25.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
2 if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
3 module.exports = factory();
4 else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
5 define([], factory);
6 else if(typeof exports === 'object')
7 exports["Slider"] = factory();
8 else
9 root["Slider"] = factory();
10})(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function() {
11return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
12/******/ // The module cache
13/******/ var installedModules = {};
15/******/ // The require function
16/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
18/******/ // Check if module is in cache
19/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
20/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
21/******/ }
22/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
23/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
24/******/ i: moduleId,
25/******/ l: false,
26/******/ exports: {}
27/******/ };
29/******/ // Execute the module function
30/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
32/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
33/******/ module.l = true;
35/******/ // Return the exports of the module
36/******/ return module.exports;
37/******/ }
40/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
41/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
43/******/ // expose the module cache
44/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
46/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
47/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
48/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
49/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
50/******/ configurable: false,
51/******/ enumerable: true,
52/******/ get: getter
53/******/ });
54/******/ }
55/******/ };
57/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
58/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
59/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
60/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
61/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
62/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
63/******/ return getter;
64/******/ };
66/******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
67/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };
69/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
70/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
72/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
73/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
74/******/ })
76/******/ ([
77/* 0 */
78/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
80var Slider = __webpack_require__(1);
81if (window && !window.G2) {
82 console.err('Please load the G2 script first!');
85module.exports = Slider;
87/***/ }),
88/* 1 */
89/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
91function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
94 * @fileOverview G2's plugin for datazoom.
95 * @author sima.zhang
96 */
97var G2 = window && window.G2;
98var Chart = G2.Chart,
99 Util = G2.Util,
100 G = G2.G,
101 Global = G2.Global;
102var Canvas = G.Canvas,
103 DomUtil = G.DomUtil;
105var Range = __webpack_require__(2);
107var Slider = function () {
108 Slider.prototype._initProps = function _initProps() {
109 this.height = 26;
110 this.width = 'auto'; // 默认自适应
111 this.padding = Global.plotCfg.padding;
112 this.container = null;
113 this.xAxis = null;
114 this.yAxis = null;
115 // 选中区域的样式
116 this.fillerStyle = {
117 fill: '#BDCCED',
118 fillOpacity: 0.3
119 };
120 // 滑动条背景样式
121 this.backgroundStyle = {
122 stroke: '#CCD6EC',
123 fill: '#CCD6EC',
124 fillOpacity: 0.3,
125 lineWidth: 1
126 };
127 this.range = [0, 100];
128 this.layout = 'horizontal';
129 // 文本颜色
130 this.textStyle = {
131 fill: '#545454'
132 };
133 // 滑块的样式
134 this.handleStyle = {
