5.23 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.UniqueFieldDefinitionNames = exports.existedFieldDefinitionNameMessage = exports.duplicateFieldDefinitionNameMessage = void 0;
4const graphql_1 = require("graphql");
5const utils_1 = require("../../utils");
6function duplicateFieldDefinitionNameMessage(typeName, fieldName) {
7 return `Field "${typeName}.${fieldName}" can only be defined once.`;
9exports.duplicateFieldDefinitionNameMessage = duplicateFieldDefinitionNameMessage;
10function existedFieldDefinitionNameMessage(typeName, fieldName, serviceName) {
11 return `${(0, utils_1.logServiceAndType)(serviceName, typeName, fieldName)}Field "${typeName}.${fieldName}" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type extension. If this is meant to be an external field, add the \`@external\` directive.`;
13exports.existedFieldDefinitionNameMessage = existedFieldDefinitionNameMessage;
14function UniqueFieldDefinitionNames(context) {
15 const schema = context.getSchema();
16 const existingTypeMap = schema
17 ? schema.getTypeMap()
18 : Object.create(null);
19 const knownFieldNames = Object.create(null);
20 const possibleValueTypes = Object.create(null);
21 return {
22 InputObjectTypeExtension: checkFieldUniqueness,
23 InterfaceTypeExtension: checkFieldUniqueness,
24 ObjectTypeExtension: checkFieldUniqueness,
25 InputObjectTypeDefinition: checkFieldUniquenessExcludingValueTypes,
26 InterfaceTypeDefinition: checkFieldUniquenessExcludingValueTypes,
27 ObjectTypeDefinition: checkFieldUniquenessExcludingValueTypes,
28 };
29 function checkFieldUniqueness(node) {
30 var _a;
31 const typeName = node.name.value;
32 if (!knownFieldNames[typeName]) {
33 knownFieldNames[typeName] = Object.create(null);
34 }
35 if (!node.fields) {
36 return false;
37 }
38 const fieldNames = knownFieldNames[typeName];
39 for (const fieldDef of node.fields) {
40 const fieldName = fieldDef.name.value;
41 if (hasField(existingTypeMap[typeName], fieldName)) {
42 const type = existingTypeMap[typeName];
43 context.reportError(new graphql_1.GraphQLError(existedFieldDefinitionNameMessage(typeName, fieldName, (_a = node.serviceName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ''), (0, graphql_1.isObjectType)(type) || (0, graphql_1.isInterfaceType)(type) || (0, graphql_1.isInputObjectType)(type) ?
44 type.getFields()[fieldName].astNode : undefined));
45 }
46 else if (fieldNames[fieldName]) {
47 context.reportError(new graphql_1.GraphQLError(duplicateFieldDefinitionNameMessage(typeName, fieldName), [fieldNames[fieldName], fieldDef.name]));
48 }
49 else {
50 fieldNames[fieldName] = fieldDef.name;
51 }
52 }
53 return false;
54 }
55 function checkFieldUniquenessExcludingValueTypes(node) {
56 const typeName = node.name.value;
57 const valueTypeFromSchema = existingTypeMap[typeName] &&
58 existingTypeMap[typeName].astNode;
59 const duplicateTypeNode = valueTypeFromSchema || possibleValueTypes[node.name.value];
60 if (duplicateTypeNode) {
61 const { fields, fieldArgs } = (0, utils_1.diffTypeNodes)(node, duplicateTypeNode);
62 if (Object.values(fields).every(diffEntry => diffEntry.length === 2)) {
63 return false;
64 }
65 const fieldArgDiffs = Object.values(fieldArgs);
66 for (const argDiff of fieldArgDiffs) {
67 const argTypes = Object.values(argDiff);
68 if (argTypes.length > 0 &&
69 argTypes.every((diffEntry) => diffEntry.length === 2)) {
70 return false;
71 }
72 }
73 }
74 else {
75 possibleValueTypes[node.name.value] = node;
76 }
77 if (!knownFieldNames[typeName]) {
78 knownFieldNames[typeName] = Object.create(null);
79 }
80 if (!node.fields) {
81 return false;
82 }
83 const fieldNames = knownFieldNames[typeName];
84 for (const fieldDef of node.fields) {
85 const fieldName = fieldDef.name.value;
86 if (hasField(existingTypeMap[typeName], fieldName)) {
87 context.reportError(new graphql_1.GraphQLError(existedFieldDefinitionNameMessage(typeName, fieldName, existingTypeMap[typeName].astNode.serviceName), fieldDef.name));
88 }
89 else if (fieldNames[fieldName]) {
90 context.reportError(new graphql_1.GraphQLError(duplicateFieldDefinitionNameMessage(typeName, fieldName), [fieldNames[fieldName], fieldDef.name]));
91 }
92 else {
93 fieldNames[fieldName] = fieldDef.name;
94 }
95 }
96 return false;
97 }
99exports.UniqueFieldDefinitionNames = UniqueFieldDefinitionNames;
100function hasField(type, fieldName) {
101 if ((0, graphql_1.isObjectType)(type) || (0, graphql_1.isInterfaceType)(type) || (0, graphql_1.isInputObjectType)(type)) {
102 return Boolean(type.getFields()[fieldName]);
103 }
104 return false;
106//# sourceMappingURL=uniqueFieldDefinitionNames.js.map
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