8.31 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import * as express from 'express';
3import { asyncHandler, retry, sleep, verifyBodyParam, verifyQueryParam } from './utils';
4export { asyncHandler, retry, sleep, verifyBodyParam, verifyQueryParam };
5import * as http from 'http';
7 * Logging interface. Allows log from multiple microservices to be aggregated.
8 */
9export interface ILog {
10 /**
11 * Issue a warning.
12 */
13 warn(...args: any[]): void;
14 /**
15 * Issue an information message.
16 */
17 info(...args: any[]): void;
18 /**
19 * Issue a verbose message.
20 */
21 verbose(...args: any[]): void;
22 /**
23 * Record an error message.
24 */
25 error(...args: any[]): void;
26 /**
27 * Record an exception that was thrown
28 */
29 exception(err: any, ...args: any[]): void;
32 * Interface used to time various events.
33 */
34export interface ITimer {
35 /**
36 * Start a timer.
37 *
38 * @param timerName The name of the timer.
39 */
40 start(timerName: string): void;
41 /**
42 * Stop a timer.
43 *
44 * @param timerName The name of the timer.
45 */
46 stop(timerName: string): void;
49 * Interface for a service to output metrics.
50 */
51export interface IMetrics {
52 /**
53 * Output a discrete metric value.
54 *
55 * @param name The name of the metric.
56 * @param value The value of the metric.
57 */
58 discrete(name: string, value: number): void;
59 /**
60 * Output a continous metric value.
61 *
62 * @param name The name of the metric.
63 * @param value The value of the metric.
64 */
65 continuous(name: string, value: number): void;
68 * Configures a microservice.
69 */
70export interface IMicroServiceConfig {
71 /**
72 * Enable verbose logging from micro.
73 */
74 verbose?: boolean;
75 /**
76 * Host to run the REST API.
77 */
78 host?: string;
79 /**
80 * Port to run the REST API.
81 */
82 port?: number;
83 /**
84 * Defines the connection to the RabbitMQ server.
85 */
86 messagingHost?: string;
89 * Interface for responding to events.
90 */
91export interface IEventResponse {
92 /**
93 * Acknoledge that the event was successfully handled.
94 */
95 ack(): Promise<void>;
97export interface IEventHandler {
100 * Defines a potentially asynchronous callback function for handling an incoming event.
101 */
102export declare type EventHandlerFn<EventArgsT> = (eventArgs: EventArgsT, response: IEventResponse) => Promise<void>;
104 * Defines a potentially asynchronous callback function for handling an incoming HTTP GET request.
105 */
106export declare type GetRequestHandlerFn = (request: express.Request, response: express.Response) => Promise<void>;
108 * Defines a potentially asynchronous callback function for handling an incoming HTTP POST request.
109 */
110export declare type PostRequestHandlerFn = (request: express.Request, response: express.Response) => Promise<void>;
112 * Interface for defining HTTP routes on a REST API.
113 */
114export interface IHttpServer {
115 /**
116 * Create a handler for incoming HTTP GET requests.
117 * Implemented by Express under the hood.
118 */
119 get(route: string, requestHandler: GetRequestHandlerFn): void;
120 /**
121 * Create a handler for incoming HTTP POST requests.
122 * Implemented by Express under the hood
123 *
124 * @param route
125 * @param requestHandler
126 */
127 post(route: string, requestHandler: PostRequestHandlerFn): void;
128 /**
129 * Setup serving of static files.
130 *
131 * @param dirPath The path to the directory that contains static files.
132 */
133 static(dirPath: string): void;
136 * Interface for issuing HTTP requests to a REST API.
137 */
138export interface IHttpRequest {
139 /**
140 * Make a HTTP get request to another service.
141 *
142 * @param serviceName The name (logical or host) of the service.
143 * @param route The HTTP route on the service to make the request to.
144 * @param params Query parameters for the request.