135 img: 'https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/rmsportal/QXtfhORGlDuRvLXFzpsQ.png',
136 width: 5
137 };
138 // 背景图表的配置,如果为 false 则表示不渲染
139 this.backgroundChart = {
140 type: ['area'], // 图表的类型,可以是字符串也可是是数组
141 color: '#CCD6EC'
142 };
143 };
145 function Slider(cfg) {
146 _classCallCheck(this, Slider);
148 this._initProps();
149 Util.deepMix(this, cfg);
150 var container = this.container;
151 if (!container) {
152 throw new Error('Please specify the container for the Slider!');
153 }
154 if (Util.isString(container)) {
155 this.domContainer = document.getElementById(container);
156 } else {
157 this.domContainer = container;
158 }
160 this.handleStyle = Util.mix({
161 width: this.height,
162 height: this.height
163 }, this.handleStyle);
164 if (this.width === 'auto') {
165 // 宽度自适应
166 window.addEventListener('resize', Util.wrapBehavior(this, '_initForceFitEvent'));
167 }
168 }
170 Slider.prototype._initForceFitEvent = function _initForceFitEvent() {
171 var timer = setTimeout(Util.wrapBehavior(this, 'forceFit'), 200);
172 clearTimeout(this.resizeTimer);
173 this.resizeTimer = timer;
174 };
176 Slider.prototype.forceFit = function forceFit() {
177 if (!this || this.destroyed) {
178 return;
179 }
180 var width = DomUtil.getWidth(this.domContainer);
181 var height = this.height;
182 if (width !== this.domWidth) {
183 var canvas = this.canvas;
184 canvas.changeSize(width, height); // 改变画布尺寸
185 this.bgChart && this.bgChart.changeWidth(width);
186 canvas.clear();
187 this._initWidth();
188 this._initSlider(); // 初始化滑动条
189 this._bindEvent();
190 canvas.draw();
191 }
192 };
194 Slider.prototype._initWidth = function _initWidth() {
195 var width = void 0;
196 if (this.width === 'auto') {
197 width = DomUtil.getWidth(this.domContainer);
198 } else {
199 width = this.width;
200 }
201 this.domWidth = width;
202 var padding = Util.toAllPadding(this.padding);
204 if (this.layout === 'horizontal') {
205 this.plotWidth = width - padding[1] - padding[3];
206 this.plotPadding = padding[3];
207 this.plotHeight = this.height;
208 } else if (this.layout === 'vertical') {
209 this.plotWidth = this.width;
210 this.plotHeight = this.height - padding[0] - padding[2];
211 this.plotPadding = padding[0];
212 }
213 };
215 Slider.prototype.render = function render() {
216 this._initWidth();
217 this._initCanvas(); // 初始化 canvas
218 this._initBackground(); // 初始化背景图表
219 this._initSlider(); // 初始化滑动条
220 this._bindEvent();
221 this.canvas.draw();
222 };
224 Slider.prototype.changeData = function changeData(data) {
225 this.data = data;
226 this.repaint();
227 };
229 Slider.prototype.destroy = function destroy() {
230 clearTimeout(this.resizeTimer);
231 var rangeElement = this.rangeElement;
232 rangeElement.off('sliderchange');
233 this.bgChart && this.bgChart.destroy();
234 this.canvas.destroy();
235 var container = this.domContainer;
236 while (container.hasChildNodes()) {
237 container.removeChild(container.firstChild);
238 }
239 window.removeEventListener('resize', Util.getWrapBehavior(this, '_initForceFitEvent'));
240 this.destroyed = true;
241 };
243 Slider.prototype.clear = function clear() {
244 this.canvas.clear();
245 this.bgChart && this.bgChart.destroy();
246 this.bgChart = null;
247 this.scale = null;
248 this.canvas.draw();
249 };
251 Slider.prototype.repaint = function repaint() {
252 this.clear();
253 this.render();
254 };
256 Slider.prototype._initCanvas = function _initCanvas() {
257 var width = this.domWidth;
258 var height = this.height;
259 var canvas = new Canvas({
260 width: width,
261 height: height,
262 containerDOM: this.domContainer,
263 capture: false
264 });
265 var node = canvas.get('el');
266 node.style.position = 'absolute';
267 node.style.top = 0;
268 node.style.left = 0;
269 node.style.zIndex = 3;
270 this.canvas = canvas;
271 };
273 Slider.prototype._initBackground = function _initBackground() {
274 var _Util$deepMix;
