1 | import type { DocumentNode } from "graphql";
2 | import type { ApolloLink, FetchResult } from "../link/core/index.js";
3 | import type { Cache, ApolloCache } from "../cache/index.js";
4 | import { Observable, DocumentTransform } from "../utilities/index.js";
5 | import type { QueryOptions, WatchQueryOptions, SubscriptionOptions, MutationOptions, ErrorPolicy, MutationFetchPolicy } from "./watchQueryOptions.js";
6 | import { ObservableQuery } from "./ObservableQuery.js";
7 | import { NetworkStatus } from "./networkStatus.js";
8 | import type { ApolloQueryResult, OperationVariables, MutationUpdaterFunction, OnQueryUpdated, InternalRefetchQueriesInclude, InternalRefetchQueriesOptions, InternalRefetchQueriesMap, DefaultContext } from "./types.js";
9 | import type { LocalState } from "./LocalState.js";
10 | import type { QueryStoreValue } from "./QueryInfo.js";
11 | interface MutationStoreValue {
12 | mutation: DocumentNode;
13 | variables: Record<string, any>;
14 | loading: boolean;
15 | error: Error | null;
16 | }
17 | type UpdateQueries<TData> = MutationOptions<TData, any, any>["updateQueries"];
18 | interface TransformCacheEntry {
19 | hasClientExports: boolean;
20 | hasForcedResolvers: boolean;
21 | hasNonreactiveDirective: boolean;
22 | clientQuery: DocumentNode | null;
23 | serverQuery: DocumentNode | null;
24 | defaultVars: OperationVariables;
25 | asQuery: DocumentNode;
26 | }
27 | import type { DefaultOptions } from "./ApolloClient.js";
28 | import { Trie } from "@wry/trie";
29 | export interface QueryManagerOptions<TStore> {
30 | cache: ApolloCache<TStore>;
31 | link: ApolloLink;
32 | defaultOptions: DefaultOptions;
33 | documentTransform: DocumentTransform | null | undefined;
34 | queryDeduplication: boolean;
35 | onBroadcast: undefined | (() => void);
36 | ssrMode: boolean;
37 | clientAwareness: Record<string, string>;
38 | localState: LocalState<TStore>;
39 | assumeImmutableResults: boolean;
40 | defaultContext: Partial<DefaultContext> | undefined;
41 | }
42 | export declare class QueryManager<TStore> {
43 | cache: ApolloCache<TStore>;
44 | link: ApolloLink;
45 | defaultOptions: DefaultOptions;
46 | readonly assumeImmutableResults: boolean;
47 | readonly documentTransform: DocumentTransform;
48 | readonly ssrMode: boolean;
49 | readonly defaultContext: Partial<DefaultContext>;
50 | private queryDeduplication;
51 | private clientAwareness;
52 | private localState;
53 | private onBroadcast?;
54 | mutationStore?: {
55 | [mutationId: string]: MutationStoreValue;
56 | };
57 | private queries;
58 | protected fetchCancelFns: Map<string, (error: any) => any>;
59 | constructor(options: QueryManagerOptions<TStore>);
60 | /**
61 | * Call this method to terminate any active query processes, making it safe
62 | * to dispose of this QueryManager instance.
63 | */
64 | stop(): void;
65 | private cancelPendingFetches;
66 | mutate<TData, TVariables extends OperationVariables, TContext extends Record<string, any>, TCache extends ApolloCache<any>>({ mutation, variables, optimisticResponse, updateQueries, refetchQueries, awaitRefetchQueries, update: updateWithProxyFn, onQueryUpdated, fetchPolicy, errorPolicy, keepRootFields, context, }: MutationOptions<TData, TVariables, TContext>): Promise<FetchResult<TData>>;
67 | markMutationResult<TData, TVariables, TContext, TCache extends ApolloCache<any>>(mutation: {
68 | mutationId: string;
69 | result: FetchResult<TData>;
70 | document: DocumentNode;
71 | variables?: TVariables;
72 | fetchPolicy?: MutationFetchPolicy;
73 | errorPolicy: ErrorPolicy;
74 | context?: TContext;
75 | updateQueries: UpdateQueries<TData>;
76 | update?: MutationUpdaterFunction<TData, TVariables, TContext, TCache>;
77 | awaitRefetchQueries?: boolean;
78 | refetchQueries?: InternalRefetchQueriesInclude;
79 | removeOptimistic?: string;
80 | onQueryUpdated?: OnQueryUpdated<any>;
81 | keepRootFields?: boolean;
82 | }, cache?: ApolloCache<TStore>): Promise<FetchResult<TData>>;
83 | markMutationOptimistic<TData, TVariables, TContext, TCache extends ApolloCache<any>>(optimisticResponse: any, mutation: {
84 | mutationId: string;
85 | document: DocumentNode;
86 | variables?: TVariables;
87 | fetchPolicy?: MutationFetchPolicy;
88 | errorPolicy: ErrorPolicy;
89 | context?: TContext;
90 | updateQueries: UpdateQueries<TData>;
91 | update?: MutationUpdaterFunction<TData, TVariables, TContext, TCache>;
92 | keepRootFields?: boolean;
93 | }): boolean;
94 | fetchQuery<TData, TVars extends OperationVariables>(queryId: string, options: WatchQueryOptions<TVars, TData>, networkStatus?: NetworkStatus): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>;
95 | getQueryStore(): Record<string, QueryStoreValue>;
96 | resetErrors(queryId: string): void;
97 | transform(document: DocumentNode): DocumentNode;
98 | private transformCache;
99 | getDocumentInfo(document: DocumentNode): TransformCacheEntry;
100 | private getVariables;
101 | watchQuery<T, TVariables extends OperationVariables = OperationVariables>(options: WatchQueryOptions<TVariables, T>): ObservableQuery<T, TVariables>;
102 | query<TData, TVars extends OperationVariables = OperationVariables>(options: QueryOptions<TVars, TData>, queryId?: string): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>;
103 | private queryIdCounter;
104 | generateQueryId(): string;
105 | private requestIdCounter;
106 | generateRequestId(): number;
107 | private mutationIdCounter;
108 | generateMutationId(): string;
109 | stopQueryInStore(queryId: string): void;
110 | private stopQueryInStoreNoBroadcast;
111 | clearStore(options?: Cache.ResetOptions): Promise<void>;
112 | getObservableQueries(include?: InternalRefetchQueriesInclude): Map<string, ObservableQuery<any, OperationVariables>>;
113 | reFetchObservableQueries(includeStandby?: boolean): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<any>[]>;
114 | setObservableQuery(observableQuery: ObservableQuery<any, any>): void;
115 | startGraphQLSubscription<T = any>({ query, fetchPolicy, errorPolicy, variables, context, extensions, }: SubscriptionOptions): Observable<FetchResult<T>>;
116 | stopQuery(queryId: string): void;
117 | private stopQueryNoBroadcast;
118 | removeQuery(queryId: string): void;
119 | broadcastQueries(): void;
120 | getLocalState(): LocalState<TStore>;
121 | protected inFlightLinkObservables: Trie<{
122 | observable?: Observable<FetchResult<any>>;
123 | }>;
124 | private getObservableFromLink;
125 | private getResultsFromLink;
126 | private fetchConcastWithInfo;
127 | refetchQueries<TResult>({ updateCache, include, optimistic, removeOptimistic, onQueryUpdated, }: InternalRefetchQueriesOptions<ApolloCache<TStore>, TResult>): InternalRefetchQueriesMap<TResult>;
128 | private fetchQueryByPolicy;
129 | private getQuery;
130 | private prepareContext;
131 | }
132 | export {};
133 |
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