27.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
4var util_1 = require("@antv/util");
5var dependents_1 = require("../../dependents");
6var coordinate_1 = require("../../util/coordinate");
7var graphics_1 = require("../../util/graphics");
8var tooltip_1 = require("../../util/tooltip");
9var bbox_1 = require("../../util/bbox");
10var base_1 = require("./base");
11var event_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("../event"));
12// Filter duplicates, use `name`, `color`, `value` and `title` property values as condition
13function uniq(items) {
14 var uniqItems = [];
15 var _loop_1 = function (index) {
16 var item = items[index];
17 var result = (0, util_1.find)(uniqItems, function (subItem) {
18 return (subItem.color === item.color &&
19 subItem.name === item.name &&
20 subItem.value === item.value &&
21 subItem.title === item.title);
22 });
23 if (!result) {
24 uniqItems.push(item);
25 }
26 };
27 for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
28 _loop_1(index);
29 }
30 return uniqItems;
32/** @ignore */
33var Tooltip = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
34 tslib_1.__extends(Tooltip, _super);
35 function Tooltip() {
36 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
37 _this.isLocked = false;
38 return _this;
39 }
40 Object.defineProperty(Tooltip.prototype, "name", {
41 get: function () {
42 return 'tooltip';
43 },
44 enumerable: false,
45 configurable: true
46 });
47 Tooltip.prototype.init = function () { };
48 Tooltip.prototype.isVisible = function () {
49 var option = this.view.getOptions().tooltip;
50 return option !== false;
51 };
52 Tooltip.prototype.render = function () { };
53 /**
54 * Shows tooltip
55 * @param point
56 */
57 Tooltip.prototype.showTooltip = function (point) {
58 this.point = point;
59 if (!this.isVisible()) {
60 // 如果设置 tooltip(false) 则始终不显示
61 return;
62 }
63 var view = this.view;
64 var items = this.getTooltipItems(point);
65 if (!items.length) {
66 // 无内容则不展示,同时 tooltip 需要隐藏
67 this.hideTooltip();
68 return;
69 }
70 var title = this.getTitle(items);
71 var dataPoint = {
72 x: items[0].x,
73 y: items[0].y,
74 }; // 数据点位置
75 view.emit('tooltip:show', event_1.default.fromData(view, 'tooltip:show', tslib_1.__assign({ items: items, title: title }, point)));
76 var cfg = this.getTooltipCfg();
77 var follow = cfg.follow, showMarkers = cfg.showMarkers, showCrosshairs = cfg.showCrosshairs, showContent = cfg.showContent, marker = cfg.marker;
78 var lastItems = this.items;
79 var lastTitle = this.title;
80 if (!(0, util_1.isEqual)(lastTitle, title) || !(0, util_1.isEqual)(lastItems, items)) {
81 // 内容发生变化了更新 tooltip
82 view.emit('tooltip:change', event_1.default.fromData(view, 'tooltip:change', tslib_1.__assign({ items: items, title: title }, point)));
83 if ((0, util_1.isFunction)(showContent) ? showContent(items) : showContent) {
84 // 展示 tooltip 内容框才渲染 tooltip
85 if (!this.tooltip) {
86 // 延迟生成
87 this.renderTooltip();
88 }
89 this.tooltip.update((0, util_1.mix)({}, cfg, {
90 items: this.getItemsAfterProcess(items),
91 title: title,
92 }, follow ? point : {}));
93 this.tooltip.show();
94 }
95 if (showMarkers) {
96 // 展示 tooltipMarkers,tooltipMarkers 跟随数据
97 this.renderTooltipMarkers(items, marker);
98 }
99 }
100 else {
101 // 内容未发生变化,则更新位置
102 if (this.tooltip && follow) {
103 this.tooltip.update(point);
104 this.tooltip.show(); // tooltip 有可能被隐藏,需要保证显示状态
105 }
106 if (this.tooltipMarkersGroup) {
107 this.tooltipMarkersGroup.show();
108 }
109 }
110 this.items = items;
111 this.title = title;
112 if (showCrosshairs) {
113 // 展示 tooltip 辅助线
