15.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5var globals = require('../../utilities/globals');
6var parser = require('../parser');
7var tslib = require('tslib');
8var React = require('react');
9var hoistNonReactStatics = require('hoist-non-react-statics');
10var components = require('../components');
11var context = require('../context');
13function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e["default"] : e; }
15function _interopNamespace(e) {
16 if (e && e.__esModule) return e;
17 var n = Object.create(null);
18 if (e) {
19 for (var k in e) {
20 n[k] = e[k];
21 }
22 }
23 n["default"] = e;
24 return Object.freeze(n);
27var React__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(React);
28var hoistNonReactStatics__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(hoistNonReactStatics);
30var defaultMapPropsToOptions = function () { return ({}); };
31var defaultMapPropsToSkip = function () { return false; };
32function getDisplayName$1(WrappedComponent) {
33 return WrappedComponent.displayName || WrappedComponent.name || 'Component';
35function calculateVariablesFromProps(operation, props) {
36 var variables = {};
37 for (var _i = 0, _a = operation.variables; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
38 var _b = _a[_i], variable = _b.variable, type = _b.type;
39 if (!variable.name || !variable.name.value)
40 continue;
41 var variableName = variable.name.value;
42 var variableProp = props[variableName];
43 if (typeof variableProp !== 'undefined') {
44 variables[variableName] = variableProp;
45 continue;
46 }
47 if (type.kind !== 'NonNullType') {
48 variables[variableName] = undefined;
49 }
50 }
51 return variables;
53var GraphQLBase = (function (_super) {
54 tslib.__extends(GraphQLBase, _super);
55 function GraphQLBase(props) {
56 var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
57 _this.withRef = false;
58 _this.setWrappedInstance = _this.setWrappedInstance.bind(_this);
59 return _this;
60 }
61 GraphQLBase.prototype.getWrappedInstance = function () {
62 __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(this.withRef, "To access the wrapped instance, you need to specify " +
63 "{ withRef: true } in the options") : globals.invariant(this.withRef, 30);
64 return this.wrappedInstance;
65 };
66 GraphQLBase.prototype.setWrappedInstance = function (ref) {
67 this.wrappedInstance = ref;
68 };
69 return GraphQLBase;
72function withQuery(document, operationOptions) {
73 if (operationOptions === void 0) { operationOptions = {}; }
74 var operation = parser.parser(document);
75 var _a = operationOptions.options, options = _a === void 0 ? defaultMapPropsToOptions : _a, _b = operationOptions.skip, skip = _b === void 0 ? defaultMapPropsToSkip : _b, _c = operationOptions.alias, alias = _c === void 0 ? 'Apollo' : _c;
76 var mapPropsToOptions = options;
77 if (typeof mapPropsToOptions !== 'function') {
78 mapPropsToOptions = function () { return options; };
79 }
80 var mapPropsToSkip = skip;
81 if (typeof mapPropsToSkip !== 'function') {
82 mapPropsToSkip = function () { return skip; };
83 }
84 var lastResultProps;
85 return function (WrappedComponent) {
86 var graphQLDisplayName = "".concat(alias, "(").concat(getDisplayName$1(WrappedComponent), ")");
87 var GraphQL = (function (_super) {
88 tslib.__extends(GraphQL, _super);
89 function GraphQL() {
90 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
91 }
92 GraphQL.prototype.render = function () {
93 var _this = this;
94 var props = this.props;
95 var shouldSkip = mapPropsToSkip(props);
96 var opts = shouldSkip
97 ? Object.create(null)
98 : tslib.__assign({}, mapPropsToOptions(props));
99 if (!shouldSkip && !opts.variables && operation.variables.length > 0) {
100 opts.variables = calculateVariablesFromProps(operation, props);
101 }
102 return (React__namespace.createElement(components.Query, tslib.__assign({}, opts, { displayName: graphQLDisplayName, skip: shouldSkip, query: document }), function (_a) {
103 var _b, _c;
104 _a.client; var data = _a.data, r = tslib.__rest(_a, ["client", "data"]);
105 if (operationOptions.withRef) {
106 _this.withRef = true;
107 props = Object.assign({}, props, {
108 ref: _this.setWrappedInstance
109 });
110 }
111 if (shouldSkip) {
112 return (React__namespace.createElement(WrappedComponent, tslib.__assign({}, props, {})));