276 var data = this.data;
277 var xAxis = this.xAxis;
278 var yAxis = this.yAxis;
279 var scales = Util.deepMix((_Util$deepMix = {}, _Util$deepMix['' + xAxis] = {
280 range: [0, 1]
281 }, _Util$deepMix), this.scales); // 用户列定义
282 if (!data) {
283 // 没有数据,则不创建
284 throw new Error('Please specify the data!');
285 }
286 if (!xAxis) {
287 throw new Error('Please specify the xAxis!');
288 }
289 if (!yAxis) {
290 throw new Error('Please specify the yAxis!');
291 }
293 var backgroundChart = this.backgroundChart;
294 var type = backgroundChart.type;
295 var color = backgroundChart.color;
296 if (!Util.isArray(type)) {
297 type = [type];
298 }
300 var padding = Util.toAllPadding(this.padding);
301 var bgChart = new Chart({
302 container: this.container,
303 width: this.domWidth,
304 height: this.height,
305 padding: [0, padding[1], 0, padding[3]],
306 animate: false
307 });
308 bgChart.source(data);
309 bgChart.scale(scales);
310 bgChart.axis(false);
311 bgChart.tooltip(false);
312 bgChart.legend(false);
313 Util.each(type, function (eachType) {
314 bgChart[eachType]().position(xAxis + '*' + yAxis).color(color).opacity(1);
315 });
316 bgChart.render();
317 this.bgChart = bgChart;
318 this.scale = this.layout === 'horizontal' ? bgChart.getXScale() : bgChart.getYScales()[0];
319 if (this.layout === 'vertical') {
320 bgChart.destroy();
321 }
322 };
324 Slider.prototype._initRange = function _initRange() {
325 var start = this.start;
326 var end = this.end;
327 var scale = this.scale;
328 var min = 0;
329 var max = 1;
330 if (start) {
331 min = scale.scale(scale.translate(start));
332 }
333 if (end) {
334 max = scale.scale(scale.translate(end));
335 }
337 var minSpan = this.minSpan,
338 maxSpan = this.maxSpan;
340 var totalSpan = 0;
341 if (scale.type === 'time' || scale.type === 'timeCat') {
342 // 时间类型已排序
343 var values = scale.values;
344 var firstValue = values[0];
345 var lastValue = values[values.length - 1];
346 totalSpan = lastValue - firstValue;
347 } else if (scale.isLinear) {
348 totalSpan = scale.max - scale.min;
349 }
351 if (totalSpan && minSpan) {
352 this.minRange = minSpan / totalSpan * 100;
353 }
355 if (totalSpan && maxSpan) {
356 this.maxRange = maxSpan / totalSpan * 100;
357 }
359 var range = [min * 100, max * 100];
360 this.range = range;
361 return range;
362 };
364 Slider.prototype._getHandleValue = function _getHandleValue(type) {
365 var value = void 0;
366 var range = this.range;
367 var min = range[0] / 100;
368 var max = range[1] / 100;
369 var scale = this.scale;
370 if (type === 'min') {
371 value = this.start ? this.start : scale.invert(min);
372 } else {
373 value = this.end ? this.end : scale.invert(max);
374 }
375 return value;
376 };
378 Slider.prototype._initSlider = function _initSlider() {
379 var canvas = this.canvas;
380 var range = this._initRange();
381 var scale = this.scale;
382 var rangeElement = canvas.addGroup(Range, {
383 middleAttr: this.fillerStyle,
384 range: range,
385 minRange: this.minRange,
386 maxRange: this.maxRange,
387 layout: this.layout,
388 width: this.plotWidth,
389 height: this.plotHeight,
390 backgroundStyle: this.backgroundStyle,
391 textStyle: this.textStyle,
392 handleStyle: this.handleStyle,
393 minText: scale.getText(this._getHandleValue('min')),
394 maxText: scale.getText(this._getHandleValue('max'))
395 });
396 if (this.layout === 'horizontal') {
397 rangeElement.translate(this.plotPadding, 0);
398 } else if (this.layout === 'vertical') {
399 rangeElement.translate(0, this.plotPadding);
400 }
401 this.rangeElement = rangeElement;
402 };
404 Slider.prototype._bindEvent = function _bindEvent() {
405 var self = this;
406 var rangeElement = self.rangeElement;
407 rangeElement.on('sliderchange', function (ev) {
408 var range = ev.range;
409 var minRatio = range[0] / 100;
410 var maxRatio = range[1] / 100;
411 self._updateElement(minRatio, maxRatio);
412 });
413 };