114 var isCrosshairsFollowCursor = (0, util_1.get)(cfg, ['crosshairs', 'follow'], false); // 辅助线是否要跟随鼠标
115 this.renderCrosshairs(isCrosshairsFollowCursor ? point : dataPoint, cfg);
116 }
117 };
118 Tooltip.prototype.hideTooltip = function () {
119 var follow = this.getTooltipCfg().follow;
120 if (!follow) {
121 this.point = null;
122 return;
123 }
124 // hide the tooltipMarkers
125 var tooltipMarkersGroup = this.tooltipMarkersGroup;
126 if (tooltipMarkersGroup) {
127 tooltipMarkersGroup.hide();
128 }
129 // hide crosshairs
130 var xCrosshair = this.xCrosshair;
131 var yCrosshair = this.yCrosshair;
132 if (xCrosshair) {
133 xCrosshair.hide();
134 }
135 if (yCrosshair) {
136 yCrosshair.hide();
137 }
138 var tooltip = this.tooltip;
139 if (tooltip) {
140 tooltip.hide();
141 }
142 this.view.emit('tooltip:hide', event_1.default.fromData(this.view, 'tooltip:hide', {}));
143 this.point = null;
144 };
145 /**
146 * lockTooltip
147 */
148 Tooltip.prototype.lockTooltip = function () {
149 this.isLocked = true;
150 if (this.tooltip) {
151 // tooltip contianer 可捕获事件
152 this.tooltip.setCapture(true);
153 }
154 };
155 /**
156 * unlockTooltip
157 */
158 Tooltip.prototype.unlockTooltip = function () {
159 this.isLocked = false;
160 var cfg = this.getTooltipCfg();
161 if (this.tooltip) {
162 // 重置 capture 属性
163 this.tooltip.setCapture(cfg.capture);
164 }
165 };
166 /**
167 * isTooltipLocked
168 */
169 Tooltip.prototype.isTooltipLocked = function () {
170 return this.isLocked;
171 };
172 Tooltip.prototype.clear = function () {
173 var _a = this, tooltip = _a.tooltip, xCrosshair = _a.xCrosshair, yCrosshair = _a.yCrosshair, tooltipMarkersGroup = _a.tooltipMarkersGroup;
174 if (tooltip) {
175 tooltip.hide();
176 tooltip.clear();
177 }
178 if (xCrosshair) {
179 xCrosshair.clear();
180 }
181 if (yCrosshair) {
182 yCrosshair.clear();
183 }
184 if (tooltipMarkersGroup) {
185 tooltipMarkersGroup.clear();
186 }
187 // 如果 customContent 不为空,就重新生成 tooltip
188 if (tooltip === null || tooltip === void 0 ? void 0 : tooltip.get('customContent')) {
189 this.tooltip.destroy();
190 this.tooltip = null;
191 }
192 // title 和 items 需要清空, 否则 tooltip 内容会出现置空的情况
193 // 即:需要走进 !isEqual(lastTitle, title) || !isEqual(lastItems, items) 的逻辑,更新 tooltip 的内容
194 this.title = null;
195 this.items = null;
196 };
197 Tooltip.prototype.destroy = function () {
198 if (this.tooltip) {
199 this.tooltip.destroy();
200 }
201 if (this.xCrosshair) {
202 this.xCrosshair.destroy();
203 }
204 if (this.yCrosshair) {
205 this.yCrosshair.destroy();
206 }
207 if (this.guideGroup) {
208 this.guideGroup.remove(true);
209 }
210 this.reset();
211 };
212 Tooltip.prototype.reset = function () {
213 this.items = null;
214 this.title = null;
215 this.tooltipMarkersGroup = null;
216 this.tooltipCrosshairsGroup = null;
217 this.xCrosshair = null;
218 this.yCrosshair = null;
219 this.tooltip = null;
220 this.guideGroup = null;
221 this.isLocked = false;
222 this.point = null;
223 };
224 Tooltip.prototype.changeVisible = function (visible) {
225 if (this.visible === visible) {
226 return;
227 }
228 var _a = this, tooltip = _a.tooltip, tooltipMarkersGroup = _a.tooltipMarkersGroup, xCrosshair = _a.xCrosshair, yCrosshair = _a.yCrosshair;
229 if (visible) {
230 if (tooltip) {
231 tooltip.show();
232 }
233 if (tooltipMarkersGroup) {
234 tooltipMarkersGroup.show();
235 }
236 if (xCrosshair) {
237 xCrosshair.show();
238 }
239 if (yCrosshair) {
240 yCrosshair.show();
241 }
242 }
243 else {
244 if (tooltip) {
245 tooltip.hide();
246 }
247 if (tooltipMarkersGroup) {
248 tooltipMarkersGroup.hide();
249 }
250 if (xCrosshair) {
251 xCrosshair.hide();
252 }
253 if (yCrosshair) {
