10.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault");
4var _typeof = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof");
5Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
6 value: true
8exports.insertBlockPlugin = void 0;
9var _react = _interopRequireWildcard(require("react"));
10var _analytics = require("@atlaskit/editor-common/analytics");
11var _hooks = require("@atlaskit/editor-common/hooks");
12var _providerFactory = require("@atlaskit/editor-common/provider-factory");
13var _types = require("@atlaskit/editor-common/types");
14var _consts = require("@atlaskit/editor-plugin-block-type/consts");
15var _ToolbarInsertBlock = _interopRequireDefault(require("./ui/ToolbarInsertBlock"));
16function _getRequireWildcardCache(e) { if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null; var r = new WeakMap(), t = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache(e) { return e ? t : r; })(e); }
17function _interopRequireWildcard(e, r) { if (!r && e && e.__esModule) return e; if (null === e || "object" != _typeof(e) && "function" != typeof e) return { default: e }; var t = _getRequireWildcardCache(r); if (t && t.has(e)) return t.get(e); var n = { __proto__: null }, a = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var u in e) if ("default" !== u && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, u)) { var i = a ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, u) : null; i && (i.get || i.set) ? Object.defineProperty(n, u, i) : n[u] = e[u]; } return n.default = e, t && t.set(e, n), n; }
18var toolbarSizeToButtons = function toolbarSizeToButtons(toolbarSize) {
19 switch (toolbarSize) {
20 case _types.ToolbarSize.XXL:
21 case _types.ToolbarSize.XL:
22 case _types.ToolbarSize.L:
23 case _types.ToolbarSize.M:
24 return 7;
25 case _types.ToolbarSize.S:
26 return 2;
27 default:
28 return 0;
29 }
32 * Wrapper over insertBlockTypeWithAnalytics to autobind toolbar input method
33 * @param name Block name
34 */
35function handleInsertBlockType(insertCodeBlock, insertPanel, insertBlockQuote) {
36 return function (name) {
37 if (name === _consts.CODE_BLOCK.name && insertCodeBlock) {
38 return insertCodeBlock(_analytics.INPUT_METHOD.TOOLBAR);
39 }
40 if (name === _consts.PANEL.name && insertPanel) {
41 return insertPanel(_analytics.INPUT_METHOD.TOOLBAR);
42 }
43 if (name === _consts.BLOCK_QUOTE.name && insertBlockQuote) {
44 return insertBlockQuote(_analytics.INPUT_METHOD.TOOLBAR);
45 }
46 return function () {
47 return false;
48 };
49 };
51var insertBlockPlugin = exports.insertBlockPlugin = function insertBlockPlugin(_ref) {
52 var _ref$config = _ref.config,
53 options = _ref$config === void 0 ? {} : _ref$config,
54 api = _ref.api;
55 var toggleDropdownMenuOptionsRef = {
56 current: null
57 };
58 var registerToggleDropdownMenuOptions = function registerToggleDropdownMenuOptions(cb) {
59 toggleDropdownMenuOptionsRef.current = cb;
60 return function () {
61 toggleDropdownMenuOptionsRef.current = null;
62 };
63 };
64 return {
65 name: 'insertBlock',
66 actions: {
67 toggleAdditionalMenu: function toggleAdditionalMenu() {
68 var toggle = toggleDropdownMenuOptionsRef.current;
69 if (!toggle) {
70 return;
71 }
72 toggle();
73 }
74 },
75 usePluginHook: function usePluginHook() {
76 (0, _react.useLayoutEffect)(function () {
77 return function () {
78 toggleDropdownMenuOptionsRef.current = null;
79 };
80 }, []);
81 },
82 primaryToolbarComponent: function primaryToolbarComponent(_ref2) {
83 var editorView = _ref2.editorView,
