5.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.dupeReport = void 0;
4const diff_1 = require("diff");
5const circle_1 = require("./api/circle");
6const github_1 = require("./api/github");
7const format_report_1 = require("./lib/format-report");
8const DUPE_IDENTIFIER = "<!-- DUPE:REPORT -->";
9const jobName = "build";
10const artifactName = "duplicates-report";
11const dupeReport = async ({ owner, repo, buildNum, dryRun = false }) => {
12 const circle = new circle_1.Circle({ owner, repo });
13 const pullRequestURL = await circle.getPullRequest(buildNum);
14 /** If a build has no PR associated with it we just skip the dupe report */
15 if (!pullRequestURL) {
16 console.log(`Exiting for build ${owner}/${repo} #${buildNum} because there was no PR`);
17 return;
18 }
19 const github = new github_1.GitHub({
20 owner,
21 repo,
22 pullRequest: pullRequestURL,
23 dryRun
24 });
25 // Grab the report generated by CI (Retrieved from passed in buildNum)
26 let headReport;
27 try {
28 headReport = await circle.fetchArtifact({
29 jobName,
30 artifactName,
31 buildNum
32 });
33 }
34 catch (_a) {
35 console.error("failed to read head duplicate report");
36 }
37 if (!headReport) {
38 console.log("local report is empty");
39 headReport = "";
40 }
41 // Try to grab the report of the base commit. Use master if fails.
42 let baseReport;
43 try {
44 const buildNum = await github.getBaseCommitBuild(jobName);
45 baseReport = await circle.fetchArtifact({
46 jobName,
47 artifactName,
48 buildNum
49 });
50 }
51 catch (_b) {
52 console.warn(`Failed to get based build, falling back to master`);
53 try {
54 baseReport = await circle.fetchArtifact({
55 jobName,
56 artifactName
57 });
58 }
59 catch (error) {
60 console.error("failed to fetch base report");
61 throw error;
62 }
63 }
64 if (!baseReport) {
65 console.log("base report is empty");
66 baseReport = "";
67 }
68 // If everything's empty, just quit
69 if (baseReport === "" && headReport === "") {
70 console.log("Nothing to compare");
71 return;
72 }
73 // Diff the reports
74 let dupeDiff = "";
75 let headerDiff = false;
76 let hasDiff = false;
77 let change = 0;
78 const masterHeader = baseReport
79 .trim()
80 .split("\n", 5)
81 .slice(0, 4)
82 .join("\n");
83 const localHeader = headReport
84 .trim()
85 .split("\n", 5)
86 .slice(0, 4)
87 .join("\n");
88 if (masterHeader !== localHeader) {
89 headerDiff = true;
90 }
91 diff_1.diffLines(baseReport.trim(), headReport.trim(), {
92 newlineIsToken: true
93 }).forEach((line, lineNumber) => {
94 let lineStart = " ";
95 if (line.added) {
96 hasDiff = true;
97 lineStart = "+";
98 }
99 else if (line.removed) {
100 hasDiff = true;
101 lineStart = "-";
102 }
103 line.value.split("\n").forEach((l, lineOffset) => {
104 lineStart === "+" && change++;
105 lineStart === "-" && change--;
106 dupeDiff += lineStart + l + "\n";
107 });
108 });
109 dupeDiff = "```diff\n" + dupeDiff + "\n```";
110 // Check the PR to see if there's an existing dupe-report comment
111 let existingPRComment;
112 try {
113 existingPRComment = await github.checkForPRCommentWithString(DUPE_IDENTIFIER);
114 }
115 catch (_c) {
116 console.error("failed when trying to check to see if message existed on pr");
117 }
118 // If there's no diff, remove the existing comment (if it exists) and quit
119 console.log("diff info", { hasDiff, headerDiff, change });
120 if (!hasDiff || (change === 0 && !headerDiff)) {
121 if (existingPRComment) {
122 try {
123 await github.deleteComment(existingPRComment.id);
124 }
125 catch (error) {
126 console.error(`Failed to delete comment ${existingPRComment.id} in PR ${pullRequestURL}`, error);
127 }
128 }
129 console.log(`No change in build #${buildNum} in PR ${pullRequestURL}, exiting...`);
130 return;
131 }
132 // Grab the ticket assignees to mention in the PR comment body
133 let assignees = [];
134 try {
135 assignees = await github.getAssignees();
136 }
137 catch (error) {
138 console.error("failed to fetch assignees", error.message);
139 }
140 // Format the report and build up the comment body
141 let prComment = `${DUPE_IDENTIFIER}\n\n`;
142 prComment += format_report_1.formatReport(headReport, dupeDiff, change, assignees);
143 // Update the existing PR comment or create a new one
144 try {
145 if (existingPRComment) {
146 await github.updateComment(existingPRComment.id, prComment);
147 }
148 else {
149 await github.createComment(prComment);
150 }
151 }
152 catch (error) {
153 console.error("failed to create dupe report comment with code", error.status);
154 }
156exports.dupeReport = dupeReport;