1 | import { __assign } from "tslib";
2 | import { invariant, InvariantError } from "../../utilities/globals/index.js";
3 | import { Kind, } from 'graphql';
4 | import { wrap } from 'optimism';
5 | import { isField, resultKeyNameFromField, isReference, makeReference, shouldInclude, addTypenameToDocument, getDefaultValues, getMainDefinition, getQueryDefinition, getFragmentFromSelection, maybeDeepFreeze, mergeDeepArray, DeepMerger, isNonNullObject, canUseWeakMap, compact, } from "../../utilities/index.js";
6 | import { maybeDependOnExistenceOfEntity, supportsResultCaching } from "./entityStore.js";
7 | import { isArray, extractFragmentContext, getTypenameFromStoreObject, shouldCanonizeResults } from "./helpers.js";
8 | import { MissingFieldError } from "../core/types/common.js";
9 | import { canonicalStringify, ObjectCanon } from "./object-canon.js";
10 | ;
11 | function execSelectionSetKeyArgs(options) {
12 | return [
13 | options.selectionSet,
14 | options.objectOrReference,
15 | options.context,
16 | options.context.canonizeResults,
17 | ];
18 | }
19 | var StoreReader = (function () {
20 | function StoreReader(config) {
21 | var _this = this;
22 | this.knownResults = new (canUseWeakMap ? WeakMap : Map)();
23 | this.config = compact(config, {
24 | addTypename: config.addTypename !== false,
25 | canonizeResults: shouldCanonizeResults(config),
26 | });
27 | this.canon = config.canon || new ObjectCanon;
28 | this.executeSelectionSet = wrap(function (options) {
29 | var _a;
30 | var canonizeResults = options.context.canonizeResults;
31 | var peekArgs = execSelectionSetKeyArgs(options);
32 | peekArgs[3] = !canonizeResults;
33 | var other = (_a = _this.executeSelectionSet).peek.apply(_a, peekArgs);
34 | if (other) {
35 | if (canonizeResults) {
36 | return __assign(__assign({}, other), { result: _this.canon.admit(other.result) });
37 | }
38 | return other;
39 | }
40 | maybeDependOnExistenceOfEntity(options.context.store, options.enclosingRef.__ref);
41 | return _this.execSelectionSetImpl(options);
42 | }, {
43 | max: this.config.resultCacheMaxSize,
44 | keyArgs: execSelectionSetKeyArgs,
45 | makeCacheKey: function (selectionSet, parent, context, canonizeResults) {
46 | if (supportsResultCaching(context.store)) {
47 | return context.store.makeCacheKey(selectionSet, isReference(parent) ? parent.__ref : parent, context.varString, canonizeResults);
48 | }
49 | }
50 | });
51 | this.executeSubSelectedArray = wrap(function (options) {
52 | maybeDependOnExistenceOfEntity(options.context.store, options.enclosingRef.__ref);
53 | return _this.execSubSelectedArrayImpl(options);
54 | }, {
55 | max: this.config.resultCacheMaxSize,
56 | makeCacheKey: function (_a) {
57 | var field = _a.field, array = _a.array, context = _a.context;
58 | if (supportsResultCaching(context.store)) {
59 | return context.store.makeCacheKey(field, array, context.varString);
60 | }
61 | }
62 | });
63 | }
64 | StoreReader.prototype.resetCanon = function () {
65 | this.canon = new ObjectCanon;
66 | };
67 | StoreReader.prototype.diffQueryAgainstStore = function (_a) {
68 | var store = _a.store, query = _a.query, _b = _a.rootId, rootId = _b === void 0 ? 'ROOT_QUERY' : _b, variables = _a.variables, _c = _a.returnPartialData, returnPartialData = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = _a.canonizeResults, canonizeResults = _d === void 0 ? this.config.canonizeResults : _d;
69 | var policies = this.config.cache.policies;
70 | variables = __assign(__assign({}, getDefaultValues(getQueryDefinition(query))), variables);
71 | var rootRef = makeReference(rootId);