84 editorActions = _ref2.editorActions,
85 dispatchAnalyticsEvent = _ref2.dispatchAnalyticsEvent,
86 providerFactory = _ref2.providerFactory,
87 popupsMountPoint = _ref2.popupsMountPoint,
88 popupsBoundariesElement = _ref2.popupsBoundariesElement,
89 popupsScrollableElement = _ref2.popupsScrollableElement,
90 toolbarSize = _ref2.toolbarSize,
91 disabled = _ref2.disabled,
92 isToolbarReducedSpacing = _ref2.isToolbarReducedSpacing,
93 isLastItem = _ref2.isLastItem;
94 var renderNode = function renderNode(providers) {
95 return /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement(ToolbarInsertBlockWithInjectionApi, {
96 pluginInjectionApi: api,
97 editorView: editorView,
98 editorActions: editorActions,
99 dispatchAnalyticsEvent: dispatchAnalyticsEvent,
100 providerFactory: providerFactory,
101 popupsMountPoint: popupsMountPoint,
102 popupsBoundariesElement: popupsBoundariesElement,
103 popupsScrollableElement: popupsScrollableElement,
104 toolbarSize: toolbarSize,
105 disabled: disabled,
106 isToolbarReducedSpacing: isToolbarReducedSpacing,
107 isLastItem: isLastItem,
108 providers: providers,
109 options: options,
110 registerToggleDropdownMenuOptions: registerToggleDropdownMenuOptions
111 });
112 };
113 return /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement(_providerFactory.WithProviders, {
114 providerFactory: providerFactory,
115 providers: ['emojiProvider'],
116 renderNode: renderNode
117 });
118 }
119 };
121function ToolbarInsertBlockWithInjectionApi(_ref3) {
122 var _ref4, _ref5, _pluginInjectionApi$i, _pluginInjectionApi$c, _pluginInjectionApi$p, _pluginInjectionApi$b, _pluginInjectionApi$e;
123 var editorView = _ref3.editorView,
124 editorActions = _ref3.editorActions,
125 dispatchAnalyticsEvent = _ref3.dispatchAnalyticsEvent,
126 popupsMountPoint = _ref3.popupsMountPoint,
127 popupsBoundariesElement = _ref3.popupsBoundariesElement,
128 popupsScrollableElement = _ref3.popupsScrollableElement,
129 toolbarSize = _ref3.toolbarSize,
130 disabled = _ref3.disabled,
131 isToolbarReducedSpacing = _ref3.isToolbarReducedSpacing,
132 isLastItem = _ref3.isLastItem,
133 providers = _ref3.providers,
134 pluginInjectionApi = _ref3.pluginInjectionApi,
135 options = _ref3.options,
136 registerToggleDropdownMenuOptions = _ref3.registerToggleDropdownMenuOptions;
137 var buttons = toolbarSizeToButtons(toolbarSize);
138 var _useSharedPluginState = (0, _hooks.useSharedPluginState)(pluginInjectionApi, ['hyperlink', 'date', 'imageUpload', 'mention', 'emoji', 'blockType', 'media', 'typeAhead', 'placeholderText']),
139 dateState = _useSharedPluginState.dateState,
140 hyperlinkState = _useSharedPluginState.hyperlinkState,
141 imageUploadState = _useSharedPluginState.imageUploadState,
142 mentionState = _useSharedPluginState.mentionState,
143 emojiState = _useSharedPluginState.emojiState,
144 blockTypeState = _useSharedPluginState.blockTypeState,
145 mediaState = _useSharedPluginState.mediaState,
146 typeAheadState = _useSharedPluginState.typeAheadState,
147 placeholderTextState = _useSharedPluginState.placeholderTextState;
148 return /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement(_ToolbarInsertBlock.default, {
149 pluginInjectionApi: pluginInjectionApi,
150 buttons: buttons,
151 isReducedSpacing: isToolbarReducedSpacing,
152 isDisabled: disabled,
153 isTypeAheadAllowed: Boolean(typeAheadState === null || typeAheadState === void 0 ? void 0 : typeAheadState.isAllowed),
154 editorView: editorView,
