704 BJavaScriptView Raw
1import { csi } from '../util/csi.js'
3export class Clear {
4 static AFTER_CURSOR = csi('0J') // 'Clear everything after the cursor.'
5 static BEFORE_CURSOR = csi('1J') // 'Clear everything before the cursor.'
6 static ENTIRE_SCREEN = csi('2J') // 'Clear the entire screen. Move cursor to top-left.'
7 static ENTIRE_TERMINAL = csi('3J') // 'Clear the entire screen + entire scroll-back buffer.'
8 static RIGHT_TO_CURSOR = csi('0K') // 'Clear from cursor to the end of the line. Cursor unchanged.'
9 static LEFT_TO_CURSOR = csi('1K') // 'Clear from cursor to the beginning of the line. Cursor unchanged.'
10 static ENTIRE_LINE = csi('2K') // 'Clear the current line. Cursor unchanged.'