72 | var execResult = this.executeSelectionSet({
73 | selectionSet: getMainDefinition(query).selectionSet,
74 | objectOrReference: rootRef,
75 | enclosingRef: rootRef,
76 | context: __assign({ store: store, query: query, policies: policies, variables: variables, varString: canonicalStringify(variables), canonizeResults: canonizeResults }, extractFragmentContext(query, this.config.fragments)),
77 | });
78 | var missing;
79 | if (execResult.missing) {
80 | missing = [new MissingFieldError(firstMissing(execResult.missing), execResult.missing, query, variables)];
81 | if (!returnPartialData) {
82 | throw missing[0];
83 | }
84 | }
85 | return {
86 | result: execResult.result,
87 | complete: !missing,
88 | missing: missing,
89 | };
90 | };
91 | StoreReader.prototype.isFresh = function (result, parent, selectionSet, context) {
92 | if (supportsResultCaching(context.store) &&
93 | this.knownResults.get(result) === selectionSet) {
94 | var latest = this.executeSelectionSet.peek(selectionSet, parent, context, this.canon.isKnown(result));
95 | if (latest && result === latest.result) {
96 | return true;
97 | }
98 | }
99 | return false;
100 | };
101 | StoreReader.prototype.execSelectionSetImpl = function (_a) {
102 | var _this = this;
103 | var selectionSet = _a.selectionSet, objectOrReference = _a.objectOrReference, enclosingRef = _a.enclosingRef, context = _a.context;
104 | if (isReference(objectOrReference) &&
105 | !context.policies.rootTypenamesById[objectOrReference.__ref] &&
106 | !context.store.has(objectOrReference.__ref)) {
107 | return {
108 | result: this.canon.empty,
109 | missing: "Dangling reference to missing ".concat(objectOrReference.__ref, " object"),
110 | };
111 | }
112 | var variables = context.variables, policies = context.policies, store = context.store;
113 | var typename = store.getFieldValue(objectOrReference, "__typename");
114 | var objectsToMerge = [];
115 | var missing;
116 | var missingMerger = new DeepMerger();
117 | if (this.config.addTypename &&
118 | typeof typename === "string" &&
119 | !policies.rootIdsByTypename[typename]) {
120 | objectsToMerge.push({ __typename: typename });
121 | }
122 | function handleMissing(result, resultName) {
123 | var _a;
124 | if (result.missing) {
125 | missing = missingMerger.merge(missing, (_a = {}, _a[resultName] = result.missing, _a));
126 | }
127 | return result.result;
128 | }
129 | var workSet = new Set(selectionSet.selections);
130 | workSet.forEach(function (selection) {
131 | var _a, _b;
132 | if (!shouldInclude(selection, variables))
133 | return;
134 | if (isField(selection)) {
135 | var fieldValue = policies.readField({
136 | fieldName: selection.name.value,
137 | field: selection,
138 | variables: context.variables,
139 | from: objectOrReference,
140 | }, context);
141 | var resultName = resultKeyNameFromField(selection);
142 | if (fieldValue === void 0) {
143 | if (!addTypenameToDocument.added(selection)) {
144 | missing = missingMerger.merge(missing, (_a = {},
145 | _a[resultName] = "Can't find field '".concat(selection.name.value, "' on ").concat(isReference(objectOrReference)
146 | ? objectOrReference.__ref + " object"
147 | : "object " + JSON.stringify(objectOrReference, null, 2)),
148 | _a));
149 | }
150 | }
151 | else if (isArray(fieldValue)) {
152 | fieldValue = handleMissing(_this.executeSubSelectedArray({
153 | field: selection,
154 | array: fieldValue,
155 | enclosingRef: enclosingRef,
156 | context: context,
157 | }), resultName);
158 | }
159 | else if (!selection.selectionSet) {
160 | if (context.canonizeResults) {
161 | fieldValue = _this.canon.pass(fieldValue);
