652 BPlain TextView Raw
1import { IConfiguration } from '@armor/platform-browser';
3export const CONFIGURATION: IConfiguration = {
4 endpoints: {
5 auth_redirect: 'https://login.armor.com/', // TODO: Switch to accounts.armor.com/login as soon as possible
6 api: 'https://api.armor.com/', // TODO: Switch to unified API as soon as possible
7 api_auth_scheme: 'FH-AUTH', // TODO: Switch to Bearer as soon as possible.
8 signalr: 'https://signalr.armor.com/',
9 vetting_redirect: 'https://login.armor.com/vetting/' // TODO: Switch to accounts.armor.com/vetting as soon as possible
10 },
11 analyticsIds: {
12 googleAnalytics: 'UA-435037-22',
13 fullStory: '1MZc'
14 }