415 Slider.prototype._updateElement = function _updateElement(minRatio, maxRatio) {
416 var scale = this.scale;
417 var rangeElement = this.rangeElement;
418 var minTextElement = rangeElement.get('minTextElement');
419 var maxTextElement = rangeElement.get('maxTextElement');
420 var min = scale.invert(minRatio);
421 var max = scale.invert(maxRatio);
422 var minText = scale.getText(min);
423 var maxText = scale.getText(max);
424 minTextElement.attr('text', minText);
425 maxTextElement.attr('text', maxText);
427 this.start = minText;
428 this.end = maxText;
430 if (this.onChange) {
431 this.onChange({
432 startText: minText,
433 endText: maxText,
434 startValue: min,
435 endValue: max
436 });
437 }
438 };
440 return Slider;
443module.exports = Slider;
445/***/ }),
446/* 2 */
447/***/ (function(module, exports) {
449function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
451function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
453function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
456 * @fileOverview The class of slider
457 * @author sima.zhang
458 */
459var G2 = window && window.G2;
460var Util = G2.Util,
461 G = G2.G;
462var Group = G.Group,
463 DomUtil = G.DomUtil;
465var OFFSET = 5;
467var Range = function (_Group) {
468 _inherits(Range, _Group);
470 function Range() {
471 _classCallCheck(this, Range);
473 return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Group.apply(this, arguments));
474 }
476 Range.prototype.getDefaultCfg = function getDefaultCfg() {
477 return {
478 /**
479 * 范围
480 * @type {Array}
481 */
482 range: null,
483 /**
484 * 中滑块属性
485 * @type {ATTRS}
486 */
487 middleAttr: null,
488 /**
489 * 背景
490 * @type {G-Element}
491 */
492 backgroundElement: null,
493 /**
494 * 下滑块
495 * @type {G-Element}
496 */
497 minHandleElement: null,
498 /**
499 * 上滑块
500 * @type {G-Element}
501 */
502 maxHandleElement: null,
503 /**
504 * 中块
505 * @type {G-Element}
506 */
507 middleHandleElement: null,
508 /**
509 * 当前的激活的元素
510 * @type {G-Element}
511 */
512 currentTarget: null,
513 /**
514 * 布局方式: horizontal,vertical
515 * @type {String}
516 */
517 layout: 'vertical',
518 /**
519 * 宽
520 * @type {Number}
521 */
522 width: null,
523 /**
524 * 高
525 * @type {Number}
526 */
527 height: null,
528 /**
529 * 当前的PageX
530 * @type {Number}
531 */
532 pageX: null,
533 /**
534 * 当前的PageY
535 * @type {Number}
536 */
537 pageY: null
538 };
539 };
541 Range.prototype._initHandle = function _initHandle(type) {
542 var handle = this.addGroup();
543 var layout = this.get('layout');
544 var handleStyle = this.get('handleStyle');
545 var img = handleStyle.img;
546 var iconWidth = handleStyle.width;
547 var iconHeight = handleStyle.height;
549 var text = void 0;
550 var handleIcon = void 0;
551 var triggerCursor = void 0;
553 if (layout === 'horizontal') {
554 var _iconWidth = handleStyle.width;
555 triggerCursor = 'ew-resize';
556 handleIcon = handle.addShape('Image', {
557 attrs: {
558 x: -_iconWidth / 2,
559 y: 0,
560 width: _iconWidth,
561 height: iconHeight,
562 img: img,
563 cursor: triggerCursor
564 }
565 });
566 text = handle.addShape('Text', {
567 attrs: Util.mix({
568 x: type === 'min' ? -(_iconWidth / 2 + OFFSET) : _iconWidth / 2 + OFFSET,
569 y: iconHeight / 2,
570 textAlign: type === 'min' ? 'end' : 'start',
571 textBaseline: 'middle',
572 text: type === 'min' ? this.get('minText') : this.get('maxText'),
573 cursor: triggerCursor
574 }, this.get('textStyle'))
575 });
576 } else {
577 triggerCursor = 'ns-resize';
578 handleIcon = handle.addShape('Image', {
579 attrs: {
580 x: 0,
581 y: -iconHeight / 2,
582 width: iconWidth,
583 height: iconHeight,
584 img: img,
585 cursor: triggerCursor
586 }
587 });
588 text = handle.addShape('Text', {
589 attrs: Util.mix({
590 x: iconWidth / 2,
591 y: type === 'min' ? iconHeight / 2 + OFFSET : -(iconHeight / 2 + OFFSET),
592 textAlign: 'center',
593 textBaseline: 'middle',
