1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
4 |
5 | var tslib = require('tslib');
6 | var globals = require('../../utilities/globals');
7 | var graphql = require('graphql');
8 | var core = require('../core');
9 | var utilities = require('../../utilities');
10 |
11 | var VERSION = 1;
12 | exports.PersistedQueryLink = void 0;
13 | (function (PersistedQueryLink) {
14 | })(exports.PersistedQueryLink || (exports.PersistedQueryLink = {}));
15 | function collectErrorsByMessage(graphQLErrors) {
16 | var collected = Object.create(null);
17 | if (utilities.isNonEmptyArray(graphQLErrors)) {
18 | graphQLErrors.forEach(function (error) { return collected[error.message] = error; });
19 | }
20 | return collected;
21 | }
22 | var defaultOptions = {
23 | disable: function (_a) {
24 | var graphQLErrors = _a.graphQLErrors, operation = _a.operation;
25 | var errorMessages = collectErrorsByMessage(graphQLErrors);
26 | if (errorMessages.PersistedQueryNotSupported) {
27 | return true;
28 | }
29 | if (errorMessages.PersistedQueryNotFound) {
30 | return false;
31 | }
32 | var response = operation.getContext().response;
33 | if (response &&
34 | response.status &&
35 | (response.status === 400 || response.status === 500)) {
36 | return true;
37 | }
38 | return false;
39 | },
40 | useGETForHashedQueries: false,
41 | };
42 | function operationDefinesMutation(operation) {
43 | return operation.query.definitions.some(function (d) { return d.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && d.operation === 'mutation'; });
44 | }
45 | var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
46 | var hashesByQuery = new WeakMap();
47 | var nextHashesChildKey = 0;
48 | var createPersistedQueryLink = function (options) {
49 | __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(options && (typeof options.sha256 === 'function' ||
50 | typeof options.generateHash === 'function'), 'Missing/invalid "sha256" or "generateHash" function. Please ' +
51 | 'configure one using the "createPersistedQueryLink(options)" options ' +
52 | 'parameter.') : globals.invariant(options && (typeof options.sha256 === 'function' ||
53 | typeof options.generateHash === 'function'), 25);
54 | var _a = utilities.compact(defaultOptions, options), sha256 = _a.sha256, _b = _a.generateHash, generateHash = _b === void 0 ? function (query) {
55 | return Promise.resolve(sha256(graphql.print(query)));
56 | } : _b, disable = _a.disable, useGETForHashedQueries = _a.useGETForHashedQueries;
57 | var supportsPersistedQueries = true;
58 | var hashesChildKey = 'forLink' + nextHashesChildKey++;
59 | var getHashPromise = function (query) {
60 | return new Promise(function (resolve) { return resolve(generateHash(query)); });
61 | };
62 | function getQueryHash(query) {
63 | if (!query || typeof query !== 'object') {
64 | return getHashPromise(query);
65 | }
66 | var hashes = hashesByQuery.get(query);
67 | if (!hashes)
68 | hashesByQuery.set(query, hashes = Object.create(null));
69 | return hasOwnProperty.call(hashes, hashesChildKey)
70 | ? hashes[hashesChildKey]
71 | : hashes[hashesChildKey] = getHashPromise(query);
72 | }
73 | return new core.ApolloLink(function (operation, forward) {
74 | __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(forward, 'PersistedQueryLink cannot be the last link in the chain.') : globals.invariant(forward, 26);
75 | var query = operation.query;
76 | return new utilities.Observable(function (observer) {
77 | var subscription;
78 | var retried = false;
79 | var originalFetchOptions;
80 | var setFetchOptions = false;
81 | var retry = function (_a, cb) {
82 | var response = _a.response, networkError = _a.networkError;
83 | if (!retried && ((response && response.errors) || networkError)) {
84 | retried = true;
85 | var graphQLErrors = [];
86 | var responseErrors = response && response.errors;
87 | if (utilities.isNonEmptyArray(responseErrors)) {
88 | graphQLErrors.push.apply(graphQLErrors, responseErrors);
89 | }
90 | var networkErrors = networkError &&
91 | networkError.result &&
92 | networkError.result.errors;
93 | if (utilities.isNonEmptyArray(networkErrors)) {
94 | graphQLErrors.push.apply(graphQLErrors, networkErrors);
95 | }
96 | var disablePayload = {
97 | response: response,
98 | networkError: networkError,
99 | operation: operation,
100 | graphQLErrors: utilities.isNonEmptyArray(graphQLErrors) ? graphQLErrors : void 0,
101 | };
102 | supportsPersistedQueries = !disable(disablePayload);
103 | if (collectErrorsByMessage(graphQLErrors).PersistedQueryNotFound ||
104 | !supportsPersistedQueries) {
105 | if (subscription)
106 | subscription.unsubscribe();
107 | operation.setContext({
108 | http: {
109 | includeQuery: true,
110 | includeExtensions: supportsPersistedQueries,
111 | },
112 | fetchOptions: {
113 | method: 'POST',
114 | },
115 | });
116 | if (setFetchOptions) {
117 | operation.setContext({ fetchOptions: originalFetchOptions });
118 | }
119 | subscription = forward(operation).subscribe(handler);
120 | return;
121 | }
122 | }
123 | cb();
124 | };
125 | var handler = {
126 | next: function (response) {
127 | retry({ response: response }, function () { return observer.next(response); });
128 | },
129 | error: function (networkError) {
130 | retry({ networkError: networkError }, function () { return observer.error(networkError); });
131 | },
132 | complete: observer.complete.bind(observer),
133 | };
134 | operation.setContext({
135 | http: {
136 | includeQuery: !supportsPersistedQueries,
137 | includeExtensions: supportsPersistedQueries,
138 | },
139 | });
140 | if (useGETForHashedQueries &&
141 | supportsPersistedQueries &&
142 | !operationDefinesMutation(operation)) {
143 | operation.setContext(function (_a) {
144 | var _b = _a.fetchOptions, fetchOptions = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b;
145 | originalFetchOptions = fetchOptions;
146 | return {
147 | fetchOptions: tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, fetchOptions), { method: 'GET' }),
148 | };
149 | });
150 | setFetchOptions = true;
151 | }
152 | if (supportsPersistedQueries) {
153 | getQueryHash(query).then(function (sha256Hash) {
154 | operation.extensions.persistedQuery = {
155 | version: VERSION,
156 | sha256Hash: sha256Hash,
157 | };
158 | subscription = forward(operation).subscribe(handler);
159 | }).catch(observer.error.bind(observer));
160 | }
161 | else {
162 | subscription = forward(operation).subscribe(handler);
163 | }
164 | return function () {
165 | if (subscription)
166 | subscription.unsubscribe();
167 | };
168 | });
169 | });
170 | };
171 |
172 | exports.VERSION = VERSION;
173 | exports.createPersistedQueryLink = createPersistedQueryLink;
174 |