(siblings.indexOf(path[i]), 1);
7355 |
7356 | } else { this.clear(); }
7357 |
7358 | } else { calcBBox(path[i], this.toBBox); }
7359 | }
7360 | };
7361 |
7362 | function findItem(item, items, equalsFn) {
7363 | if (!equalsFn) { return items.indexOf(item); }
7364 |
7365 | for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
7366 | if (equalsFn(item, items[i])) { return i; }
7367 | }
7368 | return -1;
7369 | }
7370 |
7371 |
7372 | function calcBBox(node, toBBox) {
7373 | distBBox(node, 0, node.children.length, toBBox, node);
7374 | }
7375 |
7376 |
7377 | function distBBox(node, k, p, toBBox, destNode) {
7378 | if (!destNode) { destNode = createNode(null); }
7379 | destNode.minX = Infinity;
7380 | destNode.minY = Infinity;
7381 | destNode.maxX = -Infinity;
7382 | destNode.maxY = -Infinity;
7383 |
7384 | for (var i = k; i < p; i++) {
7385 | var child = node.children[i];
7386 | extend(destNode, node.leaf ? toBBox(child) : child);
7387 | }
7388 |
7389 | return destNode;
7390 | }
7391 |
7392 | function extend(a, b) {
7393 | a.minX = Math.min(a.minX, b.minX);
7394 | a.minY = Math.min(a.minY, b.minY);
7395 | a.maxX = Math.max(a.maxX, b.maxX);
7396 | a.maxY = Math.max(a.maxY, b.maxY);
7397 | return a;
7398 | }
7399 |
7400 | function compareNodeMinX(a, b) { return a.minX - b.minX; }
7401 | function compareNodeMinY(a, b) { return a.minY - b.minY; }
7402 |
7403 | function bboxArea(a) { return (a.maxX - a.minX) * (a.maxY - a.minY); }
7404 | function bboxMargin(a) { return (a.maxX - a.minX) + (a.maxY - a.minY); }
7405 |
7406 | function enlargedArea(a, b) {
7407 | return (Math.max(b.maxX, a.maxX) - Math.min(b.minX, a.minX)) *
7408 | (Math.max(b.maxY, a.maxY) - Math.min(b.minY, a.minY));
7409 | }
7410 |
7411 | function intersectionArea(a, b) {
7412 | var minX = Math.max(a.minX, b.minX);
7413 | var minY = Math.max(a.minY, b.minY);
7414 | var maxX = Math.min(a.maxX, b.maxX);
7415 | var maxY = Math.min(a.maxY, b.maxY);
7416 |
7417 | return Math.max(0, maxX - minX) *
7418 | Math.max(0, maxY - minY);
7419 | }
7420 |
7421 | function contains(a, b) {
7422 | return a.minX <= b.minX &&
7423 | a.minY <= b.minY &&
7424 | b.maxX <= a.maxX &&
7425 | b.maxY <= a.maxY;
7426 | }
7427 |
7428 | function intersects(a, b) {
7429 | return b.minX <= a.maxX &&
7430 | b.minY <= a.maxY &&
7431 | b.maxX >= a.minX &&
7432 | b.maxY >= a.minY;
7433 | }
7434 |
7435 | function createNode(children) {
7436 | return {
7437 | children: children,
7438 | height: 1,
7439 | leaf: true,
7440 | minX: Infinity,
7441 | minY: Infinity,
7442 | maxX: -Infinity,
7443 | maxY: -Infinity
7444 | };
7445 | }
7446 |
7447 |
7448 |
7449 |
7450 | function multiSelect(arr, left, right, n, compare) {
7451 | var stack = [left, right];
7452 |
7453 | while (stack.length) {
7454 | right = stack.pop();
7455 | left = stack.pop();
7456 |
7457 | if (right - left <= n) { continue; }
7458 |
7459 | var mid = left + Math.ceil((right - left) / n / 2) * n;
7460 | quickselect(arr, mid, left, right, compare);
7461 |
7462 | stack.push(left, mid, mid, right);
7463 | }
7464 | }
7465 |
7466 | return RBush;
7467 |
7468 | }));
7469 | }(rbush));
7470 |
7471 | var RBush = rbush.exports;
7472 |
7473 | var Shape;
7474 | (function (Shape) {
7475 | Shape["GROUP"] = "g";
7476 | Shape["CIRCLE"] = "circle";
7477 | Shape["ELLIPSE"] = "ellipse";
7478 | Shape["IMAGE"] = "image";
7479 | Shape["RECT"] = "rect";
7480 | Shape["LINE"] = "line";
7481 | Shape["POLYLINE"] = "polyline";
7482 | Shape["POLYGON"] = "polygon";
7483 | Shape["TEXT"] = "text";
7484 | Shape["PATH"] = "path";
7485 | Shape["HTML"] = "html";
7486 | Shape["MESH"] = "mesh";
7487 | })(Shape || (Shape = {}));
7488 | var ClipSpaceNearZ;
7489 | (function (ClipSpaceNearZ) {
7490 | ClipSpaceNearZ[ClipSpaceNearZ["ZERO"] = 0] = "ZERO";
7491 | ClipSpaceNearZ[ClipSpaceNearZ["NEGATIVE_ONE"] = 1] = "NEGATIVE_ONE";
7492 | })(ClipSpaceNearZ || (ClipSpaceNearZ = {}));
7493 |
7494 | var AbstractRendererPlugin = (function () {
7495 | function AbstractRendererPlugin() {
7496 | this.plugins = [];
7497 | }
7498 | AbstractRendererPlugin.prototype.addRenderingPlugin = function (plugin) {
7499 | this.plugins.push(plugin);
7500 | this.context.renderingPlugins.push(plugin);
7501 | };
7502 | AbstractRendererPlugin.prototype.removeAllRenderingPlugins = function () {
7503 | var _this = this;
7504 | this.plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
7505 | var index = _this.context.renderingPlugins.indexOf(plugin);
7506 | if (index >= 0) {
7507 | _this.context.renderingPlugins.splice(index, 1);
7508 | }
7509 | });
7510 | };
7511 | return AbstractRendererPlugin;
7512 | }());
7513 | var AbstractRenderer = (function () {
7514 | function AbstractRenderer(config) {
7515 | this.clipSpaceNearZ = ClipSpaceNearZ.NEGATIVE_ONE;
7516 | this.plugins = [];
7517 | this.config = __assign({
7518 | |
7519 |
7520 |
7521 | enableDirtyCheck: true, enableCulling: false,
7522 | |
7523 |
7524 |
7525 | enableAutoRendering: true,
7526 | |
7527 |
7528 |
7529 | enableDirtyRectangleRendering: true, enableDirtyRectangleRenderingDebug: false, enableSizeAttenuation: true }, config);
7530 | }
7531 | AbstractRenderer.prototype.registerPlugin = function (plugin) {
7532 | var index = this.plugins.findIndex(function (p) { return p === plugin; });
7533 | if (index === -1) {
7534 | this.plugins.push(plugin);
7535 | }
7536 | };
7537 | AbstractRenderer.prototype.unregisterPlugin = function (plugin) {
7538 | var index = this.plugins.findIndex(function (p) { return p === plugin; });
7539 | if (index > -1) {
7540 | this.plugins.splice(index, 1);
7541 | }
7542 | };
7543 | AbstractRenderer.prototype.getPlugins = function () {
7544 | return this.plugins;
7545 | };
7546 | AbstractRenderer.prototype.getPlugin = function (name) {
7547 | return this.plugins.find(function (plugin) { return plugin.name === name; });
7548 | };
7549 | AbstractRenderer.prototype.getConfig = function () {
7550 | return this.config;
7551 | };
7552 | AbstractRenderer.prototype.setConfig = function (config) {
7553 | Object.assign(this.config, config);
7554 | };
7555 | return AbstractRenderer;
7556 | }());
7557 |
7558 | function copyVec3(a, b) {
7559 | a[0] = b[0];
7560 | a[1] = b[1];
7561 | a[2] = b[2];
7562 | return a;
7563 | }
7564 | function subVec3(o, a, b) {
7565 | o[0] = a[0] - b[0];
7566 | o[1] = a[1] - b[1];
7567 | o[2] = a[2] - b[2];
7568 | return o;
7569 | }
7570 | function addVec3(o, a, b) {
7571 | o[0] = a[0] + b[0];
7572 | o[1] = a[1] + b[1];
7573 | o[2] = a[2] + b[2];
7574 | return o;
7575 | }
7576 | function scaleVec3(o, a, b) {
7577 | o[0] = a[0] * b;
7578 | o[1] = a[1] * b;
7579 | o[2] = a[2] * b;
7580 | return o;
7581 | }
7582 | function maxVec3(o, a, b) {
7583 | o[0] = Math.max(a[0], b[0]);
7584 | o[1] = Math.max(a[1], b[1]);
7585 | o[2] = Math.max(a[2], b[2]);
7586 | return o;
7587 | }
7588 | function minVec3(o, a, b) {
7589 | o[0] = Math.min(a[0], b[0]);
7590 | o[1] = Math.min(a[1], b[1]);
7591 | o[2] = Math.min(a[2], b[2]);
7592 | return o;
7593 | }
7594 | function getAngle(angle) {
7595 | if (angle === undefined) {
7596 | return 0;
7597 | }
7598 | else if (angle > 360 || angle < -360) {
7599 | return angle % 360;
7600 | }
7601 | return angle;
7602 | }
7603 | function createVec3(x, y, z) {
7604 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
7605 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
7606 | if (Array.isArray(x) && x.length === 3) {
7607 | return clone$2(x);
7608 | }
7609 | if (isNumber(x)) {
7610 | return fromValues$2(x, y, z);
7611 | }
7612 | return fromValues$2(x[0], x[1] || y, x[2] || z);
7613 | }
7614 | function deg2rad(deg) {
7615 | return deg * (Math.PI / 180);
7616 | }
7617 | function rad2deg(rad) {
7618 | return rad * (180 / Math.PI);
7619 | }
7620 | function turn2deg(turn) {
7621 | return 360 * turn;
7622 | }
7623 | function getEulerFromQuat(out, quat) {
7624 | var x = quat[0];
7625 | var y = quat[1];
7626 | var z = quat[2];
7627 | var w = quat[3];
7628 | var x2 = x * x;
7629 | var y2 = y * y;
7630 | var z2 = z * z;
7631 | var w2 = w * w;
7632 | var unit = x2 + y2 + z2 + w2;
7633 | var test = x * w - y * z;
7634 | if (test > 0.499995 * unit) {
7635 |
7636 |
7637 | out[0] = Math.PI / 2;
7638 | out[1] = 2 * Math.atan2(y, x);
7639 | out[2] = 0;
7640 | }
7641 | else if (test < -0.499995 * unit) {
7642 |
7643 |
7644 | out[0] = -Math.PI / 2;
7645 | out[1] = 2 * Math.atan2(y, x);
7646 | out[2] = 0;
7647 | }
7648 | else {
7649 | out[0] = Math.asin(2 * (x * z - w * y));
7650 | out[1] = Math.atan2(2 * (x * w + y * z), 1 - 2 * (z2 + w2));
7651 | out[2] = Math.atan2(2 * (x * y + z * w), 1 - 2 * (y2 + z2));
7652 | }
7653 |
7654 | return out;
7655 | }
7656 | function getEulerFromMat4(out, m) {
7657 | var x;
7658 | var z;
7659 | var halfPi = Math.PI * 0.5;
7660 | var _a = __read(getScaling(create$2(), m), 3), sx = _a[0], sy = _a[1], sz = _a[2];
7661 | var y = Math.asin(-m[2] / sx);
7662 | if (y < halfPi) {
7663 | if (y > -halfPi) {
7664 | x = Math.atan2(m[6] / sy, m[10] / sz);
7665 | z = Math.atan2(m[1] / sx, m[0] / sx);
7666 | }
7667 | else {
7668 |
7669 | z = 0;
7670 | x = -Math.atan2(m[4] / sy, m[5] / sy);
7671 | }
7672 | }
7673 | else {
7674 |
7675 | z = 0;
7676 | x = Math.atan2(m[4] / sy, m[5] / sy);
7677 | }
7678 | out[0] = x;
7679 | out[1] = y;
7680 | out[2] = z;
7681 | return out;
7682 | }
7683 | |
7684 |
7685 |
7686 |
7687 | function getEuler(out, quat) {
7688 | if (quat.length === 16) {
7689 | return getEulerFromMat4(out, quat);
7690 | }
7691 | else {
7692 | return getEulerFromQuat(out, quat);
7693 | }
7694 | }
7695 | function fromRotationTranslationScale$1(rotation, x, y, scaleX, scaleY) {
7696 | var cos = Math.cos(rotation);
7697 | var sin = Math.sin(rotation);
7698 | return fromValues(scaleX * cos, scaleY * sin, 0, -scaleX * sin, scaleY * cos, 0, x, y, 1);
7699 | }
7700 | function makePerspective(out, left, right, top, bottom, near, far, zero) {
7701 | if (zero === void 0) { zero = false; }
7702 | var x = (2 * near) / (right - left);
7703 | var y = (2 * near) / (top - bottom);
7704 | var a = (right + left) / (right - left);
7705 | var b = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
7706 | var c;
7707 | var d;
7708 | if (zero) {
7709 | c = -far / (far - near);
7710 | d = (-far * near) / (far - near);
7711 | }
7712 | else {
7713 | c = -(far + near) / (far - near);
7714 | d = (-2 * far * near) / (far - near);
7715 | }
7716 | out[0] = x;
7717 | out[1] = 0;
7718 | out[2] = 0;
7719 | out[3] = 0;
7720 | out[4] = 0;
7721 | out[5] = y;
7722 | out[6] = 0;
7723 | out[7] = 0;
7724 | out[8] = a;
7725 | out[9] = b;
7726 | out[10] = c;
7727 | out[11] = -1;
7728 | out[12] = 0;
7729 | out[13] = 0;
7730 | out[14] = d;
7731 | out[15] = 0;
7732 | return out;
7733 | }
7734 | function decompose(mat) {
7735 | var row0x = mat[0];
7736 | var row0y = mat[1];
7737 | var row1x = mat[3];
7738 | var row1y = mat[4];
7739 |
7740 |
7741 | var scalingX = Math.sqrt(row0x * row0x + row0y * row0y);
7742 | var scalingY = Math.sqrt(row1x * row1x + row1y * row1y);
7743 |
7744 | var determinant = row0x * row1y - row0y * row1x;
7745 | if (determinant < 0) {
7746 |
7747 | if (row0x < row1y) {
7748 | scalingX = -scalingX;
7749 | }
7750 | else {
7751 | scalingY = -scalingY;
7752 | }
7753 | }
7754 |
7755 | if (scalingX) {
7756 | row0x *= 1 / scalingX;
7757 | row0y *= 1 / scalingX;
7758 | }
7759 | if (scalingY) {
7760 | row1x *= 1 / scalingY;
7761 | row1y *= 1 / scalingY;
7762 | }
7763 |
7764 | var rotation = Math.atan2(row0y, row0x);
7765 | var angle = rad2deg(rotation);
7766 | return [mat[6], mat[7], scalingX, scalingY, angle];
7767 | }
7768 | var tmp = create$1();
7769 | var perspectiveMatrix = create$1();
7770 | var tmpVec4 = create$3();
7771 | var row = [create$2(), create$2(), create$2()];
7772 | var pdum3 = create$2();
7773 | |
7774 |
7775 |
7776 |
7777 |
7778 |
7779 |
7780 |
7781 |
7782 |
7783 |
7784 |
7785 |
7786 |
7787 |
7788 | function decomposeMat4(matrix, translation, scale, skew, perspective, quaternion) {
7789 |
7790 | if (!normalize$4(tmp, matrix))
7791 | return false;
7792 |
7793 |
7794 | copy(perspectiveMatrix, tmp);
7795 | perspectiveMatrix[3] = 0;
7796 | perspectiveMatrix[7] = 0;
7797 | perspectiveMatrix[11] = 0;
7798 | perspectiveMatrix[15] = 1;
7799 |
7800 |
7801 | if (Math.abs(determinant(perspectiveMatrix)) < 1e-8)
7802 | return false;
7803 | var a03 = tmp[3], a13 = tmp[7], a23 = tmp[11], a30 = tmp[12], a31 = tmp[13], a32 = tmp[14], a33 = tmp[15];
7804 |
7805 | if (a03 !== 0 || a13 !== 0 || a23 !== 0) {
7806 | tmpVec4[0] = a03;
7807 | tmpVec4[1] = a13;
7808 | tmpVec4[2] = a23;
7809 | tmpVec4[3] = a33;
7810 |
7811 |
7812 |
7813 | var ret = invert(perspectiveMatrix, perspectiveMatrix);
7814 | if (!ret)
7815 | return false;
7816 | transpose(perspectiveMatrix, perspectiveMatrix);
7817 |
7818 | transformMat4$1(perspective, tmpVec4, perspectiveMatrix);
7819 | }
7820 | else {
7821 |
7822 | perspective[0] = perspective[1] = perspective[2] = 0;
7823 | perspective[3] = 1;
7824 | }
7825 |
7826 | translation[0] = a30;
7827 | translation[1] = a31;
7828 | translation[2] = a32;
7829 |
7830 | mat3from4(row, tmp);
7831 |
7832 | scale[0] = length(row[0]);
7833 | normalize(row[0], row[0]);
7834 |
7835 | skew[0] = dot(row[0], row[1]);
7836 | combine(row[1], row[1], row[0], 1.0, -skew[0]);
7837 |
7838 | scale[1] = length(row[1]);
7839 | normalize(row[1], row[1]);
7840 | skew[0] /= scale[1];
7841 |
7842 | skew[1] = dot(row[0], row[2]);
7843 | combine(row[2], row[2], row[0], 1.0, -skew[1]);
7844 | skew[2] = dot(row[1], row[2]);
7845 | combine(row[2], row[2], row[1], 1.0, -skew[2]);
7846 |
7847 | scale[2] = length(row[2]);
7848 | normalize(row[2], row[2]);
7849 | skew[1] /= scale[2];
7850 | skew[2] /= scale[2];
7851 |
7852 |
7853 |
7854 | cross(pdum3, row[1], row[2]);
7855 | if (dot(row[0], pdum3) < 0) {
7856 | for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
7857 | scale[i] *= -1;
7858 | row[i][0] *= -1;
7859 | row[i][1] *= -1;
7860 | row[i][2] *= -1;
7861 | }
7862 | }
7863 |
7864 | quaternion[0] =
7865 | 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 + row[0][0] - row[1][1] - row[2][2], 0));
7866 | quaternion[1] =
7867 | 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - row[0][0] + row[1][1] - row[2][2], 0));
7868 | quaternion[2] =
7869 | 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - row[0][0] - row[1][1] + row[2][2], 0));
7870 | quaternion[3] =
7871 | 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 + row[0][0] + row[1][1] + row[2][2], 0));
7872 | if (row[2][1] > row[1][2])
7873 | quaternion[0] = -quaternion[0];
7874 | if (row[0][2] > row[2][0])
7875 | quaternion[1] = -quaternion[1];
7876 | if (row[1][0] > row[0][1])
7877 | quaternion[2] = -quaternion[2];
7878 | return true;
7879 | }
7880 | function normalize$4(out, mat) {
7881 | var m44 = mat[15];
7882 |
7883 | if (m44 === 0)
7884 | return false;
7885 | var scale = 1 / m44;
7886 | for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
7887 | out[i] = mat[i] * scale;
7888 | return true;
7889 | }
7890 |
7891 | function mat3from4(out, mat4x4) {
7892 | out[0][0] = mat4x4[0];
7893 | out[0][1] = mat4x4[1];
7894 | out[0][2] = mat4x4[2];
7895 | out[1][0] = mat4x4[4];
7896 | out[1][1] = mat4x4[5];
7897 | out[1][2] = mat4x4[6];
7898 | out[2][0] = mat4x4[8];
7899 | out[2][1] = mat4x4[9];
7900 | out[2][2] = mat4x4[10];
7901 | }
7902 | function combine(out, a, b, scale1, scale2) {
7903 | out[0] = a[0] * scale1 + b[0] * scale2;
7904 | out[1] = a[1] * scale1 + b[1] * scale2;
7905 | out[2] = a[2] * scale1 + b[2] * scale2;
7906 | }
7907 |
7908 | |
7909 |
7910 |
7911 |
7912 |
7913 | var AABB = (function () {
7914 | function AABB() {
7915 | this.center = [0, 0, 0];
7916 | this.halfExtents = [0, 0, 0];
7917 | this.min = [0, 0, 0];
7918 | this.max = [0, 0, 0];
7919 | }
7920 | AABB.isEmpty = function (aabb) {
7921 | return (!aabb ||
7922 | (aabb.halfExtents[0] === 0 &&
7923 | aabb.halfExtents[1] === 0 &&
7924 | aabb.halfExtents[2] === 0));
7925 | };
7926 |
7927 |
7928 |
7929 |
7930 | AABB.prototype.update = function (center, halfExtents) {
7931 | copyVec3(this.center, center);
7932 | copyVec3(this.halfExtents, halfExtents);
7933 | subVec3(this.min, this.center, this.halfExtents);
7934 | addVec3(this.max, this.center, this.halfExtents);
7935 |
7936 |
7937 |
7938 |
7939 | };
7940 | AABB.prototype.setMinMax = function (min, max) {
7941 |
7942 |
7943 |
7944 |
7945 |
7946 |
7947 | addVec3(this.center, max, min);
7948 | scaleVec3(this.center, this.center, 0.5);
7949 | subVec3(this.halfExtents, max, min);
7950 | scaleVec3(this.halfExtents, this.halfExtents, 0.5);
7951 | copyVec3(this.min, min);
7952 | copyVec3(this.max, max);
7953 | };
7954 | AABB.prototype.getMin = function () {
7955 | return this.min;
7956 | };
7957 | AABB.prototype.getMax = function () {
7958 | return this.max;
7959 | };
7960 | AABB.prototype.add = function (aabb) {
7961 | if (AABB.isEmpty(aabb)) {
7962 | return;
7963 | }
7964 | if (AABB.isEmpty(this)) {
7965 | this.setMinMax(aabb.getMin(), aabb.getMax());
7966 | return;
7967 | }
7968 | var tc = this.center;
7969 | var tcx = tc[0];
7970 | var tcy = tc[1];
7971 | var tcz = tc[2];
7972 | var th = this.halfExtents;
7973 | var thx = th[0];
7974 | var thy = th[1];
7975 | var thz = th[2];
7976 | var tminx = tcx - thx;
7977 | var tmaxx = tcx + thx;
7978 | var tminy = tcy - thy;
7979 | var tmaxy = tcy + thy;
7980 | var tminz = tcz - thz;
7981 | var tmaxz = tcz + thz;
7982 | var oc = aabb.center;
7983 | var ocx = oc[0];
7984 | var ocy = oc[1];
7985 | var ocz = oc[2];
7986 | var oh = aabb.halfExtents;
7987 | var ohx = oh[0];
7988 | var ohy = oh[1];
7989 | var ohz = oh[2];
7990 | var ominx = ocx - ohx;
7991 | var omaxx = ocx + ohx;
7992 | var ominy = ocy - ohy;
7993 | var omaxy = ocy + ohy;
7994 | var ominz = ocz - ohz;
7995 | var omaxz = ocz + ohz;
7996 | if (ominx < tminx) {
7997 | tminx = ominx;
7998 | }
7999 | if (omaxx > tmaxx) {
8000 | tmaxx = omaxx;
8001 | }
8002 | if (ominy < tminy) {
8003 | tminy = ominy;
8004 | }
8005 | if (omaxy > tmaxy) {
8006 | tmaxy = omaxy;
8007 | }
8008 | if (ominz < tminz) {
8009 | tminz = ominz;
8010 | }
8011 | if (omaxz > tmaxz) {
8012 | tmaxz = omaxz;
8013 | }
8014 | tc[0] = (tminx + tmaxx) * 0.5;
8015 | tc[1] = (tminy + tmaxy) * 0.5;
8016 | tc[2] = (tminz + tmaxz) * 0.5;
8017 | th[0] = (tmaxx - tminx) * 0.5;
8018 | th[1] = (tmaxy - tminy) * 0.5;
8019 | th[2] = (tmaxz - tminz) * 0.5;
8020 | this.min[0] = tminx;
8021 | this.min[1] = tminy;
8022 | this.min[2] = tminz;
8023 | this.max[0] = tmaxx;
8024 | this.max[1] = tmaxy;
8025 | this.max[2] = tmaxz;
8026 | };
8027 | AABB.prototype.setFromTransformedAABB = function (aabb, m) {
8028 | var bc = this.center;
8029 | var br = this.halfExtents;
8030 | var ac = aabb.center;
8031 | var ar = aabb.halfExtents;
8032 | var mx0 = m[0];
8033 | var mx1 = m[4];
8034 | var mx2 = m[8];
8035 | var my0 = m[1];
8036 | var my1 = m[5];
8037 | var my2 = m[9];
8038 | var mz0 = m[2];
8039 | var mz1 = m[6];
8040 | var mz2 = m[10];
8041 | var mx0a = Math.abs(mx0);
8042 | var mx1a = Math.abs(mx1);
8043 | var mx2a = Math.abs(mx2);
8044 | var my0a = Math.abs(my0);
8045 | var my1a = Math.abs(my1);
8046 | var my2a = Math.abs(my2);
8047 | var mz0a = Math.abs(mz0);
8048 | var mz1a = Math.abs(mz1);
8049 | var mz2a = Math.abs(mz2);
8050 | bc[0] = m[12] + mx0 * ac[0] + mx1 * ac[1] + mx2 * ac[2];
8051 | bc[1] = m[13] + my0 * ac[0] + my1 * ac[1] + my2 * ac[2];
8052 | bc[2] = m[14] + mz0 * ac[0] + mz1 * ac[1] + mz2 * ac[2];
8053 |
8054 |
8055 |
8056 |
8057 |
8058 |
8059 | br[0] = mx0a * ar[0] + mx1a * ar[1] + mx2a * ar[2];
8060 | br[1] = my0a * ar[0] + my1a * ar[1] + my2a * ar[2];
8061 | br[2] = mz0a * ar[0] + mz1a * ar[1] + mz2a * ar[2];
8062 |
8063 |
8064 |
8065 |
8066 |
8067 |
8068 |
8069 |
8070 | subVec3(this.min, bc, br);
8071 | addVec3(this.max, bc, br);
8072 | };
8073 | AABB.prototype.intersects = function (aabb) {
8074 | var aMax = this.getMax();
8075 | var aMin = this.getMin();
8076 | var bMax = aabb.getMax();
8077 | var bMin = aabb.getMin();
8078 | return (aMin[0] <= bMax[0] &&
8079 | aMax[0] >= bMin[0] &&
8080 | aMin[1] <= bMax[1] &&
8081 | aMax[1] >= bMin[1] &&
8082 | aMin[2] <= bMax[2] &&
8083 | aMax[2] >= bMin[2]);
8084 | };
8085 | AABB.prototype.intersection = function (aabb) {
8086 | if (!this.intersects(aabb)) {
8087 | return null;
8088 | }
8089 | var intersection = new AABB();
8090 |
8091 |
8092 | var min = maxVec3([0, 0, 0], this.getMin(), aabb.getMin());
8093 | var max = minVec3([0, 0, 0], this.getMax(), aabb.getMax());
8094 | intersection.setMinMax(min, max);
8095 | return intersection;
8096 | };
8097 |
8098 |
8099 |
8100 |
8101 |
8102 |
8103 |
8104 |
8105 |
8106 |
8107 |
8108 |
8109 | |
8110 |
8111 |
8112 |
8113 | AABB.prototype.getNegativeFarPoint = function (plane) {
8114 | if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x111) {
8115 | return copyVec3([0, 0, 0], this.min);
8116 |
8117 | }
8118 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x110) {
8119 | return [this.min[0], this.min[1], this.max[2]];
8120 |
8121 | }
8122 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x101) {
8123 | return [this.min[0], this.max[1], this.min[2]];
8124 |
8125 | }
8126 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x100) {
8127 | return [this.min[0], this.max[1], this.max[2]];
8128 |
8129 | }
8130 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x011) {
8131 | return [this.max[0], this.min[1], this.min[2]];
8132 |
8133 | }
8134 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x010) {
8135 | return [this.max[0], this.min[1], this.max[2]];
8136 |
8137 | }
8138 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x001) {
8139 | return [this.max[0], this.max[1], this.min[2]];
8140 |
8141 | }
8142 | else {
8143 | return [this.max[0], this.max[1], this.max[2]];
8144 |
8145 | }
8146 | };
8147 | |
8148 |
8149 |
8150 |
8151 | AABB.prototype.getPositiveFarPoint = function (plane) {
8152 | if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x111) {
8153 | return copyVec3([0, 0, 0], this.max);
8154 |
8155 | }
8156 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x110) {
8157 | return [this.max[0], this.max[1], this.min[2]];
8158 |
8159 | }
8160 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x101) {
8161 | return [this.max[0], this.min[1], this.max[2]];
8162 |
8163 | }
8164 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x100) {
8165 | return [this.max[0], this.min[1], this.min[2]];
8166 |
8167 | }
8168 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x011) {
8169 | return [this.min[0], this.max[1], this.max[2]];
8170 |
8171 | }
8172 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x010) {
8173 | return [this.min[0], this.max[1], this.min[2]];
8174 |
8175 | }
8176 | else if (plane.pnVertexFlag === 0x001) {
8177 | return [this.min[0], this.min[1], this.max[2]];
8178 |
8179 | }
8180 | else {
8181 | return [this.min[0], this.min[1], this.min[2]];
8182 |
8183 | }
8184 | };
8185 | return AABB;
8186 | }());
8187 |
8188 | var Plane = (function () {
8189 | function Plane(distance, normal) {
8190 | this.distance = distance || 0;
8191 | this.normal = normal || fromValues$2(0, 1, 0);
8192 | this.updatePNVertexFlag();
8193 | }
8194 | Plane.prototype.updatePNVertexFlag = function () {
8195 | this.pnVertexFlag =
8196 | (Number(this.normal[0] >= 0) << 8) +
8197 | (Number(this.normal[1] >= 0) << 4) +
8198 | Number(this.normal[2] >= 0);
8199 | };
8200 | Plane.prototype.distanceToPoint = function (point) {
8201 | return dot(point, this.normal) - this.distance;
8202 | };
8203 | Plane.prototype.normalize = function () {
8204 | var invLen = 1 / len(this.normal);
8205 | scale$1(this.normal, this.normal, invLen);
8206 | this.distance *= invLen;
8207 | };
8208 | Plane.prototype.intersectsLine = function (start, end, point) {
8209 | var d0 = this.distanceToPoint(start);
8210 | var d1 = this.distanceToPoint(end);
8211 | var t = d0 / (d0 - d1);
8212 | var intersects = t >= 0 && t <= 1;
8213 | if (intersects && point) {
8214 | lerp(point, start, end, t);
8215 | }
8216 | return intersects;
8217 | };
8218 | return Plane;
8219 | }());
8220 |
8221 | var Mask;
8222 | (function (Mask) {
8223 | Mask[Mask["OUTSIDE"] = 4294967295] = "OUTSIDE";
8224 | Mask[Mask["INSIDE"] = 0] = "INSIDE";
8225 | Mask[Mask["INDETERMINATE"] = 2147483647] = "INDETERMINATE";
8226 | })(Mask || (Mask = {}));
8227 | var Frustum = (function () {
8228 | function Frustum(planes) {
8229 | this.planes = [];
8230 | if (planes) {
8231 | this.planes = planes;
8232 | }
8233 | else {
8234 | for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
8235 | this.planes.push(new Plane());
8236 | }
8237 | }
8238 | }
8239 | |
8240 |
8241 |
8242 |
8243 | Frustum.prototype.extractFromVPMatrix = function (projectionMatrix) {
8244 |
8245 | var _a = __read(projectionMatrix, 16), m0 = _a[0], m1 = _a[1], m2 = _a[2], m3 = _a[3], m4 = _a[4], m5 = _a[5], m6 = _a[6], m7 = _a[7], m8 = _a[8], m9 = _a[9], m10 = _a[10], m11 = _a[11], m12 = _a[12], m13 = _a[13], m14 = _a[14], m15 = _a[15];
8246 |
8247 | set$1(this.planes[0].normal, m3 - m0, m7 - m4, m11 - m8);
8248 | this.planes[0].distance = m15 - m12;
8249 | // left
8250 | set$1(this.planes[1].normal, m3 + m0, m7 + m4, m11 + m8);
8251 | this.planes[1].distance = m15 + m12;
8252 | // bottom
8253 | set$1(this.planes[2].normal, m3 + m1, m7 + m5, m11 + m9);
8254 | this.planes[2].distance = m15 + m13;
8255 | // top
8256 | set$1(this.planes[3].normal, m3 - m1, m7 - m5, m11 - m9);
8257 | this.planes[3].distance = m15 - m13;
8258 | // far
8259 | set$1(this.planes[4].normal, m3 - m2, m7 - m6, m11 - m10);
8260 | this.planes[4].distance = m15 - m14;
8261 | // near
8262 | set$1(this.planes[5].normal, m3 + m2, m7 + m6, m11 + m10);
8263 | this.planes[5].distance = m15 + m14;
8264 | this.planes.forEach(function (plane) {
8265 | plane.normalize();
8266 | plane.updatePNVertexFlag();
8267 | });
8268 | };
8269 | return Frustum;
8270 | }());
8271 |
8272 | var Point = (function () {
8273 | function Point(x, y) {
8274 | if (x === void 0) { x = 0; }
8275 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
8276 | this.x = 0;
8277 | this.y = 0;
8278 | this.x = x;
8279 | this.y = y;
8280 | }
8281 | Point.prototype.clone = function () {
8282 | return new Point(this.x, this.y);
8283 | };
8284 | Point.prototype.copyFrom = function (p) {
8285 | this.x = p.x;
8286 | this.y = p.y;
8287 | };
8288 | return Point;
8289 | }());
8290 |
8291 | var Rectangle = (function () {
8292 | function Rectangle(x, y, width, height) {
8293 | this.x = x;
8294 | this.y = y;
8295 | this.width = width;
8296 | this.height = height;
8297 | this.left = x;
8298 | this.right = x + width;
8299 | this.top = y;
8300 | this.bottom = y + height;
8301 | }
8302 | Rectangle.prototype.toJSON = function () { };
8303 | return Rectangle;
8304 | }());
8305 |
8306 | var ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 'Method not implemented.';
8307 | var ERROR_MSG_USE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 'Use document.documentElement instead.';
8308 | var ERROR_MSG_APPEND_DESTROYED_ELEMENT = 'Cannot append a destroyed element.';
8309 |
8310 | |
8311 |
8312 |
8313 |
8314 | var CameraType;
8315 | (function (CameraType) {
8316 | |
8317 |
8318 |
8319 |
8320 |
8321 |
8322 |
8323 |
8324 |
8325 | CameraType[CameraType["ORBITING"] = 0] = "ORBITING";
8326 | |
8327 |
8328 |
8329 |
8330 |
8331 |
8332 | CameraType[CameraType["EXPLORING"] = 1] = "EXPLORING";
8333 | |
8334 |
8335 |
8336 |
8337 |
8338 |
8339 |
8340 |
8341 | CameraType[CameraType["TRACKING"] = 2] = "TRACKING";
8342 | })(CameraType || (CameraType = {}));
8343 | |
8344 |
8345 |
8346 | var CameraTrackingMode;
8347 | (function (CameraTrackingMode) {
8348 | CameraTrackingMode[CameraTrackingMode["DEFAULT"] = 0] = "DEFAULT";
8349 | CameraTrackingMode[CameraTrackingMode["ROTATIONAL"] = 1] = "ROTATIONAL";
8350 | CameraTrackingMode[CameraTrackingMode["TRANSLATIONAL"] = 2] = "TRANSLATIONAL";
8351 | CameraTrackingMode[CameraTrackingMode["CINEMATIC"] = 3] = "CINEMATIC";
8352 | })(CameraTrackingMode || (CameraTrackingMode = {}));
8353 | var CameraProjectionMode;
8354 | (function (CameraProjectionMode) {
8355 | CameraProjectionMode[CameraProjectionMode["ORTHOGRAPHIC"] = 0] = "ORTHOGRAPHIC";
8356 | CameraProjectionMode[CameraProjectionMode["PERSPECTIVE"] = 1] = "PERSPECTIVE";
8357 | })(CameraProjectionMode || (CameraProjectionMode = {}));
8358 | var CameraEvent = {
8359 | UPDATED: 'updated',
8360 | };
8361 |
8362 | var MIN_DISTANCE = 0.0002;
8363 | |
8364 |
8365 |
8366 |
8367 |
8368 |
8369 |
8370 |
8371 |
8372 |
8373 | var Camera = (function () {
8374 | function Camera() {
8375 | |
8376 |
8377 |
8378 | this.clipSpaceNearZ = ClipSpaceNearZ.NEGATIVE_ONE;
8379 | this.eventEmitter = new eventemitter3();
8380 | |
8381 |
8382 |
8383 | this.matrix = create$1();
8384 | |
8385 |
8386 |
8387 |
8388 | this.right = fromValues$2(1, 0, 0);
8389 | |
8390 |
8391 |
8392 | this.up = fromValues$2(0, 1, 0);
8393 | |
8394 |
8395 |
8396 | this.forward = fromValues$2(0, 0, 1);
8397 | |
8398 |
8399 |
8400 | this.position = fromValues$2(0, 0, 1);
8401 | |
8402 |
8403 |
8404 | this.focalPoint = fromValues$2(0, 0, 0);
8405 | |
8406 |
8407 |
8408 | this.distanceVector = fromValues$2(0, 0, -1);
8409 | |
8410 |
8411 |
8412 | this.distance = 1;
8413 | |
8414 |
8415 |
8416 | this.azimuth = 0;
8417 | this.elevation = 0;
8418 | this.roll = 0;
8419 | this.relAzimuth = 0;
8420 | this.relElevation = 0;
8421 | this.relRoll = 0;
8422 | |
8423 |
8424 |
8425 | this.dollyingStep = 0;
8426 | this.maxDistance = Infinity;
8427 | this.minDistance = -Infinity;
8428 | |
8429 |
8430 |
8431 |
8432 | this.zoom = 1;
8433 | |
8434 |
8435 |
8436 | this.rotateWorld = false;
8437 | |
8438 |
8439 |
8440 | |
8441 |
8442 |
8443 |
8444 | this.fov = 30;
8445 | this.near = 0.1;
8446 | this.far = 1000;
8447 | this.aspect = 1;
8448 | this.projectionMatrix = create$1();
8449 | this.projectionMatrixInverse = create$1();
8450 | this.jitteredProjectionMatrix = undefined;
8451 | this.enableUpdate = true;
8452 |
8453 | this.type = CameraType.EXPLORING;
8454 | this.trackingMode = CameraTrackingMode.DEFAULT;
8455 | this.projectionMode = CameraProjectionMode.PERSPECTIVE;
8456 | |
8457 |
8458 |
8459 | this.frustum = new Frustum();
8460 | |
8461 |
8462 |
8463 | this.orthoMatrix = create$1();
8464 | }
8465 |
8466 |
8467 |
8468 | Camera.prototype.isOrtho = function () {
8469 | return this.projectionMode === CameraProjectionMode.ORTHOGRAPHIC;
8470 | };
8471 | Camera.prototype.getProjectionMode = function () {
8472 | return this.projectionMode;
8473 | };
8474 | Camera.prototype.getPerspective = function () {
8475 |
8476 | return this.jitteredProjectionMatrix || this.projectionMatrix;
8477 | };
8478 | Camera.prototype.getPerspectiveInverse = function () {
8479 | return this.projectionMatrixInverse;
8480 | };
8481 | Camera.prototype.getFrustum = function () {
8482 | return this.frustum;
8483 | };
8484 | Camera.prototype.getPosition = function () {
8485 | return this.position;
8486 | };
8487 | Camera.prototype.getFocalPoint = function () {
8488 | return this.focalPoint;
8489 | };
8490 | Camera.prototype.getDollyingStep = function () {
8491 | return this.dollyingStep;
8492 | };
8493 | Camera.prototype.getNear = function () {
8494 | return this.near;
8495 | };
8496 | Camera.prototype.getFar = function () {
8497 | return this.far;
8498 | };
8499 | Camera.prototype.getZoom = function () {
8500 | return this.zoom;
8501 | };
8502 | Camera.prototype.getOrthoMatrix = function () {
8503 | return this.orthoMatrix;
8504 | };
8505 | Camera.prototype.getView = function () {
8506 | return this.view;
8507 | };
8508 | Camera.prototype.setEnableUpdate = function (enabled) {
8509 | this.enableUpdate = enabled;
8510 | };
8511 | Camera.prototype.setType = function (type, trackingMode) {
8512 | this.type = type;
8513 | if (this.type === CameraType.EXPLORING) {
8514 | this.setWorldRotation(true);
8515 | }
8516 | else {
8517 | this.setWorldRotation(false);
8518 | }
8519 | this._getAngles();
8520 | if (this.type === CameraType.TRACKING && trackingMode !== undefined) {
8521 | this.setTrackingMode(trackingMode);
8522 | }
8523 | return this;
8524 | };
8525 | Camera.prototype.setProjectionMode = function (projectionMode) {
8526 | this.projectionMode = projectionMode;
8527 | return this;
8528 | };
8529 | Camera.prototype.setTrackingMode = function (trackingMode) {
8530 | if (this.type !== CameraType.TRACKING) {
8531 | throw new Error('Impossible to set a tracking mode if the camera is not of tracking type');
8532 | }
8533 | this.trackingMode = trackingMode;
8534 | return this;
8535 | };
8536 | |
8537 |
8538 |
8539 |
8540 |
8541 |
8542 |
8543 |
8544 |
8545 |
8546 |
8547 |
8548 | Camera.prototype.setWorldRotation = function (flag) {
8549 | this.rotateWorld = flag;
8550 | this._getAngles();
8551 | return this;
8552 | };
8553 | |
8554 |
8555 |
8556 | Camera.prototype.getViewTransform = function () {
8557 | return invert(create$1(), this.matrix);
8558 | };
8559 | Camera.prototype.getWorldTransform = function () {
8560 | return this.matrix;
8561 | };
8562 | Camera.prototype.jitterProjectionMatrix = function (x, y) {
8563 | var translation = fromTranslation(create$1(), [x, y, 0]);
8564 | this.jitteredProjectionMatrix = multiply(create$1(), translation, this.projectionMatrix);
8565 | };
8566 | Camera.prototype.clearJitterProjectionMatrix = function () {
8567 | this.jitteredProjectionMatrix = undefined;
8568 | };
8569 | |
8570 |
8571 |
8572 | Camera.prototype.setMatrix = function (matrix) {
8573 | this.matrix = matrix;
8574 | this._update();
8575 | return this;
8576 | };
8577 | Camera.prototype.setFov = function (fov) {
8578 | this.setPerspective(this.near, this.far, fov, this.aspect);
8579 | return this;
8580 | };
8581 | Camera.prototype.setAspect = function (aspect) {
8582 | this.setPerspective(this.near, this.far, this.fov, aspect);
8583 | return this;
8584 | };
8585 | Camera.prototype.setNear = function (near) {
8586 | if (this.projectionMode === CameraProjectionMode.PERSPECTIVE) {
8587 | this.setPerspective(near, this.far, this.fov, this.aspect);
8588 | }
8589 | else {
8590 | this.setOrthographic(this.left, this.rright, this.top, this.bottom, near, this.far);
8591 | }
8592 | return this;
8593 | };
8594 | Camera.prototype.setFar = function (far) {
8595 | if (this.projectionMode === CameraProjectionMode.PERSPECTIVE) {
8596 | this.setPerspective(this.near, far, this.fov, this.aspect);
8597 | }
8598 | else {
8599 | this.setOrthographic(this.left, this.rright, this.top, this.bottom, this.near, far);
8600 | }
8601 | return this;
8602 | };
8603 | |
8604 |
8605 |
8606 | Camera.prototype.setViewOffset = function (fullWidth, fullHeight, x, y, width, height) {
8607 | this.aspect = fullWidth / fullHeight;
8608 | if (this.view === undefined) {
8609 | this.view = {
8610 | enabled: true,
8611 | fullWidth: 1,
8612 | fullHeight: 1,
8613 | offsetX: 0,
8614 | offsetY: 0,
8615 | width: 1,
8616 | height: 1,
8617 | };
8618 | }
8619 | this.view.enabled = true;
8620 | this.view.fullWidth = fullWidth;
8621 | this.view.fullHeight = fullHeight;
8622 | this.view.offsetX = x;
8623 | this.view.offsetY = y;
8624 | this.view.width = width;
8625 | this.view.height = height;
8626 | if (this.projectionMode === CameraProjectionMode.PERSPECTIVE) {
8627 | this.setPerspective(this.near, this.far, this.fov, this.aspect);
8628 | }
8629 | else {
8630 | this.setOrthographic(this.left, this.rright, this.top, this.bottom, this.near, this.far);
8631 | }
8632 | return this;
8633 | };
8634 | Camera.prototype.clearViewOffset = function () {
8635 | if (this.view !== undefined) {
8636 | this.view.enabled = false;
8637 | }
8638 | if (this.projectionMode === CameraProjectionMode.PERSPECTIVE) {
8639 | this.setPerspective(this.near, this.far, this.fov, this.aspect);
8640 | }
8641 | else {
8642 | this.setOrthographic(this.left, this.rright, this.top, this.bottom, this.near, this.far);
8643 | }
8644 | return this;
8645 | };
8646 | Camera.prototype.setZoom = function (zoom) {
8647 | this.zoom = zoom;
8648 | if (this.projectionMode === CameraProjectionMode.ORTHOGRAPHIC) {
8649 | this.setOrthographic(this.left, this.rright, this.top, this.bottom, this.near, this.far);
8650 | }
8651 | else if (this.projectionMode === CameraProjectionMode.PERSPECTIVE) {
8652 | this.setPerspective(this.near, this.far, this.fov, this.aspect);
8653 | }
8654 | return this;
8655 | };
8656 | |
8657 |
8658 |
8659 | Camera.prototype.setZoomByViewportPoint = function (zoom, viewportPoint) {
8660 | var _a = this.canvas.viewport2Canvas({
8661 | x: viewportPoint[0],
8662 | y: viewportPoint[1],
8663 | }), ox = _a.x, oy = _a.y;
8664 | var roll = this.roll;
8665 | this.rotate(0, 0, -roll);
8666 | this.setPosition(ox, oy);
8667 | this.setFocalPoint(ox, oy);
8668 | this.setZoom(zoom);
8669 | this.rotate(0, 0, roll);
8670 | var _b = this.canvas.viewport2Canvas({
8671 | x: viewportPoint[0],
8672 | y: viewportPoint[1],
8673 | }), cx = _b.x, cy = _b.y;
8674 |
8675 | var dvec = fromValues$2(cx - ox, cy - oy, 0);
8676 | var dx = dot(dvec, this.right) / length(this.right);
8677 | var dy = dot(dvec, this.up) / length(this.up);
8678 | this.pan(-dx, -dy);
8679 | return this;
8680 | };
8681 | Camera.prototype.setPerspective = function (near, far, fov, aspect) {
8682 | var _a;
8683 | this.projectionMode = CameraProjectionMode.PERSPECTIVE;
8684 | this.fov = fov;
8685 | this.near = near;
8686 | this.far = far;
8687 | this.aspect = aspect;
8688 | var top = (this.near * Math.tan(deg2rad(0.5 * this.fov))) / this.zoom;
8689 | var height = 2 * top;
8690 | var width = this.aspect * height;
8691 | var left = -0.5 * width;
8692 | if ((_a = this.view) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.enabled) {
8693 | var fullWidth = this.view.fullWidth;
8694 | var fullHeight = this.view.fullHeight;
8695 | left += (this.view.offsetX * width) / fullWidth;
8696 | top -= (this.view.offsetY * height) / fullHeight;
8697 | width *= this.view.width / fullWidth;
8698 | height *= this.view.height / fullHeight;
8699 | }
8700 | makePerspective(this.projectionMatrix, left, left + width, top, top - height, near, this.far, this.clipSpaceNearZ === ClipSpaceNearZ.ZERO);
8701 |
8702 | scale(this.projectionMatrix, this.projectionMatrix, fromValues$2(1, -1, 1));
8703 | invert(this.projectionMatrixInverse, this.projectionMatrix);
8704 | this.triggerUpdate();
8705 | return this;
8706 | };
8707 | Camera.prototype.setOrthographic = function (l, r, t, b, near, far) {
8708 | var _a;
8709 | this.projectionMode = CameraProjectionMode.ORTHOGRAPHIC;
8710 | this.rright = r;
8711 | this.left = l;
8712 | this.top = t;
8713 | this.bottom = b;
8714 | this.near = near;
8715 | this.far = far;
8716 | var dx = (this.rright - this.left) / (2 * this.zoom);
8717 | var dy = (this.top - this.bottom) / (2 * this.zoom);
8718 | var cx = (this.rright + this.left) / 2;
8719 | var cy = (this.top + this.bottom) / 2;
8720 | var left = cx - dx;
8721 | var right = cx + dx;
8722 | var top = cy + dy;
8723 | var bottom = cy - dy;
8724 | if ((_a = this.view) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.enabled) {
8725 | var scaleW = (this.rright - this.left) / this.view.fullWidth / this.zoom;
8726 | var scaleH = (this.top - this.bottom) / this.view.fullHeight / this.zoom;
8727 | left += scaleW * this.view.offsetX;
8728 | right = left + scaleW * this.view.width;
8729 | top -= scaleH * this.view.offsetY;
8730 | bottom = top - scaleH * this.view.height;
8731 | }
8732 | if (this.clipSpaceNearZ === ClipSpaceNearZ.NEGATIVE_ONE) {
8733 | ortho(this.projectionMatrix, left, right, bottom, top, near, far);
8734 | }
8735 | else {
8736 | orthoZO(this.projectionMatrix, left, right, bottom, top, near, far);
8737 | }
8738 |
8739 | scale(this.projectionMatrix, this.projectionMatrix, fromValues$2(1, -1, 1));
8740 | invert(this.projectionMatrixInverse, this.projectionMatrix);
8741 | this._getOrthoMatrix();
8742 | this.triggerUpdate();
8743 | return this;
8744 | };
8745 | |
8746 |
8747 |
8748 |
8749 |
8750 |
8751 |
8752 |
8753 |
8754 | Camera.prototype.setPosition = function (x, y, z) {
8755 | if (y === void 0) { y = this.position[1]; }
8756 | if (z === void 0) { z = this.position[2]; }
8757 | var position = createVec3(x, y, z);
8758 | this._setPosition(position);
8759 | this.setFocalPoint(this.focalPoint);
8760 | this.triggerUpdate();
8761 | return this;
8762 | };
8763 | |
8764 |
8765 |
8766 |
8767 |
8768 |
8769 |
8770 |
8771 | Camera.prototype.setFocalPoint = function (x, y, z) {
8772 | if (y === void 0) { y = this.focalPoint[1]; }
8773 | if (z === void 0) { z = this.focalPoint[2]; }
8774 | var up = fromValues$2(0, 1, 0);
8775 | this.focalPoint = createVec3(x, y, z);
8776 | if (this.trackingMode === CameraTrackingMode.CINEMATIC) {
8777 | var d = subtract$1(create$2(), this.focalPoint, this.position);
8778 | x = d[0];
8779 | y = d[1];
8780 | z = d[2];
8781 | var r = length(d);
8782 | var el = rad2deg(Math.asin(y / r));
8783 | var az = 90 + rad2deg(Math.atan2(z, x));
8784 | var m = create$1();
8785 | rotateY(m, m, deg2rad(az));
8786 | rotateX(m, m, deg2rad(el));
8787 | up = transformMat4(create$2(), [0, 1, 0], m);
8788 | }
8789 | invert(this.matrix, lookAt(create$1(), this.position, this.focalPoint, up));
8790 | this._getAxes();
8791 | this._getDistance();
8792 | this._getAngles();
8793 | this.triggerUpdate();
8794 | return this;
8795 | };
8796 | Camera.prototype.getDistance = function () {
8797 | return this.distance;
8798 | };
8799 | Camera.prototype.getDistanceVector = function () {
8800 | return this.distanceVector;
8801 | };
8802 | |
8803 |
8804 |
8805 | Camera.prototype.setDistance = function (d) {
8806 | if (this.distance === d || d < 0) {
8807 | return this;
8808 | }
8809 | this.distance = d;
8810 | if (this.distance < MIN_DISTANCE) {
8811 | this.distance = MIN_DISTANCE;
8812 | }
8813 | this.dollyingStep = this.distance / 100;
8814 | var pos = create$2();
8815 | d = this.distance;
8816 | var n = this.forward;
8817 | var f = this.focalPoint;
8818 | pos[0] = d * n[0] + f[0];
8819 | pos[1] = d * n[1] + f[1];
8820 | pos[2] = d * n[2] + f[2];
8821 | this._setPosition(pos);
8822 | this.triggerUpdate();
8823 | return this;
8824 | };
8825 | Camera.prototype.setMaxDistance = function (d) {
8826 | this.maxDistance = d;
8827 | return this;
8828 | };
8829 | Camera.prototype.setMinDistance = function (d) {
8830 | this.minDistance = d;
8831 | return this;
8832 | };
8833 | |
8834 |
8835 |
8836 |
8837 | Camera.prototype.setAzimuth = function (az) {
8838 | this.azimuth = getAngle(az);
8839 | this.computeMatrix();
8840 | this._getAxes();
8841 | if (this.type === CameraType.ORBITING ||
8842 | this.type === CameraType.EXPLORING) {
8843 | this._getPosition();
8844 | }
8845 | else if (this.type === CameraType.TRACKING) {
8846 | this._getFocalPoint();
8847 | }
8848 | this.triggerUpdate();
8849 | return this;
8850 | };
8851 | Camera.prototype.getAzimuth = function () {
8852 | return this.azimuth;
8853 | };
8854 | |
8855 |
8856 |
8857 | Camera.prototype.setElevation = function (el) {
8858 | this.elevation = getAngle(el);
8859 | this.computeMatrix();
8860 | this._getAxes();
8861 | if (this.type === CameraType.ORBITING ||
8862 | this.type === CameraType.EXPLORING) {
8863 | this._getPosition();
8864 | }
8865 | else if (this.type === CameraType.TRACKING) {
8866 | this._getFocalPoint();
8867 | }
8868 | this.triggerUpdate();
8869 | return this;
8870 | };
8871 | Camera.prototype.getElevation = function () {
8872 | return this.elevation;
8873 | };
8874 | |
8875 |
8876 |
8877 | Camera.prototype.setRoll = function (angle) {
8878 | this.roll = getAngle(angle);
8879 | this.computeMatrix();
8880 | this._getAxes();
8881 | if (this.type === CameraType.ORBITING ||
8882 | this.type === CameraType.EXPLORING) {
8883 | this._getPosition();
8884 | }
8885 | else if (this.type === CameraType.TRACKING) {
8886 | this._getFocalPoint();
8887 | }
8888 | this.triggerUpdate();
8889 | return this;
8890 | };
8891 | Camera.prototype.getRoll = function () {
8892 | return this.roll;
8893 | };
8894 | |
8895 |
8896 |
8897 | Camera.prototype._update = function () {
8898 | this._getAxes();
8899 | this._getPosition();
8900 | this._getDistance();
8901 | this._getAngles();
8902 | this._getOrthoMatrix();
8903 | this.triggerUpdate();
8904 | };
8905 | |
8906 |
8907 |
8908 | Camera.prototype.computeMatrix = function () {
8909 |
8910 |
8911 | var rotZ = setAxisAngle(create$4(), [0, 0, 1], deg2rad(this.roll));
8912 | identity$1(this.matrix);
8913 |
8914 | var rotX = setAxisAngle(create$4(), [1, 0, 0], deg2rad(((this.rotateWorld && this.type !== CameraType.TRACKING) ||
8915 | this.type === CameraType.TRACKING
8916 | ? 1
8917 | : -1) * this.elevation));
8918 | var rotY = setAxisAngle(create$4(), [0, 1, 0], deg2rad(((this.rotateWorld && this.type !== CameraType.TRACKING) ||
8919 | this.type === CameraType.TRACKING
8920 | ? 1
8921 | : -1) * this.azimuth));
8922 | var rotQ = multiply$2(create$4(), rotY, rotX);
8923 | rotQ = multiply$2(create$4(), rotQ, rotZ);
8924 | var rotMatrix = fromQuat(create$1(), rotQ);
8925 | if (this.type === CameraType.ORBITING ||
8926 | this.type === CameraType.EXPLORING) {
8927 | translate(this.matrix, this.matrix, this.focalPoint);
8928 | multiply(this.matrix, this.matrix, rotMatrix);
8929 | translate(this.matrix, this.matrix, [0, 0, this.distance]);
8930 | }
8931 | else if (this.type === CameraType.TRACKING) {
8932 | translate(this.matrix, this.matrix, this.position);
8933 | multiply(this.matrix, this.matrix, rotMatrix);
8934 | }
8935 | };
8936 | |
8937 |
8938 |
8939 | Camera.prototype._setPosition = function (x, y, z) {
8940 | this.position = createVec3(x, y, z);
8941 | var m = this.matrix;
8942 | m[12] = this.position[0];
8943 | m[13] = this.position[1];
8944 | m[14] = this.position[2];
8945 | m[15] = 1;
8946 | this._getOrthoMatrix();
8947 | };
8948 | |
8949 |
8950 |
8951 | Camera.prototype._getAxes = function () {
8952 | copy$1(this.right, createVec3(transformMat4$1(create$3(), [1, 0, 0, 0], this.matrix)));
8953 | copy$1(this.up, createVec3(transformMat4$1(create$3(), [0, 1, 0, 0], this.matrix)));
8954 | copy$1(this.forward, createVec3(transformMat4$1(create$3(), [0, 0, 1, 0], this.matrix)));
8955 | normalize(this.right, this.right);
8956 | normalize(this.up, this.up);
8957 | normalize(this.forward, this.forward);
8958 | };
8959 | |
8960 |
8961 |
8962 | Camera.prototype._getAngles = function () {
8963 |
8964 | var x = this.distanceVector[0];
8965 | var y = this.distanceVector[1];
8966 | var z = this.distanceVector[2];
8967 | var r = length(this.distanceVector);
8968 |
8969 | if (r === 0) {
8970 | this.elevation = 0;
8971 | this.azimuth = 0;
8972 | return;
8973 | }
8974 | if (this.type === CameraType.TRACKING) {
8975 | this.elevation = rad2deg(Math.asin(y / r));
8976 | this.azimuth = rad2deg(Math.atan2(-x, -z));
8977 | }
8978 | else {
8979 | if (this.rotateWorld) {
8980 | this.elevation = rad2deg(Math.asin(y / r));
8981 | this.azimuth = rad2deg(Math.atan2(-x, -z));
8982 | }
8983 | else {
8984 | this.elevation = -rad2deg(Math.asin(y / r));
8985 | this.azimuth = -rad2deg(Math.atan2(-x, -z));
8986 | }
8987 | }
8988 | };
8989 | |
8990 |
8991 |
8992 | Camera.prototype._getPosition = function () {
8993 | copy$1(this.position, createVec3(transformMat4$1(create$3(), [0, 0, 0, 1], this.matrix)));
8994 |
8995 | this._getDistance();
8996 | };
8997 | |
8998 |
8999 |
9000 | Camera.prototype._getFocalPoint = function () {
9001 | transformMat3(this.distanceVector, [0, 0, -this.distance], fromMat4(create(), this.matrix));
9002 | add$1(this.focalPoint, this.position, this.distanceVector);
9003 |
9004 | this._getDistance();
9005 | };
9006 | |
9007 |
9008 |
9009 | Camera.prototype._getDistance = function () {
9010 | this.distanceVector = subtract$1(create$2(), this.focalPoint, this.position);
9011 | this.distance = length(this.distanceVector);
9012 | this.dollyingStep = this.distance / 100;
9013 | };
9014 | Camera.prototype._getOrthoMatrix = function () {
9015 | if (this.projectionMode !== CameraProjectionMode.ORTHOGRAPHIC) {
9016 | return;
9017 | }
9018 | var position = this.position;
9019 | var rotZ = setAxisAngle(create$4(), [0, 0, 1], (-this.roll * Math.PI) / 180);
9020 | fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin(this.orthoMatrix, rotZ, fromValues$2((this.rright - this.left) / 2 - position[0], (this.top - this.bottom) / 2 - position[1], 0), fromValues$2(this.zoom, this.zoom, 1), position);
9021 | };
9022 | Camera.prototype.triggerUpdate = function () {
9023 | if (this.enableUpdate) {
9024 |
9025 | var viewMatrix = this.getViewTransform();
9026 | var vpMatrix = multiply(create$1(), this.getPerspective(), viewMatrix);
9027 | this.getFrustum().extractFromVPMatrix(vpMatrix);
9028 | this.eventEmitter.emit(CameraEvent.UPDATED);
9029 | }
9030 | };
9031 | Camera.prototype.rotate = function (azimuth, elevation, roll) {
9033 | };
9034 | Camera.prototype.pan = function (tx, ty) {
9036 | };
9037 | Camera.prototype.dolly = function (value) {
9039 | };
9040 | Camera.prototype.createLandmark = function (name, params) {
9042 | };
9043 | Camera.prototype.gotoLandmark = function (name, options) {
9045 | };
9046 | Camera.prototype.cancelLandmarkAnimation = function () {
9048 | };
9049 | return Camera;
9050 | }());
9051 |
9052 | function memoize(func, resolver) {
9053 | if (typeof func !== 'function' ||
9054 | (resolver != null && typeof resolver !== 'function')) {
9055 | throw new TypeError('Expected a function');
9056 | }
9057 | var memoized = function () {
9058 | var args = [];
9059 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
9060 | args[_i] = arguments[_i];
9061 | }
9062 | var key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0];
9063 | var cache = memoized.cache;
9064 | if (cache.has(key)) {
9065 | return cache.get(key);
9066 | }
9067 | var result = func.apply(this, args);
9068 | memoized.cache = cache.set(key, result) || cache;
9069 | return result;
9070 | };
9071 | memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || Map)();
9072 | return memoized;
9073 | }
9074 | memoize.Cache = Map;
9075 |
9076 |
9077 |
9078 | var UnitType;
9079 | (function (UnitType) {
9080 | UnitType[UnitType["kUnknown"] = 0] = "kUnknown";
9081 | UnitType[UnitType["kNumber"] = 1] = "kNumber";
9082 | UnitType[UnitType["kPercentage"] = 2] = "kPercentage";
9083 |
9084 | UnitType[UnitType["kEms"] = 3] = "kEms";
9085 |
9086 | UnitType[UnitType["kPixels"] = 4] = "kPixels";
9087 |
9088 |
9089 |
9090 |
9091 |
9092 |
9093 |
9094 |
9095 |
9096 |
9097 |
9098 |
9099 |
9100 |
9101 |
9102 |
9103 |
9104 |
9105 |
9106 |
9107 |
9108 |
9109 |
9110 |
9111 |
9112 |
9113 |
9114 |
9115 |
9116 |
9117 |
9118 |
9119 |
9120 |
9121 |
9122 |
9123 |
9124 |
9125 |
9126 |
9127 |
9128 |
9129 | UnitType[UnitType["kRems"] = 5] = "kRems";
9130 |
9131 |
9132 |
9133 | UnitType[UnitType["kDegrees"] = 6] = "kDegrees";
9134 | UnitType[UnitType["kRadians"] = 7] = "kRadians";
9135 | UnitType[UnitType["kGradians"] = 8] = "kGradians";
9136 | UnitType[UnitType["kTurns"] = 9] = "kTurns";
9137 |
9138 | UnitType[UnitType["kMilliseconds"] = 10] = "kMilliseconds";
9139 | UnitType[UnitType["kSeconds"] = 11] = "kSeconds";
9140 |
9141 |
9142 |
9143 |
9144 |
9145 |
9146 |
9147 |
9148 | UnitType[UnitType["kInteger"] = 12] = "kInteger";
9149 |
9150 |
9151 |
9152 |
9153 |
9154 |
9155 |
9156 | })(UnitType || (UnitType = {}));
9157 | var UnitCategory;
9158 | (function (UnitCategory) {
9159 | UnitCategory[UnitCategory["kUNumber"] = 0] = "kUNumber";
9160 | UnitCategory[UnitCategory["kUPercent"] = 1] = "kUPercent";
9161 | UnitCategory[UnitCategory["kULength"] = 2] = "kULength";
9162 | UnitCategory[UnitCategory["kUAngle"] = 3] = "kUAngle";
9163 | UnitCategory[UnitCategory["kUTime"] = 4] = "kUTime";
9164 |
9165 |
9166 | UnitCategory[UnitCategory["kUOther"] = 5] = "kUOther";
9167 | })(UnitCategory || (UnitCategory = {}));
9168 | var ValueRange;
9169 | (function (ValueRange) {
9170 | ValueRange[ValueRange["kAll"] = 0] = "kAll";
9171 | ValueRange[ValueRange["kNonNegative"] = 1] = "kNonNegative";
9172 | ValueRange[ValueRange["kInteger"] = 2] = "kInteger";
9173 | ValueRange[ValueRange["kNonNegativeInteger"] = 3] = "kNonNegativeInteger";
9174 | ValueRange[ValueRange["kPositiveInteger"] = 4] = "kPositiveInteger";
9175 | })(ValueRange || (ValueRange = {}));
9176 | var Nested;
9177 | (function (Nested) {
9178 | Nested[Nested["kYes"] = 0] = "kYes";
9179 | Nested[Nested["kNo"] = 1] = "kNo";
9180 | })(Nested || (Nested = {}));
9181 | var ParenLess;
9182 | (function (ParenLess) {
9183 | ParenLess[ParenLess["kYes"] = 0] = "kYes";
9184 | ParenLess[ParenLess["kNo"] = 1] = "kNo";
9185 | })(ParenLess || (ParenLess = {}));
9186 |
9187 |
9188 | var data = [
9189 | {
9190 | name: 'em',
9191 | unit_type: UnitType.kEms,
9192 | },
9193 |
9194 |
9195 |
9196 |
9197 | {
9198 | name: 'px',
9199 | unit_type: UnitType.kPixels,
9200 | },
9201 |
9202 |
9203 |
9204 |
9205 |
9206 |
9207 |
9208 |
9209 |
9210 |
9211 |
9212 |
9213 |
9214 |
9215 |
9216 |
9217 |
9218 |
9219 |
9220 |
9221 |
9222 |
9223 |
9224 |
9225 | {
9226 | name: 'deg',
9227 | unit_type: UnitType.kDegrees,
9228 | },
9229 | {
9230 | name: 'rad',
9231 | unit_type: UnitType.kRadians,
9232 | },
9233 | {
9234 | name: 'grad',
9235 | unit_type: UnitType.kGradians,
9236 | },
9237 | {
9238 | name: 'ms',
9239 | unit_type: UnitType.kMilliseconds,
9240 | },
9241 | {
9242 | name: 's',
9243 | unit_type: UnitType.kSeconds,
9244 | },
9245 |
9246 |
9247 |
9248 |
9249 |
9250 |
9251 |
9252 |
9253 |
9254 |
9255 |
9256 |
9257 |
9258 |
9259 |
9260 |
9261 |
9262 |
9263 |
9264 |
9265 |
9266 |
9267 |
9268 |
9269 |
9270 |
9271 |
9272 |
9273 |
9274 |
9275 |
9276 |
9277 |
9278 |
9279 |
9280 |
9281 |
9282 |
9283 |
9284 |
9285 |
9286 |
9287 |
9288 |
9289 |
9290 |
9291 |
9292 |
9293 |
9294 |
9295 |
9296 |
9297 |
9298 |
9299 |
9300 |
9301 |
9302 |
9303 |
9304 |
9305 |
9306 |
9307 |
9308 |
9309 |
9310 |
9311 |
9312 |
9313 |
9314 |
9315 |
9316 |
9317 |
9318 |
9319 |
9320 |
9321 |
9322 |
9323 |
9324 |
9325 |
9326 |
9327 |
9328 |
9329 |
9330 |
9331 |
9332 |
9333 |
9334 |
9335 |
9336 |
9337 |
9338 |
9339 |
9340 |
9341 |
9342 |
9343 |
9344 |
9345 |
9346 |
9347 |
9348 |
9349 |
9350 |
9351 |
9352 |
9353 |
9354 |
9355 |
9356 |
9357 |
9358 |
9359 |
9360 |
9361 |
9362 |
9363 |
9364 |
9365 |
9366 |
9367 |
9368 |
9369 |
9370 |
9371 |
9372 |
9373 |
9374 |
9375 |
9376 |
9377 |
9378 |
9379 |
9380 |
9381 |
9382 |
9383 |
9384 |
9385 |
9386 |
9387 |
9388 |
9389 | {
9390 | name: 'rem',
9391 | unit_type: UnitType.kRems,
9392 | },
9393 |
9394 |
9395 |
9396 |
9397 | {
9398 | name: 'turn',
9399 | unit_type: UnitType.kTurns,
9400 | },
9401 |
9402 |
9403 |
9404 |
9405 |
9406 |
9407 |
9408 |
9409 | ];
9410 | var CSSStyleValueType;
9411 | (function (CSSStyleValueType) {
9412 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kUnknownType"] = 0] = "kUnknownType";
9413 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kUnparsedType"] = 1] = "kUnparsedType";
9414 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kKeywordType"] = 2] = "kKeywordType";
9415 |
9416 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kUnitType"] = 3] = "kUnitType";
9417 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kSumType"] = 4] = "kSumType";
9418 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kProductType"] = 5] = "kProductType";
9419 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kNegateType"] = 6] = "kNegateType";
9420 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kInvertType"] = 7] = "kInvertType";
9421 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kMinType"] = 8] = "kMinType";
9422 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kMaxType"] = 9] = "kMaxType";
9423 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kClampType"] = 10] = "kClampType";
9424 |
9425 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kTransformType"] = 11] = "kTransformType";
9426 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kPositionType"] = 12] = "kPositionType";
9427 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kURLImageType"] = 13] = "kURLImageType";
9428 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kColorType"] = 14] = "kColorType";
9429 | CSSStyleValueType[CSSStyleValueType["kUnsupportedColorType"] = 15] = "kUnsupportedColorType";
9430 | })(CSSStyleValueType || (CSSStyleValueType = {}));
9431 |
9432 |
9433 |
9434 |
9435 |
9436 |
9437 |
9438 |
9439 |
9440 | var stringToUnitType = function (name) {
9441 | return data.find(function (item) { return item.name === name; }).unit_type;
9442 | };
9443 | var unitFromName = function (name) {
9444 | if (!name) {
9445 | return UnitType.kUnknown;
9446 | }
9447 | if (name === 'number') {
9448 | return UnitType.kNumber;
9449 | }
9450 | if (name === 'percent' || name === '%') {
9451 | return UnitType.kPercentage;
9452 | }
9453 | return stringToUnitType(name);
9454 | };
9455 | var unitTypeToUnitCategory = function (type) {
9456 | switch (type) {
9457 | case UnitType.kNumber:
9458 | case UnitType.kInteger:
9459 | return UnitCategory.kUNumber;
9460 | case UnitType.kPercentage:
9461 | return UnitCategory.kUPercent;
9462 | case UnitType.kPixels:
9463 |
9464 |
9465 |
9466 |
9467 |
9468 |
9469 |
9470 | return UnitCategory.kULength;
9471 | case UnitType.kMilliseconds:
9472 | case UnitType.kSeconds:
9473 | return UnitCategory.kUTime;
9474 | case UnitType.kDegrees:
9475 | case UnitType.kRadians:
9476 | case UnitType.kGradians:
9477 | case UnitType.kTurns:
9478 | return UnitCategory.kUAngle;
9479 |
9480 |
9481 |
9482 |
9483 |
9484 |
9485 |
9486 | default:
9487 | return UnitCategory.kUOther;
9488 | }
9489 | };
9490 | var canonicalUnitTypeForCategory = function (category) {
9491 |
9492 |
9493 |
9494 | switch (category) {
9495 | case UnitCategory.kUNumber:
9496 | return UnitType.kNumber;
9497 | case UnitCategory.kULength:
9498 | return UnitType.kPixels;
9499 | case UnitCategory.kUPercent:
9500 | return UnitType.kPercentage;
9501 |
9502 | case UnitCategory.kUTime:
9503 | return UnitType.kSeconds;
9504 | case UnitCategory.kUAngle:
9505 | return UnitType.kDegrees;
9506 |
9507 |
9508 |
9509 |
9510 | default:
9511 | return UnitType.kUnknown;
9512 | }
9513 | };
9514 | |
9515 |
9516 |
9517 | var conversionToCanonicalUnitsScaleFactor = function (unit_type) {
9518 | var factor = 1.0;
9519 |
9520 | switch (unit_type) {
9521 |
9522 | case UnitType.kPixels:
9523 |
9524 | case UnitType.kDegrees:
9525 | case UnitType.kSeconds:
9526 |
9527 | break;
9528 | case UnitType.kMilliseconds:
9529 | factor = 0.001;
9530 | break;
9531 |
9532 |
9533 |
9534 |
9535 |
9536 |
9537 |
9538 |
9539 |
9540 |
9541 |
9542 |
9543 |
9544 |
9545 |
9546 |
9547 |
9548 |
9549 |
9550 |
9551 |
9552 |
9553 |
9554 |
9555 | case UnitType.kRadians:
9556 | factor = 180 / Math.PI;
9557 | break;
9558 | case UnitType.kGradians:
9559 | factor = 0.9;
9560 | break;
9561 | case UnitType.kTurns:
9562 | factor = 360;
9563 | break;
9564 | }
9565 | return factor;
9566 | };
9567 | var unitTypeToString = function (type) {
9568 | switch (type) {
9569 | case UnitType.kNumber:
9570 | case UnitType.kInteger:
9571 |
9572 | return '';
9573 | case UnitType.kPercentage:
9574 | return '%';
9575 | case UnitType.kEms:
9576 |
9577 | return 'em';
9578 |
9579 |
9580 | case UnitType.kRems:
9581 | return 'rem';
9582 |
9583 |
9584 | case UnitType.kPixels:
9585 | return 'px';
9586 |
9587 |
9588 |
9589 |
9590 |
9591 |
9592 |
9593 |
9594 |
9595 |
9596 |
9597 |
9598 |
9599 |
9600 |
9601 |
9602 |
9603 |
9604 | case UnitType.kDegrees:
9605 | return 'deg';
9606 | case UnitType.kRadians:
9607 | return 'rad';
9608 | case UnitType.kGradians:
9609 | return 'grad';
9610 | case UnitType.kMilliseconds:
9611 | return 'ms';
9612 | case UnitType.kSeconds:
9613 | return 's';
9614 |
9615 |
9616 |
9617 |
9618 | case UnitType.kTurns:
9619 | return 'turn';
9620 | }
9621 | return '';
9622 | };
9623 | |
9624 |
9625 |
9626 |
9627 |
9628 |
9629 |
9630 | var CSSStyleValue = (function () {
9631 | function CSSStyleValue() {
9632 | }
9633 |
9634 |
9635 |
9636 |
9637 |
9638 |
9639 | CSSStyleValue.isAngle = function (unit) {
9640 | return (unit === UnitType.kDegrees ||
9641 | unit === UnitType.kRadians ||
9642 | unit === UnitType.kGradians ||
9643 | unit === UnitType.kTurns);
9644 | };
9645 |
9646 |
9647 |
9648 |
9649 |
9650 |
9651 | CSSStyleValue.isLength = function (type) {
9652 |
9653 | return type >= UnitType.kEms && type < UnitType.kDegrees;
9654 | };
9655 | CSSStyleValue.isRelativeUnit = function (type) {
9656 | return (type === UnitType.kPercentage ||
9657 | type === UnitType.kEms ||
9658 |
9659 | type === UnitType.kRems
9660 |
9661 |
9662 |
9663 | );
9664 | };
9665 | CSSStyleValue.isTime = function (unit) {
9666 | return unit === UnitType.kSeconds || unit === UnitType.kMilliseconds;
9667 | };
9668 |
9669 | CSSStyleValue.prototype.toString = function () {
9670 | return this.buildCSSText(Nested.kNo, ParenLess.kNo, '');
9671 | };
9672 | CSSStyleValue.prototype.isNumericValue = function () {
9673 | return (this.getType() >= CSSStyleValueType.kUnitType &&
9674 | this.getType() <= CSSStyleValueType.kClampType);
9675 | };
9676 | return CSSStyleValue;
9677 | }());
9678 |
9679 | |
9680 |
9681 |
9682 |
9683 |
9684 | var CSSColorValue = (function (_super) {
9685 | __extends(CSSColorValue, _super);
9686 | function CSSColorValue(colorSpace) {
9687 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
9688 | _this.colorSpace = colorSpace;
9689 | return _this;
9690 | }
9691 | CSSColorValue.prototype.getType = function () {
9692 | return CSSStyleValueType.kColorType;
9693 | };
9694 |
9695 |
9696 |
9697 |
9698 |
9699 |
9700 |
9701 | |
9702 |
9703 |
9704 | CSSColorValue.prototype.to = function (colorSpace) {
9705 | return this;
9706 | };
9707 | return CSSColorValue;
9708 | }(CSSStyleValue));
9709 |
9710 | var GradientType;
9711 | (function (GradientType) {
9712 | GradientType[GradientType["Constant"] = 0] = "Constant";
9713 | GradientType[GradientType["LinearGradient"] = 1] = "LinearGradient";
9714 | GradientType[GradientType["RadialGradient"] = 2] = "RadialGradient";
9715 | })(GradientType || (GradientType = {}));
9716 | var CSSGradientValue = (function (_super) {
9717 | __extends(CSSGradientValue, _super);
9718 | function CSSGradientValue(type, value) {
9719 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
9720 | _this.type = type;
9721 | _this.value = value;
9722 | return _this;
9723 | }
9724 | CSSGradientValue.prototype.clone = function () {
9725 | return new CSSGradientValue(this.type, this.value);
9726 | };
9727 | CSSGradientValue.prototype.buildCSSText = function (n, p, result) {
9728 | return result;
9729 | };
9730 | CSSGradientValue.prototype.getType = function () {
9731 | return CSSStyleValueType.kColorType;
9732 | };
9733 | return CSSGradientValue;
9734 | }(CSSStyleValue));
9735 |
9736 | |
9737 |
9738 |
9739 |
9740 |
9741 |
9742 | var CSSKeywordValue = (function (_super) {
9743 | __extends(CSSKeywordValue, _super);
9744 | function CSSKeywordValue(value) {
9745 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
9746 | _this.value = value;
9747 | return _this;
9748 | }
9749 | CSSKeywordValue.prototype.clone = function () {
9750 | return new CSSKeywordValue(this.value);
9751 | };
9752 | CSSKeywordValue.prototype.getType = function () {
9753 | return CSSStyleValueType.kKeywordType;
9754 | };
9755 | CSSKeywordValue.prototype.buildCSSText = function (n, p, result) {
9756 | return result + this.value;
9757 | };
9758 | return CSSKeywordValue;
9759 | }(CSSStyleValue));
9760 |
9761 | var camelCase = memoize(function (str) {
9762 | if (str === void 0) { str = ''; }
9763 | return str.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase(); });
9764 | });
9765 | var kebabize = function (str) {
9766 | return str
9767 | .split('')
9768 | .map(function (letter, idx) {
9769 | return letter.toUpperCase() === letter
9770 | ? "".concat(idx !== 0 ? '-' : '').concat(letter.toLowerCase())
9771 | : letter;
9772 | })
9773 | .join('');
9774 | };
9775 |
9776 | function DCHECK(bool) {
9777 | if (!bool) {
9778 | throw new Error();
9779 | }
9780 | }
9781 | function isFunction$1(func) {
9782 | return typeof func === 'function';
9783 | }
9784 | function isSymbol(value) {
9785 |
9786 | return typeof value === 'symbol';
9787 | }
9788 | var definedProps = function (obj) {
9789 | return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(function (_a) {
9790 | var _b = __read(_a, 2), v = _b[1];
9791 | return v !== undefined;
9792 | }));
9793 | };
9794 | var FORMAT_ATTR_MAP = {
9795 | d: {
9796 | alias: 'path',
9797 | },
9798 | strokeDasharray: {
9799 | alias: 'lineDash',
9800 | },
9801 | strokeWidth: {
9802 | alias: 'lineWidth',
9803 | },
9804 | textAnchor: {
9805 | alias: 'textAlign',
9806 | },
9807 | src: {
9808 | alias: 'img',
9809 | },
9810 | };
9811 | var formatAttributeName = memoize(function (name) {
9812 | var attributeName = camelCase(name);
9813 | var map = FORMAT_ATTR_MAP[attributeName];
9814 | attributeName = (map === null || map === void 0 ? void 0 : map.alias) || attributeName;
9815 | return attributeName;
9816 | });
9817 |
9818 |
9819 |
9820 |
9821 |
9822 |
9823 |
9824 |
9825 |
9826 |
9827 |
9828 |
9829 |
9830 |
9831 |
9832 |
9833 |
9834 |
9835 |
9836 |
9837 | var formatInfinityOrNaN = function (number, suffix) {
9838 | if (suffix === void 0) { suffix = ''; }
9839 | var result = '';
9840 | if (!Number.isFinite(number)) {
9841 | if (number > 0)
9842 | result = 'infinity';
9843 | else
9844 | result = '-infinity';
9845 | }
9846 | else {
9847 | DCHECK(Number.isNaN(number));
9848 | result = 'NaN';
9849 | }
9850 | return (result += suffix);
9851 | };
9852 | var toCanonicalUnit = function (unit) {
9853 | return canonicalUnitTypeForCategory(unitTypeToUnitCategory(unit));
9854 | };
9855 | |
9856 |
9857 |
9858 |
9859 |
9860 |
9861 | |
9862 |
9863 |
9864 |
9865 |
9866 | var CSSUnitValue = (function (_super) {
9867 | __extends(CSSUnitValue, _super);
9868 | function CSSUnitValue(value, unitOrName) {
9869 | if (unitOrName === void 0) { unitOrName = UnitType.kNumber; }
9870 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
9871 | var unit;
9872 | if (typeof unitOrName === 'string') {
9873 | unit = unitFromName(unitOrName);
9874 | }
9875 | else {
9876 | unit = unitOrName;
9877 | }
9878 | _this.unit = unit;
9879 | _this.value = value;
9880 | return _this;
9881 | }
9882 | CSSUnitValue.prototype.clone = function () {
9883 | return new CSSUnitValue(this.value, this.unit);
9884 | };
9885 | CSSUnitValue.prototype.equals = function (other) {
9886 | var other_unit_value = other;
9887 | return (this.value === other_unit_value.value &&
9888 | this.unit === other_unit_value.unit);
9889 | };
9890 | CSSUnitValue.prototype.getType = function () {
9891 | return CSSStyleValueType.kUnitType;
9892 | };
9893 | CSSUnitValue.prototype.convertTo = function (target_unit) {
9894 | if (this.unit === target_unit) {
9895 | return new CSSUnitValue(this.value, this.unit);
9896 | }
9897 |
9898 |
9899 |
9900 | var canonical_unit = toCanonicalUnit(this.unit);
9901 | if (canonical_unit !== toCanonicalUnit(target_unit) ||
9902 | canonical_unit === UnitType.kUnknown) {
9903 | return null;
9904 | }
9905 | var scale_factor = conversionToCanonicalUnitsScaleFactor(this.unit) /
9906 | conversionToCanonicalUnitsScaleFactor(target_unit);
9907 | return new CSSUnitValue(this.value * scale_factor, target_unit);
9908 | };
9909 | CSSUnitValue.prototype.buildCSSText = function (n, p, result) {
9910 | var text;
9911 | switch (this.unit) {
9912 | case UnitType.kUnknown:
9913 |
9914 | break;
9915 | case UnitType.kInteger:
9916 | text = Number(this.value).toFixed(0);
9917 | break;
9918 | case UnitType.kNumber:
9919 | case UnitType.kPercentage:
9920 | case UnitType.kEms:
9921 |
9922 |
9923 | case UnitType.kRems:
9924 |
9925 | case UnitType.kPixels:
9926 |
9927 |
9928 |
9929 |
9930 |
9931 |
9932 |
9933 |
9934 |
9935 |
9936 | case UnitType.kDegrees:
9937 | case UnitType.kRadians:
9938 | case UnitType.kGradians:
9939 | case UnitType.kMilliseconds:
9940 | case UnitType.kSeconds:
9941 |
9942 |
9943 | case UnitType.kTurns:
9944 | {
9945 | var kMinInteger = -999999;
9946 | var kMaxInteger = 999999;
9947 | var value = this.value;
9948 | var unit = unitTypeToString(this.unit);
9949 | if (value < kMinInteger || value > kMaxInteger) {
9950 | var unit_1 = unitTypeToString(this.unit);
9951 | if (!Number.isFinite(value) || Number.isNaN(value)) {
9952 | text = formatInfinityOrNaN(value, unit_1);
9953 | }
9954 | else {
9955 | text = value + (unit_1 || '');
9956 | }
9957 | }
9958 | else {
9959 | text = "".concat(value).concat(unit);
9960 | }
9961 | }
9962 | }
9963 | result += text;
9964 | return result;
9965 | };
9966 | return CSSUnitValue;
9967 | }(CSSStyleValue));
9968 | var Opx = new CSSUnitValue(0, 'px');
9969 | new CSSUnitValue(1, 'px');
9970 | var Odeg = new CSSUnitValue(0, 'deg');
9971 |
9972 | |
9973 |
9974 |
9975 |
9976 |
9977 | var CSSRGB = (function (_super) {
9978 | __extends(CSSRGB, _super);
9979 | function CSSRGB(r, g, b, alpha,
9980 | /**
9981 | * 'transparent' & 'none' has the same rgba data
9982 | */
9983 | isNone) {
9984 | if (alpha === void 0) { alpha = 1; }
9985 | if (isNone === void 0) { isNone = false; }
9986 | var _this = _super.call(this, 'rgb') || this;
9987 | _this.r = r;
9988 | _this.g = g;
9989 | _this.b = b;
9990 | _this.alpha = alpha;
9991 | _this.isNone = isNone;
9992 | return _this;
9993 | }
9994 | CSSRGB.prototype.clone = function () {
9995 | return new CSSRGB(this.r, this.g, this.b, this.alpha);
9996 | };
9997 | CSSRGB.prototype.buildCSSText = function (n, p, result) {
9998 | return result + "rgba(".concat(this.r, ",").concat(this.g, ",").concat(this.b, ",").concat(this.alpha, ")");
9999 | };
10000 | return CSSRGB;
10001 | }(CSSColorValue));
10002 |
10003 | |
10004 |
10005 |
10006 | var unsetKeywordValue = new CSSKeywordValue('unset');
10007 | var initialKeywordValue = new CSSKeywordValue('initial');
10008 | var inheritKeywordValue = new CSSKeywordValue('inherit');
10009 | var keywordCache = {
10010 | '': unsetKeywordValue,
10011 | unset: unsetKeywordValue,
10012 | initial: initialKeywordValue,
10013 | inherit: inheritKeywordValue,
10014 | };
10015 | var getOrCreateKeyword = function (name) {
10016 | if (!keywordCache[name]) {
10017 | keywordCache[name] = new CSSKeywordValue(name);
10018 | }
10019 | return keywordCache[name];
10020 | };
10021 | |
10022 |
10023 |
10024 | var noneColor = new CSSRGB(0, 0, 0, 0, true);
10025 | var transparentColor = new CSSRGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
10026 | var getOrCreateRGBA = memoize(function (r, g, b, a) {
10027 | return new CSSRGB(r, g, b, a);
10028 | }, function (r, g, b, a) {
10029 | return "rgba(".concat(r, ",").concat(g, ",").concat(b, ",").concat(a, ")");
10030 | });
10031 |
10032 |
10033 |
10034 |
10035 |
10036 |
10037 |
10038 |
10039 | var getOrCreateUnitValue = function (value, unitOrName) {
10040 | if (unitOrName === void 0) { unitOrName = UnitType.kNumber; }
10041 | return new CSSUnitValue(value, unitOrName);
10042 | };
10043 | var PECENTAGE_50 = new CSSUnitValue(50, '%');
10044 |
10045 | |
10046 |
10047 |
10048 | var Strategy;
10049 | (function (Strategy) {
10050 | Strategy[Strategy["Standard"] = 0] = "Standard";
10051 | })(Strategy || (Strategy = {}));
10052 |
10053 | var SortReason;
10054 | (function (SortReason) {
10055 | SortReason[SortReason["ADDED"] = 0] = "ADDED";
10056 | SortReason[SortReason["REMOVED"] = 1] = "REMOVED";
10057 | SortReason[SortReason["Z_INDEX_CHANGED"] = 2] = "Z_INDEX_CHANGED";
10058 | })(SortReason || (SortReason = {}));
10059 |
10060 | var EMPTY_PARSED_PATH = {
10061 | absolutePath: [],
10062 | hasArc: false,
10063 | segments: [],
10064 | polygons: [],
10065 | polylines: [],
10066 | curve: null,
10067 | totalLength: 0,
10068 | rect: new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0),
10069 | };
10070 |
10071 | |
10072 |
10073 |
10074 | var PropertySyntax;
10075 | (function (PropertySyntax) {
10076 | |
10077 |
10078 |
10079 | PropertySyntax["COORDINATE"] = "<coordinate>";
10080 | |
10081 |
10082 |
10083 | PropertySyntax["COLOR"] = "<color>";
10084 | |
10085 |
10086 |
10087 | PropertySyntax["PAINT"] = "<paint>";
10088 | |
10089 |
10090 |
10091 | PropertySyntax["NUMBER"] = "<number>";
10092 | |
10093 |
10094 |
10095 | PropertySyntax["ANGLE"] = "<angle>";
10096 | |
10097 |
10098 |
10099 |
10100 | PropertySyntax["OPACITY_VALUE"] = "<opacity-value>";
10101 | |
10102 |
10103 |
10104 | PropertySyntax["SHADOW_BLUR"] = "<shadow-blur>";
10105 | |
10106 |
10107 |
10108 | PropertySyntax["LENGTH"] = "<length>";
10109 | |
10110 |
10111 |
10112 | PropertySyntax["PERCENTAGE"] = "<percentage>";
10113 | PropertySyntax["LENGTH_PERCENTAGE"] = "<length> | <percentage>";
10114 | PropertySyntax["LENGTH_PERCENTAGE_12"] = "[<length> | <percentage>]{1,2}";
10115 | |
10116 |
10117 |
10118 | PropertySyntax["LENGTH_PERCENTAGE_14"] = "[<length> | <percentage>]{1,4}";
10119 | |
10120 |
10121 |
10122 | PropertySyntax["LIST_OF_POINTS"] = "<list-of-points>";
10123 | PropertySyntax["PATH"] = "<path>";
10124 | |
10125 |
10126 |
10127 | PropertySyntax["FILTER"] = "<filter>";
10128 | PropertySyntax["Z_INDEX"] = "<z-index>";
10129 | PropertySyntax["OFFSET_DISTANCE"] = "<offset-distance>";
10130 | PropertySyntax["DEFINED_PATH"] = "<defined-path>";
10131 | PropertySyntax["MARKER"] = "<marker>";
10132 | PropertySyntax["TRANSFORM"] = "<transform>";
10133 | PropertySyntax["TRANSFORM_ORIGIN"] = "<transform-origin>";
10134 | PropertySyntax["TEXT"] = "<text>";
10135 | PropertySyntax["TEXT_TRANSFORM"] = "<text-transform>";
10136 | })(PropertySyntax || (PropertySyntax = {}));
10137 |
10138 | |
10139 |
10140 |
10141 |
10142 | function colorStopToString(colorStop) {
10143 | var type = colorStop.type, value = colorStop.value;
10144 | if (type === 'hex') {
10145 | return "#".concat(value);
10146 | }
10147 | else if (type === 'literal') {
10148 | return value;
10149 | }
10150 | else if (type === 'rgb') {
10151 | return "rgb(".concat(value.join(','), ")");
10152 | }
10153 | else {
10154 | return "rgba(".concat(value.join(','), ")");
10155 | }
10156 | }
10157 | var parseGradient$1 = (function () {
10158 | var tokens = {
10159 | linearGradient: /^(linear\-gradient)/i,
10160 | repeatingLinearGradient: /^(repeating\-linear\-gradient)/i,
10161 | radialGradient: /^(radial\-gradient)/i,
10162 | repeatingRadialGradient: /^(repeating\-radial\-gradient)/i,
10163 | |
10164 |
10165 |
10166 | conicGradient: /^(conic\-gradient)/i,
10167 | sideOrCorner: /^to (left (top|bottom)|right (top|bottom)|top (left|right)|bottom (left|right)|left|right|top|bottom)/i,
10168 | extentKeywords: /^(closest\-side|closest\-corner|farthest\-side|farthest\-corner|contain|cover)/,
10169 | positionKeywords: /^(left|center|right|top|bottom)/i,
10170 | pixelValue: /^(-?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.?)))px/,
10171 | percentageValue: /^(-?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.?)))\%/,
10172 | emValue: /^(-?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.?)))em/,
10173 | angleValue: /^(-?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.?)))deg/,
10174 | startCall: /^\(/,
10175 | endCall: /^\)/,
10176 | comma: /^,/,
10177 | hexColor: /^\#([0-9a-fA-F]+)/,
10178 | literalColor: /^([a-zA-Z]+)/,
10179 | rgbColor: /^rgb/i,
10180 | rgbaColor: /^rgba/i,
10181 | number: /^(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.?))/,
10182 | };
10183 | var input = '';
10184 | function error(msg) {
10185 | throw new Error(input + ': ' + msg);
10186 | }
10187 | function getAST() {
10188 | var ast = matchListDefinitions();
10189 | if (input.length > 0) {
10190 | error('Invalid input not EOF');
10191 | }
10192 | return ast;
10193 | }
10194 | function matchListDefinitions() {
10195 | return matchListing(matchDefinition);
10196 | }
10197 | function matchDefinition() {
10198 | return (matchGradient('linear-gradient', tokens.linearGradient, matchLinearOrientation) ||
10199 | matchGradient('repeating-linear-gradient', tokens.repeatingLinearGradient, matchLinearOrientation) ||
10200 | matchGradient('radial-gradient', tokens.radialGradient, matchListRadialOrientations) ||
10201 | matchGradient('repeating-radial-gradient', tokens.repeatingRadialGradient, matchListRadialOrientations) ||
10202 | matchGradient('conic-gradient', tokens.conicGradient, matchListRadialOrientations));
10203 | }
10204 | function matchGradient(gradientType, pattern, orientationMatcher) {
10205 | return matchCall(pattern, function (captures) {
10206 | var orientation = orientationMatcher();
10207 | if (orientation) {
10208 | if (!scan(tokens.comma)) {
10209 | error('Missing comma before color stops');
10210 | }
10211 | }
10212 | return {
10213 | type: gradientType,
10214 | orientation: orientation,
10215 | colorStops: matchListing(matchColorStop),
10216 | };
10217 | });
10218 | }
10219 | function matchCall(pattern, callback) {
10220 | var captures = scan(pattern);
10221 | if (captures) {
10222 | if (!scan(tokens.startCall)) {
10223 | error('Missing (');
10224 | }
10225 | var result = callback(captures);
10226 | if (!scan(tokens.endCall)) {
10227 | error('Missing )');
10228 | }
10229 | return result;
10230 | }
10231 | }
10232 | function matchLinearOrientation() {
10233 | return matchSideOrCorner() || matchAngle();
10234 | }
10235 | function matchSideOrCorner() {
10236 | return match('directional', tokens.sideOrCorner, 1);
10237 | }
10238 | function matchAngle() {
10239 | return match('angular', tokens.angleValue, 1);
10240 | }
10241 | function matchListRadialOrientations() {
10242 | var radialOrientations, radialOrientation = matchRadialOrientation(), lookaheadCache;
10243 | if (radialOrientation) {
10244 | radialOrientations = [];
10245 | radialOrientations.push(radialOrientation);
10246 | lookaheadCache = input;
10247 | if (scan(tokens.comma)) {
10248 | radialOrientation = matchRadialOrientation();
10249 | if (radialOrientation) {
10250 | radialOrientations.push(radialOrientation);
10251 | }
10252 | else {
10253 | input = lookaheadCache;
10254 | }
10255 | }
10256 | }
10257 | return radialOrientations;
10258 | }
10259 | function matchRadialOrientation() {
10260 | var radialType = matchCircle() || matchEllipse();
10261 | if (radialType) {
10262 |
10263 | radialType.at = matchAtPosition();
10264 | }
10265 | else {
10266 | var extent = matchExtentKeyword();
10267 | if (extent) {
10268 | radialType = extent;
10269 | var positionAt = matchAtPosition();
10270 | if (positionAt) {
10271 |
10272 | radialType.at = positionAt;
10273 | }
10274 | }
10275 | else {
10276 | var defaultPosition = matchPositioning();
10277 | if (defaultPosition) {
10278 | radialType = {
10279 | type: 'default-radial',
10280 |
10281 | at: defaultPosition,
10282 | };
10283 | }
10284 | }
10285 | }
10286 | return radialType;
10287 | }
10288 | function matchCircle() {
10289 | var circle = match('shape', /^(circle)/i, 0);
10290 | if (circle) {
10291 |
10292 | circle.style = matchLength() || matchExtentKeyword();
10293 | }
10294 | return circle;
10295 | }
10296 | function matchEllipse() {
10297 | var ellipse = match('shape', /^(ellipse)/i, 0);
10298 | if (ellipse) {
10299 |
10300 | ellipse.style = matchDistance() || matchExtentKeyword();
10301 | }
10302 | return ellipse;
10303 | }
10304 | function matchExtentKeyword() {
10305 | return match('extent-keyword', tokens.extentKeywords, 1);
10306 | }
10307 | function matchAtPosition() {
10308 | if (match('position', /^at/, 0)) {
10309 | var positioning = matchPositioning();
10310 | if (!positioning) {
10311 | error('Missing positioning value');
10312 | }
10313 | return positioning;
10314 | }
10315 | }
10316 | function matchPositioning() {
10317 | var location = matchCoordinates();
10318 | if (location.x || location.y) {
10319 | return {
10320 | type: 'position',
10321 | value: location,
10322 | };
10323 | }
10324 | }
10325 | function matchCoordinates() {
10326 | return {
10327 | x: matchDistance(),
10328 | y: matchDistance(),
10329 | };
10330 | }
10331 | function matchListing(matcher) {
10332 | var captures = matcher();
10333 | var result = [];
10334 | if (captures) {
10335 | result.push(captures);
10336 | while (scan(tokens.comma)) {
10337 | captures = matcher();
10338 | if (captures) {
10339 | result.push(captures);
10340 | }
10341 | else {
10342 | error('One extra comma');
10343 | }
10344 | }
10345 | }
10346 | return result;
10347 | }
10348 | function matchColorStop() {
10349 | var color = matchColor();
10350 | if (!color) {
10351 | error('Expected color definition');
10352 | }
10353 | color.length = matchDistance();
10354 | return color;
10355 | }
10356 | function matchColor() {
10357 | return (matchHexColor() ||
10358 | matchRGBAColor() ||
10359 | matchRGBColor() ||
10360 | matchLiteralColor());
10361 | }
10362 | function matchLiteralColor() {
10363 | return match('literal', tokens.literalColor, 0);
10364 | }
10365 | function matchHexColor() {
10366 | return match('hex', tokens.hexColor, 1);
10367 | }
10368 | function matchRGBColor() {
10369 | return matchCall(tokens.rgbColor, function () {
10370 | return {
10371 | type: 'rgb',
10372 | value: matchListing(matchNumber),
10373 | };
10374 | });
10375 | }
10376 | function matchRGBAColor() {
10377 | return matchCall(tokens.rgbaColor, function () {
10378 | return {
10379 | type: 'rgba',
10380 | value: matchListing(matchNumber),
10381 | };
10382 | });
10383 | }
10384 | function matchNumber() {
10385 | return scan(tokens.number)[1];
10386 | }
10387 | function matchDistance() {
10388 | return (match('%', tokens.percentageValue, 1) ||
10389 | matchPositionKeyword() ||
10390 | matchLength());
10391 | }
10392 | function matchPositionKeyword() {
10393 | return match('position-keyword', tokens.positionKeywords, 1);
10394 | }
10395 | function matchLength() {
10396 | return match('px', tokens.pixelValue, 1) || match('em', tokens.emValue, 1);
10397 | }
10398 | function match(type, pattern, captureIndex) {
10399 | var captures = scan(pattern);
10400 | if (captures) {
10401 | return {
10402 | type: type,
10403 | value: captures[captureIndex],
10404 | };
10405 | }
10406 | }
10407 | function scan(regexp) {
10408 | var blankCaptures = /^[\n\r\t\s]+/.exec(input);
10409 | if (blankCaptures) {
10410 | consume(blankCaptures[0].length);
10411 | }
10412 | var captures = regexp.exec(input);
10413 | if (captures) {
10414 | consume(captures[0].length);
10415 | }
10416 | return captures;
10417 | }
10418 | function consume(size) {
10419 | input = input.substring(size);
10420 | }
10421 | return function (code) {
10422 | input = code;
10423 | return getAST();
10424 | };
10425 | })();
10426 | function computeLinearGradient(width, height, angle) {
10427 | var rad = deg2rad(angle.value);
10428 | var rx = 0;
10429 | var ry = 0;
10430 | var rcx = rx + width / 2;
10431 | var rcy = ry + height / 2;
10432 |
10433 |
10434 | var length = Math.abs(width * Math.cos(rad)) + Math.abs(height * Math.sin(rad));
10435 | var x1 = rcx - (Math.cos(rad) * length) / 2;
10436 | var y1 = rcy - (Math.sin(rad) * length) / 2;
10437 | var x2 = rcx + (Math.cos(rad) * length) / 2;
10438 | var y2 = rcy + (Math.sin(rad) * length) / 2;
10439 | return { x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2 };
10440 | }
10441 | function computeRadialGradient(width, height, cx, cy, size) {
10442 |
10443 | var x = cx.value;
10444 | var y = cy.value;
10445 |
10446 |
10447 | if (cx.unit === UnitType.kPercentage) {
10448 | x = (cx.value / 100) * width;
10449 | }
10450 | if (cy.unit === UnitType.kPercentage) {
10451 | y = (cy.value / 100) * height;
10452 | }
10453 |
10454 | var r = Math.max(distanceSquareRoot([0, 0], [x, y]), distanceSquareRoot([0, height], [x, y]), distanceSquareRoot([width, height], [x, y]), distanceSquareRoot([width, 0], [x, y]));
10455 | if (size) {
10456 | if (size instanceof CSSUnitValue) {
10457 | r = size.value;
10458 | }
10459 | else if (size instanceof CSSKeywordValue) {
10460 |
10461 | if (size.value === 'closest-side') {
10462 | r = Math.min(x, width - x, y, height - y);
10463 | }
10464 | else if (size.value === 'farthest-side') {
10465 | r = Math.max(x, width - x, y, height - y);
10466 | }
10467 | else if (size.value === 'closest-corner') {
10468 | r = Math.min(distanceSquareRoot([0, 0], [x, y]), distanceSquareRoot([0, height], [x, y]), distanceSquareRoot([width, height], [x, y]), distanceSquareRoot([width, 0], [x, y]));
10469 | }
10470 | }
10471 | }
10472 | return { x: x, y: y, r: r };
10473 | }
10474 |
10475 | var regexLG = /^l\s*\(\s*([\d.]+)\s*\)\s*(.*)/i;
10476 | var regexRG = /^r\s*\(\s*([\d.]+)\s*,\s*([\d.]+)\s*,\s*([\d.]+)\s*\)\s*(.*)/i;
10477 | var regexPR = /^p\s*\(\s*([axyn])\s*\)\s*(.*)/i;
10478 | var regexColorStop = /[\d.]+:(#[^\s]+|[^\)]+\))/gi;
10479 | function spaceColorStops(colorStops) {
10480 | var _a, _b, _c;
10481 | var length = colorStops.length;
10482 | colorStops[length - 1].length = (_a = colorStops[length - 1].length) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {
10483 | type: '%',
10484 | value: '100',
10485 | };
10486 | if (length > 1) {
10487 | colorStops[0].length = (_b = colorStops[0].length) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {
10488 | type: '%',
10489 | value: '0',
10490 | };
10491 | }
10492 | var previousIndex = 0;
10493 | var previousOffset = Number(colorStops[0].length.value);
10494 | for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
10495 |
10496 | var offset = (_c = colorStops[i].length) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.value;
10497 | if (!isNil(offset) && !isNil(previousOffset)) {
10498 | for (var j = 1; j < i - previousIndex; j++)
10499 | colorStops[previousIndex + j].length = {
10500 | type: '%',
10501 | value: "".concat(previousOffset +
10502 | ((Number(offset) - previousOffset) * j) / (i - previousIndex)),
10503 | };
10504 | previousIndex = i;
10505 | previousOffset = Number(offset);
10506 | }
10507 | }
10508 | }
10509 |
10510 |
10511 | var SideOrCornerToDegMap = {
10512 | left: 270 - 90,
10513 | top: 0 - 90,
10514 | bottom: 180 - 90,
10515 | right: 90 - 90,
10516 | 'left top': 315 - 90,
10517 | 'top left': 315 - 90,
10518 | 'left bottom': 225 - 90,
10519 | 'bottom left': 225 - 90,
10520 | 'right top': 45 - 90,
10521 | 'top right': 45 - 90,
10522 | 'right bottom': 135 - 90,
10523 | 'bottom right': 135 - 90,
10524 | };
10525 | var angleToDeg = memoize(function (orientation) {
10526 | var angle;
10527 | if (orientation.type === 'angular') {
10528 | angle = Number(orientation.value);
10529 | }
10530 | else {
10531 | angle = SideOrCornerToDegMap[orientation.value] || 0;
10532 | }
10533 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(angle, 'deg');
10534 | });
10535 | var positonToCSSUnitValue = memoize(function (position) {
10536 | var cx = 50;
10537 | var cy = 50;
10538 | var unitX = '%';
10539 | var unitY = '%';
10540 | if ((position === null || position === void 0 ? void 0 : position.type) === 'position') {
10541 | var _a = position.value, x = _a.x, y = _a.y;
10542 | if ((x === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.type) === 'position-keyword') {
10543 | if (x.value === 'left') {
10544 | cx = 0;
10545 | }
10546 | else if (x.value === 'center') {
10547 | cx = 50;
10548 | }
10549 | else if (x.value === 'right') {
10550 | cx = 100;
10551 | }
10552 | else if (x.value === 'top') {
10553 | cy = 0;
10554 | }
10555 | else if (x.value === 'bottom') {
10556 | cy = 100;
10557 | }
10558 | }
10559 | if ((y === null || y === void 0 ? void 0 : y.type) === 'position-keyword') {
10560 | if (y.value === 'left') {
10561 | cx = 0;
10562 | }
10563 | else if (y.value === 'center') {
10564 | cy = 50;
10565 | }
10566 | else if (y.value === 'right') {
10567 | cx = 100;
10568 | }
10569 | else if (y.value === 'top') {
10570 | cy = 0;
10571 | }
10572 | else if (y.value === 'bottom') {
10573 | cy = 100;
10574 | }
10575 | }
10576 | if ((x === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.type) === 'px' || (x === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.type) === '%' || (x === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.type) === 'em') {
10577 | unitX = x === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.type;
10578 | cx = Number(x.value);
10579 | }
10580 | if ((y === null || y === void 0 ? void 0 : y.type) === 'px' || (y === null || y === void 0 ? void 0 : y.type) === '%' || (y === null || y === void 0 ? void 0 : y.type) === 'em') {
10581 | unitY = y === null || y === void 0 ? void 0 : y.type;
10582 | cy = Number(y.value);
10583 | }
10584 | }
10585 | return {
10586 | cx: getOrCreateUnitValue(cx, unitX),
10587 | cy: getOrCreateUnitValue(cy, unitY),
10588 | };
10589 | });
10590 | var parseGradient = memoize(function (colorStr) {
10591 | var _a;
10592 | if (colorStr.indexOf('linear') > -1 || colorStr.indexOf('radial') > -1) {
10593 | var ast = parseGradient$1(colorStr);
10594 | return ast.map(function (_a) {
10595 | var type = _a.type, orientation = _a.orientation, colorStops = _a.colorStops;
10596 | spaceColorStops(colorStops);
10597 | var steps = colorStops.map(function (colorStop) {
10598 |
10599 | return {
10600 | offset: getOrCreateUnitValue(Number(colorStop.length.value), '%'),
10601 | color: colorStopToString(colorStop),
10602 | };
10603 | });
10604 | if (type === 'linear-gradient') {
10605 | return new CSSGradientValue(GradientType.LinearGradient, {
10606 | angle: orientation
10607 | ? angleToDeg(orientation)
10608 | : Odeg,
10609 | steps: steps,
10610 | });
10611 | }
10612 | else if (type === 'radial-gradient') {
10613 | if (!orientation) {
10614 | orientation = [
10615 | {
10616 | type: 'shape',
10617 | value: 'circle',
10618 | },
10619 | ];
10620 | }
10621 | if (orientation[0].type === 'shape' &&
10622 | orientation[0].value === 'circle') {
10623 | var _b = positonToCSSUnitValue(orientation[0].at), cx = _b.cx, cy = _b.cy;
10624 | var size = void 0;
10625 | if (orientation[0].style) {
10626 | var _c = orientation[0].style, type_1 = _c.type, value = _c.value;
10627 | if (type_1 === 'extent-keyword') {
10628 | size = getOrCreateKeyword(value);
10629 | }
10630 | else {
10631 | size = getOrCreateUnitValue(value, type_1);
10632 | }
10633 | }
10634 | return new CSSGradientValue(GradientType.RadialGradient, {
10635 | cx: cx,
10636 | cy: cy,
10637 | size: size,
10638 | steps: steps,
10639 | });
10640 | }
10641 |
10642 |
10643 |
10644 |
10645 | }
10646 | });
10647 | }
10648 |
10649 | var type = colorStr[0];
10650 | if (colorStr[1] === '(' || colorStr[2] === '(') {
10651 | if (type === 'l') {
10652 | var arr = regexLG.exec(colorStr);
10653 | if (arr) {
10654 | var steps = ((_a = arr[2].match(regexColorStop)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map(function (stop) { return stop.split(':'); })) || [];
10655 | return [
10656 | new CSSGradientValue(GradientType.LinearGradient, {
10657 | angle: getOrCreateUnitValue(parseFloat(arr[1]), 'deg'),
10658 | steps: steps.map(function (_a) {
10659 | var _b = __read(_a, 2), offset = _b[0], color = _b[1];
10660 | return ({
10661 | offset: getOrCreateUnitValue(Number(offset) * 100, '%'),
10662 | color: color,
10663 | });
10664 | }),
10665 | }),
10666 | ];
10667 | }
10668 | }
10669 | else if (type === 'r') {
10670 | var parsedRadialGradient = parseRadialGradient(colorStr);
10671 | if (parsedRadialGradient) {
10672 | if (isString(parsedRadialGradient)) {
10673 | colorStr = parsedRadialGradient;
10674 | }
10675 | else {
10676 | return [
10677 | new CSSGradientValue(GradientType.RadialGradient, parsedRadialGradient),
10678 | ];
10679 | }
10680 | }
10681 | }
10682 | else if (type === 'p') {
10683 | return parsePattern(colorStr);
10684 | }
10685 | }
10686 | });
10687 | function parseRadialGradient(gradientStr) {
10688 | var _a;
10689 | var arr = regexRG.exec(gradientStr);
10690 | if (arr) {
10691 | var steps = ((_a = arr[4].match(regexColorStop)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map(function (stop) { return stop.split(':'); })) || [];
10692 | return {
10693 | cx: getOrCreateUnitValue(50, '%'),
10694 | cy: getOrCreateUnitValue(50, '%'),
10695 | steps: steps.map(function (_a) {
10696 | var _b = __read(_a, 2), offset = _b[0], color = _b[1];
10697 | return ({
10698 | offset: getOrCreateUnitValue(Number(offset) * 100, '%'),
10699 | color: color,
10700 | });
10701 | }),
10702 | };
10703 | }
10704 | return null;
10705 | }
10706 | function parsePattern(patternStr) {
10707 | var arr = regexPR.exec(patternStr);
10708 | if (arr) {
10709 | var repetition = arr[1];
10710 | var src = arr[2];
10711 | switch (repetition) {
10712 | case 'a':
10713 | repetition = 'repeat';
10714 | break;
10715 | case 'x':
10716 | repetition = 'repeat-x';
10717 | break;
10718 | case 'y':
10719 | repetition = 'repeat-y';
10720 | break;
10721 | case 'n':
10722 | repetition = 'no-repeat';
10723 | break;
10724 | default:
10725 | repetition = 'no-repeat';
10726 | }
10727 | return {
10728 | image: src,
10729 |
10730 | repetition: repetition,
10731 | };
10732 | }
10733 | return null;
10734 | }
10735 | function isPattern(object) {
10736 | return object && !!object.image;
10737 | }
10738 | function isCSSRGB(object) {
10739 | return (object &&
10740 | !isNil(object.r) &&
10741 | !isNil(object.g) &&
10742 | !isNil(object.b));
10743 | }
10744 | |
10745 |
10746 |
10747 | var parseColor = memoize(function (colorStr) {
10748 | if (isPattern(colorStr)) {
10749 | return __assign({ repetition: 'repeat' }, colorStr);
10750 | }
10751 | if (isNil(colorStr)) {
10752 | colorStr = '';
10753 | }
10754 | if (colorStr === 'transparent') {
10755 |
10756 | return transparentColor;
10757 | }
10758 | else if (colorStr === 'currentColor') {
10759 |
10760 | colorStr = 'black';
10761 | }
10762 |
10763 | var g = parseGradient(colorStr);
10764 | if (g) {
10765 | return g;
10766 | }
10767 |
10768 | var color$1 = color(colorStr);
10769 | var rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0];
10770 | if (color$1 !== null) {
10771 | rgba[0] = color$1.r || 0;
10772 | rgba[1] = color$1.g || 0;
10773 | rgba[2] = color$1.b || 0;
10774 | rgba[3] = color$1.opacity;
10775 | }
10776 |
10777 | return getOrCreateRGBA.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(rgba), false));
10778 | });
10779 | function mergeColors(left, right) {
10780 |
10781 | if (!isCSSRGB(left) || !isCSSRGB(right)) {
10782 | return;
10783 | }
10784 | return [
10785 | [Number(left.r), Number(left.g), Number(left.b), Number(left.alpha)],
10786 | [Number(right.r), Number(right.g), Number(right.b), Number(right.alpha)],
10787 | function (color) {
10788 | var rgba = color.slice();
10789 | if (rgba[3]) {
10790 | for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
10791 | rgba[i] = Math.round(clamp(rgba[i], 0, 255));
10792 | }
10793 | rgba[3] = clamp(rgba[3], 0, 1);
10794 | return "rgba(".concat(rgba.join(','), ")");
10795 | },
10796 | ];
10797 | }
10798 |
10799 | function parseDimension(unitRegExp, string) {
10800 | if (isNil(string)) {
10801 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(0, 'px');
10802 | }
10803 | string = "".concat(string).trim().toLowerCase();
10804 | if (isFinite(Number(string))) {
10805 | if ('px'.search(unitRegExp) >= 0) {
10806 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(Number(string), 'px');
10807 | }
10808 | else if ('deg'.search(unitRegExp) >= 0) {
10809 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(Number(string), 'deg');
10810 | }
10811 | }
10812 | var matchedUnits = [];
10813 | string = string.replace(unitRegExp, function (match) {
10814 | matchedUnits.push(match);
10815 | return 'U' + match;
10816 | });
10817 | var taggedUnitRegExp = 'U(' + unitRegExp.source + ')';
10818 | return matchedUnits.map(function (unit) {
10819 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(Number(string
10820 | .replace(new RegExp('U' + unit, 'g'), '')
10821 | .replace(new RegExp(taggedUnitRegExp, 'g'), '*0')), unit);
10822 | })[0];
10823 | }
10824 | |
10825 |
10826 |
10827 |
10828 |
10829 | var parseLengthUnmemoize = function (css) {
10830 | return parseDimension(new RegExp('px', 'g'), css);
10831 | };
10832 | var parseLength = memoize(parseLengthUnmemoize);
10833 | |
10834 |
10835 |
10836 |
10837 | var parserPercentageUnmemoize = function (css) {
10838 | return parseDimension(new RegExp('%', 'g'), css);
10839 | };
10840 | memoize(parserPercentageUnmemoize);
10841 | |
10842 |
10843 |
10844 |
10845 |
10846 |
10847 | var parseLengthOrPercentageUnmemoize = function (css) {
10848 | if (isNumber(css) || isFinite(Number(css))) {
10849 |
10850 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(Number(css) || 0, 'px');
10851 |
10852 | }
10853 | return parseDimension(new RegExp('px|%|em|rem', 'g'), css);
10854 | };
10855 | var parseLengthOrPercentage = memoize(parseLengthOrPercentageUnmemoize);
10856 | var parseAngleUnmemoize = function (css) {
10857 | return parseDimension(new RegExp('deg|rad|grad|turn', 'g'), css);
10858 | };
10859 | var parseAngle = memoize(parseAngleUnmemoize);
10860 | |
10861 |
10862 |
10863 |
10864 |
10865 |
10866 |
10867 |
10868 | function mergeDimensions(left, right, target, nonNegative, index) {
10869 | if (index === void 0) { index = 0; }
10870 | var unit = '';
10871 | var leftValue = left.value || 0;
10872 | var rightValue = right.value || 0;
10873 | var canonicalUnit = toCanonicalUnit(left.unit);
10874 | var leftCanonicalUnitValue = left.convertTo(canonicalUnit);
10875 | var rightCanonicalUnitValue = right.convertTo(canonicalUnit);
10876 | if (leftCanonicalUnitValue && rightCanonicalUnitValue) {
10877 | leftValue = leftCanonicalUnitValue.value;
10878 | rightValue = rightCanonicalUnitValue.value;
10879 | unit = unitTypeToString(left.unit);
10880 | }
10881 | else {
10882 |
10883 | if (CSSUnitValue.isLength(left.unit) || CSSUnitValue.isLength(right.unit)) {
10884 | leftValue = convertPercentUnit(left, index, target);
10885 | rightValue = convertPercentUnit(right, index, target);
10886 | unit = 'px';
10887 | }
10888 | }
10889 |
10890 |
10891 |
10892 |
10893 |
10894 |
10895 | return [
10896 | leftValue,
10897 | rightValue,
10898 | function (value) {
10899 | if (nonNegative) {
10900 | value = Math.max(value, 0);
10901 | }
10902 | return value + unit;
10903 | },
10904 | ];
10905 | }
10906 | function convertAngleUnit(value) {
10907 | var deg = 0;
10908 | if (value.unit === UnitType.kDegrees) {
10909 | deg = value.value;
10910 | }
10911 | else if (value.unit === UnitType.kRadians) {
10912 | deg = rad2deg(Number(value.value));
10913 | }
10914 | else if (value.unit === UnitType.kTurns) {
10915 | deg = turn2deg(Number(value.value));
10916 | }
10917 | return deg;
10918 | }
10919 | function parseDimensionArrayFormat(string, size) {
10920 | var parsed;
10921 | if (Array.isArray(string)) {
10922 |
10923 | parsed = string.map(function (segment) { return Number(segment); });
10924 | }
10925 | else if (isString(string)) {
10926 | parsed = string.split(' ').map(function (segment) { return Number(segment); });
10927 | }
10928 | else if (isNumber(string)) {
10929 | parsed = [string];
10930 | }
10931 | if (size === 2) {
10932 | if (parsed.length === 1) {
10933 | return [parsed[0], parsed[0]];
10934 | }
10935 | else {
10936 | return [parsed[0], parsed[1]];
10937 | }
10938 | }
10939 | else {
10940 | if (parsed.length === 1) {
10941 | return [parsed[0], parsed[0], parsed[0], parsed[0]];
10942 | }
10943 | else if (parsed.length === 2) {
10944 | return [parsed[0], parsed[1], parsed[0], parsed[1]];
10945 | }
10946 | else if (parsed.length === 3) {
10947 | return [parsed[0], parsed[1], parsed[2], parsed[1]];
10948 | }
10949 | else {
10950 | return [parsed[0], parsed[1], parsed[2], parsed[3]];
10951 | }
10952 | }
10953 | }
10954 | function parseDimensionArray(string) {
10955 | if (isString(string)) {
10956 |
10957 | return string.split(' ').map(function (segment) { return parseLengthOrPercentage(segment); });
10958 | }
10959 | else {
10960 |
10961 | return string.map(function (segment) { return parseLengthOrPercentage(segment.toString()); });
10962 | }
10963 | }
10964 |
10965 |
10966 |
10967 |
10968 |
10969 |
10970 |
10971 |
10972 |
10973 |
10974 |
10975 |
10976 |
10977 |
10978 |
10979 |
10980 |
10981 | function convertPercentUnit(valueWithUnit, vec3Index, target) {
10982 | if (valueWithUnit.value === 0) {
10983 | return 0;
10984 | }
10985 | if (valueWithUnit.unit === UnitType.kPixels) {
10986 | return Number(valueWithUnit.value);
10987 | }
10988 | else if (valueWithUnit.unit === UnitType.kPercentage && target) {
10989 | var bounds = target.nodeName === Shape.GROUP
10990 | ? target.getLocalBounds()
10991 | :
10992 | target.geometry.contentBounds;
10993 | return (valueWithUnit.value / 100) * bounds.halfExtents[vec3Index] * 2;
10994 | }
10995 | return 0;
10996 | }
10997 |
10998 | var parseParam = function (css) {
10999 | return parseDimension(/deg|rad|grad|turn|px|%/g, css);
11000 | };
11001 | var supportedFilters = [
11002 | 'blur',
11003 | 'brightness',
11004 | 'drop-shadow',
11005 | 'contrast',
11006 | 'grayscale',
11007 | 'sepia',
11008 | 'saturate',
11009 | 'hue-rotate',
11010 | 'invert',
11011 | ];
11012 | function parseFilter(filterStr) {
11013 | if (filterStr === void 0) { filterStr = ''; }
11014 | filterStr = filterStr.toLowerCase().trim();
11015 | if (filterStr === 'none') {
11016 | return [];
11017 | }
11018 | var filterRegExp = /\s*([\w-]+)\(([^)]*)\)/g;
11019 | var result = [];
11020 | var match;
11021 | var prevLastIndex = 0;
11022 | while ((match = filterRegExp.exec(filterStr))) {
11023 | if (match.index !== prevLastIndex) {
11024 | return [];
11025 | }
11026 | prevLastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
11027 | if (supportedFilters.indexOf(match[1]) > -1) {
11028 | result.push({
11029 | name: match[1],
11030 | params: match[2].split(' ').map(function (p) { return parseParam(p) || parseColor(p); }),
11031 | });
11032 | }
11033 | if (filterRegExp.lastIndex === filterStr.length) {
11034 | return result;
11035 | }
11036 | }
11037 | return [];
11038 | }
11039 |
11040 | function numberToString(x) {
11041 |
11042 |
11043 | return x.toString();
11044 | }
11045 | |
11046 |
11047 |
11048 |
11049 |
11050 |
11051 |
11052 | var parseNumberUnmemoize = function (string) {
11053 | if (typeof string === 'number') {
11054 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(string);
11055 | }
11056 | if (/^\s*[-+]?(\d*\.)?\d+\s*$/.test(string)) {
11057 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(Number(string));
11058 | }
11059 | else {
11060 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(0);
11061 | }
11062 | };
11063 | var parseNumber = memoize(parseNumberUnmemoize);
11064 | memoize(function (string) {
11065 | if (isString(string)) {
11066 | return string.split(' ').map(parseNumber);
11067 | }
11068 | else {
11069 | return string.map(parseNumber);
11070 | }
11071 | });
11072 | function mergeNumbers(left, right) {
11073 | return [left, right, numberToString];
11074 | }
11075 | function clampedMergeNumbers(min, max) {
11076 | return function (left, right) { return [
11077 | left,
11078 | right,
11079 | function (x) { return numberToString(clamp(x, min, max)); },
11080 | ]; };
11081 | }
11082 | function mergeNumberLists(left, right) {
11083 | if (left.length !== right.length) {
11084 | return;
11085 | }
11086 | return [
11087 | left,
11088 | right,
11089 | function (numberList) {
11090 | return numberList;
11091 | },
11092 | ];
11093 | }
11094 |
11095 | function getOrCalculatePathTotalLength(path) {
11096 | if (path.parsedStyle.path.totalLength === 0) {
11097 | path.parsedStyle.path.totalLength = getTotalLength(path.parsedStyle.path.absolutePath);
11098 | }
11099 | return path.parsedStyle.path.totalLength;
11100 | }
11101 | function removeRedundantMCommand(path) {
11102 | for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
11103 | var prevSegment = path[i - 1];
11104 | var segment = path[i];
11105 | var cmd = segment[0];
11106 | if (cmd === 'M') {
11107 | if (prevSegment) {
11108 | var prevCmd = prevSegment[0];
11109 | var srcPoint = [segment[1], segment[2]];
11110 | var destPoint = void 0;
11111 | if (prevCmd === 'L' || prevCmd === 'M') {
11112 | destPoint = [prevSegment[1], prevSegment[2]];
11113 | }
11114 | else if (prevCmd === 'C' || prevCmd === 'A' || prevCmd === 'Q') {
11115 | destPoint = [
11116 | prevSegment[prevSegment.length - 2],
11117 | prevSegment[prevSegment.length - 1],
11118 | ];
11119 | }
11120 | if (destPoint && isSamePoint(srcPoint, destPoint)) {
11121 | path.splice(i, 1);
11122 | i--;
11123 | }
11124 | }
11125 | }
11126 | }
11127 | }
11128 | function hasArcOrBezier(path) {
11129 | var hasArc = false;
11130 | var count = path.length;
11131 | for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
11132 | var params = path[i];
11133 | var cmd = params[0];
11134 | if (cmd === 'C' || cmd === 'A' || cmd === 'Q') {
11135 | hasArc = true;
11136 | break;
11137 | }
11138 | }
11139 | return hasArc;
11140 | }
11141 | function extractPolygons(pathArray) {
11142 | var polygons = [];
11143 | var polylines = [];
11144 | var points = [];
11145 | for (var i = 0; i < pathArray.length; i++) {
11146 | var params = pathArray[i];
11147 | var cmd = params[0];
11148 | if (cmd === 'M') {
11149 |
11150 | if (points.length) {
11151 |
11152 | polylines.push(points);
11153 | points = [];
11154 | }
11155 | points.push([params[1], params[2]]);
11156 | }
11157 | else if (cmd === 'Z') {
11158 | if (points.length) {
11159 |
11160 | polygons.push(points);
11161 | points = [];
11162 | }
11163 |
11164 | }
11165 | else {
11166 | points.push([params[1], params[2]]);
11167 | }
11168 | }
11169 |
11170 |
11171 | if (points.length > 0) {
11172 | polylines.push(points);
11173 | }
11174 | return {
11175 | polygons: polygons,
11176 | polylines: polylines,
11177 | };
11178 | }
11179 | function isSamePoint(point1, point2) {
11180 | return point1[0] === point2[0] && point1[1] === point2[1];
11181 | }
11182 | function getPathBBox(segments, lineWidth) {
11183 | var xArr = [];
11184 | var yArr = [];
11185 | var segmentsWithAngle = [];
11186 | for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
11187 | var segment = segments[i];
11188 | var currentPoint = segment.currentPoint, params = segment.params, prePoint = segment.prePoint;
11189 | var box$1 = void 0;
11190 | switch (segment.command) {
11191 | case 'Q':
11192 | box$1 = box(prePoint[0], prePoint[1], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4]);
11193 | break;
11194 | case 'C':
11195 | box$1 = box$3(prePoint[0], prePoint[1], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], params[6]);
11196 | break;
11197 | case 'A':
11198 | var arcParams = segment.arcParams;
11199 | box$1 = box$5(arcParams.cx, arcParams.cy, arcParams.rx, arcParams.ry, arcParams.xRotation, arcParams.startAngle, arcParams.endAngle);
11200 | break;
11201 | default:
11202 | xArr.push(currentPoint[0]);
11203 | yArr.push(currentPoint[1]);
11204 | break;
11205 | }
11206 | if (box$1) {
11207 | segment.box = box$1;
11208 | xArr.push(box$1.x, box$1.x + box$1.width);
11209 | yArr.push(box$1.y, box$1.y + box$1.height);
11210 | }
11211 | if (lineWidth &&
11212 | (segment.command === 'L' || segment.command === 'M') &&
11213 | segment.prePoint &&
11214 | segment.nextPoint) {
11215 | segmentsWithAngle.push(segment);
11216 | }
11217 | }
11218 |
11219 |
11220 |
11221 | xArr = xArr.filter(function (item) { return !Number.isNaN(item) && item !== Infinity && item !== -Infinity; });
11222 | yArr = yArr.filter(function (item) { return !Number.isNaN(item) && item !== Infinity && item !== -Infinity; });
11223 | var minX = min(xArr);
11224 | var minY = min(yArr);
11225 | var maxX = max(xArr);
11226 | var maxY = max(yArr);
11227 | if (segmentsWithAngle.length === 0) {
11228 | return {
11229 | x: minX,
11230 | y: minY,
11231 | width: maxX - minX,
11232 | height: maxY - minY,
11233 | };
11234 | }
11235 | for (var i = 0; i < segmentsWithAngle.length; i++) {
11236 | var segment = segmentsWithAngle[i];
11237 | var currentPoint = segment.currentPoint;
11238 | var extra = void 0;
11239 | if (currentPoint[0] === minX) {
11240 | extra = getExtraFromSegmentWithAngle(segment, lineWidth);
11241 | minX = minX - extra.xExtra;
11242 | }
11243 | else if (currentPoint[0] === maxX) {
11244 | extra = getExtraFromSegmentWithAngle(segment, lineWidth);
11245 | maxX = maxX + extra.xExtra;
11246 | }
11247 | if (currentPoint[1] === minY) {
11248 | extra = getExtraFromSegmentWithAngle(segment, lineWidth);
11249 | minY = minY - extra.yExtra;
11250 | }
11251 | else if (currentPoint[1] === maxY) {
11252 | extra = getExtraFromSegmentWithAngle(segment, lineWidth);
11253 | maxY = maxY + extra.yExtra;
11254 | }
11255 | }
11256 | return {
11257 | x: minX,
11258 | y: minY,
11259 | width: maxX - minX,
11260 | height: maxY - minY,
11261 | };
11262 | }
11263 | function getExtraFromSegmentWithAngle(segment, lineWidth) {
11264 | var prePoint = segment.prePoint, currentPoint = segment.currentPoint, nextPoint = segment.nextPoint;
11265 | var currentAndPre = Math.pow(currentPoint[0] - prePoint[0], 2) +
11266 | Math.pow(currentPoint[1] - prePoint[1], 2);
11267 | var currentAndNext = Math.pow(currentPoint[0] - nextPoint[0], 2) +
11268 | Math.pow(currentPoint[1] - nextPoint[1], 2);
11269 | var preAndNext = Math.pow(prePoint[0] - nextPoint[0], 2) +
11270 | Math.pow(prePoint[1] - nextPoint[1], 2);
11271 |
11272 | var currentAngle = Math.acos((currentAndPre + currentAndNext - preAndNext) /
11273 | (2 * Math.sqrt(currentAndPre) * Math.sqrt(currentAndNext)));
11274 |
11275 |
11276 | if (!currentAngle ||
11277 | Math.sin(currentAngle) === 0 ||
11278 | isNumberEqual(currentAngle, 0)) {
11279 | return {
11280 | xExtra: 0,
11281 | yExtra: 0,
11282 | };
11283 | }
11284 | var xAngle = Math.abs(Math.atan2(nextPoint[1] - currentPoint[1], nextPoint[0] - currentPoint[0]));
11285 | var yAngle = Math.abs(Math.atan2(nextPoint[0] - currentPoint[0], nextPoint[1] - currentPoint[1]));
11286 |
11287 | xAngle = xAngle > Math.PI / 2 ? Math.PI - xAngle : xAngle;
11288 | yAngle = yAngle > Math.PI / 2 ? Math.PI - yAngle : yAngle;
11289 |
11290 |
11291 | var extra = {
11292 |
11293 | xExtra: Math.cos(currentAngle / 2 - xAngle) *
11294 | ((lineWidth / 2) * (1 / Math.sin(currentAngle / 2))) -
11295 | lineWidth / 2 || 0,
11296 |
11297 | yExtra: Math.cos(yAngle - currentAngle / 2) *
11298 | ((lineWidth / 2) * (1 / Math.sin(currentAngle / 2))) -
11299 | lineWidth / 2 || 0,
11300 | };
11301 | return extra;
11302 | }
11303 |
11304 | function toSymmetry(point, center) {
11305 | return [
11306 | center[0] + (center[0] - point[0]),
11307 | center[1] + (center[1] - point[1]),
11308 | ];
11309 | }
11310 | var angleBetween$1 = function (v0, v1) {
11311 | var p = v0.x * v1.x + v0.y * v1.y;
11312 | var n = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(v0.x, 2) + Math.pow(v0.y, 2)) *
11313 | (Math.pow(v1.x, 2) + Math.pow(v1.y, 2)));
11314 | var sign = v0.x * v1.y - v0.y * v1.x < 0 ? -1 : 1;
11315 | var angle = sign * Math.acos(p / n);
11316 | return angle;
11317 | };
11318 | |
11319 |
11320 |
11321 | var pointOnEllipticalArc = function (p0, rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, p1, t) {
11322 |
11323 | rx = Math.abs(rx);
11324 | ry = Math.abs(ry);
11325 | xAxisRotation = mod(xAxisRotation, 360);
11326 | var xAxisRotationRadians = deg2rad(xAxisRotation);
11327 |
11328 | if (p0.x === p1.x && p0.y === p1.y) {
11329 | return { x: p0.x, y: p0.y, ellipticalArcAngle: 0 };
11330 | }
11331 |
11332 | if (rx === 0 || ry === 0) {
11333 |
11334 | return { x: 0, y: 0, ellipticalArcAngle: 0 };
11335 | }
11336 |
11337 |
11338 |
11339 | var dx = (p0.x - p1.x) / 2;
11340 | var dy = (p0.y - p1.y) / 2;
11341 | var transformedPoint = {
11342 | x: Math.cos(xAxisRotationRadians) * dx + Math.sin(xAxisRotationRadians) * dy,
11343 | y: -Math.sin(xAxisRotationRadians) * dx +
11344 | Math.cos(xAxisRotationRadians) * dy,
11345 | };
11346 |
11347 | var radiiCheck = Math.pow(transformedPoint.x, 2) / Math.pow(rx, 2) +
11348 | Math.pow(transformedPoint.y, 2) / Math.pow(ry, 2);
11349 | if (radiiCheck > 1) {
11350 | rx = Math.sqrt(radiiCheck) * rx;
11351 | ry = Math.sqrt(radiiCheck) * ry;
11352 | }
11353 |
11354 | var cSquareNumerator = Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(ry, 2) -
11355 | Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(transformedPoint.y, 2) -
11356 | Math.pow(ry, 2) * Math.pow(transformedPoint.x, 2);
11357 | var cSquareRootDenom = Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(transformedPoint.y, 2) +
11358 | Math.pow(ry, 2) * Math.pow(transformedPoint.x, 2);
11359 | var cRadicand = cSquareNumerator / cSquareRootDenom;
11360 |
11361 | cRadicand = cRadicand < 0 ? 0 : cRadicand;
11362 | var cCoef = (largeArcFlag !== sweepFlag ? 1 : -1) * Math.sqrt(cRadicand);
11363 | var transformedCenter = {
11364 | x: cCoef * ((rx * transformedPoint.y) / ry),
11365 | y: cCoef * (-(ry * transformedPoint.x) / rx),
11366 | };
11367 |
11368 | var center = {
11369 | x: Math.cos(xAxisRotationRadians) * transformedCenter.x -
11370 | Math.sin(xAxisRotationRadians) * transformedCenter.y +
11371 | (p0.x + p1.x) / 2,
11372 | y: Math.sin(xAxisRotationRadians) * transformedCenter.x +
11373 | Math.cos(xAxisRotationRadians) * transformedCenter.y +
11374 | (p0.y + p1.y) / 2,
11375 | };
11376 |
11377 |
11378 |
11379 | var startVector = {
11380 | x: (transformedPoint.x - transformedCenter.x) / rx,
11381 | y: (transformedPoint.y - transformedCenter.y) / ry,
11382 | };
11383 | var startAngle = angleBetween$1({
11384 | x: 1,
11385 | y: 0,
11386 | }, startVector);
11387 | var endVector = {
11388 | x: (-transformedPoint.x - transformedCenter.x) / rx,
11389 | y: (-transformedPoint.y - transformedCenter.y) / ry,
11390 | };
11391 | var sweepAngle = angleBetween$1(startVector, endVector);
11392 | if (!sweepFlag && sweepAngle > 0) {
11393 | sweepAngle -= 2 * Math.PI;
11394 | }
11395 | else if (sweepFlag && sweepAngle < 0) {
11396 | sweepAngle += 2 * Math.PI;
11397 | }
11398 |
11399 | sweepAngle %= 2 * Math.PI;
11400 |
11401 | var angle = startAngle + sweepAngle * t;
11402 | var ellipseComponentX = rx * Math.cos(angle);
11403 | var ellipseComponentY = ry * Math.sin(angle);
11404 | var point = {
11405 | x: Math.cos(xAxisRotationRadians) * ellipseComponentX -
11406 | Math.sin(xAxisRotationRadians) * ellipseComponentY +
11407 | center.x,
11408 | y: Math.sin(xAxisRotationRadians) * ellipseComponentX +
11409 | Math.cos(xAxisRotationRadians) * ellipseComponentY +
11410 | center.y,
11411 | ellipticalArcStartAngle: startAngle,
11412 | ellipticalArcEndAngle: startAngle + sweepAngle,
11413 | ellipticalArcAngle: angle,
11414 | ellipticalArcCenter: center,
11415 | resultantRx: rx,
11416 | resultantRy: ry,
11417 | };
11418 | return point;
11419 | };
11420 | function path2Segments(path) {
11421 | var segments = [];
11422 | var currentPoint = null;
11423 | var nextParams = null;
11424 | var startMovePoint = null;
11425 | var lastStartMovePointIndex = 0;
11426 | var count = path.length;
11427 | for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
11428 | var params = path[i];
11429 | nextParams = path[i + 1];
11430 | var command = params[0];
11431 |
11432 | var segment = {
11433 | command: command,
11434 | prePoint: currentPoint,
11435 | params: params,
11436 | startTangent: null,
11437 | endTangent: null,
11438 | currentPoint: null,
11439 | nextPoint: null,
11440 | arcParams: null,
11441 | box: null,
11442 | cubicParams: null,
11443 | };
11444 | switch (command) {
11445 | case 'M':
11446 | startMovePoint = [params[1], params[2]];
11447 | lastStartMovePointIndex = i;
11448 | break;
11449 | case 'A':
11450 | var arcParams = getArcParams(currentPoint, params);
11451 | segment.arcParams = arcParams;
11452 | break;
11453 | }
11454 | if (command === 'Z') {
11455 |
11456 | currentPoint = startMovePoint;
11457 |
11458 | nextParams = path[lastStartMovePointIndex + 1];
11459 | }
11460 | else {
11461 | var len = params.length;
11462 | currentPoint = [params[len - 2], params[len - 1]];
11463 | }
11464 | if (nextParams && nextParams[0] === 'Z') {
11465 |
11466 | nextParams = path[lastStartMovePointIndex];
11467 | if (segments[lastStartMovePointIndex]) {
11468 |
11469 | segments[lastStartMovePointIndex].prePoint = currentPoint;
11470 | }
11471 | }
11472 | segment.currentPoint = currentPoint;
11473 |
11474 | if (segments[lastStartMovePointIndex] &&
11475 | isSamePoint(currentPoint, segments[lastStartMovePointIndex].currentPoint)) {
11476 | segments[lastStartMovePointIndex].prePoint = segment.prePoint;
11477 | }
11478 | var nextPoint = nextParams
11479 | ? [nextParams[nextParams.length - 2], nextParams[nextParams.length - 1]]
11480 | : null;
11481 | segment.nextPoint = nextPoint;
11482 |
11483 | var prePoint = segment.prePoint;
11484 | if (['L', 'H', 'V'].includes(command)) {
11485 | segment.startTangent = [
11486 | prePoint[0] - currentPoint[0],
11487 | prePoint[1] - currentPoint[1],
11488 | ];
11489 | segment.endTangent = [
11490 | currentPoint[0] - prePoint[0],
11491 | currentPoint[1] - prePoint[1],
11492 | ];
11493 | }
11494 | else if (command === 'Q') {
11495 |
11496 | var cp = [params[1], params[2]];
11497 |
11498 | segment.startTangent = [prePoint[0] - cp[0], prePoint[1] - cp[1]];
11499 | segment.endTangent = [currentPoint[0] - cp[0], currentPoint[1] - cp[1]];
11500 | }
11501 | else if (command === 'T') {
11502 | var preSegment = segments[i - 1];
11503 | var cp = toSymmetry(preSegment.currentPoint, prePoint);
11504 | if (preSegment.command === 'Q') {
11505 | segment.command = 'Q';
11506 | segment.startTangent = [prePoint[0] - cp[0], prePoint[1] - cp[1]];
11507 | segment.endTangent = [currentPoint[0] - cp[0], currentPoint[1] - cp[1]];
11508 | }
11509 | else {
11510 |
11511 | segment.command = 'TL';
11512 | segment.startTangent = [
11513 | prePoint[0] - currentPoint[0],
11514 | prePoint[1] - currentPoint[1],
11515 | ];
11516 | segment.endTangent = [
11517 | currentPoint[0] - prePoint[0],
11518 | currentPoint[1] - prePoint[1],
11519 | ];
11520 | }
11521 | }
11522 | else if (command === 'C') {
11523 |
11524 | var cp1 = [params[1], params[2]];
11525 | var cp2 = [params[3], params[4]];
11526 | segment.startTangent = [prePoint[0] - cp1[0], prePoint[1] - cp1[1]];
11527 | segment.endTangent = [currentPoint[0] - cp2[0], currentPoint[1] - cp2[1]];
11528 |
11529 | if (segment.startTangent[0] === 0 && segment.startTangent[1] === 0) {
11530 | segment.startTangent = [cp1[0] - cp2[0], cp1[1] - cp2[1]];
11531 | }
11532 | if (segment.endTangent[0] === 0 && segment.endTangent[1] === 0) {
11533 | segment.endTangent = [cp2[0] - cp1[0], cp2[1] - cp1[1]];
11534 | }
11535 | }
11536 | else if (command === 'S') {
11537 | var preSegment = segments[i - 1];
11538 | var cp1 = toSymmetry(preSegment.currentPoint, prePoint);
11539 | var cp2 = [params[1], params[2]];
11540 | if (preSegment.command === 'C') {
11541 | segment.command = 'C';
11542 | segment.startTangent = [prePoint[0] - cp1[0], prePoint[1] - cp1[1]];
11543 | segment.endTangent = [
11544 | currentPoint[0] - cp2[0],
11545 | currentPoint[1] - cp2[1],
11546 | ];
11547 | }
11548 | else {
11549 |
11550 | segment.command = 'SQ';
11551 | segment.startTangent = [prePoint[0] - cp2[0], prePoint[1] - cp2[1]];
11552 | segment.endTangent = [
11553 | currentPoint[0] - cp2[0],
11554 | currentPoint[1] - cp2[1],
11555 | ];
11556 | }
11557 | }
11558 | else if (command === 'A') {
11559 | var _a = getTangentAtRatio(segment, 0), dx1 = _a.x, dy1 = _a.y;
11560 | var _b = getTangentAtRatio(segment, 1, false), dx2 = _b.x, dy2 = _b.y;
11561 | segment.startTangent = [dx1, dy1];
11562 | segment.endTangent = [dx2, dy2];
11563 | }
11564 | segments.push(segment);
11565 | }
11566 | return segments;
11567 | }
11568 | |
11569 |
11570 |
11571 | function getTangentAtRatio(segment, ratio, sign) {
11572 | if (sign === void 0) { sign = true; }
11573 | var _a = segment.arcParams, _b = _a.rx, rx = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.ry, ry = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, xRotation = _a.xRotation, arcFlag = _a.arcFlag, sweepFlag = _a.sweepFlag;
11574 | var p1 = pointOnEllipticalArc({ x: segment.prePoint[0], y: segment.prePoint[1] }, rx, ry, xRotation, !!arcFlag, !!sweepFlag, { x: segment.currentPoint[0], y: segment.currentPoint[1] }, ratio);
11575 | var p2 = pointOnEllipticalArc({ x: segment.prePoint[0], y: segment.prePoint[1] }, rx, ry, xRotation, !!arcFlag, !!sweepFlag, { x: segment.currentPoint[0], y: segment.currentPoint[1] }, sign ? ratio + 0.005 : ratio - 0.005);
11576 | var xDist = p2.x - p1.x;
11577 | var yDist = p2.y - p1.y;
11578 | var dist = Math.sqrt(xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist);
11579 | return { x: -xDist / dist, y: -yDist / dist };
11580 | }
11581 |
11582 | function vMag(v) {
11583 | return Math.sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]);
11584 | }
11585 |
11586 | function vRatio(u, v) {
11587 |
11588 | return vMag(u) * vMag(v)
11589 | ? (u[0] * v[0] + u[1] * v[1]) / (vMag(u) * vMag(v))
11590 | : 1;
11591 | }
11592 |
11593 | function vAngle(u, v) {
11594 | return (u[0] * v[1] < u[1] * v[0] ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(vRatio(u, v));
11595 | }
11596 | function getArcParams(startPoint, params) {
11597 | var rx = params[1];
11598 | var ry = params[2];
11599 | var xRotation = mod(deg2rad(params[3]), Math.PI * 2);
11600 | var arcFlag = params[4];
11601 | var sweepFlag = params[5];
11602 |
11603 | var x1 = startPoint[0];
11604 | var y1 = startPoint[1];
11605 |
11606 | var x2 = params[6];
11607 | var y2 = params[7];
11608 | var xp = (Math.cos(xRotation) * (x1 - x2)) / 2.0 +
11609 | (Math.sin(xRotation) * (y1 - y2)) / 2.0;
11610 | var yp = (-1 * Math.sin(xRotation) * (x1 - x2)) / 2.0 +
11611 | (Math.cos(xRotation) * (y1 - y2)) / 2.0;
11612 | var lambda = (xp * xp) / (rx * rx) + (yp * yp) / (ry * ry);
11613 | if (lambda > 1) {
11614 | rx *= Math.sqrt(lambda);
11615 | ry *= Math.sqrt(lambda);
11616 | }
11617 | var diff = rx * rx * (yp * yp) + ry * ry * (xp * xp);
11618 | var f = diff ? Math.sqrt((rx * rx * (ry * ry) - diff) / diff) : 1;
11619 | if (arcFlag === sweepFlag) {
11620 | f *= -1;
11621 | }
11622 | if (isNaN(f)) {
11623 | f = 0;
11624 | }
11625 |
11626 | var cxp = ry ? (f * rx * yp) / ry : 0;
11627 | var cyp = rx ? (f * -ry * xp) / rx : 0;
11628 |
11629 | var cx = (x1 + x2) / 2.0 + Math.cos(xRotation) * cxp - Math.sin(xRotation) * cyp;
11630 | var cy = (y1 + y2) / 2.0 + Math.sin(xRotation) * cxp + Math.cos(xRotation) * cyp;
11631 |
11632 | var u = [(xp - cxp) / rx, (yp - cyp) / ry];
11633 |
11634 | var v = [(-1 * xp - cxp) / rx, (-1 * yp - cyp) / ry];
11635 |
11636 | var theta = vAngle([1, 0], u);
11637 |
11638 | var dTheta = vAngle(u, v);
11639 | if (vRatio(u, v) <= -1) {
11640 | dTheta = Math.PI;
11641 | }
11642 | if (vRatio(u, v) >= 1) {
11643 | dTheta = 0;
11644 | }
11645 | if (sweepFlag === 0 && dTheta > 0) {
11646 | dTheta = dTheta - 2 * Math.PI;
11647 | }
11648 | if (sweepFlag === 1 && dTheta < 0) {
11649 | dTheta = dTheta + 2 * Math.PI;
11650 | }
11651 | return {
11652 | cx: cx,
11653 | cy: cy,
11654 |
11655 | rx: isSamePoint(startPoint, [x2, y2]) ? 0 : rx,
11656 | ry: isSamePoint(startPoint, [x2, y2]) ? 0 : ry,
11657 | startAngle: theta,
11658 | endAngle: theta + dTheta,
11659 | xRotation: xRotation,
11660 | arcFlag: arcFlag,
11661 | sweepFlag: sweepFlag,
11662 | };
11663 | }
11664 | function commandsToPathString(commands, object, transform) {
11665 | var _a = object.parsedStyle, _b = _a.defX, defX = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.defY, defY = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c;
11666 | return commands.reduce(function (prev, cur) {
11667 | var path = '';
11668 | if (cur[0] === 'M' || cur[0] === 'L') {
11669 | var p = fromValues$2(cur[1] - defX, cur[2] - defY, 0);
11670 | if (transform) {
11671 | transformMat4(p, p, transform);
11672 | }
11673 | path = "".concat(cur[0]).concat(p[0], ",").concat(p[1]);
11674 | }
11675 | else if (cur[0] === 'Z') {
11676 | path = cur[0];
11677 | }
11678 | else if (cur[0] === 'C') {
11679 | var p1 = fromValues$2(cur[1] - defX, cur[2] - defY, 0);
11680 | var p2 = fromValues$2(cur[3] - defX, cur[4] - defY, 0);
11681 | var p3 = fromValues$2(cur[5] - defX, cur[6] - defY, 0);
11682 | if (transform) {
11683 | transformMat4(p1, p1, transform);
11684 | transformMat4(p2, p2, transform);
11685 | transformMat4(p3, p3, transform);
11686 | }
11687 | path = "".concat(cur[0]).concat(p1[0], ",").concat(p1[1], ",").concat(p2[0], ",").concat(p2[1], ",").concat(p3[0], ",").concat(p3[1]);
11688 | }
11689 | else if (cur[0] === 'A') {
11690 | var c = fromValues$2(cur[6] - defX, cur[7] - defY, 0);
11691 | if (transform) {
11692 | transformMat4(c, c, transform);
11693 | }
11694 | path = "".concat(cur[0]).concat(cur[1], ",").concat(cur[2], ",").concat(cur[3], ",").concat(cur[4], ",").concat(cur[5], ",").concat(c[0], ",").concat(c[1]);
11695 | }
11696 | else if (cur[0] === 'Q') {
11697 | var p1 = fromValues$2(cur[1] - defX, cur[2] - defY, 0);
11698 | var p2 = fromValues$2(cur[3] - defX, cur[4] - defY, 0);
11699 | if (transform) {
11700 | transformMat4(p1, p1, transform);
11701 | transformMat4(p2, p2, transform);
11702 | }
11703 | path = "".concat(cur[0]).concat(cur[1], ",").concat(cur[2], ",").concat(cur[3], ",").concat(cur[4], "}");
11704 | }
11705 | return (prev += path);
11706 | }, '');
11707 | }
11708 | function lineToCommands(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
11709 | return [
11710 | ['M', x1, y1],
11711 | ['L', x2, y2],
11712 | ];
11713 | }
11714 | function ellipseToCommands(rx, ry, cx, cy) {
11715 | var factor = ((-1 + Math.sqrt(2)) / 3) * 4;
11716 | var dx = rx * factor;
11717 | var dy = ry * factor;
11718 | var left = cx - rx;
11719 | var right = cx + rx;
11720 | var top = cy - ry;
11721 | var bottom = cy + ry;
11722 | return [
11723 | ['M', left, cy],
11724 | ['C', left, cy - dy, cx - dx, top, cx, top],
11725 | ['C', cx + dx, top, right, cy - dy, right, cy],
11726 | ['C', right, cy + dy, cx + dx, bottom, cx, bottom],
11727 | ['C', cx - dx, bottom, left, cy + dy, left, cy],
11728 | ['Z'],
11729 | ];
11730 | }
11731 | function polygonToCommands(points, closed) {
11732 | var result = points.map(function (point, i) {
11733 | return [i === 0 ? 'M' : 'L', point[0], point[1]];
11734 | });
11735 | if (closed) {
11736 | result.push(['Z']);
11737 | }
11738 | return result;
11739 | }
11740 | function rectToCommands(width, height, x, y, radius) {
11741 |
11742 | if (radius) {
11743 | var _a = __read(radius, 4), tlr = _a[0], trr = _a[1], brr = _a[2], blr = _a[3];
11744 | var signX = width > 0 ? 1 : -1;
11745 | var signY = height > 0 ? 1 : -1;
11746 |
11747 | var sweepFlag = signX + signY !== 0 ? 1 : 0;
11748 | return [
11749 | ['M', signX * tlr + x, y],
11750 | ['L', width - signX * trr + x, y],
11751 | trr ? ['A', trr, trr, 0, 0, sweepFlag, width + x, signY * trr + y] : null,
11752 | ['L', width + x, height - signY * brr + y],
11753 | brr
11754 | ? ['A', brr, brr, 0, 0, sweepFlag, width + x - signX * brr, height + y]
11755 | : null,
11756 | ['L', x + signX * blr, height + y],
11757 | blr
11758 | ? ['A', blr, blr, 0, 0, sweepFlag, x, height + y - signY * blr]
11759 | : null,
11760 | ['L', x, signY * tlr + y],
11761 | tlr ? ['A', tlr, tlr, 0, 0, sweepFlag, signX * tlr + x, y] : null,
11762 | ['Z'],
11763 | ].filter(function (command) { return command; });
11764 | }
11765 | return [
11766 | ['M', x, y],
11767 | ['L', x + width, y],
11768 | ['L', x + width, y + height],
11769 | ['L', x, y + height],
11770 | ['Z'],
11771 | ];
11772 | }
11773 | |
11774 |
11775 |
11776 |
11777 |
11778 |
11779 | function convertToPath(object, transform) {
11780 | if (transform === void 0) { transform = object.getLocalTransform(); }
11781 | var commands = [];
11782 | switch (object.nodeName) {
11783 | case Shape.LINE:
11784 | var _a = object.parsedStyle, _b = _a.x1, x1 = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.y1, y1 = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = _a.x2, x2 = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d, _e = _a.y2, y2 = _e === void 0 ? 0 : _e;
11785 | commands = lineToCommands(x1, y1, x2, y2);
11786 | break;
11787 | case Shape.CIRCLE: {
11788 | var _f = object.parsedStyle, _g = _f.r, r = _g === void 0 ? 0 : _g, _h = _f.cx, cx = _h === void 0 ? 0 : _h, _j = _f.cy, cy = _j === void 0 ? 0 : _j;
11789 | commands = ellipseToCommands(r, r, cx, cy);
11790 | break;
11791 | }
11792 | case Shape.ELLIPSE: {
11793 | var _k = object.parsedStyle, _l = _k.rx, rx = _l === void 0 ? 0 : _l, _m = _k.ry, ry = _m === void 0 ? 0 : _m, _o = _k.cx, cx = _o === void 0 ? 0 : _o, _p = _k.cy, cy = _p === void 0 ? 0 : _p;
11794 | commands = ellipseToCommands(rx, ry, cx, cy);
11795 | break;
11796 | }
11797 | case Shape.POLYLINE:
11798 | case Shape.POLYGON:
11799 | var points = object.parsedStyle.points;
11800 | commands = polygonToCommands(points.points, object.nodeName === Shape.POLYGON);
11801 | break;
11802 | case Shape.RECT:
11803 | var _q = object.parsedStyle, _r = _q.width, width_1 = _r === void 0 ? 0 : _r, _s = _q.height, height_1 = _s === void 0 ? 0 : _s, _t = _q.x, x = _t === void 0 ? 0 : _t, _u = _q.y, y = _u === void 0 ? 0 : _u, radius = _q.radius;
11804 | var hasRadius = radius && radius.some(function (r) { return r !== 0; });
11805 | commands = rectToCommands(width_1, height_1, x, y, hasRadius &&
11806 | radius.map(function (r) {
11807 | return clamp(r, 0, Math.min(Math.abs(width_1) / 2, Math.abs(height_1) / 2));
11808 | }));
11809 | break;
11810 | case Shape.PATH:
11811 | var absolutePath = object.parsedStyle.path.absolutePath;
11812 | commands = __spreadArray([], __read(absolutePath), false);
11813 | break;
11814 | }
11815 | if (commands.length) {
11816 | return commandsToPathString(commands, object, transform);
11817 | }
11818 | }
11819 |
11820 | var internalParsePath = function (path) {
11821 |
11822 | if (path === '' || (Array.isArray(path) && path.length === 0)) {
11823 | return {
11824 | absolutePath: [],
11825 | hasArc: false,
11826 | segments: [],
11827 | polygons: [],
11828 | polylines: [],
11829 | curve: null,
11830 | totalLength: 0,
11831 | rect: {
11832 | x: 0,
11833 | y: 0,
11834 | width: 0,
11835 | height: 0,
11836 | },
11837 | };
11838 | }
11839 | var absolutePath;
11840 | try {
11841 | absolutePath = normalizePath(path);
11842 | }
11843 | catch (e) {
11844 | absolutePath = normalizePath('');
11845 | console.error("[g]: Invalid SVG Path definition: ".concat(path));
11846 | }
11847 | removeRedundantMCommand(absolutePath);
11848 | var hasArc = hasArcOrBezier(absolutePath);
11849 | var _a = extractPolygons(absolutePath), polygons = _a.polygons, polylines = _a.polylines;
11850 |
11851 | var segments = path2Segments(absolutePath);
11852 |
11853 | var _b = getPathBBox(segments, 0), x = _b.x, y = _b.y, width = _b.width, height = _b.height;
11854 | return {
11855 | absolutePath: absolutePath,
11856 | hasArc: hasArc,
11857 | segments: segments,
11858 | polygons: polygons,
11859 | polylines: polylines,
11860 |
11861 |
11862 | totalLength: 0,
11863 | rect: {
11864 | x: Number.isFinite(x) ? x : 0,
11865 | y: Number.isFinite(y) ? y : 0,
11866 | width: Number.isFinite(width) ? width : 0,
11867 | height: Number.isFinite(height) ? height : 0,
11868 | },
11869 | };
11870 | };
11871 | var memoizedParsePath = memoize(internalParsePath);
11872 | function parsePath(path) {
11873 | return (isString(path) ? memoizedParsePath(path) : internalParsePath(path));
11874 | }
11875 | function mergePaths(left, right, object) {
11876 | var curve1 = left.curve;
11877 | var curve2 = right.curve;
11878 | if (!curve1 || curve1.length === 0) {
11879 |
11880 |
11881 | curve1 = path2Curve(left.absolutePath, false);
11882 | left.curve = curve1;
11883 | }
11884 | if (!curve2 || curve2.length === 0) {
11885 | curve2 = path2Curve(right.absolutePath, false);
11886 | right.curve = curve2;
11887 | }
11888 | var curves = [curve1, curve2];
11889 | if (curve1.length !== curve2.length) {
11890 | curves = equalizeSegments(curve1, curve2);
11891 | }
11892 | var curve0 = getDrawDirection(curves[0]) !== getDrawDirection(curves[1])
11893 | ? reverseCurve(curves[0])
11894 | : clonePath(curves[0]);
11895 | return [
11896 | curve0,
11897 | getRotatedCurve(curves[1], curve0),
11898 | function (pathArray) {
11899 |
11900 | return pathArray;
11901 | },
11902 | ];
11903 | }
11904 |
11905 | |
11906 |
11907 |
11908 |
11909 |
11910 |
11911 | function parsePoints(pointsOrStr, object) {
11912 | var points;
11913 | if (isString(pointsOrStr)) {
11914 | points = pointsOrStr.split(' ').map(function (pointStr) {
11915 | var _a = __read(pointStr.split(','), 2), x = _a[0], y = _a[1];
11916 | return [Number(x), Number(y)];
11917 | });
11918 | }
11919 | else {
11920 | points = pointsOrStr;
11921 | }
11922 | var segments = [];
11923 | var tempLength = 0;
11924 | var segmentT;
11925 | var segmentL;
11926 | var totalLength = length$2(points);
11927 | points.forEach(function (p, i) {
11928 | if (points[i + 1]) {
11929 | segmentT = [0, 0];
11930 | segmentT[0] = tempLength / totalLength;
11931 | segmentL = length$4(p[0], p[1], points[i + 1][0], points[i + 1][1]);
11932 | tempLength += segmentL;
11933 | segmentT[1] = tempLength / totalLength;
11934 | segments.push(segmentT);
11935 | }
11936 | });
11937 | var minX = Math.min.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(points.map(function (point) { return point[0]; })), false));
11938 | var minY = Math.min.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(points.map(function (point) { return point[1]; })), false));
11939 | if (object) {
11940 | object.parsedStyle.defX = minX;
11941 | object.parsedStyle.defY = minY;
11942 | }
11943 | return {
11944 | points: points,
11945 | totalLength: totalLength,
11946 | segments: segments,
11947 | };
11948 | }
11949 | function mergePoints(left, right) {
11950 | return [
11951 | left.points,
11952 | right.points,
11953 | function (points) {
11954 | return points;
11955 | },
11956 | ];
11957 | }
11958 |
11959 | var _ = null;
11960 | function cast(pattern) {
11961 | return function (contents) {
11962 | var i = 0;
11963 | return pattern.map(function (x) {
11964 | return x === _ ? contents[i++] : x;
11965 | });
11966 | };
11967 | }
11968 | function id(x) {
11969 | return x;
11970 | }
11971 |
11972 |
11973 | var transformFunctions = {
11974 |
11975 | matrix: ['NNNNNN', [_, _, 0, 0, _, _, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, _, _, 0, 1], id],
11976 | matrix3d: ['NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN', id],
11977 | rotate: ['A'],
11978 | rotatex: ['A'],
11979 | rotatey: ['A'],
11980 | rotatez: ['A'],
11981 | rotate3d: ['NNNA'],
11982 | perspective: ['L'],
11983 | scale: ['Nn', cast([_, _, new CSSUnitValue(1)]), id],
11984 | scalex: [
11985 | 'N',
11986 | cast([_, new CSSUnitValue(1), new CSSUnitValue(1)]),
11987 | cast([_, new CSSUnitValue(1)]),
11988 | ],
11989 | scaley: [
11990 | 'N',
11991 | cast([new CSSUnitValue(1), _, new CSSUnitValue(1)]),
11992 | cast([new CSSUnitValue(1), _]),
11993 | ],
11994 | scalez: ['N', cast([new CSSUnitValue(1), new CSSUnitValue(1), _])],
11995 | scale3d: ['NNN', id],
11996 | skew: ['Aa', null, id],
11997 | skewx: ['A', null, cast([_, Odeg])],
11998 | skewy: ['A', null, cast([Odeg, _])],
11999 | translate: ['Tt', cast([_, _, Opx]), id],
12000 | translatex: ['T', cast([_, Opx, Opx]), cast([_, Opx])],
12001 | translatey: ['T', cast([Opx, _, Opx]), cast([Opx, _])],
12002 | translatez: ['L', cast([Opx, Opx, _])],
12003 | translate3d: ['TTL', id],
12004 | };
12005 | |
12006 |
12007 |
12008 |
12009 |
12010 | function parseTransform(string) {
12011 | string = (string || 'none').toLowerCase().trim();
12012 | if (string === 'none') {
12013 | return [];
12014 | }
12015 | var transformRegExp = /\s*(\w+)\(([^)]*)\)/g;
12016 | var result = [];
12017 | var match;
12018 | var prevLastIndex = 0;
12019 | while ((match = transformRegExp.exec(string))) {
12020 | if (match.index !== prevLastIndex) {
12021 | return [];
12022 | }
12023 | prevLastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
12024 | var functionName = match[1];
12025 | var functionData = transformFunctions[functionName];
12026 | if (!functionData) {
12027 |
12028 | return [];
12029 | }
12030 | var args = match[2].split(',');
12031 | var argTypes = functionData[0];
12032 | if (argTypes.length < args.length) {
12033 |
12034 | return [];
12035 | }
12036 | var parsedArgs = [];
12037 | for (var i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++) {
12038 | var arg = args[i];
12039 | var type = argTypes[i];
12040 | var parsedArg = void 0;
12041 | if (!arg) {
12042 |
12043 | parsedArg = {
12044 | a: Odeg,
12045 | n: parsedArgs[0],
12046 | t: Opx,
12047 | }[type];
12048 | }
12049 | else {
12050 |
12051 | parsedArg = {
12052 | A: function (s) {
12053 | return s.trim() === '0' ? Odeg : parseAngle(s);
12054 | },
12055 | N: parseNumber,
12056 | T: parseLengthOrPercentage,
12057 | L: parseLength,
12058 | }[type.toUpperCase()](arg);
12059 | }
12060 | if (parsedArg === undefined) {
12061 | return [];
12062 | }
12063 | parsedArgs.push(parsedArg);
12064 | }
12065 | result.push({ t: functionName, d: parsedArgs });
12066 | if (transformRegExp.lastIndex === string.length) {
12067 | return result;
12068 | }
12069 | }
12070 | return [];
12071 | }
12072 | function parseTransformUnmemoize(string) {
12073 | string = (string || 'none').toLowerCase().trim();
12074 | if (string === 'none') {
12075 | return [];
12076 | }
12077 | var transformRegExp = /\s*(\w+)\(([^)]*)\)/g;
12078 | var result = [];
12079 | var match;
12080 | var prevLastIndex = 0;
12081 | while ((match = transformRegExp.exec(string))) {
12082 | if (match.index !== prevLastIndex) {
12083 | return [];
12084 | }
12085 | prevLastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
12086 | var functionName = match[1];
12087 | var functionData = transformFunctions[functionName];
12088 | if (!functionData) {
12089 |
12090 | return [];
12091 | }
12092 | var args = match[2].split(',');
12093 | var argTypes = functionData[0];
12094 | if (argTypes.length < args.length) {
12095 |
12096 | return [];
12097 | }
12098 | var parsedArgs = [];
12099 | for (var i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++) {
12100 | var arg = args[i];
12101 | var type = argTypes[i];
12102 | var parsedArg = void 0;
12103 | if (!arg) {
12104 |
12105 | parsedArg = {
12106 | a: Odeg,
12107 | n: parsedArgs[0],
12108 | t: Opx,
12109 | }[type];
12110 | }
12111 | else {
12112 |
12113 | parsedArg = {
12114 | A: function (s) {
12115 | return s.trim() === '0' ? Odeg : parseAngleUnmemoize(s);
12116 | },
12117 | N: parseNumberUnmemoize,
12118 | T: parseLengthOrPercentageUnmemoize,
12119 | L: parseLengthUnmemoize,
12120 | }[type.toUpperCase()](arg);
12121 | }
12122 | if (parsedArg === undefined) {
12123 | return [];
12124 | }
12125 | parsedArgs.push(parsedArg);
12126 | }
12127 | result.push({ t: functionName, d: parsedArgs });
12128 | if (transformRegExp.lastIndex === string.length) {
12129 | return result;
12130 | }
12131 | }
12132 | return [];
12133 | }
12134 | function convertItemToMatrix(item) {
12135 | var x;
12136 | var y;
12137 | var z;
12138 | var angle;
12139 | switch (item.t) {
12140 | case 'rotatex':
12141 | angle = deg2rad(convertAngleUnit(item.d[0]));
12142 | return [
12143 | 1,
12144 | 0,
12145 | 0,
12146 | 0,
12147 | 0,
12148 | Math.cos(angle),
12149 | Math.sin(angle),
12150 | 0,
12151 | 0,
12152 | -Math.sin(angle),
12153 | Math.cos(angle),
12154 | 0,
12155 | 0,
12156 | 0,
12157 | 0,
12158 | 1,
12159 | ];
12160 | case 'rotatey':
12161 | angle = deg2rad(convertAngleUnit(item.d[0]));
12162 | return [
12163 | Math.cos(angle),
12164 | 0,
12165 | -Math.sin(angle),
12166 | 0,
12167 | 0,
12168 | 1,
12169 | 0,
12170 | 0,
12171 | Math.sin(angle),
12172 | 0,
12173 | Math.cos(angle),
12174 | 0,
12175 | 0,
12176 | 0,
12177 | 0,
12178 | 1,
12179 | ];
12180 | case 'rotate':
12181 | case 'rotatez':
12182 | angle = deg2rad(convertAngleUnit(item.d[0]));
12183 | return [
12184 | Math.cos(angle),
12185 | Math.sin(angle),
12186 | 0,
12187 | 0,
12188 | -Math.sin(angle),
12189 | Math.cos(angle),
12190 | 0,
12191 | 0,
12192 | 0,
12193 | 0,
12194 | 1,
12195 | 0,
12196 | 0,
12197 | 0,
12198 | 0,
12199 | 1,
12200 | ];
12201 | case 'rotate3d':
12202 | x = item.d[0].value;
12203 | y = item.d[1].value;
12204 | z = item.d[2].value;
12205 | angle = deg2rad(convertAngleUnit(item.d[3]));
12206 | var sqrLength = x * x + y * y + z * z;
12207 | if (sqrLength === 0) {
12208 | x = 1;
12209 | y = 0;
12210 | z = 0;
12211 | }
12212 | else if (sqrLength !== 1) {
12213 | var length_1 = Math.sqrt(sqrLength);
12214 | x /= length_1;
12215 | y /= length_1;
12216 | z /= length_1;
12217 | }
12218 | var s = Math.sin(angle / 2);
12219 | var sc = s * Math.cos(angle / 2);
12220 | var sq = s * s;
12221 | return [
12222 | 1 - 2 * (y * y + z * z) * sq,
12223 | 2 * (x * y * sq + z * sc),
12224 | 2 * (x * z * sq - y * sc),
12225 | 0,
12226 | 2 * (x * y * sq - z * sc),
12227 | 1 - 2 * (x * x + z * z) * sq,
12228 | 2 * (y * z * sq + x * sc),
12229 | 0,
12230 | 2 * (x * z * sq + y * sc),
12231 | 2 * (y * z * sq - x * sc),
12232 | 1 - 2 * (x * x + y * y) * sq,
12233 | 0,
12234 | 0,
12235 | 0,
12236 | 0,
12237 | 1,
12238 | ];
12239 | case 'scale':
12240 | return [
12241 | item.d[0].value,
12242 | 0,
12243 | 0,
12244 | 0,
12245 | 0,
12246 | item.d[1].value,
12247 | 0,
12248 | 0,
12249 | 0,
12250 | 0,
12251 | 1,
12252 | 0,
12253 | 0,
12254 | 0,
12255 | 0,
12256 | 1,
12257 | ];
12258 | case 'scalex':
12259 | return [item.d[0].value, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
12260 | case 'scaley':
12261 | return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, item.d[0].value, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
12262 | case 'scalez':
12263 | return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, item.d[0].value, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
12264 | case 'scale3d':
12265 | return [
12266 | item.d[0].value,
12267 | 0,
12268 | 0,
12269 | 0,
12270 | 0,
12271 | item.d[1].value,
12272 | 0,
12273 | 0,
12274 | 0,
12275 | 0,
12276 | item.d[2].value,
12277 | 0,
12278 | 0,
12279 | 0,
12280 | 0,
12281 | 1,
12282 | ];
12283 | case 'skew':
12284 | var xAngle = deg2rad(convertAngleUnit(item.d[0]));
12285 | var yAngle = deg2rad(convertAngleUnit(item.d[1]));
12286 | return [
12287 | 1,
12288 | Math.tan(yAngle),
12289 | 0,
12290 | 0,
12291 | Math.tan(xAngle),
12292 | 1,
12293 | 0,
12294 | 0,
12295 | 0,
12296 | 0,
12297 | 1,
12298 | 0,
12299 | 0,
12300 | 0,
12301 | 0,
12302 | 1,
12303 | ];
12304 | case 'skewx':
12305 | angle = deg2rad(convertAngleUnit(item.d[0]));
12306 | return [1, 0, 0, 0, Math.tan(angle), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
12307 | case 'skewy':
12308 | angle = deg2rad(convertAngleUnit(item.d[0]));
12309 | return [1, Math.tan(angle), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
12310 | case 'translate':
12311 |
12312 | x = convertPercentUnit(item.d[0], 0, null) || 0;
12313 | y = convertPercentUnit(item.d[1], 0, null) || 0;
12314 | return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, y, 0, 1];
12315 | case 'translatex':
12316 | x = convertPercentUnit(item.d[0], 0, null) || 0;
12317 | return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, 0, 0, 1];
12318 | case 'translatey':
12319 | y = convertPercentUnit(item.d[0], 0, null) || 0;
12320 | return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, y, 0, 1];
12321 | case 'translatez':
12322 | z = convertPercentUnit(item.d[0], 0, null) || 0;
12323 | return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, z, 1];
12324 | case 'translate3d':
12325 | x = convertPercentUnit(item.d[0], 0, null) || 0;
12326 | y = convertPercentUnit(item.d[1], 0, null) || 0;
12327 | z = convertPercentUnit(item.d[2], 0, null) || 0;
12328 | return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, y, z, 1];
12329 | case 'perspective':
12330 | var t = convertPercentUnit(item.d[0], 0, null) || 0;
12331 | var p = t ? -1 / t : 0;
12332 | return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, p, 0, 0, 0, 1];
12333 | case 'matrix':
12334 | return [
12335 | item.d[0].value,
12336 | item.d[1].value,
12337 | 0,
12338 | 0,
12339 | item.d[2].value,
12340 | item.d[3].value,
12341 | 0,
12342 | 0,
12343 | 0,
12344 | 0,
12345 | 1,
12346 | 0,
12347 | item.d[4].value,
12348 | item.d[5].value,
12349 | 0,
12350 | 1,
12351 | ];
12352 | case 'matrix3d':
12353 | return item.d.map(function (d) { return d.value; });
12354 | }
12355 | }
12356 | function multiplyMatrices(a, b) {
12357 | return [
12358 | a[0] * b[0] + a[4] * b[1] + a[8] * b[2] + a[12] * b[3],
12359 | a[1] * b[0] + a[5] * b[1] + a[9] * b[2] + a[13] * b[3],
12360 | a[2] * b[0] + a[6] * b[1] + a[10] * b[2] + a[14] * b[3],
12361 | a[3] * b[0] + a[7] * b[1] + a[11] * b[2] + a[15] * b[3],
12362 | a[0] * b[4] + a[4] * b[5] + a[8] * b[6] + a[12] * b[7],
12363 | a[1] * b[4] + a[5] * b[5] + a[9] * b[6] + a[13] * b[7],
12364 | a[2] * b[4] + a[6] * b[5] + a[10] * b[6] + a[14] * b[7],