113 }
114 var result = Object.assign(r, data || {});
115 var name = operationOptions.name || 'data';
116 var childProps = (_b = {}, _b[name] = result, _b);
117 if (operationOptions.props) {
118 var newResult = (_c = {},
119 _c[name] = result,
120 _c.ownProps = props,
121 _c);
122 lastResultProps = operationOptions.props(newResult, lastResultProps);
123 childProps = lastResultProps;
124 }
125 return (React__namespace.createElement(WrappedComponent, tslib.__assign({}, props, childProps)));
126 }));
127 };
128 GraphQL.displayName = graphQLDisplayName;
129 GraphQL.WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent;
130 return GraphQL;
131 }(GraphQLBase));
132 return hoistNonReactStatics__default(GraphQL, WrappedComponent, {});
133 };
136function withMutation(document, operationOptions) {
137 if (operationOptions === void 0) { operationOptions = {}; }
138 var operation = parser.parser(document);
139 var _a = operationOptions.options, options = _a === void 0 ? defaultMapPropsToOptions : _a, _b = operationOptions.alias, alias = _b === void 0 ? 'Apollo' : _b;
140 var mapPropsToOptions = options;
141 if (typeof mapPropsToOptions !== 'function')
142 mapPropsToOptions = function () { return options; };
143 return function (WrappedComponent) {
144 var graphQLDisplayName = "".concat(alias, "(").concat(getDisplayName$1(WrappedComponent), ")");
145 var GraphQL = (function (_super) {
146 tslib.__extends(GraphQL, _super);
147 function GraphQL() {
148 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
149 }
150 GraphQL.prototype.render = function () {
151 var props = this.props;
152 var opts = mapPropsToOptions(props);
153 if (operationOptions.withRef) {
154 this.withRef = true;
155 props = Object.assign({}, props, {
156 ref: this.setWrappedInstance
157 });
158 }
159 if (!opts.variables && operation.variables.length > 0) {
160 opts.variables = calculateVariablesFromProps(operation, props);
161 }
162 return (React__namespace.createElement(components.Mutation, tslib.__assign({ ignoreResults: true }, opts, { mutation: document }), function (mutate, _a) {
163 var _b, _c;
164 var data = _a.data, r = tslib.__rest(_a, ["data"]);
165 var result = Object.assign(r, data || {});
166 var name = operationOptions.name || 'mutate';
167 var resultName = operationOptions.name
168 ? "".concat(name, "Result")
169 : 'result';
170 var childProps = (_b = {},
171 _b[name] = mutate,
172 _b[resultName] = result,
173 _b);
174 if (operationOptions.props) {
175 var newResult = (_c = {},
176 _c[name] = mutate,
177 _c[resultName] = result,
178 _c.ownProps = props,
179 _c);
180 childProps = operationOptions.props(newResult);
181 }
182 return React__namespace.createElement(WrappedComponent, tslib.__assign({}, props, childProps));
183 }));
184 };
185 GraphQL.displayName = graphQLDisplayName;
186 GraphQL.WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent;
187 return GraphQL;
188 }(GraphQLBase));
189 return hoistNonReactStatics__default(GraphQL, WrappedComponent, {});
190 };
193function withSubscription(document, operationOptions) {
194 if (operationOptions === void 0) { operationOptions = {}; }
195 var operation = parser.parser(document);
196 var _a = operationOptions.options, options = _a === void 0 ? defaultMapPropsToOptions : _a, _b = operationOptions.skip, skip = _b === void 0 ? defaultMapPropsToSkip : _b, _c = operationOptions.alias, alias = _c === void 0 ? 'Apollo' : _c, shouldResubscribe = operationOptions.shouldResubscribe;
197 var mapPropsToOptions = options;
198 if (typeof mapPropsToOptions !== 'function')
199 mapPropsToOptions = function () { return options; };
200 var mapPropsToSkip = skip;
201 if (typeof mapPropsToSkip !== 'function')
202 mapPropsToSkip = function () { return skip; };
203 var lastResultProps;
204 return function (WrappedComponent) {
205 var graphQLDisplayName = "".concat(alias, "(").concat(getDisplayName$1(WrappedComponent), ")");
206 var GraphQL = (function (_super) {
207 tslib.__extends(GraphQL, _super);
208 function GraphQL(props) {
209 var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
210 _this.state = { resubscribe: false };
211 return _this;
212 }
213 GraphQL.prototype.updateResubscribe = function (resubscribe) {
214 this.setState({ resubscribe: resubscribe });
215 };
216 GraphQL.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) {
