1.69 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const bcrypto_1 = require("bcrypto");
4const __1 = require("..");
5const errors_1 = require("../errors");
6const managers_1 = require("../managers");
7const address_1 = require("./address");
8const keys_1 = require("./keys");
9class PublicKey {
10 static fromPassphrase(passphrase) {
11 return keys_1.Keys.fromPassphrase(passphrase).publicKey;
12 }
13 static fromWIF(wif, network) {
14 return keys_1.Keys.fromWIF(wif, network).publicKey;
15 }
16 static fromMultiSignatureAsset(asset) {
17 const { min, publicKeys } = asset;
18 for (const publicKey of publicKeys) {
19 if (!/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{66}$/.test(publicKey)) {
20 throw new errors_1.PublicKeyError(publicKey);
21 }
22 }
23 if (min < 1 || min > publicKeys.length) {
24 throw new errors_1.InvalidMultiSignatureAssetError();
25 }
26 const minKey = PublicKey.fromPassphrase(__1.Utils.numberToHex(min));
27 const keys = [minKey, ...publicKeys];
28 return keys.reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => bcrypto_1.secp256k1
29 .publicKeyAdd(Buffer.from(previousValue, "hex"), Buffer.from(currentValue, "hex"), true)
30 .toString("hex"));
31 }
32 static validate(publicKey, networkVersion) {
33 if (!networkVersion) {
34 networkVersion = managers_1.configManager.get("network.pubKeyHash");
35 }
36 try {
37 return address_1.Address.fromPublicKey(publicKey, networkVersion).length === 34;
38 }
39 catch (e) {
40 return false;
41 }
42 }
44exports.PublicKey = PublicKey;
45//# sourceMappingURL=public-key.js.map
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