12365 | a[3] * b[4] + a[7] * b[5] + a[11] * b[6] + a[15] * b[7],
12366 | a[0] * b[8] + a[4] * b[9] + a[8] * b[10] + a[12] * b[11],
12367 | a[1] * b[8] + a[5] * b[9] + a[9] * b[10] + a[13] * b[11],
12368 | a[2] * b[8] + a[6] * b[9] + a[10] * b[10] + a[14] * b[11],
12369 | a[3] * b[8] + a[7] * b[9] + a[11] * b[10] + a[15] * b[11],
12370 | a[0] * b[12] + a[4] * b[13] + a[8] * b[14] + a[12] * b[15],
12371 | a[1] * b[12] + a[5] * b[13] + a[9] * b[14] + a[13] * b[15],
12372 | a[2] * b[12] + a[6] * b[13] + a[10] * b[14] + a[14] * b[15],
12373 | a[3] * b[12] + a[7] * b[13] + a[11] * b[14] + a[15] * b[15],
12374 | ];
12375 | }
12376 | function convertToMatrix(transformList) {
12377 | if (transformList.length === 0) {
12378 | return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
12379 | }
12380 | return transformList.map(convertItemToMatrix).reduce(multiplyMatrices);
12381 | }
12382 | function makeMatrixDecomposition(transformList) {
12383 | var translate = [0, 0, 0];
12384 | var scale = [1, 1, 1];
12385 | var skew = [0, 0, 0];
12386 | var perspective = [0, 0, 0, 1];
12387 | var quaternion = [0, 0, 0, 1];
12388 | decomposeMat4(
12389 |
12390 | convertToMatrix(transformList), translate, scale, skew, perspective, quaternion);
12391 | return [[translate, scale, skew, quaternion, perspective]];
12392 | }
12393 | var composeMatrix = (function () {
12394 | function multiply(a, b) {
12395 | var result = [
12396 | [0, 0, 0, 0],
12397 | [0, 0, 0, 0],
12398 | [0, 0, 0, 0],
12399 | [0, 0, 0, 0],
12400 | ];
12401 | for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
12402 | for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
12403 | for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
12404 | result[i][j] += b[i][k] * a[k][j];
12405 | }
12406 | }
12407 | }
12408 | return result;
12409 | }
12410 | function is2D(m) {
12411 | return (m[0][2] == 0 &&
12412 | m[0][3] == 0 &&
12413 | m[1][2] == 0 &&
12414 | m[1][3] == 0 &&
12415 | m[2][0] == 0 &&
12416 | m[2][1] == 0 &&
12417 | m[2][2] == 1 &&
12418 | m[2][3] == 0 &&
12419 | m[3][2] == 0 &&
12420 | m[3][3] == 1);
12421 | }
12422 | function composeMatrix(translate, scale, skew, quat, perspective) {
12423 | var matrix = [
12424 | [1, 0, 0, 0],
12425 | [0, 1, 0, 0],
12426 | [0, 0, 1, 0],
12427 | [0, 0, 0, 1],
12428 | ];
12429 | for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
12430 | matrix[i][3] = perspective[i];
12431 | }
12432 | for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
12433 | for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
12434 | matrix[3][i] += translate[j] * matrix[j][i];
12435 | }
12436 | }
12437 | var x = quat[0], y = quat[1], z = quat[2], w = quat[3];
12438 | var rotMatrix = [
12439 | [1, 0, 0, 0],
12440 | [0, 1, 0, 0],
12441 | [0, 0, 1, 0],
12442 | [0, 0, 0, 1],
12443 | ];
12444 | rotMatrix[0][0] = 1 - 2 * (y * y + z * z);
12445 | rotMatrix[0][1] = 2 * (x * y - z * w);
12446 | rotMatrix[0][2] = 2 * (x * z + y * w);
12447 | rotMatrix[1][0] = 2 * (x * y + z * w);
12448 | rotMatrix[1][1] = 1 - 2 * (x * x + z * z);
12449 | rotMatrix[1][2] = 2 * (y * z - x * w);
12450 | rotMatrix[2][0] = 2 * (x * z - y * w);
12451 | rotMatrix[2][1] = 2 * (y * z + x * w);
12452 | rotMatrix[2][2] = 1 - 2 * (x * x + y * y);
12453 | matrix = multiply(matrix, rotMatrix);
12454 | var temp = [
12455 | [1, 0, 0, 0],
12456 | [0, 1, 0, 0],
12457 | [0, 0, 1, 0],
12458 | [0, 0, 0, 1],
12459 | ];
12460 | if (skew[2]) {
12461 | temp[2][1] = skew[2];
12462 | matrix = multiply(matrix, temp);
12463 | }
12464 | if (skew[1]) {
12465 | temp[2][1] = 0;
12466 | temp[2][0] = skew[0];
12467 | matrix = multiply(matrix, temp);
12468 | }
12469 | if (skew[0]) {
12470 | temp[2][0] = 0;
12471 | temp[1][0] = skew[0];
12472 | matrix = multiply(matrix, temp);
12473 | }
12474 | for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
12475 | for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
12476 | matrix[i][j] *= scale[i];
12477 | }
12478 | }
12479 | if (is2D(matrix)) {
12480 | return [
12481 | matrix[0][0],
12482 | matrix[0][1],
12483 | matrix[1][0],
12484 | matrix[1][1],
12485 | matrix[3][0],
12486 | matrix[3][1],
12487 | ];
12488 | }
12489 | return matrix[0].concat(matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3]);
12490 | }
12491 | return composeMatrix;
12492 | })();
12493 | function numberToLongString(x) {
12494 | return x.toFixed(6).replace('.000000', '');
12495 | }
12496 | function mergeMatrices(left, right) {
12497 | var leftArgs;
12498 | var rightArgs;
12499 |
12500 | if (left.decompositionPair !== right) {
12501 |
12502 | left.decompositionPair = right;
12503 |
12504 | leftArgs = makeMatrixDecomposition(left);
12505 | }
12506 |
12507 | if (right.decompositionPair !== left) {
12508 |
12509 | right.decompositionPair = left;
12510 |
12511 | rightArgs = makeMatrixDecomposition(right);
12512 | }
12513 | if (leftArgs[0] === null || rightArgs[0] === null)
12514 | return [
12515 |
12516 | [false],
12517 |
12518 | [true],
12519 |
12520 | function (x) {
12521 | return x ? right[0].d : left[0].d;
12522 | },
12523 | ];
12524 | leftArgs[0].push(0);
12525 | rightArgs[0].push(1);
12526 | return [
12527 | leftArgs,
12528 | rightArgs,
12529 |
12530 | function (list) {
12531 |
12532 | var q = quat(leftArgs[0][3], rightArgs[0][3], list[5]);
12533 | var mat = composeMatrix(list[0], list[1], list[2], q, list[4]);
12534 | var stringifiedArgs = mat.map(numberToLongString).join(',');
12535 | return stringifiedArgs;
12536 | },
12537 | ];
12538 | }
12539 | function dot$2(v1, v2) {
12540 | var result = 0;
12541 | for (var i = 0; i < v1.length; i++) {
12542 | result += v1[i] * v2[i];
12543 | }
12544 | return result;
12545 | }
12546 | function quat(fromQ, toQ, f) {
12547 | var product = dot$2(fromQ, toQ);
12548 | product = clamp(product, -1.0, 1.0);
12549 | var quat = [];
12550 | if (product === 1.0) {
12551 | quat = fromQ;
12552 | }
12553 | else {
12554 | var theta = Math.acos(product);
12555 | var w = (Math.sin(f * theta) * 1) / Math.sqrt(1 - product * product);
12556 | for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
12557 | quat.push(fromQ[i] * (Math.cos(f * theta) - product * w) + toQ[i] * w);
12558 | }
12559 | }
12560 | return quat;
12561 | }
12562 |
12563 | function typeTo2D(type) {
12564 | return type.replace(/[xy]/, '');
12565 | }
12566 |
12567 | function typeTo3D(type) {
12568 | return type.replace(/(x|y|z|3d)?$/, '3d');
12569 | }
12570 | var isMatrixOrPerspective = function (lt, rt) {
12571 | return ((lt === 'perspective' && rt === 'perspective') ||
12572 | ((lt === 'matrix' || lt === 'matrix3d') &&
12573 | (rt === 'matrix' || rt === 'matrix3d')));
12574 | };
12575 | function mergeTransforms(left, right, target) {
12576 | var flipResults = false;
12577 |
12578 | if (!left.length || !right.length) {
12579 | if (!left.length) {
12580 | flipResults = true;
12581 | left = right;
12582 | right = [];
12583 | }
12584 | var _loop_1 = function (i) {
12585 | var _a = left[i], type = _a.t, args = _a.d;
12586 |
12587 | var defaultValue = type.substring(0, 5) === 'scale' ? 1 : 0;
12588 | right.push({
12589 | t: type,
12590 | d: args.map(function (arg) {
12591 | if (typeof arg === 'number') {
12592 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(defaultValue);
12593 | }
12594 | return getOrCreateUnitValue(defaultValue, arg.unit);
12595 |
12596 |
12597 |
12598 |
12599 | }),
12600 | });
12601 | };
12602 | for (var i = 0; i < left.length; i++) {
12603 | _loop_1(i);
12604 | }
12605 | }
12606 | var leftResult = [];
12607 | var rightResult = [];
12608 | var types = [];
12609 |
12610 | if (left.length !== right.length) {
12611 | var merged = mergeMatrices(left, right);
12612 |
12613 | leftResult = [merged[0]];
12614 |
12615 | rightResult = [merged[1]];
12616 | types = [['matrix', [merged[2]]]];
12617 | }
12618 | else {
12619 | for (var i = 0; i < left.length; i++) {
12620 | var leftType = left[i].t;
12621 | var rightType = right[i].t;
12622 | var leftArgs = left[i].d;
12623 | var rightArgs = right[i].d;
12624 | var leftFunctionData = transformFunctions[leftType];
12625 | var rightFunctionData = transformFunctions[rightType];
12626 | var type = void 0;
12627 | if (isMatrixOrPerspective(leftType, rightType)) {
12628 | var merged = mergeMatrices([left[i]], [right[i]]);
12629 |
12630 | leftResult.push(merged[0]);
12631 |
12632 | rightResult.push(merged[1]);
12633 | types.push(['matrix', [merged[2]]]);
12634 | continue;
12635 | }
12636 | else if (leftType === rightType) {
12637 | type = leftType;
12638 | }
12639 | else if (leftFunctionData[2] &&
12640 | rightFunctionData[2] &&
12641 | typeTo2D(leftType) === typeTo2D(rightType)) {
12642 | type = typeTo2D(leftType);
12643 |
12644 | leftArgs = leftFunctionData[2](leftArgs);
12645 |
12646 | rightArgs = rightFunctionData[2](rightArgs);
12647 | }
12648 | else if (leftFunctionData[1] &&
12649 | rightFunctionData[1] &&
12650 | typeTo3D(leftType) === typeTo3D(rightType)) {
12651 | type = typeTo3D(leftType);
12652 |
12653 | leftArgs = leftFunctionData[1](leftArgs);
12654 |
12655 | rightArgs = rightFunctionData[1](rightArgs);
12656 | }
12657 | else {
12658 | var merged = mergeMatrices(left, right);
12659 |
12660 | leftResult = [merged[0]];
12661 |
12662 | rightResult = [merged[1]];
12663 | types = [['matrix', [merged[2]]]];
12664 | break;
12665 | }
12666 | var leftArgsCopy = [];
12667 | var rightArgsCopy = [];
12668 | var stringConversions = [];
12669 | for (var j = 0; j < leftArgs.length; j++) {
12670 |
12671 | var merged = mergeDimensions(leftArgs[j], rightArgs[j], target, false, j);
12672 | leftArgsCopy[j] = merged[0];
12673 | rightArgsCopy[j] = merged[1];
12674 | stringConversions.push(merged[2]);
12675 | }
12676 | leftResult.push(leftArgsCopy);
12677 | rightResult.push(rightArgsCopy);
12678 | types.push([type, stringConversions]);
12679 | }
12680 | }
12681 | if (flipResults) {
12682 | var tmp = leftResult;
12683 | leftResult = rightResult;
12684 | rightResult = tmp;
12685 | }
12686 | return [
12687 | leftResult,
12688 | rightResult,
12689 | function (list) {
12690 | return list
12691 | .map(function (args, i) {
12692 | var stringifiedArgs = args
12693 | .map(function (arg, j) {
12694 | return types[i][1][j](arg);
12695 | })
12696 | .join(',');
12697 | if (types[i][0] === 'matrix' &&
12698 | stringifiedArgs.split(',').length === 16) {
12699 | types[i][0] = 'matrix3d';
12700 | }
12701 | if (types[i][0] === 'matrix3d' &&
12702 | stringifiedArgs.split(',').length === 6) {
12703 | types[i][0] = 'matrix';
12704 | }
12705 | return types[i][0] + '(' + stringifiedArgs + ')';
12706 | })
12707 | .join(' ');
12708 | },
12709 | ];
12710 | }
12711 |
12712 | |
12713 |
12714 |
12715 |
12716 | var parseTransformOrigin = memoize(function (value) {
12717 | if (isString(value)) {
12718 | if (value === 'text-anchor') {
12719 | return [getOrCreateUnitValue(0, 'px'), getOrCreateUnitValue(0, 'px')];
12720 | }
12721 | var values = value.split(' ');
12722 | if (values.length === 1) {
12723 | if (values[0] === 'top' || values[0] === 'bottom') {
12724 |
12725 | values[1] = values[0];
12726 | values[0] = 'center';
12727 | }
12728 | else {
12729 |
12730 | values[1] = 'center';
12731 | }
12732 | }
12733 | if (values.length !== 2) {
12734 | return null;
12735 | }
12736 |
12737 | return [
12738 | parseLengthOrPercentage(convertKeyword2Percent(values[0])),
12739 | parseLengthOrPercentage(convertKeyword2Percent(values[1])),
12740 | ];
12741 | }
12742 | else {
12743 | return [
12744 | getOrCreateUnitValue(value[0] || 0, 'px'),
12745 | getOrCreateUnitValue(value[1] || 0, 'px'),
12746 | ];
12747 | }
12748 | });
12749 | var parseTransformOriginUnmemoize = function (value) {
12750 | if (isString(value)) {
12751 | if (value === 'text-anchor') {
12752 | return [getOrCreateUnitValue(0, 'px'), getOrCreateUnitValue(0, 'px')];
12753 | }
12754 | var values = value.split(' ');
12755 | if (values.length === 1) {
12756 | if (values[0] === 'top' || values[0] === 'bottom') {
12757 |
12758 | values[1] = values[0];
12759 | values[0] = 'center';
12760 | }
12761 | else {
12762 |
12763 | values[1] = 'center';
12764 | }
12765 | }
12766 | if (values.length !== 2) {
12767 | return null;
12768 | }
12769 |
12770 | return [
12771 | parseLengthOrPercentageUnmemoize(convertKeyword2Percent(values[0])),
12772 | parseLengthOrPercentageUnmemoize(convertKeyword2Percent(values[1])),
12773 | ];
12774 | }
12775 | else {
12776 | return [
12777 | getOrCreateUnitValue(value[0] || 0, 'px'),
12778 | getOrCreateUnitValue(value[1] || 0, 'px'),
12779 | ];
12780 | }
12781 | };
12782 | function convertKeyword2Percent(keyword) {
12783 | if (keyword === 'center') {
12784 | return '50%';
12785 | }
12786 | else if (keyword === 'left' || keyword === 'top') {
12787 | return '0';
12788 | }
12789 | else if (keyword === 'right' || keyword === 'bottom') {
12790 | return '100%';
12791 | }
12792 | return keyword;
12793 | }
12794 |
12795 | |
12796 |
12797 |
12798 | var BUILT_IN_PROPERTIES = [
12799 | {
12800 | |
12801 |
12802 |
12803 |
12804 | n: 'display',
12805 | k: ['none'],
12806 | },
12807 | {
12808 | |
12809 |
12810 |
12811 |
12812 | n: 'opacity',
12813 | int: true,
12814 | inh: true,
12815 | d: '1',
12816 | syntax: PropertySyntax.OPACITY_VALUE,
12817 | },
12818 | {
12819 | |
12820 |
12821 |
12822 |
12823 |
12824 | n: 'fillOpacity',
12825 | int: true,
12826 | inh: true,
12827 | d: '1',
12828 | syntax: PropertySyntax.OPACITY_VALUE,
12829 | },
12830 | {
12831 | |
12832 |
12833 |
12834 |
12835 |
12836 | n: 'strokeOpacity',
12837 | int: true,
12838 | inh: true,
12839 | d: '1',
12840 | syntax: PropertySyntax.OPACITY_VALUE,
12841 | },
12842 | {
12843 | |
12844 |
12845 |
12846 |
12847 | n: 'fill',
12848 | int: true,
12849 | k: ['none'],
12850 | d: 'none',
12851 | syntax: PropertySyntax.PAINT,
12852 | },
12853 | {
12854 | n: 'fillRule',
12855 | k: ['nonzero', 'evenodd'],
12856 | d: 'nonzero',
12857 | },
12858 | |
12859 |
12860 |
12861 |
12862 | {
12863 | n: 'stroke',
12864 | int: true,
12865 | k: ['none'],
12866 | d: 'none',
12867 | syntax: PropertySyntax.PAINT,
12868 | |
12869 |
12870 |
12871 | l: true,
12872 | },
12873 | {
12874 | n: 'shadowType',
12875 | k: ['inner', 'outer', 'both'],
12876 | d: 'outer',
12877 | l: true,
12878 | },
12879 | {
12880 | n: 'shadowColor',
12881 | int: true,
12882 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COLOR,
12883 | },
12884 | {
12885 | n: 'shadowOffsetX',
12886 | int: true,
12887 | l: true,
12888 | d: '0',
12889 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
12890 | },
12891 | {
12892 | n: 'shadowOffsetY',
12893 | int: true,
12894 | l: true,
12895 | d: '0',
12896 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
12897 | },
12898 | {
12899 | n: 'shadowBlur',
12900 | int: true,
12901 | l: true,
12902 | d: '0',
12903 | syntax: PropertySyntax.SHADOW_BLUR,
12904 | },
12905 | {
12906 | |
12907 |
12908 |
12909 | n: 'lineWidth',
12910 | int: true,
12911 | inh: true,
12912 | d: '1',
12913 | l: true,
12914 | a: ['strokeWidth'],
12915 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
12916 | },
12917 | {
12918 | n: 'increasedLineWidthForHitTesting',
12919 | inh: true,
12920 | d: '0',
12921 | l: true,
12922 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
12923 | },
12924 | {
12925 | n: 'lineJoin',
12926 | inh: true,
12927 | l: true,
12928 | a: ['strokeLinejoin'],
12929 | k: ['miter', 'bevel', 'round'],
12930 | d: 'miter',
12931 | },
12932 | {
12933 | n: 'lineCap',
12934 | inh: true,
12935 | l: true,
12936 | a: ['strokeLinecap'],
12937 | k: ['butt', 'round', 'square'],
12938 | d: 'butt',
12939 | },
12940 | {
12941 | n: 'lineDash',
12942 | int: true,
12943 | inh: true,
12944 | k: ['none'],
12945 | a: ['strokeDasharray'],
12946 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE_12,
12947 | },
12948 | {
12949 | n: 'lineDashOffset',
12950 | int: true,
12951 | inh: true,
12952 | d: '0',
12953 | a: ['strokeDashoffset'],
12954 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
12955 | },
12956 | {
12957 | n: 'offsetPath',
12958 | syntax: PropertySyntax.DEFINED_PATH,
12959 | },
12960 | {
12961 | n: 'offsetDistance',
12962 | int: true,
12963 | syntax: PropertySyntax.OFFSET_DISTANCE,
12964 | },
12965 | {
12966 | n: 'dx',
12967 | int: true,
12968 | l: true,
12969 | d: '0',
12970 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
12971 | },
12972 | {
12973 | n: 'dy',
12974 | int: true,
12975 | l: true,
12976 | d: '0',
12977 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
12978 | },
12979 | {
12980 | n: 'zIndex',
12981 | ind: true,
12982 | int: true,
12983 | d: '0',
12984 | k: ['auto'],
12985 | syntax: PropertySyntax.Z_INDEX,
12986 | },
12987 | {
12988 | n: 'visibility',
12989 | k: ['visible', 'hidden'],
12990 | ind: true,
12991 | inh: true,
12992 | |
12993 |
12994 |
12995 |
12996 | int: true,
12997 | d: 'visible',
12998 | },
12999 | {
13000 | n: 'pointerEvents',
13001 | inh: true,
13002 | k: [
13003 | 'none',
13004 | 'auto',
13005 | 'stroke',
13006 | 'fill',
13007 | 'painted',
13008 | 'visible',
13009 | 'visiblestroke',
13010 | 'visiblefill',
13011 | 'visiblepainted',
13012 |
13013 | 'all',
13014 | ],
13015 | d: 'auto',
13016 | },
13017 | {
13018 | n: 'filter',
13019 | ind: true,
13020 | l: true,
13021 | k: ['none'],
13022 | d: 'none',
13023 | syntax: PropertySyntax.FILTER,
13024 | },
13025 | {
13026 | n: 'clipPath',
13027 | syntax: PropertySyntax.DEFINED_PATH,
13028 | },
13029 | {
13030 | n: 'textPath',
13031 | syntax: PropertySyntax.DEFINED_PATH,
13032 | },
13033 | {
13034 | n: 'textPathSide',
13035 | k: ['left', 'right'],
13036 | d: 'left',
13037 | },
13038 | {
13039 | n: 'textPathStartOffset',
13040 | l: true,
13041 | d: '0',
13042 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
13043 | },
13044 | {
13045 | n: 'transform',
13046 | p: 100,
13047 | int: true,
13048 | k: ['none'],
13049 | d: 'none',
13050 | syntax: PropertySyntax.TRANSFORM,
13051 | },
13052 | {
13053 | n: 'transformOrigin',
13054 | p: 100,
13055 |
13056 | d: function (nodeName) {
13057 | if (nodeName === Shape.CIRCLE || nodeName === Shape.ELLIPSE) {
13058 | return 'center';
13059 | }
13060 | if (nodeName === Shape.TEXT) {
13061 | return 'text-anchor';
13062 | }
13063 | return 'left top';
13064 | },
13065 | l: true,
13066 | syntax: PropertySyntax.TRANSFORM_ORIGIN,
13067 | },
13068 | {
13069 | n: 'anchor',
13070 | p: 99,
13071 | d: function (nodeName) {
13072 | if (nodeName === Shape.CIRCLE || nodeName === Shape.ELLIPSE) {
13073 | return '0.5 0.5';
13074 | }
13075 | return '0 0';
13076 | },
13077 | l: true,
13078 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE_12,
13079 | },
13080 |
13081 | {
13082 | n: 'cx',
13083 | int: true,
13084 | d: '0',
13085 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13086 | },
13087 | {
13088 | n: 'cy',
13089 | int: true,
13090 | d: '0',
13091 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13092 | },
13093 | {
13094 | n: 'cz',
13095 | int: true,
13096 | d: '0',
13097 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13098 | },
13099 | {
13100 | n: 'r',
13101 | int: true,
13102 | l: true,
13103 | d: '0',
13104 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
13105 | },
13106 | {
13107 | n: 'rx',
13108 | int: true,
13109 | l: true,
13110 | d: '0',
13111 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
13112 | },
13113 | {
13114 | n: 'ry',
13115 | int: true,
13116 | l: true,
13117 | d: '0',
13118 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
13119 | },
13120 |
13121 | {
13122 |
13123 | n: 'x',
13124 | int: true,
13125 | d: '0',
13126 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13127 | },
13128 | {
13129 |
13130 | n: 'y',
13131 | int: true,
13132 | d: '0',
13133 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13134 | },
13135 | {
13136 |
13137 | n: 'z',
13138 | int: true,
13139 | d: '0',
13140 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13141 | },
13142 | {
13143 | n: 'width',
13144 | int: true,
13145 | l: true,
13146 | |
13147 |
13148 |
13149 | k: ['auto', 'fit-content', 'min-content', 'max-content'],
13150 | d: '0',
13151 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
13152 | },
13153 | {
13154 | n: 'height',
13155 | int: true,
13156 | l: true,
13157 | |
13158 |
13159 |
13160 | k: ['auto', 'fit-content', 'min-content', 'max-content'],
13161 | d: '0',
13162 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
13163 | },
13164 | {
13165 | n: 'radius',
13166 | int: true,
13167 | l: true,
13168 | d: '0',
13169 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE_14,
13170 | },
13171 |
13172 | {
13173 | n: 'x1',
13174 | int: true,
13175 | l: true,
13176 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13177 | },
13178 | {
13179 | n: 'y1',
13180 | int: true,
13181 | l: true,
13182 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13183 | },
13184 | {
13185 | n: 'z1',
13186 | int: true,
13187 | l: true,
13188 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13189 | },
13190 | {
13191 | n: 'x2',
13192 | int: true,
13193 | l: true,
13194 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13195 | },
13196 | {
13197 | n: 'y2',
13198 | int: true,
13199 | l: true,
13200 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13201 | },
13202 | {
13203 | n: 'z2',
13204 | int: true,
13205 | l: true,
13206 | syntax: PropertySyntax.COORDINATE,
13207 | },
13208 |
13209 | {
13210 | n: 'path',
13211 | int: true,
13212 | l: true,
13213 | d: '',
13214 | a: ['d'],
13215 | syntax: PropertySyntax.PATH,
13216 | p: 50,
13217 | },
13218 |
13219 | {
13220 | n: 'points',
13221 | |
13222 |
13223 |
13224 | int: true,
13225 | l: true,
13226 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LIST_OF_POINTS,
13227 | p: 50,
13228 | },
13229 |
13230 | {
13231 | n: 'text',
13232 | l: true,
13233 | d: '',
13234 | syntax: PropertySyntax.TEXT,
13235 | p: 50,
13236 | },
13237 | {
13238 | n: 'textTransform',
13239 | l: true,
13240 | inh: true,
13241 | k: ['capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'none'],
13242 | d: 'none',
13243 | syntax: PropertySyntax.TEXT_TRANSFORM,
13244 | p: 51,
13245 | },
13246 | {
13247 | n: 'font',
13248 | l: true,
13249 | },
13250 | {
13251 | n: 'fontSize',
13252 | int: true,
13253 | inh: true,
13254 | |
13255 |
13256 |
13257 | d: '16px',
13258 | l: true,
13259 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE,
13260 | },
13261 | {
13262 | n: 'fontFamily',
13263 | l: true,
13264 | inh: true,
13265 | d: 'sans-serif',
13266 | },
13267 | {
13268 | n: 'fontStyle',
13269 | l: true,
13270 | inh: true,
13271 | k: ['normal', 'italic', 'oblique'],
13272 | d: 'normal',
13273 | },
13274 | {
13275 | n: 'fontWeight',
13276 | l: true,
13277 | inh: true,
13278 | k: ['normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter'],
13279 | d: 'normal',
13280 | },
13281 | {
13282 | n: 'fontVariant',
13283 | l: true,
13284 | inh: true,
13285 | k: ['normal', 'small-caps'],
13286 | d: 'normal',
13287 | },
13288 | {
13289 | n: 'lineHeight',
13290 | l: true,
13291 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH,
13292 | int: true,
13293 | d: '0',
13294 | },
13295 | {
13296 | n: 'letterSpacing',
13297 | l: true,
13298 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH,
13299 | int: true,
13300 | d: '0',
13301 | },
13302 | {
13303 | n: 'miterLimit',
13304 | l: true,
13305 | syntax: PropertySyntax.NUMBER,
13306 | d: function (nodeName) {
13307 | if (nodeName === Shape.PATH ||
13308 | nodeName === Shape.POLYGON ||
13309 | nodeName === Shape.POLYLINE) {
13310 | return '4';
13311 | }
13312 | return '10';
13313 | },
13314 | },
13315 | {
13316 | n: 'wordWrap',
13317 | l: true,
13318 | },
13319 | {
13320 | n: 'wordWrapWidth',
13321 | l: true,
13322 | },
13323 | {
13324 | n: 'maxLines',
13325 | l: true,
13326 | },
13327 | {
13328 | n: 'textOverflow',
13329 | l: true,
13330 | d: 'clip',
13331 | },
13332 | {
13333 | n: 'leading',
13334 | l: true,
13335 | },
13336 | {
13337 | n: 'textBaseline',
13338 | l: true,
13339 | inh: true,
13340 | k: ['top', 'hanging', 'middle', 'alphabetic', 'ideographic', 'bottom'],
13341 | d: 'alphabetic',
13342 | },
13343 | {
13344 | n: 'textAlign',
13345 | l: true,
13346 | inh: true,
13347 | k: ['start', 'center', 'middle', 'end', 'left', 'right'],
13348 | d: 'start',
13349 | },
13350 |
13351 |
13352 |
13353 |
13354 | {
13355 | n: 'markerStart',
13356 | syntax: PropertySyntax.MARKER,
13357 | },
13358 | {
13359 | n: 'markerEnd',
13360 | syntax: PropertySyntax.MARKER,
13361 | },
13362 | {
13363 | n: 'markerMid',
13364 | syntax: PropertySyntax.MARKER,
13365 | },
13366 | {
13367 | n: 'markerStartOffset',
13368 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH,
13369 | l: true,
13370 | int: true,
13371 | d: '0',
13372 | },
13373 | {
13374 | n: 'markerEndOffset',
13375 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH,
13376 | l: true,
13377 | int: true,
13378 | d: '0',
13379 | },
13380 | ];
13381 | var GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = BUILT_IN_PROPERTIES.filter(function (n) { return !!n.l; }).map(function (n) { return n.n; });
13382 | var propertyMetadataCache = {};
13383 | var unresolvedProperties = new WeakMap();
13384 |
13385 |
13386 |
13387 |
13388 | var isPropertyResolved = function (object, name) {
13389 | var properties = unresolvedProperties.get(object);
13390 | if (!properties || properties.length === 0) {
13391 | return true;
13392 | }
13393 | return properties.includes(name);
13394 | };
13395 | var DefaultStyleValueRegistry = (function () {
13396 | |
13397 |
13398 |
13399 |
13400 | function DefaultStyleValueRegistry(runtime) {
13401 | var _this = this;
13402 | this.runtime = runtime;
13403 | BUILT_IN_PROPERTIES.forEach(function (property) {
13404 | _this.registerMetadata(property);
13405 | });
13406 | }
13407 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.registerMetadata = function (metadata) {
13408 | __spreadArray([metadata.n], __read((metadata.a || [])), false).forEach(function (name) {
13409 | propertyMetadataCache[name] = metadata;
13410 | });
13411 | };
13412 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.unregisterMetadata = function (name) {
13413 | delete propertyMetadataCache[name];
13414 | };
13415 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.getPropertySyntax = function (syntax) {
13416 | return this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory[syntax];
13417 | };
13418 | |
13419 |
13420 |
13421 |
13422 |
13423 |
13424 |
13425 |
13426 |
13427 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.processProperties = function (object, attributes, options) {
13428 | var _this = this;
13429 | if (options === void 0) { options = {
13430 | skipUpdateAttribute: false,
13431 | skipParse: false,
13432 | forceUpdateGeometry: false,
13433 | usedAttributes: [],
13434 | memoize: true,
13435 | }; }
13436 | if (!this.runtime.enableCSSParsing) {
13437 | Object.assign(object.attributes, attributes);
13438 | var attributeNames_1 = Object.keys(attributes);
13439 |
13440 | var oldClipPath = object.parsedStyle.clipPath;
13441 | var oldOffsetPath = object.parsedStyle.offsetPath;
13442 | object.parsedStyle = Object.assign(object.parsedStyle, attributes);
13443 | var needUpdateGeometry_1 = !!options.forceUpdateGeometry;
13444 | if (!needUpdateGeometry_1) {
13445 | for (var i = 0; i < GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.length; i++) {
13446 | if (GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES[i] in attributes) {
13447 | needUpdateGeometry_1 = true;
13448 | break;
13449 | }
13450 | }
13451 | }
13452 | if (attributes.fill) {
13453 | object.parsedStyle.fill = parseColor(attributes.fill);
13454 | }
13455 | if (attributes.stroke) {
13456 | object.parsedStyle.stroke = parseColor(attributes.stroke);
13457 | }
13458 | if (attributes.shadowColor) {
13459 | object.parsedStyle.shadowColor = parseColor(attributes.shadowColor);
13460 | }
13461 | if (attributes.filter) {
13462 | object.parsedStyle.filter = parseFilter(attributes.filter);
13463 | }
13464 |
13465 |
13466 | if (!isNil(attributes.radius)) {
13467 |
13468 | object.parsedStyle.radius = parseDimensionArrayFormat(
13469 |
13470 | attributes.radius, 4);
13471 | }
13472 |
13473 | if (!isNil(attributes.lineDash)) {
13474 | object.parsedStyle.lineDash = parseDimensionArrayFormat(attributes.lineDash, 2);
13475 | }
13476 |
13477 | if (attributes.points) {
13478 |
13479 | object.parsedStyle.points = parsePoints(attributes.points, object);
13480 | }
13481 |
13482 |
13483 | if (attributes.path === '') {
13484 | object.parsedStyle.path = __assign({}, EMPTY_PARSED_PATH);
13485 | }
13486 |
13487 | if (attributes.path) {
13488 | object.parsedStyle.path = parsePath(
13489 |
13490 | attributes.path);
13491 | object.parsedStyle.defX = object.parsedStyle.path.rect.x;
13492 | object.parsedStyle.defY = object.parsedStyle.path.rect.y;
13493 | }
13494 |
13495 | if (attributes.textTransform) {
13496 | this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<text-transform>'].calculator(null, null, { value: attributes.textTransform }, object, null);
13497 | }
13498 | if (attributes.clipPath) {
13499 | this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<defined-path>'].calculator('clipPath', oldClipPath, attributes.clipPath, object, this.runtime);
13500 | }
13501 | if (attributes.offsetPath) {
13502 | this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<defined-path>'].calculator('offsetPath', oldOffsetPath, attributes.offsetPath, object, this.runtime);
13503 | }
13504 | if (attributes.anchor) {
13505 | object.parsedStyle.anchor = parseDimensionArrayFormat(
13506 |
13507 | attributes.anchor, 2);
13508 | }
13509 | if (attributes.transform) {
13510 | object.parsedStyle.transform = parseTransform(attributes.transform);
13511 | }
13512 | if (attributes.transformOrigin) {
13513 | object.parsedStyle.transformOrigin = parseTransformOrigin(attributes.transformOrigin);
13514 | }
13515 |
13516 |
13517 | if (attributes.markerStart) {
13518 | object.parsedStyle.markerStart = this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<marker>'].calculator(null,
13519 |
13520 | attributes.markerStart,
13521 |
13522 | attributes.markerStart, null, null);
13523 | }
13524 |
13525 | if (attributes.markerEnd) {
13526 | object.parsedStyle.markerEnd = this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<marker>'].calculator(null,
13527 |
13528 | attributes.markerEnd,
13529 |
13530 | attributes.markerEnd, null, null);
13531 | }
13532 |
13533 | if (attributes.markerMid) {
13534 | object.parsedStyle.markerMid = this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<marker>'].calculator('',
13535 |
13536 | attributes.markerMid,
13537 |
13538 | attributes.markerMid, null, null);
13539 | }
13540 | if (
13541 |
13542 | ((object.nodeName === Shape.CIRCLE ||
13543 | object.nodeName === Shape.ELLIPSE) &&
13544 |
13545 | (!isNil(attributes.cx) ||
13546 |
13547 | !isNil(attributes.cy))) ||
13548 | ((object.nodeName === Shape.RECT ||
13549 | object.nodeName === Shape.IMAGE ||
13550 | object.nodeName === Shape.GROUP ||
13551 | object.nodeName === Shape.HTML ||
13552 | object.nodeName === Shape.TEXT ||
13553 | object.nodeName === Shape.MESH) &&
13554 |
13555 | (!isNil(attributes.x) ||
13556 |
13557 | !isNil(attributes.y) ||
13558 |
13559 | !isNil(attributes.z))) ||
13560 |
13561 | (object.nodeName === Shape.LINE &&
13562 |
13563 | (!isNil(attributes.x1) ||
13564 |
13565 | !isNil(attributes.y1) ||
13566 |
13567 | !isNil(attributes.z1) ||
13568 |
13569 | !isNil(attributes.x2) ||
13570 |
13571 | !isNil(attributes.y2) ||
13572 |
13573 | !isNil(attributes.z2)))) {
13574 | this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<coordinate>'].postProcessor(object, attributeNames_1);
13575 | }
13576 | if (!isNil(attributes.zIndex)) {
13577 | this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<z-index>'].postProcessor(object, attributeNames_1);
13578 | }
13579 |
13580 | if (attributes.path) {
13581 | this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<path>'].postProcessor(object, attributeNames_1);
13582 | }
13583 |
13584 | if (attributes.points) {
13585 | this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<list-of-points>'].postProcessor(object, attributeNames_1);
13586 | }
13587 | if (!isNil(attributes.offsetDistance)) {
13588 | this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<offset-distance>'].postProcessor(object, attributeNames_1);
13589 | }
13590 | if (attributes.transform) {
13591 | this.runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory['<transform>'].postProcessor(object, attributeNames_1);
13592 | }
13593 | if (needUpdateGeometry_1) {
13594 | this.updateGeometry(object);
13595 | }
13596 | return;
13597 | }
13598 | var skipUpdateAttribute = options.skipUpdateAttribute, skipParse = options.skipParse, forceUpdateGeometry = options.forceUpdateGeometry, usedAttributes = options.usedAttributes, memoize = options.memoize;
13599 | var needUpdateGeometry = forceUpdateGeometry;
13600 | var attributeNames = Object.keys(attributes);
13601 | attributeNames.forEach(function (attributeName) {
13602 | var _a;
13603 | if (!skipUpdateAttribute) {
13604 | object.attributes[attributeName] = attributes[attributeName];
13605 | }
13606 | if (!needUpdateGeometry && ((_a = propertyMetadataCache[attributeName]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.l)) {
13607 | needUpdateGeometry = true;
13608 | }
13609 | });
13610 | if (!skipParse) {
13611 | attributeNames.forEach(function (name) {
13612 | object.computedStyle[name] = _this.parseProperty(name, object.attributes[name], object, memoize);
13613 | });
13614 | }
13615 |
13616 |
13617 |
13618 |
13619 |
13620 |
13621 |
13622 |
13623 |
13624 | if (usedAttributes === null || usedAttributes === void 0 ? void 0 : usedAttributes.length) {
13625 |
13626 | attributeNames = Array.from(new Set(attributeNames.concat(usedAttributes)));
13627 | }
13628 |
13629 |
13630 |
13631 |
13632 |
13633 |
13634 |
13635 |
13636 |
13637 |
13638 |
13639 |
13640 |
13641 |
13642 |
13643 | attributeNames.forEach(function (name) {
13644 |
13645 | if (name in object.computedStyle) {
13646 | object.parsedStyle[name] = _this.computeProperty(name, object.computedStyle[name], object, memoize);
13647 | }
13648 | });
13649 |
13650 |
13651 |
13652 |
13653 |
13654 | if (needUpdateGeometry) {
13655 |
13656 |
13657 | this.updateGeometry(object);
13658 | }
13659 | attributeNames.forEach(function (name) {
13660 | if (name in object.parsedStyle) {
13661 | _this.postProcessProperty(name, object, attributeNames);
13662 | }
13663 | });
13664 | if (this.runtime.enableCSSParsing && object.children.length) {
13665 | attributeNames.forEach(function (name) {
13666 | if (name in object.parsedStyle && _this.isPropertyInheritable(name)) {
13667 |
13668 | object.children.forEach(function (child) {
13669 | child.internalSetAttribute(name, null, {
13670 | skipUpdateAttribute: true,
13671 | skipParse: true,
13672 | });
13673 | });
13674 | }
13675 | });
13676 | }
13677 | };
13678 | |
13679 |
13680 |
13681 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.parseProperty = function (name, value, object, memoized) {
13682 | var metadata = propertyMetadataCache[name];
13683 | var computed = value;
13684 | if (value === '' || isNil(value)) {
13685 | value = 'unset';
13686 | }
13687 | if (value === 'unset' || value === 'initial' || value === 'inherit') {
13688 |
13689 | computed = getOrCreateKeyword(value);
13690 | }
13691 | else {
13692 | if (metadata) {
13693 | var keywords = metadata.k, syntax = metadata.syntax;
13694 | var handler = syntax && this.getPropertySyntax(syntax);
13695 |
13696 | if (keywords && keywords.indexOf(value) > -1) {
13697 |
13698 | computed = getOrCreateKeyword(value);
13699 | }
13700 | else if (handler) {
13701 | if (!memoized && handler.parserUnmemoize) {
13702 | computed = handler.parserUnmemoize(value, object);
13703 | }
13704 | else if (handler.parser) {
13705 |
13706 | computed = handler.parser(value, object);
13707 | }
13708 | }
13709 | }
13710 | }
13711 | return computed;
13712 | };
13713 | |
13714 |
13715 |
13716 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.computeProperty = function (name, computed, object, memoized) {
13717 | var metadata = propertyMetadataCache[name];
13718 | var isDocumentElement = object.id === 'g-root';
13719 |
13720 | var used = computed;
13721 | if (metadata) {
13722 | var syntax = metadata.syntax, inherited = metadata.inh, defaultValue = metadata.d;
13723 | if (computed instanceof CSSKeywordValue) {
13724 | var value = computed.value;
13725 | |
13726 |
13727 |
13728 | if (value === 'unset') {
13729 | if (inherited && !isDocumentElement) {
13730 | value = 'inherit';
13731 | }
13732 | else {
13733 | value = 'initial';
13734 | }
13735 | }
13736 | if (value === 'initial') {
13737 |
13738 | if (!isNil(defaultValue)) {
13739 | computed = this.parseProperty(name, isFunction$1(defaultValue)
13740 | ? defaultValue(object.nodeName)
13741 | : defaultValue, object, memoized);
13742 | }
13743 | }
13744 | else if (value === 'inherit') {
13745 |
13746 |
13747 | var resolved = this.tryToResolveProperty(object, name, {
13748 | inherited: true,
13749 | });
13750 | if (!isNil(resolved)) {
13751 |
13752 |
13753 | return resolved;
13754 | }
13755 | else {
13756 | this.addUnresolveProperty(object, name);
13757 | return;
13758 | }
13759 | }
13760 | }
13761 | var handler = syntax && this.getPropertySyntax(syntax);
13762 | if (handler && handler.calculator) {
13763 |
13764 | var oldParsedValue = object.parsedStyle[name];
13765 | used = handler.calculator(name, oldParsedValue, computed, object, this.runtime);
13766 | }
13767 | else if (computed instanceof CSSKeywordValue) {
13768 | used = computed.value;
13769 | }
13770 | else {
13771 | used = computed;
13772 | }
13773 | }
13774 |
13775 |
13776 | return used;
13777 | };
13778 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.postProcessProperty = function (name, object, attributes) {
13779 | var metadata = propertyMetadataCache[name];
13780 | if (metadata && metadata.syntax) {
13781 | var handler = metadata.syntax && this.getPropertySyntax(metadata.syntax);
13782 | var propertyHandler = handler;
13783 | if (propertyHandler && propertyHandler.postProcessor) {
13784 | propertyHandler.postProcessor(object, attributes);
13785 | }
13786 | }
13787 | };
13788 | |
13789 |
13790 |
13791 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.addUnresolveProperty = function (object, name) {
13792 | var properties = unresolvedProperties.get(object);
13793 | if (!properties) {
13794 | unresolvedProperties.set(object, []);
13795 | properties = unresolvedProperties.get(object);
13796 | }
13797 | if (properties.indexOf(name) === -1) {
13798 | properties.push(name);
13799 | }
13800 | };
13801 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.tryToResolveProperty = function (object, name, options) {
13802 | if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
13803 | var inherited = options.inherited;
13804 | if (inherited) {
13805 | if (object.parentElement &&
13806 | isPropertyResolved(object.parentElement, name)) {
13807 |
13808 | var usedValue = object.parentElement.parsedStyle[name];
13809 | if (
13810 |
13811 | usedValue === 'unset' ||
13812 | usedValue === 'initial' ||
13813 | usedValue === 'inherit') {
13814 | return;
13815 | }
13816 |
13817 |
13818 |
13819 |
13820 |
13821 |
13822 | return usedValue;
13823 | }
13824 | }
13825 | return;
13826 | };
13827 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.recalc = function (object) {
13828 | var properties = unresolvedProperties.get(object);
13829 | if (properties && properties.length) {
13830 | var attributes_1 = {};
13831 | properties.forEach(function (property) {
13832 | attributes_1[property] = object.attributes[property];
13833 | });
13834 | this.processProperties(object, attributes_1);
13835 | unresolvedProperties.delete(object);
13836 | }
13837 | };
13838 | |
13839 |
13840 |
13841 |
13842 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.updateGeometry = function (object) {
13843 | var nodeName = object.nodeName;
13844 | var geometryUpdater = this.runtime.geometryUpdaterFactory[nodeName];
13845 | if (geometryUpdater) {
13846 | var geometry_1 = object.geometry;
13847 | if (!geometry_1.contentBounds) {
13848 | geometry_1.contentBounds = new AABB();
13849 | }
13850 | if (!geometry_1.renderBounds) {
13851 | geometry_1.renderBounds = new AABB();
13852 | }
13853 | var parsedStyle = object.parsedStyle;
13854 | var _a = geometryUpdater.update(parsedStyle, object), width = _a.width, height = _a.height, _b = _a.depth, depth = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.offsetX, offsetX = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = _a.offsetY, offsetY = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d, _e = _a.offsetZ, offsetZ = _e === void 0 ? 0 : _e;
13855 |
13856 | var halfExtents = [
13857 | Math.abs(width) / 2,
13858 | Math.abs(height) / 2,
13859 | depth / 2,
13860 | ];
13861 |
13862 |
13863 |
13864 |
13865 |
13866 |
13867 |
13868 | var _f = parsedStyle, stroke = _f.stroke, lineWidth = _f.lineWidth,
13869 |
13870 |
13871 |
13872 | increasedLineWidthForHitTesting = _f.increasedLineWidthForHitTesting, shadowType = _f.shadowType, shadowColor = _f.shadowColor, _g = _f.filter, filter = _g === void 0 ? [] : _g, transformOrigin = _f.transformOrigin;
13873 | var anchor = parsedStyle.anchor;
13874 |
13875 | if (nodeName === Shape.TEXT) {
13876 | delete parsedStyle.anchor;
13877 | }
13878 | else if (nodeName === Shape.MESH) {
13879 | parsedStyle.anchor[2] = 0.5;
13880 | }
13881 | var center = [
13882 | ((1 - ((anchor && anchor[0]) || 0) * 2) * width) / 2 + offsetX,
13883 | ((1 - ((anchor && anchor[1]) || 0) * 2) * height) / 2 + offsetY,
13884 | (1 - ((anchor && anchor[2]) || 0) * 2) * halfExtents[2] + offsetZ,
13885 | ];
13886 |
13887 |
13888 |
13889 |
13890 |
13891 |
13892 |
13893 | geometry_1.contentBounds.update(center, halfExtents);
13894 |
13895 | var expansion = nodeName === Shape.POLYLINE ||
13896 | nodeName === Shape.POLYGON ||
13897 | nodeName === Shape.PATH
13898 | ? Math.SQRT2
13899 | : 0.5;
13900 |
13901 |
13902 |
13903 |
13904 |
13905 |
13906 |
13907 | var hasStroke = stroke && !stroke.isNone;
13908 | if (hasStroke) {
13909 | var halfLineWidth = ((lineWidth || 0) + (increasedLineWidthForHitTesting || 0)) *
13910 | expansion;
13911 |
13912 |
13913 | halfExtents[0] += halfLineWidth;
13914 | halfExtents[1] += halfLineWidth;
13915 |
13916 |
13917 |
13918 |
13919 |
13920 | }
13921 | geometry_1.renderBounds.update(center, halfExtents);
13922 |
13923 | if (shadowColor && shadowType && shadowType !== 'inner') {
13924 | var _h = geometry_1.renderBounds, min = _h.min, max = _h.max;
13925 | var _j = parsedStyle, shadowBlur = _j.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX = _j.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY = _j.shadowOffsetY;
13926 | var shadowBlurInPixels = shadowBlur || 0;
13927 | var shadowOffsetXInPixels = shadowOffsetX || 0;
13928 | var shadowOffsetYInPixels = shadowOffsetY || 0;
13929 | var shadowLeft = min[0] - shadowBlurInPixels + shadowOffsetXInPixels;
13930 | var shadowRight = max[0] + shadowBlurInPixels + shadowOffsetXInPixels;
13931 | var shadowTop = min[1] - shadowBlurInPixels + shadowOffsetYInPixels;
13932 | var shadowBottom = max[1] + shadowBlurInPixels + shadowOffsetYInPixels;
13933 | min[0] = Math.min(min[0], shadowLeft);
13934 | max[0] = Math.max(max[0], shadowRight);
13935 | min[1] = Math.min(min[1], shadowTop);
13936 | max[1] = Math.max(max[1], shadowBottom);
13937 | geometry_1.renderBounds.setMinMax(min, max);
13938 | }
13939 |
13940 | filter.forEach(function (_a) {
13941 | var name = _a.name, params = _a.params;
13942 | if (name === 'blur') {
13943 | var blurRadius = params[0].value;
13944 | geometry_1.renderBounds.update(geometry_1.renderBounds.center, addVec3(geometry_1.renderBounds.halfExtents, geometry_1.renderBounds.halfExtents, [blurRadius, blurRadius, 0]));
13945 | }
13946 | else if (name === 'drop-shadow') {
13947 | var shadowOffsetX = params[0].value;
13948 | var shadowOffsetY = params[1].value;
13949 | var shadowBlur = params[2].value;
13950 | var _b = geometry_1.renderBounds, min = _b.min, max = _b.max;
13951 | var shadowLeft = min[0] - shadowBlur + shadowOffsetX;
13952 | var shadowRight = max[0] + shadowBlur + shadowOffsetX;
13953 | var shadowTop = min[1] - shadowBlur + shadowOffsetY;
13954 | var shadowBottom = max[1] + shadowBlur + shadowOffsetY;
13955 | min[0] = Math.min(min[0], shadowLeft);
13956 | max[0] = Math.max(max[0], shadowRight);
13957 | min[1] = Math.min(min[1], shadowTop);
13958 | max[1] = Math.max(max[1], shadowBottom);
13959 | geometry_1.renderBounds.setMinMax(min, max);
13960 | }
13961 | });
13962 | anchor = parsedStyle.anchor;
13963 |
13964 |
13965 |
13966 | var flipY = width < 0;
13967 | var flipX = height < 0;
13968 |
13969 |
13970 |
13971 | var usedOriginXValue = (flipY ? -1 : 1) *
13972 | (transformOrigin
13973 | ? convertPercentUnit(transformOrigin[0], 0, object)
13974 | : 0);
13975 | var usedOriginYValue = (flipX ? -1 : 1) *
13976 | (transformOrigin
13977 | ? convertPercentUnit(transformOrigin[1], 1, object)
13978 | : 0);
13979 | usedOriginXValue =
13980 | usedOriginXValue -
13981 | (flipY ? -1 : 1) *
13982 | ((anchor && anchor[0]) || 0) *
13983 | geometry_1.contentBounds.halfExtents[0] *
13984 | 2;
13985 | usedOriginYValue =
13986 | usedOriginYValue -
13987 | (flipX ? -1 : 1) *
13988 | ((anchor && anchor[1]) || 0) *
13989 | geometry_1.contentBounds.halfExtents[1] *
13990 | 2;
13991 | object.setOrigin(usedOriginXValue, usedOriginYValue);
13992 |
13993 | this.runtime.sceneGraphService.dirtifyToRoot(object);
13994 | }
13995 | };
13996 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.updateSizeAttenuation = function (node, zoom) {
13997 | if (node.style.isSizeAttenuation) {
13998 | if (!node.style.rawLineWidth) {
13999 | node.style.rawLineWidth = node.style.lineWidth;
14000 | }
14001 | node.style.lineWidth = node.style.rawLineWidth / zoom;
14002 | if (node.nodeName === Shape.CIRCLE) {
14003 | if (!node.style.rawR) {
14004 | node.style.rawR = node.style.r;
14005 | }
14006 | node.style.r = node.style.rawR / zoom;
14007 | }
14008 | }
14009 | else {
14010 | if (node.style.rawLineWidth) {
14011 | node.style.lineWidth = node.style.rawLineWidth;
14012 | delete node.style.rawLineWidth;
14013 | }
14014 | if (node.nodeName === Shape.CIRCLE) {
14015 | if (node.style.rawR) {
14016 | node.style.r = node.style.rawR;
14017 | delete node.style.rawR;
14018 | }
14019 | }
14020 | }
14021 | };
14022 | DefaultStyleValueRegistry.prototype.isPropertyInheritable = function (name) {
14023 | var metadata = propertyMetadataCache[name];
14024 | if (!metadata) {
14025 | return false;
14026 | }
14027 | return metadata.inh;
14028 | };
14029 | return DefaultStyleValueRegistry;
14030 | }());
14031 |
14032 | var CSSPropertyAngle = (function () {
14033 | function CSSPropertyAngle() {
14034 | this.parser = parseAngle;
14035 | this.parserUnmemoize = parseAngleUnmemoize;
14036 | this.parserWithCSSDisabled = null;
14037 | this.mixer = mergeNumbers;
14038 | }
14039 | CSSPropertyAngle.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, parsed, object) {
14040 | return convertAngleUnit(parsed);
14041 | };
14042 | return CSSPropertyAngle;
14043 | }());
14044 |
14045 | |
14046 |
14047 |
14048 | var CSSPropertyClipPath = (function () {
14049 | function CSSPropertyClipPath() {
14050 | }
14051 | CSSPropertyClipPath.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldPath, newPath, object, runtime) {
14052 |
14053 | if (newPath instanceof CSSKeywordValue) {
14054 | newPath = null;
14055 | }
14056 | runtime.sceneGraphService.updateDisplayObjectDependency(name, oldPath, newPath, object);
14057 | if (name === 'clipPath') {
14058 |
14059 | object.forEach(function (leaf) {
14060 | if (leaf.childNodes.length === 0) {
14061 | runtime.sceneGraphService.dirtifyToRoot(leaf);
14062 | }
14063 | });
14064 | }
14065 | return newPath;
14066 | };
14067 | return CSSPropertyClipPath;
14068 | }());
14069 |
14070 | var CSSPropertyColor = (function () {
14071 | function CSSPropertyColor() {
14072 | this.parser = parseColor;
14073 | this.parserWithCSSDisabled = parseColor;
14074 | this.mixer = mergeColors;
14075 | }
14076 | CSSPropertyColor.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, parsed, object) {
14077 | if (parsed instanceof CSSKeywordValue) {
14078 |
14079 | return parsed.value === 'none' ? noneColor : transparentColor;
14080 | }
14081 | return parsed;
14082 | };
14083 | return CSSPropertyColor;
14084 | }());
14085 |
14086 | var CSSPropertyFilter = (function () {
14087 | function CSSPropertyFilter() {
14088 | this.parser = parseFilter;
14089 | }
14090 | CSSPropertyFilter.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, parsed) {
14091 |
14092 | if (parsed instanceof CSSKeywordValue) {
14093 | return [];
14094 | }
14095 | return parsed;
14096 | };
14097 | return CSSPropertyFilter;
14098 | }());
14099 |
14100 | function getFontSize(object) {
14101 | var fontSize = object.parsedStyle.fontSize;
14102 | return isNil(fontSize) ? null : fontSize;
14103 | }
14104 | |
14105 |
14106 |
14107 | var CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage = (function () {
14108 | function CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage() {
14109 | this.parser = parseLengthOrPercentage;
14110 | this.parserUnmemoize = parseLengthOrPercentageUnmemoize;
14111 | this.parserWithCSSDisabled = null;
14112 | this.mixer = mergeNumbers;
14113 | }
14114 | |
14115 |
14116 |
14117 |
14118 |
14119 |
14120 | CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, computed, object, runtime) {
14121 | var _a;
14122 | if (isNumber(computed)) {
14123 | return computed;
14124 | }
14125 | if (CSSUnitValue.isRelativeUnit(computed.unit)) {
14126 | var registry = runtime.styleValueRegistry;
14127 | if (computed.unit === UnitType.kPercentage) {
14128 |
14129 | return 0;
14130 | }
14131 | else if (computed.unit === UnitType.kEms) {
14132 | if (object.parentNode) {
14133 | var fontSize = getFontSize(object.parentNode);
14134 | if (fontSize) {
14135 | fontSize *= computed.value;
14136 | return fontSize;
14137 | }
14138 | else {
14139 | registry.addUnresolveProperty(object, name);
14140 | }
14141 | }
14142 | else {
14143 | registry.addUnresolveProperty(object, name);
14144 | }
14145 | return 0;
14146 | }
14147 | else if (computed.unit === UnitType.kRems) {
14148 | if ((_a = object === null || object === void 0 ? void 0 : object.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.documentElement) {
14149 | var fontSize = getFontSize(object.ownerDocument.documentElement);
14150 | if (fontSize) {
14151 | fontSize *= computed.value;
14152 | return fontSize;
14153 | }
14154 | else {
14155 | registry.addUnresolveProperty(object, name);
14156 | }
14157 | }
14158 | else {
14159 | registry.addUnresolveProperty(object, name);
14160 | }
14161 | return 0;
14162 | }
14163 | }
14164 | else {
14165 |
14166 |
14167 |
14168 | return computed.value;
14169 | }
14170 | };
14171 | return CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage;
14172 | }());
14173 |
14174 | |
14175 |
14176 |
14177 |
14178 |
14179 |
14180 |
14181 |
14182 | var CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage12 = (function () {
14183 | function CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage12() {
14184 | this.mixer = mergeNumberLists;
14185 | }
14186 | CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage12.prototype.parser = function (radius) {
14187 | var parsed = parseDimensionArray(isNumber(radius) ? [radius] : radius);
14188 | var formatted;
14189 | if (parsed.length === 1) {
14190 | formatted = [parsed[0], parsed[0]];
14191 | }
14192 | else {
14193 | formatted = [parsed[0], parsed[1]];
14194 | }
14195 | return formatted;
14196 | };
14197 | CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage12.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, computed) {
14198 | return computed.map(function (c) { return c.value; });
14199 | };
14200 | return CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage12;
14201 | }());
14202 |
14203 | |
14204 |
14205 |
14206 |
14207 |
14208 |
14209 |
14210 |
14211 | var CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage14 = (function () {
14212 | function CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage14() {
14213 | this.mixer = mergeNumberLists;
14214 | }
14215 | CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage14.prototype.parser = function (radius) {
14216 | var parsed = parseDimensionArray(isNumber(radius) ? [radius] : radius);
14217 | var formatted;
14218 |
14219 | if (parsed.length === 1) {
14220 | formatted = [parsed[0], parsed[0], parsed[0], parsed[0]];
14221 | }
14222 | else if (parsed.length === 2) {
14223 | formatted = [parsed[0], parsed[1], parsed[0], parsed[1]];
14224 | }
14225 | else if (parsed.length === 3) {
14226 | formatted = [parsed[0], parsed[1], parsed[2], parsed[1]];
14227 | }
14228 | else {
14229 | formatted = [parsed[0], parsed[1], parsed[2], parsed[3]];
14230 | }
14231 | return formatted;
14232 | };
14233 | CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage14.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, computed) {
14234 | return computed.map(function (c) { return c.value; });
14235 | };
14236 | return CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage14;
14237 | }());
14238 |
14239 | var tmpMat4 = create$1();
14240 | function parsedTransformToMat4(transform, object) {
14241 | var defX = object.parsedStyle.defX || 0;
14242 | var defY = object.parsedStyle.defY || 0;
14243 |
14244 | object.resetLocalTransform();
14245 | object.setLocalPosition(defX, defY);
14246 | transform.forEach(function (parsed) {
14247 | var t = parsed.t, d = parsed.d;
14248 | if (t === 'scale') {
14249 |
14250 | var newScale = (d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.map(function (s) { return s.value; })) || [1, 1];
14251 | object.scaleLocal(newScale[0], newScale[1], 1);
14252 | }
14253 | else if (t === 'scalex') {
14254 | var newScale = (d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.map(function (s) { return s.value; })) || [1];
14255 | object.scaleLocal(newScale[0], 1, 1);
14256 | }
14257 | else if (t === 'scaley') {
14258 | var newScale = (d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.map(function (s) { return s.value; })) || [1];
14259 | object.scaleLocal(1, newScale[0], 1);
14260 | }
14261 | else if (t === 'scalez') {
14262 | var newScale = (d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.map(function (s) { return s.value; })) || [1];
14263 | object.scaleLocal(1, 1, newScale[0]);
14264 | }
14265 | else if (t === 'scale3d') {
14266 | var newScale = (d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.map(function (s) { return s.value; })) || [1, 1, 1];
14267 | object.scaleLocal(newScale[0], newScale[1], newScale[2]);
14268 | }
14269 | else if (t === 'translate') {
14270 | var newTranslation = d || [Opx, Opx];
14271 | object.translateLocal(newTranslation[0].value, newTranslation[1].value, 0);
14272 | }
14273 | else if (t === 'translatex') {
14274 | var newTranslation = d || [Opx];
14275 | object.translateLocal(newTranslation[0].value, 0, 0);
14276 | }
14277 | else if (t === 'translatey') {
14278 | var newTranslation = d || [Opx];
14279 | object.translateLocal(0, newTranslation[0].value, 0);
14280 | }
14281 | else if (t === 'translatez') {
14282 | var newTranslation = d || [Opx];
14283 | object.translateLocal(0, 0, newTranslation[0].value);
14284 | }
14285 | else if (t === 'translate3d') {
14286 | var newTranslation = d || [Opx, Opx, Opx];
14287 | object.translateLocal(newTranslation[0].value, newTranslation[1].value, newTranslation[2].value);
14288 | }
14289 | else if (t === 'rotate') {
14290 | var newAngles = d || [Odeg];
14291 | object.rotateLocal(0, 0, convertAngleUnit(newAngles[0]));
14292 | }
14293 | else if (t === 'rotatex') {
14294 | var newAngles = d || [Odeg];
14295 | object.rotateLocal(convertAngleUnit(newAngles[0]), 0, 0);
14296 | }
14297 | else if (t === 'rotatey') {
14298 | var newAngles = d || [Odeg];
14299 | object.rotateLocal(0, convertAngleUnit(newAngles[0]), 0);
14300 | }
14301 | else if (t === 'rotatez') {
14302 | var newAngles = d || [Odeg];
14303 | object.rotateLocal(0, 0, convertAngleUnit(newAngles[0]));
14304 | }
14305 | else if (t === 'rotate3d') ;
14306 | else if (t === 'skew') {
14307 | var newSkew = (d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.map(function (s) { return s.value; })) || [0, 0];
14308 | object.setLocalSkew(deg2rad(newSkew[0]), deg2rad(newSkew[1]));
14309 | }
14310 | else if (t === 'skewx') {
14311 | var newSkew = (d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.map(function (s) { return s.value; })) || [0];
14312 | object.setLocalSkew(deg2rad(newSkew[0]), object.getLocalSkew()[1]);
14313 | }
14314 | else if (t === 'skewy') {
14315 | var newSkew = (d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.map(function (s) { return s.value; })) || [0];
14316 | object.setLocalSkew(object.getLocalSkew()[0], deg2rad(newSkew[0]));
14317 | }
14318 | else if (t === 'matrix') {
14319 | var _a = __read(d.map(function (s) { return s.value; }), 6), a = _a[0], b = _a[1], c = _a[2], dd = _a[3], tx = _a[4], ty = _a[5];
14320 | object.setLocalTransform(set(tmpMat4, a, b, 0, 0, c, dd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, tx + defX, ty + defY, 0, 1));
14321 | }
14322 | else if (t === 'matrix3d') {
14323 |
14324 | set.apply(mat4, __spreadArray([tmpMat4], __read(d.map(function (s) { return s.value; })), false));
14325 | tmpMat4[12] += defX;
14326 | tmpMat4[13] += defY;
14327 | object.setLocalTransform(tmpMat4);
14328 | }
14329 | });
14330 | return object.getLocalTransform();
14331 | }
14332 |
14333 | |
14334 |
14335 |
14336 | var CSSPropertyLocalPosition = (function (_super) {
14337 | __extends(CSSPropertyLocalPosition, _super);
14338 | function CSSPropertyLocalPosition() {
14339 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
14340 | }
14341 | |
14342 |
14343 |
14344 | CSSPropertyLocalPosition.prototype.postProcessor = function (object, attributes) {
14345 | var x;
14346 | var y;
14347 | var z;
14348 | switch (object.nodeName) {
14349 | case Shape.CIRCLE:
14350 | case Shape.ELLIPSE:
14351 | var _a = object.parsedStyle, cx = _a.cx, cy = _a.cy, cz = _a.cz;
14352 | if (!isNil(cx)) {
14353 | x = cx;
14354 | }
14355 | if (!isNil(cy)) {
14356 | y = cy;
14357 | }
14358 | if (!isNil(cz)) {
14359 | z = cz;
14360 | }
14361 | break;
14362 | case Shape.LINE:
14363 | var _b = object.parsedStyle, x1 = _b.x1, x2 = _b.x2, y1 = _b.y1, y2 = _b.y2;
14364 | var minX = Math.min(x1, x2);
14365 | var minY = Math.min(y1, y2);
14366 | x = minX;
14367 | y = minY;
14368 | z = 0;
14369 | break;
14370 | case Shape.RECT:
14371 | case Shape.IMAGE:
14372 | case Shape.GROUP:
14373 | case Shape.HTML:
14374 | case Shape.TEXT:
14375 | case Shape.MESH:
14376 | if (!isNil(object.parsedStyle.x)) {
14377 | x = object.parsedStyle.x;
14378 | }
14379 | if (!isNil(object.parsedStyle.y)) {
14380 | y = object.parsedStyle.y;
14381 | }
14382 | if (!isNil(object.parsedStyle.z)) {
14383 | z = object.parsedStyle.z;
14384 | }
14385 | break;
14386 | }
14387 | if (object.nodeName !== Shape.PATH &&
14388 | object.nodeName !== Shape.POLYLINE &&
14389 | object.nodeName !== Shape.POLYGON) {
14390 | object.parsedStyle.defX = x || 0;
14391 | object.parsedStyle.defY = y || 0;
14392 | }
14393 | var needResetLocalPosition = !isNil(x) || !isNil(y) || !isNil(z);
14394 |
14395 | if (needResetLocalPosition && attributes.indexOf('transform') === -1) {
14396 |
14397 | var transform = object.parsedStyle.transform;
14398 | if (transform && transform.length) {
14399 | parsedTransformToMat4(transform, object);
14400 | }
14401 | else {
14402 | var _c = __read(object.getLocalPosition(), 3), ox = _c[0], oy = _c[1], oz = _c[2];
14403 | object.setLocalPosition(isNil(x) ? ox : x, isNil(y) ? oy : y, isNil(z) ? oz : z);
14404 | }
14405 | }
14406 | };
14407 | return CSSPropertyLocalPosition;
14408 | }(CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage));
14409 |
14410 | var CSSPropertyMarker = (function () {
14411 | function CSSPropertyMarker() {
14412 | }
14413 | CSSPropertyMarker.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldMarker, newMarker, object) {
14414 |
14415 | if (newMarker instanceof CSSKeywordValue) {
14416 | newMarker = null;
14417 | }
14418 | var cloned = newMarker === null || newMarker === void 0 ? void 0 : newMarker.cloneNode(true);
14419 | if (cloned) {
14420 |
14421 | cloned.style.isMarker = true;
14422 | }
14423 | return cloned;
14424 | };
14425 | return CSSPropertyMarker;
14426 | }());
14427 |
14428 | var CSSPropertyNumber = (function () {
14429 | function CSSPropertyNumber() {
14430 | this.mixer = mergeNumbers;
14431 | this.parser = parseNumber;
14432 | this.parserUnmemoize = parseNumberUnmemoize;
14433 | this.parserWithCSSDisabled = null;
14434 | }
14435 | CSSPropertyNumber.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, computed) {
14436 | return computed.value;
14437 | };
14438 | return CSSPropertyNumber;
14439 | }());
14440 |
14441 | var CSSPropertyOffsetDistance = (function () {
14442 | function CSSPropertyOffsetDistance() {
14443 | this.parser = parseNumber;
14444 | this.parserUnmemoize = parseNumberUnmemoize;
14445 | this.parserWithCSSDisabled = null;
14446 | this.mixer = clampedMergeNumbers(0, 1);
14447 | }
14448 | CSSPropertyOffsetDistance.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, computed) {
14449 | return computed.value;
14450 | };
14451 | CSSPropertyOffsetDistance.prototype.postProcessor = function (object) {
14452 | var _a = object.parsedStyle, offsetPath = _a.offsetPath, offsetDistance = _a.offsetDistance;
14453 | if (!offsetPath) {
14454 | return;
14455 | }
14456 | var nodeName = offsetPath.nodeName;
14457 | if (nodeName === Shape.LINE ||
14458 | nodeName === Shape.PATH ||
14459 | nodeName === Shape.POLYLINE) {
14460 |
14461 | var point = offsetPath.getPoint(offsetDistance);
14462 | if (point) {
14463 | object.parsedStyle.defX = point.x;
14464 | object.parsedStyle.defY = point.y;
14465 | object.setLocalPosition(point.x, point.y);
14466 | }
14467 | }
14468 | };
14469 | return CSSPropertyOffsetDistance;
14470 | }());
14471 |
14472 | |
14473 |
14474 |
14475 | var CSSPropertyOpacity = (function () {
14476 | function CSSPropertyOpacity() {
14477 | this.parser = parseNumber;
14478 | this.parserUnmemoize = parseNumberUnmemoize;
14479 | this.parserWithCSSDisabled = null;
14480 | this.mixer = clampedMergeNumbers(0, 1);
14481 | }
14482 | CSSPropertyOpacity.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, computed) {
14483 | return computed.value;
14484 | };
14485 | return CSSPropertyOpacity;
14486 | }());
14487 |
14488 | var CSSPropertyPath = (function () {
14489 | function CSSPropertyPath() {
14490 | |
14491 |
14492 |
14493 | this.parser = parsePath;
14494 | this.parserWithCSSDisabled = parsePath;
14495 | this.mixer = mergePaths;
14496 | }
14497 | CSSPropertyPath.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, parsed) {
14498 |
14499 | if (parsed instanceof CSSKeywordValue && parsed.value === 'unset') {
14500 | return {
14501 | absolutePath: [],
14502 | hasArc: false,
14503 | segments: [],
14504 | polygons: [],
14505 | polylines: [],
14506 | curve: null,
14507 | totalLength: 0,
14508 | rect: new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0),
14509 | };
14510 | }
14511 | return parsed;
14512 | };
14513 | |
14514 |
14515 |
14516 | CSSPropertyPath.prototype.postProcessor = function (object, attributes) {
14517 | object.parsedStyle.defX = object.parsedStyle.path.rect.x;
14518 | object.parsedStyle.defY = object.parsedStyle.path.rect.y;
14519 | if (object.nodeName === Shape.PATH &&
14520 | attributes.indexOf('transform') === -1) {
14521 | var _a = object.parsedStyle, _b = _a.defX, defX = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.defY, defY = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c;
14522 | object.setLocalPosition(defX, defY);
14523 | }
14524 | };
14525 | return CSSPropertyPath;
14526 | }());
14527 |
14528 | var CSSPropertyPoints = (function () {
14529 | function CSSPropertyPoints() {
14530 | this.parser = parsePoints;
14531 | this.mixer = mergePoints;
14532 | }
14533 | |
14534 |
14535 |
14536 | CSSPropertyPoints.prototype.postProcessor = function (object, attributes) {
14537 | if ((object.nodeName === Shape.POLYGON ||
14538 | object.nodeName === Shape.POLYLINE) &&
14539 | attributes.indexOf('transform') === -1) {
14540 | var _a = object.parsedStyle, defX = _a.defX, defY = _a.defY;
14541 | object.setLocalPosition(defX, defY);
14542 | }
14543 | };
14544 | return CSSPropertyPoints;
14545 | }());
14546 |
14547 | var CSSPropertyShadowBlur = (function (_super) {
14548 | __extends(CSSPropertyShadowBlur, _super);
14549 | function CSSPropertyShadowBlur() {
14550 | var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments), false)) || this;
14551 | _this.mixer = clampedMergeNumbers(0, Infinity);
14552 | return _this;
14553 | }
14554 | return CSSPropertyShadowBlur;
14555 | }(CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage));
14556 |
14557 | var CSSPropertyText = (function () {
14558 | function CSSPropertyText() {
14559 | }
14560 | CSSPropertyText.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, parsed, object) {
14561 | if (parsed instanceof CSSKeywordValue) {
14562 | if (parsed.value === 'unset') {
14563 | return '';
14564 | }
14565 | else {
14566 | return parsed.value;
14567 | }
14568 | }
14569 |
14570 | return "".concat(parsed);
14571 | };
14572 | CSSPropertyText.prototype.postProcessor = function (object) {
14573 | object.nodeValue = "".concat(object.parsedStyle.text) || '';
14574 | };
14575 | return CSSPropertyText;
14576 | }());
14577 |
14578 | |
14579 |
14580 |
14581 |
14582 | var CSSPropertyTextTransform = (function () {
14583 | function CSSPropertyTextTransform() {
14584 | }
14585 | CSSPropertyTextTransform.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, parsed, object) {
14586 | var rawText = object.getAttribute('text');
14587 | if (rawText) {
14588 | var transformedText = rawText;
14589 | if (parsed.value === 'capitalize') {
14590 | transformedText = rawText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + rawText.slice(1);
14591 | }
14592 | else if (parsed.value === 'lowercase') {
14593 | transformedText = rawText.toLowerCase();
14594 | }
14595 | else if (parsed.value === 'uppercase') {
14596 | transformedText = rawText.toUpperCase();
14597 | }
14598 | object.parsedStyle.text = transformedText;
14599 | }
14600 | return parsed.value;
14601 | };
14602 | return CSSPropertyTextTransform;
14603 | }());
14604 |
14605 | var canvasMap = {};
14606 | var defaultCanvasIdCounter = 0;
14607 | |
14608 |
14609 |
14610 | function cleanExistedCanvas(container, canvas) {
14611 | if (container) {
14612 | var id = typeof container === 'string'
14613 | ? container
14614 | : container.id || defaultCanvasIdCounter++;
14615 | if (canvasMap[id]) {
14616 | canvasMap[id].destroy();
14617 | }
14618 | canvasMap[id] = canvas;
14619 | }
14620 | }
14621 | var isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined';
14622 |
14623 | function isElement(target) {
14624 | return !!target.getAttribute;
14625 | }
14626 | function sortedIndex(array, value) {
14627 | var low = 0;
14628 | var high = array.length;
14629 | while (low < high) {
14630 | var mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
14631 | if (sortByZIndex(array[mid], value) < 0) {
14632 | low = mid + 1;
14633 | }
14634 | else {
14635 | high = mid;
14636 | }
14637 | }
14638 | return low;
14639 | }
14640 | function sortByZIndex(o1, o2) {
14641 | var zIndex1 = Number(o1.parsedStyle.zIndex);
14642 | var zIndex2 = Number(o2.parsedStyle.zIndex);
14643 | if (zIndex1 === zIndex2) {
14644 | var parent_1 = o1.parentNode;
14645 | if (parent_1) {
14646 | var children = parent_1.childNodes || [];
14647 | return children.indexOf(o1) - children.indexOf(o2);
14648 | }
14649 | }
14650 | return zIndex1 - zIndex2;
14651 | }
14652 | function findClosestClipPathTarget(object) {
14653 | var _a;
14654 | var el = object;
14655 | do {
14656 | var clipPath = (_a = el.parsedStyle) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.clipPath;
14657 | if (clipPath)
14658 | return el;
14659 | el = el.parentElement;
14660 | } while (el !== null);
14661 | return null;
14662 | }
14663 | function getStyle($el, property) {
14664 | if (isBrowser) {
14665 | return document.defaultView
14666 | .getComputedStyle($el, null)
14667 | .getPropertyValue(property);
14668 | }
14669 | }
14670 | function getWidth($el) {
14671 | var width = getStyle($el, 'width');
14672 | if (width === 'auto') {
14673 | return $el.offsetWidth;
14674 | }
14675 | return parseFloat(width);
14676 | }
14677 | function getHeight($el) {
14678 | var height = getStyle($el, 'height');
14679 | if (height === 'auto') {
14680 | return $el.offsetHeight;
14681 | }
14682 | return parseFloat(height);
14683 | }
14684 |
14685 |
14686 | var MOUSE_POINTER_ID = 1;
14687 | var TOUCH_TO_POINTER = {
14688 | touchstart: 'pointerdown',
14689 | touchend: 'pointerup',
14690 | touchendoutside: 'pointerupoutside',
14691 | touchmove: 'pointermove',
14692 | touchcancel: 'pointercancel',
14693 | };
14694 | var clock = typeof performance === 'object' && performance.now ? performance : Date;
14695 |
14696 | function isFillOrStrokeAffected(pointerEvents, fill, stroke) {
14697 |
14698 |
14699 | var hasFill = false;
14700 | var hasStroke = false;
14701 | var isFillOtherThanNone = !!fill && !fill.isNone;
14702 | var isStrokeOtherThanNone = !!stroke && !stroke.isNone;
14703 | if (pointerEvents === 'visiblepainted' ||
14704 | pointerEvents === 'painted' ||
14705 | pointerEvents === 'auto') {
14706 | hasFill = isFillOtherThanNone;
14707 | hasStroke = isStrokeOtherThanNone;
14708 | }
14709 | else if (pointerEvents === 'visiblefill' || pointerEvents === 'fill') {
14710 | hasFill = true;
14711 | }
14712 | else if (pointerEvents === 'visiblestroke' || pointerEvents === 'stroke') {
14713 | hasStroke = true;
14714 | }
14715 | else if (pointerEvents === 'visible' || pointerEvents === 'all') {
14716 |
14717 | hasFill = true;
14718 | hasStroke = true;
14719 | }
14720 | return [hasFill, hasStroke];
14721 | }
14722 |
14723 | |
14724 |
14725 |
14726 |
14727 |
14728 |
14729 |
14730 | var uId = 1;
14731 | var uniqueId = function () { return uId++; };
14732 |
14733 | var root = typeof self === 'object' && self.self == self
14734 | ? self
14735 | :
14736 | typeof global === 'object' && global.global == global
14737 | ?
14738 | global
14739 | : {};
14740 | var nowOffset = Date.now();
14741 |
14742 |
14743 | var pnow = function () {
14744 | if (root.performance && typeof root.performance.now === 'function') {
14745 | return root.performance.now();
14746 | }
14747 |
14748 | return Date.now() - nowOffset;
14749 | };
14750 | var reservedCBs = {};
14751 | var lastTime = Date.now();
14752 | var polyfillRaf = function (callback) {
14753 | if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
14754 | throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function');
14755 | }
14756 | var currentTime = Date.now();
14757 | var gap = currentTime - lastTime;
14758 | var delay = gap > 16 ? 0 : 16 - gap;
14759 | var id = uniqueId();
14760 | reservedCBs[id] = callback;
14761 |
14762 |
14763 | if (Object.keys(reservedCBs).length > 1)
14764 | return id;
14765 | setTimeout(function () {
14766 | lastTime = currentTime;
14767 | var copied = reservedCBs;
14768 | reservedCBs = {};
14769 | Object.keys(copied).forEach(function (key) { return copied[key](pnow()); });
14770 | }, delay);
14771 | return id;
14772 | };
14773 | var polyfillCaf = function (id) {
14774 | delete reservedCBs[id];
14775 | };
14776 | var vendorPrefixes = ['', 'webkit', 'moz', 'ms', 'o'];
14777 | var getRequestAnimationFrame = function (vp) {
14778 | if (typeof vp !== 'string')
14779 | return polyfillRaf;
14780 | if (vp === '')
14781 | return root['requestAnimationFrame'];
14782 | return root[vp + 'RequestAnimationFrame'];
14783 | };
14784 | var getCancelAnimationFrame = function (vp) {
14785 | if (typeof vp !== 'string')
14786 | return polyfillCaf;
14787 | if (vp === '')
14788 | return root['cancelAnimationFrame'];
14789 | return (root[vp + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] ||
14790 | root[vp + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']);
14791 | };
14792 | var find$1 = function (arr, predicate) {
14793 | var i = 0;
14794 | while (arr[i] !== void 0) {
14795 | if (predicate(arr[i]))
14796 | return arr[i];
14797 | i = i + 1;
14798 | }
14799 | };
14800 | var vp = find$1(vendorPrefixes, function (vp) { return !!getRequestAnimationFrame(vp); });
14801 | var raf = getRequestAnimationFrame(vp);
14802 | var caf = getCancelAnimationFrame(vp);
14803 | root.requestAnimationFrame = raf;
14804 | root.cancelAnimationFrame = caf;
14805 |
14806 | var AsyncParallelHook = (function () {
14807 | function AsyncParallelHook() {
14808 | this.callbacks = [];
14809 | }
14810 | AsyncParallelHook.prototype.getCallbacksNum = function () {
14811 | return this.callbacks.length;
14812 | };
14813 | AsyncParallelHook.prototype.tapPromise = function (options, fn) {
14814 | this.callbacks.push(fn);
14815 | };
14816 | AsyncParallelHook.prototype.promise = function () {
14817 | var args = [];
14818 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
14819 | args[_i] = arguments[_i];
14820 | }
14821 | return Promise.all(this.callbacks.map(function (callback) {
14822 | return callback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(args), false));
14823 | }));
14824 | };
14825 | return AsyncParallelHook;
14826 | }());
14827 |
14828 | var AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook = (function () {
14829 | function AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook() {
14830 | this.callbacks = [];
14831 | }
14832 | AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook.prototype.tapPromise = function (options, fn) {
14833 | this.callbacks.push(fn);
14834 | };
14835 | AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook.prototype.promise = function () {
14836 | var args = [];
14837 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
14838 | args[_i] = arguments[_i];
14839 | }
14840 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
14841 | var result, i, callback;
14842 | var _a;
14843 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
14844 | switch (_b.label) {
14845 | case 0:
14846 | if (!this.callbacks.length) return [3 , 6];
14847 | return [4 , (_a = this.callbacks)[0].apply(_a, __spreadArray([], __read(args), false))];
14848 | case 1:
14849 | result = _b.sent();
14850 | i = 0;
14851 | _b.label = 2;
14852 | case 2:
14853 | if (!(i < this.callbacks.length - 1)) return [3 , 5];
14854 | callback = this.callbacks[i];
14855 | return [4 , callback(result)];
14856 | case 3:
14857 |
14858 | result = _b.sent();
14859 | _b.label = 4;
14860 | case 4:
14861 | i++;
14862 | return [3 , 2];
14863 | case 5: return [2 , result];
14864 | case 6: return [2 , null];
14865 | }
14866 | });
14867 | });
14868 | };
14869 | return AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook;
14870 | }());
14871 |
14872 | var SyncHook = (function () {
14873 | function SyncHook() {
14874 | this.callbacks = [];
14875 | }
14876 | SyncHook.prototype.tap = function (options, fn) {
14877 | this.callbacks.push(fn);
14878 | };
14879 | SyncHook.prototype.call = function () {
14880 |
14881 | var argsArr = arguments;
14882 | this.callbacks.forEach(function (callback) {
14883 |
14884 | callback.apply(void 0, argsArr);
14885 | });
14886 | };
14887 | return SyncHook;
14888 | }());
14889 |
14890 | var SyncWaterfallHook = (function () {
14891 | function SyncWaterfallHook() {
14892 | this.callbacks = [];
14893 | }
14894 | SyncWaterfallHook.prototype.tap = function (options, fn) {
14895 | this.callbacks.push(fn);
14896 | };
14897 | SyncWaterfallHook.prototype.call = function () {
14898 | if (this.callbacks.length) {
14899 |
14900 | var argsArr = arguments;
14901 |
14902 | var result = this.callbacks[0].apply(void 0, argsArr);
14903 | for (var i = 0; i < this.callbacks.length - 1; i++) {
14904 | var callback = this.callbacks[i];
14905 |
14906 | result = callback(result);
14907 | }
14908 | return result;
14909 | }
14910 | return null;
14911 | };
14912 | return SyncWaterfallHook;
14913 | }());
14914 |
14915 | var genericFontFamilies = [
14916 | 'serif',
14917 | 'sans-serif',
14918 | 'monospace',
14919 | 'cursive',
14920 | 'fantasy',
14921 | 'system-ui',
14922 | ];
14923 | var stringRegExp = /([\"\'])[^\'\"]+\1/;
14924 | function toFontString(attributes) {
14925 | var fontSize = attributes.fontSize, fontFamily = attributes.fontFamily, fontStyle = attributes.fontStyle, fontVariant = attributes.fontVariant, fontWeight = attributes.fontWeight;
14926 |
14927 |
14928 | var fontSizeString = (isNumber(fontSize) && "".concat(fontSize, "px")) || '16px';
14929 |
14930 |
14931 | var fontFamilies = fontFamily.split(',');
14932 | for (var i = fontFamilies.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
14933 |
14934 | var fontFamily_1 = fontFamilies[i].trim();
14935 |
14936 | if (!stringRegExp.test(fontFamily_1) &&
14937 | genericFontFamilies.indexOf(fontFamily_1) < 0) {
14938 | fontFamily_1 = "\"".concat(fontFamily_1, "\"");
14939 | }
14940 | fontFamilies[i] = fontFamily_1;
14941 | }
14942 | return "".concat(fontStyle, " ").concat(fontVariant, " ").concat(fontWeight, " ").concat(fontSizeString, " ").concat(fontFamilies.join(','));
14943 | }
14944 |
14945 | |
14946 |
14947 |
14948 |
14949 |
14950 |
14951 |
14952 |
14953 |
14954 |
14955 |
14956 |
14957 |
14958 |
14959 |
14960 |
14961 |
14962 |
14963 |
14964 |
14965 |
14966 |
14967 |
14968 |
14969 |
14970 |
14971 |
14972 |
14973 |
14974 |
14975 | var CSSPropertyTransform = (function () {
14976 | function CSSPropertyTransform() {
14977 | this.parser = parseTransform;
14978 | this.parserUnmemoize = parseTransformUnmemoize;
14979 | this.parserWithCSSDisabled = parseTransformUnmemoize;
14980 | this.mixer = mergeTransforms;
14981 | }
14982 | CSSPropertyTransform.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, parsed, object) {
14983 |
14984 | if (parsed instanceof CSSKeywordValue) {
14985 | return [];
14986 | }
14987 | return parsed;
14988 | };
14989 | CSSPropertyTransform.prototype.postProcessor = function (object) {
14990 | var transform = object.parsedStyle.transform;
14991 | parsedTransformToMat4(transform, object);
14992 | };
14993 | return CSSPropertyTransform;
14994 | }());
14995 |
14996 | |
14997 |
14998 |
14999 |
15000 |
15001 | var CSSPropertyTransformOrigin = (function () {
15002 | function CSSPropertyTransformOrigin() {
15003 | this.parser = parseTransformOrigin;
15004 | this.parserUnmemoize = parseTransformOriginUnmemoize;
15005 |
15006 |
15007 |
15008 |
15009 |
15010 |
15011 |
15012 |
15013 |
15014 |
15015 | }
15016 | return CSSPropertyTransformOrigin;
15017 | }());
15018 |
15019 | var CSSPropertyZIndex = (function () {
15020 | function CSSPropertyZIndex() {
15021 | this.parser = parseNumber;
15022 | this.parserUnmemoize = parseNumberUnmemoize;
15023 | }
15024 | CSSPropertyZIndex.prototype.calculator = function (name, oldParsed, computed, object) {
15025 | return computed.value;
15026 | };
15027 | CSSPropertyZIndex.prototype.postProcessor = function (object) {
15028 | if (object.parentNode) {
15029 | var parentEntity = object.parentNode;
15030 | var parentRenderable = parentEntity.renderable;
15031 | var parentSortable = parentEntity.sortable;
15032 | if (parentRenderable) {
15033 | parentRenderable.dirty = true;
15034 | }
15035 |
15036 | if (parentSortable) {
15037 | parentSortable.dirty = true;
15038 | parentSortable.dirtyReason = SortReason.Z_INDEX_CHANGED;
15039 | }
15040 | }
15041 | };
15042 | return CSSPropertyZIndex;
15043 | }());
15044 |
15045 | var CircleUpdater = (function () {
15046 | function CircleUpdater() {
15047 | }
15048 | CircleUpdater.prototype.update = function (parsedStyle, object) {
15049 | var r = parsedStyle.r;
15050 | var width = r * 2;
15051 | var height = r * 2;
15052 | return {
15053 | width: width,
15054 | height: height,
15055 | };
15056 | };
15057 | return CircleUpdater;
15058 | }());
15059 |
15060 | var EllipseUpdater = (function () {
15061 | function EllipseUpdater() {
15062 | }
15063 | EllipseUpdater.prototype.update = function (parsedStyle, object) {
15064 | var rx = parsedStyle.rx, ry = parsedStyle.ry;
15065 | var width = rx * 2;
15066 | var height = ry * 2;
15067 | return {
15068 | width: width,
15069 | height: height,
15070 | };
15071 | };
15072 | return EllipseUpdater;
15073 | }());
15074 |
15075 | var LineUpdater = (function () {
15076 | function LineUpdater() {
15077 | }
15078 | LineUpdater.prototype.update = function (parsedStyle) {
15079 | var x1 = parsedStyle.x1, y1 = parsedStyle.y1, x2 = parsedStyle.x2, y2 = parsedStyle.y2;
15080 | var minX = Math.min(x1, x2);
15081 | var maxX = Math.max(x1, x2);
15082 | var minY = Math.min(y1, y2);
15083 | var maxY = Math.max(y1, y2);
15084 | var width = maxX - minX;
15085 | var height = maxY - minY;
15086 | return {
15087 | width: width,
15088 | height: height,
15089 | };
15090 | };
15091 | return LineUpdater;
15092 | }());
15093 |
15094 | var PathUpdater = (function () {
15095 | function PathUpdater() {
15096 | }
15097 | PathUpdater.prototype.update = function (parsedStyle) {
15098 | var path = parsedStyle.path;
15099 | var _a = path.rect, width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
15100 | return {
15101 | width: width,
15102 | height: height,
15103 | };
15104 | };
15105 | return PathUpdater;
15106 | }());
15107 |
15108 | var PolylineUpdater = (function () {
15109 | function PolylineUpdater() {
15110 | }
15111 | PolylineUpdater.prototype.update = function (parsedStyle) {
15112 | if (parsedStyle.points && isArray(parsedStyle.points.points)) {
15113 | var points = parsedStyle.points.points;
15114 |
15115 | var minX = Math.min.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(points.map(function (point) { return point[0]; })), false));
15116 | var maxX = Math.max.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(points.map(function (point) { return point[0]; })), false));
15117 | var minY = Math.min.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(points.map(function (point) { return point[1]; })), false));
15118 | var maxY = Math.max.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(points.map(function (point) { return point[1]; })), false));
15119 | var width = maxX - minX;
15120 | var height = maxY - minY;
15121 | return {
15122 | width: width,
15123 | height: height,
15124 | };
15125 | }
15126 | return {
15127 | width: 0,
15128 | height: 0,
15129 | };
15130 | };
15131 | return PolylineUpdater;
15132 | }());
15133 |
15134 | var RectUpdater = (function () {
15135 | function RectUpdater() {
15136 | }
15137 | RectUpdater.prototype.update = function (parsedStyle, object) {
15138 | var img = parsedStyle.img, _a = parsedStyle.width, width = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a, _b = parsedStyle.height, height = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b;
15139 | var contentWidth = width;
15140 | var contentHeight = height;
15141 |
15142 | if (img && !isString(img)) {
15143 | if (!contentWidth) {
15144 | contentWidth = img.width;
15145 | parsedStyle.width = contentWidth;
15146 | }
15147 | if (!contentHeight) {
15148 | contentHeight = img.height;
15149 | parsedStyle.height = contentHeight;
15150 | }
15151 | }
15152 | return {
15153 | width: contentWidth,
15154 | height: contentHeight,
15155 | };
15156 | };
15157 | return RectUpdater;
15158 | }());
15159 |
15160 | var TextUpdater = (function () {
15161 | function TextUpdater(globalRuntime) {
15162 | this.globalRuntime = globalRuntime;
15163 | }
15164 | TextUpdater.prototype.isReadyToMeasure = function (parsedStyle, object) {
15165 | var text = parsedStyle.text, textAlign = parsedStyle.textAlign, textBaseline = parsedStyle.textBaseline, fontSize = parsedStyle.fontSize, fontStyle = parsedStyle.fontStyle, fontWeight = parsedStyle.fontWeight, fontVariant = parsedStyle.fontVariant, lineWidth = parsedStyle.lineWidth;
15166 | return (text &&
15167 | fontSize &&
15168 | fontStyle &&
15169 | fontWeight &&
15170 | fontVariant &&
15171 | textAlign &&
15172 | textBaseline &&
15173 | !isNil(lineWidth));
15174 | };
15175 | TextUpdater.prototype.update = function (parsedStyle, object) {
15176 | var _a, _b;
15177 | var text = parsedStyle.text, textAlign = parsedStyle.textAlign, lineWidth = parsedStyle.lineWidth, textBaseline = parsedStyle.textBaseline, dx = parsedStyle.dx, dy = parsedStyle.dy;
15178 | if (!this.isReadyToMeasure(parsedStyle, object)) {
15179 | parsedStyle.metrics = {
15180 | font: '',
15181 | width: 0,
15182 | height: 0,
15183 | lines: [],
15184 | lineWidths: [],
15185 | lineHeight: 0,
15186 | maxLineWidth: 0,
15187 | fontProperties: {
15188 | ascent: 0,
15189 | descent: 0,
15190 | fontSize: 0,
15191 | },
15192 | lineMetrics: [],
15193 | };
15194 | return {
15195 | width: 0,
15196 | height: 0,
15197 | x: 0,
15198 | y: 0,
15199 | offsetX: 0,
15200 | offsetY: 0,
15201 | };
15202 | }
15203 | var offscreenCanvas = (((_b = (_a = object === null || object === void 0 ? void 0 : object.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.defaultView) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getConfig()) || {}).offscreenCanvas;
15204 | var metrics = this.globalRuntime.textService.measureText(text, parsedStyle, offscreenCanvas);
15205 | parsedStyle.metrics = metrics;
15206 | var width = metrics.width, height = metrics.height, lineHeight = metrics.lineHeight, fontProperties = metrics.fontProperties;
15207 |
15208 | var halfExtents = [width / 2, height / 2, 0];
15209 |
15210 | var anchor = [0, 1];
15211 | var lineXOffset = 0;
15212 | if (textAlign === 'center' || textAlign === 'middle') {
15213 | lineXOffset = lineWidth / 2;
15214 | anchor = [0.5, 1];
15215 | }
15216 | else if (textAlign === 'right' || textAlign === 'end') {
15217 | lineXOffset = lineWidth;
15218 | anchor = [1, 1];
15219 | }
15220 | var lineYOffset = 0;
15221 | if (textBaseline === 'middle') {
15222 |
15223 | lineYOffset = halfExtents[1];
15224 | }
15225 | else if (textBaseline === 'top' || textBaseline === 'hanging') {
15226 | lineYOffset = halfExtents[1] * 2;
15227 | }
15228 | else if (textBaseline === 'alphabetic') {
15229 |
15230 | lineYOffset = this.globalRuntime.enableCSSParsing
15231 | ? lineHeight - fontProperties.ascent
15232 | : 0;
15233 | }
15234 | else if (textBaseline === 'bottom' || textBaseline === 'ideographic') {
15235 | lineYOffset = 0;
15236 | }
15237 |
15238 | if (dx) {
15239 | lineXOffset += dx;
15240 | }
15241 | if (dy) {
15242 | lineYOffset += dy;
15243 | }
15244 |
15245 | parsedStyle.anchor = [anchor[0], anchor[1], 0];
15246 | return {
15247 | width: halfExtents[0] * 2,
15248 | height: halfExtents[1] * 2,
15249 | offsetX: lineXOffset,
15250 | offsetY: lineYOffset,
15251 | };
15252 | };
15253 | return TextUpdater;
15254 | }());
15255 |
15256 | function isFederatedEvent(value) {
15257 | return !!value.type;
15258 | }
15259 | |
15260 |
15261 |
15262 |
15263 | var FederatedEvent = (function () {
15264 | |
15265 |
15266 |
15267 |
15268 | function FederatedEvent(manager) {
15269 | |
15270 |
15271 |
15272 |
15273 | this.eventPhase = FederatedEvent.prototype.NONE;
15274 | |
15275 |
15276 |
15277 | this.bubbles = true;
15278 | |
15279 |
15280 |
15281 | this.cancelBubble = true;
15282 | |
15283 |
15284 |
15285 | this.cancelable = false;
15286 |
15287 | this.defaultPrevented = false;
15288 |
15289 | this.propagationStopped = false;
15290 |
15291 | this.propagationImmediatelyStopped = false;
15292 | |
15293 |
15294 |
15295 |
15296 | this.layer = new Point();
15297 | |
15298 |
15299 |
15300 |
15301 |
15302 |
15303 | this.page = new Point();
15304 | |
15305 |
15306 |
15307 | this.canvas = new Point();
15308 | |
15309 |
15310 |
15311 | this.viewport = new Point();
15312 | this.composed = false;
15313 | this.NONE = 0;
15314 | this.CAPTURING_PHASE = 1;
15315 | this.AT_TARGET = 2;
15316 | this.BUBBLING_PHASE = 3;
15317 | this.manager = manager;
15318 | }
15319 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "name", {
15320 | |
15321 |
15322 |
15323 | get: function () {
15324 | return this.type;
15325 | },
15326 | enumerable: false,
15327 | configurable: true
15328 | });
15329 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "layerX", {
15330 | get: function () {
15331 | return this.layer.x;
15332 | },
15333 | enumerable: false,
15334 | configurable: true
15335 | });
15336 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "layerY", {
15337 | get: function () {
15338 | return this.layer.y;
15339 | },
15340 | enumerable: false,
15341 | configurable: true
15342 | });
15343 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "pageX", {
15344 | get: function () {
15345 | return this.page.x;
15346 | },
15347 | enumerable: false,
15348 | configurable: true
15349 | });
15350 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "pageY", {
15351 | get: function () {
15352 | return this.page.y;
15353 | },
15354 | enumerable: false,
15355 | configurable: true
15356 | });
15357 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "x", {
15358 | get: function () {
15359 | return this.canvas.x;
15360 | },
15361 | enumerable: false,
15362 | configurable: true
15363 | });
15364 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "y", {
15365 | get: function () {
15366 | return this.canvas.y;
15367 | },
15368 | enumerable: false,
15369 | configurable: true
15370 | });
15371 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "canvasX", {
15372 | get: function () {
15373 | return this.canvas.x;
15374 | },
15375 | enumerable: false,
15376 | configurable: true
15377 | });
15378 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "canvasY", {
15379 | get: function () {
15380 | return this.canvas.y;
15381 | },
15382 | enumerable: false,
15383 | configurable: true
15384 | });
15385 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "viewportX", {
15386 | get: function () {
15387 | return this.viewport.x;
15388 | },
15389 | enumerable: false,
15390 | configurable: true
15391 | });
15392 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "viewportY", {
15393 | get: function () {
15394 | return this.viewport.y;
15395 | },
15396 | enumerable: false,
15397 | configurable: true
15398 | });
15399 | |
15400 |
15401 |
15402 |
15403 |
15404 |
15405 |
15406 | FederatedEvent.prototype.composedPath = function () {
15407 | if (this.manager && (!this.path || this.path[0] !== this.target)) {
15408 | this.path = this.target ? this.manager.propagationPath(this.target) : [];
15409 | }
15410 | return this.path;
15411 | };
15412 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedEvent.prototype, "propagationPath", {
15413 | |
15414 |
15415 |
15416 | get: function () {
15417 | return this.composedPath();
15418 | },
15419 | enumerable: false,
15420 | configurable: true
15421 | });
15422 | |
15423 |
15424 |
15425 | FederatedEvent.prototype.preventDefault = function () {
15426 | if (this.nativeEvent instanceof Event && this.nativeEvent.cancelable) {
15427 | this.nativeEvent.preventDefault();
15428 | }
15429 | this.defaultPrevented = true;
15430 | };
15431 | |
15432 |
15433 |
15434 | FederatedEvent.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation = function () {
15435 | this.propagationImmediatelyStopped = true;
15436 | };
15437 | |
15438 |
15439 |
15440 | FederatedEvent.prototype.stopPropagation = function () {
15441 | this.propagationStopped = true;
15442 | };
15443 | |
15444 |
15445 |
15446 |
15447 | FederatedEvent.prototype.initEvent = function () { };
15448 | FederatedEvent.prototype.initUIEvent = function () { };
15449 | FederatedEvent.prototype.clone = function () {
15450 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
15451 | };
15452 | return FederatedEvent;
15453 | }());
15454 |
15455 | var FederatedMouseEvent = (function (_super) {
15456 | __extends(FederatedMouseEvent, _super);
15457 | function FederatedMouseEvent() {
15458 | var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments), false)) || this;
15459 | |
15460 |
15461 |
15462 | _this.client = new Point();
15463 | |
15464 |
15465 |
15466 | _this.movement = new Point();
15467 | |
15468 |
15469 |
15470 |
15471 | _this.offset = new Point();
15472 | |
15473 |
15474 |
15475 | _this.global = new Point();
15476 | |
15477 |
15478 |
15479 | _this.screen = new Point();
15480 | return _this;
15481 | }
15482 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedMouseEvent.prototype, "clientX", {
15483 | get: function () {
15484 | return this.client.x;
15485 | },
15486 | enumerable: false,
15487 | configurable: true
15488 | });
15489 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedMouseEvent.prototype, "clientY", {
15490 | get: function () {
15491 | return this.client.y;
15492 | },
15493 | enumerable: false,
15494 | configurable: true
15495 | });
15496 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedMouseEvent.prototype, "movementX", {
15497 | get: function () {
15498 | return this.movement.x;
15499 | },
15500 | enumerable: false,
15501 | configurable: true
15502 | });
15503 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedMouseEvent.prototype, "movementY", {
15504 | get: function () {
15505 | return this.movement.y;
15506 | },
15507 | enumerable: false,
15508 | configurable: true
15509 | });
15510 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedMouseEvent.prototype, "offsetX", {
15511 | get: function () {
15512 | return this.offset.x;
15513 | },
15514 | enumerable: false,
15515 | configurable: true
15516 | });
15517 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedMouseEvent.prototype, "offsetY", {
15518 | get: function () {
15519 | return this.offset.y;
15520 | },
15521 | enumerable: false,
15522 | configurable: true
15523 | });
15524 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedMouseEvent.prototype, "globalX", {
15525 | get: function () {
15526 | return this.global.x;
15527 | },
15528 | enumerable: false,
15529 | configurable: true
15530 | });
15531 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedMouseEvent.prototype, "globalY", {
15532 | get: function () {
15533 | return this.global.y;
15534 | },
15535 | enumerable: false,
15536 | configurable: true
15537 | });
15538 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedMouseEvent.prototype, "screenX", {
15539 | get: function () {
15540 | return this.screen.x;
15541 | },
15542 | enumerable: false,
15543 | configurable: true
15544 | });
15545 | Object.defineProperty(FederatedMouseEvent.prototype, "screenY", {
15546 | get: function () {
15547 | return this.screen.y;
15548 | },
15549 | enumerable: false,
15550 | configurable: true
15551 | });
15552 | FederatedMouseEvent.prototype.getModifierState = function (key) {
15553 | return ('getModifierState' in this.nativeEvent &&
15554 | this.nativeEvent.getModifierState(key));
15555 | };
15556 | FederatedMouseEvent.prototype.initMouseEvent = function () {
15557 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
15558 | };
15559 | return FederatedMouseEvent;
15560 | }(FederatedEvent));
15561 |
15562 |
15563 | var FederatedPointerEvent = (function (_super) {
15564 | __extends(FederatedPointerEvent, _super);
15565 | function FederatedPointerEvent() {
15566 | var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments), false)) || this;
15567 | |
15568 |
15569 |
15570 |
15571 |
15572 |
15573 | _this.width = 0;
15574 | |
15575 |
15576 |
15577 |
15578 |
15579 |
15580 | _this.height = 0;
15581 | |
15582 |
15583 |
15584 |
15585 |
15586 | _this.isPrimary = false;
15587 | return _this;
15588 | }
15589 | |
15590 |
15591 |
15592 | FederatedPointerEvent.prototype.getCoalescedEvents = function () {
15593 | if (this.type === 'pointermove' ||
15594 | this.type === 'mousemove' ||
15595 | this.type === 'touchmove') {
15596 |
15597 | return [this];
15598 | }
15599 | return [];
15600 | };
15601 | |
15602 |
15603 |
15604 | FederatedPointerEvent.prototype.getPredictedEvents = function () {
15605 | throw new Error('getPredictedEvents is not supported!');
15606 | };
15607 | |
15608 |
15609 |
15610 |
15611 |
15612 |
15613 |
15614 |
15615 |
15616 |
15617 |
15618 | FederatedPointerEvent.prototype.clone = function () {
15619 | return this.manager.clonePointerEvent(this);
15620 | };
15621 | return FederatedPointerEvent;
15622 | }(FederatedMouseEvent));
15623 |
15624 |
15625 | var FederatedWheelEvent = (function (_super) {
15626 | __extends(FederatedWheelEvent, _super);
15627 | function FederatedWheelEvent() {
15628 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
15629 | }
15630 | FederatedWheelEvent.prototype.clone = function () {
15631 | return this.manager.cloneWheelEvent(this);
15632 | };
15633 | return FederatedWheelEvent;
15634 | }(FederatedMouseEvent));
15635 |
15636 | |
15637 |
15638 |
15639 |
15640 |
15641 |
15642 |
15643 |
15644 |
15645 |
15646 |
15647 |
15648 | var CustomEvent = (function (_super) {
15649 | __extends(CustomEvent, _super);
15650 |
15651 | function CustomEvent(eventName, object) {
15652 | var _this = _super.call(this, null) || this;
15653 | _this.type = eventName;
15654 | _this.detail = object;
15655 |
15656 | Object.assign(_this, object);
15657 | return _this;
15658 | }
15659 | return CustomEvent;
15660 | }(FederatedEvent));
15661 |
15662 | var DELEGATION_SPLITTER = ':';
15663 | |
15664 |
15665 |
15666 |
15667 |
15668 | var EventTarget = (function () {
15669 | function EventTarget() {
15670 | |
15671 |
15672 |
15673 | this.emitter = new eventemitter3();
15674 | }
15675 | |
15676 |
15677 |
15678 |
15679 | EventTarget.prototype.on = function (type, listener, options) {
15680 | this.addEventListener(type, listener, options);
15681 | return this;
15682 | };
15683 | |
15684 |
15685 |
15686 |
15687 | EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener, options) {
15688 | var capture = (isBoolean(options) && options) || (isObject(options) && options.capture);
15689 | var once = isObject(options) && options.once;
15690 | var context = isFunction$1(listener) ? undefined : listener;
15691 |
15692 |
15693 | var useDelegatedName = false;
15694 | var delegatedName = '';
15695 | if (type.indexOf(DELEGATION_SPLITTER) > -1) {
15696 | var _a = __read(type.split(DELEGATION_SPLITTER), 2), name_1 = _a[0], eventType = _a[1];
15697 | type = eventType;
15698 | delegatedName = name_1;
15699 | useDelegatedName = true;
15700 | }
15701 | type = capture ? "".concat(type, "capture") : type;
15702 | listener = isFunction$1(listener) ? listener : listener.handleEvent;
15703 |
15704 | if (useDelegatedName) {
15705 | var originListener_1 = listener;
15706 | listener = function () {
15707 | var _a;
15708 | var args = [];
15709 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
15710 | args[_i] = arguments[_i];
15711 | }
15712 | if (((_a = args[0].target) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) !== delegatedName) {
15713 | return;
15714 | }
15715 |
15716 | originListener_1.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(args), false));
15717 | };
15718 | }
15719 | if (once) {
15720 | this.emitter.once(type, listener, context);
15721 | }
15722 | else {
15723 | this.emitter.on(type, listener, context);
15724 | }
15725 | return this;
15726 | };
15727 | |
15728 |
15729 |
15730 |
15731 | EventTarget.prototype.off = function (type, listener, options) {
15732 | if (type) {
15733 | this.removeEventListener(type, listener, options);
15734 | }
15735 | else {
15736 |
15737 | this.removeAllEventListeners();
15738 | }
15739 | return this;
15740 | };
15741 | EventTarget.prototype.removeAllEventListeners = function () {
15742 | this.emitter.removeAllListeners();
15743 | };
15744 | EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, listener, options) {
15745 | var capture = (isBoolean(options) && options) || (isObject(options) && options.capture);
15746 | var context = isFunction$1(listener) ? undefined : listener;
15747 | type = capture ? "".concat(type, "capture") : type;
15748 | listener = isFunction$1(listener) ? listener : listener === null || listener === void 0 ? void 0 : listener.handleEvent;
15749 | this.emitter.off(type, listener, context);
15750 | return this;
15751 | };
15752 | |
15753 |
15754 |
15755 |
15756 |
15757 | EventTarget.prototype.emit = function (eventName, object) {
15758 | this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, object));
15759 | };
15760 | |
15761 |
15762 |
15763 | EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (e, skipPropagate) {
15764 | var _a, _b;
15765 | if (skipPropagate === void 0) { skipPropagate = false; }
15766 | if (!isFederatedEvent(e)) {
15767 | throw new Error('DisplayObject cannot propagate events outside of the Federated Events API');
15768 | }
15769 |
15770 | var canvas;
15771 |
15772 | if (this.document) {
15773 | canvas = this;
15774 |
15775 | }
15776 | else if (this.defaultView) {
15777 | canvas = this.defaultView;
15778 | }
15779 | else {
15780 | canvas = (_a = this.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.defaultView;
15781 | }
15782 |
15783 | if (canvas) {
15784 | e.manager = canvas.getEventService() || null;
15785 | if (!e.manager) {
15786 | return false;
15787 | }
15788 | e.defaultPrevented = false;
15789 | e.path = [];
15790 | if (!skipPropagate) {
15791 | e.target = this;
15792 | }
15793 | (_b = e.manager) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.dispatchEvent(e, e.type, skipPropagate);
15794 | }
15795 | return !e.defaultPrevented;
15796 | };
15797 | return EventTarget;
15798 | }());
15799 |
15800 | |
15801 |
15802 |
15803 | var Node = (function (_super) {
15804 | __extends(Node, _super);
15805 | function Node() {
15806 | var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments), false)) || this;
15807 | _this.shadow = false;
15808 | |
15809 |
15810 |
15811 |
15812 | _this.ownerDocument = null;
15813 | |
15814 |
15815 |
15816 |
15817 |
15818 |
15819 |
15820 | _this.isConnected = false;
15821 | |
15822 |
15823 |
15824 |
15825 | _this.baseURI = '';
15826 | |
15827 |
15828 |
15829 |
15830 | _this.childNodes = [];
15831 | |
15832 |
15833 |
15834 | _this.nodeType = 0;
15835 | |
15836 |
15837 |
15838 | _this.nodeName = '';
15839 | |
15840 |
15841 |
15842 | _this.nodeValue = null;
15843 | |
15844 |
15845 |
15846 | _this.parentNode = null;
15847 | return _this;
15848 | }
15849 | Node.isNode = function (target) {
15850 | return !!target.childNodes;
15851 | };
15852 | Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "textContent", {
15853 | |
15854 |
15855 |
15856 | get: function () {
15857 | var e_1, _a;
15858 | var out = '';
15859 | if (this.nodeName === Shape.TEXT) {
15860 |
15861 | out += this.style.text;
15862 | }
15863 | try {
15864 | for (var _b = __values(this.childNodes), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
15865 | var child = _c.value;
15866 | if (child.nodeName === Shape.TEXT) {
15867 | out += child.nodeValue;
15868 | }
15869 | else {
15870 | out += child.textContent;
15871 | }
15872 | }
15873 | }
15874 | catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
15875 | finally {
15876 | try {
15877 | if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
15878 | }
15879 | finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
15880 | }
15881 | return out;
15882 | },
15883 | set: function (content) {
15884 | var _this = this;
15885 |
15886 | this.childNodes.slice().forEach(function (child) {
15887 | _this.removeChild(child);
15888 | });
15889 | if (this.nodeName === Shape.TEXT) {
15890 |
15891 | this.style.text = "".concat(content);
15892 | }
15893 | },
15894 | enumerable: false,
15895 | configurable: true
15896 | });
15897 | |
15898 |
15899 |
15900 | Node.prototype.getRootNode = function (opts) {
15901 | if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
15902 | if (this.parentNode) {
15903 | return this.parentNode.getRootNode(opts);
15904 | }
15905 | if (opts.composed && this.host) {
15906 | return this.host.getRootNode(opts);
15907 | }
15908 | return this;
15909 | };
15910 | Node.prototype.hasChildNodes = function () {
15911 | return this.childNodes.length > 0;
15912 | };
15913 | Node.prototype.isDefaultNamespace = function (namespace) {
15914 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
15915 | };
15916 | Node.prototype.lookupNamespaceURI = function (prefix) {
15917 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
15918 | };
15919 | Node.prototype.lookupPrefix = function (namespace) {
15920 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
15921 | };
15922 | Node.prototype.normalize = function () {
15923 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
15924 | };
15925 | |
15926 |
15927 |
15928 | Node.prototype.isEqualNode = function (otherNode) {
15929 |
15930 | return this === otherNode;
15931 | };
15932 | Node.prototype.isSameNode = function (otherNode) {
15933 | return this.isEqualNode(otherNode);
15934 | };
15935 | Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "parent", {
15936 | |
15937 |
15938 |
15939 |
15940 | get: function () {
15941 | return this.parentNode;
15942 | },
15943 | enumerable: false,
15944 | configurable: true
15945 | });
15946 | Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "parentElement", {
15947 | get: function () {
15948 | return null;
15949 | },
15950 | enumerable: false,
15951 | configurable: true
15952 | });
15953 | Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "nextSibling", {
15954 | get: function () {
15955 | return null;
15956 | },
15957 | enumerable: false,
15958 | configurable: true
15959 | });
15960 | Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "previousSibling", {
15961 | get: function () {
15962 | return null;
15963 | },
15964 | enumerable: false,
15965 | configurable: true
15966 | });
15967 | Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "firstChild", {
15968 | get: function () {
15969 | return this.childNodes.length > 0 ? this.childNodes[0] : null;
15970 | },
15971 | enumerable: false,
15972 | configurable: true
15973 | });
15974 | Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "lastChild", {
15975 | get: function () {
15976 | return this.childNodes.length > 0
15977 | ? this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 1]
15978 | : null;
15979 | },
15980 | enumerable: false,
15981 | configurable: true
15982 | });
15983 | |
15984 |
15985 |
15986 |
15987 | Node.prototype.compareDocumentPosition = function (other) {
15988 | var _a;
15989 | if (other === this) {
15990 |
15991 | return 0;
15992 | }
15993 |
15994 |
15995 |
15996 |
15997 |
15998 | var node1Root = other;
15999 |
16000 | var node2Root = this;
16001 | var node1Hierarchy = [node1Root];
16002 | var node2Hierarchy = [node2Root];
16003 | while ((_a = node1Root.parentNode) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node2Root.parentNode) {
16004 | node1Root = node1Root.parentNode
16005 | ? (node1Hierarchy.push(node1Root.parentNode), node1Root.parentNode)
16006 | : node1Root;
16007 | node2Root = node2Root.parentNode
16008 | ? (node2Hierarchy.push(node2Root.parentNode), node2Root.parentNode)
16009 | : node2Root;
16010 | }
16011 |
16012 | if (node1Root !== node2Root) {
16016 | }
16017 | var longerHierarchy = node1Hierarchy.length > node2Hierarchy.length
16018 | ? node1Hierarchy
16019 | : node2Hierarchy;
16020 | var shorterHierarchy = longerHierarchy === node1Hierarchy ? node2Hierarchy : node1Hierarchy;
16021 |
16022 | if (longerHierarchy[longerHierarchy.length - shorterHierarchy.length] ===
16023 | shorterHierarchy[0]) {
16024 | return longerHierarchy === node1Hierarchy
16025 | ?
16027 | :
16029 | }
16030 |
16031 |
16032 | var longerStart = longerHierarchy.length - shorterHierarchy.length;
16033 | for (var i = shorterHierarchy.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
16034 | var shorterHierarchyNode = shorterHierarchy[i];
16035 | var longerHierarchyNode = longerHierarchy[longerStart + i];
16036 |
16037 | if (longerHierarchyNode !== shorterHierarchyNode) {
16038 | var siblings = shorterHierarchyNode.parentNode.childNodes;
16039 | if (siblings.indexOf(shorterHierarchyNode) <
16040 | siblings.indexOf(longerHierarchyNode)) {
16041 |
16042 | if (shorterHierarchy === node1Hierarchy) {
16043 |
16045 | }
16046 | else {
16047 |
16049 | }
16050 | }
16051 | else {
16052 |
16053 | if (longerHierarchy === node1Hierarchy) {
16054 |
16056 | }
16057 | else {
16058 |
16060 | }
16061 | }
16062 | }
16063 | }
16065 | };
16066 | |
16067 |
16068 |
16069 |
16070 | Node.prototype.contain = function (other) {
16071 | return this.contains(other);
16072 | };
16073 | Node.prototype.contains = function (other) {
16074 |
16075 | var tmp = other;
16076 |
16077 | while (tmp && this !== tmp) {
16078 | tmp = tmp.parentNode;
16079 | }
16080 | return !!tmp;
16081 | };
16082 | Node.prototype.getAncestor = function (n) {
16083 |
16084 | var temp = this;
16085 | while (n > 0 && temp) {
16086 | temp = temp.parentNode;
16087 | n--;
16088 | }
16089 | return temp;
16090 | };
16091 | Node.prototype.forEach = function (callback, assigned) {
16092 | if (assigned === void 0) { assigned = false; }
16093 | if (!callback(this)) {
16094 | (assigned ? this.childNodes.slice() : this.childNodes).forEach(function (child) {
16095 | child.forEach(callback);
16096 | });
16097 | }
16098 | };
16099 | |
16100 |
16101 |
16103 | |
16104 |
16105 |
16106 |
16108 | |
16109 |
16110 |
16112 | |
16113 |
16114 |
16116 | |
16117 |
16118 |
16120 | |
16121 |
16122 |
16124 | return Node;
16125 | }(EventTarget));
16126 |
16127 | var PROPAGATION_LIMIT = 2048;
16128 | var EventService = (function () {
16129 | function EventService(globalRuntime, context) {
16130 | var _this = this;
16131 | this.globalRuntime = globalRuntime;
16132 | this.context = context;
16133 | this.emitter = new eventemitter3();
16134 | |
16135 |
16136 |
16137 | this.nativeHTMLMap = new WeakMap();
16138 | this.cursor = 'default';
16139 | this.mappingTable = {};
16140 | this.mappingState = {
16141 | trackingData: {},
16142 | };
16143 | this.eventPool = new Map();
16144 | this.tmpMatrix = create$1();
16145 | this.tmpVec3 = create$2();
16146 | this.onPointerDown = function (from) {
16147 | var e = _this.createPointerEvent(from);
16148 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, 'pointerdown');
16149 | if (e.pointerType === 'touch') {
16150 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, 'touchstart');
16151 | }
16152 | else if (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen') {
16153 | var isRightButton = e.button === 2;
16154 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, isRightButton ? 'rightdown' : 'mousedown');
16155 | }
16156 | var trackingData = _this.trackingData(from.pointerId);
16157 | trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button] = e.composedPath();
16158 | _this.freeEvent(e);
16159 | };
16160 | this.onPointerUp = function (from) {
16161 | var _a;
16162 | var now = clock.now();
16163 | var e = _this.createPointerEvent(from, undefined, undefined, _this.context.config.alwaysTriggerPointerEventOnCanvas
16164 | ? _this.rootTarget
16165 | : undefined);
16166 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, 'pointerup');
16167 | if (e.pointerType === 'touch') {
16168 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, 'touchend');
16169 | }
16170 | else if (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen') {
16171 | var isRightButton = e.button === 2;
16172 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, isRightButton ? 'rightup' : 'mouseup');
16173 | }
16174 | var trackingData = _this.trackingData(from.pointerId);
16175 | var pressTarget = _this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button]);
16176 | var clickTarget = pressTarget;
16177 |
16178 |
16179 | if (pressTarget && !e.composedPath().includes(pressTarget)) {
16180 | var currentTarget = pressTarget;
16181 | while (currentTarget && !e.composedPath().includes(currentTarget)) {
16182 | e.currentTarget = currentTarget;
16183 | _this.notifyTarget(e, 'pointerupoutside');
16184 | if (e.pointerType === 'touch') {
16185 | _this.notifyTarget(e, 'touchendoutside');
16186 | }
16187 | else if (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen') {
16188 | var isRightButton = e.button === 2;
16189 | _this.notifyTarget(e, isRightButton ? 'rightupoutside' : 'mouseupoutside');
16190 | }
16191 | if (Node.isNode(currentTarget)) {
16192 | currentTarget = currentTarget.parentNode;
16193 | }
16194 | }
16195 | delete trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button];
16196 |
16197 |
16198 | clickTarget = currentTarget;
16199 | }
16200 | if (clickTarget) {
16201 | var clickEvent = _this.clonePointerEvent(e, 'click');
16202 | clickEvent.target = clickTarget;
16203 | clickEvent.path = [];
16204 | if (!trackingData.clicksByButton[from.button]) {
16205 | trackingData.clicksByButton[from.button] = {
16206 | clickCount: 0,
16207 | target: clickEvent.target,
16208 | timeStamp: now,
16209 | };
16210 | }
16211 | var clickHistory = trackingData.clicksByButton[from.button];
16212 | if (clickHistory.target === clickEvent.target &&
16213 | now - clickHistory.timeStamp < 200) {
16214 | ++clickHistory.clickCount;
16215 | }
16216 | else {
16217 | clickHistory.clickCount = 1;
16218 | }
16219 | clickHistory.target = clickEvent.target;
16220 | clickHistory.timeStamp = now;
16221 | clickEvent.detail = clickHistory.clickCount;
16222 |
16223 | if (!((_a = e.detail) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.preventClick)) {
16224 | if (!_this.context.config.useNativeClickEvent &&
16225 | (clickEvent.pointerType === 'mouse' ||
16226 | clickEvent.pointerType === 'touch')) {
16227 | _this.dispatchEvent(clickEvent, 'click');
16228 | }
16229 | _this.dispatchEvent(clickEvent, 'pointertap');
16230 | }
16231 | _this.freeEvent(clickEvent);
16232 | }
16233 | _this.freeEvent(e);
16234 | };
16235 | this.onPointerMove = function (from) {
16236 | var e = _this.createPointerEvent(from, undefined, undefined, _this.context.config.alwaysTriggerPointerEventOnCanvas
16237 | ? _this.rootTarget
16238 | : undefined);
16239 | var isMouse = e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen';
16240 | var trackingData = _this.trackingData(from.pointerId);
16241 | var outTarget = _this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.overTargets);
16242 |
16243 | if (trackingData.overTargets && outTarget !== e.target) {
16244 |
16245 | var outType = from.type === 'mousemove' ? 'mouseout' : 'pointerout';
16246 | var outEvent = _this.createPointerEvent(from, outType, outTarget || undefined);
16247 | _this.dispatchEvent(outEvent, 'pointerout');
16248 | if (isMouse)
16249 | _this.dispatchEvent(outEvent, 'mouseout');
16250 |
16251 |
16252 | if (!e.composedPath().includes(outTarget)) {
16253 | var leaveEvent = _this.createPointerEvent(from, 'pointerleave', outTarget || undefined);
16254 | leaveEvent.eventPhase = leaveEvent.AT_TARGET;
16255 | while (leaveEvent.target &&
16256 | !e.composedPath().includes(leaveEvent.target)) {
16257 | leaveEvent.currentTarget = leaveEvent.target;
16258 | _this.notifyTarget(leaveEvent);
16259 | if (isMouse) {
16260 | _this.notifyTarget(leaveEvent, 'mouseleave');
16261 | }
16262 | if (Node.isNode(leaveEvent.target)) {
16263 | leaveEvent.target = leaveEvent.target.parentNode;
16264 | }
16265 | }
16266 | _this.freeEvent(leaveEvent);
16267 | }
16268 | _this.freeEvent(outEvent);
16269 | }
16270 |
16271 | if (outTarget !== e.target) {
16272 |
16273 | var overType = from.type === 'mousemove' ? 'mouseover' : 'pointerover';
16274 | var overEvent = _this.clonePointerEvent(e, overType);
16275 | _this.dispatchEvent(overEvent, 'pointerover');
16276 | if (isMouse)
16277 | _this.dispatchEvent(overEvent, 'mouseover');
16278 |
16279 | var overTargetAncestor = outTarget && Node.isNode(outTarget) && outTarget.parentNode;
16280 | while (overTargetAncestor &&
16281 | overTargetAncestor !==
16282 | (Node.isNode(_this.rootTarget) && _this.rootTarget.parentNode)) {
16283 | if (overTargetAncestor === e.target)
16284 | break;
16285 | overTargetAncestor = overTargetAncestor.parentNode;
16286 | }
16287 |
16288 |
16289 | var didPointerEnter = !overTargetAncestor ||
16290 | overTargetAncestor ===
16291 | (Node.isNode(_this.rootTarget) && _this.rootTarget.parentNode);
16292 | if (didPointerEnter) {
16293 | var enterEvent = _this.clonePointerEvent(e, 'pointerenter');
16294 | enterEvent.eventPhase = enterEvent.AT_TARGET;
16295 | while (enterEvent.target &&
16296 | enterEvent.target !== outTarget &&
16297 | enterEvent.target !==
16298 | (Node.isNode(_this.rootTarget) && _this.rootTarget.parentNode)) {
16299 | enterEvent.currentTarget = enterEvent.target;
16300 | _this.notifyTarget(enterEvent);
16301 | if (isMouse)
16302 | _this.notifyTarget(enterEvent, 'mouseenter');
16303 | if (Node.isNode(enterEvent.target)) {
16304 | enterEvent.target = enterEvent.target.parentNode;
16305 | }
16306 | }
16307 | _this.freeEvent(enterEvent);
16308 | }
16309 | _this.freeEvent(overEvent);
16310 | }
16311 |
16312 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, 'pointermove');
16313 | if (e.pointerType === 'touch')
16314 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, 'touchmove');
16315 | if (isMouse) {
16316 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, 'mousemove');
16317 | _this.cursor = _this.getCursor(e.target);
16318 | }
16319 | trackingData.overTargets = e.composedPath();
16320 | _this.freeEvent(e);
16321 | };
16322 | this.onPointerOut = function (from) {
16323 | var trackingData = _this.trackingData(from.pointerId);
16324 | if (trackingData.overTargets) {
16325 | var isMouse = from.pointerType === 'mouse' || from.pointerType === 'pen';
16326 | var outTarget = _this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.overTargets);
16327 |
16328 | var outEvent = _this.createPointerEvent(from, 'pointerout', outTarget || undefined);
16329 | _this.dispatchEvent(outEvent);
16330 | if (isMouse)
16331 | _this.dispatchEvent(outEvent, 'mouseout');
16332 |
16333 |
16334 | var leaveEvent = _this.createPointerEvent(from, 'pointerleave', outTarget || undefined);
16335 | leaveEvent.eventPhase = leaveEvent.AT_TARGET;
16336 | while (leaveEvent.target &&
16337 | leaveEvent.target !==
16338 | (Node.isNode(_this.rootTarget) && _this.rootTarget.parentNode)) {
16339 | leaveEvent.currentTarget = leaveEvent.target;
16340 | _this.notifyTarget(leaveEvent);
16341 | if (isMouse) {
16342 | _this.notifyTarget(leaveEvent, 'mouseleave');
16343 | }
16344 | if (Node.isNode(leaveEvent.target)) {
16345 | leaveEvent.target = leaveEvent.target.parentNode;
16346 | }
16347 | }
16348 | trackingData.overTargets = null;
16349 | _this.freeEvent(outEvent);
16350 | _this.freeEvent(leaveEvent);
16351 | }
16352 | _this.cursor = null;
16353 | };
16354 | this.onPointerOver = function (from) {
16355 | var trackingData = _this.trackingData(from.pointerId);
16356 | var e = _this.createPointerEvent(from);
16357 | var isMouse = e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen';
16358 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, 'pointerover');
16359 | if (isMouse)
16360 | _this.dispatchEvent(e, 'mouseover');
16361 | if (e.pointerType === 'mouse')
16362 | _this.cursor = _this.getCursor(e.target);
16363 |
16364 | var enterEvent = _this.clonePointerEvent(e, 'pointerenter');
16365 | enterEvent.eventPhase = enterEvent.AT_TARGET;
16366 | while (enterEvent.target &&
16367 | enterEvent.target !==
16368 | (Node.isNode(_this.rootTarget) && _this.rootTarget.parentNode)) {
16369 | enterEvent.currentTarget = enterEvent.target;
16370 | _this.notifyTarget(enterEvent);
16371 | if (isMouse) {
16372 |
16373 |
16374 | _this.notifyTarget(enterEvent, 'mouseenter');
16375 | }
16376 | if (Node.isNode(enterEvent.target)) {
16377 | enterEvent.target = enterEvent.target.parentNode;
16378 | }
16379 | }
16380 | trackingData.overTargets = e.composedPath();
16381 | _this.freeEvent(e);
16382 | _this.freeEvent(enterEvent);
16383 | };
16384 | this.onPointerUpOutside = function (from) {
16385 | var trackingData = _this.trackingData(from.pointerId);
16386 | var pressTarget = _this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button]);
16387 | var e = _this.createPointerEvent(from);
16388 | if (pressTarget) {
16389 | var currentTarget = pressTarget;
16390 | while (currentTarget) {
16391 | e.currentTarget = currentTarget;
16392 | _this.notifyTarget(e, 'pointerupoutside');
16393 | if (e.pointerType === 'touch') ;
16394 | else if (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen') {
16395 | _this.notifyTarget(e, e.button === 2 ? 'rightupoutside' : 'mouseupoutside');
16396 | }
16397 | if (Node.isNode(currentTarget)) {
16398 | currentTarget = currentTarget.parentNode;
16399 | }
16400 | }
16401 | delete trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button];
16402 | }
16403 | _this.freeEvent(e);
16404 | };
16405 | this.onWheel = function (from) {
16406 | var wheelEvent = _this.createWheelEvent(from);
16407 | _this.dispatchEvent(wheelEvent);
16408 | _this.freeEvent(wheelEvent);
16409 | };
16410 | this.onClick = function (from) {
16411 | if (_this.context.config.useNativeClickEvent) {
16412 | var e = _this.createPointerEvent(from);
16413 | _this.dispatchEvent(e);
16414 | _this.freeEvent(e);
16415 | }
16416 | };
16417 | this.onPointerCancel = function (from) {
16418 | var e = _this.createPointerEvent(from, undefined, undefined, _this.context.config.alwaysTriggerPointerEventOnCanvas
16419 | ? _this.rootTarget
16420 | : undefined);
16421 | _this.dispatchEvent(e);
16422 | _this.freeEvent(e);
16423 | };
16424 | }
16425 | EventService.prototype.init = function () {
16426 | this.rootTarget = this.context.renderingContext.root.parentNode;
16427 | this.addEventMapping('pointerdown', this.onPointerDown);
16428 | this.addEventMapping('pointerup', this.onPointerUp);
16429 | this.addEventMapping('pointermove', this.onPointerMove);
16430 | this.addEventMapping('pointerout', this.onPointerOut);
16431 | this.addEventMapping('pointerleave', this.onPointerOut);
16432 | this.addEventMapping('pointercancel', this.onPointerCancel);
16433 | this.addEventMapping('pointerover', this.onPointerOver);
16434 | this.addEventMapping('pointerupoutside', this.onPointerUpOutside);
16435 | this.addEventMapping('wheel', this.onWheel);
16436 | this.addEventMapping('click', this.onClick);
16437 | };
16438 | EventService.prototype.destroy = function () {
16439 | this.emitter.removeAllListeners();
16440 | this.mappingTable = {};
16441 | this.mappingState = {};
16442 | this.eventPool.clear();
16443 | };
16444 | EventService.prototype.client2Viewport = function (client) {
16445 | var bbox = this.context.contextService.getBoundingClientRect();
16446 | return new Point(client.x - ((bbox === null || bbox === void 0 ? void 0 : bbox.left) || 0), client.y - ((bbox === null || bbox === void 0 ? void 0 : bbox.top) || 0));
16447 | };
16448 | EventService.prototype.viewport2Client = function (canvas) {
16449 | var bbox = this.context.contextService.getBoundingClientRect();
16450 | return new Point(canvas.x + ((bbox === null || bbox === void 0 ? void 0 : bbox.left) || 0), canvas.y + ((bbox === null || bbox === void 0 ? void 0 : bbox.top) || 0));
16451 | };
16452 | EventService.prototype.viewport2Canvas = function (_a) {
16453 | var x = _a.x, y = _a.y;
16454 | var canvas = this.rootTarget.defaultView;
16455 | var camera = canvas.getCamera();
16456 | var _b = this.context.config, width = _b.width, height = _b.height;
16457 | var projectionMatrixInverse = camera.getPerspectiveInverse();
16458 | var worldMatrix = camera.getWorldTransform();
16459 | var vpMatrix = multiply(this.tmpMatrix, worldMatrix, projectionMatrixInverse);
16460 | var viewport = set$1(this.tmpVec3, (x / width) * 2 - 1, (1 - y / height) * 2 - 1, 0);
16461 | transformMat4(viewport, viewport, vpMatrix);
16462 | return new Point(viewport[0], viewport[1]);
16463 | };
16464 | EventService.prototype.canvas2Viewport = function (canvasP) {
16465 | var canvas = this.rootTarget.defaultView;
16466 | var camera = canvas.getCamera();
16467 |
16468 | var projectionMatrix = camera.getPerspective();
16469 | var viewMatrix = camera.getViewTransform();
16470 | var vpMatrix = multiply(this.tmpMatrix, projectionMatrix, viewMatrix);
16471 | var clip = set$1(this.tmpVec3, canvasP.x, canvasP.y, 0);
16472 | transformMat4(this.tmpVec3, this.tmpVec3, vpMatrix);
16473 | // Clip -> NDC -> Viewport, flip Y
16474 | var _a = this.context.config, width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
16475 | return new Point(((clip[0] + 1) / 2) * width, (1 - (clip[1] + 1) / 2) * height);
16476 | };
16477 | EventService.prototype.setPickHandler = function (pickHandler) {
16478 | this.pickHandler = pickHandler;
16479 | };
16480 | EventService.prototype.addEventMapping = function (type, fn) {
16481 | if (!this.mappingTable[type]) {
16482 | this.mappingTable[type] = [];
16483 | }
16484 | this.mappingTable[type].push({
16485 | fn: fn,
16486 | priority: 0,
16487 | });
16488 | this.mappingTable[type].sort(function (a, b) { return a.priority - b.priority; });
16489 | };
16490 | EventService.prototype.mapEvent = function (e) {
16491 | if (!this.rootTarget) {
16492 | return;
16493 | }
16494 | var mappers = this.mappingTable[e.type];
16495 | if (mappers) {
16496 | for (var i = 0, j = mappers.length; i < j; i++) {
16497 | mappers[i].fn(e);
16498 | }
16499 | }
16500 | else {
16501 | console.warn("[EventService]: Event mapping not defined for ".concat(e.type));
16502 | }
16503 | };
16504 | EventService.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (e, type, skipPropagate) {
16505 |
16506 | if (!skipPropagate) {
16507 | e.propagationStopped = false;
16508 | e.propagationImmediatelyStopped = false;
16509 | this.propagate(e, type);
16510 | }
16511 | else {
16512 |
16513 | e.eventPhase = e.AT_TARGET;
16514 | var canvas = this.rootTarget.defaultView || null;
16515 | e.currentTarget = canvas;
16516 | this.notifyListeners(e, type);
16517 | }
16518 | this.emitter.emit(type || e.type, e);
16519 | };
16520 | EventService.prototype.propagate = function (e, type) {
16521 | if (!e.target) {
16522 | return;
16523 | }
16524 |
16525 | var composedPath = e.composedPath();
16526 |
16527 |
16528 | e.eventPhase = e.CAPTURING_PHASE;
16529 | for (var i = composedPath.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
16530 | e.currentTarget = composedPath[i];
16531 | this.notifyTarget(e, type);
16532 | if (e.propagationStopped || e.propagationImmediatelyStopped)
16533 | return;
16534 | }
16535 |
16536 | e.eventPhase = e.AT_TARGET;
16537 | e.currentTarget = e.target;
16538 | this.notifyTarget(e, type);
16539 | if (e.propagationStopped || e.propagationImmediatelyStopped)
16540 | return;
16541 |
16542 | var index = composedPath.indexOf(e.currentTarget);
16543 |
16544 | e.eventPhase = e.BUBBLING_PHASE;
16545 | for (var i = index + 1; i < composedPath.length; i++) {
16546 | e.currentTarget = composedPath[i];
16547 | this.notifyTarget(e, type);
16548 | if (e.propagationStopped || e.propagationImmediatelyStopped)
16549 | return;
16550 | }
16551 | };
16552 | EventService.prototype.propagationPath = function (target) {
16553 | var propagationPath = [target];
16554 | var canvas = this.rootTarget.defaultView || null;
16555 | if (canvas && canvas === target) {
16556 | propagationPath.unshift(canvas.document);
16557 | return propagationPath;
16558 | }
16559 | for (var i = 0; i < PROPAGATION_LIMIT && target !== this.rootTarget; i++) {
16560 |
16561 |
16562 |
16563 | if (Node.isNode(target) && target.parentNode) {
16564 |
16565 | propagationPath.push(target.parentNode);
16566 | target = target.parentNode;
16567 | }
16568 | }
16569 | if (canvas) {
16570 |
16571 | propagationPath.push(canvas);
16572 | }
16573 | return propagationPath;
16574 | };
16575 | EventService.prototype.hitTest = function (position) {
16576 | var viewportX = position.viewportX, viewportY = position.viewportY;
16577 | var _a = this.context.config, width = _a.width, height = _a.height, disableHitTesting = _a.disableHitTesting;
16578 |
16579 | if (viewportX < 0 ||
16580 | viewportY < 0 ||
16581 | viewportX > width ||
16582 | viewportY > height) {
16583 | return null;
16584 | }
16585 | return ((!disableHitTesting && this.pickHandler(position)) ||
16586 | this.rootTarget ||
16587 | null);
16588 | };
16589 | |
16590 |
16591 |
16592 |
16593 | EventService.prototype.isNativeEventFromCanvas = function ($el, nativeEvent) {
16594 | var target = nativeEvent === null || nativeEvent === void 0 ? void 0 : nativeEvent.target;
16595 |
16596 |
16597 | if (target === null || target === void 0 ? void 0 : target.shadowRoot) {
16598 | target = nativeEvent.composedPath()[0];
16599 | }
16600 | if (target) {
16601 |
16602 | if (target === $el) {
16603 | return true;
16604 | }
16605 |
16606 | if ($el && $el.contains) {
16607 | return $el.contains(target);
16608 | }
16609 | }
16610 | if (nativeEvent === null || nativeEvent === void 0 ? void 0 : nativeEvent.composedPath) {
16611 | return nativeEvent.composedPath().indexOf($el) > -1;
16612 | }
16613 |
16614 | return false;
16615 | };
16616 | |
16617 |
16618 |
16619 | EventService.prototype.getExistedHTML = function (event) {
16620 | var e_1, _a;
16621 | if (event.nativeEvent.composedPath) {
16622 | try {
16623 | for (var _b = __values(event.nativeEvent.composedPath()), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
16624 | var eventTarget = _c.value;
16625 | var existed = this.nativeHTMLMap.get(eventTarget);
16626 | if (existed) {
16627 | return existed;
16628 | }
16629 | }
16630 | }
16631 | catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
16632 | finally {
16633 | try {
16634 | if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
16635 | }
16636 | finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
16637 | }
16638 | }
16639 | return null;
16640 | };
16641 | EventService.prototype.pickTarget = function (event) {
16642 | return this.hitTest({
16643 | clientX: event.clientX,
16644 | clientY: event.clientY,
16645 | viewportX: event.viewportX,
16646 | viewportY: event.viewportY,
16647 | x: event.canvasX,
16648 | y: event.canvasY,
16649 | });
16650 | };
16651 | EventService.prototype.createPointerEvent = function (from, type, target, fallbackTarget) {
16652 | var event = this.allocateEvent(FederatedPointerEvent);
16653 | this.copyPointerData(from, event);
16654 | this.copyMouseData(from, event);
16655 | this.copyData(from, event);
16656 | event.nativeEvent = from.nativeEvent;
16657 | event.originalEvent = from;
16658 | var existedHTML = this.getExistedHTML(event);
16659 | var $el = this.context.contextService.getDomElement();
16660 | event.target =
16661 | target !== null && target !== void 0 ? target : (existedHTML ||
16662 | (this.isNativeEventFromCanvas($el, event.nativeEvent) &&
16663 | this.pickTarget(event)) ||
16664 | fallbackTarget);
16665 | if (typeof type === 'string') {
16666 | event.type = type;
16667 | }
16668 | return event;
16669 | };
16670 | EventService.prototype.createWheelEvent = function (from) {
16671 | var event = this.allocateEvent(FederatedWheelEvent);
16672 | this.copyWheelData(from, event);
16673 | this.copyMouseData(from, event);
16674 | this.copyData(from, event);
16675 | event.nativeEvent = from.nativeEvent;
16676 | event.originalEvent = from;
16677 | var existedHTML = this.getExistedHTML(event);
16678 | var $el = this.context.contextService.getDomElement();
16679 | event.target =
16680 | existedHTML ||
16681 | (this.isNativeEventFromCanvas($el, event.nativeEvent) &&
16682 | this.pickTarget(event));
16683 | return event;
16684 | };
16685 | EventService.prototype.trackingData = function (id) {
16686 | if (!this.mappingState.trackingData[id]) {
16687 | this.mappingState.trackingData[id] = {
16688 | pressTargetsByButton: {},
16689 | clicksByButton: {},
16690 | overTarget: null,
16691 | };
16692 | }
16693 | return this.mappingState.trackingData[id];
16694 | };
16695 | EventService.prototype.cloneWheelEvent = function (from) {
16696 | var event = this.allocateEvent(FederatedWheelEvent);
16697 | event.nativeEvent = from.nativeEvent;
16698 | event.originalEvent = from.originalEvent;
16699 | this.copyWheelData(from, event);
16700 | this.copyMouseData(from, event);
16701 | this.copyData(from, event);
16702 | event.target = from.target;
16703 | event.path = from.composedPath().slice();
16704 | event.type = from.type;
16705 | return event;
16706 | };
16707 | EventService.prototype.clonePointerEvent = function (from, type) {
16708 | var event = this.allocateEvent(FederatedPointerEvent);
16709 | event.nativeEvent = from.nativeEvent;
16710 | event.originalEvent = from.originalEvent;
16711 | this.copyPointerData(from, event);
16712 | this.copyMouseData(from, event);
16713 | this.copyData(from, event);
16714 | event.target = from.target;
16715 | event.path = from.composedPath().slice();
16716 | event.type = type !== null && type !== void 0 ? type : event.type;
16717 | return event;
16718 | };
16719 | EventService.prototype.copyPointerData = function (from, to) {
16720 |
16721 |
16722 |
16723 |
16724 |
16725 |
16726 |
16727 | to.pointerId = from.pointerId;
16728 | to.width = from.width;
16729 | to.height = from.height;
16730 | to.isPrimary = from.isPrimary;
16731 | to.pointerType = from.pointerType;
16732 | to.pressure = from.pressure;
16733 | to.tangentialPressure = from.tangentialPressure;
16734 | to.tiltX = from.tiltX;
16735 | to.tiltY = from.tiltY;
16736 | to.twist = from.twist;
16737 | };
16738 | EventService.prototype.copyMouseData = function (from, to) {
16739 |
16740 |
16741 |
16742 |
16743 |
16744 |
16745 | to.altKey = from.altKey;
16746 | to.button = from.button;
16747 | to.buttons = from.buttons;
16748 | to.ctrlKey = from.ctrlKey;
16749 | to.metaKey = from.metaKey;
16750 | to.shiftKey = from.shiftKey;
16751 | to.client.copyFrom(from.client);
16752 | to.movement.copyFrom(from.movement);
16753 | to.canvas.copyFrom(from.canvas);
16754 | to.screen.copyFrom(from.screen);
16755 | to.global.copyFrom(from.global);
16756 | to.offset.copyFrom(from.offset);
16757 | };
16758 | EventService.prototype.copyWheelData = function (from, to) {
16759 | to.deltaMode = from.deltaMode;
16760 | to.deltaX = from.deltaX;
16761 | to.deltaY = from.deltaY;
16762 | to.deltaZ = from.deltaZ;
16763 | };
16764 | EventService.prototype.copyData = function (from, to) {
16765 | to.isTrusted = from.isTrusted;
16766 | to.timeStamp = clock.now();
16767 | to.type = from.type;
16768 | to.detail = from.detail;
16769 | to.view = from.view;
16770 | to.page.copyFrom(from.page);
16771 | to.viewport.copyFrom(from.viewport);
16772 | };
16773 | EventService.prototype.allocateEvent = function (constructor) {
16774 | if (!this.eventPool.has(constructor)) {
16775 | this.eventPool.set(constructor, []);
16776 | }
16777 | // @ts-ignore
16778 | var event = this.eventPool.get(constructor).pop() ||
16779 | new constructor(this);
16780 | event.eventPhase = event.NONE;
16781 | event.currentTarget = null;
16782 | event.path = [];
16783 | event.target = null;
16784 | return event;
16785 | };
16786 | EventService.prototype.freeEvent = function (event) {
16787 | if (event.manager !== this)
16788 | throw new Error('It is illegal to free an event not managed by this EventBoundary!');
16789 | var constructor = event.constructor;
16790 | if (!this.eventPool.has(constructor)) {
16791 | this.eventPool.set(constructor, []);
16792 | }
16793 | // @ts-ignore
16794 | this.eventPool.get(constructor).push(event);
16795 | };
16796 | EventService.prototype.notifyTarget = function (e, type) {
16797 | type = type !== null && type !== void 0 ? type : e.type;
16798 | var key = e.eventPhase === e.CAPTURING_PHASE || e.eventPhase === e.AT_TARGET
16799 | ? "".concat(type, "capture")
16800 | : type;
16801 | this.notifyListeners(e, key);
16802 | if (e.eventPhase === e.AT_TARGET) {
16803 | this.notifyListeners(e, type);
16804 | }
16805 | };
16806 | EventService.prototype.notifyListeners = function (e, type) {
16807 |
16808 |
16809 | var emitter = e.currentTarget.emitter;
16810 |
16811 | var listeners = emitter._events[type];
16812 | if (!listeners)
16813 | return;
16814 | if ('fn' in listeners) {
16815 | if (listeners.once) {
16816 | emitter.removeListener(type, listeners.fn, undefined, true);
16817 | }
16818 | listeners.fn.call(e.currentTarget || listeners.context, e);
16819 |
16820 | }
16821 | else {
16822 | for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length && !e.propagationImmediatelyStopped; i++) {
16823 | if (listeners[i].once) {
16824 | emitter.removeListener(type, listeners[i].fn, undefined, true);
16825 | }
16826 | listeners[i].fn.call(e.currentTarget || listeners[i].context, e);
16827 |
16828 | }
16829 | }
16830 | };
16831 | |
16832 |
16833 |
16834 | EventService.prototype.findMountedTarget = function (propagationPath) {
16835 | if (!propagationPath) {
16836 | return null;
16837 | }
16838 | var currentTarget = propagationPath[propagationPath.length - 1];
16839 | for (var i = propagationPath.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
16840 | var target = propagationPath[i];
16841 | if (target === this.rootTarget ||
16842 | (Node.isNode(target) && target.parentNode === currentTarget)) {
16843 | currentTarget = propagationPath[i];
16844 | }
16845 | else {
16846 | break;
16847 | }
16848 | }
16849 | return currentTarget;
16850 | };
16851 | EventService.prototype.getCursor = function (target) {
16852 | var tmp = target;
16853 | while (tmp) {
16854 | var cursor = isElement(tmp) && tmp.getAttribute('cursor');
16855 | if (cursor) {
16856 | return cursor;
16857 | }
16858 | tmp = Node.isNode(tmp) && tmp.parentNode;
16859 | }
16860 | };
16861 | return EventService;
16862 | }());
16863 |
16864 | |
16865 |
16866 |
16867 |
16868 |
16869 |
16870 |
16871 |
16872 | var OffscreenCanvasCreator = (function () {
16873 | function OffscreenCanvasCreator() {
16874 | }
16875 | OffscreenCanvasCreator.prototype.getOrCreateCanvas = function (offscreenCanvas, contextAttributes) {
16876 | if (this.canvas) {
16877 | return this.canvas;
16878 | }
16879 |
16880 | if (offscreenCanvas || runtime.offscreenCanvas) {
16881 | this.canvas = offscreenCanvas || runtime.offscreenCanvas;
16882 | this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d', __assign({ willReadFrequently: true }, contextAttributes));
16883 | }
16884 | else {
16885 | try {
16886 |
16887 | this.canvas = new window.OffscreenCanvas(0, 0);
16888 | this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d', __assign({ willReadFrequently: true }, contextAttributes));
16889 | if (!this.context || !this.context.measureText) {
16890 | this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
16891 | this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
16892 | }
16893 | }
16894 | catch (ex) {
16895 | this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
16896 | this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d', __assign({ willReadFrequently: true }, contextAttributes));
16897 | }
16898 | }
16899 | this.canvas.width = 10;
16900 | this.canvas.height = 10;
16901 | return this.canvas;
16902 | };
16903 | OffscreenCanvasCreator.prototype.getOrCreateContext = function (offscreenCanvas, contextAttributes) {
16904 | if (this.context) {
16905 | return this.context;
16906 | }
16907 | this.getOrCreateCanvas(offscreenCanvas, contextAttributes);
16908 | return this.context;
16909 | };
16910 | return OffscreenCanvasCreator;
16911 | }());
16912 |
16913 | |
16914 |
16915 |
16916 | var RenderReason;
16917 | (function (RenderReason) {
16918 | RenderReason[RenderReason["CAMERA_CHANGED"] = 0] = "CAMERA_CHANGED";
16919 | RenderReason[RenderReason["DISPLAY_OBJECT_CHANGED"] = 1] = "DISPLAY_OBJECT_CHANGED";
16920 | RenderReason[RenderReason["NONE"] = 2] = "NONE";
16921 | })(RenderReason || (RenderReason = {}));
16922 |
16923 | |
16924 |
16925 |
16926 |
16927 |
16928 |
16929 |
16930 |
16931 |
16932 | var RenderingService = (function () {
16933 | function RenderingService(globalRuntime, context) {
16934 | this.globalRuntime = globalRuntime;
16935 | this.context = context;
16936 | this.inited = false;
16937 | this.stats = {
16938 | |
16939 |
16940 |
16941 | total: 0,
16942 | |
16943 |
16944 |
16945 | rendered: 0,
16946 | };
16947 | this.zIndexCounter = 0;
16948 | this.hooks = {
16949 | |
16950 |
16951 |
16952 | init: new SyncHook(),
16953 | initAsync: new AsyncParallelHook(),
16954 | |
16955 |
16956 |
16957 | dirtycheck: new SyncWaterfallHook(),
16958 | |
16959 |
16960 |
16961 | cull: new SyncWaterfallHook(),
16962 | |
16963 |
16964 |
16965 | beginFrame: new SyncHook(),
16966 | |
16967 |
16968 |
16969 | beforeRender: new SyncHook(),
16970 | |
16971 |
16972 |
16973 | render: new SyncHook(),
16974 | |
16975 |
16976 |
16977 | afterRender: new SyncHook(),
16978 | endFrame: new SyncHook(),
16979 | destroy: new SyncHook(),
16980 | |
16981 |
16982 |
16983 | pick: new AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook(),
16984 | |
16985 |
16986 |
16987 | pickSync: new SyncWaterfallHook(),
16988 | |
16989 |
16990 |
16991 | pointerDown: new SyncHook(),
16992 | pointerUp: new SyncHook(),
16993 | pointerMove: new SyncHook(),
16994 | pointerOut: new SyncHook(),
16995 | pointerOver: new SyncHook(),
16996 | pointerWheel: new SyncHook(),
16997 | pointerCancel: new SyncHook(),
16998 | click: new SyncHook(),
16999 | };
17000 | }
17001 | RenderingService.prototype.init = function (callback) {
17002 | var _this = this;
17003 | var context = __assign(__assign({}, this.globalRuntime), this.context);
17004 |
17005 | this.context.renderingPlugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
17006 | plugin.apply(context, _this.globalRuntime);
17007 | });
17008 | this.hooks.init.call();
17009 | if (this.hooks.initAsync.getCallbacksNum() === 0) {
17010 | this.inited = true;
17011 | callback();
17012 | }
17013 | else {
17014 | this.hooks.initAsync.promise().then(function () {
17015 | _this.inited = true;
17016 | callback();
17017 | });
17018 | }
17019 | };
17020 | RenderingService.prototype.getStats = function () {
17021 | return this.stats;
17022 | };
17023 | |
17024 |
17025 |
17026 |
17027 |
17028 | RenderingService.prototype.disableDirtyRectangleRendering = function () {
17029 | var renderer = this.context.config.renderer;
17030 | var enableDirtyRectangleRendering = renderer.getConfig().enableDirtyRectangleRendering;
17031 | return (!enableDirtyRectangleRendering ||
17032 | this.context.renderingContext.renderReasons.has(RenderReason.CAMERA_CHANGED));
17033 | };
17034 | RenderingService.prototype.render = function (canvasConfig, rerenderCallback) {
17035 | var _this = this;
17036 | this.stats.total = 0;
17037 | this.stats.rendered = 0;
17038 | this.zIndexCounter = 0;
17039 | var renderingContext = this.context.renderingContext;
17040 | this.globalRuntime.sceneGraphService.syncHierarchy(renderingContext.root);
17041 | this.globalRuntime.sceneGraphService.triggerPendingEvents();
17042 | if (renderingContext.renderReasons.size && this.inited) {
17043 |
17044 | renderingContext.dirtyRectangleRenderingDisabled =
17045 | this.disableDirtyRectangleRendering();
17046 | var onlyCameraChanged = renderingContext.renderReasons.size === 1 &&
17047 | renderingContext.renderReasons.has(RenderReason.CAMERA_CHANGED);
17048 | var shouldTriggerRenderHooks = !canvasConfig.disableRenderHooks ||
17049 | !(canvasConfig.disableRenderHooks && onlyCameraChanged);
17050 | if (shouldTriggerRenderHooks) {
17051 | this.renderDisplayObject(renderingContext.root, canvasConfig, renderingContext);
17052 | }
17053 | this.hooks.beginFrame.call();
17054 | if (shouldTriggerRenderHooks) {
17055 | renderingContext.renderListCurrentFrame.forEach(function (object) {
17056 | _this.hooks.beforeRender.call(object);
17057 | _this.hooks.render.call(object);
17058 | _this.hooks.afterRender.call(object);
17059 | });
17060 | }
17061 | this.hooks.endFrame.call();
17062 | renderingContext.renderListCurrentFrame = [];
17063 | renderingContext.renderReasons.clear();
17064 | rerenderCallback();
17065 | }
17066 |
17067 | };
17068 | RenderingService.prototype.renderDisplayObject = function (displayObject, canvasConfig, renderingContext) {
17069 | var _this = this;
17070 | var _a = canvasConfig.renderer.getConfig(), enableDirtyCheck = _a.enableDirtyCheck, enableCulling = _a.enableCulling;
17071 |
17072 | if (this.globalRuntime.enableCSSParsing) {
17073 | this.globalRuntime.styleValueRegistry.recalc(displayObject);
17074 | }
17075 |
17076 |
17077 | var renderable = displayObject.renderable;
17078 | var objectChanged = enableDirtyCheck
17079 | ?