217 var resubscribe = !!(shouldResubscribe &&
218 shouldResubscribe(prevProps, this.props));
219 if (this.state.resubscribe !== resubscribe) {
220 this.updateResubscribe(resubscribe);
221 }
222 };
223 GraphQL.prototype.render = function () {
224 var _this = this;
225 var props = this.props;
226 var shouldSkip = mapPropsToSkip(props);
227 var opts = shouldSkip
228 ? Object.create(null)
229 : mapPropsToOptions(props);
230 if (!shouldSkip && !opts.variables && operation.variables.length > 0) {
231 opts.variables = calculateVariablesFromProps(operation, props);
232 }
233 return (React__namespace.createElement(components.Subscription, tslib.__assign({}, opts, { displayName: graphQLDisplayName, skip: shouldSkip, subscription: document, shouldResubscribe: this.state.resubscribe }), function (_a) {
234 var _b, _c;
235 var data = _a.data, r = tslib.__rest(_a, ["data"]);
236 if (operationOptions.withRef) {
237 _this.withRef = true;
238 props = Object.assign({}, props, {
239 ref: _this.setWrappedInstance
240 });
241 }
242 if (shouldSkip) {
243 return (React__namespace.createElement(WrappedComponent, tslib.__assign({}, props, {})));
244 }
245 var result = Object.assign(r, data || {});
246 var name = operationOptions.name || 'data';
247 var childProps = (_b = {}, _b[name] = result, _b);
248 if (operationOptions.props) {
249 var newResult = (_c = {},
250 _c[name] = result,
251 _c.ownProps = props,
252 _c);
253 lastResultProps = operationOptions.props(newResult, lastResultProps);
254 childProps = lastResultProps;
255 }
256 return (React__namespace.createElement(WrappedComponent, tslib.__assign({}, props, childProps)));
257 }));
258 };
259 GraphQL.displayName = graphQLDisplayName;
260 GraphQL.WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent;
261 return GraphQL;
262 }(GraphQLBase));
263 return hoistNonReactStatics__default(GraphQL, WrappedComponent, {});
264 };
267function graphql(document, operationOptions) {
268 if (operationOptions === void 0) { operationOptions = {}; }
269 switch (parser.parser(document).type) {
270 case parser.DocumentType.Mutation:
271 return withMutation(document, operationOptions);
272 case parser.DocumentType.Subscription:
273 return withSubscription(document, operationOptions);
274 case parser.DocumentType.Query:
275 default:
276 return withQuery(document, operationOptions);
277 }
280function getDisplayName(WrappedComponent) {
281 return WrappedComponent.displayName || WrappedComponent.name || 'Component';
283function withApollo(WrappedComponent, operationOptions) {
284 if (operationOptions === void 0) { operationOptions = {}; }
285 var withDisplayName = "withApollo(".concat(getDisplayName(WrappedComponent), ")");
286 var WithApollo = (function (_super) {
287 tslib.__extends(WithApollo, _super);
288 function WithApollo(props) {
289 var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
290 _this.setWrappedInstance = _this.setWrappedInstance.bind(_this);
291 return _this;
292 }
293 WithApollo.prototype.getWrappedInstance = function () {
294 __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(operationOptions.withRef, "To access the wrapped instance, you need to specify " +
295 "{ withRef: true } in the options") : globals.invariant(operationOptions.withRef, 31);
296 return this.wrappedInstance;
297 };
298 WithApollo.prototype.setWrappedInstance = function (ref) {
299 this.wrappedInstance = ref;
300 };
301 WithApollo.prototype.render = function () {
302 var _this = this;
303 return (React__namespace.createElement(context.ApolloConsumer, null, function (client) {
304 var props = Object.assign({}, _this.props, {
305 client: client,
306 ref: operationOptions.withRef
307 ? _this.setWrappedInstance
308 : undefined
309 });
310 return React__namespace.createElement(WrappedComponent, tslib.__assign({}, props));
311 }));
312 };
313 WithApollo.displayName = withDisplayName;
314 WithApollo.WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent;
315 return WithApollo;
316 }(React__namespace.Component));
317 return hoistNonReactStatics__default(WithApollo, WrappedComponent, {});
320exports.graphql = graphql;
321exports.withApollo = withApollo;
322exports.withMutation = withMutation;
323exports.withQuery = withQuery;
324exports.withSubscription = withSubscription;
325//# sourceMappingURL=hoc.cjs.map