1 | import { invariant } from "../../utilities/globals/index.js";
2 | import { argumentsObjectFromField, DeepMerger, isNonEmptyArray, isNonNullObject, } from "../../utilities/index.js";
3 | import { hasOwn, isArray } from "./helpers.js";
4 | // Mapping from JSON-encoded KeySpecifier strings to associated information.
5 | var specifierInfoCache = Object.create(null);
6 | function lookupSpecifierInfo(spec) {
7 | // It's safe to encode KeySpecifier arrays with JSON.stringify, since they're
8 | // just arrays of strings or nested KeySpecifier arrays, and the order of the
9 | // array elements is important (and suitably preserved by JSON.stringify).
10 | var cacheKey = JSON.stringify(spec);
11 | return (specifierInfoCache[cacheKey] ||
12 | (specifierInfoCache[cacheKey] = Object.create(null)));
13 | }
14 | export function keyFieldsFnFromSpecifier(specifier) {
15 | var info = lookupSpecifierInfo(specifier);
16 | return (info.keyFieldsFn || (info.keyFieldsFn = function (object, context) {
17 | var extract = function (from, key) {
18 | return context.readField(key, from);
19 | };
20 | var keyObject = (context.keyObject = collectSpecifierPaths(specifier, function (schemaKeyPath) {
21 | var extracted = extractKeyPath(context.storeObject, schemaKeyPath,
22 | // Using context.readField to extract paths from context.storeObject
23 | // allows the extraction to see through Reference objects and respect
24 | // custom read functions.
25 | extract);
26 | if (extracted === void 0 &&
27 | object !== context.storeObject &&
28 | hasOwn.call(object, schemaKeyPath[0])) {
29 | // If context.storeObject fails to provide a value for the requested
30 | // path, fall back to the raw result object, if it has a top-level key
31 | // matching the first key in the path (schemaKeyPath[0]). This allows
32 | // key fields included in the written data to be saved in the cache
33 | // even if they are not selected explicitly in context.selectionSet.
34 | // Not being mentioned by context.selectionSet is convenient here,
35 | // since it means these extra fields cannot be affected by field
36 | // aliasing, which is why we can use extractKey instead of
37 | // context.readField for this extraction.
38 | extracted = extractKeyPath(object, schemaKeyPath, extractKey);
39 | }
40 | invariant(extracted !== void 0, 4, schemaKeyPath.join("."), object);
41 | return extracted;
42 | }));
43 | return "".concat(context.typename, ":").concat(JSON.stringify(keyObject));
44 | }));
45 | }
46 | // The keyArgs extraction process is roughly analogous to keyFields extraction,
47 | // but there are no aliases involved, missing fields are tolerated (by merely
48 | // omitting them from the key), and drawing from field.directives or variables
49 | // is allowed (in addition to drawing from the field's arguments object).
50 | // Concretely, these differences mean passing a different key path extractor
51 | // function to collectSpecifierPaths, reusing the shared extractKeyPath helper
52 | // wherever possible.
53 | export function keyArgsFnFromSpecifier(specifier) {
54 | var info = lookupSpecifierInfo(specifier);
55 | return (info.keyArgsFn ||
56 | (info.keyArgsFn = function (args, _a) {
57 | var field = _a.field, variables = _a.variables, fieldName = _a.fieldName;
58 | var collected = collectSpecifierPaths(specifier, function (keyPath) {
59 | var firstKey = keyPath[0];
60 | var firstChar = firstKey.charAt(0);
61 | if (firstChar === "@") {
62 | if (field && isNonEmptyArray(field.directives)) {
63 | var directiveName_1 = firstKey.slice(1);
64 | // If the directive appears multiple times, only the first
65 | // occurrence's arguments will be used. TODO Allow repetition?
66 | // TODO Cache this work somehow, a la aliasMap?
67 | var d = field.directives.find(function (d) { return d.name.value === directiveName_1; });
68 | // Fortunately argumentsObjectFromField works for DirectiveNode!
69 | var directiveArgs = d && argumentsObjectFromField(d, variables);
70 | // For directives without arguments (d defined, but directiveArgs ===
71 | // null), the presence or absence of the directive still counts as
72 | // part of the field key, so we return null in those cases. If no
73 | // directive with this name was found for this field (d undefined and
74 | // thus directiveArgs undefined), we return undefined, which causes
75 | // this value to be omitted from the key object returned by
76 | // collectSpecifierPaths.
77 | return (directiveArgs &&
78 | extractKeyPath(directiveArgs,
79 | // If keyPath.length === 1, this code calls extractKeyPath with an
80 | // empty path, which works because it uses directiveArgs as the
81 | // extracted value.
