3.08 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
3 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
4 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
5 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
6 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
8Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
9exports.CompositionNode = void 0;
10const style_1 = require("../utils/style");
11const node_1 = require("./node");
12const define_1 = require("./define");
13const props_1 = require("./props");
14let CompositionNode = class CompositionNode extends node_1.Node {
15 /**
16 * Change current node data and its children data.
17 */
18 changeData(data) {
19 var _a;
20 const chart = this.getRoot();
21 if (!chart)
22 return;
23 this.attr('data', data);
24 if ((_a = this.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) {
25 this.children.forEach((child) => {
26 child.attr('data', data);
27 });
28 }
29 return chart === null || chart === void 0 ? void 0 : chart.render();
30 }
31 /**
32 * Get view instance by key.
33 */
34 getView() {
35 const chart = this.getRoot();
36 const { views } = chart.getContext();
37 if (!(views === null || views === void 0 ? void 0 : views.length))
38 return undefined;
39 return views.find((view) => view.key === this._key);
40 }
41 getScale() {
42 var _a;
43 return (_a = this.getView()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scale;
44 }
45 getScaleByChannel(channel) {
46 const scale = this.getScale();
47 if (scale)
48 return scale[channel];
49 return;
50 }
51 getCoordinate() {
52 var _a;
53 return (_a = this.getView()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.coordinate;
54 }
55 getTheme() {
56 var _a;
57 return (_a = this.getView()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.theme;
58 }
59 getGroup() {
60 const key = this._key;
61 if (!key)
62 return undefined;
63 const chart = this.getRoot();
64 const chartGroup = chart.getContext().canvas.getRoot();
65 return chartGroup.getElementById(key);
66 }
67 /**
68 * Show the view.
69 */
70 show() {
71 const group = this.getGroup();
72 if (!group)
73 return;
74 !group.isVisible() && (0, style_1.show)(group);
75 }
76 /**
77 * Hide the view.
78 */
79 hide() {
80 const group = this.getGroup();
81 if (!group)
82 return;
83 group.isVisible() && (0, style_1.hide)(group);
84 }
86CompositionNode = __decorate([
87 (0, define_1.defineProps)(props_1.compositionProps)
88], CompositionNode);
89exports.CompositionNode = CompositionNode;
90//# sourceMappingURL=composition.js.map
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