162 | }
163 | }
164 | else if (fieldValue != null) {
165 | fieldValue = handleMissing(_this.executeSelectionSet({
166 | selectionSet: selection.selectionSet,
167 | objectOrReference: fieldValue,
168 | enclosingRef: isReference(fieldValue) ? fieldValue : enclosingRef,
169 | context: context,
170 | }), resultName);
171 | }
172 | if (fieldValue !== void 0) {
173 | objectsToMerge.push((_b = {}, _b[resultName] = fieldValue, _b));
174 | }
175 | }
176 | else {
177 | var fragment = getFragmentFromSelection(selection, context.lookupFragment);
178 | if (!fragment && selection.kind === Kind.FRAGMENT_SPREAD) {
179 | throw __DEV__ ? new InvariantError("No fragment named ".concat(selection.name.value)) : new InvariantError(5);
180 | }
181 | if (fragment && policies.fragmentMatches(fragment, typename)) {
182 | fragment.selectionSet.selections.forEach(workSet.add, workSet);
183 | }
184 | }
185 | });
186 | var result = mergeDeepArray(objectsToMerge);
187 | var finalResult = { result: result, missing: missing };
188 | var frozen = context.canonizeResults
189 | ? this.canon.admit(finalResult)
190 | : maybeDeepFreeze(finalResult);
191 | if (frozen.result) {
192 | this.knownResults.set(frozen.result, selectionSet);
193 | }
194 | return frozen;
195 | };
196 | StoreReader.prototype.execSubSelectedArrayImpl = function (_a) {
197 | var _this = this;
198 | var field = _a.field, array = _a.array, enclosingRef = _a.enclosingRef, context = _a.context;
199 | var missing;
200 | var missingMerger = new DeepMerger();
201 | function handleMissing(childResult, i) {
202 | var _a;
203 | if (childResult.missing) {
204 | missing = missingMerger.merge(missing, (_a = {}, _a[i] = childResult.missing, _a));
205 | }
206 | return childResult.result;
207 | }
208 | if (field.selectionSet) {
209 | array = array.filter(context.store.canRead);
210 | }
211 | array = array.map(function (item, i) {
212 | if (item === null) {
213 | return null;
214 | }
215 | if (isArray(item)) {
216 | return handleMissing(_this.executeSubSelectedArray({
217 | field: field,
218 | array: item,
219 | enclosingRef: enclosingRef,
220 | context: context,
221 | }), i);
222 | }
223 | if (field.selectionSet) {
224 | return handleMissing(_this.executeSelectionSet({
225 | selectionSet: field.selectionSet,
226 | objectOrReference: item,
227 | enclosingRef: isReference(item) ? item : enclosingRef,
228 | context: context,
229 | }), i);
230 | }
231 | if (__DEV__) {
232 | assertSelectionSetForIdValue(context.store, field, item);
233 | }
234 | return item;
235 | });
236 | return {
237 | result: context.canonizeResults ? this.canon.admit(array) : array,
238 | missing: missing,
239 | };
240 | };
241 | return StoreReader;
242 | }());
243 | export { StoreReader };
244 | function firstMissing(tree) {
245 | try {
246 | JSON.stringify(tree, function (_, value) {
247 | if (typeof value === "string")
248 | throw value;
249 | return value;
250 | });
251 | }
252 | catch (result) {
253 | return result;
254 | }
255 | }
256 | function assertSelectionSetForIdValue(store, field, fieldValue) {
257 | if (!field.selectionSet) {
258 | var workSet_1 = new Set([fieldValue]);
259 | workSet_1.forEach(function (value) {
260 | if (isNonNullObject(value)) {
261 | __DEV__ ? invariant(!isReference(value), "Missing selection set for object of type ".concat(getTypenameFromStoreObject(store, value), " returned for query field ").concat(field.name.value)) : invariant(!isReference(value), 6);
262 | Object.values(value).forEach(workSet_1.add, workSet_1);
263 | }
264 | });
265 | }
266 | }
267 |
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