594 text: type === 'min' ? this.get('minText') : this.get('maxText'),
595 cursor: triggerCursor
596 }, this.get('textStyle'))
597 });
598 }
600 this.set(type + 'TextElement', text);
601 this.set(type + 'IconElement', handleIcon);
602 return handle;
603 };
605 Range.prototype._initSliderBackground = function _initSliderBackground() {
606 var backgroundElement = this.addGroup();
607 backgroundElement.initTransform();
608 backgroundElement.translate(0, 0);
609 backgroundElement.addShape('Rect', {
610 attrs: Util.mix({
611 x: 0,
612 y: 0,
613 width: this.get('width'),
614 height: this.get('height')
615 }, this.get('backgroundStyle'))
616 });
617 return backgroundElement;
618 };
620 Range.prototype._beforeRenderUI = function _beforeRenderUI() {
621 var backgroundElement = this._initSliderBackground();
622 var minHandleElement = this._initHandle('min');
623 var maxHandleElement = this._initHandle('max');
624 var middleHandleElement = this.addShape('rect', {
625 attrs: this.get('middleAttr')
626 });
628 this.set('middleHandleElement', middleHandleElement);
629 this.set('minHandleElement', minHandleElement);
630 this.set('maxHandleElement', maxHandleElement);
631 this.set('backgroundElement', backgroundElement);
632 backgroundElement.set('zIndex', 0);
633 middleHandleElement.set('zIndex', 1);
634 minHandleElement.set('zIndex', 2);
635 maxHandleElement.set('zIndex', 2);
636 middleHandleElement.attr('cursor', 'move');
637 this.sort();
638 };
640 Range.prototype._renderUI = function _renderUI() {
641 if (this.get('layout') === 'horizontal') {
642 this._renderHorizontal();
643 } else {
644 this._renderVertical();
645 }
646 };
648 Range.prototype._transform = function _transform(layout) {
649 var range = this.get('range');
650 var minRatio = range[0] / 100;
651 var maxRatio = range[1] / 100;
652 var width = this.get('width');
653 var height = this.get('height');
654 var minHandleElement = this.get('minHandleElement');
655 var maxHandleElement = this.get('maxHandleElement');
656 var middleHandleElement = this.get('middleHandleElement');
657 if (minHandleElement.resetMatrix) {
658 minHandleElement.resetMatrix();
659 maxHandleElement.resetMatrix();
660 } else {
661 minHandleElement.initTransform();
662 maxHandleElement.initTransform();
663 }
664 if (layout === 'horizontal') {
665 middleHandleElement.attr({
666 x: width * minRatio,
667 y: 0,
668 width: (maxRatio - minRatio) * width,
669 height: height
670 });
672 minHandleElement.translate(minRatio * width, 0);
673 maxHandleElement.translate(maxRatio * width, 0);
674 } else {
675 middleHandleElement.attr({
676 x: 0,
677 y: height * (1 - maxRatio),
678 width: width,
679 height: (maxRatio - minRatio) * height
680 });
681 minHandleElement.translate(0, (1 - minRatio) * height);
682 maxHandleElement.translate(0, (1 - maxRatio) * height);
683 }
684 };
686 Range.prototype._renderHorizontal = function _renderHorizontal() {
687 this._transform('horizontal');
688 };
690 Range.prototype._renderVertical = function _renderVertical() {
691 this._transform('vertical');
692 };
694 Range.prototype._bindUI = function _bindUI() {
695 this.on('mousedown', Util.wrapBehavior(this, '_onMouseDown'));
696 };
698 Range.prototype._isElement = function _isElement(target, name) {
699 // 判断是否是该元素
700 var element = this.get(name);
701 if (target === element) {
702 return true;
703 }
704 if (element.isGroup) {
705 var elementChildren = element.get('children');
706 return elementChildren.indexOf(target) > -1;
707 }
708 return false;
709 };
711 Range.prototype._getRange = function _getRange(diff, range) {
712 var rst = diff + range;
713 rst = rst > 100 ? 100 : rst;
714 rst = rst < 0 ? 0 : rst;
715 return rst;
716 };
718 Range.prototype._limitRange = function _limitRange(diff, limit, range) {
719 range[0] = this._getRange(diff, range[0]);
720 range[1] = range[0] + limit;
721 if (range[1] > 100) {
722 range[1] = 100;
723 range[0] = range[1] - limit;
