4.58 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { BaseStyleProps, DisplayObject, DisplayObjectConfig, Group, IAnimation } from '@antv/g';
2import { CustomElement } from '@antv/g';
3import type { Keyframe } from '../../types';
4export interface BaseShapeStyleProps extends BaseStyleProps {
7 * <zh/> 图形基类
8 *
9 * <en/> Base class for shapes
10 */
11export declare abstract class BaseShape<StyleProps extends BaseShapeStyleProps> extends CustomElement<StyleProps> {
12 constructor(options: DisplayObjectConfig<StyleProps>);
13 /**
14 * <zh/> 解析后的属性
15 *
16 * <en/> parsed attributes
17 * @returns <zh/> 解析后的属性 | <en/> parsed attributes
18 * @internal
19 */
20 protected get parsedAttributes(): Required<StyleProps>;
21 /**
22 * <zh/> 图形实例映射表
23 *
24 * <en/> shape instance map
25 * @internal
26 */
27 protected shapeMap: Record<string, DisplayObject>;
28 /**
29 * <zh/> 动画实例映射表
30 *
31 * <en/> animation instance map
32 * @internal
33 */
34 protected animateMap: Record<string, IAnimation>;
35 /**
36 * <zh/> 创建、更新或删除图形
37 *
38 * <en/> create, update or remove shape
39 * @param className - <zh/> 图形名称 | <en/> shape name
40 * @param Ctor - <zh/> 图形类型 | <en/> shape type
41 * @param style - <zh/> 图形样式。若要删除图形,传入 false | <en/> shape style. Pass false to remove the shape
42 * @param container - <zh/> 容器 | <en/> container
43 * @param hooks - <zh/> 钩子函数 | <en/> hooks
44 * @returns <zh/> 图形实例 | <en/> shape instance
45 */
46 protected upsert<T extends DisplayObject>(className: string, Ctor: string | {
47 new (...args: any[]): T;
48 }, style: T['attributes'] | false, container: DisplayObject, hooks?: UpsertHooks): T | undefined;
49 update(attr?: Partial<StyleProps>): void;
50 /**
51 * <zh/> 在初始化时会被自动调用
52 *
53 * <en/> will be called automatically when initializing
54 * @param attributes
55 * @param container
56 */
57 abstract render(attributes: Required<StyleProps>, container: Group): void;
58 bindEvents(): void;
59 /**
60 * <zh/> 从给定的属性对象中提取图形样式属性。删除特定的属性,如位置、变换和类名
61 *
62 * <en/> Extracts the shape styles from a given attribute object.
63 * Removes specific styles like position, transformation, and class name.
64 * @param style - <zh/> 属性对象 | <en/> attribute object
65 * @returns <zh/> 仅包含样式属性的对象 | <en/> An object containing only the style properties.
66 */
67 getGraphicStyle<T extends Record<string, any>>(style: T): Omit<T, 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | 'transform' | 'transformOrigin' | 'className' | 'class' | 'zIndex' | 'visibility'>;
68 /**
69 * Get the prefix pairs for composite shapes used to handle animation
70 * @returns tuples array where each tuple contains a key corresponding to a method `get${key}Style` and its shape prefix
71 * @internal
72 */
73 protected get compositeShapes(): [string, string][];
74 animate(keyframes: Keyframe[], options?: number | KeyframeAnimationOptions): IAnimation | null;
75 getShape<T extends DisplayObject>(name: string): T;
76 private setVisibility;
77 destroy(): void;
80 * <zh/> 图形 upsert 方法生命周期钩子
81 *
82 * <en/> Shape upsert method lifecycle hooks
83 */
84export interface UpsertHooks {
85 /**
86 * <zh/> 图形创建前
87 *
88 * <en/> Before creating the shape
89 */
90 beforeCreate?: () => void;
91 /**
92 * <zh/> 图形创建后
93 *
94 * <en/> After creating the shape
95 * @param instance - <zh/> 图形实例 | <en/> shape instance
96 */
97 afterCreate?: (instance: DisplayObject) => void;
98 /**
99 * <zh/> 图形更新前
100 *
101 * <en/> Before updating the shape
102 * @param instance - <zh/> 图形实例 | <en/> shape instance
103 */
104 beforeUpdate?: (instance: DisplayObject) => void;
105 /**
106 * <zh/> 图形更新后
107 *
108 * <en/> After updating the shape
109 * @param instance - <zh/> 图形实例 | <en/> shape instance
110 */
111 afterUpdate?: (instance: DisplayObject) => void;
112 /**
113 * <zh/> 图形销毁前
114 *
115 * <en/> Before destroying the shape
116 * @param instance - <zh/> 图形实例 | <en/> shape instance
117 */
118 beforeDestroy?: (instance: DisplayObject) => void;
119 /**
120 * <zh/> 图形销毁后
121 *
122 * <en/> After destroying the shape
123 * @param instance - <zh/> 图形实例 | <en/> shape instance
124 */
125 afterDestroy?: (instance: DisplayObject) => void;
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