17080 | renderable.dirty || renderingContext.dirtyRectangleRenderingDisabled
17081 | ? displayObject
17082 | : null
17083 | : displayObject;
17084 | if (objectChanged) {
17085 | var objectToRender = enableCulling
17086 | ? this.hooks.cull.call(objectChanged, this.context.camera)
17087 | : objectChanged;
17088 | if (objectToRender) {
17089 | this.stats.rendered++;
17090 | renderingContext.renderListCurrentFrame.push(objectToRender);
17091 | }
17092 | }
17093 | displayObject.renderable.dirty = false;
17094 | displayObject.sortable.renderOrder = this.zIndexCounter++;
17095 | this.stats.total++;
17096 |
17097 | var sortable = displayObject.sortable;
17098 | if (sortable.dirty) {
17099 | this.sort(displayObject, sortable);
17100 | sortable.dirty = false;
17101 | sortable.dirtyChildren = [];
17102 | sortable.dirtyReason = undefined;
17103 | }
17104 |
17105 | (sortable.sorted || displayObject.childNodes).forEach(function (child) {
17106 | _this.renderDisplayObject(child, canvasConfig, renderingContext);
17107 | });
17108 | };
17109 | RenderingService.prototype.sort = function (displayObject, sortable) {
17110 | if (sortable.sorted &&
17111 | sortable.dirtyReason !== SortReason.Z_INDEX_CHANGED) {
17112 |
17113 | sortable.dirtyChildren.forEach(function (child) {
17114 | var index = displayObject.childNodes.indexOf(child);
17115 | if (index === -1) {
17116 |
17117 | var index_1 = sortable.sorted.indexOf(child);
17118 | if (index_1 >= 0) {
17119 | sortable.sorted.splice(index_1, 1);
17120 | }
17121 | }
17122 | else {
17123 | if (sortable.sorted.length === 0) {
17124 | sortable.sorted.push(child);
17125 | }
17126 | else {
17127 | var index_2 = sortedIndex(sortable.sorted, child);
17128 | sortable.sorted.splice(index_2, 0, child);
17129 | }
17130 | }
17131 | });
17132 | }
17133 | else {
17134 | sortable.sorted = displayObject.childNodes.slice().sort(sortByZIndex);
17135 | }
17136 | };
17137 | RenderingService.prototype.destroy = function () {
17138 | this.inited = false;
17139 | this.hooks.destroy.call();
17140 | this.globalRuntime.sceneGraphService.clearPendingEvents();
17141 | };
17142 | RenderingService.prototype.dirtify = function () {
17143 |
17144 | this.context.renderingContext.renderReasons.add(RenderReason.DISPLAY_OBJECT_CHANGED);
17145 | };
17146 | return RenderingService;
17147 | }());
17148 |
17149 | var ATTRIBUTE_REGEXP = /\[\s*(.*)=(.*)\s*\]/;
17150 | |
17151 |
17152 |
17153 |
17154 |
17155 |
17156 |
17157 |
17158 |
17159 | var DefaultSceneGraphSelector = (function () {
17160 | function DefaultSceneGraphSelector() {
17161 | }
17162 | DefaultSceneGraphSelector.prototype.selectOne = function (query, root) {
17163 | var _this = this;
17164 | if (query.startsWith('.')) {
17165 | return root.find(function (node) {
17166 |
17167 | return (((node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.classList) || []).indexOf(_this.getIdOrClassname(query)) > -1);
17168 | });
17169 | }
17170 | else if (query.startsWith('#')) {
17171 |
17172 | return root.find(function (node) {
17173 |
17174 | return node.id === _this.getIdOrClassname(query);
17175 | });
17176 | }
17177 | else if (query.startsWith('[')) {
17178 | var _a = this.getAttribute(query), name_1 = _a.name, value_1 = _a.value;
17179 | if (name_1) {
17180 |
17181 | return root.find(function (node) {
17182 | return root !== node &&
17183 | (name_1 === 'name'
17184 | ? node.name === value_1
17185 | : _this.attributeToString(node, name_1) === value_1);
17186 | });
17187 | }
17188 | else {
17189 | return null;
17190 | }
17191 | }
17192 | else {
17193 |
17194 | return root.find(function (node) { return root !== node && node.nodeName === query; });
17195 | }
17196 | };
17197 | DefaultSceneGraphSelector.prototype.selectAll = function (query, root) {
17198 | var _this = this;
17199 |
17200 | if (query.startsWith('.')) {
17201 |
17202 |
17203 | return root.findAll(function (node) {
17204 | return root !== node &&
17205 | ((node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.classList) || []).indexOf(_this.getIdOrClassname(query)) > -1;
17206 | });
17207 | }
17208 | else if (query.startsWith('#')) {
17209 | return root.findAll(function (node) {
17210 | return root !== node &&
17211 | node.id === _this.getIdOrClassname(query);
17212 | });
17213 | }
17214 | else if (query.startsWith('[')) {
17215 | var _a = this.getAttribute(query), name_2 = _a.name, value_2 = _a.value;
17216 | if (name_2) {
17217 |
17218 | return root.findAll(function (node) {
17219 | return root !== node &&
17220 | (name_2 === 'name'
17221 | ? node.name === value_2
17222 | : _this.attributeToString(node, name_2) === value_2);
17223 | });
17224 | }
17225 | else {
17226 | return [];
17227 | }
17228 | }
17229 | else {
17230 |
17231 | return root.findAll(function (node) { return root !== node && node.nodeName === query; });
17232 | }
17233 | };
17234 | DefaultSceneGraphSelector.prototype.is = function (query, node) {
17235 |
17236 | if (query.startsWith('.')) {
17237 | return node.className === this.getIdOrClassname(query);
17238 | }
17239 | else if (query.startsWith('#')) {
17240 | return node.id === this.getIdOrClassname(query);
17241 | }
17242 | else if (query.startsWith('[')) {
17243 | var _a = this.getAttribute(query), name_3 = _a.name, value = _a.value;
17244 | return name_3 === 'name'
17245 | ? node.name === value
17246 | : this.attributeToString(node, name_3) === value;
17247 | }
17248 | else {
17249 | return node.nodeName === query;
17250 | }
17251 | };
17252 | DefaultSceneGraphSelector.prototype.getIdOrClassname = function (query) {
17253 | return query.substring(1);
17254 | };
17255 | DefaultSceneGraphSelector.prototype.getAttribute = function (query) {
17256 | var matches = query.match(ATTRIBUTE_REGEXP);
17257 | var name = '';
17258 | var value = '';
17259 | if (matches && matches.length > 2) {
17260 | name = matches[1].replace(/"/g, '');
17261 | value = matches[2].replace(/"/g, '');
17262 | }
17263 | return { name: name, value: value };
17264 | };
17265 | DefaultSceneGraphSelector.prototype.attributeToString = function (node, name) {
17266 | if (!node.getAttribute) {
17267 | return '';
17268 | }
17269 | var value = node.getAttribute(name);
17270 | if (isNil(value)) {
17271 | return '';
17272 | }
17273 | if (value.toString) {
17274 | return value.toString();
17275 | }
17276 | return '';
17277 | };
17278 | return DefaultSceneGraphSelector;
17279 | }());
17280 |
17281 | var MutationEvent = (function (_super) {
17282 | __extends(MutationEvent, _super);
17283 | function MutationEvent(typeArg, relatedNode, prevValue, newValue, attrName, attrChange, prevParsedValue, newParsedValue) {
17284 | var _this = _super.call(this, null) || this;
17285 | _this.relatedNode = relatedNode;
17286 | _this.prevValue = prevValue;
17287 | _this.newValue = newValue;
17288 | _this.attrName = attrName;
17289 | _this.attrChange = attrChange;
17290 | _this.prevParsedValue = prevParsedValue;
17291 | _this.newParsedValue = newParsedValue;
17292 | _this.type = typeArg;
17293 | return _this;
17294 | }
17295 | MutationEvent.ADDITION = 2;
17296 | MutationEvent.MODIFICATION = 1;
17297 | MutationEvent.REMOVAL = 3;
17298 | return MutationEvent;
17299 | }(FederatedEvent));
17300 |
17301 | |
17302 |
17303 |
17304 |
17305 |
17306 |
17307 |
17308 | var ElementEvent;
17309 | (function (ElementEvent) {
17310 | ElementEvent["REPARENT"] = "reparent";
17311 | ElementEvent["DESTROY"] = "destroy";
17312 | |
17313 |
17314 |
17315 | ElementEvent["ATTR_MODIFIED"] = "DOMAttrModified";
17316 | |
17317 |
17318 |
17319 |
17320 | ElementEvent["INSERTED"] = "DOMNodeInserted";
17321 | |
17322 |
17323 |
17324 |
17325 | ElementEvent["REMOVED"] = "removed";
17326 | |
17327 |
17328 |
17329 | ElementEvent["MOUNTED"] = "DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument";
17330 | |
17331 |
17332 |
17333 | ElementEvent["UNMOUNTED"] = "DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument";
17334 | ElementEvent["BOUNDS_CHANGED"] = "bounds-changed";
17335 | ElementEvent["CULLED"] = "culled";
17336 | })(ElementEvent || (ElementEvent = {}));
17337 |
17338 | function markRenderableDirty(e) {
17339 | var renderable = e.renderable;
17340 | if (renderable) {
17341 | renderable.renderBoundsDirty = true;
17342 | renderable.boundsDirty = true;
17343 | }
17344 | }
17345 | var reparentEvent = new MutationEvent(ElementEvent.REPARENT, null, '', '', '', 0, '', '');
17346 | |
17347 |
17348 |
17349 |
17350 |
17351 | var DefaultSceneGraphService = (function () {
17352 | function DefaultSceneGraphService(runtime) {
17353 | var _this = this;
17354 | this.runtime = runtime;
17355 | this.pendingEvents = [];
17356 | this.boundsChangedEvent = new CustomEvent(ElementEvent.BOUNDS_CHANGED);
17357 | |
17358 |
17359 |
17360 | this.rotate = (function () {
17361 | var parentInvertRotation = create$4();
17362 | return function (element, degrees, y, z) {
17363 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
17364 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
17365 | if (typeof degrees === 'number') {
17366 | degrees = fromValues$2(degrees, y, z);
17367 | }
17368 | var transform = element.transformable;
17369 | if (element.parentNode === null ||
17370 | !element.parentNode.transformable) {
17371 | _this.rotateLocal(element, degrees);
17372 | }
17373 | else {
17374 | var rotation = create$4();
17375 | fromEuler(rotation, degrees[0], degrees[1], degrees[2]);
17376 | var rot = _this.getRotation(element);
17377 | var parentRot = _this.getRotation(element.parentNode);
17378 | copy$3(parentInvertRotation, parentRot);
17379 | invert$1(parentInvertRotation, parentInvertRotation);
17380 | multiply$2(rotation, parentInvertRotation, rotation);
17381 | multiply$2(transform.localRotation, rotation, rot);
17382 | normalize$2(transform.localRotation, transform.localRotation);
17383 | _this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17384 | }
17385 | };
17386 | })();
17387 | |
17388 |
17389 |
17390 |
17391 | this.rotateLocal = (function () {
17392 | var rotation = create$4();
17393 | return function (element, degrees, y, z) {
17394 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
17395 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
17396 | if (typeof degrees === 'number') {
17397 | degrees = fromValues$2(degrees, y, z);
17398 | }
17399 | var transform = element.transformable;
17400 | fromEuler(rotation, degrees[0], degrees[1], degrees[2]);
17401 | mul$1(transform.localRotation, transform.localRotation, rotation);
17402 | _this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17403 | };
17404 | })();
17405 | |
17406 |
17407 |
17408 | this.setEulerAngles = (function () {
17409 | var invParentRot = create$4();
17410 | return function (element, degrees, y, z) {
17411 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
17412 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
17413 | if (typeof degrees === 'number') {
17414 | degrees = fromValues$2(degrees, y, z);
17415 | }
17416 | var transform = element.transformable;
17417 | if (element.parentNode === null ||
17418 | !element.parentNode.transformable) {
17419 | _this.setLocalEulerAngles(element, degrees);
17420 | }
17421 | else {
17422 | fromEuler(transform.localRotation, degrees[0], degrees[1], degrees[2]);
17423 | var parentRotation = _this.getRotation(element.parentNode);
17424 | copy$3(invParentRot, invert$1(create$4(), parentRotation));
17425 | mul$1(transform.localRotation, transform.localRotation, invParentRot);
17426 | _this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17427 | }
17428 | };
17429 | })();
17430 | |
17431 |
17432 |
17433 |
17434 |
17435 |
17436 |
17437 |
17438 |
17439 | this.translateLocal = (function () {
17440 | return function (element, translation, y, z) {
17441 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
17442 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
17443 | if (typeof translation === 'number') {
17444 | translation = fromValues$2(translation, y, z);
17445 | }
17446 | var transform = element.transformable;
17447 | if (equals$1(translation, create$2())) {
17448 | return;
17449 | }
17450 | transformQuat(translation, translation, transform.localRotation);
17451 | add$1(transform.localPosition, transform.localPosition, translation);
17452 | _this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17453 | };
17454 | })();
17455 | |
17456 |
17457 |
17458 |
17459 |
17460 |
17461 | this.setPosition = (function () {
17462 | var parentInvertMatrix = create$1();
17463 | var tmpPosition = create$2();
17464 | return function (element, position) {
17465 | var transform = element.transformable;
17466 | tmpPosition[0] = position[0];
17467 | tmpPosition[1] = position[1];
17468 | tmpPosition[2] = position[2] || 0;
17469 | if (equals$1(_this.getPosition(element), tmpPosition)) {
17470 | return;
17471 | }
17472 | copy$1(transform.position, tmpPosition);
17473 | if (element.parentNode === null ||
17474 | !element.parentNode.transformable) {
17475 | copy$1(transform.localPosition, tmpPosition);
17476 | }
17477 | else {
17478 | var parentTransform = element.parentNode.transformable;
17479 | copy(parentInvertMatrix, parentTransform.worldTransform);
17480 | invert(parentInvertMatrix, parentInvertMatrix);
17481 | transformMat4(transform.localPosition, tmpPosition, parentInvertMatrix);
17482 | }
17483 | _this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17484 | };
17485 | })();
17486 | |
17487 |
17488 |
17489 | this.setLocalPosition = (function () {
17490 | var tmpPosition = create$2();
17491 | return function (element, position) {
17492 | var transform = element.transformable;
17493 | tmpPosition[0] = position[0];
17494 | tmpPosition[1] = position[1];
17495 | tmpPosition[2] = position[2] || 0;
17496 | if (equals$1(transform.localPosition, tmpPosition)) {
17497 | return;
17498 | }
17499 | copy$1(transform.localPosition, tmpPosition);
17500 | _this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17501 | };
17502 | })();
17503 | |
17504 |
17505 |
17506 |
17507 |
17508 |
17509 |
17510 |
17511 |
17512 |
17513 |
17514 |
17515 | this.translate = (function () {
17516 | var zeroVec3 = create$2();
17517 | var tmpVec3 = create$2();
17518 | var tr = create$2();
17519 | return function (element, translation, y, z) {
17520 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
17521 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
17522 | if (typeof translation === 'number') {
17523 | translation = set$1(tmpVec3, translation, y, z);
17524 | }
17525 | if (equals$1(translation, zeroVec3)) {
17526 | return;
17527 | }
17528 | add$1(tr, _this.getPosition(element), translation);
17529 | _this.setPosition(element, tr);
17530 | };
17531 | })();
17532 | this.setRotation = function () {
17533 | var parentInvertRotation = create$4();
17534 | return function (element, rotation, y, z, w) {
17535 | var transform = element.transformable;
17536 | if (typeof rotation === 'number') {
17537 | rotation = fromValues$4(rotation, y, z, w);
17538 | }
17539 | if (element.parentNode === null ||
17540 | !element.parentNode.transformable) {
17541 | _this.setLocalRotation(element, rotation);
17542 | }
17543 | else {
17544 | var parentRot = _this.getRotation(element.parentNode);
17545 | copy$3(parentInvertRotation, parentRot);
17546 | invert$1(parentInvertRotation, parentInvertRotation);
17547 | multiply$2(transform.localRotation, parentInvertRotation, rotation);
17548 | normalize$2(transform.localRotation, transform.localRotation);
17549 | _this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17550 | }
17551 | };
17552 | };
17553 | this.displayObjectDependencyMap = new WeakMap();
17554 | this.calcLocalTransform = (function () {
17555 | var tmpMat = create$1();
17556 | var tmpPosition = create$2();
17557 | var tmpQuat = fromValues$4(0, 0, 0, 1);
17558 | return function (transform) {
17559 | var hasSkew = transform.localSkew[0] !== 0 || transform.localSkew[1] !== 0;
17560 | if (hasSkew) {
17561 | fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin(transform.localTransform, transform.localRotation, transform.localPosition, fromValues$2(1, 1, 1), transform.origin);
17562 |
17563 | if (transform.localSkew[0] !== 0 || transform.localSkew[1] !== 0) {
17564 | var tmpMat4 = identity$1(tmpMat);
17565 | tmpMat4[4] = Math.tan(transform.localSkew[0]);
17566 | tmpMat4[1] = Math.tan(transform.localSkew[1]);
17567 | multiply(transform.localTransform, transform.localTransform, tmpMat4);
17568 | }
17569 | var scaling = fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin(tmpMat, tmpQuat, tmpPosition, transform.localScale, transform.origin);
17570 | multiply(transform.localTransform, transform.localTransform, scaling);
17571 | }
17572 | else {
17573 |
17574 | fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin(transform.localTransform, transform.localRotation, transform.localPosition, transform.localScale, transform.origin);
17575 | }
17576 | };
17577 | })();
17578 | }
17579 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.matches = function (query, root) {
17580 | return this.runtime.sceneGraphSelector.is(query, root);
17581 | };
17582 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.querySelector = function (query, root) {
17583 | return this.runtime.sceneGraphSelector.selectOne(query, root);
17584 | };
17585 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.querySelectorAll = function (query, root) {
17586 | return this.runtime.sceneGraphSelector.selectAll(query, root);
17587 |
17588 | };
17589 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.attach = function (child, parent, index) {
17590 | var _a, _b;
17591 | var detached = false;
17592 | if (child.parentNode) {
17593 | detached = child.parentNode !== parent;
17594 | this.detach(child);
17595 | }
17596 | child.parentNode = parent;
17597 | if (!isNil(index)) {
17598 | child.parentNode.childNodes.splice(index, 0, child);
17599 | }
17600 | else {
17601 | child.parentNode.childNodes.push(child);
17602 | }
17603 |
17604 | var sortable = parent.sortable;
17605 | if (((_a = sortable === null || sortable === void 0 ? void 0 : sortable.sorted) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) ||
17606 | ((_b = child.style) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.zIndex)) {
17607 | if (sortable.dirtyChildren.indexOf(child) === -1) {
17608 | sortable.dirtyChildren.push(child);
17609 | }
17610 |
17611 |
17612 | sortable.dirty = true;
17613 | sortable.dirtyReason = SortReason.ADDED;
17614 | }
17615 |
17616 | var transform = child.transformable;
17617 | if (transform) {
17618 | this.dirtifyWorld(child, transform);
17619 | }
17620 | if (transform.frozen) {
17621 | this.unfreezeParentToRoot(child);
17622 | }
17623 | if (detached) {
17624 | child.dispatchEvent(reparentEvent);
17625 | }
17626 | };
17627 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.detach = function (child) {
17628 | var _a, _b;
17629 | if (child.parentNode) {
17630 | var transform = child.transformable;
17631 |
17632 |
17633 |
17634 |
17635 |
17636 |
17637 |
17638 |
17639 | var sortable = child.parentNode.sortable;
17640 |
17641 | if (((_a = sortable === null || sortable === void 0 ? void 0 : sortable.sorted) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) ||
17642 | ((_b = child.style) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.zIndex)) {
17643 | if (sortable.dirtyChildren.indexOf(child) === -1) {
17644 | sortable.dirtyChildren.push(child);
17645 | }
17646 | sortable.dirty = true;
17647 | sortable.dirtyReason = SortReason.REMOVED;
17648 | }
17649 | var index = child.parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(child);
17650 | if (index > -1) {
17651 | child.parentNode.childNodes.splice(index, 1);
17652 | }
17653 | if (transform) {
17654 | this.dirtifyWorld(child, transform);
17655 | }
17656 | child.parentNode = null;
17657 | }
17658 | };
17659 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getOrigin = function (element) {
17660 | return element.transformable.origin;
17661 | };
17662 | |
17663 |
17664 |
17665 |
17666 |
17667 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.setOrigin = function (element, origin, y, z) {
17668 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
17669 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
17670 | if (typeof origin === 'number') {
17671 | origin = [origin, y, z];
17672 | }
17673 | var transform = element.transformable;
17674 | if (origin[0] === transform.origin[0] &&
17675 | origin[1] === transform.origin[1] &&
17676 | origin[2] === transform.origin[2]) {
17677 | return;
17678 | }
17679 | var originVec = transform.origin;
17680 |
17681 |
17682 |
17683 | originVec[0] = origin[0];
17684 | originVec[1] = origin[1];
17685 | originVec[2] = origin[2] || 0;
17686 | this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17687 | };
17688 | |
17689 |
17690 |
17691 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.setLocalEulerAngles = function (element, degrees, y, z) {
17692 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
17693 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
17694 | if (typeof degrees === 'number') {
17695 | degrees = fromValues$2(degrees, y, z);
17696 | }
17697 | var transform = element.transformable;
17698 | fromEuler(transform.localRotation, degrees[0], degrees[1], degrees[2]);
17699 | this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17700 | };
17701 | |
17702 |
17703 |
17704 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.scaleLocal = function (element, scaling) {
17705 | var transform = element.transformable;
17706 | multiply$1(transform.localScale, transform.localScale, fromValues$2(scaling[0], scaling[1], scaling[2] || 1));
17707 | this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17708 | };
17709 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.setLocalScale = function (element, scaling) {
17710 | var transform = element.transformable;
17711 | var updatedScaling = fromValues$2(scaling[0], scaling[1], scaling[2] || transform.localScale[2]);
17712 | if (equals$1(updatedScaling, transform.localScale)) {
17713 | return;
17714 | }
17715 | copy$1(transform.localScale, updatedScaling);
17716 | this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17717 | };
17718 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.setLocalRotation = function (element, rotation, y, z, w) {
17719 | if (typeof rotation === 'number') {
17720 | rotation = fromValues$4(rotation, y, z, w);
17721 | }
17722 | var transform = element.transformable;
17723 | copy$3(transform.localRotation, rotation);
17724 | this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17725 | };
17726 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.setLocalSkew = function (element, skew, y) {
17727 | if (typeof skew === 'number') {
17728 | skew = fromValues$5(skew, y);
17729 | }
17730 | var transform = element.transformable;
17731 | copy$4(transform.localSkew, skew);
17732 | this.dirtifyLocal(element, transform);
17733 | };
17734 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.dirtifyLocal = function (element, transform) {
17735 | if (!transform.localDirtyFlag) {
17736 | transform.localDirtyFlag = true;
17737 | if (!transform.dirtyFlag) {
17738 | this.dirtifyWorld(element, transform);
17739 | }
17740 | }
17741 | };
17742 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.dirtifyWorld = function (element, transform) {
17743 | if (!transform.dirtyFlag) {
17744 | this.unfreezeParentToRoot(element);
17745 | }
17746 | this.dirtifyWorldInternal(element, transform);
17747 | this.dirtifyToRoot(element, true);
17748 | };
17749 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.triggerPendingEvents = function () {
17750 | var _this = this;
17751 | var set = new Set();
17752 | var trigger = function (element, detail) {
17753 | if (element.isConnected && !set.has(element.entity)) {
17754 | _this.boundsChangedEvent.detail = detail;
17755 | _this.boundsChangedEvent.target = element;
17756 | if (element.isMutationObserved) {
17757 | element.dispatchEvent(_this.boundsChangedEvent);
17758 | }
17759 | else {
17760 | element.ownerDocument.defaultView.dispatchEvent(_this.boundsChangedEvent, true);
17761 | }
17762 | set.add(element.entity);
17763 | }
17764 | };
17765 | this.pendingEvents.forEach(function (_a) {
17766 | var _b = __read(_a, 2), element = _b[0], detail = _b[1];
17767 | if (detail.affectChildren) {
17768 | element.forEach(function (e) {
17769 | trigger(e, detail);
17770 | });
17771 | }
17772 | else {
17773 | trigger(element, detail);
17774 | }
17775 | });
17776 | this.clearPendingEvents();
17777 | set.clear();
17778 | };
17779 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.clearPendingEvents = function () {
17780 | this.pendingEvents = [];
17781 | };
17782 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.dirtifyToRoot = function (element, affectChildren) {
17783 | if (affectChildren === void 0) { affectChildren = false; }
17784 | var p = element;
17785 |
17786 | if (p.renderable) {
17787 | p.renderable.dirty = true;
17788 | }
17789 | while (p) {
17790 | markRenderableDirty(p);
17791 | p = p.parentNode;
17792 | }
17793 | if (affectChildren) {
17794 | element.forEach(function (e) {
17795 | markRenderableDirty(e);
17796 | });
17797 | }
17798 |
17799 | this.informDependentDisplayObjects(element);
17800 |
17801 | this.pendingEvents.push([element, { affectChildren: affectChildren }]);
17802 | };
17803 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.updateDisplayObjectDependency = function (name, oldPath, newPath, object) {
17804 |
17805 | if (oldPath && oldPath !== newPath) {
17806 | var oldDependencyMap = this.displayObjectDependencyMap.get(oldPath);
17807 | if (oldDependencyMap && oldDependencyMap[name]) {
17808 | var index = oldDependencyMap[name].indexOf(object);
17809 | oldDependencyMap[name].splice(index, 1);
17810 | }
17811 | }
17812 | if (newPath) {
17813 | var newDependencyMap = this.displayObjectDependencyMap.get(newPath);
17814 | if (!newDependencyMap) {
17815 | this.displayObjectDependencyMap.set(newPath, {});
17816 | newDependencyMap = this.displayObjectDependencyMap.get(newPath);
17817 | }
17818 | if (!newDependencyMap[name]) {
17819 | newDependencyMap[name] = [];
17820 | }
17821 | newDependencyMap[name].push(object);
17822 | }
17823 | };
17824 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.informDependentDisplayObjects = function (object) {
17825 | var _this = this;
17826 | var dependencyMap = this.displayObjectDependencyMap.get(object);
17827 | if (dependencyMap) {
17828 | Object.keys(dependencyMap).forEach(function (name) {
17829 | dependencyMap[name].forEach(function (target) {
17830 | _this.dirtifyToRoot(target, true);
17831 | target.dispatchEvent(new MutationEvent(ElementEvent.ATTR_MODIFIED, target, _this, _this, name, MutationEvent.MODIFICATION, _this, _this));
17832 | if (target.isCustomElement && target.isConnected) {
17833 | if (target.attributeChangedCallback) {
17834 | target.attributeChangedCallback(name, _this, _this);
17835 | }
17836 | }
17837 | });
17838 | });
17839 | }
17840 | };
17841 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getPosition = function (element) {
17842 | var transform = element.transformable;
17843 | return getTranslation(transform.position, this.getWorldTransform(element, transform));
17844 | };
17845 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getRotation = function (element) {
17846 | var transform = element.transformable;
17847 | return getRotation(transform.rotation, this.getWorldTransform(element, transform));
17848 | };
17849 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getScale = function (element) {
17850 | var transform = element.transformable;
17851 | return getScaling(transform.scaling, this.getWorldTransform(element, transform));
17852 | };
17853 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getWorldTransform = function (element, transform) {
17854 | if (transform === void 0) { transform = element.transformable; }
17855 | if (!transform.localDirtyFlag && !transform.dirtyFlag) {
17856 | return transform.worldTransform;
17857 | }
17858 | if (element.parentNode && element.parentNode.transformable) {
17859 | this.getWorldTransform(element.parentNode);
17860 | }
17861 | this.sync(element, transform);
17862 | return transform.worldTransform;
17863 | };
17864 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getLocalPosition = function (element) {
17865 | return element.transformable.localPosition;
17866 | };
17867 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getLocalRotation = function (element) {
17868 | return element.transformable.localRotation;
17869 | };
17870 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getLocalScale = function (element) {
17871 | return element.transformable.localScale;
17872 | };
17873 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getLocalSkew = function (element) {
17874 | return element.transformable.localSkew;
17875 | };
17876 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getLocalTransform = function (element) {
17877 | var transform = element.transformable;
17878 | if (transform.localDirtyFlag) {
17879 | this.calcLocalTransform(transform);
17880 | transform.localDirtyFlag = false;
17881 | }
17882 | return transform.localTransform;
17883 | };
17884 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.setLocalTransform = function (element, transform) {
17885 | var t = getTranslation(create$2(), transform);
17886 | var r = getRotation(create$4(), transform);
17887 | var s = getScaling(create$2(), transform);
17888 | this.setLocalScale(element, s);
17889 | this.setLocalPosition(element, t);
17890 | this.setLocalRotation(element, r);
17891 | };
17892 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.resetLocalTransform = function (element) {
17893 | this.setLocalScale(element, [1, 1, 1]);
17894 | this.setLocalPosition(element, [0, 0, 0]);
17895 | this.setLocalEulerAngles(element, [0, 0, 0]);
17896 | this.setLocalSkew(element, [0, 0]);
17897 | };
17898 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getTransformedGeometryBounds = function (element, render, existedAABB) {
17899 | if (render === void 0) { render = false; }
17900 | var bounds = this.getGeometryBounds(element, render);
17901 | if (!AABB.isEmpty(bounds)) {
17902 | var aabb = existedAABB || new AABB();
17903 | aabb.setFromTransformedAABB(bounds, this.getWorldTransform(element));
17904 | return aabb;
17905 | }
17906 | else {
17907 | return null;
17908 | }
17909 | };
17910 | |
17911 |
17912 |
17913 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getGeometryBounds = function (element, render) {
17914 | if (render === void 0) { render = false; }
17915 | var geometry = element.geometry;
17916 | var bounds = render
17917 | ? geometry.renderBounds
17918 | : geometry.contentBounds || null;
17919 |
17920 | return bounds || new AABB();
17921 | };
17922 | |
17923 |
17924 |
17925 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getBounds = function (element, render) {
17926 | var _this = this;
17927 | if (render === void 0) { render = false; }
17928 | var renderable = element.renderable;
17929 | if (!renderable.boundsDirty && !render && renderable.bounds) {
17930 | return renderable.bounds;
17931 | }
17932 | if (!renderable.renderBoundsDirty && render && renderable.renderBounds) {
17933 | return renderable.renderBounds;
17934 | }
17935 |
17936 | var existedAABB = render ? renderable.renderBounds : renderable.bounds;
17937 |
17938 | var aabb = this.getTransformedGeometryBounds(element, render, existedAABB);
17939 |
17940 | var children = element.childNodes;
17941 | children.forEach(function (child) {
17942 | var childBounds = _this.getBounds(child, render);
17943 | if (childBounds) {
17944 | if (!aabb) {
17945 | aabb = existedAABB || new AABB();
17946 | aabb.update(childBounds.center, childBounds.halfExtents);
17947 | }
17948 | else {
17949 | aabb.add(childBounds);
17950 | }
17951 | }
17952 | });
17953 | if (!aabb) {
17954 | aabb = new AABB();
17955 | }
17956 | if (render) {
17957 |
17958 | var clipped = findClosestClipPathTarget(element);
17959 | if (clipped) {
17960 |
17961 | var clipPathBounds = clipped.parsedStyle.clipPath.getBounds(render);
17962 | if (!aabb) {
17963 | aabb.update(clipPathBounds.center, clipPathBounds.halfExtents);
17964 | }
17965 | else if (clipPathBounds) {
17966 | aabb = clipPathBounds.intersection(aabb);
17967 | }
17968 | }
17969 | }
17970 | if (render) {
17971 | renderable.renderBounds = aabb;
17972 | renderable.renderBoundsDirty = false;
17973 | }
17974 | else {
17975 | renderable.bounds = aabb;
17976 | renderable.boundsDirty = false;
17977 | }
17978 | return aabb;
17979 | };
17980 | |
17981 |
17982 |
17983 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getLocalBounds = function (element) {
17984 | if (element.parentNode) {
17985 | var parentInvert = create$1();
17986 | if (element.parentNode.transformable) {
17987 | parentInvert = invert(create$1(), this.getWorldTransform(element.parentNode));
17988 | }
17989 | var bounds = this.getBounds(element);
17990 | if (!AABB.isEmpty(bounds)) {
17991 | var localBounds = new AABB();
17992 | localBounds.setFromTransformedAABB(bounds, parentInvert);
17993 | return localBounds;
17994 | }
17995 | }
17996 | return this.getBounds(element);
17997 | };
17998 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function (element) {
17999 | var _a, _b;
18000 | var aabb;
18001 | var bounds = this.getGeometryBounds(element);
18002 | if (!AABB.isEmpty(bounds)) {
18003 | aabb = new AABB();
18004 |
18005 | aabb.setFromTransformedAABB(bounds, this.getWorldTransform(element));
18006 | }
18007 |
18008 | var bbox = (_b = (_a = element.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.defaultView) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getContextService().getBoundingClientRect();
18009 | if (aabb) {
18010 | var _c = __read(aabb.getMin(), 2), left = _c[0], top_1 = _c[1];
18011 | var _d = __read(aabb.getMax(), 2), right = _d[0], bottom = _d[1];
18012 | return new Rectangle(left + ((bbox === null || bbox === void 0 ? void 0 : bbox.left) || 0), top_1 + ((bbox === null || bbox === void 0 ? void 0 : bbox.top) || 0), right - left, bottom - top_1);
18013 | }
18014 | return new Rectangle((bbox === null || bbox === void 0 ? void 0 : bbox.left) || 0, (bbox === null || bbox === void 0 ? void 0 : bbox.top) || 0, 0, 0);
18015 | };
18016 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.dirtifyWorldInternal = function (element, transform) {
18017 | var _this = this;
18018 | if (!transform.dirtyFlag) {
18019 | transform.dirtyFlag = true;
18020 | transform.frozen = false;
18021 | element.childNodes.forEach(function (child) {
18022 | var childTransform = child.transformable;
18023 | if (!childTransform.dirtyFlag) {
18024 | _this.dirtifyWorldInternal(child, childTransform);
18025 | }
18026 | });
18027 | var renderable = element.renderable;
18028 | if (renderable) {
18029 | renderable.renderBoundsDirty = true;
18030 | renderable.boundsDirty = true;
18031 | renderable.dirty = true;
18032 | }
18033 | }
18034 | };
18035 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.syncHierarchy = function (element) {
18036 | var transform = element.transformable;
18037 | if (transform.frozen) {
18038 | return;
18039 | }
18040 | transform.frozen = true;
18041 | if (transform.localDirtyFlag || transform.dirtyFlag) {
18042 | this.sync(element, transform);
18043 | }
18044 | var children = element.childNodes;
18045 | for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
18046 | this.syncHierarchy(children[i]);
18047 | }
18048 | };
18049 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.sync = function (element, transform) {
18050 | if (transform.localDirtyFlag) {
18051 | this.calcLocalTransform(transform);
18052 | transform.localDirtyFlag = false;
18053 | }
18054 | if (transform.dirtyFlag) {
18055 | var parent_1 = element.parentNode;
18056 | var parentTransform = parent_1 && parent_1.transformable;
18057 | if (parent_1 === null || !parentTransform) {
18058 | copy(transform.worldTransform, transform.localTransform);
18059 | }
18060 | else {
18061 |
18062 |
18063 | multiply(transform.worldTransform, parentTransform.worldTransform, transform.localTransform);
18064 | }
18065 | transform.dirtyFlag = false;
18066 | }
18067 | };
18068 | DefaultSceneGraphService.prototype.unfreezeParentToRoot = function (child) {
18069 | var p = child.parentNode;
18070 | while (p) {
18071 | var transform = p.transformable;
18072 | if (transform) {
18073 | transform.frozen = false;
18074 | }
18075 | p = p.parentNode;
18076 | }
18077 | };
18078 | return DefaultSceneGraphService;
18079 | }());
18080 |
18081 | var TEXT_METRICS = {
18082 | MetricsString: '|ÉqÅ',
18083 | BaselineSymbol: 'M',
18084 | BaselineMultiplier: 1.4,
18085 | HeightMultiplier: 2,
18086 | Newlines: [
18087 | 0x000a,
18088 | 0x000d,
18089 | ],
18090 | BreakingSpaces: [
18091 | 0x0009,
18092 | 0x0020,
18093 | 0x2000,
18094 | 0x2001,
18095 | 0x2002,
18096 | 0x2003,
18097 | 0x2004,
18098 | 0x2005,
18099 | 0x2006,
18100 | 0x2008,
18101 | 0x2009,
18102 | 0x200a,
18103 | 0x205f,
18104 | 0x3000,
18105 | ],
18106 | };
18107 | var LATIN_REGEX = /[a-zA-Z0-9\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u00ff!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;]/;
18108 |
18109 |
18110 | var regexCannotStartZhCn = /[!%),.:;?\]}¢°·'""†‡›℃∶、。〃〆〕〗〞﹚﹜!"%'),.:;?!]}~]/;
18111 | var regexCannotEndZhCn = /[$(£¥·'"〈《「『【〔〖〝﹙﹛$(.[{£¥]/;
18112 | var regexCannotStartZhTw = /[!),.:;?\]}¢·–—'"•"、。〆〞〕〉》」︰︱︲︳﹐﹑﹒﹔﹕﹖﹘﹚﹜!),.:;?︶︸︺︼︾﹀﹂﹗]|}、]/;
18113 | var regexCannotEndZhTw = /[([{£¥'"‵〈《「『〔〝︴﹙﹛({︵︷︹︻︽︿﹁﹃﹏]/;
18114 | var regexCannotStartJaJp = /[)\]}〕〉》」』】〙〗〟'"⦆»ヽヾーァィゥェォッャュョヮヵヶぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょゎゕゖㇰㇱㇲㇳㇴㇵㇶㇷㇸㇹㇺㇻㇼㇽㇾㇿ々〻‐゠–〜?!‼⁇⁈⁉・、:;,。.]/;
18115 | var regexCannotEndJaJp = /[([{〔〈《「『【〘〖〝'"⦅«—...‥〳〴〵]/;
18116 | var regexCannotStartKoKr = /[!%),.:;?\]}¢°'"†‡℃〆〈《「『〕!%),.:;?]}]/;
18117 | var regexCannotEndKoKr = /[$([{£¥'"々〇〉》」〔$([{⦆¥₩#]/;
18118 | var regexCannotStart = new RegExp("".concat(regexCannotStartZhCn.source, "|").concat(regexCannotStartZhTw.source, "|").concat(regexCannotStartJaJp.source, "|").concat(regexCannotStartKoKr.source));
18119 | var regexCannotEnd = new RegExp("".concat(regexCannotEndZhCn.source, "|").concat(regexCannotEndZhTw.source, "|").concat(regexCannotEndJaJp.source, "|").concat(regexCannotEndKoKr.source));
18120 | |
18121 |
18122 |
18123 | var TextService = (function () {
18124 | function TextService(runtime) {
18125 | var _this = this;
18126 | this.runtime = runtime;
18127 | |
18128 |
18129 |
18130 | this.fontMetricsCache = {};
18131 | this.shouldBreakByKinsokuShorui = function (char, nextChar) {
18132 | if (_this.isBreakingSpace(nextChar))
18133 | return false;
18134 | if (char) {
18135 |
18136 | if (regexCannotEnd.exec(nextChar) || regexCannotStart.exec(char)) {
18137 | return true;
18138 | }
18139 | }
18140 | return false;
18141 | };
18142 | this.trimByKinsokuShorui = function (prev) {
18143 | var next = __spreadArray([], __read(prev), false);
18144 | var prevLine = next[next.length - 2];
18145 | if (!prevLine) {
18146 | return prev;
18147 | }
18148 | var lastChar = prevLine[prevLine.length - 1];
18149 | next[next.length - 2] = prevLine.slice(0, -1);
18150 | next[next.length - 1] = lastChar + next[next.length - 1];
18151 | return next;
18152 | };
18153 | }
18154 | |
18155 |
18156 |
18157 | TextService.prototype.measureFont = function (font, offscreenCanvas) {
18158 |
18159 | if (this.fontMetricsCache[font]) {
18160 | return this.fontMetricsCache[font];
18161 | }
18162 | var properties = {
18163 | ascent: 0,
18164 | descent: 0,
18165 | fontSize: 0,
18166 | };
18167 | var canvas = this.runtime.offscreenCanvasCreator.getOrCreateCanvas(offscreenCanvas);
18168 | var context = this.runtime.offscreenCanvasCreator.getOrCreateContext(offscreenCanvas, {
18169 | willReadFrequently: true,
18170 | });
18171 | context.font = font;
18172 | var metricsString = TEXT_METRICS.MetricsString + TEXT_METRICS.BaselineSymbol;
18173 | var width = Math.ceil(context.measureText(metricsString).width);
18174 | var baseline = Math.ceil(context.measureText(TEXT_METRICS.BaselineSymbol).width);
18175 | var height = TEXT_METRICS.HeightMultiplier * baseline;
18176 | baseline = (baseline * TEXT_METRICS.BaselineMultiplier) | 0;
18177 |
18178 | canvas.width = width;
18179 |
18180 | canvas.height = height;
18181 | context.fillStyle = '#f00';
18182 | context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
18183 | context.font = font;
18184 | context.textBaseline = 'alphabetic';
18185 | context.fillStyle = '#000';
18186 | context.fillText(metricsString, 0, baseline);
18187 | var imagedata = context.getImageData(0, 0, width || 1, height || 1).data;
18188 | var pixels = imagedata.length;
18189 | var line = width * 4;
18190 | var i = 0;
18191 | var idx = 0;
18192 | var stop = false;
18193 |
18194 | for (i = 0; i < baseline; ++i) {
18195 | for (var j = 0; j < line; j += 4) {
18196 | if (imagedata[idx + j] !== 255) {
18197 | stop = true;
18198 | break;
18199 | }
18200 | }
18201 | if (!stop) {
18202 | idx += line;
18203 | }
18204 | else {
18205 | break;
18206 | }
18207 | }
18208 | properties.ascent = baseline - i;
18209 | idx = pixels - line;
18210 | stop = false;
18211 |
18212 | for (i = height; i > baseline; --i) {
18213 | for (var j = 0; j < line; j += 4) {
18214 | if (imagedata[idx + j] !== 255) {
18215 | stop = true;
18216 | break;
18217 | }
18218 | }
18219 | if (!stop) {
18220 | idx -= line;
18221 | }
18222 | else {
18223 | break;
18224 | }
18225 | }
18226 | properties.descent = i - baseline;
18227 | properties.fontSize = properties.ascent + properties.descent;
18228 | this.fontMetricsCache[font] = properties;
18229 | return properties;
18230 | };
18231 | TextService.prototype.measureText = function (text, parsedStyle, offscreenCanvas) {
18232 | var fontSize = parsedStyle.fontSize, wordWrap = parsedStyle.wordWrap, strokeHeight = parsedStyle.lineHeight, lineWidth = parsedStyle.lineWidth, textBaseline = parsedStyle.textBaseline, textAlign = parsedStyle.textAlign, letterSpacing = parsedStyle.letterSpacing, textPath = parsedStyle.textPath; parsedStyle.textPathSide; parsedStyle.textPathStartOffset;
18233 | var
18234 |
18235 | _a = parsedStyle.leading,
18236 |
18237 |
18238 | leading = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a;
18239 | var font = toFontString(parsedStyle);
18240 |
18241 | var fontProperties = this.measureFont(font, offscreenCanvas);
18242 |
18243 |
18244 | if (fontProperties.fontSize === 0) {
18245 | fontProperties.fontSize = fontSize;
18246 | fontProperties.ascent = fontSize;
18247 | }
18248 |
18249 |
18250 |
18251 |
18252 |
18253 | var context = this.runtime.offscreenCanvasCreator.getOrCreateContext(offscreenCanvas);
18254 | context.font = font;
18255 |
18256 | parsedStyle.isOverflowing = false;
18257 | var outputText = wordWrap
18258 | ? this.wordWrap(text, parsedStyle, offscreenCanvas)
18259 | : text;
18260 | var lines = outputText.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/);
18261 | var lineWidths = new Array(lines.length);
18262 | var maxLineWidth = 0;
18263 |
18264 | if (textPath) {
18265 | textPath.getTotalLength();
18266 |
18267 | for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
18268 | var width = context.measureText(lines[i]).width +
18269 | (lines[i].length - 1) * letterSpacing;
18270 |
18271 |
18272 |
18273 |
18274 |
18275 |
18276 |
18277 |
18278 |
18279 |
18280 |
18281 |
18282 |
18283 |
18284 |
18285 |
18286 |
18287 |
18288 |
18289 |
18290 | }
18291 | }
18292 | else {
18293 | for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
18294 |
18295 | var lineWidth_1 = context.measureText(lines[i]).width +
18296 | (lines[i].length - 1) * letterSpacing;
18297 | lineWidths[i] = lineWidth_1;
18298 | maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, lineWidth_1);
18299 | }
18300 | var width = maxLineWidth + lineWidth;
18301 |
18302 |
18303 |
18304 | var lineHeight_1 = strokeHeight || fontProperties.fontSize + lineWidth;
18305 | var height = Math.max(lineHeight_1, fontProperties.fontSize + lineWidth) +
18306 | (lines.length - 1) * (lineHeight_1 + leading);
18307 |
18308 |
18309 |
18310 | lineHeight_1 += leading;
18311 |
18312 | var offsetY_1 = 0;
18313 | if (textBaseline === 'middle') {
18314 | offsetY_1 = -height / 2;
18315 | }
18316 | else if (textBaseline === 'bottom' ||
18317 | textBaseline === 'alphabetic' ||
18318 | textBaseline === 'ideographic') {
18319 | offsetY_1 = -height;
18320 | }
18321 | else if (textBaseline === 'top' || textBaseline === 'hanging') {
18322 | offsetY_1 = 0;
18323 | }
18324 | return {
18325 | font: font,
18326 | width: width,
18327 | height: height,
18328 | lines: lines,
18329 | lineWidths: lineWidths,
18330 | lineHeight: lineHeight_1,
18331 | maxLineWidth: maxLineWidth,
18332 | fontProperties: fontProperties,
18333 | lineMetrics: lineWidths.map(function (width, i) {
18334 | var offsetX = 0;
18335 |
18336 | if (textAlign === 'center' || textAlign === 'middle') {
18337 | offsetX -= width / 2;
18338 | }
18339 | else if (textAlign === 'right' || textAlign === 'end') {
18340 | offsetX -= width;
18341 | }
18342 | return new Rectangle(offsetX - lineWidth / 2, offsetY_1 + i * lineHeight_1, width + lineWidth, lineHeight_1);
18343 | }),
18344 | };
18345 | }
18346 | };
18347 | TextService.prototype.setGraphemeOnPath = function () { };
18348 | TextService.prototype.wordWrap = function (text, parsedStyle, offscreenCanvas) {
18349 | var _this = this;
18350 | var _a = parsedStyle.wordWrapWidth, wordWrapWidth = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a, letterSpacing = parsedStyle.letterSpacing, _b = parsedStyle.maxLines, maxLines = _b === void 0 ? Infinity : _b, textOverflow = parsedStyle.textOverflow;
18351 | var context = this.runtime.offscreenCanvasCreator.getOrCreateContext(offscreenCanvas);
18352 | var maxWidth = wordWrapWidth + letterSpacing;
18353 | var ellipsis = '';
18354 | if (textOverflow === 'ellipsis') {
18355 | ellipsis = '...';
18356 | }
18357 | else if (textOverflow && textOverflow !== 'clip') {
18358 | ellipsis = textOverflow;
18359 | }
18360 | var lines = [];
18361 | var currentIndex = 0;
18362 | var currentWidth = 0;
18363 | var cache = {};
18364 | var calcWidth = function (char) {
18365 | return _this.getFromCache(char, letterSpacing, cache, context);
18366 | };
18367 | var ellipsisWidth = Array.from(ellipsis).reduce(function (prev, cur) {
18368 | return prev + calcWidth(cur);
18369 | }, 0);
18370 | var chars = Array.from(text);
18371 | for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
18372 | var char = chars[i];
18373 | var prevChar = text[i - 1];
18374 | var nextChar = text[i + 1];
18375 | var charWidth = calcWidth(char);
18376 | if (this.isNewline(char)) {
18377 | currentIndex++;
18378 |
18379 | if (currentIndex >= maxLines) {
18380 | parsedStyle.isOverflowing = true;
18381 | break;
18382 | }
18383 | currentWidth = 0;
18384 | lines[currentIndex] = '';
18385 | continue;
18386 | }
18387 | if (currentWidth > 0 && currentWidth + charWidth > maxWidth) {
18388 | if (currentIndex + 1 >= maxLines) {
18389 | parsedStyle.isOverflowing = true;
18390 |
18391 |
18392 | if (ellipsisWidth > 0 && ellipsisWidth <= maxWidth) {
18393 |
18394 | var currentLineLength = lines[currentIndex].length;
18395 | var lastLineWidth = 0;
18396 | var lastLineIndex = currentLineLength;
18397 | for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < currentLineLength; i_1++) {
18398 | var width = calcWidth(lines[currentIndex][i_1]);
18399 | if (lastLineWidth + width + ellipsisWidth > maxWidth) {
18400 | lastLineIndex = i_1;
18401 | break;
18402 | }
18403 | lastLineWidth += width;
18404 | }
18405 | lines[currentIndex] =
18406 | (lines[currentIndex] || '').slice(0, lastLineIndex) + ellipsis;
18407 | }
18408 | break;
18409 | }
18410 | currentIndex++;
18411 | currentWidth = 0;
18412 | lines[currentIndex] = '';
18413 | if (this.isBreakingSpace(char)) {
18414 | continue;
18415 | }
18416 | if (!this.canBreakInLastChar(char)) {
18417 | lines = this.trimToBreakable(lines);
18418 | currentWidth = this.sumTextWidthByCache(lines[currentIndex] || '', cache);
18419 | }
18420 | if (this.shouldBreakByKinsokuShorui(char, nextChar)) {
18421 | lines = this.trimByKinsokuShorui(lines);
18422 | currentWidth += calcWidth(prevChar || '');
18423 | }
18424 | }
18425 | currentWidth += charWidth;
18426 | lines[currentIndex] = (lines[currentIndex] || '') + char;
18427 | }
18428 | return lines.join('\n');
18429 | };
18430 | TextService.prototype.isBreakingSpace = function (char) {
18431 | if (typeof char !== 'string') {
18432 | return false;
18433 | }
18434 | return TEXT_METRICS.BreakingSpaces.indexOf(char.charCodeAt(0)) >= 0;
18435 | };
18436 | TextService.prototype.isNewline = function (char) {
18437 | if (typeof char !== 'string') {
18438 | return false;
18439 | }
18440 | return TEXT_METRICS.Newlines.indexOf(char.charCodeAt(0)) >= 0;
18441 | };
18442 | TextService.prototype.trimToBreakable = function (prev) {
18443 | var next = __spreadArray([], __read(prev), false);
18444 | var prevLine = next[next.length - 2];
18445 | var index = this.findBreakableIndex(prevLine);
18446 | if (index === -1 || !prevLine)
18447 | return next;
18448 | var trimmedChar = prevLine.slice(index, index + 1);
18449 | var isTrimmedWithSpace = this.isBreakingSpace(trimmedChar);
18450 | var trimFrom = index + 1;
18451 | var trimTo = index + (isTrimmedWithSpace ? 0 : 1);
18452 | next[next.length - 1] += prevLine.slice(trimFrom, prevLine.length);
18453 | next[next.length - 2] = prevLine.slice(0, trimTo);
18454 | return next;
18455 | };
18456 | TextService.prototype.canBreakInLastChar = function (char) {
18457 | if (char && LATIN_REGEX.test(char))
18458 | return false;
18459 | return true;
18460 | };
18461 | TextService.prototype.sumTextWidthByCache = function (text, cache) {
18462 | return text.split('').reduce(function (sum, c) {
18463 | if (!cache[c])
18464 | throw Error('cannot count the word without cache');
18465 | return sum + cache[c];
18466 | }, 0);
18467 | };
18468 | TextService.prototype.findBreakableIndex = function (line) {
18469 | for (var i = line.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
18470 | if (!LATIN_REGEX.test(line[i]))
18471 | return i;
18472 | }
18473 | return -1;
18474 | };
18475 | TextService.prototype.getFromCache = function (key, letterSpacing, cache, context) {
18476 | var width = cache[key];
18477 | if (typeof width !== 'number') {
18478 | var spacing = key.length * letterSpacing;
18479 | width = context.measureText(key).width + spacing;
18480 | cache[key] = width;
18481 | }
18482 | return width;
18483 | };
18484 | return TextService;
18485 | }());
18486 |
18487 | var runtime = {};
18488 | |
18489 |
18490 |
18491 | var geometryUpdaterFactory = (function () {
18492 | var _a;
18493 | var rectUpdater = new RectUpdater();
18494 | var polylineUpdater = new PolylineUpdater();
18495 | return _a = {},
18496 | _a[Shape.CIRCLE] = new CircleUpdater(),
18497 | _a[Shape.ELLIPSE] = new EllipseUpdater(),
18498 | _a[Shape.RECT] = rectUpdater,
18499 | _a[Shape.IMAGE] = rectUpdater,
18500 | _a[Shape.GROUP] = rectUpdater,
18501 | _a[Shape.LINE] = new LineUpdater(),
18502 | _a[Shape.TEXT] = new TextUpdater(runtime),
18503 | _a[Shape.POLYLINE] = polylineUpdater,
18504 | _a[Shape.POLYGON] = polylineUpdater,
18505 | _a[Shape.PATH] = new PathUpdater(),
18506 | _a[Shape.HTML] = null,
18507 | _a[Shape.MESH] = null,
18508 | _a;
18509 | })();
18510 | var CSSPropertySyntaxFactory = (function () {
18511 | var _a;
18512 | var color = new CSSPropertyColor();
18513 | var length = new CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage();
18514 | return _a = {},
18515 | _a[PropertySyntax.PERCENTAGE] = null,
18516 | _a[PropertySyntax.NUMBER] = new CSSPropertyNumber(),
18517 | _a[PropertySyntax.ANGLE] = new CSSPropertyAngle(),
18518 | _a[PropertySyntax.DEFINED_PATH] = new CSSPropertyClipPath(),
18519 | _a[PropertySyntax.PAINT] = color,
18520 | _a[PropertySyntax.COLOR] = color,
18521 | _a[PropertySyntax.FILTER] = new CSSPropertyFilter(),
18522 | _a[PropertySyntax.LENGTH] = length,
18523 | _a[PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE] = length,
18524 | _a[PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE_12] = new CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage12(),
18525 | _a[PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE_14] = new CSSPropertyLengthOrPercentage14(),
18526 | _a[PropertySyntax.COORDINATE] = new CSSPropertyLocalPosition(),
18527 | _a[PropertySyntax.OFFSET_DISTANCE] = new CSSPropertyOffsetDistance(),
18528 | _a[PropertySyntax.OPACITY_VALUE] = new CSSPropertyOpacity(),
18529 | _a[PropertySyntax.PATH] = new CSSPropertyPath(),
18530 | _a[PropertySyntax.LIST_OF_POINTS] = new CSSPropertyPoints(),
18531 | _a[PropertySyntax.SHADOW_BLUR] = new CSSPropertyShadowBlur(),
18532 | _a[PropertySyntax.TEXT] = new CSSPropertyText(),
18533 | _a[PropertySyntax.TEXT_TRANSFORM] = new CSSPropertyTextTransform(),
18534 | _a[PropertySyntax.TRANSFORM] = new CSSPropertyTransform(),
18535 | _a[PropertySyntax.TRANSFORM_ORIGIN] = new CSSPropertyTransformOrigin(),
18536 | _a[PropertySyntax.Z_INDEX] = new CSSPropertyZIndex(),
18537 | _a[PropertySyntax.MARKER] = new CSSPropertyMarker(),
18538 | _a;
18539 | })();
18540 | var getGlobalThis = function () {
18541 | if (typeof globalThis !== 'undefined')
18542 | return globalThis;
18543 | if (typeof self !== 'undefined')
18544 | return self;
18545 | if (typeof window !== 'undefined')
18546 | return window;
18547 |
18548 | if (typeof global !== 'undefined')
18549 | return global;
18550 | return {};
18551 |
18552 |
18553 |
18554 | };
18555 | |
18556 |
18557 |
18558 |
18559 | runtime.CameraContribution = Camera;
18560 | |
18561 |
18562 |
18563 | runtime.AnimationTimeline = null;
18564 | runtime.EasingFunction = null;
18565 | runtime.offscreenCanvasCreator = new OffscreenCanvasCreator();
18566 | runtime.sceneGraphSelector = new DefaultSceneGraphSelector();
18567 | runtime.sceneGraphService = new DefaultSceneGraphService(runtime);
18568 | runtime.textService = new TextService(runtime);
18569 | runtime.geometryUpdaterFactory = geometryUpdaterFactory;
18570 | runtime.CSSPropertySyntaxFactory = CSSPropertySyntaxFactory;
18571 | runtime.styleValueRegistry = new DefaultStyleValueRegistry(runtime);
18572 | runtime.layoutRegistry = null;
18573 | runtime.globalThis = getGlobalThis();
18574 | runtime.enableCSSParsing = true;
18575 | runtime.enableDataset = false;
18576 | runtime.enableStyleSyntax = true;
18577 | runtime.enableSizeAttenuation = false;
18578 |
18579 | var entityCounter = 0;
18580 | var insertedEvent = new MutationEvent(ElementEvent.INSERTED, null, '', '', '', 0, '', '');
18581 | var removedEvent = new MutationEvent(ElementEvent.REMOVED, null, '', '', '', 0, '', '');
18582 | var destroyEvent = new CustomEvent(ElementEvent.DESTROY);
18583 | |
18584 |
18585 |
18586 |
18587 |
18588 |
18589 | var Element = (function (_super) {
18590 | __extends(Element, _super);
18591 | function Element() {
18592 | var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments), false)) || this;
18593 | |
18594 |
18595 |
18596 | _this.entity = entityCounter++;
18597 | _this.renderable = {
18598 | bounds: undefined,
18599 | boundsDirty: true,
18600 | renderBounds: undefined,
18601 | renderBoundsDirty: true,
18602 | dirtyRenderBounds: undefined,
18603 | dirty: false,
18604 | };
18605 | _this.cullable = {
18606 | strategy: Strategy.Standard,
18607 | visibilityPlaneMask: -1,
18608 | visible: true,
18609 | enable: true,
18610 | };
18611 | _this.transformable = {
18612 | dirtyFlag: false,
18613 | localDirtyFlag: false,
18614 | frozen: false,
18615 | localPosition: [0, 0, 0],
18616 | localRotation: [0, 0, 0, 1],
18617 | localScale: [1, 1, 1],
18618 | localTransform: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
18619 | localSkew: [0, 0],
18620 | position: [0, 0, 0],
18621 | rotation: [0, 0, 0, 1],
18622 | scaling: [1, 1, 1],
18623 | worldTransform: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
18624 | origin: [0, 0, 0],
18625 | };
18626 | _this.sortable = {
18627 | dirty: false,
18628 | sorted: undefined,
18629 | renderOrder: 0,
18630 | dirtyChildren: [],
18631 | dirtyReason: undefined,
18632 | };
18633 | _this.geometry = {
18634 | contentBounds: undefined,
18635 | renderBounds: undefined,
18636 | };
18637 | _this.rBushNode = {
18638 | aabb: undefined,
18639 | };
18640 | |
18641 |
18642 |
18643 | _this.namespaceURI = 'g';
18644 | _this.scrollLeft = 0;
18645 | _this.scrollTop = 0;
18646 | |
18647 |
18648 |
18649 |
18650 | _this.clientTop = 0;
18651 | _this.clientLeft = 0;
18652 | |
18653 |
18654 |
18655 | _this.destroyed = false;
18656 | |
18657 |
18658 |
18659 |
18660 | _this.style = {};
18661 | _this.computedStyle = runtime.enableCSSParsing
18662 | ? {
18663 | anchor: unsetKeywordValue,
18664 | opacity: unsetKeywordValue,
18665 | fillOpacity: unsetKeywordValue,
18666 | strokeOpacity: unsetKeywordValue,
18667 | fill: unsetKeywordValue,
18668 | stroke: unsetKeywordValue,
18669 | transform: unsetKeywordValue,
18670 | transformOrigin: unsetKeywordValue,
18671 | visibility: unsetKeywordValue,
18672 | pointerEvents: unsetKeywordValue,
18673 | lineWidth: unsetKeywordValue,
18674 | lineCap: unsetKeywordValue,
18675 | lineJoin: unsetKeywordValue,
18676 | increasedLineWidthForHitTesting: unsetKeywordValue,
18677 | fontSize: unsetKeywordValue,
18678 | fontFamily: unsetKeywordValue,
18679 | fontStyle: unsetKeywordValue,
18680 | fontWeight: unsetKeywordValue,
18681 | fontVariant: unsetKeywordValue,
18682 | textAlign: unsetKeywordValue,
18683 | textBaseline: unsetKeywordValue,
18684 | textTransform: unsetKeywordValue,
18685 | zIndex: unsetKeywordValue,
18686 | filter: unsetKeywordValue,
18687 | shadowType: unsetKeywordValue,
18688 | }
18689 | : null;
18690 | |
18691 |
18692 |
18693 | _this.parsedStyle = {
18694 |
18695 |
18696 |
18697 |
18698 |
18699 |
18700 |
18701 |
18702 |
18703 |
18704 |
18705 |
18706 |
18707 |
18708 |
18709 |
18710 |
18711 |
18712 | };
18713 | |
18714 |
18715 |
18716 | _this.attributes = {};
18717 | return _this;
18718 | }
18719 | Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "className", {
18720 | |
18721 |
18722 |
18723 |
18724 | get: function () {
18725 |
18726 | return this.getAttribute('class') || '';
18727 | },
18728 | set: function (className) {
18729 | this.setAttribute('class', className);
18730 | },
18731 | enumerable: false,
18732 | configurable: true
18733 | });
18734 | Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "classList", {
18735 | |
18736 |
18737 |
18738 | get: function () {
18739 | return this.className.split(' ').filter(function (c) { return c !== ''; });
18740 | },
18741 | enumerable: false,
18742 | configurable: true
18743 | });
18744 | Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "tagName", {
18745 | get: function () {
18746 | return this.nodeName;
18747 | },
18748 | enumerable: false,
18749 | configurable: true
18750 | });
18751 | Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "children", {
18752 | get: function () {
18753 | return this.childNodes;
18754 | },
18755 | enumerable: false,
18756 | configurable: true
18757 | });
18758 | Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "childElementCount", {
18759 | get: function () {
18760 | return this.childNodes.length;
18761 | },
18762 | enumerable: false,
18763 | configurable: true
18764 | });
18765 | Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "firstElementChild", {
18766 | get: function () {
18767 | return this.firstChild;
18768 | },
18769 | enumerable: false,
18770 | configurable: true
18771 | });
18772 | Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "lastElementChild", {
18773 | get: function () {
18774 | return this.lastChild;
18775 | },
18776 | enumerable: false,
18777 | configurable: true
18778 | });
18779 | Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "parentElement", {
18780 | get: function () {
18781 | return this.parentNode;
18782 | },
18783 | enumerable: false,
18784 | configurable: true
18785 | });
18786 | Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "nextSibling", {
18787 | get: function () {
18788 | if (this.parentNode) {
18789 | var index = this.parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(this);
18790 | return this.parentNode.childNodes[index + 1] || null;
18791 | }
18792 | return null;
18793 | },
18794 | enumerable: false,
18795 | configurable: true
18796 | });
18797 | Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "previousSibling", {
18798 | get: function () {
18799 | if (this.parentNode) {
18800 | var index = this.parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(this);
18801 | return this.parentNode.childNodes[index - 1] || null;
18802 | }
18803 | return null;
18804 | },
18805 | enumerable: false,
18806 | configurable: true
18807 | });
18808 | Element.prototype.cloneNode = function (deep) {
18809 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
18810 | };
18811 | Element.prototype.appendChild = function (child, index) {
18812 | var _a;
18813 | if (child.destroyed) {
18815 | }
18816 | runtime.sceneGraphService.attach(child, this, index);
18817 | if ((_a = this.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.defaultView) {
18818 | this.ownerDocument.defaultView.mountChildren(child);
18819 | }
18820 | insertedEvent.relatedNode = this;
18821 | child.dispatchEvent(insertedEvent);
18822 | return child;
18823 | };
18824 | Element.prototype.insertBefore = function (newChild, refChild) {
18825 | if (!refChild) {
18826 | this.appendChild(newChild);
18827 | }
18828 | else {
18829 | if (newChild.parentElement) {
18830 | newChild.parentElement.removeChild(newChild);
18831 | }
18832 | var index = this.childNodes.indexOf(refChild);
18833 | if (index === -1) {
18834 | this.appendChild(newChild);
18835 | }
18836 | else {
18837 | this.appendChild(newChild, index);
18838 | }
18839 | }
18840 | return newChild;
18841 | };
18842 | Element.prototype.replaceChild = function (newChild, oldChild) {
18843 | var index = this.childNodes.indexOf(oldChild);
18844 | this.removeChild(oldChild);
18845 | this.appendChild(newChild, index);
18846 | return oldChild;
18847 | };
18848 | Element.prototype.removeChild = function (child) {
18849 | var _a;
18850 |
18851 | removedEvent.relatedNode = this;
18852 | child.dispatchEvent(removedEvent);
18853 | if ((_a = child.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.defaultView) {
18854 | child.ownerDocument.defaultView.unmountChildren(child);
18855 | }
18856 |
18857 | runtime.sceneGraphService.detach(child);
18858 | return child;
18859 | };
18860 | |
18861 |
18862 |
18863 | Element.prototype.removeChildren = function () {
18864 | for (var i = this.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
18865 | var child = this.childNodes[i];
18866 | this.removeChild(child);
18867 | }
18868 | };
18869 | |
18870 |
18871 |
18872 | Element.prototype.destroyChildren = function () {
18873 | for (var i = this.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
18874 | var child = this.childNodes[i];
18875 | if (child.childNodes.length) {
18876 | child.destroyChildren();
18877 | }
18878 | child.destroy();
18879 | }
18880 | };
18881 | |
18882 |
18883 |
18884 | Element.prototype.matches = function (selector) {
18885 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.matches(selector, this);
18886 | };
18887 | Element.prototype.getElementById = function (id) {
18888 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.querySelector("#".concat(id), this);
18889 | };
18890 | Element.prototype.getElementsByName = function (name) {
18891 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.querySelectorAll("[name=\"".concat(name, "\"]"), this);
18892 | };
18893 | Element.prototype.getElementsByClassName = function (className) {
18894 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.querySelectorAll(".".concat(className), this);
18895 | };
18896 | Element.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function (tagName) {
18897 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.querySelectorAll(tagName, this);
18898 | };
18899 | Element.prototype.querySelector = function (selectors) {
18900 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.querySelector(selectors, this);
18901 | };
18902 | Element.prototype.querySelectorAll = function (selectors) {
18903 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.querySelectorAll(selectors, this);
18904 | };
18905 | |
18906 |
18907 |
18908 |
18909 |
18910 |
18911 | Element.prototype.closest = function (selectors) {
18912 | var el = this;
18913 | do {
18914 | if (runtime.sceneGraphService.matches(selectors, el))
18915 | return el;
18916 | el = el.parentElement;
18917 | } while (el !== null);
18918 | return null;
18919 | };
18920 | |
18921 |
18922 |
18923 | Element.prototype.find = function (filter) {
18924 | var _this = this;
18925 | var target = null;
18926 | this.forEach(function (object) {
18927 | if (object !== _this && filter(object)) {
18928 | target = object;
18929 | return true;
18930 | }
18931 | return false;
18932 | });
18933 | return target;
18934 | };
18935 | Element.prototype.findAll = function (filter) {
18936 | var _this = this;
18937 | var objects = [];
18938 | this.forEach(function (object) {
18939 | if (object !== _this && filter(object)) {
18940 | objects.push(object);
18941 | }
18942 | });
18943 | return objects;
18944 | };
18945 | |
18946 |
18947 |
18948 | Element.prototype.after = function () {
18949 | var _this = this;
18950 | var nodes = [];
18951 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
18952 | nodes[_i] = arguments[_i];
18953 | }
18954 | if (this.parentNode) {
18955 | var index_1 = this.parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(this);
18956 | nodes.forEach(function (node, i) { var _a; return (_a = _this.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.appendChild(node, index_1 + i + 1); });
18957 | }
18958 | };
18959 | |
18960 |
18961 |
18962 | Element.prototype.before = function () {
18963 | var _a;
18964 | var nodes = [];
18965 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
18966 | nodes[_i] = arguments[_i];
18967 | }
18968 | if (this.parentNode) {
18969 | var index = this.parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(this);
18970 | var _b = __read(nodes), first = _b[0], rest = _b.slice(1);
18971 | this.parentNode.appendChild(first, index);
18972 | (_a = first).after.apply(_a, __spreadArray([], __read(rest), false));
18973 | }
18974 | };
18975 | |
18976 |
18977 |
18978 | Element.prototype.replaceWith = function () {
18979 | var nodes = [];
18980 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
18981 | nodes[_i] = arguments[_i];
18982 | }
18983 | this.after.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(nodes), false));
18984 | this.remove();
18985 | };
18986 | |
18987 |
18988 |
18989 | Element.prototype.append = function () {
18990 | var _this = this;
18991 | var nodes = [];
18992 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
18993 | nodes[_i] = arguments[_i];
18994 | }
18995 | nodes.forEach(function (node) { return _this.appendChild(node); });
18996 | };
18997 | |
18998 |
18999 |
19000 | Element.prototype.prepend = function () {
19001 | var _this = this;
19002 | var nodes = [];
19003 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
19004 | nodes[_i] = arguments[_i];
19005 | }
19006 | nodes.forEach(function (node, i) { return _this.appendChild(node, i); });
19007 | };
19008 | |
19009 |
19010 |
19011 | Element.prototype.replaceChildren = function () {
19012 | var nodes = [];
19013 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
19014 | nodes[_i] = arguments[_i];
19015 | }
19016 | while (this.childNodes.length && this.firstChild) {
19017 | this.removeChild(this.firstChild);
19018 | }
19019 | this.append.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(nodes), false));
19020 | };
19021 | |
19022 |
19023 |
19024 | Element.prototype.remove = function () {
19025 | if (this.parentNode) {
19026 | return this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
19027 | }
19028 | return this;
19029 | };
19030 | Element.prototype.destroy = function () {
19031 |
19032 | this.dispatchEvent(destroyEvent);
19033 |
19034 | this.remove();
19035 |
19036 | this.emitter.removeAllListeners();
19037 | this.destroyed = true;
19038 | };
19039 | Element.prototype.getGeometryBounds = function () {
19040 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getGeometryBounds(this);
19041 | };
19042 | Element.prototype.getRenderBounds = function () {
19043 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getBounds(this, true);
19044 | };
19045 | |
19046 |
19047 |
19048 | Element.prototype.getBounds = function () {
19049 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getBounds(this);
19050 | };
19051 | |
19052 |
19053 |
19054 | Element.prototype.getLocalBounds = function () {
19055 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getLocalBounds(this);
19056 | };
19057 | |
19058 |
19059 |
19060 |
19061 |
19062 | Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function () {
19063 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getBoundingClientRect(this);
19064 | };
19065 | |
19066 |
19067 |
19068 | Element.prototype.getClientRects = function () {
19069 | return [this.getBoundingClientRect()];
19070 | };
19071 | |
19072 |
19073 |
19074 |
19075 | Element.prototype.computedStyleMap = function () {
19076 | return new Map(Object.entries(this.computedStyle));
19077 | };
19078 | |
19079 |
19080 |
19081 | Element.prototype.getAttributeNames = function () {
19082 | return Object.keys(this.attributes);
19083 | };
19084 | |
19085 |
19086 |
19087 | Element.prototype.getAttribute = function (name) {
19088 |
19089 | if (isSymbol(name)) {
19090 | return runtime.enableCSSParsing ? null : undefined;
19091 | }
19092 | var value = this.attributes[name];
19093 | if (value === undefined) {
19094 | var attributeName = formatAttributeName(name);
19095 | value = this.attributes[attributeName];
19096 |
19097 | return runtime.enableCSSParsing ? (isNil(value) ? null : value) : value;
19098 | }
19099 | else {
19100 | return value;
19101 | }
19102 | };
19103 | |
19104 |
19105 |
19106 | Element.prototype.hasAttribute = function (qualifiedName) {
19107 | return this.getAttributeNames().includes(qualifiedName);
19108 | };
19109 | |
19110 |
19111 |
19112 | Element.prototype.hasAttributes = function () {
19113 | return !!this.getAttributeNames().length;
19114 | };
19115 | |
19116 |
19117 |
19118 |
19119 | Element.prototype.removeAttribute = function (attributeName) {
19120 | this.setAttribute(attributeName, null);
19121 | delete this.attributes[attributeName];
19122 | };
19123 | |
19124 |
19125 |
19126 | Element.prototype.setAttribute = function (attributeName, value, force) {
19127 | this.attributes[attributeName] = value;
19128 | };
19129 | Element.prototype.getAttributeNS = function (namespace, localName) {
19130 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
19131 | };
19132 | Element.prototype.getAttributeNode = function (qualifiedName) {
19133 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
19134 | };
19135 | Element.prototype.getAttributeNodeNS = function (namespace, localName) {
19136 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
19137 | };
19138 | Element.prototype.hasAttributeNS = function (namespace, localName) {
19139 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
19140 | };
19141 | Element.prototype.removeAttributeNS = function (namespace, localName) {
19142 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
19143 | };
19144 | Element.prototype.removeAttributeNode = function (attr) {
19145 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
19146 | };
19147 | Element.prototype.setAttributeNS = function (namespace, qualifiedName, value) {
19148 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
19149 | };
19150 | Element.prototype.setAttributeNode = function (attr) {
19151 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
19152 | };
19153 | Element.prototype.setAttributeNodeNS = function (attr) {
19154 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
19155 | };
19156 | Element.prototype.toggleAttribute = function (qualifiedName, force) {
19157 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
19158 | };
19159 | return Element;
19160 | }(Node));
19161 |
19162 | function isDisplayObject(value) {
19163 | return !!(value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.nodeName);
19164 | }
19165 | var mutationEvent = new MutationEvent(ElementEvent.ATTR_MODIFIED, null, null, null, null, MutationEvent.MODIFICATION, null, null);
19166 | var DEFAULT_STYLE_PROPS = {
19167 | anchor: '',
19168 | opacity: '',
19169 | fillOpacity: '',
19170 | strokeOpacity: '',
19171 | fill: '',
19172 | stroke: '',
19173 | transform: '',
19174 | transformOrigin: '',
19175 | visibility: '',
19176 | pointerEvents: '',
19177 | lineWidth: '',
19178 | lineCap: '',
19179 | lineJoin: '',
19180 | increasedLineWidthForHitTesting: '',
19181 | fontSize: '',
19182 | fontFamily: '',
19183 | fontStyle: '',
19184 | fontWeight: '',
19185 | fontVariant: '',
19186 | textAlign: '',
19187 | textBaseline: '',
19188 | textTransform: '',
19189 | zIndex: '',
19190 | filter: '',
19191 | shadowType: '',
19192 | };
19194 | anchor: [0, 0],
19195 | fill: noneColor,
19196 | stroke: noneColor,
19197 | transform: [],
19198 | zIndex: 0,
19199 | filter: [],
19200 | shadowType: 'outer',
19201 | miterLimit: 10,
19202 | };
19203 | var DEFAULT_PARSED_STYLE_PROPS_CSS_DISABLED = __assign(__assign({}, DEFAULT_PARSED_STYLE_PROPS), { opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 1, strokeOpacity: 1, visibility: 'visible', pointerEvents: 'auto', lineWidth: 1, lineCap: 'butt', lineJoin: 'miter', increasedLineWidthForHitTesting: 0, fillRule: 'nonzero' });
19205 | 'opacity',
19206 | 'fillOpacity',
19207 | 'strokeOpacity',
19208 | 'transformOrigin',
19209 | 'visibility',
19210 | 'pointerEvents',
19211 | 'lineWidth',
19212 | 'lineCap',
19213 | 'lineJoin',
19214 | 'increasedLineWidthForHitTesting',
19215 | ];
19216 | var INHERITABLE_STYLE_PROPS = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(INHERITABLE_BASE_STYLE_PROPS), false), [
19217 | 'fontSize',
19218 | 'fontFamily',
19219 | 'fontStyle',
19220 | 'fontWeight',
19221 | 'fontVariant',
19222 | 'textAlign',
19223 | 'textBaseline',
19224 | 'textTransform',
19225 | ], false);
19226 | var DATASET_PREFIX = 'data-';
19227 | |
19228 |
19229 |
19230 |
19231 |
19232 |
19233 |
19234 |
19235 |
19236 |
19237 |
19238 |
19239 |
19240 |
19241 |
19242 |
19243 |
19244 |
19245 | var DisplayObject = (function (_super) {
19246 | __extends(DisplayObject, _super);
19247 | function DisplayObject(config) {
19248 | var _a;
19249 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
19250 | _this.isCustomElement = false;
19251 | _this.isMutationObserved = false;
19252 | |
19253 |
19254 |
19255 | _this.activeAnimations = [];
19256 | |
19257 |
19258 |
19259 |
19260 | _this.getClip = function () {
19261 | return this.style.clipPath || null;
19262 | };
19263 |
19264 |
19265 | _this.config = config;
19266 |
19267 | _this.config.interactive = (_a = _this.config.capture) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : _this.config.interactive;
19268 |
19269 | _this.id = _this.config.id || '';
19270 | _this.name = _this.config.name || '';
19271 | if (_this.config.className || _this.config.class) {
19272 | _this.className = _this.config.className || _this.config.class;
19273 | }
19274 | _this.nodeName = _this.config.type || Shape.GROUP;
19275 |
19276 | _this.config.style =
19277 | _this.config.style || _this.config.attrs || {};
19278 | Object.assign(_this.config.style, _this.config.attrs);
19279 |
19280 |
19281 |
19282 |
19283 |
19284 | if (_this.config.visible != null) {
19285 | _this.config.style.visibility =
19286 | _this.config.visible === false ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
19287 | }
19288 | if (_this.config.interactive != null) {
19289 | _this.config.style.pointerEvents =
19290 | _this.config.interactive === false ? 'none' : 'auto';
19291 | }
19292 |
19293 | Object.assign(_this.parsedStyle, runtime.enableCSSParsing
19295 | : DEFAULT_PARSED_STYLE_PROPS_CSS_DISABLED, _this.config.initialParsedStyle);
19296 | if (runtime.enableCSSParsing) {
19297 | Object.assign(_this.attributes, DEFAULT_STYLE_PROPS);
19298 | }
19299 |
19300 | _this.initAttributes(_this.config.style);
19301 | var Proxy = runtime.globalThis.Proxy
19302 | ? runtime.globalThis.Proxy
19303 | : function () { };
19304 | if (runtime.enableDataset) {
19305 | _this.dataset = new Proxy({}, {
19306 | get: function (target, name) {
19307 | var formattedName = "".concat(DATASET_PREFIX).concat(kebabize(name));
19308 | if (target[formattedName] !== undefined) {
19309 | return target[formattedName];
19310 | }
19311 | return _this.getAttribute(formattedName);
19312 | },
19313 | set: function (_, prop, value) {
19314 | _this.setAttribute("".concat(DATASET_PREFIX).concat(kebabize(prop)), value);
19315 | return true;
19316 | },
19317 | });
19318 | }
19319 | if (runtime.enableStyleSyntax) {
19320 | _this.style = new Proxy(
19321 |
19322 | {
19323 |
19324 | setProperty: function (propertyName, value) {
19325 | _this.setAttribute(propertyName, value);
19326 | },
19327 | getPropertyValue: function (propertyName) {
19328 | return _this.getAttribute(propertyName);
19329 | },
19330 | removeProperty: function (propertyName) {
19331 | _this.removeAttribute(propertyName);
19332 | },
19333 | item: function () {
19334 | return '';
19335 | },
19336 | }, {
19337 | get: function (target, name) {
19338 | if (target[name] !== undefined) {
19339 |
19340 | return target[name];
19341 | }
19342 | return _this.getAttribute(name);
19343 | },
19344 | set: function (_, prop, value) {
19345 | _this.setAttribute(prop, value);
19346 | return true;
19347 | },
19348 | });
19349 | }
19350 | return _this;
19351 | }
19352 | DisplayObject.prototype.destroy = function () {
19353 | _super.prototype.destroy.call(this);
19354 |
19355 | this.getAnimations().forEach(function (animation) {
19356 | animation.cancel();
19357 | });
19358 |
19359 |
19360 |
19361 |
19362 |
19363 |
19364 |
19365 | };
19366 | DisplayObject.prototype.cloneNode = function (deep, customCloneFunc) {
19367 | var clonedStyle = __assign({}, this.attributes);
19368 | for (var attributeName in clonedStyle) {
19369 | var attribute = clonedStyle[attributeName];
19370 |
19371 | if (isDisplayObject(attribute) &&
19372 |
19373 | attributeName !== 'clipPath' &&
19374 | attributeName !== 'offsetPath' &&
19375 | attributeName !== 'textPath') {
19376 | clonedStyle[attributeName] = attribute.cloneNode(deep);
19377 | }
19378 |
19379 | if (customCloneFunc) {
19380 | clonedStyle[attributeName] = customCloneFunc(attributeName, attribute);
19381 | }
19382 | }
19383 | var cloned = new this.constructor({
19384 |
19385 |
19386 | id: this.id,
19387 | name: this.name,
19388 | className: this.name,
19389 | interactive: this.interactive,
19390 | style: clonedStyle,
19391 | });
19392 |
19393 | cloned.setLocalTransform(this.getLocalTransform());
19394 | if (deep) {
19395 | this.children.forEach(function (child) {
19396 |
19397 | if (!child.style.isMarker) {
19398 | var clonedChild = child.cloneNode(deep);
19399 | cloned.appendChild(clonedChild);
19400 | }
19401 | });
19402 | }
19403 | return cloned;
19404 | };
19405 | DisplayObject.prototype.initAttributes = function (attributes) {
19406 | if (attributes === void 0) { attributes = {}; }
19407 | var renderable = this.renderable;
19408 | var options = {
19409 | forceUpdateGeometry: true,
19410 |
19411 |
19412 |
19413 |
19414 |
19415 | };
19416 | if (runtime.enableCSSParsing) {
19417 |
19418 | options.usedAttributes = INHERITABLE_STYLE_PROPS;
19419 | }
19420 |
19421 | var formattedAttributes = {};
19422 | for (var name_1 in attributes) {
19423 | var attributeName = formatAttributeName(name_1);
19424 | formattedAttributes[attributeName] = attributes[name_1];
19425 | }
19426 | runtime.styleValueRegistry.processProperties(this, formattedAttributes, options);
19427 |
19428 | renderable.dirty = true;
19429 | };
19430 | DisplayObject.prototype.setAttribute = function (name, value, force, memoize) {
19431 | if (force === void 0) { force = false; }
19432 | if (memoize === void 0) { memoize = true; }
19433 | var attributeName = formatAttributeName(name);
19434 |
19435 | if (isUndefined(value)) {
19436 | return;
19437 | }
19438 | if (force || value !== this.attributes[attributeName]) {
19439 | this.internalSetAttribute(attributeName, value, { memoize: memoize });
19440 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, attributeName, value);
19441 | }
19442 | };
19443 | |
19444 |
19445 |
19446 | DisplayObject.prototype.internalSetAttribute = function (name, value, parseOptions) {
19447 | var _a;
19448 | if (parseOptions === void 0) { parseOptions = {}; }
19449 | var renderable = this.renderable;
19450 | var oldValue = this.attributes[name];
19451 | var oldParsedValue = this.parsedStyle[name];
19452 | runtime.styleValueRegistry.processProperties(this, (_a = {},
19453 | _a[name] = value,
19454 | _a), parseOptions);
19455 |
19456 | renderable.dirty = true;
19457 | var newParsedValue = this.parsedStyle[name];
19458 | if (this.isConnected) {
19459 | mutationEvent.relatedNode = this;
19460 | mutationEvent.prevValue = oldValue;
19461 | mutationEvent.newValue = value;
19462 | mutationEvent.attrName = name;
19463 | mutationEvent.prevParsedValue = oldParsedValue;
19464 | mutationEvent.newParsedValue = newParsedValue;
19465 | if (this.isMutationObserved) {
19466 | this.dispatchEvent(mutationEvent);
19467 | }
19468 | else {
19469 | mutationEvent.target = this;
19470 | this.ownerDocument.defaultView.dispatchEvent(mutationEvent, true);
19471 | }
19472 | }
19473 | if (((this.isCustomElement && this.isConnected) || !this.isCustomElement) &&
19474 | this.attributeChangedCallback) {
19475 | this.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, value, oldParsedValue, newParsedValue);
19476 | }
19477 | };
19478 |
19479 | |
19480 |
19481 |
19482 |
19483 |
19484 |
19485 |
19486 | DisplayObject.prototype.getBBox = function () {
19487 | var aabb = this.getBounds();
19488 | var _a = __read(aabb.getMin(), 2), left = _a[0], top = _a[1];
19489 | var _b = __read(aabb.getMax(), 2), right = _b[0], bottom = _b[1];
19490 | return new Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
19491 | };
19492 | DisplayObject.prototype.setOrigin = function (position, y, z) {
19493 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
19494 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
19495 | runtime.sceneGraphService.setOrigin(this, createVec3(position, y, z));
19496 | return this;
19497 | };
19498 | DisplayObject.prototype.getOrigin = function () {
19499 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getOrigin(this);
19500 | };
19501 | |
19502 |
19503 |
19504 | DisplayObject.prototype.setPosition = function (position, y, z) {
19505 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
19506 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
19507 | runtime.sceneGraphService.setPosition(this, createVec3(position, y, z));
19508 | return this;
19509 | };
19510 | |
19511 |
19512 |
19513 | DisplayObject.prototype.setLocalPosition = function (position, y, z) {
19514 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
19515 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
19516 | runtime.sceneGraphService.setLocalPosition(this, createVec3(position, y, z));
19517 | return this;
19518 | };
19519 | |
19520 |
19521 |
19522 | DisplayObject.prototype.translate = function (position, y, z) {
19523 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
19524 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
19525 | runtime.sceneGraphService.translate(this, createVec3(position, y, z));
19526 | return this;
19527 | };
19528 | |
19529 |
19530 |
19531 | DisplayObject.prototype.translateLocal = function (position, y, z) {
19532 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
19533 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
19534 | runtime.sceneGraphService.translateLocal(this, createVec3(position, y, z));
19535 | return this;
19536 | };
19537 | DisplayObject.prototype.getPosition = function () {
19538 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getPosition(this);
19539 | };
19540 | DisplayObject.prototype.getLocalPosition = function () {
19541 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getLocalPosition(this);
19542 | };
19543 | |
19544 |
19545 |
19546 |
19547 |
19548 |
19549 |
19550 |
19551 | DisplayObject.prototype.scale = function (scaling, y, z) {
19552 | return this.scaleLocal(scaling, y, z);
19553 | };
19554 | DisplayObject.prototype.scaleLocal = function (scaling, y, z) {
19555 | if (typeof scaling === 'number') {
19556 | y = y || scaling;
19557 | z = z || scaling;
19558 | scaling = createVec3(scaling, y, z);
19559 | }
19560 | runtime.sceneGraphService.scaleLocal(this, scaling);
19561 | return this;
19562 | };
19563 | |
19564 |
19565 |
19566 | DisplayObject.prototype.setLocalScale = function (scaling, y, z) {
19567 | if (typeof scaling === 'number') {
19568 | y = y || scaling;
19569 | z = z || scaling;
19570 | scaling = createVec3(scaling, y, z);
19571 | }
19572 | runtime.sceneGraphService.setLocalScale(this, scaling);
19573 | return this;
19574 | };
19575 | |
19576 |
19577 |
19578 | DisplayObject.prototype.getLocalScale = function () {
19579 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getLocalScale(this);
19580 | };
19581 | |
19582 |
19583 |
19584 | DisplayObject.prototype.getScale = function () {
19585 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getScale(this);
19586 | };
19587 | |
19588 |
19589 |
19590 | DisplayObject.prototype.getEulerAngles = function () {
19591 | var _a = __read(getEuler(create$2(), runtime.sceneGraphService.getWorldTransform(this)), 3), ez = _a[2];
19592 | return rad2deg(ez);
19593 | };
19594 | |
19595 |
19596 |
19597 | DisplayObject.prototype.getLocalEulerAngles = function () {
19598 | var _a = __read(getEuler(create$2(), runtime.sceneGraphService.getLocalRotation(this)), 3), ez = _a[2];
19599 | return rad2deg(ez);
19600 | };
19601 | |
19602 |
19603 |
19604 | DisplayObject.prototype.setEulerAngles = function (z) {
19605 | runtime.sceneGraphService.setEulerAngles(this, 0, 0, z);
19606 | return this;
19607 | };
19608 | |
19609 |
19610 |
19611 | DisplayObject.prototype.setLocalEulerAngles = function (z) {
19612 | runtime.sceneGraphService.setLocalEulerAngles(this, 0, 0, z);
19613 | return this;
19614 | };
19615 | DisplayObject.prototype.rotateLocal = function (x, y, z) {
19616 | if (isNil(y) && isNil(z)) {
19617 | runtime.sceneGraphService.rotateLocal(this, 0, 0, x);
19618 | }
19619 | else {
19620 | runtime.sceneGraphService.rotateLocal(this, x, y, z);
19621 | }
19622 | return this;
19623 | };
19624 | DisplayObject.prototype.rotate = function (x, y, z) {
19625 | if (isNil(y) && isNil(z)) {
19626 | runtime.sceneGraphService.rotate(this, 0, 0, x);
19627 | }
19628 | else {
19629 | runtime.sceneGraphService.rotate(this, x, y, z);
19630 | }
19631 | return this;
19632 | };
19633 | DisplayObject.prototype.setRotation = function (rotation, y, z, w) {
19634 | runtime.sceneGraphService.setRotation(this, rotation, y, z, w);
19635 | return this;
19636 | };
19637 | DisplayObject.prototype.setLocalRotation = function (rotation, y, z, w) {
19638 | runtime.sceneGraphService.setLocalRotation(this, rotation, y, z, w);
19639 | return this;
19640 | };
19641 | DisplayObject.prototype.setLocalSkew = function (skew, y) {
19642 | runtime.sceneGraphService.setLocalSkew(this, skew, y);
19643 | return this;
19644 | };
19645 | DisplayObject.prototype.getRotation = function () {
19646 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getRotation(this);
19647 | };
19648 | DisplayObject.prototype.getLocalRotation = function () {
19649 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getLocalRotation(this);
19650 | };
19651 | DisplayObject.prototype.getLocalSkew = function () {
19652 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getLocalSkew(this);
19653 | };
19654 | DisplayObject.prototype.getLocalTransform = function () {
19655 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getLocalTransform(this);
19656 | };
19657 | DisplayObject.prototype.getWorldTransform = function () {
19658 | return runtime.sceneGraphService.getWorldTransform(this);
19659 | };
19660 | DisplayObject.prototype.setLocalTransform = function (transform) {
19661 | runtime.sceneGraphService.setLocalTransform(this, transform);
19662 | return this;
19663 | };
19664 | DisplayObject.prototype.resetLocalTransform = function () {
19665 | runtime.sceneGraphService.resetLocalTransform(this);
19666 | };
19667 |
19668 |
19669 | |
19670 |
19671 |
19672 |
19673 | DisplayObject.prototype.getAnimations = function () {
19674 | return this.activeAnimations;
19675 | };
19676 | |
19677 |
19678 |
19679 |
19680 | DisplayObject.prototype.animate = function (keyframes, options) {
19681 | var _a;
19682 | var timeline = (_a = this.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.timeline;
19683 | if (timeline) {
19684 | return timeline.play(this, keyframes, options);
19685 | }
19686 | return null;
19687 | };
19688 |
19689 |
19690 | |
19691 |
19692 |
19693 | DisplayObject.prototype.isVisible = function () {
19694 | var _a;
19695 | return ((_a = this.parsedStyle) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.visibility) === 'visible';
19696 | };
19697 | Object.defineProperty(DisplayObject.prototype, "interactive", {
19698 | get: function () {
19699 | return this.isInteractive();
19700 | },
19701 | set: function (b) {
19702 | this.style.pointerEvents = b ? 'auto' : 'none';
19703 | },
19704 | enumerable: false,
19705 | configurable: true
19706 | });
19707 | DisplayObject.prototype.isInteractive = function () {
19708 | var _a;
19709 | return ((_a = this.parsedStyle) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pointerEvents) !== 'none';
19710 | };
19711 | DisplayObject.prototype.isCulled = function () {
19712 | return !!(this.cullable && this.cullable.enable && !this.cullable.visible);
19713 | };
19714 | |
19715 |
19716 |
19717 | DisplayObject.prototype.toFront = function () {
19718 | if (this.parentNode) {
19719 | this.style.zIndex =
19720 | Math.max.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(this.parentNode.children.map(function (child) {
19721 | return Number(child.style.zIndex);
19722 | })), false)) + 1;
19723 | }
19724 | return this;
19725 | };
19726 | |
19727 |
19728 |
19729 | DisplayObject.prototype.toBack = function () {
19730 | if (this.parentNode) {
19731 | this.style.zIndex =
19732 | Math.min.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(this.parentNode.children.map(function (child) {
19733 | return Number(child.style.zIndex);
19734 | })), false)) - 1;
19735 | }
19736 | return this;
19737 | };
19738 |
19739 |
19740 | |
19741 |
19742 |
19743 |
19744 |
19745 | DisplayObject.prototype.getConfig = function () {
19746 | return this.config;
19747 | };
19748 | DisplayObject.prototype.attr = function () {
19749 | var _this = this;
19750 | var args = [];
19751 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
19752 | args[_i] = arguments[_i];
19753 | }
19754 | var _a = __read(args, 2), name = _a[0], value = _a[1];
19755 | if (!name) {
19756 | return this.attributes;
19757 | }
19758 | if (isObject(name)) {
19759 | Object.keys(name).forEach(function (key) {
19760 | _this.setAttribute(key, name[key]);
19761 | });
19762 | return this;
19763 | }
19764 | if (args.length === 2) {
19765 | this.setAttribute(name, value);
19766 | return this;
19767 | }
19768 | return this.attributes[name];
19769 | };
19770 | |
19771 |
19772 |
19773 |
19774 | DisplayObject.prototype.getMatrix = function (transformMat4) {
19775 | var transform = transformMat4 || this.getWorldTransform();
19776 | var _a = __read(getTranslation(create$2(), transform), 2), tx = _a[0], ty = _a[1];
19777 | var _b = __read(getScaling(create$2(), transform), 2), sx = _b[0], sy = _b[1];
19778 | var rotation = getRotation(create$4(), transform);
19779 | var _c = __read(getEuler(create$2(), rotation), 3), eux = _c[0], euz = _c[2];
19780 |
19781 | return fromRotationTranslationScale$1(eux || euz, tx, ty, sx, sy);
19782 | };
19783 | |
19784 |
19785 |
19786 |
19787 | DisplayObject.prototype.getLocalMatrix = function () {
19788 | return this.getMatrix(this.getLocalTransform());
19789 | };
19790 | |
19791 |
19792 |
19793 |
19794 | DisplayObject.prototype.setMatrix = function (mat) {
19795 | var _a = __read(decompose(mat), 5), tx = _a[0], ty = _a[1], scalingX = _a[2], scalingY = _a[3], angle = _a[4];
19796 | this.setEulerAngles(angle)
19797 | .setPosition(tx, ty)
19798 | .setLocalScale(scalingX, scalingY);
19799 | };
19800 | |
19801 |
19802 |
19803 |
19804 | DisplayObject.prototype.setLocalMatrix = function (mat) {
19805 | var _a = __read(decompose(mat), 5), tx = _a[0], ty = _a[1], scalingX = _a[2], scalingY = _a[3], angle = _a[4];
19806 | this.setLocalEulerAngles(angle)
19807 | .setLocalPosition(tx, ty)
19808 | .setLocalScale(scalingX, scalingY);
19809 | };
19810 | |
19811 |
19812 |
19813 |
19814 | DisplayObject.prototype.show = function () {
19815 | if (runtime.enableCSSParsing) {
19816 | this.style.visibility = 'visible';
19817 | }
19818 | else {
19819 | this.forEach(function (object) {
19820 | object.style.visibility = 'visible';
19821 | });
19822 | }
19823 | };
19824 | |
19825 |
19826 |
19827 |
19828 | DisplayObject.prototype.hide = function () {
19829 | if (runtime.enableCSSParsing) {
19830 | this.style.visibility = 'hidden';
19831 | }
19832 | else {
19833 | this.forEach(function (object) {
19834 | object.style.visibility = 'hidden';
19835 | });
19836 | }
19837 | };
19838 | |
19839 |
19840 |
19841 |
19842 | DisplayObject.prototype.getCount = function () {
19843 | return this.childElementCount;
19844 | };
19845 | |
19846 |
19847 |
19848 |
19849 | DisplayObject.prototype.getParent = function () {
19850 | return this.parentElement;
19851 | };
19852 | |
19853 |
19854 |
19855 |
19856 | DisplayObject.prototype.getChildren = function () {
19857 | return this.children;
19858 | };
19859 | |
19860 |
19861 |
19862 |
19863 | DisplayObject.prototype.getFirst = function () {
19864 | return this.firstElementChild;
19865 | };
19866 | |
19867 |
19868 |
19869 |
19870 | DisplayObject.prototype.getLast = function () {
19871 | return this.lastElementChild;
19872 | };
19873 | |
19874 |
19875 |
19876 |
19877 | DisplayObject.prototype.getChildByIndex = function (index) {
19878 | return this.children[index] || null;
19879 | };
19880 | |
19881 |
19882 |
19883 |
19884 | DisplayObject.prototype.add = function (child, index) {
19885 | return this.appendChild(child, index);
19886 | };
19887 | |
19888 |
19889 |
19890 |
19891 | DisplayObject.prototype.setClip = function (clipPath) {
19892 | this.style.clipPath = clipPath;
19893 | };
19894 | |
19895 |
19896 |
19897 | DisplayObject.prototype.set = function (name, value) {
19898 |
19899 | this.config[name] = value;
19900 | };
19901 | |
19902 |
19903 |
19904 | DisplayObject.prototype.get = function (name) {
19905 | return this.config[name];
19906 | };
19907 | |
19908 |
19909 |
19910 |
19911 | DisplayObject.prototype.moveTo = function (position, y, z) {
19912 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
19913 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
19914 | this.setPosition(position, y, z);
19915 | return this;
19916 | };
19917 | |
19918 |
19919 |
19920 |
19921 | DisplayObject.prototype.move = function (position, y, z) {
19922 | if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
19923 | if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
19924 | this.setPosition(position, y, z);
19925 | return this;
19926 | };
19927 | |
19928 |
19929 |
19930 |
19931 | DisplayObject.prototype.setZIndex = function (zIndex) {
19932 | this.style.zIndex = zIndex;
19933 | return this;
19934 | };
19935 | return DisplayObject;
19936 | }(Element));
19937 |
19938 | |
19939 |
19940 |
19941 |
19942 |
19943 |
19944 |
19945 |
19946 | var CSS = {
19947 | |
19948 |
19949 |
19950 |
19951 | number: function (n) {
19952 | return new CSSUnitValue(n);
19953 | },
19954 | |
19955 |
19956 |
19957 |
19958 | percent: function (n) {
19959 | return new CSSUnitValue(n, '%');
19960 | },
19961 | |
19962 |
19963 |
19964 | px: function (n) {
19965 | return new CSSUnitValue(n, 'px');
19966 | },
19967 | |
19968 |
19969 |
19970 | em: function (n) {
19971 | return new CSSUnitValue(n, 'em');
19972 | },
19973 | rem: function (n) {
19974 | return new CSSUnitValue(n, 'rem');
19975 | },
19976 | |
19977 |
19978 |
19979 | deg: function (n) {
19980 | return new CSSUnitValue(n, 'deg');
19981 | },
19982 | |
19983 |
19984 |
19985 | grad: function (n) {
19986 | return new CSSUnitValue(n, 'grad');
19987 | },
19988 | |
19989 |
19990 |
19991 | rad: function (n) {
19992 | return new CSSUnitValue(n, 'rad');
19993 | },
19994 | |
19995 |
19996 |
19997 | turn: function (n) {
19998 | return new CSSUnitValue(n, 'turn');
19999 | },
20000 | |
20001 |
20002 |
20003 | s: function (n) {
20004 | return new CSSUnitValue(n, 's');
20005 | },
20006 | |
20007 |
20008 |
20009 | ms: function (n) {
20010 | return new CSSUnitValue(n, 'ms');
20011 | },
20012 | |
20013 |
20014 |
20015 |
20016 |
20017 |
20018 |
20019 | registerProperty: function (definition) {
20020 | var name = definition.name, inherits = definition.inherits, interpolable = definition.interpolable, initialValue = definition.initialValue, syntax = definition.syntax;
20021 | runtime.styleValueRegistry.registerMetadata({
20022 | n: name,
20023 | inh: inherits,
20024 | int: interpolable,
20025 | d: initialValue,
20026 | syntax: syntax,
20027 | });
20028 | },
20029 | |
20030 |
20031 |
20032 |
20033 |
20034 |
20035 |
20036 | registerLayout: function (name, clazz) {
20037 | runtime.layoutRegistry.registerLayout(name, clazz);
20038 | },
20039 | };
20040 |
20041 | var Circle = (function (_super) {
20042 | __extends(Circle, _super);
20043 | function Circle(_a) {
20044 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20045 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20046 | return _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.CIRCLE, style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20047 | ? __assign({ cx: '', cy: '', r: '' }, style) : __assign({}, style), initialParsedStyle: {
20048 | anchor: [0.5, 0.5],
20049 | transformOrigin: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20050 | ? null
20051 | : [PECENTAGE_50, PECENTAGE_50],
20052 | } }, rest)) || this;
20053 | }
20054 | return Circle;
20055 | }(DisplayObject));
20056 |
20057 | |
20058 |
20059 |
20060 |
20061 | var CustomElement = (function (_super) {
20062 | __extends(CustomElement, _super);
20063 |
20064 | function CustomElement(_a) {
20065 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20066 | var _this = this;
20067 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20068 | _this = _super.call(this, __assign({ style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20069 | ? __assign({ x: '', y: '' }, style) : __assign({}, style) }, rest)) || this;
20070 |
20071 |
20072 |
20073 | _this.isCustomElement = true;
20074 | return _this;
20075 | }
20076 | return CustomElement;
20077 | }(DisplayObject));
20078 |
20079 | var Ellipse = (function (_super) {
20080 | __extends(Ellipse, _super);
20081 | function Ellipse(_a) {
20082 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20083 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20084 | return _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.ELLIPSE, style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20085 | ? __assign({ cx: '', cy: '', rx: '', ry: '' }, style) : __assign({}, style), initialParsedStyle: {
20086 | anchor: [0.5, 0.5],
20087 | transformOrigin: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20088 | ? null
20089 | : [PECENTAGE_50, PECENTAGE_50],
20090 | } }, rest)) || this;
20091 | }
20092 | return Ellipse;
20093 | }(DisplayObject));
20094 |
20095 | |
20096 |
20097 |
20098 |
20099 |
20100 |
20101 |
20102 |
20103 |
20104 |
20105 | var Group = (function (_super) {
20106 | __extends(Group, _super);
20107 | function Group(_a) {
20108 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20109 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20110 | return _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.GROUP, style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20111 | ? __assign({ x: '', y: '', width: '', height: '' }, style) : __assign({}, style) }, rest)) || this;
20112 | }
20113 | return Group;
20114 | }(DisplayObject));
20115 |
20116 | |
20117 |
20118 |
20119 |
20120 | var HTML = (function (_super) {
20121 | __extends(HTML, _super);
20122 | function HTML(_a) {
20123 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20124 | var _this = this;
20125 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20126 | _this = _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.HTML, style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20127 | ? __assign({ x: '', y: '', width: 'auto', height: 'auto', innerHTML: '' }, style) : __assign({}, style) }, rest)) || this;
20128 | _this.cullable.enable = false;
20129 | return _this;
20130 | }
20131 | |
20132 |
20133 |
20134 |
20135 |
20136 | HTML.prototype.getDomElement = function () {
20137 | return this.parsedStyle.$el;
20138 | };
20139 | |
20140 |
20141 |
20142 |
20143 | HTML.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function () {
20144 | if (this.parsedStyle.$el) {
20145 | return this.parsedStyle.$el.getBoundingClientRect();
20146 | }
20147 | else {
20148 | var _a = this.parsedStyle, x = _a.x, y = _a.y, width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
20149 | return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
20150 | }
20151 | };
20152 | HTML.prototype.getClientRects = function () {
20153 | return [this.getBoundingClientRect()];
20154 | };
20155 | HTML.prototype.getBounds = function () {
20156 | var _a, _b;
20157 | var clientRect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
20158 |
20159 |
20160 | var canvasRect = (_b = (_a = this.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.defaultView) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getContextService().getBoundingClientRect();
20161 | var aabb = new AABB();
20162 | var minX = clientRect.left - ((canvasRect === null || canvasRect === void 0 ? void 0 : canvasRect.left) || 0);
20163 | var minY = clientRect.top - ((canvasRect === null || canvasRect === void 0 ? void 0 : canvasRect.top) || 0);
20164 | aabb.setMinMax([minX, minY, 0], [minX + clientRect.width, minY + clientRect.height, 0]);
20165 | return aabb;
20166 | };
20167 | HTML.prototype.getLocalBounds = function () {
20168 | if (this.parentNode) {
20169 | var parentInvert = invert(create$1(), this.parentNode.getWorldTransform());
20170 | var bounds = this.getBounds();
20171 | if (!AABB.isEmpty(bounds)) {
20172 | var localBounds = new AABB();
20173 | localBounds.setFromTransformedAABB(bounds, parentInvert);
20174 | return localBounds;
20175 | }
20176 | }
20177 | return this.getBounds();
20178 | };
20179 | return HTML;
20180 | }(DisplayObject));
20181 |
20182 | var Image = (function (_super) {
20183 | __extends(Image, _super);
20184 | function Image(_a) {
20185 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20186 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20187 | return _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.IMAGE, style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20188 | ? __assign({ x: '', y: '', img: '', width: '', height: '' }, style) : __assign({}, style) }, rest)) || this;
20189 | }
20190 | return Image;
20191 | }(DisplayObject));
20192 |
20193 | |
20194 |
20195 |
20196 |
20197 |
20198 |
20199 | var Line = (function (_super) {
20200 | __extends(Line, _super);
20201 | function Line(_a) {
20202 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20203 | var _this = this;
20204 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20205 | _this = _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.LINE, style: __assign({ x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, z1: 0, z2: 0 }, style) }, rest)) || this;
20206 | _this.markerStartAngle = 0;
20207 | _this.markerEndAngle = 0;
20208 | var _b = _this.parsedStyle, markerStart = _b.markerStart, markerEnd = _b.markerEnd;
20209 | if (markerStart && isDisplayObject(markerStart)) {
20210 | _this.markerStartAngle = markerStart.getLocalEulerAngles();
20211 | _this.appendChild(markerStart);
20212 | }
20213 | if (markerEnd && isDisplayObject(markerEnd)) {
20214 | _this.markerEndAngle = markerEnd.getLocalEulerAngles();
20215 | _this.appendChild(markerEnd);
20216 | }
20217 | _this.transformMarker(true);
20218 | _this.transformMarker(false);
20219 | return _this;
20220 | }
20221 | Line.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (attrName, oldValue, newValue, prevParsedValue, newParsedValue) {
20222 | if (attrName === 'x1' ||
20223 | attrName === 'y1' ||
20224 | attrName === 'x2' ||
20225 | attrName === 'y2' ||
20226 | attrName === 'markerStartOffset' ||
20227 | attrName === 'markerEndOffset') {
20228 | this.transformMarker(true);
20229 | this.transformMarker(false);
20230 | }
20231 | else if (attrName === 'markerStart') {
20232 | if (prevParsedValue && isDisplayObject(prevParsedValue)) {
20233 | this.markerStartAngle = 0;
20234 | prevParsedValue.remove();
20235 | }
20236 |
20237 | if (newParsedValue && isDisplayObject(newParsedValue)) {
20238 | this.markerStartAngle = newParsedValue.getLocalEulerAngles();
20239 | this.appendChild(newParsedValue);
20240 | this.transformMarker(true);
20241 | }
20242 | }
20243 | else if (attrName === 'markerEnd') {
20244 | if (prevParsedValue && isDisplayObject(prevParsedValue)) {
20245 | this.markerEndAngle = 0;
20246 | prevParsedValue.remove();
20247 | }
20248 | if (newParsedValue && isDisplayObject(newParsedValue)) {
20249 | this.markerEndAngle = newParsedValue.getLocalEulerAngles();
20250 | this.appendChild(newParsedValue);
20251 | this.transformMarker(false);
20252 | }
20253 | }
20254 | };
20255 | Line.prototype.transformMarker = function (isStart) {
20256 | var _a = this.parsedStyle, markerStart = _a.markerStart, markerEnd = _a.markerEnd, markerStartOffset = _a.markerStartOffset, markerEndOffset = _a.markerEndOffset, x1 = _a.x1, x2 = _a.x2, y1 = _a.y1, y2 = _a.y2, defX = _a.defX, defY = _a.defY;
20257 | var marker = isStart ? markerStart : markerEnd;
20258 | if (!marker || !isDisplayObject(marker)) {
20259 | return;
20260 | }
20261 | var rad = 0;
20262 | var x;
20263 | var y;
20264 | var ox;
20265 | var oy;
20266 | var offset;
20267 | var originalAngle;
20268 | if (isStart) {
20269 | ox = x1 - defX;
20270 | oy = y1 - defY;
20271 | x = x2 - x1;
20272 | y = y2 - y1;
20273 | offset = markerStartOffset || 0;
20274 | originalAngle = this.markerStartAngle;
20275 | }
20276 | else {
20277 | ox = x2 - defX;
20278 | oy = y2 - defY;
20279 | x = x1 - x2;
20280 | y = y1 - y2;
20281 | offset = markerEndOffset || 0;
20282 | originalAngle = this.markerEndAngle;
20283 | }
20284 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
20285 |
20286 | marker.setLocalEulerAngles((rad * 180) / Math.PI + originalAngle);
20287 | marker.setLocalPosition(ox + Math.cos(rad) * offset, oy + Math.sin(rad) * offset);
20288 | };
20289 | Line.prototype.getPoint = function (ratio, inWorldSpace) {
20290 | if (inWorldSpace === void 0) { inWorldSpace = false; }
20291 |
20292 | var _a = this.parsedStyle, x1 = _a.x1, y1 = _a.y1, x2 = _a.x2, y2 = _a.y2, defX = _a.defX, defY = _a.defY;
20293 | var _b = pointAt$3(x1, y1, x2, y2, ratio), x = _b.x, y = _b.y;
20294 | var transformed = transformMat4(create$2(), fromValues$2(x - defX, y - defY, 0), inWorldSpace ? this.getWorldTransform() : this.getLocalTransform());
20295 |
20296 | return new Point(transformed[0], transformed[1]);
20297 | };
20298 | Line.prototype.getPointAtLength = function (distance, inWorldSpace) {
20299 | if (inWorldSpace === void 0) { inWorldSpace = false; }
20300 | return this.getPoint(distance / this.getTotalLength(), inWorldSpace);
20301 | };
20302 | Line.prototype.getTotalLength = function () {
20303 |
20304 | var _a = this.parsedStyle, x1 = _a.x1, y1 = _a.y1, x2 = _a.x2, y2 = _a.y2;
20305 | return length$4(x1, y1, x2, y2);
20306 | };
20307 | return Line;
20308 | }(DisplayObject));
20309 |
20310 | var Path = (function (_super) {
20311 | __extends(Path, _super);
20312 | function Path(_a) {
20313 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20314 | var _this = this;
20315 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20316 | _this = _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.PATH, style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20317 | ? __assign({ path: '', miterLimit: '' }, style) : __assign({}, style), initialParsedStyle: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20318 | ? null
20319 | : {
20320 | miterLimit: 4,
20321 | path: __assign({}, EMPTY_PARSED_PATH),
20322 | } }, rest)) || this;
20323 | _this.markerStartAngle = 0;
20324 | _this.markerEndAngle = 0;
20325 | |
20326 |
20327 |
20328 | _this.markerMidList = [];
20329 | var _b = _this.parsedStyle, markerStart = _b.markerStart, markerEnd = _b.markerEnd, markerMid = _b.markerMid;
20330 | if (markerStart && isDisplayObject(markerStart)) {
20331 | _this.markerStartAngle = markerStart.getLocalEulerAngles();
20332 | _this.appendChild(markerStart);
20333 | }
20334 | if (markerMid && isDisplayObject(markerMid)) {
20335 | _this.placeMarkerMid(markerMid);
20336 | }
20337 | if (markerEnd && isDisplayObject(markerEnd)) {
20338 | _this.markerEndAngle = markerEnd.getLocalEulerAngles();
20339 | _this.appendChild(markerEnd);
20340 | }
20341 | _this.transformMarker(true);
20342 | _this.transformMarker(false);
20343 | return _this;
20344 | }
20345 | Path.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (attrName, oldValue, newValue, prevParsedValue, newParsedValue) {
20346 | if (attrName === 'path') {
20347 |
20348 | this.transformMarker(true);
20349 | this.transformMarker(false);
20350 | this.placeMarkerMid(this.parsedStyle.markerMid);
20351 | }
20352 | else if (attrName === 'markerStartOffset' ||
20353 | attrName === 'markerEndOffset') {
20354 | this.transformMarker(true);
20355 | this.transformMarker(false);
20356 | }
20357 | else if (attrName === 'markerStart') {
20358 | if (prevParsedValue && isDisplayObject(prevParsedValue)) {
20359 | this.markerStartAngle = 0;
20360 | prevParsedValue.remove();
20361 | }
20362 |
20363 | if (newParsedValue && isDisplayObject(newParsedValue)) {
20364 | this.markerStartAngle = newParsedValue.getLocalEulerAngles();
20365 | this.appendChild(newParsedValue);
20366 | this.transformMarker(true);
20367 | }
20368 | }
20369 | else if (attrName === 'markerEnd') {
20370 | if (prevParsedValue && isDisplayObject(prevParsedValue)) {
20371 | this.markerEndAngle = 0;
20372 | prevParsedValue.remove();
20373 | }
20374 | if (newParsedValue && isDisplayObject(newParsedValue)) {
20375 | this.markerEndAngle = newParsedValue.getLocalEulerAngles();
20376 | this.appendChild(newParsedValue);
20377 | this.transformMarker(false);
20378 | }
20379 | }
20380 | else if (attrName === 'markerMid') {
20381 | this.placeMarkerMid(newParsedValue);
20382 | }
20383 | };
20384 | Path.prototype.transformMarker = function (isStart) {
20385 | var _a = this.parsedStyle, markerStart = _a.markerStart, markerEnd = _a.markerEnd, markerStartOffset = _a.markerStartOffset, markerEndOffset = _a.markerEndOffset, defX = _a.defX, defY = _a.defY;
20386 | var marker = isStart ? markerStart : markerEnd;
20387 | if (!marker || !isDisplayObject(marker)) {
20388 | return;
20389 | }
20390 | var rad = 0;
20391 | var x;
20392 | var y;
20393 | var ox;
20394 | var oy;
20395 | var offset;
20396 | var originalAngle;
20397 | if (isStart) {
20398 | var _b = __read(this.getStartTangent(), 2), p1 = _b[0], p2 = _b[1];
20399 | ox = p2[0] - defX;
20400 | oy = p2[1] - defY;
20401 | x = p1[0] - p2[0];
20402 | y = p1[1] - p2[1];
20403 | offset = markerStartOffset || 0;
20404 | originalAngle = this.markerStartAngle;
20405 | }
20406 | else {
20407 | var _c = __read(this.getEndTangent(), 2), p1 = _c[0], p2 = _c[1];
20408 | ox = p2[0] - defX;
20409 | oy = p2[1] - defY;
20410 | x = p1[0] - p2[0];
20411 | y = p1[1] - p2[1];
20412 | offset = markerEndOffset || 0;
20413 | originalAngle = this.markerEndAngle;
20414 | }
20415 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
20416 |
20417 | marker.setLocalEulerAngles((rad * 180) / Math.PI + originalAngle);
20418 | marker.setLocalPosition(ox + Math.cos(rad) * offset, oy + Math.sin(rad) * offset);
20419 | };
20420 | Path.prototype.placeMarkerMid = function (marker) {
20421 | var _a = this.parsedStyle, segments = _a.path.segments, defX = _a.defX, defY = _a.defY;
20422 |
20423 | this.markerMidList.forEach(function (marker) {
20424 | marker.remove();
20425 | });
20426 | if (marker && isDisplayObject(marker)) {
20427 | for (var i = 1; i < segments.length - 1; i++) {
20428 | var _b = __read(segments[i].currentPoint, 2), ox = _b[0], oy = _b[1];
20429 | var cloned = i === 1 ? marker : marker.cloneNode(true);
20430 | this.markerMidList.push(cloned);
20431 | this.appendChild(cloned);
20432 | cloned.setLocalPosition(ox - defX, oy - defY);
20433 |
20434 | }
20435 | }
20436 | };
20437 | |
20438 |
20439 |
20440 |
20441 | Path.prototype.getTotalLength = function () {
20442 | return getOrCalculatePathTotalLength(this);
20443 | };
20444 | |
20445 |
20446 |
20447 |
20448 | Path.prototype.getPointAtLength = function (distance, inWorldSpace) {
20449 | if (inWorldSpace === void 0) { inWorldSpace = false; }
20450 | var _a = this.parsedStyle, defX = _a.defX, defY = _a.defY, absolutePath = _a.path.absolutePath;
20451 | var _b = getPointAtLength(absolutePath, distance), x = _b.x, y = _b.y;
20452 | var transformed = transformMat4(create$2(), fromValues$2(x - defX, y - defY, 0), inWorldSpace ? this.getWorldTransform() : this.getLocalTransform());
20453 |
20454 | return new Point(transformed[0], transformed[1]);
20455 | };
20456 | |
20457 |
20458 |
20459 | Path.prototype.getPoint = function (ratio, inWorldSpace) {
20460 | if (inWorldSpace === void 0) { inWorldSpace = false; }
20461 | return this.getPointAtLength(ratio * getOrCalculatePathTotalLength(this), inWorldSpace);
20462 | };
20463 | |
20464 |
20465 |
20466 | Path.prototype.getStartTangent = function () {
20467 | var segments = this.parsedStyle.path.segments;
20468 | var result = [];
20469 | if (segments.length > 1) {
20470 | var startPoint = segments[0].currentPoint;
20471 | var endPoint = segments[1].currentPoint;
20472 | var tangent = segments[1].startTangent;
20473 | result = [];
20474 | if (tangent) {
20475 | result.push([startPoint[0] - tangent[0], startPoint[1] - tangent[1]]);
20476 | result.push([startPoint[0], startPoint[1]]);
20477 | }
20478 | else {
20479 | result.push([endPoint[0], endPoint[1]]);
20480 | result.push([startPoint[0], startPoint[1]]);
20481 | }
20482 | }
20483 | return result;
20484 | };
20485 | |
20486 |
20487 |
20488 | Path.prototype.getEndTangent = function () {
20489 | var segments = this.parsedStyle.path.segments;
20490 | var length = segments.length;
20491 | var result = [];
20492 | if (length > 1) {
20493 | var startPoint = segments[length - 2].currentPoint;
20494 | var endPoint = segments[length - 1].currentPoint;
20495 | var tangent = segments[length - 1].endTangent;
20496 | result = [];
20497 | if (tangent) {
20498 | result.push([endPoint[0] - tangent[0], endPoint[1] - tangent[1]]);
20499 | result.push([endPoint[0], endPoint[1]]);
20500 | }
20501 | else {
20502 | result.push([startPoint[0], startPoint[1]]);
20503 | result.push([endPoint[0], endPoint[1]]);
20504 | }
20505 | }
20506 | return result;
20507 | };
20508 | return Path;
20509 | }(DisplayObject));
20510 |
20511 | var Polygon = (function (_super) {
20512 | __extends(Polygon, _super);
20513 | function Polygon(_a) {
20514 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20515 | var _this = this;
20516 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20517 | _this = _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.POLYGON, style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20518 | ? __assign({ points: '', miterLimit: '', isClosed: true }, style) : __assign({}, style), initialParsedStyle: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20519 | ? null
20520 | : {
20521 | points: {
20522 | points: [],
20523 | totalLength: 0,
20524 | segments: [],
20525 | },
20526 | miterLimit: 4,
20527 | isClosed: true,
20528 | } }, rest)) || this;
20529 | _this.markerStartAngle = 0;
20530 | _this.markerEndAngle = 0;
20531 | |
20532 |
20533 |
20534 | _this.markerMidList = [];
20535 | var _b = _this.parsedStyle, markerStart = _b.markerStart, markerEnd = _b.markerEnd, markerMid = _b.markerMid;
20536 | if (markerStart && isDisplayObject(markerStart)) {
20537 | _this.markerStartAngle = markerStart.getLocalEulerAngles();
20538 | _this.appendChild(markerStart);
20539 | }
20540 | if (markerMid && isDisplayObject(markerMid)) {
20541 | _this.placeMarkerMid(markerMid);
20542 | }
20543 | if (markerEnd && isDisplayObject(markerEnd)) {
20544 | _this.markerEndAngle = markerEnd.getLocalEulerAngles();
20545 | _this.appendChild(markerEnd);
20546 | }
20547 | _this.transformMarker(true);
20548 | _this.transformMarker(false);
20549 | return _this;
20550 | }
20551 | Polygon.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (attrName, oldValue, newValue, prevParsedValue, newParsedValue) {
20552 | if (attrName === 'points') {
20553 |
20554 | this.transformMarker(true);
20555 | this.transformMarker(false);
20556 | this.placeMarkerMid(this.parsedStyle.markerMid);
20557 | }
20558 | else if (attrName === 'markerStartOffset' ||
20559 | attrName === 'markerEndOffset') {
20560 | this.transformMarker(true);
20561 | this.transformMarker(false);
20562 | }
20563 | else if (attrName === 'markerStart') {
20564 | if (prevParsedValue && isDisplayObject(prevParsedValue)) {
20565 | this.markerStartAngle = 0;
20566 | prevParsedValue.remove();
20567 | }
20568 |
20569 | if (newParsedValue && isDisplayObject(newParsedValue)) {
20570 | this.markerStartAngle = newParsedValue.getLocalEulerAngles();
20571 | this.appendChild(newParsedValue);
20572 | this.transformMarker(true);
20573 | }
20574 | }
20575 | else if (attrName === 'markerEnd') {
20576 | if (prevParsedValue && isDisplayObject(prevParsedValue)) {
20577 | this.markerEndAngle = 0;
20578 | prevParsedValue.remove();
20579 | }
20580 | if (newParsedValue && isDisplayObject(newParsedValue)) {
20581 | this.markerEndAngle = newParsedValue.getLocalEulerAngles();
20582 | this.appendChild(newParsedValue);
20583 | this.transformMarker(false);
20584 | }
20585 | }
20586 | else if (attrName === 'markerMid') {
20587 | this.placeMarkerMid(newParsedValue);
20588 | }
20589 | };
20590 | Polygon.prototype.transformMarker = function (isStart) {
20591 | var _a = this.parsedStyle, markerStart = _a.markerStart, markerEnd = _a.markerEnd, markerStartOffset = _a.markerStartOffset, markerEndOffset = _a.markerEndOffset, P = _a.points, defX = _a.defX, defY = _a.defY;
20592 | var points = (P || {}).points;
20593 | var marker = isStart ? markerStart : markerEnd;
20594 | if (!marker || !isDisplayObject(marker) || !points) {
20595 | return;
20596 | }
20597 | var rad = 0;
20598 | var x;
20599 | var y;
20600 | var ox;
20601 | var oy;
20602 | var offset;
20603 | var originalAngle;
20604 | ox = points[0][0] - defX;
20605 | oy = points[0][1] - defY;
20606 | if (isStart) {
20607 | x = points[1][0] - points[0][0];
20608 | y = points[1][1] - points[0][1];
20609 | offset = markerStartOffset || 0;
20610 | originalAngle = this.markerStartAngle;
20611 | }
20612 | else {
20613 | var length_1 = points.length;
20614 | if (!this.parsedStyle.isClosed) {
20615 | ox = points[length_1 - 1][0] - defX;
20616 | oy = points[length_1 - 1][1] - defY;
20617 | x = points[length_1 - 2][0] - points[length_1 - 1][0];
20618 | y = points[length_1 - 2][1] - points[length_1 - 1][1];
20619 | }
20620 | else {
20621 | x = points[length_1 - 1][0] - points[0][0];
20622 | y = points[length_1 - 1][1] - points[0][1];
20623 | }
20624 | offset = markerEndOffset || 0;
20625 | originalAngle = this.markerEndAngle;
20626 | }
20627 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
20628 |
20629 | marker.setLocalEulerAngles((rad * 180) / Math.PI + originalAngle);
20630 | marker.setLocalPosition(ox + Math.cos(rad) * offset, oy + Math.sin(rad) * offset);
20631 | };
20632 | Polygon.prototype.placeMarkerMid = function (marker) {
20633 | var _a = this.parsedStyle, P = _a.points, defX = _a.defX, defY = _a.defY;
20634 | var points = (P || {}).points;
20635 |
20636 | this.markerMidList.forEach(function (marker) {
20637 | marker.remove();
20638 | });
20639 | this.markerMidList = [];
20640 | if (marker && isDisplayObject(marker) && points) {
20641 | for (var i = 1; i < (this.parsedStyle.isClosed ? points.length : points.length - 1); i++) {
20642 | var ox = points[i][0] - defX;
20643 | var oy = points[i][1] - defY;
20644 | var cloned = i === 1 ? marker : marker.cloneNode(true);
20645 | this.markerMidList.push(cloned);
20646 | this.appendChild(cloned);
20647 | cloned.setLocalPosition(ox, oy);
20648 |
20649 | }
20650 | }
20651 | };
20652 | return Polygon;
20653 | }(DisplayObject));
20654 |
20655 | |
20656 |
20657 |
20658 | var Polyline = (function (_super) {
20659 | __extends(Polyline, _super);
20660 | function Polyline(_a) {
20661 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20662 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20663 | return _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.POLYLINE, style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20664 | ? __assign({ points: '', miterLimit: '', isClosed: false }, style) : __assign({}, style), initialParsedStyle: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20665 | ? null
20666 | : {
20667 | points: {
20668 | points: [],
20669 | totalLength: 0,
20670 | segments: [],
20671 | },
20672 | miterLimit: 4,
20673 | isClosed: false,
20674 | } }, rest)) || this;
20675 | }
20676 | Polyline.prototype.getTotalLength = function () {
20677 | return this.parsedStyle.points.totalLength;
20678 | };
20679 | Polyline.prototype.getPointAtLength = function (distance, inWorldSpace) {
20680 | if (inWorldSpace === void 0) { inWorldSpace = false; }
20681 | return this.getPoint(distance / this.getTotalLength(), inWorldSpace);
20682 | };
20683 | Polyline.prototype.getPoint = function (ratio, inWorldSpace) {
20684 | if (inWorldSpace === void 0) { inWorldSpace = false; }
20685 | var _a = this.parsedStyle, defX = _a.defX, defY = _a.defY, _b = _a.points, points = _b.points, segments = _b.segments;
20686 | var subt = 0;
20687 | var index = 0;
20688 | segments.forEach(function (v, i) {
20689 | if (ratio >= v[0] && ratio <= v[1]) {
20690 | subt = (ratio - v[0]) / (v[1] - v[0]);
20691 | index = i;
20692 | }
20693 | });
20694 | var _c = pointAt$3(points[index][0], points[index][1], points[index + 1][0], points[index + 1][1], subt), x = _c.x, y = _c.y;
20695 | var transformed = transformMat4(create$2(), fromValues$2(x - defX, y - defY, 0), inWorldSpace ? this.getWorldTransform() : this.getLocalTransform());
20696 |
20697 | return new Point(transformed[0], transformed[1]);
20698 | };
20699 | Polyline.prototype.getStartTangent = function () {
20700 | var points = this.parsedStyle.points.points;
20701 | var result = [];
20702 | result.push([points[1][0], points[1][1]]);
20703 | result.push([points[0][0], points[0][1]]);
20704 | return result;
20705 | };
20706 | Polyline.prototype.getEndTangent = function () {
20707 | var points = this.parsedStyle.points.points;
20708 | var l = points.length - 1;
20709 | var result = [];
20710 | result.push([points[l - 1][0], points[l - 1][1]]);
20711 | result.push([points[l][0], points[l][1]]);
20712 | return result;
20713 | };
20714 | return Polyline;
20715 | }(Polygon));
20716 |
20717 | var Rect = (function (_super) {
20718 | __extends(Rect, _super);
20719 | function Rect(_a) {
20720 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20721 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20722 | return _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.RECT, style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20723 | ? __assign({ x: '', y: '', width: '', height: '', radius: '' }, style) : __assign({}, style) }, rest)) || this;
20724 | }
20725 | return Rect;
20726 | }(DisplayObject));
20727 |
20728 | |
20729 |
20730 |
20731 | var Text = (function (_super) {
20732 | __extends(Text, _super);
20733 | |
20734 |
20735 |
20736 |
20737 |
20738 |
20739 | function Text(_a) {
20740 | if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
20741 | var style = _a.style, rest = __rest(_a, ["style"]);
20742 | return _super.call(this, __assign({ type: Shape.TEXT, style: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20743 | ? __assign({ x: '', y: '', text: '', fontSize: '', fontFamily: '', fontStyle: '', fontWeight: '', fontVariant: '', textAlign: '', textBaseline: '', textTransform: '', fill: 'black', letterSpacing: '', lineHeight: '', miterLimit: '',
20744 |
20745 | wordWrap: false, wordWrapWidth: 0, leading: 0, dx: '', dy: '' }, style) : __assign({ fill: 'black' }, style), initialParsedStyle: runtime.enableCSSParsing
20746 | ? {}
20747 | : {
20748 | x: 0,
20749 | y: 0,
20750 | fontSize: 16,
20751 | fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
20752 | fontStyle: 'normal',
20753 | fontWeight: 'normal',
20754 | fontVariant: 'normal',
20755 | lineHeight: 0,
20756 | letterSpacing: 0,
20757 | textBaseline: 'alphabetic',
20758 | textAlign: 'start',
20759 | wordWrap: false,
20760 | wordWrapWidth: 0,
20761 | leading: 0,
20762 | dx: 0,
20763 | dy: 0,
20764 | } }, rest)) || this;
20765 | }
20766 |
20767 |
20768 |
20769 |
20770 |
20771 | |
20772 |
20773 |
20774 | Text.prototype.getComputedTextLength = function () {
20775 | var _a;
20776 | return ((_a = this.parsedStyle.metrics) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.maxLineWidth) || 0;
20777 | };
20778 |
20779 |
20780 |
20781 |
20782 |
20783 |
20784 |
20785 |
20786 |
20787 |
20788 |
20789 |
20790 |
20791 |
20792 |
20793 |
20794 |
20795 |
20796 |
20797 |
20798 |
20799 | Text.prototype.getLineBoundingRects = function () {
20800 | var _a;
20801 | return ((_a = this.parsedStyle.metrics) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.lineMetrics) || [];
20802 | };
20803 | Text.prototype.isOverflowing = function () {
20804 | return !!this.parsedStyle.isOverflowing;
20805 | };
20806 | return Text;
20807 | }(DisplayObject));
20808 |
20809 | |
20810 |
20811 |
20812 |
20813 |
20814 | var CustomElementRegistry = (function () {
20815 | function CustomElementRegistry() {
20816 | this.registry = {};
20817 | this.define(Shape.CIRCLE, Circle);
20818 | this.define(Shape.ELLIPSE, Ellipse);
20819 | this.define(Shape.RECT, Rect);
20820 | this.define(Shape.IMAGE, Image);
20821 | this.define(Shape.LINE, Line);
20822 | this.define(Shape.GROUP, Group);
20823 | this.define(Shape.PATH, Path);
20824 | this.define(Shape.POLYGON, Polygon);
20825 | this.define(Shape.POLYLINE, Polyline);
20826 | this.define(Shape.TEXT, Text);
20827 | this.define(Shape.HTML, HTML);
20828 | }
20829 | CustomElementRegistry.prototype.define = function (name, constructor) {
20830 | this.registry[name] = constructor;
20831 | };
20832 | /**
20833 | * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomElementRegistry/get
20834 | */
20835 | CustomElementRegistry.prototype.get = function (name) {
20836 | return this.registry[name];
20837 | };
20838 | return CustomElementRegistry;
20839 | }());
20840 |
20841 | |
20842 |
20843 |
20844 |
20845 |
20846 | var Document = (function (_super) {
20847 | __extends(Document, _super);
20848 | function Document() {
20849 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
20850 | |
20851 |
20852 |
20853 |
20854 | _this.defaultView = null;
20855 | _this.ownerDocument = null;
20856 | _this.nodeName = 'document';
20857 |
20858 | try {
20859 | _this.timeline = new runtime.AnimationTimeline(_this);
20860 | }
20861 | catch (e) { }
20862 | |
20863 |
20864 |
20865 |
20866 |
20867 | var initialStyle = {};
20868 | BUILT_IN_PROPERTIES.forEach(function (_a) {
20869 | var n = _a.n, inh = _a.inh, d = _a.d;
20870 | if (inh && d) {
20871 | initialStyle[n] = isFunction$1(d) ? d(Shape.GROUP) : d;
20872 | }
20873 | });
20874 |
20875 | _this.documentElement = new Group({
20876 | id: 'g-root',
20877 | style: initialStyle,
20878 | });
20879 | _this.documentElement.ownerDocument = _this;
20880 | _this.documentElement.parentNode = _this;
20881 | _this.childNodes = [_this.documentElement];
20882 | return _this;
20883 | }
20884 | Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "children", {
20885 | get: function () {
20886 | return this.childNodes;
20887 | },
20888 | enumerable: false,
20889 | configurable: true
20890 | });
20891 | Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "childElementCount", {
20892 | get: function () {
20893 | return this.childNodes.length;
20894 | },
20895 | enumerable: false,
20896 | configurable: true
20897 | });
20898 | Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "firstElementChild", {
20899 | get: function () {
20900 | return this.firstChild;
20901 | },
20902 | enumerable: false,
20903 | configurable: true
20904 | });
20905 | Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "lastElementChild", {
20906 | get: function () {
20907 | return this.lastChild;
20908 | },
20909 | enumerable: false,
20910 | configurable: true
20911 | });
20912 | |
20913 |
20914 |
20915 | Document.prototype.createElement = function (tagName, options) {
20916 |
20917 | if (tagName === 'svg') {
20918 | return this.documentElement;
20919 | }
20920 |
20921 | var clazz = this.defaultView.customElements.get(tagName);
20922 | if (!clazz) {
20923 | console.warn('Unsupported tagName: ', tagName);
20924 | clazz = tagName === 'tspan' ? Text : Group;
20925 | }
20926 | var shape = new clazz(options);
20927 | shape.ownerDocument = this;
20928 | return shape;
20929 | };
20930 | Document.prototype.createElementNS = function (namespaceURI, tagName, options) {
20931 | return this.createElement(tagName, options);
20932 | };
20933 | Document.prototype.cloneNode = function (deep) {
20934 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
20935 | };
20936 | Document.prototype.destroy = function () {
20937 | try {
20938 | this.documentElement.destroyChildren();
20939 | this.timeline.destroy();
20940 | }
20941 | catch (e) { }
20942 | };
20943 | |
20944 |
20945 |
20946 | Document.prototype.elementsFromBBox = function (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) {
20947 | var rBush = this.defaultView.context.rBushRoot;
20948 | var rBushNodes = rBush.search({ minX: minX, minY: minY, maxX: maxX, maxY: maxY });
20949 | var hitTestList = [];
20950 | rBushNodes.forEach(function (_a) {
20951 | var displayObject = _a.displayObject;
20952 | var pointerEvents = displayObject.parsedStyle.pointerEvents;
20953 |
20954 |
20955 | var isVisibilityAffected = [
20956 | 'auto',
20957 | 'visiblepainted',
20958 | 'visiblefill',
20959 | 'visiblestroke',
20960 | 'visible',
20961 | ].includes(pointerEvents);
20962 | if ((!isVisibilityAffected ||
20963 | (isVisibilityAffected && displayObject.isVisible())) &&
20964 | !displayObject.isCulled() &&
20965 | displayObject.isInteractive()) {
20966 | hitTestList.push(displayObject);
20967 | }
20968 | });
20969 |
20970 | hitTestList.sort(function (a, b) { return b.sortable.renderOrder - a.sortable.renderOrder; });
20971 | return hitTestList;
20972 | };
20973 | Document.prototype.elementFromPointSync = function (x, y) {
20974 | var _a = this.defaultView.canvas2Viewport({
20975 | x: x,
20976 | y: y,
20977 | }), viewportX = _a.x, viewportY = _a.y;
20978 | var _b = this.defaultView.getConfig(), width = _b.width, height = _b.height;
20979 |
20980 | if (viewportX < 0 ||
20981 | viewportY < 0 ||
20982 | viewportX > width ||
20983 | viewportY > height) {
20984 | return null;
20985 | }
20986 | var _c = this.defaultView.viewport2Client({
20987 | x: viewportX,
20988 | y: viewportY,
20989 | }), clientX = _c.x, clientY = _c.y;
20990 | var picked = this.defaultView
20991 | .getRenderingService()
20992 | .hooks.pickSync.call({
20993 | topmost: true,
20994 | position: {
20995 | x: x,
20996 | y: y,
20997 | viewportX: viewportX,
20998 | viewportY: viewportY,
20999 | clientX: clientX,
21000 | clientY: clientY,
21001 | },
21002 | picked: [],
21003 | }).picked;
21004 | return (picked && picked[0]) || this.documentElement;
21005 | };
21006 | |
21007 |
21008 |
21009 |
21010 |
21011 | Document.prototype.elementFromPoint = function (x, y) {
21012 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
21013 | var _a, viewportX, viewportY, _b, width, height, _c, clientX, clientY, picked;
21014 | return __generator(this, function (_d) {
21015 | switch (_d.label) {
21016 | case 0:
21017 | _a = this.defaultView.canvas2Viewport({
21018 | x: x,
21019 | y: y,
21020 | }), viewportX = _a.x, viewportY = _a.y;
21021 | _b = this.defaultView.getConfig(), width = _b.width, height = _b.height;
21022 |
21023 | if (viewportX < 0 ||
21024 | viewportY < 0 ||
21025 | viewportX > width ||
21026 | viewportY > height) {
21027 | return [2 , null];
21028 | }
21029 | _c = this.defaultView.viewport2Client({
21030 | x: viewportX,
21031 | y: viewportY,
21032 | }), clientX = _c.x, clientY = _c.y;
21033 | return [4 , this.defaultView
21034 | .getRenderingService()
21035 | .hooks.pick.promise({
21036 | topmost: true,
21037 | position: {
21038 | x: x,
21039 | y: y,
21040 | viewportX: viewportX,
21041 | viewportY: viewportY,
21042 | clientX: clientX,
21043 | clientY: clientY,
21044 | },
21045 | picked: [],
21046 | })];
21047 | case 1:
21048 | picked = (_d.sent()).picked;
21049 | return [2 , (picked && picked[0]) || this.documentElement];
21050 | }
21051 | });
21052 | });
21053 | };
21054 | Document.prototype.elementsFromPointSync = function (x, y) {
21055 | var _a = this.defaultView.canvas2Viewport({
21056 | x: x,
21057 | y: y,
21058 | }), viewportX = _a.x, viewportY = _a.y;
21059 | var _b = this.defaultView.getConfig(), width = _b.width, height = _b.height;
21060 |
21061 | if (viewportX < 0 ||
21062 | viewportY < 0 ||
21063 | viewportX > width ||
21064 | viewportY > height) {
21065 | return [];
21066 | }
21067 | var _c = this.defaultView.viewport2Client({
21068 | x: viewportX,
21069 | y: viewportY,
21070 | }), clientX = _c.x, clientY = _c.y;
21071 | var picked = this.defaultView
21072 | .getRenderingService()
21073 | .hooks.pickSync.call({
21074 | topmost: false,
21075 | position: {
21076 | x: x,
21077 | y: y,
21078 | viewportX: viewportX,
21079 | viewportY: viewportY,
21080 | clientX: clientX,
21081 | clientY: clientY,
21082 | },
21083 | picked: [],
21084 | }).picked;
21085 | if (picked[picked.length - 1] !== this.documentElement) {
21086 | picked.push(this.documentElement);
21087 | }
21088 | return picked;
21089 | };
21090 | |
21091 |
21092 |
21093 |
21094 |
21095 | Document.prototype.elementsFromPoint = function (x, y) {
21096 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
21097 | var _a, viewportX, viewportY, _b, width, height, _c, clientX, clientY, picked;
21098 | return __generator(this, function (_d) {
21099 | switch (_d.label) {
21100 | case 0:
21101 | _a = this.defaultView.canvas2Viewport({
21102 | x: x,
21103 | y: y,
21104 | }), viewportX = _a.x, viewportY = _a.y;
21105 | _b = this.defaultView.getConfig(), width = _b.width, height = _b.height;
21106 |
21107 | if (viewportX < 0 ||
21108 | viewportY < 0 ||
21109 | viewportX > width ||
21110 | viewportY > height) {
21111 | return [2 , []];
21112 | }
21113 | _c = this.defaultView.viewport2Client({
21114 | x: viewportX,
21115 | y: viewportY,
21116 | }), clientX = _c.x, clientY = _c.y;
21117 | return [4 , this.defaultView
21118 | .getRenderingService()
21119 | .hooks.pick.promise({
21120 | topmost: false,
21121 | position: {
21122 | x: x,
21123 | y: y,
21124 | viewportX: viewportX,
21125 | viewportY: viewportY,
21126 | clientX: clientX,
21127 | clientY: clientY,
21128 | },
21129 | picked: [],
21130 | })];
21131 | case 1:
21132 | picked = (_d.sent()).picked;
21133 | if (picked[picked.length - 1] !== this.documentElement) {
21134 | picked.push(this.documentElement);
21135 | }
21136 | return [2 , picked];
21137 | }
21138 | });
21139 | });
21140 | };
21141 | |
21142 |
21143 |
21144 | Document.prototype.appendChild = function (newChild, index) {
21145 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_USE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT);
21146 | };
21147 | Document.prototype.insertBefore = function (newChild, refChild) {
21148 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_USE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT);
21149 | };
21150 | Document.prototype.removeChild = function (oldChild, destroy) {
21151 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_USE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT);
21152 | };
21153 | Document.prototype.replaceChild = function (newChild, oldChild, destroy) {
21154 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_USE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT);
21155 | };
21156 | Document.prototype.append = function () {
21157 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_USE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT);
21158 | };
21159 | Document.prototype.prepend = function () {
21160 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_USE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT);
21161 | };
21162 | |
21163 |
21164 |
21165 | Document.prototype.getElementById = function (id) {
21166 | return this.documentElement.getElementById(id);
21167 | };
21168 | Document.prototype.getElementsByName = function (name) {
21169 | return this.documentElement.getElementsByName(name);
21170 | };
21171 | Document.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function (tagName) {
21172 | return this.documentElement.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
21173 | };
21174 | Document.prototype.getElementsByClassName = function (className) {
21175 | return this.documentElement.getElementsByClassName(className);
21176 | };
21177 | Document.prototype.querySelector = function (selectors) {
21178 | return this.documentElement.querySelector(selectors);
21179 | };
21180 | Document.prototype.querySelectorAll = function (selectors) {
21181 | return this.documentElement.querySelectorAll(selectors);
21182 | };
21183 | Document.prototype.find = function (filter) {
21184 | return this.documentElement.find(filter);
21185 | };
21186 | Document.prototype.findAll = function (filter) {
21187 | return this.documentElement.findAll(filter);
21188 | };
21189 | return Document;
21190 | }(Node));
21191 |
21192 | |
21193 |
21194 |
21195 |
21196 |
21197 | var CullingPlugin = (function () {
21198 | function CullingPlugin(strategies) {
21199 | this.strategies = strategies;
21200 | }
21201 | CullingPlugin.prototype.apply = function (context) {
21202 | var camera = context.camera, renderingService = context.renderingService, renderingContext = context.renderingContext;
21203 | var strategies = this.strategies;
21204 | renderingService.hooks.cull.tap(CullingPlugin.tag, function (object) {
21205 | if (object) {
21206 | var cullable = object.cullable;
21207 |
21208 |
21209 |
21210 |
21211 |
21212 |
21213 |
21214 |
21215 |
21216 |
21217 | if (strategies.length === 0) {
21218 | cullable.visible = renderingContext.unculledEntities.indexOf(object.entity) > -1;
21219 | }
21220 | else {
21221 |
21222 | cullable.visible = strategies.every(function (strategy) { return strategy.isVisible(camera, object); });
21223 | }
21224 | if (!object.isCulled() && object.isVisible()) {
21225 | return object;
21226 | }
21227 | else {
21228 |
21229 | object.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(ElementEvent.CULLED));
21230 |
21231 | }
21232 | return null;
21233 | }
21234 | return object;
21235 | });
21236 | renderingService.hooks.afterRender.tap(CullingPlugin.tag, function (object) {
21237 | object.cullable.visibilityPlaneMask = -1;
21238 | });
21239 | };
21240 | CullingPlugin.tag = 'Culling';
21241 | return CullingPlugin;
21242 | }());
21243 |
21244 | |
21245 |
21246 |
21247 |
21248 |
21249 |
21250 | var EventPlugin = (function () {
21251 | function EventPlugin() {
21252 | var _this = this;
21253 | this.autoPreventDefault = false;
21254 | this.rootPointerEvent = new FederatedPointerEvent(null);
21255 | this.rootWheelEvent = new FederatedWheelEvent(null);
21256 | this.onPointerMove = function (nativeEvent) {
21257 | var e_1, _a;
21258 | var _b, _c;
21259 | var canvas = (_c = (_b = _this.context.renderingContext.root) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ownerDocument) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.defaultView;
21260 | if (canvas.supportsTouchEvents &&
21261 | nativeEvent.pointerType === 'touch')
21262 | return;
21263 | var normalizedEvents = _this.normalizeToPointerEvent(nativeEvent, canvas);
21264 | try {
21265 | for (var normalizedEvents_1 = __values(normalizedEvents), normalizedEvents_1_1 = normalizedEvents_1.next(); !normalizedEvents_1_1.done; normalizedEvents_1_1 = normalizedEvents_1.next()) {
21266 | var normalizedEvent = normalizedEvents_1_1.value;
21267 | var event_1 = _this.bootstrapEvent(_this.rootPointerEvent, normalizedEvent, canvas, nativeEvent);
21268 | _this.context.eventService.mapEvent(event_1);
21269 | }
21270 | }
21271 | catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
21272 | finally {
21273 | try {
21274 | if (normalizedEvents_1_1 && !normalizedEvents_1_1.done && (_a = normalizedEvents_1.return)) _a.call(normalizedEvents_1);
21275 | }
21276 | finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
21277 | }
21278 | _this.setCursor(_this.context.eventService.cursor);
21279 | };
21280 | this.onClick = function (nativeEvent) {
21281 | var e_2, _a;
21282 | var _b, _c;
21283 | var canvas = (_c = (_b = _this.context.renderingContext.root) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ownerDocument) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.defaultView;
21284 | var normalizedEvents = _this.normalizeToPointerEvent(nativeEvent, canvas);
21285 | try {
21286 | for (var normalizedEvents_2 = __values(normalizedEvents), normalizedEvents_2_1 = normalizedEvents_2.next(); !normalizedEvents_2_1.done; normalizedEvents_2_1 = normalizedEvents_2.next()) {
21287 | var normalizedEvent = normalizedEvents_2_1.value;
21288 | var event_2 = _this.bootstrapEvent(_this.rootPointerEvent, normalizedEvent, canvas, nativeEvent);
21289 | _this.context.eventService.mapEvent(event_2);
21290 | }
21291 | }
21292 | catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
21293 | finally {
21294 | try {
21295 | if (normalizedEvents_2_1 && !normalizedEvents_2_1.done && (_a = normalizedEvents_2.return)) _a.call(normalizedEvents_2);
21296 | }
21297 | finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
21298 | }
21299 | _this.setCursor(_this.context.eventService.cursor);