724 }
725 };
727 Range.prototype._updateStatus = function _updateStatus(dim, ev) {
728 var totalLength = dim === 'x' ? this.get('width') : this.get('height');
729 dim = Util.upperFirst(dim);
730 var range = this.get('range');
731 var page = this.get('page' + dim);
732 var currentTarget = this.get('currentTarget');
733 var rangeStash = this.get('rangeStash');
734 var layout = this.get('layout');
735 var sign = layout === 'vertical' ? -1 : 1;
736 var currentPage = ev['page' + dim];
737 var diffPage = currentPage - page;
738 var diffRange = diffPage / totalLength * 100 * sign;
739 var diffStashRange = void 0;
741 var minRange = this.get('minRange');
742 var maxRange = this.get('maxRange');
744 if (range[1] <= range[0]) {
745 if (this._isElement(currentTarget, 'minHandleElement') || this._isElement(currentTarget, 'maxHandleElement')) {
746 range[0] = this._getRange(diffRange, range[0]);
747 range[1] = this._getRange(diffRange, range[0]);
748 }
749 } else {
750 if (this._isElement(currentTarget, 'minHandleElement')) {
751 range[0] = this._getRange(diffRange, range[0]);
752 if (minRange) {
753 // 设置了最小范围
754 if (range[1] - range[0] <= minRange) {
755 this._limitRange(diffRange, minRange, range);
756 }
757 }
759 if (maxRange) {
760 // 设置了最大范围
761 if (range[1] - range[0] >= maxRange) {
762 this._limitRange(diffRange, maxRange, range);
763 }
764 }
765 }
766 if (this._isElement(currentTarget, 'maxHandleElement')) {
767 range[1] = this._getRange(diffRange, range[1]);
769 if (minRange) {
770 // 设置了最小范围
771 if (range[1] - range[0] <= minRange) {
772 this._limitRange(diffRange, minRange, range);
773 }
774 }
776 if (maxRange) {
777 // 设置了最大范围
778 if (range[1] - range[0] >= maxRange) {
779 this._limitRange(diffRange, maxRange, range);
780 }
781 }
782 }
783 }
785 if (this._isElement(currentTarget, 'middleHandleElement')) {
786 diffStashRange = rangeStash[1] - rangeStash[0];
787 this._limitRange(diffRange, diffStashRange, range);
788 }
790 this.emit('sliderchange', {
791 range: range
792 });
794 this.set('page' + dim, currentPage);
795 this._renderUI();
796 this.get('canvas').draw(); // need delete
797 return;
798 };
800 Range.prototype._onMouseDown = function _onMouseDown(ev) {
801 var currentTarget = ev.currentTarget;
802 var originEvent = ev.event;
803 var range = this.get('range');
804 originEvent.stopPropagation();
805 originEvent.preventDefault();
806 this.set('pageX', originEvent.pageX);
807 this.set('pageY', originEvent.pageY);
808 this.set('currentTarget', currentTarget);
809 this.set('rangeStash', [range[0], range[1]]);
810 this._bindCanvasEvents();
811 };
813 Range.prototype._bindCanvasEvents = function _bindCanvasEvents() {
814 var containerDOM = this.get('canvas').get('containerDOM');
815 this.onMouseMoveListener = DomUtil.addEventListener(containerDOM, 'mousemove', Util.wrapBehavior(this, '_onCanvasMouseMove'));
816 this.onMouseUpListener = DomUtil.addEventListener(containerDOM, 'mouseup', Util.wrapBehavior(this, '_onCanvasMouseUp'));
817 // @2018-06-06 by blue.lb 添加mouseleave事件监听,让用户在操作出滑块区域后有一个“正常”的效果,可以正常重新触发滑块的操作流程
818 this.onMouseLeaveListener = DomUtil.addEventListener(containerDOM, 'mouseleave', Util.wrapBehavior(this, '_onCanvasMouseUp'));
819 };
821 Range.prototype._onCanvasMouseMove = function _onCanvasMouseMove(ev) {
822 var layout = this.get('layout');
823 if (layout === 'horizontal') {
824 this._updateStatus('x', ev);
825 } else {
826 this._updateStatus('y', ev);
827 }
828 };
830 Range.prototype._onCanvasMouseUp = function _onCanvasMouseUp() {
831 this._removeDocumentEvents();
832 };
834 Range.prototype._removeDocumentEvents = function _removeDocumentEvents() {
835 this.onMouseMoveListener.remove();
836 this.onMouseUpListener.remove();
837 this.onMouseLeaveListener.remove();
838 };
840 return Range;
843module.exports = Range;
845/***/ })
846/******/ ]);
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