254 yCrosshair.hide();
255 }
256 }
257 this.visible = visible;
258 };
259 Tooltip.prototype.getTooltipItems = function (point) {
260 var e_1, _a, e_2, _b, e_3, _c;
261 var items = this.findItemsFromView(this.view, point);
262 if (items.length) {
263 // 三层
264 items = (0, util_1.flatten)(items);
265 try {
266 for (var items_1 = tslib_1.__values(items), items_1_1 = items_1.next(); !items_1_1.done; items_1_1 = items_1.next()) {
267 var itemArr = items_1_1.value;
268 try {
269 for (var itemArr_1 = (e_2 = void 0, tslib_1.__values(itemArr)), itemArr_1_1 = itemArr_1.next(); !itemArr_1_1.done; itemArr_1_1 = itemArr_1.next()) {
270 var item = itemArr_1_1.value;
271 var _d = item.mappingData, x = _d.x, y = _d.y;
272 item.x = (0, util_1.isArray)(x) ? x[x.length - 1] : x;
273 item.y = (0, util_1.isArray)(y) ? y[y.length - 1] : y;
274 }
275 }
276 catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
277 finally {
278 try {
279 if (itemArr_1_1 && !itemArr_1_1.done && (_b = itemArr_1.return)) _b.call(itemArr_1);
280 }
281 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
282 }
283 }
284 }
285 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
286 finally {
287 try {
288 if (items_1_1 && !items_1_1.done && (_a = items_1.return)) _a.call(items_1);
289 }
290 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
291 }
292 var shared = this.getTooltipCfg().shared;
293 // shared: false 代表只显示当前拾取到的 shape 的数据,但是一个 view 会有多个 Geometry,所以有可能会拾取到多个 shape
294 if (shared === false && items.length > 1) {
295 var snapItem = items[0];
296 var min = Math.abs(point.y - snapItem[0].y);
297 try {
298 for (var items_2 = tslib_1.__values(items), items_2_1 = items_2.next(); !items_2_1.done; items_2_1 = items_2.next()) {
299 var aItem = items_2_1.value;
300 var yDistance = Math.abs(point.y - aItem[0].y);
301 if (yDistance <= min) {
302 snapItem = aItem;
303 min = yDistance;
304 }
305 }
306 }
307 catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; }
308 finally {
309 try {
310 if (items_2_1 && !items_2_1.done && (_c = items_2.return)) _c.call(items_2);
311 }
312 finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; }
313 }
314 items = [snapItem];
315 }
316 return uniq((0, util_1.flatten)(items));
317 }
318 return [];
319 };
320 Tooltip.prototype.layout = function () { };
321 Tooltip.prototype.update = function () {
322 if (this.point) {
323 this.showTooltip(this.point);
324 }
325 if (this.tooltip) {
326 // #2279 修复resize之后tooltip越界的问题
327 // 确保tooltip已经创建的情况下
328 var canvas = this.view.getCanvas();
329 // TODO 逍为 tooltip 的区域不应该是 canvas,而应该是整个 特别是在图比较小的时候
330 // 更新 region
331 this.tooltip.set('region', {
332 start: { x: 0, y: 0 },
333 end: { x: canvas.get('width'), y: canvas.get('height') },
334 });
335 }
336 };
337 /**
338 * 当前鼠标点是在 enter tooltip 中
339 * @param point
340 */
341 Tooltip.prototype.isCursorEntered = function (point) {
342 // 是可捕获的,并且点在 tooltip dom 上
343 if (this.tooltip) {
344 var el = this.tooltip.getContainer();
345 var capture = this.tooltip.get('capture');
346 if (el && capture) {
347 var _a = el.getBoundingClientRect(), x = _a.x, y = _a.y, width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
348 return new bbox_1.BBox(x, y, width, height).isPointIn(point);
349 }
350 }
351 return false;
352 };
353 // 获取 tooltip 配置,因为用户可能会通过 view.tooltip() 重新配置 tooltip,所以就不做缓存,每次直接读取
354 Tooltip.prototype.getTooltipCfg = function () {
355 var view = this.view;
356 var option = view.getOptions().tooltip;
357 var processOption = this.processCustomContent(option);
358 var theme = view.getTheme();
359 var defaultCfg = (0, util_1.get)(theme, ['components', 'tooltip'], {});
