4.54 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5var globals = require('../../utilities/globals');
7exports.DocumentType = void 0;
8(function (DocumentType) {
9 DocumentType[DocumentType["Query"] = 0] = "Query";
10 DocumentType[DocumentType["Mutation"] = 1] = "Mutation";
11 DocumentType[DocumentType["Subscription"] = 2] = "Subscription";
12})(exports.DocumentType || (exports.DocumentType = {}));
13var cache = new Map();
14function operationName(type) {
15 var name;
16 switch (type) {
17 case exports.DocumentType.Query:
18 name = 'Query';
19 break;
20 case exports.DocumentType.Mutation:
21 name = 'Mutation';
22 break;
23 case exports.DocumentType.Subscription:
24 name = 'Subscription';
25 break;
26 }
27 return name;
29function parser(document) {
30 var cached = cache.get(document);
31 if (cached)
32 return cached;
33 var variables, type, name;
34 __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(!!document && !!document.kind, "Argument of ".concat(document, " passed to parser was not a valid GraphQL ") +
35 "DocumentNode. You may need to use 'graphql-tag' or another method " +
36 "to convert your operation into a document") : globals.invariant(!!document && !!document.kind, 30);
37 var fragments = [];
38 var queries = [];
39 var mutations = [];
40 var subscriptions = [];
41 for (var _i = 0, _a = document.definitions; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
42 var x = _a[_i];
43 if (x.kind === 'FragmentDefinition') {
44 fragments.push(x);
45 continue;
46 }
47 if (x.kind === 'OperationDefinition') {
48 switch (x.operation) {
49 case 'query':
50 queries.push(x);
51 break;
52 case 'mutation':
53 mutations.push(x);
54 break;
55 case 'subscription':
56 subscriptions.push(x);
57 break;
58 }
59 }
60 }
61 __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(!fragments.length ||
62 (queries.length || mutations.length || subscriptions.length), "Passing only a fragment to 'graphql' is not yet supported. " +
63 "You must include a query, subscription or mutation as well") : globals.invariant(!fragments.length ||
64 (queries.length || mutations.length || subscriptions.length), 31);
65 __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(queries.length + mutations.length + subscriptions.length <= 1, "react-apollo only supports a query, subscription, or a mutation per HOC. " +
66 "".concat(document, " had ").concat(queries.length, " queries, ").concat(subscriptions.length, " ") +
67 "subscriptions and ".concat(mutations.length, " mutations. ") +
68 "You can use 'compose' to join multiple operation types to a component") : globals.invariant(queries.length + mutations.length + subscriptions.length <= 1, 32);
69 type = queries.length ? exports.DocumentType.Query : exports.DocumentType.Mutation;
70 if (!queries.length && !mutations.length)
71 type = exports.DocumentType.Subscription;
72 var definitions = queries.length
73 ? queries
74 : mutations.length
75 ? mutations
76 : subscriptions;
77 __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(definitions.length === 1, "react-apollo only supports one definition per HOC. ".concat(document, " had ") +
78 "".concat(definitions.length, " definitions. ") +
79 "You can use 'compose' to join multiple operation types to a component") : globals.invariant(definitions.length === 1, 33);
80 var definition = definitions[0];
81 variables = definition.variableDefinitions || [];
82 if (definition.name && definition.name.kind === 'Name') {
83 name = definition.name.value;
84 }
85 else {
86 name = 'data';
87 }
88 var payload = { name: name, type: type, variables: variables };
89 cache.set(document, payload);
90 return payload;
92function verifyDocumentType(document, type) {
93 var operation = parser(document);
94 var requiredOperationName = operationName(type);
95 var usedOperationName = operationName(operation.type);
96 __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(operation.type === type, "Running a ".concat(requiredOperationName, " requires a graphql ") +
97 "".concat(requiredOperationName, ", but a ").concat(usedOperationName, " was used instead.")) : globals.invariant(operation.type === type, 34);
100exports.operationName = operationName;
101exports.parser = parser;
102exports.verifyDocumentType = verifyDocumentType;
103//# sourceMappingURL=parser.cjs.map