21300 | };
21301 | }
21302 | EventPlugin.prototype.apply = function (context) {
21303 | var _this = this;
21304 | this.context = context;
21305 | var renderingService = context.renderingService;
21306 | var canvas = this.context.renderingContext.root.ownerDocument.defaultView;
21307 | this.context.eventService.setPickHandler(function (position) {
21308 | var picked = _this.context.renderingService.hooks.pickSync.call({
21309 | position: position,
21310 | picked: [],
21311 | topmost: true,
21312 | }).picked;
21313 | return picked[0] || null;
21314 | });
21315 | renderingService.hooks.pointerWheel.tap(EventPlugin.tag, function (nativeEvent) {
21316 | var wheelEvent = _this.normalizeWheelEvent(nativeEvent);
21317 | _this.context.eventService.mapEvent(wheelEvent);
21318 | });
21319 | renderingService.hooks.pointerDown.tap(EventPlugin.tag, function (nativeEvent) {
21320 | var e_3, _a;
21321 | if (canvas.supportsTouchEvents &&
21322 | nativeEvent.pointerType === 'touch')
21323 | return;
21324 | var events = _this.normalizeToPointerEvent(nativeEvent, canvas);
21325 | if (_this.autoPreventDefault && events[0].isNormalized) {
21326 | var cancelable = nativeEvent.cancelable || !('cancelable' in nativeEvent);
21327 | if (cancelable) {
21328 | nativeEvent.preventDefault();
21329 | }
21330 | }
21331 | try {
21332 | for (var events_1 = __values(events), events_1_1 = events_1.next(); !events_1_1.done; events_1_1 = events_1.next()) {
21333 | var event_3 = events_1_1.value;
21334 | var federatedEvent = _this.bootstrapEvent(_this.rootPointerEvent, event_3, canvas, nativeEvent);
21335 | _this.context.eventService.mapEvent(federatedEvent);
21336 | }
21337 | }
21338 | catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; }
21339 | finally {
21340 | try {
21341 | if (events_1_1 && !events_1_1.done && (_a = events_1.return)) _a.call(events_1);
21342 | }
21343 | finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; }
21344 | }
21345 | _this.setCursor(_this.context.eventService.cursor);
21346 | });
21347 | renderingService.hooks.pointerUp.tap(EventPlugin.tag, function (nativeEvent) {
21348 | var e_4, _a;
21349 | if (canvas.supportsTouchEvents &&
21350 | nativeEvent.pointerType === 'touch')
21351 | return;
21352 |
21353 | var $element = _this.context.contextService.getDomElement();
21354 | var isNativeEventFromCanvas = _this.context.eventService.isNativeEventFromCanvas($element, nativeEvent);
21355 | var outside = !isNativeEventFromCanvas ? 'outside' : '';
21356 | var normalizedEvents = _this.normalizeToPointerEvent(nativeEvent, canvas);
21357 | try {
21358 | for (var normalizedEvents_3 = __values(normalizedEvents), normalizedEvents_3_1 = normalizedEvents_3.next(); !normalizedEvents_3_1.done; normalizedEvents_3_1 = normalizedEvents_3.next()) {
21359 | var normalizedEvent = normalizedEvents_3_1.value;
21360 | var event_4 = _this.bootstrapEvent(_this.rootPointerEvent, normalizedEvent, canvas, nativeEvent);
21361 | event_4.type += outside;
21362 | _this.context.eventService.mapEvent(event_4);
21363 | }
21364 | }
21365 | catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; }
21366 | finally {
21367 | try {
21368 | if (normalizedEvents_3_1 && !normalizedEvents_3_1.done && (_a = normalizedEvents_3.return)) _a.call(normalizedEvents_3);
21369 | }
21370 | finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }
21371 | }
21372 | _this.setCursor(_this.context.eventService.cursor);
21373 | });
21374 | renderingService.hooks.pointerMove.tap(EventPlugin.tag, this.onPointerMove);
21375 | renderingService.hooks.pointerOver.tap(EventPlugin.tag, this.onPointerMove);
21376 | renderingService.hooks.pointerOut.tap(EventPlugin.tag, this.onPointerMove);
21377 | renderingService.hooks.click.tap(EventPlugin.tag, this.onClick);
21378 | renderingService.hooks.pointerCancel.tap(EventPlugin.tag, function (nativeEvent) {
21379 | var e_5, _a;
21380 | var normalizedEvents = _this.normalizeToPointerEvent(nativeEvent, canvas);
21381 | try {
21382 | for (var normalizedEvents_4 = __values(normalizedEvents), normalizedEvents_4_1 = normalizedEvents_4.next(); !normalizedEvents_4_1.done; normalizedEvents_4_1 = normalizedEvents_4.next()) {
21383 | var normalizedEvent = normalizedEvents_4_1.value;
21384 | var event_5 = _this.bootstrapEvent(_this.rootPointerEvent, normalizedEvent, canvas, nativeEvent);
21385 | _this.context.eventService.mapEvent(event_5);
21386 | }
21387 | }
21388 | catch (e_5_1) { e_5 = { error: e_5_1 }; }
21389 | finally {
21390 | try {
21391 | if (normalizedEvents_4_1 && !normalizedEvents_4_1.done && (_a = normalizedEvents_4.return)) _a.call(normalizedEvents_4);
21392 | }
21393 | finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; }
21394 | }
21395 | _this.setCursor(_this.context.eventService.cursor);
21396 | });
21397 | };
21398 | EventPlugin.prototype.getViewportXY = function (nativeEvent) {
21399 | var x;
21400 | var y;
21401 | |
21402 |
21403 |
21404 |
21405 |
21406 | var offsetX = nativeEvent.offsetX, offsetY = nativeEvent.offsetY, clientX = nativeEvent.clientX, clientY = nativeEvent.clientY;
21407 | if (this.context.config.supportsCSSTransform &&
21408 | !isNil(offsetX) &&
21409 | !isNil(offsetY)) {
21410 | x = offsetX;
21411 | y = offsetY;
21412 | }
21413 | else {
21414 | var point = this.context.eventService.client2Viewport(new Point(clientX, clientY));
21415 | x = point.x;
21416 | y = point.y;
21417 | }
21418 | return { x: x, y: y };
21419 | };
21420 | EventPlugin.prototype.bootstrapEvent = function (event, normalizedEvent, view, nativeEvent) {
21421 | event.view = view;
21422 | event.originalEvent = null;
21423 | event.nativeEvent = nativeEvent;
21424 | event.pointerId = normalizedEvent.pointerId;
21425 | event.width = normalizedEvent.width;
21426 | event.height = normalizedEvent.height;
21427 | event.isPrimary = normalizedEvent.isPrimary;
21428 | event.pointerType = normalizedEvent.pointerType;
21429 | event.pressure = normalizedEvent.pressure;
21430 | event.tangentialPressure = normalizedEvent.tangentialPressure;
21431 | event.tiltX = normalizedEvent.tiltX;
21432 | event.tiltY = normalizedEvent.tiltY;
21433 | event.twist = normalizedEvent.twist;
21434 | this.transferMouseData(event, normalizedEvent);
21435 | var _a = this.getViewportXY(normalizedEvent), x = _a.x, y = _a.y;
21436 | event.viewport.x = x;
21437 | event.viewport.y = y;
21438 | var _b = this.context.eventService.viewport2Canvas(event.viewport), canvasX = _b.x, canvasY = _b.y;
21439 | event.canvas.x = canvasX;
21440 | event.canvas.y = canvasY;
21441 | event.global.copyFrom(event.canvas);
21442 | event.offset.copyFrom(event.canvas);
21443 | event.isTrusted = nativeEvent.isTrusted;
21444 | if (event.type === 'pointerleave') {
21445 | event.type = 'pointerout';
21446 | }
21447 | if (event.type.startsWith('mouse')) {
21448 | event.type = event.type.replace('mouse', 'pointer');
21449 | }
21450 | if (event.type.startsWith('touch')) {
21451 | event.type = TOUCH_TO_POINTER[event.type] || event.type;
21452 | }
21453 | return event;
21454 | };
21455 | EventPlugin.prototype.normalizeWheelEvent = function (nativeEvent) {
21456 | var event = this.rootWheelEvent;
21457 | this.transferMouseData(event, nativeEvent);
21458 | event.deltaMode = nativeEvent.deltaMode;
21459 | event.deltaX = nativeEvent.deltaX;
21460 | event.deltaY = nativeEvent.deltaY;
21461 | event.deltaZ = nativeEvent.deltaZ;
21462 | var _a = this.getViewportXY(nativeEvent), x = _a.x, y = _a.y;
21463 | event.viewport.x = x;
21464 | event.viewport.y = y;
21465 | var _b = this.context.eventService.viewport2Canvas(event.viewport), canvasX = _b.x, canvasY = _b.y;
21466 | event.canvas.x = canvasX;
21467 | event.canvas.y = canvasY;
21468 | event.global.copyFrom(event.canvas);
21469 | event.offset.copyFrom(event.canvas);
21470 | event.nativeEvent = nativeEvent;
21471 | event.type = nativeEvent.type;
21472 | return event;
21473 | };
21474 | |
21475 |
21476 |
21477 | EventPlugin.prototype.transferMouseData = function (event, nativeEvent) {
21478 | event.isTrusted = nativeEvent.isTrusted;
21479 | event.srcElement = nativeEvent.srcElement;
21480 | event.timeStamp = clock.now();
21481 | event.type = nativeEvent.type;
21482 | event.altKey = nativeEvent.altKey;
21483 | event.metaKey = nativeEvent.metaKey;
21484 | event.shiftKey = nativeEvent.shiftKey;
21485 | event.ctrlKey = nativeEvent.ctrlKey;
21486 | event.button = nativeEvent.button;
21487 | event.buttons = nativeEvent.buttons;
21488 | event.client.x = nativeEvent.clientX;
21489 | event.client.y = nativeEvent.clientY;
21490 | event.movement.x = nativeEvent.movementX;
21491 | event.movement.y = nativeEvent.movementY;
21492 | event.page.x = nativeEvent.pageX;
21493 | event.page.y = nativeEvent.pageY;
21494 | event.screen.x = nativeEvent.screenX;
21495 | event.screen.y = nativeEvent.screenY;
21496 | event.relatedTarget = null;
21497 | };
21498 | EventPlugin.prototype.setCursor = function (cursor) {
21499 | this.context.contextService.applyCursorStyle(cursor || this.context.config.cursor || 'default');
21500 | };
21501 | EventPlugin.prototype.normalizeToPointerEvent = function (event, canvas) {
21502 | var normalizedEvents = [];
21503 | if (canvas.isTouchEvent(event)) {
21504 | for (var i = 0; i < event.changedTouches.length; i++) {
21505 | var touch = event.changedTouches[i];
21506 |
21507 |
21508 | if (isUndefined(touch.button))
21509 | touch.button = 0;
21510 | if (isUndefined(touch.buttons))
21511 | touch.buttons = 1;
21512 | if (isUndefined(touch.isPrimary)) {
21513 | touch.isPrimary =
21514 | event.touches.length === 1 && event.type === 'touchstart';
21515 | }
21516 | if (isUndefined(touch.width))
21517 | touch.width = touch.radiusX || 1;
21518 | if (isUndefined(touch.height))
21519 | touch.height = touch.radiusY || 1;
21520 | if (isUndefined(touch.tiltX))
21521 | touch.tiltX = 0;
21522 | if (isUndefined(touch.tiltY))
21523 | touch.tiltY = 0;
21524 | if (isUndefined(touch.pointerType))
21525 | touch.pointerType = 'touch';
21526 |
21527 | if (isUndefined(touch.pointerId))
21528 | touch.pointerId = touch.identifier || 0;
21529 | if (isUndefined(touch.pressure))
21530 | touch.pressure = touch.force || 0.5;
21531 | if (isUndefined(touch.twist))
21532 | touch.twist = 0;
21533 | if (isUndefined(touch.tangentialPressure))
21534 | touch.tangentialPressure = 0;
21535 | touch.isNormalized = true;
21536 | touch.type = event.type;
21537 | normalizedEvents.push(touch);
21538 | }
21539 | }
21540 | else if (canvas.isMouseEvent(event)) {
21541 | var tempEvent = event;
21542 | if (isUndefined(tempEvent.isPrimary))
21543 | tempEvent.isPrimary = true;
21544 | if (isUndefined(tempEvent.width))
21545 | tempEvent.width = 1;
21546 | if (isUndefined(tempEvent.height))
21547 | tempEvent.height = 1;
21548 | if (isUndefined(tempEvent.tiltX))
21549 | tempEvent.tiltX = 0;
21550 | if (isUndefined(tempEvent.tiltY))
21551 | tempEvent.tiltY = 0;
21552 | if (isUndefined(tempEvent.pointerType))
21553 | tempEvent.pointerType = 'mouse';
21554 | if (isUndefined(tempEvent.pointerId))
21555 | tempEvent.pointerId = MOUSE_POINTER_ID;
21556 | if (isUndefined(tempEvent.pressure))
21557 | tempEvent.pressure = 0.5;
21558 | if (isUndefined(tempEvent.twist))
21559 | tempEvent.twist = 0;
21560 | if (isUndefined(tempEvent.tangentialPressure))
21561 | tempEvent.tangentialPressure = 0;
21562 | tempEvent.isNormalized = true;
21563 | normalizedEvents.push(tempEvent);
21564 | }
21565 | else {
21566 | normalizedEvents.push(event);
21567 | }
21568 | return normalizedEvents;
21569 | };
21570 | EventPlugin.tag = 'Event';
21571 | return EventPlugin;
21572 | }());
21573 |
21574 |
21575 | var shape2D = [
21576 | Shape.CIRCLE,
21577 | Shape.ELLIPSE,
21578 | Shape.IMAGE,
21579 | Shape.RECT,
21580 | Shape.LINE,
21581 | Shape.POLYLINE,
21582 | Shape.POLYGON,
21583 | Shape.TEXT,
21584 | Shape.PATH,
21585 | Shape.HTML,
21586 | ];
21587 | var FrustumCullingStrategy = (function () {
21588 | function FrustumCullingStrategy() {
21589 | }
21590 | FrustumCullingStrategy.prototype.isVisible = function (camera, object) {
21591 |
21592 | var _a, _b;
21593 | var cullable = object.cullable;
21594 | if (!cullable.enable) {
21595 | return true;
21596 | }
21597 | var renderBounds = object.getRenderBounds();
21598 | if (AABB.isEmpty(renderBounds)) {
21599 | return false;
21600 | }
21601 |
21602 | var frustum = camera.getFrustum();
21603 | var parentVisibilityPlaneMask = (_b = (_a = object.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.cullable) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.visibilityPlaneMask;
21604 | cullable.visibilityPlaneMask = this.computeVisibilityWithPlaneMask(object, renderBounds, parentVisibilityPlaneMask || Mask.INDETERMINATE, frustum.planes);
21605 | cullable.visible = cullable.visibilityPlaneMask !== Mask.OUTSIDE;
21606 | return cullable.visible;
21607 | };
21608 | |
21609 |
21610 |
21611 |
21612 |
21613 |
21614 |
21615 |
21616 |
21617 |
21618 |
21619 |
21620 |
21621 |
21622 | FrustumCullingStrategy.prototype.computeVisibilityWithPlaneMask = function (object, aabb, parentPlaneMask, planes) {
21623 | if (parentPlaneMask === Mask.OUTSIDE || parentPlaneMask === Mask.INSIDE) {
21624 |
21625 | return parentPlaneMask;
21626 | }
21627 |
21628 |
21629 | var mask = Mask.INSIDE;
21630 | var isShape2D = shape2D.indexOf(object.nodeName) > -1;
21631 |
21632 |
21633 | for (var k = 0, len = planes.length; k < len; ++k) {
21634 |
21635 | var flag = 1 << k;
21636 | if ((parentPlaneMask & flag) === 0) {
21637 |
21638 | continue;
21639 | }
21640 |
21641 | if (isShape2D && (k === 4 || k === 5)) {
21642 | continue;
21643 | }
21644 |
21645 |
21646 | var _a = planes[k], normal = _a.normal, distance = _a.distance;
21647 | if (dot(normal, aabb.getPositiveFarPoint(planes[k])) + distance <
21648 | 0) {
21649 | return Mask.OUTSIDE;
21650 | }
21651 | if (dot(normal, aabb.getNegativeFarPoint(planes[k])) + distance <
21652 | 0) {
21653 |
21654 | mask |= flag;
21655 | }
21656 | }
21657 | return mask;
21658 | };
21659 | return FrustumCullingStrategy;
21660 | }());
21661 |
21662 | var PrepareRendererPlugin = (function () {
21663 | function PrepareRendererPlugin() {
21664 | |
21665 |
21666 |
21667 | this.toSync = new Set();
21668 | }
21669 |
21670 |
21671 | PrepareRendererPlugin.prototype.apply = function (context) {
21672 | var _this = this;
21673 | var renderingService = context.renderingService, renderingContext = context.renderingContext, rBushRoot = context.rBushRoot;
21674 | var canvas = renderingContext.root.ownerDocument.defaultView;
21675 | this.rBush = rBushRoot;
21676 | var handleAttributeChanged = function (e) {
21677 | var object = e.target;
21678 | object.renderable.dirty = true;
21679 | renderingService.dirtify();
21680 | };
21681 | var handleBoundsChanged = function (e) {
21682 | var affectChildren = e.detail.affectChildren;
21683 | var object = e.target;
21684 | if (affectChildren) {
21685 | object.forEach(function (node) {
21686 | _this.toSync.add(node);
21687 | });
21688 | }
21689 | var p = object;
21690 | while (p) {
21691 | if (p.renderable) {
21692 | _this.toSync.add(p);
21693 | }
21694 | p = p.parentElement;
21695 | }
21696 |
21697 | renderingService.dirtify();
21698 | };
21699 | var handleMounted = function (e) {
21700 | var object = e.target;
21701 | if (runtime.enableSizeAttenuation) {
21702 | runtime.styleValueRegistry.updateSizeAttenuation(object, canvas.getCamera().getZoom());
21703 | }
21704 | if (runtime.enableCSSParsing) {
21705 |
21706 | runtime.styleValueRegistry.recalc(object);
21707 | }
21708 | runtime.sceneGraphService.dirtifyToRoot(object);
21709 | renderingService.dirtify();
21710 | };
21711 | var handleUnmounted = function (e) {
21712 | var object = e.target;
21713 | var rBushNode = object.rBushNode;
21714 | if (rBushNode.aabb) {
21715 | _this.rBush.remove(rBushNode.aabb);
21716 | }
21717 | _this.toSync.delete(object);
21718 | runtime.sceneGraphService.dirtifyToRoot(object);
21719 | renderingService.dirtify();
21720 | };
21721 | renderingService.hooks.init.tap(PrepareRendererPlugin.tag, function () {
21722 | canvas.addEventListener(ElementEvent.MOUNTED, handleMounted);
21723 | canvas.addEventListener(ElementEvent.UNMOUNTED, handleUnmounted);
21724 | canvas.addEventListener(ElementEvent.ATTR_MODIFIED, handleAttributeChanged);
21725 | canvas.addEventListener(ElementEvent.BOUNDS_CHANGED, handleBoundsChanged);
21726 | });
21727 | renderingService.hooks.destroy.tap(PrepareRendererPlugin.tag, function () {
21728 | canvas.removeEventListener(ElementEvent.MOUNTED, handleMounted);
21729 | canvas.removeEventListener(ElementEvent.UNMOUNTED, handleUnmounted);
21730 | canvas.removeEventListener(ElementEvent.ATTR_MODIFIED, handleAttributeChanged);
21731 | canvas.removeEventListener(ElementEvent.BOUNDS_CHANGED, handleBoundsChanged);
21732 | _this.toSync.clear();
21733 | });
21734 | renderingService.hooks.endFrame.tap(PrepareRendererPlugin.tag, function () {
21735 |
21736 |
21737 |
21738 |
21739 |
21740 |
21741 |
21742 |
21743 |
21744 |
21745 | _this.syncRTree();
21746 |
21747 | });
21748 | };
21749 | PrepareRendererPlugin.prototype.syncRTree = function () {
21750 |
21751 |
21752 |
21753 | var _this = this;
21754 |
21755 | var bulk = [];
21756 | Array.from(this.toSync)
21757 |
21758 | .filter(function (object) { return object.isConnected; })
21759 | .forEach(function (node) {
21760 | var rBushNode = node.rBushNode;
21761 |
21762 | if (rBushNode && rBushNode.aabb) {
21763 | _this.rBush.remove(rBushNode.aabb);
21764 | }
21765 | var renderBounds = node.getRenderBounds();
21766 | if (renderBounds) {
21767 | var _a = __read(renderBounds.getMin(), 2), minX = _a[0], minY = _a[1];
21768 | var _b = __read(renderBounds.getMax(), 2), maxX = _b[0], maxY = _b[1];
21769 | if (!rBushNode.aabb) {
21770 | rBushNode.aabb = {};
21771 | }
21772 | rBushNode.aabb.displayObject = node;
21773 | rBushNode.aabb.minX = minX;
21774 | rBushNode.aabb.minY = minY;
21775 | rBushNode.aabb.maxX = maxX;
21776 | rBushNode.aabb.maxY = maxY;
21777 | }
21778 | if (rBushNode.aabb) {
21779 |
21780 | if (!isNaN(rBushNode.aabb.maxX) &&
21781 | !isNaN(rBushNode.aabb.maxX) &&
21782 | !isNaN(rBushNode.aabb.minX) &&
21783 | !isNaN(rBushNode.aabb.minY)) {
21784 | bulk.push(rBushNode.aabb);
21785 | }
21786 | }
21787 | });
21788 |
21789 |
21790 | this.rBush.load(bulk);
21791 | bulk.length = 0;
21792 | this.toSync.clear();
21793 |
21794 | };
21795 | PrepareRendererPlugin.tag = 'Prepare';
21796 | return PrepareRendererPlugin;
21797 | }());
21798 |
21799 | function isCanvas(value) {
21800 | return !!value.document;
21801 | }
21802 | var CanvasEvent;
21803 | (function (CanvasEvent) {
21804 | CanvasEvent["READY"] = "ready";
21805 | CanvasEvent["BEFORE_RENDER"] = "beforerender";
21806 | CanvasEvent["RERENDER"] = "rerender";
21807 | CanvasEvent["AFTER_RENDER"] = "afterrender";
21808 | CanvasEvent["BEFORE_DESTROY"] = "beforedestroy";
21809 | CanvasEvent["AFTER_DESTROY"] = "afterdestroy";
21810 | CanvasEvent["RESIZE"] = "resize";
21811 | CanvasEvent["DIRTY_RECTANGLE"] = "dirtyrectangle";
21812 | CanvasEvent["RENDERER_CHANGED"] = "rendererchanged";
21813 | })(CanvasEvent || (CanvasEvent = {}));
21814 | var DEFAULT_CAMERA_Z = 500;
21815 | var DEFAULT_CAMERA_NEAR = 0.1;
21816 | var DEFAULT_CAMERA_FAR = 1000;
21817 | |
21818 |
21819 |
21820 | var mountedEvent = new CustomEvent(ElementEvent.MOUNTED);
21821 | var unmountedEvent = new CustomEvent(ElementEvent.UNMOUNTED);
21822 | var beforeRenderEvent = new CustomEvent(CanvasEvent.BEFORE_RENDER);
21823 | var rerenderEvent = new CustomEvent(CanvasEvent.RERENDER);
21824 | var afterRenderEvent = new CustomEvent(CanvasEvent.AFTER_RENDER);
21825 | |
21826 |
21827 |
21828 |
21829 |
21830 |
21831 |
21832 |
21833 | var Canvas = (function (_super) {
21834 | __extends(Canvas, _super);
21835 | function Canvas(config) {
21836 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
21837 | |
21838 |
21839 |
21840 | _this.Element = DisplayObject;
21841 | _this.inited = false;
21842 | _this.context = {};
21843 |
21844 | _this.document = new Document();
21845 | _this.document.defaultView = _this;
21846 |
21847 | _this.customElements = new CustomElementRegistry();
21848 | var container = config.container, canvas = config.canvas, offscreenCanvas = config.offscreenCanvas, width = config.width, height = config.height, devicePixelRatio = config.devicePixelRatio, renderer = config.renderer, background = config.background, cursor = config.cursor, document = config.document, requestAnimationFrame = config.requestAnimationFrame, cancelAnimationFrame = config.cancelAnimationFrame, createImage = config.createImage, supportsPointerEvents = config.supportsPointerEvents, supportsTouchEvents = config.supportsTouchEvents, supportsCSSTransform = config.supportsCSSTransform, supportsMutipleCanvasesInOneContainer = config.supportsMutipleCanvasesInOneContainer, useNativeClickEvent = config.useNativeClickEvent, alwaysTriggerPointerEventOnCanvas = config.alwaysTriggerPointerEventOnCanvas, isTouchEvent = config.isTouchEvent, isMouseEvent = config.isMouseEvent;
21849 | if (!supportsMutipleCanvasesInOneContainer) {
21850 | cleanExistedCanvas(container, _this);
21851 | }
21852 | var canvasWidth = width;
21853 | var canvasHeight = height;
21854 | var dpr = devicePixelRatio;
21855 |
21856 | if (canvas) {
21857 |
21858 | dpr = devicePixelRatio || (isBrowser && window.devicePixelRatio) || 1;
21859 | dpr = dpr >= 1 ? Math.ceil(dpr) : 1;
21860 | canvasWidth = width || getWidth(canvas) || canvas.width / dpr;
21861 | canvasHeight = height || getHeight(canvas) || canvas.height / dpr;
21862 | }
21863 |
21864 | if (offscreenCanvas) {
21865 | runtime.offscreenCanvas = offscreenCanvas;
21866 | }
21867 | |
21868 |
21869 |
21870 | _this.devicePixelRatio = dpr;
21871 | _this.requestAnimationFrame =
21872 | requestAnimationFrame !== null && requestAnimationFrame !== void 0 ? requestAnimationFrame : raf.bind(runtime.globalThis);
21873 | _this.cancelAnimationFrame =
21874 | cancelAnimationFrame !== null && cancelAnimationFrame !== void 0 ? cancelAnimationFrame : caf.bind(runtime.globalThis);
21875 | |
21876 |
21877 |
21878 |
21879 |
21880 | _this.supportsTouchEvents =
21881 | supportsTouchEvents !== null && supportsTouchEvents !== void 0 ? supportsTouchEvents : 'ontouchstart' in runtime.globalThis;
21882 | _this.supportsPointerEvents =
21883 | supportsPointerEvents !== null && supportsPointerEvents !== void 0 ? supportsPointerEvents : !!runtime.globalThis.PointerEvent;
21884 | _this.isTouchEvent =
21885 | isTouchEvent !== null && isTouchEvent !== void 0 ? isTouchEvent : (function (event) {
21886 | return _this.supportsTouchEvents &&
21887 | event instanceof runtime.globalThis.TouchEvent;
21888 | });
21889 | _this.isMouseEvent =
21890 | isMouseEvent !== null && isMouseEvent !== void 0 ? isMouseEvent : (function (event) {
21891 | return !runtime.globalThis.MouseEvent ||
21892 | (event instanceof runtime.globalThis.MouseEvent &&
21893 | (!_this.supportsPointerEvents ||
21894 | !(event instanceof runtime.globalThis.PointerEvent)));
21895 | });
21896 | _this.initRenderingContext({
21897 | container: container,
21898 | canvas: canvas,
21899 | width: canvasWidth,
21900 | height: canvasHeight,
21901 | renderer: renderer,
21902 | offscreenCanvas: offscreenCanvas,
21903 | devicePixelRatio: dpr,
21904 | cursor: cursor || 'default',
21905 | background: background || 'transparent',
21906 | createImage: createImage,
21907 | document: document,
21908 | supportsCSSTransform: supportsCSSTransform,
21909 | useNativeClickEvent: useNativeClickEvent,
21910 | alwaysTriggerPointerEventOnCanvas: alwaysTriggerPointerEventOnCanvas,
21911 | });
21912 | _this.initDefaultCamera(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, renderer.clipSpaceNearZ);
21913 | _this.initRenderer(renderer, true);
21914 | return _this;
21915 | }
21916 | Canvas.prototype.initRenderingContext = function (mergedConfig) {
21917 | this.context.config = mergedConfig;
21918 |
21919 | this.context.renderingContext = {
21920 | |
21921 |
21922 |
21923 | root: this.document.documentElement,
21924 | renderListCurrentFrame: [],
21925 | unculledEntities: [],
21926 | renderReasons: new Set(),
21927 | force: false,
21928 | dirty: false,
21929 | };
21930 | };
21931 | Canvas.prototype.initDefaultCamera = function (width, height, clipSpaceNearZ) {
21932 | var _this = this;
21933 |
21934 | var camera = new runtime.CameraContribution();
21935 | camera.clipSpaceNearZ = clipSpaceNearZ;
21936 | camera
21937 | .setType(CameraType.EXPLORING, CameraTrackingMode.DEFAULT)
21938 | .setPosition(width / 2, height / 2, DEFAULT_CAMERA_Z)
21939 | .setFocalPoint(width / 2, height / 2, 0)
21940 | .setOrthographic(width / -2, width / 2, height / 2, height / -2, DEFAULT_CAMERA_NEAR, DEFAULT_CAMERA_FAR);
21941 |
21942 | camera.canvas = this;
21943 |
21944 | camera.eventEmitter.on(CameraEvent.UPDATED, function () {
21945 | _this.context.renderingContext.renderReasons.add(RenderReason.CAMERA_CHANGED);
21946 | if (runtime.enableSizeAttenuation &&
21947 | _this.getConfig().renderer.getConfig().enableSizeAttenuation) {
21948 | _this.updateSizeAttenuation();
21949 | }
21950 | });
21951 |
21952 | this.context.camera = camera;
21953 | };
21954 | Canvas.prototype.updateSizeAttenuation = function () {
21955 | var zoom = this.getCamera().getZoom();
21956 | this.document.documentElement.forEach(function (node) {
21957 | runtime.styleValueRegistry.updateSizeAttenuation(node, zoom);
21958 | });
21959 | };
21960 | Canvas.prototype.getConfig = function () {
21961 | return this.context.config;
21962 | };
21963 | |
21964 |
21965 |
21966 |
21967 | Canvas.prototype.getRoot = function () {
21968 | return this.document.documentElement;
21969 | };
21970 | |
21971 |
21972 |
21973 | Canvas.prototype.getCamera = function () {
21974 | return this.context.camera;
21975 | };
21976 | Canvas.prototype.getContextService = function () {
21977 | return this.context.contextService;
21978 | };
21979 | Canvas.prototype.getEventService = function () {
21980 | return this.context.eventService;
21981 | };
21982 | Canvas.prototype.getRenderingService = function () {
21983 | return this.context.renderingService;
21984 | };
21985 | Canvas.prototype.getRenderingContext = function () {
21986 | return this.context.renderingContext;
21987 | };
21988 | Canvas.prototype.getStats = function () {
21989 | return this.getRenderingService().getStats();
21990 | };
21991 | Object.defineProperty(Canvas.prototype, "ready", {
21992 |
21993 |
21994 |
21995 |
21996 |
21997 |
21998 | get: function () {
21999 | var _this = this;
22000 | if (!this.readyPromise) {
22001 | this.readyPromise = new Promise(function (resolve) {
22002 | _this.resolveReadyPromise = function () {
22003 | resolve(_this);
22004 | };
22005 | });
22006 | if (this.inited) {
22007 | this.resolveReadyPromise();
22008 | }
22009 | }
22010 | return this.readyPromise;
22011 | },
22012 | enumerable: false,
22013 | configurable: true
22014 | });
22015 | |
22016 |
22017 |
22018 | Canvas.prototype.destroy = function (cleanUp, skipTriggerEvent) {
22019 | if (cleanUp === void 0) { cleanUp = true; }
22020 | if (skipTriggerEvent === void 0) { skipTriggerEvent = false; }
22021 | if (!skipTriggerEvent) {
22022 | this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CanvasEvent.BEFORE_DESTROY));
22023 | }
22024 | if (this.frameId) {
22025 | var cancelRAF = this.getConfig().cancelAnimationFrame || cancelAnimationFrame;
22026 | cancelRAF(this.frameId);
22027 | }
22028 |
22029 | var root = this.getRoot();
22030 | this.unmountChildren(root);
22031 | if (cleanUp) {
22032 |
22033 | this.document.destroy();
22034 | this.getEventService().destroy();
22035 | }
22036 |
22037 | this.getRenderingService().destroy();
22038 | this.getContextService().destroy();
22039 |
22040 | if (cleanUp && this.context.rBushRoot) {
22041 |
22042 | this.context.rBushRoot.clear();
22043 | this.context.rBushRoot = null;
22044 | this.context.renderingContext.root = null;
22045 | }
22046 | if (!skipTriggerEvent) {
22047 | this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CanvasEvent.AFTER_DESTROY));
22048 | }
22049 | };
22050 | |
22051 |
22052 |
22053 |
22054 |
22055 | Canvas.prototype.changeSize = function (width, height) {
22056 | this.resize(width, height);
22057 | };
22058 | Canvas.prototype.resize = function (width, height) {
22059 |
22060 | var canvasConfig = this.context.config;
22061 | canvasConfig.width = width;
22062 | canvasConfig.height = height;
22063 |
22064 | this.getContextService().resize(width, height);
22065 |
22066 | var camera = this.context.camera;
22067 | var projectionMode = camera.getProjectionMode();
22068 | camera
22069 | .setPosition(width / 2, height / 2, DEFAULT_CAMERA_Z)
22070 | .setFocalPoint(width / 2, height / 2, 0);
22071 | if (projectionMode === CameraProjectionMode.ORTHOGRAPHIC) {
22072 | camera.setOrthographic(width / -2, width / 2, height / 2, height / -2, camera.getNear(), camera.getFar());
22073 | }
22074 | else {
22075 | camera.setAspect(width / height);
22076 | }
22077 | this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CanvasEvent.RESIZE, { width: width, height: height }));
22078 | };
22079 |
22080 | Canvas.prototype.appendChild = function (child, index) {
22081 | return this.document.documentElement.appendChild(child, index);
22082 | };
22083 | Canvas.prototype.insertBefore = function (newChild, refChild) {
22084 | return this.document.documentElement.insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
22085 | };
22086 | Canvas.prototype.removeChild = function (child) {
22087 | return this.document.documentElement.removeChild(child);
22088 | };
22089 | |
22090 |
22091 |
22092 | Canvas.prototype.removeChildren = function () {
22093 | this.document.documentElement.removeChildren();
22094 | };
22095 | |
22096 |
22097 |
22098 |
22099 | Canvas.prototype.destroyChildren = function () {
22100 | this.document.documentElement.destroyChildren();
22101 | };
22102 | Canvas.prototype.render = function () {
22103 | var _this = this;
22104 | this.dispatchEvent(beforeRenderEvent);
22105 | var renderingService = this.getRenderingService();
22106 | renderingService.render(this.getConfig(), function () {
22107 |
22108 |
22109 | _this.dispatchEvent(rerenderEvent);
22110 | });
22111 | this.dispatchEvent(afterRenderEvent);
22112 | };
22113 | Canvas.prototype.run = function () {
22114 | var _this = this;
22115 | var tick = function () {
22116 | _this.render();
22117 | _this.frameId = _this.requestAnimationFrame(tick);
22118 | };
22119 | tick();
22120 | };
22121 | Canvas.prototype.initRenderer = function (renderer, firstContentfullPaint) {
22122 | var _this = this;
22123 | if (firstContentfullPaint === void 0) { firstContentfullPaint = false; }
22124 | if (!renderer) {
22125 | throw new Error('Renderer is required.');
22126 | }
22127 |
22128 | this.inited = false;
22129 | this.readyPromise = undefined;
22130 |
22131 | this.context.rBushRoot = new RBush();
22132 |
22133 | this.context.renderingPlugins = [];
22134 | this.context.renderingPlugins.push(new EventPlugin(), new PrepareRendererPlugin(),
22135 |
22136 | new CullingPlugin([new FrustumCullingStrategy()]));
22137 |
22138 | this.loadRendererContainerModule(renderer);
22139 |
22140 | this.context.contextService = new this.context.ContextService(__assign(__assign({}, runtime), this.context));
22141 |
22142 | this.context.renderingService = new RenderingService(runtime, this.context);
22143 |
22144 | this.context.eventService = new EventService(runtime, this.context);
22145 | this.context.eventService.init();
22146 | if (this.context.contextService.init) {
22147 | this.context.contextService.init();
22148 | this.initRenderingService(renderer, firstContentfullPaint, true);
22149 | }
22150 | else {
22151 | this.context.contextService.initAsync().then(function () {
22152 | _this.initRenderingService(renderer, firstContentfullPaint);
22153 | });
22154 | }
22155 | };
22156 | Canvas.prototype.initRenderingService = function (renderer, firstContentfullPaint, async) {
22157 | var _this = this;
22158 | if (firstContentfullPaint === void 0) { firstContentfullPaint = false; }
22159 | if (async === void 0) { async = false; }
22160 | this.context.renderingService.init(function () {
22161 | _this.inited = true;
22162 | if (firstContentfullPaint) {
22163 | if (async) {
22164 | _this.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
22165 | _this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CanvasEvent.READY));
22166 | });
22167 | }
22168 | else {
22169 | _this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CanvasEvent.READY));
22170 | }
22171 | if (_this.readyPromise) {
22172 | _this.resolveReadyPromise();
22173 | }
22174 | }
22175 | else {
22176 | _this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CanvasEvent.RENDERER_CHANGED));
22177 | }
22178 | if (!firstContentfullPaint) {
22179 | _this.getRoot().forEach(function (node) {
22180 | var renderable = node.renderable;
22181 | if (renderable) {
22182 | renderable.renderBoundsDirty = true;
22183 | renderable.boundsDirty = true;
22184 | renderable.dirty = true;
22185 | }
22186 | });
22187 | }
22188 |
22189 | _this.mountChildren(_this.getRoot());
22190 | if (renderer.getConfig().enableAutoRendering) {
22191 | _this.run();
22192 | }
22193 | });
22194 | };
22195 | Canvas.prototype.loadRendererContainerModule = function (renderer) {
22196 | var _this = this;
22197 |
22198 | var plugins = renderer.getPlugins();
22199 | plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
22200 | plugin.context = _this.context;
22201 | plugin.init(runtime);
22202 | });
22203 | };
22204 | Canvas.prototype.setRenderer = function (renderer) {
22205 |
22206 | var canvasConfig = this.getConfig();
22207 | if (canvasConfig.renderer === renderer) {
22208 | return;
22209 | }
22210 | var oldRenderer = canvasConfig.renderer;
22211 | canvasConfig.renderer = renderer;
22212 |
22213 | this.destroy(false, true);
22214 |
22215 | __spreadArray([], __read(oldRenderer === null || oldRenderer === void 0 ? void 0 : oldRenderer.getPlugins()), false).reverse().forEach(function (plugin) {
22216 | plugin.destroy(runtime);
22217 | });
22218 | this.initRenderer(renderer);
22219 | };
22220 | Canvas.prototype.setCursor = function (cursor) {
22221 | var canvasConfig = this.getConfig();
22222 | canvasConfig.cursor = cursor;
22223 | this.getContextService().applyCursorStyle(cursor);
22224 | };
22225 | Canvas.prototype.unmountChildren = function (parent) {
22226 | var _this = this;
22227 |
22228 | parent.childNodes.forEach(function (child) {
22229 | _this.unmountChildren(child);
22230 | });
22231 | if (this.inited) {
22232 | if (parent.isMutationObserved) {
22233 | parent.dispatchEvent(unmountedEvent);
22234 | }
22235 | else {
22236 | unmountedEvent.target = parent;
22237 | this.dispatchEvent(unmountedEvent, true);
22238 | }
22239 |
22240 | if (parent !== this.document.documentElement) {
22241 | parent.ownerDocument = null;
22242 | }
22243 | parent.isConnected = false;
22244 | }
22245 |
22246 | if (parent.isCustomElement) {
22247 | if (parent.disconnectedCallback) {
22248 | parent.disconnectedCallback();
22249 | }
22250 | }
22251 | };
22252 | Canvas.prototype.mountChildren = function (parent) {
22253 | var _this = this;
22254 | if (this.inited) {
22255 | if (!parent.isConnected) {
22256 | parent.ownerDocument = this.document;
22257 | parent.isConnected = true;
22258 | if (parent.isMutationObserved) {
22259 | parent.dispatchEvent(mountedEvent);
22260 | }
22261 | else {
22262 | mountedEvent.target = parent;
22263 | this.dispatchEvent(mountedEvent, true);
22264 | }
22265 | }
22266 | }
22267 | else {
22268 | console.warn("[g]: You are trying to call `canvas.appendChild` before canvas' initialization finished. You can either await `canvas.ready` or listen to `CanvasEvent.READY` manually.", 'appended child: ', parent.nodeName);
22269 | }
22270 |
22271 | parent.childNodes.forEach(function (child) {
22272 | _this.mountChildren(child);
22273 | });
22274 |
22275 | if (parent.isCustomElement) {
22276 | if (parent.connectedCallback) {
22277 | parent.connectedCallback();
22278 | }
22279 | }
22280 | };
22281 | Canvas.prototype.client2Viewport = function (client) {
22282 | return this.getEventService().client2Viewport(client);
22283 | };
22284 | Canvas.prototype.viewport2Client = function (canvas) {
22285 | return this.getEventService().viewport2Client(canvas);
22286 | };
22287 | Canvas.prototype.viewport2Canvas = function (viewport) {
22288 | return this.getEventService().viewport2Canvas(viewport);
22289 | };
22290 | Canvas.prototype.canvas2Viewport = function (canvas) {
22291 | return this.getEventService().canvas2Viewport(canvas);
22292 | };
22293 | |
22294 |
22295 |
22296 |
22297 | Canvas.prototype.getPointByClient = function (clientX, clientY) {
22298 | return this.client2Viewport({ x: clientX, y: clientY });
22299 | };
22300 | |
22301 |
22302 |
22303 |
22304 | Canvas.prototype.getClientByPoint = function (x, y) {
22305 | return this.viewport2Client({ x: x, y: y });
22306 | };
22307 | return Canvas;
22308 | }(EventTarget));
22309 |
22310 | var polarToCartesian = function polarToCartesian(centerX, centerY, radius, angleInRadian) {
22311 | return {
22312 | x: centerX + radius * Math.cos(angleInRadian),
22313 | y: centerY + radius * Math.sin(angleInRadian)
22314 | };
22315 | };
22316 |
22317 | function computeArcSweep(startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise) {
22318 |
22319 | if (!anticlockwise) {
22320 | if (endAngle >= startAngle) {
22321 | return endAngle - startAngle <= Math.PI ? 0 : 1;
22322 | }
22323 | return endAngle - startAngle <= -Math.PI ? 0 : 1;
22324 | }
22325 |
22326 | if (endAngle >= startAngle) {
22327 | return endAngle - startAngle <= Math.PI ? 1 : 0;
22328 | }
22329 | return endAngle - startAngle <= -Math.PI ? 1 : 0;
22330 | }
22331 | var Arc = function (_super) {
22332 | __extends(Arc, _super);
22333 | function Arc(config) {
22334 | var _this = _super.call(this, config) || this;
22335 | _this.updatePath();
22336 | return _this;
22337 | }
22338 | Arc.prototype.setAttribute = function (name, value, force) {
22339 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, name, value, force);
22340 | if (['cx', 'cy', 'startAngle', 'endAngle', 'r', 'anticlockwise'].indexOf(name) > -1) {
22341 | this.updatePath();
22342 | }
22343 | };
22344 | Arc.prototype.updatePath = function () {
22345 | var _a = this.parsedStyle,
22346 | _b = _a.cx,
22347 | cx = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b,
22348 | _c = _a.cy,
22349 | cy = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c,
22350 | startAngle = _a.startAngle,
22351 | endAngle = _a.endAngle,
22352 | r = _a.r,
22353 | anticlockwise = _a.anticlockwise;
22354 | if (isNil(startAngle) || isNil(endAngle) || startAngle === endAngle || isNil(r) || r <= 0) {
22355 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, 'path', '');
22356 | return;
22357 | }
22358 | var path = this.createPath(cx, cy, deg2rad(startAngle), deg2rad(endAngle), r, anticlockwise);
22359 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, 'path', path);
22360 | };
22361 | Arc.prototype.createPath = function (x, y, startAngle, endAngle, r, anticlockwise) {
22362 | var start = polarToCartesian(x, y, r, startAngle);
22363 | var end = polarToCartesian(x, y, r, endAngle);
22364 | var angle = Math.abs(endAngle - startAngle);
22365 | if (angle >= Math.PI * 2 || isNumberEqual(angle, Math.PI * 2)) {
22366 | var middlePoint = polarToCartesian(x, y, r, startAngle + Math.PI);
22367 | return [['M', start.x, start.y], ['A', r, r, 0, 1, anticlockwise ? 0 : 1, middlePoint.x, middlePoint.y], ['A', r, r, 0, 1, anticlockwise ? 0 : 1, start.x, start.y], ['Z']];
22368 | }
22369 | var arcSweep = computeArcSweep(startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise);
22370 | return [['M', start.x, start.y], ['A', r, r, 0, arcSweep, anticlockwise ? 0 : 1, end.x, end.y]];
22371 | };
22372 | return Arc;
22373 | }(Path);
22374 |
22375 | var SYMBOLS = {
22376 | circle: function circle(x, y, r) {
22377 | return [['M', x - r, y], ['A', r, r, 0, 1, 0, x + r, y], ['A', r, r, 0, 1, 0, x - r, y]];
22378 | },
22379 | square: function square(x, y, r) {
22380 | return [['M', x - r, y - r], ['L', x + r, y - r], ['L', x + r, y + r], ['L', x - r, y + r], ['Z']];
22381 | },
22382 | arrow: function arrow(x, y, r) {
22383 | return [['M', x - r, y + 2 * r / Math.sqrt(3)], ['L', x + r, y + 2 * r / Math.sqrt(3)], ['L', x, y - 2 * r / Math.sqrt(3)], ['Z']];
22384 | }
22385 | };
22386 | var Marker = function (_super) {
22387 | __extends(Marker, _super);
22388 | function Marker(config) {
22389 | var _this = _super.call(this, config) || this;
22390 | _this.updatePath();
22391 | return _this;
22392 | }
22393 | Marker.prototype.setAttribute = function (name, value, force) {
22394 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, name, value, force);
22395 | if (['x', 'y', 'symbol', 'radius'].indexOf(name) > -1) {
22396 | this.updatePath();
22397 | }
22398 | };
22399 | Marker.prototype.updatePath = function () {
22400 | var _a = this.parsedStyle,
22401 | _b = _a.x,
22402 | x = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b,
22403 | _c = _a.y,
22404 | y = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c;
22405 | var _d = this.attributes,
22406 | radius = _d.radius,
22407 | symbol = _d.symbol;
22408 | if (!symbol) return;
22409 | var method = SYMBOLS[symbol];
22410 | if (!method) return;
22411 | var path = method(x, y, radius);
22412 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, 'path', path);
22413 | };
22414 | return Marker;
22415 | }(Path);
22416 |
22417 | var PI = Math.PI;
22418 | var PI2 = PI * 2;
22419 | var mathSin = Math.sin;
22420 | var mathCos = Math.cos;
22421 | var mathACos = Math.acos;
22422 | var mathATan2 = Math.atan2;
22423 |
22424 | var mathSqrt = Math.sqrt;
22425 | var mathMax = Math.max;
22426 | var mathMin = Math.min;
22427 | var e = 1e-4;
22428 | function intersect(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
22429 | var dx10 = x1 - x0;
22430 | var dy10 = y1 - y0;
22431 | var dx32 = x3 - x2;
22432 | var dy32 = y3 - y2;
22433 | var t = dy32 * dx10 - dx32 * dy10;
22434 | if (t * t < e) {
22435 | return;
22436 | }
22437 | t = (dx32 * (y0 - y2) - dy32 * (x0 - x2)) / t;
22438 | return [x0 + t * dx10, y0 + t * dy10];
22439 | }
22440 |
22441 | function computeCornerTangents(x0, y0, x1, y1, radius, cr, clockwise) {
22442 | var x01 = x0 - x1;
22443 | var y01 = y0 - y1;
22444 | var lo = (clockwise ? cr : -cr) / mathSqrt(x01 * x01 + y01 * y01);
22445 | var ox = lo * y01;
22446 | var oy = -lo * x01;
22447 | var x11 = x0 + ox;
22448 | var y11 = y0 + oy;
22449 | var x10 = x1 + ox;
22450 | var y10 = y1 + oy;
22451 | var x00 = (x11 + x10) / 2;
22452 | var y00 = (y11 + y10) / 2;
22453 | var dx = x10 - x11;
22454 | var dy = y10 - y11;
22455 | var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
22456 | var r = radius - cr;
22457 | var s = x11 * y10 - x10 * y11;
22458 | var d = (dy < 0 ? -1 : 1) * mathSqrt(mathMax(0, r * r * d2 - s * s));
22459 | var cx0 = (s * dy - dx * d) / d2;
22460 | var cy0 = (-s * dx - dy * d) / d2;
22461 | var cx1 = (s * dy + dx * d) / d2;
22462 | var cy1 = (-s * dx + dy * d) / d2;
22463 | var dx0 = cx0 - x00;
22464 | var dy0 = cy0 - y00;
22465 | var dx1 = cx1 - x00;
22466 | var dy1 = cy1 - y00;
22467 |
22468 |
22469 | if (dx0 * dx0 + dy0 * dy0 > dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1) {
22470 | cx0 = cx1;
22471 | cy0 = cy1;
22472 | }
22473 | return {
22474 | cx: cx0,
22475 | cy: cy0,
22476 | x0: -ox,
22477 | y0: -oy,
22478 | x1: cx0 * (radius / r - 1),
22479 | y1: cy0 * (radius / r - 1)
22480 | };
22481 | }
22482 | function computeArcSweep$1(startAngle, endAngle, clockwise) {
22483 | if (clockwise === void 0) {
22484 | clockwise = true;
22485 | }
22486 | if (!clockwise) {
22487 | var replaceAngle = endAngle;
22488 | endAngle = startAngle;
22489 | startAngle = replaceAngle;
22490 | }
22491 | endAngle = endAngle - startAngle < 0 ? endAngle + PI2 : endAngle;
22492 | return Math.abs(endAngle - startAngle) % PI2 <= PI ? 0 : 1;
22493 | }
22494 | var Sector = function (_super) {
22495 | __extends(Sector, _super);
22496 | function Sector(config) {
22497 | var _this = _super.call(this, config) || this;
22498 | _this.updatePath();
22499 | return _this;
22500 | }
22501 | Sector.prototype.setAttribute = function (name, value, force) {
22502 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, name, value, force);
22503 | if (['startAngle', 'endAngle', 'r', 'r0', 'radius', 'cx', 'cy'].indexOf(name) > -1) {
22504 | this.updatePath();
22505 | }
22506 | };
22507 | Sector.prototype.updatePath = function () {
22508 | var _a = this.parsedStyle,
22509 | cx = _a.cx,
22510 | cy = _a.cy,
22511 | startAngle = _a.startAngle,
22512 | endAngle = _a.endAngle,
22513 | r = _a.r,
22514 | r0 = _a.r0,
22515 | radius = _a.radius,
22516 | _b = _a.anticlockwise,
22517 | anticlockwise = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;
22518 | if (isNil(startAngle) || isNil(endAngle) || startAngle === endAngle || isNil(r) || r <= 0) {
22519 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, 'path', '');
22520 | return;
22521 | }
22522 | var path = this.createPath(cx, cy, deg2rad(startAngle), deg2rad(endAngle), r, r0 ? r0 : 0, radius ? radius : [0, 0, 0, 0], anticlockwise);
22523 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, 'path', path);
22524 | };
22525 | Sector.prototype.createPath = function (x, y, startAngle, endAngle, r, r0, borderRadius, anticlockwise) {
22526 | var start = polarToCartesian(x, y, r, startAngle);
22527 | var end = polarToCartesian(x, y, r, endAngle);
22528 | var innerStart = polarToCartesian(x, y, r0, startAngle);
22529 | var innerEnd = polarToCartesian(x, y, r0, endAngle);
22530 | var clockwise = !anticlockwise;
22531 | var angle = clockwise ? endAngle - startAngle : startAngle - endAngle;
22532 |
22533 | if (Math.abs(angle) >= PI2 || isNumberEqual(Math.abs(angle), PI2)) {
22534 |
22535 | var middlePoint = polarToCartesian(x, y, r, startAngle + Math.PI);
22536 | var innerMiddlePoint = polarToCartesian(x, y, r0, startAngle + Math.PI);
22537 | var circlePathCommands = [['M', start.x, start.y], ['A', r, r, 0, 1, clockwise ? 1 : 0, middlePoint.x, middlePoint.y], ['A', r, r, 0, 1, clockwise ? 1 : 0, end.x, end.y]];
22538 | if (r0 > 0) {
22539 | circlePathCommands.push(['M', innerStart.x, innerStart.y]);
22540 | circlePathCommands.push(['A', r0, r0, 0, 1, clockwise ? 0 : 1, innerMiddlePoint.x, innerMiddlePoint.y]);
22541 | circlePathCommands.push(['A', r0, r0, 0, 1, clockwise ? 0 : 1, innerEnd.x, innerEnd.y]);
22542 | }
22543 | circlePathCommands.push(['M', start.x, start.y]);
22544 | circlePathCommands.push(['Z']);
22545 | return circlePathCommands;
22546 | }
22547 | var xrs = r * mathCos(startAngle);
22548 | var yrs = r * mathSin(startAngle);
22549 | var xire = r0 * mathCos(endAngle);
22550 | var yire = r0 * mathSin(endAngle);
22551 | var xre = r * mathCos(endAngle);
22552 | var yre = r * mathSin(endAngle);
22553 | var xirs = r0 * mathCos(startAngle);
22554 | var yirs = r0 * mathSin(startAngle);
22555 |
22556 | var outStartRadius = borderRadius[0],
22557 | outEndRadius = borderRadius[1],
22558 | innerEndRadius = borderRadius[2],
22559 | innerStartRadius = borderRadius[3];
22560 | var halfRadius = (r - r0) / 2;
22561 | var outStartBorderRadius = mathMin(halfRadius, outStartRadius);
22562 | var outEndBorderRadius = mathMin(halfRadius, outEndRadius);
22563 | var innerEndBorderRadius = mathMin(halfRadius, innerEndRadius);
22564 | var innerStartBorderRadius = mathMin(halfRadius, innerStartRadius);
22565 | var outBorderRadiusMax = mathMax(outStartBorderRadius, outEndBorderRadius);
22566 | var innerBorderRadiusMax = mathMax(innerEndBorderRadius, innerStartBorderRadius);
22567 | var limitedOutBorderRadiusMax = outBorderRadiusMax;
22568 | var limitedInnerBorderRadiusMax = innerBorderRadiusMax;
22569 |
22570 | if (outBorderRadiusMax > e || innerBorderRadiusMax > e) {
22571 |
22572 | if (angle < PI) {
22573 | var it_1 = intersect(xrs, yrs, xirs, yirs, xre, yre, xire, yire);
22574 | if (it_1) {
22575 | var x0 = xrs - it_1[0];
22576 | var y0 = yrs - it_1[1];
22577 | var x1 = xre - it_1[0];
22578 | var y1 = yre - it_1[1];
22579 | var a = 1 / mathSin(mathACos((x0 * x1 + y0 * y1) / (mathSqrt(x0 * x0 + y0 * y0) * mathSqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1))) / 2);
22580 | var b = mathSqrt(it_1[0] * it_1[0] + it_1[1] * it_1[1]);
22581 | limitedOutBorderRadiusMax = mathMin(outBorderRadiusMax, (r - b) / (a + 1));
22582 | limitedInnerBorderRadiusMax = mathMin(innerBorderRadiusMax, (r0 - b) / (a - 1));
22583 | }
22584 | }
22585 | }
22586 | var arcSweep = computeArcSweep$1(startAngle, endAngle, clockwise);
22587 | var sectorPathCommands = [];
22588 | if (limitedOutBorderRadiusMax > e) {
22589 | var crStart = mathMin(outStartRadius, limitedOutBorderRadiusMax);
22590 | var crEnd = mathMin(outEndRadius, limitedOutBorderRadiusMax);
22591 | var ct0 = computeCornerTangents(xirs, yirs, xrs, yrs, r, crStart, clockwise);
22592 | var ct1 = computeCornerTangents(xre, yre, xire, yire, r, crEnd, clockwise);
22593 | sectorPathCommands.push(['M', x + ct0.cx + ct0.x0, y + ct0.cy + ct0.y0]);
22594 |
22595 | if (limitedOutBorderRadiusMax < outBorderRadiusMax && crStart === crEnd) {
22596 | var outStartBorderRadiusStartAngle = mathATan2(ct0.cy + ct0.y0, ct0.cx + ct0.x0);
22597 | var outStartBorderRadiusEndAngle = mathATan2(ct1.cy + ct1.y0, ct1.cx + ct1.x0);
22598 | sectorPathCommands.push(['A', limitedOutBorderRadiusMax, limitedOutBorderRadiusMax, 0, computeArcSweep$1(outStartBorderRadiusStartAngle, outStartBorderRadiusEndAngle, !clockwise), clockwise ? 1 : 0, x + ct1.cx + ct1.x0, y + ct1.cy + ct1.y0]);
22599 | } else {
22600 |
22601 | if (crStart > 0) {
22602 | var outStartBorderRadiusStartAngle = mathATan2(ct0.y0, ct0.x0);
22603 | var outStartBorderRadiusEndAngle = mathATan2(ct0.y1, ct0.x1);
22604 | var outStartBorderRadiusEndPoint = polarToCartesian(x, y, r, outStartBorderRadiusEndAngle);
22605 | sectorPathCommands.push(['A', crStart, crStart, 0, computeArcSweep$1(outStartBorderRadiusStartAngle, outStartBorderRadiusEndAngle, clockwise), clockwise ? 1 : 0, outStartBorderRadiusEndPoint.x, outStartBorderRadiusEndPoint.y]);
22606 | }
22607 | var outRadiusStartAngle = mathATan2(ct0.cy + ct0.y1, ct0.cx + ct0.x1);
22608 | var outRadiusEndAngle = mathATan2(ct1.cy + ct1.y1, ct1.cx + ct1.x1);
22609 | var outRadiusEndPoint = polarToCartesian(x, y, r, outRadiusEndAngle);
22610 | sectorPathCommands.push(['A', r, r, 1, computeArcSweep$1(outRadiusStartAngle, outRadiusEndAngle, clockwise), clockwise ? 1 : 0, outRadiusEndPoint.x, outRadiusEndPoint.y]);
22611 | if (crEnd > 0) {
22612 | var outEndBorderRadiusStartAngle = mathATan2(ct1.y1, ct1.x1);
22613 | var outEndBorderRadiusEndAngle = mathATan2(ct1.y0, ct1.x0);
22614 | sectorPathCommands.push(['A', crEnd, crEnd, 0, computeArcSweep$1(outEndBorderRadiusStartAngle, outEndBorderRadiusEndAngle, clockwise), clockwise ? 1 : 0, x + ct1.cx + ct1.x0, y + ct1.cy + ct1.y0]);
22615 | }
22616 | }
22617 | } else {
22618 | sectorPathCommands.push(['M', start.x, start.y]);
22619 | sectorPathCommands.push(['A', r, r, 0, arcSweep, clockwise ? 1 : 0, end.x, end.y]);
22620 | }
22621 |
22622 | if (r0 < e) {
22623 | sectorPathCommands.push(['L', innerEnd.x, innerEnd.y]);
22624 | } else if (limitedInnerBorderRadiusMax > e) {
22625 | var crStart = mathMin(innerStartRadius, limitedInnerBorderRadiusMax);
22626 | var crEnd = mathMin(innerEndRadius, limitedInnerBorderRadiusMax);
22627 | var ct0 = computeCornerTangents(0, 0, xire, yire, r0, -crEnd, clockwise);
22628 | var ct1 = computeCornerTangents(xirs, yirs, 0, 0, r0, -crStart, clockwise);
22629 | sectorPathCommands.push(['L', x + ct0.cx + ct0.x0, y + ct0.cy + ct0.y0]);
22630 |
22631 | if (limitedInnerBorderRadiusMax < innerBorderRadiusMax && crStart === crEnd) {
22632 | var innerStartBorderRadiusStartAngle = mathATan2(ct0.y0, ct0.x0);
22633 | var innerStartBorderRadiusEndAngle = mathATan2(ct1.y0, ct1.x0);
22634 | sectorPathCommands.push(['A', limitedInnerBorderRadiusMax, limitedInnerBorderRadiusMax, 0, computeArcSweep$1(innerStartBorderRadiusStartAngle, innerStartBorderRadiusEndAngle), 1, x + ct1.cx + ct1.x0, y + ct1.cy + ct1.y0]);
22635 | } else {
22636 |
22637 | if (crEnd > 0) {
22638 | var innerStartBorderRadiusStartAngle = mathATan2(ct0.y0, ct0.x0);
22639 | var innerStartBorderRadiusEndAngle = mathATan2(ct0.y1, ct0.x1);
22640 | sectorPathCommands.push(['A', crEnd, crEnd, 0, computeArcSweep$1(innerStartBorderRadiusStartAngle, innerStartBorderRadiusEndAngle, clockwise), clockwise ? 1 : 0, x + ct0.cx + ct0.x1, y + ct0.cy + ct0.y1]);
22641 | }
22642 | var innerRadiusStartAngle = mathATan2(ct0.cy + ct0.y1, ct0.cx + ct0.x1);
22643 | var innerRadiusEndAngle = mathATan2(ct1.cy + ct1.y1, ct1.cx + ct1.x1);
22644 | var innerRadiusEndPoint = polarToCartesian(x, y, r0, innerRadiusEndAngle);
22645 | sectorPathCommands.push(['A', r0, r0, 0, computeArcSweep$1(innerRadiusEndAngle, innerRadiusStartAngle, clockwise), clockwise ? 0 : 1, innerRadiusEndPoint.x, innerRadiusEndPoint.y]);
22646 | if (crStart > 0) {
22647 | var innerEndBorderRadiusStartAngle = mathATan2(ct1.y1, ct1.x1);
22648 | var innerEndBorderRadiusEndAngle = mathATan2(ct1.y0, ct1.x0);
22649 | sectorPathCommands.push(['A', crStart, crStart, 0, computeArcSweep$1(innerEndBorderRadiusStartAngle, innerEndBorderRadiusEndAngle, clockwise), clockwise ? 1 : 0, x + ct1.cx + ct1.x0, y + ct1.cy + ct1.y0]);
22650 | }
22651 | }
22652 | }
22653 |
22654 | else {
22655 | sectorPathCommands.push(['L', innerEnd.x, innerEnd.y]);
22656 | sectorPathCommands.push(['A', r0, r0, 0, arcSweep, clockwise ? 0 : 1, innerStart.x, innerStart.y]);
22657 | }
22658 | sectorPathCommands.push(['Z']);
22659 | return sectorPathCommands;
22660 | };
22661 | return Sector;
22662 | }(Path);
22663 |
22664 | |
22665 |
22666 |
22667 |
22668 | function getPoint(v) {
22669 | return [v.x, v.y];
22670 | }
22671 | function smoothBezier(points, smooth, isLoop, constraint) {
22672 | var cps = [];
22673 | var prevPoint;
22674 | var nextPoint;
22675 | var hasConstraint = !!constraint;
22676 | var min;
22677 | var max;
22678 | var point;
22679 | var len;
22680 | var l;
22681 | var i;
22682 | if (hasConstraint) {
22683 | min = [Infinity, Infinity];
22684 | max = [-Infinity, -Infinity];
22685 | for (i = 0, l = points.length; i < l; i++) {
22686 | point = getPoint(points[i]);
22687 | min$1(min, min, point);
22688 | max$1(max, max, point);
22689 | }
22690 | min$1(min, min, constraint[0]);
22691 | max$1(max, max, constraint[1]);
22692 | }
22693 | for (i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
22694 | point = getPoint(points[i]);
22695 | if (isLoop) {
22696 | prevPoint = getPoint(points[i ? i - 1 : len - 1]);
22697 | nextPoint = getPoint(points[(i + 1) % len]);
22698 | } else {
22699 | if (i === 0 || i === len - 1) {
22700 | cps.push([point[0], point[1]]);
22701 | continue;
22702 | } else {
22703 | prevPoint = getPoint(points[i - 1]);
22704 | nextPoint = getPoint(points[i + 1]);
22705 | }
22706 | }
22707 | var v = sub$1([], nextPoint, prevPoint);
22708 | scale$2(v, v, smooth);
22709 | var d0 = distance(point, prevPoint);
22710 | var d1 = distance(point, nextPoint);
22711 | var sum = d0 + d1;
22712 | if (sum !== 0) {
22713 | d0 /= sum;
22714 | d1 /= sum;
22715 | }
22716 | var v1 = scale$2([], v, -d0);
22717 | var v2 = scale$2([], v, d1);
22718 | var cp0 = add$2([], point, v1);
22719 | var cp1 = add$2([], point, v2);
22720 | if (hasConstraint) {
22721 | max$1(cp0, cp0, min);
22722 | min$1(cp0, cp0, max);
22723 | max$1(cp1, cp1, min);
22724 | min$1(cp1, cp1, max);
22725 | }
22726 | cps.push([cp0[0], cp0[1]]);
22727 | cps.push([cp1[0], cp1[1]]);
22728 | }
22729 | if (isLoop) {
22730 | cps.push(cps.shift());
22731 | }
22732 | return cps;
22733 | }
22734 | function catmullRom2bezier(pointList, z, constraint) {
22735 | var isLoop = !!z;
22736 | var controlPointList = smoothBezier(pointList, 0.4, isLoop, constraint);
22737 | var len = pointList.length;
22738 | var d1 = [];
22739 | var cp1;
22740 | var cp2;
22741 | var p;
22742 | for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
22743 | cp1 = controlPointList[i * 2];
22744 | cp2 = controlPointList[i * 2 + 1];
22745 | p = pointList[i + 1];
22746 | d1.push(['C', cp1[0], cp1[1], cp2[0], cp2[1], p.x, p.y]);
22747 | }
22748 | if (isLoop) {
22749 | cp1 = controlPointList[len];
22750 | cp2 = controlPointList[len + 1];
22751 | p = pointList[0];
22752 | d1.push(['C', cp1[0], cp1[1], cp2[0], cp2[1], p.x, p.y]);
22753 | }
22754 | return d1;
22755 | }
22756 |
22757 | var smooth = Object.freeze({
22758 | __proto__: null,
22759 | smooth: catmullRom2bezier
22760 | });
22761 |
22762 | var SmoothPolyline = function (_super) {
22763 | __extends(SmoothPolyline, _super);
22764 | function SmoothPolyline(config) {
22765 | var _this = _super.call(this, config) || this;
22766 | _this.updatePath();
22767 | return _this;
22768 | }
22769 | SmoothPolyline.prototype.setAttribute = function (name, value, force) {
22770 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, name, value, force);
22771 | if (['smooth', 'points', 'step'].indexOf(name) > -1) {
22772 | this.updatePath();
22773 | }
22774 | };
22775 | SmoothPolyline.prototype.updatePath = function () {
22776 | var _a = this.parsedStyle,
22777 | smooth$1 = _a.smooth,
22778 | points = _a.points,
22779 | step = _a.step;
22780 | var pos = points.points;
22781 | var d = [['M', pos[0][0], pos[0][1]]];
22782 | if (smooth$1) {
22783 | var constaint = [[0, 0], [1, 1]];
22784 | var sps = catmullRom2bezier(pos.map(function (d) {
22785 | return {
22786 | x: d[0],
22787 | y: d[1]
22788 | };
22789 | }), false, constaint);
22790 | for (var i = 0, n = sps.length; i < n; i++) {
22791 | var sp = sps[i];
22792 | d.push(['C', sp[1], sp[2], sp[3], sp[4], sp[5], sp[6]]);
22793 | }
22794 | } else if (step) {
22795 | var i = void 0;
22796 | var l = void 0;
22797 | switch (step) {
22798 | case "start":
22799 | for (i = 1, l = pos.length; i < l; i++) {
22800 | var x = pos[i - 1][0];
22801 | d.push(['L', x, pos[i - 1][1]]);
22802 | d.push(['L', x, pos[i][1]]);
22803 | d.push(['L', pos[i][0], pos[i][1]]);
22804 | }
22805 | break;
22806 | case "middle":
22807 | for (i = 1, l = pos.length; i < l; i++) {
22808 | var x = (pos[i][0] + pos[i - 1][0]) / 2;
22809 | d.push(['L', x, pos[i - 1][1]]);
22810 | d.push(['L', x, pos[i][1]]);
22811 | d.push(['L', pos[i][0], pos[i][1]]);
22812 | }
22813 | break;
22814 | case "end":
22815 | for (i = 1, l = pos.length; i < l; i++) {
22816 | var x = pos[i][0];
22817 | d.push(['L', x, pos[i - 1][1]]);
22818 | d.push(['L', x, pos[i][1]]);
22819 | d.push(['L', pos[i][0], pos[i][1]]);
22820 | }
22821 | break;
22822 | }
22823 | } else {
22824 | var i = void 0;
22825 | var l = void 0;
22826 | for (i = 1, l = pos.length - 1; i < l; i++) {
22827 | d.push(['L', pos[i][0], pos[i][1]]);
22828 | }
22829 | d.push(['L', pos[l][0], pos[l][1]]);
22830 | }
22831 | _super.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, 'path', d);
22832 | };
22833 | SmoothPolyline.tag = 'smooth-polyline';
22834 | return SmoothPolyline;
22835 | }(Path);
22836 |
22837 | var Gesture = function () {
22838 | function Gesture(element) {
22839 | this.el = element;
22840 | }
22841 | Gesture.prototype.on = function (eventName, listener) {
22842 | if (!eventName) return;
22843 | var el = this.el;
22844 | el.addEventListener(eventName, listener);
22845 | };
22846 | Gesture.prototype.off = function (eventName, listener) {
22847 | if (!eventName) return;
22848 | var el = this.el;
22849 | el.removeEventListener(eventName, listener);
22850 | };
22851 | return Gesture;
22852 | }();
22853 |
22854 | var SHAPE_TAG = {};
22855 | |
22856 |
22857 |
22858 | var registerTag = function registerTag(name, ShapeConstructor) {
22859 | SHAPE_TAG[name] = ShapeConstructor;
22860 | };
22861 | var getTag = function getTag(type) {
22862 | return SHAPE_TAG[type];
22863 | };
22864 |
22865 | var EVENT_LIST = [['click', 'onClick'], ['touchstart', 'onTouchStart'], ['touchmove', 'onTouchMove'], ['touchend', 'onTouchEnd'], ['touchendoutside', 'onTouchEndOutside'],
22866 |
22867 | ['dragenter', 'onDragEnter'], ['dragleave', 'onDragLeave'], ['dragover', 'onDragOver'], ['drop', 'onDrop'], ['dragstart', 'onDragStart'], ['drag', 'onDrag'], ['dragend', 'onDragEnd'],
22868 |
22869 | ['panstart', 'onPanStart'], ['pan', 'onPan'], ['panend', 'onPanEnd'],
22870 |
22871 | ['pressstart', 'onPressStart'], ['press', 'onPress'], ['pressend', 'onPressEnd'],
22872 |
22873 | ['swipe', 'onSwipe'],
22874 |
22875 | ['pinchstart', 'onPinchStart'], ['pinch', 'onPinch'], ['pinchend', 'onPinchEnd']];
22876 |
22877 | var TagElements = [['group', Rect], ['text', Text], ['circle', Circle], ['path', Path], ['ellipse', Ellipse], ['rect', Rect], ['image', Image], ['line', Line], ['polyline', SmoothPolyline], ['polygon', Polygon], ['arc', Arc], ['marker', Marker], ['sector', Sector]];
22878 | TagElements.map(function (_a) {
22879 | var type = _a[0],
22880 | ShapeClass = _a[1];
22881 | registerTag(type, ShapeClass);
22882 | });
22883 |
22884 | var SECTOR_CSS_PROPERTY = [{
22885 | name: 'r0',
22886 | inherits: false,
22887 | interpolable: true,
22888 | syntax: PropertySyntax.LENGTH_PERCENTAGE
22889 | }, {
22890 | name: 'startAngle',
22891 | inherits: false,
22892 | interpolable: true,
22893 | syntax: PropertySyntax.ANGLE
22894 | }, {
22895 | name: 'endAngle',
22896 | inherits: false,
22897 | interpolable: true,
22898 | syntax: PropertySyntax.ANGLE
22899 | }];
22900 | SECTOR_CSS_PROPERTY.forEach(function (property) {
22901 | CSS.registerProperty(property);
22902 | });
22903 | function createShape(type, props) {
22904 | if (!type) return null;
22905 | var ShapeClass = getTag(type);
22906 | if (!ShapeClass) return null;
22907 |
22908 | var shape = new ShapeClass(props);
22909 |
22910 | shape.gesture = addEvent(shape, props);
22911 | return shape;
22912 | }
22913 | function updateShape(shape, props, lastProps) {
22914 |
22915 | var gesture = shape.gesture;
22916 |
22917 | if (gesture) {
22918 |
22919 | EVENT_LIST.forEach(function (_a) {
22920 | var eventName = _a[0],
22921 | handlerName = _a[1];
22922 | if (!lastProps[handlerName]) return;
22923 | gesture.off(eventName, lastProps[handlerName]);
22924 | });
22925 |
22926 | EVENT_LIST.forEach(function (_a) {
22927 | var eventName = _a[0],
22928 | handlerName = _a[1];
22929 | if (!props[handlerName]) return;
22930 | gesture.on(eventName, props[handlerName]);
22931 | });
22932 | }
22933 | return shape;
22934 | }
22935 | function addEvent(shape, props) {
22936 | var gesture = new Gesture(shape);
22937 | EVENT_LIST.forEach(function (_a) {
22938 | var eventName = _a[0],
22939 | handlerName = _a[1];
22940 | if (!props[handlerName]) return;
22941 | gesture.on(eventName, props[handlerName]);
22942 | });
22943 | return gesture;
22944 | }
22945 |
22946 | function _typeof(o) {
22947 | "@babel/helpers - typeof";
22948 |
22949 | return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) {
22950 | return typeof o;
22951 | } : function (o) {
22952 | return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
22953 | }, _typeof(o);
22954 | }
22955 |
22956 | function objToString(obj) {
22957 | return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
22958 | }
22959 | function objectKeys(obj) {
22960 | return Object.keys(obj);
22961 | }
22962 | function equal(a, b) {
22963 | if (a === b) return true;
22964 | if (_typeof(a) !== _typeof(b)) {
22965 | return false;
22966 | }
22967 |
22968 | if (a == null || b == null) {
22969 | return false;
22970 | }
22971 |
22972 | if (Number.isNaN(a) && Number.isNaN(b)) {
22973 | return true;
22974 | }
22975 | if (objToString(a) !== objToString(b)) {
22976 | return false;
22977 | }
22978 |
22979 | if (isFunction(a)) {
22980 | return false;
22981 | }
22982 |
22983 | if (_typeof(a) !== 'object') {
22984 | return false;
22985 | }
22986 | if (isArray(a)) {
22987 | if (a.length !== b.length) {
22988 | return false;
22989 | }
22990 | for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
22991 | if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) {
22992 | return false;
22993 | }
22994 | }
22995 | return true;
22996 | }
22997 | if (!isPlainObject(a)) {
22998 | return false;
22999 | }
23000 | var ka = objectKeys(a);
23001 | var kb = objectKeys(b);
23002 |
23003 | if (ka.length !== kb.length) {
23004 | return false;
23005 | }
23006 |
23007 | ka.sort();
23008 | kb.sort();
23009 |
23010 | for (var i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
23011 | if (ka[i] != kb[i]) {
23012 | return false;
23013 | }
23014 | }
23015 |
23016 | for (var i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
23017 | var key = ka[i];
23018 | if (!equal(a[key], b[key])) {
23019 | return false;
23020 | }
23021 | }
23022 | return true;
23023 | }
23024 |
23025 | var FunctionComponent = 0;
23026 | var ClassComponent = 1;
23027 | var Shape$1 = 2;
23028 | function getWorkTag(type) {
23029 | if (isString(type)) {
23030 | return Shape$1;
23031 | }
23032 | if (type.prototype && type.prototype.isF2Component) {
23033 | return ClassComponent;
23034 | }
23035 | return FunctionComponent;
23036 | }
23037 |
23038 |
23039 | function findClosestShapeNode(vNode) {
23040 | var tag = vNode.tag,
23041 | children = vNode.children;
23042 | if (tag === Shape$1) {
23043 | return vNode;
23044 | }
23045 | var shapeNode;
23046 | Children.map(children, function (child) {
23047 | if (shapeNode) return;
23048 | shapeNode = findClosestShapeNode(child);
23049 | });
23050 | return shapeNode;
23051 | }
23052 |
23053 | var eventemitter3$1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
23054 |
23055 | var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
23056 | , prefix = '~';
23057 |
23058 | |
23059 |
23060 |
23061 |
23062 |
23063 |
23064 |
23065 | function Events() {}
23066 |
23067 |
23068 |
23069 |
23070 |
23071 |
23072 |
23073 |
23074 | if (Object.create) {
23075 | Events.prototype = Object.create(null);
23076 |
23077 |
23078 |
23079 |
23080 |
23081 | if (!new Events().__proto__) prefix = false;
23082 | }
23083 |
23084 | |
23085 |
23086 |
23087 |
23088 |
23089 |
23090 |
23091 |
23092 |
23093 | function EE(fn, context, once) {
23094 | this.fn = fn;
23095 | this.context = context;
23096 | this.once = once || false;
23097 | }
23098 |
23099 | |
23100 |
23101 |
23102 |
23103 |
23104 |
23105 |
23106 |
23107 |
23108 |
23109 |
23110 | function addListener(emitter, event, fn, context, once) {
23111 | if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
23112 | throw new TypeError('The listener must be a function');
23113 | }
23114 |
23115 | var listener = new EE(fn, context || emitter, once)
23116 | , evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
23117 |
23118 | if (!emitter._events[evt]) emitter._events[evt] = listener, emitter._eventsCount++;
23119 | else if (!emitter._events[evt].fn) emitter._events[evt].push(listener);
23120 | else emitter._events[evt] = [emitter._events[evt], listener];
23121 |
23122 | return emitter;
23123 | }
23124 |
23125 | |
23126 |
23127 |
23128 |
23129 |
23130 |
23131 |
23132 | function clearEvent(emitter, evt) {
23133 | if (--emitter._eventsCount === 0) emitter._events = new Events();
23134 | else delete emitter._events[evt];
23135 | }
23136 |
23137 | |
23138 |
23139 |
23140 |
23141 |
23142 |
23143 |
23144 | function EventEmitter() {
23145 | this._events = new Events();
23146 | this._eventsCount = 0;
23147 | }
23148 |
23149 | |
23150 |
23151 |
23152 |
23153 |
23154 |
23155 |
23156 | EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {
23157 | var names = []
23158 | , events
23159 | , name;
23160 |
23161 | if (this._eventsCount === 0) return names;
23162 |
23163 | for (name in (events = this._events)) {
23164 | if (has.call(events, name)) names.push(prefix ? name.slice(1) : name);
23165 | }
23166 |
23167 | if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
23168 | return names.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(events));
23169 | }
23170 |
23171 | return names;
23172 | };
23173 |
23174 | |
23175 |
23176 |
23177 |
23178 |
23179 |
23180 |
23181 | EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(event) {
23182 | var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event
23183 | , handlers = this._events[evt];
23184 |
23185 | if (!handlers) return [];
23186 | if (handlers.fn) return [handlers.fn];
23187 |
23188 | for (var i = 0, l = handlers.length, ee = new Array(l); i < l; i++) {
23189 | ee[i] = handlers[i].fn;
23190 | }
23191 |
23192 | return ee;
23193 | };
23194 |
23195 | |
23196 |
23197 |
23198 |
23199 |
23200 |
23201 |
23202 | EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = function listenerCount(event) {
23203 | var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event
23204 | , listeners = this._events[evt];
23205 |
23206 | if (!listeners) return 0;
23207 | if (listeners.fn) return 1;
23208 | return listeners.length;
23209 | };
23210 |
23211 | |
23212 |
23213 |
23214 |
23215 |
23216 |
23217 |
23218 | EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
23219 | var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
23220 |
23221 | if (!this._events[evt]) return false;
23222 |
23223 | var listeners = this._events[evt]
23224 | , len = arguments.length
23225 | , args
23226 | , i;
23227 |
23228 | if (listeners.fn) {
23229 | if (listeners.once) this.removeListener(event, listeners.fn, undefined, true);
23230 |
23231 | switch (len) {
23232 | case 1: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context), true;
23233 | case 2: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1), true;
23234 | case 3: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2), true;
23235 | case 4: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3), true;
23236 | case 5: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4), true;
23237 | case 6: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5), true;
23238 | }
23239 |
23240 | for (i = 1, args = new Array(len -1); i < len; i++) {
23241 | args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
23242 | }
23243 |
23244 | listeners.fn.apply(listeners.context, args);
23245 | } else {
23246 | var length = listeners.length
23247 | , j;
23248 |
23249 | for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
23250 | if (listeners[i].once) this.removeListener(event, listeners[i].fn, undefined, true);
23251 |
23252 | switch (len) {
23253 | case 1: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context); break;
23254 | case 2: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1); break;
23255 | case 3: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2); break;
23256 | case 4: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2, a3); break;
23257 | default:
23258 | if (!args) for (j = 1, args = new Array(len -1); j < len; j++) {
23259 | args[j - 1] = arguments[j];
23260 | }
23261 |
23262 | listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i].context, args);
23263 | }
23264 | }
23265 | }
23266 |
23267 | return true;
23268 | };
23269 |
23270 | |
23271 |
23272 |
23273 |
23274 |
23275 |
23276 |
23277 |
23278 |
23279 | EventEmitter.prototype.on = function on(event, fn, context) {
23280 | return addListener(this, event, fn, context, false);
23281 | };
23282 |
23283 | |
23284 |
23285 |
23286 |
23287 |
23288 |
23289 |
23290 |
23291 |
23292 | EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(event, fn, context) {
23293 | return addListener(this, event, fn, context, true);
23294 | };
23295 |
23296 | |
23297 |
23298 |
23299 |
23300 |
23301 |
23302 |
23303 |
23304 |
23305 |
23306 | EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(event, fn, context, once) {
23307 | var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
23308 |
23309 | if (!this._events[evt]) return this;
23310 | if (!fn) {
23311 | clearEvent(this, evt);
23312 | return this;
23313 | }
23314 |
23315 | var listeners = this._events[evt];
23316 |
23317 | if (listeners.fn) {
23318 | if (
23319 | listeners.fn === fn &&
23320 | (!once || listeners.once) &&
23321 | (!context || listeners.context === context)
23322 | ) {
23323 | clearEvent(this, evt);
23324 | }
23325 | } else {
23326 | for (var i = 0, events = [], length = listeners.length; i < length; i++) {
23327 | if (
23328 | listeners[i].fn !== fn ||
23329 | (once && !listeners[i].once) ||
23330 | (context && listeners[i].context !== context)
23331 | ) {
23332 | events.push(listeners[i]);
23333 | }
23334 | }
23335 |
23336 |
23337 |
23338 |
23339 | if (events.length) this._events[evt] = events.length === 1 ? events[0] : events;
23340 | else clearEvent(this, evt);
23341 | }
23342 |
23343 | return this;
23344 | };
23345 |
23346 | |
23347 |
23348 |
23349 |
23350 |
23351 |
23352 |
23353 | EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(event) {
23354 | var evt;
23355 |
23356 | if (event) {
23357 | evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
23358 | if (this._events[evt]) clearEvent(this, evt);
23359 | } else {
23360 | this._events = new Events();
23361 | this._eventsCount = 0;
23362 | }
23363 |
23364 | return this;
23365 | };
23366 |
23367 |
23368 |
23369 |
23370 | EventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener;
23371 | EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on;
23372 |
23373 |
23374 |
23375 |
23376 | EventEmitter.prefixed = prefix;
23377 |
23378 |
23379 |
23380 |
23381 | EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
23382 |
23383 |
23384 |
23385 |
23386 | {
23387 | module.exports = EventEmitter;
23388 | }
23389 | });
23390 |
23391 | function applyStyle(shape, style) {
23392 | if (!style) return;
23393 | Object.keys(style).forEach(function (key) {
23394 |
23395 | if (key === 'clip' || key === 'offset') {
23396 | var effect = style[key];
23397 |
23398 | if (isDisplayObject(effect === null || effect === void 0 ? void 0 : effect.current)) {
23399 | shape.setAttribute("".concat(key, "Path"), effect.current);
23400 | return;
23401 | }
23402 | var effectConfig = isFunction(effect) ? effect(style) : effect;
23403 | if (effectConfig) {
23404 | var type = effectConfig.type,
23405 | style_1 = effectConfig.style;
23406 | var effectShape = createShape(type, {
23407 | style: style_1
23408 | });
23409 | shape.setAttribute("".concat(key, "Path"), effectShape);
23410 | }
23411 | } else {
23412 | shape.setAttribute(key, style[key]);
23413 | }
23414 | });
23415 | }
23416 |
23417 | var Animator = function (_super) {
23418 | __extends(Animator, _super);
23419 | function Animator() {
23420 | return _super.call(this) || this;
23421 | }
23422 | Animator.prototype.animate = function (shape, start, end, effect) {
23423 | this.shape = shape;
23424 | this.start = start;
23425 | this.end = end;
23426 | this.effect = effect;
23427 | };
23428 |
23429 | Animator.prototype.run = function () {
23430 | var _a = this,
23431 | vNode = _a.vNode,
23432 | shape = _a.shape,
23433 | start = _a.start,
23434 | end = _a.end,
23435 | effect = _a.effect,
23436 | children = _a.children;
23437 | var animations = [];
23438 | if (effect) {
23439 | var _b = effect.property,
23440 | property = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b,
23441 | easing = effect.easing,
23442 | duration = effect.duration,
23443 | delay = effect.delay,
23444 | iterations = effect.iterations,
23445 | clip = effect.clip,
23446 | _c = effect.direction,
23447 | direction = _c === void 0 ? 'normal' : _c,
23448 | onFrame_1 = effect.onFrame,
23449 | onEnd_1 = effect.onEnd;
23450 |
23451 | if ((property.length || onFrame_1) && duration > 0) {
23452 |
23453 | var style = __assign(__assign({}, omit(start, property)), omit(end, property));
23454 | applyStyle(shape, style);
23455 |
23456 | var keyframeStart = property.reduce(function (prev, cur) {
23457 | prev[cur] = start[cur];
23458 | return prev;
23459 | }, {});
23460 |
23461 | var keyframeEnd = pick(end, property);
23462 | var animation = shape.animate([keyframeStart, keyframeEnd], {
23463 | fill: 'both',
23464 | easing: easing,
23465 | duration: duration,
23466 | delay: delay,
23467 | iterations: iterations,
23468 | direction: direction
23469 | });
23470 | if (animation) {
23471 | var onframe_1 = onFrame_1 ? function (e) {
23472 | var animationTarget = e.target;
23473 | var effect = animationTarget.effect;
23474 | var timing = effect.getTiming();
23475 | var duration = timing.duration;
23476 | var delay = timing.delay;
23477 | var t = e.currentTime > delay ? (e.currentTime - delay) / duration : 0;
23478 | var shape = effect.target;
23479 |
23480 | var context = {
23481 | t: t,
23482 | start: start,
23483 | end: end,
23484 | animation: animationTarget,
23485 | shape: shape
23486 | };
23487 | applyStyle(shape, onFrame_1(t, context));
23488 | } : null;
23489 | animation.onframe = onframe_1;
23490 | animation.onfinish = onframe_1 || onEnd_1 ? function (e) {
23491 | onframe_1 && onframe_1(e);
23492 | onEnd_1 && onEnd_1(e);
23493 | } : null;
23494 |
23495 | if (iterations !== Infinity) {
23496 | animations.push(animation);
23497 | }
23498 | } else {
23499 |
23500 | applyStyle(shape, end);
23501 | }
23502 | } else {
23503 |
23504 | applyStyle(shape, end);
23505 | }
23506 |
23507 | if (clip) {
23508 | var clipConfig = isFunction(clip) ? clip(end) : clip;
23509 | if (clipConfig) {
23510 | var clipType = clipConfig.type,
23511 | _d = clipConfig.deleteAfterComplete,
23512 | deleteAfterComplete = _d === void 0 ? true : _d,
23513 | clipStyle = clipConfig.style,
23514 | _e = clipConfig.property,
23515 | clipProperty = _e === void 0 ? [] : _e,
23516 | clipEasing = clipConfig.easing,
23517 | clipDuration = clipConfig.duration,
23518 | clipDelay = clipConfig.delay,
23519 | clipIterations = clipConfig.iterations,
23520 | clipStart = clipConfig.start,
23521 | clipEnd = clipConfig.end,
23522 | clipDirection = clipConfig.direction;
23523 | if (clipProperty.length && (clipDuration || duration) > 0) {
23524 | var clipStartStyle_1 = __assign(__assign({}, clipStyle), clipStart);
23525 | var clipEndStyle = __assign(__assign({}, clipStyle), clipEnd);
23526 |
23527 | var clipKeyframeStart = clipProperty.reduce(function (prev, cur) {
23528 | prev[cur] = clipStartStyle_1[cur];
23529 | return prev;
23530 | }, {});
23531 |
23532 | var clipKeyframeEnd = pick(clipEndStyle, clipProperty);
23533 | var clipShape_1 = createShape(clipType, {
23534 | style: clipStartStyle_1
23535 | });
23536 | shape.setAttribute('clipPath', clipShape_1);
23537 |
23538 | shape.ownerDocument.documentElement.appendChild(clipShape_1);
23539 | var clipAnimation = clipShape_1.animate([clipKeyframeStart, clipKeyframeEnd], {
23540 | fill: 'both',
23541 | easing: clipEasing || easing,
23542 | duration: clipDuration || duration,
23543 | delay: clipDelay || delay,
23544 | iterations: clipIterations || iterations,
23545 | direction: clipDirection || direction
23546 | });
23547 |
23548 | if (clipAnimation) {
23549 | var clipFinished = clipAnimation.finished;
23550 | deleteAfterComplete && clipFinished.then(function () {
23551 |
23552 | shape.setAttribute('clipPath', null);
23553 | clipShape_1.destroy();
23554 | });
23555 | if ((clipIterations || iterations) !== Infinity) {
23556 | animations.push(clipAnimation);
23557 | }
23558 | } else {
23559 |
23560 | shape.setAttribute('clipPath', null);
23561 | clipShape_1.destroy();
23562 | }
23563 | }
23564 | }
23565 | }
23566 | }
23567 | if (children && children.length) {
23568 | children.forEach(function (child) {
23569 | if (!child) return;
23570 | var childAnimator = child.run();
23571 | if (childAnimator) {
23572 | animations.push.apply(animations, childAnimator);
23573 | }
23574 | });
23575 | }
23576 | this.animations = animations;
23577 |
23578 | if (vNode) {
23579 | var component = vNode.component;
23580 | if (vNode && vNode.component) {
23581 |
23582 | component.animationWillPlay && component.animationWillPlay();
23583 | }
23584 | }
23585 | this.endEmit(animations);
23586 | return animations;
23587 | };
23588 | Animator.prototype.play = function () {
23589 | var animations = this.animations;
23590 | if (!animations || !animations.length) return;
23591 | animations.forEach(function (d) {
23592 | d.play();
23593 | });
23594 | };
23595 | Animator.prototype.pause = function () {
23596 | var animations = this.animations;
23597 | if (!animations || !animations.length) return;
23598 | animations.forEach(function (d) {
23599 | d.pause();
23600 | });
23601 | };
23602 | Animator.prototype.goTo = function (frame) {
23603 | var animations = this.animations;
23604 | if (!animations || !animations.length) return;
23605 | animations.forEach(function (d) {
23606 | d.currentTime = frame;
23607 | });
23608 | };
23609 | Animator.prototype.finish = function () {
23610 | var animations = this.animations;
23611 | if (!animations || !animations.length) return;
23612 | animations.forEach(function (d) {
23613 | d.finish();
23614 | });
23615 | };
23616 | Animator.prototype.setPlaybackRate = function (speed) {
23617 | var animations = this.animations;
23618 | if (!animations || !animations.length) return;
23619 | animations.forEach(function (d) {
23620 | d.playbackRate = speed;
23621 | });
23622 | };
23623 | Animator.prototype.endEmit = function (animations) {
23624 | var _this = this;
23625 | if (!animations.length) {
23626 | this.emit('end');
23627 | return null;
23628 | }
23629 | var finished = Promise.all(animations.map(function (d) {
23630 | return d.finished;
23631 | }));
23632 | finished.then(function () {
23633 | _this.emit('end');
23634 | });
23635 | };
23636 | Animator.prototype.reset = function (shape) {
23637 | this.shape = shape;
23638 | this.start = null;
23639 | this.end = null;
23640 | this.effect = null;
23641 | this.children = null;
23642 | };
23643 | Animator.prototype.clone = function () {
23644 |
23645 | var animator = new Animator();
23646 | animator.shape = this.shape;
23647 | animator.start = this.start;
23648 | animator.end = this.end;
23649 | animator.effect = this.effect;
23650 | animator.children = this.children;
23651 | animator.vNode = this.vNode;
23652 | return animator;
23653 | };
23654 | return Animator;
23655 | }(eventemitter3$1);
23656 |
23657 | function findAllShapeNode(vNode) {
23658 | var shapeNodes = [];
23659 | Children.map(vNode, function (node) {
23660 | if (!node) return;
23661 | var tag = node.tag,
23662 | type = node.type,
23663 | children = node.children;
23664 | if (tag === Shape$1 && type !== 'group') {
23665 | shapeNodes.push(node);
23666 | }
23667 | if (children) {
23668 | shapeNodes.push.apply(shapeNodes, findAllShapeNode(children));
23669 | }
23670 | });
23671 | return shapeNodes;
23672 | }
23673 | function morphShape(lastNode, nextNode, animator) {
23674 | var nextProps = nextNode.props,
23675 | nextShape = nextNode.shape,
23676 | nextStyle = nextNode.style;
23677 | var lastShape = lastNode.shape,
23678 | lastStyle = lastNode.style,
23679 | lastAnimation = lastNode.animator;
23680 |
23681 | lastShape.destroy();
23682 | var animate = nextProps.animate,
23683 | animation = nextProps.animation;
23684 | var animationEffect = animation ? animation.update : null;
23685 | if (animate === false || !animationEffect) {
23686 | return animator;
23687 | }
23688 | animator = animator || new Animator();
23689 |
23690 | var start = animationEffect.start,
23691 | end = animationEffect.end,
23692 | _a = animationEffect.property,
23693 | property = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a;
23694 | var nextParsedStyle = nextShape.parsedStyle;
23695 | var lastParsedStyle = lastShape.parsedStyle;
23696 | var lastPath = convertToPath(lastShape);
23697 | var nextPath = convertToPath(nextShape);
23698 | var startStyle = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, lastStyle), start), {
23699 | path: lastPath
23700 | });
23701 | var endStyle = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, nextStyle), end), {
23702 | path: nextPath
23703 | });
23704 | var pathShape = createShape('path', {
23705 | style: __assign(__assign({}, startStyle), {
23706 | path: ''
23707 | })
23708 | });
23709 |
23710 | var animateProperty = property.filter(function (key) {
23711 | return nextParsedStyle.hasOwnProperty(key) && lastParsedStyle.hasOwnProperty(key);
23712 | }).concat('path');
23713 | animator.animate(pathShape, startStyle, endStyle, __assign(__assign({}, animationEffect), {
23714 | property: animateProperty
23715 | }));
23716 | var timeline = (nextNode === null || nextNode === void 0 ? void 0 : nextNode.context).timeline;
23717 | timeline && timeline.delete(lastAnimation);
23718 | animator.once('end', function () {
23719 | if (nextShape.destroyed) {
23720 | return;
23721 | }
23722 | applyStyle(nextShape, endStyle);
23723 | pathShape.replaceWith(nextShape);
23724 | });
23725 | return animator;
23726 | }
23727 | function appearAnimation(vNode) {
23728 | return Children.map(vNode, function (node) {
23729 | if (!node) return;
23730 | var tag = node.tag,
23731 | shape = node.shape,
23732 | style = node.style,
23733 | children = node.children,
23734 | animate = node.animate,
23735 | props = node.props,
23736 | animator = node.animator;
23737 | animator.reset(shape);
23738 |
23739 | animator.children = children ? createAnimation(node, children, null) : null;
23740 |
23741 | if (animate === false || tag !== Shape$1) {
23742 | applyStyle(shape, style);
23743 | return animator;
23744 | }
23745 | var animation = props.animation;
23746 | var animationEffect = animation ? animation.appear : null;
23747 | if (!animationEffect) {
23748 |
23749 | applyStyle(shape, style);
23750 | return animator;
23751 | }
23752 | var _a = animationEffect.start,
23753 | start = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a,
23754 | end = animationEffect.end;
23755 | var endStyle = __assign(__assign({}, style), end);
23756 | animator.animate(shape, start, endStyle, animationEffect);
23757 | return animator;
23758 | });
23759 | }
23760 | function updateAnimation(nextNode, lastNode) {
23761 | var nextTag = nextNode.tag,
23762 | nextType = nextNode.type,
23763 | nextStyle = nextNode.style,
23764 | nextChildren = nextNode.children,
23765 | nextProps = nextNode.props,
23766 | nextShape = nextNode.shape,
23767 | animator = nextNode.animator,
23768 | animate = nextNode.animate;
23769 | var lastTag = lastNode.tag,
23770 | lastType = lastNode.type,
23771 | lastStyle = lastNode.style,
23772 | lastChildren = lastNode.children,
23773 | lastShape = lastNode.shape;
23774 | animator.reset(nextShape);
23775 |
23776 | animator.children = createAnimation(nextNode, nextChildren, lastChildren);
23777 | var animation = nextProps.animation;
23778 | var animationEffect = animation ? animation.update : null;
23779 |
23780 | if (nextType === lastType) {
23781 |
23782 | var resetStyle = lastStyle ? Object.keys(lastStyle).reduce(function (prev, cur) {
23783 | prev[cur] = '';
23784 | return prev;
23785 | }, {}) : null;
23786 |
23787 | var style = __assign(__assign({}, resetStyle), nextStyle);
23788 |
23789 | if (nextTag !== Shape$1) {
23790 | applyStyle(nextShape, style);
23791 | return animator;
23792 | }
23793 |
23794 | if (isEqual(nextStyle, lastStyle)) {
23795 | return animator;
23796 | }
23797 |
23798 | if (animate === false || !animationEffect) {
23799 | applyStyle(nextShape, style);
23800 | return animator;
23801 | }
23802 | var start = animationEffect.start,
23803 | end = animationEffect.end;
23804 | var startStyle = __assign(__assign({}, lastStyle), start);
23805 | var endStyle = __assign(__assign({}, style), end);
23806 | animator.animate(nextShape, startStyle, endStyle, animationEffect);
23807 | return animator;
23808 | }
23809 |
23810 | if (nextTag !== Shape$1 || lastTag !== Shape$1) {
23811 | lastShape.destroy();
23812 | return animator;
23813 | }
23814 |
23815 | if (nextType === 'group') {
23816 | var shapeNodes = findAllShapeNode(nextNode.children);
23817 | return shapeNodes.map(function (node) {
23818 | return morphShape(lastNode, node);
23819 | });
23820 | }
23821 |
23822 | if (lastType === 'group') {
23823 | var shapeNodes = findAllShapeNode(lastNode.children);
23824 | return shapeNodes.map(function (node) {
23825 | return morphShape(node, nextNode);
23826 | });
23827 | }
23828 |
23829 | if (animate === false || !animationEffect) {
23830 | applyStyle(nextShape, nextStyle);
23831 | return animator;
23832 | }
23833 | return morphShape(lastNode, nextNode, animator);
23834 | }
23835 | function destroyAnimation(node) {
23836 | return Children.map(node, function (vNode) {
23837 | if (!vNode) return null;
23838 | var tag = vNode.tag,
23839 | shape = vNode.shape,
23840 | children = vNode.children,
23841 | animate = vNode.animate,
23842 | style = vNode.style,
23843 | props = vNode.props,
23844 | animator = vNode.animator,
23845 | context = vNode.context;
23846 | var timeline = context.timeline;
23847 | if (shape.destroyed) {
23848 | return null;
23849 | }
23850 |
23851 | animator.reset(shape);
23852 |
23853 | var childrenAnimation = children ? Children.toArray(children).map(function (child) {
23854 | return destroyAnimation(child);
23855 | }).filter(Boolean) : null;
23856 |
23857 | if (animate === false) {
23858 | shape.destroy();
23859 | return animator;
23860 | }
23861 | var animation = props.animation;
23862 | var animationEffect = animation ? animation.leave : null;
23863 |
23864 | if (!(childrenAnimation && childrenAnimation.length) && !animationEffect) {
23865 | shape.destroy();
23866 | return animator;
23867 | }
23868 | animator.children = childrenAnimation;
23869 |
23870 | if (animationEffect && tag === Shape$1) {
23871 | var start = animationEffect.start,
23872 | _a = animationEffect.end,
23873 | end = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a;
23874 | var startStyle = __assign(__assign({}, style), start);
23875 | var endStyle = end;
23876 | animator.animate(shape, startStyle, endStyle, animationEffect);
23877 | timeline && timeline.delete(animator.animations);
23878 | }
23879 |
23880 | animator.once('end', function () {
23881 | shape.destroy();
23882 | });
23883 | return animator;
23884 | });
23885 | }
23886 | function createAnimator(nextNode, lastNode) {
23887 | if (!nextNode && !lastNode) {
23888 | return null;
23889 | }
23890 |
23891 | if (!nextNode && lastNode) {
23892 | return destroyAnimation(lastNode);
23893 | }
23894 |
23895 | var transform = nextNode.transform;
23896 | if (transform) {
23897 | var closestShapeNode = findClosestShapeNode(nextNode);
23898 | nextNode.transform = null;
23899 | closestShapeNode.transform = transform;
23900 | }
23901 | if (nextNode.transform) {
23902 | if (!lastNode) {
23903 | return updateAnimation(nextNode, nextNode.transform);
23904 | }
23905 | return [updateAnimation(nextNode, nextNode.transform), destroyAnimation(lastNode)];
23906 | }
23907 |
23908 | if (nextNode && !lastNode) {
23909 | return appearAnimation(nextNode);
23910 | }
23911 |
23912 | return updateAnimation(nextNode, lastNode);
23913 | }
23914 | function insertShape(parent, shape, nextSibling) {
23915 | if (nextSibling) {
23916 | parent.insertBefore(shape, nextSibling);
23917 | } else {
23918 | parent.appendChild(shape);
23919 | }
23920 | }
23921 |
23922 | function createAnimation(parent, nextChildren, lastChildren) {
23923 | if (!nextChildren && !lastChildren) {
23924 | return [];
23925 | }
23926 | var parentShape = parent.shape;
23927 |
23928 | var prevSibling;
23929 | var childrenAnimator = [];
23930 | Children.compare(nextChildren, lastChildren, function (nextNode, lastNode) {
23931 |
23932 | var animator = createAnimator(nextNode, lastNode);
23933 | Children.map(animator, function (item) {
23934 | if (!item) return;
23935 | childrenAnimator.push(item);
23936 | var shape = item.shape;
23937 | if (!shape || shape.destroyed) return;
23938 | var nextSibling;
23939 |
23940 | if (!prevSibling) {
23941 | nextSibling = parentShape.firstChild;
23942 | } else {
23943 | nextSibling = prevSibling.nextSibling;
23944 | }
23945 | if (nextSibling !== shape) {
23946 | insertShape(parentShape, shape, nextSibling);
23947 | }
23948 | prevSibling = shape;
23949 | });
23950 | });
23951 | return childrenAnimator;
23952 | }
23953 | function calAnimationTime(childrenAnimation, keyFrame, parentEffect) {
23954 | if (!childrenAnimation) return {
23955 | animators: null,
23956 | time: 0
23957 | };
23958 | var animators = [];
23959 | var time = 0;
23960 | Children.map(childrenAnimation, function (item) {
23961 | if (!item) return;
23962 | var animator = item.clone();
23963 | var vNode = animator.vNode,
23964 | children = animator.children;
23965 | var _a = keyFrame[vNode === null || vNode === void 0 ? void 0 : vNode.key] || {},
23966 | duration = _a.duration,
23967 | delay = _a.delay;
23968 | var globalEffect = mix(parentEffect || {}, {
23969 | duration: duration,
23970 | delay: delay
23971 | });
23972 | var effect = __assign(__assign({}, animator.effect), globalEffect);
23973 | animator.effect = effect;
23974 |
23975 | var _b = effect.duration,
23976 | gDuration = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b,
23977 | _c = effect.delay,
23978 | gDelay = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c;
23979 | var animUnits = calAnimationTime(children, keyFrame, globalEffect);
23980 | time = Math.max(time, gDuration + gDelay, animUnits.time);
23981 | animator.children = animUnits.animators;
23982 | animators.push(animator);
23983 | });
23984 | return {
23985 | animators: animators,
23986 | time: time
23987 | };
23988 | }
23989 |
23990 | var rect = (function (layout) {
23991 | var left = layout.left,
23992 | top = layout.top,
23993 | width = layout.width,
23994 | height = layout.height;
23995 | return {
23996 | x: left,
23997 | y: top,
23998 | width: width,
23999 | height: height
24000 | };
24001 | });
24002 |
24003 | var line = (function (layout) {
24004 | var left = layout.left,
24005 | top = layout.top,
24006 | width = layout.width,
24007 | height = layout.height;
24008 | return {
24009 | x1: left,
24010 | y1: top,
24011 | x2: left + width,
24012 | y2: top + height
24013 | };
24014 | });
24015 |
24016 | var text = (function (layout) {
24017 | var height = layout.height,
24018 | left = layout.left,
24019 | top = layout.top;
24020 | return {
24021 | x: left,
24022 | y: top + height / 2,
24023 |
24024 | textBaseline: 'middle'
24025 | };
24026 | });
24027 |
24028 | var circle = (function (layout) {
24029 | var left = layout.left,
24030 | top = layout.top,
24031 | width = layout.width;
24032 | var r = width / 2;
24033 | return {
24034 | cx: left + r,
24035 | cy: top + r,
24036 | r: r
24037 | };
24038 | });
24039 |
24040 | var marker = (function (layout) {
24041 | var left = layout.left,
24042 | top = layout.top,
24043 | width = layout.width;
24044 | var r = width / 2;
24045 | return {
24046 | x: left + r,
24047 | y: top,
24048 | radius: r
24049 | };
24050 | });
24051 |
24052 | var map$2 = {
24053 | rect: rect,
24054 | line: line,
24055 | text: text,
24056 | circle: circle,
24057 | marker: marker,
24058 | group: rect
24059 | };
24060 | var getShapeAttrs = (function (type, layout) {
24061 | if (!layout) return null;
24062 | var fn = map$2[type] || rect;
24063 | return fn(layout);
24064 | });
24065 |
24066 |
24067 |
24068 |
24069 | var CSS_UNDEFINED;
24070 | var CSS_DIRECTION_INHERIT = 'inherit';
24071 | var CSS_DIRECTION_LTR = 'ltr';
24072 | var CSS_DIRECTION_RTL = 'rtl';
24073 | var CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_ROW = 'row';
24074 | var CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_ROW_REVERSE = 'row-reverse';
24075 | var CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_COLUMN = 'column';
24076 | var CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_COLUMN_REVERSE = 'column-reverse';
24077 | var CSS_JUSTIFY_FLEX_START = 'flex-start';
24078 | var CSS_JUSTIFY_CENTER = 'center';
24079 | var CSS_JUSTIFY_FLEX_END = 'flex-end';
24080 | var CSS_JUSTIFY_SPACE_BETWEEN = 'space-between';
24081 | var CSS_JUSTIFY_SPACE_AROUND = 'space-around';
24082 | var CSS_ALIGN_FLEX_START = 'flex-start';
24083 | var CSS_ALIGN_CENTER = 'center';
24084 | var CSS_ALIGN_FLEX_END = 'flex-end';
24085 | var CSS_ALIGN_STRETCH = 'stretch';
24086 | var CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE = 'relative';
24087 | var CSS_POSITION_ABSOLUTE = 'absolute';
24088 | var leading = {
24089 | row: 'left',
24090 | 'row-reverse': 'right',
24091 | column: 'top',
24092 | 'column-reverse': 'bottom'
24093 | };
24094 | var trailing = {
24095 | row: 'right',
24096 | 'row-reverse': 'left',
24097 | column: 'bottom',
24098 | 'column-reverse': 'top'
24099 | };
24100 | var pos = {
24101 | row: 'left',
24102 | 'row-reverse': 'right',
24103 | column: 'top',
24104 | 'column-reverse': 'bottom'
24105 | };
24106 | var dim = {
24107 | row: 'width',
24108 | 'row-reverse': 'width',
24109 | column: 'height',
24110 | 'column-reverse': 'height'
24111 | };
24112 |
24113 |
24114 |
24115 | function fillNodes(node) {
24116 | if (!node.layout || node.isDirty) {
24117 | node.layout = {
24118 | width: undefined,
24119 | height: undefined,
24120 | top: 0,
24121 | left: 0,
24122 | right: 0,
24123 | bottom: 0
24124 | };
24125 | }
24126 | if (!node.style) {
24127 | node.style = {};
24128 | }
24129 | if (!node.children) {
24130 | node.children = [];
24131 | }
24132 | node.children.forEach(fillNodes);
24133 | return node;
24134 | }
24135 | function isUndefined$1(value) {
24136 | return value === undefined;
24137 | }
24138 | function isRowDirection(flexDirection) {
24139 | return flexDirection === CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_ROW || flexDirection === CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_ROW_REVERSE;
24140 | }
24141 | function isColumnDirection(flexDirection) {
24142 | return flexDirection === CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_COLUMN || flexDirection === CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_COLUMN_REVERSE;
24143 | }
24144 | function getLeadingMargin(node, axis) {
24145 | if (node.style.marginStart !== undefined && isRowDirection(axis)) {
24146 | return node.style.marginStart;
24147 | }
24148 | var value = null;
24149 | switch (axis) {
24150 | case 'row':
24151 | value = node.style.marginLeft;
24152 | break;
24153 | case 'row-reverse':
24154 | value = node.style.marginRight;
24155 | break;
24156 | case 'column':
24157 | value = node.style.marginTop;
24158 | break;
24159 | case 'column-reverse':
24160 | value = node.style.marginBottom;
24161 | break;
24162 | }
24163 | if (value !== undefined) {
24164 | return value;
24165 | }
24166 | if (node.style.margin !== undefined) {
24167 | return node.style.margin;
24168 | }
24169 | return 0;
24170 | }
24171 | function getTrailingMargin(node, axis) {
24172 | if (node.style.marginEnd !== undefined && isRowDirection(axis)) {
24173 | return node.style.marginEnd;
24174 | }
24175 | var value = null;
24176 | switch (axis) {
24177 | case 'row':
24178 | value = node.style.marginRight;
24179 | break;
24180 | case 'row-reverse':
24181 | value = node.style.marginLeft;
24182 | break;
24183 | case 'column':
24184 | value = node.style.marginBottom;
24185 | break;
24186 | case 'column-reverse':
24187 | value = node.style.marginTop;
24188 | break;
24189 | }
24190 | if (value != null) {
24191 | return value;
24192 | }
24193 | if (node.style.margin !== undefined) {
24194 | return node.style.margin;
24195 | }
24196 | return 0;
24197 | }
24198 | function getLeadingPadding(node, axis) {
24199 | if (node.style.paddingStart !== undefined && node.style.paddingStart >= 0 && isRowDirection(axis)) {
24200 | return node.style.paddingStart;
24201 | }
24202 | var value = null;
24203 | switch (axis) {
24204 | case 'row':
24205 | value = node.style.paddingLeft;
24206 | break;
24207 | case 'row-reverse':
24208 | value = node.style.paddingRight;
24209 | break;
24210 | case 'column':
24211 | value = node.style.paddingTop;
24212 | break;
24213 | case 'column-reverse':
24214 | value = node.style.paddingBottom;
24215 | break;
24216 | }
24217 | if (value != null && value >= 0) {
24218 | return value;
24219 | }
24220 | if (node.style.padding !== undefined && node.style.padding >= 0) {
24221 | return node.style.padding;
24222 | }
24223 | return 0;
24224 | }
24225 | function getTrailingPadding(node, axis) {
24226 | if (node.style.paddingEnd !== undefined && node.style.paddingEnd >= 0 && isRowDirection(axis)) {
24227 | return node.style.paddingEnd;
24228 | }
24229 | var value = null;
24230 | switch (axis) {
24231 | case 'row':
24232 | value = node.style.paddingRight;
24233 | break;
24234 | case 'row-reverse':
24235 | value = node.style.paddingLeft;
24236 | break;
24237 | case 'column':
24238 | value = node.style.paddingBottom;
24239 | break;
24240 | case 'column-reverse':
24241 | value = node.style.paddingTop;
24242 | break;
24243 | }
24244 | if (value != null && value >= 0) {
24245 | return value;
24246 | }
24247 | if (node.style.padding !== undefined && node.style.padding >= 0) {
24248 | return node.style.padding;
24249 | }
24250 | return 0;
24251 | }
24252 | function getLeadingBorder(node, axis) {
24253 | if (node.style.borderStartWidth !== undefined && node.style.borderStartWidth >= 0 && isRowDirection(axis)) {
24254 | return node.style.borderStartWidth;
24255 | }
24256 | var value = null;
24257 | switch (axis) {
24258 | case 'row':
24259 | value = node.style.borderLeftWidth;
24260 | break;
24261 | case 'row-reverse':
24262 | value = node.style.borderRightWidth;
24263 | break;
24264 | case 'column':
24265 | value = node.style.borderTopWidth;
24266 | break;
24267 | case 'column-reverse':
24268 | value = node.style.borderBottomWidth;
24269 | break;
24270 | }
24271 | if (value != null && value >= 0) {
24272 | return value;
24273 | }
24274 | if (node.style.borderWidth !== undefined && node.style.borderWidth >= 0) {
24275 | return node.style.borderWidth;
24276 | }
24277 | return 0;
24278 | }
24279 | function getTrailingBorder(node, axis) {
24280 | if (node.style.borderEndWidth !== undefined && node.style.borderEndWidth >= 0 && isRowDirection(axis)) {
24281 | return node.style.borderEndWidth;
24282 | }
24283 | var value = null;
24284 | switch (axis) {
24285 | case 'row':
24286 | value = node.style.borderRightWidth;
24287 | break;
24288 | case 'row-reverse':
24289 | value = node.style.borderLeftWidth;
24290 | break;
24291 | case 'column':
24292 | value = node.style.borderBottomWidth;
24293 | break;
24294 | case 'column-reverse':
24295 | value = node.style.borderTopWidth;
24296 | break;
24297 | }
24298 | if (value != null && value >= 0) {
24299 | return value;
24300 | }
24301 | if (node.style.borderWidth !== undefined && node.style.borderWidth >= 0) {
24302 | return node.style.borderWidth;
24303 | }
24304 | return 0;
24305 | }
24306 | function getLeadingPaddingAndBorder(node, axis) {
24307 | return getLeadingPadding(node, axis) + getLeadingBorder(node, axis);
24308 | }
24309 | function getTrailingPaddingAndBorder(node, axis) {
24310 | return getTrailingPadding(node, axis) + getTrailingBorder(node, axis);
24311 | }
24312 | function getBorderAxis(node, axis) {
24313 | return getLeadingBorder(node, axis) + getTrailingBorder(node, axis);
24314 | }
24315 | function getMarginAxis(node, axis) {
24316 | return getLeadingMargin(node, axis) + getTrailingMargin(node, axis);
24317 | }
24318 | function getPaddingAndBorderAxis(node, axis) {
24319 | return getLeadingPaddingAndBorder(node, axis) + getTrailingPaddingAndBorder(node, axis);
24320 | }
24321 | function getJustifyContent(node) {
24322 | if (node.style.justifyContent) {
24323 | return node.style.justifyContent;
24324 | }
24325 | return 'flex-start';
24326 | }
24327 | function getAlignContent(node) {
24328 | if (node.style.alignContent) {
24329 | return node.style.alignContent;
24330 | }
24331 | return 'flex-start';
24332 | }
24333 | function getAlignItem(node, child) {
24334 | if (child.style.alignSelf) {
24335 | return child.style.alignSelf;
24336 | }
24337 | if (node.style.alignItems) {
24338 | return node.style.alignItems;
24339 | }
24340 | return 'stretch';
24341 | }
24342 | function resolveAxis(axis, direction) {
24343 | if (direction === CSS_DIRECTION_RTL) {
24344 | if (axis === CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_ROW) {
24346 | } else if (axis === CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_ROW_REVERSE) {
24347 | return CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_ROW;
24348 | }
24349 | }
24350 | return axis;
24351 | }
24352 | function resolveDirection(node, parentDirection) {
24353 | var direction;
24354 | if (node.style.direction) {
24355 | direction = node.style.direction;
24356 | } else {
24357 | direction = CSS_DIRECTION_INHERIT;
24358 | }
24359 | if (direction === CSS_DIRECTION_INHERIT) {
24360 | direction = parentDirection === undefined ? CSS_DIRECTION_LTR : parentDirection;
24361 | }
24362 | return direction;
24363 | }
24364 | function getFlexDirection(node) {
24365 | if (node.style.flexDirection) {
24366 | return node.style.flexDirection;
24367 | }
24369 | }
24370 | function getCrossFlexDirection(flexDirection, direction) {
24371 | if (isColumnDirection(flexDirection)) {
24372 | return resolveAxis(CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_ROW, direction);
24373 | } else {
24375 | }
24376 | }
24377 | function getPositionType(node) {
24378 | if (node.style.position) {
24379 | return node.style.position;
24380 | }
24381 | return 'relative';
24382 | }
24383 | function isFlex(node) {
24384 | return getPositionType(node) === CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE && node.style.flex > 0;
24385 | }
24386 | function isFlexWrap(node) {
24387 | return node.style.flexWrap === 'wrap';
24388 | }
24389 | function getDimWithMargin(node, axis) {
24390 | return node.layout[dim[axis]] + getMarginAxis(node, axis);
24391 | }
24392 | function isDimDefined(node, axis) {
24393 | return node.style[dim[axis]] !== undefined && node.style[dim[axis]] >= 0;
24394 | }
24395 | function isPosDefined(node, pos) {
24396 | return node.style[pos] !== undefined;
24397 | }
24398 | function isMeasureDefined(node) {
24399 | return node.style.measure !== undefined;
24400 | }
24401 | function getPosition(node, pos) {
24402 | if (node.style[pos] !== undefined) {
24403 | return node.style[pos];
24404 | }
24405 | return 0;
24406 | }
24407 | function boundAxis(node, axis, value) {
24408 | var min = {
24409 | row: node.style.minWidth,
24410 | 'row-reverse': node.style.minWidth,
24411 | column: node.style.minHeight,
24412 | 'column-reverse': node.style.minHeight
24413 | }[axis];
24414 | var max = {
24415 | row: node.style.maxWidth,
24416 | 'row-reverse': node.style.maxWidth,
24417 | column: node.style.maxHeight,
24418 | 'column-reverse': node.style.maxHeight
24419 | }[axis];
24420 | var boundValue = value;
24421 | if (max !== undefined && max >= 0 && boundValue > max) {
24422 | boundValue = max;
24423 | }
24424 | if (min !== undefined && min >= 0 && boundValue < min) {
24425 | boundValue = min;
24426 | }
24427 | return boundValue;
24428 | }
24429 | function fmaxf(a, b) {
24430 | if (a > b) {
24431 | return a;
24432 | }
24433 | return b;
24434 | }
24435 |
24436 | function setDimensionFromStyle(node, axis) {
24437 |
24438 | if (node.layout[dim[axis]] !== undefined) {
24439 | return;
24440 | }
24441 |
24442 | if (!isDimDefined(node, axis)) {
24443 | return;
24444 | }
24445 |
24446 | node.layout[dim[axis]] = fmaxf(boundAxis(node, axis, node.style[dim[axis]]), getPaddingAndBorderAxis(node, axis));
24447 | }
24448 | function setTrailingPosition(node, child, axis) {
24449 | child.layout[trailing[axis]] = node.layout[dim[axis]] - child.layout[dim[axis]] - child.layout[pos[axis]];
24450 | }
24451 |
24452 |
24453 | function getRelativePosition(node, axis) {
24454 | if (node.style[leading[axis]] !== undefined) {
24455 | return getPosition(node, leading[axis]);
24456 | }
24457 | return -getPosition(node, trailing[axis]);
24458 | }
24459 | function layoutNodeImpl(node, parentMaxWidth, /*css_direction_t*/parentDirection) {
24460 | var direction = resolveDirection(node, parentDirection);
24461 | var mainAxis = resolveAxis(getFlexDirection(node), direction);
24462 | var crossAxis = getCrossFlexDirection(mainAxis, direction);
24463 | var resolvedRowAxis = resolveAxis(CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_ROW, direction);
24464 |
24465 | setDimensionFromStyle(node, mainAxis);
24466 | setDimensionFromStyle(node, crossAxis);
24467 |
24468 | node.layout.direction = direction;
24469 |
24470 |
24471 | node.layout[leading[mainAxis]] += getLeadingMargin(node, mainAxis) + getRelativePosition(node, mainAxis);
24472 | node.layout[trailing[mainAxis]] += getTrailingMargin(node, mainAxis) + getRelativePosition(node, mainAxis);
24473 | node.layout[leading[crossAxis]] += getLeadingMargin(node, crossAxis) + getRelativePosition(node, crossAxis);
24474 | node.layout[trailing[crossAxis]] += getTrailingMargin(node, crossAxis) + getRelativePosition(node, crossAxis);
24475 |
24476 |
24477 | var childCount = node.children.length;
24478 | var paddingAndBorderAxisResolvedRow = getPaddingAndBorderAxis(node, resolvedRowAxis);
24479 | if (isMeasureDefined(node)) {
24480 | var isResolvedRowDimDefined = !isUndefined$1(node.layout[dim[resolvedRowAxis]]);
24481 | var width = CSS_UNDEFINED;
24482 | if (isDimDefined(node, resolvedRowAxis)) {
24483 | width = node.style.width;
24484 | } else if (isResolvedRowDimDefined) {
24485 | width = node.layout[dim[resolvedRowAxis]];
24486 | } else {
24487 | width = parentMaxWidth - getMarginAxis(node, resolvedRowAxis);
24488 | }
24489 | width -= paddingAndBorderAxisResolvedRow;
24490 |
24491 |
24492 |
24493 | var isRowUndefined = !isDimDefined(node, resolvedRowAxis) && !isResolvedRowDimDefined;
24494 | var isColumnUndefined = !isDimDefined(node, CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_COLUMN) && isUndefined$1(node.layout[dim[CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_COLUMN]]);
24495 |
24496 | if (isRowUndefined || isColumnUndefined) {
24497 | var measureDim = node.style.measure(
24498 |
24499 | width);
24500 | if (isRowUndefined) {
24501 | node.layout.width = measureDim.width + paddingAndBorderAxisResolvedRow;
24502 | }
24503 | if (isColumnUndefined) {
24504 | node.layout.height = measureDim.height + getPaddingAndBorderAxis(node, CSS_FLEX_DIRECTION_COLUMN);
24505 | }
24506 | }
24507 | if (childCount === 0) {
24508 | return;
24509 | }
24510 | }
24511 | var isNodeFlexWrap = isFlexWrap(node);
24512 | var justifyContent = getJustifyContent(node);
24513 | var leadingPaddingAndBorderMain = getLeadingPaddingAndBorder(node, mainAxis);
24514 | var leadingPaddingAndBorderCross = getLeadingPaddingAndBorder(node, crossAxis);
24515 | var paddingAndBorderAxisMain = getPaddingAndBorderAxis(node, mainAxis);
24516 | var paddingAndBorderAxisCross = getPaddingAndBorderAxis(node, crossAxis);
24517 | var isMainDimDefined = !isUndefined$1(node.layout[dim[mainAxis]]);
24518 | var isCrossDimDefined = !isUndefined$1(node.layout[dim[crossAxis]]);
24519 | var isMainRowDirection = isRowDirection(mainAxis);
24520 | var i;
24521 | var ii;
24522 | var child;
24523 | var axis;
24524 | var firstAbsoluteChild = null;
24525 | var currentAbsoluteChild = null;
24526 | var definedMainDim = CSS_UNDEFINED;
24527 | if (isMainDimDefined) {
24528 | definedMainDim = node.layout[dim[mainAxis]] - paddingAndBorderAxisMain;
24529 | }
24530 |
24531 | var startLine = 0;
24532 | var endLine = 0;
24533 |
24534 | var alreadyComputedNextLayout = 0;
24535 |
24536 | var linesCrossDim = 0;
24537 | var linesMainDim = 0;
24538 | var linesCount = 0;
24539 | while (endLine < childCount) {
24540 |
24541 |
24542 |
24543 |
24544 |
24545 | var mainContentDim = 0;
24546 |
24547 |
24548 | var flexibleChildrenCount = 0;
24549 | var totalFlexible = 0;
24550 | var nonFlexibleChildrenCount = 0;
24551 |
24552 |
24553 |
24554 |
24555 | var isSimpleStackMain = isMainDimDefined && justifyContent === CSS_JUSTIFY_FLEX_START || !isMainDimDefined && justifyContent !== CSS_JUSTIFY_CENTER;
24556 | var firstComplexMain = isSimpleStackMain ? childCount : startLine;
24557 |
24558 |
24559 |
24560 |
24561 | var isSimpleStackCross = true;
24562 | var firstComplexCross = childCount;
24563 | var firstFlexChild = null;
24564 | var currentFlexChild = null;
24565 | var mainDim = leadingPaddingAndBorderMain;
24566 | var crossDim = 0;
24567 | var maxWidth;
24568 | for (i = startLine; i < childCount; ++i) {
24569 | child = node.children[i];
24570 | child.lineIndex = linesCount;
24571 | child.nextAbsoluteChild = null;
24572 | child.nextFlexChild = null;
24573 | var alignItem = getAlignItem(node, child);
24574 |
24575 |
24576 | if (alignItem === CSS_ALIGN_STRETCH && getPositionType(child) === CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE && isCrossDimDefined && !isDimDefined(child, crossAxis)) {
24577 | child.layout[dim[crossAxis]] = fmaxf(boundAxis(child, crossAxis, node.layout[dim[crossAxis]] - paddingAndBorderAxisCross - getMarginAxis(child, crossAxis)),
24578 |
24579 | getPaddingAndBorderAxis(child, crossAxis));
24580 | } else if (getPositionType(child) === CSS_POSITION_ABSOLUTE) {
24581 |
24582 |
24583 | if (firstAbsoluteChild === null) {
24584 | firstAbsoluteChild = child;
24585 | }
24586 | if (currentAbsoluteChild !== null) {
24587 | currentAbsoluteChild.nextAbsoluteChild = child;
24588 | }
24589 | currentAbsoluteChild = child;
24590 |
24591 |
24592 | for (ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) {
24594 | if (!isUndefined$1(node.layout[dim[axis]]) && !isDimDefined(child, axis) && isPosDefined(child, leading[axis]) && isPosDefined(child, trailing[axis])) {
24595 | child.layout[dim[axis]] = fmaxf(boundAxis(child, axis, node.layout[dim[axis]] - getPaddingAndBorderAxis(node, axis) - getMarginAxis(child, axis) - getPosition(child, leading[axis]) - getPosition(child, trailing[axis])),
24596 |
24597 | getPaddingAndBorderAxis(child, axis));
24598 | }
24599 | }
24600 | }
24601 | var nextContentDim = 0;
24602 |
24603 |
24604 | if (isMainDimDefined && isFlex(child)) {
24605 | flexibleChildrenCount++;
24606 | totalFlexible += child.style.flex;
24607 |
24608 |
24609 | if (firstFlexChild === null) {
24610 | firstFlexChild = child;
24611 | }
24612 | if (currentFlexChild !== null) {
24613 | currentFlexChild.nextFlexChild = child;
24614 | }
24615 | currentFlexChild = child;
24616 |
24617 |
24618 |
24619 |
24620 | nextContentDim = getPaddingAndBorderAxis(child, mainAxis) + getMarginAxis(child, mainAxis);
24621 | } else {
24622 | maxWidth = CSS_UNDEFINED;
24623 | if (!isMainRowDirection) {
24624 | if (isDimDefined(node, resolvedRowAxis)) {
24625 | maxWidth = node.layout[dim[resolvedRowAxis]] - paddingAndBorderAxisResolvedRow;
24626 | } else {
24627 | maxWidth = parentMaxWidth - getMarginAxis(node, resolvedRowAxis) - paddingAndBorderAxisResolvedRow;
24628 | }
24629 | }
24630 |
24631 | if (alreadyComputedNextLayout === 0) {
24632 | layoutNode(child, maxWidth, direction);
24633 | }
24634 |
24635 |
24636 | if (getPositionType(child) === CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE) {
24637 | nonFlexibleChildrenCount++;
24638 |
24639 | nextContentDim = getDimWithMargin(child, mainAxis);
24640 | }
24641 | }
24642 |
24643 | if (isNodeFlexWrap && isMainDimDefined && mainContentDim + nextContentDim > definedMainDim &&
24644 |
24645 |
24646 | i !== startLine) {
24647 | nonFlexibleChildrenCount--;
24648 | alreadyComputedNextLayout = 1;
24649 | break;
24650 | }
24651 |
24652 |
24653 |
24654 | if (isSimpleStackMain && (getPositionType(child) !== CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE || isFlex(child))) {
24655 | isSimpleStackMain = false;
24656 | firstComplexMain = i;
24657 | }
24658 |
24659 |
24660 |
24661 | if (isSimpleStackCross && (getPositionType(child) !== CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE || alignItem !== CSS_ALIGN_STRETCH && alignItem !== CSS_ALIGN_FLEX_START || isUndefined$1(child.layout[dim[crossAxis]]))) {
24662 | isSimpleStackCross = false;
24663 | firstComplexCross = i;
24664 | }
24665 | if (isSimpleStackMain) {
24666 | child.layout[pos[mainAxis]] += mainDim;
24667 | if (isMainDimDefined) {
24668 | setTrailingPosition(node, child, mainAxis);
24669 | }
24670 | mainDim += getDimWithMargin(child, mainAxis);
24671 | crossDim = fmaxf(crossDim, boundAxis(child, crossAxis, getDimWithMargin(child, crossAxis)));
24672 | }
24673 | if (isSimpleStackCross) {
24674 | child.layout[pos[crossAxis]] += linesCrossDim + leadingPaddingAndBorderCross;
24675 | if (isCrossDimDefined) {
24676 | setTrailingPosition(node, child, crossAxis);
24677 | }
24678 | }
24679 | alreadyComputedNextLayout = 0;
24680 | mainContentDim += nextContentDim;
24681 | endLine = i + 1;
24682 | }
24683 |
24684 |
24685 |
24686 |
24687 | var leadingMainDim = 0;
24688 | var betweenMainDim = 0;
24689 |
24690 | var remainingMainDim = 0;
24691 | if (isMainDimDefined) {
24692 | remainingMainDim = definedMainDim - mainContentDim;
24693 | } else {
24694 | remainingMainDim = fmaxf(mainContentDim, 0) - mainContentDim;
24695 | }
24696 |
24697 |
24698 | if (flexibleChildrenCount !== 0) {
24699 | var flexibleMainDim = remainingMainDim / totalFlexible;
24700 | var baseMainDim;
24701 | var boundMainDim;
24702 |
24703 |
24704 | currentFlexChild = firstFlexChild;
24705 | while (currentFlexChild !== null) {
24706 | baseMainDim = flexibleMainDim * currentFlexChild.style.flex + getPaddingAndBorderAxis(currentFlexChild, mainAxis);
24707 | boundMainDim = boundAxis(currentFlexChild, mainAxis, baseMainDim);
24708 | if (baseMainDim !== boundMainDim) {
24709 | remainingMainDim -= boundMainDim;
24710 | totalFlexible -= currentFlexChild.style.flex;
24711 | }
24712 | currentFlexChild = currentFlexChild.nextFlexChild;
24713 | }
24714 | flexibleMainDim = remainingMainDim / totalFlexible;
24715 |
24716 |
24717 | if (flexibleMainDim < 0) {
24718 | flexibleMainDim = 0;
24719 | }
24720 | currentFlexChild = firstFlexChild;
24721 | while (currentFlexChild !== null) {
24722 |
24723 |
24724 | currentFlexChild.layout[dim[mainAxis]] = boundAxis(currentFlexChild, mainAxis, flexibleMainDim * currentFlexChild.style.flex + getPaddingAndBorderAxis(currentFlexChild, mainAxis));
24725 | maxWidth = CSS_UNDEFINED;
24726 | if (isDimDefined(node, resolvedRowAxis)) {
24727 | maxWidth = node.layout[dim[resolvedRowAxis]] - paddingAndBorderAxisResolvedRow;
24728 | } else if (!isMainRowDirection) {
24729 | maxWidth = parentMaxWidth - getMarginAxis(node, resolvedRowAxis) - paddingAndBorderAxisResolvedRow;
24730 | }
24731 |
24732 | layoutNode(currentFlexChild, maxWidth, direction);
24733 | child = currentFlexChild;
24734 | currentFlexChild = currentFlexChild.nextFlexChild;
24735 | child.nextFlexChild = null;
24736 | }
24737 |
24738 |
24739 | } else if (justifyContent !== CSS_JUSTIFY_FLEX_START) {
24740 | if (justifyContent === CSS_JUSTIFY_CENTER) {
24741 | leadingMainDim = remainingMainDim / 2;
24742 | } else if (justifyContent === CSS_JUSTIFY_FLEX_END) {
24743 | leadingMainDim = remainingMainDim;
24744 | } else if (justifyContent === CSS_JUSTIFY_SPACE_BETWEEN) {
24745 | remainingMainDim = fmaxf(remainingMainDim, 0);
24746 | if (flexibleChildrenCount + nonFlexibleChildrenCount - 1 !== 0) {
24747 | betweenMainDim = remainingMainDim / (flexibleChildrenCount + nonFlexibleChildrenCount - 1);
24748 | } else {
24749 | betweenMainDim = 0;
24750 | }
24751 | } else if (justifyContent === CSS_JUSTIFY_SPACE_AROUND) {
24752 |
24753 | betweenMainDim = remainingMainDim / (flexibleChildrenCount + nonFlexibleChildrenCount);
24754 | leadingMainDim = betweenMainDim / 2;
24755 | }
24756 | }
24757 |
24758 |
24759 |
24760 |
24761 |
24762 | mainDim += leadingMainDim;
24763 | for (i = firstComplexMain; i < endLine; ++i) {
24764 | child = node.children[i];
24765 | if (getPositionType(child) === CSS_POSITION_ABSOLUTE && isPosDefined(child, leading[mainAxis])) {
24766 |
24767 |
24768 |
24769 | child.layout[pos[mainAxis]] = getPosition(child, leading[mainAxis]) + getLeadingBorder(node, mainAxis) + getLeadingMargin(child, mainAxis);
24770 | } else {
24771 |
24772 |
24773 | child.layout[pos[mainAxis]] += mainDim;
24774 |
24775 | if (isMainDimDefined) {
24776 | setTrailingPosition(node, child, mainAxis);
24777 | }
24778 |
24779 |
24780 |
24781 | if (getPositionType(child) === CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE) {
24782 |
24783 |
24784 | mainDim += betweenMainDim + getDimWithMargin(child, mainAxis);
24785 |
24786 |
24787 | crossDim = fmaxf(crossDim, boundAxis(child, crossAxis, getDimWithMargin(child, crossAxis)));
24788 | }
24789 | }
24790 | }
24791 | var containerCrossAxis = node.layout[dim[crossAxis]];
24792 | if (!isCrossDimDefined) {
24793 | containerCrossAxis = fmaxf(
24794 |
24795 |
24796 |
24797 | boundAxis(node, crossAxis, crossDim + paddingAndBorderAxisCross), paddingAndBorderAxisCross);
24798 | }
24799 |
24800 | for (i = firstComplexCross; i < endLine; ++i) {
24801 | child = node.children[i];
24802 | if (getPositionType(child) === CSS_POSITION_ABSOLUTE && isPosDefined(child, leading[crossAxis])) {
24803 |
24804 |
24805 |
24806 | child.layout[pos[crossAxis]] = getPosition(child, leading[crossAxis]) + getLeadingBorder(node, crossAxis) + getLeadingMargin(child, crossAxis);
24807 | } else {
24808 | var leadingCrossDim = leadingPaddingAndBorderCross;
24809 |
24810 |
24811 | if (getPositionType(child) === CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE) {
24812 |
24813 | var alignItem = getAlignItem(node, child);
24814 | if (alignItem === CSS_ALIGN_STRETCH) {
24815 |
24816 |
24817 | if (isUndefined$1(child.layout[dim[crossAxis]])) {
24818 | child.layout[dim[crossAxis]] = fmaxf(boundAxis(child, crossAxis, containerCrossAxis - paddingAndBorderAxisCross - getMarginAxis(child, crossAxis)),
24819 |
24820 | getPaddingAndBorderAxis(child, crossAxis));
24821 | }
24822 | } else if (alignItem !== CSS_ALIGN_FLEX_START) {
24823 |
24824 |
24825 | var remainingCrossDim = containerCrossAxis - paddingAndBorderAxisCross - getDimWithMargin(child, crossAxis);
24826 | if (alignItem === CSS_ALIGN_CENTER) {
24827 | leadingCrossDim += remainingCrossDim / 2;
24828 | } else {
24829 |
24830 | leadingCrossDim += remainingCrossDim;
24831 | }
24832 | }
24833 | }
24834 |
24835 | child.layout[pos[crossAxis]] += linesCrossDim + leadingCrossDim;
24836 |
24837 | if (isCrossDimDefined) {
24838 | setTrailingPosition(node, child, crossAxis);
24839 | }
24840 | }
24841 | }
24842 | linesCrossDim += crossDim;
24843 | linesMainDim = fmaxf(linesMainDim, mainDim);
24844 | linesCount += 1;
24845 | startLine = endLine;
24846 | }
24847 |
24848 |
24849 |
24850 |
24851 |
24852 |
24853 |
24854 |
24855 |
24856 |
24857 |
24858 |
24859 |
24860 | if (linesCount > 1 && isCrossDimDefined) {
24861 | var nodeCrossAxisInnerSize = node.layout[dim[crossAxis]] - paddingAndBorderAxisCross;
24862 | var remainingAlignContentDim = nodeCrossAxisInnerSize - linesCrossDim;
24863 | var crossDimLead = 0;
24864 | var currentLead = leadingPaddingAndBorderCross;
24865 | var alignContent = getAlignContent(node);
24866 | if (alignContent === CSS_ALIGN_FLEX_END) {
24867 | currentLead += remainingAlignContentDim;
24868 | } else if (alignContent === CSS_ALIGN_CENTER) {
24869 | currentLead += remainingAlignContentDim / 2;
24870 | } else if (alignContent === CSS_ALIGN_STRETCH) {
24871 | if (nodeCrossAxisInnerSize > linesCrossDim) {
24872 | crossDimLead = remainingAlignContentDim / linesCount;
24873 | }
24874 | }
24875 | var endIndex = 0;
24876 | for (i = 0; i < linesCount; ++i) {
24877 | var startIndex = endIndex;
24878 |
24879 | var lineHeight = 0;
24880 | for (ii = startIndex; ii < childCount; ++ii) {
24881 | child = node.children[ii];
24882 | if (getPositionType(child) !== CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE) {
24883 | continue;
24884 | }
24885 | if (child.lineIndex !== i) {
24886 | break;
24887 | }
24888 | if (!isUndefined$1(child.layout[dim[crossAxis]])) {
24889 | lineHeight = fmaxf(lineHeight, child.layout[dim[crossAxis]] + getMarginAxis(child, crossAxis));
24890 | }
24891 | }
24892 | endIndex = ii;
24893 | lineHeight += crossDimLead;
24894 | for (ii = startIndex; ii < endIndex; ++ii) {
24895 | child = node.children[ii];
24896 | if (getPositionType(child) !== CSS_POSITION_RELATIVE) {
24897 | continue;
24898 | }
24899 | var alignContentAlignItem = getAlignItem(node, child);
24900 | if (alignContentAlignItem === CSS_ALIGN_FLEX_START) {
24901 | child.layout[pos[crossAxis]] = currentLead + getLeadingMargin(child, crossAxis);
24902 | } else if (alignContentAlignItem === CSS_ALIGN_FLEX_END) {
24903 | child.layout[pos[crossAxis]] = currentLead + lineHeight - getTrailingMargin(child, crossAxis) - child.layout[dim[crossAxis]];
24904 | } else if (alignContentAlignItem === CSS_ALIGN_CENTER) {
24905 | var childHeight = child.layout[dim[crossAxis]];
24906 | child.layout[pos[crossAxis]] = currentLead + (lineHeight - childHeight) / 2;
24907 | } else if (alignContentAlignItem === CSS_ALIGN_STRETCH) {
24908 | child.layout[pos[crossAxis]] = currentLead + getLeadingMargin(child, crossAxis);
24909 |
24910 |
24911 | }
24912 | }
24913 | currentLead += lineHeight;
24914 | }
24915 | }
24916 | var needsMainTrailingPos = false;
24917 | var needsCrossTrailingPos = false;
24918 |
24919 |
24920 | if (!isMainDimDefined) {
24921 | node.layout[dim[mainAxis]] = fmaxf(
24922 |
24923 |
24924 | boundAxis(node, mainAxis, linesMainDim + getTrailingPaddingAndBorder(node, mainAxis)),
24925 |
24926 | paddingAndBorderAxisMain);
24928 | needsMainTrailingPos = true;
24929 | }
24930 | }
24931 | if (!isCrossDimDefined) {
24932 | node.layout[dim[crossAxis]] = fmaxf(
24933 |
24934 |
24935 |
24936 | boundAxis(node, crossAxis, linesCrossDim + paddingAndBorderAxisCross), paddingAndBorderAxisCross);
24938 | needsCrossTrailingPos = true;
24939 | }
24940 | }
24941 |
24942 | if (needsMainTrailingPos || needsCrossTrailingPos) {
24943 | for (i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
24944 | child = node.children[i];
24945 | if (needsMainTrailingPos) {
24946 | setTrailingPosition(node, child, mainAxis);
24947 | }
24948 | if (needsCrossTrailingPos) {
24949 | setTrailingPosition(node, child, crossAxis);
24950 | }
24951 | }
24952 | }
24953 |
24954 | currentAbsoluteChild = firstAbsoluteChild;
24955 | while (currentAbsoluteChild !== null) {
24956 |
24957 |
24958 | for (ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) {
24960 | if (!isUndefined$1(node.layout[dim[axis]]) && !isDimDefined(currentAbsoluteChild, axis) && isPosDefined(currentAbsoluteChild, leading[axis]) && isPosDefined(currentAbsoluteChild, trailing[axis])) {
24961 | currentAbsoluteChild.layout[dim[axis]] = fmaxf(boundAxis(currentAbsoluteChild, axis, node.layout[dim[axis]] - getBorderAxis(node, axis) - getMarginAxis(currentAbsoluteChild, axis) - getPosition(currentAbsoluteChild, leading[axis]) - getPosition(currentAbsoluteChild, trailing[axis])),
24962 |
24963 | getPaddingAndBorderAxis(currentAbsoluteChild, axis));
24964 | }
24965 | if (isPosDefined(currentAbsoluteChild, trailing[axis]) && !isPosDefined(currentAbsoluteChild, leading[axis])) {
24966 | currentAbsoluteChild.layout[leading[axis]] = node.layout[dim[axis]] - currentAbsoluteChild.layout[dim[axis]] - getPosition(currentAbsoluteChild, trailing[axis]);
24967 | }
24968 | }
24969 | child = currentAbsoluteChild;
24970 | currentAbsoluteChild = currentAbsoluteChild.nextAbsoluteChild;
24971 | child.nextAbsoluteChild = null;
24972 | }
24973 | }
24974 |
24975 | function saveMargin(node) {
24976 | var style = node.style;
24977 | var margin = {};
24978 | ['marginTop', 'marginRight', 'marginBottom', 'marginLeft'
24979 | ].forEach(function (key) {
24980 |
24981 | var value = style[key];
24982 | if (value && /^-?\d+%$/.test(value)) {
24983 | margin[key] = value;
24984 | style[key] = 0;
24985 | }
24986 | });
24987 | node.margin = margin;
24988 | }
24989 | function percent2Num(value) {
24990 | var percent = Number(value.substr(0, value.length - 1));
24991 | return percent / 100;
24992 | }
24993 | function layoutMargin(node) {
24994 | var margin = node.margin,
24995 | layout = node.layout;
24996 | Object.keys(margin).forEach(function (key) {
24997 | var percent = percent2Num(margin[key]);
24998 | if ((key === 'marginLeft' || key === 'marginRight') && layout.width) {
24999 | layout.left += layout.width * percent;
25000 | } else if ((key === 'marginTop' || key === 'marginBottom') && layout.height) {
25001 | layout.top += layout.height * percent;
25002 | }
25003 | });
25004 | }
25005 | function layoutNode(node, parentMaxWidth, parentDirection) {
25006 | node.shouldUpdate = true;
25007 |
25008 | saveMargin(node);
25009 | var direction = node.style.direction || CSS_DIRECTION_LTR;
25010 | var skipLayout = !node.isDirty && node.lastLayout && node.lastLayout.requestedHeight === node.layout.height && node.lastLayout.requestedWidth === node.layout.width && node.lastLayout.parentMaxWidth === parentMaxWidth && node.lastLayout.direction === direction;
25011 | if (skipLayout) {
25012 | node.layout.width = node.lastLayout.width;
25013 | node.layout.height = node.lastLayout.height;
25014 | node.layout.top = node.lastLayout.top;
25015 | node.layout.left = node.lastLayout.left;
25016 | } else {
25017 | if (!node.lastLayout) {
25018 | node.lastLayout = {};
25019 | }
25020 | node.lastLayout.requestedWidth = node.layout.width;
25021 | node.lastLayout.requestedHeight = node.layout.height;
25022 | node.lastLayout.parentMaxWidth = parentMaxWidth;
25023 | node.lastLayout.direction = direction;
25024 |
25025 | node.children.forEach(function (child) {
25026 | child.layout.width = undefined;
25027 | child.layout.height = undefined;
25028 | child.layout.top = 0;
25029 | child.layout.left = 0;
25030 | });
25031 | layoutNodeImpl(node, parentMaxWidth, parentDirection);
25032 | node.lastLayout.width = node.layout.width;
25033 | node.lastLayout.height = node.layout.height;
25034 | node.lastLayout.top = node.layout.top;
25035 | node.lastLayout.left = node.layout.left;
25036 | }
25037 |
25038 | layoutMargin(node);
25039 | }
25040 |
25041 | function computeLayout(node) {
25042 | if (!node) return node;
25043 | fillNodes(node);
25044 | layoutNode(node, null, null);
25045 | return node;
25046 | }
25047 |
25048 | function createMeasure(style, measureText) {
25049 | return function /* width */
25050 | () {
25051 | var text = style.text,
25052 | width = style.width,
25053 | height = style.height;
25054 | var outputWidth = width;
25055 | var outputHeight = height;
25056 | if (!isNumber(width) || !isNumber(height)) {
25057 | var _a = measureText(text, style),
25058 | measureWidth = _a.width,
25059 | measureHeight = _a.height;
25060 | if (!isNumber(width)) {
25061 | outputWidth = measureWidth;
25062 | }
25063 | if (!isNumber(height)) {
25064 | outputHeight = measureHeight;
25065 | }
25066 | }
25067 | return {
25068 | width: outputWidth,
25069 | height: outputHeight
25070 | };
25071 | };
25072 | }
25073 | function getChildrenLayout(nodeTree) {
25074 | if (!nodeTree) return;
25075 | var left = 0;
25076 | var top = 0;
25077 | var right = 0;
25078 | var bottom = 0;
25079 | var width = 0;
25080 | var height = 0;
25081 | nodeTree.forEach(function (node) {
25082 | var layout = node.layout;
25083 | if (!layout) return;
25084 | left = Math.min(left, layout.left);
25085 | top = Math.min(top, layout.top);
25086 | right = Math.min(right, layout.left + layout.width);
25087 | bottom = Math.min(bottom, layout.top + layout.height);
25088 | width = Math.max(width, layout.width);
25089 | height = Math.max(height, layout.height);
25090 | });
25091 | return {
25092 | left: left,
25093 | top: top,
25094 | right: right,
25095 | bottom: bottom,
25096 | width: width,
25097 | height: height
25098 | };
25099 | }
25100 | var NodeTree = function () {
25101 | function NodeTree(node) {
25102 | var className = node.className,
25103 | children = node.children,
25104 | layout = node.layout;
25105 | var nodeChildren = children && children.length ? children.map(function (child) {
25106 | return new NodeTree(child);
25107 | }) : undefined;
25108 | var nodeLayout = layout ? layout : getChildrenLayout(nodeChildren);
25109 | this.children = nodeChildren;
25110 | this.layout = nodeLayout;
25111 | this.className = className;
25112 | }
25113 | NodeTree.prototype.getElementsByClassName = function (targetClassName) {
25114 | var result = [];
25115 | var _a = this,
25116 | className = _a.className,
25117 | children = _a.children;
25118 | if (className === targetClassName) {
25119 | result.push(this);
25120 | }
25121 | if (children) {
25122 | children.forEach(function (child) {
25123 | result.push.apply(result, child.getElementsByClassName(targetClassName));
25124 | });
25125 | }
25126 | return result;
25127 | };
25128 | return NodeTree;
25129 | }();
25130 |
25131 | function extendMap(arr, fn) {
25132 | if (!arr) {
25133 | return arr;
25134 | }
25135 | var newArray = [];
25136 | if (!isArray(arr)) {
25137 | var rst = fn(arr);
25138 | if (!rst) {
25139 | return newArray;
25140 | }
25141 | if (isArray(rst)) {
25142 | newArray = newArray.concat(rst);
25143 | } else {
25144 | newArray.push(rst);
25145 | }
25146 | return newArray;
25147 | }
25148 | for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
25149 | var element = arr[i];
25150 | if (isArray(element)) {
25151 | newArray = newArray.concat(extendMap(element, fn));
25152 | } else if (element) {
25153 | var rst = fn(element);
25154 | if (!rst) {
25155 | continue;
25156 | }
25157 | if (isArray(rst)) {
25158 | newArray = newArray.concat(rst);
25159 | } else {
25160 | newArray.push(rst);
25161 | }
25162 | }
25163 | }
25164 | return newArray;
25165 | }
25166 |
25167 | function renderJSXElement(element, context, updater) {
25168 | if (!element) return element;
25169 | var px2hd = context.px2hd,
25170 | measureText = context.measureText;
25171 | var type = element.type,
25172 | props = element.props;
25173 | var tag = getWorkTag(type);
25174 |
25175 | if (tag === FunctionComponent) {
25176 |
25177 | var newElement = type(element.props, context, updater);
25178 |
25179 | return renderJSXElement(newElement, context, updater);
25180 | }
25181 | var className = props.className,
25182 | _a = props.style,
25183 | customStyle = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a,
25184 | attrs = props.attrs,
25185 | newChildren = props.children;
25186 | var style = px2hd(__assign(__assign({}, customStyle), attrs));
25187 |
25188 | if (type === 'text') {
25189 | style.measure = createMeasure(style, measureText);
25190 | }
25191 |
25192 | var nextChildren = newChildren ? Children.toArray(newChildren).map(function (child) {
25193 | return renderJSXElement(child, context, updater);
25194 | }) : [];
25195 | return {
25196 | type: type,
25197 | className: className,
25198 | children: nextChildren.filter(Boolean),
25199 | style: style
25200 | };
25201 | }
25202 |
25203 | function computeLayout$1(component, newChildren) {
25204 | var context = component.context,
25205 | updater = component.updater;
25206 | var nodeTree = renderJSXElement(newChildren, context, updater);
25207 | computeLayout(nodeTree);
25208 |
25209 | return new NodeTree(nodeTree);
25210 | }
25211 | function createChildNodeTree(parent, vNodeChildren) {
25212 | var tag = parent.tag;
25213 | var children = extendMap(vNodeChildren, function (child) {
25214 | var childTag = child.tag,
25215 | childStyle = child.style,
25216 | childChildren = child.children;
25217 |
25218 | if (tag !== Shape$1 && childTag === Shape$1 && childStyle.display !== 'flex') {
25219 | return null;
25220 | }
25221 |
25222 | if (childTag !== Shape$1) {
25223 | return createChildNodeTree(child, childChildren);
25224 | }
25225 | return createNodeTree(child);
25226 | });
25227 | return children;
25228 | }
25229 |
25230 | function createNodeTree(vNode) {
25231 | var tag = vNode.tag,
25232 | type = vNode.type,
25233 | style = vNode.style,
25234 | context = vNode.context,
25235 | vNodeChildren = vNode.children;
25236 | var measureText = context.measureText;
25237 | var children = createChildNodeTree(vNode, vNodeChildren);
25238 |
25239 | if (type === 'text') {
25240 | style.measure = createMeasure(style, measureText);
25241 | }
25242 | return {
25243 | tag: tag,
25244 | type: type,
25245 | style: style,
25246 | children: children,
25247 |
25248 | vNode: vNode
25249 | };
25250 | }
25251 | function fillElementLayout(node) {
25252 | var type = node.type,
25253 | style = node.style,
25254 | vNode = node.vNode,
25255 | children = node.children,
25256 | layout = node.layout;
25257 | var attrs = getShapeAttrs(type, layout);
25258 | if (style.measure) {
25259 | delete style.measure;
25260 | }
25261 |
25262 | vNode.layout = layout;
25263 | vNode.style = __assign(__assign({}, attrs), style);
25264 | if (!children || !children.length) {
25265 | return;
25266 | }
25267 | for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
25268 | var child = children[i];
25269 | fillElementLayout(child);
25270 | }
25271 | }
25272 | function fillComponentLayout(vNode) {
25273 | var layout = vNode.layout,
25274 | vNodeChildren = vNode.children;
25275 | Children.map(vNodeChildren, function (child) {
25276 | if (!child) {
25277 | return;
25278 | }
25279 | var childTag = child.tag,
25280 | childLayout = child.layout,
25281 | style = child.style;
25282 | if (childTag !== Shape$1 && layout && !childLayout) {
25283 | child.layout = layout;
25284 | child.style = __assign({
25285 | width: layout.width,
25286 | height: layout.height
25287 | }, style);
25288 | }
25289 | fillComponentLayout(child);
25290 | });
25291 | }
25292 |
25293 | function pickElement(element) {
25294 | if (!element) return element;
25295 | return Children.map(element, function (item) {
25296 | if (!item) return item;
25297 |
25298 | return pick(item, ['key', 'ref', 'type', 'props']);
25299 | });
25300 | }
25301 | function getStyle$1(tagType, props, context) {
25302 | var _a = props.style,
25303 | customStyle = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a,
25304 | attrs = props.attrs,
25305 | zIndex = props.zIndex;
25306 | if (tagType === Shape$1) {
25307 | return context.px2hd(__assign(__assign({}, customStyle), attrs));
25308 | }
25309 | if (isNumber(zIndex)) {
25310 | return {
25311 | zIndex: zIndex
25312 | };
25313 | }
25314 | return {};
25315 | }
25316 |
25317 | function readVNodeContext(vNodeType, parentContext) {
25318 |
25319 | var contextInjecter = vNodeType.contextInjecter;
25320 | if (!contextInjecter) {
25321 | return parentContext;
25322 | }
25323 |
25324 | return __assign({}, parentContext);
25325 | }
25326 |
25327 | function readComponentContext(vNodeType, vNodeContext) {
25328 |
25329 | var contextType = vNodeType.contextType;
25330 | if (!contextType) {
25331 | return vNodeContext;
25332 | }
25333 | var _currentValue = contextType._currentValue;
25334 | if (!_currentValue) {
25335 | return vNodeContext;
25336 | }
25337 | return _currentValue;
25338 | }
25339 | function createVNode(parent, vNode) {
25340 | var canvas = parent.canvas,
25341 | parentContext = parent.context,
25342 | updater = parent.updater,
25343 | parentAnimate = parent.animate;
25344 | var ref = vNode.ref,
25345 | type = vNode.type,
25346 | originProps = vNode.props;
25347 | var animate = originProps.animate,
25348 | transformFrom = originProps.transformFrom,
25349 | props = __rest(originProps, ["animate", "transformFrom"]);
25350 | var tag = getWorkTag(type);
25351 | var context = readVNodeContext(type, parentContext);
25352 | var animator = new Animator();
25353 | var style = getStyle$1(tag, props, context);
25354 | animator.vNode = vNode;
25355 | vNode.parent = parent;
25356 | vNode.tag = tag;
25357 | vNode.style = style;
25358 | vNode.context = context;
25359 | vNode.updater = updater;
25360 | vNode.canvas = canvas;
25361 | vNode.animate = isBoolean(animate) ? animate : parentAnimate;
25362 | vNode.animator = animator;
25363 |
25364 | if (tag === Shape$1) {
25365 | var shape = createShape(type, __assign(__assign({}, props), {
25366 | style: style
25367 | }));
25368 | if (ref) {
25369 | ref.current = shape;
25370 | }
25371 |
25372 | shape._vNode = vNode;
25373 | vNode.shape = shape;
25374 | } else {
25375 | var componentContext = readComponentContext(type, context);
25376 |
25377 | var component = void 0;
25378 | if (tag === ClassComponent) {
25379 |
25380 | component = new type(props, componentContext, updater);
25381 | } else {
25382 | component = new Component(props, componentContext, updater);
25383 | component.render = function () {
25384 |
25385 | return type(this.props, this.context, updater);
25386 | };
25387 | }
25388 | var group = new Group();
25389 | component.container = group;
25390 |
25391 | if (ref) {
25392 | ref.current = component;
25393 | }
25394 | component.context = componentContext;
25395 | component.updater = updater;
25396 | component.animator = animator;
25397 | component._vNode = vNode;
25398 | vNode.shape = group;
25399 | vNode.component = component;
25400 | }
25401 | if (transformFrom && transformFrom.current) {
25402 | var transformVNode = transformFrom.current._vNode;
25403 | vNode.transform = findClosestShapeNode(transformVNode);
25404 | if (vNode.transform) {
25405 | vNode.transform.parent.children = null;
25406 | }
25407 | }
25408 | return vNode;
25409 | }
25410 | function updateVNode(parent, nextNode, lastNode) {
25411 | var canvas = parent.canvas,
25412 | context = parent.context,
25413 | updater = parent.updater,
25414 | parentAnimate = parent.animate;
25415 | var tag = lastNode.tag,
25416 | animator = lastNode.animator,
25417 | component = lastNode.component,
25418 | shape = lastNode.shape,
25419 | children = lastNode.children,
25420 | lastProps = lastNode.props;
25421 | var type = nextNode.type,
25422 | props = nextNode.props;
25423 | var animate = props.animate;
25424 | animator.vNode = nextNode;
25425 | nextNode.parent = parent;
25426 | nextNode.tag = tag;
25427 | nextNode.canvas = canvas;
25428 | nextNode.context = readVNodeContext(type, context);
25429 | nextNode.updater = updater;
25430 | nextNode.component = component;
25431 | nextNode.shape = updateShape(shape, props, lastProps);
25432 | nextNode.parent = parent;
25433 | nextNode.children = children;
25434 | nextNode.animate = isBoolean(animate) ? animate : parentAnimate;
25435 | nextNode.animator = animator;
25436 | nextNode.style = getStyle$1(tag, props, context);
25437 |
25438 | if (component) {
25439 | component._vNode = nextNode;
25440 | } else {
25441 |
25442 |
25443 | shape._vNode = nextNode;
25444 | }
25445 | return nextNode;
25446 | }
25447 | function createElement(parent, element) {
25448 | return Children.map(element, function (el) {
25449 | if (!el) return el;
25450 | return createVNode(parent, el);
25451 | });
25452 | }
25453 | function destroyElement(vNode) {
25454 | Children.map(vNode, function (node) {
25455 | if (!node) return;
25456 | var component = node.component,
25457 | children = node.children;
25458 | if (component) {
25459 | component.willUnmount();
25460 | destroyElement(children);
25461 | component.didUnmount();
25462 | component.destroy();
25463 | } else {
25464 | destroyElement(children);
25465 | }
25466 | });
25467 | }
25468 | function updateElement(parent, nextElement, lastElement) {
25469 | var nextType = nextElement.type,
25470 | nextProps = nextElement.props;
25471 | var lastType = lastElement.type,
25472 | lastProps = lastElement.props;
25473 | if (nextType === lastType) {