82 | keyPath.slice(1)));
83 | }
84 | // If the key started with @ but there was no corresponding directive,
85 | // we want to omit this value from the key object, not fall through to
86 | // treating @whatever as a normal argument name.
87 | return;
88 | }
89 | if (firstChar === "$") {
90 | var variableName = firstKey.slice(1);
91 | if (variables && hasOwn.call(variables, variableName)) {
92 | var varKeyPath = keyPath.slice(0);
93 | varKeyPath[0] = variableName;
94 | return extractKeyPath(variables, varKeyPath);
95 | }
96 | // If the key started with $ but there was no corresponding variable, we
97 | // want to omit this value from the key object, not fall through to
98 | // treating $whatever as a normal argument name.
99 | return;
100 | }
101 | if (args) {
102 | return extractKeyPath(args, keyPath);
103 | }
104 | });
105 | var suffix = JSON.stringify(collected);
106 | // If no arguments were passed to this field, and it didn't have any other
107 | // field key contributions from directives or variables, hide the empty
108 | // :{} suffix from the field key. However, a field passed no arguments can
109 | // still end up with a non-empty :{...} suffix if its key configuration
110 | // refers to directives or variables.
111 | if (args || suffix !== "{}") {
112 | fieldName += ":" + suffix;
113 | }
114 | return fieldName;
115 | }));
116 | }
117 | export function collectSpecifierPaths(specifier, extractor) {
118 | // For each path specified by specifier, invoke the extractor, and repeatedly
119 | // merge the results together, with appropriate ancestor context.
120 | var merger = new DeepMerger();
121 | return getSpecifierPaths(specifier).reduce(function (collected, path) {
122 | var _a;
123 | var toMerge = extractor(path);
124 | if (toMerge !== void 0) {
125 | // This path is not expected to contain array indexes, so the toMerge
126 | // reconstruction will not contain arrays. TODO Fix this?
127 | for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
128 | toMerge = (_a = {}, _a[path[i]] = toMerge, _a);
129 | }
130 | collected = merger.merge(collected, toMerge);
131 | }
132 | return collected;
133 | }, Object.create(null));
134 | }
135 | export function getSpecifierPaths(spec) {
136 | var info = lookupSpecifierInfo(spec);
137 | if (!info.paths) {
138 | var paths_1 = (info.paths = []);
139 | var currentPath_1 = [];
140 | spec.forEach(function (s, i) {
141 | if (isArray(s)) {
142 | getSpecifierPaths(s).forEach(function (p) { return paths_1.push(currentPath_1.concat(p)); });
143 | currentPath_1.length = 0;
144 | }
145 | else {
146 | currentPath_1.push(s);
147 | if (!isArray(spec[i + 1])) {
148 | paths_1.push(currentPath_1.slice(0));
149 | currentPath_1.length = 0;
150 | }
151 | }
152 | });
153 | }
154 | return info.paths;
155 | }
156 | function extractKey(object, key) {
157 | return object[key];
158 | }
159 | export function extractKeyPath(object, path, extract) {
160 | // For each key in path, extract the corresponding child property from obj,
161 | // flattening arrays if encountered (uncommon for keyFields and keyArgs, but
162 | // possible). The final result of path.reduce is normalized so unexpected leaf
163 | // objects have their keys safely sorted. That final result is difficult to
164 | // type as anything other than any. You're welcome to try to improve the
165 | // return type, but keep in mind extractKeyPath is not a public function
166 | // (exported only for testing), so the effort may not be worthwhile unless the
167 | // limited set of actual callers (see above) pass arguments that TypeScript
168 | // can statically type. If we know only that path is some array of strings
169 | // (and not, say, a specific tuple of statically known strings), any (or
170 | // possibly unknown) is the honest answer.
171 | extract = extract || extractKey;
172 | return normalize(path.reduce(function reducer(obj, key) {
173 | return isArray(obj) ?
174 | obj.map(function (child) { return reducer(child, key); })
175 | : obj && extract(obj, key);
176 | }, object));
177 | }
178 | function normalize(value) {
179 | // Usually the extracted value will be a scalar value, since most primary
180 | // key fields are scalar, but just in case we get an object or an array, we
181 | // need to do some normalization of the order of (nested) keys.
182 | if (isNonNullObject(value)) {
183 | if (isArray(value)) {
184 | return value.map(normalize);
185 | }
186 | return collectSpecifierPaths(Object.keys(value).sort(), function (path) {
187 | return extractKeyPath(value, path);
188 | });
189 | }
190 | return value;
191 | }
192 | //# sourceMappingURL=key-extractor.js.map |
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