1 | import { __awaiter, __extends, __generator } from "tslib";
2 | import { ApolloLink } from "../core/index.js";
3 | import { Observable } from "../../utilities/index.js";
4 | import { buildDelayFunction, } from "./delayFunction.js";
5 | import { buildRetryFunction, } from "./retryFunction.js";
6 | var RetryableOperation = (function () {
7 | function RetryableOperation(operation, nextLink, delayFor, retryIf) {
8 | var _this = this;
9 | this.operation = operation;
10 | this.nextLink = nextLink;
11 | this.delayFor = delayFor;
12 | this.retryIf = retryIf;
13 | this.retryCount = 0;
14 | this.values = [];
15 | this.complete = false;
16 | this.canceled = false;
17 | this.observers = [];
18 | this.currentSubscription = null;
19 | this.onNext = function (value) {
20 | _this.values.push(value);
21 | for (var _i = 0, _a = _this.observers; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
22 | var observer = _a[_i];
23 | if (!observer)
24 | continue;
25 | observer.next(value);
26 | }
27 | };
28 | this.onComplete = function () {
29 | _this.complete = true;
30 | for (var _i = 0, _a = _this.observers; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
31 | var observer = _a[_i];
32 | if (!observer)
33 | continue;
34 | observer.complete();
35 | }
36 | };
37 | this.onError = function (error) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
38 | var shouldRetry, _i, _a, observer;
39 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
40 | switch (_b.label) {
41 | case 0:
42 | this.retryCount += 1;
43 | return [4, this.retryIf(this.retryCount, this.operation, error)];
44 | case 1:
45 | shouldRetry = _b.sent();
46 | if (shouldRetry) {
47 | this.scheduleRetry(this.delayFor(this.retryCount, this.operation, error));
48 | return [2];
49 | }
50 | this.error = error;
51 | for (_i = 0, _a = this.observers; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
52 | observer = _a[_i];
53 | if (!observer)
54 | continue;
55 | observer.error(error);
56 | }
57 | return [2];
58 | }
59 | });
60 | }); };
61 | }
62 | RetryableOperation.prototype.subscribe = function (observer) {
63 | if (this.canceled) {
64 | throw new Error("Subscribing to a retryable link that was canceled is not supported");
65 | }
66 | this.observers.push(observer);
67 | for (var _i = 0, _a = this.values; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
68 | var value = _a[_i];
69 | observer.next(value);
70 | }
71 | if (this.complete) {
72 | observer.complete();
73 | }
74 | else if (this.error) {
75 | observer.error(this.error);
76 | }
77 | };
78 | RetryableOperation.prototype.unsubscribe = function (observer) {
79 | var index = this.observers.indexOf(observer);
80 | if (index < 0) {
81 | throw new Error("RetryLink BUG! Attempting to unsubscribe unknown observer!");
82 | }
83 | this.observers[index] = null;
84 | if (this.observers.every(function (o) { return o === null; })) {
85 | this.cancel();
86 | }
87 | };
88 | RetryableOperation.prototype.start = function () {
89 | if (this.currentSubscription)
90 | return;
91 | this.try();
92 | };
93 | RetryableOperation.prototype.cancel = function () {
94 | if (this.currentSubscription) {
95 | this.currentSubscription.unsubscribe();
96 | }
97 | clearTimeout(this.timerId);
98 | this.timerId = undefined;
99 | this.currentSubscription = null;
100 | this.canceled = true;
101 | };
102 | RetryableOperation.prototype.try = function () {
103 | this.currentSubscription = this.nextLink(this.operation).subscribe({
104 | next: this.onNext,
105 | error: this.onError,
106 | complete: this.onComplete,
107 | });
108 | };
109 | RetryableOperation.prototype.scheduleRetry = function (delay) {
110 | var _this = this;
111 | if (this.timerId) {
112 | throw new Error("RetryLink BUG! Encountered overlapping retries");
113 | }
114 | this.timerId = setTimeout(function () {
115 | _this.timerId = undefined;
116 | _this.try();
117 | }, delay);
118 | };
119 | return RetryableOperation;
120 | }());
121 | var RetryLink = (function (_super) {
122 | __extends(RetryLink, _super);
123 | function RetryLink(options) {
124 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
125 | var _a = options || {}, attempts = _a.attempts, delay = _a.delay;
126 | _this.delayFor =
127 | typeof delay === 'function' ? delay : buildDelayFunction(delay);
128 | _this.retryIf =
129 | typeof attempts === 'function' ? attempts : buildRetryFunction(attempts);
130 | return _this;
131 | }
132 | RetryLink.prototype.request = function (operation, nextLink) {
133 | var retryable = new RetryableOperation(operation, nextLink, this.delayFor, this.retryIf);
134 | retryable.start();
135 | return new Observable(function (observer) {
136 | retryable.subscribe(observer);
137 | return function () {
138 | retryable.unsubscribe(observer);
139 | };
140 | });
141 | };
142 | return RetryLink;
143 | }(ApolloLink));
144 | export { RetryLink };
145 |
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