25474 | var nextVNode_1 = updateVNode(parent, nextElement, lastElement);
25475 |
25476 | if (equal(nextProps, lastProps) && parent.context === lastElement.context) {
25477 | return null;
25478 | }
25479 | return nextVNode_1;
25480 | }
25481 | var nextVNode = createVNode(parent, nextElement);
25482 | destroyElement(lastElement);
25483 | return nextVNode;
25484 | }
25485 | function diffElement(parent, nextElement, lastElement) {
25486 | if (!nextElement && !lastElement) {
25487 | return null;
25488 | }
25489 |
25490 | if (!nextElement && lastElement) {
25491 | destroyElement(lastElement);
25492 | return null;
25493 | }
25494 |
25495 | if (nextElement && !lastElement) {
25496 | return createElement(parent, nextElement);
25497 | }
25498 |
25499 | return updateElement(parent, nextElement, lastElement);
25500 | }
25501 | function renderComponentNodes(componentNodes) {
25502 | if (!componentNodes || !componentNodes.length) {
25503 | return;
25504 | }
25505 |
25506 | var shouldProcessChildren = componentNodes.filter(function (node) {
25507 | var type = node.type,
25508 | component = node.component,
25509 | props = node.props,
25510 | context = node.context,
25511 | layout = node.layout;
25512 |
25513 | component.layout = layout;
25514 |
25515 | if (!component.isMounted) return true;
25516 |
25517 | if (component.shouldUpdate(props) === false) {
25518 | return false;
25519 | }
25520 | var componentContext = readComponentContext(type, context);
25521 | component.willReceiveProps(props, componentContext);
25522 | component.props = props;
25523 | component.context = context;
25524 | return true;
25525 | });
25526 | if (!shouldProcessChildren.length) {
25527 | return;
25528 | }
25529 |
25530 | shouldProcessChildren.forEach(function (child) {
25531 | var component = child.component;
25532 | if (!component.isMounted) {
25533 | component.willMount();
25534 | } else {
25535 | component.willUpdate();
25536 | }
25537 | });
25538 |
25539 | shouldProcessChildren.forEach(function (child) {
25540 | var canvas = child.canvas,
25541 | component = child.component,
25542 | children = child.children;
25543 | var newChildren = canvas.toRawChildren(component.render());
25544 | renderChildren(child, newChildren, children);
25545 | if (!component.isMounted) {
25546 | component.didMount();
25547 | component.isMounted = true;
25548 | } else {
25549 | component.didUpdate();
25550 | }
25551 | });
25552 | }
25553 | function renderVNode(vNode, nextChildren, lastChildren) {
25554 | var component = vNode.component;
25555 |
25556 | var newChildren = pickElement(nextChildren);
25557 |
25558 | vNode.children = newChildren;
25559 |
25560 |
25561 | if (component) {
25562 | component.children = newChildren;
25563 | }
25564 | var componentNodeChildren = [];
25565 | Children.compare(newChildren, lastChildren, function (next, last) {
25566 | var element = diffElement(vNode, next, last);
25567 | Children.map(element, function (child) {
25568 | if (!child) return;
25569 | var tag = child.tag,
25570 | childProps = child.props,
25571 | childLastChildren = child.children;
25572 | var childrenNode = [];
25573 | if (tag === Shape$1) {
25574 | childrenNode = renderVNode(child, childProps.children, childLastChildren);
25575 | } else {
25576 | childrenNode = [child];
25577 | }
25578 | componentNodeChildren = componentNodeChildren.concat(childrenNode);
25579 | });
25580 | });
25581 | return componentNodeChildren;
25582 | }
25583 | function renderChildren(parent, nextChildren, lastChildren) {
25584 |
25585 | var componentNodeChildren = renderVNode(parent, nextChildren, lastChildren);
25586 |
25587 | var nodeTree = createNodeTree(parent);
25588 | computeLayout(nodeTree);
25589 | fillElementLayout(nodeTree);
25590 | fillComponentLayout(parent);
25591 | var newChildren = parent.children;
25592 | if (!componentNodeChildren.length) {
25593 | return newChildren;
25594 | }
25595 | renderComponentNodes(componentNodeChildren);
25596 | return newChildren;
25597 | }
25598 | function render(vNode) {
25599 | var lastChildren = vNode.children,
25600 | props = vNode.props;
25601 | var nextChildren = props.children;
25602 |
25603 | var children = renderChildren(vNode, nextChildren, lastChildren);
25604 |
25605 | var childrenAnimation = createAnimation(vNode, children, lastChildren);
25606 |
25607 | if (childrenAnimation.length) {
25608 | childrenAnimation.forEach(function (animator) {
25609 | animator.run();
25610 | });
25611 | }
25612 | }
25613 |
25614 | function updateComponents(components) {
25615 | if (!components.length) return;
25616 | components.forEach(function (component) {
25617 | var vNode = component._vNode,
25618 | lastChildren = component.children,
25619 | props = component.props,
25620 | animator = component.animator;
25621 |
25622 | if (component.shouldUpdate(props) === false) {
25623 | return false;
25624 | }
25625 | component.willUpdate();
25626 | var canvas = vNode.canvas;
25627 | var newChildren = canvas.toRawChildren(component.render());
25628 | var nextChildren = renderChildren(vNode, newChildren, lastChildren);
25629 |
25630 | component.children = nextChildren;
25631 | vNode.children = nextChildren;
25632 |
25633 | var childrenAnimation = createAnimation(vNode, nextChildren, lastChildren);
25634 | if (childrenAnimation.length) {
25635 | animator.children = childrenAnimation;
25636 | }
25637 |
25638 | animator.run();
25639 | component.didUpdate();
25640 | });
25641 | }
25642 | function getUpdateAnimation(component, newChildren, keyFrame) {
25643 | var preNode = component.preNode;
25644 | var lastChildren = preNode.children,
25645 | props = preNode.props;
25646 |
25647 | if (component.shouldUpdate(props) === false) {
25648 | return false;
25649 | }
25650 | component.willUpdate();
25651 | var nextChildren = renderChildren(preNode, newChildren, lastChildren);
25652 |
25653 | component.preNode.children = nextChildren;
25654 |
25655 | var childrenAnimation = createAnimation(preNode, nextChildren, lastChildren);
25656 | component.didUpdate();
25657 |
25658 | var animUnits = calAnimationTime(childrenAnimation, keyFrame);
25659 | return animUnits;
25660 | }
25661 |
25662 | function generatePath$6(context, parsedStyle) {
25663 | var r = parsedStyle.r;
25664 | context.arc(r, r, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
25665 | }
25666 |
25667 | function generatePath$5(context, parsedStyle) {
25668 | var rxInPixels = parsedStyle.rx, ryInPixels = parsedStyle.ry;
25669 | var rx = rxInPixels;
25670 | var ry = ryInPixels;
25671 |
25672 | if (context.ellipse) {
25673 | context.ellipse(rx, ry, rx, ry, 0, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
25674 | }
25675 | else {
25676 |
25677 | var r = rx > ry ? rx : ry;
25678 | var scaleX = rx > ry ? 1 : rx / ry;
25679 | var scaleY = rx > ry ? ry / rx : 1;
25680 | context.save();
25681 | context.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
25682 | context.arc(r, r, r, 0, Math.PI * 2);
25683 | }
25684 | }
25685 |
25686 | function generatePath$4(context, parsedStyle) {
25687 | var x1 = parsedStyle.x1, y1 = parsedStyle.y1, x2 = parsedStyle.x2, y2 = parsedStyle.y2, _a = parsedStyle.defX, defX = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a, _b = parsedStyle.defY, defY = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, markerStart = parsedStyle.markerStart, markerEnd = parsedStyle.markerEnd, markerStartOffset = parsedStyle.markerStartOffset, markerEndOffset = parsedStyle.markerEndOffset;
25688 | var startOffsetX = 0;
25689 | var startOffsetY = 0;
25690 | var endOffsetX = 0;
25691 | var endOffsetY = 0;
25692 | var rad = 0;
25693 | var x;
25694 | var y;
25695 | if (markerStart && isDisplayObject(markerStart) && markerStartOffset) {
25696 | x = x2 - x1;
25697 | y = y2 - y1;
25698 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
25699 | startOffsetX = Math.cos(rad) * (markerStartOffset || 0);
25700 | startOffsetY = Math.sin(rad) * (markerStartOffset || 0);
25701 | }
25702 | if (markerEnd && isDisplayObject(markerEnd) && markerEndOffset) {
25703 | x = x1 - x2;
25704 | y = y1 - y2;
25705 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
25706 | endOffsetX = Math.cos(rad) * (markerEndOffset || 0);
25707 | endOffsetY = Math.sin(rad) * (markerEndOffset || 0);
25708 | }
25709 | context.moveTo(x1 - defX + startOffsetX, y1 - defY + startOffsetY);
25710 | context.lineTo(x2 - defX + endOffsetX, y2 - defY + endOffsetY);
25711 | }
25712 |
25713 | function generatePath$3(context, parsedStyle) {
25714 | var _a = parsedStyle.defX, defX = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a, _b = parsedStyle.defY, defY = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, markerStart = parsedStyle.markerStart, markerEnd = parsedStyle.markerEnd, markerStartOffset = parsedStyle.markerStartOffset, markerEndOffset = parsedStyle.markerEndOffset;
25715 | var _c = parsedStyle.path, absolutePath = _c.absolutePath, segments = _c.segments;
25716 | var startOffsetX = 0;
25717 | var startOffsetY = 0;
25718 | var endOffsetX = 0;
25719 | var endOffsetY = 0;
25720 | var rad = 0;
25721 | var x;
25722 | var y;
25723 | if (markerStart && isDisplayObject(markerStart) && markerStartOffset) {
25724 | var _d = __read(markerStart.parentNode.getStartTangent(), 2), p1 = _d[0], p2 = _d[1];
25725 | x = p1[0] - p2[0];
25726 | y = p1[1] - p2[1];
25727 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
25728 | startOffsetX = Math.cos(rad) * (markerStartOffset || 0);
25729 | startOffsetY = Math.sin(rad) * (markerStartOffset || 0);
25730 | }
25731 | if (markerEnd && isDisplayObject(markerEnd) && markerEndOffset) {
25732 | var _e = __read(markerEnd.parentNode.getEndTangent(), 2), p1 = _e[0], p2 = _e[1];
25733 | x = p1[0] - p2[0];
25734 | y = p1[1] - p2[1];
25735 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
25736 | endOffsetX = Math.cos(rad) * (markerEndOffset || 0);
25737 | endOffsetY = Math.sin(rad) * (markerEndOffset || 0);
25738 | }
25739 | for (var i = 0; i < absolutePath.length; i++) {
25740 | var params = absolutePath[i];
25741 | var command = params[0];
25742 | var nextSegment = absolutePath[i + 1];
25743 | var useStartOffset = i === 0 && (startOffsetX !== 0 || startOffsetY !== 0);
25744 | var useEndOffset = (i === absolutePath.length - 1 ||
25745 | (nextSegment && (nextSegment[0] === 'M' || nextSegment[0] === 'Z'))) &&
25746 | endOffsetX !== 0 &&
25747 | endOffsetY !== 0;
25748 | switch (command) {
25749 | case 'M':
25750 |
25751 | if (useStartOffset) {
25752 | context.moveTo(params[1] - defX + startOffsetX, params[2] - defY + startOffsetY);
25753 | context.lineTo(params[1] - defX, params[2] - defY);
25754 | }
25755 | else {
25756 | context.moveTo(params[1] - defX, params[2] - defY);
25757 | }
25758 | break;
25759 | case 'L':
25760 | if (useEndOffset) {
25761 | context.lineTo(params[1] - defX + endOffsetX, params[2] - defY + endOffsetY);
25762 | }
25763 | else {
25764 | context.lineTo(params[1] - defX, params[2] - defY);
25765 | }
25766 | break;
25767 | case 'Q':
25768 | context.quadraticCurveTo(params[1] - defX, params[2] - defY, params[3] - defX, params[4] - defY);
25769 | if (useEndOffset) {
25770 | context.lineTo(params[3] - defX + endOffsetX, params[4] - defY + endOffsetY);
25771 | }
25772 | break;
25773 | case 'C':
25774 | context.bezierCurveTo(params[1] - defX, params[2] - defY, params[3] - defX, params[4] - defY, params[5] - defX, params[6] - defY);
25775 | if (useEndOffset) {
25776 | context.lineTo(params[5] - defX + endOffsetX, params[6] - defY + endOffsetY);
25777 | }
25778 | break;
25779 | case 'A': {
25780 | var arcParams = segments[i].arcParams;
25781 | var cx = arcParams.cx, cy = arcParams.cy, rx = arcParams.rx, ry = arcParams.ry, startAngle = arcParams.startAngle, endAngle = arcParams.endAngle, xRotation = arcParams.xRotation, sweepFlag = arcParams.sweepFlag;
25782 |
25783 | if (context.ellipse) {
25784 | context.ellipse(cx - defX, cy - defY, rx, ry, xRotation, startAngle, endAngle, !!(1 - sweepFlag));
25785 | }
25786 | else {
25787 |
25788 | var r = rx > ry ? rx : ry;
25789 | var scaleX = rx > ry ? 1 : rx / ry;
25790 | var scaleY = rx > ry ? ry / rx : 1;
25791 | context.translate(cx - defX, cy - defY);
25792 | context.rotate(xRotation);
25793 | context.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
25794 | context.arc(0, 0, r, startAngle, endAngle, !!(1 - sweepFlag));
25795 | context.scale(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleY);
25796 | context.rotate(-xRotation);
25797 | context.translate(-(cx - defX), -(cy - defY));
25798 | }
25799 | if (useEndOffset) {
25800 | context.lineTo(params[6] - defX + endOffsetX, params[7] - defY + endOffsetY);
25801 | }
25802 | break;
25803 | }
25804 | case 'Z':
25805 | context.closePath();
25806 | break;
25807 | }
25808 | }
25809 | }
25810 |
25811 | function generatePath$2(context, parsedStyle) {
25812 | var _a = parsedStyle.defX, defX = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a, _b = parsedStyle.defY, defY = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, markerStart = parsedStyle.markerStart, markerEnd = parsedStyle.markerEnd, markerStartOffset = parsedStyle.markerStartOffset, markerEndOffset = parsedStyle.markerEndOffset;
25813 | var points = parsedStyle.points.points;
25814 | var length = points.length;
25815 | var x1 = points[0][0] - defX;
25816 | var y1 = points[0][1] - defY;
25817 | var x2 = points[length - 1][0] - defX;
25818 | var y2 = points[length - 1][1] - defY;
25819 | var startOffsetX = 0;
25820 | var startOffsetY = 0;
25821 | var endOffsetX = 0;
25822 | var endOffsetY = 0;
25823 | var rad = 0;
25824 | var x;
25825 | var y;
25826 | if (markerStart && isDisplayObject(markerStart) && markerStartOffset) {
25827 | x = points[1][0] - points[0][0];
25828 | y = points[1][1] - points[0][1];
25829 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
25830 | startOffsetX = Math.cos(rad) * (markerStartOffset || 0);
25831 | startOffsetY = Math.sin(rad) * (markerStartOffset || 0);
25832 | }
25833 | if (markerEnd && isDisplayObject(markerEnd) && markerEndOffset) {
25834 | x = points[length - 1][0] - points[0][0];
25835 | y = points[length - 1][1] - points[0][1];
25836 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
25837 | endOffsetX = Math.cos(rad) * (markerEndOffset || 0);
25838 | endOffsetY = Math.sin(rad) * (markerEndOffset || 0);
25839 | }
25840 | context.moveTo(x1 + (startOffsetX || endOffsetX), y1 + (startOffsetY || endOffsetY));
25841 | for (var i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) {
25842 | var point = points[i];
25843 | context.lineTo(point[0] - defX, point[1] - defY);
25844 | }
25845 | context.lineTo(x2, y2);
25846 | }
25847 |
25848 | function generatePath$1(context, parsedStyle) {
25849 | var _a = parsedStyle.defX, defX = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a, _b = parsedStyle.defY, defY = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, markerStart = parsedStyle.markerStart, markerEnd = parsedStyle.markerEnd, markerStartOffset = parsedStyle.markerStartOffset, markerEndOffset = parsedStyle.markerEndOffset;
25850 | var points = parsedStyle.points.points;
25851 | var length = points.length;
25852 | var x1 = points[0][0] - defX;
25853 | var y1 = points[0][1] - defY;
25854 | var x2 = points[length - 1][0] - defX;
25855 | var y2 = points[length - 1][1] - defY;
25856 | var startOffsetX = 0;
25857 | var startOffsetY = 0;
25858 | var endOffsetX = 0;
25859 | var endOffsetY = 0;
25860 | var rad = 0;
25861 | var x;
25862 | var y;
25863 | if (markerStart && isDisplayObject(markerStart) && markerStartOffset) {
25864 | x = points[1][0] - points[0][0];
25865 | y = points[1][1] - points[0][1];
25866 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
25867 | startOffsetX = Math.cos(rad) * (markerStartOffset || 0);
25868 | startOffsetY = Math.sin(rad) * (markerStartOffset || 0);
25869 | }
25870 | if (markerEnd && isDisplayObject(markerEnd) && markerEndOffset) {
25871 | x = points[length - 2][0] - points[length - 1][0];
25872 | y = points[length - 2][1] - points[length - 1][1];
25873 | rad = Math.atan2(y, x);
25874 | endOffsetX = Math.cos(rad) * (markerEndOffset || 0);
25875 | endOffsetY = Math.sin(rad) * (markerEndOffset || 0);
25876 | }
25877 | context.moveTo(x1 + startOffsetX, y1 + startOffsetY);
25878 | for (var i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) {
25879 | var point = points[i];
25880 | context.lineTo(point[0] - defX, point[1] - defY);
25881 | }
25882 | context.lineTo(x2 + endOffsetX, y2 + endOffsetY);
25883 | }
25884 |
25885 | function generatePath(context, parsedStyle) {
25886 | var radius = parsedStyle.radius, width = parsedStyle.width, height = parsedStyle.height;
25887 | var w = width;
25888 | var h = height;
25889 | var hasRadius = radius && radius.some(function (r) { return r !== 0; });
25890 | if (!hasRadius) {
25891 |
25892 | context.rect(0, 0, w, h);
25893 | }
25894 | else {
25895 | var signX = width > 0 ? 1 : -1;
25896 | var signY = height > 0 ? 1 : -1;
25897 | var sweepFlag = signX + signY === 0;
25898 | var _a = __read(radius.map(function (r) {
25899 | return clamp(r, 0, Math.min(Math.abs(w) / 2, Math.abs(h) / 2));
25900 | }), 4), tlr = _a[0], trr = _a[1], brr = _a[2], blr = _a[3];
25901 | context.moveTo(signX * tlr, 0);
25902 | context.lineTo(w - signX * trr, 0);
25903 | if (trr !== 0) {
25904 | context.arc(w - signX * trr, signY * trr, trr, (-signY * Math.PI) / 2, signX > 0 ? 0 : Math.PI, sweepFlag);
25905 | }
25906 | context.lineTo(w, h - signY * brr);
25907 | if (brr !== 0) {
25908 | context.arc(w - signX * brr, h - signY * brr, brr, signX > 0 ? 0 : Math.PI, signY > 0 ? Math.PI / 2 : 1.5 * Math.PI, sweepFlag);
25909 | }
25910 | context.lineTo(signX * blr, h);
25911 | if (blr !== 0) {
25912 | context.arc(signX * blr, h - signY * blr, blr, signY > 0 ? Math.PI / 2 : -Math.PI / 2, signX > 0 ? Math.PI : 0, sweepFlag);
25913 | }
25914 | context.lineTo(0, signY * tlr);
25915 | if (tlr !== 0) {
25916 | context.arc(signX * tlr, signY * tlr, tlr, signX > 0 ? Math.PI : 0, signY > 0 ? Math.PI * 1.5 : Math.PI / 2, sweepFlag);
25917 | }
25918 | }
25919 | }
25920 |
25921 | var Plugin = (function (_super) {
25922 | __extends(Plugin, _super);
25923 | function Plugin() {
25924 | var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments), false)) || this;
25925 | _this.name = 'canvas-path-generator';
25926 | return _this;
25927 | }
25928 | Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
25929 | var _a;
25930 | var pathGeneratorFactory = (_a = {},
25931 | _a[Shape.CIRCLE] = generatePath$6,
25932 | _a[Shape.ELLIPSE] = generatePath$5,
25933 | _a[Shape.RECT] = generatePath,
25934 | _a[Shape.LINE] = generatePath$4,
25935 | _a[Shape.POLYLINE] = generatePath$1,
25936 | _a[Shape.POLYGON] = generatePath$2,
25937 | _a[Shape.PATH] = generatePath$3,
25938 | _a[Shape.TEXT] = undefined,
25939 | _a[Shape.GROUP] = undefined,
25940 | _a[Shape.IMAGE] = undefined,
25941 | _a[Shape.HTML] = undefined,
25942 | _a[Shape.MESH] = undefined,
25943 | _a);
25944 |
25945 | this.context.pathGeneratorFactory = pathGeneratorFactory;
25946 | };
25947 | Plugin.prototype.destroy = function () {
25948 |
25949 | delete this.context.pathGeneratorFactory;
25950 | };
25951 | return Plugin;
25952 | }(AbstractRendererPlugin));
25953 |
25954 | var tmpVec3a = create$2();
25955 | var tmpVec3b = create$2();
25956 | var tmpVec3c = create$2();
25957 | var tmpMat4$1 = create$1();
25958 | |
25959 |
25960 |
25961 |
25962 |
25963 |
25964 | var CanvasPickerPlugin = (function () {
25965 | function CanvasPickerPlugin() {
25966 | var _this = this;
25967 | this.isHit = function (displayObject, position, worldTransform, isClipPath) {
25968 |
25969 | var pick = _this.context.pointInPathPickerFactory[displayObject.nodeName];
25970 | if (pick) {
25971 |
25972 | var invertWorldMat = invert(tmpMat4$1, worldTransform);
25973 |
25974 | var localPosition = transformMat4(tmpVec3b, set$1(tmpVec3c, position[0], position[1], 0), invertWorldMat);
25975 | // account for anchor
25976 | var halfExtents = displayObject.getGeometryBounds().halfExtents;
25977 | var anchor = displayObject.parsedStyle.anchor;
25978 | localPosition[0] += ((anchor && anchor[0]) || 0) * halfExtents[0] * 2;
25979 | localPosition[1] += ((anchor && anchor[1]) || 0) * halfExtents[1] * 2;
25980 | if (pick(displayObject, new Point(localPosition[0], localPosition[1]), isClipPath, _this.isPointInPath, _this.context, _this.runtime)) {
25981 | return true;
25982 | }
25983 | }
25984 | return false;
25985 | };
25986 | |
25987 |
25988 |
25989 |
25990 | this.isPointInPath = function (displayObject, position) {
25991 | var context = _this.runtime.offscreenCanvasCreator.getOrCreateContext(_this.context.config.offscreenCanvas);
25992 | var generatePath = _this.context.pathGeneratorFactory[displayObject.nodeName];
25993 | if (generatePath) {
25994 | context.beginPath();
25995 | generatePath(context, displayObject.parsedStyle);
25996 | context.closePath();
25997 | }
25998 | return context.isPointInPath(position.x, position.y);
25999 | };
26000 | }
26001 | CanvasPickerPlugin.prototype.apply = function (context, runtime) {
26002 | var _this = this;
26003 | var _a;
26004 | var renderingService = context.renderingService, renderingContext = context.renderingContext;
26005 | this.context = context;
26006 | this.runtime = runtime;
26007 | var document = (_a = renderingContext.root) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ownerDocument;
26008 | renderingService.hooks.pick.tapPromise(CanvasPickerPlugin.tag, function (result) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
26009 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
26010 | return [2 , this.pick(document, result)];
26011 | });
26012 | }); });
26013 | renderingService.hooks.pickSync.tap(CanvasPickerPlugin.tag, function (result) {
26014 | return _this.pick(document, result);
26015 | });
26016 | };
26017 | CanvasPickerPlugin.prototype.pick = function (document, result) {
26018 | var e_1, _a;
26019 | var topmost = result.topmost, _b = result.position, x = _b.x, y = _b.y;
26020 |
26021 | var position = set$1(tmpVec3a, x, y, 0);
26022 | // query by AABB first with spatial index(r-tree)
26023 | var hitTestList = document.elementsFromBBox(position[0], position[1], position[0], position[1]);
26024 | // test with clip path & origin shape
26025 | // @see https://github.com/antvis/g/issues/1064
26026 | var pickedDisplayObjects = [];
26027 | try {
26028 | for (var hitTestList_1 = __values(hitTestList), hitTestList_1_1 = hitTestList_1.next(); !hitTestList_1_1.done; hitTestList_1_1 = hitTestList_1.next()) {
26029 | var displayObject = hitTestList_1_1.value;
26030 | var worldTransform = displayObject.getWorldTransform();
26031 | var isHitOriginShape = this.isHit(displayObject, position, worldTransform, false);
26032 | if (isHitOriginShape) {
26033 |
26034 | var clipped = findClosestClipPathTarget(displayObject);
26035 | if (clipped) {
26036 | var clipPath = clipped.parsedStyle.clipPath;
26037 | var isHitClipPath = this.isHit(clipPath, position, clipPath.getWorldTransform(), true);
26038 | if (isHitClipPath) {
26039 | if (topmost) {
26040 | result.picked = [displayObject];
26041 | return result;
26042 | }
26043 | else {
26044 | pickedDisplayObjects.push(displayObject);
26045 | }
26046 | }
26047 | }
26048 | else {
26049 | if (topmost) {
26050 | result.picked = [displayObject];
26051 | return result;
26052 | }
26053 | else {
26054 | pickedDisplayObjects.push(displayObject);
26055 | }
26056 | }
26057 | }
26058 | }
26059 | }
26060 | catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
26061 | finally {
26062 | try {
26063 | if (hitTestList_1_1 && !hitTestList_1_1.done && (_a = hitTestList_1.return)) _a.call(hitTestList_1);
26064 | }
26065 | finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
26066 | }
26067 | result.picked = pickedDisplayObjects;
26068 | return result;
26069 | };
26070 | CanvasPickerPlugin.tag = 'CanvasPicker';
26071 | return CanvasPickerPlugin;
26072 | }());
26073 |
26074 | function isPointInPath$7(displayObject, position, isClipPath) {
26075 | var _a = displayObject.parsedStyle, r = _a.r, fill = _a.fill, stroke = _a.stroke, lineWidth = _a.lineWidth, increasedLineWidthForHitTesting = _a.increasedLineWidthForHitTesting, pointerEvents = _a.pointerEvents;
26076 | var halfLineWidth = ((lineWidth || 0) + (increasedLineWidthForHitTesting || 0)) / 2;
26077 | var absDistance = distance$1(r, r, position.x, position.y);
26078 | var _b = __read(isFillOrStrokeAffected(pointerEvents, fill, stroke), 2), hasFill = _b[0], hasStroke = _b[1];
26079 | if ((hasFill && hasStroke) || isClipPath) {
26080 | return absDistance <= r + halfLineWidth;
26081 | }
26082 | if (hasFill) {
26083 | return absDistance <= r;
26084 | }
26085 | if (hasStroke) {
26086 | return absDistance >= r - halfLineWidth && absDistance <= r + halfLineWidth;
26087 | }
26088 | return false;
26089 | }
26090 |
26091 | function ellipseDistance(squareX, squareY, rx, ry) {
26092 | return squareX / (rx * rx) + squareY / (ry * ry);
26093 | }
26094 | function isPointInPath$6(displayObject, position, isClipPath) {
26095 | var _a = displayObject.parsedStyle, rx = _a.rx, ry = _a.ry, fill = _a.fill, stroke = _a.stroke, lineWidth = _a.lineWidth, increasedLineWidthForHitTesting = _a.increasedLineWidthForHitTesting, pointerEvents = _a.pointerEvents;
26096 | var x = position.x, y = position.y;
26097 | var _b = __read(isFillOrStrokeAffected(pointerEvents, fill, stroke), 2), hasFill = _b[0], hasStroke = _b[1];
26098 | var halfLineWith = ((lineWidth || 0) + (increasedLineWidthForHitTesting || 0)) / 2;
26099 | var squareX = (x - rx) * (x - rx);
26100 | var squareY = (y - ry) * (y - ry);
26101 |
26102 | if ((hasFill && hasStroke) || isClipPath) {
26103 | return (ellipseDistance(squareX, squareY, rx + halfLineWith, ry + halfLineWith) <=
26104 | 1);
26105 | }
26106 | if (hasFill) {
26107 | return ellipseDistance(squareX, squareY, rx, ry) <= 1;
26108 | }
26109 | if (hasStroke) {
26110 | return (ellipseDistance(squareX, squareY, rx - halfLineWith, ry - halfLineWith) >=
26111 | 1 &&
26112 | ellipseDistance(squareX, squareY, rx + halfLineWith, ry + halfLineWith) <=
26113 | 1);
26114 | }
26115 | return false;
26116 | }
26117 |
26118 | function inBox(minX, minY, width, height, x, y) {
26119 | return x >= minX && x <= minX + width && y >= minY && y <= minY + height;
26120 | }
26121 | function inRect(minX, minY, width, height, lineWidth, x, y) {
26122 | var halfWidth = lineWidth / 2;
26123 |
26124 | return (inBox(minX - halfWidth, minY - halfWidth, width, lineWidth, x, y) ||
26125 | inBox(minX + width - halfWidth, minY - halfWidth, lineWidth, height, x, y) ||
26126 | inBox(minX + halfWidth, minY + height - halfWidth, width, lineWidth, x, y) ||
26127 | inBox(minX - halfWidth, minY + halfWidth, lineWidth, height, x, y));
26128 | }
26129 | function inArc(cx, cy, r, startAngle, endAngle, lineWidth, x, y) {
26130 | var angle = (Math.atan2(y - cy, x - cx) + Math.PI * 2) % (Math.PI * 2);
26131 |
26132 |
26133 |
26134 | var point = {
26135 | x: cx + r * Math.cos(angle),
26136 | y: cy + r * Math.sin(angle),
26137 | };
26138 | return distance$1(point.x, point.y, x, y) <= lineWidth / 2;
26139 | }
26140 | function inLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, lineWidth, x, y) {
26141 | var minX = Math.min(x1, x2);
26142 | var maxX = Math.max(x1, x2);
26143 | var minY = Math.min(y1, y2);
26144 | var maxY = Math.max(y1, y2);
26145 | var halfWidth = lineWidth / 2;
26146 |
26147 |
26148 | if (!(x >= minX - halfWidth &&
26149 | x <= maxX + halfWidth &&
26150 | y >= minY - halfWidth &&
26151 | y <= maxY + halfWidth)) {
26152 | return false;
26153 | }
26154 |
26155 | return pointToLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) <= lineWidth / 2;
26156 | }
26157 | function inPolyline(points, lineWidth, x, y, isClose) {
26158 | var count = points.length;
26159 | if (count < 2) {
26160 | return false;
26161 | }
26162 | for (var i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
26163 | var x1 = points[i][0];
26164 | var y1 = points[i][1];
26165 | var x2 = points[i + 1][0];
26166 | var y2 = points[i + 1][1];
26167 | if (inLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, lineWidth, x, y)) {
26168 | return true;
26169 | }
26170 | }
26171 |
26172 | if (isClose) {
26173 | var first = points[0];
26174 | var last = points[count - 1];
26175 | if (inLine(first[0], first[1], last[0], last[1], lineWidth, x, y)) {
26176 | return true;
26177 | }
26178 | }
26179 | return false;
26180 | }
26181 |
26182 | var tolerance = 1e-6;
26183 |
26184 | function dcmp(x) {
26185 | if (Math.abs(x) < tolerance) {
26186 | return 0;
26187 | }
26188 | return x < 0 ? -1 : 1;
26189 | }
26190 |
26191 | function onSegment(p1, p2, q) {
26192 | if ((q[0] - p1[0]) * (p2[1] - p1[1]) === (p2[0] - p1[0]) * (q[1] - p1[1]) &&
26193 | Math.min(p1[0], p2[0]) <= q[0] &&
26194 | q[0] <= Math.max(p1[0], p2[0]) &&
26195 | Math.min(p1[1], p2[1]) <= q[1] &&
26196 | q[1] <= Math.max(p1[1], p2[1])) {
26197 | return true;
26198 | }
26199 | return false;
26200 | }
26201 |
26202 | function inPolygon(points, x, y) {
26203 | var isHit = false;
26204 | var n = points.length;
26205 | if (n <= 2) {
26206 |
26207 | return false;
26208 | }
26209 | for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
26210 | var p1 = points[i];
26211 | var p2 = points[(i + 1) % n];
26212 | if (onSegment(p1, p2, [x, y])) {
26213 |
26214 | return true;
26215 | }
26216 |
26217 |
26218 | if (dcmp(p1[1] - y) > 0 !== dcmp(p2[1] - y) > 0 &&
26219 | dcmp(x - ((y - p1[1]) * (p1[0] - p2[0])) / (p1[1] - p2[1]) - p1[0]) < 0) {
26220 | isHit = !isHit;
26221 | }
26222 | }
26223 | return isHit;
26224 | }
26225 | function inPolygons(polygons, x, y) {
26226 | var isHit = false;
26227 | for (var i = 0; i < polygons.length; i++) {
26228 | var points = polygons[i];
26229 | isHit = inPolygon(points, x, y);
26230 | if (isHit) {
26231 | break;
26232 | }
26233 | }
26234 | return isHit;
26235 | }
26236 |
26237 | function isPointInPath$5(displayObject, position, isClipPath) {
26238 | var _a = displayObject.parsedStyle, x1 = _a.x1, y1 = _a.y1, x2 = _a.x2, y2 = _a.y2, lineWidth = _a.lineWidth, increasedLineWidthForHitTesting = _a.increasedLineWidthForHitTesting, _b = _a.defX, x = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.defY, y = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, pointerEvents = _a.pointerEvents, fill = _a.fill, stroke = _a.stroke;
26239 | var _d = __read(isFillOrStrokeAffected(pointerEvents, fill, stroke), 2), hasStroke = _d[1];
26240 | if ((!hasStroke && !isClipPath) || !lineWidth) {
26241 | return false;
26242 | }
26243 | return inLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, (lineWidth || 0) + (increasedLineWidthForHitTesting || 0), position.x + x, position.y + y);
26244 | }
26245 |
26246 |
26247 | function isPointInStroke(segments, lineWidth, px, py, length) {
26248 | var isHit = false;
26249 | var halfWidth = lineWidth / 2;
26250 | for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
26251 | var segment = segments[i];
26252 | var currentPoint = segment.currentPoint, params = segment.params, prePoint = segment.prePoint, box = segment.box;
26253 |
26254 | if (box &&
26255 | !inBox(box.x - halfWidth, box.y - halfWidth, box.width + lineWidth, box.height + lineWidth, px, py)) {
26256 | continue;
26257 | }
26258 | switch (segment.command) {
26259 |
26260 | case 'L':
26261 | case 'Z':
26262 | isHit = inLine(prePoint[0], prePoint[1], currentPoint[0], currentPoint[1], lineWidth, px, py);
26263 | if (isHit) {
26264 | return true;
26265 | }
26266 | break;
26267 | case 'Q':
26268 | var qDistance = pointDistance(prePoint[0], prePoint[1], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], px, py);
26269 | isHit = qDistance <= lineWidth / 2;
26270 | if (isHit) {
26271 | return true;
26272 | }
26273 | break;
26274 | case 'C':
26275 | var cDistance = pointDistance$3(prePoint[0],
26276 | prePoint[1], params[1],
26277 | params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], params[6], px, py, length);
26278 | isHit = cDistance <= lineWidth / 2;
26279 | if (isHit) {
26280 | return true;
26281 | }
26282 | break;
26283 | case 'A':
26284 |
26285 | if (!segment.cubicParams) {
26286 | segment.cubicParams = arcToCubic(prePoint[0], prePoint[1], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], params[6], params[7], undefined);
26287 | }
26288 | var args = segment.cubicParams;
26289 |
26290 | var prePointInCubic = prePoint;
26291 | for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < args.length; i_1 += 6) {
26292 | var cDistance_1 = pointDistance$3(prePointInCubic[0],
26293 | prePointInCubic[1], args[i_1], args[i_1 + 1], args[i_1 + 2], args[i_1 + 3], args[i_1 + 4], args[i_1 + 5], px, py, length);
26294 | prePointInCubic = [args[i_1 + 4], args[i_1 + 5]];
26295 | isHit = cDistance_1 <= lineWidth / 2;
26296 | if (isHit) {
26297 | return true;
26298 | }
26299 | }
26300 | break;
26301 | }
26302 | }
26303 | return isHit;
26304 | }
26305 | function isPointInPath$4(displayObject, position, isClipPath, isPointInPath, renderingPluginContext, runtime) {
26306 | var _a = displayObject.parsedStyle, lineWidth = _a.lineWidth, increasedLineWidthForHitTesting = _a.increasedLineWidthForHitTesting, stroke = _a.stroke, fill = _a.fill, _b = _a.defX, x = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.defY, y = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, path = _a.path, pointerEvents = _a.pointerEvents;
26307 | var segments = path.segments, hasArc = path.hasArc, polylines = path.polylines, polygons = path.polygons;
26308 | var _d = __read(isFillOrStrokeAffected(pointerEvents,
26309 |
26310 | (polygons === null || polygons === void 0 ? void 0 : polygons.length) && fill, stroke), 2), hasFill = _d[0], hasStroke = _d[1];
26311 | var totalLength = getOrCalculatePathTotalLength(displayObject);
26312 | var isHit = false;
26313 | if (hasFill || isClipPath) {
26314 | if (hasArc) {
26315 |
26316 | isHit = isPointInPath(displayObject, position);
26317 | }
26318 | else {
26319 |
26320 | isHit =
26321 | inPolygons(polygons, position.x + x, position.y + y) ||
26322 | inPolygons(polylines, position.x + x, position.y + y);
26323 | }
26324 | return isHit;
26325 | }
26326 | else if (hasStroke || isClipPath) {
26327 | isHit = isPointInStroke(segments, (lineWidth || 0) + (increasedLineWidthForHitTesting || 0), position.x + x, position.y + y, totalLength);
26328 | }
26329 | return isHit;
26330 | }
26331 |
26332 | function isPointInPath$3(displayObject, position, isClipPath) {
26333 | var _a = displayObject.parsedStyle, stroke = _a.stroke, fill = _a.fill, lineWidth = _a.lineWidth, increasedLineWidthForHitTesting = _a.increasedLineWidthForHitTesting, points = _a.points, _b = _a.defX, x = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.defY, y = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, pointerEvents = _a.pointerEvents;
26334 | var _d = __read(isFillOrStrokeAffected(pointerEvents, fill, stroke), 2), hasFill = _d[0], hasStroke = _d[1];
26335 | var isHit = false;
26336 | if (hasStroke || isClipPath) {
26337 | isHit = inPolyline(points.points, (lineWidth || 0) + (increasedLineWidthForHitTesting || 0), position.x + x, position.y + y, true);
26338 | }
26339 | if (!isHit && (hasFill || isClipPath)) {
26340 | isHit = inPolygon(points.points, position.x + x, position.y + y);
26341 | }
26342 | return isHit;
26343 | }
26344 |
26345 | function isPointInPath$2(displayObject, position, isClipPath) {
26346 | var _a = displayObject.parsedStyle, lineWidth = _a.lineWidth, increasedLineWidthForHitTesting = _a.increasedLineWidthForHitTesting, points = _a.points, _b = _a.defX, x = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.defY, y = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, pointerEvents = _a.pointerEvents, fill = _a.fill, stroke = _a.stroke;
26347 | var _d = __read(isFillOrStrokeAffected(pointerEvents, fill, stroke), 2), hasStroke = _d[1];
26348 | if ((!hasStroke && !isClipPath) || !lineWidth) {
26349 | return false;
26350 | }
26351 | return inPolyline(points.points, (lineWidth || 0) + (increasedLineWidthForHitTesting || 0), position.x + x, position.y + y, false);
26352 | }
26353 |
26354 | function isPointInPath$1(displayObject, position, isClipPath, isPointInPath, runtime) {
26355 | var _a = displayObject.parsedStyle, radius = _a.radius, fill = _a.fill, stroke = _a.stroke, lineWidth = _a.lineWidth, increasedLineWidthForHitTesting = _a.increasedLineWidthForHitTesting, width = _a.width, height = _a.height, pointerEvents = _a.pointerEvents;
26356 | var _b = __read(isFillOrStrokeAffected(pointerEvents, fill, stroke), 2), hasFill = _b[0], hasStroke = _b[1];
26357 | var hasRadius = radius && radius.some(function (r) { return r !== 0; });
26358 | var lineWidthForHitTesting = (lineWidth || 0) + (increasedLineWidthForHitTesting || 0);
26359 |
26360 | if (!hasRadius) {
26361 | var halfWidth = lineWidthForHitTesting / 2;
26362 |
26363 | if ((hasFill && hasStroke) || isClipPath) {
26364 | return inBox(0 - halfWidth, 0 - halfWidth, width + halfWidth, height + halfWidth, position.x, position.y);
26365 | }
26366 |
26367 | if (hasFill) {
26368 | return inBox(0, 0, width, height, position.x, position.y);
26369 | }
26370 | if (hasStroke) {
26371 | return inRect(0, 0, width, height, lineWidthForHitTesting, position.x, position.y);
26372 | }
26373 | }
26374 | else {
26375 | var isHit = false;
26376 | if (hasStroke || isClipPath) {
26377 | isHit = inRectWithRadius(0, 0, width, height, radius.map(function (r) {
26378 | return clamp(r, 0, Math.min(Math.abs(width) / 2, Math.abs(height) / 2));
26379 | }), lineWidthForHitTesting, position.x, position.y);
26380 | }
26381 |
26382 |
26383 | if (!isHit && (hasFill || isClipPath)) {
26384 | isHit = isPointInPath(displayObject, position);
26385 | }
26386 | return isHit;
26387 | }
26388 | return false;
26389 | }
26390 | function inRectWithRadius(minX, minY, width, height, radiusArray, lineWidth, x, y) {
26391 | var _a = __read(radiusArray, 4), tlr = _a[0], trr = _a[1], brr = _a[2], blr = _a[3];
26392 | return (inLine(minX + tlr, minY, minX + width - trr, minY, lineWidth, x, y) ||
26393 | inLine(minX + width, minY + trr, minX + width, minY + height - brr, lineWidth, x, y) ||
26394 | inLine(minX + width - brr, minY + height, minX + blr, minY + height, lineWidth, x, y) ||
26395 | inLine(minX, minY + height - blr, minX, minY + tlr, lineWidth, x, y) ||
26396 | inArc(minX + width - trr, minY + trr, trr, 1.5 * Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI, lineWidth, x, y) ||
26397 | inArc(minX + width - brr, minY + height - brr, brr, 0, 0.5 * Math.PI, lineWidth, x, y) ||
26398 | inArc(minX + blr, minY + height - blr, blr, 0.5 * Math.PI, Math.PI, lineWidth, x, y) ||
26399 | inArc(minX + tlr, minY + tlr, tlr, Math.PI, 1.5 * Math.PI, lineWidth, x, y));
26400 | }
26401 |
26402 | function isPointInPath(displayObject, position, isClipPath, isPointInPath, renderingPluginContext, runtime) {
26403 | var _a = displayObject.parsedStyle, pointerEvents = _a.pointerEvents, width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
26404 | if (pointerEvents === 'non-transparent-pixel') {
26405 | var offscreenCanvas = renderingPluginContext.config.offscreenCanvas;
26406 | var canvas = runtime.offscreenCanvasCreator.getOrCreateCanvas(offscreenCanvas);
26407 | var context = runtime.offscreenCanvasCreator.getOrCreateContext(offscreenCanvas, {
26408 | willReadFrequently: true,
26409 | });
26410 | canvas.width = width;
26411 | canvas.height = height;
26412 | renderingPluginContext.defaultStyleRendererFactory[Shape.IMAGE].render(context, displayObject.parsedStyle, displayObject, undefined, undefined, undefined);
26413 | var imagedata = context.getImageData(position.x, position.y, 1, 1).data;
26414 | return imagedata.every(function (component) { return component !== 0; });
26415 | }
26416 | return true;
26417 | }
26418 |
26419 | var Plugin$1 = (function (_super) {
26420 | __extends(Plugin, _super);
26421 | function Plugin() {
26422 | var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments), false)) || this;
26423 | _this.name = 'canvas-picker';
26424 | return _this;
26425 | }
26426 | Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
26427 | var _a;
26428 | var trueFunc = function () { return true; };
26429 | var pointInPathPickerFactory = (_a = {},
26430 | _a[Shape.CIRCLE] = isPointInPath$7,
26431 | _a[Shape.ELLIPSE] = isPointInPath$6,
26432 | _a[Shape.RECT] = isPointInPath$1,
26433 | _a[Shape.LINE] = isPointInPath$5,
26434 | _a[Shape.POLYLINE] = isPointInPath$2,
26435 | _a[Shape.POLYGON] = isPointInPath$3,
26436 | _a[Shape.PATH] = isPointInPath$4,
26437 | _a[Shape.TEXT] = trueFunc,
26438 | _a[Shape.GROUP] = null,
26439 | _a[Shape.IMAGE] = isPointInPath,
26440 | _a[Shape.HTML] = null,
26441 | _a[Shape.MESH] = null,
26442 | _a);
26443 |
26444 | this.context.pointInPathPickerFactory = pointInPathPickerFactory;
26445 | this.addRenderingPlugin(new CanvasPickerPlugin());
26446 | };
26447 | Plugin.prototype.destroy = function () {
26448 |
26449 | delete this.context.pointInPathPickerFactory;
26450 | this.removeAllRenderingPlugins();
26451 | };
26452 | return Plugin;
26453 | }(AbstractRendererPlugin));
26454 |
26455 | |
26456 |
26457 |
26458 |
26459 |
26460 | var CanvasRendererPlugin = (function () {
26461 | function CanvasRendererPlugin(canvasRendererPluginOptions) {
26462 | this.canvasRendererPluginOptions = canvasRendererPluginOptions;
26463 | this.removedRBushNodeAABBs = [];
26464 | this.renderQueue = [];
26465 | |
26466 |
26467 |
26468 | this.restoreStack = [];
26469 | this.clearFullScreen = false;
26470 | |
26471 |
26472 |
26473 | this.vpMatrix = create$1();
26474 | this.dprMatrix = create$1();
26475 | this.tmpMat4 = create$1();
26476 | this.vec3a = create$2();
26477 | this.vec3b = create$2();
26478 | this.vec3c = create$2();
26479 | this.vec3d = create$2();
26480 | }
26481 | CanvasRendererPlugin.prototype.apply = function (context, runtime) {
26482 | var _this = this;
26483 | this.context = context;
26484 | var config = context.config, camera = context.camera, renderingService = context.renderingService, renderingContext = context.renderingContext, rBushRoot = context.rBushRoot,
26485 |
26486 | pathGeneratorFactory = context.pathGeneratorFactory;
26487 | this.rBush = rBushRoot;
26488 | this.pathGeneratorFactory = pathGeneratorFactory;
26489 | var contextService = context.contextService;
26490 | var canvas = renderingContext.root.ownerDocument.defaultView;
26491 | var handleUnmounted = function (e) {
26492 | var object = e.target;
26493 |
26494 |
26495 | var rBushNode = object.rBushNode;
26496 | if (rBushNode.aabb) {
26497 |
26498 | _this.removedRBushNodeAABBs.push(rBushNode.aabb);
26499 | }
26500 | };
26501 | var handleCulled = function (e) {
26502 | var object = e.target;
26503 |
26504 | var rBushNode = object.rBushNode;
26505 | if (rBushNode.aabb) {
26506 |
26507 | _this.removedRBushNodeAABBs.push(rBushNode.aabb);
26508 | }
26509 | };
26510 | renderingService.hooks.init.tap(CanvasRendererPlugin.tag, function () {
26511 | canvas.addEventListener(ElementEvent.UNMOUNTED, handleUnmounted);
26512 | canvas.addEventListener(ElementEvent.CULLED, handleCulled);
26513 |
26514 | var dpr = contextService.getDPR();
26515 | var width = config.width, height = config.height;
26516 | var context = contextService.getContext();
26517 | _this.clearRect(context, 0, 0, width * dpr, height * dpr, config.background);
26518 | });
26519 | renderingService.hooks.destroy.tap(CanvasRendererPlugin.tag, function () {
26520 | canvas.removeEventListener(ElementEvent.UNMOUNTED, handleUnmounted);
26521 | canvas.removeEventListener(ElementEvent.CULLED, handleCulled);
26522 | _this.renderQueue = [];
26523 | _this.removedRBushNodeAABBs = [];
26524 | _this.restoreStack = [];
26525 | });
26526 | renderingService.hooks.beginFrame.tap(CanvasRendererPlugin.tag, function () {
26527 | var context = contextService.getContext();
26528 | var dpr = contextService.getDPR();
26529 | var width = config.width, height = config.height;
26530 | var _a = _this.canvasRendererPluginOptions, dirtyObjectNumThreshold = _a.dirtyObjectNumThreshold, dirtyObjectRatioThreshold = _a.dirtyObjectRatioThreshold;
26531 |
26532 | var _b = renderingService.getStats(), total = _b.total, rendered = _b.rendered;
26533 | var ratio = rendered / total;
26534 | _this.clearFullScreen =
26535 | renderingService.disableDirtyRectangleRendering() ||
26536 | (rendered > dirtyObjectNumThreshold &&
26537 | ratio > dirtyObjectRatioThreshold);
26538 | if (context) {
26539 | context.resetTransform
26540 | ? context.resetTransform()
26541 | : context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
26542 | if (_this.clearFullScreen) {
26543 | _this.clearRect(context, 0, 0, width * dpr, height * dpr, config.background);
26544 | }
26545 | }
26546 | });
26547 | var renderByZIndex = function (object, context) {
26548 | if (object.isVisible() && !object.isCulled()) {
26549 | _this.renderDisplayObject(object, context, _this.context, _this.restoreStack, runtime);
26550 |
26551 |
26552 | _this.saveDirtyAABB(object);
26553 |
26554 | }
26555 | var sorted = object.sortable.sorted || object.childNodes;
26556 |
26557 | sorted.forEach(function (child) {
26558 | renderByZIndex(child, context);
26559 | });
26560 | };
26561 |
26562 | renderingService.hooks.endFrame.tap(CanvasRendererPlugin.tag, function () {
26563 | var context = contextService.getContext();
26564 |
26565 | var dpr = contextService.getDPR();
26566 | fromScaling(_this.dprMatrix, [dpr, dpr, 1]);
26567 | multiply(_this.vpMatrix, _this.dprMatrix, camera.getOrthoMatrix());
26568 |
26569 | if (_this.clearFullScreen) {
26570 |
26571 | renderByZIndex(renderingContext.root, context);
26572 | }
26573 | else {
26574 |
26575 |
26576 | var dirtyRenderBounds = _this.safeMergeAABB.apply(_this, __spreadArray([_this.mergeDirtyAABBs(_this.renderQueue)], __read(_this.removedRBushNodeAABBs.map(function (_a) {
26577 | var minX = _a.minX, minY = _a.minY, maxX = _a.maxX, maxY = _a.maxY;
26578 | var aabb = new AABB();
26579 | aabb.setMinMax(
26580 |
26581 |
26582 | [minX, minY, 0], [maxX, maxY, 0]);
26583 | return aabb;
26584 | })), false));
26585 | _this.removedRBushNodeAABBs = [];
26586 | if (AABB.isEmpty(dirtyRenderBounds)) {
26587 | _this.renderQueue = [];
26588 | return;
26589 | }
26590 | var dirtyRect = _this.convertAABB2Rect(dirtyRenderBounds);
26591 | var x = dirtyRect.x, y = dirtyRect.y, width = dirtyRect.width, height = dirtyRect.height;
26592 | var tl = transformMat4(_this.vec3a, [x, y, 0], _this.vpMatrix);
26593 | var tr = transformMat4(_this.vec3b, [x + width, y, 0], _this.vpMatrix);
26594 | var bl = transformMat4(_this.vec3c, [x, y + height, 0], _this.vpMatrix);
26595 | var br = transformMat4(_this.vec3d, [x + width, y + height, 0], _this.vpMatrix);
26596 | var minx = Math.min(tl[0], tr[0], br[0], bl[0]);
26597 | var miny = Math.min(tl[1], tr[1], br[1], bl[1]);
26598 | var maxx = Math.max(tl[0], tr[0], br[0], bl[0]);
26599 | var maxy = Math.max(tl[1], tr[1], br[1], bl[1]);
26600 | var ix = Math.floor(minx);
26601 | var iy = Math.floor(miny);
26602 | var iwidth = Math.ceil(maxx - minx);
26603 | var iheight = Math.ceil(maxy - miny);
26604 | context.save();
26605 | _this.clearRect(context, ix, iy, iwidth, iheight, config.background);
26606 | context.beginPath();
26607 | context.rect(ix, iy, iwidth, iheight);
26608 | context.clip();
26609 |
26610 | context.setTransform(_this.vpMatrix[0], _this.vpMatrix[1], _this.vpMatrix[4], _this.vpMatrix[5], _this.vpMatrix[12], _this.vpMatrix[13]);
26611 |
26612 | var enableDirtyRectangleRenderingDebug = config.renderer.getConfig().enableDirtyRectangleRenderingDebug;
26613 | if (enableDirtyRectangleRenderingDebug) {
26614 | canvas.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CanvasEvent.DIRTY_RECTANGLE, {
26615 | dirtyRect: {
26616 | x: ix,
26617 | y: iy,
26618 | width: iwidth,
26619 | height: iheight,
26620 | },
26621 | }));
26622 | }
26623 |
26624 | var dirtyObjects = _this.searchDirtyObjects(dirtyRenderBounds);
26625 |
26626 | dirtyObjects
26627 |
26628 | .sort(function (a, b) { return a.sortable.renderOrder - b.sortable.renderOrder; })
26629 | .forEach(function (object) {
26630 |
26631 | if (object && object.isVisible() && !object.isCulled()) {
26632 | _this.renderDisplayObject(object, context, _this.context, _this.restoreStack, runtime);
26633 | }
26634 | });
26635 | context.restore();
26636 |
26637 | _this.renderQueue.forEach(function (object) {
26638 | _this.saveDirtyAABB(object);
26639 | });
26640 |
26641 | _this.renderQueue = [];
26642 | }
26643 |
26644 | _this.restoreStack.forEach(function () {
26645 | context.restore();
26646 | });
26647 |
26648 | _this.restoreStack = [];
26649 | });
26650 | renderingService.hooks.render.tap(CanvasRendererPlugin.tag, function (object) {
26651 | if (!_this.clearFullScreen) {
26652 |
26653 | _this.renderQueue.push(object);
26654 | }
26655 | });
26656 | };
26657 | CanvasRendererPlugin.prototype.clearRect = function (context, x, y, width, height, background) {
26658 |
26659 | context.clearRect(x, y, width, height);
26660 | if (background) {
26661 | context.fillStyle = background;
26662 | context.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
26663 | }
26664 | };
26665 | CanvasRendererPlugin.prototype.renderDisplayObject = function (object, context, canvasContext, restoreStack, runtime) {
26666 | var nodeName = object.nodeName;
26667 |
26668 |
26669 | var parent = restoreStack[restoreStack.length - 1];
26670 | if (parent &&
26671 | !(object.compareDocumentPosition(parent) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS)) {
26672 | context.restore();
26673 | restoreStack.pop();
26674 | }
26675 |
26676 | var styleRenderer = this.context.styleRendererFactory[nodeName];
26677 | var generatePath = this.pathGeneratorFactory[nodeName];
26678 |
26679 | var clipPath = object.parsedStyle.clipPath;
26680 | if (clipPath) {
26681 | this.applyWorldTransform(context, clipPath);
26682 |
26683 | var generatePath_1 = this.pathGeneratorFactory[clipPath.nodeName];
26684 | if (generatePath_1) {
26685 | context.save();
26686 |
26687 | restoreStack.push(object);
26688 | context.beginPath();
26689 | generatePath_1(context, clipPath.parsedStyle);
26690 | context.closePath();
26691 | context.clip();
26692 | }
26693 | }
26694 |
26695 | if (styleRenderer) {
26696 | this.applyWorldTransform(context, object);
26697 | context.save();
26698 |
26699 | this.applyAttributesToContext(context, object);
26700 | }
26701 | if (generatePath) {
26702 | context.beginPath();
26703 | generatePath(context, object.parsedStyle);
26704 | if (object.nodeName !== Shape.LINE &&
26705 | object.nodeName !== Shape.PATH &&
26706 | object.nodeName !== Shape.POLYLINE) {
26707 | context.closePath();
26708 | }
26709 | }
26710 |
26711 | if (styleRenderer) {
26712 | styleRenderer.render(context, object.parsedStyle, object, canvasContext, this, runtime);
26713 |
26714 | context.restore();
26715 | }
26716 |
26717 | object.renderable.dirty = false;
26718 | };
26719 | CanvasRendererPlugin.prototype.convertAABB2Rect = function (aabb) {
26720 | var min = aabb.getMin();
26721 | var max = aabb.getMax();
26722 |
26723 |
26724 | var minX = Math.floor(min[0]);
26725 | var minY = Math.floor(min[1]);
26726 | var maxX = Math.ceil(max[0]);
26727 | var maxY = Math.ceil(max[1]);
26728 | var width = maxX - minX;
26729 | var height = maxY - minY;
26730 | return { x: minX, y: minY, width: width, height: height };
26731 | };
26732 | |
26733 |
26734 |
26735 |
26736 |
26737 | CanvasRendererPlugin.prototype.mergeDirtyAABBs = function (dirtyObjects) {
26738 |
26739 |
26740 | var aabb = new AABB();
26741 | dirtyObjects.forEach(function (object) {
26742 | var renderBounds = object.getRenderBounds();
26743 | aabb.add(renderBounds);
26744 | var dirtyRenderBounds = object.renderable.dirtyRenderBounds;
26745 | if (dirtyRenderBounds) {
26746 | aabb.add(dirtyRenderBounds);
26747 | }
26748 | });
26749 | return aabb;
26750 | };
26751 | CanvasRendererPlugin.prototype.searchDirtyObjects = function (dirtyRectangle) {
26752 |
26753 | var _a = __read(dirtyRectangle.getMin(), 2), minX = _a[0], minY = _a[1];
26754 | var _b = __read(dirtyRectangle.getMax(), 2), maxX = _b[0], maxY = _b[1];
26755 | var rBushNodes = this.rBush.search({
26756 | minX: minX,
26757 | minY: minY,
26758 | maxX: maxX,
26759 | maxY: maxY,
26760 | });
26761 | return rBushNodes.map(function (_a) {
26762 | var displayObject = _a.displayObject;
26763 | return displayObject;
26764 | });
26765 | };
26766 | CanvasRendererPlugin.prototype.saveDirtyAABB = function (object) {
26767 | var renderable = object.renderable;
26768 | if (!renderable.dirtyRenderBounds) {
26769 | renderable.dirtyRenderBounds = new AABB();
26770 | }
26771 | var renderBounds = object.getRenderBounds();
26772 | if (renderBounds) {
26773 |
26774 | renderable.dirtyRenderBounds.update(renderBounds.center, renderBounds.halfExtents);
26775 | }
26776 | };
26777 | |
26778 |
26779 |
26780 | CanvasRendererPlugin.prototype.applyAttributesToContext = function (context, object) {
26781 | var _a = object.parsedStyle, stroke = _a.stroke, fill = _a.fill, opacity = _a.opacity, lineDash = _a.lineDash, lineDashOffset = _a.lineDashOffset;
26782 |
26783 | if (lineDash) {
26784 | context.setLineDash(lineDash);
26785 | }
26786 |
26787 | if (!isNil(lineDashOffset)) {
26788 | context.lineDashOffset = lineDashOffset;
26789 | }
26790 | if (!isNil(opacity)) {
26791 | context.globalAlpha *= opacity;
26792 | }
26793 | if (!isNil(stroke) &&
26794 | !Array.isArray(stroke) &&
26795 | !stroke.isNone) {
26796 | context.strokeStyle = object.attributes.stroke;
26797 | }
26798 | if (!isNil(fill) && !Array.isArray(fill) && !fill.isNone) {
26799 | context.fillStyle = object.attributes.fill;
26800 | }
26801 | };
26802 | CanvasRendererPlugin.prototype.applyWorldTransform = function (context, object, matrix) {
26803 | var tx = 0;
26804 | var ty = 0;
26805 | var anchor = (object.parsedStyle || {}).anchor;
26806 | var anchorX = (anchor && anchor[0]) || 0;
26807 | var anchorY = (anchor && anchor[1]) || 0;
26808 | if (anchorX !== 0 || anchorY !== 0) {
26809 |
26810 | var bounds = object.geometry.contentBounds;
26811 | var width = (bounds && bounds.halfExtents[0] * 2) || 0;
26812 | var height = (bounds && bounds.halfExtents[1] * 2) || 0;
26813 | tx = -(anchorX * width);
26814 | ty = -(anchorY * height);
26815 | }
26816 |
26817 | if (matrix) {
26818 | copy(this.tmpMat4, object.getLocalTransform());
26819 | this.vec3a[0] = tx;
26820 | this.vec3a[1] = ty;
26821 | this.vec3a[2] = 0;
26822 | translate(this.tmpMat4, this.tmpMat4, this.vec3a);
26823 | multiply(this.tmpMat4, matrix, this.tmpMat4);
26824 | multiply(this.tmpMat4, this.vpMatrix, this.tmpMat4);
26825 | }
26826 | else {
26827 |
26828 | copy(this.tmpMat4, object.getWorldTransform());
26829 | this.vec3a[0] = tx;
26830 | this.vec3a[1] = ty;
26831 | this.vec3a[2] = 0;
26832 | translate(this.tmpMat4, this.tmpMat4, this.vec3a);
26833 | multiply(this.tmpMat4, this.vpMatrix, this.tmpMat4);
26834 | }
26835 |
26836 | context.setTransform(this.tmpMat4[0], this.tmpMat4[1], this.tmpMat4[4], this.tmpMat4[5], this.tmpMat4[12], this.tmpMat4[13]);
26837 | };
26838 | CanvasRendererPlugin.prototype.safeMergeAABB = function () {
26839 | var aabbs = [];
26840 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
26841 | aabbs[_i] = arguments[_i];
26842 | }
26843 | var merged = new AABB();
26844 | aabbs.forEach(function (aabb) {
26845 | merged.add(aabb);
26846 | });
26847 | return merged;
26848 | };
26849 | CanvasRendererPlugin.tag = 'CanvasRenderer';
26850 | return CanvasRendererPlugin;
26851 | }());
26852 |
26853 | var DefaultRenderer = (function () {
26854 | function DefaultRenderer(imagePool) {
26855 | this.imagePool = imagePool;
26856 | }
26857 | DefaultRenderer.prototype.render = function (context, parsedStyle, object, canvasContext, plugin, runtime) {
26858 | var fill = parsedStyle.fill, fillRule = parsedStyle.fillRule, opacity = parsedStyle.opacity, fillOpacity = parsedStyle.fillOpacity, stroke = parsedStyle.stroke, strokeOpacity = parsedStyle.strokeOpacity, lineWidth = parsedStyle.lineWidth, lineCap = parsedStyle.lineCap, lineJoin = parsedStyle.lineJoin, shadowType = parsedStyle.shadowType, shadowColor = parsedStyle.shadowColor, shadowBlur = parsedStyle.shadowBlur, filter = parsedStyle.filter, miterLimit = parsedStyle.miterLimit;
26859 | var hasFill = !isNil(fill) && !fill.isNone;
26860 | var hasStroke = !isNil(stroke) && !stroke.isNone && lineWidth > 0;
26861 | var isFillTransparent = fill.alpha === 0;
26862 | var hasFilter = !!(filter && filter.length);
26863 | var hasShadow = !isNil(shadowColor) && shadowBlur > 0;
26864 | var nodeName = object.nodeName;
26865 | var isInnerShadow = shadowType === 'inner';
26866 | var shouldDrawShadowWithStroke = hasStroke &&
26867 | hasShadow &&
26868 | (nodeName === Shape.PATH ||
26869 | nodeName === Shape.LINE ||
26870 | nodeName === Shape.POLYLINE ||
26871 | isFillTransparent ||
26872 | isInnerShadow);
26873 | if (hasFill) {
26874 | context.globalAlpha = opacity * fillOpacity;
26875 | if (!shouldDrawShadowWithStroke) {
26876 | setShadowAndFilter(object, context, hasShadow);
26877 | }
26878 | this.fill(context, object, fill, fillRule, canvasContext, plugin, runtime);
26879 | if (!shouldDrawShadowWithStroke) {
26880 | this.clearShadowAndFilter(context, hasFilter, hasShadow);
26881 | }
26882 | }
26883 | if (hasStroke) {
26884 | context.globalAlpha = opacity * strokeOpacity;
26885 | context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
26886 | if (!isNil(miterLimit)) {
26887 | context.miterLimit = miterLimit;
26888 | }
26889 | if (!isNil(lineCap)) {
26890 | context.lineCap = lineCap;
26891 | }
26892 | if (!isNil(lineJoin)) {
26893 | context.lineJoin = lineJoin;
26894 | }
26895 | if (shouldDrawShadowWithStroke) {
26896 | if (isInnerShadow) {
26897 | context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-atop';
26898 | }
26899 | setShadowAndFilter(object, context, true);
26900 | if (isInnerShadow) {
26901 | this.stroke(context, object, stroke, canvasContext, plugin, runtime);
26902 | context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
26903 | this.clearShadowAndFilter(context, hasFilter, true);
26904 | }
26905 | }
26906 | this.stroke(context, object, stroke, canvasContext, plugin, runtime);
26907 | }
26908 | };
26909 | DefaultRenderer.prototype.clearShadowAndFilter = function (context, hasFilter, hasShadow) {
26910 | if (hasShadow) {
26911 | context.shadowColor = 'transparent';
26912 | context.shadowBlur = 0;
26913 | }
26914 | if (hasFilter) {
26915 |
26916 | var oldFilter = context.filter;
26917 | if (!isNil(oldFilter) && oldFilter.indexOf('drop-shadow') > -1) {
26918 | context.filter =
26919 | oldFilter.replace(/drop-shadow\([^)]*\)/, '').trim() || 'none';
26920 | }
26921 | }
26922 | };
26923 | DefaultRenderer.prototype.fill = function (context, object, fill, fillRule, canvasContext, plugin, runtime) {
26924 | var _this = this;
26925 | if (Array.isArray(fill)) {
26926 | fill.forEach(function (gradient) {
26927 | context.fillStyle = _this.getColor(gradient, object, context);
26928 | fillRule ? context.fill(fillRule) : context.fill();
26929 | });
26930 | }
26931 | else {
26932 | if (isPattern(fill)) {
26933 | context.fillStyle = this.getPattern(fill, object, context, canvasContext, plugin, runtime);
26934 | }
26935 | fillRule ? context.fill(fillRule) : context.fill();
26936 | }
26937 | };
26938 | DefaultRenderer.prototype.stroke = function (context, object, stroke, canvasContext, plugin, runtime) {
26939 | var _this = this;
26940 | if (Array.isArray(stroke)) {
26941 | stroke.forEach(function (gradient) {
26942 | context.strokeStyle = _this.getColor(gradient, object, context);
26943 | context.stroke();
26944 | });
26945 | }
26946 | else {
26947 | if (isPattern(stroke)) {
26948 | context.strokeStyle = this.getPattern(stroke, object, context, canvasContext, plugin, runtime);
26949 | }
26950 | context.stroke();
26951 | }
26952 | };
26953 | DefaultRenderer.prototype.getPattern = function (pattern, object, context, canvasContext, plugin, runtime) {
26954 | var $offscreenCanvas;
26955 | var dpr;
26956 | if (pattern.image.nodeName === 'rect') {
26957 | var _a = pattern.image.parsedStyle, width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
26958 | dpr = canvasContext.contextService.getDPR();
26959 | var offscreenCanvas = canvasContext.config.offscreenCanvas;
26960 | $offscreenCanvas = runtime.offscreenCanvasCreator.getOrCreateCanvas(offscreenCanvas);
26961 | $offscreenCanvas.width = width * dpr;
26962 | $offscreenCanvas.height = height * dpr;
26963 | var offscreenCanvasContext_1 = runtime.offscreenCanvasCreator.getOrCreateContext(offscreenCanvas);
26964 | var restoreStack_1 = [];
26965 |
26966 | pattern.image.forEach(function (object) {
26967 | plugin.renderDisplayObject(object, offscreenCanvasContext_1, canvasContext, restoreStack_1, runtime);
26968 | });
26969 | restoreStack_1.forEach(function () {
26970 | offscreenCanvasContext_1.restore();
26971 | });
26972 | }
26973 | var canvasPattern = this.imagePool.getOrCreatePatternSync(pattern, context, $offscreenCanvas, dpr, function () {
26974 |
26975 | object.renderable.dirty = true;
26976 | canvasContext.renderingService.dirtify();
26977 | });
26978 | return canvasPattern;
26979 | };
26980 | DefaultRenderer.prototype.getColor = function (parsedColor, object, context) {
26981 | var color;
26982 | if (parsedColor.type === GradientType.LinearGradient ||
26983 | parsedColor.type === GradientType.RadialGradient) {
26984 | var bounds = object.getGeometryBounds();
26985 | var width = (bounds && bounds.halfExtents[0] * 2) || 1;
26986 | var height = (bounds && bounds.halfExtents[1] * 2) || 1;
26987 | color = this.imagePool.getOrCreateGradient(__assign(__assign({ type: parsedColor.type }, parsedColor.value), { width: width, height: height }), context);
26988 | }
26989 | return color;
26990 | };
26991 | return DefaultRenderer;
26992 | }());
26993 | |
26994 |
26995 |
26996 | function setShadowAndFilter(object, context, hasShadow) {
26997 | var _a = object.parsedStyle, filter = _a.filter, shadowColor = _a.shadowColor, shadowBlur = _a.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX = _a.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY = _a.shadowOffsetY;
26998 | if (filter && filter.length) {
26999 |
27000 | context.filter = object.style.filter;
27001 | }
27002 | if (hasShadow) {
27003 | context.shadowColor = shadowColor.toString();
27004 | context.shadowBlur = shadowBlur || 0;
27005 | context.shadowOffsetX = shadowOffsetX || 0;
27006 | context.shadowOffsetY = shadowOffsetY || 0;
27007 | }
27008 | }
27009 |
27010 | var ImageRenderer = (function () {
27011 | function ImageRenderer(imagePool) {
27012 | this.imagePool = imagePool;
27013 | }
27014 | ImageRenderer.prototype.render = function (context, parsedStyle, object) {
27015 | var width = parsedStyle.width, height = parsedStyle.height, img = parsedStyle.img, shadowColor = parsedStyle.shadowColor, shadowBlur = parsedStyle.shadowBlur;
27016 | var image;
27017 | var iw = width;
27018 | var ih = height;
27019 | if (isString(img)) {
27020 |
27021 | image = this.imagePool.getImageSync(img);
27022 | }
27023 | else {
27024 | iw || (iw = img.width);
27025 | ih || (ih = img.height);
27026 | image = img;
27027 | }
27028 | if (image) {
27029 | var hasShadow = !isNil(shadowColor) && shadowBlur > 0;
27030 | setShadowAndFilter(object, context, hasShadow);
27031 |
27032 |
27033 | try {
27034 | context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, iw, ih);
27035 | }
27036 | catch (e) { }
27037 | }
27038 | };
27039 | return ImageRenderer;
27040 | }());
27041 |
27042 | var TextRenderer = (function () {
27043 | function TextRenderer() {
27044 | }
27045 | TextRenderer.prototype.render = function (context, parsedStyle, object, canvasContext, plugin, runtime) {
27046 | var _a = parsedStyle, lineWidth = _a.lineWidth, textAlign = _a.textAlign, textBaseline = _a.textBaseline, lineJoin = _a.lineJoin, miterLimit = _a.miterLimit, letterSpacing = _a.letterSpacing, stroke = _a.stroke, fill = _a.fill, fillOpacity = _a.fillOpacity, strokeOpacity = _a.strokeOpacity, opacity = _a.opacity, metrics = _a.metrics, dx = _a.dx, dy = _a.dy, shadowColor = _a.shadowColor, shadowBlur = _a.shadowBlur;
27047 | var font = metrics.font, lines = metrics.lines, height = metrics.height, lineHeight = metrics.lineHeight, lineMetrics = metrics.lineMetrics;
27048 | context.font = font;
27049 | context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
27050 | context.textAlign = textAlign === 'middle' ? 'center' : textAlign;
27051 | var formattedTextBaseline = textBaseline;
27052 | if (
27053 |
27054 | !runtime.enableCSSParsing &&
27055 | formattedTextBaseline === 'alphabetic') {
27056 | formattedTextBaseline = 'bottom';
27057 | }
27058 | context.lineJoin = lineJoin;
27059 | if (!isNil(miterLimit)) {
27060 | context.miterLimit = miterLimit;
27061 | }
27062 | var linePositionY = 0;
27063 |
27064 | if (textBaseline === 'middle') {
27065 | linePositionY = -height / 2 - lineHeight / 2;
27066 | }
27067 | else if (textBaseline === 'bottom' ||
27068 | textBaseline === 'alphabetic' ||
27069 | textBaseline === 'ideographic') {
27070 | linePositionY = -height;
27071 | }
27072 | else if (textBaseline === 'top' || textBaseline === 'hanging') {
27073 | linePositionY = -lineHeight;
27074 | }
27075 |
27076 | var offsetX = dx || 0;
27077 | linePositionY += dy || 0;
27078 | if (lines.length === 1) {
27079 | if (formattedTextBaseline === 'bottom') {
27080 | formattedTextBaseline = 'middle';
27081 | linePositionY -= 0.5 * height;
27082 | }
27083 | else if (formattedTextBaseline === 'top') {
27084 | formattedTextBaseline = 'middle';
27085 | linePositionY += 0.5 * height;
27086 | }
27087 | }
27088 | context.textBaseline = formattedTextBaseline;
27089 | var hasShadow = !isNil(shadowColor) && shadowBlur > 0;
27090 | setShadowAndFilter(object, context, hasShadow);
27091 |
27092 | for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
27093 | var linePositionX = lineWidth / 2 + offsetX;
27094 | linePositionY += lineHeight;
27095 |
27096 |
27097 | if (!isNil(stroke) && !stroke.isNone && lineWidth) {
27098 | this.drawLetterSpacing(context, lines[i], lineMetrics[i], textAlign, linePositionX, linePositionY, letterSpacing, fillOpacity, strokeOpacity, opacity, true);
27099 | }
27100 | if (!isNil(fill)) {
27101 | this.drawLetterSpacing(context, lines[i], lineMetrics[i], textAlign, linePositionX, linePositionY, letterSpacing, fillOpacity, strokeOpacity, opacity);
27102 | }
27103 | }
27104 | };
27105 | TextRenderer.prototype.drawLetterSpacing = function (context, text, lineMetrics, textAlign, x, y, letterSpacing, fillOpacity, strokeOpacity, opacity, isStroke) {
27106 | if (isStroke === void 0) { isStroke = false; }
27107 |
27108 | if (letterSpacing === 0) {
27109 | if (isStroke) {
27110 | this.strokeText(context, text, x, y, strokeOpacity);
27111 | }
27112 | else {
27113 | this.fillText(context, text, x, y, fillOpacity, opacity);
27114 | }
27115 | return;
27116 | }
27117 |
27118 | var currentTextAlign = context.textAlign;
27119 | context.textAlign = 'left';
27120 | var currentPosition = x;
27121 | if (textAlign === 'center' || textAlign === 'middle') {
27122 | currentPosition = x - lineMetrics.width / 2;
27123 | }
27124 | else if (textAlign === 'right' || textAlign === 'end') {
27125 | currentPosition = x - lineMetrics.width;
27126 | }
27127 | var stringArray = Array.from(text);
27128 | var previousWidth = context.measureText(text).width;
27129 | var currentWidth = 0;
27130 | for (var i = 0; i < stringArray.length; ++i) {
27131 | var currentChar = stringArray[i];
27132 | if (isStroke) {
27133 | this.strokeText(context, currentChar, currentPosition, y, strokeOpacity);
27134 | }
27135 | else {
27136 | this.fillText(context, currentChar, currentPosition, y, fillOpacity, opacity);
27137 | }
27138 | currentWidth = context.measureText(text.substring(i + 1)).width;
27139 | currentPosition += previousWidth - currentWidth + letterSpacing;
27140 | previousWidth = currentWidth;
27141 | }
27142 | context.textAlign = currentTextAlign;
27143 | };
27144 | TextRenderer.prototype.fillText = function (context, text, x, y, fillOpacity, opacity) {
27145 | var currentGlobalAlpha;
27146 | var applyOpacity = !isNil(fillOpacity) && fillOpacity !== 1;
27147 | if (applyOpacity) {
27148 | currentGlobalAlpha = context.globalAlpha;
27149 | context.globalAlpha = fillOpacity * opacity;
27150 | }
27151 | context.fillText(text, x, y);
27152 | if (applyOpacity) {
27153 | context.globalAlpha = currentGlobalAlpha;
27154 | }
27155 | };
27156 | TextRenderer.prototype.strokeText = function (context, text, x, y, strokeOpacity) {
27157 | var currentGlobalAlpha;
27158 | var applyOpacity = !isNil(strokeOpacity) && strokeOpacity !== 1;
27159 | if (applyOpacity) {
27160 | currentGlobalAlpha = context.globalAlpha;
27161 | context.globalAlpha = strokeOpacity;
27162 | }
27163 | context.strokeText(text, x, y);
27164 | if (applyOpacity) {
27165 | context.globalAlpha = currentGlobalAlpha;
27166 | }
27167 | };
27168 | return TextRenderer;
27169 | }());
27170 |
27171 | var RectRenderer = (function (_super) {
27172 | __extends(RectRenderer, _super);
27173 | function RectRenderer() {
27174 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
27175 | }
27176 | return RectRenderer;
27177 | }(DefaultRenderer));
27178 |
27179 | var CircleRenderer = (function (_super) {
27180 | __extends(CircleRenderer, _super);
27181 | function CircleRenderer() {
27182 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
27183 | }
27184 | return CircleRenderer;
27185 | }(DefaultRenderer));
27186 |
27187 | var EllipseRenderer = (function (_super) {
27188 | __extends(EllipseRenderer, _super);
27189 | function EllipseRenderer() {
27190 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
27191 | }
27192 | return EllipseRenderer;
27193 | }(DefaultRenderer));
27194 |
27195 | var LineRenderer = (function (_super) {
27196 | __extends(LineRenderer, _super);
27197 | function LineRenderer() {
27198 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
27199 | }
27200 | return LineRenderer;
27201 | }(DefaultRenderer));
27202 |
27203 | var PolylineRenderer = (function (_super) {
27204 | __extends(PolylineRenderer, _super);
27205 | function PolylineRenderer() {
27206 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
27207 | }
27208 | return PolylineRenderer;
27209 | }(DefaultRenderer));
27210 |
27211 | var PolygonRenderer = (function (_super) {
27212 | __extends(PolygonRenderer, _super);
27213 | function PolygonRenderer() {
27214 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
27215 | }
27216 | return PolygonRenderer;
27217 | }(DefaultRenderer));
27218 |
27219 | var PathRenderer = (function (_super) {
27220 | __extends(PathRenderer, _super);
27221 | function PathRenderer() {
27222 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
27223 | }
27224 | return PathRenderer;
27225 | }(DefaultRenderer));
27226 |
27227 | var Plugin$2 = (function (_super) {
27228 | __extends(Plugin, _super);
27229 | function Plugin(options) {
27230 | if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
27231 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
27232 | _this.options = options;
27233 | _this.name = 'canvas-renderer';
27234 | return _this;
27235 | }
27236 | Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
27237 | var _a;
27238 | var canvasRendererPluginOptions = __assign({ dirtyObjectNumThreshold: 500, dirtyObjectRatioThreshold: 0.8 }, this.options);
27239 |
27240 | var imagePool = this.context.imagePool;
27241 | var defaultRenderer = new DefaultRenderer(imagePool);
27242 | var defaultStyleRendererFactory = (_a = {},
27243 | _a[Shape.CIRCLE] = defaultRenderer,
27244 | _a[Shape.ELLIPSE] = defaultRenderer,
27245 | _a[Shape.RECT] = defaultRenderer,
27246 | _a[Shape.IMAGE] = new ImageRenderer(imagePool),
27247 | _a[Shape.TEXT] = new TextRenderer(),
27248 | _a[Shape.LINE] = defaultRenderer,
27249 | _a[Shape.POLYLINE] = defaultRenderer,
27250 | _a[Shape.POLYGON] = defaultRenderer,
27251 | _a[Shape.PATH] = defaultRenderer,
27252 | _a[Shape.GROUP] = undefined,
27253 | _a[Shape.HTML] = undefined,
27254 | _a[Shape.MESH] = undefined,
27255 | _a);
27256 | this.context.defaultStyleRendererFactory = defaultStyleRendererFactory;
27257 | this.context.styleRendererFactory = defaultStyleRendererFactory;
27258 | this.addRenderingPlugin(new CanvasRendererPlugin(canvasRendererPluginOptions));
27259 | };
27260 | Plugin.prototype.destroy = function () {
27261 | this.removeAllRenderingPlugins();
27262 | delete this.context.defaultStyleRendererFactory;
27263 | delete this.context.styleRendererFactory;
27264 | };
27265 | return Plugin;
27266 | }(AbstractRendererPlugin));
27267 |
27268 | var DragndropPlugin = (function () {
27269 | function DragndropPlugin(dragndropPluginOptions) {
27270 | this.dragndropPluginOptions = dragndropPluginOptions;
27271 | }
27272 | DragndropPlugin.prototype.apply = function (context) {
27273 | var _this = this;
27274 | var renderingService = context.renderingService, renderingContext = context.renderingContext;
27275 | var document = renderingContext.root.ownerDocument;
27276 |
27277 | var canvas = document.defaultView;
27278 | var handlePointerdown = function (event) {
27279 | var target = event.target;
27280 | var isDocument = target === document;
27281 | var draggableEventTarget = isDocument && _this.dragndropPluginOptions.isDocumentDraggable
27282 | ? document
27283 | : target.closest && target.closest('[draggable=true]');
27284 |
27285 |
27286 | if (draggableEventTarget) {
27287 |
27288 | var dragstartTriggered_1 = false;
27289 | var dragstartTimeStamp_1 = event.timeStamp;
27290 | var dragstartClientCoordinates_1 = [
27291 | event.clientX,
27292 | event.clientY,
27293 | ];
27294 | var currentDroppable_1 = null;
27295 | var lastDragClientCoordinates_1 = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
27296 |
27297 |
27298 | var handlePointermove_1 = function (event) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
27299 | var timeElapsed, distanceMoved, point, elementsBelow, elementBelow, droppableBelow;
27300 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
27301 | switch (_a.label) {
27302 | case 0:
27303 | if (!dragstartTriggered_1) {
27304 | timeElapsed = event.timeStamp - dragstartTimeStamp_1;
27305 | distanceMoved = distanceSquareRoot([event.clientX, event.clientY], dragstartClientCoordinates_1);
27306 |
27307 | if (timeElapsed <=
27308 | this.dragndropPluginOptions.dragstartTimeThreshold ||
27309 | distanceMoved <=
27310 | this.dragndropPluginOptions.dragstartDistanceThreshold) {
27311 | return [2 ];
27312 | }
27313 |
27314 | event.type = 'dragstart';
27315 | draggableEventTarget.dispatchEvent(event);
27316 | dragstartTriggered_1 = true;
27317 | }
27318 |
27319 | event.type = 'drag';
27320 |
27321 | event.dx = event.clientX - lastDragClientCoordinates_1[0];
27322 |
27323 | event.dy = event.clientY - lastDragClientCoordinates_1[1];
27324 | draggableEventTarget.dispatchEvent(event);
27325 | lastDragClientCoordinates_1 = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
27326 | if (!!isDocument) return [3 , 2];
27327 | point = this.dragndropPluginOptions.overlap === 'pointer'
27328 | ? [event.canvasX, event.canvasY]
27329 | : target.getBounds().center;
27330 | return [4 , document.elementsFromPoint(point[0], point[1])];
27331 | case 1:
27332 | elementsBelow = _a.sent();
27333 | elementBelow = elementsBelow[elementsBelow.indexOf(target) + 1];
27334 | droppableBelow = (elementBelow === null || elementBelow === void 0 ? void 0 : elementBelow.closest('[droppable=true]')) ||
27335 | (this.dragndropPluginOptions.isDocumentDroppable
27336 | ? document
27337 | : null);
27338 | if (currentDroppable_1 !== droppableBelow) {
27339 | if (currentDroppable_1) {
27340 |
27341 |
27342 | event.type = 'dragleave';
27343 | event.target = currentDroppable_1;
27344 | currentDroppable_1.dispatchEvent(event);
27345 | }
27346 | if (droppableBelow) {
27347 |
27348 | event.type = 'dragenter';
27349 | event.target = droppableBelow;
27350 | droppableBelow.dispatchEvent(event);
27351 | }
27352 | currentDroppable_1 = droppableBelow;
27353 | if (currentDroppable_1) {
27354 |
27355 |
27356 | event.type = 'dragover';
27357 | event.target = currentDroppable_1;
27358 | currentDroppable_1.dispatchEvent(event);
27359 | }
27360 | }
27361 | _a.label = 2;
27362 | case 2: return [2 ];
27363 | }
27364 | });
27365 | }); };
27366 | canvas.addEventListener('pointermove', handlePointermove_1);
27367 | var stopDragging = function (originalPointerUpEvent) {
27368 | if (dragstartTriggered_1) {
27369 |
27370 |
27371 | originalPointerUpEvent.detail = {
27372 | preventClick: true,
27373 | };
27374 |
27375 | var event_1 = originalPointerUpEvent.clone();
27376 |
27377 |
27378 | if (currentDroppable_1) {
27379 |
27380 | event_1.type = 'drop';
27381 | event_1.target = currentDroppable_1;
27382 | currentDroppable_1.dispatchEvent(event_1);
27383 | }
27384 |
27385 | event_1.type = 'dragend';
27386 | draggableEventTarget.dispatchEvent(event_1);
27387 | dragstartTriggered_1 = false;
27388 | }
27389 | canvas.removeEventListener('pointermove', handlePointermove_1);
27390 | };
27391 | target.addEventListener('pointerup', stopDragging, { once: true });
27392 | target.addEventListener('pointerupoutside', stopDragging, {
27393 | once: true,
27394 | });
27395 | }
27396 | };
27397 | renderingService.hooks.init.tap(DragndropPlugin.tag, function () {
27398 | canvas.addEventListener('pointerdown', handlePointerdown);
27399 | });
27400 | renderingService.hooks.destroy.tap(DragndropPlugin.tag, function () {
27401 | canvas.removeEventListener('pointerdown', handlePointerdown);
27402 | });
27403 | };
27404 | DragndropPlugin.tag = 'Dragndrop';
27405 | return DragndropPlugin;
27406 | }());
27407 |
27408 | var Plugin$3 = (function (_super) {
27409 | __extends(Plugin, _super);
27410 | function Plugin(options) {
27411 | if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
27412 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
27413 | _this.options = options;
27414 | _this.name = 'dragndrop';
27415 | return _this;
27416 | }
27417 | Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
27418 | this.addRenderingPlugin(new DragndropPlugin(__assign({ overlap: 'pointer', isDocumentDraggable: false, isDocumentDroppable: false, dragstartDistanceThreshold: 0, dragstartTimeThreshold: 0 }, this.options)));
27419 | };
27420 | Plugin.prototype.destroy = function () {
27421 | this.removeAllRenderingPlugins();
27422 | };
27423 | Plugin.prototype.setOptions = function (options) {
27424 | Object.assign(this.plugins[0].dragndropPluginOptions, options);
27425 | };
27426 | return Plugin;
27427 | }(AbstractRendererPlugin));
27428 |
27429 | var ImagePool = (function () {
27430 | function ImagePool(canvasConfig) {
27431 | this.canvasConfig = canvasConfig;
27432 | this.imageCache = {};
27433 | this.gradientCache = {};
27434 | this.patternCache = {};
27435 | }
27436 | ImagePool.prototype.getImageSync = function (src, callback) {
27437 | if (!this.imageCache[src]) {
27438 | this.getOrCreateImage(src).then(function (img) {
27439 | if (callback) {
27440 | callback(img);
27441 | }
27442 | });
27443 | }
27444 | else {
27445 | if (callback) {
27446 | callback(this.imageCache[src]);
27447 | }
27448 | }
27449 | return this.imageCache[src];
27450 | };
27451 | ImagePool.prototype.getOrCreateImage = function (src) {
27452 | var _this = this;
27453 | if (this.imageCache[src]) {
27454 | return Promise.resolve(this.imageCache[src]);
27455 | }
27456 |
27457 | var createImage = this.canvasConfig.createImage;
27458 | return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
27459 | var image;
27460 | if (createImage) {
27461 | image = createImage(src);
27462 | }
27463 | else if (isBrowser) {
27464 | image = new window.Image();
27465 | }
27466 | if (image) {
27467 | image.onload = function () {
27468 | _this.imageCache[src] = image;
27469 | resolve(image);
27470 | };
27471 | image.onerror = function (ev) {
27472 | reject(ev);
27473 | };
27474 | image.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous';
27475 | image.src = src;
27476 | }
27477 | });
27478 | };
27479 | ImagePool.prototype.getOrCreatePatternSync = function (pattern, context, $offscreenCanvas, dpr, callback) {
27480 | var patternKey = this.generatePatternKey(pattern);
27481 | if (patternKey && this.patternCache[patternKey]) {
27482 | return this.patternCache[patternKey];
27483 | }
27484 | var image = pattern.image, repetition = pattern.repetition, transform = pattern.transform;
27485 | var src;
27486 | var needScaleWithDPR = false;
27487 |
27488 | if (isString(image)) {
27489 | src = this.getImageSync(image, callback);
27490 | }
27491 | else if ($offscreenCanvas) {
27492 | src = $offscreenCanvas;
27493 | needScaleWithDPR = true;
27494 | }
27495 | else {
27496 | src = image;
27497 | }
27498 |
27499 | var canvasPattern = src && context.createPattern(src, repetition);
27500 | if (canvasPattern) {
27501 | var mat = void 0;
27502 |
27503 | if (transform) {
27504 | mat = parsedTransformToMat4(parseTransform(transform), new DisplayObject({}));
27505 | }
27506 | else {
27507 | mat = identity$1(create$1());
27508 | }
27509 | if (needScaleWithDPR) {
27510 | scale(mat, mat, [1 / dpr, 1 / dpr, 1]);
27511 | }
27512 | canvasPattern.setTransform({
27513 | a: mat[0],
27514 | b: mat[1],
27515 | c: mat[4],
27516 | d: mat[5],
27517 | e: mat[12],
27518 | f: mat[13],
27519 | });
27520 | }
27521 | if (patternKey && canvasPattern) {
27522 | this.patternCache[patternKey] = canvasPattern;
27523 | }
27524 | return canvasPattern;
27525 | };
27526 | ImagePool.prototype.getOrCreateGradient = function (params, context) {
27527 | var key = this.generateGradientKey(params);
27528 | var type = params.type, steps = params.steps, width = params.width, height = params.height, angle = params.angle, cx = params.cx, cy = params.cy, size = params.size;
27529 | if (this.gradientCache[key]) {
27530 | return this.gradientCache[key];
27531 | }
27532 | var gradient = null;
27533 | if (type === GradientType.LinearGradient) {
27534 | var _a = computeLinearGradient(width, height, angle), x1 = _a.x1, y1 = _a.y1, x2 = _a.x2, y2 = _a.y2;
27535 |
27536 | gradient = context.createLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2);
27537 | }
27538 | else if (type === GradientType.RadialGradient) {
27539 | var _b = computeRadialGradient(width, height, cx, cy, size), x = _b.x, y = _b.y, r = _b.r;
27540 |
27541 | gradient = context.createRadialGradient(x, y, 0, x, y, r);
27542 | }
27543 | if (gradient) {
27544 | steps.forEach(function (_a) {
27545 | var offset = _a.offset, color = _a.color;
27546 | if (offset.unit === UnitType.kPercentage) {
27547 | gradient === null || gradient === void 0 ? void 0 : gradient.addColorStop(offset.value / 100, color.toString());
27548 | }
27549 | });
27550 | this.gradientCache[key] = gradient;
27551 | }
27552 | return this.gradientCache[key];
27553 | };
27554 | ImagePool.prototype.generateGradientKey = function (params) {
27555 | var type = params.type, width = params.width, height = params.height, steps = params.steps, angle = params.angle, cx = params.cx, cy = params.cy, size = params.size;
27556 | return "gradient-".concat(type, "-").concat((angle === null || angle === void 0 ? void 0 : angle.toString()) || 0, "-").concat((cx === null || cx === void 0 ? void 0 : cx.toString()) || 0, "-").concat((cy === null || cy === void 0 ? void 0 : cy.toString()) || 0, "-").concat((size === null || size === void 0 ? void 0 : size.toString()) || 0, "-").concat(width, "-").concat(height, "-").concat(steps
27557 | .map(function (_a) {
27558 | var offset = _a.offset, color = _a.color;
27559 | return "".concat(offset).concat(color);
27560 | })
27561 | .join('-'));
27562 | };
27563 | ImagePool.prototype.generatePatternKey = function (pattern) {
27564 | var image = pattern.image, repetition = pattern.repetition;
27565 |
27566 | if (isString(image)) {
27567 | return "pattern-".concat(image, "-").concat(repetition);
27568 | }
27569 | else if (image.nodeName === 'rect') {
27570 | return "pattern-".concat(image.entity, "-").concat(repetition);
27571 | }
27572 | };
27573 | return ImagePool;
27574 | }());
27575 |
27576 | var LoadImagePlugin = (function () {
27577 | function LoadImagePlugin() {
27578 | }
27579 | LoadImagePlugin.prototype.apply = function (context) {
27580 | var renderingService = context.renderingService, renderingContext = context.renderingContext, imagePool = context.imagePool;
27581 | var canvas = renderingContext.root.ownerDocument.defaultView;
27582 | var calculateWithAspectRatio = function (object, imageWidth, imageHeight) {
27583 | var _a = object.parsedStyle, width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
27584 | if (width && !height) {
27585 | object.setAttribute('height', (imageHeight / imageWidth) * width);
27586 | }
27587 | else if (!width && height) {
27588 | object.setAttribute('width', (imageWidth / imageHeight) * height);
27589 | }
27590 | };
27591 | var handleMounted = function (e) {
27592 | var object = e.target;
27593 | var nodeName = object.nodeName, attributes = object.attributes;
27594 | if (nodeName === Shape.IMAGE) {
27595 | var img = attributes.img, keepAspectRatio_1 = attributes.keepAspectRatio;
27596 | if (isString(img)) {
27597 | imagePool.getImageSync(img, function (_a) {
27598 | var width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
27599 | if (keepAspectRatio_1) {
27600 | calculateWithAspectRatio(object, width, height);
27601 | }
27602 |
27603 | object.renderable.dirty = true;
27604 | renderingService.dirtify();
27605 | });
27606 | }
27607 | }
27608 | };
27609 | var handleAttributeChanged = function (e) {
27610 | var object = e.target;
27611 | var attrName = e.attrName, newValue = e.newValue;
27612 | if (object.nodeName === Shape.IMAGE) {
27613 | if (attrName === 'img') {
27614 | if (isString(newValue)) {
27615 | imagePool.getOrCreateImage(newValue).then(function (_a) {
27616 | var width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
27617 | if (object.attributes.keepAspectRatio) {
27618 | calculateWithAspectRatio(object, width, height);
27619 | }
27620 |
27621 | object.renderable.dirty = true;
27622 | renderingService.dirtify();
27623 | });
27624 | }
27625 | }
27626 | }
27627 | };
27628 | renderingService.hooks.init.tap(LoadImagePlugin.tag, function () {
27629 | canvas.addEventListener(ElementEvent.MOUNTED, handleMounted);
27630 | canvas.addEventListener(ElementEvent.ATTR_MODIFIED, handleAttributeChanged);
27631 | });
27632 | renderingService.hooks.destroy.tap(LoadImagePlugin.tag, function () {
27633 | canvas.removeEventListener(ElementEvent.MOUNTED, handleMounted);
27634 | canvas.removeEventListener(ElementEvent.ATTR_MODIFIED, handleAttributeChanged);
27635 | });
27636 | };
27637 | LoadImagePlugin.tag = 'LoadImage';
27638 | return LoadImagePlugin;
27639 | }());
27640 |
27641 | var Plugin$4 = (function (_super) {
27642 | __extends(Plugin, _super);
27643 | function Plugin() {
27644 | var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments), false)) || this;
27645 | _this.name = 'image-loader';
27646 | return _this;
27647 | }
27648 | Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
27649 |
27650 | this.context.imagePool = new ImagePool(this.context.config);
27651 | this.addRenderingPlugin(new LoadImagePlugin());
27652 | };
27653 | Plugin.prototype.destroy = function () {
27654 | this.removeAllRenderingPlugins();
27655 | };
27656 | return Plugin;
27657 | }(AbstractRendererPlugin));
27658 |
27659 | |
27660 |
27661 |
27662 | var MobileInteractionPlugin = (function () {
27663 | function MobileInteractionPlugin() {
27664 | }
27665 | MobileInteractionPlugin.prototype.apply = function (context) {
27666 | var renderingService = context.renderingService, contextService = context.contextService, config = context.config;
27667 |
27668 | var canvasEl = contextService.getDomElement();
27669 | var onPointerDown = function (ev) {
27670 | renderingService.hooks.pointerDown.call(ev);
27671 | };
27672 | var onPointerUp = function (ev) {
27673 | renderingService.hooks.pointerUp.call(ev);
27674 | };
27675 | var onPointerMove = function (ev) {
27676 |
27677 | renderingService.hooks.pointerMove.call(ev);
27678 | };
27679 | var onPointerOver = function (ev) {
27680 | renderingService.hooks.pointerOver.call(ev);
27681 | };
27682 | var onPointerOut = function (ev) {
27683 | renderingService.hooks.pointerOut.call(ev);
27684 | };
27685 | var onClick = function (ev) {
27686 | renderingService.hooks.click.call(ev);
27687 | };
27688 | var onPointerCancel = function (ev) {
27689 | renderingService.hooks.pointerCancel.call(ev);
27690 | };
27691 | renderingService.hooks.init.tap(MobileInteractionPlugin.tag, function () {
27692 |
27693 | canvasEl.addEventListener('touchstart', onPointerDown, true);
27694 | canvasEl.addEventListener('touchend', onPointerUp, true);
27695 | canvasEl.addEventListener('touchmove', onPointerMove, true);
27696 | canvasEl.addEventListener('touchcancel', onPointerCancel, true);
27697 |
27698 |
27699 |
27700 |
27701 | canvasEl.addEventListener('mouseout', onPointerOut, true);
27702 | canvasEl.addEventListener('mouseover', onPointerOver, true);
27703 |
27704 | if (config.useNativeClickEvent) {
27705 | canvasEl.addEventListener('click', onClick, true);
27706 | }
27707 | });
27708 | renderingService.hooks.destroy.tap(MobileInteractionPlugin.tag, function () {
27709 |
27710 | canvasEl.removeEventListener('touchstart', onPointerDown, true);
27711 | canvasEl.removeEventListener('touchend', onPointerUp, true);
27712 | canvasEl.removeEventListener('touchmove', onPointerMove, true);
27713 | canvasEl.removeEventListener('touchcancel', onPointerCancel, true);
27714 |
27715 |
27716 | canvasEl.removeEventListener('mouseout', onPointerOut, true);
27717 | canvasEl.removeEventListener('mouseover', onPointerOver, true);
27718 |
27719 | if (config.useNativeClickEvent) {
27720 | canvasEl.removeEventListener('click', onClick, true);
27721 | }
27722 | });
27723 | };
27724 | MobileInteractionPlugin.tag = 'MobileInteraction';
27725 | return MobileInteractionPlugin;
27726 | }());
27727 |
27728 | var Plugin$5 = (function (_super) {
27729 | __extends(Plugin, _super);
27730 | function Plugin() {
27731 | var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments), false)) || this;
27732 | _this.name = 'mobile-interaction';
27733 | return _this;
27734 | }
27735 | Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
27736 | this.addRenderingPlugin(new MobileInteractionPlugin());
27737 | };
27738 | Plugin.prototype.destroy = function () {
27739 | this.removeAllRenderingPlugins();
27740 | };
27741 | return Plugin;
27742 | }(AbstractRendererPlugin));
27743 |
27744 | |
27745 |
27746 |
27747 | var clock$1 = typeof performance === 'object' && performance.now ? performance : Date;
27748 |
27749 | var calcDirection = function (start, end) {
27750 | var xDistance = end.x - start.x;
27751 | var yDistance = end.y - start.y;
27752 |
27753 | if (Math.abs(xDistance) > Math.abs(yDistance)) {
27754 | return xDistance > 0 ? 'right' : 'left';
27755 | }
27756 | return yDistance > 0 ? 'down' : 'up';
27757 | };
27758 |
27759 | var calcDistance = function (point1, point2) {
27760 | var xDistance = Math.abs(point2.x - point1.x);
27761 | var yDistance = Math.abs(point2.y - point1.y);
27762 | return Math.sqrt(xDistance * xDistance + yDistance * yDistance);
27763 | };
27764 | var getCenter = function (point1, point2) {
27765 | var x = point1.x + (point2.x - point1.x) / 2;
27766 | var y = point1.y + (point2.y - point1.y) / 2;
27767 | return { x: x, y: y };
27768 | };
27769 |
27770 | var PRESS_DELAY = 250;
27771 | var GesturePlugin = (function () {
27772 | function GesturePlugin(options) {
27773 | var _this = this;
27774 | this.options = options;
27775 | this.evCache = [];
27776 | this.startPoints = [];
27777 |
27778 | this.processEvent = {};
27779 | this.throttleTimer = 0;
27780 | this.emitThrottles = [];
27781 | this._start = function (ev, target) {
27782 | var _a;
27783 |
27784 | _this.reset();
27785 |
27786 | _this.startTime = clock$1.now();
27787 | var _b = _this, evCache = _b.evCache, startPoints = _b.startPoints;
27788 | if (ev) {
27789 | var pointerId_1 = ev.pointerId, x = ev.x, y = ev.y;
27790 |
27791 | var existIdx = evCache.findIndex(function (item) { return pointerId_1 === item.pointerId; });
27792 | if (existIdx !== -1) {
27793 | evCache.splice(existIdx, 1);
27794 | }
27795 |
27796 | evCache.push({
27797 | pointerId: pointerId_1,
27798 | x: x,
27799 | y: y,
27800 | ev: ev,
27801 | });
27802 |
27803 | var evTouches = __spreadArray([], __read((((_a = ev.nativeEvent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.touches) || [])), false);
27804 | var _loop_1 = function (i) {
27805 | var isInTouches = evTouches.find(function (touch) {
27806 | return evCache[i].pointerId === touch.identifier;
27807 | });
27808 |
27809 | if (isInTouches) {
27810 | return "continue";
27811 | }
27812 |
27813 | evCache.splice(i, 1);
27814 | };
27815 | for (var i = evCache.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
27816 | _loop_1(i);
27817 | }
27818 | }
27819 |
27820 | startPoints.length = evCache.length;
27821 | for (var i = 0; i < evCache.length; i++) {
27822 | var _c = evCache[i], x = _c.x, y = _c.y;
27823 | var point = { x: x, y: y };
27824 | startPoints[i] = point;
27825 | }
27826 |
27827 | if (startPoints.length === 1) {
27828 | var event_1 = evCache[0].ev;
27829 |
27830 |
27831 | _this.pressTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
27832 |
27833 | var eventType = 'press';
27834 | var direction = 'none';
27835 | event_1.direction = direction;
27836 | event_1.deltaX = 0;
27837 | event_1.deltaY = 0;
27838 | event_1.points = startPoints;
27839 | _this.emitStart(eventType, event_1, target);
27840 | event_1.type = eventType;
27841 | target.dispatchEvent(event_1);
27842 | _this.eventType = eventType;
27843 | _this.direction = direction;
27844 | _this.movingTarget = target;
27845 | }, PRESS_DELAY);
27846 | return;
27847 | }
27848 |
27849 | _this.startDistance = calcDistance(startPoints[0], startPoints[1]);
27850 | _this.center = getCenter(startPoints[0], startPoints[1]);
27851 | };
27852 | this._move = function (ev, target) {
27853 | _this.clearPressTimeout();
27854 | var _a = _this, startPoints = _a.startPoints, evCache = _a.evCache;
27855 | if (!startPoints.length)
27856 | return;
27857 | var x = ev.x, y = ev.y, pointerId = ev.pointerId;
27858 |
27859 | for (var i = 0, len = evCache.length; i < len; i++) {
27860 | if (pointerId === evCache[i].pointerId) {
27861 | evCache[i] = {
27862 | pointerId: pointerId,
27863 | x: x,
27864 | y: y,
27865 | ev: ev,
27866 | };
27867 | break;
27868 | }
27869 | }
27870 | var point = { x: x, y: y };
27871 | var points = evCache.map(function (ev) {
27872 | return { x: ev.x, y: ev.y };
27873 | });
27874 |
27875 | var now = clock$1.now();
27876 | _this.prevMoveTime = _this.lastMoveTime;
27877 | _this.prevMovePoint = _this.lastMovePoint;
27878 | _this.lastMoveTime = now;
27879 | _this.lastMovePoint = point;
27880 | if (startPoints.length === 1) {
27881 | var startPoint = startPoints[0];
27882 | var deltaX = x - startPoint.x;
27883 | var deltaY = y - startPoint.y;
27884 | var direction = _this.direction || calcDirection(startPoint, point);
27885 | _this.direction = direction;
27886 |
27887 |
27888 |
27889 | var eventType = _this.getEventType(point, target, ev);
27890 | ev.direction = direction;
27891 | ev.deltaX = deltaX;
27892 | ev.deltaY = deltaY;
27893 | ev.points = points;
27894 | _this.emitStart(eventType, ev, target);
27895 | ev.type = eventType;
27896 | _this.refreshAndGetTarget(target).dispatchEvent(ev);
27897 | return;
27898 | }
27899 |
27900 | var startDistance = _this.startDistance;
27901 | var currentDistance = calcDistance(points[0], points[1]);
27902 |
27903 | ev.zoom = currentDistance / startDistance;
27904 | ev.center = _this.center;
27905 | ev.points = points;
27906 |
27907 | _this.emitStart('pinch', ev, target);
27908 |
27909 | _this._throttleEmit('pinch', ev, target);
27910 | };
27911 | this._end = function (ev, target) {
27912 | var _a = _this, evCache = _a.evCache, startPoints = _a.startPoints;
27913 | var points = evCache.map(function (ev) {
27914 | return { x: ev.x, y: ev.y };
27915 | });
27916 | ev.points = points;
27917 | _this.emitEnd(ev, _this.refreshAndGetTarget(target));
27918 |
27919 | if (evCache.length === 1) {
27920 |
27921 | var now = clock$1.now();
27922 | var lastMoveTime = _this.lastMoveTime;
27923 |
27924 |
27925 | if (now - lastMoveTime < 100) {
27926 | var prevMoveTime = _this.prevMoveTime || _this.startTime;
27927 | var intervalTime = lastMoveTime - prevMoveTime;
27928 |
27929 | if (intervalTime > 0) {
27930 | var prevMovePoint = _this.prevMovePoint || startPoints[0];
27931 | var lastMovePoint = _this.lastMovePoint || startPoints[0];
27932 |
27933 | var velocity = calcDistance(prevMovePoint, lastMovePoint) / intervalTime;
27934 |
27935 | if (velocity > 0.3) {
27936 | ev.velocity = velocity;
27937 | ev.direction = calcDirection(prevMovePoint, lastMovePoint);
27938 | ev.type = 'swipe';
27939 | target.dispatchEvent(ev);
27940 | }
27941 | }
27942 | }
27943 | }
27944 |
27945 | for (var i = 0, len = evCache.length; i < len; i++) {
27946 | if (evCache[i].pointerId === ev.pointerId) {
27947 | evCache.splice(i, 1);
27948 | startPoints.splice(i, 1);
27949 | break;
27950 | }
27951 | }
27952 | _this.reset();
27953 |
27954 | if (evCache.length > 0) {
27955 | _this._start(undefined, target);
27956 | }
27957 | };
27958 | this._cancel = function (ev, target) {
27959 | var evCache = _this.evCache;
27960 | var points = evCache.map(function (ev) {
27961 | return { x: ev.x, y: ev.y };
27962 | });
27963 | ev.points = points;
27964 | _this.emitEnd(ev, _this.refreshAndGetTarget(target));
27965 | _this.evCache = [];
27966 | _this.reset();
27967 | };
27968 | }
27969 | GesturePlugin.prototype.apply = function (context) {
27970 | var _this = this;
27971 | var renderingService = context.renderingService, renderingContext = context.renderingContext;
27972 | var document = renderingContext.root.ownerDocument;
27973 | var canvas = document.defaultView;
27974 | this.canvas = canvas;
27975 | var getGestureEventTarget = function (target) {
27976 | var isDocument = target === document;
27977 | return isDocument && _this.options.isDocumentGestureEnabled
27978 | ? document
27979 | : target;
27980 | };
27981 | var handlePointermove = function (ev) {
27982 | var target = getGestureEventTarget(ev.target);
27983 | target && _this._move(ev, target);
27984 | };
27985 | var handlePointerdown = function (ev) {
27986 | var target = getGestureEventTarget(ev.target);
27987 | target && _this._start(ev, target);
27988 | };
27989 | var handlePointerup = function (ev) {
27990 | var target = getGestureEventTarget(ev.target);
27991 | target && _this._end(ev, target);
27992 | };
27993 | var handlePointercancel = function (ev) {
27994 | var target = getGestureEventTarget(ev.target);
27995 | target && _this._cancel(ev, target);
27996 | };
27997 | var handlePointercanceloutside = function (ev) {
27998 | var target = getGestureEventTarget(ev.target);
27999 | target && _this._end(ev, target);
28000 | };
28001 | renderingService.hooks.init.tap(GesturePlugin.tag, function () {
28002 | canvas.addEventListener('pointermove', handlePointermove);
28003 | canvas.addEventListener('pointerdown', handlePointerdown);
28004 | canvas.addEventListener('pointerup', handlePointerup);
28005 | canvas.addEventListener('pointercancel', handlePointercancel);
28006 | canvas.addEventListener('pointerupoutside', handlePointercanceloutside);
28007 | });
28008 | renderingService.hooks.destroy.tap(GesturePlugin.tag, function () {
28009 | canvas.removeEventListener('pointermove', handlePointermove);
28010 | canvas.removeEventListener('pointerdown', handlePointerdown);
28011 | canvas.removeEventListener('pointerup', handlePointerup);
28012 | canvas.removeEventListener('pointercancel', handlePointercancel);
28013 | canvas.removeEventListener('pointerupoutside', handlePointercanceloutside);
28014 | });
28015 | };
28016 | GesturePlugin.prototype.getEventType = function (point, target, ev) {
28017 | var _a = this, eventType = _a.eventType, startTime = _a.startTime, startPoints = _a.startPoints;
28018 | if (eventType) {
28019 | return eventType;
28020 | }
28021 |
28022 | this.movingTarget = target;
28023 |
28024 | this.isPanListenerInPath = ev.path.some(function (ele) { var _a, _b; return !!((_b = (_a = ele.emitter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.eventNames()) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.includes('pan')); });
28025 | var type;
28026 |
28027 | if (!this.isPanListenerInPath) {
28028 | type = 'press';
28029 | }
28030 | else {
28031 |
28032 | var now = clock$1.now();
28033 | if (now - startTime > PRESS_DELAY &&
28034 | calcDistance(startPoints[0], point) < 10) {
28035 | type = 'press';
28036 | }
28037 | else {
28038 | type = 'pan';
28039 | }
28040 | }
28041 | this.eventType = type;
28042 | return type;
28043 | };
28044 | GesturePlugin.prototype.enable = function (eventType) {
28045 | this.processEvent[eventType] = true;
28046 | };
28047 |
28048 | GesturePlugin.prototype.isProcess = function (eventType) {
28049 | return this.processEvent[eventType];
28050 | };
28051 |
28052 | GesturePlugin.prototype.emitStart = function (type, ev, target) {
28053 | if (this.isProcess(type)) {
28054 | return;
28055 | }
28056 | this.enable(type);
28057 | ev.type = "".concat(type, "start");
28058 | target.dispatchEvent(ev);
28059 | };
28060 |
28061 | GesturePlugin.prototype._throttleEmit = function (type, ev, target) {
28062 | var _this = this;
28063 |
28064 | this.pushEvent(type, ev);
28065 | var _a = this, throttleTimer = _a.throttleTimer, emitThrottles = _a.emitThrottles, processEvent = _a.processEvent;
28066 | if (throttleTimer) {
28067 | return;
28068 | }
28069 | this.throttleTimer = this.canvas.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
28070 | for (var i = 0, len = emitThrottles.length; i < len; i++) {
28071 | var _a = emitThrottles[i], type_1 = _a.type, ev_1 = _a.ev;
28072 | if (processEvent[type_1]) {
28073 | ev_1.type = type_1;
28074 | target.dispatchEvent(ev_1);
28075 | }
28076 | }
28077 |
28078 | _this.throttleTimer = 0;
28079 | _this.emitThrottles.length = 0;
28080 | });
28081 | };
28082 |
28083 | GesturePlugin.prototype.emitEnd = function (ev, target) {
28084 | var processEvent = this.processEvent;
28085 | Object.keys(processEvent).forEach(function (type) {
28086 | ev.type = "".concat(type, "end");
28087 | target.dispatchEvent(ev);
28088 | delete processEvent[type];
28089 | });
28090 | };
28091 | GesturePlugin.prototype.pushEvent = function (type, ev) {
28092 | var emitThrottles = this.emitThrottles;
28093 | var newEvent = { type: type, ev: ev };
28094 | for (var i = 0, len = emitThrottles.length; i < len; i++) {
28095 | if (emitThrottles[i].type === type) {
28096 | emitThrottles.splice(i, 1, newEvent);
28097 | return;
28098 | }
28099 | }
28100 | emitThrottles.push(newEvent);
28101 | };
28102 | GesturePlugin.prototype.clearPressTimeout = function () {
28103 | if (this.pressTimeout) {
28104 | clearTimeout(this.pressTimeout);
28105 | this.pressTimeout = null;
28106 | }
28107 | };
28108 | GesturePlugin.prototype.refreshAndGetTarget = function (target) {
28109 | if (this.movingTarget) {
28110 |
28111 | if (this.movingTarget && !this.movingTarget.isConnected) {
28112 | this.movingTarget = target;
28113 | }
28114 | return this.movingTarget;
28115 | }
28116 | return target;
28117 | };
28118 | GesturePlugin.prototype.reset = function () {
28119 | this.clearPressTimeout();
28120 | this.startTime = 0;
28121 | this.startDistance = 0;
28122 | this.direction = null;
28123 | this.eventType = null;
28124 | this.prevMoveTime = 0;
28125 | this.prevMovePoint = null;
28126 | this.lastMoveTime = 0;
28127 | this.lastMovePoint = null;
28128 | this.movingTarget = null;
28129 | this.isPanListenerInPath = null;
28130 | };
28131 | GesturePlugin.tag = 'Gesture';
28132 | return GesturePlugin;
28133 | }());
28134 |
28135 | var Plugin$6 = (function (_super) {
28136 | __extends(Plugin, _super);
28137 | function Plugin(options) {
28138 | if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
28139 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
28140 | _this.options = options;
28141 | _this.name = 'gesture';
28142 | return _this;
28143 | }
28144 | Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
28145 | this.addRenderingPlugin(new GesturePlugin(__assign({ isDocumentGestureEnabled: false }, this.options)));
28146 | };
28147 | Plugin.prototype.destroy = function () {
28148 | this.removeAllRenderingPlugins();
28149 | };
28150 | return Plugin;
28151 | }(AbstractRendererPlugin));
28152 |
28153 | function isCanvasElement(el) {
28154 | if (!el || typeof el !== 'object')
28155 | return false;
28156 | if (el.nodeType === 1 && el.nodeName) {
28157 |
28158 | return true;
28159 | }
28160 |
28161 | return !!el.isCanvasElement;
28162 | }
28163 |
28164 | var Canvas2DContextService = (function () {
28165 | function Canvas2DContextService(context) {
28166 | this.canvasConfig = context.config;
28167 | }
28168 | Canvas2DContextService.prototype.init = function () {
28169 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
28170 | var _a, canvas, devicePixelRatio, dpr;
28171 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
28172 | _a = this.canvasConfig, canvas = _a.canvas, devicePixelRatio = _a.devicePixelRatio;
28173 | this.$canvas = canvas;
28174 |
28175 | this.context = this.$canvas.getContext('2d');
28176 | dpr = devicePixelRatio || 1;
28177 | dpr = dpr >= 1 ? Math.ceil(dpr) : 1;
28178 | this.dpr = dpr;
28179 | this.resize(this.canvasConfig.width, this.canvasConfig.height);
28180 | return [2 ];
28181 | });
28182 | });
28183 | };
28184 | Canvas2DContextService.prototype.getContext = function () {
28185 | return this.context;
28186 | };
28187 | Canvas2DContextService.prototype.getDomElement = function () {
28188 | return this.$canvas;
28189 | };
28190 | Canvas2DContextService.prototype.getDPR = function () {
28191 | return this.dpr;
28192 | };
28193 | Canvas2DContextService.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function () {
28194 | if (this.$canvas.getBoundingClientRect) {
28195 | return this.$canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
28196 | }
28197 | };
28198 | Canvas2DContextService.prototype.destroy = function () {
28199 |
28200 | this.context = null;
28201 | this.$canvas = null;
28202 | };
28203 | Canvas2DContextService.prototype.resize = function (width, height) {
28204 | var devicePixelRatio = this.canvasConfig.devicePixelRatio;
28205 | var pixelRatio = devicePixelRatio;
28206 | var canvasDOM = this.$canvas;
28207 |
28208 | if (canvasDOM.style) {
28209 | canvasDOM.style.width = width + 'px';
28210 | canvasDOM.style.height = height + 'px';
28211 | }
28212 | if (isCanvasElement(canvasDOM)) {
28213 | canvasDOM.width = width * pixelRatio;
28214 | canvasDOM.height = height * pixelRatio;
28215 | if (pixelRatio !== 1) {
28216 | this.context.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
28217 | }
28218 | }
28219 | };
28220 | Canvas2DContextService.prototype.applyCursorStyle = function (cursor) {
28221 |
28222 | };
28223 | Canvas2DContextService.prototype.toDataURL = function (options) {
28224 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
28225 | var type, encoderOptions;
28226 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
28227 | type = options.type, encoderOptions = options.encoderOptions;
28228 | return [2 , this.context.canvas.toDataURL(type, encoderOptions)];
28229 | });
28230 | });
28231 | };
28232 | return Canvas2DContextService;
28233 | }());
28234 |
28235 | var ContextRegisterPlugin = (function (_super) {
28236 | __extends(ContextRegisterPlugin, _super);
28237 | function ContextRegisterPlugin() {
28238 | var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments), false)) || this;
28239 | _this.name = 'mobile-canvas-context-register';
28240 | return _this;
28241 | }
28242 | ContextRegisterPlugin.prototype.init = function () {
28243 | this.context.ContextService = Canvas2DContextService;
28244 | };
28245 | ContextRegisterPlugin.prototype.destroy = function () {
28246 | delete this.context.ContextService;
28247 | };
28248 | return ContextRegisterPlugin;
28249 | }(AbstractRendererPlugin));
28250 |
28251 | var Renderer = (function (_super) {
28252 | __extends(Renderer, _super);
28253 | function Renderer(config) {
28254 | var _this = _super.call(this, config) || this;
28255 |
28256 | _this.registerPlugin(new ContextRegisterPlugin());
28257 | _this.registerPlugin(new Plugin$4());
28258 | _this.registerPlugin(new Plugin());
28259 |
28260 | _this.registerPlugin(new Plugin$2());
28261 | _this.registerPlugin(new Plugin$5());
28262 |
28263 | _this.registerPlugin(new Plugin$1());
28264 | _this.registerPlugin(new Plugin$3({
28265 | isDocumentDraggable: isNil(config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.isDocumentDraggable)
28266 | ? true
28267 | : config.isDocumentDraggable,
28268 | isDocumentDroppable: isNil(config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.isDocumentDroppable)
28269 | ? true
28270 | : config.isDocumentDroppable,
28271 | dragstartDistanceThreshold: isNil(config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.dragstartDistanceThreshold)
28272 | ? 10
28273 | : config.dragstartDistanceThreshold,
28274 | dragstartTimeThreshold: isNil(config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.dragstartTimeThreshold)
28275 | ? 50
28276 | : config.dragstartTimeThreshold,
28277 | }));
28278 | _this.registerPlugin(new Plugin$6({
28279 | isDocumentGestureEnabled: true,
28280 | }));
28281 | return _this;
28282 | }
28283 | return Renderer;
28284 | }(AbstractRenderer));
28285 |
28286 |
28287 | function jsx(type, config) {
28288 | var children = [];
28289 | for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
28290 | children[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
28291 | }
28292 | var _a = config || {},
28293 | key = _a.key,
28294 | ref = _a.ref,
28295 | props = __rest(_a, ["key", "ref"]);
28296 |
28297 | if (children.length) {
28298 | props.children = children.length === 1 ? children[0] : children;
28299 | }
28300 | return {
28301 | key: key,
28302 | ref: ref,
28303 | type: type,
28304 | props: props
28305 | };
28306 | }
28307 |
28308 | var fragment = (function (props) {
28309 | return props.children;
28310 | });
28311 |
28312 | var CanvasElement = (function () {
28313 | function CanvasElement(ctx) {
28314 | this.isCanvasElement = true;
28315 | this.emitter = new eventemitter3();
28316 | this.context = ctx;
28317 |
28318 | var canvas = ctx.canvas || {};
28319 | this.width = canvas.width || 0;
28320 | this.height = canvas.height || 0;
28321 | }
28322 | CanvasElement.prototype.getContext = function (contextId, contextAttributes) {
28323 | return this.context;
28324 | };
28325 | CanvasElement.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function () {
28326 | var width = this.width;
28327 | var height = this.height;
28328 |
28329 | return {
28330 | top: 0,
28331 | right: width,
28332 | bottom: height,
28333 | left: 0,
28334 | width: width,
28335 | height: height,
28336 | x: 0,
28337 | y: 0,
28338 | };
28339 | };
28340 | CanvasElement.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener, options) {
28341 |
28342 | this.emitter.on(type, listener);
28343 | };
28344 | CanvasElement.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, listener, options) {
28345 | this.emitter.off(type, listener);
28346 | };
28347 | |
28348 |
28349 |
28350 | CanvasElement.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (e) {
28351 | this.emitter.emit(e.type, e);
28352 | return true;
28353 | };
28354 | return CanvasElement;
28355 | }());
28356 | function supportEventListener(canvas) {
28357 | if (!canvas) {
28358 | return false;
28359 | }
28360 |
28361 | if (canvas.nodeType !== 1 ||
28362 | !canvas.nodeName ||
28363 | canvas.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'canvas') {
28364 | return false;
28365 | }
28366 |
28367 |
28368 | var support = false;
28369 | try {
28370 | canvas.addEventListener('eventTest', function () {
28371 | support = true;
28372 | });
28373 | canvas.dispatchEvent(new Event('eventTest'));
28374 | }
28375 | catch (error) {
28376 | support = false;
28377 | }
28378 | return support;
28379 | }
28380 | function createMobileCanvasElement(ctx) {
28381 | if (!ctx) {
28382 | return null;
28383 | }
28384 | if (supportEventListener(ctx.canvas)) {
28385 | return ctx.canvas;
28386 | }
28387 | return new CanvasElement(ctx);
28388 | }
28389 |
28390 | function createUpdater(canvas) {
28391 | var setStateQueue = [];
28392 | function process() {
28393 | var item;
28394 | var renderComponents = [];
28395 | var renderCallbackQueue = [];
28396 | while (item = setStateQueue.shift()) {
28397 | var state = item.state,
28398 | component = item.component,
28399 | callback = item.callback;
28400 |
28401 | if (component.destroyed) {
28402 | continue;
28403 | }
28404 |
28405 | if (!component.prevState) {
28406 | component.prevState = Object.assign({}, component.state);
28407 | }
28408 |
28409 | if (typeof state === 'function') {
28410 | Object.assign(component.state, state(component.prevState, component.props));
28411 | } else {
28412 |
28413 | Object.assign(component.state, state);
28414 | }
28415 | component.prevState = component.state;
28416 | if (typeof callback === 'function') {
28417 | renderCallbackQueue.push({
28418 | callback: callback,
28419 | component: component
28420 | });
28421 | }
28422 | if (renderComponents.indexOf(component) < 0) {
28423 | renderComponents.push(component);
28424 | }
28425 | }
28426 | canvas.updateComponents(renderComponents);
28427 |
28428 | commitRenderQueue(renderCallbackQueue);
28429 | }
28430 | function enqueueSetState(component, state, callback) {
28431 | if (setStateQueue.length === 0) {
28432 | setTimeout(process, 0);
28433 | }
28434 | setStateQueue.push({
28435 | component: component,
28436 | state: state,
28437 | callback: callback
28438 | });
28439 | }
28440 | function commitRenderQueue(callbackQueue) {
28441 | for (var i = 0; i < callbackQueue.length; i++) {
28442 | var _a = callbackQueue[i],
28443 | callback = _a.callback,
28444 | component = _a.component;
28445 | callback.call(component);
28446 | }
28447 | }
28448 | var updater = {
28449 |
28450 |
28451 |
28452 | enqueueForceUpdate: enqueueSetState,
28453 |
28454 |
28455 | enqueueSetState: enqueueSetState
28456 | };
28457 | return updater;
28458 | }
28459 |
28460 | var THEME = {
28461 | fontSize: '24px',
28462 | fontFamily: '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "PingFang SC", "Hiragino Sans GB", "Microsoft YaHei", Arial, sans-serif',
28463 | pixelRatio: 1,
28464 | padding: [0, 0, 0, 0]
28465 | };
28466 |
28467 | var elementStyle = {
28468 | fillStyle: 'String',
28469 | font: 'String',
28470 | globalAlpha: 'Number',
28471 | lineCap: 'String',
28472 | lineWidth: ['Number', 'String'],
28473 | lineJoin: 'String',
28474 | miterLimit: 'Number',
28475 | shadowBlur: 'Number',
28476 | shadowColor: 'String',
28477 | shadowOffsetX: 'Number',
28478 | shadowOffsetY: 'Number',
28479 | strokeStyle: 'String',
28480 | textAlign: 'String',
28481 | textBaseline: 'String',
28482 | lineDash: ['Array', 'Number'],
28483 | shadow: 'String',
28484 | matrix: 'Array',
28485 | stroke: 'String',
28486 | fill: ['String', 'Object'],
28487 | opacity: 'Number',
28488 | fillOpacity: 'Number',
28489 | strokeOpacity: 'Number'
28490 | };
28491 |
28492 | var DEFAULT_CSS_RULE = {
28493 | group: __assign({}, elementStyle),
28494 | text: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28495 | x: 'Number',
28496 | y: 'Number',
28497 | text: 'String',
28498 | width: 'Number',
28499 | height: 'Number',
28500 | fontSize: ['Number', 'String'],
28501 | fontFamily: 'String',
28502 | fontStyle: 'String',
28503 | fontWeight: ['Number', 'String'],
28504 | fontVariant: 'String'
28505 | }),
28506 | circle: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28507 | cx: 'Number',
28508 | cy: 'Number',
28509 | r: 'Number'
28510 | }),
28511 | path: __assign({}, elementStyle),
28512 | ellipse: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28513 | cy: 'Number',
28514 | cx: 'Number',
28515 | ry: 'Number',
28516 | rx: 'Number'
28517 | }),
28518 | rect: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28519 | width: 'Number',
28520 | height: 'Number',
28521 | x: 'Number',
28522 | y: 'Number',
28523 | radius: ['Array', 'Number']
28524 | }),
28525 | image: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28526 | width: 'Number',
28527 | height: 'Number',
28528 | x: 'Number',
28529 | y: 'Number',
28530 | img: 'String',
28531 | src: 'String'
28532 | }),
28533 | line: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28534 | x1: 'Number',
28535 | x2: 'Number',
28536 | y1: 'Number',
28537 | y2: 'Number'
28538 | }),
28539 | polyline: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28540 | points: 'Array',
28541 | smooth: 'Boolean'
28542 | }),
28543 | polygon: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28544 | points: 'Array'
28545 | }),
28546 | arc: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28547 | x: 'Number',
28548 | y: 'Number',
28549 | r: 'Number',
28550 | startAngle: ['Number', 'String'],
28551 | endAngle: ['Number', 'String'],
28552 | anticlockwise: 'Boolean'
28553 | }),
28554 | marker: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28555 | x: 'Number',
28556 | y: 'Number',
28557 | radius: 'Number',
28558 | symbol: 'String'
28559 | }),
28560 | sector: __assign(__assign({}, elementStyle), {
28561 | x: 'Number',
28562 | y: 'Number',
28563 | startAngle: ['Number', 'String'],
28564 | endAngle: ['Number', 'String'],
28565 | r: 'Number',
28566 | r0: 'Number',
28567 | anticlockwise: 'Boolean'
28568 | })
28569 | };
28570 | function checkCSSRule(type, style) {
28571 | if (!style) {
28572 | return style;
28573 | }
28574 | var cssStyle = {};
28575 | Object.keys(style).forEach(function (key) {
28576 | var value = style[key];
28577 | if (isNil(value)) {
28578 | return;
28579 | }
28580 | var rule = DEFAULT_CSS_RULE[type] && DEFAULT_CSS_RULE[type][key];
28581 | if (!rule) {
28582 | cssStyle[key] = value;
28583 | return;
28584 | }
28585 | var valueType = Object.prototype.toString.call(value);
28586 | if (isArray(rule)) {
28587 | for (var i = 0, len = rule.length; i < len; i++) {
28588 | if (valueType === "[object ".concat(rule[i], "]")) {
28589 | cssStyle[key] = value;
28590 | return;
28591 | }
28592 | }
28593 |
28594 | return;
28595 | }
28596 |
28597 | if (valueType === "[object ".concat(rule, "]")) {
28598 | cssStyle[key] = value;
28599 | }
28600 | });
28601 | return cssStyle;
28602 | }
28603 |
28604 |
28605 | var ONE_REM;
28606 | try {
28607 |
28608 | ONE_REM = parseInt(document.documentElement.style.fontSize, 10) || 50;
28609 | } catch (e) {
28610 | ONE_REM = 50;
28611 | }
28612 | var SCALE = ONE_REM / 100;
28613 | |
28614 |
28615 |
28616 |
28617 |
28618 | function defaultPx2hd(px) {
28619 | if (!px) {
28620 | return 0;
28621 | }
28622 | return Number((px * SCALE).toFixed(1));
28623 | }
28624 | function parsePadding(padding) {
28625 | if (isNumber(padding)) {
28626 | return [padding, padding, padding, padding];
28627 | }
28628 | var top = padding[0];
28629 | var right = isNumber(padding[1]) ? padding[1] : padding[0];
28630 | var bottom = isNumber(padding[2]) ? padding[2] : top;
28631 | var left = isNumber(padding[3]) ? padding[3] : right;
28632 | return [top, right, bottom, left];
28633 | }
28634 | function batch2hd(px2hd) {
28635 | var _batchPx2hd = function batchPx2hd(value) {
28636 |
28637 | if (isString(value) && /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?px$/.test(value)) {
28638 | var num = value.substr(0, value.length - 2);
28639 | return px2hd(Number(num));
28640 | }
28641 | if (isArray(value)) {
28642 | return value.map(function (v) {
28643 | return _batchPx2hd(v);
28644 | });
28645 | }
28646 | if (isPlainObject(value)) {
28647 | var result = {};
28648 | for (var key in value) {
28649 | if (value.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
28650 | var rst = _batchPx2hd(value[key]);
28651 | if (!rst) {
28652 | result[key] = rst;
28653 | continue;
28654 | }
28655 | if (key === 'padding' || key === 'margin') {
28656 | var paddingArray = parsePadding(rst);
28657 | result[key] = paddingArray;
28658 | result["".concat(key, "Top")] = paddingArray[0];
28659 | result["".concat(key, "Right")] = paddingArray[1];
28660 | result["".concat(key, "Bottom")] = paddingArray[2];
28661 | result["".concat(key, "Left")] = paddingArray[3];
28662 | continue;
28663 | }
28664 | result[key] = rst;
28665 | }
28666 | }
28667 | return result;
28668 | }
28669 |
28670 | return value;
28671 | };
28672 | return _batchPx2hd;
28673 | }
28674 | var px2hd = batch2hd(defaultPx2hd);
28675 |
28676 | |
28677 |
28678 |
28679 |
28680 | var AnimationEvent = (function (_super) {
28681 | __extends(AnimationEvent, _super);
28682 | function AnimationEvent(manager, target, currentTime, timelineTime) {
28683 | var _this = _super.call(this, manager) || this;
28684 | _this.currentTime = currentTime;
28685 | _this.timelineTime = timelineTime;
28686 |
28687 | _this.target = target;
28688 | _this.type = 'finish';
28689 | _this.bubbles = false;
28690 |
28691 | _this.currentTarget = target;
28692 | _this.defaultPrevented = false;
28693 | _this.eventPhase = _this.AT_TARGET;
28694 | _this.timeStamp = Date.now();
28695 | _this.currentTime = currentTime;
28696 | _this.timelineTime = timelineTime;
28697 | return _this;
28698 | }
28699 | return AnimationEvent;
28700 | }(FederatedEvent));
28701 |
28702 | var sequenceNumber = 0;
28703 | |
28704 |
28705 |
28706 | var Animation = (function () {
28707 | function Animation(effect, timeline) {
28708 | var _a;
28709 | this.currentTimePending = false;
28710 | |
28711 |
28712 |
28713 |
28714 | this._idle = true;
28715 | this._paused = false;
28716 | this._finishedFlag = true;
28717 | |
28718 |
28719 |
28720 | this._currentTime = 0;
28721 | this._playbackRate = 1;
28722 | this._inTimeline = true;
28723 | this.effect = effect;
28724 | effect.animation = this;
28725 | this.timeline = timeline;
28726 | this.id = "".concat(sequenceNumber++);
28727 | this._inEffect = !!this.effect.update(0);
28728 | this._totalDuration = Number((_a = this.effect) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getComputedTiming().endTime);
28729 | this._holdTime = 0;
28730 | this._paused = false;
28731 | this.oldPlayState = 'idle';
28732 | this.updatePromises();
28733 | }
28734 | Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, "pending", {
28735 |
28736 | |
28737 |
28738 |
28739 | get: function () {
28740 | return ((this._startTime === null && !this._paused && this.playbackRate !== 0) ||
28741 | this.currentTimePending);
28742 | },
28743 | enumerable: false,
28744 | configurable: true
28745 | });
28746 | Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, "playState", {
28747 | get: function () {
28748 | if (this._idle)
28749 | return 'idle';
28750 | if (this._isFinished)
28751 | return 'finished';
28752 | if (this._paused)
28753 | return 'paused';
28754 | return 'running';
28755 | },
28756 | enumerable: false,
28757 | configurable: true
28758 | });
28759 | Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, "ready", {
28760 | |
28761 |
28762 |
28763 |
28764 |
28765 |
28766 |
28767 |
28768 |
28769 |
28770 | get: function () {
28771 | var _this = this;
28772 | if (!this.readyPromise) {
28773 | if (this.timeline.animationsWithPromises.indexOf(this) === -1) {
28774 | this.timeline.animationsWithPromises.push(this);
28775 | }
28776 | this.readyPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
28777 | _this.resolveReadyPromise = function () {
28778 | resolve(_this);
28779 | };
28780 | _this.rejectReadyPromise = function () {
28781 | reject(new Error());
28782 | };
28783 | });
28784 | if (!this.pending) {
28785 | this.resolveReadyPromise();
28786 | }
28787 | }
28788 | return this.readyPromise;
28789 | },
28790 | enumerable: false,
28791 | configurable: true
28792 | });
28793 | Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, "finished", {
28794 | |
28795 |
28796 |
28797 |
28798 |
28799 |
28800 |
28801 |
28802 |
28803 |
28804 |
28805 |
28806 |
28807 |
28808 |
28809 | get: function () {
28810 | var _this = this;
28811 | if (!this.finishedPromise) {
28812 | if (this.timeline.animationsWithPromises.indexOf(this) === -1) {
28813 | this.timeline.animationsWithPromises.push(this);
28814 | }
28815 | this.finishedPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
28816 | _this.resolveFinishedPromise = function () {
28817 | resolve(_this);
28818 | };
28819 | _this.rejectFinishedPromise = function () {
28820 | reject(new Error());
28821 | };
28822 | });
28823 | if (this.playState === 'finished') {
28824 | this.resolveFinishedPromise();
28825 | }
28826 | }
28827 | return this.finishedPromise;
28828 | },
28829 | enumerable: false,
28830 | configurable: true
28831 | });
28832 | Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, "currentTime", {
28833 | get: function () {
28834 | this.updatePromises();
28835 | return this._idle || this.currentTimePending ? null : this._currentTime;
28836 | },
28837 | set: function (newTime) {
28838 | var _a;
28839 | newTime = Number(newTime);
28840 | if (isNaN(newTime))
28841 | return;
28842 | this.timeline.restart();
28843 | if (!this._paused && this._startTime !== null) {
28844 | this._startTime =
28845 | Number((_a = this.timeline) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.currentTime) - newTime / this.playbackRate;
28846 | }
28847 | this.currentTimePending = false;
28848 | if (this._currentTime === newTime) {
28849 | return;
28850 | }
28851 | if (this._idle) {
28852 | this._idle = false;
28853 | this._paused = true;
28854 | }
28855 | this.tickCurrentTime(newTime, true);
28856 | this.timeline.applyDirtiedAnimation(this);
28857 | },
28858 | enumerable: false,
28859 | configurable: true
28860 | });
28861 | Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, "startTime", {
28862 | get: function () {
28863 | return this._startTime;
28864 | },
28865 | set: function (newTime) {
28866 | if (newTime !== null) {
28867 | this.updatePromises();
28868 | newTime = Number(newTime);
28869 | if (isNaN(newTime))
28870 | return;
28871 | if (this._paused || this._idle)
28872 | return;
28873 | this._startTime = newTime;
28874 | this.tickCurrentTime((Number(this.timeline.currentTime) - this._startTime) *
28875 | this.playbackRate);
28876 | this.timeline.applyDirtiedAnimation(this);
28877 | this.updatePromises();
28878 | }
28879 | },
28880 | enumerable: false,
28881 | configurable: true
28882 | });
28883 | Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, "playbackRate", {
28884 | get: function () {
28885 | return this._playbackRate;
28886 | },
28887 | set: function (value) {
28888 | if (value === this._playbackRate) {
28889 | return;
28890 | }
28891 | this.updatePromises();
28892 | var oldCurrentTime = this.currentTime;
28893 | this._playbackRate = value;
28894 | this.startTime = null;
28895 | if (this.playState !== 'paused' && this.playState !== 'idle') {
28896 | this._finishedFlag = false;
28897 | this._idle = false;
28898 | this.ensureAlive();
28899 | this.timeline.applyDirtiedAnimation(this);
28900 | }
28901 | if (oldCurrentTime !== null) {
28902 | this.currentTime = oldCurrentTime;
28903 | }
28904 | this.updatePromises();
28905 | },
28906 | enumerable: false,
28907 | configurable: true
28908 | });
28909 | Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, "_isFinished", {
28910 | get: function () {
28911 | return (!this._idle &&
28912 | ((this._playbackRate > 0 &&
28913 | Number(this._currentTime) >= this._totalDuration) ||
28914 | (this._playbackRate < 0 && Number(this._currentTime) <= 0)));
28915 | },
28916 | enumerable: false,
28917 | configurable: true
28918 | });
28919 | Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, "totalDuration", {
28920 | get: function () {
28921 | return this._totalDuration;
28922 | },
28923 | enumerable: false,
28924 | configurable: true
28925 | });
28926 | Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, "_needsTick", {
28927 | get: function () {
28928 | return this.pending || this.playState === 'running' || !this._finishedFlag;
28929 | },
28930 | enumerable: false,
28931 | configurable: true
28932 | });
28933 | |
28934 |
28935 |
28936 |
28937 | Animation.prototype.updatePromises = function () {
28938 | var oldPlayState = this.oldPlayState;
28939 | var newPlayState = this.pending ? 'pending' : this.playState;
28940 | if (this.readyPromise && newPlayState !== oldPlayState) {
28941 | if (newPlayState === 'idle') {
28942 | this.rejectReadyPromise();
28943 | this.readyPromise = undefined;
28944 | }
28945 | else if (oldPlayState === 'pending') {
28946 | this.resolveReadyPromise();
28947 | }
28948 | else if (newPlayState === 'pending') {
28949 | this.readyPromise = undefined;
28950 | }
28951 | }
28952 | if (this.finishedPromise && newPlayState !== oldPlayState) {
28953 | if (newPlayState === 'idle') {
28954 | this.rejectFinishedPromise();
28955 | this.finishedPromise = undefined;
28956 | }
28957 | else if (newPlayState === 'finished') {
28958 | this.resolveFinishedPromise();
28959 | }
28960 | else if (oldPlayState === 'finished') {
28961 | this.finishedPromise = undefined;
28962 | }
28963 | }
28964 | this.oldPlayState = newPlayState;
28965 | return this.readyPromise || this.finishedPromise;
28966 | };
28967 | Animation.prototype.play = function () {
28968 | this.updatePromises();
28969 | this._paused = false;
28970 | if (this._isFinished || this._idle) {
28971 | this.rewind();
28972 | this._startTime = null;
28973 | }
28974 | this._finishedFlag = false;
28975 | this._idle = false;
28976 | this.ensureAlive();
28977 | this.timeline.applyDirtiedAnimation(this);
28978 | if (this.timeline.animations.indexOf(this) === -1) {
28979 | this.timeline.animations.push(this);
28980 | }
28981 | this.updatePromises();
28982 | };
28983 | Animation.prototype.pause = function () {
28984 | this.updatePromises();
28985 | if (this.currentTime) {
28986 | this._holdTime = this.currentTime;
28987 | }
28988 | if (!this._isFinished && !this._paused && !this._idle) {
28989 | this.currentTimePending = true;
28990 | }
28991 | else if (this._idle) {
28992 | this.rewind();
28993 | this._idle = false;
28994 | }
28995 | this._startTime = null;
28996 | this._paused = true;
28997 | this.updatePromises();
28998 | };
28999 | Animation.prototype.finish = function () {
29000 | this.updatePromises();
29001 | if (this._idle)
29002 | return;
29003 | this.currentTime = this._playbackRate > 0 ? this._totalDuration : 0;
29004 | this._startTime = this._totalDuration - this.currentTime;
29005 | this.currentTimePending = false;
29006 | this.timeline.applyDirtiedAnimation(this);
29007 | this.updatePromises();
29008 | };
29009 | Animation.prototype.cancel = function () {
29010 | var _this = this;
29011 | this.updatePromises();
29012 | if (!this._inEffect)
29013 | return;
29014 | this._inEffect = false;
29015 | this._idle = true;
29016 | this._paused = false;
29017 | this._finishedFlag = true;
29018 | this._currentTime = 0;
29019 | this._startTime = null;
29020 | this.effect.update(null);
29021 |
29022 |
29023 | this.timeline.applyDirtiedAnimation(this);
29024 | this.updatePromises();
29025 | |
29026 |
29027 |
29028 |
29029 |
29030 |
29031 |
29032 |
29033 |
29034 | if (this.oncancel) {
29035 | var event_1 = new AnimationEvent(null, this, this.currentTime, null);
29036 | setTimeout(function () {
29037 | _this.oncancel(event_1);
29038 | });
29039 | }
29040 | };
29041 | Animation.prototype.reverse = function () {
29042 | this.updatePromises();
29043 | var oldCurrentTime = this.currentTime;
29044 | this.playbackRate *= -1;
29045 | this.play();
29046 | if (oldCurrentTime !== null) {
29047 | this.currentTime = oldCurrentTime;
29048 | }
29049 | this.updatePromises();
29050 | };
29051 | |
29052 |
29053 |
29054 | Animation.prototype.updatePlaybackRate = function (playbackRate) {
29055 | this.playbackRate = playbackRate;
29056 | };
29057 | Animation.prototype.targetAnimations = function () {
29058 | var _a;
29059 | var target = (_a = this.effect) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.target;
29060 | return target.getAnimations();
29061 | };
29062 | Animation.prototype.markTarget = function () {
29063 | var animations = this.targetAnimations();
29064 | if (animations.indexOf(this) === -1) {
29065 | animations.push(this);
29066 | }
29067 | };
29068 | Animation.prototype.unmarkTarget = function () {
29069 | var animations = this.targetAnimations();
29070 | var index = animations.indexOf(this);
29071 | if (index !== -1) {
29072 | animations.splice(index, 1);
29073 | }
29074 | };
29075 | Animation.prototype.tick = function (timelineTime, isAnimationFrame) {
29076 | if (!this._idle && !this._paused) {
29077 | if (this._startTime === null) {
29078 | if (isAnimationFrame) {
29079 | this.startTime = timelineTime - this._currentTime / this.playbackRate;
29080 | }
29081 | }
29082 | else if (!this._isFinished) {
29083 | this.tickCurrentTime((timelineTime - this._startTime) * this.playbackRate);
29084 | }
29085 | }
29086 | if (isAnimationFrame) {
29087 | this.currentTimePending = false;
29088 | this.fireEvents(timelineTime);
29089 | }
29090 | };
29091 | Animation.prototype.rewind = function () {
29092 | if (this.playbackRate >= 0) {
29093 | this.currentTime = 0;
29094 | }
29095 | else if (this._totalDuration < Infinity) {
29096 | this.currentTime = this._totalDuration;
29097 | }
29098 | else {
29099 | throw new Error('Unable to rewind negative playback rate animation with infinite duration');
29100 | }
29101 | };
29102 | Animation.prototype.persist = function () {
29103 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
29104 | };
29105 | Animation.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener, options) {
29106 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
29107 | };
29108 | Animation.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, listener, options) {
29109 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
29110 | };
29111 | Animation.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (event) {
29112 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
29113 | };
29114 |
29115 | Animation.prototype.commitStyles = function () {
29116 | throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
29117 | };
29118 | Animation.prototype.ensureAlive = function () {
29119 | var _a, _b;
29120 |
29121 |
29122 |
29123 | if (this.playbackRate < 0 && this.currentTime === 0) {
29124 | this._inEffect = !!((_a = this.effect) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.update(-1));
29125 | }
29126 | else {
29127 | this._inEffect = !!((_b = this.effect) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.update(this.currentTime));
29128 | }
29129 | if (!this._inTimeline && (this._inEffect || !this._finishedFlag)) {
29130 | this._inTimeline = true;
29131 | this.timeline.animations.push(this);
29132 | }
29133 | };
29134 | Animation.prototype.tickCurrentTime = function (newTime, ignoreLimit) {
29135 | if (newTime !== this._currentTime) {
29136 | this._currentTime = newTime;
29137 | if (this._isFinished && !ignoreLimit) {
29138 | this._currentTime = this._playbackRate > 0 ? this._totalDuration : 0;
29139 | }
29140 | this.ensureAlive();
29141 | }
29142 | };
29143 | Animation.prototype.fireEvents = function (baseTime) {
29144 | var _this = this;
29145 | if (this._isFinished) {
29146 | if (!this._finishedFlag) {
29147 | if (this.onfinish) {
29148 | var event_2 = new AnimationEvent(null, this, this.currentTime, baseTime);
29149 | setTimeout(function () {
29150 | if (_this.onfinish) {
29151 | _this.onfinish(event_2);
29152 | }
29153 | });
29154 | }
29155 | this._finishedFlag = true;
29156 | }
29157 | }
29158 | else {
29159 | if (this.onframe && this.playState === 'running') {
29160 | var event_3 = new AnimationEvent(null, this, this.currentTime, baseTime);
29161 | this.onframe(event_3);
29162 | }
29163 | this._finishedFlag = false;
29164 | }
29165 | };
29166 | return Animation;
29167 | }());
29168 |
29169 | |
29170 |
29171 |
29172 |
29173 |
29174 |
29175 | var NEWTON_ITERATIONS = 4;
29176 | var NEWTON_MIN_SLOPE = 0.001;
29177 | var SUBDIVISION_PRECISION = 0.0000001;
29179 | var kSplineTableSize = 11;
29180 | var kSampleStepSize = 1.0 / (kSplineTableSize - 1.0);
29181 | var float32ArraySupported = typeof Float32Array === 'function';
29182 | var A = function (aA1, aA2) { return 1.0 - 3.0 * aA2 + 3.0 * aA1; };
29183 | var B = function (aA1, aA2) { return 3.0 * aA2 - 6.0 * aA1; };
29184 | var C = function (aA1) { return 3.0 * aA1; };
29185 |
29186 | var calcBezier = function (aT, aA1, aA2) {
29187 | return ((A(aA1, aA2) * aT + B(aA1, aA2)) * aT + C(aA1)) * aT;
29188 | };
29189 |
29190 | var getSlope = function (aT, aA1, aA2) {
29191 | return 3.0 * A(aA1, aA2) * aT * aT + 2.0 * B(aA1, aA2) * aT + C(aA1);
29192 | };
29193 | var binarySubdivide = function (aX, aA, aB, mX1, mX2) {
29194 | var currentX, currentT, i = 0;
29195 | do {
29196 | currentT = aA + (aB - aA) / 2.0;
29197 | currentX = calcBezier(currentT, mX1, mX2) - aX;
29198 | if (currentX > 0.0)
29199 | aB = currentT;
29200 | else
29201 | aA = currentT;
29202 | } while (Math.abs(currentX) > SUBDIVISION_PRECISION && ++i < SUBDIVISION_MAX_ITERATIONS);
29203 | return currentT;
29204 | };
29205 | var newtonRaphsonIterate = function (aX, aGuessT, mX1, mX2) {
29206 | for (var i = 0; i < NEWTON_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
29207 | var currentSlope = getSlope(aGuessT, mX1, mX2);
29208 | if (currentSlope === 0.0)
29209 | return aGuessT;
29210 | var currentX = calcBezier(aGuessT, mX1, mX2) - aX;
29211 | aGuessT -= currentX / currentSlope;
29212 | }
29213 | return aGuessT;
29214 | };
29215 | var bezier = function (mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2) {
29216 | if (!(0 <= mX1 && mX1 <= 1 && 0 <= mX2 && mX2 <= 1))
29217 | throw new Error('bezier x values must be in [0, 1] range');
29218 | if (mX1 === mY1 && mX2 === mY2)
29219 | return function (t) { return t; };
29220 |
29221 | var sampleValues = float32ArraySupported
29222 | ? new Float32Array(kSplineTableSize)
29223 | : new Array(kSplineTableSize);
29224 | for (var i = 0; i < kSplineTableSize; ++i) {
29225 | sampleValues[i] = calcBezier(i * kSampleStepSize, mX1, mX2);
29226 | }
29227 | var getTForX = function (aX) {
29228 | var intervalStart = 0.0;
29229 | var currentSample = 1;
29230 | var lastSample = kSplineTableSize - 1;
29231 | for (; currentSample !== lastSample && sampleValues[currentSample] <= aX; ++currentSample)
29232 | intervalStart += kSampleStepSize;
29233 | --currentSample;
29234 |
29235 | var dist = (aX - sampleValues[currentSample]) /
29236 | (sampleValues[currentSample + 1] - sampleValues[currentSample]);
29237 | var guessForT = intervalStart + dist * kSampleStepSize;
29238 | var initialSlope = getSlope(guessForT, mX1, mX2);
29239 | if (initialSlope >= NEWTON_MIN_SLOPE)
29240 | return newtonRaphsonIterate(aX, guessForT, mX1, mX2);
29241 | else if (initialSlope === 0.0)
29242 | return guessForT;
29243 | else {
29244 | return binarySubdivide(aX, intervalStart, intervalStart + kSampleStepSize, mX1, mX2);
29245 | }
29246 | };
29247 | return function (t) {
29248 |
29249 | if (t === 0 || t === 1)
29250 | return t;
29251 | return calcBezier(getTForX(t), mY1, mY2);
29252 | };
29253 | };
29254 |
29255 | var convertToDash = function (str) {
29256 | str = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (letter) { return "-".concat(letter.toLowerCase()); });
29257 |
29258 | return str.charAt(0) === '-' ? str.substring(1) : str;
29259 | };
29260 | |
29261 |
29262 |
29263 | var Quad = function (t) { return Math.pow(t, 2); };
29264 | var Cubic = function (t) { return Math.pow(t, 3); };
29265 | var Quart = function (t) { return Math.pow(t, 4); };
29266 | var Quint = function (t) { return Math.pow(t, 5); };
29267 | var Expo = function (t) { return Math.pow(t, 6); };
29268 | var Sine = function (t) { return 1 - Math.cos((t * Math.PI) / 2); };
29269 | var Circ = function (t) { return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t); };
29270 | var Back = function (t) { return t * t * (3 * t - 2); };
29271 | var Bounce = function (t) {
29272 | var pow2, b = 4;
29273 | while (t < ((pow2 = Math.pow(2, --b)) - 1) / 11) { }
29274 | return 1 / Math.pow(4, 3 - b) - 7.5625 * Math.pow((pow2 * 3 - 2) / 22 - t, 2);
29275 | };
29276 | var Elastic = function (t, params) {
29277 | if (params === void 0) { params = []; }
29278 | var _a = __read(params, 2), _b = _a[0], amplitude = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b, _c = _a[1], period = _c === void 0 ? 0.5 : _c;
29279 | var a = clamp(Number(amplitude), 1, 10);
29280 | var p = clamp(Number(period), 0.1, 2);
29281 | if (t === 0 || t === 1)
29282 | return t;
29283 | return (-a *
29284 | Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) *
29285 | Math.sin(((t - 1 - (p / (Math.PI * 2)) * Math.asin(1 / a)) * (Math.PI * 2)) / p));
29286 | };
29287 | var Spring = function (t, params, duration) {
29288 | if (params === void 0) { params = []; }
29289 | var _a = __read(params, 4), _b = _a[0], mass = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b, _c = _a[1], stiffness = _c === void 0 ? 100 : _c, _d = _a[2], damping = _d === void 0 ? 10 : _d, _e = _a[3], velocity = _e === void 0 ? 0 : _e;
29290 | mass = clamp(mass, 0.1, 1000);
29291 | stiffness = clamp(stiffness, 0.1, 1000);
29292 | damping = clamp(damping, 0.1, 1000);
29293 | velocity = clamp(velocity, 0.1, 1000);
29294 | var w0 = Math.sqrt(stiffness / mass);
29295 | var zeta = damping / (2 * Math.sqrt(stiffness * mass));
29296 | var wd = zeta < 1 ? w0 * Math.sqrt(1 - zeta * zeta) : 0;
29297 | var a = 1;
29298 | var b = zeta < 1 ? (zeta * w0 + -velocity) / wd : -velocity + w0;
29299 | var progress = duration ? (duration * t) / 1000 : t;
29300 | if (zeta < 1) {
29301 | progress =
29302 | Math.exp(-progress * zeta * w0) * (a * Math.cos(wd * progress) + b * Math.sin(wd * progress));
29303 | }
29304 | else {
29305 | progress = (a + b * progress) * Math.exp(-progress * w0);
29306 | }
29307 | if (t === 0 || t === 1)
29308 | return t;
29309 | return 1 - progress;
29310 | };
29311 | |
29312 |
29313 |
29314 |
29315 | |
29316 |
29317 |
29318 |
29319 |
29320 |
29321 |
29322 |
29323 |
29324 |
29325 |
29326 |
29327 |
29328 |
29329 | |
29330 |
29331 |
29332 |
29333 |
29334 |
29335 |
29336 |
29337 |
29338 |
29339 |
29340 |
29341 |
29342 |
29343 |
29344 |
29345 |
29346 |
29347 |
29348 |
29349 |
29350 |
29351 |
29352 |
29353 |
29354 |
29355 |
29356 |
29357 |
29358 |
29359 | |
29360 |
29361 |
29362 |
29363 | var Steps = function (t, params) {
29364 | if (params === void 0) { params = []; }
29365 | var _a = __read(params, 2), _b = _a[0], steps = _b === void 0 ? 10 : _b, type = _a[1];
29366 | var trunc = type == 'start' ? Math.ceil : Math.floor;
29367 | return trunc(clamp(t, 0, 1) * steps) / steps;