155 tableSupported: !!editorView.state.schema.nodes.table,
156 tableSelectorSupported: options.tableSelectorSupported && !!editorView.state.schema.nodes.table,
157 actionSupported: !!editorView.state.schema.nodes.taskItem,
158 mentionsSupported: !!(mentionState && mentionState.mentionProvider),
159 mentionsDisabled: !!(mentionState && !mentionState.canInsertMention),
160 decisionSupported: !!editorView.state.schema.nodes.decisionItem,
161 dateEnabled: !!dateState,
162 placeholderTextEnabled: placeholderTextState && placeholderTextState.allowInserting,
163 layoutSectionEnabled: Boolean(pluginInjectionApi === null || pluginInjectionApi === void 0 ? void 0 : pluginInjectionApi.layout),
164 expandEnabled: !!options.allowExpand,
165 mediaUploadsEnabled: (_ref4 = mediaState && mediaState.allowsUploads) !== null && _ref4 !== void 0 ? _ref4 : undefined,
166 onShowMediaPicker: (_ref5 = mediaState && mediaState.showMediaPicker) !== null && _ref5 !== void 0 ? _ref5 : undefined,
167 mediaSupported: !!mediaState,
168 imageUploadSupported: !!(pluginInjectionApi !== null && pluginInjectionApi !== void 0 && pluginInjectionApi.imageUpload),
169 imageUploadEnabled: imageUploadState === null || imageUploadState === void 0 ? void 0 : imageUploadState.enabled,
170 handleImageUpload: pluginInjectionApi === null || pluginInjectionApi === void 0 || (_pluginInjectionApi$i = pluginInjectionApi.imageUpload) === null || _pluginInjectionApi$i === void 0 ? void 0 : _pluginInjectionApi$i.actions.startUpload,
171 availableWrapperBlockTypes: blockTypeState && blockTypeState.availableWrapperBlockTypes,
172 linkSupported: !!hyperlinkState,
173 linkDisabled: !hyperlinkState || !hyperlinkState.canInsertLink || !!hyperlinkState.activeLinkMark,
174 emojiDisabled: !emojiState || !providers.emojiProvider,
175 emojiProvider: providers.emojiProvider,
176 nativeStatusSupported: options.nativeStatusSupported,
177 horizontalRuleEnabled: options.horizontalRuleEnabled,
178 onInsertBlockType: handleInsertBlockType(pluginInjectionApi === null || pluginInjectionApi === void 0 || (_pluginInjectionApi$c = pluginInjectionApi.codeBlock) === null || _pluginInjectionApi$c === void 0 ? void 0 : _pluginInjectionApi$c.actions.insertCodeBlock, pluginInjectionApi === null || pluginInjectionApi === void 0 || (_pluginInjectionApi$p = pluginInjectionApi.panel) === null || _pluginInjectionApi$p === void 0 ? void 0 : _pluginInjectionApi$p.actions.insertPanel, pluginInjectionApi === null || pluginInjectionApi === void 0 || (_pluginInjectionApi$b = pluginInjectionApi.blockType) === null || _pluginInjectionApi$b === void 0 ? void 0 : _pluginInjectionApi$b.actions.insertBlockQuote),
179 onInsertMacroFromMacroBrowser: pluginInjectionApi === null || pluginInjectionApi === void 0 || (_pluginInjectionApi$e = pluginInjectionApi.extension) === null || _pluginInjectionApi$e === void 0 ? void 0 : _pluginInjectionApi$e.actions.insertMacroFromMacroBrowser,
180 popupsMountPoint: popupsMountPoint,
181 popupsBoundariesElement: popupsBoundariesElement,
182 popupsScrollableElement: popupsScrollableElement,
183 insertMenuItems: options.insertMenuItems,
184 editorActions: editorActions,
185 dispatchAnalyticsEvent: dispatchAnalyticsEvent,
186 replacePlusMenuWithElementBrowser: options.replacePlusMenuWithElementBrowser,
187 showElementBrowserLink: options.showElementBrowserLink,
188 showSeparator: !isLastItem && toolbarSize <= _types.ToolbarSize.S,
189 registerToggleDropdownMenuOptions: registerToggleDropdownMenuOptions
190 });
\No newline at end of file