360 var enterable = (0, util_1.get)(processOption, 'enterable', defaultCfg.enterable);
361 return (0, util_1.deepMix)({}, defaultCfg, processOption, {
362 capture: enterable || this.isLocked ? true : false,
363 });
364 };
365 // process customContent
366 Tooltip.prototype.processCustomContent = function (option) {
367 if ((0, util_1.isBoolean)(option) || !(0, util_1.get)(option, 'customContent')) {
368 return option;
369 }
370 var currentCustomContent = option.customContent;
371 var customContent = function (title, items) {
372 var content = currentCustomContent(title, items) || '';
373 return (0, util_1.isString)(content) ? '<div class="g2-tooltip">' + content + '</div>' : content;
374 };
375 return tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, option), { customContent: customContent });
376 };
377 Tooltip.prototype.getTitle = function (items) {
378 var title = items[0].title || items[0].name;
379 this.title = title;
380 return title;
381 };
382 Tooltip.prototype.renderTooltip = function () {
383 var canvas = this.view.getCanvas();
384 var region = {
385 start: { x: 0, y: 0 },
386 end: { x: canvas.get('width'), y: canvas.get('height') },
387 };
388 var cfg = this.getTooltipCfg();
389 var tooltip = new dependents_1.HtmlTooltip(tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({ parent: canvas.get('el').parentNode, region: region }, cfg), { visible: false, crosshairs: null }));
390 tooltip.init();
391 this.tooltip = tooltip;
392 };
393 Tooltip.prototype.renderTooltipMarkers = function (items, marker) {
394 var e_4, _a;
395 var tooltipMarkersGroup = this.getTooltipMarkersGroup();
396 var rootView = this.view.getRootView();
397 var limitInPlot = rootView.limitInPlot;
398 try {
399 for (var items_3 = tslib_1.__values(items), items_3_1 = items_3.next(); !items_3_1.done; items_3_1 = items_3.next()) {
400 var item = items_3_1.value;
401 var x = item.x, y = item.y;
402 // 有裁剪就剪切
403 if (limitInPlot || (tooltipMarkersGroup === null || tooltipMarkersGroup === void 0 ? void 0 : tooltipMarkersGroup.getClip())) {
404 var _b = (0, coordinate_1.getCoordinateClipCfg)(rootView.getCoordinate()), type = _b.type, attrs_1 = _b.attrs;
405 tooltipMarkersGroup === null || tooltipMarkersGroup === void 0 ? void 0 : tooltipMarkersGroup.setClip({
406 type: type,
407 attrs: attrs_1,
408 });
409 }
410 else {
411 // 清除已有的 clip
412 tooltipMarkersGroup === null || tooltipMarkersGroup === void 0 ? void 0 : tooltipMarkersGroup.setClip(undefined);
413 }
414 var attrs = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({ fill: item.color, symbol: 'circle', shadowColor: item.color }, marker), { x: x, y: y });
415 tooltipMarkersGroup.addShape('marker', {
416 attrs: attrs,
417 });
418 }
419 }
420 catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; }
421 finally {
422 try {
423 if (items_3_1 && !items_3_1.done && (_a = items_3.return)) _a.call(items_3);
424 }
425 finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }
426 }
427 };
428 Tooltip.prototype.renderCrosshairs = function (point, cfg) {
429 var crosshairsType = (0, util_1.get)(cfg, ['crosshairs', 'type'], 'x'); // 默认展示 x 轴上的辅助线
430 if (crosshairsType === 'x') {
431 if (this.yCrosshair) {
432 this.yCrosshair.hide();
433 }
434 this.renderXCrosshairs(point, cfg);
435 }
436 else if (crosshairsType === 'y') {
437 if (this.xCrosshair) {
438 this.xCrosshair.hide();
439 }
440 this.renderYCrosshairs(point, cfg);
441 }
442 else if (crosshairsType === 'xy') {
443 this.renderXCrosshairs(point, cfg);
444 this.renderYCrosshairs(point, cfg);
445 }
446 };
447 // 渲染 x 轴上的 tooltip 辅助线