29368 | };
29369 |
29370 | var Bezier = function (t, params) {
29371 | if (params === void 0) { params = []; }
29372 | var _a = __read(params, 4), mX1 = _a[0], mY1 = _a[1], mX2 = _a[2], mY2 = _a[3];
29373 | return bezier(mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2)(t);
29374 | };
29375 |
29376 | var easein = bezier(0.42, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
29377 |
29378 | var EaseOut = function (ease) {
29379 | return function (t, params, duration) {
29380 | if (params === void 0) { params = []; }
29381 | return 1 - ease(1 - t, params, duration);
29382 | };
29383 | };
29384 |
29385 | var EaseInOut = function (ease) {
29386 | return function (t, params, duration) {
29387 | if (params === void 0) { params = []; }
29388 | return t < 0.5 ? ease(t * 2, params, duration) / 2 : 1 - ease(t * -2 + 2, params, duration) / 2;
29389 | };
29390 | };
29391 |
29392 | var EaseOutIn = function (ease) {
29393 | return function (t, params, duration) {
29394 | if (params === void 0) { params = []; }
29395 | return t < 0.5
29396 | ? (1 - ease(1 - t * 2, params, duration)) / 2
29397 | : (ease(t * 2 - 1, params, duration) + 1) / 2;
29398 | };
29399 | };
29400 | var EasingFunctions = {
29401 | steps: Steps,
29402 | 'step-start': function (t) { return Steps(t, [1, 'start']); },
29403 | 'step-end': function (t) { return Steps(t, [1, 'end']); },
29404 | linear: function (t) { return t; },
29405 | 'cubic-bezier': Bezier,
29406 | ease: function (t) { return Bezier(t, [0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0]); },
29407 | in: easein,
29408 | out: EaseOut(easein),
29409 | 'in-out': EaseInOut(easein),
29410 | 'out-in': EaseOutIn(easein),
29411 | 'in-quad': Quad,
29412 | 'out-quad': EaseOut(Quad),
29413 | 'in-out-quad': EaseInOut(Quad),
29414 | 'out-in-quad': EaseOutIn(Quad),
29415 | 'in-cubic': Cubic,
29416 | 'out-cubic': EaseOut(Cubic),
29417 | 'in-out-cubic': EaseInOut(Cubic),
29418 | 'out-in-cubic': EaseOutIn(Cubic),
29419 | 'in-quart': Quart,
29420 | 'out-quart': EaseOut(Quart),
29421 | 'in-out-quart': EaseInOut(Quart),
29422 | 'out-in-quart': EaseOutIn(Quart),
29423 | 'in-quint': Quint,
29424 | 'out-quint': EaseOut(Quint),
29425 | 'in-out-quint': EaseInOut(Quint),
29426 | 'out-in-quint': EaseOutIn(Quint),
29427 | 'in-expo': Expo,
29428 | 'out-expo': EaseOut(Expo),
29429 | 'in-out-expo': EaseInOut(Expo),
29430 | 'out-in-expo': EaseOutIn(Expo),
29431 | 'in-sine': Sine,
29432 | 'out-sine': EaseOut(Sine),
29433 | 'in-out-sine': EaseInOut(Sine),
29434 | 'out-in-sine': EaseOutIn(Sine),
29435 | 'in-circ': Circ,
29436 | 'out-circ': EaseOut(Circ),
29437 | 'in-out-circ': EaseInOut(Circ),
29438 | 'out-in-circ': EaseOutIn(Circ),
29439 | 'in-back': Back,
29440 | 'out-back': EaseOut(Back),
29441 | 'in-out-back': EaseInOut(Back),
29442 | 'out-in-back': EaseOutIn(Back),
29443 | 'in-bounce': Bounce,
29444 | 'out-bounce': EaseOut(Bounce),
29445 | 'in-out-bounce': EaseInOut(Bounce),
29446 | 'out-in-bounce': EaseOutIn(Bounce),
29447 | 'in-elastic': Elastic,
29448 | 'out-elastic': EaseOut(Elastic),
29449 | 'in-out-elastic': EaseInOut(Elastic),
29450 | 'out-in-elastic': EaseOutIn(Elastic),
29451 | spring: Spring,
29452 | 'spring-in': Spring,
29453 | 'spring-out': EaseOut(Spring),
29454 | 'spring-in-out': EaseInOut(Spring),
29455 | 'spring-out-in': EaseOutIn(Spring),
29456 | };
29457 | |
29458 |
29459 |
29460 | var complexEasingSyntax = function (ease) {
29461 | return convertToDash(ease)
29462 | .replace(/^ease-/, '')
29463 | .replace(/(\(|\s).+/, '')
29464 | .toLowerCase()
29465 | .trim();
29466 | };
29467 |
29468 | var getEasingFunction = function (ease) {
29469 | return EasingFunctions[complexEasingSyntax(ease)] || EasingFunctions.linear;
29470 | };
29471 |
29472 |
29473 |
29474 |
29475 |
29476 |
29477 |
29478 |
29479 |
29480 |
29481 |
29482 |
29483 |
29484 |
29485 |
29486 | var linear = function (x) {
29487 | return x;
29488 | };
29489 | var Start = 1;
29490 | var Middle = 0.5;
29491 | var End = 0;
29492 | function step(count, pos) {
29493 | return function (x) {
29494 | if (x >= 1) {
29495 | return 1;
29496 | }
29497 | var stepSize = 1 / count;
29498 | x += pos * stepSize;
29499 | return x - (x % stepSize);
29500 | };
29501 | }
29502 | var numberString = '\\s*(-?\\d+\\.?\\d*|-?\\.\\d+)\\s*';
29503 | var cubicBezierRe = new RegExp('cubic-bezier\\(' +
29504 | numberString +
29505 | ',' +
29506 | numberString +
29507 | ',' +
29508 | numberString +
29509 | ',' +
29510 | numberString +
29511 | '\\)');
29512 | var step1Re = /steps\(\s*(\d+)\s*\)/;
29513 | var step2Re = /steps\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(start|middle|end)\s*\)/;
29514 | function parseEasingFunction(normalizedEasing) {
29515 | var cubicData = cubicBezierRe.exec(normalizedEasing);
29516 | if (cubicData) {
29517 |
29518 | return bezier.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(cubicData.slice(1).map(Number)), false));
29519 | }
29520 | var step1Data = step1Re.exec(normalizedEasing);
29521 | if (step1Data) {
29522 | return step(Number(step1Data[1]), End);
29523 | }
29524 | var step2Data = step2Re.exec(normalizedEasing);
29525 | if (step2Data) {
29526 |
29527 | return step(Number(step2Data[1]), { start: Start, middle: Middle, end: End }[step2Data[2]]);
29528 | }
29529 | return getEasingFunction(normalizedEasing);
29530 | }
29531 | function calculateActiveDuration(timing) {
29532 |
29533 | return Math.abs(repeatedDuration(timing) / (timing.playbackRate || 1));
29534 | }
29535 | function repeatedDuration(timing) {
29536 | var _a;
29537 |
29538 | if (timing.duration === 0 || timing.iterations === 0) {
29539 | return 0;
29540 | }
29541 |
29542 |
29543 |
29544 |
29545 | return (timing.duration === 'auto' ? 0 : Number(timing.duration)) * ((_a = timing.iterations) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1);
29546 | }
29547 | var PhaseNone = 0;
29548 | var PhaseBefore = 1;
29549 | var PhaseAfter = 2;
29550 | var PhaseActive = 3;
29551 | function calculatePhase(activeDuration, localTime, timing) {
29552 |
29553 | if (localTime === null) {
29554 | return PhaseNone;
29555 | }
29556 | var endTime = timing.endTime;
29557 | if (localTime < Math.min(timing.delay, endTime)) {
29558 | return PhaseBefore;
29559 | }
29560 | if (localTime >= Math.min(timing.delay + activeDuration + timing.endDelay, endTime)) {
29561 | return PhaseAfter;
29562 | }
29563 | return PhaseActive;
29564 | }
29565 | function calculateActiveTime(activeDuration, fillMode, localTime, phase, delay) {
29566 |
29567 | switch (phase) {
29568 | case PhaseBefore:
29569 | if (fillMode === 'backwards' || fillMode === 'both')
29570 | return 0;
29571 | return null;
29572 | case PhaseActive:
29573 | return localTime - delay;
29574 | case PhaseAfter:
29575 | if (fillMode === 'forwards' || fillMode === 'both')
29576 | return activeDuration;
29577 | return null;
29578 | case PhaseNone:
29579 | return null;
29580 | }
29581 | }
29582 | function calculateOverallProgress(iterationDuration, phase, iterations, activeTime, iterationStart) {
29583 |
29584 | var overallProgress = iterationStart;
29585 | if (iterationDuration === 0) {
29586 | if (phase !== PhaseBefore) {
29587 | overallProgress += iterations;
29588 | }
29589 | }
29590 | else {
29591 | overallProgress += activeTime / iterationDuration;
29592 | }
29593 | return overallProgress;
29594 | }
29595 | function calculateSimpleIterationProgress(overallProgress, iterationStart, phase, iterations, activeTime, iterationDuration) {
29596 |
29597 | var simpleIterationProgress = overallProgress === Infinity ? iterationStart % 1 : overallProgress % 1;
29598 | if (simpleIterationProgress === 0 &&
29599 | phase === PhaseAfter &&
29600 | iterations !== 0 &&
29601 | (activeTime !== 0 || iterationDuration === 0)) {
29602 | simpleIterationProgress = 1;
29603 | }
29604 | return simpleIterationProgress;
29605 | }
29606 | function calculateCurrentIteration(phase, iterations, simpleIterationProgress, overallProgress) {
29607 |
29608 | if (phase === PhaseAfter && iterations === Infinity) {
29609 | return Infinity;
29610 | }
29611 | if (simpleIterationProgress === 1) {
29612 | return Math.floor(overallProgress) - 1;
29613 | }
29614 | return Math.floor(overallProgress);
29615 | }
29616 | function calculateDirectedProgress(playbackDirection, currentIteration, simpleIterationProgress) {
29617 |
29618 | var currentDirection = playbackDirection;
29619 | if (playbackDirection !== 'normal' && playbackDirection !== 'reverse') {
29620 | var d = currentIteration;
29621 | if (playbackDirection === 'alternate-reverse') {
29622 | d += 1;
29623 | }
29624 | currentDirection = 'normal';
29625 | if (d !== Infinity && d % 2 !== 0) {
29626 | currentDirection = 'reverse';
29627 | }
29628 | }
29629 | if (currentDirection === 'normal') {
29630 | return simpleIterationProgress;
29631 | }
29632 | return 1 - simpleIterationProgress;
29633 | }
29634 | function calculateIterationProgress(activeDuration, localTime, timing) {
29635 | var phase = calculatePhase(activeDuration, localTime, timing);
29636 | var activeTime = calculateActiveTime(activeDuration, timing.fill, localTime, phase, timing.delay);
29637 | if (activeTime === null)
29638 | return null;
29639 | var duration = timing.duration === 'auto' ? 0 : timing.duration;
29640 | var overallProgress = calculateOverallProgress(duration, phase, timing.iterations, activeTime, timing.iterationStart);
29641 | var simpleIterationProgress = calculateSimpleIterationProgress(overallProgress, timing.iterationStart, phase, timing.iterations, activeTime, duration);
29642 | var currentIteration = calculateCurrentIteration(phase, timing.iterations, simpleIterationProgress, overallProgress);
29643 | var directedProgress = calculateDirectedProgress(timing.direction, currentIteration, simpleIterationProgress);
29644 | timing.currentIteration = currentIteration;
29645 | timing.progress = directedProgress;
29646 |
29647 |
29648 | return timing.easingFunction(directedProgress);
29649 | }
29650 |
29651 | function convertEffectInput(keyframes, timing, target) {
29652 | var propertySpecificKeyframeGroups = makePropertySpecificKeyframeGroups(keyframes, timing);
29653 | var interpolations = makeInterpolations(propertySpecificKeyframeGroups, target);
29654 | return function (target, fraction) {
29655 | if (fraction !== null) {
29656 | interpolations
29657 | .filter(function (interpolation) {
29658 | return (fraction >= interpolation.applyFrom &&
29659 | fraction < interpolation.applyTo);
29660 | })
29661 | .forEach(function (interpolation) {
29662 | var offsetFraction = fraction - interpolation.startOffset;
29663 | var localDuration = interpolation.endOffset - interpolation.startOffset;
29664 | var scaledLocalTime = localDuration === 0
29665 | ? 0
29666 | : interpolation.easingFunction(offsetFraction / localDuration);
29667 |
29668 | target.setAttribute(interpolation.property, interpolation.interpolation(scaledLocalTime), false, false);
29669 |
29670 |
29671 |
29672 |
29673 |
29674 |
29675 | });
29676 | }
29677 | else {
29678 | for (var property in propertySpecificKeyframeGroups)
29679 | if (isNotReservedWord(property)) {
29680 |
29681 | target.setAttribute(property, null);
29682 | }
29683 | }
29684 | };
29685 | }
29686 | function isNotReservedWord(member) {
29687 | return (member !== 'offset' &&
29688 | member !== 'easing' &&
29689 | member !== 'composite' &&
29690 | member !== 'computedOffset');
29691 | }
29692 | function makePropertySpecificKeyframeGroups(keyframes, timing) {
29693 | var propertySpecificKeyframeGroups = {};
29694 | for (var i = 0; i < keyframes.length; i++) {
29695 | for (var member in keyframes[i]) {
29696 | if (isNotReservedWord(member)) {
29697 | var propertySpecificKeyframe = {
29698 | offset: keyframes[i].offset,
29699 | computedOffset: keyframes[i].computedOffset,
29700 | easing: keyframes[i].easing,
29701 | easingFunction: parseEasingFunction(keyframes[i].easing) || timing.easingFunction,
29702 | value: keyframes[i][member],
29703 | };
29704 | propertySpecificKeyframeGroups[member] =
29705 | propertySpecificKeyframeGroups[member] || [];
29706 | propertySpecificKeyframeGroups[member].push(propertySpecificKeyframe);
29707 | }
29708 | }
29709 | }
29710 | return propertySpecificKeyframeGroups;
29711 | }
29712 | function makeInterpolations(propertySpecificKeyframeGroups, target) {
29713 | var interpolations = [];
29714 | for (var groupName in propertySpecificKeyframeGroups) {
29715 | var keyframes = propertySpecificKeyframeGroups[groupName];
29716 | for (var i = 0; i < keyframes.length - 1; i++) {
29717 | var startIndex = i;
29718 | var endIndex = i + 1;
29719 | var startOffset = keyframes[startIndex].computedOffset;
29720 | var endOffset = keyframes[endIndex].computedOffset;
29721 | var applyFrom = startOffset;
29722 | var applyTo = endOffset;
29723 | if (i === 0) {
29724 | applyFrom = -Infinity;
29725 | if (endOffset === 0) {
29726 | endIndex = startIndex;
29727 | }
29728 | }
29729 | if (i === keyframes.length - 2) {
29730 | applyTo = Infinity;
29731 | if (startOffset === 1) {
29732 | startIndex = endIndex;
29733 | }
29734 | }
29735 | interpolations.push({
29736 | applyFrom: applyFrom,
29737 | applyTo: applyTo,
29738 | startOffset: keyframes[startIndex].computedOffset,
29739 | endOffset: keyframes[endIndex].computedOffset,
29740 | easingFunction: keyframes[startIndex].easingFunction,
29741 | property: groupName,
29742 | interpolation: propertyInterpolation(groupName, keyframes[startIndex].value, keyframes[endIndex].value, target),
29743 | });
29744 | }
29745 | }
29746 | interpolations.sort(function (leftInterpolation, rightInterpolation) {
29747 | return leftInterpolation.startOffset - rightInterpolation.startOffset;
29748 | });
29749 | return interpolations;
29750 | }
29751 | var InterpolationFactory = function (from, to,
29752 | // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
29753 | convertToString) {
29754 | return function (f) {
29755 | var interpolated = interpolate(from, to, f);
29756 | return !runtime.enableCSSParsing && isNumber(interpolated)
29757 | ? interpolated
29758 | : convertToString(interpolated);
29759 | };
29760 | };
29761 | function propertyInterpolation(property, left, right, target) {
29762 | var metadata = propertyMetadataCache[property];
29763 |
29764 |
29765 |
29766 |
29767 |
29768 |
29769 |
29770 |
29771 |
29772 | if (metadata && metadata.syntax && metadata.int) {
29773 | var propertyHandler = runtime.styleValueRegistry.getPropertySyntax(metadata.syntax);
29774 | if (propertyHandler) {
29775 | var usedLeft = void 0;
29776 | var usedRight = void 0;
29777 | if (runtime.enableCSSParsing) {
29778 | var computedLeft = runtime.styleValueRegistry.parseProperty(property, left, target, false);
29779 | var computedRight = runtime.styleValueRegistry.parseProperty(property, right, target, false);
29780 | usedLeft = runtime.styleValueRegistry.computeProperty(property, computedLeft, target, false);
29781 | usedRight = runtime.styleValueRegistry.computeProperty(property, computedRight, target, false);
29782 | }
29783 | else {
29784 | var parser = propertyHandler.parserWithCSSDisabled;
29785 | usedLeft = parser ? parser(left, target) : left;
29786 | usedRight = parser ? parser(right, target) : right;
29787 | }
29788 |
29789 | var interpolationArgs = propertyHandler.mixer(usedLeft, usedRight, target);
29790 | if (interpolationArgs) {
29791 | var interp_1 = InterpolationFactory.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(interpolationArgs), false));
29792 | return function (t) {
29793 | if (t === 0)
29794 | return left;
29795 | if (t === 1)
29796 | return right;
29797 | return interp_1(t);
29798 | };
29799 | }
29800 | }
29801 | }
29802 |
29803 | return InterpolationFactory(false, true, function (bool) {
29804 | return bool ? right : left;
29805 | });
29806 | }
29807 | |
29808 |
29809 |
29810 | function interpolate(from, to, f) {
29811 | if (typeof from === 'number' && typeof to === 'number') {
29812 | return from * (1 - f) + to * f;
29813 | }
29814 | if ((typeof from === 'boolean' && typeof to === 'boolean') ||
29815 | (typeof from === 'string' && typeof to === 'string')
29816 | ) {
29817 | return f < 0.5 ? from : to;
29818 | }
29819 | if (Array.isArray(from) && Array.isArray(to)) {
29820 |
29821 | var fromLength = from.length;
29822 | var toLength = to.length;
29823 | var length_1 = Math.max(fromLength, toLength);
29824 | var r = [];
29825 | for (var i = 0; i < length_1; i++) {
29826 | r.push(interpolate(from[i < fromLength ? i : fromLength - 1], to[i < toLength ? i : toLength - 1], f));
29827 | }
29828 | return r;
29829 | }
29830 | throw new Error('Mismatched interpolation arguments ' + from + ':' + to);
29831 | }
29832 |
29833 | |
29834 |
29835 |
29836 | var AnimationEffectTiming = (function () {
29837 | function AnimationEffectTiming() {
29838 | |
29839 |
29840 |
29841 | this.delay = 0;
29842 | |
29843 |
29844 |
29845 | this.direction = 'normal';
29846 | |
29847 |
29848 |
29849 | this.duration = 'auto';
29850 | |
29851 |
29852 |
29853 | this._easing = 'linear';
29854 | this.easingFunction = linear;
29855 | |
29856 |
29857 |
29858 | this.endDelay = 0;
29859 | |
29860 |
29861 |
29862 | this.fill = 'auto';
29863 | |
29864 |
29865 |
29866 | this.iterationStart = 0;
29867 | |
29868 |
29869 |
29870 | this.iterations = 1;
29871 | this.currentIteration = null;
29872 | this.progress = null;
29873 | }
29874 | Object.defineProperty(AnimationEffectTiming.prototype, "easing", {
29875 | get: function () {
29876 | return this._easing;
29877 | },
29878 | set: function (value) {
29879 | this.easingFunction = parseEasingFunction(value);
29880 | this._easing = value;
29881 | },
29882 | enumerable: false,
29883 | configurable: true
29884 | });
29885 | return AnimationEffectTiming;
29886 | }());
29887 |
29888 | |
29889 |
29890 |
29891 |
29892 |
29893 |
29894 |
29895 |
29896 |
29897 |
29898 |
29899 |
29900 |
29901 |
29902 | function convertToArrayForm(effectInput) {
29903 | var normalizedEffectInput = [];
29904 | for (var property in effectInput) {
29905 |
29906 | if (property in ['easing', 'offset', 'composite']) {
29907 | continue;
29908 | }
29909 |
29910 | var values = effectInput[property];
29911 | if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
29912 | values = [values];
29913 | }
29914 | var numKeyframes = values.length;
29915 | for (var i = 0; i < numKeyframes; i++) {
29916 | if (!normalizedEffectInput[i]) {
29917 | var keyframe = {};
29918 | if ('offset' in effectInput) {
29919 | keyframe.offset = Number(effectInput.offset);
29920 | }
29921 | if ('easing' in effectInput) {
29922 |
29923 | keyframe.easing = effectInput.easing;
29924 | }
29925 | if ('composite' in effectInput) {
29926 |
29927 | keyframe.composite = effectInput.composite;
29928 | }
29929 | normalizedEffectInput[i] = keyframe;
29930 | }
29931 | if (values[i] !== undefined && values[i] !== null) {
29932 | normalizedEffectInput[i][property] = values[i];
29933 | }
29934 | }
29935 | }
29936 | normalizedEffectInput.sort(function (a, b) {
29937 | return (a.computedOffset || 0) - (b.computedOffset || 0);
29938 | });
29939 | return normalizedEffectInput;
29940 | }
29941 | function normalizeKeyframes(effectInput, timing) {
29942 | if (effectInput === null) {
29943 | return [];
29944 | }
29945 | if (!Array.isArray(effectInput)) {
29946 | effectInput = convertToArrayForm(effectInput);
29947 | }
29948 | var keyframes = effectInput.map(function (originalKeyframe) {
29949 | var keyframe = {};
29950 | if (timing === null || timing === void 0 ? void 0 : timing.composite) {
29951 |
29952 |
29953 | keyframe.composite = 'auto';
29954 | }
29955 | for (var member in originalKeyframe) {
29956 | var memberValue = originalKeyframe[member];
29957 | if (member === 'offset') {
29958 | if (memberValue !== null) {
29959 | memberValue = Number(memberValue);
29960 | if (!isFinite(memberValue))
29961 | throw new Error('Keyframe offsets must be numbers.');
29962 | if (memberValue < 0 || memberValue > 1)
29963 | throw new Error('Keyframe offsets must be between 0 and 1.');
29964 | keyframe.computedOffset = memberValue;
29965 | }
29966 | }
29967 | else if (member === 'composite') {
29968 |
29969 |
29970 | if (['replace', 'add', 'accumulate', 'auto'].indexOf(memberValue) === -1) {
29971 | throw new Error("".concat(memberValue, " compositing is not supported"));
29972 | }
29973 | }
29974 | else ;
29975 |
29976 | keyframe[member] = memberValue;
29977 | }
29978 | if (keyframe.offset === undefined) {
29979 | keyframe.offset = null;
29980 | }
29981 | if (keyframe.easing === undefined) {
29982 |
29983 | keyframe.easing = (timing === null || timing === void 0 ? void 0 : timing.easing) || 'linear';
29984 | }
29985 | if (keyframe.composite === undefined) {
29986 | keyframe.composite = 'auto';
29987 | }
29988 | return keyframe;
29989 | });
29990 | var everyFrameHasOffset = true;
29991 | var previousOffset = -Infinity;
29992 | for (var i = 0; i < keyframes.length; i++) {
29993 | var offset = keyframes[i].offset;
29994 | if (!isNil(offset)) {
29995 | if (offset < previousOffset) {
29996 | throw new TypeError('Keyframes are not loosely sorted by offset. Sort or specify offsets.');
29997 | }
29998 | previousOffset = offset;
29999 | }
30000 | else {
30001 | everyFrameHasOffset = false;
30002 | }
30003 | }
30004 | keyframes = keyframes.filter(function (keyframe) {
30005 | return Number(keyframe.offset) >= 0 && Number(keyframe.offset) <= 1;
30006 | });
30007 | function spaceKeyframes() {
30008 | var _a, _b;
30009 | var length = keyframes.length;
30010 | keyframes[length - 1].computedOffset = Number((_a = keyframes[length - 1].offset) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1);
30011 | if (length > 1) {
30012 | keyframes[0].computedOffset = Number((_b = keyframes[0].offset) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0);
30013 | }
30014 | var previousIndex = 0;
30015 | var previousOffset = Number(keyframes[0].computedOffset);
30016 | for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
30017 | var offset = keyframes[i].computedOffset;
30018 | if (!isNil(offset) && !isNil(previousOffset)) {
30019 | for (var j = 1; j < i - previousIndex; j++)
30020 | keyframes[previousIndex + j].computedOffset =
30021 | previousOffset + ((Number(offset) - previousOffset) * j) / (i - previousIndex);
30022 | previousIndex = i;
30023 | previousOffset = Number(offset);
30024 | }
30025 | }
30026 | }
30027 | if (!everyFrameHasOffset)
30028 | spaceKeyframes();
30029 | return keyframes;
30030 | }
30031 |
30032 | var fills = 'backwards|forwards|both|none'.split('|');
30033 | var directions = 'reverse|alternate|alternate-reverse'.split('|');
30034 | function makeTiming(timingInput, forGroup) {
30035 | var timing = new AnimationEffectTiming();
30036 | if (forGroup) {
30037 | timing.fill = 'both';
30038 | timing.duration = 'auto';
30039 | }
30040 | if (typeof timingInput === 'number' && !isNaN(timingInput)) {
30041 | timing.duration = timingInput;
30042 | }
30043 | else if (timingInput !== undefined) {
30044 | Object.keys(timingInput).forEach(function (property) {
30045 | if (timingInput[property] !== undefined &&
30046 | timingInput[property] !== null &&
30047 | timingInput[property] !== 'auto') {
30048 | if (typeof timing[property] === 'number' || property === 'duration') {
30049 | if (typeof timingInput[property] !== 'number' ||
30050 | isNaN(timingInput[property])) {
30051 | return;
30052 | }
30053 | }
30054 | if (property === 'fill' &&
30055 | fills.indexOf(timingInput[property]) === -1) {
30056 | return;
30057 | }
30058 | if (property === 'direction' &&
30059 | directions.indexOf(timingInput[property]) === -1) {
30060 | return;
30061 | }
30062 |
30063 | timing[property] = timingInput[property];
30064 | }
30065 | });
30066 | }
30067 | return timing;
30068 | }
30069 | function normalizeTimingInput(timingInput, forGroup) {
30070 | timingInput = numericTimingToObject(timingInput !== null && timingInput !== void 0 ? timingInput : { duration: 'auto' });
30071 | return makeTiming(timingInput, forGroup);
30072 | }
30073 | function numericTimingToObject(timingInput) {
30074 | if (typeof timingInput === 'number') {
30075 | if (isNaN(timingInput)) {
30076 | timingInput = { duration: 'auto' };
30077 | }
30078 | else {
30079 | timingInput = { duration: timingInput };
30080 | }
30081 | }
30082 | return timingInput;
30083 | }
30084 | |
30085 |
30086 |
30087 |
30088 |
30089 |
30090 |
30091 |
30092 |
30093 |
30094 |
30095 |
30096 |
30097 | var KeyframeEffect = (function () {
30098 | function KeyframeEffect(target, effectInput, timingInput) {
30099 | var _this = this;
30100 | this.composite = 'replace';
30101 | this.iterationComposite = 'replace';
30102 | this.target = target;
30103 | this.timing = normalizeTimingInput(timingInput, false);
30104 | this.timing.effect = this;
30105 | this.timing.activeDuration = calculateActiveDuration(this.timing);
30106 | this.timing.endTime = Math.max(0, this.timing.delay + this.timing.activeDuration + this.timing.endDelay);
30107 | this.normalizedKeyframes = normalizeKeyframes(effectInput, this.timing);
30108 | this.interpolations = convertEffectInput(this.normalizedKeyframes, this.timing, this.target);
30109 |
30110 | var Proxy = runtime.globalThis.Proxy;
30111 | this.computedTiming = Proxy
30112 | ? new Proxy(this.timing, {
30113 | get: function (target, prop) {
30114 | if (prop === 'duration') {
30115 | return target.duration === 'auto' ? 0 : target.duration;
30116 | }
30117 | else if (prop === 'fill') {
30118 | return target.fill === 'auto' ? 'none' : target.fill;
30119 | }
30120 | else if (prop === 'localTime') {
30121 | return (_this.animation && _this.animation.currentTime) || null;
30122 | }
30123 | else if (prop === 'currentIteration') {
30124 | if (!_this.animation || _this.animation.playState !== 'running') {
30125 | return null;
30126 | }
30127 | return target.currentIteration || 0;
30128 | }
30129 | else if (prop === 'progress') {
30130 | if (!_this.animation || _this.animation.playState !== 'running') {
30131 | return null;
30132 | }
30133 | return target.progress || 0;
30134 | }
30135 | return target[prop];
30136 | },
30137 | set: function () {
30138 | return true;
30139 | },
30140 | })
30141 | : this.timing;
30142 | }
30143 | KeyframeEffect.prototype.applyInterpolations = function () {
30144 | this.interpolations(this.target, Number(this.timeFraction));
30145 | };
30146 | KeyframeEffect.prototype.update = function (localTime) {
30147 | if (localTime === null) {
30148 | return false;
30149 | }
30150 | this.timeFraction = calculateIterationProgress(this.timing.activeDuration, localTime, this.timing);
30151 | return this.timeFraction !== null;
30152 | };
30153 | KeyframeEffect.prototype.getKeyframes = function () {
30154 | return this.normalizedKeyframes;
30155 | };
30156 | KeyframeEffect.prototype.setKeyframes = function (keyframes) {
30157 | this.normalizedKeyframes = normalizeKeyframes(keyframes);
30158 | };
30159 | |
30160 |
30161 |
30162 | KeyframeEffect.prototype.getComputedTiming = function () {
30163 | return this.computedTiming;
30164 | };
30165 | |
30166 |
30167 |
30168 | KeyframeEffect.prototype.getTiming = function () {
30169 | return this.timing;
30170 | };
30171 | |
30172 |
30173 |
30174 | KeyframeEffect.prototype.updateTiming = function (timing) {
30175 | var _this = this;
30176 | Object.keys(timing || {}).forEach(function (name) {
30177 | _this.timing[name] = timing[name];
30178 | });
30179 | };
30180 | return KeyframeEffect;
30181 | }());
30182 |
30183 | function compareAnimations(leftAnimation, rightAnimation) {
30184 | return Number(leftAnimation.id) - Number(rightAnimation.id);
30185 | }
30186 | |
30187 |
30188 |
30189 | var AnimationTimeline = (function () {
30190 | function AnimationTimeline(document) {
30191 | var _this = this;
30192 | this.document = document;
30193 | |
30194 |
30195 |
30196 | this.animations = [];
30197 | this.ticking = false;
30198 | this.timelineTicking = false;
30199 | this.hasRestartedThisFrame = false;
30200 | this.animationsWithPromises = [];
30201 | this.inTick = false;
30202 | this.pendingEffects = [];
30203 | this.currentTime = null;
30204 | this.rafId = 0;
30205 | this.rafCallbacks = [];
30206 | this.webAnimationsNextTick = function (t) {
30207 | _this.currentTime = t;
30208 | _this.discardAnimations();
30209 | if (_this.animations.length === 0) {
30210 | _this.timelineTicking = false;
30211 | }
30212 | else {
30213 | _this.requestAnimationFrame(_this.webAnimationsNextTick);
30214 | }
30215 | };
30216 | this.processRafCallbacks = function (t) {
30217 | var processing = _this.rafCallbacks;
30218 | _this.rafCallbacks = [];
30219 | if (t < Number(_this.currentTime))
30220 | t = Number(_this.currentTime);
30221 | _this.animations.sort(compareAnimations);
30222 | _this.animations = _this.tick(t, true, _this.animations)[0];
30223 | processing.forEach(function (entry) {
30224 | entry[1](t);
30225 | });
30226 | _this.applyPendingEffects();
30227 | };
30228 | }
30229 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.getAnimations = function () {
30230 | this.discardAnimations();
30231 | return this.animations.slice();
30232 | };
30233 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.isTicking = function () {
30234 | return this.inTick;
30235 | };
30236 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.play = function (target, keyframes, options) {
30237 | var effect = new KeyframeEffect(target, keyframes, options);
30238 | var animation = new Animation(effect, this);
30239 | this.animations.push(animation);
30240 | this.restartWebAnimationsNextTick();
30241 | animation.updatePromises();
30242 | animation.play();
30243 | animation.updatePromises();
30244 | return animation;
30245 | };
30246 |
30247 |
30248 |
30249 |
30250 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.applyDirtiedAnimation = function (animation) {
30251 | var _this = this;
30252 | if (this.inTick) {
30253 | return;
30254 | }
30255 |
30256 | animation.markTarget();
30257 | var animations = animation.targetAnimations();
30258 | animations.sort(compareAnimations);
30259 |
30260 | var inactiveAnimations = this.tick(Number(this.currentTime), false, animations.slice())[1];
30261 | inactiveAnimations.forEach(function (animation) {
30262 | var index = _this.animations.indexOf(animation);
30263 | if (index !== -1) {
30264 | _this.animations.splice(index, 1);
30265 | }
30266 | });
30267 | this.applyPendingEffects();
30268 | };
30269 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.restart = function () {
30270 | if (!this.ticking) {
30271 | this.ticking = true;
30272 | this.requestAnimationFrame(function () { });
30273 | this.hasRestartedThisFrame = true;
30274 | }
30275 | return this.hasRestartedThisFrame;
30276 | };
30277 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.destroy = function () {
30278 | this.document.defaultView.cancelAnimationFrame(this.frameId);
30279 | };
30280 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.applyPendingEffects = function () {
30281 | this.pendingEffects.forEach(function (effect) {
30282 | effect === null || effect === void 0 ? void 0 : effect.applyInterpolations();
30283 | });
30284 | this.pendingEffects = [];
30285 | };
30286 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.updateAnimationsPromises = function () {
30287 | this.animationsWithPromises = this.animationsWithPromises.filter(function (animation) {
30288 | return animation.updatePromises();
30289 | });
30290 | };
30291 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.discardAnimations = function () {
30292 | this.updateAnimationsPromises();
30293 | this.animations = this.animations.filter(function (animation) {
30294 | return animation.playState !== 'finished' && animation.playState !== 'idle';
30295 | });
30296 | };
30297 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.restartWebAnimationsNextTick = function () {
30298 | if (!this.timelineTicking) {
30299 | this.timelineTicking = true;
30300 | this.requestAnimationFrame(this.webAnimationsNextTick);
30301 | }
30302 | };
30303 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.rAF = function (f) {
30304 | var id = this.rafId++;
30305 | if (this.rafCallbacks.length === 0) {
30306 | this.frameId = this.document.defaultView.requestAnimationFrame(this.processRafCallbacks);
30307 | }
30308 | this.rafCallbacks.push([id, f]);
30309 | return id;
30310 | };
30311 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.requestAnimationFrame = function (f) {
30312 | var _this = this;
30313 | return this.rAF(function (x) {
30314 | _this.updateAnimationsPromises();
30315 | f(x);
30316 | _this.updateAnimationsPromises();
30317 | });
30318 | };
30319 | AnimationTimeline.prototype.tick = function (t, isAnimationFrame, updatingAnimations) {
30320 | var _a, _b;
30321 | var _this = this;
30322 | this.inTick = true;
30323 | this.hasRestartedThisFrame = false;
30324 | this.currentTime = t;
30325 | this.ticking = false;
30326 | var newPendingClears = [];
30327 | var newPendingEffects = [];
30328 | var activeAnimations = [];
30329 | var inactiveAnimations = [];
30330 | updatingAnimations.forEach(function (animation) {
30331 | animation.tick(t, isAnimationFrame);
30332 | if (!animation._inEffect) {
30333 | newPendingClears.push(animation.effect);
30334 | animation.unmarkTarget();
30335 | }
30336 | else {
30337 | newPendingEffects.push(animation.effect);
30338 | animation.markTarget();
30339 | }
30340 | if (animation._needsTick)
30341 | _this.ticking = true;
30342 | var alive = animation._inEffect || animation._needsTick;
30343 | animation._inTimeline = alive;
30344 | if (alive) {
30345 | activeAnimations.push(animation);
30346 | }
30347 | else {
30348 | inactiveAnimations.push(animation);
30349 | }
30350 | });
30351 | (_a = this.pendingEffects).push.apply(_a, __spreadArray([], __read(newPendingClears), false));
30352 | (_b = this.pendingEffects).push.apply(_b, __spreadArray([], __read(newPendingEffects), false));
30353 | if (this.ticking)
30354 | this.requestAnimationFrame(function () { });
30355 | this.inTick = false;
30356 | return [activeAnimations, inactiveAnimations];
30357 | };
30358 | return AnimationTimeline;
30359 | }());
30360 |
30361 | runtime.EasingFunction = parseEasingFunction;
30362 | runtime.AnimationTimeline = AnimationTimeline;
30363 |
30364 | function measureText(container, px2hd, theme) {
30365 | return function (text, font) {
30366 | var _a = font || {},
30367 | _b = _a.fontSize,
30368 | fontSize = _b === void 0 ? theme.fontSize : _b,
30369 | _c = _a.fontFamily,
30370 | fontFamily = _c === void 0 ? theme.fontFamily : _c,
30371 | _d = _a.fontWeight,
30372 | fontWeight = _d === void 0 ? theme.fontWeight : _d,
30373 | _e = _a.fontVariant,
30374 | fontVariant = _e === void 0 ? theme.fontVariant : _e,
30375 | _f = _a.fontStyle,
30376 | fontStyle = _f === void 0 ? theme.fontStyle : _f,
30377 | _g = _a.textAlign,
30378 | textAlign = _g === void 0 ? theme.textAlign : _g,
30379 | _h = _a.textBaseline,
30380 | textBaseline = _h === void 0 ? theme.textBaseline : _h,
30381 | _j = _a.lineWidth,
30382 | lineWidth = _j === void 0 ? 1 : _j;
30383 | var style = {
30384 | x: 0,
30385 | y: 0,
30386 | fontSize: px2hd(fontSize),
30387 | fontFamily: fontFamily,
30388 | fontStyle: fontStyle,
30389 | fontWeight: fontWeight,
30390 | fontVariant: fontVariant,
30391 | text: text,
30392 | textAlign: textAlign,
30393 | textBaseline: textBaseline,
30394 | lineWidth: lineWidth,
30395 | visibility: 'hidden'
30396 | };
30397 | var result = checkCSSRule('text', style);
30398 | var shape = new Text({
30399 | style: result
30400 | });
30401 | container.appendChild(shape);
30402 | var _k = shape.getBBox(),
30403 | width = _k.width,
30404 | height = _k.height;
30405 | shape.remove();
30406 | return {
30407 | width: width,
30408 | height: height
30409 | };
30410 | };
30411 | }
30412 | function computeLayout$2(style) {
30413 | var left = style.left,
30414 | top = style.top,
30415 | width = style.width,
30416 | height = style.height,
30417 | padding = style.padding;
30418 | var paddingTop = padding[0],
30419 | paddingRight = padding[1],
30420 | paddingBottom = padding[2],
30421 | paddingLeft = padding[3];
30422 | return {
30423 | left: left + paddingLeft,
30424 | top: top + paddingTop,
30425 | width: width - paddingLeft - paddingRight,
30426 | height: height - paddingTop - paddingBottom
30427 | };
30428 | }
30429 |
30430 | var Canvas$1 = function () {
30431 | function Canvas$1(props) {
30432 | var context = props.context,
30433 | _a = props.renderer,
30434 | renderer = _a === void 0 ? new Renderer() : _a,
30435 | width = props.width,
30436 | height = props.height,
30437 | customTheme = props.theme,
30438 | customPx2hd = props.px2hd,
30439 | customPixelRatio = props.pixelRatio,
30440 | landscape = props.landscape,
30441 | rendererContainer = props.container,
30442 |
30443 | _b = props.animate,
30444 |
30445 | animate = _b === void 0 ? true : _b,
30446 | createImage = props.createImage,
30447 | requestAnimationFrame = props.requestAnimationFrame,
30448 | cancelAnimationFrame = props.cancelAnimationFrame,
30449 | offscreenCanvas = props.offscreenCanvas,
30450 | isTouchEvent = props.isTouchEvent,
30451 | isMouseEvent = props.isMouseEvent,
30452 | _c = props.useNativeClickEvent,
30453 | useNativeClickEvent = _c === void 0 ? true : _c,
30454 | onRender = props.onRender;
30455 | var px2hd$1 = isFunction(customPx2hd) ? batch2hd(customPx2hd) : px2hd;
30456 |
30457 | var theme = px2hd$1(__assign(__assign({}, THEME), customTheme));
30458 | var pixelRatio = theme.pixelRatio,
30459 | fontSize = theme.fontSize,
30460 | fontFamily = theme.fontFamily;
30461 | var devicePixelRatio = customPixelRatio ? customPixelRatio : pixelRatio;
30462 |
30463 | var updater = createUpdater(this);
30464 | var canvasElement = createMobileCanvasElement(context);
30465 | var canvas = new Canvas({
30466 | container: rendererContainer,
30467 | canvas: canvasElement,
30468 | devicePixelRatio: devicePixelRatio,
30469 | renderer: renderer,
30470 | width: width,
30471 | height: height,
30472 | supportsTouchEvents: true,
30473 |
30474 | supportsPointerEvents: runtime.globalThis.PointerEvent ? true : false,
30475 |
30476 | alwaysTriggerPointerEventOnCanvas: true,
30477 | createImage: createImage,
30478 | requestAnimationFrame: requestAnimationFrame,
30479 | cancelAnimationFrame: cancelAnimationFrame,
30480 | useNativeClickEvent: useNativeClickEvent,
30481 | offscreenCanvas: offscreenCanvas,
30482 | isTouchEvent: isTouchEvent,
30483 | isMouseEvent: isMouseEvent
30484 | });
30485 | onRender && canvas.addEventListener('rerender', function () {
30486 | return onRender(canvas);
30487 | }, {
30488 | once: true
30489 | });
30490 | var container = canvas.getRoot();
30491 | var _d = canvas.getConfig(),
30492 | canvasWidth = _d.width,
30493 | canvasHeight = _d.height;
30494 |
30495 | container.setAttribute('fontSize', fontSize);
30496 | container.setAttribute('fontFamily', fontFamily);
30497 | var gesture = new Gesture(container);
30498 |
30499 | var componentContext = {
30500 | ctx: context,
30501 | root: this,
30502 | canvas: canvas,
30503 | px2hd: px2hd$1,
30504 | theme: theme,
30505 | gesture: gesture,
30506 | measureText: measureText(container, px2hd$1, theme),
30507 | timeline: null
30508 | };
30509 | var vNode = {
30510 | key: undefined,
30511 | tag: ClassComponent,
30512 |
30513 |
30514 | type: Canvas$1,
30515 | props: props,
30516 | shape: container,
30517 | animate: animate,
30518 |
30519 | component: this,
30520 | canvas: this,
30521 | context: componentContext,
30522 | updater: updater
30523 | };
30524 | this._ee = new eventemitter3$1();
30525 | this.props = props;
30526 | this.context = componentContext;
30527 | this.updater = updater;
30528 | this.gesture = gesture;
30529 | this.theme = theme;
30530 | this.canvas = canvas;
30531 | this.container = container;
30532 | this.el = canvasElement;
30533 | this.vNode = vNode;
30534 |
30535 | this.landscape = landscape;
30536 | this.updateLayout(__assign(__assign({}, props), {
30537 | width: canvasWidth,
30538 | height: canvasHeight
30539 | }));
30540 | }
30541 | Canvas$1.prototype.updateComponents = function (components) {
30542 | updateComponents(components);
30543 | };
30544 | Canvas$1.prototype.update = function (nextProps) {
30545 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
30546 | var _a, props, vNode, _b, animate;
30547 | return __generator(this, function (_c) {
30548 | switch (_c.label) {
30549 | case 0:
30550 | _a = this, props = _a.props, vNode = _a.vNode;
30551 | if (equal(nextProps, props)) {
30552 | return [2 ];
30553 | }
30554 | _b = props.animate, animate = _b === void 0 ? true : _b;
30555 | this.props = nextProps;
30556 | vNode.props = nextProps;
30557 | vNode.animate = animate;
30558 | return [4 , this.render()];
30559 | case 1:
30560 | _c.sent();
30561 | return [2 ];
30562 | }
30563 | });
30564 | });
30565 | };
30566 | Canvas$1.prototype.render = function () {
30567 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
30568 | var _a, canvas, vNode;
30569 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
30570 | switch (_b.label) {
30571 | case 0:
30572 | _a = this, canvas = _a.canvas, vNode = _a.vNode;
30573 | return [4 , canvas.ready];
30574 | case 1:
30575 | _b.sent();
30576 | render(vNode);
30577 | return [2 ];
30578 | }
30579 | });
30580 | });
30581 | };
30582 | Canvas$1.prototype.emit = function (type, event) {
30583 | this._ee.emit(type, event);
30584 | };
30585 | Canvas$1.prototype.on = function (type, listener) {
30586 | this._ee.on(type, listener);
30587 | };
30588 | Canvas$1.prototype.off = function (type, listener) {
30589 | this._ee.off(type, listener);
30590 | };
30591 | Canvas$1.prototype.getCanvasEl = function () {
30592 | return this.el;
30593 | };
30594 | Canvas$1.prototype.resize = function (width, height) {
30595 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
30596 | var canvas;
30597 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
30598 | switch (_a.label) {
30599 | case 0:
30600 | canvas = this.canvas;
30601 | canvas.resize(width, height);
30602 | this.updateLayout(__assign(__assign({}, this.props), {
30603 | width: width,
30604 | height: height
30605 | }));
30606 | return [4 , this.render()];
30607 | case 1:
30608 | _a.sent();
30609 | return [2 ];
30610 | }
30611 | });
30612 | });
30613 | };
30614 | Canvas$1.prototype.toDataURL = function (type, encoderOptions) {
30615 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
30616 | var canvas;
30617 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
30618 | canvas = this.canvas;
30619 | return [2 , new Promise(function (resolve) {
30620 | canvas.addEventListener('rerender', function () {
30621 | canvas.getContextService().toDataURL({
30622 | type: type,
30623 | encoderOptions: encoderOptions
30624 | }).then(resolve);
30625 | }, {
30626 | once: true
30627 | });
30628 | })];
30629 | });
30630 | });
30631 | };
30632 | Canvas$1.prototype.updateLayout = function (props) {
30633 | var width = props.width,
30634 | height = props.height;
30635 | var _a = this.context,
30636 | px2hd = _a.px2hd,
30637 | theme = _a.theme;
30638 | var style = px2hd(__assign({
30639 | left: 0,
30640 | top: 0,
30641 | width: width,
30642 | height: height,
30643 | padding: theme.padding
30644 | }, props.style));
30645 | var layout = computeLayout$2(style);
30646 | var left = layout.left,
30647 | top = layout.top;
30648 |
30649 | this.container.setAttribute('x', left);
30650 | this.container.setAttribute('y', top);
30651 | this.context = __assign(__assign({}, this.context), {
30652 | left: left,
30653 | top: top,
30654 | width: layout.width,
30655 | height: layout.height
30656 | });
30657 | this.vNode = __assign(__assign({}, this.vNode), {
30658 | style: layout,
30659 | context: this.context
30660 | });
30661 | };
30662 | Canvas$1.prototype.toRawChildren = function (children) {
30663 | return children;
30664 | };
30665 | Canvas$1.prototype.destroy = function () {
30666 | var _a = this,
30667 | canvas = _a.canvas,
30668 | children = _a.children,
30669 | el = _a.el;
30670 | destroyElement(children);
30671 |
30672 |
30673 |
30674 | el.width = 0;
30675 | el.height = 0;
30676 | this.props = null;
30677 | this.context = null;
30678 | this.updater = null;
30679 | this.theme = null;
30680 | this.canvas = null;
30681 | this.container = null;
30682 | this.el = null;
30683 | this.vNode = null;
30684 |
30685 | canvas.ready.then(function () {
30686 | canvas.destroy();
30687 | });
30688 | };
30689 | return Canvas$1;
30690 | }();
30691 |
30692 | function createRef() {
30693 | var ref = {
30694 | current: null
30695 | };
30696 | return ref;
30697 | }
30698 |
30699 | function createContext(defaultValue) {
30700 |
30701 | var context = {
30702 | _currentValue: defaultValue
30703 | };
30704 |
30705 | var Provider = function Provider(_a) {
30706 | var value = _a.value,
30707 | children = _a.children;
30708 | context._currentValue = value;
30709 | return children;
30710 | };
30711 |
30712 | var Injecter = function Injecter(_a, context) {
30713 | var children = _a.children,
30714 | props = __rest(_a, ["children"]);
30715 | Object.assign(context, props);
30716 | return children;
30717 | };
30718 | Injecter.contextInjecter = context;
30719 |
30720 | var Consumer = function Consumer(_a) {
30721 | var children = _a.children;
30722 | return children(context._currentValue);
30723 | };
30724 | context.Provider = Provider;
30725 | context.Injecter = Injecter;
30726 | context.Consumer = Consumer;
30727 | return context;
30728 | }
30729 |
30730 | var Timeline = function (_super) {
30731 | __extends(Timeline, _super);
30732 | function Timeline(props) {
30733 | var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
30734 | _this.next = function () {
30735 | var _a = _this,
30736 | state = _a.state,
30737 | props = _a.props;
30738 | var index = state.index,
30739 | count = state.count,
30740 | delay = state.delay,
30741 | autoPlay = state.autoPlay;
30742 | var loop = props.loop;
30743 | if (autoPlay === false) {
30744 | return;
30745 | }
30746 | var next = loop ? (index + 1) % count : index + 1;
30747 | if (next >= count) {
30748 | return;
30749 | }
30750 | _this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
30751 | _this.setState({
30752 | index: next
30753 | });
30754 | }, delay || 0);
30755 | };
30756 | var delay = props.delay,
30757 | _a = props.start,
30758 | start = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a,
30759 | children = props.children,
30760 | autoPlay = props.autoPlay;
30761 | var count = Children.toArray(children).length;
30762 | _this.state = {
30763 | delay: delay,
30764 | count: count,
30765 | index: start,
30766 | autoPlay: autoPlay
30767 | };
30768 | return _this;
30769 | }
30770 | Timeline.prototype.didMount = function () {
30771 | this.animator.on('end', this.next);
30772 | };
30773 | Timeline.prototype.willReceiveProps = function (nextProps) {
30774 | var nextStart = nextProps.start,
30775 | nextDelay = nextProps.delay,
30776 | nextAutoPlay = nextProps.autoPlay;
30777 | var _a = this.state,
30778 | index = _a.index,
30779 | delay = _a.delay,
30780 | autoPlay = _a.autoPlay;
30781 | if (isNumber(nextStart) || nextDelay !== delay || nextAutoPlay !== autoPlay) {
30782 |
30783 | clearTimeout(this.timer);
30784 | this.setState({
30785 | delay: nextDelay,
30786 | index: isNumber(nextStart) ? nextStart : index,
30787 | autoPlay: nextAutoPlay
30788 | });
30789 | }
30790 | };
30791 | Timeline.prototype.didUnmount = function () {
30792 | this.animator.off('end', this.next);
30793 | };
30794 | Timeline.prototype.render = function () {
30795 | var _a = this,
30796 | state = _a.state,
30797 | props = _a.props;
30798 | var children = props.children;
30799 | var index = state.index;
30800 | var childrenArray = Children.toArray(children);
30801 | return childrenArray[index];
30802 | };
30803 | return Timeline;
30804 | }(Component);
30805 |
30806 | var Timeline$1 = function (_super) {
30807 | __extends(Timeline, _super);
30808 | function Timeline(props) {
30809 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
30810 | _this.animUnits = [];
30811 | _this.frame = 0;
30812 | _this.playState = 'play';
30813 | _this.next = function () {
30814 | var _a = _this,
30815 | frame = _a.frame,
30816 | playState = _a.playState,
30817 | endFrame = _a.endFrame,
30818 | speed = _a.speed;
30819 | if (playState !== 'play') return;
30820 | _this.frame = frame + 1;
30821 | if (frame < endFrame) {
30822 | _this.drawFrame();
30823 | _this.animator.run();
30824 | _this.setPlaybackRate(speed);
30825 | } else {
30826 | _this.emit('end');
30827 | _this.playState = 'finish';
30828 | }
30829 | };
30830 | var animUnits = props.animUnits,
30831 | playState = props.playState,
30832 | root = props.root,
30833 | _a = props.speed,
30834 | speed = _a === void 0 ? 1 : _a,
30835 | time = props.time;
30836 | _this.animator = new Animator();
30837 | var rootShape = new Group();
30838 | _this.animator.reset(rootShape);
30839 | root.appendChild(rootShape);
30840 | _this.animUnits = animUnits;
30841 | _this.playState = playState;
30842 | _this.endFrame = animUnits.length - 1;
30843 | _this.speed = speed;
30844 | _this.time = time;
30845 | _this.totalDuration = animUnits.reduce(function (accumulator, current) {
30846 | return accumulator + current.time;
30847 | }, 0);
30848 | return _this;
30849 | }
30850 | Timeline.prototype.start = function () {
30851 | var _a = this,
30852 | animator = _a.animator,
30853 | frame = _a.frame,
30854 | playState = _a.playState,
30855 | endFrame = _a.endFrame,
30856 | time = _a.time,
30857 | speed = _a.speed;
30858 | animator.on('end', this.next);
30859 | if (frame < endFrame && playState === 'finish') {
30860 | this.setFinishState();
30861 | return;
30862 | }
30863 | this.drawFrame();
30864 | this.animator.run();
30865 | this.setPlayState(playState);
30866 | time && this.goTo(time);
30867 | this.setPlaybackRate(speed);
30868 | };
30869 | Timeline.prototype.drawFrame = function () {
30870 | var _a = this,
30871 | animator = _a.animator,
30872 | animUnits = _a.animUnits,
30873 | frame = _a.frame;
30874 | var childAnimator = animUnits[frame].animators;
30875 | animator.shape.removeChildren();
30876 | childAnimator.map(function (d) {
30877 | animator.shape.appendChild(d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.shape);
30878 | });
30879 | animator.children = childAnimator;
30880 | };
30881 | Timeline.prototype.setPlayState = function (state) {
30882 | var animator = this.animator;
30883 | switch (state) {
30884 | case 'play':
30885 | animator.play();
30886 | break;
30887 | case 'pause':
30888 | animator.pause();
30889 | break;
30890 | case 'finish':
30891 | animator.finish();
30892 | break;
30893 | }
30894 | };
30895 | Timeline.prototype.setPlaybackRate = function (speed) {
30896 | var animator = this.animator;
30897 | this.speed = speed;
30898 | animator.setPlaybackRate(speed);
30899 | };
30900 | Timeline.prototype.getPlayState = function () {
30901 | return this.playState;
30902 | };
30903 | Timeline.prototype.updateState = function (state) {
30904 |
30905 | if (state === 'finish') {
30906 | this.setFinishState();
30907 | return;
30908 | }
30909 | this.playState = state;
30910 | this.setPlayState(state);
30911 | };
30912 | Timeline.prototype.clear = function () {
30913 | this.animator = null;
30914 | this.animUnits = [];
30915 | this.playState = null;
30916 | this.endFrame = null;
30917 | };
30918 | Timeline.prototype.goTo = function (time) {
30919 | var _a = this,
30920 | frame = _a.frame,
30921 | animUnits = _a.animUnits,
30922 | playState = _a.playState,
30923 | totalDuration = _a.totalDuration;
30924 |
30925 | if (time > totalDuration && playState !== 'finish') {
30926 | this.setFinishState();
30927 | return;
30928 | }
30929 | var target;
30930 | for (target = 0; target < animUnits.length; target++) {
30931 | var cur = animUnits[target];
30932 | if (time > cur.time) {
30933 | time -= cur.time;
30934 | } else {
30935 | break;
30936 | }
30937 | }
30938 | if (frame !== target) {
30939 | this.frame = target;
30940 | this.drawFrame();
30941 |
30942 | this.setPlayState('finish');
30943 | this.animator.run();
30944 | this.setPlayState(playState);
30945 | }
30946 | this.animator.goTo(time);
30947 | };
30948 | Timeline.prototype.setFinishState = function () {
30949 | var endFrame = this.endFrame;
30950 | this.frame = endFrame;
30951 | this.drawFrame();
30952 | this.animator.run();
30953 | this.setPlayState('finish');
30954 | this.playState = 'finish';
30955 | this.frame = endFrame + 1;
30956 | this.animator.animations = [];
30957 | };
30958 | return Timeline;
30959 | }(eventemitter3$1);
30960 |
30961 | function generateFrameElement(cur, element) {
30962 | if (!element) return;
30963 | return Children.map(element, function (child) {
30964 | var key = child.key,
30965 | props = child.props;
30966 | var newProps = cur[key] ? cur[key].to : {};
30967 | var children = generateFrameElement(cur, props.children);
30968 | return Children.cloneElement(child, __assign(__assign({}, newProps), {
30969 | children: children
30970 | }));
30971 | });
30972 | }
30973 |
30974 | function cloneNode(vnode) {
30975 | return Children.map(vnode, function (child) {
30976 | if (!child) {
30977 | return;
30978 | }
30979 | var shape = child.shape,
30980 | children = child.children,
30981 | animator = child.animator;
30982 | var _a = animator.end,
30983 | end = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a;
30984 |
30985 | var snapshot = shape.cloneNode();
30986 | applyStyle(snapshot, end);
30987 | return __assign(__assign({}, child), {
30988 | shape: snapshot,
30989 | children: cloneNode(children)
30990 | });
30991 | });
30992 | }
30993 | var Player = function (_super) {
30994 | __extends(Player, _super);
30995 | function Player(props) {
30996 | return _super.call(this, props) || this;
30997 | }
30998 | Player.prototype.didMount = function () {
30999 | var _this = this;
31000 | var _a = this.props,
31001 | keyFrames = _a.keyFrames,
31002 | children = _a.children,
31003 | state = _a.state,
31004 | onend = _a.onend,
31005 | goTo = _a.goTo,
31006 | speed = _a.speed;
31007 | this.playerFrames = keyFrames.reduce(function (array, cur) {
31008 | var frames = generateFrameElement(cur, array[array.length - 1] || children);
31009 | array.push(frames);
31010 | return array;
31011 | }, []);
31012 | var array = this.playerFrames.map(function (cur, index) {
31013 | var keyFrame = keyFrames[index];
31014 | _this.preNode = cloneNode(_this.preNode || _this._vNode);
31015 | var animUnits = getUpdateAnimation(_this, cur, keyFrame) || {};
31016 | return animUnits;
31017 | });
31018 | this.timeline = new Timeline$1({
31019 | animUnits: array,
31020 | playState: state,
31021 | root: this.context.canvas,
31022 | speed: speed,
31023 | time: goTo
31024 | });
31025 | this.timeline.start();
31026 | onend && this.timeline.on('end', onend);
31027 | };
31028 | Player.prototype.willReceiveProps = function (nextProps, _context) {
31029 | var _a = this,
31030 | lastProps = _a.props,
31031 | timeline = _a.timeline;
31032 | var state = nextProps.state,
31033 | nextTime = nextProps.goTo,
31034 | newSpeed = nextProps.speed;
31035 | var lastTime = lastProps.goTo,
31036 | lastSpeed = lastProps.speed;
31037 | if (!isEqual(state, timeline.getPlayState()) && timeline.getPlayState() === 'finish') {
31038 |
31039 | if (nextTime < timeline.totalDuration) {
31040 | timeline.updateState(state);
31041 | timeline.goTo(nextTime);
31042 | }
31043 |
31044 | return;
31045 | }
31046 |
31047 | if (!isEqual(state, timeline.getPlayState())) {
31048 | timeline.updateState(state);
31049 | }
31050 | if (!isEqual(nextTime, lastTime)) {
31051 | timeline.goTo(nextTime);
31052 | }
31053 |
31054 | if (!isEqual(newSpeed, lastSpeed)) {
31055 | timeline.setPlaybackRate(newSpeed);
31056 | }
31057 | };
31058 |
31059 | Player.prototype.setPlayState = function (state) {
31060 | var timeline = this.timeline;
31061 | timeline.updateState(state);
31062 | };
31063 | Player.prototype.goTo = function (time) {
31064 | var timeline = this.timeline;
31065 | timeline.goTo(time);
31066 | };
31067 | Player.prototype.setPlaybackRate = function (speed) {
31068 | var timeline = this.timeline;
31069 | timeline.setPlaybackRate(speed);
31070 | };
31071 | Player.prototype.render = function () {
31072 | return null;
31073 | };
31074 | return Player;
31075 | }(Component);
31076 |
31077 | function transposedRect(_a) {
31078 | var xMin = _a.xMin,
31079 | xMax = _a.xMax,
31080 | yMin = _a.yMin,
31081 | yMax = _a.yMax;
31082 | return {
31083 | xMin: yMin,
31084 | xMax: yMax,
31085 | yMin: xMin,
31086 | yMax: xMax
31087 | };
31088 | }
31089 | function convertRect(_a) {
31090 | var x = _a.x,
31091 | y = _a.y,
31092 | size = _a.size,
31093 | y0 = _a.y0;
31094 | var xMin;
31095 | var xMax;
31096 | if (isArray(x)) {
31097 | xMin = x[0];
31098 | xMax = x[1];
31099 | } else {
31100 | xMin = x - size / 2;
31101 | xMax = x + size / 2;
31102 | }
31103 | var yMin;
31104 | var yMax;
31105 | if (isArray(y)) {
31106 | if (y[0] === y[1]) {
31107 | yMin = y[0];
31108 | yMax = y[1];
31109 | } else {
31110 | yMin = Math.min(y[0], y[1]);
31111 | yMax = Math.max(y[0], y[1]);
31112 | }
31113 | } else {
31114 | yMin = Math.min(y0, y);
31115 | yMax = Math.max(y0, y);
31116 | }
31117 | return {
31118 | xMin: xMin,
31119 | xMax: xMax,
31120 | yMin: yMin,
31121 | yMax: yMax
31122 | };
31123 | }
31124 | |
31125 |
31126 |
31127 |
31128 |
31129 | var Base = function () {
31130 | function Base(option) {
31131 | this.left = 0;
31132 | this.top = 0;
31133 | this.width = 0;
31134 | this.height = 0;
31135 |
31136 | this.transposed = false;
31137 |
31138 | this.x = [0, 1];
31139 | this.y = [0, 1];
31140 | this.update(option);
31141 | }
31142 | Base.prototype.update = function (option) {
31143 | mix(this, option);
31144 | var _a = this,
31145 | left = _a.left,
31146 | top = _a.top,
31147 | width = _a.width,
31148 | height = _a.height;
31149 | this.right = left + width;
31150 | this.bottom = top + height;
31151 | this.center = {
31152 | x: left + width / 2,
31153 | y: top + height / 2
31154 | };
31155 | return this;
31156 | };
31157 |
31158 | Base.prototype.isCyclic = function () {
31159 | return false;
31160 | };
31161 | Base.prototype._zoomVal = function (val, func) {
31162 | return isArray(val) ? val.map(function (v) {
31163 | return func(v);
31164 | }) : func(val);
31165 | };
31166 | |
31167 |
31168 |
31169 |
31170 | Base.prototype.convert = function (point) {
31171 | var _a = this,
31172 | transposed = _a.transposed,
31173 | x = _a.x,
31174 | y = _a.y;
31175 | var xDim = transposed ? 'y' : 'x';
31176 | var yDim = transposed ? 'x' : 'y';
31177 | var pointX = point[xDim];
31178 | var pointY = point[yDim];
31179 |
31180 | if (pointX < 0 || pointX > 1 || pointY < 0 || pointY > 1) {
31181 | return {
31182 | x: NaN,
31183 | y: NaN
31184 | };
31185 | }
31186 | return {
31187 | x: this._zoomVal(point[xDim], function (v) {
31188 | return x[0] + (x[1] - x[0]) * v;
31189 | }),
31190 | y: this._zoomVal(point[yDim], function (v) {
31191 | return y[0] + (y[1] - y[0]) * v;
31192 | })
31193 | };
31194 | };
31195 | |
31196 |
31197 |
31198 | Base.prototype.invert = function (point) {
31199 | var _a;
31200 | var _b = this,
31201 | transposed = _b.transposed,
31202 | x = _b.x,
31203 | y = _b.y;
31204 | var xDim = transposed ? 'y' : 'x';
31205 | var yDim = transposed ? 'x' : 'y';
31206 | return _a = {}, _a[xDim] = this._zoomVal(point.x, function (v) {
31207 | return (v - x[0]) / (x[1] - x[0]);
31208 | }), _a[yDim] = this._zoomVal(point.y, function (v) {
31209 | return (v - y[0]) / (y[1] - y[0]);
31210 | }), _a;
31211 | };
31212 | |
31213 |
31214 |
31215 |
31216 |
31217 | Base.prototype.convertPoint = function (point) {
31218 | return this.convert(point);
31219 | };
31220 | |
31221 |
31222 |
31223 | Base.prototype.invertPoint = function (point) {
31224 | return this.invert(point);
31225 | };
31226 |
31227 | Base.prototype.convertRect = function (rectPoint) {
31228 | var _a = this,
31229 | xRange = _a.x,
31230 | yRange = _a.y,
31231 | transposed = _a.transposed;
31232 | var xStart = xRange[0],
31233 | xEnd = xRange[1];
31234 | var yStart = yRange[0],
31235 | yEnd = yRange[1];
31236 | var rect = convertRect(rectPoint);
31237 | var _b = transposed ? transposedRect(rect) : rect,
31238 | xMin = _b.xMin,
31239 | xMax = _b.xMax,
31240 | yMin = _b.yMin,
31241 | yMax = _b.yMax;
31242 | var x0 = xStart + (xEnd - xStart) * xMin;
31243 | var x1 = xStart + (xEnd - xStart) * xMax;
31244 | var y0 = yStart + (yEnd - yStart) * yMin;
31245 | var y1 = yStart + (yEnd - yStart) * yMax;
31246 | return {
31247 | xMin: Math.min(x0, x1),
31248 | xMax: Math.max(x0, x1),
31249 | yMin: Math.min(y0, y1),
31250 | yMax: Math.max(y0, y1)
31251 | };
31252 | };
31253 |
31254 | Base.prototype.transformToRect = function (rectPoint) {
31255 | var x = rectPoint.x,
31256 | y = rectPoint.y,
31257 | y0 = rectPoint.y0,
31258 | size = rectPoint.size;
31259 | var coordOrigin = this.convertPoint({
31260 | x: 0,
31261 | y: y0
31262 | });
31263 | var transposed = this.transposed;
31264 | var _rectPoint = {
31265 | size: size,
31266 | x: transposed ? y : x,
31267 | y: transposed ? x : y,
31268 | y0: transposed ? coordOrigin.x : coordOrigin.y
31269 | };
31270 | var rect = convertRect(_rectPoint);
31271 | var _a = transposed ? transposedRect(rect) : rect,
31272 | xMin = _a.xMin,
31273 | xMax = _a.xMax,
31274 | yMin = _a.yMin,
31275 | yMax = _a.yMax;
31276 | return {
31277 | xMin: xMin,
31278 | xMax: xMax,
31279 | yMin: yMin,
31280 | yMax: yMax
31281 | };
31282 | };
31283 | return Base;
31284 | }();
31285 |
31286 | var Rect$1 = function (_super) {
31287 | __extends(Rect, _super);
31288 | function Rect() {
31289 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
31290 | _this.type = 'rect';
31291 | return _this;
31292 | }
31293 | Rect.prototype.update = function (option) {
31294 | _super.prototype.update.call(this, option);
31295 | var _a = this,
31296 | left = _a.left,
31297 | top = _a.top,
31298 | width = _a.width,
31299 | height = _a.height;
31300 | var x = [left, left + width];
31301 | var y = [top + height, top];
31302 | this.x = x;
31303 | this.y = y;
31304 | return this;
31305 | };
31306 | return Rect;
31307 | }(Base);
31308 |
31309 | |
31310 |
31311 |
31312 | var vec2Direction = function vec2Direction(v1, v2) {
31313 | return v1[0] * v2[1] - v2[0] * v1[1];
31314 | };
31315 | var vec2Zero = function vec2Zero(v) {
31316 | return v[0] === 0 && v[1] === 0;
31317 | };
31318 | var vec2AngleTo = function vec2AngleTo(v1, v2, direction) {
31319 | var angle$1 = angle(v1, v2);
31320 | var angleLargeThanPI = vec2Direction(v1, v2) >= 0;
31321 | if (direction) {
31322 | if (angleLargeThanPI) {
31323 | return Math.PI * 2 - angle$1;
31324 | }
31325 | return angle$1;
31326 | }
31327 | if (angleLargeThanPI) {
31328 | return angle$1;
31329 | }
31330 | return Math.PI * 2 - angle$1;
31331 | };
31332 |
31333 | var Polar = function (_super) {
31334 | __extends(Polar, _super);
31335 | function Polar() {
31336 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
31337 | _this.type = 'polar';
31338 | _this.isPolar = true;
31339 | return _this;
31340 | }
31341 | Polar.prototype.update = function (option) {
31342 | _super.prototype.update.call(this, option);
31343 | if (!this.option) {
31344 | this.option = option;
31345 | }
31346 | var _a = this.option,
31347 | _b = _a.radius,
31348 | radiusRatio = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b,
31349 | _c = _a.innerRadius,
31350 | innerRadiusRatio = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c;
31351 | var _d = this,
31352 | width = _d.width,
31353 | height = _d.height,
31354 | _e = _d.startAngle,
31355 | startAngle = _e === void 0 ? -Math.PI / 2 : _e,
31356 | _f = _d.endAngle,
31357 | endAngle = _f === void 0 ? Math.PI * 3 / 2 : _f;
31358 |
31359 | var radius = radiusRatio * (Math.min(width, height) / 2);
31360 |
31361 | var x = [startAngle, endAngle];
31362 | var y = [innerRadiusRatio * radius, radius];
31363 | this.x = x;
31364 | this.y = y;
31365 | this.startAngle = startAngle;
31366 | this.endAngle = endAngle;
31367 | this.radius = radius;
31368 | this.innnerRadius = innerRadiusRatio * radius;
31369 | return this;
31370 | };
31371 | Polar.prototype.isCyclic = function () {
31372 | var _a = this,
31373 | startAngle = _a.startAngle,
31374 | endAngle = _a.endAngle;
31375 | if (endAngle - startAngle < Math.PI * 2) {
31376 | return false;
31377 | }
31378 | return true;
31379 | };
31380 | Polar.prototype.convertPoint = function (point) {
31381 | var _a = this,
31382 | center = _a.center,
31383 | transposed = _a.transposed,
31384 | x = _a.x,
31385 | y = _a.y;
31386 | var xDim = transposed ? 'y' : 'x';
31387 | var yDim = transposed ? 'x' : 'y';
31388 | var xStart = x[0],
31389 | xEnd = x[1];
31390 | var yStart = y[0],
31391 | yEnd = y[1];
31392 | var angle = xStart + (xEnd - xStart) * point[xDim];
31393 | var radius = yStart + (yEnd - yStart) * point[yDim];
31394 | return {
31395 | x: center.x + Math.cos(angle) * radius,
31396 | y: center.y + Math.sin(angle) * radius
31397 | };
31398 | };
31399 | Polar.prototype.invertPoint = function (point) {
31400 | var _a = this,
31401 | center = _a.center,
31402 | transposed = _a.transposed,
31403 | x = _a.x,
31404 | y = _a.y;
31405 | var xDim = transposed ? 'y' : 'x';
31406 | var yDim = transposed ? 'x' : 'y';
31407 | var xStart = x[0],
31408 | xEnd = x[1];
31409 | var yStart = y[0],
31410 | yEnd = y[1];
31411 | var m = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
31412 | rotate(m, m, xStart);
31413 | var startV = [1, 0];
31414 | transformMat2d(startV, startV, m);
31415 | startV = [startV[0], startV[1]];
31416 | var pointV = [point.x - center.x, point.y - center.y];
31417 | if (vec2Zero(pointV)) {
31418 | return {
31419 | x: 0,
31420 | y: 0
31421 | };
31422 | }
31423 | var theta = vec2AngleTo(startV, pointV, xEnd < xStart);
31424 | if (Math.abs(theta - Math.PI * 2) < 0.001) {
31425 | theta = 0;
31426 | }
31427 | var l = length$1(pointV);
31428 | var percentX = theta / (xEnd - xStart);
31429 | percentX = xEnd - xStart > 0 ? percentX : -percentX;
31430 | var percentY = (l - yStart) / (yEnd - yStart);
31431 | var rst = {};
31432 | rst[xDim] = percentX;
31433 | rst[yDim] = percentY;
31434 | return rst;
31435 | };
31436 | return Polar;
31437 | }(Base);
31438 |
31439 | var coordMap = {
31440 | rect: Rect$1,
31441 | polar: Polar
31442 | };
31443 | var coordController = function () {
31444 | function coordController() {}
31445 | coordController.prototype.getOption = function (cfg) {
31446 | if (isString(cfg)) {
31447 | return {
31448 | type: coordMap[cfg] || Rect$1
31449 | };
31450 | }
31451 | if (isFunction(cfg)) {
31452 | return {
31453 | type: cfg
31454 | };
31455 | }
31456 | var type = (cfg || {}).type;
31457 | return __assign(__assign({}, cfg), {
31458 |
31459 | type: isFunction(type) ? type : coordMap[type] || Rect$1
31460 | });
31461 | };
31462 | coordController.prototype.create = function (cfg) {
31463 | var layout = this.layout;
31464 | var option = this.getOption(cfg);
31465 | var type = option.type;
31466 | var coord = new type(__assign(__assign({}, option), layout));
31467 | this.coord = coord;
31468 | return coord;
31469 | };
31470 | coordController.prototype.updateLayout = function (style) {
31471 | var coord = this.coord;
31472 | var left = style.left,
31473 | top = style.top,
31474 | width = style.width,
31475 | height = style.height,
31476 | padding = style.padding;
31477 | var _a = padding || [0, 0, 0, 0],
31478 | paddingTop = _a[0],
31479 | paddingRight = _a[1],
31480 | paddingBottom = _a[2],
31481 | paddingLeft = _a[3];
31482 | this.layout = {
31483 | left: left + paddingLeft,
31484 | top: top + paddingTop,
31485 | width: width - paddingLeft - paddingRight,
31486 | height: height - paddingTop - paddingBottom
31487 | };
31488 | if (coord) {
31489 | coord.update(this.layout);
31490 | }
31491 | };
31492 | coordController.prototype.useLayout = function (positionLayout) {
31493 | var coord = this.coord;
31494 | var position = positionLayout.position,
31495 | boxWidth = positionLayout.width,
31496 | boxHeight = positionLayout.height;
31497 | var left = coord.left,
31498 | top = coord.top,
31499 | width = coord.width,
31500 | height = coord.height;
31501 | switch (position) {
31502 | case 'left':
31503 | left += boxWidth;
31504 | width = Math.max(0, width - boxWidth);
31505 | break;
31506 | case 'right':
31507 | width = Math.max(0, width - boxWidth);
31508 | break;
31509 | case 'top':
31510 | top += boxHeight;
31511 | height = Math.max(0, height - boxHeight);
31512 | break;
31513 | case 'bottom':
31514 | height = Math.max(0, height - boxHeight);
31515 | break;
31516 | }
31517 | coord.update({
31518 | left: left,
31519 | top: top,
31520 | width: width,
31521 | height: height
31522 | });
31523 | };
31524 | coordController.prototype.update = function () {};
31525 | coordController.prototype.getCoord = function () {
31526 | return this.coord;
31527 | };
31528 | return coordController;
31529 | }();
31530 |
31531 | var methodCache = {};
31532 | |
31533 |
31534 |
31535 |
31536 |
31537 | function getTickMethod(key) {
31538 | return methodCache[key];
31539 | }
31540 | |
31541 |
31542 |
31543 |
31544 |
31545 | function registerTickMethod(key, method) {
31546 | methodCache[key] = method;
31547 | }
31548 |
31549 | var Scale = function () {
31550 | function Scale(cfg) {
31551 | |
31552 |
31553 |
31554 | this.type = 'base';
31555 | |
31556 |
31557 |
31558 | this.isCategory = false;
31559 | |
31560 |
31561 |
31562 | this.isLinear = false;
31563 | |
31564 |
31565 |
31566 | this.isContinuous = false;
31567 | |
31568 |
31569 |
31570 | this.isIdentity = false;
31571 | this.values = [];
31572 | this.range = [0, 1];
31573 | this.ticks = [];
31574 | this.__cfg__ = cfg;
31575 | this.initCfg();
31576 | this.init();
31577 | }
31578 |
31579 | Scale.prototype.translate = function (v) {
31580 | return v;
31581 | };
31582 |
31583 | Scale.prototype.change = function (cfg) {
31584 |
31585 | mix(this.__cfg__, cfg);
31586 | this.init();
31587 | };
31588 | Scale.prototype.clone = function () {
31589 | return this.constructor(this.__cfg__);
31590 | };
31591 |
31592 | Scale.prototype.getTicks = function () {
31593 | var _this = this;
31594 | return map(this.ticks, function (tick, idx) {
31595 | if (isObject(tick)) {
31596 |
31597 | return tick;
31598 | }
31599 | return {
31600 | text: _this.getText(tick, idx),
31601 | tickValue: tick,
31602 | value: _this.scale(tick)
31603 | };
31604 | });
31605 | };
31606 |
31607 | Scale.prototype.getText = function (value, key) {
31608 | var formatter = this.formatter;
31609 | var res = formatter ? formatter(value, key) : value;
31610 | if (isNil(res) || !isFunction(res.toString)) {
31611 | return '';
31612 | }
31613 | return res.toString();
31614 | };
31615 |
31616 | Scale.prototype.getConfig = function (key) {
31617 | return this.__cfg__[key];
31618 | };
31619 |
31620 | Scale.prototype.init = function () {
31621 | mix(this, this.__cfg__);
31622 | this.setDomain();
31623 | if (isEmpty(this.getConfig('ticks'))) {
31624 | this.ticks = this.calculateTicks();
31625 | }
31626 | };
31627 |
31628 | Scale.prototype.initCfg = function () {};
31629 | Scale.prototype.setDomain = function () {};
31630 | Scale.prototype.calculateTicks = function () {
31631 | var tickMethod = this.tickMethod;
31632 | var ticks = [];
31633 | if (isString(tickMethod)) {
31634 | var method = getTickMethod(tickMethod);
31635 | if (!method) {
31636 | throw new Error('There is no method to to calculate ticks!');
31637 | }
31638 | ticks = method(this);
31639 | } else if (isFunction(tickMethod)) {
31640 | ticks = tickMethod(this);
31641 | }
31642 | return ticks;
31643 | };
31644 |
31645 | Scale.prototype.rangeMin = function () {
31646 | return this.range[0];
31647 | };
31648 |
31649 | Scale.prototype.rangeMax = function () {
31650 | return this.range[1];
31651 | };
31652 |
31653 | Scale.prototype.calcPercent = function (value, min, max) {
31654 | if (isNumber(value)) {
31655 | return (value - min) / (max - min);
31656 | }
31657 | return NaN;
31658 | };
31659 |
31660 | Scale.prototype.calcValue = function (percent, min, max) {
31661 | return min + percent * (max - min);
31662 | };
31663 | return Scale;
31664 | }();
31665 |
31666 | |
31667 |
31668 |
31669 |
31670 | var Category = function (_super) {
31671 | __extends(Category, _super);
31672 | function Category() {
31673 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
31674 | _this.type = 'cat';
31675 | _this.isCategory = true;
31676 | return _this;
31677 | }
31678 | Category.prototype.buildIndexMap = function () {
31679 | if (!this.translateIndexMap) {
31680 | this.translateIndexMap = new Map();
31681 |
31682 | for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) {
31683 | this.translateIndexMap.set(this.values[i], i);
31684 | }
31685 | }
31686 | };
31687 | Category.prototype.translate = function (value) {
31688 |
31689 | this.buildIndexMap();
31690 |
31691 | var idx = this.translateIndexMap.get(value);
31692 | if (idx === undefined) {
31693 | idx = isNumber(value) ? value : NaN;
31694 | }
31695 | return idx;
31696 | };
31697 | Category.prototype.scale = function (value) {
31698 | var order = this.translate(value);
31699 |
31700 |
31701 |
31702 |
31703 | var percent = this.calcPercent(order, this.min, this.max);
31704 | return this.calcValue(percent, this.rangeMin(), this.rangeMax());
31705 | };
31706 | Category.prototype.invert = function (scaledValue) {
31707 | var domainRange = this.max - this.min;
31708 | var percent = this.calcPercent(scaledValue, this.rangeMin(), this.rangeMax());
31709 | var idx = Math.round(domainRange * percent) + this.min;
31710 | if (idx < this.min || idx > this.max) {
31711 | return NaN;
31712 | }
31713 | return this.values[idx];
31714 | };
31715 | Category.prototype.getText = function (value) {
31716 | var args = [];
31717 | for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
31718 | args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
31719 | }
31720 | var v = value;
31721 |
31722 | if (isNumber(value) && !this.values.includes(value)) {
31723 | v = this.values[v];
31724 | }
31725 | return _super.prototype.getText.apply(this, __spreadArray([v], args, false));
31726 | };
31727 |
31728 | Category.prototype.initCfg = function () {
31729 | this.tickMethod = 'cat';
31730 | };
31731 |
31732 | Category.prototype.setDomain = function () {
31733 |
31734 | if (isNil(this.getConfig('min'))) {
31735 | this.min = 0;
31736 | }
31737 | if (isNil(this.getConfig('max'))) {
31738 | var size = this.values.length;
31739 | this.max = size > 1 ? size - 1 : size;
31740 | }
31741 |
31742 | if (this.translateIndexMap) {
31743 | this.translateIndexMap = undefined;
31744 | }
31745 | };
31746 | return Category;
31747 | }(Scale);
31748 |
31749 | var token = /d{1,4}|M{1,4}|YY(?:YY)?|S{1,3}|Do|ZZ|Z|([HhMsDm])\1?|[aA]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g;
31750 | var literal = /\[([^]*?)\]/gm;
31751 | function shorten(arr, sLen) {
31752 | var newArr = [];
31753 | for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
31754 | newArr.push(arr[i].substr(0, sLen));
31755 | }
31756 | return newArr;
31757 | }
31758 | function assign(origObj) {
31759 | var args = [];
31760 | for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
31761 | args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
31762 | }
31763 | for (var _a = 0, args_1 = args; _a < args_1.length; _a++) {
31764 | var obj = args_1[_a];
31765 | for (var key in obj) {
31766 |
31767 | origObj[key] = obj[key];
31768 | }
31769 | }
31770 | return origObj;
31771 | }
31772 | var dayNames = [
31773 | "Sunday",
31774 | "Monday",
31775 | "Tuesday",
31776 | "Wednesday",
31777 | "Thursday",
31778 | "Friday",
31779 | "Saturday"
31780 | ];
31781 | var monthNames = [
31782 | "January",
31783 | "February",
31784 | "March",
31785 | "April",
31786 | "May",
31787 | "June",
31788 | "July",
31789 | "August",
31790 | "September",
31791 | "October",
31792 | "November",
31793 | "December"
31794 | ];
31795 | var monthNamesShort = shorten(monthNames, 3);
31796 | var dayNamesShort = shorten(dayNames, 3);
31797 | var defaultI18n = {
31798 | dayNamesShort: dayNamesShort,
31799 | dayNames: dayNames,
31800 | monthNamesShort: monthNamesShort,
31801 | monthNames: monthNames,
31802 | amPm: ["am", "pm"],
31803 | DoFn: function (dayOfMonth) {
31804 | return (dayOfMonth +
31805 | ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"][dayOfMonth % 10 > 3
31806 | ? 0
31807 | : ((dayOfMonth - (dayOfMonth % 10) !== 10 ? 1 : 0) * dayOfMonth) % 10]);
31808 | }
31809 | };
31810 | var globalI18n = assign({}, defaultI18n);
31811 | var pad = function (val, len) {
31812 | if (len === void 0) { len = 2; }
31813 | val = String(val);
31814 | while (val.length < len) {
31815 | val = "0" + val;
31816 | }
31817 | return val;
31818 | };
31819 | var formatFlags = {
31820 | D: function (dateObj) { return String(dateObj.getDate()); },
31821 | DD: function (dateObj) { return pad(dateObj.getDate()); },
31822 | Do: function (dateObj, i18n) {
31823 | return i18n.DoFn(dateObj.getDate());
31824 | },
31825 | d: function (dateObj) { return String(dateObj.getDay()); },
31826 | dd: function (dateObj) { return pad(dateObj.getDay()); },
31827 | ddd: function (dateObj, i18n) {
31828 | return i18n.dayNamesShort[dateObj.getDay()];
31829 | },
31830 | dddd: function (dateObj, i18n) {
31831 | return i18n.dayNames[dateObj.getDay()];
31832 | },
31833 | M: function (dateObj) { return String(dateObj.getMonth() + 1); },
31834 | MM: function (dateObj) { return pad(dateObj.getMonth() + 1); },
31835 | MMM: function (dateObj, i18n) {
31836 | return i18n.monthNamesShort[dateObj.getMonth()];
31837 | },
31838 | MMMM: function (dateObj, i18n) {
31839 | return i18n.monthNames[dateObj.getMonth()];
31840 | },
31841 | YY: function (dateObj) {
31842 | return pad(String(dateObj.getFullYear()), 4).substr(2);
31843 | },
31844 | YYYY: function (dateObj) { return pad(dateObj.getFullYear(), 4); },
31845 | h: function (dateObj) { return String(dateObj.getHours() % 12 || 12); },
31846 | hh: function (dateObj) { return pad(dateObj.getHours() % 12 || 12); },
31847 | H: function (dateObj) { return String(dateObj.getHours()); },
31848 | HH: function (dateObj) { return pad(dateObj.getHours()); },
31849 | m: function (dateObj) { return String(dateObj.getMinutes()); },
31850 | mm: function (dateObj) { return pad(dateObj.getMinutes()); },
31851 | s: function (dateObj) { return String(dateObj.getSeconds()); },
31852 | ss: function (dateObj) { return pad(dateObj.getSeconds()); },
31853 | S: function (dateObj) {
31854 | return String(Math.round(dateObj.getMilliseconds() / 100));
31855 | },
31856 | SS: function (dateObj) {
31857 | return pad(Math.round(dateObj.getMilliseconds() / 10), 2);
31858 | },
31859 | SSS: function (dateObj) { return pad(dateObj.getMilliseconds(), 3); },
31860 | a: function (dateObj, i18n) {
31861 | return dateObj.getHours() < 12 ? i18n.amPm[0] : i18n.amPm[1];
31862 | },
31863 | A: function (dateObj, i18n) {
31864 | return dateObj.getHours() < 12
31865 | ? i18n.amPm[0].toUpperCase()
31866 | : i18n.amPm[1].toUpperCase();
31867 | },
31868 | ZZ: function (dateObj) {
31869 | var offset = dateObj.getTimezoneOffset();
31870 | return ((offset > 0 ? "-" : "+") +
31871 | pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(offset) / 60) * 100 + (Math.abs(offset) % 60), 4));
31872 | },
31873 | Z: function (dateObj) {
31874 | var offset = dateObj.getTimezoneOffset();
31875 | return ((offset > 0 ? "-" : "+") +
31876 | pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(offset) / 60), 2) +
31877 | ":" +
31878 | pad(Math.abs(offset) % 60, 2));
31879 | }
31880 | };
31881 |
31882 | var globalMasks = {
31883 | default: "ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss",
31884 | shortDate: "M/D/YY",
31885 | mediumDate: "MMM D, YYYY",
31886 | longDate: "MMMM D, YYYY",
31887 | fullDate: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY",
31888 | isoDate: "YYYY-MM-DD",
31889 | isoDateTime: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ",
31890 | shortTime: "HH:mm",
31891 | mediumTime: "HH:mm:ss",
31892 | longTime: "HH:mm:ss.SSS"
31893 | };
31894 | |
31895 |
31896 |
31897 |
31898 |
31899 |
31900 |
31901 | var format = function (dateObj, mask, i18n) {
31902 | if (mask === void 0) { mask = globalMasks["default"]; }
31903 | if (i18n === void 0) { i18n = {}; }
31904 | if (typeof dateObj === "number") {
31905 | dateObj = new Date(dateObj);
31906 | }
31907 | if (Object.prototype.toString.call(dateObj) !== "[object Date]" ||
31908 | isNaN(dateObj.getTime())) {
31909 | throw new Error("Invalid Date pass to format");
31910 | }
31911 | mask = globalMasks[mask] || mask;
31912 | var literals = [];
31913 |
31914 | mask = mask.replace(literal, function ($0, $1) {
31915 | literals.push($1);
31916 | return "@@@";
31917 | });
31918 | var combinedI18nSettings = assign(assign({}, globalI18n), i18n);
31919 |
31920 | mask = mask.replace(token, function ($0) {
31921 | return formatFlags[$0](dateObj, combinedI18nSettings);
31922 | });
31923 |
31924 | return mask.replace(/@@@/g, function () { return literals.shift(); });
31925 | };
31926 |
31927 | function timeFormat(time, mask) {
31928 | return format(time, mask);
31929 | }
31930 | |
31931 |
31932 |
31933 |
31934 | function toTimeStamp(value) {
31935 | if (isString(value)) {
31936 | if (value.indexOf('T') > 0) {
31937 | value = new Date(value).getTime();
31938 | } else {
31939 |
31940 |
31941 |
31942 | value = new Date(value.replace(/-/gi, '/')).getTime();
31943 | }
31944 | }
31945 | if (isDate(value)) {
31946 | value = value.getTime();
31947 | }
31948 | return value;
31949 | }
31950 |
31951 | |
31952 |
31953 |
31954 |
31955 | var TimeCat = function (_super) {
31956 | __extends(TimeCat, _super);
31957 | function TimeCat() {
31958 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
31959 | _this.type = 'timeCat';
31960 | return _this;
31961 | }
31962 | |
31963 |
31964 |
31965 | TimeCat.prototype.translate = function (value) {
31966 | value = toTimeStamp(value);
31967 | var index = this.values.indexOf(value);
31968 | if (index === -1) {
31969 | if (isNumber(value) && value < this.values.length) {
31970 | index = value;
31971 | } else {
31972 | index = NaN;
31973 | }
31974 | }
31975 | return index;
31976 | };
31977 | |
31978 |
31979 |
31980 |
31981 | TimeCat.prototype.getText = function (value, tickIndex) {
31982 | var index = this.translate(value);
31983 | if (index > -1) {
31984 | var result = this.values[index];
31985 | var formatter = this.formatter;
31986 | result = formatter ? formatter(result, tickIndex) : timeFormat(result, this.mask);
31987 | return result;
31988 | }
31989 | return value;
31990 | };
31991 | TimeCat.prototype.initCfg = function () {
31992 | this.tickMethod = 'time-cat';
31993 | this.mask = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
31994 | this.tickCount = 7;
31995 | };
31996 | TimeCat.prototype.setDomain = function () {
31997 | var values = this.values;
31998 |
31999 | each(values, function (v, i) {
32000 | values[i] = toTimeStamp(v);
32001 | });
32002 | values.sort(function (v1, v2) {
32003 | return v1 - v2;
32004 | });
32005 | _super.prototype.setDomain.call(this);
32006 | };
32007 | return TimeCat;
32008 | }(Category);
32009 |
32010 | |
32011 |
32012 |
32013 |
32014 | var Continuous = function (_super) {
32015 | __extends(Continuous, _super);
32016 | function Continuous() {
32017 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
32018 | _this.isContinuous = true;
32019 | return _this;
32020 | }
32021 | Continuous.prototype.scale = function (value) {
32022 | if (isNil(value)) {
32023 | return NaN;
32024 | }
32025 | var rangeMin = this.rangeMin();
32026 | var rangeMax = this.rangeMax();
32027 | var max = this.max;
32028 | var min = this.min;
32029 | if (max === min) {
32030 | return rangeMin;
32031 | }
32032 | var percent = this.getScalePercent(value);
32033 | return rangeMin + percent * (rangeMax - rangeMin);
32034 | };
32035 | Continuous.prototype.init = function () {
32036 | _super.prototype.init.call(this);
32037 |
32038 | var ticks = this.ticks;
32039 | var firstTick = head(ticks);
32040 | var lastTick = last(ticks);
32041 | if (firstTick < this.min) {
32042 | this.min = firstTick;
32043 | }
32044 | if (lastTick > this.max) {
32045 | this.max = lastTick;
32046 | }
32047 |
32048 | if (!isNil(this.minLimit)) {
32049 | this.min = firstTick;
32050 | }
32051 | if (!isNil(this.maxLimit)) {
32052 | this.max = lastTick;
32053 | }
32054 | };
32055 | Continuous.prototype.setDomain = function () {
32056 | var _a = getRange(this.values),
32057 | min = _a.min,
32058 | max = _a.max;
32059 | if (isNil(this.min)) {
32060 | this.min = min;
32061 | }
32062 | if (isNil(this.max)) {
32063 | this.max = max;
32064 | }
32065 | if (this.min > this.max) {
32066 | this.min = min;
32067 | this.max = max;
32068 | }
32069 | };
32070 | Continuous.prototype.calculateTicks = function () {
32071 | var _this = this;
32072 | var ticks = _super.prototype.calculateTicks.call(this);
32073 | if (!this.nice) {
32074 | ticks = filter(ticks, function (tick) {
32075 | return tick >= _this.min && tick <= _this.max;
32076 | });
32077 | }
32078 | return ticks;
32079 | };
32080 |
32081 | Continuous.prototype.getScalePercent = function (value) {
32082 | var max = this.max;
32083 | var min = this.min;
32084 | return (value - min) / (max - min);
32085 | };
32086 | Continuous.prototype.getInvertPercent = function (value) {
32087 | return (value - this.rangeMin()) / (this.rangeMax() - this.rangeMin());
32088 | };
32089 | return Continuous;
32090 | }(Scale);
32091 |
32092 | |
32093 |
32094 |
32095 |
32096 | var Linear = function (_super) {
32097 | __extends(Linear, _super);
32098 | function Linear() {
32099 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
32100 | _this.type = 'linear';
32101 | _this.isLinear = true;
32102 | return _this;
32103 | }
32104 | Linear.prototype.invert = function (value) {
32105 | var percent = this.getInvertPercent(value);
32106 | return this.min + percent * (this.max - this.min);
32107 | };
32108 | Linear.prototype.initCfg = function () {
32109 | this.tickMethod = 'wilkinson-extended';
32110 | this.nice = false;
32111 | };
32112 | return Linear;
32113 | }(Continuous);
32114 |
32115 |
32116 |
32117 | function calBase(a, b) {
32118 | var e = Math.E;
32119 | var value;
32120 | if (b >= 0) {
32121 | value = Math.pow(e, Math.log(b) / a);
32122 | } else {
32123 | value = Math.pow(e, Math.log(-b) / a) * -1;
32124 | }
32125 | return value;
32126 | }
32127 | function log(a, b) {
32128 | if (a === 1) {
32129 | return 1;
32130 | }
32131 | return Math.log(b) / Math.log(a);
32132 | }
32133 | function getLogPositiveMin(values, base, max) {
32134 | if (isNil(max)) {
32135 | max = Math.max.apply(null, values);
32136 | }
32137 | var positiveMin = max;
32138 | each(values, function (value) {
32139 | if (value > 0 && value < positiveMin) {
32140 | positiveMin = value;
32141 | }
32142 | });
32143 | if (positiveMin === max) {
32144 | positiveMin = max / base;
32145 | }
32146 | if (positiveMin > 1) {
32147 | positiveMin = 1;
32148 | }
32149 | return positiveMin;
32150 | }
32151 |
32152 | |
32153 |
32154 |
32155 | var Log = function (_super) {
32156 | __extends(Log, _super);
32157 | function Log() {
32158 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
32159 | _this.type = 'log';
32160 | return _this;
32161 | }
32162 | |
32163 |
32164 |
32165 | Log.prototype.invert = function (value) {
32166 | var base = this.base;
32167 | var max = log(base, this.max);
32168 | var rangeMin = this.rangeMin();
32169 | var range = this.rangeMax() - rangeMin;
32170 | var min;
32171 | var positiveMin = this.positiveMin;
32172 | if (positiveMin) {
32173 | if (value === 0) {
32174 | return 0;
32175 | }
32176 | min = log(base, positiveMin / base);
32177 | var appendPercent = 1 / (max - min) * range;
32178 | if (value < appendPercent) {
32179 |
32180 | return value / appendPercent * positiveMin;
32181 | }
32182 | } else {
32183 | min = log(base, this.min);
32184 | }
32185 | var percent = (value - rangeMin) / range;
32186 | var tmp = percent * (max - min) + min;
32187 | return Math.pow(base, tmp);
32188 | };
32189 | Log.prototype.initCfg = function () {
32190 | this.tickMethod = 'log';
32191 | this.base = 10;
32192 | this.tickCount = 6;
32193 | this.nice = true;
32194 | };
32195 |
32196 | Log.prototype.setDomain = function () {
32197 | _super.prototype.setDomain.call(this);
32198 | var min = this.min;
32199 | if (min < 0) {
32200 | throw new Error('When you use log scale, the minimum value must be greater than zero!');
32201 | }
32202 | if (min === 0) {
32203 | this.positiveMin = getLogPositiveMin(this.values, this.base, this.max);
32204 | }
32205 | };
32206 |
32207 | Log.prototype.getScalePercent = function (value) {
32208 | var max = this.max;
32209 | var min = this.min;
32210 | if (max === min) {
32211 | return 0;
32212 | }
32213 |
32214 | if (value <= 0) {
32215 | return 0;
32216 | }
32217 | var base = this.base;
32218 | var positiveMin = this.positiveMin;
32219 |
32220 | if (positiveMin) {
32221 | min = positiveMin * 1 / base;
32222 | }
32223 | var percent;
32224 |
32225 | if (value < positiveMin) {
32226 | percent = value / positiveMin / (log(base, max) - log(base, min));
32227 | } else {
32228 | percent = (log(base, value) - log(base, min)) / (log(base, max) - log(base, min));
32229 | }
32230 | return percent;
32231 | };
32232 | return Log;
32233 | }(Continuous);
32234 |
32235 | |
32236 |
32237 |
32238 | var Pow = function (_super) {
32239 | __extends(Pow, _super);
32240 | function Pow() {
32241 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
32242 | _this.type = 'pow';
32243 | return _this;
32244 | }
32245 | |
32246 |
32247 |
32248 | Pow.prototype.invert = function (value) {
32249 | var percent = this.getInvertPercent(value);
32250 | var exponent = this.exponent;
32251 | var max = calBase(exponent, this.max);
32252 | var min = calBase(exponent, this.min);
32253 | var tmp = percent * (max - min) + min;
32254 | var factor = tmp >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
32255 | return Math.pow(tmp, exponent) * factor;
32256 | };
32257 | Pow.prototype.initCfg = function () {
32258 | this.tickMethod = 'pow';
32259 | this.exponent = 2;
32260 | this.tickCount = 5;
32261 | this.nice = true;
32262 | };
32263 |
32264 | Pow.prototype.getScalePercent = function (value) {
32265 | var max = this.max;
32266 | var min = this.min;
32267 | if (max === min) {
32268 | return 0;
32269 | }
32270 | var exponent = this.exponent;
32271 | var percent = (calBase(exponent, value) - calBase(exponent, min)) / (calBase(exponent, max) - calBase(exponent, min));
32272 | return percent;
32273 | };
32274 | return Pow;
32275 | }(Continuous);
32276 |
32277 | |
32278 |
32279 |
32280 |
32281 | var Time = function (_super) {
32282 | __extends(Time, _super);
32283 | function Time() {
32284 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
32285 | _this.type = 'time';
32286 | return _this;
32287 | }
32288 | |
32289 |
32290 |
32291 | Time.prototype.getText = function (value, index) {
32292 | var numberValue = this.translate(value);
32293 | var formatter = this.formatter;
32294 | return formatter ? formatter(numberValue, index) : timeFormat(numberValue, this.mask);
32295 | };
32296 | |
32297 |
32298 |
32299 | Time.prototype.scale = function (value) {
32300 | var v = value;
32301 | if (isString(v) || isDate(v)) {
32302 | v = this.translate(v);
32303 | }
32304 | return _super.prototype.scale.call(this, v);
32305 | };
32306 | |
32307 |
32308 |
32309 |
32310 | Time.prototype.translate = function (v) {
32311 | return toTimeStamp(v);
32312 | };
32313 | Time.prototype.initCfg = function () {
32314 | this.tickMethod = 'time-pretty';
32315 | this.mask = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
32316 | this.tickCount = 7;
32317 | this.nice = false;
32318 | };
32319 | Time.prototype.setDomain = function () {
32320 | var values = this.values;
32321 |
32322 | var minConfig = this.getConfig('min');
32323 | var maxConfig = this.getConfig('max');
32324 |
32325 | if (!isNil(minConfig) || !isNumber(minConfig)) {
32326 | this.min = this.translate(this.min);
32327 | }
32328 | if (!isNil(maxConfig) || !isNumber(maxConfig)) {
32329 | this.max = this.translate(this.max);
32330 | }
32331 |
32332 | if (values && values.length) {
32333 |
32334 | var timeStamps_1 = [];
32335 | var min_1 = Infinity;
32336 | var secondMin_1 = min_1;
32337 | var max_1 = 0;
32338 |
32339 | each(values, function (v) {
32340 | var timeStamp = toTimeStamp(v);
32341 | if (isNaN(timeStamp)) {
32342 | throw new TypeError("Invalid Time: ".concat(v, " in time scale!"));
32343 | }
32344 | if (min_1 > timeStamp) {
32345 | secondMin_1 = min_1;
32346 | min_1 = timeStamp;
32347 | } else if (secondMin_1 > timeStamp) {
32348 | secondMin_1 = timeStamp;
32349 | }
32350 | if (max_1 < timeStamp) {
32351 | max_1 = timeStamp;
32352 | }
32353 | timeStamps_1.push(timeStamp);
32354 | });
32355 |
32356 | if (values.length > 1) {
32357 | this.minTickInterval = secondMin_1 - min_1;
32358 | }
32359 | if (isNil(minConfig)) {
32360 | this.min = min_1;
32361 | }
32362 | if (isNil(maxConfig)) {
32363 | this.max = max_1;
32364 | }
32365 | }
32366 | };
32367 | return Time;
32368 | }(Linear);
32369 |
32370 | |
32371 |
32372 |
32373 | var Quantize = function (_super) {
32374 | __extends(Quantize, _super);
32375 | function Quantize() {
32376 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
32377 | _this.type = 'quantize';
32378 | return _this;
32379 | }
32380 | Quantize.prototype.invert = function (value) {
32381 | var ticks = this.ticks;
32382 | var length = ticks.length;
32383 | var percent = this.getInvertPercent(value);
32384 | var minIndex = Math.floor(percent * (length - 1));
32385 |
32386 | if (minIndex >= length - 1) {
32387 | return last(ticks);
32388 | }
32389 |
32390 | if (minIndex < 0) {
32391 | return head(ticks);
32392 | }
32393 | var minTick = ticks[minIndex];
32394 | var nextTick = ticks[minIndex + 1];
32395 |
32396 | var minIndexPercent = minIndex / (length - 1);
32397 | var maxIndexPercent = (minIndex + 1) / (length - 1);
32398 | return minTick + (percent - minIndexPercent) / (maxIndexPercent - minIndexPercent) * (nextTick - minTick);
32399 | };
32400 | Quantize.prototype.initCfg = function () {
32401 | this.tickMethod = 'r-pretty';
32402 | this.tickCount = 5;
32403 | this.nice = true;
32404 | };
32405 | Quantize.prototype.calculateTicks = function () {
32406 | var ticks = _super.prototype.calculateTicks.call(this);
32407 | if (!this.nice) {
32408 |
32409 | if (last(ticks) !== this.max) {
32410 | ticks.push(this.max);
32411 | }
32412 | if (head(ticks) !== this.min) {
32413 | ticks.unshift(this.min);
32414 | }
32415 | }
32416 | return ticks;
32417 | };
32418 |
32419 | Quantize.prototype.getScalePercent = function (value) {
32420 | var ticks = this.ticks;
32421 |
32422 | if (value < head(ticks)) {
32423 | return 0;
32424 | }
32425 |
32426 | if (value > last(ticks)) {
32427 | return 1;
32428 | }
32429 | var minIndex = 0;
32430 | each(ticks, function (tick, index) {
32431 | if (value >= tick) {
32432 | minIndex = index;
32433 | } else {
32434 | return false;
32435 | }
32436 | });
32437 | return minIndex / (ticks.length - 1);
32438 | };
32439 | return Quantize;
32440 | }(Continuous);
32441 |
32442 | var Quantile = function (_super) {
32443 | __extends(Quantile, _super);
32444 | function Quantile() {
32445 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
32446 | _this.type = 'quantile';
32447 | return _this;
32448 | }
32449 | Quantile.prototype.initCfg = function () {
32450 | this.tickMethod = 'quantile';
32451 | this.tickCount = 5;
32452 | this.nice = true;
32453 | };
32454 | return Quantile;
32455 | }(Quantize);
32456 |
32457 | var map$3 = {};
32458 | function getClass(key) {
32459 | return map$3[key];
32460 | }
32461 | function registerClass(key, cls) {
32462 | if (getClass(key)) {
32463 | throw new Error("type '".concat(key, "' existed."));
32464 | }
32465 | map$3[key] = cls;
32466 | }
32467 |
32468 | |
32469 |
32470 |
32471 |
32472 |
32473 | var Identity = function (_super) {
32474 | __extends(Identity, _super);
32475 | function Identity() {
32476 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
32477 | _this.type = 'identity';
32478 | _this.isIdentity = true;
32479 | return _this;
32480 | }
32481 | Identity.prototype.calculateTicks = function () {
32482 | return this.values;
32483 | };
32484 | Identity.prototype.scale = function (value) {
32485 |
32486 | if (this.values[0] !== value && isNumber(value)) {
32487 | return value;
32488 | }
32489 | return this.range[0];
32490 | };
32491 | Identity.prototype.invert = function (value) {
32492 | var range = this.range;
32493 | if (value < range[0] || value > range[1]) {
32494 | return NaN;
32495 | }
32496 | return this.values[0];
32497 | };
32498 | return Identity;
32499 | }(Scale);
32500 |
32501 |
32502 | var CatTick = (function (cfg) {
32503 | var values = cfg.values,
32504 | tickCount = cfg.tickCount;
32505 | if (!tickCount) {
32506 | return values;
32507 | }
32508 | if (values.length <= 1) {
32509 | return values;
32510 | }
32511 |
32512 | var step = Math.floor(values.length / (tickCount - 1)) || 1;
32513 | var ticks = [];
32514 |
32515 | for (var index = 0; index < values.length; index = index + step) {
32516 | ticks.push(values[index]);
32517 | }
32518 | var last = values[values.length - 1];
32519 |
32520 | if (ticks[ticks.length - 1] !== last) {
32521 | if (ticks.length >= tickCount) {
32522 |
32523 | ticks[ticks.length - 1] = last;
32524 | } else {
32525 |
32526 | ticks.push(last);
32527 | }
32528 | }
32529 | return ticks;
32530 | });
32531 |
32532 |
32533 | var SNAP_COUNT_ARRAY = [1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.5, 8, 10];
32534 | var DEFAULT_COUNT = 5;
32535 | var LinearTick = (function (cfg) {
32536 | var _a = cfg || {},
32537 | tickCount = _a.tickCount,
32538 | tickInterval = _a.tickInterval;
32539 | var _b = cfg || {},
32540 | min = _b.min,
32541 | max = _b.max;
32542 | min = isNaN(min) ? 0 : min;
32543 | max = isNaN(max) ? 0 : max;
32544 | var count = tickCount && tickCount >= 2 ? tickCount : DEFAULT_COUNT;
32545 |
32546 | var interval = tickInterval || getBestInterval({
32547 | tickCount: count,
32548 | max: max,
32549 | min: min
32550 | });
32551 |
32552 | var minTick = Math.floor(min / interval) * interval;
32553 |
32554 | if (tickInterval) {
32555 | var intervalCount = Math.abs(Math.ceil((max - minTick) / tickInterval)) + 1;
32556 |
32557 | count = Math.max(count, intervalCount);
32558 | }
32559 | var tickLength = 0;
32560 | var fixedLength = getFixedLength(interval);
32561 | if (min < 0 && max > 0 && count === 2) {
32562 | return [toFixed(minTick, fixedLength), toFixed(Math.ceil(max / interval) * interval, fixedLength)];
32563 | }
32564 | var ticks = [];
32565 | while (tickLength < count) {
32566 | ticks.push(toFixed(minTick + tickLength * interval, fixedLength));
32567 | tickLength++;
32568 | }
32569 | return ticks;
32570 | });
32571 | var DECIMAL_LENGTH = 12;
32572 | function getFactor(number) {
32573 |
32574 | number = Math.abs(number);
32575 | var factor = 1;
32576 | if (number === 0) {
32577 | return factor;
32578 | }
32579 |
32580 | if (number < 1) {
32581 | var count = 0;
32582 | while (number < 1) {
32583 | factor = factor / 10;
32584 | number = number * 10;
32585 | count++;
32586 | }
32587 |
32588 | if (factor.toString().length > DECIMAL_LENGTH) {
32589 | factor = parseFloat(factor.toFixed(count));
32590 | }
32591 | return factor;
32592 | }
32593 |
32594 | while (number > 10) {
32595 | factor = factor * 10;
32596 | number = number / 10;
32597 | }
32598 | return factor;
32599 | }
32600 |
32601 | function getBestInterval(_a) {
32602 | var tickCount = _a.tickCount,
32603 | min = _a.min,
32604 | max = _a.max;
32605 |
32606 | if (min === max) {
32607 | return 1 * getFactor(max);
32608 | }
32609 |
32610 | var avgInterval = (max - min) / (tickCount - 1);
32611 |
32612 | var factor = getFactor(avgInterval);
32613 | var calInterval = avgInterval / factor;
32614 | var calMax = max / factor;
32615 | var calMin = min / factor;
32616 |
32617 | var similarityIndex = 0;
32618 | for (var index = 0; index < SNAP_COUNT_ARRAY.length; index++) {
32619 | var item = SNAP_COUNT_ARRAY[index];
32620 | if (calInterval <= item) {
32621 | similarityIndex = index;
32622 | break;
32623 | }
32624 | }
32625 | var similarityInterval = min < 0 && max > 0 && tickCount === 2 ? SNAP_COUNT_ARRAY[similarityIndex] : getInterval(similarityIndex, tickCount, calMin, calMax);
32626 |
32627 | var fixedLength = getFixedLength(similarityInterval) + getFixedLength(factor);
32628 | return toFixed(similarityInterval * factor, fixedLength);
32629 | }
32630 | function getInterval(startIndex, tickCount, min, max) {
32631 | var verify = false;
32632 | var interval = SNAP_COUNT_ARRAY[startIndex];
32633 |
32634 | for (var i = startIndex; i < SNAP_COUNT_ARRAY.length; i++) {
32635 | if (intervalIsVerify({
32636 | interval: SNAP_COUNT_ARRAY[i],
32637 | tickCount: tickCount,
32638 | max: max,
32639 | min: min
32640 | })) {
32641 |
32642 | interval = SNAP_COUNT_ARRAY[i];
32643 | verify = true;
32644 | break;
32645 | }
32646 | }
32647 |
32648 | if (!verify) {
32649 | return 10 * getInterval(0, tickCount, min / 10, max / 10);
32650 | }
32651 | return interval;
32652 | }
32653 |
32654 | function intervalIsVerify(_a) {
32655 | var interval = _a.interval,
32656 | tickCount = _a.tickCount,
32657 | max = _a.max,
32658 | min = _a.min;
32659 | var minTick = Math.floor(min / interval) * interval;
32660 | if (minTick + (tickCount - 1) * interval >= max) {
32661 | return true;
32662 | }
32663 | return false;
32664 | }
32665 |
32666 | function getFixedLength(num) {
32667 | var str = num.toString();
32668 | var index = str.indexOf('.');
32669 | var indexOfExp = str.indexOf('e-');
32670 | var length = indexOfExp >= 0 ? parseInt(str.substr(indexOfExp + 2), 10) : str.substr(index + 1).length;
32671 | if (length > 20) {
32672 |
32673 | length = 20;
32674 | }
32675 | return length;
32676 | }
32677 |
32678 | function toFixed(v, length) {
32679 | return parseFloat(v.toFixed(length));
32680 | }
32681 |
32682 | registerClass('cat', Category);
32683 | registerClass('category', Category);
32684 | registerClass('identity', Identity);
32685 | registerClass('linear', Linear);
32686 | registerClass('log', Log);
32687 | registerClass('pow', Pow);
32688 | registerClass('time', Time);
32689 | registerClass('timeCat', TimeCat);
32690 | registerClass('quantize', Quantize);
32691 | registerClass('quantile', Quantile);
32692 |
32693 | registerTickMethod('cat', CatTick);
32694 | registerTickMethod('time-cat', CatTick);
32695 |
32696 | registerTickMethod('wilkinson-extended', LinearTick);
32697 | var ScaleController = function () {
32698 | function ScaleController(data) {
32699 | this.data = data;
32700 | this.options = {};
32701 | this.scales = {};
32702 | }
32703 | ScaleController.prototype._getType = function (option) {
32704 | var type = option.type,
32705 | values = option.values,
32706 | field = option.field;
32707 | if (type) {
32708 | return type;
32709 | }
32710 | if (isNumber(field) || isNil(values[0]) && field) {
32711 | return 'identity';
32712 | }
32713 | if (typeof values[0] === 'number') {
32714 | return 'linear';
32715 | }
32716 | return 'cat';
32717 | };
32718 | ScaleController.prototype._getOption = function (option) {
32719 | var values = option.values,
32720 | field = option.field,
32721 | justifyContent = option.justifyContent;
32722 | var type = this._getType(option);
32723 | option.type = type;
32724 |
32725 | if (type === 'identity') {
32726 | option.field = field.toString();
32727 | option.values = [field];
32728 | return option;
32729 | }
32730 |
32731 | if (type === 'linear') {
32732 |
32733 | if (typeof option.nice !== 'boolean') {
32734 | option.nice = true;
32735 | }
32736 |
32737 | var _a = getRange(values),
32738 | min = _a.min,
32739 | max = _a.max;
32740 | if (isNil(option.min)) {
32741 | option.min = min;
32742 | }
32743 | if (isNil(option.max)) {
32744 | option.max = max;
32745 | }
32746 | option.values = values.sort(function (a, b) {
32747 | return a - b;
32748 | });
32749 | return option;
32750 | }
32751 |
32752 | if (type === 'cat' || type === 'timeCat') {
32753 | if (option.range) {
32754 | return option;
32755 | }
32756 | var count = values.length;
32757 | var range = [0, 1];
32758 |
32759 | if (count === 1) {
32760 | range = [0.5, 1];
32761 | } else if (justifyContent) {
32762 |
32763 | var offset = 1 / count * 0.5;
32764 | range = [offset, 1 - offset];
32765 | } else {
32766 |
32767 | var offset = 1 / count;
32768 | range = [0, 1 - offset];
32769 | }
32770 | option.range = range;
32771 | }
32772 | return option;
32773 | };
32774 | ScaleController.prototype.createScale = function (option) {
32775 | var type = option.type;
32776 | if (isFunction(type)) {
32777 | return new type(option);
32778 | }
32779 | var ScaleClass = getClass(type);
32780 | return new ScaleClass(option);
32781 | };
32782 |
32783 | ScaleController.prototype.setScale = function (field, option) {
32784 | var _a = this,
32785 | options = _a.options,
32786 | scales = _a.scales;
32787 | options[field] = mix({}, options[field], option);
32788 |
32789 | if (scales[field]) {
32790 | scales[field].change(options[field]);
32791 |
32792 | }
32793 | };
32794 | ScaleController.prototype.create = function (options) {
32795 | this.update(options);
32796 | };
32797 | ScaleController.prototype.update = function (options) {
32798 | var _this = this;
32799 | if (!options) return;
32800 | each(options, function (option, field) {
32801 | _this.setScale(field, option);
32802 | });
32803 | };
32804 | ScaleController.prototype.changeData = function (data) {
32805 | this.data = data;
32806 | this.scales = {};
32807 | };
32808 | ScaleController.prototype.getData = function () {
32809 | return this.data;
32810 | };
32811 | ScaleController.prototype.getScale = function (field) {
32812 | var _a = this,
32813 | scales = _a.scales,
32814 | options = _a.options,
32815 | data = _a.data;
32816 | var scale = scales[field];
32817 | if (scale) {
32818 |
32819 | var option_1 = this._getOption(__assign(__assign({}, options[field]), {
32820 | values: scale.values
32821 | }));
32822 | if (option_1.range) {
32823 | scale.range = option_1.range;
32824 | }
32825 | return scale;
32826 | }
32827 | var option = options[field];
32828 | if (!option) {
32829 | return null;
32830 | }
32831 | var values = option.values ? option.values : data ? valuesOfKey(data, field) : [];
32832 | var scaleOption = this._getOption(__assign(__assign({}, option), {
32833 | field: field,
32834 | values: values
32835 | }));
32836 | var newScale = this.createScale(scaleOption);
32837 | scales[field] = newScale;
32838 | return newScale;
32839 | };
32840 | ScaleController.prototype.getScales = function () {
32841 | var _this = this;
32842 | var _a = this,
32843 | options = _a.options,
32844 | scales = _a.scales;
32845 | each(options, function (option, field) {
32846 | _this.getScale(field);
32847 | });
32848 | return scales;
32849 | };
32850 | ScaleController.prototype.getOptions = function () {
32851 | var scales = this.scales;
32852 | var options = {};
32853 | each(scales, function (scale, field) {
32854 | options[field] = __assign({}, scale.__cfg__);
32855 | });
32856 | return options;
32857 | };
32858 | ScaleController.prototype.adjustStartZero = function (scale) {
32859 | var options = this.options;
32860 | var field = scale.field,
32861 | min = scale.min,
32862 | max = scale.max;
32863 | var option = options[field];
32864 |
32865 | if (option && option.min) {
32866 | return;
32867 | }
32868 | if (min > 0) {
32869 | scale.change({
32870 | min: 0
32871 | });
32872 | } else if (max < 0) {
32873 | scale.change({
32874 | max: 0
32875 | });
32876 | }
32877 | };
32878 |
32879 | ScaleController.prototype.adjustPieScale = function (scale) {
32880 | var options = this.options;
32881 | var field = scale.field;
32882 | var option = options[field];
32883 | if (option && !isNil(option.nice)) {
32884 | return null;
32885 | }
32886 | scale.change({
32887 | nice: false
32888 | });
32889 | };
32890 |
32891 | ScaleController.prototype._updateStackRange = function (scale, flattenArray) {
32892 | var options = this.options;
32893 | var field = scale.field;
32894 | var option = options[field];
32895 | var dataMin = Infinity;
32896 | var dataMax = -Infinity;
32897 | for (var i = 0, len = flattenArray.length; i < len; i++) {
32898 | var obj = flattenArray[i];
32899 | var tmpMin = Math.min.apply(null, obj[field]);
32900 | var tmpMax = Math.max.apply(null, obj[field]);
32901 | if (tmpMin < dataMin) {
32902 | dataMin = tmpMin;
32903 | }
32904 | if (tmpMax > dataMax) {
32905 | dataMax = tmpMax;
32906 | }
32907 | }
32908 |
32909 | var min = (option === null || option === void 0 ? void 0 : option.min) || dataMin;
32910 | var max = (option === null || option === void 0 ? void 0 : option.max) || dataMax;
32911 | if (min !== scale.min || max !== scale.max) {
32912 | scale.change({
32913 | min: min,
32914 | max: max
32915 | });
32916 | }
32917 | };
32918 |
32919 | ScaleController.prototype.getZeroValue = function (scale) {
32920 | var min = scale.min,
32921 | max = scale.max;
32922 | var value;
32923 | if (min >= 0) {
32924 | value = min;
32925 | } else if (max <= 0) {
32926 | value = max;
32927 | } else {
32928 | value = 0;
32929 | }
32930 | return scale.scale(value);
32931 | };
32932 | return ScaleController;
32933 | }();
32934 |
32935 | var axis = {
32936 | labelOffset: '15px',
32937 | line: {
32938 | stroke: '#E8E8E8',
32939 | lineWidth: '1px'
32940 | },
32941 | symbol: {
32942 | fill: '#E8E8E8',
32943 | radius: '10px'
32944 | },
32945 | tickLine: {
32946 | stroke: '#E8E8E8'
32947 | },
32948 | label: {
32949 | fill: '#808080',
32950 | fontSize: '20px'
32951 | },
32952 | grid: {
32953 | stroke: '#E8E8E8',
32954 | lineWidth: '1px',
32955 | lineDash: ['4px']
32956 | }
32957 | };
32958 | var guide = {
32959 | line: {
32960 | style: {
32961 | stroke: '#a3a3a3',
32962 | lineWidth: 1
32963 | },
32964 | offsetX: 0,
32965 | offsetY: 0
32966 | },
32967 | text: {
32968 | style: {
32969 | fill: '#787878',
32970 |
32971 | textBaseline: 'middle'
32972 | },
32973 | offsetX: 0,
32974 | offsetY: 0
32975 | },
32976 | rect: {
32977 | style: {
32978 | fill: '#fafafa'
32979 | }
32980 | },
32981 | arc: {
32982 | style: {
32983 | stroke: '#a3a3a3'
32984 | }
32985 | },
32986 | html: {
32987 | offsetX: 0,
32988 | offsetY: 0,
32989 | alignX: 'center',
32990 | alignY: 'middle'
32991 | },
32992 | tag: {
32993 | offsetX: 0,
32994 | offsetY: 0,
32995 | side: 4,
32996 | background: {
32997 | padding: 5,
32998 | radius: 2,
32999 | fill: '#1890FF'
33000 | },
33001 | textStyle: {
33002 | fontSize: 12,
33003 | fill: '#fff',
33004 | textAlign: 'center',
33005 | textBaseline: 'middle'
33006 | }
33007 | },
33008 | point: {
33009 | offsetX: 0,
33010 | offsetY: 0,
33011 | style: {
33012 | fill: '#fff',
33013 | r: 3,
33014 | lineWidth: 2,
33015 | stroke: '#1890ff'
33016 | }
33017 | },
33018 | polyline: {
33019 | style: {
33020 | lineWidth: '4px',
33021 | lineJoin: 'round',
33022 | lineCap: 'round'
33023 | },
33024 | offsetX: 0,
33025 | offsetY: 0
33026 | }
33027 | };
33028 | var chart = {
33029 | padding: ['30px', '30px', '30px', '30px']
33030 | };
33031 | var Theme = {
33032 | chart: chart,
33033 | colors: ['#1890FF', '#2FC25B', '#FACC14', '#223273', '#8543E0', '#13C2C2', '#3436C7', '#F04864'],
33034 | shapes: {
33035 | line: ['line', 'dash', 'smooth'],
33036 | point: ['circle', 'hollowCircle', 'rect'],
33037 | area: ['area', 'smooth'],
33038 | interval: ['rect', 'pyramid', 'funnel']
33039 | },
33040 | sizes: ['4px', '6px', '8px', '10px', '12px'],
33041 | shape: {
33042 | line: {
33043 | default: {
33044 | lineWidth: '4px',
33045 | lineJoin: 'round',
33046 | lineCap: 'round'
33047 | },
33048 | smooth: {
33049 | smooth: true
33050 | },
33051 | 'step-start': {
33052 | step: 'start'
33053 | },
33054 | 'step-middle': {
33055 | step: 'middle'
33056 | },
33057 | 'step-end': {
33058 | step: 'end'
33059 | },
33060 | dash: {
33061 | lineDash: ['8px', '8px']
33062 | }
33063 | },
33064 | point: {
33065 | default: {
33066 | size: '6px'
33067 | },
33068 | hollowCircle: {
33069 | lineWidth: '2px'
33070 | }
33071 | },
33072 | area: {
33073 | default: {
33074 | fillOpacity: 0.1
33075 | }
33076 | },
33077 | interval: {
33078 | default: {}
33079 | }
33080 | },
33081 | axis: axis,
33082 | guide: guide
33083 | };
33084 |
33085 |
33086 | var Chart = function (_super) {
33087 | __extends(Chart, _super);
33088 | function Chart(props, context) {
33089 | var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
33090 |
33091 | _this.componentsPosition = [];
33092 | var theme = context.theme,
33093 | px2hd = context.px2hd;
33094 |
33095 |
33096 | context.theme = deepMix(px2hd(Theme), theme);
33097 | var data = props.data;
33098 | _this.scale = new ScaleController(data);
33099 | _this.coord = new coordController();
33100 | _this.coordRef = createRef();
33101 |
33102 | _this.state = {
33103 | filters: {}
33104 | };
33105 | return _this;
33106 | }
33107 | Chart.prototype.getStyle = function (props) {
33108 | var _a = this,
33109 | context = _a.context,
33110 | layout = _a.layout;
33111 | var theme = context.theme,
33112 | px2hd = context.px2hd;
33113 | var left = layout.left,
33114 | top = layout.top,
33115 | width = layout.width,
33116 | height = layout.height;
33117 | var customStyle = props.style;
33118 | return px2hd(__assign(__assign({
33119 | left: left,
33120 | top: top,
33121 | width: width,
33122 | height: height
33123 | }, theme.chart), customStyle));
33124 | };
33125 | Chart.prototype.willMount = function () {
33126 | var _a = this,
33127 | props = _a.props,
33128 | coord = _a.coord,
33129 | scale = _a.scale;
33130 | var scaleOptions = props.scale,
33131 | coordOption = props.coord;
33132 | this.resetCoordLayout();
33133 |
33134 | scale.create(scaleOptions);
33135 |
33136 | coord.create(coordOption);
33137 | };
33138 |
33139 | Chart.prototype.willReceiveProps = function (nextProps, context) {
33140 | var _a = this,
33141 | scale = _a.scale,
33142 | coord = _a.coord,
33143 | lastProps = _a.props;
33144 | var nextStyle = nextProps.style,
33145 | nextData = nextProps.data,
33146 | nextScale = nextProps.scale;
33147 | var lastStyle = lastProps.style,
33148 | lastData = lastProps.data,
33149 | lastScale = lastProps.scale;
33150 |
33151 | if (!equal(nextStyle, lastStyle) || context !== this.context) {
33152 | var style = this.getStyle(nextProps);
33153 | coord.updateLayout(style);
33154 | }
33155 | if (nextData !== lastData) {
33156 | scale.changeData(nextData);
33157 | }
33158 |
33159 | if (!equal(nextScale, lastScale)) {
33160 | scale.update(nextScale);
33161 | }
33162 | };
33163 | Chart.prototype.willUpdate = function () {
33164 | this.coord.create(this.props.coord);
33165 | };
33166 | Chart.prototype.on = function (eventName, listener) {
33167 | var roolEl = this.coordRef.current;
33168 | if (!roolEl || !roolEl.gesture) return;
33169 | var gesture = roolEl.gesture;
33170 | gesture.on(eventName, listener);
33171 | };
33172 | Chart.prototype.off = function (eventName, listener) {
33173 | var roolEl = this.coordRef.current;
33174 | if (!roolEl || !roolEl.gesture) return;
33175 | var gesture = roolEl.gesture;
33176 | gesture.off(eventName, listener);
33177 | };
33178 |
33179 | Chart.prototype.layoutCoord = function (layout) {
33180 | this.coord.useLayout(layout);
33181 | };
33182 | Chart.prototype.resetCoordLayout = function () {
33183 | var _a = this,
33184 | coord = _a.coord,
33185 | props = _a.props;
33186 | var style = this.getStyle(props);
33187 | coord.updateLayout(style);
33188 | };
33189 | Chart.prototype.updateCoordLayout = function (layout) {
33190 | var _this = this;
33191 | if (isArray(layout)) {
33192 | layout.forEach(function (item) {
33193 | _this.layoutCoord(item);
33194 | });
33195 | return;
33196 | }
33197 | this.layoutCoord(layout);
33198 | };
33199 | Chart.prototype.updateCoordFor = function (component, layout) {
33200 | var _this = this;
33201 | if (!layout) return;
33202 | var componentsPosition = this.componentsPosition;
33203 | var componentPosition = {
33204 | component: component,
33205 | layout: layout
33206 | };
33207 | var existIndex = findIndex(componentsPosition, function (item) {
33208 | return item.component === component;
33209 | });
33210 |
33211 | if (existIndex > -1) {
33212 | componentsPosition.splice(existIndex, 1, componentPosition);
33213 |
33214 | this.resetCoordLayout();
33215 |
33216 | this.removeComponentsPositionCache();
33217 | componentsPosition.forEach(function (componentPosition) {
33218 | var layout = componentPosition.layout;
33219 | _this.updateCoordLayout(layout);
33220 | });
33221 | return;
33222 | }
33223 |
33224 | componentsPosition.push(componentPosition);
33225 | this.updateCoordLayout(layout);
33226 | };
33227 | Chart.prototype.removeComponentsPositionCache = function () {
33228 | var _a;
33229 | if (!((_a = this.componentsPosition) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) return;
33230 | for (var i = this.componentsPosition.length; i > -1; i--) {
33231 | var item = this.componentsPosition[i];
33232 | if (item && item.component && item.component.destroyed) {
33233 | this.componentsPosition.splice(i, 1);
33234 | }
33235 | }
33236 | };
33237 | Chart.prototype.getGeometrys = function () {
33238 |
33239 | var children = this.children.children;
33240 | var geometrys = [];
33241 | Children.toArray(children).forEach(function (element) {
33242 | if (!element) return false;
33243 | var component = element.component;
33244 |
33245 | if (component && component.isGeometry) {
33246 | geometrys.push(component);
33247 | }
33248 | });
33249 | return geometrys;
33250 | };
33251 | |
33252 |
33253 |
33254 |
33255 |
33256 | Chart.prototype.getPosition = function (record) {
33257 | var coord = this.getCoord();
33258 | var xScale = this.getXScales()[0];
33259 | var xField = xScale.field;
33260 | var yScales = this.getYScales();
33261 |
33262 | var yScale = yScales[0];
33263 | var yField = yScale.field;
33264 | for (var i = 0, len = yScales.length; i < len; i++) {
33265 | var scale = yScales[i];
33266 | var field = scale.field;
33267 | if (record[field]) {
33268 | yScale = scale;
33269 | yField = field;
33270 | break;
33271 | }
33272 | }
33273 | var x = xScale.scale(record[xField]);
33274 | var y = yScale.scale(record[yField]);
33275 | return coord.convertPoint({
33276 | x: x,
33277 | y: y
33278 | });
33279 | };
33280 | Chart.prototype.getSnapRecords = function (point, inCoordRange) {
33281 | var geometrys = this.getGeometrys();
33282 | if (!geometrys.length) return;
33283 |
33284 | return geometrys[0].getSnapRecords(point, inCoordRange);
33285 | };
33286 | Chart.prototype.getRecords = function (data, field) {
33287 | var geometrys = this.getGeometrys();
33288 | if (!geometrys.length) return;
33289 |
33290 | return geometrys[0].getRecords(data, field);
33291 | };
33292 | Chart.prototype.getLegendItems = function (point) {
33293 | var geometrys = this.getGeometrys();
33294 | if (!geometrys.length) return;
33295 |
33296 | return geometrys[0].getLegendItems(point);
33297 | };
33298 | Chart.prototype.setScale = function (field, option) {
33299 | this.scale.setScale(field, option);
33300 | };
33301 | Chart.prototype.getScale = function (field) {
33302 | return this.scale.getScale(field);
33303 | };
33304 | Chart.prototype.getScales = function () {
33305 | return this.scale.getScales();
33306 | };
33307 | Chart.prototype.getXScales = function () {
33308 | var geometrys = this.getGeometrys();
33309 | return geometrys.map(function (component) {
33310 |
33311 | return component.getXScale();
33312 | });
33313 | };
33314 | Chart.prototype.getYScales = function () {
33315 | var geometrys = this.getGeometrys();
33316 | return geometrys.map(function (component) {
33317 |
33318 | return component.getYScale();
33319 | });
33320 | };
33321 | Chart.prototype.getLayout = function () {
33322 | return this.coord.layout;
33323 | };
33324 | Chart.prototype.getCoord = function () {
33325 | return this.coord.coord;
33326 | };
33327 | Chart.prototype.filter = function (field, condition) {
33328 | var _a;
33329 | var filters = this.state.filters;
33330 | this.setState({
33331 | filters: __assign(__assign({}, filters), (_a = {}, _a[field] = condition, _a))
33332 | });
33333 | };
33334 | Chart.prototype._getRenderData = function () {
33335 | var _a = this,
33336 | props = _a.props,
33337 | state = _a.state;
33338 | var data = props.data;
33339 | var filters = state.filters;
33340 | if (!filters || !Object.keys(filters).length) {
33341 | return data;
33342 | }
33343 | var filteredData = data;
33344 | each(filters, function (condition, field) {
33345 | if (!condition) return;
33346 | filteredData = filteredData.filter(function (record) {
33347 | return condition(record[field], record);
33348 | });
33349 | });
33350 | return filteredData;
33351 | };
33352 | Chart.prototype.render = function () {
33353 | var _this = this;
33354 | var _a = this,
33355 | props = _a.props,
33356 | scale = _a.scale,
33357 | chartLayout = _a.layout;
33358 | var children = props.children,
33359 | originData = props.data;
33360 | if (!originData) return null;
33361 | var data = this._getRenderData();
33362 | var layout = this.getLayout();
33363 | var coord = this.getCoord();
33364 | var scaleOptions = scale.getOptions();
33365 | var width = chartLayout.width,
33366 | height = chartLayout.height;
33367 | return jsx("group", {
33368 | ref: this.coordRef,
33369 | style: {
33370 | width: width,
33371 | height: height,
33372 | fill: 'transparent'
33373 | }
33374 | }, Children.map(children, function (child) {
33375 | return Children.cloneElement(child, {
33376 | data: data,
33377 | chart: _this,
33378 | layout: layout,
33379 | coord: coord,
33380 |
33381 | scaleOptions: scaleOptions
33382 | });
33383 | }));
33384 | };
33385 | return Chart;
33386 | }(Component);
33387 |
33388 | function isEqual$1(origin1, origin2, fields) {
33389 | if (origin1 === origin2) {
33390 | return true;
33391 | }
33392 | for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) {
33393 | var field = fields[i];
33394 | if (origin1[field] !== origin2[field]) {
33395 | return false;
33396 | }
33397 | }
33398 | return true;
33399 | }
33400 | var Selection = function (_super) {
33401 | __extends(Selection, _super);
33402 | function Selection(props, context) {
33403 | var _this = _super.call(this, props, context) || this;
33404 | var selection = props.selection;
33405 | if (!selection) return _this;
33406 | var defaultSelected = selection.defaultSelected;
33407 | _this.state.selected = defaultSelected;
33408 | return _this;
33409 | }
33410 | Selection.prototype.didMount = function () {
33411 | var _this = this;
33412 | var _a = this,
33413 | props = _a.props,
33414 | state = _a.state;
33415 | var selection = props.selection,
33416 | chart = props.chart;
33417 | if (!selection) return;
33418 |
33419 | var _b = selection.triggerOn,
33420 | triggerOn = _b === void 0 ? 'click' : _b,
33421 | onChange = selection.onChange;
33422 | chart.on(triggerOn, function (ev) {
33423 | var points = ev.points,
33424 | x = ev.canvasX,
33425 | y = ev.canvasY;
33426 | var point = triggerOn === 'click' ? {
33427 | x: x,
33428 | y: y
33429 | } : points[0];
33430 | var records = _this.getSnapRecords(point);
33431 | var _a = selection.type,
33432 | type = _a === void 0 ? 'single' : _a,
33433 | _b = selection.cancelable,
33434 | cancelable = _b === void 0 ? true : _b;
33435 | if (!records || !records.length) {
33436 | if (cancelable) {
33437 | onChange && onChange({
33438 | selected: null
33439 | });
33440 | _this.setState({
33441 | selected: null
33442 | });
33443 | }
33444 | return;
33445 | }
33446 | var selected = state.selected;
33447 | var origins = records.map(function (record) {
33448 | return record.origin;
33449 | });
33450 | if (!selected || !selected.length) {
33451 | onChange && onChange({
33452 | selected: origins
33453 | });
33454 | _this.setState({
33455 | selected: origins
33456 | });
33457 | }
33458 | if (type === 'single') {
33459 | if (!cancelable) {
33460 | onChange && onChange({
33461 | selected: origins
33462 | });
33463 | _this.setState({
33464 | selected: origins
33465 | });
33466 | return;
33467 | }
33468 | var newSelected_1 = [];
33469 | records.forEach(function (record) {
33470 | if (!_this.isSelected(record)) {
33471 | newSelected_1.push(record.origin);
33472 | }
33473 | });
33474 | onChange && onChange({
33475 | selected: newSelected_1
33476 | });
33477 | _this.setState({
33478 | selected: newSelected_1
33479 | });
33480 | return;
33481 | }
33482 |
33483 | var scales = chart.getScales();
33484 | var fields = Object.keys(scales);
33485 | var selectedMap = {};
33486 | selected.forEach(function (item) {
33487 | var key = fields.map(function (field) {
33488 | return item[field];
33489 | }).join('-');
33490 | selectedMap[key] = item;
33491 | });
33492 | records.forEach(function (record) {
33493 | var origin = record.origin;
33494 | var key = fields.map(function (field) {
33495 | return origin[field];
33496 | }).join('-');
33497 | selectedMap[key] = selectedMap[key] ? null : origin;
33498 | });
33499 | var newSelected = Object.keys(selectedMap).map(function (key) {
33500 | return selectedMap[key];
33501 | }).filter(Boolean);
33502 | onChange && onChange({
33503 | selected: newSelected
33504 | });
33505 | _this.setState({
33506 | selected: newSelected
33507 | });
33508 | });
33509 | };
33510 | Selection.prototype.willReceiveProps = function (nextProps) {
33511 | var nextSelection = nextProps.selection;
33512 | var lastSelection = this.props.selection;
33513 | if (!nextSelection || !lastSelection) {
33514 | return;
33515 | }
33516 | var nextDefaultSelected = nextSelection.defaultSelected;
33517 | var lastDefaultSelected = lastSelection.defaultSelected;
33518 | if (!equal(nextDefaultSelected, lastDefaultSelected)) {
33519 | this.state.selected = nextDefaultSelected;
33520 | }
33521 | };
33522 | Selection.prototype.getSnapRecords = function (_point) {
33523 | return null;
33524 | };
33525 | Selection.prototype.isSelected = function (record) {
33526 | var _a = this,
33527 | state = _a.state,
33528 | props = _a.props;
33529 | var selected = state.selected;
33530 | if (!selected || !selected.length) {
33531 | return false;
33532 | }
33533 | var chart = props.chart;
33534 | var scales = chart.getScales();
33535 | var fields = Object.keys(scales);
33536 | for (var i = 0, len = selected.length; i < len; i++) {
33537 | var item = selected[i];
33538 | if (isEqual$1(record.origin, item, fields)) {
33539 | return true;
33540 | }
33541 | }
33542 | return false;
33543 | };
33544 | Selection.prototype.getSelectionStyle = function (record) {
33545 | var _a = this,
33546 | state = _a.state,
33547 | props = _a.props;
33548 | var selected = state.selected;
33549 | if (!selected || !selected.length) {
33550 | return null;
33551 | }
33552 | var selection = props.selection;
33553 | var selectedStyle = selection.selectedStyle,
33554 | unSelectedStyle = selection.unSelectedStyle;
33555 | var isSelected = this.isSelected(record);
33556 | if (isSelected) {
33557 | return isFunction(selectedStyle) ? selectedStyle(record) : selectedStyle;
33558 | }
33559 | return isFunction(unSelectedStyle) ? unSelectedStyle(record) : unSelectedStyle;
33560 | };
33561 | return Selection;
33562 | }(Component);
33563 |
33564 | var DEFAULT_Y = 0;
33565 |
33566 | var MARGIN_RATIO = 1 / 2;
33567 | var DODGE_RATIO = 1 / 2;
33568 |
33569 | var GAP = 0.05;
33570 |
33571 | var Adjust = function () {
33572 | function Adjust(cfg) {
33573 | var xField = cfg.xField,
33574 | yField = cfg.yField,
33575 | _a = cfg.adjustNames,
33576 | adjustNames = _a === void 0 ? ['x', 'y'] : _a,
33577 | dimValuesMap = cfg.dimValuesMap;
33578 | this.adjustNames = adjustNames;
33579 | this.xField = xField;
33580 | this.yField = yField;
33581 | this.dimValuesMap = dimValuesMap;
33582 | }
33583 | |
33584 |
33585 |
33586 |
33587 | Adjust.prototype.isAdjust = function (dim) {
33588 | return this.adjustNames.indexOf(dim) >= 0;
33589 | };
33590 | Adjust.prototype.getAdjustRange = function (dim, dimValue, values) {
33591 | var yField = this.yField;
33592 | var index = values.indexOf(dimValue);
33593 | var length = values.length;
33594 | var pre;
33595 | var next;
33596 |
33597 | if (!yField && this.isAdjust('y')) {
33598 | pre = 0;
33599 | next = 1;
33600 | } else if (length > 1) {
33601 |
33602 | pre = values[index === 0 ? 0 : index - 1];
33603 |
33604 | next = values[index === length - 1 ? length - 1 : index + 1];
33605 | if (index !== 0) {
33606 | pre += (dimValue - pre) / 2;
33607 | } else {
33608 | pre -= (next - dimValue) / 2;
33609 | }
33610 | if (index !== length - 1) {
33611 | next -= (next - dimValue) / 2;
33612 | } else {
33613 | next += (dimValue - values[length - 2]) / 2;
33614 | }
33615 | } else {
33616 | pre = dimValue === 0 ? 0 : dimValue - 0.5;
33617 | next = dimValue === 0 ? 1 : dimValue + 0.5;
33618 | }
33619 | return {
33620 | pre: pre,
33621 | next: next
33622 | };
33623 | };
33624 | Adjust.prototype.adjustData = function (groupedDataArray, mergedData) {
33625 | var _this = this;
33626 |
33627 | var dimValuesMap = this.getDimValues(mergedData);
33628 |
33629 | each(groupedDataArray, function (dataArray, index) {
33630 |
33631 |
33632 | each(dimValuesMap, function (values, dim) {
33633 |
33634 | _this.adjustDim(dim, values, dataArray, index);
33635 | });
33636 | });
33637 | };
33638 | |
33639 |
33640 |
33641 |
33642 |
33643 |
33644 | Adjust.prototype.groupData = function (data, dim) {
33645 |
33646 | each(data, function (record) {
33647 | if (record[dim] === undefined) {
33648 | record[dim] = DEFAULT_Y;
33649 | }
33650 | });
33651 |
33652 | return groupBy(data, dim);
33653 | };
33654 |
33655 | Adjust.prototype.adjustDim = function (_dim, _values, _data, _index) {};
33656 | |
33657 |
33658 |
33659 |
33660 |
33661 | Adjust.prototype.getDimValues = function (mergedData) {
33662 | var _a = this,
33663 | xField = _a.xField,
33664 | yField = _a.yField;
33665 | var dimValuesMap = mix({}, this.dimValuesMap);
33666 |
33667 | var dims = [];
33668 | if (xField && this.isAdjust('x')) {
33669 | dims.push(xField);
33670 | }
33671 | if (yField && this.isAdjust('y')) {
33672 | dims.push(yField);
33673 | }
33674 | dims.forEach(function (dim) {
33675 | if (dimValuesMap && dimValuesMap[dim]) {
33676 | return;
33677 | }
33678 |
33679 | dimValuesMap[dim] = valuesOfKey(mergedData, dim).sort(function (v1, v2) {
33680 | return v1 - v2;
33681 | }).filter(function (v) {
33682 | return !isNaN(v);
33683 | });
33684 | });
33685 |
33686 | if (!yField && this.isAdjust('y')) {
33687 | var dim = 'y';
33688 | dimValuesMap[dim] = [DEFAULT_Y, 1];
33689 | }
33690 | return dimValuesMap;
33691 | };
33692 | return Adjust;
33693 | }();
33694 |
33695 | var Dodge = function (_super) {
33696 | __extends(Dodge, _super);
33697 | function Dodge(cfg) {
33698 | var _this = _super.call(this, cfg) || this;
33699 | _this.cacheMap = {};
33700 | _this.adjustDataArray = [];
33701 | _this.mergeData = [];
33702 | var _a = cfg.marginRatio,
33703 | marginRatio = _a === void 0 ? MARGIN_RATIO : _a,
33704 | _b = cfg.dodgeRatio,
33705 | dodgeRatio = _b === void 0 ? DODGE_RATIO : _b,
33706 | dodgeBy = cfg.dodgeBy,
33707 | intervalPadding = cfg.intervalPadding,
33708 | dodgePadding = cfg.dodgePadding,
33709 | xDimensionLength = cfg.xDimensionLength,
33710 | groupNum = cfg.groupNum,
33711 | defaultSize = cfg.defaultSize,
33712 | maxColumnWidth = cfg.maxColumnWidth,
33713 | minColumnWidth = cfg.minColumnWidth,
33714 | columnWidthRatio = cfg.columnWidthRatio,
33715 | customOffset = cfg.customOffset;
33716 | _this.marginRatio = marginRatio;
33717 | _this.dodgeRatio = dodgeRatio;
33718 | _this.dodgeBy = dodgeBy;
33719 | _this.intervalPadding = intervalPadding;
33720 | _this.dodgePadding = dodgePadding;
33721 | _this.xDimensionLegenth = xDimensionLength;
33722 | _this.groupNum = groupNum;
33723 | _this.defaultSize = defaultSize;
33724 | _this.maxColumnWidth = maxColumnWidth;
33725 | _this.minColumnWidth = minColumnWidth;
33726 | _this.columnWidthRatio = columnWidthRatio;
33727 | _this.customOffset = customOffset;
33728 | return _this;
33729 | }
33730 | Dodge.prototype.process = function (groupDataArray) {
33731 | var groupedDataArray = clone(groupDataArray);
33732 |
33733 | var mergeData = flatten(groupedDataArray);
33734 | var dodgeBy = this.dodgeBy;
33735 |
33736 | var adjustDataArray = dodgeBy ? group(mergeData, dodgeBy) : groupedDataArray;
33737 | this.cacheMap = {};
33738 | this.adjustDataArray = adjustDataArray;
33739 | this.mergeData = mergeData;
33740 | this.adjustData(adjustDataArray, mergeData);
33741 | this.adjustDataArray = [];
33742 | this.mergeData = [];
33743 | return groupedDataArray;
33744 | };
33745 | Dodge.prototype.adjustDim = function (dim, values, data, frameIndex) {
33746 | var _this = this;
33747 | var customOffset = this.customOffset;
33748 | var map = this.getDistribution(dim);
33749 | var groupData = this.groupData(data, dim);
33750 | each(groupData, function (group, key) {
33751 | var range;
33752 |
33753 | if (values.length === 1) {
33754 | range = {
33755 | pre: values[0] - 1,
33756 | next: values[0] + 1
33757 | };
33758 | } else {
33759 |
33760 | range = _this.getAdjustRange(dim, parseFloat(key), values);
33761 | }
33762 | each(group, function (d) {
33763 | var value = d[dim];
33764 | var valueArr = map[value];
33765 | var valIndex = valueArr.indexOf(frameIndex);
33766 | if (!isNil(customOffset)) {
33767 | var pre = range.pre,
33768 | next = range.next;
33769 | d[dim] = isFunction(customOffset) ? customOffset(d, range) : (pre + next) / 2 + customOffset;
33770 | } else {
33771 | d[dim] = _this.getDodgeOffset(range, valIndex, valueArr.length);
33772 | }
33773 | });
33774 | });
33775 | return [];
33776 | };
33777 | Dodge.prototype.getDodgeOffset = function (range, idx, len) {
33778 | var _a = this,
33779 | dodgeRatio = _a.dodgeRatio,
33780 | marginRatio = _a.marginRatio,
33781 | intervalPadding = _a.intervalPadding,
33782 | dodgePadding = _a.dodgePadding;
33783 | var pre = range.pre,
33784 | next = range.next;
33785 | var tickLength = next - pre;
33786 | var position;
33787 |
33788 | if (!isNil(intervalPadding) && isNil(dodgePadding) && intervalPadding >= 0) {
33789 |
33790 | var offset = this.getIntervalOnlyOffset(len, idx);
33791 | position = pre + offset;
33792 | } else if (!isNil(dodgePadding) && isNil(intervalPadding) && dodgePadding >= 0) {
33793 |
33794 | var offset = this.getDodgeOnlyOffset(len, idx);
33795 | position = pre + offset;
33796 | } else if (!isNil(intervalPadding) && !isNil(dodgePadding) && intervalPadding >= 0 && dodgePadding >= 0) {
33797 |
33798 | var offset = this.getIntervalAndDodgeOffset(len, idx);
33799 | position = pre + offset;
33800 | } else {
33801 |
33802 | var width = tickLength * dodgeRatio / len;
33803 | var margin = marginRatio * width;
33804 | var offset = 1 / 2 * (tickLength - len * width - (len - 1) * margin) + ((idx + 1) * width + idx * margin) - 1 / 2 * width - 1 / 2 * tickLength;
33805 | position = (pre + next) / 2 + offset;
33806 | }
33807 | return position;
33808 | };
33809 | Dodge.prototype.getIntervalOnlyOffset = function (len, idx) {
33810 | var _a = this,
33811 | defaultSize = _a.defaultSize,
33812 | intervalPadding = _a.intervalPadding,
33813 | xDimensionLegenth = _a.xDimensionLegenth,
33814 | groupNum = _a.groupNum,
33815 | dodgeRatio = _a.dodgeRatio,
33816 | maxColumnWidth = _a.maxColumnWidth,
33817 | minColumnWidth = _a.minColumnWidth,
33818 | columnWidthRatio = _a.columnWidthRatio;
33819 | var normalizedIntervalPadding = intervalPadding / xDimensionLegenth;
33820 | var normalizedDodgePadding = (1 - (groupNum - 1) * normalizedIntervalPadding) / groupNum * dodgeRatio / (len - 1);
33821 | var geomWidth = ((1 - normalizedIntervalPadding * (groupNum - 1)) / groupNum - normalizedDodgePadding * (len - 1)) / len;
33822 |
33823 | geomWidth = !isNil(columnWidthRatio) ? 1 / groupNum / len * columnWidthRatio : geomWidth;
33824 | if (!isNil(maxColumnWidth)) {
33825 | var normalizedMaxWidht = maxColumnWidth / xDimensionLegenth;
33826 | geomWidth = Math.min(geomWidth, normalizedMaxWidht);
33827 | }
33828 | if (!isNil(minColumnWidth)) {
33829 | var normalizedMinWidht = minColumnWidth / xDimensionLegenth;
33830 | geomWidth = Math.max(geomWidth, normalizedMinWidht);
33831 | }
33832 | geomWidth = defaultSize ? defaultSize / xDimensionLegenth : geomWidth;
33833 |
33834 | normalizedDodgePadding = ((1 - (groupNum - 1) * normalizedIntervalPadding) / groupNum - len * geomWidth) / (len - 1);
33835 | var offset = ((1 / 2 + idx) * geomWidth + idx * normalizedDodgePadding + 1 / 2 * normalizedIntervalPadding) * groupNum - normalizedIntervalPadding / 2;
33836 | return offset;
33837 | };
33838 | Dodge.prototype.getDodgeOnlyOffset = function (len, idx) {
33839 | var _a = this,
33840 | defaultSize = _a.defaultSize,
33841 | dodgePadding = _a.dodgePadding,
33842 | xDimensionLegenth = _a.xDimensionLegenth,
33843 | groupNum = _a.groupNum,
33844 | marginRatio = _a.marginRatio,
33845 | maxColumnWidth = _a.maxColumnWidth,
33846 | minColumnWidth = _a.minColumnWidth,
33847 | columnWidthRatio = _a.columnWidthRatio;
33848 | var normalizedDodgePadding = dodgePadding / xDimensionLegenth;
33849 | var normalizedIntervalPadding = 1 * marginRatio / (groupNum - 1);
33850 | var geomWidth = ((1 - normalizedIntervalPadding * (groupNum - 1)) / groupNum - normalizedDodgePadding * (len - 1)) / len;
33851 |
33852 | geomWidth = columnWidthRatio ? 1 / groupNum / len * columnWidthRatio : geomWidth;
33853 | if (!isNil(maxColumnWidth)) {
33854 | var normalizedMaxWidht = maxColumnWidth / xDimensionLegenth;
33855 | geomWidth = Math.min(geomWidth, normalizedMaxWidht);
33856 | }
33857 | if (!isNil(minColumnWidth)) {
33858 | var normalizedMinWidht = minColumnWidth / xDimensionLegenth;
33859 | geomWidth = Math.max(geomWidth, normalizedMinWidht);
33860 | }
33861 | geomWidth = defaultSize ? defaultSize / xDimensionLegenth : geomWidth;
33862 |
33863 | normalizedIntervalPadding = (1 - (geomWidth * len + normalizedDodgePadding * (len - 1)) * groupNum) / (groupNum - 1);
33864 | var offset = ((1 / 2 + idx) * geomWidth + idx * normalizedDodgePadding + 1 / 2 * normalizedIntervalPadding) * groupNum - normalizedIntervalPadding / 2;
33865 | return offset;
33866 | };
33867 | Dodge.prototype.getIntervalAndDodgeOffset = function (len, idx) {
33868 | var _a = this,
33869 | intervalPadding = _a.intervalPadding,
33870 | dodgePadding = _a.dodgePadding,
33871 | xDimensionLegenth = _a.xDimensionLegenth,
33872 | groupNum = _a.groupNum;
33873 | var normalizedIntervalPadding = intervalPadding / xDimensionLegenth;
33874 | var normalizedDodgePadding = dodgePadding / xDimensionLegenth;
33875 | var geomWidth = ((1 - normalizedIntervalPadding * (groupNum - 1)) / groupNum - normalizedDodgePadding * (len - 1)) / len;
33876 | var offset = ((1 / 2 + idx) * geomWidth + idx * normalizedDodgePadding + 1 / 2 * normalizedIntervalPadding) * groupNum - normalizedIntervalPadding / 2;
33877 | return offset;
33878 | };
33879 | Dodge.prototype.getDistribution = function (dim) {
33880 | var groupedDataArray = this.adjustDataArray;
33881 | var cacheMap = this.cacheMap;
33882 | var map = cacheMap[dim];
33883 | if (!map) {
33884 | map = {};
33885 | each(groupedDataArray, function (data, index) {
33886 | var values = valuesOfKey(data, dim);
33887 | if (!values.length) {
33888 | values.push(0);
33889 | }
33890 | each(values, function (val) {
33891 | if (!map[val]) {
33892 | map[val] = [];
33893 | }
33894 | map[val].push(index);
33895 | });
33896 | });
33897 | cacheMap[dim] = map;
33898 | }
33899 | return map;
33900 | };
33901 | return Dodge;
33902 | }(Adjust);
33903 |
33904 | function randomNumber(min, max) {
33905 | return (max - min) * Math.random() + min;
33906 | }
33907 | var Jitter = function (_super) {
33908 | __extends(Jitter, _super);
33909 | function Jitter() {
33910 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
33911 | }
33912 | Jitter.prototype.process = function (groupDataArray) {
33913 | var groupedDataArray = clone(groupDataArray);
33914 |
33915 | var mergeData = flatten(groupedDataArray);
33916 |
33917 | this.adjustData(groupedDataArray, mergeData);
33918 | return groupedDataArray;
33919 | };
33920 | |
33921 |
33922 |
33923 |
33924 |
33925 |
33926 | Jitter.prototype.adjustDim = function (dim, values, dataArray) {
33927 | var _this = this;
33928 |
33929 | var groupDataArray = this.groupData(dataArray, dim);
33930 | return each(groupDataArray, function (data, dimValue) {
33931 | return _this.adjustGroup(data, dim, parseFloat(dimValue), values);
33932 | });
33933 | };
33934 |
33935 | Jitter.prototype.getAdjustOffset = function (range) {
33936 | var pre = range.pre,
33937 | next = range.next;
33938 |
33939 | var margin = (next - pre) * GAP;
33940 | return randomNumber(pre + margin, next - margin);
33941 | };
33942 |
33943 | Jitter.prototype.adjustGroup = function (group, dim, dimValue, values) {
33944 | var _this = this;
33945 |
33946 | var range = this.getAdjustRange(dim, dimValue, values);
33947 | each(group, function (data) {
33948 | data[dim] = _this.getAdjustOffset(range);
33949 | });
33950 | return group;
33951 | };
33952 | return Jitter;
33953 | }(Adjust);
33954 |
33955 | var Stack = function (_super) {
33956 | __extends(Stack, _super);
33957 | function Stack(cfg) {
33958 | var _this = _super.call(this, cfg) || this;
33959 | var _a = cfg.adjustNames,
33960 | adjustNames = _a === void 0 ? ['y'] : _a,
33961 | _b = cfg.height,
33962 | height = _b === void 0 ? NaN : _b,
33963 | _c = cfg.size,
33964 | size = _c === void 0 ? 10 : _c,
33965 | _d = cfg.reverseOrder,
33966 | reverseOrder = _d === void 0 ? false : _d;
33967 | _this.adjustNames = adjustNames;
33968 | _this.height = height;
33969 | _this.size = size;
33970 | _this.reverseOrder = reverseOrder;
33971 | return _this;
33972 | }
33973 | |
33974 |
33975 |
33976 |
33977 | Stack.prototype.process = function (groupDataArray) {
33978 | var _a = this,
33979 | yField = _a.yField,
33980 | reverseOrder = _a.reverseOrder;
33981 |
33982 |
33983 | var d = yField ? this.processStack(groupDataArray) : this.processOneDimStack(groupDataArray);
33984 | return reverseOrder ? this.reverse(d) : d;
33985 | };
33986 | Stack.prototype.reverse = function (groupedDataArray) {
33987 | return groupedDataArray.slice(0).reverse();
33988 | };
33989 | Stack.prototype.processStack = function (groupDataArray) {
33990 | var _a = this,
33991 | xField = _a.xField,
33992 | yField = _a.yField,
33993 | reverseOrder = _a.reverseOrder;
33994 |
33995 | var groupedDataArray = reverseOrder ? this.reverse(groupDataArray) : groupDataArray;
33996 |
33997 | var positive = new default_1();
33998 | var negative = new default_1();
33999 | return groupedDataArray.map(function (dataArray) {
34000 | return dataArray.map(function (data) {
34001 | var _a;
34002 | var x = get(data, xField, 0);
34003 | var y = get(data, [yField]);
34004 | var xKey = x.toString();
34005 | // todo 是否应该取 _origin?因为 y 可能取到的值不正确,比如先 symmetric,再 stack!