145 */
146 get(serviceName: string, route: string, body?: any): Promise<any>;
147 /**
148 * Make a HTTP get request to another service.
149 *
150 * @param serviceName The name (logical or host) of the service.
151 * @param route The HTTP route on the service to make the request to.
152 * @param params Query parameters for the request.
153 */
154 post(serviceName: string, route: string, body: any): Promise<void>;
155 /**
156 * Forward HTTP get request to another named service.
157 * The response from the forward requests is automatically piped into the passed in response.
158 *
159 * @param serviceName The name of the service to forward the request to.
160 * @param route The HTTP GET route to forward to.
161 * @param params Query parameters for the request.
162 * @param res The stream to pipe response to.
163 */
164 forward(serviceName: string, route: string, req: express.Request, res: express.Response): void;
167 * Interface that represents a particular microservice instance.
168 */
169export interface IMicroService {
170 /**
171 * Returns true if the messaging system is currently available.
172 */
173 isMessagingAvailable(): boolean;
174 /**
175 * Create a handler for a named incoming event from a direct queue.
176 * Implemented by Rabbitmq under the hood for reliable messaging.
177 *
178 * @param eventName The name of the event to handle.
179 * @param eventHandler Callback to be invoke when the incoming event is received.
180 */
181 on<EventArgsT = any>(eventName: string, eventHandlerFn: EventHandlerFn<EventArgsT>): Promise<IEventHandler>;
182 /**
183 * Unregister a previously register event handler.
184 *
185 * @param eventHandler The event handler to unregister.
186 */
187 off(eventHandler: IEventHandler): void;
188 /**
189 * Create a once-off handler for a named incoming event.
190 * The event handler will only be invoke once before the event is unregistered.
191 * Implemented by Rabbitmq under the hood for reliable messaging.
192 *
193 * @param eventName The name of the event to handle.
194 * @param eventHandler Callback to be invoke when the incoming event is received.
195 */
196 once<EventArgsT = any>(eventName: string, eventHandlerFn: EventHandlerFn<EventArgsT>): Promise<void>;
197 /***
198 * Wait for a single incoming event, returns the events arguments and then unregister the event handler.
199 *
200 * @param eventName The name of the event to handle.
201 *
202 * @returns A promise to resolve the incoming event's arguments.
203 */
204 waitForOneEvent<EventArgsT = any>(eventName: string): Promise<EventArgsT>;
205 /**
206 * Emit a named outgoing event.
207 * Implemented by Rabbitmq under the hood for reliable messaging.
208 *
209 * @param eventName The name of the event to emit.
210 * @param eventArgs Event args to publish with the event and be received at the other end.
211 */
212 emit<EventArgsT = any>(eventName: string, eventArgs: EventArgsT): Promise<void>;
213 /**
214 * Reference to the logging interface.
215 * This allows the logging from multiple microservices to be aggregated.
216 */
217 readonly log: ILog;
218 /**
219 * Reference to the timer interface.
220 * Allows a service to time code for performance.
221 */
222 readonly timer: ITimer;
223 /**
224 * Reference to the metrics interface.
225 * Allows a service to output metrics.
226 */
227 readonly metrics: IMetrics;
228 /**
229 * Reference to the express object.
230 */
231 readonly expressApp: express.Express;
232 /**
233 * Reference to the HTTP server.
234 */
235 readonly httpServer: http.Server;
236 /**
237 * Interface for defining the REST API.
238 */
239 readonly rest: IHttpServer;
240 /**
241 * Interface for issuing HTTP requests to a REST API.
242 */
243 readonly request: IHttpRequest;
244 /**
245 * Starts the microservice.
246 * It starts listening for incoming HTTP requests and events.
247 */
248 start(): Promise<void>;
251 * Instantiates a microservice.
252 *
253 * @param [config] Optional configuration for the microservice.
254 */
255export declare function micro(config?: IMicroServiceConfig): IMicroService;