448 Tooltip.prototype.renderXCrosshairs = function (point, tooltipCfg) {
449 var coordinate = this.getViewWithGeometry(this.view).getCoordinate();
450 if (!(0, coordinate_1.isPointInCoordinate)(coordinate, point)) {
451 return;
452 }
453 var start;
454 var end;
455 if (coordinate.isRect) {
456 if (coordinate.isTransposed) {
457 start = {
458 x: coordinate.start.x,
459 y: point.y,
460 };
461 end = {
462 x: coordinate.end.x,
463 y: point.y,
464 };
465 }
466 else {
467 start = {
468 x: point.x,
469 y: coordinate.end.y,
470 };
471 end = {
472 x: point.x,
473 y: coordinate.start.y,
474 };
475 }
476 }
477 else {
478 // 极坐标下 x 轴上的 crosshairs 表现为半径
479 var angle = (0, coordinate_1.getAngleByPoint)(coordinate, point);
480 var center = coordinate.getCenter();
481 var radius = coordinate.getRadius();
482 end = (0, graphics_1.polarToCartesian)(center.x, center.y, radius, angle);
483 start = center;
484 }
485 var cfg = (0, util_1.deepMix)({
486 start: start,
487 end: end,
488 container: this.getTooltipCrosshairsGroup(),
489 }, (0, util_1.get)(tooltipCfg, 'crosshairs', {}), this.getCrosshairsText('x', point, tooltipCfg));
490 delete cfg.type; // 与 Crosshairs 组件的 type 冲突故删除
491 var xCrosshair = this.xCrosshair;
492 if (xCrosshair) {
493 xCrosshair.update(cfg);
494 }
495 else {
496 xCrosshair = new dependents_1.Crosshair.Line(cfg);
497 xCrosshair.init();
498 }
499 xCrosshair.render();
500 xCrosshair.show();
501 this.xCrosshair = xCrosshair;
502 };
503 // 渲染 y 轴上的辅助线
504 Tooltip.prototype.renderYCrosshairs = function (point, tooltipCfg) {
505 var coordinate = this.getViewWithGeometry(this.view).getCoordinate();
506 if (!(0, coordinate_1.isPointInCoordinate)(coordinate, point)) {
507 return;
508 }
509 var cfg;
510 var type;
511 if (coordinate.isRect) {
512 var start = void 0;
513 var end = void 0;
514 if (coordinate.isTransposed) {
515 start = {
516 x: point.x,
517 y: coordinate.end.y,
518 };
519 end = {
520 x: point.x,
521 y: coordinate.start.y,
522 };
523 }
524 else {
525 start = {
526 x: coordinate.start.x,
527 y: point.y,
528 };
529 end = {
530 x: coordinate.end.x,
531 y: point.y,
532 };
533 }
534 cfg = {
535 start: start,
536 end: end,
537 };
538 type = 'Line';
539 }
540 else {
541 // 极坐标下 y 轴上的 crosshairs 表现为圆弧
542 cfg = {
543 center: coordinate.getCenter(),
544 // @ts-ignore
545 radius: (0, coordinate_1.getDistanceToCenter)(coordinate, point),
546 startAngle: coordinate.startAngle,
547 endAngle: coordinate.endAngle,
548 };
549 type = 'Circle';
550 }
551 cfg = (0, util_1.deepMix)({
552 container: this.getTooltipCrosshairsGroup(),
553 }, cfg, (0, util_1.get)(tooltipCfg, 'crosshairs', {}), this.getCrosshairsText('y', point, tooltipCfg));
554 delete cfg.type; // 与 Crosshairs 组件的 type 冲突故删除
555 var yCrosshair = this.yCrosshair;
556 if (yCrosshair) {
557 // 如果坐标系发生直角坐标系与极坐标的切换操作
558 if ((coordinate.isRect && yCrosshair.get('type') === 'circle') ||
559 (!coordinate.isRect && yCrosshair.get('type') === 'line')) {
560 yCrosshair = new dependents_1.Crosshair[type](cfg);
561 yCrosshair.init();
562 }
563 else {
564 yCrosshair.update(cfg);
565 }
566 }
567 else {
568 yCrosshair = new dependents_1.Crosshair[type](cfg);
569 yCrosshair.init();
570 }
571 yCrosshair.render();
572 yCrosshair.show();
573 this.yCrosshair = yCrosshair;
574 };
575 Tooltip.prototype.getCrosshairsText = function (type, point, tooltipCfg) {
576 var textCfg = (0, util_1.get)(tooltipCfg, ['crosshairs', 'text']);
577 var follow = (0, util_1.get)(tooltipCfg, ['crosshairs', 'follow']);
578 var items = this.items;
579 if (textCfg) {
580 var view = this.getViewWithGeometry(this.view);
581 // 需要展示文本
582 var firstItem = items[0];