34006 | y = isArray(y) ? y[1] : y;
34007 | if (!isNil(y)) {
34008 | var cache = y >= 0 ? positive : negative;
34009 | if (!cache.has(xKey)) {
34010 | cache.set(xKey, 0);
34011 | }
34012 | var xValue = cache.get(xKey);
34013 | var newXValue = y + xValue;
34014 |
34015 | cache.set(xKey, newXValue);
34016 | return __assign(__assign({}, data), (_a = {}, _a[yField] = [xValue, newXValue], _a));
34017 | }
34018 |
34019 | return data;
34020 | });
34021 | });
34022 | };
34023 | Stack.prototype.processOneDimStack = function (groupDataArray) {
34024 | var _this = this;
34025 | var _a = this,
34026 | xField = _a.xField,
34027 | height = _a.height,
34028 | reverseOrder = _a.reverseOrder;
34029 | var yField = 'y';
34030 |
34031 | var groupedDataArray = reverseOrder ? this.reverse(groupDataArray) : groupDataArray;
34032 |
34033 | var cache = new default_1();
34034 | return groupedDataArray.map(function (dataArray) {
34035 | return dataArray.map(function (data) {
34036 | var _a;
34037 | var size = _this.size;
34038 | var xValue = data[xField];
34039 |
34040 | var stackHeight = size * 2 / height;
34041 | if (!cache.has(xValue)) {
34042 | cache.set(xValue, stackHeight / 2);
34043 | }
34044 | var stackValue = cache.get(xValue);
34045 |
34046 | cache.set(xValue, stackValue + stackHeight);
34047 | return __assign(__assign({}, data), (_a = {}, _a[yField] = stackValue, _a));
34048 | });
34049 | });
34050 | };
34051 | return Stack;
34052 | }(Adjust);
34053 |
34054 | var Symmetric = function (_super) {
34055 | __extends(Symmetric, _super);
34056 | function Symmetric() {
34057 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
34058 | }
34059 | Symmetric.prototype.process = function (groupDataArray) {
34060 | var mergeData = flatten(groupDataArray);
34061 | var _a = this,
34062 | xField = _a.xField,
34063 | yField = _a.yField;
34064 |
34065 | var cache = this.getXValuesMaxMap(mergeData);
34066 |
34067 | var max = Math.max.apply(Math, Object.keys(cache).map(function (key) {
34068 | return cache[key];
34069 | }));
34070 | return map(groupDataArray, function (dataArray) {
34071 | return map(dataArray, function (data) {
34072 | var _a, _b;
34073 | var yValue = data[yField];
34074 | var xValue = data[xField];
34075 |
34076 | if (isArray(yValue)) {
34077 | var off_1 = (max - cache[xValue]) / 2;
34078 | return __assign(__assign({}, data), (_a = {}, _a[yField] = map(yValue, function (y) {
34079 | return off_1 + y;
34080 | }), _a));
34081 | }
34082 |
34083 | var offset = (max - yValue) / 2;
34084 | return __assign(__assign({}, data), (_b = {}, _b[yField] = [offset, yValue + offset], _b));
34085 | });
34086 | });
34087 | };
34088 |
34089 | Symmetric.prototype.getXValuesMaxMap = function (mergeData) {
34090 | var _this = this;
34091 | var _a = this,
34092 | xField = _a.xField,
34093 | yField = _a.yField;
34094 |
34095 | var groupDataArray = groupBy(mergeData, function (data) {
34096 | return data[xField];
34097 | });
34098 |
34099 | return mapValues(groupDataArray, function (dataArray) {
34100 | return _this.getDimMaxValue(dataArray, yField);
34101 | });
34102 | };
34103 | Symmetric.prototype.getDimMaxValue = function (mergeData, dim) {
34104 |
34105 | var dimValues = map(mergeData, function (data) {
34106 | return get(data, dim, []);
34107 | });
34108 | // 将数组打平(dim value 有可能是数组,比如 stack 之后的)
34109 | var flattenValues = flatten(dimValues);
34110 | // 求出数组的最大值
34111 | return Math.max.apply(Math, flattenValues);
34112 | };
34113 | return Symmetric;
34114 | }(Adjust);
34115 |
34116 | function toTimeStamp$1(value) {
34117 | if (isString(value)) {
34118 | if (value.indexOf('T') > 0) {
34119 | value = new Date(value).getTime();
34120 | } else {
34121 |
34122 |
34123 |
34124 | value = new Date(value.replace(/-/gi, '/')).getTime();
34125 | }
34126 | }
34127 | if (isDate(value)) {
34128 | value = value.getTime();
34129 | }
34130 | return value;
34131 | }
34132 |
34133 | var Base$1 = function () {
34134 | function Base(options) {
34135 | mix(this, options);
34136 | var _a = this,
34137 | scale = _a.scale,
34138 | field = _a.field,
34139 | data = _a.data;
34140 | if (!scale && data) {
34141 | var values = valuesOfKey(data, field);
34142 | this.scale = this.createScale({
34143 | values: values,
34144 | field: field
34145 | });
34146 | }
34147 | }
34148 | Base.prototype.createScale = function (_scaleConfig) {
34149 | return null;
34150 | };
34151 |
34152 | Base.prototype._mapping = function (value) {
34153 | return value;
34154 | };
34155 | Base.prototype.update = function (options) {
34156 | mix(this, options);
34157 | };
34158 | Base.prototype.setRange = function (range) {
34159 | this.range = range;
34160 | };
34161 |
34162 | Base.prototype.normalize = function (value) {
34163 | var scale = this.scale;
34164 | if (isArray(value)) {
34165 | return value.map(function (v) {
34166 | return scale.scale(v);
34167 | });
34168 | }
34169 | return scale.scale(value);
34170 | };
34171 |
34172 | Base.prototype.convert = function (value) {
34173 | return value;
34174 | };
34175 |
34176 | Base.prototype.mapping = function (value, child) {
34177 | if (child === void 0) {
34178 | child = null;
34179 | }
34180 | var rst = isFunction(this.callback) ? this.callback(value, child) : null;
34181 | if (!isNil(rst)) {
34182 | return rst;
34183 | }
34184 | return this._mapping(value);
34185 | };
34186 | return Base;
34187 | }();
34188 |
34189 | var _typeof_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
34190 | function _typeof(o) {
34191 | "@babel/helpers - typeof";
34192 |
34193 | return module.exports = _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) {
34194 | return typeof o;
34195 | } : function (o) {
34196 | return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
34197 | }, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports, _typeof(o);
34198 | }
34199 | module.exports = _typeof, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
34200 | });
34201 |
34202 | function define$1 (constructor, factory, prototype) {
34203 | constructor.prototype = factory.prototype = prototype;
34204 | prototype.constructor = constructor;
34205 | }
34206 | function extend$1(parent, definition) {
34207 | var prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
34208 | for (var key in definition) prototype[key] = definition[key];
34209 | return prototype;
34210 | }
34211 |
34212 | function Color$1() {}
34213 | var _darker = 0.7;
34214 | var _brighter = 1 / _darker;
34215 | var reI$1 = "\\s*([+-]?\\d+)\\s*",
34216 | reN$1 = "\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)\\s*",
34217 | reP$1 = "\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)%\\s*",
34218 | reHex$1 = /^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/,
34219 | reRgbInteger$1 = new RegExp("^rgb\\(" + [reI$1, reI$1, reI$1] + "\\)$"),
34220 | reRgbPercent$1 = new RegExp("^rgb\\(" + [reP$1, reP$1, reP$1] + "\\)$"),
34221 | reRgbaInteger$1 = new RegExp("^rgba\\(" + [reI$1, reI$1, reI$1, reN$1] + "\\)$"),
34222 | reRgbaPercent$1 = new RegExp("^rgba\\(" + [reP$1, reP$1, reP$1, reN$1] + "\\)$"),
34223 | reHslPercent$1 = new RegExp("^hsl\\(" + [reN$1, reP$1, reP$1] + "\\)$"),
34224 | reHslaPercent$1 = new RegExp("^hsla\\(" + [reN$1, reP$1, reP$1, reN$1] + "\\)$");
34225 | var named$1 = {
34226 | aliceblue: 0xf0f8ff,
34227 | antiquewhite: 0xfaebd7,
34228 | aqua: 0x00ffff,
34229 | aquamarine: 0x7fffd4,
34230 | azure: 0xf0ffff,
34231 | beige: 0xf5f5dc,
34232 | bisque: 0xffe4c4,
34233 | black: 0x000000,
34234 | blanchedalmond: 0xffebcd,
34235 | blue: 0x0000ff,
34236 | blueviolet: 0x8a2be2,
34237 | brown: 0xa52a2a,
34238 | burlywood: 0xdeb887,
34239 | cadetblue: 0x5f9ea0,
34240 | chartreuse: 0x7fff00,
34241 | chocolate: 0xd2691e,
34242 | coral: 0xff7f50,
34243 | cornflowerblue: 0x6495ed,
34244 | cornsilk: 0xfff8dc,
34245 | crimson: 0xdc143c,
34246 | cyan: 0x00ffff,
34247 | darkblue: 0x00008b,
34248 | darkcyan: 0x008b8b,
34249 | darkgoldenrod: 0xb8860b,
34250 | darkgray: 0xa9a9a9,
34251 | darkgreen: 0x006400,
34252 | darkgrey: 0xa9a9a9,
34253 | darkkhaki: 0xbdb76b,
34254 | darkmagenta: 0x8b008b,
34255 | darkolivegreen: 0x556b2f,
34256 | darkorange: 0xff8c00,
34257 | darkorchid: 0x9932cc,
34258 | darkred: 0x8b0000,
34259 | darksalmon: 0xe9967a,
34260 | darkseagreen: 0x8fbc8f,
34261 | darkslateblue: 0x483d8b,
34262 | darkslategray: 0x2f4f4f,
34263 | darkslategrey: 0x2f4f4f,
34264 | darkturquoise: 0x00ced1,
34265 | darkviolet: 0x9400d3,
34266 | deeppink: 0xff1493,
34267 | deepskyblue: 0x00bfff,
34268 | dimgray: 0x696969,
34269 | dimgrey: 0x696969,
34270 | dodgerblue: 0x1e90ff,
34271 | firebrick: 0xb22222,
34272 | floralwhite: 0xfffaf0,
34273 | forestgreen: 0x228b22,
34274 | fuchsia: 0xff00ff,
34275 | gainsboro: 0xdcdcdc,
34276 | ghostwhite: 0xf8f8ff,
34277 | gold: 0xffd700,
34278 | goldenrod: 0xdaa520,
34279 | gray: 0x808080,
34280 | green: 0x008000,
34281 | greenyellow: 0xadff2f,
34282 | grey: 0x808080,
34283 | honeydew: 0xf0fff0,
34284 | hotpink: 0xff69b4,
34285 | indianred: 0xcd5c5c,
34286 | indigo: 0x4b0082,
34287 | ivory: 0xfffff0,
34288 | khaki: 0xf0e68c,
34289 | lavender: 0xe6e6fa,
34290 | lavenderblush: 0xfff0f5,
34291 | lawngreen: 0x7cfc00,
34292 | lemonchiffon: 0xfffacd,
34293 | lightblue: 0xadd8e6,
34294 | lightcoral: 0xf08080,
34295 | lightcyan: 0xe0ffff,
34296 | lightgoldenrodyellow: 0xfafad2,
34297 | lightgray: 0xd3d3d3,
34298 | lightgreen: 0x90ee90,
34299 | lightgrey: 0xd3d3d3,
34300 | lightpink: 0xffb6c1,
34301 | lightsalmon: 0xffa07a,
34302 | lightseagreen: 0x20b2aa,
34303 | lightskyblue: 0x87cefa,
34304 | lightslategray: 0x778899,
34305 | lightslategrey: 0x778899,
34306 | lightsteelblue: 0xb0c4de,
34307 | lightyellow: 0xffffe0,
34308 | lime: 0x00ff00,
34309 | limegreen: 0x32cd32,
34310 | linen: 0xfaf0e6,
34311 | magenta: 0xff00ff,
34312 | maroon: 0x800000,
34313 | mediumaquamarine: 0x66cdaa,
34314 | mediumblue: 0x0000cd,
34315 | mediumorchid: 0xba55d3,
34316 | mediumpurple: 0x9370db,
34317 | mediumseagreen: 0x3cb371,
34318 | mediumslateblue: 0x7b68ee,
34319 | mediumspringgreen: 0x00fa9a,
34320 | mediumturquoise: 0x48d1cc,
34321 | mediumvioletred: 0xc71585,
34322 | midnightblue: 0x191970,
34323 | mintcream: 0xf5fffa,
34324 | mistyrose: 0xffe4e1,
34325 | moccasin: 0xffe4b5,
34326 | navajowhite: 0xffdead,
34327 | navy: 0x000080,
34328 | oldlace: 0xfdf5e6,
34329 | olive: 0x808000,
34330 | olivedrab: 0x6b8e23,
34331 | orange: 0xffa500,
34332 | orangered: 0xff4500,
34333 | orchid: 0xda70d6,
34334 | palegoldenrod: 0xeee8aa,
34335 | palegreen: 0x98fb98,
34336 | paleturquoise: 0xafeeee,
34337 | palevioletred: 0xdb7093,
34338 | papayawhip: 0xffefd5,
34339 | peachpuff: 0xffdab9,
34340 | peru: 0xcd853f,
34341 | pink: 0xffc0cb,
34342 | plum: 0xdda0dd,
34343 | powderblue: 0xb0e0e6,
34344 | purple: 0x800080,
34345 | rebeccapurple: 0x663399,
34346 | red: 0xff0000,
34347 | rosybrown: 0xbc8f8f,
34348 | royalblue: 0x4169e1,
34349 | saddlebrown: 0x8b4513,
34350 | salmon: 0xfa8072,
34351 | sandybrown: 0xf4a460,
34352 | seagreen: 0x2e8b57,
34353 | seashell: 0xfff5ee,
34354 | sienna: 0xa0522d,
34355 | silver: 0xc0c0c0,
34356 | skyblue: 0x87ceeb,
34357 | slateblue: 0x6a5acd,
34358 | slategray: 0x708090,
34359 | slategrey: 0x708090,
34360 | snow: 0xfffafa,
34361 | springgreen: 0x00ff7f,
34362 | steelblue: 0x4682b4,
34363 | tan: 0xd2b48c,
34364 | teal: 0x008080,
34365 | thistle: 0xd8bfd8,
34366 | tomato: 0xff6347,
34367 | turquoise: 0x40e0d0,
34368 | violet: 0xee82ee,
34369 | wheat: 0xf5deb3,
34370 | white: 0xffffff,
34371 | whitesmoke: 0xf5f5f5,
34372 | yellow: 0xffff00,
34373 | yellowgreen: 0x9acd32
34374 | };
34375 | define$1(Color$1, color$1, {
34376 | copy: function copy(channels) {
34377 | return Object.assign(new this.constructor(), this, channels);
34378 | },
34379 | displayable: function displayable() {
34380 | return this.rgb().displayable();
34381 | },
34382 | hex: color_formatHex$1,
34383 |
34384 | formatHex: color_formatHex$1,
34385 | formatHsl: color_formatHsl$1,
34386 | formatRgb: color_formatRgb$1,
34387 | toString: color_formatRgb$1
34388 | });
34389 | function color_formatHex$1() {
34390 | return this.rgb().formatHex();
34391 | }
34392 | function color_formatHsl$1() {
34393 | return hslConvert$1(this).formatHsl();
34394 | }
34395 | function color_formatRgb$1() {
34396 | return this.rgb().formatRgb();
34397 | }
34398 | function color$1(format) {
34399 | var m, l;
34400 | format = (format + "").trim().toLowerCase();
34401 | return (m = reHex$1.exec(format)) ? (l = m[1].length, m = parseInt(m[1], 16), l === 6 ? rgbn$1(m)
34402 | : l === 3 ? new Rgb$1(m >> 8 & 0xf | m >> 4 & 0xf0, m >> 4 & 0xf | m & 0xf0, (m & 0xf) << 4 | m & 0xf, 1)
34403 | : l === 8 ? rgba$1(m >> 24 & 0xff, m >> 16 & 0xff, m >> 8 & 0xff, (m & 0xff) / 0xff)
34404 | : l === 4 ? rgba$1(m >> 12 & 0xf | m >> 8 & 0xf0, m >> 8 & 0xf | m >> 4 & 0xf0, m >> 4 & 0xf | m & 0xf0, ((m & 0xf) << 4 | m & 0xf) / 0xff)
34405 | : null
34406 | ) : (m = reRgbInteger$1.exec(format)) ? new Rgb$1(m[1], m[2], m[3], 1)
34407 | : (m = reRgbPercent$1.exec(format)) ? new Rgb$1(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, 1)
34408 | : (m = reRgbaInteger$1.exec(format)) ? rgba$1(m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4])
34409 | : (m = reRgbaPercent$1.exec(format)) ? rgba$1(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, m[4])
34410 | : (m = reHslPercent$1.exec(format)) ? hsla$1(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, 1)
34411 | : (m = reHslaPercent$1.exec(format)) ? hsla$1(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, m[4])
34412 | : named$1.hasOwnProperty(format) ? rgbn$1(named$1[format])
34413 | : format === "transparent" ? new Rgb$1(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0) : null;
34414 | }
34415 | function rgbn$1(n) {
34416 | return new Rgb$1(n >> 16 & 0xff, n >> 8 & 0xff, n & 0xff, 1);
34417 | }
34418 | function rgba$1(r, g, b, a) {
34419 | if (a <= 0) r = g = b = NaN;
34420 | return new Rgb$1(r, g, b, a);
34421 | }
34422 | function rgbConvert$1(o) {
34423 | if (!(o instanceof Color$1)) o = color$1(o);
34424 | if (!o) return new Rgb$1();
34425 | o = o.rgb();
34426 | return new Rgb$1(o.r, o.g, o.b, o.opacity);
34427 | }
34428 | function rgb$1(r, g, b, opacity) {
34429 | return arguments.length === 1 ? rgbConvert$1(r) : new Rgb$1(r, g, b, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
34430 | }
34431 | function Rgb$1(r, g, b, opacity) {
34432 | this.r = +r;
34433 | this.g = +g;
34434 | this.b = +b;
34435 | this.opacity = +opacity;
34436 | }
34437 | define$1(Rgb$1, rgb$1, extend$1(Color$1, {
34438 | brighter: function brighter(k) {
34439 | k = k == null ? _brighter : Math.pow(_brighter, k);
34440 | return new Rgb$1(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity);
34441 | },
34442 | darker: function darker(k) {
34443 | k = k == null ? _darker : Math.pow(_darker, k);
34444 | return new Rgb$1(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity);
34445 | },
34446 | rgb: function rgb() {
34447 | return this;
34448 | },
34449 | displayable: function displayable() {
34450 | return -0.5 <= this.r && this.r < 255.5 && -0.5 <= this.g && this.g < 255.5 && -0.5 <= this.b && this.b < 255.5 && 0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1;
34451 | },
34452 | hex: rgb_formatHex$1,
34453 |
34454 | formatHex: rgb_formatHex$1,
34455 | formatRgb: rgb_formatRgb$1,
34456 | toString: rgb_formatRgb$1
34457 | }));
34458 | function rgb_formatHex$1() {
34459 | return "#" + hex$1(this.r) + hex$1(this.g) + hex$1(this.b);
34460 | }
34461 | function rgb_formatRgb$1() {
34462 | var a = this.opacity;
34463 | a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a));
34464 | return (a === 1 ? "rgb(" : "rgba(") + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.r) || 0)) + ", " + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.g) || 0)) + ", " + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.b) || 0)) + (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")");
34465 | }
34466 | function hex$1(value) {
34467 | value = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(value) || 0));
34468 | return (value < 16 ? "0" : "") + value.toString(16);
34469 | }
34470 | function hsla$1(h, s, l, a) {
34471 | if (a <= 0) h = s = l = NaN;else if (l <= 0 || l >= 1) h = s = NaN;else if (s <= 0) h = NaN;
34472 | return new Hsl$1(h, s, l, a);
34473 | }
34474 | function hslConvert$1(o) {
34475 | if (o instanceof Hsl$1) return new Hsl$1(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity);
34476 | if (!(o instanceof Color$1)) o = color$1(o);
34477 | if (!o) return new Hsl$1();
34478 | if (o instanceof Hsl$1) return o;
34479 | o = o.rgb();
34480 | var r = o.r / 255,
34481 | g = o.g / 255,
34482 | b = o.b / 255,
34483 | min = Math.min(r, g, b),
34484 | max = Math.max(r, g, b),
34485 | h = NaN,
34486 | s = max - min,
34487 | l = (max + min) / 2;
34488 | if (s) {
34489 | if (r === max) h = (g - b) / s + (g < b) * 6;else if (g === max) h = (b - r) / s + 2;else h = (r - g) / s + 4;
34490 | s /= l < 0.5 ? max + min : 2 - max - min;
34491 | h *= 60;
34492 | } else {
34493 | s = l > 0 && l < 1 ? 0 : h;
34494 | }
34495 | return new Hsl$1(h, s, l, o.opacity);
34496 | }
34497 | function hsl$1(h, s, l, opacity) {
34498 | return arguments.length === 1 ? hslConvert$1(h) : new Hsl$1(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
34499 | }
34500 | function Hsl$1(h, s, l, opacity) {
34501 | this.h = +h;
34502 | this.s = +s;
34503 | this.l = +l;
34504 | this.opacity = +opacity;
34505 | }
34506 | define$1(Hsl$1, hsl$1, extend$1(Color$1, {
34507 | brighter: function brighter(k) {
34508 | k = k == null ? _brighter : Math.pow(_brighter, k);
34509 | return new Hsl$1(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
34510 | },
34511 | darker: function darker(k) {
34512 | k = k == null ? _darker : Math.pow(_darker, k);
34513 | return new Hsl$1(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
34514 | },
34515 | rgb: function rgb() {
34516 | var h = this.h % 360 + (this.h < 0) * 360,
34517 | s = isNaN(h) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s,
34518 | l = this.l,
34519 | m2 = l + (l < 0.5 ? l : 1 - l) * s,
34520 | m1 = 2 * l - m2;
34521 | return new Rgb$1(hsl2rgb$1(h >= 240 ? h - 240 : h + 120, m1, m2), hsl2rgb$1(h, m1, m2), hsl2rgb$1(h < 120 ? h + 240 : h - 120, m1, m2), this.opacity);
34522 | },
34523 | displayable: function displayable() {
34524 | return (0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1 || isNaN(this.s)) && 0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1 && 0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1;
34525 | },
34526 | formatHsl: function formatHsl() {
34527 | var a = this.opacity;
34528 | a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a));
34529 | return (a === 1 ? "hsl(" : "hsla(") + (this.h || 0) + ", " + (this.s || 0) * 100 + "%, " + (this.l || 0) * 100 + "%" + (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")");
34530 | }
34531 | }));
34532 |
34533 |
34534 | function hsl2rgb$1(h, m1, m2) {
34535 | return (h < 60 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * h / 60 : h < 180 ? m2 : h < 240 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - h) / 60 : m1) * 255;
34536 | }
34537 |
34538 | var constant = (function (x) {
34539 | return function () {
34540 | return x;
34541 | };
34542 | });
34543 |
34544 | function linear$1(a, d) {
34545 | return function (t) {
34546 | return a + t * d;
34547 | };
34548 | }
34549 | function exponential(a, b, y) {
34550 | return a = Math.pow(a, y), b = Math.pow(b, y) - a, y = 1 / y, function (t) {
34551 | return Math.pow(a + t * b, y);
34552 | };
34553 | }
34554 | function gamma(y) {
34555 | return (y = +y) === 1 ? nogamma : function (a, b) {
34556 | return b - a ? exponential(a, b, y) : constant(isNaN(a) ? b : a);
34557 | };
34558 | }
34559 | function nogamma(a, b) {
34560 | var d = b - a;
34561 | return d ? linear$1(a, d) : constant(isNaN(a) ? b : a);
34562 | }
34563 |
34564 | var interpolateRgb = (function rgbGamma(y) {
34565 | var color = gamma(y);
34566 | function rgb(start, end) {
34567 | var r = color((start = rgb$1(start)).r, (end = rgb$1(end)).r),
34568 | g = color(start.g, end.g),
34569 | b = color(start.b, end.b),
34570 | opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity);
34571 | return function (t) {
34572 | start.r = r(t);
34573 | start.g = g(t);
34574 | start.b = b(t);
34575 | start.opacity = opacity(t);
34576 | return start + '';
34577 | };
34578 | }
34579 | rgb.gamma = rgbGamma;
34580 | return rgb;
34581 | })(1);
34582 |
34583 | function interpolateNumber (a, b) {
34584 | return a = +a, b = +b, function (t) {
34585 | return a * (1 - t) + b * t;
34586 | };
34587 | }
34588 |
34589 |
34590 | var interpolate$1 = function interpolate(a, b) {
34591 | if (isNumber(b)) {
34592 | return interpolateNumber(a, b);
34593 | }
34594 | return interpolateRgb(a, b);
34595 | };
34596 | var Linear$1 = function (_super) {
34597 | __extends(Linear$1, _super);
34598 | function Linear$1(options) {
34599 | var _this = _super.call(this, options) || this;
34600 | _this._updateInterpolate();
34601 | return _this;
34602 | }
34603 | Linear$1.prototype.createScale = function (scaleConfig) {
34604 | return new Linear(scaleConfig);
34605 | };
34606 | Linear$1.prototype._updateInterpolate = function () {
34607 | var _a = this.range,
34608 | min = _a[0],
34609 | max = _a[1];
34610 | this.interpolate = interpolate$1(min, max);
34611 | };
34612 | Linear$1.prototype.update = function (options) {
34613 | _super.prototype.update.call(this, options);
34614 | this._updateInterpolate();
34615 | };
34616 | Linear$1.prototype._mapping = function (value) {
34617 | var _a = this,
34618 | scale = _a.scale,
34619 | interpolate = _a.interpolate;
34620 | if (isArray(value)) {
34621 | return value.map(function (v) {
34622 | return interpolate(scale.scale(v));
34623 | });
34624 | }
34625 | return interpolate(scale.scale(value));
34626 | };
34627 | Linear$1.prototype.normalize = function (value) {
34628 | var scale = this.scale;
34629 | if (isArray(value)) {
34630 | return value.map(function (v) {
34631 | return scale.scale(v);
34632 | });
34633 | }
34634 | return scale.scale(value);
34635 | };
34636 | Linear$1.prototype.convert = function (value) {
34637 | var range = this.range;
34638 | var min = range[0],
34639 | max = range[1];
34640 | if (isArray(value)) {
34641 | return value.map(function (v) {
34642 | return min + (max - min) * v;
34643 | });
34644 | }
34645 | return min + (max - min) * value;
34646 | };
34647 | return Linear$1;
34648 | }(Base$1);
34649 |
34650 | var Category$1 = function (_super) {
34651 | __extends(Category$1, _super);
34652 | function Category$1() {
34653 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
34654 | }
34655 | Category$1.prototype.createScale = function (scaleConfig) {
34656 | return new Category(scaleConfig);
34657 | };
34658 | Category$1.prototype._mapping = function (value) {
34659 | var _a = this,
34660 | scale = _a.scale,
34661 | range = _a.range;
34662 | if (scale.type === 'cat') {
34663 | var index_1 = scale.translate(value);
34664 | return range[index_1 % range.length];
34665 | }
34666 | var normalizeValue = scale.scale(value);
34667 | var index = Math.round(normalizeValue * (range.length - 1));
34668 | return range[index];
34669 | };
34670 | return Category$1;
34671 | }(Base$1);
34672 |
34673 | var Identity$1 = function (_super) {
34674 | __extends(Identity$1, _super);
34675 | function Identity$1() {
34676 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
34677 | }
34678 | Identity$1.prototype.createScale = function (scaleConfig) {
34679 | return new Identity(scaleConfig);
34680 | };
34681 | Identity$1.prototype._mapping = function () {
34682 | var _a = this,
34683 | field = _a.field,
34684 | range = _a.range;
34685 | return field || range && range[0];
34686 | };
34687 | return Identity$1;
34688 | }(Base$1);
34689 |
34690 | var Attrs = Object.freeze({
34691 | __proto__: null,
34692 | Attr: Base$1,
34693 | Linear: Linear$1,
34694 | Category: Category$1,
34695 | Identity: Identity$1
34696 | });
34697 |
34698 | var Identity$2 = Identity$1,
34699 | Linear$2 = Linear$1,
34700 | Category$2 = Category$1;
34701 |
34702 | var ATTRS = ['x', 'y', 'color', 'size', 'shape'];
34703 |
34704 | var GROUP_ATTRS = ['color', 'size', 'shape'];
34705 | function cloneScale(scale, scaleConfig) {
34706 |
34707 | return new scale.constructor(__assign(__assign({}, scale.__cfg__), scaleConfig));
34708 | }
34709 | var AttrController = function () {
34710 | function AttrController(scaleController, attrsRange) {
34711 | this.scaleController = scaleController;
34712 | this.attrsRange = attrsRange;
34713 | this.options = {};
34714 | this.attrs = {};
34715 | }
34716 | AttrController.prototype.parseOption = function (option, attrName) {
34717 | if (!option) {
34718 | return {
34719 | type: 'identity'
34720 | };
34721 | }
34722 | if (isString(option)) {
34723 | return {
34724 | field: option,
34725 | type: 'category'
34726 | };
34727 | }
34728 | if (isNumber(option)) {
34729 | if (attrName === 'size') {
34730 | return {
34731 | type: 'identity',
34732 | field: option
34733 | };
34734 | }
34735 | }
34736 | if (isArray(option)) {
34737 | return {
34738 | field: option[0],
34739 | range: option[1]
34740 | };
34741 | }
34742 | return option;
34743 | };
34744 | AttrController.prototype.getAttrOptions = function (props, justifyContentCenter) {
34745 | var _this = this;
34746 | if (!props.x || !props.y) {
34747 | throw new Error('x, y are required !');
34748 | }
34749 | var options = {};
34750 | var ranges = this.attrsRange;
34751 | ATTRS.forEach(function (attrName) {
34752 | if (!props[attrName]) return;
34753 | var option = _this.parseOption(props[attrName], attrName);
34754 | if (!option.range) {
34755 | option.range = ranges[attrName];
34756 | }
34757 | options[attrName] = option;
34758 | });
34759 |
34760 | var x = options.x,
34761 | y = options.y;
34762 | x.justifyContent = justifyContentCenter;
34763 |
34764 | x.type = Linear$2;
34765 | y.type = Linear$2;
34766 | return options;
34767 | };
34768 | AttrController.prototype.getDefaultAttrValues = function () {
34769 | var _a = this.attrsRange,
34770 | color = _a.color,
34771 | shape = _a.shape;
34772 | return {
34773 | color: color[0],
34774 | shape: shape && shape[0]
34775 | };
34776 | };
34777 | AttrController.prototype.getGroupScales = function () {
34778 | var attrs = this.attrs;
34779 | var scales = [];
34780 | each(GROUP_ATTRS, function (attrName) {
34781 | var attr = attrs[attrName];
34782 | if (!attr) {
34783 | return;
34784 | }
34785 | var scale = attr.scale;
34786 | if (scale && scale.isCategory && scales.indexOf(scale) === -1) {
34787 | scales.push(scale);
34788 | }
34789 | });
34790 | return scales;
34791 | };
34792 | AttrController.prototype.createAttr = function (option) {
34793 | var type = option.type,
34794 | field = option.field,
34795 | scaleConfig = option.scale;
34796 | if (isNil(field) || type === Identity$2) {
34797 | return new Identity$2(option);
34798 | }
34799 | var scale = this.scaleController.getScale(field);
34800 | var attrOption = __assign(__assign({}, option), {
34801 | data: this.scaleController.getData(),
34802 |
34803 | scale: scaleConfig ? cloneScale(scale, scaleConfig) : scale
34804 | });
34805 |
34806 | if (scale && scale.type === 'identity') {
34807 | return new Identity$2(attrOption);
34808 | }
34809 |
34810 | var AttrConstructor = scale.isLinear ? Linear$2 : Category$2;
34811 |
34812 | if (isFunction(type)) {
34813 | AttrConstructor = type;
34814 | }
34815 | if (isString(type) && Attrs[upperFirst(type)]) {
34816 | AttrConstructor = Attrs[upperFirst(type)];
34817 | }
34818 | return new AttrConstructor(attrOption);
34819 | };
34820 | AttrController.prototype.create = function (options) {
34821 | this.update(options);
34822 | };
34823 | AttrController.prototype.update = function (nextOptions) {
34824 | var _a = this,
34825 | scaleController = _a.scaleController,
34826 | lastOptions = _a.options,
34827 | lastAttrs = _a.attrs;
34828 | var nextAttrs = {};
34829 | each(nextOptions, function (nextOption, attrName) {
34830 | var lastOption = lastOptions[attrName];
34831 | if (equal(nextOption, lastOption)) {
34832 | nextAttrs[attrName] = lastAttrs[attrName];
34833 | }
34834 | var field = nextOption.field,
34835 | justifyContent = nextOption.justifyContent;
34836 | if (field) {
34837 | scaleController.setScale(field, {
34838 | justifyContent: justifyContent
34839 | });
34840 | }
34841 | });
34842 | this.options = nextOptions;
34843 | this.attrs = nextAttrs;
34844 | };
34845 | AttrController.prototype.getAttr = function (attrName) {
34846 | var _a = this,
34847 | attrs = _a.attrs,
34848 | options = _a.options;
34849 | var attr = attrs[attrName];
34850 | if (attr) {
34851 | return attr;
34852 | }
34853 | var option = options[attrName];
34854 | if (!option) {
34855 | return null;
34856 | }
34857 | var newAttr = this.createAttr(option);
34858 | attrs[attrName] = newAttr;
34859 | return newAttr;
34860 | };
34861 | AttrController.prototype.getAttrs = function () {
34862 | var _this = this;
34863 | var _a = this,
34864 | options = _a.options,
34865 | attrs = _a.attrs;
34866 | each(options, function (option, attrName) {
34867 | _this.getAttr(attrName);
34868 | });
34869 | return attrs;
34870 | };
34871 | AttrController.prototype.isGroupAttr = function (attrName) {
34872 | return GROUP_ATTRS.indexOf(attrName) !== -1;
34873 | };
34874 | AttrController.prototype.getAttrsByLinear = function () {
34875 | var attrs = this.attrs;
34876 | var attrNames = Object.keys(attrs);
34877 | var linearAttrs = [];
34878 | var nonlinearAttrs = [];
34879 | attrNames.forEach(function (attrName) {
34880 | if (attrName === 'x' || attrName === 'y') {
34881 | linearAttrs.push(attrName);
34882 | return;
34883 | }
34884 | var scale = attrs[attrName].scale;
34885 | if (scale && scale.type === 'linear') {
34886 | linearAttrs.push(attrName);
34887 | } else {
34888 | nonlinearAttrs.push(attrName);
34889 | }
34890 | });
34891 | return {
34892 | linearAttrs: linearAttrs,
34893 | nonlinearAttrs: nonlinearAttrs
34894 | };
34895 | };
34896 | return AttrController;
34897 | }();
34898 |
34899 | var AdjustMap = {
34900 | Stack: Stack,
34901 | Dodge: Dodge,
34902 | Jitter: Jitter,
34903 | Symmetric: Symmetric
34904 | };
34905 |
34906 | var FIELD_ORIGIN = 'origin';
34907 | var Geometry = function (_super) {
34908 | __extends(Geometry, _super);
34909 | function Geometry(props, context) {
34910 | var _this = _super.call(this, props, context) || this;
34911 | _this.isGeometry = true;
34912 |
34913 | _this.justifyContent = false;
34914 |
34915 | _this.startOnZero = false;
34916 |
34917 | _this.connectNulls = false;
34918 |
34919 | _this.sortable = false;
34920 | mix(_this, _this.getDefaultCfg());
34921 | var chart = props.chart;
34922 | var attrsRange = _this._getThemeAttrsRange();
34923 | _this.attrController = new AttrController(chart.scale, attrsRange);
34924 | var attrController = _this.attrController;
34925 | var attrOptions = _this.getAttrOptions(props);
34926 | attrController.create(attrOptions);
34927 | return _this;
34928 | }
34929 | Geometry.prototype.getDefaultCfg = function () {
34930 | return {};
34931 | };
34932 | Geometry.prototype.getAttrOptions = function (props) {
34933 | var coord = props.coord;
34934 | var _a = this,
34935 | attrController = _a.attrController,
34936 | justifyContent = _a.justifyContent;
34937 | var justifyContentCenter = !coord.isCyclic() || justifyContent;
34938 | var args = {};
34939 | ATTRS.forEach(function (d) {
34940 | return args[d] = props[d];
34941 | });
34942 | var attrOptions = attrController.getAttrOptions(this.context.px2hd(args), justifyContentCenter);
34943 | return attrOptions;
34944 | };
34945 | Geometry.prototype.willReceiveProps = function (nextProps) {
34946 | var _a = this,
34947 | lastProps = _a.props,
34948 | attrController = _a.attrController;
34949 | var nextData = nextProps.data,
34950 | nextAdjust = nextProps.adjust,
34951 | selection = nextProps.selection;
34952 | var lastData = lastProps.data,
34953 | lastAdjust = lastProps.adjust,
34954 | lastSelection = lastProps.selection;
34955 | var lastAttrOptions = this.getAttrOptions(lastProps);
34956 | attrController.attrsRange = this._getThemeAttrsRange();
34957 | var nextAttrOptions = this.getAttrOptions(nextProps);
34958 | if (!equal(nextAttrOptions, lastAttrOptions)) {
34959 | attrController.update(nextAttrOptions);
34960 | this.dataRecords = null;
34961 | }
34962 |
34963 | if (nextData !== lastData) {
34964 | this.dataRecords = null;
34965 | }
34966 |
34967 | if (nextAdjust !== lastAdjust) {
34968 | this.dataRecords = null;
34969 | }
34970 |
34971 | if (!equal(selection, lastSelection)) {
34972 | _super.prototype.willReceiveProps.call(this, nextProps);
34973 | }
34974 | };
34975 | Geometry.prototype.willMount = function () {
34976 | this._createAttrs();
34977 | if (!this.dataRecords) {
34978 | this._processData();
34979 | }
34980 | };
34981 | Geometry.prototype.willUpdate = function () {
34982 | this._createAttrs();
34983 | if (!this.dataRecords) {
34984 | this._processData();
34985 | } else {
34986 | this._readjustData(this.dataRecords);
34987 | }
34988 | };
34989 | Geometry.prototype.didMount = function () {
34990 | this._initEvent();
34991 | _super.prototype.didMount.call(this);
34992 |
34993 | this.attrController.attrsRange = this._getThemeAttrsRange();
34994 | };
34995 | Geometry.prototype._initEvent = function () {
34996 | var _this = this;
34997 | var props = this.props;
34998 | var chart = props.chart;
34999 | ['onPressStart', 'onPress', 'onPressEnd', 'onPan', 'onPanStart', 'onPanEnd'].forEach(function (eventName) {
35000 | if (props[eventName]) {
35001 | chart.on(eventName.substr(2).toLowerCase(), function (ev) {
35002 | ev.geometry = _this;
35003 | props[eventName](ev);
35004 | });
35005 | }
35006 | });
35007 | };
35008 | Geometry.prototype._createAttrs = function () {
35009 | var attrController = this.attrController;
35010 | attrController.attrs = {};
35011 | this.attrs = attrController.getAttrs();
35012 | };
35013 | Geometry.prototype._getThemeAttrsRange = function () {
35014 | var _a = this,
35015 | context = _a.context,
35016 | props = _a.props,
35017 | geomType = _a.geomType;
35018 | var coord = props.coord;
35019 | var theme = context.theme;
35020 | var colors = theme.colors,
35021 | sizes = theme.sizes,
35022 | shapes = theme.shapes;
35023 | return {
35024 | x: coord.x,
35025 | y: coord.y,
35026 | color: colors,
35027 | size: sizes,
35028 | shape: shapes[geomType]
35029 | };
35030 | };
35031 | Geometry.prototype._createAdjust = function () {
35032 | var _a = this,
35033 | attrs = _a.attrs,
35034 | props = _a.props;
35035 | var adjust = props.adjust;
35036 | if (!adjust) {
35037 | return null;
35038 | }
35039 | var adjustCfg = typeof adjust === 'string' ? {
35040 | type: adjust
35041 | } : adjust;
35042 | var adjustType = upperFirst(adjustCfg.type);
35043 | var AdjustConstructor = AdjustMap[adjustType];
35044 | if (!AdjustConstructor) {
35045 | throw new Error('not support such adjust : ' + adjust);
35046 | }
35047 | if (adjustType === 'Dodge') {
35048 |
35049 | adjustCfg.adjustNames = ['x'];
35050 | }
35051 | var x = attrs.x,
35052 | y = attrs.y;
35053 |
35054 | adjustCfg.xField = x.field;
35055 |
35056 | adjustCfg.yField = y.field;
35057 | var adjustInstance = new AdjustConstructor(adjustCfg);
35058 | this.adjust = {
35059 | type: adjustCfg.type,
35060 | adjust: adjustInstance
35061 | };
35062 | return this.adjust;
35063 | };
35064 | Geometry.prototype._adjustScales = function () {
35065 | var _a = this,
35066 | attrs = _a.attrs,
35067 | props = _a.props,
35068 | defaultStartOnZero = _a.startOnZero;
35069 | var chart = props.chart,
35070 | _b = props.startOnZero,
35071 | startOnZero = _b === void 0 ? defaultStartOnZero : _b,
35072 | coord = props.coord,
35073 | adjust = props.adjust;
35074 | var isPolar = coord.isPolar,
35075 | transposed = coord.transposed;
35076 | var y = attrs.y;
35077 |
35078 | if (startOnZero) {
35079 | chart.scale.adjustStartZero(y.scale);
35080 | }
35081 |
35082 | if (isPolar && transposed && (adjust === 'stack' || (adjust === null || adjust === void 0 ? void 0 : adjust.type) === 'stack')) {
35083 | chart.scale.adjustPieScale(y.scale);
35084 | }
35085 | if (adjust === 'stack' || (adjust === null || adjust === void 0 ? void 0 : adjust.type) === 'stack') {
35086 | chart.scale._updateStackRange(y.scale, flatten(this.dataArray));
35087 | }
35088 | };
35089 | Geometry.prototype._groupData = function (data) {
35090 | var attrController = this.attrController;
35091 | var groupScales = attrController.getGroupScales();
35092 | if (!groupScales.length) {
35093 | return [{
35094 | children: data
35095 | }];
35096 | }
35097 | var names = [];
35098 | groupScales.forEach(function (scale) {
35099 | var field = scale.field;
35100 | names.push(field);
35101 | });
35102 | var groups = groupToMap(data, names);
35103 | var records = [];
35104 | for (var key in groups) {
35105 | records.push({
35106 | key: key.replace(/^_/, ''),
35107 | children: groups[key]
35108 | });
35109 | }
35110 | return records;
35111 | };
35112 | Geometry.prototype._saveOrigin = function (originData) {
35113 | var _a;
35114 | var len = originData.length;
35115 | var data = new Array(len);
35116 | for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
35117 | var record = originData[i];
35118 | data[i] = __assign(__assign({}, record), (_a = {}, _a[FIELD_ORIGIN] = record, _a));
35119 | }
35120 | return data;
35121 | };
35122 | Geometry.prototype._numberic = function (data) {
35123 | var attrs = this.attrs;
35124 | var scales = [attrs.x.scale, attrs.y.scale];
35125 | for (var j = 0, len = data.length; j < len; j++) {
35126 | var obj = data[j];
35127 | var count = scales.length;
35128 | for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
35129 | var scale = scales[i];
35130 | if (scale.isCategory) {
35131 | var field = scale.field;
35132 | var value = scale.translate(obj.origin[field]);
35133 | obj[field] = value;
35134 | }
35135 | }
35136 | }
35137 | };
35138 | Geometry.prototype._adjustData = function (records) {
35139 | var adjust = this.adjust;
35140 |
35141 | var groupedArray = records.map(function (record) {
35142 | return record.children;
35143 | });
35144 | if (!adjust) {
35145 | return groupedArray;
35146 | }
35147 | var attrs = this.attrs;
35148 | var scales = [attrs.x.scale, attrs.y.scale];
35149 | for (var i = 0, len = groupedArray.length; i < len; i++) {
35150 | var records_1 = groupedArray[i];
35151 | for (var j = 0, len_1 = records_1.length; j < len_1; j++) {
35152 | var record = records_1[j];
35153 | var count = scales.length;
35154 | for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < count; i_1++) {
35155 | var scale = scales[i_1];
35156 | var field = scale.field;
35157 | record[field] = record.origin[field];
35158 | }
35159 | }
35160 | }
35161 | if (adjust.type === 'dodge') {
35162 | for (var i = 0, len = groupedArray.length; i < len; i++) {
35163 |
35164 | this._numberic(groupedArray[i]);
35165 | }
35166 | }
35167 | var adjustData = adjust.adjust.process(groupedArray);
35168 |
35169 | records.forEach(function (record, index) {
35170 | record.children = adjustData[index];
35171 | });
35172 | return adjustData;
35173 | };
35174 | Geometry.prototype._processData = function () {
35175 | var props = this.props;
35176 | var originData = props.data;
35177 | var data = this._saveOrigin(originData);
35178 |
35179 | var records = this._groupData(data);
35180 | this._createAdjust();
35181 |
35182 | var dataArray = this._adjustData(records);
35183 | this.dataArray = dataArray;
35184 |
35185 | this._adjustScales();
35186 |
35187 | if (this.sortable) {
35188 | this._sortData(records);
35189 | }
35190 | this.dataRecords = records;
35191 | };
35192 | Geometry.prototype._readjustData = function (records) {
35193 | var adjust = this.adjust;
35194 | if (!adjust) return;
35195 |
35196 | var dataArray = this._adjustData(records);
35197 | this.dataArray = dataArray;
35198 | };
35199 | Geometry.prototype._sortData = function (records) {
35200 | var xScale = this.getXScale();
35201 | var field = xScale.field,
35202 | type = xScale.type;
35203 | if (type !== 'identity' && xScale.values.length > 1) {
35204 | each(records, function (_a) {
35205 | var children = _a.children;
35206 | children.sort(function (record1, record2) {
35207 | if (type === 'timeCat') {
35208 | return toTimeStamp$1(record1[FIELD_ORIGIN][field]) - toTimeStamp$1(record2[FIELD_ORIGIN][field]);
35209 | }
35210 | var normalized1 = xScale.translate(record1[FIELD_ORIGIN][field]);
35211 | var normalized2 = xScale.translate(record2[FIELD_ORIGIN][field]);
35212 | if (isNaN(normalized1)) {
35213 | return 1;
35214 | }
35215 | if (isNaN(normalized2)) {
35216 | return -1;
35217 | }
35218 | return normalized1 - normalized2;
35219 | });
35220 | });
35221 | }
35222 | };
35223 | Geometry.prototype.getY0Value = function () {
35224 | var _a = this,
35225 | attrs = _a.attrs,
35226 | props = _a.props;
35227 | var chart = props.chart;
35228 | var field = attrs.y.field;
35229 | var scale = chart.getScale(field);
35230 | return chart.scale.getZeroValue(scale);
35231 | };
35232 |
35233 | Geometry.prototype._getShapeStyle = function (shape, origin) {
35234 | var _a = this,
35235 | context = _a.context,
35236 | props = _a.props,
35237 | geomType = _a.geomType;
35238 | var theme = context.theme;
35239 | var shapeTheme = theme.shape[geomType] || {};
35240 | var defaultShapeStyle = shapeTheme.default;
35241 | var shapeThemeStyle = shapeTheme[shape];
35242 | var style = props.style;
35243 | var shapeStyle = __assign(__assign({}, defaultShapeStyle), shapeThemeStyle);
35244 | if (!style || !isObject(style)) {
35245 | return shapeStyle;
35246 | }
35247 |
35248 | var field = style.field,
35249 | styles = __rest(style, ["field"]);
35250 | var value = field ? origin[field] : origin;
35251 | each(styles, function (attr, key) {
35252 | if (isFunction(attr)) {
35253 | var attrValue = attr(value);
35254 | if (!attrValue) {
35255 | return;
35256 | }
35257 | shapeStyle[key] = attrValue;
35258 | return;
35259 | }
35260 | shapeStyle[key] = attr;
35261 | });
35262 | return shapeStyle;
35263 | };
35264 | |
35265 |
35266 |
35267 |
35268 |
35269 |
35270 |
35271 | Geometry.prototype._mapping = function (records) {
35272 | var _a = this,
35273 | attrs = _a.attrs,
35274 | props = _a.props,
35275 | attrController = _a.attrController;
35276 | var coord = props.coord;
35277 | var _b = attrController.getAttrsByLinear(),
35278 | linearAttrs = _b.linearAttrs,
35279 | nonlinearAttrs = _b.nonlinearAttrs;
35280 | var defaultAttrValues = attrController.getDefaultAttrValues();
35281 | var mappedRecords = [];
35282 | for (var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
35283 | var record = records[i];
35284 | var children = record.children;
35285 | var attrValues = __assign({}, defaultAttrValues);
35286 | var firstChild = children[0];
35287 | if (children.length === 0) {
35288 | mappedRecords.push(__assign({}, record));
35289 | continue;
35290 | }
35291 |
35292 | for (var k = 0, len_2 = nonlinearAttrs.length; k < len_2; k++) {
35293 | var attrName = nonlinearAttrs[k];
35294 | var attr = attrs[attrName];
35295 |
35296 | attrValues[attrName] = attr.mapping(firstChild[attr.field], firstChild.origin);
35297 | }
35298 |
35299 | var mappedChildren = [];
35300 | for (var j = 0, childrenLen = children.length; j < childrenLen; j++) {
35301 | var child = children[j];
35302 | var normalized = {};
35303 | for (var k = 0; k < linearAttrs.length; k++) {
35304 | var attrName = linearAttrs[k];
35305 | var attr = attrs[attrName];
35306 | var value = child[attr.field];
35307 |
35308 | if (attrController.isGroupAttr(attrName)) {
35309 | attrValues[attrName] = attr.mapping(value, child);
35310 | } else {
35311 | normalized[attrName] = attr.normalize(value);
35312 | }
35313 | }
35314 | var _c = coord.convertPoint({
35315 | x: normalized.x,
35316 | y: normalized.y
35317 | }),
35318 | x = _c.x,
35319 | y = _c.y;
35320 |
35321 | var origin_1 = child.origin;
35322 | var shapeName = attrValues.shape;
35323 | var shape = this._getShapeStyle(shapeName, origin_1);
35324 | var selected = this.isSelected(child);
35325 | mappedChildren.push(__assign(__assign(__assign({}, child), attrValues), {
35326 | normalized: normalized,
35327 | x: x,
35328 | y: y,
35329 | shapeName: shapeName,
35330 | shape: shape,
35331 | selected: selected
35332 | }));
35333 | }
35334 | mappedRecords.push(__assign(__assign({}, record), {
35335 | children: mappedChildren
35336 | }));
35337 | }
35338 | return mappedRecords;
35339 | };
35340 |
35341 | Geometry.prototype.mapping = function () {
35342 | var dataRecords = this.dataRecords;
35343 |
35344 | this.records = this._mapping(dataRecords);
35345 | return this.records;
35346 | };
35347 | Geometry.prototype.getClip = function () {
35348 | var _a = this.props,
35349 | coord = _a.coord,
35350 | viewClip = _a.viewClip;
35351 | var contentWidth = coord.width,
35352 | contentHeight = coord.height,
35353 | left = coord.left,
35354 | top = coord.top;
35355 | if (viewClip) {
35356 | return {
35357 | type: 'rect',
35358 | style: {
35359 | x: left,
35360 | y: top,
35361 | width: contentWidth,
35362 | height: contentHeight
35363 | }
35364 | };
35365 | }
35366 | return null;
35367 | };
35368 | Geometry.prototype.getAttr = function (attrName) {
35369 | return this.attrController.getAttr(attrName);
35370 | };
35371 | Geometry.prototype.getXScale = function () {
35372 | return this.getAttr('x').scale;
35373 | };
35374 | Geometry.prototype.getYScale = function () {
35375 | return this.getAttr('y').scale;
35376 | };
35377 | Geometry.prototype._getXSnap = function (invertPointX) {
35378 | var xScale = this.getXScale();
35379 | if (xScale.isCategory) {
35380 | return xScale.invert(invertPointX);
35381 | }
35382 |
35383 | var invertValue = xScale.invert(invertPointX);
35384 | var values = xScale.values;
35385 | var len = values.length;
35386 |
35387 | if (len === 1) {
35388 | return values[0];
35389 | }
35390 |
35391 | if ((values[0] + values[1]) / 2 > invertValue) {
35392 | return values[0];
35393 | }
35394 |
35395 | if ((values[len - 2] + values[len - 1]) / 2 <= invertValue) {
35396 | return values[len - 1];
35397 | }
35398 | for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
35399 |
35400 | if ((values[i - 1] + values[i]) / 2 <= invertValue && (values[i + 1] + values[i]) / 2 > invertValue) {
35401 | return values[i];
35402 | }
35403 | }
35404 | return null;
35405 | };
35406 | Geometry.prototype._getYSnapRecords = function (invertPointY, records) {
35407 | var yScale = this.getYScale();
35408 | var yField = yScale.field;
35409 | var yValue = yScale.invert(invertPointY);
35410 |
35411 | if (yScale.isCategory) {
35412 | return records.filter(function (record) {
35413 | return record[FIELD_ORIGIN][yField] === yValue;
35414 | });
35415 | }
35416 |
35417 | return records.filter(function (record) {
35418 | var rangeY = record[yField];
35419 | if (rangeY[0] <= yValue && rangeY[1] >= yValue) {
35420 | return true;
35421 | }
35422 | return false;
35423 | });
35424 | };
35425 | Geometry.prototype._getXSnapRecords = function (invertPointX, records) {
35426 | var xScale = this.getXScale();
35427 | var xField = xScale.field;
35428 | var xValue = xScale.invert(invertPointX);
35429 |
35430 | if (xScale.isCategory) {
35431 | return records.filter(function (record) {
35432 | return record[FIELD_ORIGIN][xField] === xValue;
35433 | });
35434 | }
35435 |
35436 | return records.filter(function (record) {
35437 | var rangeX = record[xField];
35438 | if (rangeX[0] <= xValue && rangeX[1] >= xValue) {
35439 | return true;
35440 | }
35441 | return false;
35442 | });
35443 | };
35444 |
35445 | Geometry.prototype.flatRecords = function () {
35446 | var records = this.records;
35447 | return records.reduce(function (prevRecords, record) {
35448 | return prevRecords.concat(record.children);
35449 | }, []);
35450 | };
35451 | Geometry.prototype.getSnapRecords = function (point, inCoordRange) {
35452 | var props = this.props;
35453 | var coord = props.coord,
35454 | adjust = props.adjust;
35455 | var invertPoint = coord.invertPoint(point);
35456 | var xScale = this.getXScale();
35457 | var yScale = this.getYScale();
35458 |
35459 |
35460 |
35461 |
35462 |
35463 | if (inCoordRange) {
35464 | var xRange = xScale.range;
35465 | var yRange = yScale.range;
35466 |
35467 | invertPoint.x = Math.min(Math.max(invertPoint.x, xRange[0]), xRange[1]);
35468 | invertPoint.y = Math.min(Math.max(invertPoint.y, yRange[0]), yRange[1]);
35469 | }
35470 | var records = this.flatRecords();
35471 | var xValue = xScale.invert(invertPoint.x);
35472 | var yValue = yScale.invert(invertPoint.y);
35473 | var coordPoint = coord.convertPoint(invertPoint);
35474 | var coordRecord = {
35475 |
35476 | x: coordPoint.x,
35477 | y: coordPoint.y,
35478 | xValue: xValue,
35479 | yValue: yValue,
35480 | xText: xScale.getText(xValue),
35481 | yText: yScale.getText(yValue)
35482 | };
35483 |
35484 | if (adjust === 'stack' && coord.isPolar) {
35485 | if (coord.transposed) {
35486 |
35487 | if (invertPoint.x >= 0 && invertPoint.x <= 1) {
35488 | var snapRecords = this._getYSnapRecords(invertPoint.y, records);
35489 | return snapRecords;
35490 | }
35491 | } else {
35492 | if (invertPoint.y >= 0 && invertPoint.y <= 1) {
35493 | var snapRecords = this._getXSnapRecords(invertPoint.x, records);
35494 | return snapRecords;
35495 | }
35496 | }
35497 | }
35498 | var rst = [];
35499 | var value = this._getXSnap(invertPoint.x);
35500 | if (isNull(value)) {
35501 | return rst;
35502 | }
35503 | var xField = xScale.field;
35504 | var yField = yScale.field;
35505 | for (var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
35506 | var record = __assign(__assign({}, records[i]), {
35507 | xField: xField,
35508 | yField: yField,
35509 | coord: coordRecord
35510 | });
35511 | var originValue = record[FIELD_ORIGIN][xField];
35512 | if (xScale.type === 'timeCat' && toTimeStamp$1(originValue) === value) {
35513 | rst.push(record);
35514 | } else if (originValue === value) {
35515 | rst.push(record);
35516 | }
35517 | }
35518 | return rst;
35519 | };
35520 | Geometry.prototype.getRecords = function (data, field) {
35521 | if (field === void 0) {
35522 | field = 'xfield';
35523 | }
35524 | var records = this.flatRecords();
35525 | var xScale = this.getXScale();
35526 | var yScale = this.getYScale();
35527 | var xField = xScale.field;
35528 | var yField = yScale.field;
35529 | var value = data[xField];
35530 | var rst = [];
35531 | for (var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
35532 | var record = __assign(__assign({}, records[i]), {
35533 | xField: xField,
35534 | yField: yField
35535 | });
35536 | var originValue = record[FIELD_ORIGIN][field === 'xfield' ? xField : yField];
35537 | if (originValue === value) {
35538 | rst.push(record);
35539 | }
35540 | }
35541 | return rst;
35542 | };
35543 | Geometry.prototype.getLegendItems = function () {
35544 | var _a = this,
35545 | attrController = _a.attrController,
35546 | records = _a.records;
35547 | var colorAttr = attrController.getAttr('color');
35548 | if (!colorAttr) return null;
35549 | var scale = colorAttr.scale;
35550 | var isCategory = scale.isCategory,
35551 | field = scale.field;
35552 | if (!isCategory) return null;
35553 | var flatRecords = records ? this.flatRecords() : [];
35554 | var ticks = scale.getTicks();
35555 | var items = ticks.map(function (tick) {
35556 | var text = tick.text,
35557 | tickValue = tick.tickValue;
35558 | var record = find(flatRecords, function (item) {
35559 | if (!item) return false;
35560 | var origin = item.origin;
35561 | return origin[field] === tickValue;
35562 | });
35563 |
35564 | var color = record ? record.color : colorAttr.mapping(tickValue);
35565 | return {
35566 | field: scale.field,
35567 | color: color,
35568 | name: text,
35569 | tickValue: tickValue
35570 | };
35571 | });
35572 | return items;
35573 | };
35574 | return Geometry;
35575 | }(Selection);
35576 |
35577 | var withLine = (function (View) {
35578 | return function (_super) {
35579 | __extends(Line, _super);
35580 | function Line() {
35581 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
35582 | }
35583 | Line.prototype.getDefaultCfg = function () {
35584 | return {
35585 | geomType: 'line',
35586 | sortable: true
35587 | };
35588 | };
35589 | Line.prototype.splitPoints = function (points) {
35590 | var topPoints = [];
35591 | var bottomPoints = [];
35592 | for (var i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
35593 | var point = points[i];
35594 | var x = point.x,
35595 | y = point.y;
35596 | topPoints.push(__assign(__assign({}, point), {
35597 | x: x,
35598 | y: y[1]
35599 | }));
35600 | bottomPoints.push(__assign(__assign({}, point), {
35601 | x: x,
35602 | y: y[0]
35603 | }));
35604 | }
35605 | return [topPoints, bottomPoints];
35606 | };
35607 | Line.prototype.splitNulls = function (points, connectNulls) {
35608 | if (connectNulls) {
35609 | var tmpPoints_1 = [];
35610 | for (var i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
35611 | var point = points[i];
35612 | var x = point.x,
35613 | y = point.y;
35614 |
35615 | if (isNaN(x)) {
35616 | continue;
35617 | }
35618 | if (isArray(y)) {
35619 | if (isNaN(y[0])) {
35620 | continue;
35621 | }
35622 | tmpPoints_1.push(point);
35623 | continue;
35624 | }
35625 | if (isNaN(y)) {
35626 | continue;
35627 | }
35628 | tmpPoints_1.push(point);
35629 | }
35630 | if (tmpPoints_1.length) {
35631 | return [tmpPoints_1];
35632 | }
35633 | return [];
35634 | }
35635 | var result = [];
35636 | var tmpPoints = [];
35637 | for (var i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
35638 | var point = points[i];
35639 | var x = point.x,
35640 | y = point.y;
35641 |
35642 | if (isNaN(x)) {
35643 | continue;
35644 | }
35645 | if (isArray(y)) {
35646 | if (isNaN(y[0])) {
35647 | if (tmpPoints.length) {
35648 | result.push(tmpPoints);
35649 | tmpPoints = [];
35650 | }
35651 | continue;
35652 | }
35653 | tmpPoints.push(point);
35654 | continue;
35655 | }
35656 | if (isNaN(y)) {
35657 | if (tmpPoints.length) {
35658 | result.push(tmpPoints);
35659 | tmpPoints = [];
35660 | }
35661 | continue;
35662 | }
35663 | tmpPoints.push(point);
35664 | }
35665 | if (tmpPoints.length) {
35666 | result.push(tmpPoints);
35667 | }
35668 | return result;
35669 | };
35670 | Line.prototype.mapping = function () {
35671 | var _this = this;
35672 | var records = _super.prototype.mapping.call(this);
35673 | var _a = this,
35674 | props = _a.props,
35675 | defaultConnectNulls = _a.connectNulls,
35676 | context = _a.context;
35677 | var coord = props.coord,
35678 | _b = props.connectNulls,
35679 | connectNulls = _b === void 0 ? defaultConnectNulls : _b,
35680 | sizeZoom = props.sizeZoom;
35681 | return records.map(function (record) {
35682 | var _a;
35683 | var children = record.children;
35684 |
35685 | var _b = children[0] || {},
35686 | size = _b.size,
35687 | color = _b.color,
35688 | shape = _b.shape,
35689 | y = _b.y,
35690 | origin = _b.origin;
35691 |
35692 | var points = coord.isPolar ? __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], children, true), [children[0]], false) : children;
35693 | var sizeZoomRatio = (_a = isFunction(sizeZoom) ? sizeZoom(origin) : sizeZoom) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1;
35694 | var splitPoints = _this.splitNulls(points, connectNulls);
35695 | var newChildren = splitPoints.map(function (points) {
35696 | var _a = isArray(y) ? _this.splitPoints(points) : [points, undefined],
35697 | topPoints = _a[0],
35698 | bottomPoints = _a[1];
35699 | return {
35700 | size: context.px2hd(size || shape.lineWidth) * sizeZoomRatio,
35701 | color: color,
35702 | shape: shape,
35703 | points: [].concat(topPoints),
35704 | topPoints: topPoints,
35705 | bottomPoints: bottomPoints
35706 | };
35707 | });
35708 | return __assign(__assign({}, record), {
35709 | children: newChildren
35710 | });
35711 | });
35712 | };
35713 | Line.prototype.concatPoints = function (topPoints, bottomPoints) {
35714 | if (!bottomPoints || !bottomPoints.length) {
35715 | return topPoints;
35716 | }
35717 | var adjust = this.adjust;
35718 |
35719 | if (adjust && adjust.type === 'stack') {
35720 | return topPoints;
35721 | }
35722 |
35723 | var points = topPoints.concat(bottomPoints.reverse());
35724 | points.push(topPoints[0]);
35725 | return points;
35726 | };
35727 | Line.prototype.render = function () {
35728 | var props = this.props;
35729 | var coord = props.coord;
35730 | var records = this.mapping();
35731 | var clip = this.getClip();
35732 | for (var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
35733 | var record = records[i];
35734 | var children = record.children;
35735 | for (var j = 0, len_1 = children.length; j < len_1; j++) {
35736 | var child = children[j];
35737 | var points = child.points,
35738 | bottomPoints = child.bottomPoints;
35739 | child.points = this.concatPoints(points, bottomPoints);
35740 | }
35741 | }
35742 | return jsx(View, __assign({}, props, {
35743 | coord: coord,
35744 | records: records,
35745 | clip: clip
35746 | }));
35747 | };
35748 | return Line;
35749 | }(Geometry);
35750 | });
35751 |
35752 | function concatPoints(children) {
35753 | var result = [];
35754 | for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
35755 | var child = children[i];
35756 | result = result.concat(child.points);
35757 | }
35758 | return result;
35759 | }
35760 | var LineView = (function (props) {
35761 | var records = props.records,
35762 | coord = props.coord,
35763 | animation = props.animation,
35764 | EndView = props.endView,
35765 | clip = props.clip;
35766 | var _a = coord,
35767 | left = _a.left,
35768 | top = _a.top,
35769 | width = _a.width,
35770 | height = _a.height,
35771 | center = _a.center,
35772 | startAngle = _a.startAngle,
35773 | endAngle = _a.endAngle,
35774 | radius = _a.radius;
35775 | var appear = coord.isPolar ? {
35776 | easing: 'quadraticOut',
35777 | duration: 450,
35778 | clip: {
35779 | type: 'sector',
35780 | property: ['endAngle'],
35781 | style: {
35782 | cx: center.x,
35783 | cy: center.y,
35784 | startAngle: "".concat(startAngle, "rad"),
35785 | r: radius
35786 | },
35787 | start: {
35788 | endAngle: "".concat(startAngle, "rad")
35789 | },
35790 | end: {
35791 | endAngle: "".concat(endAngle, "rad")
35792 | }
35793 | }
35794 | } : {
35795 | easing: 'quadraticOut',
35796 | duration: 450,
35797 | clip: {
35798 | type: 'rect',
35799 | property: ['width'],
35800 | style: {
35801 | x: left,
35802 | y: top,
35803 | height: height
35804 | },
35805 | start: {
35806 | width: 0
35807 | },
35808 | end: {
35809 | width: width
35810 | }
35811 | }
35812 | };
35813 | return jsx("group", {
35814 | style: {
35815 | clip: clip
35816 | }
35817 | }, records.map(function (record) {
35818 | var _a;
35819 | var key = record.key,
35820 | children = record.children;
35821 | var points = concatPoints(children);
35822 | var ref = createRef();
35823 | return jsx("group", {
35824 | key: key
35825 | }, children.map(function (child) {
35826 | var points = child.points,
35827 | color = child.color,
35828 | size = child.size,
35829 | shape = child.shape;
35830 | var fliterPoints = points.filter(function (point) {
35831 | return !isNaN(point.x) && !isNaN(point.y);
35832 | });
35833 | if (fliterPoints.length === 0) return;
35834 | return jsx("polyline", {
35835 | key: key,
35836 | ref: ref,
35837 | style: __assign(__assign({
35838 | points: fliterPoints.map(function (point) {
35839 | return [point.x, point.y];
35840 | }),
35841 | stroke: color
35842 | }, shape), {
35843 | lineWidth: size || shape.lineWidth
35844 | }),
35845 | animation: deepMix({
35846 | update: {
35847 | easing: 'linear',
35848 | duration: 450,
35849 | property: ['points']
35850 | },
35851 | appear: appear
35852 | }, animation)
35853 | });
35854 | }), EndView ? jsx("group", {
35855 | style: {
35856 | offset: ref
35857 | },
35858 | animation: deepMix({
35859 | appear: {
35860 | easing: 'quadraticOut',
35861 | duration: 450,
35862 | property: ['offsetDistance'],
35863 | start: {
35864 | offsetDistance: 0
35865 | },
35866 | end: {
35867 | offsetDistance: 1
35868 | }
35869 | }
35870 | }, animation)
35871 | }, jsx(EndView, {
35872 | origin: (_a = points[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.origin
35873 | })) : null);
35874 | }));
35875 | });
35876 |
35877 | var index = withLine(LineView);
35878 |
35879 | var withArea = (function (View) {
35880 | return function (_super) {
35881 | __extends(Area, _super);
35882 | function Area() {
35883 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
35884 | }
35885 | Area.prototype.getDefaultCfg = function () {
35886 | return {
35887 | geomType: 'area',
35888 |
35889 | startOnZero: true,
35890 |
35891 | sortable: true
35892 | };
35893 | };
35894 | Area.prototype.getBaseY = function () {
35895 |
35896 | var y0 = this.getY0Value();
35897 | var _a = this,
35898 | props = _a.props,
35899 | defaultStartOnZero = _a.startOnZero;
35900 | var coord = props.coord,
35901 | _b = props.startOnZero,
35902 | startOnZero = _b === void 0 ? defaultStartOnZero : _b;
35903 | if (startOnZero) {
35904 |
35905 | var originCoord = coord.convertPoint({
35906 | x: 0,
35907 | y: y0
35908 | });
35909 | return originCoord.y;
35910 | }
35911 | return coord.y[0];
35912 | };
35913 | Area.prototype.mapping = function () {
35914 | var records = _super.prototype.mapping.call(this);
35915 | var baseY = this.getBaseY();
35916 | for (var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
35917 | var record = records[i];
35918 | var children = record.children;
35919 | for (var j = 0, len_1 = children.length; j < len_1; j++) {
35920 | var child = children[j];
35921 | var points = child.points,
35922 | bottomPoints = child.bottomPoints;
35923 | if (bottomPoints && bottomPoints.length) {
35924 | bottomPoints.reverse();
35925 | child.points = points.concat(bottomPoints);
35926 | } else {
35927 | points.unshift({
35928 | x: points[0].x,
35929 | y: baseY
35930 | });
35931 | points.unshift({
35932 | x: points[points.length - 1].x,
35933 | y: baseY
35934 | });
35935 | }
35936 | }
35937 | }
35938 | return records;
35939 | };
35940 | Area.prototype.render = function () {
35941 | var props = this.props;
35942 | var coord = props.coord;
35943 | var records = this.mapping();
35944 | var clip = this.getClip();
35945 | var baseY = this.getBaseY();
35946 | return jsx(View, __assign({}, props, {
35947 | baseY: baseY,
35948 | coord: coord,
35949 | records: records,
35950 | clip: clip
35951 | }));
35952 | };
35953 | return Area;
35954 | }(withLine(View));
35955 | });
35956 |
35957 | var AreaView = (function (props) {
35958 | var coord = props.coord,
35959 | records = props.records,
35960 | baseY = props.baseY,
35961 | shape = props.shape,
35962 | animation = props.animation;
35963 | var isSmooth = shape === 'smooth';
35964 | var _a = coord,
35965 | left = _a.left,
35966 | top = _a.top,
35967 | width = _a.width,
35968 | height = _a.height,
35969 | center = _a.center,
35970 | startAngle = _a.startAngle,
35971 | endAngle = _a.endAngle,
35972 | radius = _a.radius;
35973 | var appear = coord.isPolar ? {
35974 | easing: 'quadraticOut',
35975 | duration: 450,
35976 | clip: {
35977 | type: 'sector',
35978 | property: ['endAngle'],
35979 | style: {
35980 | cx: center.x,
35981 | cy: center.y,
35982 | startAngle: "".concat(startAngle, "rad"),
35983 | r: radius
35984 | },
35985 | start: {
35986 | endAngle: "".concat(startAngle, "rad")
35987 | },
35988 | end: {
35989 | endAngle: "".concat(endAngle, "rad")
35990 | }
35991 | }
35992 | } : {
35993 | easing: 'quadraticOut',
35994 | duration: 450,
35995 | clip: {
35996 | type: 'rect',
35997 | property: ['width'],
35998 | style: {
35999 | x: left,
36000 | y: top,
36001 | height: height
36002 | },
36003 | start: {
36004 | width: 0
36005 | },
36006 | end: {
36007 | width: width
36008 | }
36009 | }
36010 | };
36011 | return jsx("group", null, records.map(function (record) {
36012 | var key = record.key,
36013 | children = record.children;
36014 | return jsx("group", {
36015 | key: key
36016 | }, children.map(function (child) {
36017 | var points = child.points,
36018 | topPoints = child.topPoints,
36019 | bottomPoints = child.bottomPoints,
36020 | color = child.color,
36021 | shape = child.shape;
36022 | if (isSmooth) {
36023 | var generatePath = function generatePath() {
36024 | var d = [];
36025 | var constaint = [[0, 0], [1, 1]];
36026 | var topSps = catmullRom2bezier(topPoints, false, constaint);
36027 | d.push(['M', topPoints[0].x, topPoints[0].y]);
36028 | for (var i = 0, n = topSps.length; i < n; i++) {
36029 | var sp = topSps[i];
36030 | d.push(['C', sp[1], sp[2], sp[3], sp[4], sp[5], sp[6]]);
36031 | }
36032 | if (bottomPoints && bottomPoints.length) {
36033 | var bottomSps = catmullRom2bezier(bottomPoints, false, constaint);
36034 | d.push(['L', bottomPoints[0].x, bottomPoints[0].y]);
36035 | for (var i = 0, n = bottomSps.length; i < n; i++) {
36036 | var sp = bottomSps[i];
36037 | d.push(['C', sp[1], sp[2], sp[3], sp[4], sp[5], sp[6]]);
36038 | }
36039 | } else {
36040 | d.push(['L', topPoints[topPoints.length - 1].x, baseY]);
36041 | d.push(['L', topPoints[0].x, baseY]);
36042 | }
36043 | return d;
36044 | };
36045 | return jsx("path", {
36046 | style: __assign({
36047 | path: generatePath(),
36048 | lineWidth: '2px',
36049 | fill: color
36050 | }, shape)
36051 | });
36052 | }
36053 | return jsx("polygon", {
36054 | style: __assign({
36055 | points: points.map(function (point) {
36056 | return [point.x, point.y];
36057 | }),
36058 | lineWidth: '2px',
36059 | fill: color
36060 | }, shape),
36061 | animation: deepMix({
36062 | appear: appear,
36063 | update: {
36064 | easing: 'linear',
36065 | duration: 450,
36066 | property: ['points']
36067 | }
36068 | }, animation)
36069 | });
36070 | }));
36071 | }));
36072 | });
36073 |
36074 | var index$1 = withArea(AreaView);
36075 |
36076 | |
36077 |
36078 |
36079 |
36080 |
36081 |
36082 | function getMiddlePoint(start, end) {
36083 | var x = (end.x - start.x) / 2 + start.x;
36084 | var y = (end.y - start.y) / 2 + start.y;
36085 | return {
36086 | x: x,
36087 | y: y
36088 | };
36089 | }
36090 |
36091 | var DEFAULT_LABEL_CFG = {
36092 | textBaseline: 'middle',
36093 | fill: '#808080'
36094 | };
36095 | function LabelView(props) {
36096 | var _a;
36097 | var record = props.record,
36098 | offsetX = props.offsetX,
36099 | offsetY = props.offsetY,
36100 | points = props.points,
36101 | label = props.label,
36102 | guide = props.guide;
36103 | var origin = record.origin,
36104 | color = record.color;
36105 | var labelAttrs, guideAttrs;
36106 | if (isFunction(label)) {
36107 | var point = points.length === 4
36108 | ? getMiddlePoint(points[1], points[2]) : getMiddlePoint(points[0], points[1]);
36109 | labelAttrs = mix({
36110 | x: point.x + offsetX,
36111 | y: point.y + offsetY
36112 | }, DEFAULT_LABEL_CFG, label(origin, color));
36113 | }
36114 | if (isFunction(guide)) {
36115 | var point = getMiddlePoint(points.length === 4 ? getMiddlePoint(points[0], points[1]) : points[0], getMiddlePoint(points[2], (_a = points[3]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : points[1]));
36116 | guideAttrs = mix({
36117 | x: point.x,
36118 | y: point.y,
36119 | textBaseline: 'middle',
36120 | textAlign: 'center'
36121 | }, DEFAULT_LABEL_CFG, guide(origin, color));
36122 | }
36123 | return jsx("group", null, labelAttrs && jsx("text", {
36124 | attrs: labelAttrs
36125 | }), guideAttrs && jsx("text", {
36126 | attrs: guideAttrs
36127 | }));
36128 | }
36129 |
36130 | var LabelViews = Object.freeze({
36131 | __proto__: null,
36132 | pyramid: LabelView,
36133 | funnel: LabelView
36134 | });
36135 |
36136 | var withInterval = (function (Views) {
36137 | return function (_super) {
36138 | __extends(Interval, _super);
36139 | function Interval() {
36140 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
36141 | }
36142 | Interval.prototype.getDefaultCfg = function () {
36143 | return {
36144 | geomType: 'interval',
36145 | justifyContent: true,
36146 | startOnZero: true
36147 | };
36148 | };
36149 | Interval.prototype.getDefaultSize = function () {
36150 | var _a = this,
36151 | attrs = _a.attrs,
36152 | props = _a.props,
36153 | adjust = _a.adjust,
36154 | records = _a.records;
36155 | var coord = props.coord,
36156 | sizeRatio = props.sizeRatio;
36157 | var x = attrs.x;
36158 | var scale = x.scale;
36159 | var values = scale.values;
36160 | if (sizeRatio) {
36161 | return 1 / values.length * sizeRatio;
36162 | }
36163 | var defaultWithRatio = {
36164 | column: 1 / 2,
36165 | rose: 0.999999,
36166 | multiplePie: 3 / 4
36167 | };
36168 | var count = values.length;
36169 | var ratio;
36170 | if (coord.isPolar) {
36171 | if (coord.transposed && count > 1) {
36172 | ratio = defaultWithRatio.multiplePie;
36173 | } else {
36174 | ratio = defaultWithRatio.rose;
36175 | }
36176 | } else {
36177 | ratio = defaultWithRatio.column;
36178 | }
36179 | var size = 1 / values.length * ratio;
36180 |
36181 | if (adjust && adjust.type === 'dodge') {
36182 | return size / records.length;
36183 | }
36184 | return size;
36185 | };
36186 | Interval.prototype.mapping = function () {
36187 | var _a;
36188 | var records = _super.prototype.mapping.call(this);
36189 | var props = this.props;
36190 | var coord = props.coord,
36191 | sizeZoom = props.sizeZoom;
36192 | var y0 = this.getY0Value();
36193 | var defaultSize = this.getDefaultSize();
36194 | for (var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
36195 | var record = records[i];
36196 | var children = record.children;
36197 | for (var j = 0, len_1 = children.length; j < len_1; j++) {
36198 | var child = children[j];
36199 | var normalized = child.normalized,
36200 | mappedSize = child.size,
36201 | origin_1 = child.origin;
36202 |
36203 | if (isNil(mappedSize)) {
36204 | var x = normalized.x,
36205 | y = normalized.y,
36206 | _b = normalized.size,
36207 | size = _b === void 0 ? defaultSize : _b;
36208 | var zoomRatio = (_a = isFunction(sizeZoom) ? sizeZoom(origin_1) : sizeZoom) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1;
36209 | mix(child, coord.convertRect({
36210 | x: x,
36211 | y: y,
36212 | y0: y0,
36213 | size: size * zoomRatio
36214 | }));
36215 | } else {
36216 | var x = child.x,
36217 | y = child.y;
36218 | var rect = {
36219 | size: mappedSize,
36220 | x: x,
36221 | y: y,
36222 | y0: y0
36223 | };
36224 | mix(child, coord.transformToRect(rect));
36225 | }
36226 | mix(child.shape, this.getSelectionStyle(child));
36227 | }
36228 | }
36229 | return records;
36230 | };
36231 |
36232 | Interval.prototype.getPointY0 = function () {
36233 | var props = this.props;
36234 | var coord = props.coord;
36235 | var y0 = this.getY0Value();
36236 | var y0Point = coord.convertPoint({
36237 | y: y0,
36238 | x: 0
36239 | });
36240 | return y0Point === null || y0Point === void 0 ? void 0 : y0Point.y;
36241 | };
36242 | Interval.prototype.render = function () {
36243 | var _a = this,
36244 | props = _a.props,
36245 | state = _a.state;
36246 | var coord = props.coord,
36247 | _b = props.shape,
36248 | shape = _b === void 0 ? 'rect' : _b,
36249 | animation = props.animation,
36250 | showLabel = props.showLabel,
36251 | customLabelCfg = props.labelCfg;
36252 | var View = isFunction(Views) ? Views : Views[shape];
36253 | var LabelView = LabelViews[shape];
36254 | var labelCfg = deepMix({
36255 | label: null,
36256 | offsetX: 0,
36257 | offsetY: 0
36258 | }, customLabelCfg);
36259 | if (!View) return null;
36260 | var selected = state.selected;
36261 | var records = this.mapping();
36262 | var pointY0 = this.getPointY0();
36263 | var clip = this.getClip();
36264 | return jsx(View, {
36265 | coord: coord,
36266 | records: records,
36267 | selected: selected,
36268 | shape: shape,
36269 | animation: animation,
36270 | showLabel: showLabel,
36271 | labelCfg: labelCfg,
36272 | LabelView: LabelView,
36273 | y0: pointY0,
36274 | clip: clip
36275 | });
36276 | };
36277 | return Interval;
36278 | }(Geometry);
36279 | });
36280 |
36281 | var Rect$2 = (function (props) {
36282 | var records = props.records,
36283 | animation = props.animation,
36284 | y0 = props.y0,
36285 | clip = props.clip,
36286 | onClick = props.onClick;
36287 | return jsx("group", {
36288 | attrs: {
36289 | clip: clip
36290 | }
36291 | }, records.map(function (record) {
36292 | var key = record.key,
36293 | children = record.children;
36294 | return jsx("group", {
36295 | key: key
36296 | }, children.map(function (item) {
36297 | var key = item.key,
36298 | xMin = item.xMin,
36299 | xMax = item.xMax,
36300 | yMin = item.yMin,
36301 | yMax = item.yMax,
36302 | color = item.color,
36303 | shape = item.shape;
36304 | if (isNaN(xMin) || isNaN(xMax) || isNaN(yMin) || isNaN(yMax)) {
36305 | return null;
36306 | }
36307 | return jsx("rect", {
36308 | key: key,
36309 | attrs: __assign({
36310 | x: xMin,
36311 | y: yMin,
36312 | width: xMax - xMin,
36313 | height: yMax - yMin,
36314 | fill: color
36315 | }, shape),
36316 | onClick: onClick,
36317 | animation: deepMix({
36318 | appear: {
36319 | easing: 'linear',
36320 | duration: 450,
36321 | property: ['y', 'height'],
36322 | start: {
36323 | y: y0,
36324 | height: 0
36325 | }
36326 | },
36327 | update: {
36328 | easing: 'linear',
36329 | duration: 450,
36330 | property: ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height']
36331 | }
36332 | }, animation)
36333 | });
36334 | }));
36335 | }));
36336 | });
36337 |
36338 | var Polar$1 = (function (props) {
36339 | var coord = props.coord,
36340 | records = props.records,
36341 | animation = props.animation,
36342 | onClick = props.onClick;
36343 | var center = coord.center,
36344 | startAngle = coord.startAngle,
36345 | endAngle = coord.endAngle,
36346 | radius = coord.radius;
36347 | return jsx("group", {
36348 | animation: {
36349 | appear: __assign({
36350 | easing: 'quadraticOut',
36351 | duration: 450,
36352 | clip: {
36353 | type: 'sector',
36354 | property: ['endAngle'],
36355 | style: {
36356 | cx: center.x,
36357 | cy: center.y,
36358 | startAngle: "".concat(startAngle, "rad"),
36359 | r: radius
36360 | },
36361 | start: {
36362 | endAngle: "".concat(startAngle, "rad")
36363 | },
36364 | end: {
36365 | endAngle: "".concat(endAngle, "rad")
36366 | }
36367 | }
36368 | }, animation && animation.appear)
36369 | }
36370 | }, records.map(function (record) {
36371 | var key = record.key,
36372 | children = record.children;
36373 | return jsx("group", {
36374 | key: key
36375 | }, children.map(function (item) {
36376 | var key = item.key,
36377 | xMin = item.xMin,
36378 | xMax = item.xMax,
36379 | yMin = item.yMin,
36380 | yMax = item.yMax,
36381 | color = item.color,
36382 | shape = item.shape;
36383 | return jsx("sector", {
36384 | key: key,
36385 | attrs: __assign({
36386 | cx: center.x,
36387 | cy: center.y,
36388 | fill: color,
36389 | lineWidth: 1,
36390 | startAngle: "".concat(xMin, "rad"),
36391 | endAngle: "".concat(xMax, "rad"),
36392 | r0: yMin,
36393 | r: yMax
36394 | }, shape),
36395 | onClick: onClick,
36396 | animation: deepMix({
36397 | update: {
36398 | easing: 'linear',
36399 | duration: 450,
36400 | property: ['x', 'y', 'startAngle', 'endAngle', 'r0', 'r']
36401 | }
36402 | }, animation)
36403 | });
36404 | }));
36405 | }));
36406 | });
36407 |
36408 | var intervalView = (function (props) {
36409 | var coord = props.coord;
36410 | var coordType = coord.type;
36411 |
36412 | if (coordType === 'rect') {
36413 | return jsx(Rect$2, __assign({}, props));
36414 | }
36415 |
36416 | return jsx(Polar$1, __assign({}, props));
36417 | });
36418 |
36419 | function convertToPoints(_a) {
36420 | var xMin = _a.xMin,
36421 | xMax = _a.xMax,
36422 | yMin = _a.yMin,
36423 | yMax = _a.yMax;
36424 | return [{
36425 | x: xMin,
36426 | y: yMin
36427 | }, {
36428 | x: xMax,
36429 | y: yMin
36430 | }, {
36431 | x: xMax,
36432 | y: yMax
36433 | }, {
36434 | x: xMin,
36435 | y: yMax
36436 | }
36437 | ];
36438 | }
36439 |
36440 |
36441 | var polygonView = (function (props) {
36442 | var records = props.records,
36443 | shape = props.shape,
36444 | showLabel = props.showLabel,
36445 | labelCfg = props.labelCfg,
36446 | LabelView = props.LabelView;
36447 |
36448 | var overturn = false;
36449 | return jsx("group", null, records.map(function (record, index) {
36450 | var key = record.key,
36451 | children = record.children;
36452 | var isLastRecord = index === records.length - 1;
36453 | var nextRecord = isLastRecord ? record : records[index + 1];
36454 | var nextChildren = nextRecord.children;
36455 | var nextFirstPoint = convertToPoints(nextChildren[0]);
36456 | var nextLastPoints = convertToPoints(nextChildren[nextChildren.length - 1]);
36457 | if (!overturn) {
36458 | overturn = nextChildren[0].yMax > children[0].yMax;
36459 | }
36460 | if (overturn) {
36461 | nextFirstPoint.reverse();
36462 | nextLastPoints.reverse();
36463 | }
36464 | var polygonPoints = children.map(function (child, childIndex) {
36465 | var points = convertToPoints(child);
36466 | if (overturn) {
36467 | points.reverse();
36468 | }
36469 | if (isLastRecord) {
36470 | if (shape === 'pyramid') {
36471 | points = [getMiddlePoint(points[0], points[1]), points[2], points[3]];
36472 | }
36473 | } else {
36474 | if (childIndex === 0) {
36475 | points[0] = nextFirstPoint[3];
36476 | }
36477 | if (childIndex === children.length - 1) {
36478 | points[1] = nextLastPoints[2];
36479 | }
36480 | }
36481 | return __assign(__assign({}, child), {
36482 | points: points
36483 | });
36484 | });
36485 | return jsx("group", {
36486 | key: key
36487 | }, polygonPoints.map(function (child) {
36488 | var points = child.points,
36489 | color = child.color,
36490 | shape = child.shape;
36491 | return jsx("group", null, jsx("polygon", {
36492 | attrs: __assign({
36493 | points: points.map(function (d) {
36494 | return [d.x, d.y];
36495 | }),
36496 | fill: color
36497 | }, shape)
36498 | }), showLabel && LabelView ? jsx(LabelView, __assign({
36499 | record: child,
36500 | points: points
36501 | }, labelCfg)) : null);
36502 | }));
36503 | }));
36504 | });
36505 |
36506 |
36507 |
36508 | var Views = Object.freeze({
36509 | __proto__: null,
36510 | rect: intervalView,
36511 | pyramid: polygonView,
36512 | funnel: polygonView
36513 | });
36514 |
36515 | var index$2 = withInterval(Views);
36516 |
36517 | var withPoint = (function (View) {
36518 | return function (_super) {
36519 | __extends(Point, _super);
36520 | function Point() {
36521 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
36522 | }
36523 | Point.prototype.getDefaultCfg = function () {
36524 | return {
36525 | geomType: 'point'
36526 | };
36527 | };
36528 | Point.prototype.render = function () {
36529 | var props = this.props;
36530 | var coord = props.coord;
36531 | var records = this.mapping();
36532 | var clip = this.getClip();
36533 | return jsx(View, __assign({}, props, {
36534 | coord: coord,
36535 | records: records,
36536 | clip: clip
36537 | }));
36538 | };
36539 | return Point;
36540 | }(Geometry);
36541 | });
36542 |
36543 | var PointView = (function (props) {
36544 | var records = props.records,
36545 | animation = props.animation,
36546 | clip = props.clip;
36547 | return jsx("group", {
36548 | attrs: {
36549 | clip: clip
36550 | }
36551 | }, records.map(function (record) {
36552 | var key = record.key,
36553 | children = record.children;
36554 | return jsx("group", {
36555 | key: key
36556 | }, children.map(function (item) {
36557 | var x = item.x,
36558 | y = item.y,
36559 | size = item.size,
36560 | color = item.color,
36561 | shapeName = item.shapeName,
36562 | shape = item.shape;
36563 | if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {
36564 | return null;
36565 | }
36566 | if (shapeName === 'rect') {
36567 | var rectSize = isNil(size) ? shape.size : size;
36568 | return jsx("rect", {
36569 | key: key,
36570 | attrs: __assign(__assign({
36571 | x: x - rectSize,
36572 | y: y - rectSize,
36573 | fill: color,
36574 | stroke: color
36575 | }, shape), {
36576 | width: rectSize * 2,
36577 | height: rectSize * 2
36578 | }),
36579 | animation: deepMix({
36580 | appear: {
36581 | easing: 'linear',
36582 | duration: 450
36583 | },
36584 | update: {
36585 | easing: 'linear',
36586 | duration: 450,
36587 | property: ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'fill']
36588 | }
36589 | }, animation)
36590 | });
36591 | }
36592 | return jsx("circle", {
36593 | key: key,
36594 | style: __assign(__assign({
36595 | cx: x,
36596 | cy: y,
36597 | fill: shapeName === 'circle' ? color : null,
36598 | stroke: shapeName === 'hollowCircle' ? color : null
36599 | }, shape), {
36600 | r: isNil(size) ? shape.size : size
36601 | }),
36602 | animation: deepMix({
36603 | appear: {
36604 | easing: 'linear',
36605 | duration: 450
36606 | },
36607 | update: {
36608 | easing: 'linear',
36609 | duration: 450,
36610 | property: ['cx', 'cy', 'r', 'fill']
36611 | }
36612 | }, animation)
36613 | });
36614 | }));
36615 | }));
36616 | });
36617 |
36618 | var index$3 = withPoint(PointView);
36619 |
36620 | var withAxis = (function (View) {
36621 | return function (_super) {
36622 | __extends(Axis, _super);
36623 | function Axis(props) {
36624 | var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
36625 | _this.axisStyle = {};
36626 | var chart = props.chart,
36627 | field = props.field;
36628 | var scaleOption = _this.getScaleOption(props);
36629 | chart.setScale(field, scaleOption);
36630 | return _this;
36631 | }
36632 | Axis.prototype.willReceiveProps = function (nextProps) {
36633 | var lastProps = this.props;
36634 | var chart = nextProps.chart,
36635 | field = nextProps.field;
36636 | var nextScaleOption = this.getScaleOption(nextProps);
36637 | var lastScaleOption = this.getScaleOption(lastProps);
36638 | if (!equal(nextScaleOption, lastScaleOption)) {
36639 | chart.setScale(field, nextScaleOption);
36640 | }
36641 | };
36642 | Axis.prototype.willMount = function () {
36643 | this.updateCoord();
36644 | };
36645 | Axis.prototype.willUpdate = function () {
36646 | this.updateCoord();
36647 | };
36648 | Axis.prototype.getScaleOption = function (props) {
36649 | var type = props.type,
36650 | tickCount = props.tickCount,
36651 | range = props.range,
36652 | mask = props.mask,
36653 | formatter = props.formatter,
36654 | ticks = props.ticks,
36655 | min = props.min,
36656 | max = props.max,
36657 | nice = props.nice;
36658 | return {
36659 | type: type,
36660 | tickCount: tickCount,
36661 | range: range,
36662 | mask: mask,
36663 | formatter: formatter,
36664 | min: min,
36665 | max: max,
36666 | nice: nice,
36667 | ticks: ticks
36668 | };
36669 | };
36670 | Axis.prototype._getDimType = function () {
36671 | var props = this.props;
36672 | var field = props.field,
36673 | chart = props.chart;
36674 | var xScales = chart.getXScales();
36675 | var scales = xScales.filter(function (scale) {
36676 | return scale.field === field;
36677 | });
36678 | return scales.length > 0 ? 'x' : 'y';
36679 | };
36680 |
36681 | Axis.prototype.getMaxBBox = function (ticks, style) {
36682 | var context = this.context;
36683 | var measureText = context.measureText;
36684 | var label = style.label,
36685 | labelOffset = style.labelOffset;
36686 | var width = 0;
36687 | var height = 0;
36688 | ticks.forEach(function (tick) {
36689 | if (!label) return;
36690 | var _a = tick.labelStyle,
36691 | labelStyle = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a,
36692 | text = tick.text;
36693 | var bbox = measureText(labelStyle.text || text, __assign(__assign({}, label), labelStyle));
36694 | width = Math.max(width, bbox.width);
36695 | height = Math.max(height, bbox.height);
36696 | });
36697 | if (!width && !height) {
36698 | return {
36699 | width: width,
36700 | height: height
36701 | };
36702 | }
36703 | var bbox = {
36704 | width: width + labelOffset,
36705 | height: height + labelOffset
36706 | };
36707 | return bbox;
36708 | };
36709 | Axis.prototype._getPosition = function () {
36710 | var props = this.props;
36711 | var position = props.position,
36712 | coord = props.coord;
36713 | if (position) {
36714 | return position;
36715 | }
36716 | var dimType = this._getDimType();
36717 | if (coord.transposed) {
36718 | return dimType === 'x' ? 'left' : 'bottom';
36719 | }
36720 | return dimType === 'x' ? 'bottom' : 'left';
36721 | };
36722 | Axis.prototype.getTicks = function () {
36723 | var props = this.props;
36724 | var field = props.field,
36725 | chart = props.chart;
36726 | var scale = chart.getScale(field);
36727 | var ticks = scale.getTicks();
36728 |
36729 | ticks = this._setTicksStyle(ticks);
36730 | ticks = this._generateGridPoints(ticks);
36731 | return ticks;
36732 | };
36733 | |
36734 |
36735 |
36736 |
36737 |
36738 | Axis.prototype._generateGridPoints = function (ticks) {
36739 | var props = this.props;
36740 | var chart = props.chart,
36741 | coord = props.coord;
36742 | if (!coord.isPolar) {
36743 | return ticks;
36744 | }
36745 | var dimType = this._getDimType();
36746 |
36747 | if (dimType !== 'y') {
36748 | return ticks;
36749 | }
36750 | var xScale = chart.getXScales()[0];
36751 | var xTicks = xScale.getTicks();
36752 | ticks.forEach(function (tick) {
36753 | var gridPoints = xTicks.map(function (xTick) {
36754 | return coord.convertPoint({
36755 | x: xTick.value,
36756 | y: tick.value
36757 | });
36758 | });
36759 |
36760 | gridPoints.push(gridPoints[0]);
36761 | tick.gridPoints = gridPoints;
36762 | });
36763 | return ticks;
36764 | };
36765 | Axis.prototype._setTicksStyle = function (ticks) {
36766 | var _this = this;
36767 | var _a = this,
36768 | props = _a.props,
36769 | context = _a.context;
36770 | var theme = context.theme,
36771 | px2hd = context.px2hd;
36772 | var _b = props.style,
36773 | style = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b;
36774 | var themeAxis = theme.axis;
36775 | each(themeAxis, function (value, key) {
36776 |
36777 | if (style[key] === null) {
36778 | return;
36779 | }
36780 | var styleValue = isFunction(style[key]) ? undefined : style[key];
36781 | if (isString(value) || isNumber(value)) {
36782 | _this.axisStyle[key] = px2hd(styleValue) || value;
36783 | } else if (isArray(styleValue)) {
36784 | _this.axisStyle[key] = styleValue.map(function (d) {
36785 | return px2hd(deepMix(clone(value), d));
36786 | });
36787 | } else {
36788 | _this.axisStyle[key] = px2hd(deepMix(clone(value), styleValue));
36789 | }
36790 | });
36791 | return ticks.map(function (tick, index) {
36792 | var label = style.label,
36793 | grid = style.grid;
36794 | var defaultLabelStyle = themeAxis.label,
36795 | defaultGridStyle = themeAxis.grid;
36796 | if (isFunction(label)) {
36797 | tick.labelStyle = px2hd(mix({}, defaultLabelStyle, label(tick.text, index, ticks)));
36798 | }
36799 | if (isFunction(grid)) {
36800 | tick.gridStyle = px2hd(mix({}, defaultGridStyle, grid(tick.text, index, ticks.length)));
36801 | }
36802 | return tick;
36803 | });
36804 | };
36805 | Axis.prototype.convertTicks = function (ticks) {
36806 | var props = this.props;
36807 | var coord = props.coord;
36808 | var dimType = this._getDimType();
36809 | var otherDim = dimType === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x';
36810 | return ticks.map(function (tick) {
36811 | var _a, _b;
36812 | var start = coord.convertPoint((_a = {}, _a[dimType] = tick.value, _a[otherDim] = 0, _a));
36813 | var end = coord.convertPoint((_b = {}, _b[dimType] = tick.value, _b[otherDim] = 1, _b));
36814 | return __assign(__assign({}, tick), {
36815 | points: [start, end]
36816 | });
36817 | });
36818 | };
36819 | Axis.prototype.measureLayout = function () {
36820 | var _a = this,
36821 | props = _a.props,
36822 | context = _a.context;
36823 | var visible = props.visible,
36824 | coord = props.coord,
36825 | style = props.style;
36826 | if (visible === false) {
36827 | return null;
36828 | }
36829 | var _b = style || {},
36830 | customWidth = _b.width,
36831 | customHeight = _b.height;
36832 | var ticks = this.getTicks();
36833 | var bbox = this.getMaxBBox(ticks, this.axisStyle);
36834 | var isPolar = coord.isPolar;
36835 | var dimType = this._getDimType();
36836 |
36837 | var width = isNil(customWidth) ? bbox.width : context.px2hd(customWidth);
36838 | var height = isNil(customHeight) ? bbox.height : context.px2hd(customHeight);
36839 | if (isPolar) {
36840 |
36841 | if (dimType === 'y') {
36842 | return null;
36843 | }
36844 |
36845 | return ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].map(function (position) {
36846 | return {
36847 | position: position,
36848 | width: width,
36849 | height: height
36850 | };
36851 | });
36852 | }
36853 |
36854 | var position = this._getPosition();
36855 | return {
36856 | position: position,
36857 | width: width,
36858 | height: height
36859 | };
36860 | };
36861 |
36862 | Axis.prototype.updateCoord = function () {
36863 | var props = this.props;
36864 | var chart = props.chart;
36865 | var layout = this.measureLayout();
36866 | chart.updateCoordFor(this, layout);
36867 | };
36868 | Axis.prototype.render = function () {
36869 | var _a = this,
36870 | props = _a.props,
36871 | axisStyle = _a.axisStyle;
36872 | var visible = props.visible,
36873 | coord = props.coord;
36874 | if (visible === false) {
36875 | return null;
36876 | }
36877 | var ticks = this.getTicks();
36878 | var position = this._getPosition();
36879 | var dimType = this._getDimType();
36880 | return jsx(View, __assign({}, props, {
36881 | style: axisStyle,
36882 | ticks: this.convertTicks(ticks),
36883 | coord: coord,
36884 | position: position,
36885 | dimType: dimType
36886 | }));
36887 | };
36888 | return Axis;
36889 | }(Component);
36890 | });
36891 |
36892 |
36893 | function getOffsetPoint(center, point, offset) {
36894 | var vectorX = point.x - center.x;
36895 | var vectorY = point.y - center.y;
36896 | var vectorLength = length$1([vectorX, vectorY]);
36897 | var offsetLength = vectorLength + offset;
36898 | var x = vectorX / vectorLength * offsetLength;
36899 | var y = vectorY / vectorLength * offsetLength;
36900 | return {
36901 | x: center.x + x,
36902 | y: center.y + y
36903 | };
36904 | }
36905 |
36906 | function getTextAlignInfo(center, point) {
36907 |
36908 | var vector = [point.x - center.x, point.y - center.y];
36909 | var align;
36910 | var baseLine;
36911 |
36912 | if (vector[0] > 0) {
36913 | align = 'left';
36914 | } else if (vector[0] < 0) {
36915 | align = 'right';
36916 | } else {
36917 | align = 'center';
36918 | }
36919 |
36920 | if (vector[1] > 0) {
36921 | baseLine = 'top';
36922 | } else if (vector[1] < 0) {
36923 | baseLine = 'bottom';
36924 | } else {
36925 | baseLine = 'middle';
36926 | }
36927 | return {
36928 | textAlign: align,
36929 | textBaseline: baseLine
36930 | };
36931 | }
36932 | var Line$1 = function Line(props) {
36933 | var line = props.line,
36934 | gridType = props.gridType,
36935 | center = props.center,
36936 | radius = props.radius,
36937 | ticks = props.ticks;
36938 | if (!line) return null;
36939 | if (gridType !== 'line') {
36940 | return jsx("arc", {
36941 | attrs: __assign({
36942 | cx: center.x,
36943 | cy: center.y,
36944 | r: radius,
36945 | startAngle: 0,
36946 | endAngle: 360
36947 | }, line)
36948 | });
36949 | }
36950 | var points = ticks.map(function (tick) {
36951 | var points = tick.points;
36952 | return points[points.length - 1];
36953 | });
36954 |
36955 | points.push(points[0]);
36956 | return jsx("polyline", {
36957 | attrs: __assign({
36958 | points: points.map(function (d) {
36959 | return [d.x, d.y];
36960 | })
36961 | }, line)
36962 | });
36963 | };
36964 | var PolarX = (function (props) {
36965 | var originTicks = props.ticks,
36966 | coord = props.coord,
36967 | style = props.style,
36968 | gridType = props.grid;
36969 | var center = coord.center;
36970 | var grid = style.grid,
36971 | tickLine = style.tickLine,
36972 | line = style.line,
36973 | labelOffset = style.labelOffset,
36974 | label = style.label;
36975 | var ticks = originTicks.filter(function (d) {
36976 | return !isNaN(d.value);
36977 | });
36978 | var firstTicks = ticks[0];
36979 | var points = firstTicks.points;
36980 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
36981 | var radius = length$1([end.x - center.x, end.y - center.y]);
36982 | return jsx("group", null, grid ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
36983 | var points = tick.points,
36984 | gridStyle = tick.gridStyle;
36985 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
36986 | return jsx("line", {
36987 | attrs: __assign(__assign({
36988 | x1: center.x,
36989 | y1: center.y,
36990 | x2: end.x,
36991 | y2: end.y
36992 | }, grid), gridStyle)
36993 | });
36994 | }) : null, tickLine && tickLine.length ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
36995 | var points = tick.points;
36996 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
36997 | var offsetPoint = getOffsetPoint(center, end, tickLine.length);
36998 | return jsx("line", {
36999 | attrs: __assign({
37000 | x1: end.x,
37001 | y1: end.y,
37002 | x2: offsetPoint.x,
37003 | y2: offsetPoint.y
37004 | }, tickLine)
37005 | });
37006 | }) : null, jsx(Line$1, {
37007 | line: line,
37008 | gridType: gridType,
37009 | center: center,
37010 | radius: radius,
37011 | ticks: ticks
37012 | }), label ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
37013 | var points = tick.points,
37014 | text = tick.text,
37015 | labelStyle = tick.labelStyle;
37016 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37017 | var offsetPoint = getOffsetPoint(center, end, labelOffset);
37018 | return jsx("text", {
37019 | attrs: __assign(__assign(__assign({
37020 | x: offsetPoint.x,
37021 | y: offsetPoint.y,
37022 | text: text
37023 | }, getTextAlignInfo(center, end)), label), labelStyle)
37024 | });
37025 | }) : null);
37026 | });
37027 |
37028 | var PolarY = (function (props) {
37029 | var originTicks = props.ticks,
37030 | coord = props.coord,
37031 | style = props.style,
37032 | gridType = props.grid;
37033 | var center = coord.center;
37034 | var grid = style.grid,
37035 | tickLine = style.tickLine,
37036 | line = style.line,
37037 | labelOffset = style.labelOffset,
37038 | label = style.label;
37039 | var ticks = originTicks.filter(function (d) {
37040 | return !isNaN(d.value);
37041 | });
37042 | return jsx("group", null, grid ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
37043 | var points = tick.points,
37044 | gridStyle = tick.gridStyle,
37045 | gridPoints = tick.gridPoints;
37046 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37047 | if (gridType !== 'line') {
37048 | return jsx("arc", {
37049 | style: __assign(__assign({
37050 | cx: center.x,
37051 | cy: center.y,
37052 | startAngle: 0,
37053 | endAngle: 360,
37054 | r: length$1([end.x - center.x, end.y - center.y])
37055 | }, grid), gridStyle)
37056 | });
37057 | }
37058 | return jsx("polyline", {
37059 | attrs: __assign(__assign({
37060 | points: gridPoints.map(function (d) {
37061 | return [d.x, d.y];
37062 | })
37063 | }, grid), gridStyle)
37064 | });
37065 | }) : null, tickLine && tickLine.length ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
37066 | var points = tick.points;
37067 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37068 | return jsx("line", {
37069 | attrs: __assign({
37070 | x1: end.x,
37071 | y1: end.y,
37072 | x2: end.x - tickLine.length,
37073 | y2: end.y
37074 | }, tickLine)
37075 | });
37076 | }) : null, line ? jsx("line", {
37077 | attrs: __assign({
37078 | x1: ticks[0].points[0].x,
37079 | y1: ticks[0].points[0].y,
37080 | x2: ticks[ticks.length - 1].points[0].x,
37081 | y2: ticks[ticks.length - 1].points[0].y
37082 | }, line)
37083 | }) : null, label ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
37084 | var points = tick.points,
37085 | text = tick.text,
37086 | labelStyle = tick.labelStyle;
37087 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37088 | return jsx("text", {
37089 | attrs: __assign(__assign({
37090 | x: end.x - labelOffset,
37091 | y: end.y,
37092 | text: text,
37093 | textAlign: 'right',
37094 | textBaseline: 'middle'
37095 | }, label), labelStyle)
37096 | });
37097 | }) : null);
37098 | });
37099 |
37100 | var Top = (function (props, context) {
37101 | var originTicks = props.ticks,
37102 | coord = props.coord,
37103 | style = props.style;
37104 | var px2hd = context.px2hd;
37105 | var left = coord.left,
37106 | top = coord.top,
37107 | right = coord.right;
37108 | var grid = style.grid,
37109 | tickLine = style.tickLine,
37110 | line = style.line,
37111 | labelOffset = style.labelOffset,
37112 | label = style.label,
37113 | symbol = style.symbol;
37114 | var ticks = originTicks.filter(function (d) {
37115 | return !isNaN(d.value);
37116 | });
37117 | var symbols = isArray(symbol) ? symbol : [symbol];
37118 | var _a = tickLine || {},
37119 | tickLineLength = _a.length,
37120 | tickLineStyle = __rest(_a, ["length"]);
37121 | return jsx("group", null, grid ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
37122 | var points = tick.points,
37123 | tickValue = tick.tickValue,
37124 | gridStyle = tick.gridStyle;
37125 | var start = points[0];
37126 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37127 | return jsx("line", {
37128 | key: "grid-".concat(tickValue),
37129 | style: __assign(__assign({
37130 | x1: start.x,
37131 | y1: start.y,
37132 | x2: end.x,
37133 | y2: end.y
37134 | }, grid), gridStyle)
37135 | });
37136 | }) : null, tickLine && tickLine.length ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
37137 | var points = tick.points,
37138 | tickValue = tick.tickValue;
37139 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37140 | return jsx("line", {
37141 | key: "tickLine-".concat(tickValue),
37142 | style: __assign({
37143 | x1: end.x,
37144 | y1: end.y,
37145 | x2: end.x,
37146 | y2: end.y - px2hd(tickLineLength)
37147 | }, tickLineStyle)
37148 | });
37149 | }) : null, symbols[0] ? jsx("marker", {
37150 | style: __assign(__assign({
37151 | x: right,
37152 | y: top,
37153 | transform: 'rotate(90deg)',
37154 | transformOrigin: '50% 50%'
37155 | }, symbols[0]), {
37156 | symbol: symbols[0].type
37157 | })
37158 | }) : null, line ? jsx("line", {
37159 | style: __assign({
37160 | x1: left,
37161 | y1: top,
37162 | x2: right,
37163 | y2: top
37164 | }, line)
37165 | }) : null, symbols[1] ? jsx("marker", {
37166 | style: __assign(__assign({
37167 | x: left,
37168 | y: top,
37169 | transform: 'rotate(-90deg)',
37170 | transformOrigin: '50% 50%'
37171 | }, symbols[0]), {
37172 | symbol: symbols[1].type
37173 | })
37174 | }) : null, label ? ticks.map(function (tick, _index) {
37175 | var tickValue = tick.tickValue,
37176 | points = tick.points,
37177 | text = tick.text,
37178 | labelStyle = tick.labelStyle;
37179 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37180 | return jsx("text", {
37181 | key: "text-".concat(tickValue),
37182 | style: __assign(__assign({
37183 | x: end.x,
37184 | y: end.y - labelOffset,
37185 | textAlign: 'center',
37186 | textBaseline: 'bottom',
37187 | text: text
37188 | }, label), labelStyle)
37189 | });
37190 | }) : null);
37191 | });
37192 |
37193 | var Bottom = (function (props, context) {
37194 | var ticks = props.ticks,
37195 | coord = props.coord,
37196 | style = props.style,
37197 | animation = props.animation;
37198 | var px2hd = context.px2hd,
37199 | measureText = context.measureText;
37200 | var left = coord.left,
37201 | right = coord.right,
37202 | bottom = coord.bottom;
37203 | var grid = style.grid,
37204 | tickLine = style.tickLine,
37205 | line = style.line,
37206 | labelOffset = style.labelOffset,
37207 | label = style.label,
37208 | symbol = style.symbol;
37209 | var filterTicks = ticks.filter(function (d) {
37210 | return !isNaN(d.value);
37211 | });
37212 | var symbols = isArray(symbol) ? symbol : [symbol];
37213 | var _a = tickLine || {},
37214 | tickLineLength = _a.length,
37215 | tickLineStyle = __rest(_a, ["length"]);
37216 | return jsx("group", null, grid ? filterTicks.map(function (tick) {
37217 | var points = tick.points,
37218 | tickValue = tick.tickValue,
37219 | gridStyle = tick.gridStyle;
37220 | var start = points[0];
37221 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37222 | return jsx("line", {
37223 | key: "grid-".concat(tickValue),
37224 | style: __assign(__assign({
37225 | x1: start.x,
37226 | y1: start.y,
37227 | x2: end.x,
37228 | y2: end.y
37229 | }, grid), gridStyle)
37230 | });
37231 | }) : null, tickLineLength ? filterTicks.map(function (tick) {
37232 | var points = tick.points,
37233 | tickValue = tick.tickValue;
37234 | var start = points[0];
37235 | return jsx("line", {
37236 | key: "tickLine-".concat(tickValue),
37237 | style: __assign({
37238 | x1: start.x,
37239 | y1: start.y,
37240 | x2: start.x,
37241 | y2: start.y + px2hd(tickLineLength)
37242 | }, tickLineStyle)
37243 | });
37244 | }) : null, symbols[0] ? jsx("marker", {
37245 | style: __assign(__assign({
37246 | x: right,
37247 | y: bottom,
37248 | transform: 'rotate(90deg)',
37249 | transformOrigin: '50% 50%'
37250 | }, symbols[0]), {
37251 | symbol: symbols[0].type
37252 | })
37253 | }) : null, line ? jsx("line", {
37254 | style: __assign({
37255 | x1: left,
37256 | y1: bottom,
37257 | x2: right,
37258 | y2: bottom
37259 | }, line)
37260 | }) : null, symbols[1] ? jsx("marker", {
37261 | style: __assign(__assign({
37262 | x: left,
37263 | y: bottom,
37264 | transform: 'rotate(-90deg)',
37265 | transformOrigin: '50% 50%'
37266 | }, symbols[0]), {
37267 | symbol: symbols[1].type
37268 | })
37269 | }) : null, label ? filterTicks.map(function (tick, index) {
37270 | var points = tick.points,
37271 | text = tick.text,
37272 | tickValue = tick.tickValue,
37273 | labelStyle = tick.labelStyle;
37274 | var _a = points[0],
37275 | x = _a.x,
37276 | y = _a.y;
37277 | var _b = (labelStyle || label || {}).align,
37278 | align = _b === void 0 ? 'center' : _b;
37279 | var textAttrs = __assign(__assign({
37280 | x: x,
37281 | y: y + labelOffset,
37282 | textBaseline: 'top',
37283 | text: text
37284 | }, label), labelStyle);
37285 | if (align === 'between') {
37286 | if (index === 0) {
37287 | textAttrs.textAlign = 'start';
37288 | } else if (index === ticks.length - 1) {
37289 | textAttrs.textAlign = 'end';
37290 | } else {
37291 | textAttrs.textAlign = 'center';
37292 | }
37293 | } else if (align === 'auto') {
37294 | textAttrs.textAlign = 'center';
37295 | var width = measureText(text, textAttrs).width;
37296 | var halfWidth = width / 2;
37297 | if (x - halfWidth < left) {
37298 | textAttrs.x = left + width / 2;
37299 | } else if (x + halfWidth > right) {
37300 | textAttrs.x = right - width / 2;
37301 | }
37302 | } else {
37303 | textAttrs.textAlign = align;
37304 | }
37305 | return jsx("text", {
37306 | key: "text-".concat(tickValue),
37307 | style: textAttrs,
37308 | animation: animation || {
37309 | appear: {
37310 | easing: 'linear',
37311 | duration: 300,
37312 | delay: 0,
37313 | property: ['fillOpacity'],
37314 | start: {
37315 | fillOpacity: 0
37316 | },
37317 | end: {
37318 | fillOpacity: 1
37319 | }
37320 | },
37321 | update: {
37322 | easing: 'linear',
37323 | duration: 450,
37324 | delay: 0,
37325 | property: ['x', 'y']
37326 | },
37327 | leave: {
37328 | easing: 'linear',
37329 | duration: 450,
37330 | delay: 0,
37331 | property: ['fillOpacity'],
37332 | start: {
37333 | fillOpacity: 1
37334 | },
37335 | end: {
37336 | fillOpacity: 0
37337 | }
37338 | }
37339 | }
37340 | });
37341 | }) : null);
37342 | });
37343 |
37344 | var Right = (function (props, context) {
37345 | var originTicks = props.ticks,
37346 | coord = props.coord,
37347 | style = props.style;
37348 | var px2hd = context.px2hd;
37349 | var top = coord.top,
37350 | right = coord.right,
37351 | bottom = coord.bottom;
37352 | var grid = style.grid,
37353 | tickLine = style.tickLine,
37354 | line = style.line,
37355 | labelOffset = style.labelOffset,
37356 | label = style.label,
37357 | symbol = style.symbol;
37358 | var ticks = originTicks.filter(function (d) {
37359 | return !isNaN(d.value);
37360 | });
37361 | var symbols = isArray(symbol) ? symbol : [symbol];
37362 | var _a = tickLine || {},
37363 | tickLineLength = _a.length,
37364 | tickLineStyle = __rest(_a, ["length"]);
37365 | return jsx("group", null, grid ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
37366 | var points = tick.points,
37367 | tickValue = tick.tickValue,
37368 | gridStyle = tick.gridStyle;
37369 | var start = points[0];
37370 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37371 | return jsx("line", {
37372 | key: "grid-".concat(tickValue),
37373 | style: __assign(__assign({
37374 | x1: start.x,
37375 | y1: start.y,
37376 | x2: end.x,
37377 | y2: end.y
37378 | }, grid), gridStyle)
37379 | });
37380 | }) : null, tickLineLength ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
37381 | var points = tick.points,
37382 | tickValue = tick.tickValue;
37383 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37384 | return jsx("line", {
37385 | key: "tickLine-".concat(tickValue),
37386 | style: __assign({
37387 | x1: end.x,
37388 | y1: end.y,
37389 | x2: end.x + px2hd(tickLineLength),
37390 | y2: end.y
37391 | }, tickLineStyle)
37392 | });
37393 | }) : null, symbols[0] ? jsx("marker", {
37394 | style: __assign(__assign({
37395 | x: right,
37396 | y: top
37397 | }, symbols[0]), {
37398 | symbol: symbols[0].type
37399 | })
37400 | }) : null, line ? jsx("line", {
37401 | style: __assign({
37402 | x1: right,
37403 | y1: top,
37404 | x2: right,
37405 | y2: bottom
37406 | }, line)
37407 | }) : null, symbols[1] ? jsx("marker", {
37408 | style: __assign(__assign({
37409 | x: right,
37410 | y: bottom,
37411 | transform: 'rotate(180deg)',
37412 | transformOrigin: '50% 50%'
37413 | }, symbols[1]), {
37414 | symbol: symbols[1].type
37415 | })
37416 | }) : null, label ? ticks.map(function (tick, _index) {
37417 | var tickValue = tick.tickValue,
37418 | points = tick.points,
37419 | text = tick.text,
37420 | labelStyle = tick.labelStyle;
37421 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37422 | return jsx("text", {
37423 | key: "text-".concat(tickValue),
37424 | style: __assign(__assign({
37425 | x: end.x + labelOffset,
37426 | y: end.y,
37427 | textAlign: 'left',
37428 | textBaseline: 'middle',
37429 | text: text
37430 | }, label), labelStyle)
37431 | });
37432 | }) : null);
37433 | });
37434 |
37435 | var Left = (function (props, context) {
37436 | var originTicks = props.ticks,
37437 | coord = props.coord,
37438 | style = props.style,
37439 | animation = props.animation;
37440 | var px2hd = context.px2hd;
37441 | var left = coord.left,
37442 | top = coord.top,
37443 | bottom = coord.bottom;
37444 | var grid = style.grid,
37445 | tickLine = style.tickLine,
37446 | line = style.line,
37447 | labelOffset = style.labelOffset,
37448 | label = style.label,
37449 | symbol = style.symbol;
37450 | var ticks = originTicks.filter(function (d) {
37451 | return !isNaN(d.value);
37452 | });
37453 | var symbols = isArray(symbol) ? symbol : [symbol];
37454 | var _a = tickLine || {},
37455 | tickLineLength = _a.length,
37456 | tickLineStyle = __rest(_a, ["length"]);
37457 | return jsx("group", null, grid ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
37458 | var points = tick.points,
37459 | tickValue = tick.tickValue,
37460 | gridStyle = tick.gridStyle;
37461 | var start = points[0];
37462 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
37463 | return jsx("line", {
37464 | key: "grid-".concat(tickValue),
37465 | style: __assign(__assign({
37466 | x1: start.x,
37467 | y1: start.y,
37468 | x2: end.x,
37469 | y2: end.y
37470 | }, grid), gridStyle)
37471 | });
37472 | }) : null, tickLineLength ? ticks.map(function (tick) {
37473 | var points = tick.points,
37474 | tickValue = tick.tickValue;
37475 | var start = points[0];
37476 | return jsx("line", {
37477 | key: "tickLine-".concat(tickValue),
37478 | style: __assign({
37479 | x1: start.x,
37480 | y1: start.y,
37481 | x2: start.x - px2hd(tickLineLength),
37482 | y2: start.y
37483 | }, tickLineStyle)
37484 | });
37485 | }) : null, symbols[0] ? jsx("marker", {
37486 | style: __assign(__assign({
37487 | x: left,
37488 | y: top
37489 | }, symbols[0]), {
37490 | symbol: symbols[0].type
37491 | })
37492 | }) : null, line ? jsx("line", {
37493 | style: __assign({
37494 | x1: left,
37495 | y1: top,
37496 | x2: left,
37497 | y2: bottom
37498 | }, line)
37499 | }) : null, symbols[1] ? jsx("marker", {
37500 | style: __assign(__assign({
37501 | x: left,
37502 | y: bottom,
37503 | transform: 'rotate(180deg)',
37504 | transformOrigin: '50% 50%'
37505 | }, symbols[1]), {
37506 | symbol: symbols[1].type
37507 | })
37508 | }) : null, label ? ticks.map(function (tick, _index) {
37509 | var tickValue = tick.tickValue,
37510 | points = tick.points,
37511 | text = tick.text,
37512 | labelStyle = tick.labelStyle;
37513 | var start = points[0];
37514 | return jsx("text", {
37515 | key: "text-".concat(tickValue),
37516 | style: __assign(__assign({
37517 | x: start.x - labelOffset,
37518 | y: start.y,
37519 | textAlign: 'right',
37520 | textBaseline: 'middle',
37521 | text: text
37522 | }, label), labelStyle),
37523 | animation: animation || {
37524 | appear: {
37525 | easing: 'linear',
37526 | duration: 300,
37527 | delay: 0,
37528 | property: ['fillOpacity'],
37529 | start: {
37530 | fillOpacity: 0
37531 | },
37532 | end: {
37533 | fillOpacity: 1
37534 | }
37535 | },
37536 | update: {
37537 | easing: 'linear',
37538 | duration: 450,
37539 | delay: 0,
37540 | property: ['x', 'y']
37541 | },
37542 | leave: {
37543 | easing: 'linear',
37544 | duration: 450,
37545 | delay: 0,
37546 | property: ['fillOpacity'],
37547 | start: {
37548 | fillOpacity: 1
37549 | },
37550 | end: {
37551 | fillOpacity: 0
37552 | }
37553 | }
37554 | }
37555 | });
37556 | }) : null);
37557 | });
37558 |
37559 | function isPolar(props) {
37560 | return props.coord.isPolar;
37561 | }
37562 | var AxisView = (function (props) {
37563 |
37564 | if (isPolar(props)) {
37565 | var dimType = props.dimType;
37566 | if (dimType === 'x') {
37567 | return jsx(PolarX, __assign({}, props));
37568 | }
37569 | return jsx(PolarY, __assign({}, props));
37570 | }
37571 | var position = props.position;
37572 |
37573 | if (position === 'right') {
37574 | return jsx(Right, __assign({}, props));
37575 | }
37576 | if (position === 'left') {
37577 | return jsx(Left, __assign({}, props));
37578 | }
37579 | if (position === 'top') {
37580 | return jsx(Top, __assign({}, props));
37581 | }
37582 | return jsx(Bottom, __assign({}, props));
37583 | });
37584 |
37585 | var index$4 = withAxis(AxisView);
37586 |
37587 | var withLegend = (function (View) {
37588 | return function (_super) {
37589 | __extends(Legend, _super);
37590 | function Legend(props) {
37591 | var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
37592 | _this._onclick = function (item) {
37593 | var _a;
37594 | var props = _this.props;
37595 | var chart = props.chart,
37596 | _b = props.clickable,
37597 | clickable = _b === void 0 ? true : _b,
37598 | onClick = props.onClick;
37599 | if (!clickable) return;
37600 | var clickItem = item.currentTarget;
37601 | if (!clickItem) {
37602 | return;
37603 | }
37604 |
37605 | var dataItem = clickItem.config['data-item'];
37606 | if (!dataItem) {
37607 | return;
37608 | }
37609 | if (isFunction(onClick)) {
37610 | onClick(dataItem);
37611 | }
37612 | var field = dataItem.field,
37613 | tickValue = dataItem.tickValue;
37614 | var prevFiltered = _this.state.filtered;
37615 | var filtered = __assign(__assign({}, prevFiltered), (_a = {}, _a[tickValue] = !prevFiltered[tickValue], _a));
37616 | _this.setState({
37617 | filtered: filtered
37618 | });
37619 | chart.filter(field, function (value) {
37620 | return !filtered[value];
37621 | });
37622 | };
37623 | _this.state = {
37624 | filtered: {},
37625 | items: []
37626 | };
37627 | return _this;
37628 | }
37629 | Legend.prototype.getOriginItems = function () {
37630 | var chart = this.props.chart;
37631 | return chart.getLegendItems();
37632 | };
37633 | Legend.prototype.getItems = function () {
37634 | var _a;
37635 | var _b = this,
37636 | props = _b.props,
37637 | state = _b.state;
37638 | var filtered = state.filtered;
37639 | var renderItems = ((_a = props.items) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) ? props.items : this.getOriginItems();
37640 | if (!renderItems) return null;
37641 | return renderItems.map(function (item) {
37642 | var tickValue = item.tickValue;
37643 | return __assign(__assign({}, item), {
37644 | filtered: filtered[tickValue]
37645 | });
37646 | });
37647 | };
37648 | Legend.prototype.setItems = function (items) {
37649 | this.setState({
37650 | items: items
37651 | });
37652 | };
37653 | Legend.prototype.getMaxItemBox = function (node) {
37654 | var maxItemWidth = 0;
37655 | var maxItemHeight = 0;
37656 | (node.children || []).forEach(function (child) {
37657 | var layout = child.layout;
37658 | var width = layout.width,
37659 | height = layout.height;
37660 | maxItemWidth = Math.max(maxItemWidth, width);
37661 | maxItemHeight = Math.max(maxItemHeight, height);
37662 | });
37663 | return {
37664 | width: maxItemWidth,
37665 | height: maxItemHeight
37666 | };
37667 | };
37668 |
37669 | Legend.prototype._init = function () {
37670 | var _a = this,
37671 | props = _a.props,
37672 | context = _a.context;
37673 | var
37674 |
37675 | parentLayout = props.layout,
37676 | customWidth = props.width,
37677 | customHeight = props.height,
37678 | _b = props.position,
37679 | position = _b === void 0 ? 'top' : _b;
37680 | var items = this.getItems();
37681 | if (!items || !items.length) return;
37682 | var left = parentLayout.left,
37683 | top = parentLayout.top,
37684 | layoutWidth = parentLayout.width,
37685 | layoutHeight = parentLayout.height;
37686 | var width = context.px2hd(customWidth) || layoutWidth;
37687 | var node = computeLayout$1(this, this.render());
37688 | var _c = this.getMaxItemBox(node),
37689 | itemMaxWidth = _c.width,
37690 | itemMaxHeight = _c.height;
37691 |
37692 | var lineMaxCount = Math.max(1, Math.floor(width / itemMaxWidth));
37693 | var itemCount = items.length;
37694 |
37695 | var lineCount = Math.ceil(itemCount / lineMaxCount);
37696 | var itemWidth = width / lineMaxCount;
37697 | var autoHeight = itemMaxHeight * lineCount;
37698 | var style = {
37699 | left: left,
37700 | top: top,
37701 | width: width,
37702 |
37703 | height: undefined,
37704 | flexDirection: 'row',
37705 | flexWrap: 'wrap',
37706 | alignItems: 'center',
37707 | justifyContent: 'flex-start'
37708 | };
37709 |
37710 | if (lineCount === 1) {
37711 | style.justifyContent = 'space-between';
37712 | }
37713 | if (position === 'top') {
37714 | style.height = customHeight ? customHeight : autoHeight;
37715 | }
37716 | if (position === 'left') {
37717 | style.flexDirection = 'column';
37718 | style.justifyContent = 'center';
37719 | style.width = itemMaxWidth;
37720 | style.height = customHeight ? customHeight : layoutHeight;
37721 | }
37722 | if (position === 'right') {
37723 | style.flexDirection = 'column';
37724 | style.alignItems = 'flex-start';
37725 | style.justifyContent = 'center';
37726 | style.width = itemMaxWidth;
37727 | style.height = customHeight ? customHeight : layoutHeight;
37728 | style.left = left + (width - itemMaxWidth);
37729 | }
37730 | if (position === 'bottom') {
37731 | style.top = top + (layoutHeight - autoHeight);
37732 | style.height = customHeight ? customHeight : autoHeight;
37733 | }
37734 | this.itemWidth = itemWidth;
37735 | this.legendStyle = style;
37736 | };
37737 | Legend.prototype.updateCoord = function () {
37738 | var _a = this,
37739 | context = _a.context,
37740 | props = _a.props,
37741 | legendStyle = _a.legendStyle;
37742 | var _b = props.position,
37743 | position = _b === void 0 ? 'top' : _b,
37744 | _c = props.margin,
37745 | margin = _c === void 0 ? '30px' : _c,
37746 | chart = props.chart;
37747 | var width = legendStyle.width,
37748 | height = legendStyle.height;
37749 | var marginNumber = context.px2hd(margin);
37750 | chart.updateCoordFor(this, {
37751 | position: position,
37752 | width: width + marginNumber,
37753 | height: height + marginNumber
37754 | });
37755 | };
37756 | Legend.prototype.willMount = function () {
37757 | var items = this.getItems();
37758 | if (!items || !items.length) return;
37759 | this._init();
37760 | this.updateCoord();
37761 | };
37762 | Legend.prototype.didMount = function () {
37763 |
37764 | };
37765 | Legend.prototype.willUpdate = function () {
37766 | var items = this.getItems();
37767 | if (!items || !items.length) return;
37768 | this._init();
37769 | this.updateCoord();
37770 | };
37771 | Legend.prototype.render = function () {
37772 | var _a = this,
37773 | props = _a.props,
37774 | itemWidth = _a.itemWidth,
37775 | legendStyle = _a.legendStyle;
37776 | var items = this.getItems();
37777 | if (!items || !items.length) {
37778 | return null;
37779 | }
37780 | return jsx(View, __assign({}, props, {
37781 | items: items,
37782 | itemWidth: itemWidth,
37783 | style: __assign(__assign({}, legendStyle), props.style),
37784 | onClick: this._onclick
37785 | }));
37786 | };
37787 | return Legend;
37788 | }(Component);
37789 | });
37790 |
37791 | var Marker$1 = function Marker(_a) {
37792 | var type = _a.type,
37793 | color = _a.color;
37794 | if (type === 'square') {
37795 | return jsx("rect", {
37796 | style: {
37797 | width: '12px',
37798 | height: '12px',
37799 | marginRight: '10px'
37800 | },
37801 | attrs: {
37802 | fill: color
37803 | }
37804 | });
37805 | }
37806 | if (type === 'line') {
37807 | return jsx("line", {
37808 | style: {
37809 | width: '19px',
37810 | marginRight: '10px'
37811 | },
37812 | attrs: {
37813 | stroke: color,
37814 | lineCap: 'round',
37815 | lineWidth: '4px'
37816 | }
37817 | });
37818 | }
37819 | return jsx("circle", {
37820 | style: {
37821 | width: '12px',
37822 | height: '12px',
37823 | marginRight: '10px',
37824 | fill: color
37825 | }
37826 | });
37827 | };
37828 | var LegendView = (function (props) {
37829 | var items = props.items,
37830 | itemWidth = props.itemWidth,
37831 | itemFormatter = props.itemFormatter,
37832 | style = props.style,
37833 | _a = props.marker,
37834 | marker = _a === void 0 ? 'circle' : _a,
37835 |
37836 | itemStyle = props.itemStyle,
37837 | nameStyle = props.nameStyle,
37838 | valueStyle = props.valueStyle,
37839 | valuePrefix = props.valuePrefix,
37840 | onClick = props.onClick;
37841 | var formatValue = function formatValue(value, valuePrefix) {
37842 | if (valuePrefix === void 0) {
37843 | valuePrefix = ': ';
37844 | }
37845 | return "".concat(valuePrefix).concat(value);
37846 | };
37847 | return jsx("group", {
37848 | style: __assign({
37849 | display: 'flex'
37850 | }, style)
37851 | }, items.map(function (item) {
37852 | var color = item.color,
37853 | name = item.name,
37854 | value = item.value,
37855 | filtered = item.filtered,
37856 | tickValue = item.tickValue;
37857 | var valueText = isFunction(itemFormatter) ? itemFormatter(value, tickValue) : value;
37858 | return jsx("group", {
37859 | className: "legend-item",
37860 | style: __assign({
37861 | width: itemWidth,
37862 | display: 'flex',
37863 | flexDirection: 'row',
37864 | alignItems: 'center',
37865 | justifyContent: 'flex-start',
37866 |
37867 | padding: ['6px', '6px', '6px', 0]
37868 | }, itemStyle),
37869 | "data-item": item,
37870 | onClick: onClick
37871 | }, Marker$1({
37872 | color: filtered ? '#bfbfbf' : color,
37873 | type: marker
37874 | }), jsx("text", {
37875 | attrs: __assign({
37876 | fill: filtered ? '#bfbfbf' : '#808080',
37877 | text: name
37878 | }, nameStyle)
37879 | }), valueText ? jsx("text", {
37880 | attrs: __assign({
37881 | fill: '#808080',
37882 | text: formatValue(valueText, valuePrefix)
37883 | }, valueStyle)
37884 | }) : null);
37885 | }));
37886 | });
37887 |
37888 | var index$5 = withLegend(LegendView);
37889 |
37890 | function withGuide (View) {
37891 | return function (_super) {
37892 | __extends(Guide, _super);
37893 | function Guide(props) {
37894 | return _super.call(this, props) || this;
37895 | }
37896 | Guide.prototype.getGuideBBox = function () {
37897 | var node = computeLayout$1(this, this.render());
37898 | var layout = node.layout;
37899 | if (!layout) return;
37900 | return layout;
37901 | };
37902 |
37903 | Guide.prototype.parseReplaceStr = function (value, scale) {
37904 | var replaceMap = {
37905 | min: 0,
37906 | max: 1,
37907 | median: 0.5
37908 | };
37909 |
37910 | if (!isNil(replaceMap[value])) {
37911 | return replaceMap[value];
37912 | }
37913 |
37914 | if (isString(value) && value.indexOf('%') != -1 && !isNaN(Number(value.slice(0, -1)))) {
37915 | var rateValue = Number(value.slice(0, -1));
37916 | var percent = rateValue / 100;
37917 | return percent;
37918 | }
37919 | return scale.scale(value);
37920 | };
37921 | Guide.prototype.parsePoint = function (record) {
37922 | var props = this.props;
37923 | var chart = props.chart,
37924 | coord = props.coord;
37925 | var xScale = chart.getXScales()[0];
37926 |
37927 | var yScale = chart.getYScales()[0];
37928 |
37929 | var x = this.parseReplaceStr(record[xScale.field], xScale);
37930 | var y = this.parseReplaceStr(record[yScale.field], yScale);
37931 | return coord.convertPoint({
37932 | x: x,
37933 | y: y
37934 | });
37935 | };
37936 | Guide.prototype.convertPoints = function (records) {
37937 | var _this = this;
37938 | return records.map(function (record) {
37939 | return _this.parsePoint(record);
37940 | });
37941 | };
37942 | Guide.prototype.getGuideTheme = function () {
37943 | var context = this.context;
37944 | var theme = context.theme;
37945 | return theme.guide;
37946 | };
37947 | Guide.prototype.render = function () {
37948 | var _a = this,
37949 | props = _a.props,
37950 | context = _a.context;
37951 | var coord = props.coord,
37952 | _b = props.records,
37953 | records = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b,
37954 | animation = props.animation,
37955 | chart = props.chart,
37956 | style = props.style,
37957 | _onClick = props.onClick,
37958 | _c = props.visible,
37959 | visible = _c === void 0 ? true : _c;
37960 | if (!visible) return;
37961 | var width = context.width,
37962 | height = context.height;
37963 | var points = this.convertPoints(records);
37964 | var theme = this.getGuideTheme();
37965 | return jsx("group", {
37966 | onClick: function onClick(ev) {
37967 | _onClick && _onClick(ev);
37968 | }
37969 | }, jsx(View, __assign({
37970 | points: points,
37971 | theme: theme,
37972 | coord: coord
37973 | }, props, {
37974 | canvasWidth: width,
37975 | canvasHeight: height,
37976 | style: isFunction(style) ? style(points, chart) : style,
37977 | animation: isFunction(animation) ? animation(points, chart) : animation
37978 | })));
37979 | };
37980 | return Guide;
37981 | }(Component);
37982 | }
37983 |
37984 | var TextGuideView = (function (props, context) {
37985 | var _a = props.theme,
37986 | theme = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a;
37987 | var _b = deepMix(__assign({}, theme.text), props),
37988 | points = _b.points,
37989 | style = _b.style,
37990 | offsetX = _b.offsetX,
37991 | offsetY = _b.offsetY,
37992 | content = _b.content,
37993 | animation = _b.animation;
37994 | var _c = points[0] || {},
37995 | x = _c.x,
37996 | y = _c.y;
37997 | if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) return null;
37998 | var offsetXNum = context.px2hd(offsetX);
37999 | var offsetYNum = context.px2hd(offsetY);
38000 | var posX = x + (offsetXNum || 0);
38001 | var posY = y + (offsetYNum || 0);
38002 | return jsx("text", {
38003 | attrs: __assign({
38004 | text: "".concat(content),
38005 | x: posX,
38006 | y: posY
38007 | }, style),
38008 | animation: deepMix({
38009 | update: {
38010 | easing: 'linear',
38011 | duration: 450,
38012 | property: ['x', 'y']
38013 | }
38014 | }, animation)
38015 | });
38016 | });
38017 |
38018 | var PointGuideView = (function (props, context) {
38019 | var theme = props.theme;
38020 | var _a = deepMix(__assign({}, theme.point), props),
38021 | points = _a.points,
38022 | style = _a.style,
38023 | offsetX = _a.offsetX,
38024 | offsetY = _a.offsetY,
38025 | animation = _a.animation;
38026 | var _b = points[0] || {},
38027 | x = _b.x,
38028 | y = _b.y;
38029 | if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) return null;
38030 | var offsetXNum = context.px2hd(offsetX);
38031 | var offsetYNum = context.px2hd(offsetY);
38032 | var posX = x + (offsetXNum || 0);
38033 | var posY = y + (offsetYNum || 0);
38034 | return jsx("group", null, jsx("circle", {
38035 | style: __assign({
38036 | cx: posX,
38037 | cy: posY
38038 | }, style),
38039 | animation: animation
38040 | }));
38041 | });
38042 |
38043 | var LineGuideView = (function (props, context) {
38044 | var _a = props.theme,
38045 | theme = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a;
38046 | var _b = deepMix(__assign({}, theme.line), props),
38047 | points = _b.points,
38048 | style = _b.style,
38049 | offsetX = _b.offsetX,
38050 | offsetY = _b.offsetY,
38051 | animation = _b.animation;
38052 | var checkNaN = points.some(function (d) {
38053 | return isNaN(d.x) || isNaN(d.y);
38054 | });
38055 | if (checkNaN) return;
38056 | var _c = points[0] || {},
38057 | x1 = _c.x,
38058 | y1 = _c.y;
38059 | var _d = points[1] || {},
38060 | x2 = _d.x,
38061 | y2 = _d.y;
38062 | var offsetXNum = context.px2hd(offsetX);
38063 | var offsetYNum = context.px2hd(offsetY);
38064 | var posX1 = x1 + (isArray(offsetXNum) ? offsetXNum[0] || 0 : offsetXNum || 0);
38065 | var posY1 = y1 + (isArray(offsetYNum) ? offsetYNum[0] || 0 : offsetYNum || 0);
38066 | var posX2 = x2 + (isArray(offsetXNum) ? offsetXNum[1] || 0 : offsetXNum || 0);
38067 | var posY2 = y2 + (isArray(offsetYNum) ? offsetYNum[1] || 0 : offsetYNum || 0);
38068 | return jsx("group", null, jsx("line", {
38069 | style: __assign({
38070 | x1: posX1,
38071 | y1: posY1,
38072 | x2: posX2,
38073 | y2: posY2
38074 | }, style),
38075 | animation: animation
38076 | }));
38077 | });
38078 |
38079 | var ArcGuideView = (function (props) {
38080 | var _a = props.theme,
38081 | theme = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a;
38082 | var _b = deepMix(__assign({}, theme.line), props),
38083 | coord = _b.coord,
38084 | points = _b.points,
38085 | style = _b.style,
38086 | animation = _b.animation;
38087 | var checkNaN = points.some(function (d) {
38088 | return isNaN(d.x) || isNaN(d.y);
38089 | });
38090 | if (checkNaN) return null;
38091 | var start = points[0] || {};
38092 | var end = points[1] || {};
38093 | var coordCenter = coord.center;
38094 | var radius = Math.sqrt((start.x - coordCenter.x) * (start.x - coordCenter.x) + (start.y - coordCenter.y) * (start.y - coordCenter.y));
38095 | var startAngle = Math.atan2(start.y - coordCenter.y, start.x - coordCenter.x);
38096 | var endAngle = Math.atan2(end.y - coordCenter.y, end.x - coordCenter.x);
38097 | return jsx("group", null, jsx("arc", {
38098 | style: __assign({
38099 | cx: coordCenter.x,
38100 | cy: coordCenter.y,
38101 | r: radius,
38102 | startAngle: "".concat(startAngle, "rad"),
38103 | endAngle: "".concat(endAngle, "rad")
38104 | }, style),
38105 | animation: animation
38106 | }));
38107 | });
38108 |
38109 | var RectGuideView = (function (props, context) {
38110 | var _a = props.theme,
38111 | theme = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a;
38112 | var _b = deepMix(__assign({}, theme.rect), props),
38113 | points = _b.points,
38114 | style = _b.style,
38115 | animation = _b.animation,
38116 | offsetX = _b.offsetX,
38117 | offsetY = _b.offsetY;
38118 | var checkNaN = points.some(function (d) {
38119 | return isNaN(d.x) || isNaN(d.y);
38120 | });
38121 | if (checkNaN) return null;
38122 | var start = points[0] || {};
38123 | var end = points[1] || {};
38124 | var offsetXNum = context.px2hd(offsetX);
38125 | var offsetYNum = context.px2hd(offsetY);
38126 | var posX = Math.min(start.x, end.x) + (offsetXNum || 0);
38127 | var posY = Math.min(start.y, end.y) + (offsetYNum || 0);
38128 | return jsx("group", null, jsx("rect", {
38129 | style: __assign({
38130 | x: posX,
38131 | y: posY,
38132 | width: Math.abs(end.x - start.x),
38133 | height: Math.abs(start.y - end.y)
38134 | }, style),
38135 | animation: animation
38136 | }));
38137 | });
38138 |
38139 | var defaultProps = {
38140 | offsetX: 0,
38141 | offsetY: 0,
38142 | points: [],
38143 | src: ''
38144 | };
38145 | var ImageGuideView = (function (props, context) {
38146 | var cfg = deepMix({}, defaultProps, props);
38147 | var points = cfg.points,
38148 | style = cfg.style,
38149 | attrs = cfg.attrs,
38150 | offsetX = cfg.offsetX,
38151 | offsetY = cfg.offsetY,
38152 | src = cfg.src,
38153 | animation = cfg.animation;
38154 | var _a = points[0] || {},
38155 | x = _a.x,
38156 | y = _a.y;
38157 | if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) return null;
38158 | var _b = __assign(__assign({}, attrs), style),
38159 | _c = _b.height,
38160 | height = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c,
38161 | _d = _b.width,
38162 | width = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d;
38163 | var heightNum = isNumber(height) ? context.px2hd(height + 'px') : context.px2hd(height);
38164 | var widthNum = isNumber(width) ? context.px2hd(width + 'px') : context.px2hd(width);
38165 | var offsetXNum = context.px2hd(offsetX);
38166 | var offsetYNum = context.px2hd(offsetY);
38167 | var posX = x + (offsetXNum || 0) - widthNum / 2;
38168 | var posY = y + (offsetYNum || 0) - heightNum / 2;
38169 | return jsx("group", null, jsx("image", {
38170 | style: __assign(__assign(__assign({}, attrs), style), {
38171 | height: heightNum,
38172 | width: widthNum,
38173 | x: posX,
38174 | y: posY,
38175 | src: src
38176 | }),
38177 | animation: deepMix({
38178 | update: {
38179 | easing: 'linear',
38180 | duration: 450,
38181 | property: ['x', 'y']
38182 | }
38183 | }, animation)
38184 | }));
38185 | });
38186 |
38187 | var defaultProps$1 = {
38188 | offsetX: 0,
38189 | offsetY: 0,
38190 | points: [],
38191 | direct: 'tl',
38192 | side: '8px',
38193 | autoAdjust: true
38194 | };
38195 | var defaultStyle = {
38196 | container: {
38197 | fill: '#1677FF',
38198 | radius: '4px',
38199 | padding: ['4px', '8px']
38200 | },
38201 | text: {
38202 | fontSize: '22px',
38203 | fill: '#fff'
38204 | },
38205 | arrow: {
38206 | fill: '#1677FF'
38207 | }
38208 | };
38209 | var Label = function Label(_a) {
38210 | var content = _a.content,
38211 | background = _a.background,
38212 | textStyle = _a.textStyle,
38213 | _b = _a.animation,
38214 | animation = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b;
38215 | return jsx("rect", {
38216 | style: __assign({
38217 | display: 'flex',
38218 | fill: defaultStyle.container.fill,
38219 | padding: defaultStyle.container.padding,
38220 | radius: defaultStyle.container.radius
38221 | }, background),
38222 | animation: animation
38223 | }, jsx("text", {
38224 | style: __assign({
38225 | text: content,
38226 | fontSize: defaultStyle.text.fontSize,
38227 | fill: defaultStyle.text.fill
38228 | }, textStyle),
38229 | animation: animation
38230 | }));
38231 | };
38232 | var Tag = function (_super) {
38233 | __extends(Tag, _super);
38234 | function Tag() {
38235 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
38236 | }
38237 | Tag.prototype.render = function () {
38238 | var _a = this,
38239 | props = _a.props,
38240 | context = _a.context;
38241 | var px2hd = context.px2hd;
38242 | var cfg = __assign(__assign({}, defaultProps$1), props);
38243 | var _b = px2hd(cfg),
38244 | points = _b.points,
38245 | content = _b.content,
38246 | offsetX = _b.offsetX,
38247 | offsetY = _b.offsetY,
38248 | direct = _b.direct,
38249 | side = _b.side,
38250 | autoAdjust = _b.autoAdjust,
38251 | canvasWidth = _b.canvasWidth,
38252 | canvasHeight = _b.canvasHeight,
38253 | background = _b.background,
38254 | textStyle = _b.textStyle,
38255 | animation = _b.animation;
38256 | var _c = points[0] || {},
38257 | x = _c.x,
38258 | y = _c.y;
38259 | if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) return null;
38260 | var offsetXNum = context.px2hd(offsetX);
38261 | var offsetYNum = context.px2hd(offsetY);
38262 | var posX = x + (offsetXNum || 0);
38263 | var posY = y + (offsetYNum || 0);
38264 | var layout = computeLayout$1(this, jsx(Label, {
38265 | content: content,
38266 | background: background,
38267 | textStyle: textStyle
38268 | })).layout;
38269 | var guideWidth = layout.width,
38270 | guideHeight = layout.height;
38271 | var _getDirect = function _getDirect(point) {
38272 | var newDirect = direct;
38273 | var x = point.x,
38274 | y = point.y;
38275 | var vertical = newDirect[0];
38276 | var horizontal = newDirect[1];
38277 |
38278 | if (vertical === 't' && y - side - guideHeight < 0) {
38279 | vertical = 'b';
38280 | } else if (vertical === 'b' && y + side + guideHeight > canvasHeight) {
38281 | vertical = 't';
38282 | }
38283 |
38284 | var diff = vertical === 'c' ? side : 0;
38285 | if (horizontal === 'l' && x - diff - guideWidth < 0) {
38286 | horizontal = 'r';
38287 | } else if (horizontal === 'r' && x + diff + guideWidth > canvasWidth) {
38288 | horizontal = 'l';
38289 | } else if (horizontal === 'c') {
38290 | if (guideWidth / 2 + x + diff > canvasWidth) {
38291 | horizontal = 'l';
38292 | } else if (x - guideWidth / 2 - diff < 0) {
38293 | horizontal = 'r';
38294 | }
38295 | }
38296 | newDirect = vertical + horizontal;
38297 | return newDirect;
38298 | };
38299 | var _getArrowPoints = function _getArrowPoints(direct) {
38300 | var arrowPoints = [];
38301 | if (direct === 'tl') {
38302 | arrowPoints = [{
38303 | x: guideWidth,
38304 | y: guideHeight - 1
38305 | }, {
38306 | x: guideWidth,
38307 | y: guideHeight + side
38308 | }, {
38309 | x: guideWidth - side,
38310 | y: guideHeight - 1
38311 | }];
38312 | posX -= guideWidth || 0;
38313 | posY = posY - (guideHeight || 0) - side;
38314 | } else if (direct === 'cl') {
38315 | arrowPoints = [{
38316 | x: guideWidth,
38317 | y: guideHeight / 2 - side
38318 | }, {
38319 | x: guideWidth,
38320 | y: guideHeight / 2 + side
38321 | }, {
38322 | x: guideWidth + side,
38323 | y: guideHeight / 2
38324 | }];
38325 | posX = posX - (guideWidth || 0) - side;
38326 | posY -= guideHeight / 2 || 0;
38327 | } else if (direct === 'bl') {
38328 | arrowPoints = [{
38329 | x: guideWidth,
38330 | y: -side
38331 | }, {
38332 | x: guideWidth,
38333 | y: 1
38334 | }, {
38335 | x: guideWidth - side,
38336 | y: 1
38337 | }];
38338 | posX = posX - (guideWidth || 0);
38339 | posY += side;
38340 | } else if (direct === 'bc') {
38341 | arrowPoints = [{
38342 | x: guideWidth / 2,
38343 | y: -side
38344 | }, {
38345 | x: guideWidth / 2 - side,
38346 | y: 1
38347 | }, {
38348 | x: guideWidth / 2 + side,
38349 | y: 1
38350 | }];
38351 | posX = posX - (guideWidth / 2 || 0);
38352 | posY = posY + side;
38353 | } else if (direct === 'br') {
38354 | arrowPoints = [{
38355 | x: 0,
38356 | y: -side
38357 | }, {
38358 | x: 0,
38359 | y: 1
38360 | }, {
38361 | x: +side,
38362 | y: 1
38363 | }];
38364 | posY += side;
38365 | } else if (direct === 'cr') {
38366 | arrowPoints = [{
38367 | x: -side,
38368 | y: guideHeight / 2
38369 | }, {
38370 | x: 0,
38371 | y: guideHeight / 2 - side
38372 | }, {
38373 | x: 0,
38374 | y: guideHeight / 2 + side
38375 | }];
38376 | posX += side;
38377 | posY -= guideHeight / 2 || 0;
38378 | } else if (direct === 'tr') {
38379 | arrowPoints = [{
38380 | x: 0,
38381 | y: guideHeight + side
38382 | }, {
38383 | x: 0,
38384 | y: guideHeight - 1
38385 | }, {
38386 | x: side,
38387 | y: guideHeight - 1
38388 | }];
38389 | posY = posY - (guideHeight || 0) - side;
38390 | } else if (direct === 'tc') {
38391 | arrowPoints = [{
38392 | x: guideWidth / 2,
38393 | y: guideHeight + side
38394 | }, {
38395 | x: guideWidth / 2 - side,
38396 | y: guideHeight - 1
38397 | }, {
38398 | x: guideWidth / 2 + side,
38399 | y: guideHeight - 1
38400 | }];
38401 | posX -= guideWidth / 2 || 0;
38402 | posY = posY - guideHeight - side;
38403 | }
38404 | return arrowPoints;
38405 | };
38406 | var dr = autoAdjust ? _getDirect(points[0]) : direct;
38407 | var arrowPoints = _getArrowPoints(dr);
38408 | return jsx("group", {
38409 | style: {
38410 | x: posX,
38411 | y: posY
38412 | }
38413 | }, jsx(Label, {
38414 | content: content,
38415 | background: background,
38416 | textStyle: textStyle,
38417 | animation: animation
38418 | }), jsx("polygon", {
38419 | style: {
38420 | points: arrowPoints.map(function (d) {
38421 | return [d.x, d.y];
38422 | }),
38423 | fill: (background === null || background === void 0 ? void 0 : background.fill) || defaultStyle.arrow.fill
38424 | },
38425 | animation: animation
38426 | }));
38427 | };
38428 | return Tag;
38429 | }(Component);
38430 |
38431 | var eps = 0.0001;
38432 | |
38433 |
38434 |
38435 |
38436 |
38437 |
38438 |
38439 |
38440 |
38441 | var LottieAnimation = (function () {
38442 | function LottieAnimation(width, height, elements, context) {
38443 | var _this = this;
38444 | this.width = width;
38445 | this.height = height;
38446 | this.elements = elements;
38447 | this.context = context;
38448 | this.keyframeAnimationMap = new WeakMap();
38449 | this.displayObjectElementMap = new WeakMap();
38450 | this.animations = [];
38451 | this.isPaused = false;
38452 | this.direction = 1;
38453 | this.displayObjects = elements.map(function (element) {
38454 | return _this.buildHierachy(element);
38455 | });
38456 |
38457 |
38458 | }
38459 | LottieAnimation.prototype.generateTransform = function (tx, ty, scaleX, scaleY, rotation) {
38460 | var transformStr = '';
38461 | if (tx !== 0 || ty !== 0) {
38462 | transformStr += "translate(".concat(tx, ", ").concat(ty, ")");
38463 | }
38464 | if (scaleX !== 1 || scaleY !== 1) {
38465 | transformStr += " scale(".concat(scaleX === 0 ? eps : scaleX, ", ").concat(scaleY === 0 ? eps : scaleY, ")");
38466 | }
38467 | if (rotation !== 0) {
38468 | transformStr += " rotate(".concat(rotation, "deg)");
38469 | }
38470 | return transformStr;
38471 | };
38472 | LottieAnimation.prototype.buildHierachy = function (element) {
38473 | var _this = this;
38474 | var type = element.type, name = element.name, _a = element.anchorX, anchorX = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a, _b = element.anchorY, anchorY = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = element.rotation, rotation = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = element.scaleX, scaleX = _d === void 0 ? 1 : _d, _e = element.scaleY, scaleY = _e === void 0 ? 1 : _e, _f = element.x, x = _f === void 0 ? 0 : _f, _g = element.y, y = _g === void 0 ? 0 : _g,
38475 |
38476 |
38477 | children = element.children, shape = element.shape, style = element.style, keyframeAnimation = element.keyframeAnimation;
38478 | var displayObject;
38479 | var transform = this.generateTransform(x - anchorX, y - anchorY, scaleX, scaleY, rotation);
38480 |
38481 |
38482 |
38483 |
38484 |
38485 |
38486 |
38487 |
38488 |
38489 |
38490 | if (type === Shape.GROUP) {
38491 | displayObject = new Group({
38492 | style: {
38493 | transformOrigin: "".concat(anchorX, "px ").concat(anchorY, "px"),
38494 | transform: transform,
38495 | },
38496 | });
38497 | }
38498 | else if (type === Shape.ELLIPSE) {
38499 | var cx = shape.cx, cy = shape.cy, rx = shape.rx, ry = shape.ry;
38500 |
38501 |
38502 | displayObject = new Ellipse({
38503 | style: {
38504 |
38505 |
38506 | cx: cx,
38507 | cy: cy,
38508 | rx: rx,
38509 | ry: ry,
38510 |
38511 | transformOrigin: "".concat(anchorX - cx + rx, "px ").concat(anchorY - cy + ry, "px"),
38512 | transform: transform,
38513 | },
38514 | });
38515 | }
38516 | else if (type === Shape.PATH) {
38517 | var d = this.generatePathFromShape(shape);
38518 | displayObject = new Path({
38519 | style: {
38520 | d: d,
38521 | transformOrigin: "".concat(anchorX, "px ").concat(anchorY, "px"),
38522 | transform: transform,
38523 | },
38524 | });
38525 | }
38526 | else if (type === Shape.RECT) {
38527 |
38528 | var cx = shape.x, cy = shape.y, width = shape.width, height = shape.height, r = shape.r;
38529 | displayObject = new Rect({
38530 | style: {
38531 | x: cx,
38532 | y: cy,
38533 | width: width,
38534 | height: height,
38535 | anchor: [0.5, 0.5],
38536 | radius: r,
38537 | transformOrigin: "".concat(anchorX - cx + width / 2, "px ").concat(anchorY - cy + height / 2, "px"),
38538 | transform: transform,
38539 | },
38540 | });
38541 | }
38542 | else if (type === Shape.IMAGE) {
38543 | var width = shape.width, height = shape.height, src = shape.src;
38544 | displayObject = new Image({
38545 | style: {
38546 | x: 0,
38547 | y: 0,
38548 | width: width,
38549 | height: height,
38550 | src: src,
38551 | transformOrigin: "".concat(anchorX, "px ").concat(anchorY, "px"),
38552 | transform: transform,
38553 | },
38554 | });
38555 | }
38556 | if (name) {
38557 | displayObject.name = name;
38558 | }
38559 |
38560 | if (style) {
38561 |
38562 | displayObject.attr(style);
38563 | }
38564 | if (keyframeAnimation) {
38565 | this.keyframeAnimationMap.set(displayObject, keyframeAnimation);
38566 | }
38567 | if (children) {
38568 | var childNodes = children.map(function (child) { return _this.buildHierachy(child); });
38569 | displayObject.append.apply(displayObject, __spreadArray([], __read(childNodes), false));
38570 | }
38571 | this.displayObjectElementMap.set(displayObject, element);
38572 | return displayObject;
38573 | };
38574 | LottieAnimation.prototype.getAnimations = function () {
38575 | return this.animations;
38576 | };
38577 | |
38578 |
38579 |
38580 |
38581 | LottieAnimation.prototype.getDuration = function (inFrames) {
38582 | if (inFrames === void 0) { inFrames = false; }
38583 | return (((inFrames ? this.fps() : 1) *
38584 | (this.context.endFrame - this.context.startFrame) *
38585 | this.context.frameTime) /
38586 | 1000);
38587 | };
38588 | |
38589 |
38590 |
38591 | LottieAnimation.prototype.fps = function () {
38592 | return this.context.fps;
38593 | };
38594 | LottieAnimation.prototype.isSameKeyframeOptions = function (options1, options2) {
38595 | return (options1.delay === options2.delay &&
38596 | options1.duration === options2.duration &&
38597 | options1.easing === options2.easing);
38598 | };
38599 | LottieAnimation.prototype.isSameKeyframes = function (keyframe1, keyframe2) {
38600 |
38601 |
38602 |
38603 |
38604 |
38605 |
38606 |
38607 |
38608 |
38609 | return (keyframe1.offset === keyframe2.offset &&
38610 | keyframe1.easing === keyframe2.easing
38611 |
38612 | );
38613 | };
38614 | LottieAnimation.prototype.generatePathFromShape = function (shape) {
38615 |
38616 | var close = shape.close, v = shape.v, i = shape.in, out = shape.out;
38617 | var d = [];
38618 | d.push(['M', v[0][0], v[0][1]]);
38619 | for (var n = 1; n < v.length; n++) {
38620 |
38621 |
38622 |
38623 | d.push([
38624 | 'C',
38625 | out[n - 1][0],
38626 | out[n - 1][1],
38627 | i[n][0],
38628 | i[n][1],
38629 | v[n][0],
38630 | v[n][1],
38631 | ]);
38632 | }
38633 | if (close) {
38634 | d.push([
38635 | 'C',
38636 | out[v.length - 1][0],
38637 | out[v.length - 1][1],
38638 | i[0][0],
38639 | i[0][1],
38640 | v[0][0],
38641 | v[0][1],
38642 | ]);
38643 | d.push(['Z']);
38644 | }
38645 | return d;
38646 | };
38647 | |
38648 |
38649 |
38650 | LottieAnimation.prototype.render = function (canvasOrDisplayObject) {
38651 | var _this = this;
38652 | var wrapper = new Group();
38653 | wrapper.append.apply(wrapper, __spreadArray([], __read(this.displayObjects), false));
38654 | if (isCanvas(canvasOrDisplayObject)) {
38655 | canvasOrDisplayObject.appendChild(wrapper);
38656 | }
38657 | else if (isDisplayObject(canvasOrDisplayObject)) {
38658 | if (!canvasOrDisplayObject.isConnected) {
38659 | throw new Error('[g-lottie-player]: Cannot render Lottie to an unmounted DisplayObject.');
38660 | }
38661 | else {
38662 | canvasOrDisplayObject.appendChild(wrapper);
38663 | }
38664 | }
38665 | else {
38666 | throw new Error('[g-lottie-player]: We should render Lottie to a mounted DisplayObject or Canvas.');
38667 | }
38668 | this.displayObjects.forEach(function (parent) {
38669 | parent.forEach(function (child) {
38670 | var _a;
38671 | var keyframeAnimation = _this.keyframeAnimationMap.get(child);
38672 |
38673 | var element = _this.displayObjectElementMap.get(child);
38674 | if (element && element.clipPath) {
38675 | var _b = element.clipPath, shape = _b.shape, keyframeAnimation_1 = _b.keyframeAnimation;
38676 | var clipPath = new Path();
38677 |
38678 | child.parentElement.appendChild(clipPath);
38679 | child.style.clipPath = clipPath;
38680 | if (shape) {
38681 | clipPath.style.d = _this.generatePathFromShape(shape);
38682 | }
38683 |
38684 | if (keyframeAnimation_1 && keyframeAnimation_1.length) {
38685 | var _c = keyframeAnimation_1[0], delay = _c.delay, duration = _c.duration, easing = _c.easing, keyframes = _c.keyframes;
38686 |
38687 | var clipPathAnimation = clipPath.animate(keyframes.map(function (_a) {
38688 | var offset = _a.offset, shape = _a.shape, easing = _a.easing;
38689 | return {
38690 | offset: offset,
38691 | d: path2String(_this.generatePathFromShape(shape)),
38692 | easing: easing,
38693 | };
38694 | }), {
38695 | delay: delay,
38696 | duration: duration,
38697 | easing: easing,
38698 | iterations: _this.context.iterations,
38699 | });
38700 | _this.animations.push(clipPathAnimation);
38701 | }
38702 | }
38703 |
38704 | var visibilityStartOffset = element.visibilityStartOffset, visibilityEndOffset = element.visibilityEndOffset, visibilityFrame = element.visibilityFrame;
38705 | if (visibilityFrame &&
38706 | (!keyframeAnimation || !keyframeAnimation.length)) {
38707 | keyframeAnimation = [
38708 | {
38709 | duration: _this.context.frameTime * visibilityFrame,
38710 | keyframes: [
38711 | { offset: 0, style: { opacity: 1 } },
38712 | { offset: 1, style: { opacity: 1 } },
38713 | ],
38714 | },
38715 | ];
38716 | }
38717 | if (keyframeAnimation && keyframeAnimation.length) {
38718 | var keyframesOptions_1 = [];
38719 | keyframeAnimation.map(function (_a) {
38720 | var _b = _a.delay, delay = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, duration = _a.duration, easing = _a.easing, keyframes = _a.keyframes;
38721 | var formattedKeyframes = keyframes.map(function (keyframe) {
38722 | return definedProps(keyframe);
38723 | });
38724 | var options = definedProps({
38725 | delay: delay,
38726 | duration: duration,
38727 | easing: easing,
38728 | iterations: _this.context.iterations,
38729 | fill: _this.context.fill,
38730 | });
38731 | keyframesOptions_1.push([formattedKeyframes, options]);
38732 | });
38733 | var mergedKeyframesOptions = [keyframesOptions_1[0]];
38734 | var _loop_1 = function (i) {
38735 | var _d = __read(keyframesOptions_1[i], 2), currentKeyframes = _d[0], currentOptions = _d[1];
38736 |
38737 | var existedKeyframeOptions = mergedKeyframesOptions.find(function (_a) {
38738 | var _b = __read(_a, 2), keyframes = _b[0], options = _b[1];
38739 | return keyframes.length === currentKeyframes.length &&
38740 | _this.isSameKeyframeOptions(currentOptions, options);
38741 | });
38742 | if (existedKeyframeOptions) {
38743 | currentKeyframes.forEach(function (currentKeyframe) {
38744 | var existedKeyframe = existedKeyframeOptions[0].find(function (keyframe) { return _this.isSameKeyframes(currentKeyframe, keyframe); });
38745 | if (existedKeyframe) {
38746 | currentKeyframe.offset;
38747 |
38748 | currentKeyframe.easing;
38749 | var rest = __rest(currentKeyframe, ["offset", "easing"]);
38750 |
38751 | Object.assign(existedKeyframe, rest);
38752 | }
38753 | else {
38754 |
38755 | existedKeyframeOptions[0].push(currentKeyframe);
38756 | }
38757 | });
38758 | }
38759 | else {
38760 |
38761 | mergedKeyframesOptions.push(keyframesOptions_1[i]);
38762 | }
38763 | };
38764 |
38765 | for (var i = 1; i < keyframesOptions_1.length; i++) {
38766 | _loop_1(i);
38767 | }
38768 |
38769 | (_a = _this.animations).push.apply(_a, __spreadArray([], __read(mergedKeyframesOptions
38770 | .map(function (_a) {
38771 | var _b = __read(_a, 2), merged = _b[0], options = _b[1];
38772 |
38773 | var formatted = _this.formatKeyframes(merged, child);
38774 | if (formatted.length) {
38775 |
38776 | var animation_1 = child.animate(formatted, options);
38777 | if (!isNil(visibilityStartOffset) &&
38778 | !isNil(visibilityEndOffset)) {
38779 | child.style.visibility = 'hidden';
38780 | animation_1.onframe = function () {
38781 | var progress = animation_1.effect.getComputedTiming().progress;
38782 | if (progress >= visibilityStartOffset &&
38783 | progress < visibilityEndOffset) {
38784 | child.style.visibility = 'visible';
38785 | }
38786 | else {
38787 | child.style.visibility = 'hidden';
38788 | }
38789 | };
38790 | }
38791 | if (!_this.context.autoplay) {
38792 | animation_1.pause();
38793 | }
38794 | return animation_1;
38795 | }
38796 | })
38797 | .filter(function (animation) { return !!animation; })), false));
38798 | }
38799 | });
38800 | });
38801 | return wrapper;
38802 | };
38803 | LottieAnimation.prototype.formatKeyframes = function (keyframes, object) {
38804 | keyframes.forEach(function (keyframe) {
38805 |
38806 |
38807 |
38808 |
38809 |
38810 |
38811 |
38812 |
38813 |
38814 |
38815 |
38816 |
38817 |
38818 |
38819 |
38820 |
38821 |
38822 |
38823 |
38824 |
38825 |
38826 |
38827 |
38828 |
38829 |
38830 |
38831 |
38832 |
38833 |
38834 |
38835 |
38836 |
38837 |
38838 | keyframe.transform = object.style.transform || '';
38839 |
38840 | if ('scaleX' in keyframe) {
38841 | keyframe.transform =
38842 | (keyframe.transform || '') +
38843 | " scaleX(".concat(keyframe.scaleX === 0 ? eps : keyframe.scaleX, ")");
38844 | delete keyframe.scaleX;
38845 | }
38846 | if ('scaleY' in keyframe) {
38847 | keyframe.transform =
38848 | (keyframe.transform || '') +
38849 | " scaleY(".concat(keyframe.scaleY === 0 ? eps : keyframe.scaleY, ")");
38850 | delete keyframe.scaleY;
38851 | }
38852 | if ('rotation' in keyframe) {
38853 | keyframe.transform =
38854 | (keyframe.transform || '') + " rotate(".concat(keyframe.rotation, "deg)");
38855 | delete keyframe.rotation;
38856 | }
38857 |
38858 |
38859 |
38860 |
38861 |
38862 | if ('x' in keyframe) {
38863 | keyframe.transform =
38864 | (keyframe.transform || '') + " translateX(".concat(keyframe.x, "px)");
38865 | delete keyframe.x;
38866 | }
38867 | if ('y' in keyframe) {
38868 | keyframe.transform =
38869 | (keyframe.transform || '') + " translateY(".concat(keyframe.y, "px)");
38870 | delete keyframe.y;
38871 | }
38872 |
38873 | if ('style' in keyframe) {
38874 | Object.keys(keyframe.style).forEach(function (name) {
38875 | keyframe[name] = keyframe.style[name];
38876 | });
38877 | delete keyframe.style;
38878 | }
38879 | });
38880 |
38881 | keyframes = keyframes.filter(function (keyframe) {
38882 |
38883 | keyframe.ignore; keyframe.easing; var offset = keyframe.offset, rest = __rest(keyframe, ["ignore", "easing", "offset"]);
38884 | return offset >= 0 && Object.keys(rest).length > 0;
38885 |
38886 | });
38887 | if (keyframes.length) {
38888 |
38889 | if (keyframes[keyframes.length - 1].offset !== 1) {
38890 | keyframes.push(__assign(__assign({}, keyframes[keyframes.length - 1]), { offset: 1 }));
38891 | }
38892 | }
38893 |
38894 | keyframes.sort(function (a, b) { return a.offset - b.offset; });
38895 |
38896 | keyframes.forEach(function (keyframe) {
38897 | Object.keys(keyframe).forEach(function (name) {
38898 | if (keyframe[name] === '') {
38899 | delete keyframe[name];
38900 | }
38901 | });
38902 | });
38903 | return keyframes;
38904 | };
38905 | |
38906 |
38907 |
38908 | LottieAnimation.prototype.destroy = function () {
38909 | this.displayObjects.forEach(function (object) {
38910 | object.destroy();
38911 | });
38912 | };
38913 | |
38914 |
38915 |
38916 |
38917 | LottieAnimation.prototype.size = function (outputSize) {
38918 | return { width: this.width, height: this.height };
38919 | };
38920 | |
38921 |
38922 |
38923 | LottieAnimation.prototype.version = function () {
38924 | return this.context.version;
38925 | };
38926 | LottieAnimation.prototype.play = function () {
38927 | this.isPaused = false;
38928 | this.animations.forEach(function (animation) {
38929 | animation.play();
38930 | });
38931 | };
38932 | |
38933 |
38934 |
38935 |
38936 | LottieAnimation.prototype.playSegments = function (segments) {
38937 | var _this = this;
38938 | var _a = __read(segments, 2), firstFrame = _a[0], lastFrame = _a[1];
38939 | this.isPaused = false;
38940 | this.animations.forEach(function (animation) {
38941 | animation.currentTime = (firstFrame / _this.fps()) * 1000;
38942 | var originOnFrame = animation.onframe;
38943 | animation.onframe = function (e) {
38944 | if (originOnFrame) {
38945 |
38946 | originOnFrame(e);
38947 | }
38948 | if (animation.currentTime >= (lastFrame / _this.fps()) * 1000) {
38949 | animation.finish();
38950 | if (originOnFrame) {
38951 | animation.onframe = originOnFrame;
38952 | }
38953 | else {
38954 | animation.onframe = null;
38955 | }
38956 | }
38957 | };
38958 | animation.play();
38959 | });
38960 | };
38961 | LottieAnimation.prototype.pause = function () {
38962 | this.isPaused = true;
38963 | this.animations.forEach(function (animation) {
38964 | animation.pause();
38965 | });
38966 | };
38967 | |
38968 |
38969 |
38970 | LottieAnimation.prototype.togglePause = function () {
38971 | if (this.isPaused) {
38972 | this.play();
38973 | }
38974 | else {
38975 | this.pause();
38976 | }
38977 | };
38978 | |
38979 |
38980 |
38981 |
38982 |
38983 | LottieAnimation.prototype.goTo = function (value, isFrame) {
38984 | var _this = this;
38985 | if (isFrame === void 0) { isFrame = false; }
38986 | if (isFrame) {
38987 | this.animations.forEach(function (animation) {
38988 | animation.currentTime = (value / _this.fps()) * 1000;
38989 | });
38990 | }
38991 | else {
38992 | this.animations.forEach(function (animation) {
38993 | animation.currentTime = value * 1000;
38994 | });
38995 | }
38996 | };
38997 | |
38998 |
38999 |
39000 | LottieAnimation.prototype.stop = function () {
39001 | this.animations.forEach(function (animation) {
39002 | animation.finish();
39003 | });
39004 | };
39005 | |
39006 |
39007 |
39008 |
39009 | LottieAnimation.prototype.setSpeed = function (speed) {
39010 | var _this = this;
39011 | this.animations.forEach(function (animation) {
39012 | animation.playbackRate = speed * _this.direction;
39013 | });
39014 | };
39015 | |
39016 |
39017 |
39018 |
39019 | LottieAnimation.prototype.setDirection = function (direction) {
39020 | this.direction = direction;
39021 | this.animations.forEach(function (animation) {
39022 | animation.playbackRate *= direction;
39023 | });
39024 | };
39025 | return LottieAnimation;
39026 | }());
39027 |
39028 | |
39029 |
39030 |
39031 | function completeLayers(layers, comps) {
39032 | var layerData;
39033 | var i;
39034 | var len = layers.length;
39035 | var j;
39036 | var jLen;
39037 | var k;
39038 | var kLen;
39039 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39040 | layerData = layers[i];
39041 | if ('ks' in layerData && !layerData.completed) {
39042 | layerData.completed = true;
39043 | if (layerData.tt) {
39044 | layers[i - 1].td = layerData.tt;
39045 | }
39046 | if (layerData.hasMask) {
39047 | var maskProps = layerData.masksProperties;
39048 | jLen = maskProps.length;
39049 | for (j = 0; j < jLen; j += 1) {
39050 | if (maskProps[j].pt.k.i) {
39051 | convertPathsToAbsoluteValues(maskProps[j].pt.k);
39052 | }
39053 | else {
39054 | kLen = maskProps[j].pt.k.length;
39055 | for (k = 0; k < kLen; k += 1) {
39056 | if (maskProps[j].pt.k[k].s) {
39057 | convertPathsToAbsoluteValues(maskProps[j].pt.k[k].s[0]);
39058 | }
39059 | if (maskProps[j].pt.k[k].e) {
39060 | convertPathsToAbsoluteValues(maskProps[j].pt.k[k].e[0]);
39061 | }
39062 | }
39063 | }
39064 | }
39065 | }
39066 | if (layerData.ty === 0) {
39067 | layerData.layers = findCompLayers(layerData.refId, comps);
39068 | completeLayers(layerData.layers, comps);
39069 | }
39070 | else if (layerData.ty === 4) {
39071 | completeShapes(layerData.shapes);
39072 | }
39073 | else if (layerData.ty === 5) {
39074 | completeText(layerData);
39075 | }
39076 | }
39077 | }
39078 | }
39079 | function completeChars(chars, assets) {
39080 | if (chars) {
39081 | var i = 0;
39082 | var len = chars.length;
39083 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39084 | if (chars[i].t === 1) {
39085 |
39086 | chars[i].data.layers = findCompLayers(chars[i].data.refId, assets);
39087 |
39088 |
39089 |
39090 |
39091 |
39092 |
39093 |
39094 |
39095 |
39096 |
39097 |
39098 |
39099 | completeLayers(chars[i].data.layers, assets);
39100 | }
39101 | }
39102 | }
39103 | }
39104 | function findComp(id, comps) {
39105 | var i = 0;
39106 | var len = comps.length;
39107 | while (i < len) {
39108 | if (comps[i].id === id) {
39109 | return comps[i];
39110 | }
39111 | i += 1;
39112 | }
39113 | return null;
39114 | }
39115 | function findCompLayers(id, comps) {
39116 | var comp = findComp(id, comps);
39117 | if (comp) {
39118 | if (!comp.layers.__used) {
39119 | comp.layers.__used = true;
39120 | return comp.layers;
39121 | }
39122 | return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(comp.layers));
39123 | }
39124 | return null;
39125 | }
39126 | function completeShapes(arr) {
39127 | var i;
39128 | var len = arr.length;
39129 | var j;
39130 | var jLen;
39131 | for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
39132 | if (arr[i].ty === 'sh') {
39133 | if (arr[i].ks.k.i) {
39134 | convertPathsToAbsoluteValues(arr[i].ks.k);
39135 | }
39136 | else {
39137 | jLen = arr[i].ks.k.length;
39138 | for (j = 0; j < jLen; j += 1) {
39139 | if (arr[i].ks.k[j].s) {
39140 | convertPathsToAbsoluteValues(arr[i].ks.k[j].s[0]);
39141 | }
39142 | if (arr[i].ks.k[j].e) {
39143 | convertPathsToAbsoluteValues(arr[i].ks.k[j].e[0]);
39144 | }
39145 | }
39146 | }
39147 | }
39148 | else if (arr[i].ty === 'gr') {
39149 | completeShapes(arr[i].it);
39150 | }
39151 | }
39152 | }
39153 | function convertPathsToAbsoluteValues(path) {
39154 | var i;
39155 | var len = path.i.length;
39156 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39157 | path.i[i][0] += path.v[i][0];
39158 | path.i[i][1] += path.v[i][1];
39159 | path.o[i][0] += path.v[i][0];
39160 | path.o[i][1] += path.v[i][1];
39161 | }
39162 | }
39163 | function checkVersion(minimum, animVersionString) {
39164 | var animVersion = animVersionString ? animVersionString.split('.') : [100, 100, 100];
39165 | if (minimum[0] > animVersion[0]) {
39166 | return true;
39167 | }
39168 | if (animVersion[0] > minimum[0]) {
39169 | return false;
39170 | }
39171 | if (minimum[1] > animVersion[1]) {
39172 | return true;
39173 | }
39174 | if (animVersion[1] > minimum[1]) {
39175 | return false;
39176 | }
39177 | if (minimum[2] > animVersion[2]) {
39178 | return true;
39179 | }
39180 | if (animVersion[2] > minimum[2]) {
39181 | return false;
39182 | }
39183 | return null;
39184 | }
39185 | var checkText = (function () {
39186 | var minimumVersion = [4, 4, 14];
39187 | function updateTextLayer(textLayer) {
39188 | var documentData = textLayer.t.d;
39189 | textLayer.t.d = {
39190 | k: [
39191 | {
39192 | s: documentData,
39193 | t: 0,
39194 | },
39195 | ],
39196 | };
39197 | }
39198 | function iterateLayers(layers) {
39199 | var i;
39200 | var len = layers.length;
39201 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39202 | if (layers[i].ty === 5) {
39203 | updateTextLayer(layers[i]);
39204 | }
39205 | }
39206 | }
39207 | return function (animationData) {
39208 | if (checkVersion(minimumVersion, animationData.v)) {
39209 | iterateLayers(animationData.layers);
39210 | if (animationData.assets) {
39211 | var i = void 0;
39212 | var len = animationData.assets.length;
39213 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39214 | if (animationData.assets[i].layers) {
39215 | iterateLayers(animationData.assets[i].layers);
39216 | }
39217 | }
39218 | }
39219 | }
39220 | };
39221 | })();
39222 | var checkChars = (function () {
39223 | var minimumVersion = [4, 7, 99];
39224 | return function (animationData) {
39225 | if (animationData.chars && !checkVersion(minimumVersion, animationData.v)) {
39226 | var i = void 0;
39227 | var len = animationData.chars.length;
39228 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39229 | var charData = animationData.chars[i];
39230 | if (charData.data && charData.data.shapes) {
39231 | completeShapes(charData.data.shapes);
39232 | charData.data.ip = 0;
39233 | charData.data.op = 99999;
39234 | charData.data.st = 0;
39235 | charData.data.sr = 1;
39236 | charData.data.ks = {
39237 | p: { k: [0, 0], a: 0 },
39238 | s: { k: [100, 100], a: 0 },
39239 | a: { k: [0, 0], a: 0 },
39240 | r: { k: 0, a: 0 },
39241 | o: { k: 100, a: 0 },
39242 | };
39243 | if (!animationData.chars[i].t) {
39244 | charData.data.shapes.push({
39245 | ty: 'no',
39246 | });
39247 | charData.data.shapes[0].it.push({
39248 | p: { k: [0, 0], a: 0 },
39249 | s: { k: [100, 100], a: 0 },
39250 | a: { k: [0, 0], a: 0 },
39251 | r: { k: 0, a: 0 },
39252 | o: { k: 100, a: 0 },
39253 | sk: { k: 0, a: 0 },
39254 | sa: { k: 0, a: 0 },
39255 | ty: 'tr',
39256 | });
39257 | }
39258 | }
39259 | }
39260 | }
39261 | };
39262 | })();
39263 | var checkPathProperties = (function () {
39264 | var minimumVersion = [5, 7, 15];
39265 | function updateTextLayer(textLayer) {
39266 | var pathData = textLayer.t.p;
39267 | if (typeof pathData.a === 'number') {
39268 | pathData.a = {
39269 | a: 0,
39270 | k: pathData.a,
39271 | };
39272 | }
39273 | if (typeof pathData.p === 'number') {
39274 | pathData.p = {
39275 | a: 0,
39276 | k: pathData.p,
39277 | };
39278 | }
39279 | if (typeof pathData.r === 'number') {
39280 | pathData.r = {
39281 | a: 0,
39282 | k: pathData.r,
39283 | };
39284 | }
39285 | }
39286 | function iterateLayers(layers) {
39287 | var i;
39288 | var len = layers.length;
39289 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39290 | if (layers[i].ty === 5) {
39291 | updateTextLayer(layers[i]);
39292 | }
39293 | }
39294 | }
39295 | return function (animationData) {
39296 | if (checkVersion(minimumVersion, animationData.v)) {
39297 | iterateLayers(animationData.layers);
39298 | if (animationData.assets) {
39299 | var i = void 0;
39300 | var len = animationData.assets.length;
39301 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39302 | if (animationData.assets[i].layers) {
39303 | iterateLayers(animationData.assets[i].layers);
39304 | }
39305 | }
39306 | }
39307 | }
39308 | };
39309 | })();
39310 | var checkColors = (function () {
39311 | var minimumVersion = [4, 1, 9];
39312 | function iterateShapes(shapes) {
39313 | var i;
39314 | var len = shapes.length;
39315 | var j;
39316 | var jLen;
39317 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39318 | if (shapes[i].ty === 'gr') {
39319 | iterateShapes(shapes[i].it);
39320 | }
39321 | else if (shapes[i].ty === 'fl' || shapes[i].ty === 'st') {
39322 | if (shapes[i].c.k && shapes[i].c.k[0].i) {
39323 | jLen = shapes[i].c.k.length;
39324 | for (j = 0; j < jLen; j += 1) {
39325 | if (shapes[i].c.k[j].s) {
39326 | shapes[i].c.k[j].s[0] /= 255;
39327 | shapes[i].c.k[j].s[1] /= 255;
39328 | shapes[i].c.k[j].s[2] /= 255;
