1 | # AUI - Atlassian UI
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3 | A set of components for building user interfaces in Atlassian products and services.
4 |
5 | ## Documentation
6 |
7 | Thorough documentation is available at [the AUI website](https://aui.atlassian.com/).
8 |
9 | * [Component documentation](https://aui.atlassian.com/latest/)
10 | * [Changelog](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/aui/src/master/CHANGELOG.md?at=master)
11 |
12 | ## Compatibility
13 |
14 | Caveats
15 | -------
16 |
17 | - Chrome latest stable
18 | - Firefox latest stable
19 | - Safari latest stable (on OS X only)
20 | - IE 11+
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22 | ## How do you get it?
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24 | Consuming the AUI library is supported through a few methods:
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26 | ### Install as a Node package
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28 | AUI is released to [npmjs.com](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@atlassian/aui).
29 | Install it through your favourite package manager:
30 |
31 | `npm install @atlassian/aui`
32 | `yarn add @atlassian/aui`
33 |
34 | In the Node package, you will find:
35 |
36 | * `dist/` contains pre-compiled javascript and css. This is the simplest way to use AUI.
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38 | * `src/` contains the raw JavaScript and LESS sources. It's unlikely you'll require these directly.
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40 | ### Install as an Atlassian plugin
41 |
42 | AUI can be used as [an Atlassian P2 plugin](https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/plugin-framework/).
43 | This plugin requires Spring Scanner 2 to be available in the runtime it is installed in.
44 |
45 | All Atlassian Server products come with AUI pre-installed, so you don't need to do much to re-use it in your plugin.
46 |
47 | Each AUI component has a `web-resource` key you can include it by. Consult each component's documentation
48 | on [the AUI website](https://aui.atlassian.com/latest/) for the key.
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50 | ### Download the distribution
51 |
52 | AUI distributions are released as a zip file called the
53 | [aui-flat-pack](https://packages.atlassian.com/maven-public/com/atlassian/aui/aui-flat-pack/), hosted
54 | through Atlassian's Maven nexus.
55 | Note that this is equivalent to the `dist/` folder available in the Node package.
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57 | ### Consume through a CDN
58 |
59 | Use of AUI is not officially supported through a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
60 | However, because AUI is published to npmjs.com, the AUI distributions are also published through
61 | some public CDN services such as:
62 |
63 | * [cdnjs.com](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/aui)
64 | * [unpkg.com](https://unpkg.com/@atlassian/aui@latest/)
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67 | ## Raising issues
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69 | Raise bugs or feature requests in the [AUI project](https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/AUI).
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71 | ## License
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73 | AUI is an Atlassian Developer Asset and is released under the [Atlassian Developer Terms license](https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/marketplace/atlassian-developer-terms/).
74 | Some assets are released under the [Atlassian Design Guidelines (ADG) license](https://atlassian.design/server/license/).
75 | See the [licenses directory](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/aui/src/master/licenses/) for information about AUI, ADG, and included libraries.