583 var xScale = view.getXScale();
584 var yScale = view.getYScales()[0];
585 var xValue = void 0;
586 var yValue = void 0;
587 if (follow) {
588 // 如果需要跟随鼠标移动,就需要将当前鼠标坐标点转换为对应的数值
589 var invertPoint = this.view.getCoordinate().invert(point);
590 xValue = xScale.invert(invertPoint.x); // 转换为原始值
591 yValue = yScale.invert(invertPoint.y); // 转换为原始值
592 }
593 else {
594 xValue = firstItem.data[xScale.field];
595 yValue = firstItem.data[yScale.field];
596 }
597 var content = type === 'x' ? xValue : yValue;
598 if ((0, util_1.isFunction)(textCfg)) {
599 textCfg = textCfg(type, content, items, point);
600 }
601 else {
602 textCfg.content = content;
603 }
604 return {
605 text: textCfg,
606 };
607 }
608 };
609 // 获取存储 tooltipMarkers 和 crosshairs 的容器
610 Tooltip.prototype.getGuideGroup = function () {
611 if (!this.guideGroup) {
612 var foregroundGroup = this.view.foregroundGroup;
613 this.guideGroup = foregroundGroup.addGroup({
614 name: 'tooltipGuide',
615 capture: false,
616 });
617 }
618 return this.guideGroup;
619 };
620 // 获取 tooltipMarkers 存储的容器
621 Tooltip.prototype.getTooltipMarkersGroup = function () {
622 var tooltipMarkersGroup = this.tooltipMarkersGroup;
623 if (tooltipMarkersGroup && !tooltipMarkersGroup.destroyed) {
624 tooltipMarkersGroup.clear();
625 tooltipMarkersGroup.show();
626 }
627 else {
628 tooltipMarkersGroup = this.getGuideGroup().addGroup({
629 name: 'tooltipMarkersGroup',
630 });
631 tooltipMarkersGroup.toFront();
632 this.tooltipMarkersGroup = tooltipMarkersGroup;
633 }
634 return tooltipMarkersGroup;
635 };
636 // 获取 tooltip crosshairs 存储的容器
637 Tooltip.prototype.getTooltipCrosshairsGroup = function () {
638 var tooltipCrosshairsGroup = this.tooltipCrosshairsGroup;
639 if (!tooltipCrosshairsGroup) {
640 tooltipCrosshairsGroup = this.getGuideGroup().addGroup({
641 name: 'tooltipCrosshairsGroup',
642 capture: false,
643 });
644 tooltipCrosshairsGroup.toBack();
645 this.tooltipCrosshairsGroup = tooltipCrosshairsGroup;
646 }
647 return tooltipCrosshairsGroup;
648 };
649 Tooltip.prototype.findItemsFromView = function (view, point) {
650 var e_5, _a;
651 if (view.getOptions().tooltip === false) {
652 // 如果 view 关闭了 tooltip
653 return [];
654 }
655 var tooltipCfg = this.getTooltipCfg();
656 var result = (0, tooltip_1.findItemsFromView)(view, point, tooltipCfg);
657 try {
658 // 递归查找,并合并结果
659 for (var _b = tslib_1.__values(view.views), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
660 var childView = _c.value;
661 result = result.concat(this.findItemsFromView(childView, point));
662 }
663 }
664 catch (e_5_1) { e_5 = { error: e_5_1 }; }
665 finally {
666 try {
667 if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
668 }
669 finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; }
670 }
671 return result;
672 };
673 // FIXME: hack 方法
674 // 因为 tooltip 的交互是挂载在 Chart 上,所以当chart 上没有绘制 Geometry 的时候,就查找不到数据,并且绘图区域同子 View 的区域不同
675 Tooltip.prototype.getViewWithGeometry = function (view) {
676 var _this = this;
677 if (view.geometries.length) {
678 return view;
679 }
680 return (0, util_1.find)(view.views, function (childView) { return _this.getViewWithGeometry(childView); });
681 };
682 /**
683 * 根据用户配置的 items 配置,来进行用户自定义的处理,并返回最终的 items
684 * 默认不做任何处理
685 */
686 Tooltip.prototype.getItemsAfterProcess = function (originalItems) {
687 var customItems = this.getTooltipCfg().customItems;
688 var fn = customItems ? customItems : function (v) { return v; };
689 return fn(originalItems);
690 };
691 return Tooltip;
693exports.default = Tooltip;
694//# sourceMappingURL=tooltip.js.map
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