39329 | shapes[i].c.k[j].s[3] /= 255;
39330 | }
39331 | if (shapes[i].c.k[j].e) {
39332 | shapes[i].c.k[j].e[0] /= 255;
39333 | shapes[i].c.k[j].e[1] /= 255;
39334 | shapes[i].c.k[j].e[2] /= 255;
39335 | shapes[i].c.k[j].e[3] /= 255;
39336 | }
39337 | }
39338 | }
39339 | else {
39340 | shapes[i].c.k[0] /= 255;
39341 | shapes[i].c.k[1] /= 255;
39342 | shapes[i].c.k[2] /= 255;
39343 | shapes[i].c.k[3] /= 255;
39344 | }
39345 | }
39346 | }
39347 | }
39348 | function iterateLayers(layers) {
39349 | var i;
39350 | var len = layers.length;
39351 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39352 | if (layers[i].ty === 4) {
39353 | iterateShapes(layers[i].shapes);
39354 | }
39355 | }
39356 | }
39357 | return function (animationData) {
39358 | if (checkVersion(minimumVersion, animationData.v)) {
39359 | iterateLayers(animationData.layers);
39360 | if (animationData.assets) {
39361 | var i = void 0;
39362 | var len = animationData.assets.length;
39363 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39364 | if (animationData.assets[i].layers) {
39365 | iterateLayers(animationData.assets[i].layers);
39366 | }
39367 | }
39368 | }
39369 | }
39370 | };
39371 | })();
39372 | var checkShapes = (function () {
39373 | var minimumVersion = [4, 4, 18];
39374 | function completeClosingShapes(arr) {
39375 | var i;
39376 | var len = arr.length;
39377 | var j;
39378 | var jLen;
39379 | for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
39380 | if (arr[i].ty === 'sh') {
39381 | if (arr[i].ks.k.i) {
39382 | arr[i].ks.k.c = arr[i].closed;
39383 | }
39384 | else {
39385 | jLen = arr[i].ks.k.length;
39386 | for (j = 0; j < jLen; j += 1) {
39387 | if (arr[i].ks.k[j].s) {
39388 | arr[i].ks.k[j].s[0].c = arr[i].closed;
39389 | }
39390 | if (arr[i].ks.k[j].e) {
39391 | arr[i].ks.k[j].e[0].c = arr[i].closed;
39392 | }
39393 | }
39394 | }
39395 | }
39396 | else if (arr[i].ty === 'gr') {
39397 | completeClosingShapes(arr[i].it);
39398 | }
39399 | }
39400 | }
39401 | function iterateLayers(layers) {
39402 | var layerData;
39403 | var i;
39404 | var len = layers.length;
39405 | var j;
39406 | var jLen;
39407 | var k;
39408 | var kLen;
39409 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39410 | layerData = layers[i];
39411 | if (layerData.hasMask) {
39412 | var maskProps = layerData.masksProperties;
39413 | jLen = maskProps.length;
39414 | for (j = 0; j < jLen; j += 1) {
39415 | if (maskProps[j].pt.k.i) {
39416 | maskProps[j].pt.k.c = maskProps[j].cl;
39417 | }
39418 | else {
39419 | kLen = maskProps[j].pt.k.length;
39420 | for (k = 0; k < kLen; k += 1) {
39421 | if (maskProps[j].pt.k[k].s) {
39422 | maskProps[j].pt.k[k].s[0].c = maskProps[j].cl;
39423 | }
39424 | if (maskProps[j].pt.k[k].e) {
39425 | maskProps[j].pt.k[k].e[0].c = maskProps[j].cl;
39426 | }
39427 | }
39428 | }
39429 | }
39430 | }
39431 | if (layerData.ty === 4) {
39432 | completeClosingShapes(layerData.shapes);
39433 | }
39434 | }
39435 | }
39436 | return function (animationData) {
39437 | if (checkVersion(minimumVersion, animationData.v)) {
39438 | iterateLayers(animationData.layers);
39439 | if (animationData.assets) {
39440 | var i = void 0;
39441 | var len = animationData.assets.length;
39442 | for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
39443 | if (animationData.assets[i].layers) {
39444 | iterateLayers(animationData.assets[i].layers);
39445 | }
39446 | }
39447 | }
39448 | }
39449 | };
39450 | })();
39451 | function completeData(animationData) {
39452 | if (animationData.__complete) {
39453 | return;
39454 | }
39455 | checkColors(animationData);
39456 | checkText(animationData);
39457 | checkChars(animationData);
39458 | checkPathProperties(animationData);
39459 | checkShapes(animationData);
39460 | completeLayers(animationData.layers, animationData.assets);
39461 | completeChars(animationData.chars, animationData.assets);
39462 | animationData.__complete = true;
39463 | }
39464 | function completeText(data) {
39465 | if (data.t.a.length === 0 && !('m' in data.t.p)) ;
39466 | }
39467 |
39468 | |
39469 |
39470 |
39471 | var BlendMode;
39472 | (function (BlendMode) {
39473 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Normal"] = 0] = "Normal";
39474 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Multiply"] = 1] = "Multiply";
39475 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Screen"] = 2] = "Screen";
39476 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Overlay"] = 3] = "Overlay";
39477 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Darken"] = 4] = "Darken";
39478 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Lighten"] = 5] = "Lighten";
39479 | BlendMode[BlendMode["ColorDodge"] = 6] = "ColorDodge";
39480 | BlendMode[BlendMode["ColorBurn"] = 7] = "ColorBurn";
39481 | BlendMode[BlendMode["HardLight"] = 8] = "HardLight";
39482 | BlendMode[BlendMode["SoftLight"] = 9] = "SoftLight";
39483 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Difference"] = 10] = "Difference";
39484 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Exclusion"] = 11] = "Exclusion";
39485 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Hue"] = 12] = "Hue";
39486 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Saturation"] = 13] = "Saturation";
39487 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Color"] = 14] = "Color";
39488 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Luminosity"] = 15] = "Luminosity";
39489 | BlendMode[BlendMode["Add"] = 16] = "Add";
39490 | BlendMode[BlendMode["HardMix"] = 17] = "HardMix";
39491 | })(BlendMode || (BlendMode = {}));
39492 | |
39493 |
39494 |
39495 | var MatteMode;
39496 | (function (MatteMode) {
39497 | MatteMode[MatteMode["Normal"] = 0] = "Normal";
39498 | MatteMode[MatteMode["Alpha"] = 1] = "Alpha";
39499 | MatteMode[MatteMode["InvertedAlpha"] = 2] = "InvertedAlpha";
39500 | MatteMode[MatteMode["Luma"] = 3] = "Luma";
39501 | MatteMode[MatteMode["InvertedLuma"] = 4] = "InvertedLuma";
39502 | })(MatteMode || (MatteMode = {}));
39503 | var Layer3DMode;
39504 | (function (Layer3DMode) {
39505 | Layer3DMode[Layer3DMode["Off"] = 0] = "Off";
39506 | Layer3DMode[Layer3DMode["On"] = 1] = "On";
39507 | })(Layer3DMode || (Layer3DMode = {}));
39508 | var AutoOrientMode;
39509 | (function (AutoOrientMode) {
39510 | AutoOrientMode[AutoOrientMode["Off"] = 0] = "Off";
39511 | AutoOrientMode[AutoOrientMode["On"] = 1] = "On";
39512 | })(AutoOrientMode || (AutoOrientMode = {}));
39513 | var EffectValueType;
39514 | (function (EffectValueType) {
39515 | EffectValueType[EffectValueType["Number"] = 0] = "Number";
39516 | EffectValueType[EffectValueType["Color"] = 2] = "Color";
39517 | EffectValueType[EffectValueType["MultiDimensional"] = 3] = "MultiDimensional";
39518 | EffectValueType[EffectValueType["Boolean"] = 7] = "Boolean";
39519 | })(EffectValueType || (EffectValueType = {}));
39520 | var EffectType;
39521 | (function (EffectType) {
39522 | EffectType[EffectType["Transform"] = 5] = "Transform";
39523 | EffectType[EffectType["DropShadow"] = 25] = "DropShadow";
39524 | })(EffectType || (EffectType = {}));
39525 | var MaskMode;
39526 | (function (MaskMode) {
39527 | MaskMode["No"] = "n";
39528 | MaskMode["Add"] = "a";
39529 | MaskMode["Subtract"] = "s";
39530 | MaskMode["Intersect"] = "i";
39531 | MaskMode["Lighten"] = "l";
39532 | MaskMode["Darken"] = "d";
39533 | MaskMode["Difference"] = "f";
39534 | })(MaskMode || (MaskMode = {}));
39535 | var LayerType;
39536 | (function (LayerType) {
39537 | LayerType[LayerType["precomp"] = 0] = "precomp";
39538 | LayerType[LayerType["solid"] = 1] = "solid";
39539 | LayerType[LayerType["image"] = 2] = "image";
39540 | LayerType[LayerType["null"] = 3] = "null";
39541 | LayerType[LayerType["shape"] = 4] = "shape";
39542 | LayerType[LayerType["text"] = 5] = "text";
39543 | LayerType[LayerType["audio"] = 6] = "audio";
39544 | LayerType[LayerType["pholderVideo"] = 7] = "pholderVideo";
39545 | LayerType[LayerType["imageSeq"] = 8] = "imageSeq";
39546 | LayerType[LayerType["video"] = 9] = "video";
39547 | LayerType[LayerType["pholderStill"] = 10] = "pholderStill";
39548 | LayerType[LayerType["guide"] = 11] = "guide";
39549 | LayerType[LayerType["adjustment"] = 12] = "adjustment";
39550 | LayerType[LayerType["camera"] = 13] = "camera";
39551 | LayerType[LayerType["light"] = 14] = "light";
39552 | LayerType[LayerType["data"] = 15] = "data";
39553 | })(LayerType || (LayerType = {}));
39554 | var TextJustify;
39555 | (function (TextJustify) {
39556 | TextJustify[TextJustify["Left"] = 0] = "Left";
39557 | TextJustify[TextJustify["Right"] = 1] = "Right";
39558 | TextJustify[TextJustify["Center"] = 2] = "Center";
39559 | })(TextJustify || (TextJustify = {}));
39560 | var VerticalJustify;
39561 | (function (VerticalJustify) {
39562 | VerticalJustify[VerticalJustify["Top"] = 0] = "Top";
39563 | VerticalJustify[VerticalJustify["Center"] = 1] = "Center";
39564 | VerticalJustify[VerticalJustify["Bottom"] = 2] = "Bottom";
39565 | })(VerticalJustify || (VerticalJustify = {}));
39566 | var RangeSelectorDomain;
39567 | (function (RangeSelectorDomain) {
39568 | RangeSelectorDomain[RangeSelectorDomain["Characters"] = 1] = "Characters";
39569 | RangeSelectorDomain[RangeSelectorDomain["CharactersExcludingSpaces"] = 2] = "CharactersExcludingSpaces";
39570 | RangeSelectorDomain[RangeSelectorDomain["Words"] = 3] = "Words";
39571 | RangeSelectorDomain[RangeSelectorDomain["Lines"] = 4] = "Lines";
39572 | })(RangeSelectorDomain || (RangeSelectorDomain = {}));
39573 | var RangeSelectorShape;
39574 | (function (RangeSelectorShape) {
39575 | RangeSelectorShape[RangeSelectorShape["Square"] = 1] = "Square";
39576 | RangeSelectorShape[RangeSelectorShape["RampUp"] = 2] = "RampUp";
39577 | RangeSelectorShape[RangeSelectorShape["RampDown"] = 3] = "RampDown";
39578 | RangeSelectorShape[RangeSelectorShape["Triangle"] = 4] = "Triangle";
39579 | RangeSelectorShape[RangeSelectorShape["Round"] = 5] = "Round";
39580 | RangeSelectorShape[RangeSelectorShape["Smooth"] = 6] = "Smooth";
39581 | })(RangeSelectorShape || (RangeSelectorShape = {}));
39582 | var RangeSelectorUnits;
39583 | (function (RangeSelectorUnits) {
39584 | RangeSelectorUnits[RangeSelectorUnits["Percentage"] = 1] = "Percentage";
39585 | RangeSelectorUnits[RangeSelectorUnits["Index"] = 2] = "Index";
39586 | })(RangeSelectorUnits || (RangeSelectorUnits = {}));
39587 | var RangeSelectorMode;
39588 | (function (RangeSelectorMode) {
39589 | RangeSelectorMode[RangeSelectorMode["Add"] = 1] = "Add";
39590 | RangeSelectorMode[RangeSelectorMode["Subtract"] = 2] = "Subtract";
39591 | RangeSelectorMode[RangeSelectorMode["Intersect"] = 3] = "Intersect";
39592 | RangeSelectorMode[RangeSelectorMode["Min"] = 4] = "Min";
39593 | RangeSelectorMode[RangeSelectorMode["Max"] = 5] = "Max";
39594 | RangeSelectorMode[RangeSelectorMode["Difference"] = 6] = "Difference";
39595 | })(RangeSelectorMode || (RangeSelectorMode = {}));
39596 | |
39597 |
39598 |
39599 | var ShapeType;
39600 | (function (ShapeType) {
39601 | ShapeType["Rectangle"] = "rc";
39602 | ShapeType["Ellipse"] = "el";
39603 | ShapeType["PolyStar"] = "sr";
39604 | ShapeType["Path"] = "sh";
39605 | ShapeType["Fill"] = "fl";
39606 | ShapeType["Stroke"] = "st";
39607 | ShapeType["GradientFill"] = "gf";
39608 | ShapeType["GradientStroke"] = "gs";
39609 | ShapeType["NoStyle"] = "no";
39610 | ShapeType["Group"] = "gr";
39611 | ShapeType["Transform"] = "tr";
39612 | ShapeType["Repeater"] = "rp";
39613 | ShapeType["Trim"] = "tm";
39614 | ShapeType["RoundedCorners"] = "rd";
39615 | ShapeType["PuckerOrBloat"] = "pb";
39616 | ShapeType["Merge"] = "mm";
39617 | ShapeType["Twist"] = "tw";
39618 | ShapeType["OffsetPath"] = "op";
39619 | ShapeType["ZigZag"] = "zz";
39620 | })(ShapeType || (ShapeType = {}));
39621 | |
39622 |
39623 |
39624 | var FillRule;
39625 | (function (FillRule) {
39626 | FillRule[FillRule["NonZero"] = 1] = "NonZero";
39627 | FillRule[FillRule["EvenOdd"] = 2] = "EvenOdd";
39628 | })(FillRule || (FillRule = {}));
39629 | |
39630 |
39631 |
39632 | var LineJoin;
39633 | (function (LineJoin) {
39634 | LineJoin[LineJoin["Miter"] = 1] = "Miter";
39635 | LineJoin[LineJoin["Round"] = 2] = "Round";
39636 | LineJoin[LineJoin["Bevel"] = 3] = "Bevel";
39637 | })(LineJoin || (LineJoin = {}));
39638 | |
39639 |
39640 |
39641 | var LineCap;
39642 | (function (LineCap) {
39643 | LineCap[LineCap["Butt"] = 1] = "Butt";
39644 | LineCap[LineCap["Round"] = 2] = "Round";
39645 | LineCap[LineCap["Square"] = 3] = "Square";
39646 | })(LineCap || (LineCap = {}));
39647 | |
39648 |
39649 |
39650 | var GradientType$1;
39651 | (function (GradientType) {
39652 | GradientType[GradientType["Linear"] = 1] = "Linear";
39653 | GradientType[GradientType["Radial"] = 2] = "Radial";
39654 | })(GradientType$1 || (GradientType$1 = {}));
39655 | var FontPathOrigin;
39656 | (function (FontPathOrigin) {
39657 | FontPathOrigin[FontPathOrigin["CssUrl"] = 1] = "CssUrl";
39658 | FontPathOrigin[FontPathOrigin["ScriptUrl"] = 2] = "ScriptUrl";
39659 | FontPathOrigin[FontPathOrigin["FontUrl"] = 3] = "FontUrl";
39660 | })(FontPathOrigin || (FontPathOrigin = {}));
39661 |
39662 | var ParseContext = (function () {
39663 | function ParseContext() {
39664 | this.frameTime = 1000 / 30;
39665 | this.startFrame = 0;
39666 | this.autoplay = false;
39667 | this.fill = 'auto';
39668 | this.iterations = 0;
39669 | this.assetsMap = new Map();
39670 | }
39671 | return ParseContext;
39672 | }());
39673 | function isNumberArray(val) {
39674 | return Array.isArray(val) && typeof val[0] === 'number';
39675 | }
39676 | function isMultiDimensionalValue(val) {
39677 | return isNumberArray(val === null || val === void 0 ? void 0 : val.k);
39678 | }
39679 | function isMultiDimensionalKeyframedValue(val) {
39680 | var k = val === null || val === void 0 ? void 0 : val.k;
39681 | return Array.isArray(k) && k[0].t !== undefined && isNumberArray(k[0].s);
39682 | }
39683 | function isValue(val) {
39684 |
39685 | return typeof (val === null || val === void 0 ? void 0 : val.k) === 'number';
39686 | }
39687 | function isKeyframedValue(val) {
39688 | var k = val === null || val === void 0 ? void 0 : val.k;
39689 | return Array.isArray(k) && k[0].t !== undefined && typeof k[0].s === 'number';
39690 | }
39691 | function toColorString(val) {
39692 | var opacity = getMultiDimensionValue(val, 3);
39693 | return "rgba(".concat([
39694 | Math.round(getMultiDimensionValue(val, 0) * 255),
39695 | Math.round(getMultiDimensionValue(val, 1) * 255),
39696 | Math.round(getMultiDimensionValue(val, 2) * 255),
39697 | !isNil(opacity) ? opacity : 1,
39698 | ].join(','), ")");
39699 | }
39700 | function getMultiDimensionValue(val, dimIndex) {
39701 | return val != null
39702 | ? typeof val === 'number'
39703 | ? val
39704 | : val[dimIndex || 0]
39705 | : NaN;
39706 | }
39707 | |
39708 |
39709 |
39710 | function getMultiDimensionEasingBezierString(kf, nextKf, dimIndex) {
39711 | var _a, _b, _c, _d;
39712 | var bezierEasing = [];
39713 | bezierEasing.push((((_a = kf.o) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.x) &&
39714 | (getMultiDimensionValue(kf.o.x, dimIndex) ||
39715 | getMultiDimensionValue(kf.o.x, 0))) ||
39716 | 0, (((_b = kf.o) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.y) &&
39717 | (getMultiDimensionValue(kf.o.y, dimIndex) ||
39718 | getMultiDimensionValue(kf.o.y, 0))) ||
39719 | 0, (((_c = kf.i) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.x) &&
39720 | (getMultiDimensionValue(kf.i.x, dimIndex) ||
39721 | getMultiDimensionValue(kf.i.x, 0))) ||
39722 | 1, (((_d = kf.i) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.y) &&
39723 | (getMultiDimensionValue(kf.i.y, dimIndex) ||
39724 | getMultiDimensionValue(kf.i.y, 0))) ||
39725 | 1);
39726 |
39727 | if (!(bezierEasing[0] === 0 &&
39728 | bezierEasing[1] === 0 &&
39729 | bezierEasing[2] === 1 &&
39730 | bezierEasing[3] === 1)) {
39731 | return "cubic-bezier(".concat(bezierEasing.join(','), ")");
39732 | }
39733 | return;
39734 | }
39735 | |
39736 |
39737 |
39738 | function parseKeyframe(kfs, bezierEasingDimIndex, context, setVal) {
39739 | var kfsLen = kfs.length;
39740 |
39741 | var duration = context.endFrame - context.startFrame;
39742 | var out = {
39743 | duration: 0,
39744 | delay: 0,
39745 | keyframes: [],
39746 | };
39747 | var prevKf;
39748 | for (var i = 0; i < kfsLen; i++) {
39749 | var kf = kfs[i];
39750 | var nextKf = kfs[i + 1];
39751 |
39752 |
39753 | var isDiscrete = kf.h === 1;
39754 | var offset = (kf.t + context.layerOffsetTime - context.startFrame) / duration;
39755 | var outKeyframe = {
39756 | offset: offset,
39757 | };
39758 | if (!isDiscrete) {
39759 | outKeyframe.easing = getMultiDimensionEasingBezierString(kf, nextKf, bezierEasingDimIndex);
39760 | }
39761 |
39762 |
39763 | var startVal = kf.s || (prevKf === null || prevKf === void 0 ? void 0 : prevKf.e);
39764 | if (startVal) {
39765 | setVal(outKeyframe, startVal);
39766 | }
39767 | if (outKeyframe.offset > 0 && i === 0) {
39768 |
39769 | var initialKeyframe = {
39770 | offset: 0,
39771 | };
39772 | if (startVal) {
39773 | setVal(initialKeyframe, startVal);
39774 | }
39775 | out.keyframes.push(initialKeyframe);
39776 | }
39777 | out.keyframes.push(outKeyframe);
39778 | if (isDiscrete && nextKf) {
39779 |
39780 | var extraKeyframe = {
39781 | offset: Math.max((nextKf.t + context.layerOffsetTime - context.startFrame) / duration, 0),
39782 | };
39783 | setVal(extraKeyframe, startVal);
39784 | out.keyframes.push(extraKeyframe);
39785 | }
39786 | prevKf = kf;
39787 | }
39788 | if (kfsLen) {
39789 | out.duration = context.frameTime * duration;
39790 | }
39791 | return out;
39792 | }
39793 | function parseOffsetKeyframe(kfs, targetPropName, propNames, keyframeAnimations, context, convertVal) {
39794 | var _loop_1 = function (dimIndex) {
39795 | var propName = propNames[dimIndex];
39796 | var keyframeAnim = parseKeyframe(kfs, dimIndex, context, function (outKeyframe, startVal) {
39797 | var val = getMultiDimensionValue(startVal, dimIndex);
39798 | if (convertVal) {
39799 | val = convertVal(val);
39800 | }
39801 | (targetPropName
39802 | ? (outKeyframe[targetPropName] = {})
39803 | : outKeyframe)[propName] = val;
39804 | });
39805 |
39806 | var needOffsetPath = kfs.some(function (kf) { return kf.ti && kf.to; });
39807 | if (needOffsetPath) {
39808 | var offsetPath_1 = [];
39809 | kfs.forEach(function (kf, i) {
39810 | keyframeAnim.keyframes[i].offsetPath = offsetPath_1;
39811 |
39812 |
39813 | if (kf.ti && kf.to) {
39814 | if (i === 0) {
39815 | offsetPath_1.push(['M', kf.s[0], kf.s[1]]);
39816 | }
39817 | keyframeAnim.keyframes[i].segmentLength = getTotalLength(offsetPath_1);
39818 |
39819 |
39820 |
39821 | offsetPath_1.push([
39822 | 'C',
39823 | kf.s[0] + kf.to[0],
39824 | kf.s[1] + kf.to[1],
39825 | kf.s[0] + kf.ti[0],
39826 | kf.s[1] + kf.ti[1],
39827 | kf.e[0],
39828 | kf.e[1],
39829 | ]);
39830 | }
39831 | });
39832 |
39833 | var totalLength_1 = getTotalLength(offsetPath_1);
39834 | keyframeAnim.keyframes.forEach(function (kf) {
39835 | kf.offsetDistance = isNil(kf.segmentLength)
39836 | ? 1
39837 | : kf.segmentLength / totalLength_1;
39838 | delete kf.segmentLength;
39839 | });
39840 | }
39841 | if (keyframeAnim.keyframes.length) {
39842 | keyframeAnimations.push(keyframeAnim);
39843 | }
39844 | };
39845 | for (var dimIndex = 0; dimIndex < propNames.length; dimIndex++) {
39846 | _loop_1(dimIndex);
39847 | }
39848 | }
39849 | function parseColorOffsetKeyframe(kfs, targetPropName, propName, keyframeAnimations, context) {
39850 | var keyframeAnim = parseKeyframe(kfs, 0, context, function (outKeyframe, startVal) {
39851 | (targetPropName
39852 | ? (outKeyframe[targetPropName] = {})
39853 | : outKeyframe)[propName] = toColorString(startVal);
39854 | });
39855 | if (keyframeAnim.keyframes.length) {
39856 | keyframeAnimations.push(keyframeAnim);
39857 | }
39858 | }
39859 | function parseValue(lottieVal, attrs, targetPropName, propNames, animations, context, convertVal) {
39860 | if (targetPropName) {
39861 | attrs[targetPropName] = attrs[targetPropName] || {};
39862 | }
39863 | var target = targetPropName ? attrs[targetPropName] : attrs;
39864 | if (isValue(lottieVal)) {
39865 | var val = lottieVal.k;
39866 | target[propNames[0]] = convertVal ? convertVal(val) : val;
39867 | }
39868 | else if (isKeyframedValue(lottieVal)) {
39869 | parseOffsetKeyframe(lottieVal.k, targetPropName, propNames, animations, context, convertVal);
39870 | }
39871 | else if (isMultiDimensionalValue(lottieVal)) {
39872 | for (var i = 0; i < propNames.length; i++) {
39873 | var val = getMultiDimensionValue(lottieVal.k, i);
39874 | target[propNames[i]] = convertVal ? convertVal(val) : val;
39875 | }
39876 | }
39877 | else if (isMultiDimensionalKeyframedValue(lottieVal)) {
39878 |
39879 | parseOffsetKeyframe(lottieVal.k, targetPropName, propNames, animations, context, convertVal);
39880 | }
39881 | }
39882 | |
39883 |
39884 |
39885 | function parseTransforms(ks, attrs, animations, context, targetProp, transformProps) {
39886 | if (targetProp === void 0) { targetProp = ''; }
39887 | if (transformProps === void 0) { transformProps = {
39888 | x: 'x',
39889 | y: 'y',
39890 | rotation: 'rotation',
39891 | scaleX: 'scaleX',
39892 | scaleY: 'scaleY',
39893 | anchorX: 'anchorX',
39894 | anchorY: 'anchorY',
39895 | skew: 'skew',
39896 | skewAxis: 'skewAxis',
39897 | }; }
39898 |
39899 | if (ks.p.s) {
39900 | parseValue(ks.p.x, attrs, targetProp, [transformProps.x], animations, context);
39901 | parseValue(ks.p.y, attrs, targetProp, [transformProps.y], animations, context);
39902 | }
39903 | else {
39904 | parseValue(ks.p, attrs, targetProp, [transformProps.x, transformProps.y], animations, context);
39905 | }
39906 | parseValue(ks.s, attrs, targetProp, [transformProps.scaleX, transformProps.scaleY], animations, context, function (val) { return val / 100; });
39907 | parseValue(ks.r, attrs, targetProp, [transformProps.rotation], animations, context);
39908 | parseValue(ks.a, attrs, targetProp, [transformProps.anchorX, transformProps.anchorY], animations, context);
39909 | parseValue(ks.sk, attrs, targetProp, [transformProps.skew], animations, context);
39910 | parseValue(ks.sa, attrs, targetProp, [transformProps.skewAxis], animations, context);
39911 | }
39912 | function isGradientFillOrStroke(fl) {
39913 | return fl.g && fl.s && fl.e;
39914 | }
39915 | function convertColorStops(arr, count) {
39916 | var colorStops = [];
39917 | for (var i = 0; i < count * 4;) {
39918 | var offset = arr[i++];
39919 | var r = Math.round(arr[i++] * 255);
39920 | var g = Math.round(arr[i++] * 255);
39921 | var b = Math.round(arr[i++] * 255);
39922 | colorStops.push({
39923 | offset: offset,
39924 | color: "rgb(".concat(r, ", ").concat(g, ", ").concat(b, ")"),
39925 | });
39926 | }
39927 | return colorStops;
39928 | }
39929 | function joinColorStops(colorStops) {
39930 | return "".concat(colorStops
39931 | .map(function (_a) {
39932 | var offset = _a.offset, color = _a.color;
39933 | return "".concat(color, " ").concat(offset * 100, "%");
39934 | })
39935 | .join(', '));
39936 | }
39937 | |
39938 |
39939 |
39940 |
39941 |
39942 |
39943 |
39944 |
39945 | function parseGradient$2(shape) {
39946 | var colorArr = shape.g.k.k;
39947 | var colorStops = convertColorStops(colorArr, shape.g.p);
39948 |
39949 | if (shape.t === GradientType$1.Linear) {
39950 | var angle = rad2deg(Math.atan2(shape.e.k[1] - shape.s.k[1], shape.e.k[0] - shape.s.k[0]));
39951 |
39952 | return "linear-gradient(".concat(angle, "deg, ").concat(joinColorStops(colorStops), ")");
39953 | }
39954 | else if (shape.t === GradientType$1.Radial) {
39955 |
39956 |
39957 |
39958 | var size = distanceSquareRoot(shape.e.k, shape.s.k);
39959 |
39960 | return "radial-gradient(circle ".concat(size, "px at ").concat(shape.s.k[0], "px ").concat(shape.s.k[1], "px, ").concat(joinColorStops(colorStops), ")");
39961 | }
39962 | else {
39963 |
39964 | return '#000';
39965 | }
39966 | }
39967 | function parseFill(fl, attrs, animations, context) {
39968 | attrs.style = attrs.style || {};
39969 |
39970 | if (isGradientFillOrStroke(fl)) {
39971 | attrs.style.fill = parseGradient$2(fl);
39972 | }
39973 | else {
39974 | if (isMultiDimensionalValue(fl.c)) {
39975 | attrs.style.fill = toColorString(fl.c.k);
39976 | }
39977 | else if (isMultiDimensionalKeyframedValue(fl.c)) {
39978 | parseColorOffsetKeyframe(fl.c.k, 'style', 'fill', animations, context);
39979 | }
39980 | }
39981 |
39982 | attrs.style.fillRule =
39983 | fl.r === FillRule.EvenOdd ? 'evenodd' : 'nonzero';
39984 |
39985 | parseValue(fl.o, attrs, 'style', ['fillOpacity'], animations, context, function (opacity) { return opacity / 100; });
39986 | }
39987 | function parseStroke(st, attrs, animations, context) {
39988 | attrs.style = attrs.style || {};
39989 |
39990 | if (isGradientFillOrStroke(st)) {
39991 | attrs.style.stroke = parseGradient$2(st);
39992 | }
39993 | else {
39994 | if (isMultiDimensionalValue(st.c)) {
39995 | attrs.style.stroke = toColorString(st.c.k);
39996 | }
39997 | else if (isMultiDimensionalKeyframedValue(st.c)) {
39998 | parseColorOffsetKeyframe(st.c.k, 'style', 'stroke', animations, context);
39999 | }
40000 | }
40001 |
40002 | parseValue(st.o, attrs, 'style', ['strokeOpacity'], animations, context, function (opacity) { return opacity / 100; });
40003 |
40004 | parseValue(st.w, attrs, 'style', ['lineWidth'], animations, context);
40005 | switch (st.lj) {
40006 | case LineJoin.Bevel:
40007 | attrs.style.lineJoin = 'bevel';
40008 | break;
40009 | case LineJoin.Round:
40010 | attrs.style.lineJoin = 'round';
40011 | break;
40012 | case LineJoin.Miter:
40013 | attrs.style.lineJoin = 'miter';
40014 | break;
40015 | }
40016 | switch (st.lc) {
40017 | case LineCap.Butt:
40018 | attrs.style.lineCap = 'butt';
40019 | break;
40020 | case LineCap.Round:
40021 | attrs.style.lineCap = 'round';
40022 | break;
40023 | case LineCap.Square:
40024 | attrs.style.lineCap = 'square';
40025 | break;
40026 | }
40027 |
40028 | var dashArray = [];
40029 | var dashOffset = 0;
40030 | if (st.d) {
40031 | st.d.forEach(function (item) {
40032 | if (item.n !== 'o') {
40033 | dashArray.push(item.v.k);
40034 | }
40035 | else {
40036 | dashOffset = item.v.k;
40037 | }
40038 | });
40039 | attrs.style.lineDash = dashArray;
40040 | attrs.style.lineDashOffset = dashOffset;
40041 | }
40042 | }
40043 | function isBezier(k) {
40044 | return k && k.i && k.o && k.v;
40045 | }
40046 | |
40047 |
40048 |
40049 | function parseShapePaths(shape, animations, context) {
40050 | var attrs = {
40051 | type: Shape.PATH,
40052 |
40053 | style: {
40054 | fill: 'none',
40055 | stroke: 'none',
40056 | },
40057 | };
40058 |
40059 | if (isBezier(shape.ks.k)) {
40060 | attrs.shape = {
40061 | in: shape.ks.k.i,
40062 | out: shape.ks.k.o,
40063 | v: shape.ks.k.v,
40064 | close: shape.ks.k.c,
40065 | };
40066 | }
40067 | else if (Array.isArray(shape.ks.k)) {
40068 | var keyframeAnim = parseKeyframe(shape.ks.k, 0, context, function (outKeyframe, startVal) {
40069 | outKeyframe.shape = {
40070 | in: startVal[0].i,
40071 | out: startVal[0].o,
40072 | v: startVal[0].v,
40073 | close: startVal[0].c,
40074 | };
40075 | });
40076 | if (keyframeAnim.keyframes.length) {
40077 | animations.push(keyframeAnim);
40078 | }
40079 | }
40080 | return attrs;
40081 | }
40082 | |
40083 |
40084 |
40085 | function parseShapeRect(shape, animations, context) {
40086 | var attrs = {
40087 | type: Shape.RECT,
40088 |
40089 | style: {
40090 | fill: 'none',
40091 | stroke: 'none',
40092 | },
40093 | shape: {},
40094 | };
40095 | parseValue(shape.p, attrs, 'shape', ['x', 'y'], animations, context);
40096 | parseValue(shape.s, attrs, 'shape', ['width', 'height'], animations, context);
40097 | parseValue(shape.r, attrs, 'shape', ['r'], animations, context);
40098 | return attrs;
40099 | }
40100 | |
40101 |
40102 |
40103 | function parseImageLayer(layer, context) {
40104 | var attrs = {
40105 | type: Shape.IMAGE,
40106 | style: {},
40107 | shape: {
40108 | width: 0,
40109 | height: 0,
40110 | src: '',
40111 | },
40112 | };
40113 | var asset = context.assetsMap.get(layer.refId);
40114 | if (asset) {
40115 | attrs.shape.width = asset.w;
40116 | attrs.shape.height = asset.h;
40117 |
40118 | attrs.shape.src = asset.p;
40119 | }
40120 | return attrs;
40121 | }
40122 | |
40123 |
40124 |
40125 | function parseShapeEllipse(shape, animations, context) {
40126 | var attrs = {
40127 | type: Shape.ELLIPSE,
40128 |
40129 | style: {
40130 | fill: 'none',
40131 | stroke: 'none',
40132 | },
40133 | shape: {},
40134 | };
40135 | parseValue(shape.p, attrs, 'shape', ['cx', 'cy'], animations, context);
40136 | parseValue(shape.s, attrs, 'shape', ['rx', 'ry'], animations, context, function (val) { return val / 2; });
40137 | return attrs;
40138 | }
40139 | function parseShapeLayer(layer, context) {
40140 | function tryCreateShape(shape, keyframeAnimations) {
40141 | var ecEl;
40142 |
40143 | switch (shape.ty) {
40144 | case ShapeType.Path:
40145 | ecEl = parseShapePaths(shape, keyframeAnimations, context);
40146 | break;
40147 | case ShapeType.Ellipse:
40148 | ecEl = parseShapeEllipse(shape, keyframeAnimations, context);
40149 | break;
40150 | case ShapeType.Rectangle:
40151 | ecEl = parseShapeRect(shape, keyframeAnimations, context);
40152 | break;
40153 | case ShapeType.PolyStar:
40154 |
40155 | break;
40156 | }
40157 | return ecEl;
40158 | }
40159 | function parseModifiers(shapes, modifiers) {
40160 | shapes.forEach(function (shape) {
40161 | if (shape.hd) {
40162 | return;
40163 | }
40164 |
40165 | switch (shape.ty) {
40166 | case ShapeType.Repeater:
40167 | parseValue(shape.c, modifiers.attrs, 'shape', ['repeat'], modifiers.keyframeAnimations, context);
40168 | parseTransforms(shape.tr, modifiers.attrs, modifiers.keyframeAnimations, context, 'shape', {
40169 | x: 'repeatX',
40170 | y: 'repeatY',
40171 | rotation: 'repeatRot',
40172 | scaleX: 'repeatScaleX',
40173 | scaleY: 'repeatScaleY',
40174 | anchorX: 'repeatAnchorX',
40175 | anchorY: 'repeatAnchorY',
40176 | skew: 'repeatSkew',
40177 | skewAxis: 'repeatSkewAxis',
40178 | });
40179 | break;
40180 | case ShapeType.Trim:
40181 | parseValue(shape.s, modifiers.attrs, 'shape', ['trimStart'], modifiers.keyframeAnimations, context);
40182 | parseValue(shape.e, modifiers.attrs, 'shape', ['trimEnd'], modifiers.keyframeAnimations, context);
40183 | break;
40184 | }
40185 | });
40186 | }
40187 | function parseIterations(shapes, modifiers) {
40188 | var ecEls = [];
40189 | var attrs = {};
40190 | var keyframeAnimations = [];
40191 |
40192 | shapes = shapes.slice().reverse();
40193 |
40194 | parseModifiers(shapes, modifiers);
40195 | shapes.forEach(function (shape) {
40196 | if (shape.hd) {
40197 | return;
40198 | }
40199 | var ecEl;
40200 | switch (shape.ty) {
40201 | case ShapeType.Group:
40202 | ecEl = {
40203 | type: Shape.GROUP,
40204 | children: parseIterations(shape.it,
40205 |
40206 | modifiers),
40207 | };
40208 | break;
40209 |
40210 | case ShapeType.Fill:
40211 | case ShapeType.GradientFill:
40212 | parseFill(shape, attrs, keyframeAnimations, context);
40213 | break;
40214 | case ShapeType.Stroke:
40215 | case ShapeType.GradientStroke:
40216 | parseStroke(shape, attrs, keyframeAnimations, context);
40217 | break;
40218 | case ShapeType.Transform:
40219 | parseTransforms(shape, attrs, keyframeAnimations, context);
40220 | break;
40221 |
40222 | default:
40223 | ecEl = tryCreateShape(shape, keyframeAnimations);
40224 | }
40225 | if (ecEl) {
40226 | ecEl.name = shape.nm;
40227 | ecEls.push(ecEl);
40228 | }
40229 | });
40230 | ecEls.forEach(function (el, idx) {
40231 |
40232 | el = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, el), definedProps(modifiers.attrs)), attrs);
40233 | if (keyframeAnimations.length || modifiers.keyframeAnimations.length) {
40234 | el.keyframeAnimation = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(modifiers.keyframeAnimations), false), __read(keyframeAnimations), false);
40235 | }
40236 | ecEls[idx] = el;
40237 | });
40238 | return ecEls;
40239 | }
40240 | return {
40241 | type: Shape.GROUP,
40242 | children: parseIterations(layer.shapes, {
40243 | attrs: {},
40244 | keyframeAnimations: [],
40245 | }),
40246 | };
40247 | }
40248 | function traverse(el, cb) {
40249 | var _a;
40250 | cb(el);
40251 | if (el.type === Shape.GROUP) {
40252 | (_a = el.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach(function (child) {
40253 | traverse(child, cb);
40254 | });
40255 | }
40256 | }
40257 | function addLayerOpacity(layer, layerGroup, context) {
40258 | var _a, _b;
40259 | var opacityAttrs = {};
40260 | var opacityAnimations = [];
40261 | if ((_a = layer.ks) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.o) {
40262 | parseValue(layer.ks.o, opacityAttrs, 'style', ['opacity'], opacityAnimations, context, function (val) { return val / 100; });
40263 | if (((_b = opacityAttrs.style) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.opacity) || opacityAnimations.length) {
40264 |
40265 | traverse(layerGroup, function (el) {
40266 | if (el.type !== Shape.GROUP && el.style) {
40267 | Object.assign(el.style, opacityAttrs.style);
40268 | if (opacityAnimations.length) {
40269 | el.keyframeAnimation = (el.keyframeAnimation || []).concat(opacityAnimations);
40270 | }
40271 | }
40272 | });
40273 | }
40274 | }
40275 | }
40276 | function parseSolidShape(layer) {
40277 | return {
40278 | type: Shape.RECT,
40279 | shape: {
40280 | x: 0,
40281 | y: 0,
40282 | width: layer.sw,
40283 | height: layer.sh,
40284 | },
40285 | style: {
40286 | fill: layer.sc,
40287 | },
40288 | };
40289 | }
40290 | function parseLayers(layers, context, precompLayerTl) {
40291 | var elements = [];
40292 |
40293 | layers = layers.slice().reverse();
40294 | var layerIndexMap = new Map();
40295 | var offsetTime = (precompLayerTl === null || precompLayerTl === void 0 ? void 0 : precompLayerTl.st) || 0;
40296 | layers === null || layers === void 0 ? void 0 : layers.forEach(function (layer) {
40297 |
40298 | var _a, _b;
40299 |
40300 | var layerIp = offsetTime + layer.ip;
40301 | var layerOp = offsetTime + layer.op;
40302 | var layerSt = offsetTime + layer.st;
40303 | context.layerOffsetTime = offsetTime;
40304 | var layerGroup;
40305 |
40306 | switch (layer.ty) {
40307 | case LayerType.shape:
40308 |
40309 | layerGroup = parseShapeLayer(layer, context);
40310 | break;
40311 | case LayerType.null:
40312 |
40313 | layerGroup = {
40314 | type: Shape.GROUP,
40315 | children: [],
40316 | };
40317 | break;
40318 | case LayerType.solid:
40319 |
40320 | layerGroup = {
40321 | type: Shape.GROUP,
40322 | children: [],
40323 | };
40324 |
40325 |
40326 | if (layer.sc) {
40327 | layerGroup.children.push(parseSolidShape(layer));
40328 | }
40329 | break;
40330 | case LayerType.precomp:
40331 |
40332 | layerGroup = {
40333 | type: Shape.GROUP,
40334 | children: parseLayers(((_a = context.assetsMap.get(layer.refId)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.layers) || [], context, {
40335 | st: layerSt,
40336 | }),
40337 | };
40338 | break;
40339 | case LayerType.text:
40340 |
40341 | break;
40342 | case LayerType.image:
40343 |
40344 | layerGroup = layerGroup = {
40345 | type: Shape.GROUP,
40346 | children: [parseImageLayer(layer, context)],
40347 | };
40348 | break;
40349 | }
40350 | if (layerGroup) {
40351 | var keyframeAnimations = [];
40352 | var attrs = {
40353 | name: layer.nm,
40354 | };
40355 | if (layer.ks) {
40356 | parseTransforms(layer.ks, attrs, keyframeAnimations, context);
40357 | }
40358 | Object.assign(layerGroup, attrs);
40359 | if (layer.ind != null) {
40360 | layerIndexMap.set(layer.ind, layerGroup);
40361 | }
40362 | layerGroup.extra = {
40363 | layerParent: layer.parent,
40364 | };
40365 |
40366 |
40367 |
40368 |
40369 | if (layer.hasMask && ((_b = layer.masksProperties) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length)) {
40370 | var maskKeyframeAnimations = [];
40371 |
40372 | var attrs_1 = parseShapePaths({
40373 | ks: layer.masksProperties[0].pt,
40374 | }, maskKeyframeAnimations, context);
40375 | layerGroup.clipPath = __assign({ type: Shape.PATH }, attrs_1);
40376 | if (maskKeyframeAnimations.length) {
40377 | layerGroup.clipPath.keyframeAnimation = maskKeyframeAnimations;
40378 | }
40379 | }
40380 | addLayerOpacity(layer, layerGroup, context);
40381 |
40382 | if (layerIp != null &&
40383 | layerOp != null &&
40384 | (layerIp > context.startFrame || layerOp < context.endFrame)) {
40385 | var duration = context.endFrame - context.startFrame;
40386 | var visibilityStartOffset = (layerIp - context.startFrame) / duration;
40387 | var visibilityEndOffset = (layerOp - context.startFrame) / duration;
40388 | layerGroup.visibilityStartOffset = visibilityStartOffset;
40389 | layerGroup.visibilityEndOffset = visibilityEndOffset;
40390 | layerGroup.visibilityFrame = duration;
40391 | }
40392 | if (keyframeAnimations.length) {
40393 | layerGroup.keyframeAnimation = keyframeAnimations;
40394 | }
40395 | elements.push(layerGroup);
40396 | }
40397 | });
40398 |
40399 | return elements.filter(function (el) {
40400 | var _a, _b;
40401 | var parentLayer = layerIndexMap.get((_a = el.extra) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.layerParent);
40402 | if (parentLayer) {
40403 | (_b = parentLayer.children) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.push(el);
40404 | return false;
40405 | }
40406 | return true;
40407 | });
40408 | }
40410 | loop: true,
40411 | autoplay: false,
40412 | fill: 'both',
40413 | };
40414 | function parse(data, options) {
40415 | var _a;
40416 | completeData(data);
40417 | var _b = __assign(__assign({}, DEFAULT_LOAD_ANIMATION_OPTIONS), options), loop = _b.loop, autoplay = _b.autoplay, fill = _b.fill;
40418 | var context = new ParseContext();
40419 | context.fps = data.fr || 30;
40420 | context.frameTime = 1000 / context.fps;
40421 | context.startFrame = data.ip;
40422 | context.endFrame = data.op;
40423 | context.version = data.v;
40424 | context.autoplay = !!autoplay;
40425 | context.fill = fill;
40426 | context.iterations = isNumber(loop) ? loop : loop ? Infinity : 1;
40427 |
40428 | (_a = data.assets) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach(function (asset) {
40429 | context.assetsMap.set(asset.id, asset);
40430 | });
40431 | var elements = parseLayers(data.layers || [], context);
40432 | return {
40433 | width: data.w,
40434 | height: data.h,
40435 | elements: elements,
40436 | context: context,
40437 | };
40438 | }
40439 |
40440 | |
40441 |
40442 |
40443 |
40444 | function loadAnimation(data, options) {
40445 | var _a = parse(data, options), width = _a.width, height = _a.height, elements = _a.elements, context = _a.context;
40446 | return new LottieAnimation(width, height, elements, context);
40447 | }
40448 |
40449 | var Lottie = function (_super) {
40450 | __extends(Lottie, _super);
40451 | function Lottie(props) {
40452 | var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
40453 | _this.addLottie = function () {
40454 | var _a = _this,
40455 | props = _a.props,
40456 | context = _a.context;
40457 | var data = props.data,
40458 | options = props.options,
40459 | play = props.play;
40460 | var canvas = context.canvas;
40461 | if (!data) return;
40462 |
40463 | canvas.ready.then(function () {
40464 | _this.animation = _this.animation ? _this.animation : loadAnimation(data, options);
40465 | _this.animation.render(_this.ref.current);
40466 | _this.size = _this.animation.size();
40467 | _this.updateSize();
40468 |
40469 | if (play) {
40470 | var _a = play.speed,
40471 | speed = _a === void 0 ? 1 : _a,
40472 | _b = play.start,
40473 | start = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b,
40474 | _c = play.end,
40475 | end = _c === void 0 ? _this.animation.getDuration(true) : _c;
40476 | _this.animation.setSpeed(speed);
40477 | _this.animation.playSegments([start, end]);
40478 | }
40479 | });
40480 | };
40481 | _this.updateSize = function () {
40482 | var _a = _this.size,
40483 | currentWidth = _a.width,
40484 | currentHeight = _a.height;
40485 | var style = _this.props.style;
40486 | if (!style) return;
40487 | var _b = style.width,
40488 | width = _b === void 0 ? currentWidth : _b,
40489 | _c = style.height,
40490 | height = _c === void 0 ? currentHeight : _c;
40491 | _this.ref.current.scale(width / currentWidth, height / currentHeight);
40492 | _this.size = {
40493 | width: width,
40494 | height: height
40495 | };
40496 | };
40497 | _this.ref = createRef();
40498 | return _this;
40499 | }
40500 | Lottie.prototype.didMount = function () {
40501 | this.addLottie();
40502 | };
40503 | Lottie.prototype.willUpdate = function () {
40504 | this.addLottie();
40505 | };
40506 | Lottie.prototype.render = function () {
40507 | var _a = this.props,
40508 | style = _a.style,
40509 | animation = _a.animation;
40510 | return jsx("group", {
40511 | ref: this.ref,
40512 | style: style,
40513 | animation: animation
40514 | });
40515 | };
40516 | return Lottie;
40517 | }(Component);
40518 |
40519 | var defaultProps$2 = {
40520 | offsetX: 0,
40521 | offsetY: 0,
40522 | points: [],
40523 | data: '',
40524 | animation: null,
40525 | options: {
40526 | loop: true,
40527 | autoplay: true
40528 | }
40529 | };
40530 | var LottieGuideView = (function (props, context) {
40531 | var cfg = deepMix({}, defaultProps$2, props);
40532 | var points = cfg.points,
40533 | style = cfg.style,
40534 | offsetX = cfg.offsetX,
40535 | offsetY = cfg.offsetY,
40536 | lottieJson = cfg.lottieJson,
40537 | animation = cfg.animation,
40538 | options = cfg.options;
40539 | var _a = points[0] || {},
40540 | x = _a.x,
40541 | y = _a.y;
40542 | if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) return null;
40543 | var _b = style.height,
40544 | height = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b,
40545 | _c = style.width,
40546 | width = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c;
40547 | var offsetXNum = context.px2hd(offsetX);
40548 | var offsetYNum = context.px2hd(offsetY);
40549 | var posX = x + (offsetXNum || 0) - width / 2;
40550 | var posY = y + (offsetYNum || 0) - height / 2;
40551 | return jsx(Lottie, {
40552 | data: lottieJson,
40553 | options: options,
40554 | style: {
40555 | x: posX,
40556 | y: posY,
40557 | width: width,
40558 | height: height
40559 | },
40560 | animation: deepMix({
40561 | update: {
40562 | easing: 'linear',
40563 | duration: 450,
40564 | property: ['x', 'y']
40565 | }
40566 | }, animation)
40567 | });
40568 | });
40569 |
40570 | var PolylineGuideView = (function (props, context) {
40571 | var _a = props.theme,
40572 | theme = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a;
40573 | var _b = deepMix(__assign({}, theme.polyline), props),
40574 | points = _b.points,
40575 | style = _b.style,
40576 | offsetX = _b.offsetX,
40577 | offsetY = _b.offsetY,
40578 | animation = _b.animation;
40579 | var checkNaN = points.some(function (d) {
40580 | return isNaN(d.x) || isNaN(d.y);
40581 | });
40582 | if (checkNaN) return;
40583 | var offsetXNum = context.px2hd(offsetX);
40584 | var offsetYNum = context.px2hd(offsetY);
40585 | return jsx("group", null, jsx("polyline", {
40586 | style: __assign({
40587 | points: points.map(function (point) {
40588 | return [point.x + offsetXNum, point.y + offsetYNum];
40589 | })
40590 | }, style),
40591 | animation: animation
40592 | }));
40593 | });
40594 |
40595 | var DefaultGuideView = function DefaultGuideView() {
40596 | return null;
40597 | };
40598 | var TextGuide = withGuide(TextGuideView);
40599 | var PointGuide = withGuide(PointGuideView);
40600 | var LineGuide = withGuide(LineGuideView);
40601 | var ArcGuide = withGuide(ArcGuideView);
40602 | var RectGuide = withGuide(RectGuideView);
40603 | var ImageGuide = withGuide(ImageGuideView);
40604 | var TagGuide = withGuide(Tag);
40605 | var LottieGuide = withGuide(LottieGuideView);
40606 | var PolylineGuide = withGuide(PolylineGuideView);
40607 | var index$6 = withGuide(DefaultGuideView);
40608 |
40609 | var withTooltip = (function (View) {
40610 | return function (_super) {
40611 | __extends(Tooltip, _super);
40612 | function Tooltip(props) {
40613 | var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
40614 | _this._triggerOn = function (ev) {
40615 | var x = ev.x,
40616 | y = ev.y;
40617 | _this.show({
40618 | x: x,
40619 | y: y
40620 | }, ev);
40621 | };
40622 | _this._triggerOff = function () {
40623 | var _a = _this.props.alwaysShow,
40624 | alwaysShow = _a === void 0 ? false : _a;
40625 | if (!alwaysShow) {
40626 | _this.hide();
40627 | }
40628 | };
40629 | _this.state = {
40630 | records: null
40631 | };
40632 | return _this;
40633 | }
40634 | Tooltip.prototype.updateCoord = function () {
40635 | var _a = this,
40636 | props = _a.props,
40637 | context = _a.context;
40638 | var _b = props.padding,
40639 | padding = _b === void 0 ? '10px' : _b,
40640 | chart = props.chart;
40641 | chart.updateCoordFor(this, {
40642 | position: 'top',
40643 | width: 0,
40644 | height: context.px2hd(padding)
40645 | });
40646 | };
40647 | Tooltip.prototype.willMount = function () {
40648 | this.updateCoord();
40649 | };
40650 | Tooltip.prototype.didMount = function () {
40651 | this._initShow();
40652 | this._initEvent();
40653 | };
40654 | Tooltip.prototype._initEvent = function () {
40655 | var _a = this.props,
40656 | chart = _a.chart,
40657 | _b = _a.triggerOn,
40658 | triggerOn = _b === void 0 ? 'press' : _b,
40659 | _c = _a.triggerOff,
40660 | triggerOff = _c === void 0 ? 'pressend' : _c;
40661 | chart.on(triggerOn, this._triggerOn);
40662 | chart.on(triggerOff, this._triggerOff);
40663 | };
40664 | Tooltip.prototype.willReceiveProps = function (nextProps) {
40665 | var nextDefaultItem = nextProps.defaultItem,
40666 | nextCoord = nextProps.coord;
40667 | var _a = this.props,
40668 | lastDefaultItem = _a.defaultItem,
40669 | lastCoord = _a.coord;
40670 |
40671 | if (!equal(nextDefaultItem, lastDefaultItem) || !equal(nextCoord, lastCoord)) {
40672 | this._showByData(nextDefaultItem);
40673 | }
40674 | };
40675 | Tooltip.prototype._initShow = function () {
40676 | var props = this.props;
40677 | var defaultItem = props.defaultItem;
40678 | this._showByData(defaultItem);
40679 | };
40680 | Tooltip.prototype._showByData = function (dataItem) {
40681 | var _this = this;
40682 | if (!dataItem) return;
40683 | var props = this.props;
40684 | var chart = props.chart;
40685 |
40686 | setTimeout(function () {
40687 | var snapRecords = chart.getRecords(dataItem, 'xfield');
40688 | _this.showSnapRecords(snapRecords);
40689 | }, 0);
40690 | };
40691 | Tooltip.prototype.show = function (point, _ev) {
40692 | var props = this.props;
40693 | var chart = props.chart;
40694 | var snapRecords = chart.getSnapRecords(point, true);
40695 | if (!snapRecords || !snapRecords.length) return;
40696 | this.showSnapRecords(snapRecords);
40697 | };
40698 | Tooltip.prototype.showSnapRecords = function (snapRecords) {
40699 | var _a = this.props,
40700 | chart = _a.chart,
40701 | onChange = _a.onChange;
40702 | var legendItems = chart.getLegendItems();
40703 | var _b = snapRecords[0],
40704 | xField = _b.xField,
40705 | yField = _b.yField;
40706 | var xScale = chart.getScale(xField);
40707 | var yScale = chart.getScale(yField);
40708 | var records = snapRecords.map(function (record) {
40709 | var origin = record.origin,
40710 | xField = record.xField,
40711 | yField = record.yField;
40712 | var value = isArray(origin[yField]) ? origin[yField].map(function (v) {
40713 | return yScale.getText(v);
40714 | }) : yScale.getText(origin[yField]);
40715 |
40716 | var name = yScale.alias;
40717 | if (!name) {
40718 | name = xScale.getText(origin[xField]);
40719 | if (legendItems && legendItems.length) {
40720 | var item = find(legendItems, function (item) {
40721 | var field = item.field,
40722 | tickValue = item.tickValue;
40723 | return origin[field] === tickValue;
40724 | });
40725 | if (item && item.name) {
40726 | name = item.name;
40727 | }
40728 | }
40729 | }
40730 | return __assign(__assign({}, record), {
40731 | name: name,
40732 | value: "".concat(value)
40733 | });
40734 | });
40735 | if (!isArray(records) || !records.length) {
40736 | return;
40737 | }
40738 | this.setState({
40739 | records: records
40740 | });
40741 | if (isFunction(onChange)) {
40742 | onChange(records);
40743 | }
40744 | };
40745 | Tooltip.prototype.hide = function () {
40746 | this.setState({
40747 | records: null
40748 | });
40749 | };
40750 | Tooltip.prototype.render = function () {
40751 | var _a = this,
40752 | props = _a.props,
40753 | state = _a.state;
40754 | var visible = props.visible;
40755 | if (visible === false) {
40756 | return null;
40757 | }
40758 | var records = state.records;
40759 | return records && records.length && jsx(View, __assign({}, props, {
40760 | records: records
40761 | }));
40762 | };
40763 | return Tooltip;
40764 | }(Component);
40765 | });
40766 |
40767 |
40768 | var defaultStyle$1 = {
40769 | showTitle: false,
40770 | showCrosshairs: false,
40771 | crosshairsType: 'y',
40772 | crosshairsStyle: {
40773 | stroke: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)',
40774 | lineWidth: '2px'
40775 | },
40776 | showTooltipMarker: false,
40777 | markerBackgroundStyle: {
40778 | fill: '#CCD6EC',
40779 | opacity: 0.3,
40780 | padding: '6px'
40781 | },
40782 | tooltipMarkerStyle: {
40783 | fill: '#fff',
40784 | lineWidth: '3px'
40785 | },
40786 | background: {
40787 | radius: '4px',
40788 | fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)',
40789 | padding: ['6px', '10px']
40790 | },
40791 | titleStyle: {
40792 | fontSize: '24px',
40793 | fill: '#fff',
40794 | textAlign: 'start',
40795 | textBaseline: 'top'
40796 | },
40797 | nameStyle: {
40798 | fontSize: '24px',
40799 | fill: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65)',
40800 | textAlign: 'start',
40801 | textBaseline: 'middle'
40802 | },
40803 | valueStyle: {
40804 | fontSize: '24px',
40805 | fill: '#fff',
40806 | textAlign: 'start',
40807 | textBaseline: 'middle'
40808 | },
40809 | joinString: ': ',
40810 | showItemMarker: true,
40811 | itemMarkerStyle: {
40812 | width: '12px',
40813 | radius: '6px',
40814 | symbol: 'circle',
40815 | lineWidth: '2px',
40816 | stroke: '#fff'
40817 | },
40818 | layout: 'horizontal',
40819 | snap: false,
40820 | xTipTextStyle: {
40821 | fontSize: '24px',
40822 | fill: '#fff'
40823 | },
40824 | yTipTextStyle: {
40825 | fontSize: '24px',
40826 | fill: '#fff'
40827 | },
40828 | xTipBackground: {
40829 | radius: '4px',
40830 | fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)',
40831 | padding: ['6px', '10px'],
40832 | marginLeft: '-50%',
40833 | marginTop: '6px'
40834 | },
40835 | yTipBackground: {
40836 | radius: '4px',
40837 | fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)',
40838 | padding: ['6px', '10px'],
40839 | marginLeft: '-100%',
40840 | marginTop: '-50%'
40841 | }
40842 | };
40843 | function directionEnabled(mode, dir) {
40844 | if (mode === undefined) {
40845 | return true;
40846 | } else if (typeof mode === 'string') {
40847 | return mode.indexOf(dir) !== -1;
40848 | }
40849 | return false;
40850 | }
40851 | var RenderItemMarker = function RenderItemMarker(props) {
40852 | var records = props.records,
40853 | coord = props.coord,
40854 | context = props.context,
40855 | markerBackgroundStyle = props.markerBackgroundStyle;
40856 | var point = coord.convertPoint({
40857 | x: 1,
40858 | y: 1
40859 | });
40860 | var padding = context.px2hd(markerBackgroundStyle.padding || '6px');
40861 | var xPoints = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], records.map(function (record) {
40862 | return record.xMin;
40863 | }), true), records.map(function (record) {
40864 | return record.xMax;
40865 | }), true);
40866 | var yPoints = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], records.map(function (record) {
40867 | return record.yMin;
40868 | }), true), records.map(function (record) {
40869 | return record.yMax;
40870 | }), true);
40871 | if (coord.transposed) {
40872 | xPoints.push(point.x);
40873 | } else {
40874 | yPoints.push(point.y);
40875 | }
40876 | var xMin = Math.min.apply(null, xPoints);
40877 | var xMax = Math.max.apply(null, xPoints);
40878 | var yMin = Math.min.apply(null, yPoints);
40879 | var yMax = Math.max.apply(null, yPoints);
40880 | var x = coord.transposed ? xMin : xMin - padding;
40881 | var y = coord.transposed ? yMin - padding : yMin;
40882 | var width = coord.transposed ? xMax - xMin : xMax - xMin + 2 * padding;
40883 | var height = coord.transposed ? yMax - yMin + 2 * padding : yMax - yMin;
40884 | return jsx("rect", {
40885 | style: __assign({
40886 | x: x,
40887 | y: y,
40888 | width: width,
40889 | height: height
40890 | }, markerBackgroundStyle)
40891 | });
40892 | };
40893 | var RenderCrosshairs = function RenderCrosshairs(props) {
40894 | var records = props.records,
40895 | coord = props.coord,
40896 | chart = props.chart,
40897 | crosshairsType = props.crosshairsType,
40898 | crosshairsStyle = props.crosshairsStyle,
40899 | xPositionType = props.xPositionType,
40900 | yPositionType = props.yPositionType;
40901 | var coordLeft = coord.left,
40902 | coordTop = coord.top,
40903 | coordRight = coord.right,
40904 | coordBottom = coord.bottom,
40905 | center = coord.center;
40906 | var firstRecord = records[0];
40907 | var x = firstRecord.x,
40908 | y = firstRecord.y,
40909 | origin = firstRecord.origin,
40910 | xField = firstRecord.xField,
40911 | coordData = firstRecord.coord;
40912 | if (coord.isPolar) {
40913 |
40914 | var xScale = chart.getScale(xField);
40915 | var ticks = xScale.getTicks();
40916 | var tick = find(ticks, function (tick) {
40917 | return origin[xField] === tick.tickValue;
40918 | });
40919 | var end = coord.convertPoint({
40920 | x: tick.value,
40921 | y: 1
40922 | });
40923 | return jsx("line", {
40924 | style: __assign({
40925 | x1: center.x,
40926 | y1: center.y,
40927 | x2: end.x,
40928 | y2: end.y
40929 | }, crosshairsStyle)
40930 | });
40931 | }
40932 | return jsx("group", null, directionEnabled(crosshairsType, 'x') ? jsx("line", {
40933 | style: __assign({
40934 | x1: coordLeft,
40935 | y1: yPositionType === 'coord' ? coordData.y : y,
40936 | x2: coordRight,
40937 | y2: yPositionType === 'coord' ? coordData.y : y
40938 | }, crosshairsStyle)
40939 | }) : null, directionEnabled(crosshairsType, 'y') ? jsx("line", {
40940 | style: __assign({
40941 | x1: xPositionType === 'coord' ? coordData.x : x,
40942 | y1: coordTop,
40943 | x2: xPositionType === 'coord' ? coordData.x : x,
40944 | y2: coordBottom
40945 | }, crosshairsStyle)
40946 | }) : null);
40947 | };
40948 | var RenderXTip = function RenderXTip(props) {
40949 | var records = props.records,
40950 | coord = props.coord,
40951 | xTip = props.xTip,
40952 | xPositionType = props.xPositionType,
40953 | xTipTextStyle = props.xTipTextStyle,
40954 | xTipBackground = props.xTipBackground;
40955 | var coordBottom = coord.bottom;
40956 | var firstRecord = records[0];
40957 | var x = firstRecord.x,
40958 | coordData = firstRecord.coord;
40959 | var xFirstText = firstRecord.name;
40960 | return jsx("rect", {
40961 | style: __assign({
40962 | display: 'flex',
40963 | left: xPositionType === 'coord' ? coordData.x : x,
40964 | top: coordBottom
40965 | }, xTipBackground)
40966 | }, jsx("text", {
40967 | style: __assign(__assign({}, xTipTextStyle), {
40968 | text: xPositionType === 'coord' ? coordData.xText : isFunction(xTip) ? xTip(xFirstText, firstRecord) : xFirstText
40969 | })
40970 | }));
40971 | };
40972 | var RenderYTip = function RenderYTip(props) {
40973 | var records = props.records,
40974 | coord = props.coord,
40975 | yTip = props.yTip,
40976 | yPositionType = props.yPositionType,
40977 | yTipTextStyle = props.yTipTextStyle,
40978 | yTipBackground = props.yTipBackground;
40979 | var coordLeft = coord.left;
40980 | var firstRecord = records[0];
40981 | var y = firstRecord.y,
40982 | coordData = firstRecord.coord;
40983 | var yFirstText = firstRecord.value;
40984 | return jsx("rect", {
40985 | style: __assign({
40986 | display: 'flex',
40987 | left: coordLeft,
40988 | top: yPositionType === 'coord' ? coordData.y : y
40989 | }, yTipBackground)
40990 | }, jsx("text", {
40991 | style: __assign(__assign({}, yTipTextStyle), {
40992 | text: yPositionType === 'coord' ? coordData.yText : isFunction(yTip) ? yTip(yFirstText, firstRecord) : yFirstText
40993 | })
40994 | }));
40995 | };
40996 |
40997 | var RenderLabel = function (_super) {
40998 | __extends(RenderLabel, _super);
40999 | function RenderLabel() {
41000 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
41001 | _this.style = {};
41002 | return _this;
41003 | }
41004 | RenderLabel.prototype.getMaxItemBox = function (node) {
41005 | var maxItemWidth = 0;
41006 | var maxItemHeight = 0;
41007 | (node.children || []).forEach(function (child) {
41008 | var layout = child.layout;
41009 | var width = layout.width,
41010 | height = layout.height;
41011 | maxItemWidth = Math.max(maxItemWidth, width);
41012 | maxItemHeight = Math.max(maxItemHeight, height);
41013 | });
41014 | return {
41015 | width: maxItemWidth,
41016 | height: maxItemHeight
41017 | };
41018 | };
41019 | RenderLabel.prototype._getContainerLayout = function () {
41020 | var _a = this.props,
41021 | records = _a.records,
41022 | coord = _a.coord;
41023 | if (!records || !records.length) return;
41024 | var width = coord.width;
41025 | var node = computeLayout$1(this, this.render());
41026 | var itemMaxWidth = this.getMaxItemBox(node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.children[0]).width;
41027 |
41028 | var lineMaxCount = Math.max(1, Math.floor(width / itemMaxWidth));
41029 | var itemCount = records.length;
41030 |
41031 | if (itemCount > lineMaxCount) {
41032 | this.style = {
41033 | width: width
41034 | };
41035 | }
41036 | };
41037 | RenderLabel.prototype.willMount = function () {
41038 | this._getContainerLayout();
41039 | };
41040 | RenderLabel.prototype.render = function () {
41041 | var _this = this;
41042 | var _a = this.props,
41043 | records = _a.records,
41044 | background = _a.background,
41045 | showItemMarker = _a.showItemMarker,
41046 | itemMarkerStyle = _a.itemMarkerStyle,
41047 | customText = _a.customText,
41048 | nameStyle = _a.nameStyle,
41049 | valueStyle = _a.valueStyle,
41050 | joinString = _a.joinString,
41051 | arrowWidth = _a.arrowWidth,
41052 | x = _a.x,
41053 | coord = _a.coord,
41054 | itemWidth = _a.itemWidth;
41055 |
41056 | var labelView = function labelView(left, top) {
41057 | return jsx("group", {
41058 | style: {
41059 | display: 'flex'
41060 | }
41061 | }, jsx("group", {
41062 | style: __assign(__assign({
41063 | display: 'flex',
41064 | flexDirection: 'row',
41065 | flexWrap: 'wrap',
41066 | padding: [0, 0, 0, '6px'],
41067 | left: left,
41068 | top: top
41069 | }, _this.style), background)
41070 | }, records.map(function (record) {
41071 | var name = record.name,
41072 | value = record.value;
41073 | return jsx("group", {
41074 | style: {
41075 | display: 'flex',
41076 | flexDirection: 'row',
41077 | alignItems: 'center',
41078 | padding: [0, '6px', 0, 0],
41079 | width: itemWidth
41080 | }
41081 | }, showItemMarker ? jsx("marker", {
41082 | style: __assign(__assign({
41083 | width: itemMarkerStyle.width,
41084 | marginRight: '6px'
41085 | }, itemMarkerStyle), {
41086 | fill: record.color
41087 | })
41088 | }) : null, customText && isFunction(customText) ? customText(record) : jsx("group", {
41089 | style: {
41090 | display: 'flex',
41091 | flexDirection: 'row'
41092 | }
41093 | }, jsx("text", {
41094 | style: __assign(__assign({}, nameStyle), {
41095 | text: value ? "".concat(name).concat(joinString) : name
41096 | })
41097 | }), jsx("text", {
41098 | style: __assign(__assign({}, valueStyle), {
41099 | text: value
41100 | })
41101 | })));
41102 | })), jsx("group", null, jsx("polygon", {
41103 | style: {
41104 | points: [[x - arrowWidth, top], [x + arrowWidth, top], [x, top + arrowWidth]],
41105 | fill: background.fill
41106 | }
41107 | })));
41108 | };
41109 |
41110 | var layout = computeLayout$1(this, labelView(0, 0)).layout;
41111 | var coordLeft = coord.left,
41112 | coordTop = coord.top,
41113 | coordRight = coord.right;
41114 | var width = layout.width,
41115 | height = layout.height;
41116 | var halfWidth = width / 2;
41117 |
41118 | var advanceLeft = x - halfWidth;
41119 | var advanceTop = coordTop - height;
41120 | var left = advanceLeft < coordLeft ? coordLeft : advanceLeft > coordRight - width ? coordRight - width : advanceLeft;
41121 | var top = advanceTop < 0 ? 0 : advanceTop;
41122 | return labelView(left, top);
41123 | };
41124 | return RenderLabel;
41125 | }(Component);
41126 | var TooltipView = function (_super) {
41127 | __extends(TooltipView, _super);
41128 | function TooltipView() {
41129 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
41130 | }
41131 | TooltipView.prototype.render = function () {
41132 | var _a = this,
41133 | props = _a.props,
41134 | context = _a.context;
41135 | var records = props.records,
41136 | coord = props.coord;
41137 | var firstRecord = records[0];
41138 | var x = firstRecord.x,
41139 | coordData = firstRecord.coord;
41140 | var chart = props.chart,
41141 | customBackground = props.background,
41142 | _b = props.showTooltipMarker,
41143 | showTooltipMarker = _b === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.showTooltipMarker : _b,
41144 | _c = props.markerBackgroundStyle,
41145 | markerBackgroundStyle = _c === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.markerBackgroundStyle : _c,
41146 | _d = props.showItemMarker,
41147 | showItemMarker = _d === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.showItemMarker : _d,
41148 | customItemMarkerStyle = props.itemMarkerStyle,
41149 | nameStyle = props.nameStyle,
41150 | valueStyle = props.valueStyle,
41151 | _e = props.joinString,
41152 | joinString = _e === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.joinString : _e,
41153 | _f = props.showCrosshairs,
41154 | showCrosshairs = _f === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.showCrosshairs : _f,
41155 | crosshairsStyle = props.crosshairsStyle,
41156 | _g = props.crosshairsType,
41157 | crosshairsType = _g === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.crosshairsType : _g,
41158 | _h = props.snap,
41159 | snap = _h === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.snap : _h,
41160 | _j = props.tooltipMarkerStyle,
41161 | tooltipMarkerStyle = _j === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.tooltipMarkerStyle : _j,
41162 | showXTip = props.showXTip,
41163 | xPositionType = props.xPositionType,
41164 | showYTip = props.showYTip,
41165 | yPositionType = props.yPositionType,
41166 | xTip = props.xTip,
41167 | yTip = props.yTip,
41168 | _k = props.xTipTextStyle,
41169 | xTipTextStyle = _k === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.xTipTextStyle : _k,
41170 | _l = props.yTipTextStyle,
41171 | yTipTextStyle = _l === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.yTipTextStyle : _l,
41172 | _m = props.xTipBackground,
41173 | xTipBackground = _m === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.xTipBackground : _m,
41174 | _o = props.yTipBackground,
41175 | yTipBackground = _o === void 0 ? defaultStyle$1.yTipBackground : _o,
41176 | _p = props.custom,
41177 | custom = _p === void 0 ? false : _p,
41178 | customText = props.customText,
41179 | itemWidth = props.itemWidth;
41180 | var itemMarkerStyle = __assign(__assign({}, customItemMarkerStyle), defaultStyle$1.itemMarkerStyle);
41181 | var background = __assign(__assign({}, defaultStyle$1.background), customBackground);
41182 | var arrowWidth = context.px2hd('6px');
41183 | return jsx("group", null, showTooltipMarker ? jsx(RenderItemMarker, {
41184 | coord: coord,
41185 | context: context,
41186 | records: records,
41187 | markerBackgroundStyle: markerBackgroundStyle
41188 | }) : null, showCrosshairs ? jsx(RenderCrosshairs, {
41189 | chart: chart,
41190 | coord: coord,
41191 | records: records,
41192 | xPositionType: xPositionType,
41193 | yPositionType: yPositionType,
41194 | crosshairsType: crosshairsType,
41195 | crosshairsStyle: __assign(__assign({}, defaultStyle$1.crosshairsStyle), crosshairsStyle)
41196 | }) : null, snap ? records.map(function (item) {
41197 | var x = item.x,
41198 | y = item.y,
41199 | color = item.color,
41200 | shape = item.shape;
41201 | return jsx("circle", {
41202 | style: __assign(__assign({
41203 | cx: xPositionType === 'coord' ? coordData.x : x,
41204 | cy: yPositionType === 'coord' ? coordData.y : y,
41205 | r: '6px',
41206 | stroke: color,
41207 | fill: color
41208 | }, shape), tooltipMarkerStyle)
41209 | });
41210 | }) : null, showXTip && jsx(RenderXTip, {
41211 | records: records,
41212 | coord: coord,
41213 | xTip: xTip,
41214 | xPositionType: xPositionType,
41215 | xTipTextStyle: __assign(__assign({}, defaultStyle$1.xTipTextStyle), xTipTextStyle),
41216 | xTipBackground: __assign(__assign({}, defaultStyle$1.xTipBackground), xTipBackground)
41217 | }), showYTip && jsx(RenderYTip, {
41218 | records: records,
41219 | coord: coord,
41220 | yTip: yTip,
41221 | yPositionType: yPositionType,
41222 | yTipTextStyle: __assign(__assign({}, defaultStyle$1.yTipTextStyle), yTipTextStyle),
41223 | yTipBackground: __assign(__assign({}, defaultStyle$1.yTipBackground), yTipBackground)
41224 | }), !custom && jsx(RenderLabel, {
41225 | records: records,
41226 | coord: coord,
41227 | itemMarkerStyle: itemMarkerStyle,
41228 | customText: customText,
41229 | showItemMarker: showItemMarker,
41230 | x: x,
41231 | arrowWidth: arrowWidth,
41232 | background: background,
41233 | nameStyle: __assign(__assign({}, defaultStyle$1.nameStyle), nameStyle),
41234 | valueStyle: __assign(__assign({}, defaultStyle$1.valueStyle), valueStyle),
41235 | joinString: joinString,
41236 | itemWidth: itemWidth
41237 | }));
41238 | };
41239 | return TooltipView;
41240 | }(Component);
41241 |
41242 | var index$7 = withTooltip(TooltipView);
41243 |
41244 | var toPrimitive_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
41245 | var _typeof = _typeof_1["default"];
41246 | function toPrimitive(t, r) {
41247 | if ("object" != _typeof(t) || !t) return t;
41248 | var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive];
41249 | if (void 0 !== e) {
41250 | var i = e.call(t, r || "default");
41251 | if ("object" != _typeof(i)) return i;
41252 | throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.");
41253 | }
41254 | return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t);
41255 | }
41256 | module.exports = toPrimitive, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
41257 | });
41258 |
41259 | var toPropertyKey_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
41260 | var _typeof = _typeof_1["default"];
41261 |
41262 | function toPropertyKey(t) {
41263 | var i = toPrimitive_1(t, "string");
41264 | return "symbol" == _typeof(i) ? i : i + "";
41265 | }
41266 | module.exports = toPropertyKey, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
41267 | });
41268 |
41269 | var defineProperty = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
41270 | function _defineProperty(e, r, t) {
41271 | return (r = toPropertyKey_1(r)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, {
41272 | value: t,
41273 | enumerable: !0,
41274 | configurable: !0,
41275 | writable: !0
41276 | }) : e[r] = t, e;
41277 | }
41278 | module.exports = _defineProperty, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
41279 | });
41280 |
41281 | var _defineProperty = getDefaultExportFromCjs(defineProperty);
41282 |
41283 | function count(node) {
41284 | var sum = 0,
41285 | children = node.children,
41286 | i = children && children.length;
41287 | if (!i) sum = 1;else while (--i >= 0) sum += children[i].value;
41288 | node.value = sum;
41289 | }
41290 | function node_count () {
41291 | return this.eachAfter(count);
41292 | }
41293 |
41294 | var arrayLikeToArray = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
41295 | function _arrayLikeToArray(r, a) {
41296 | (null == a || a > r.length) && (a = r.length);
41297 | for (var e = 0, n = Array(a); e < a; e++) n[e] = r[e];
41298 | return n;
41299 | }
41300 | module.exports = _arrayLikeToArray, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
41301 | });
41302 |
41303 | var unsupportedIterableToArray = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
41304 | function _unsupportedIterableToArray(r, a) {
41305 | if (r) {
41306 | if ("string" == typeof r) return arrayLikeToArray(r, a);
41307 | var t = {}.toString.call(r).slice(8, -1);
41308 | return "Object" === t && r.constructor && (t = r.constructor.name), "Map" === t || "Set" === t ? Array.from(r) : "Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t) ? arrayLikeToArray(r, a) : void 0;
41309 | }
41310 | }
41311 | module.exports = _unsupportedIterableToArray, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
41312 | });
41313 |
41314 | var createForOfIteratorHelper = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
41315 | function _createForOfIteratorHelper(r, e) {
41316 | var t = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && r[Symbol.iterator] || r["@@iterator"];
41317 | if (!t) {
41318 | if (Array.isArray(r) || (t = unsupportedIterableToArray(r)) || e && r && "number" == typeof r.length) {
41319 | t && (r = t);
41320 | var _n = 0,
41321 | F = function F() {};
41322 | return {
41323 | s: F,
41324 | n: function n() {
41325 | return _n >= r.length ? {
41326 | done: !0
41327 | } : {
41328 | done: !1,
41329 | value: r[_n++]
41330 | };
41331 | },
41332 | e: function e(r) {
41333 | throw r;
41334 | },
41335 | f: F
41336 | };
41337 | }
41338 | throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
41339 | }
41340 | var o,
41341 | a = !0,
41342 | u = !1;
41343 | return {
41344 | s: function s() {
41345 | t = t.call(r);
41346 | },
41347 | n: function n() {
41348 | var r = t.next();
41349 | return a = r.done, r;
41350 | },
41351 | e: function e(r) {
41352 | u = !0, o = r;
41353 | },
41354 | f: function f() {
41355 | try {
41356 | a || null == t["return"] || t["return"]();
41357 | } finally {
41358 | if (u) throw o;
41359 | }
41360 | }
41361 | };
41362 | }
41363 | module.exports = _createForOfIteratorHelper, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
41364 | });
41365 |
41366 | var _createForOfIteratorHelper = getDefaultExportFromCjs(createForOfIteratorHelper);
41367 |
41368 | function node_each (callback, that) {
41369 | var index = -1;
41370 | var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this),
41371 | _step;
41372 | try {
41373 | for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) {
41374 | var node = _step.value;
41375 | callback.call(that, node, ++index, this);
41376 | }
41377 | } catch (err) {
41378 | _iterator.e(err);
41379 | } finally {
41380 | _iterator.f();
41381 | }
41382 | return this;
41383 | }
41384 |
41385 | function node_eachBefore (callback, that) {
41386 | var node = this,
41387 | nodes = [node],
41388 | children,
41389 | i,
41390 | index = -1;
41391 | while (node = nodes.pop()) {
41392 | callback.call(that, node, ++index, this);
41393 | if (children = node.children) {
41394 | for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
41395 | nodes.push(children[i]);
41396 | }
41397 | }
41398 | }
41399 | return this;
41400 | }
41401 |
41402 | function node_eachAfter (callback, that) {
41403 | var node = this,
41404 | nodes = [node],
41405 | next = [],
41406 | children,
41407 | i,
41408 | n,
41409 | index = -1;
41410 | while (node = nodes.pop()) {
41411 | next.push(node);
41412 | if (children = node.children) {
41413 | for (i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; ++i) {
41414 | nodes.push(children[i]);
41415 | }
41416 | }
41417 | }
41418 | while (node = next.pop()) {
41419 | callback.call(that, node, ++index, this);
41420 | }
41421 | return this;
41422 | }
41423 |
41424 | function node_find (callback, that) {
41425 | var index = -1;
41426 | var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this),
41427 | _step;
41428 | try {
41429 | for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) {
41430 | var node = _step.value;
41431 | if (callback.call(that, node, ++index, this)) {
41432 | return node;
41433 | }
41434 | }
41435 | } catch (err) {
41436 | _iterator.e(err);
41437 | } finally {
41438 | _iterator.f();
41439 | }
41440 | }
41441 |
41442 | function node_sum (value) {
41443 | return this.eachAfter(function (node) {
41444 | var sum = +value(node.data) || 0,
41445 | children = node.children,
41446 | i = children && children.length;
41447 | while (--i >= 0) sum += children[i].value;
41448 | node.value = sum;
41449 | });
41450 | }
41451 |
41452 | function node_sort (compare) {
41453 | return this.eachBefore(function (node) {
41454 | if (node.children) {
41455 | node.children.sort(compare);
41456 | }
41457 | });
41458 | }
41459 |
41460 | function node_path (end) {
41461 | var start = this,
41462 | ancestor = leastCommonAncestor(start, end),
41463 | nodes = [start];
41464 | while (start !== ancestor) {
41465 | start = start.parent;
41466 | nodes.push(start);
41467 | }
41468 | var k = nodes.length;
41469 | while (end !== ancestor) {
41470 | nodes.splice(k, 0, end);
41471 | end = end.parent;
41472 | }
41473 | return nodes;
41474 | }
41475 | function leastCommonAncestor(a, b) {
41476 | if (a === b) return a;
41477 | var aNodes = a.ancestors(),
41478 | bNodes = b.ancestors(),
41479 | c = null;
41480 | a = aNodes.pop();
41481 | b = bNodes.pop();
41482 | while (a === b) {
41483 | c = a;
41484 | a = aNodes.pop();
41485 | b = bNodes.pop();
41486 | }
41487 | return c;
41488 | }
41489 |
41490 | function node_ancestors () {
41491 | var node = this,
41492 | nodes = [node];
41493 | while (node = node.parent) {
41494 | nodes.push(node);
41495 | }
41496 | return nodes;
41497 | }
41498 |
41499 | function node_descendants () {
41500 | return Array.from(this);
41501 | }
41502 |
41503 | function node_leaves () {
41504 | var leaves = [];
41505 | this.eachBefore(function (node) {
41506 | if (!node.children) {
41507 | leaves.push(node);
41508 | }
41509 | });
41510 | return leaves;
41511 | }
41512 |
41513 | function node_links () {
41514 | var root = this,
41515 | links = [];
41516 | root.each(function (node) {
41517 | if (node !== root) {
41518 |
41519 | links.push({
41520 | source: node.parent,
41521 | target: node
41522 | });
41523 | }
41524 | });
41525 | return links;
41526 | }
41527 |
41528 | var regeneratorRuntime$1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
41529 | var _typeof = _typeof_1["default"];
41530 | function _regeneratorRuntime() {
41531 | module.exports = _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() {
41532 | return e;
41533 | }, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
41534 | var t,
41535 | e = {},
41536 | r = Object.prototype,
41537 | n = r.hasOwnProperty,
41538 | o = Object.defineProperty || function (t, e, r) {
41539 | t[e] = r.value;
41540 | },
41541 | i = "function" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {},
41542 | a = i.iterator || "@@iterator",
41543 | c = i.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator",
41544 | u = i.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
41545 | function define(t, e, r) {
41546 | return Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
41547 | value: r,
41548 | enumerable: !0,
41549 | configurable: !0,
41550 | writable: !0
41551 | }), t[e];
41552 | }
41553 | try {
41554 | define({}, "");
41555 | } catch (t) {
41556 | define = function define(t, e, r) {
41557 | return t[e] = r;
41558 | };
41559 | }
41560 | function wrap(t, e, r, n) {
41561 | var i = e && e.prototype instanceof Generator ? e : Generator,
41562 | a = Object.create(i.prototype),
41563 | c = new Context(n || []);
41564 | return o(a, "_invoke", {
41565 | value: makeInvokeMethod(t, r, c)
41566 | }), a;
41567 | }
41568 | function tryCatch(t, e, r) {
41569 | try {
41570 | return {
41571 | type: "normal",
41572 | arg: t.call(e, r)
41573 | };
41574 | } catch (t) {
41575 | return {
41576 | type: "throw",
41577 | arg: t
41578 | };
41579 | }
41580 | }
41581 | e.wrap = wrap;
41582 | var h = "suspendedStart",
41583 | l = "suspendedYield",
41584 | f = "executing",
41585 | s = "completed",
41586 | y = {};
41587 | function Generator() {}
41588 | function GeneratorFunction() {}
41589 | function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {}
41590 | var p = {};
41591 | define(p, a, function () {
41592 | return this;
41593 | });
41594 | var d = Object.getPrototypeOf,
41595 | v = d && d(d(values([])));
41596 | v && v !== r && n.call(v, a) && (p = v);
41597 | var g = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(p);
41598 | function defineIteratorMethods(t) {
41599 | ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function (e) {
41600 | define(t, e, function (t) {
41601 | return this._invoke(e, t);
41602 | });
41603 | });
41604 | }
41605 | function AsyncIterator(t, e) {
41606 | function invoke(r, o, i, a) {
41607 | var c = tryCatch(t[r], t, o);
41608 | if ("throw" !== c.type) {
41609 | var u = c.arg,
41610 | h = u.value;
41611 | return h && "object" == _typeof(h) && n.call(h, "__await") ? e.resolve(h.__await).then(function (t) {
41612 | invoke("next", t, i, a);
41613 | }, function (t) {
41614 | invoke("throw", t, i, a);
41615 | }) : e.resolve(h).then(function (t) {
41616 | u.value = t, i(u);
41617 | }, function (t) {
41618 | return invoke("throw", t, i, a);
41619 | });
41620 | }
41621 | a(c.arg);
41622 | }
41623 | var r;
41624 | o(this, "_invoke", {
41625 | value: function value(t, n) {
41626 | function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {
41627 | return new e(function (e, r) {
41628 | invoke(t, n, e, r);
41629 | });
41630 | }
41631 | return r = r ? r.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
41632 | }
41633 | });
41634 | }
41635 | function makeInvokeMethod(e, r, n) {
41636 | var o = h;
41637 | return function (i, a) {
41638 | if (o === f) throw Error("Generator is already running");
41639 | if (o === s) {
41640 | if ("throw" === i) throw a;
41641 | return {
41642 | value: t,
41643 | done: !0
41644 | };
41645 | }
41646 | for (n.method = i, n.arg = a;;) {
41647 | var c = n.delegate;
41648 | if (c) {
41649 | var u = maybeInvokeDelegate(c, n);
41650 | if (u) {
41651 | if (u === y) continue;
41652 | return u;
41653 | }
41654 | }
41655 | if ("next" === n.method) n.sent = n._sent = n.arg;else if ("throw" === n.method) {
41656 | if (o === h) throw o = s, n.arg;
41657 | n.dispatchException(n.arg);
41658 | } else "return" === n.method && n.abrupt("return", n.arg);
41659 | o = f;
41660 | var p = tryCatch(e, r, n);
41661 | if ("normal" === p.type) {
41662 | if (o = n.done ? s : l, p.arg === y) continue;
41663 | return {
41664 | value: p.arg,
41665 | done: n.done
41666 | };
41667 | }
41668 | "throw" === p.type && (o = s, n.method = "throw", n.arg = p.arg);
41669 | }
41670 | };
41671 | }
41672 | function maybeInvokeDelegate(e, r) {
41673 | var n = r.method,
41674 | o = e.iterator[n];
41675 | if (o === t) return r.delegate = null, "throw" === n && e.iterator["return"] && (r.method = "return", r.arg = t, maybeInvokeDelegate(e, r), "throw" === r.method) || "return" !== n && (r.method = "throw", r.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + n + "' method")), y;
41676 | var i = tryCatch(o, e.iterator, r.arg);
41677 | if ("throw" === i.type) return r.method = "throw", r.arg = i.arg, r.delegate = null, y;
41678 | var a = i.arg;
41679 | return a ? a.done ? (r[e.resultName] = a.value, r.next = e.nextLoc, "return" !== r.method && (r.method = "next", r.arg = t), r.delegate = null, y) : a : (r.method = "throw", r.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), r.delegate = null, y);
41680 | }
41681 | function pushTryEntry(t) {
41682 | var e = {
41683 | tryLoc: t[0]
41684 | };
41685 | 1 in t && (e.catchLoc = t[1]), 2 in t && (e.finallyLoc = t[2], e.afterLoc = t[3]), this.tryEntries.push(e);
41686 | }
41687 | function resetTryEntry(t) {
41688 | var e = t.completion || {};
41689 | e.type = "normal", delete e.arg, t.completion = e;
41690 | }
41691 | function Context(t) {
41692 | this.tryEntries = [{
41693 | tryLoc: "root"
41694 | }], t.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0);
41695 | }
41696 | function values(e) {
41697 | if (e || "" === e) {
41698 | var r = e[a];
41699 | if (r) return r.call(e);
41700 | if ("function" == typeof e.next) return e;
41701 | if (!isNaN(e.length)) {
41702 | var o = -1,
41703 | i = function next() {
41704 | for (; ++o < e.length;) if (n.call(e, o)) return next.value = e[o], next.done = !1, next;
41705 | return next.value = t, next.done = !0, next;
41706 | };
41707 | return i.next = i;
41708 | }
41709 | }
41710 | throw new TypeError(_typeof(e) + " is not iterable");
41711 | }
41712 | return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, o(g, "constructor", {
41713 | value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype,
41714 | configurable: !0
41715 | }), o(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, "constructor", {
41716 | value: GeneratorFunction,
41717 | configurable: !0
41718 | }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, u, "GeneratorFunction"), e.isGeneratorFunction = function (t) {
41719 | var e = "function" == typeof t && t.constructor;
41720 | return !!e && (e === GeneratorFunction || "GeneratorFunction" === (e.displayName || e.name));
41721 | }, e.mark = function (t) {
41722 | return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (t.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(t, u, "GeneratorFunction")), t.prototype = Object.create(g), t;
41723 | }, e.awrap = function (t) {
41724 | return {
41725 | __await: t
41726 | };
41727 | }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, c, function () {
41728 | return this;
41729 | }), e.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, e.async = function (t, r, n, o, i) {
41730 | void 0 === i && (i = Promise);
41731 | var a = new AsyncIterator(wrap(t, r, n, o), i);
41732 | return e.isGeneratorFunction(r) ? a : a.next().then(function (t) {
41733 | return t.done ? t.value : a.next();
41734 | });
41735 | }, defineIteratorMethods(g), define(g, u, "Generator"), define(g, a, function () {
41736 | return this;
41737 | }), define(g, "toString", function () {
41738 | return "[object Generator]";
41739 | }), e.keys = function (t) {
41740 | var e = Object(t),
41741 | r = [];
41742 | for (var n in e) r.push(n);
41743 | return r.reverse(), function next() {
41744 | for (; r.length;) {
41745 | var t = r.pop();
41746 | if (t in e) return next.value = t, next.done = !1, next;
41747 | }
41748 | return next.done = !0, next;
41749 | };
41750 | }, e.values = values, Context.prototype = {
41751 | constructor: Context,
41752 | reset: function reset(e) {
41753 | if (this.prev = 0, this.next = 0, this.sent = this._sent = t, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = t, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !e) for (var r in this) "t" === r.charAt(0) && n.call(this, r) && !isNaN(+r.slice(1)) && (this[r] = t);
41754 | },
41755 | stop: function stop() {
41756 | this.done = !0;
41757 | var t = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
41758 | if ("throw" === t.type) throw t.arg;
41759 | return this.rval;
41760 | },
41761 | dispatchException: function dispatchException(e) {
41762 | if (this.done) throw e;
41763 | var r = this;
41764 | function handle(n, o) {
41765 | return a.type = "throw", a.arg = e, r.next = n, o && (r.method = "next", r.arg = t), !!o;
41766 | }
41767 | for (var o = this.tryEntries.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) {
41768 | var i = this.tryEntries[o],
41769 | a = i.completion;
41770 | if ("root" === i.tryLoc) return handle("end");
41771 | if (i.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
41772 | var c = n.call(i, "catchLoc"),
41773 | u = n.call(i, "finallyLoc");
41774 | if (c && u) {
41775 | if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return handle(i.catchLoc, !0);
41776 | if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return handle(i.finallyLoc);
41777 | } else if (c) {
41778 | if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return handle(i.catchLoc, !0);
41779 | } else {
41780 | if (!u) throw Error("try statement without catch or finally");
41781 | if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return handle(i.finallyLoc);
41782 | }
41783 | }
41784 | }
41785 | },
41786 | abrupt: function abrupt(t, e) {
41787 | for (var r = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) {
41788 | var o = this.tryEntries[r];
41789 | if (o.tryLoc <= this.prev && n.call(o, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < o.finallyLoc) {
41790 | var i = o;
41791 | break;
41792 | }
41793 | }
41794 | i && ("break" === t || "continue" === t) && i.tryLoc <= e && e <= i.finallyLoc && (i = null);
41795 | var a = i ? i.completion : {};
41796 | return a.type = t, a.arg = e, i ? (this.method = "next", this.next = i.finallyLoc, y) : this.complete(a);
41797 | },
41798 | complete: function complete(t, e) {
41799 | if ("throw" === t.type) throw t.arg;
41800 | return "break" === t.type || "continue" === t.type ? this.next = t.arg : "return" === t.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = t.arg, this.method = "return", this.next = "end") : "normal" === t.type && e && (this.next = e), y;
41801 | },
41802 | finish: function finish(t) {
41803 | for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) {
41804 | var r = this.tryEntries[e];
41805 | if (r.finallyLoc === t) return this.complete(r.completion, r.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(r), y;
41806 | }
41807 | },
41808 | "catch": function _catch(t) {
41809 | for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) {
41810 | var r = this.tryEntries[e];
41811 | if (r.tryLoc === t) {
41812 | var n = r.completion;
41813 | if ("throw" === n.type) {
41814 | var o = n.arg;
41815 | resetTryEntry(r);
41816 | }
41817 | return o;
41818 | }
41819 | }
41820 | throw Error("illegal catch attempt");
41821 | },
41822 | delegateYield: function delegateYield(e, r, n) {
41823 | return this.delegate = {
41824 | iterator: values(e),
41825 | resultName: r,
41826 | nextLoc: n
41827 | }, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = t), y;
41828 | }
41829 | }, e;
41830 | }
41831 | module.exports = _regeneratorRuntime, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
41832 | });
41833 |
41834 |
41835 |
41836 | var runtime$1 = regeneratorRuntime$1();
41837 | var regenerator = runtime$1;
41838 |
41839 |
41840 | try {
41841 | regeneratorRuntime = runtime$1;
41842 | } catch (accidentalStrictMode) {
41843 | if (typeof globalThis === "object") {
41844 | globalThis.regeneratorRuntime = runtime$1;
41845 | } else {
41846 | Function("r", "regeneratorRuntime = r")(runtime$1);
41847 | }
41848 | }
41849 |
41850 | var _marked = regenerator.mark(_callee);
41851 | function _callee() {
41852 | var node, current, next, children, i, n;
41853 | return regenerator.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
41854 | while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
41855 | case 0:
41856 | node = this, next = [node];
41857 | case 1:
41858 | current = next.reverse(), next = [];
41859 | case 2:
41860 | if (!(node = current.pop())) {
41861 | _context.next = 8;
41862 | break;
41863 | }
41864 | _context.next = 5;
41865 | return node;
41866 | case 5:
41867 | if (children = node.children) {
41868 | for (i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; ++i) {
41869 | next.push(children[i]);
41870 | }
41871 | }
41872 | _context.next = 2;
41873 | break;
41874 | case 8:
41875 | if (next.length) {
41876 | _context.next = 1;
41877 | break;
41878 | }
41879 | case 9:
41880 | case "end":
41881 | return _context.stop();
41882 | }
41883 | }, _marked, this);
41884 | }
41885 |
41886 | function hierarchy(data, children) {
41887 | if (data instanceof Map) {
41888 | data = [undefined, data];
41889 | if (children === undefined) children = mapChildren;
41890 | } else if (children === undefined) {
41891 | children = objectChildren;
41892 | }
41893 | var root = new Node$1(data),
41894 | node,
41895 | nodes = [root],
41896 | child,
41897 | childs,
41898 | i,
41899 | n;
41900 | while (node = nodes.pop()) {
41901 | if ((childs = children(node.data)) && (n = (childs = Array.from(childs)).length)) {
41902 | node.children = childs;
41903 | for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
41904 | nodes.push(child = childs[i] = new Node$1(childs[i]));
41905 | child.parent = node;
41906 | child.depth = node.depth + 1;
41907 | }
41908 | }
41909 | }
41910 | return root.eachBefore(computeHeight);
41911 | }
41912 | function node_copy() {
41913 | return hierarchy(this).eachBefore(copyData);
41914 | }
41915 | function objectChildren(d) {
41916 | return d.children;
41917 | }
41918 | function mapChildren(d) {
41919 | return Array.isArray(d) ? d[1] : null;
41920 | }
41921 | function copyData(node) {
41922 | if (node.data.value !== undefined) node.value = node.data.value;
41923 | node.data = node.data.data;
41924 | }
41925 | function computeHeight(node) {
41926 | var height = 0;
41927 | do node.height = height; while ((node = node.parent) && node.height < ++height);
41928 | }
41929 | function Node$1(data) {
41930 | this.data = data;
41931 | this.depth = this.height = 0;
41932 | this.parent = null;
41933 | }
41934 | Node$1.prototype = hierarchy.prototype = _defineProperty({
41935 | constructor: Node$1,
41936 | count: node_count,
41937 | each: node_each,
41938 | eachAfter: node_eachAfter,
41939 | eachBefore: node_eachBefore,
41940 | find: node_find,
41941 | sum: node_sum,
41942 | sort: node_sort,
41943 | path: node_path,
41944 | ancestors: node_ancestors,
41945 | descendants: node_descendants,
41946 | leaves: node_leaves,
41947 | links: node_links,
41948 | copy: node_copy
41949 | }, Symbol.iterator, _callee);
41950 |
41951 | function required(f) {
41952 | if (typeof f !== "function") throw new Error();
41953 | return f;
41954 | }
41955 |
41956 | function constantZero() {
41957 | return 0;
41958 | }
41959 | function constant$1 (x) {
41960 | return function () {
41961 | return x;
41962 | };
41963 | }
41964 |
41965 | function roundNode (node) {
41966 | node.x0 = Math.round(node.x0);
41967 | node.y0 = Math.round(node.y0);
41968 | node.x1 = Math.round(node.x1);
41969 | node.y1 = Math.round(node.y1);
41970 | }
41971 |
41972 | function treemapDice (parent, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
41973 | var nodes = parent.children,
41974 | node,
41975 | i = -1,
41976 | n = nodes.length,
41977 | k = parent.value && (x1 - x0) / parent.value;
41978 | while (++i < n) {
41979 | node = nodes[i], node.y0 = y0, node.y1 = y1;
41980 | node.x0 = x0, node.x1 = x0 += node.value * k;
41981 | }
41982 | }
41983 |
41984 | function partition () {
41985 | var dx = 1,
41986 | dy = 1,
41987 | padding = 0,
41988 | round = false;
41989 | function partition(root) {
41990 | var n = root.height + 1;
41991 | root.x0 = root.y0 = padding;
41992 | root.x1 = dx;
41993 | root.y1 = dy / n;
41994 | root.eachBefore(positionNode(dy, n));
41995 | if (round) root.eachBefore(roundNode);
41996 | return root;
41997 | }
41998 | function positionNode(dy, n) {
41999 | return function (node) {
42000 | if (node.children) {
42001 | treemapDice(node, node.x0, dy * (node.depth + 1) / n, node.x1, dy * (node.depth + 2) / n);
42002 | }
42003 | var x0 = node.x0,
42004 | y0 = node.y0,
42005 | x1 = node.x1 - padding,
42006 | y1 = node.y1 - padding;
42007 | if (x1 < x0) x0 = x1 = (x0 + x1) / 2;
42008 | if (y1 < y0) y0 = y1 = (y0 + y1) / 2;
42009 | node.x0 = x0;
42010 | node.y0 = y0;
42011 | node.x1 = x1;
42012 | node.y1 = y1;
42013 | };
42014 | }
42015 | partition.round = function (x) {
42016 | return arguments.length ? (round = !!x, partition) : round;
42017 | };
42018 | partition.size = function (x) {
42019 | return arguments.length ? (dx = +x[0], dy = +x[1], partition) : [dx, dy];
42020 | };
42021 | partition.padding = function (x) {
42022 | return arguments.length ? (padding = +x, partition) : padding;
42023 | };
42024 | return partition;
42025 | }
42026 |
42027 | function treemapSlice (parent, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
42028 | var nodes = parent.children,
42029 | node,
42030 | i = -1,
42031 | n = nodes.length,
42032 | k = parent.value && (y1 - y0) / parent.value;
42033 | while (++i < n) {
42034 | node = nodes[i], node.x0 = x0, node.x1 = x1;
42035 | node.y0 = y0, node.y1 = y0 += node.value * k;
42036 | }
42037 | }
42038 |
42039 | var phi = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2;
42040 | function squarifyRatio(ratio, parent, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
42041 | var rows = [],
42042 | nodes = parent.children,
42043 | row,
42044 | nodeValue,
42045 | i0 = 0,
42046 | i1 = 0,
42047 | n = nodes.length,
42048 | dx,
42049 | dy,
42050 | value = parent.value,
42051 | sumValue,
42052 | minValue,
42053 | maxValue,
42054 | newRatio,
42055 | minRatio,
42056 | alpha,
42057 | beta;
42058 | while (i0 < n) {
42059 | dx = x1 - x0, dy = y1 - y0;
42060 |
42061 |
42062 | do sumValue = nodes[i1++].value; while (!sumValue && i1 < n);
42063 | minValue = maxValue = sumValue;
42064 | alpha = Math.max(dy / dx, dx / dy) / (value * ratio);
42065 | beta = sumValue * sumValue * alpha;
42066 | minRatio = Math.max(maxValue / beta, beta / minValue);
42067 |
42068 |
42069 | for (; i1 < n; ++i1) {
42070 | sumValue += nodeValue = nodes[i1].value;
42071 | if (nodeValue < minValue) minValue = nodeValue;
42072 | if (nodeValue > maxValue) maxValue = nodeValue;
42073 | beta = sumValue * sumValue * alpha;
42074 | newRatio = Math.max(maxValue / beta, beta / minValue);
42075 | if (newRatio > minRatio) {
42076 | sumValue -= nodeValue;
42077 | break;
42078 | }
42079 | minRatio = newRatio;
42080 | }
42081 |
42082 |
42083 | rows.push(row = {
42084 | value: sumValue,
42085 | dice: dx < dy,
42086 | children: nodes.slice(i0, i1)
42087 | });
42088 | if (row.dice) treemapDice(row, x0, y0, x1, value ? y0 += dy * sumValue / value : y1);else treemapSlice(row, x0, y0, value ? x0 += dx * sumValue / value : x1, y1);
42089 | value -= sumValue, i0 = i1;
42090 | }
42091 | return rows;
42092 | }
42093 | var squarify = (function custom(ratio) {
42094 | function squarify(parent, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
42095 | squarifyRatio(ratio, parent, x0, y0, x1, y1);
42096 | }
42097 | squarify.ratio = function (x) {
42098 | return custom((x = +x) > 1 ? x : 1);
42099 | };
42100 | return squarify;
42101 | })(phi);
42102 |
42103 | function treemap () {
42104 | var tile = squarify,
42105 | round = false,
42106 | dx = 1,
42107 | dy = 1,
42108 | paddingStack = [0],
42109 | paddingInner = constantZero,
42110 | paddingTop = constantZero,
42111 | paddingRight = constantZero,
42112 | paddingBottom = constantZero,
42113 | paddingLeft = constantZero;
42114 | function treemap(root) {
42115 | root.x0 = root.y0 = 0;
42116 | root.x1 = dx;
42117 | root.y1 = dy;
42118 | root.eachBefore(positionNode);
42119 | paddingStack = [0];
42120 | if (round) root.eachBefore(roundNode);
42121 | return root;
42122 | }
42123 | function positionNode(node) {
42124 | var p = paddingStack[node.depth],
42125 | x0 = node.x0 + p,
42126 | y0 = node.y0 + p,
42127 | x1 = node.x1 - p,
42128 | y1 = node.y1 - p;
42129 | if (x1 < x0) x0 = x1 = (x0 + x1) / 2;
42130 | if (y1 < y0) y0 = y1 = (y0 + y1) / 2;
42131 | node.x0 = x0;
42132 | node.y0 = y0;
42133 | node.x1 = x1;
42134 | node.y1 = y1;
42135 | if (node.children) {
42136 | p = paddingStack[node.depth + 1] = paddingInner(node) / 2;
42137 | x0 += paddingLeft(node) - p;
42138 | y0 += paddingTop(node) - p;
42139 | x1 -= paddingRight(node) - p;
42140 | y1 -= paddingBottom(node) - p;
42141 | if (x1 < x0) x0 = x1 = (x0 + x1) / 2;
42142 | if (y1 < y0) y0 = y1 = (y0 + y1) / 2;
42143 | tile(node, x0, y0, x1, y1);
42144 | }
42145 | }
42146 | treemap.round = function (x) {
42147 | return arguments.length ? (round = !!x, treemap) : round;
42148 | };
42149 | treemap.size = function (x) {
42150 | return arguments.length ? (dx = +x[0], dy = +x[1], treemap) : [dx, dy];
42151 | };
42152 | treemap.tile = function (x) {
42153 | return arguments.length ? (tile = required(x), treemap) : tile;
42154 | };
42155 | treemap.padding = function (x) {
42156 | return arguments.length ? treemap.paddingInner(x).paddingOuter(x) : treemap.paddingInner();
42157 | };
42158 | treemap.paddingInner = function (x) {
42159 | return arguments.length ? (paddingInner = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$1(+x), treemap) : paddingInner;
42160 | };
42161 | treemap.paddingOuter = function (x) {
42162 | return arguments.length ? treemap.paddingTop(x).paddingRight(x).paddingBottom(x).paddingLeft(x) : treemap.paddingTop();
42163 | };
42164 | treemap.paddingTop = function (x) {
42165 | return arguments.length ? (paddingTop = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$1(+x), treemap) : paddingTop;
42166 | };
42167 | treemap.paddingRight = function (x) {
42168 | return arguments.length ? (paddingRight = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$1(+x), treemap) : paddingRight;
42169 | };
42170 | treemap.paddingBottom = function (x) {
42171 | return arguments.length ? (paddingBottom = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$1(+x), treemap) : paddingBottom;
42172 | };
42173 | treemap.paddingLeft = function (x) {
42174 | return arguments.length ? (paddingLeft = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$1(+x), treemap) : paddingLeft;
42175 | };
42176 | return treemap;
42177 | }
42178 |
42179 | function treemapBinary (parent, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
42180 | var nodes = parent.children,
42181 | i,
42182 | n = nodes.length,
42183 | sum,
42184 | sums = new Array(n + 1);
42185 | for (sums[0] = sum = i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
42186 | sums[i + 1] = sum += nodes[i].value;
42187 | }
42188 | partition(0, n, parent.value, x0, y0, x1, y1);
42189 | function partition(i, j, value, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
42190 | if (i >= j - 1) {
42191 | var node = nodes[i];
42192 | node.x0 = x0, node.y0 = y0;
42193 | node.x1 = x1, node.y1 = y1;
42194 | return;
42195 | }
42196 | var valueOffset = sums[i],
42197 | valueTarget = value / 2 + valueOffset,
42198 | k = i + 1,
42199 | hi = j - 1;
42200 | while (k < hi) {
42201 | var mid = k + hi >>> 1;
42202 | if (sums[mid] < valueTarget) k = mid + 1;else hi = mid;
42203 | }
42204 | if (valueTarget - sums[k - 1] < sums[k] - valueTarget && i + 1 < k) --k;
42205 | var valueLeft = sums[k] - valueOffset,
42206 | valueRight = value - valueLeft;
42207 | if (x1 - x0 > y1 - y0) {
42208 | var xk = value ? (x0 * valueRight + x1 * valueLeft) / value : x1;
42209 | partition(i, k, valueLeft, x0, y0, xk, y1);
42210 | partition(k, j, valueRight, xk, y0, x1, y1);
42211 | } else {
42212 | var yk = value ? (y0 * valueRight + y1 * valueLeft) / value : y1;
42213 | partition(i, k, valueLeft, x0, y0, x1, yk);
42214 | partition(k, j, valueRight, x0, yk, x1, y1);
42215 | }
42216 | }
42217 | }
42218 |
42219 | var withTreemap = function withTreemap(View) {
42220 | return function (_super) {
42221 | __extends(Treemap, _super);
42222 | function Treemap(props, context) {
42223 | var _this = _super.call(this, props, context) || this;
42224 | var color = props.color,
42225 | data = props.data,
42226 | theme = props.theme,
42227 | _a = props.selection,
42228 | selection = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a;
42229 | var px2hd = context.px2hd;
42230 | context.theme = deepMix(px2hd(Theme), theme);
42231 | _this.coord = new coordController();
42232 | _this.color = new Category$1(__assign(__assign({
42233 | range: context.theme.colors
42234 | }, color), {
42235 | data: data
42236 | }));
42237 | var _b = selection.defaultSelected,
42238 | defaultSelected = _b === void 0 ? null : _b;
42239 | _this.state.selected = defaultSelected;
42240 | _this.coordRef = createRef();
42241 | _this.records = [];
42242 | return _this;
42243 | }
42244 | Treemap.prototype.isSelected = function (record) {
42245 | var state = this.state;
42246 | var selected = state.selected;
42247 | if (!selected || !selected.length) {
42248 | return false;
42249 | }
42250 | for (var i = 0, len = selected.length; i < len; i++) {
42251 | var item = selected[i];
42252 | if (equal(record, item)) {
42253 | return true;
42254 | }
42255 | }
42256 | return false;
42257 | };
42258 | Treemap.prototype.getSelectionStyle = function (record) {
42259 | var _a = this,
42260 | state = _a.state,
42261 | props = _a.props;
42262 | var selected = state.selected;
42263 | if (!selected || !selected.length) {
42264 | return null;
42265 | }
42266 | var selection = props.selection;
42267 | var selectedStyle = selection.selectedStyle,
42268 | unSelectedStyle = selection.unSelectedStyle;
42269 | var isSelected = this.isSelected(record);
42270 | if (isSelected) {
42271 | return isFunction(selectedStyle) ? selectedStyle(record) : selectedStyle;
42272 | }
42273 | return isFunction(unSelectedStyle) ? unSelectedStyle(record) : unSelectedStyle;
42274 | };
42275 | Treemap.prototype.willMount = function () {
42276 | var _a = this,
42277 | props = _a.props,
42278 | coord = _a.coord,
42279 | layout = _a.layout;
42280 | var coordOption = props.coord;
42281 | coord.updateLayout(layout);
42282 | coord.create(coordOption);
42283 | };
42284 | Treemap.prototype.willReceiveProps = function (nextProps) {
42285 | var nextSelection = nextProps.selection;
42286 | var lastSelection = this.props.selection;
42287 | if (!nextSelection || !lastSelection) {
42288 | return;
42289 | }
42290 | var nextDefaultSelected = nextSelection.defaultSelected;
42291 | var lastDefaultSelected = lastSelection.defaultSelected;
42292 | if (!equal(nextDefaultSelected, lastDefaultSelected)) {
42293 | this.state.selected = nextDefaultSelected;
42294 | }
42295 | };
42296 | Treemap.prototype.treemapLayout = function () {
42297 | var _this = this;
42298 | var _a = this,
42299 | props = _a.props,
42300 | coord = _a.coord,
42301 | colorAttr = _a.color;
42302 | var _b = coord.getCoord(),
42303 | width = _b.width,
42304 | height = _b.height;
42305 | var data = props.data,
42306 | value = props.value,
42307 | _c = props.space,
42308 | space = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c;
42309 | var root = hierarchy({
42310 | children: data
42311 | }).sum(function (d) {
42312 | return d[value];
42313 | }).sort(function (a, b) {
42314 | return b[value] - a[value];
42315 | });
42316 | var treemapLayout = treemap()
42317 |
42318 | .tile(treemapBinary).round(false).size([width, height])
42319 |
42320 | .paddingInner(space);
42321 |
42322 |
42323 |
42324 |
42325 |
42326 | var nodes = treemapLayout(root);
42327 | return nodes.children.map(function (item) {
42328 | var data = item.data,
42329 | x0 = item.x0,
42330 | y0 = item.y0,
42331 | x1 = item.x1,
42332 | y1 = item.y1;
42333 | var color = colorAttr.mapping(data[colorAttr.field]);
42334 | var rect = {
42335 | xMin: x0,
42336 | xMax: x1,
42337 | yMin: y0,
42338 | yMax: y1
42339 | };
42340 | var style = _this.getSelectionStyle(data);
42341 | return __assign(__assign({
42342 | key: data.key,
42343 | origin: data,
42344 | color: color
42345 | }, rect), {
42346 | style: style
42347 | });
42348 | });
42349 | };
42350 | Treemap.prototype.select = function (ev, trigger) {
42351 | var _this = this;
42352 | var points = ev.points,
42353 | x = ev.canvasX,
42354 | y = ev.canvasY;
42355 | var _a = this.props.selection,
42356 | selection = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a;
42357 | var triggerOn = selection.triggerOn,
42358 | _b = selection.type,
42359 | type = _b === void 0 ? 'single' : _b,
42360 | _c = selection.cancelable,
42361 | cancelable = _c === void 0 ? true : _c;
42362 | if (!triggerOn || trigger !== triggerOn) return;
42363 | var point = triggerOn === 'click' ? {
42364 | x: x,
42365 | y: y
42366 | } : points[0];
42367 | var selected = this.state.selected;
42368 | var origin = [];
42369 | each(this.records, function (record) {
42370 | if (point.x >= record.xMin && point.x <= record.xMax && point.y >= record.yMin && point.y <= record.yMax) {
42371 | origin.push(record === null || record === void 0 ? void 0 : record.origin);
42372 | }
42373 | });
42374 |
42375 | if (!origin) {
42376 | this.setState({
42377 | selected: null
42378 | });
42379 | return;
42380 | }
42381 | if (!selected) {
42382 | this.setState({
42383 | selected: origin
42384 | });
42385 | return;
42386 | }
42387 |
42388 | var newSelected = [];
42389 | origin.forEach(function (record) {
42390 | if (!_this.isSelected(record)) {
42391 | newSelected.push(record);
42392 | }
42393 | });
42394 | if (type === 'single') {
42395 | this.setState({
42396 | selected: cancelable ? newSelected : origin
42397 | });
42398 | return;
42399 | }
42400 | this.setState({
42401 | selected: __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], newSelected, true), selected, true)
42402 | });
42403 | };
42404 | Treemap.prototype.render = function () {
42405 | var _this = this;
42406 | var nodes = this.treemapLayout();
42407 | this.records = nodes;
42408 | var _a = this,
42409 | props = _a.props,
42410 | coord = _a.coord;
42411 | var _b = coord.getCoord(),
42412 | width = _b.width,
42413 | height = _b.height;
42414 | return jsx("group", {
42415 | style: {
42416 | width: width,
42417 | height: height,
42418 | fill: 'transparent'
42419 | },
42420 | onClick: function onClick(ev) {
42421 | return _this.select(ev, 'click');
42422 | },
42423 | onPress: function onPress(ev) {
42424 | return _this.select(ev, 'press');
42425 | }
42426 | }, jsx(View, __assign({
42427 | nodes: nodes
42428 | }, props, {
42429 | coord: coord.getCoord()
42430 | })));
42431 | };
42432 | return Treemap;
42433 | }(Component);
42434 | };
42435 |
42436 | var TreemapView = (function (props // Coord 在 withTreemap 被转成 Coord 类型了,所以这里需要重新定义
42437 | ) {
42438 | var nodes = props.nodes,
42439 | coord = props.coord,
42440 | onClick = props.onClick,
42441 | _a = props.label,
42442 | label = _a === void 0 ? false : _a;
42443 | if (coord.isPolar) {
42444 | var center = coord.center;
42445 | var x_1 = center.x,
42446 | y_1 = center.y;
42447 | return jsx("group", null, nodes.map(function (node) {
42448 | var xMin = node.xMin,
42449 | xMax = node.xMax,
42450 | yMin = node.yMin,
42451 | yMax = node.yMax,
42452 | color = node.color,
42453 | style = node.style;
42454 | return jsx("sector", {
42455 | style: __assign({
42456 | cx: x_1,
42457 | cy: y_1,
42458 | lineWidth: '1px',
42459 | stroke: '#fff',
42460 | startAngle: xMin,
42461 | endAngle: xMax,
42462 | r0: yMin,
42463 | r: yMax,
42464 | fill: color
42465 | }, style),
42466 | onClick: onClick ? function () {
42467 | return onClick(node);
42468 | } : null
42469 | });
42470 | }));
42471 | }
42472 | return jsx("group", null, nodes.map(function (node) {
42473 | var key = node.key,
42474 | xMin = node.xMin,
42475 | xMax = node.xMax,
42476 | yMin = node.yMin,
42477 | yMax = node.yMax,
42478 | color = node.color,
42479 | style = node.style;
42480 | return jsx("group", null, jsx("rect", {
42481 | key: key,
42482 | style: __assign({
42483 | x: xMin,
42484 | y: yMin,
42485 | width: xMax - xMin,
42486 | height: yMax - yMin,
42487 | fill: color,
42488 | lineWidth: '4px',
42489 | stroke: '#fff',
42490 | radius: '8px'
42491 | }, style),
42492 | animation: {
42493 | appear: {
42494 | easing: 'linear',
42495 | duration: 450,
42496 | property: ['fillOpacity', 'strokeOpacity'],
42497 | start: {
42498 | fillOpacity: 0,
42499 | strokeOpacity: 0
42500 | }
42501 | },
42502 | update: {
42503 | easing: 'linear',
42504 | duration: 450,
42505 | property: ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'radius', 'lineWidth', 'fillOpacity', 'strokeOpacity']
42506 | }
42507 | },
42508 | onClick: onClick ? function () {
42509 | return onClick(node);
42510 | } : null
42511 | }), label && jsx("text", {
42512 | style: __assign({
42513 | x: (xMin + xMax) / 2,
42514 | y: (yMin + yMax) / 2,
42515 | text: node.origin.name,
42516 | fill: 'white',
42517 | textAlign: 'center',
42518 | textBaseline: 'middle'
42519 | }, label)
42520 | }));
42521 | }));
42522 | });
42523 |
42524 | var index$8 = withTreemap(TreemapView);
42525 |
42526 | function rootParent(data) {
42527 | var d = data;
42528 | while (d.depth > 1) {
42529 | d = d.parent;
42530 | }
42531 | return d;
42532 | }
42533 | var withSunburst = (function (View) {
42534 | return function (_super) {
42535 | __extends(Sunburst, _super);
42536 | function Sunburst(props, context) {
42537 | var _this = _super.call(this, props, context) || this;
42538 | var color = props.color,
42539 | data = props.data;
42540 | _this.coord = new coordController();
42541 | _this.color = new Category$1(__assign(__assign({
42542 | range: Theme.colors
42543 | }, color), {
42544 | data: data
42545 | }));
42546 | return _this;
42547 | }
42548 | Sunburst.prototype.willMount = function () {
42549 | var _a = this,
42550 | props = _a.props,
42551 | coord = _a.coord,
42552 | layout = _a.layout;
42553 | var coordOption = props.coord;
42554 | coord.updateLayout(layout);
42555 | coord.create(coordOption);
42556 | };
42557 | Sunburst.prototype.didMount = function () {};
42558 | Sunburst.prototype._mapping = function (children) {
42559 | var _a = this,
42560 | colorAttr = _a.color,
42561 | coord = _a.coord;
42562 | for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
42563 | var node = children[i];
42564 | var root = rootParent(node);
42565 | var color = colorAttr.mapping(root.data[colorAttr.field]);
42566 | node.color = color;
42567 | var x0 = node.x0,
42568 | x1 = node.x1,
42569 | y0 = node.y0,
42570 | y1 = node.y1;
42571 | var rect = coord.getCoord().convertRect({
42572 | x: [x0, x1],
42573 | y: [y0, y1]
42574 | });
42575 | mix(node, rect);
42576 |
42577 | if (node.children && node.children.length) {
42578 | this._mapping(node.children);
42579 | }
42580 | }
42581 | };
42582 | Sunburst.prototype.sunburst = function () {
42583 | var props = this.props;
42584 | var data = props.data,
42585 | value = props.value,
42586 | _a = props.sort,
42587 | sort = _a === void 0 ? true : _a;
42588 | var root = hierarchy({
42589 | children: data
42590 | }).sum(function (d) {
42591 | return d[value];
42592 | });
42593 |
42594 | if (sort === true || isFunction(sort)) {
42595 | var sortFn = isFunction(sort) ? sort : function (a, b) {
42596 | return b[value] - a[value];
42597 | };
42598 | root.sort(sortFn);
42599 | }
42600 | var nodes = partition()(root);
42601 | var children = nodes.children;
42602 | this._mapping(children);
42603 | return nodes;
42604 | };
42605 | Sunburst.prototype.render = function () {
42606 | var node = this.sunburst();
42607 | var _a = this,
42608 | coord = _a.coord,
42609 | props = _a.props;
42610 | return jsx(View, __assign({}, props, {
42611 | coord: coord.getCoord(),
42612 | node: node,
42613 | triggerRef: this.triggerRef
42614 | }));
42615 | };
42616 | return Sunburst;
42617 | }(Component);
42618 | });
42619 |
42620 | var SunburstView = (function (props) {
42621 | var coord = props.coord,
42622 | node = props.node,
42623 | onClick = props.onClick;
42624 | var children = node.children;
42625 | var _a = coord.center,
42626 | x = _a.x,
42627 | y = _a.y;
42628 | var _renderNodes = function renderNodes(nodes) {
42629 | return jsx("group", null, nodes.map(function (node) {
42630 | var xMin = node.xMin,
42631 | xMax = node.xMax,
42632 | yMin = node.yMin,
42633 | yMax = node.yMax,
42634 | color = node.color,
42635 | children = node.children;
42636 | return jsx("group", {
42637 | onClick: onClick
42638 | }, jsx("sector", {
42639 | attrs: {
42640 | cx: x,
42641 | cy: y,
42642 | lineWidth: '1px',
42643 | stroke: '#fff',
42644 | startAngle: "".concat(xMin, " rad"),
42645 | endAngle: "".concat(xMax, " rad"),
42646 | r0: yMin,
42647 | r: yMax,
42648 | fill: color
42649 | }
42650 | }), children && children.length ? _renderNodes(children) : null);
42651 | }));
42652 | };
42653 | return _renderNodes(children);
42654 | });
42655 |
42656 | var IcicleView = (function (props) {
42657 | var node = props.node,
42658 | onClick = props.onClick;
42659 | var children = node.children;
42660 | var _renderNodes = function renderNodes(nodes) {
42661 | return jsx("group", null, nodes.map(function (node) {
42662 | var xMin = node.xMin,
42663 | xMax = node.xMax,
42664 | yMin = node.yMin,
42665 | yMax = node.yMax,
42666 | color = node.color,
42667 | children = node.children;
42668 | return jsx("group", {
42669 | onClick: onClick
42670 | }, jsx("rect", {
42671 | attrs: {
42672 | x: xMin,
42673 | y: yMin,
42674 | width: xMax - xMin,
42675 | height: yMax - yMin,
42676 | lineWidth: '1px',
42677 | stroke: '#fff',
42678 | fill: color
42679 | }
42680 | }), children && children.length ? _renderNodes(children) : null);
42681 | }));
42682 | };
42683 | return _renderNodes(children);
42684 | });
42685 |
42686 | var View = (function (props) {
42687 | var coord = props.coord;
42688 | if (coord.type === 'polar') {
42689 | return jsx(SunburstView, __assign({}, props));
42690 | }
42691 | return jsx(IcicleView, __assign({}, props));
42692 | });
42693 |
42694 | var index$9 = withSunburst(View);
42695 |
42696 | var DEFAULT_CONFIG = {
42697 | anchorOffset: '10px',
42698 | inflectionOffset: '30px',
42699 | sidePadding: '15px',
42700 | height: '64px',
42701 | adjustOffset: '30',
42702 | triggerOn: 'click',
42703 |
42704 |
42705 |
42706 |
42707 |
42708 |
42709 | label1OffsetY: '-4px',
42710 | label2OffsetY: '4px'
42711 | };
42712 | function getEndPoint(center, angle, r) {
42713 | return {
42714 | x: center.x + r * Math.cos(angle),
42715 | y: center.y + r * Math.sin(angle)
42716 | };
42717 | }
42718 |
42719 | function getMiddleAngle(startAngle, endAngle) {
42720 | if (endAngle < startAngle) {
42721 | endAngle += Math.PI * 2;
42722 | }
42723 | return (endAngle + startAngle) / 2;
42724 | }
42725 | function move(from, to, count, center) {
42726 | var x = center.x;
42727 | var sort = from.sort(function (a, b) {
42728 | var aDistance = Math.abs(a.x - x);
42729 | var bDistance = Math.abs(b.x - x);
42730 | return bDistance - aDistance;
42731 | });
42732 | return [sort.slice(0, sort.length - count), sort.slice(sort.length - count).concat(to)];
42733 | }
42734 |
42735 | function isFirstQuadrant(angle) {
42736 | return angle >= -Math.PI / 2 && angle < 0;
42737 | }
42738 |
42739 | function isSecondQuadrant(angle) {
42740 | return angle >= 0 && angle < Math.PI / 2;
42741 | }
42742 | function isThirdQuadrant(angle) {
42743 | return angle >= Math.PI / 2 && angle < Math.PI;
42744 | }
42745 | function isFourthQuadrant(angle) {
42746 | return angle >= Math.PI && angle < Math.PI * 3 / 2;
42747 | }
42748 | var withPieLabel = (function (View) {
42749 | return function (_super) {
42750 | __extends(PieLabel, _super);
42751 | function PieLabel(props) {
42752 | return _super.call(this, props) || this;
42753 | }
42754 | PieLabel.prototype.willMount = function () {};
42755 | |
42756 |
42757 |
42758 | PieLabel.prototype.didMount = function () {};
42759 | PieLabel.prototype.getLabels = function (props) {
42760 | var chart = props.chart,
42761 | coord = props.coord,
42762 | anchorOffset = props.anchorOffset,
42763 | inflectionOffset = props.inflectionOffset,
42764 | label1 = props.label1,
42765 | label2 = props.label2,
42766 | itemHeight = props.height,
42767 | sidePadding = props.sidePadding;
42768 | var center = coord.center,
42769 | radius = coord.radius,
42770 | coordWidth = coord.width,
42771 | coordHeight = coord.height,
42772 | coordLeft = coord.left,
42773 | coordRight = coord.right,
42774 | coordTop = coord.top;
42775 | var maxCountForOneSide = Math.floor(coordHeight / itemHeight);
42776 | var maxCount = maxCountForOneSide * 2;
42777 | var geometry = chart.getGeometrys()[0];
42778 | var records = geometry.flatRecords()
42779 |
42780 | .sort(function (a, b) {
42781 | var angle1 = a.xMax - a.xMin;
42782 | var angle2 = b.xMax - b.xMin;
42783 | return angle2 - angle1;
42784 | })
42785 |
42786 | .slice(0, maxCount);
42787 |
42788 | var halves = [[], []
42789 | ];
42790 | records.forEach(function (record) {
42791 | var xMin = record.xMin,
42792 | xMax = record.xMax,
42793 | color = record.color,
42794 | origin = record.origin;
42795 |
42796 | var anchorAngle = getMiddleAngle(xMin, xMax);
42797 |
42798 | var anchorPoint = getEndPoint(center, anchorAngle, radius + anchorOffset);
42799 |
42800 | var inflectionPoint = getEndPoint(center, anchorAngle, radius + inflectionOffset);
42801 |
42802 | var side = anchorPoint.x < center.x ? 'left' : 'right';
42803 | var label = {
42804 | origin: origin,
42805 | angle: anchorAngle,
42806 | anchor: anchorPoint,
42807 | inflection: inflectionPoint,
42808 | side: side,
42809 | x: inflectionPoint.x,
42810 | y: inflectionPoint.y,
42811 | r: radius + inflectionOffset,
42812 | color: color,
42813 | label1: isFunction(label1) ? label1(origin, record) : label1,
42814 | label2: isFunction(label2) ? label2(origin, record) : label2
42815 | };
42816 |
42817 | if (side === 'left') {
42818 | halves[0].push(label);
42819 | } else {
42820 | halves[1].push(label);
42821 | }
42822 | });
42823 |
42824 | if (halves[0].length > maxCountForOneSide) {
42825 | halves = move(halves[0], halves[1], halves[0].length - maxCountForOneSide, center);
42826 | } else if (halves[1].length > maxCountForOneSide) {
42827 | var _a = move(halves[1], halves[0], halves[1].length - maxCountForOneSide, center),
42828 | right = _a[0],
42829 | left = _a[1];
42830 | halves = [left, right];
42831 | }
42832 |
42833 | var labelWidth = coordWidth / 2 - radius - anchorOffset - inflectionOffset - 2 * sidePadding;
42834 | var labels = [];
42835 | halves.forEach(function (half, index) {
42836 | var showSide = index === 0 ? 'left' : 'right';
42837 |
42838 | half.sort(function (a, b) {
42839 | var aAngle = a.angle;
42840 | var bAngle = b.angle;
42841 | if (showSide === 'left') {
42842 |
42843 | aAngle = isFirstQuadrant(aAngle) ? aAngle + Math.PI * 2 : aAngle;
42844 | bAngle = isFirstQuadrant(bAngle) ? bAngle + Math.PI * 2 : bAngle;
42845 | return bAngle - aAngle;
42846 | } else {
42847 |
42848 | aAngle = isFourthQuadrant(aAngle) ? aAngle - Math.PI * 2 : aAngle;
42849 | bAngle = isFourthQuadrant(bAngle) ? bAngle - Math.PI * 2 : bAngle;
42850 | return aAngle - bAngle;
42851 | }
42852 | });
42853 | var pointsY = half.map(function (label) {
42854 | return label.y;
42855 | });
42856 | var maxY = Math.max.apply(null, pointsY);
42857 | var minY = Math.min.apply(null, pointsY);
42858 |
42859 | var labelCount = half.length;
42860 | var labelHeight = coordHeight / labelCount;
42861 | var halfLabelHeight = labelHeight / 2;
42862 |
42863 | var lineInterval = 2;
42864 | if (showSide === 'left') {
42865 | half.forEach(function (label, index) {
42866 | var anchor = label.anchor,
42867 | inflection = label.inflection,
42868 | angle = label.angle,
42869 | x = label.x,
42870 | y = label.y;
42871 | var points = [anchor, inflection];
42872 | var endX = coordLeft + sidePadding;
42873 | var endY = coordTop + halfLabelHeight + labelHeight * index;
42874 |
42875 | var labelStart = {
42876 | x: endX + labelWidth + lineInterval * index,
42877 | y: endY
42878 | };
42879 |
42880 | var labelEnd = {
42881 | x: endX,
42882 | y: endY
42883 | };
42884 |
42885 | if (isFirstQuadrant(angle)) {
42886 | var pointY = minY - lineInterval * (labelCount - index);
42887 | points.push({
42888 | x: x,
42889 | y: pointY
42890 | });
42891 | points.push({
42892 | x: labelStart.x,
42893 | y: pointY
42894 | });
42895 | } else if (isThirdQuadrant(angle) || isFourthQuadrant(angle)) {
42896 | points.push({
42897 | x: labelStart.x,
42898 | y: y
42899 | });
42900 | } else if (isSecondQuadrant(angle)) {
42901 | var pointY = maxY + lineInterval * index;
42902 | points.push({
42903 | x: x,
42904 | y: pointY
42905 | });
42906 | points.push({
42907 | x: labelStart.x,
42908 | y: pointY
42909 | });
42910 | }
42911 | points.push(labelStart);
42912 | points.push(labelEnd);
42913 | label.points = points;
42914 | label.side = showSide;
42915 | labels.push(label);
42916 | });
42917 | } else {
42918 | half.forEach(function (label, index) {
42919 | var anchor = label.anchor,
42920 | inflection = label.inflection,
42921 | angle = label.angle,
42922 | x = label.x,
42923 | y = label.y;
42924 |
42925 | var points = [anchor, inflection];
42926 | var endX = coordRight - sidePadding;
42927 | var endY = coordTop + halfLabelHeight + labelHeight * index;
42928 |
42929 | var labelStart = {
42930 | x: endX - labelWidth - lineInterval * index,
42931 | y: endY
42932 | };
42933 |
42934 | var labelEnd = {
42935 | x: endX,
42936 | y: endY
42937 | };
42938 |
42939 | if (isFourthQuadrant(angle)) {
42940 | var pointY = minY - lineInterval * (labelCount - index);
42941 | points.push({
42942 | x: x,
42943 | y: pointY
42944 | });
42945 | points.push({
42946 | x: labelStart.x,
42947 | y: pointY
42948 | });
42949 | } else if (isFirstQuadrant(angle) || isSecondQuadrant(angle)) {
42950 | points.push({
42951 | x: labelStart.x,
42952 | y: y
42953 | });
42954 | } else if (isThirdQuadrant(angle)) {
42955 | var pointY = maxY + lineInterval * index;
42956 | points.push({
42957 | x: x,
42958 | y: pointY
42959 | });
42960 | points.push({
42961 | x: labelStart.x,
42962 | y: pointY
42963 | });
42964 | }
42965 | points.push(labelStart);
42966 | points.push(labelEnd);
42967 | label.points = points;
42968 | label.side = showSide;
42969 | labels.push(label);
42970 | });
42971 | }
42972 | });
42973 | return labels;
42974 | };
42975 | PieLabel.prototype.render = function () {
42976 | var context = this.context;
42977 | var props = context.px2hd(deepMix({}, DEFAULT_CONFIG, this.props));
42978 | var labels = this.getLabels(props);
42979 | return jsx(View, __assign({
42980 | labels: labels
42981 | }, props));
42982 | };
42983 | return PieLabel;
42984 | }(Component);
42985 | });
42986 |
42987 | var PieLabelView = (function (props) {
42988 | var lineStyle = props.lineStyle,
42989 | anchorStyle = props.anchorStyle,
42990 | labels = props.labels,
42991 | label1OffsetY = props.label1OffsetY,
42992 | label2OffsetY = props.label2OffsetY,
42993 | triggerRef = props.triggerRef,
42994 | onClick = props.onClick;
42995 | return jsx("group", {
42996 | ref: triggerRef
42997 | }, labels.map(function (label) {
42998 | var origin = label.origin,
42999 | anchor = label.anchor,
43000 | side = label.side,
43001 | color = label.color,
43002 | label1 = label.label1,
43003 | label2 = label.label2,
43004 | points = label.points;
43005 | var end = points[points.length - 1];
43006 | return jsx("group", {
43007 | onClick: onClick ? function () {
43008 | onClick(label);
43009 | } : null
43010 | }, jsx("circle", {
43011 | attrs: __assign({
43012 | r: '4px',
43013 | cx: anchor.x,
43014 | cy: anchor.y,
43015 | fill: color
43016 | }, anchorStyle)
43017 | }), jsx("polyline", {
43018 | attrs: __assign({
43019 | points: points.map(function (d) {
43020 | return [d.x, d.y];
43021 | }),
43022 | lineWidth: '2px',
43023 | stroke: color
43024 | }, lineStyle)
43025 | }), jsx("text", {
43026 | className: "click",
43027 | attrs: __assign({
43028 | x: end.x,
43029 | y: end.y + label1OffsetY,
43030 | fontSize: '24px',
43031 | lineHeight: '24px',
43032 | fill: color,
43033 | textBaseline: 'bottom',
43034 | textAlign: side === 'left' ? 'left' : 'right'
43035 | }, label1),
43036 | data: origin
43037 | }), jsx("text", {
43038 | className: "click",
43039 | attrs: __assign({
43040 | x: end.x,
43041 | y: end.y + label2OffsetY,
43042 | fontSize: '24px',
43043 | lineHeight: '24px',
43044 | fill: '#808080',
43045 | textBaseline: 'top',
43046 | textAlign: side === 'left' ? 'left' : 'right'
43047 | }, label2),
43048 | data: origin
43049 | }));
43050 | }));
43051 | });
43052 |
43053 | var index$a = withPieLabel(PieLabelView);
43054 |
43055 | var getPoint$1 = function getPoint(cener, angle, r) {
43056 | var x = cener.x + Math.cos(angle) * r;
43057 | var y = cener.y + Math.sin(angle) * r;
43058 | return {
43059 | x: x,
43060 | y: y
43061 | };
43062 | };
43063 | var getTicks = function getTicks(start, end, tickCount, center, r, tickOffset, tickLength) {
43064 | var ticks = [];
43065 | var diff = end - start;
43066 | for (var i = 0; i <= tickCount; i++) {
43067 | var tickValue = start + diff * i / tickCount;
43068 | var startPoint = getPoint$1(center, tickValue, r + tickOffset - tickLength);
43069 | var endPoint = getPoint$1(center, tickValue, r + tickOffset);
43070 | ticks.push({
43071 | tickValue: tickValue,
43072 | start: startPoint,
43073 | end: endPoint
43074 | });
43075 | }
43076 | return ticks;
43077 | };
43078 | var withGauge = function withGauge(View) {
43079 | return function (_super) {
43080 | __extends(Gauge, _super);
43081 | function Gauge() {
43082 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
43083 | }
43084 | Gauge.prototype.render = function () {
43085 | var _a = this,
43086 | props = _a.props,
43087 | context = _a.context;
43088 | var startAngle = props.startAngle,
43089 | endAngle = props.endAngle,
43090 | tickCount = props.tickCount,
43091 | center = props.center,
43092 | r = props.r,
43093 | tickOffset = props.tickOffset,
43094 | tickLength = props.tickLength;
43095 | var ticks = getTicks(startAngle, endAngle, tickCount, center, context.px2hd(r), context.px2hd(tickOffset), context.px2hd(tickLength));
43096 | return jsx(View, __assign({}, props, {
43097 | ticks: ticks
43098 | }));
43099 | };
43100 | return Gauge;
43101 | }(Component);
43102 | };
43103 |
43104 | var GaugeView = (function (props) {
43105 | var center = props.center,
43106 | startAngle = props.startAngle,
43107 | endAngle = props.endAngle,
43108 | r = props.r,
43109 | percent = props.percent,
43110 | ticks = props.ticks;
43111 | var x = center.x,
43112 | y = center.y;
43113 | var diff = endAngle - startAngle;
43114 | return jsx("group", null, jsx("arc", {
43115 | attrs: {
43116 | cx: x,
43117 | cy: y,
43118 | r: r,
43119 | startAngle: "".concat(startAngle, " rad"),
43120 | endAngle: "".concat(endAngle, " rad"),
43121 | lineWidth: '20px',
43122 | lineCap: 'round',
43123 | stroke: '#e7e7e7'
43124 | }
43125 | }), jsx("arc", {
43126 | attrs: {
43127 | cx: x,
43128 | cy: y,
43129 | r: r,
43130 | startAngle: "".concat(startAngle, " rad"),
43131 | endAngle: "".concat(startAngle, " rad"),
43132 | lineWidth: '40px',
43133 | lineCap: 'round',
43134 | stroke: '#0075ff'
43135 | },
43136 | animation: {
43137 | appear: {
43138 | easing: 'linear',
43139 | duration: 500,
43140 | property: ['endAngle'],
43141 | start: {
43142 | endAngle: "".concat(startAngle, " rad")
43143 | },
43144 | end: {
43145 | endAngle: "".concat(startAngle + diff * percent, " rad")
43146 | }
43147 | }
43148 | }
43149 | }), ticks.map(function (tick) {
43150 | var start = tick.start,
43151 | end = tick.end;
43152 | return jsx("line", {
43153 | attrs: {
43154 | x1: start.x,
43155 | y1: start.y,
43156 | x2: end.x,
43157 | y2: end.y,
43158 | lineWidth: '6px',
43159 | lineCap: 'round',
43160 | stroke: '#e7e7e7'
43161 | }
43162 | });
43163 | }));
43164 | });
43165 |
43166 | var index$b = withGauge(GaugeView);
43167 |
43168 |
43169 | function isValuesEqual(values, newValues) {
43170 | if (values.length !== newValues.length) {
43171 | return false;
43172 | }
43173 | var lastIndex = values.length - 1;
43174 | return values[0] === newValues[0] && values[lastIndex] === newValues[lastIndex];
43175 | }
43176 | function updateCategoryRange(scale, originScale, range) {
43177 | var currentValues = scale.values,
43178 | currentTicks = scale.ticks,
43179 | tickMethod = scale.tickMethod,
43180 | tickCount = scale.tickCount;
43181 | var originValues = originScale.values;
43182 | var start = range[0],
43183 | end = range[1];
43184 | var len = originValues.length;
43185 | var valueStart = start * len;
43186 | var valueEnd = end * len;
43187 |
43188 | var diff = valueEnd - valueStart;
43189 | var precision = parseFloat(diff.toFixed(3));
43190 | var count = Math.round(precision);
43191 | var sliceSatrt = Math.min(Math.round(valueStart), len - count);
43192 |
43193 | var newValues = originValues.slice(sliceSatrt, sliceSatrt + count);
43194 |
43195 | var newTickCount = Math.round(tickCount * originValues.length / newValues.length);
43196 |
43197 | var catTicks = getTickMethod(tickMethod);
43198 | var newTicks = catTicks({
43199 | tickCount: newTickCount,
43200 | values: originValues
43201 | });
43202 |
43203 | if (isValuesEqual(currentValues, newValues) && isValuesEqual(currentTicks, newTicks)) {
43204 | return;
43205 | }
43206 | scale.change({
43207 | values: newValues,
43208 | ticks: newTicks
43209 | });
43210 | return scale;
43211 | }
43212 | function updateLinearRange(scale, originScale, range) {
43213 | var min = originScale.min,
43214 | max = originScale.max;
43215 | var start = range[0],
43216 | end = range[1];
43217 | var newMin = min + (max - min) * start;
43218 | var newMax = min + (max - min) * end;
43219 | scale.change({
43220 | min: newMin,
43221 | max: newMax,
43222 | nice: false
43223 | });
43224 | }
43225 | function updateScale(scale, values) {
43226 | var isLinear = scale.isLinear;
43227 | if (isLinear) {
43228 | var _a = getRange(values),
43229 | min = _a.min,
43230 | max = _a.max;
43231 | return scale.change({
43232 | min: min,
43233 | max: max,
43234 | nice: true
43235 | });
43236 | }
43237 | }
43238 | function updateRange(scale, originScale, range) {
43239 | var isCategory = scale.isCategory,
43240 | isLinear = scale.isLinear;
43241 | if (isCategory) {
43242 | return updateCategoryRange(scale, originScale, range);
43243 | }
43244 | if (isLinear) {
43245 | return updateLinearRange(scale, originScale, range);
43246 | }
43247 | }
43248 | function updateFollow(scales, mainScale, data) {
43249 | var mainField = mainScale.field,
43250 | mainType = mainScale.type,
43251 | mainValues = mainScale.values;
43252 |
43253 | var mainValuesMap = {};
43254 | mainValues.forEach(function (item) {
43255 | mainValuesMap[item] = true;
43256 | });
43257 | return scales.map(function (scale) {
43258 | var followField = scale.field;
43259 | var values = [];
43260 | data.forEach(function (item) {
43261 | var value = mainType === 'timeCat' ? toTimeStamp$1(item[mainField]) : item[mainField];
43262 | if (mainValuesMap[value]) {
43263 | var followItemValue = item[followField];
43264 | if (isArray(followItemValue)) {
43265 | values.push.apply(values, followItemValue);
43266 | } else {
43267 | values.push(followItemValue);
43268 | }
43269 | }
43270 | });
43271 | return updateScale(scale, values);
43272 | });
43273 | }
43274 |
43275 | function quadraticOut(k) {
43276 | return k * (2 - k);
43277 | }
43278 |
43279 | function lerp$1(min, max, fraction) {
43280 | return (max - min) * fraction + min;
43281 | }
43282 | function isNumberEqualRange(aRange, bRange) {
43283 | if (!bRange) return false;
43284 | for (var i = 0, len = aRange.length; i < len; i++) {
43285 | if (!isNumberEqual(aRange[i], bRange[i])) return false;
43286 | }
43287 | return true;
43288 | }
43289 | function isEqualRange(aRange, bRange) {
43290 | if (!bRange) return false;
43291 | if (isArray(aRange)) {
43292 | return isNumberEqualRange(aRange, bRange);
43293 | }
43294 |
43295 | for (var i in aRange) {
43296 | if (!isNumberEqualRange(aRange[i], bRange[i])) return false;
43297 | }
43298 | return true;
43299 | }
43300 | function cloneScale$1(scale, scaleConfig) {
43301 |
43302 | return new scale.constructor(__assign(__assign({}, scale.__cfg__), scaleConfig));
43303 | }
43304 | var withZoom = (function (View) {
43305 | return function (_super) {
43306 | __extends(Zoom, _super);
43307 | function Zoom(props) {
43308 | var _this = this;
43309 | var defaultProps = {
43310 | onPanStart: function onPanStart() {},
43311 | onPinchStart: function onPinchStart() {},
43312 | onPan: function onPan() {},
43313 | onPinch: function onPinch() {},
43314 | onInit: function onInit() {},
43315 | onPanEnd: function onPanEnd() {},
43316 | onPinchEnd: function onPinchEnd() {},
43317 | minCount: 10
43318 | };
43319 | _this = _super.call(this, __assign(__assign({}, defaultProps), props)) || this;
43320 | _this.scale = {};
43321 | _this.originScale = {};
43322 |
43323 | _this.swipeEnd = {
43324 | startX: 0,
43325 | startY: 0,
43326 | endX: 0,
43327 | endY: 0
43328 | };
43329 | _this.onPanStart = function () {
43330 | var scale = _this.scale;
43331 | var onPanStart = _this.props.onPanStart;
43332 | _this.onStart();
43333 | onPanStart === null || onPanStart === void 0 ? void 0 : onPanStart({
43334 | scale: scale
43335 | });
43336 | };
43337 | _this.onPan = function (ev) {
43338 | var onPan = _this.props.onPan;
43339 | var dims = _this.dims;
43340 | var range = {};
43341 | each(dims, function (dim) {
43342 | if (dim === 'x') {
43343 | range['x'] = _this._doXPan(ev);
43344 | return;
43345 | }
43346 | if (dim === 'y') {
43347 | range['y'] = _this._doYPan(ev);
43348 | return;
43349 | }
43350 | });
43351 | _this.renderRange(range);
43352 | onPan === null || onPan === void 0 ? void 0 : onPan(ev);
43353 | };
43354 | _this.onPanEnd = function () {
43355 | var scale = _this.scale;
43356 | var onPanEnd = _this.props.onPanEnd;
43357 | _this.onEnd();
43358 | onPanEnd === null || onPanEnd === void 0 ? void 0 : onPanEnd({
43359 | scale: scale
43360 | });
43361 | };
43362 | _this.onPinchStart = function () {
43363 | var onPinchStart = _this.props.onPinchStart;
43364 | _this.onStart();
43365 | onPinchStart === null || onPinchStart === void 0 ? void 0 : onPinchStart();
43366 | };
43367 | _this.onPinch = function (ev) {
43368 | var onPinch = _this.props.onPinch;
43369 | var dims = _this.dims;
43370 | var range = {};
43371 | each(dims, function (dim) {
43372 | if (dim === 'x') {
43373 | range['x'] = _this._doXPinch(ev);
43374 | return;
43375 | }
43376 | if (dim === 'y') {
43377 | range['y'] = _this._doYPinch(ev);
43378 | return;
43379 | }
43380 | });
43381 | _this.renderRange(range);
43382 | onPinch === null || onPinch === void 0 ? void 0 : onPinch(ev);
43383 | };
43384 | _this.onPinchEnd = function () {
43385 | var scale = _this.scale;
43386 | var onPinchEnd = _this.props.onPinchEnd;
43387 | _this.onEnd();
43388 | onPinchEnd === null || onPinchEnd === void 0 ? void 0 : onPinchEnd({
43389 | scale: scale
43390 | });
43391 | };
43392 | _this.onStart = function () {
43393 | var state = _this.state;
43394 | var range = state.range;
43395 | _this.startRange = range;
43396 | _this._cancelAnimationFrame();
43397 | };
43398 | _this.onSwipe = function (ev) {
43399 | var _a = _this,
43400 | props = _a.props,
43401 | state = _a.state;
43402 |
43403 | var velocity = ev.velocity,
43404 | direction = ev.direction,
43405 | _b = ev.velocityX,
43406 | velocityX = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b,
43407 | _c = ev.velocityY,
43408 | velocityY = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c,
43409 | points = ev.points;
43410 | var mode = props.mode,
43411 | swipe = props.swipe;
43412 | var range = state.range;
43413 | if (!swipe || !mode) {
43414 | return;
43415 | }
43416 | if (mode.length === 1) {
43417 | _this.animateSwipe(mode, range[mode], direction === 'right' || direction === 'down' ? -velocity : velocity);
43418 | return;
43419 | }
43420 | var _d = points[0],
43421 | x = _d.x,
43422 | y = _d.y;
43423 |
43424 | if (Math.abs((range === null || range === void 0 ? void 0 : range.x[0]) - 0) < 0.0005 && velocityX > 0) return;
43425 | if (Math.abs((range === null || range === void 0 ? void 0 : range.x[1]) - 1) < 0.0005 && velocityX < 0) return;
43426 | if (Math.abs((range === null || range === void 0 ? void 0 : range.y[0]) - 0) < 0.0005 && velocityY < 0) return;
43427 | if (Math.abs((range === null || range === void 0 ? void 0 : range.x[1]) - 1) < 0.0005 && velocityY > 0) return;
43428 | _this.swipeEnd = {
43429 | startX: x,
43430 | startY: y,
43431 | endX: x + velocityX * 50,
43432 | endY: y - velocityY * 50
43433 | };
43434 | _this.onStart();
43435 | _this.update();
43436 | };
43437 | _this.onEnd = function () {
43438 | _this.startRange = null;
43439 | };
43440 | var mode = props.mode;
43441 | _this.dims = isArray(mode) ? mode : [mode];
43442 | return _this;
43443 | }
43444 | Zoom.prototype.didMount = function () {
43445 | var scale = this.scale;
43446 | var onInit = this.props.onInit;
43447 | onInit({
43448 | scale: scale
43449 | });
43450 | this._bindEvents();
43451 | };
43452 | Zoom.prototype.willReceiveProps = function (nextProps) {
43453 |
43454 | var nextRange = nextProps.range,
43455 | nextData = nextProps.data;
43456 | var _a = this.props,
43457 | lastRange = _a.range,
43458 | lastData = _a.data;
43459 | if (nextData !== lastData) {
43460 | this._cancelAnimationFrame();
43461 | }
43462 | if (!equal(nextRange, lastRange)) {
43463 | var cacheRange_1 = {};
43464 | each(this.dims, function (dim) {
43465 | cacheRange_1[dim] = nextRange;
43466 | });
43467 | this.state = {
43468 | range: cacheRange_1
43469 | };
43470 | }
43471 | };
43472 | Zoom.prototype.willMount = function () {
43473 | var _this = this;
43474 | var _a = this,
43475 | props = _a.props,
43476 | dims = _a.dims;
43477 | var minCount = props.minCount,
43478 | range = props.range;
43479 | var valueLength = Number.MIN_VALUE;
43480 | var cacheRange = {};
43481 | each(dims, function (dim) {
43482 | var scale = _this._getScale(dim);
43483 | var values = scale.values;
43484 | valueLength = values.length > valueLength ? values.length : valueLength;
43485 | _this.scale[dim] = scale;
43486 | _this.originScale[dim] = cloneScale$1(scale);
43487 | _this.updateRange(range, dim);
43488 | cacheRange[dim] = range;
43489 | });
43490 |
43491 | this.minScale = minCount / valueLength;
43492 | this.renderRange(cacheRange);
43493 | };
43494 | Zoom.prototype.willUpdate = function () {
43495 | var _this = this;
43496 | var _a = this,
43497 | props = _a.props,
43498 | state = _a.state,
43499 | dims = _a.dims;
43500 | var minCount = props.minCount,
43501 | range = props.range;
43502 | var valueLength = Number.MIN_VALUE;
43503 | var cacheRange = {};
43504 | each(dims, function (dim) {
43505 | var scale = _this._getScale(dim);
43506 |
43507 | if (scale === _this.scale[dim]) {
43508 | return;
43509 | }
43510 | var values = scale.values;
43511 | valueLength = values.length > valueLength ? values.length : valueLength;
43512 | _this.scale[dim] = scale;
43513 | _this.originScale[dim] = cloneScale$1(scale);
43514 |
43515 | _this.state.range[dim] = [0, 1];
43516 | _this.updateRange(range, dim);
43517 | cacheRange[dim] = range;
43518 | });
43519 |
43520 | if (Object.keys(cacheRange).length > 0) {
43521 | this.minScale = minCount / valueLength;
43522 | var newRange = __assign(__assign({}, state.range), cacheRange);
43523 | this.renderRange(newRange);
43524 | }
43525 | };
43526 | Zoom.prototype.didUnmount = function () {
43527 | this._cancelAnimationFrame();
43528 | this._unBindEvents();
43529 | };
43530 | Zoom.prototype._requestAnimationFrame = function (calllback) {
43531 | var context = this.context;
43532 | var requestAnimationFrame = context.canvas.requestAnimationFrame;
43533 | this.loop = requestAnimationFrame(calllback);
43534 | return this.loop;
43535 | };
43536 | Zoom.prototype._cancelAnimationFrame = function () {
43537 | var _a = this,
43538 | loop = _a.loop,
43539 | context = _a.context;
43540 | if (loop) {
43541 | context.canvas.cancelAnimationFrame(loop);
43542 | }
43543 | };
43544 | Zoom.prototype._bindEvents = function () {
43545 | var _a = this.props,
43546 | chart = _a.chart,
43547 | pan = _a.pan,
43548 | pinch = _a.pinch,
43549 | swipe = _a.swipe;
43550 |
43551 | if (pan !== false) {
43552 | chart.on('panstart', this.onPanStart);
43553 | chart.on('pan', this.onPan);
43554 | chart.on('panend', this.onPanEnd);
43555 | }
43556 | if (pinch !== false) {
43557 | chart.on('pinch', this.onPinch);
43558 | chart.on('pinchstart', this.onPinchStart);
43559 | chart.on('pinchend', this.onPinchEnd);
43560 | }
43561 | if (swipe !== false) {
43562 | chart.on('swipe', this.onSwipe);
43563 | }
43564 | };
43565 | Zoom.prototype._unBindEvents = function () {
43566 | var _a = this.props,
43567 | chart = _a.chart,
43568 | pan = _a.pan,
43569 | pinch = _a.pinch,
43570 | swipe = _a.swipe;
43571 |
43572 | if (pan !== false) {
43573 | chart.off('panstart', this.onPanStart);
43574 | chart.off('pan', this.onPan);
43575 | chart.off('panend', this.onPanEnd);
43576 | }
43577 | if (pinch !== false) {
43578 | chart.off('pinch', this.onPinch);
43579 | chart.off('pinchstart', this.onPinchStart);
43580 | chart.off('pinchend', this.onPinchEnd);
43581 | }
43582 | if (swipe !== false) {
43583 | chart.off('swipe', this.onSwipe);
43584 | }
43585 | };
43586 | Zoom.prototype.update = function () {
43587 | var _this = this;
43588 | var _a = this.swipeEnd,
43589 | startX = _a.startX,
43590 | startY = _a.startY,
43591 | endX = _a.endX,
43592 | endY = _a.endY;
43593 | var x = lerp$1(startX, endX, 0.05);
43594 | var y = lerp$1(startY, endY, 0.05);
43595 | this.swipeEnd = {
43596 | startX: x,
43597 | startY: y,
43598 | endX: endX,
43599 | endY: endY
43600 | };
43601 | var props = this.props;
43602 | var coord = props.coord;
43603 | var coordWidth = coord.width,
43604 | coordHeight = coord.height;
43605 | var range = {};
43606 | range['x'] = this._doPan((x - startX) / coordWidth, 'x');
43607 | range['y'] = this._doPan((y - startY) / coordHeight, 'y');
43608 | this.renderRange(range);
43609 | this.startRange = range;
43610 | this._requestAnimationFrame(function () {
43611 | return _this.update();
43612 | });
43613 | if (Math.abs(x - endX) < 0.0005 && Math.abs(y - endY) < 0.0005) {
43614 | this.onEnd();
43615 | this._cancelAnimationFrame();
43616 | }
43617 | };
43618 | Zoom.prototype.animateSwipe = function (dim, dimRange, velocity) {
43619 | var _this = this;
43620 | var props = this.props;
43621 | var _a = props.swipeDuration,
43622 | swipeDuration = _a === void 0 ? 1000 : _a;
43623 | var diff = (dimRange[1] - dimRange[0]) * velocity;
43624 | var startTime = Date.now();
43625 | var updateRange = function updateRange(t) {
43626 | var newDimRange = [dimRange[0] + diff * t, dimRange[1] + diff * t];
43627 | var newRange = _this.updateRange(newDimRange, dim);
43628 | _this.renderRange({
43629 | x: newRange
43630 | });
43631 | };
43632 |
43633 | var _update = function update() {
43634 |
43635 | var currentTime = Date.now() - startTime;
43636 |
43637 | if (currentTime >= swipeDuration) {
43638 | updateRange(1);
43639 | return;
43640 | }
43641 |
43642 | var progress = currentTime / swipeDuration;
43643 | var easedProgress = quadraticOut(progress);
43644 | updateRange(easedProgress);
43645 | _this._requestAnimationFrame(function () {
43646 | _update();
43647 | });
43648 | };
43649 | _update();
43650 | };
43651 | Zoom.prototype._doXPan = function (ev) {
43652 | var direction = ev.direction,
43653 | deltaX = ev.deltaX;
43654 | if (this.props.mode.length === 1 && (direction === 'up' || direction === 'down')) {
43655 | return this.state.range['x'];
43656 | }
43657 | ev.preventDefault && ev.preventDefault();
43658 | var props = this.props;
43659 | var coord = props.coord,
43660 | _a = props.panSensitive,
43661 | panSensitive = _a === void 0 ? 1 : _a;
43662 | var coordWidth = coord.width;
43663 | var ratio = deltaX / coordWidth * panSensitive;
43664 | var newRange = this._doPan(ratio, 'x');
43665 | return newRange;
43666 | };
43667 | Zoom.prototype._doYPan = function (ev) {
43668 | var direction = ev.direction,
43669 | deltaY = ev.deltaY;
43670 | if (this.props.mode.length === 1 && (direction === 'left' || direction === 'right')) {
43671 | return this.state.range['y'];
43672 | }
43673 | ev.preventDefault && ev.preventDefault();
43674 | var props = this.props;
43675 | var coord = props.coord,
43676 | _a = props.panSensitive,
43677 | panSensitive = _a === void 0 ? 1 : _a;
43678 | var coordHeight = coord.height;
43679 | var ratio = -deltaY / coordHeight * panSensitive;
43680 | var newRange = this._doPan(ratio, 'y');
43681 | return newRange;
43682 | };
43683 | Zoom.prototype._doPan = function (ratio, dim) {
43684 | var startRange = this.startRange;
43685 | var _a = startRange[dim],
43686 | start = _a[0],
43687 | end = _a[1];
43688 | var rangeLen = end - start;
43689 | var rangeOffset = rangeLen * ratio;
43690 | var newStart = start - rangeOffset;
43691 | var newEnd = end - rangeOffset;
43692 | var newRange = this.updateRange([newStart, newEnd], dim);
43693 | return newRange;
43694 | };
43695 | Zoom.prototype._doXPinch = function (ev) {
43696 | ev.preventDefault && ev.preventDefault();
43697 | var zoom = ev.zoom,
43698 | center = ev.center;
43699 | var props = this.props;
43700 | var coord = props.coord;
43701 | var coordWidth = coord.width,
43702 | left = coord.left,
43703 | right = coord.right;
43704 | var leftLen = Math.abs(center.x - left);
43705 | var rightLen = Math.abs(right - center.x);
43706 |
43707 | var leftZoom = leftLen / coordWidth;
43708 | var rightZoom = rightLen / coordWidth;
43709 | var newRange = this._doPinch(leftZoom, rightZoom, zoom, 'x');
43710 | return newRange;
43711 | };
43712 | Zoom.prototype._doYPinch = function (ev) {
43713 | ev.preventDefault && ev.preventDefault();
43714 | var zoom = ev.zoom,
43715 | center = ev.center;
43716 | var props = this.props;
43717 | var coord = props.coord;
43718 | var coordHeight = coord.height,
43719 | top = coord.top,
43720 | bottom = coord.bottom;
43721 | var topLen = Math.abs(center.y - top);
43722 | var bottomLen = Math.abs(bottom - center.y);
43723 |
43724 | var topZoom = topLen / coordHeight;
43725 | var bottomZoom = bottomLen / coordHeight;
43726 | var newRange = this._doPinch(topZoom, bottomZoom, zoom, 'y');
43727 | return newRange;
43728 | };
43729 | Zoom.prototype._doPinch = function (startRatio, endRatio, zoom, dim) {
43730 | var _a = this,
43731 | startRange = _a.startRange,
43732 | minScale = _a.minScale,
43733 | props = _a.props;
43734 | var _b = props.pinchSensitive,
43735 | pinchSensitive = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b;
43736 | var _c = startRange[dim],
43737 | start = _c[0],
43738 | end = _c[1];
43739 | var zoomOffset = zoom < 1 ? (1 / zoom - 1) * pinchSensitive : (1 - zoom) * pinchSensitive;
43740 | var rangeLen = end - start;
43741 | var rangeOffset = rangeLen * zoomOffset;
43742 | var startOffset = rangeOffset * startRatio;
43743 | var endOffset = rangeOffset * endRatio;
43744 | var newStart = Math.max(0, start - startOffset);
43745 | var newEnd = Math.min(1, end + endOffset);
43746 | var newRange = [newStart, newEnd];
43747 |
43748 | if (newEnd - newStart < minScale) {
43749 | return this.state.range[dim];
43750 | }
43751 | return this.updateRange(newRange, dim);
43752 | };
43753 | Zoom.prototype.updateRange = function (originalRange, dim) {
43754 | if (!originalRange) return;
43755 | var start = originalRange[0],
43756 | end = originalRange[1];
43757 | var rangeLength = end - start;
43758 |
43759 | var newRange;
43760 | if (start < 0) {
43761 | newRange = [0, rangeLength];
43762 | } else if (end > 1) {
43763 | newRange = [1 - rangeLength, 1];
43764 | } else {
43765 | newRange = originalRange;
43766 | }
43767 | var _a = this,
43768 | props = _a.props,
43769 | scale = _a.scale,
43770 | originScale = _a.originScale,
43771 | state = _a.state;
43772 | var data = props.data,
43773 | autoFit = props.autoFit;
43774 | var range = state.range;
43775 | if (range && isEqualRange(newRange, range[dim])) return newRange;
43776 |
43777 | updateRange(scale[dim], originScale[dim], newRange);
43778 | if (autoFit) {
43779 | var followScale = this._getFollowScales(dim);
43780 | this.updateFollow(followScale, scale[dim], data);
43781 | }
43782 | return newRange;
43783 | };
43784 | Zoom.prototype.updateFollow = function (scales, mainScale, data) {
43785 | updateFollow(scales, mainScale, data);
43786 | };
43787 | Zoom.prototype._getScale = function (dim) {
43788 | var _a = this.props,
43789 | coord = _a.coord,
43790 | chart = _a.chart;
43791 | if (dim === 'x') {
43792 | return coord.transposed ? chart.getYScales()[0] : chart.getXScales()[0];
43793 | } else {
43794 | return coord.transposed ? chart.getXScales()[0] : chart.getYScales()[0];
43795 | }
43796 | };
43797 | Zoom.prototype._getFollowScales = function (dim) {
43798 | var _a = this.props,
43799 | coord = _a.coord,
43800 | chart = _a.chart;
43801 | if (dim === 'x') {
43802 | return coord.transposed ? chart.getXScales() : chart.getYScales();
43803 | }
43804 | if (dim === 'y') {
43805 | return coord.transposed ? chart.getYScales() : chart.getXScales();
43806 | }
43807 | };
43808 | Zoom.prototype.renderRange = function (range) {
43809 | var _a = this,
43810 | state = _a.state,
43811 | props = _a.props;
43812 | if (isEqualRange(range, state.range)) return;
43813 | var chart = props.chart;
43814 |
43815 | var animate = chart.animate;
43816 | chart.setAnimate(false);
43817 |
43818 | state.range = range;
43819 | chart.forceUpdate(function () {
43820 | chart.setAnimate(animate);
43821 | });
43822 | };
43823 | Zoom.prototype.render = function () {
43824 | return jsx(View, __assign({}, this.props, this.state));
43825 | };
43826 | return Zoom;
43827 | }(Component);
43828 | });
43829 |
43830 | var withScrollBar = (function (View) {
43831 | return function (_super) {
43832 | __extends(ScrollBar, _super);
43833 | function ScrollBar() {
43834 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
43835 | }
43836 | ScrollBar.prototype.willMount = function () {
43837 | _super.prototype.willMount.call(this);
43838 | var _a = this,
43839 | context = _a.context,
43840 | props = _a.props;
43841 | var visible = props.visible,
43842 | _b = props.position,
43843 | position = _b === void 0 ? 'bottom' : _b,
43844 | _c = props.margin,
43845 | margin = _c === void 0 ? '16px' : _c,
43846 | chart = props.chart;
43847 | var marginNumber = context.px2hd(margin);
43848 | if (visible === false) {
43849 | return null;
43850 | }
43851 | chart.updateCoordFor(this, {
43852 | position: position,
43853 | width: position === 'left' || position === 'right' ? marginNumber : 0,
43854 | height: position === 'bottom' || position === 'top' ? marginNumber : 0
43855 | });
43856 | };
43857 | ScrollBar.prototype.render = function () {
43858 | var _a = this,
43859 | props = _a.props,
43860 | state = _a.state;
43861 | var visible = props.visible;
43862 | if (visible === false) {
43863 | return null;
43864 | }
43865 | return jsx(View, __assign({
43866 | position: "bottom"
43867 | }, props, state));
43868 | };
43869 | return ScrollBar;
43870 | }(withZoom(View));
43871 | });
43872 |
43873 | var Horizontal = (function (props, context) {
43874 | var coord = props.coord,
43875 | range = props.range,
43876 | position = props.position,
43877 | layout = props.layout,
43878 | style = props.style,
43879 | background = props.background,
43880 | barStyle = props.barStyle;
43881 | var left = coord.left,
43882 | width = coord.width;
43883 | var top = layout.top,
43884 | height = layout.height;
43885 | var _a = (range === null || range === void 0 ? void 0 : range.x) || (range === null || range === void 0 ? void 0 : range.y),
43886 | start = _a[0],
43887 | end = _a[1];
43888 | var barLeft = width * start;
43889 | var barWidth = width * (end - start);
43890 | if (isNaN(barWidth)) return;
43891 | return jsx("group", {
43892 | style: __assign({
43893 | display: 'flex',
43894 | left: left,
43895 | top: position === 'top' ? top - context.px2hd('8px') : top + height
43896 | }, style)
43897 | }, jsx("line", {
43898 | style: __assign({
43899 | display: 'flex',
43900 | position: 'absolute',
43901 | left: 0,
43902 | width: width,
43903 | height: 0,
43904 | stroke: 'rgba(202, 215, 239, .2)',
43905 | lineCap: 'round',
43906 | lineWidth: '8px'
43907 | }, background)
43908 | }), jsx("line", {
43909 | style: __assign({
43910 | display: 'flex',
43911 | position: 'absolute',
43912 | left: barLeft,
43913 | width: barWidth,
43914 | height: 0,
43915 | stroke: 'rgba(202, 215, 239, .5)',
43916 | lineCap: 'round',
43917 | lineWidth: '8px'
43918 | }, barStyle)
43919 | }));
43920 | });
43921 |
43922 | var Vertical = (function (props, context) {
43923 | var coord = props.coord,
43924 | range = props.range,
43925 | position = props.position,
43926 | layout = props.layout,
43927 | style = props.style,
43928 | background = props.background,
43929 | barStyle = props.barStyle;
43930 | var top = coord.top,
43931 | height = coord.height;
43932 | var left = layout.left,
43933 | width = layout.width;
43934 | var _a = (range === null || range === void 0 ? void 0 : range.y) || (range === null || range === void 0 ? void 0 : range.x),
43935 | start = _a[0],
43936 | end = _a[1];
43937 | var barTop = height * start;
43938 | var barHeight = height * (end - start);
43939 | return jsx("group", {
43940 | style: __assign({
43941 | display: 'flex',
43942 | top: top,
43943 | left: position === 'left' ? left - context.px2hd('8px') : left + width
43944 | }, style)
43945 | }, jsx("line", {
43946 | style: __assign({
43947 | position: 'absolute',
43948 | top: 0,
43949 | left: 0,
43950 | width: 0,
43951 | height: height,
43952 | stroke: 'rgba(202, 215, 239, .2)',
43953 | lineCap: 'round',
43954 | lineWidth: '8px'
43955 | }, background)
43956 | }), jsx("line", {
43957 | style: __assign({
43958 | position: 'absolute',
43959 | top: barTop,
43960 | width: 0,
43961 | height: barHeight,
43962 | stroke: 'rgba(202, 215, 239, .5)',
43963 | lineCap: 'round',
43964 | lineWidth: '8px'
43965 | }, barStyle)
43966 | }));
43967 | });
43968 |
43969 | var ScrollBarView = (function (props) {
43970 | var position = props.position,
43971 | mode = props.mode;
43972 | if (mode.length > 1) {
43973 | return jsx("group", null, jsx(Vertical, __assign({}, props)), jsx(Horizontal, __assign({}, props)));
43974 | }
43975 | if (position === 'left' || position === 'right') {
43976 | return jsx(Vertical, __assign({}, props));
43977 | }
43978 | return jsx(Horizontal, __assign({}, props));
43979 | });
43980 |
43981 | var index$c = withScrollBar(ScrollBarView);
43982 |
43983 |
43984 | var COLORS = ['#E62C3B', '#0E9976', '#999999'
43985 | ];
43986 | var withCandlestick = (function (View) {
43987 | return function (_super) {
43988 | __extends(Candlestick, _super);
43989 | function Candlestick() {
43990 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
43991 | }
43992 | Candlestick.prototype.getDefaultCfg = function () {
43993 | return {
43994 | geomType: 'candlestick'
43995 | };
43996 | };
43997 | Candlestick.prototype.getSize = function () {
43998 | var _a = this,
43999 | attrs = _a.attrs,
44000 | props = _a.props;
44001 | var _b = props.sizeRatio,
44002 | sizeRatio = _b === void 0 ? 0.5 : _b;
44003 | var x = attrs.x;
44004 | var scale = x.scale;
44005 | var values = scale.values;
44006 | return 1 / values.length * sizeRatio;
44007 | };
44008 | Candlestick.prototype._getColor = function (colors, child, prevChild) {
44009 | var normalized = child.normalized;
44010 |
44011 | var y = normalized.y;
44012 | var open = y[0],
44013 | close = y[1];
44014 | if (close > open) {
44015 | return colors[0];
44016 | }
44017 | if (close < open) {
44018 | return colors[1];
44019 | }
44020 |
44021 | if (!prevChild) {
44022 |
44023 | return colors[0];
44024 | }
44025 | var prevNormalized = prevChild.normalized;
44026 |
44027 | var prevY = prevNormalized.y;
44028 | var prevClose = prevY[1];
44029 | if (close > prevClose) {
44030 | return colors[0];
44031 | }
44032 | if (close < prevClose) {
44033 | return colors[1];
44034 | }
44035 | return colors[2];
44036 | };
44037 | Candlestick.prototype.mapping = function () {
44038 | var records = _super.prototype.mapping.call(this);
44039 | var props = this.props;
44040 | var coord = props.coord;
44041 | var y0 = this.getY0Value();
44042 | var defaultSize = this.getSize();
44043 | var colorAttr = this.getAttr('color');
44044 | var colors = colorAttr ? colorAttr.range : COLORS;
44045 | for (var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
44046 | var record = records[i];
44047 | var children = record.children;
44048 | for (var j = 0, len_1 = children.length; j < len_1; j++) {
44049 | var child = children[j];
44050 | var normalized = child.normalized,
44051 | mappedSize = child.size;
44052 |
44053 | if (isNil(mappedSize)) {
44054 | var x = normalized.x,
44055 | y = normalized.y,
44056 | _a = normalized.size,
44057 | size = _a === void 0 ? defaultSize : _a;
44058 | mix(child, coord.convertRect({
44059 | x: x,
44060 | y: y,
44061 | y0: y0,
44062 | size: size
44063 | }));
44064 | } else {
44065 | var x = child.x,
44066 | y = child.y;
44067 | var rect = {
44068 | x: x,
44069 | y: y,
44070 | y0: y0,
44071 | size: mappedSize
44072 | };
44073 | mix(child, coord.transformToRect(rect));
44074 | }
44075 |
44076 | child.color = this._getColor(colors, child, children[j - 1]);
44077 | mix(child.shape, this.getSelectionStyle(child));
44078 | }
44079 | }
44080 | return records;
44081 | };
44082 | Candlestick.prototype.render = function () {
44083 | var props = this.props;
44084 | var records = this.mapping();
44085 | return jsx(View, __assign({}, props, {
44086 | records: records
44087 | }));
44088 | };
44089 | return Candlestick;
44090 | }(Geometry);
44091 | });
44092 |
44093 | var CandlestickView = (function (props) {
44094 | var records = props.records,
44095 | animation = props.animation,
44096 | y0 = props.y0,
44097 | onClick = props.onClick;
44098 | return jsx("group", null, records.map(function (record) {
44099 | var key = record.key,
44100 | children = record.children;
44101 | return jsx("group", {
44102 | key: key
44103 | }, children.map(function (item) {
44104 | var key = item.key,
44105 | xMin = item.xMin,
44106 | xMax = item.xMax,
44107 | yMin = item.yMin,
44108 | yMax = item.yMax,
44109 | x = item.x,
44110 | y = item.y,
44111 | color = item.color,
44112 | shape = item.shape;
44113 | if (isNaN(xMin) || isNaN(xMax) || isNaN(yMin) || isNaN(yMax)) {
44114 | return null;
44115 | }
44116 | return jsx("group", null, jsx("line", {
44117 | key: "".concat(key, "-line"),
44118 | style: {
44119 | x1: x,
44120 | y1: y[2],
44121 | x2: x,
44122 | y2: y[3],
44123 | stroke: color,
44124 | lineWidth: '2px',
44125 | lineCap: 'round'
44126 | },
44127 | animation: {
44128 | appear: {
44129 | easing: 'linear',
44130 | duration: 300,
44131 | property: ['y1', 'y2'],
44132 |
44133 | start: {
44134 | y1: 0,
44135 | y2: 0
44136 | }
44137 | },
44138 | update: {
44139 | easing: 'linear',
44140 | duration: 300,
44141 | property: ['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2']
44142 | }
44143 | }
44144 | }), jsx("rect", {
44145 | key: "".concat(key, "-rect"),
44146 | style: __assign({
44147 | x: xMin,
44148 | y: yMin,
44149 |
44150 | width: Math.max(xMax - xMin, 1),
44151 | height: Math.max(yMax - yMin, 1),
44152 | fill: color,
44153 | radius: '2px'
44154 | }, shape),
44155 | onClick: onClick,
44156 | animation: deepMix({
44157 | appear: {
44158 | easing: 'linear',
44159 | duration: 300,
44160 | property: ['y', 'height'],
44161 | start: {
44162 | y: y0,
44163 | height: 0
44164 | }
44165 | },
44166 | update: {
44167 | easing: 'linear',
44168 | duration: 300,
44169 | property: ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height']
44170 | }
44171 | }, animation)
44172 | }));
44173 | }));
44174 | }));
44175 | });
44176 |
44177 | var index$d = withCandlestick(CandlestickView);
44178 |
44179 | var Pictorial = function (_super) {
44180 | __extends(Pictorial, _super);
44181 | function Pictorial() {
44182 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
44183 | }
44184 | Pictorial.prototype.render = function () {
44185 | var _a = this,
44186 | props = _a.props,
44187 | context = _a.context;
44188 | var px2hd = context.px2hd;
44189 | var _Symbol = px2hd(props).symbol;
44190 | var records = this.mapping();
44191 | return jsx("group", null, records.map(function (record) {
44192 | var key = record.key,
44193 | children = record.children;
44194 | return jsx("group", {
44195 | key: key
44196 | }, children.map(function (item) {
44197 | var xMax = item.xMax,
44198 | xMin = item.xMin,
44199 | yMax = item.yMax,
44200 | yMin = item.yMin;
44201 | return jsx(_Symbol, __assign({}, item, {
44202 | width: xMax - xMin,
44203 | height: yMax - yMin,
44204 | px2hd: px2hd
44205 | }));
44206 | }));
44207 | }));
44208 | };
44209 | return Pictorial;
44210 | }(withInterval({}));
44211 |
44212 |
44213 |
44214 | var index$e = {
44215 | version: "\"5.5.2\""
44216 | };
44217 |
44218 | exports.ArcGuide = ArcGuide;
44219 | exports.Area = index$1;
44220 | exports.AreaView = AreaView;
44221 | exports.Axis = index$4;
44222 | exports.AxisView = AxisView;
44223 | exports.Candlestick = index$d;
44224 | exports.CandlestickView = CandlestickView;
44225 | exports.Canvas = Canvas$1;
44226 | exports.CanvasRenderer = Renderer;
44227 | exports.Chart = Chart;
44228 | exports.Children = Children;
44229 | exports.Component = Component;
44230 | exports.Fragment = fragment;
44231 | exports.Gauge = index$b;
44232 | exports.GaugeView = GaugeView;
44233 | exports.Geometry = Geometry;
44234 | exports.Gesture = Gesture;
44235 | exports.Guide = index$6;
44236 | exports.ImageGuide = ImageGuide;
44237 | exports.Interval = index$2;
44238 | exports.IntervalView = intervalView;
44239 | exports.Legend = index$5;
44240 | exports.LegendView = LegendView;
44241 | exports.Line = index;
44242 | exports.LineGuide = LineGuide;
44243 | exports.LineView = LineView;
44244 | exports.LottieGuide = LottieGuide;
44245 | exports.Pictorial = Pictorial;
44246 | exports.PieLabel = index$a;
44247 | exports.PieLabelView = PieLabelView;
44248 | exports.Player = Player;
44249 | exports.Point = index$3;
44250 | exports.PointGuide = PointGuide;
44251 | exports.PointView = PointView;
44252 | exports.PolylineGuide = PolylineGuide;
44253 | exports.RectGuide = RectGuide;
44254 | exports.Scale = Scale;
44255 | exports.ScrollBar = index$c;
44256 | exports.ScrollBarView = ScrollBarView;
44257 | exports.Smooth = smooth;
44258 | exports.Sunburst = index$9;
44259 | exports.SunburstView = SunburstView;
44260 | exports.TagGuide = TagGuide;
44261 | exports.TextGuide = TextGuide;
44262 | exports.Timeline = Timeline;
44263 | exports.Tooltip = index$7;
44264 | exports.TooltipView = TooltipView;
44265 | exports.Treemap = index$8;
44266 | exports.TreemapView = TreemapView;
44267 | exports.Zoom = withZoom;
44268 | exports.computeLayout = computeLayout$1;
44269 | exports.createContext = createContext;
44270 | exports.createElement = jsx;
44271 | exports.createRef = createRef;
44272 | exports.default = index$e;
44273 | exports.isEqual = equal;
44274 | exports.jsx = jsx;
44275 | exports.parseColor = parseColor;
44276 | exports.registerTag = registerTag;
44277 | exports.withArea = withArea;
44278 | exports.withAxis = withAxis;
44279 | exports.withCandlestick = withCandlestick;
44280 | exports.withGauge = withGauge;
44281 | exports.withGuide = withGuide;
44282 | exports.withInterval = withInterval;
44283 | exports.withLegend = withLegend;
44284 | exports.withLine = withLine;
44285 | exports.withPieLabel = withPieLabel;
44286 | exports.withPoint = withPoint;
44287 | exports.withScrollBar = withScrollBar;
44288 | exports.withSunburst = withSunburst;
44289 | exports.withTooltip = withTooltip;
44290 | exports.withTreemap = withTreemap;
44291 |
44292 | Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
44293 |
44294 | })));