32.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import $ from './jquery';
2import 'jquery-ui/ui/core';
3import 'jquery-ui/ui/widget';
4import 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets/mouse';
5import 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets/draggable';
6import 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets/sortable';
7import * as logger from './internal/log';
8import Backbone from 'backbone';
9import classNames from './restful-table/class-names';
10import CustomCreateView from './restful-table/custom-create-view';
11import CustomEditView from './restful-table/custom-edit-view';
12import CustomReadView from './restful-table/custom-read-view';
13import dataKeys from './restful-table/data-keys';
14import EditRow from './restful-table/edit-row';
15import EntryModel from './restful-table/entry-model';
16import {triggerEvtForInst} from './restful-table/event-handlers';
17import events from './restful-table/event-names';
18import globalize from './internal/globalize';
19import Row from './restful-table/row';
20import { I18n } from './i18n';
21import {spinner} from './restful-table/spinner';
24 * A table whose entries/rows can be retrieved, added and updated via REST (CRUD).
25 * It uses backbone.js to sync the table's state back to the server, avoiding page refreshes.
26 *
27 * @class RestfulTable
28 */
29var RestfulTable = Backbone.View.extend({
30 /**
31 * @param {!Object} options
32 * ... {!Object} resources
33 * ... ... {(string|function(function(Array.<Object>)))} all - URL of REST resource OR function that retrieves all entities.
34 * ... ... {string} self - URL of REST resource to sync a single entities state (CRUD).
35 * ... {!(selector|Element|jQuery)} el - Table element or selector of the table element to populate.
36 * ... {!Array.<Object>} columns - Which properties of the entities to render. The id of a column maps to the property of an entity.
37 * ... {Object} views
38 * ... ... {RestfulTable.EditRow} editRow - Backbone view that renders the edit & create row. Your view MUST extend RestfulTable.EditRow.
39 * ... ... {RestfulTable.Row} row - Backbone view that renders the readonly row. Your view MUST extend RestfulTable.Row.
40 * ... {boolean} allowEdit - Is the table editable. If true, clicking row will switch it to edit state. Default true.
41 * ... {boolean} allowDelete - Can entries be removed from the table, default true.
42 * ... {boolean} allowCreate - Can new entries be added to the table, default true.
43 * ... {boolean} allowReorder - Can we drag rows to reorder them, default false.
44 * ... {boolean} autoFocus - Automatically set focus to first field on init, default false.
45 * ... {boolean} reverseOrder - Reverse the order of rows, default false.
46 * ... {boolean} silent - Do not trigger a "refresh" event on sort, default false.
47 * ... {String} id - The id for the table. This id will be used to fire events specific to this instance.
48 * ... {string} createPosition - If set to "bottom", place the create form at the bottom of the table instead of the top.
49 * ... {string} addPosition - If set to "bottom", add new rows at the bottom of the table instead of the top. If undefined, createPosition will be used to define where to add the new row.
50 * ... {string} noEntriesMsg - Text to display under the table header if it is empty, default empty.
51 * ... {string} loadingMsg - Text/HTML to display while loading, default "Loading".
52 * ... {string} submitAccessKey - Access key for submitting.
53 * ... {string} cancelAccessKey - Access key for canceling.
54 * ... @property {RestfulTable~deleteConfirmationCallback} deleteConfirmationCallback - function returning Promise determining if row should be deleted or not
55 * ... {function(string): (selector|jQuery|Element)} fieldFocusSelector - Element to focus on given a name.
56 * ... {EntryModel} model - Backbone model representing a row, default EntryModel.
57 * ... {Backbone.Collection} Collection - Backbone collection representing the entire table, default Backbone.Collection.
58 * @callback deleteConfirmationCallback
59 */
60 initialize: function (options) {
61 var instance = this;
63 // combine default and user options
64 instance.options = $.extend(true, instance._getDefaultOptions(options), options);
66 // Prefix events for this instance with this id.
67 instance.id = this.options.id;
69 // faster lookup
70 instance._event = events;
71 instance.classNames = classNames;
72 instance.dataKeys = dataKeys;
74 // shortcuts to popular elements
75 this.$table = $(options.el)
76 .addClass(this.classNames.RESTFUL_TABLE)
77 .addClass(this.classNames.ALLOW_HOVER)
78 .addClass('aui');
80 this.$table.wrapAll("<form class='aui' action='#' />");
82 this.$thead = $('<thead/>');
83 this.$theadRow = $('<tr />').appendTo(this.$thead);
84 this.$tbody = $('<tbody/>');
86 if (!this.$table.length) {
87 throw new Error('RestfulTable: Init failed! The table you have specified [' + this.$table.selector + '] cannot be found.');
88 }
90 if (!this.options.columns) {
91 throw new Error("RestfulTable: Init failed! You haven't provided any columns to render.");
92 }
94 if (this.options.deleteConfirmationCallback && !(this.options.deleteConfirmationCallback instanceof Function)) {
95 throw new Error('RestfulTable: Init failed! deleteConfirmationCallback is not a function');
96 }
98 // Let user know the table is loading
99 this.showGlobalLoading();
100 this.options.columns.forEach(function (column) {
101 var header = $.isFunction(column.header) ? column.header() : column.header;
102 if (typeof header === 'undefined') {
103 logger.warn('You have not specified [header] for column [' + column.id + ']. Using id for now...');
104 header = column.id;
105 }
107 instance.$theadRow.append('<th>' + header + '</th>');
108 });
110 // columns for submit buttons and loading indicator used when editing
111 instance.$theadRow.append('<th></th><th></th>');
113 // create a new Backbone collection to represent rows (http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Collection)
114 this._models = this._createCollection();
116 // shortcut to the class we use to create rows
117 this._rowClass = this.options.views.row;
119 this.editRows = []; // keep track of rows that are being edited concurrently
121 this.$table.closest('form').submit(function (e) {
122 if (instance.focusedRow) {
123 // Delegates saving of row. See EditRow.submit
124 instance.focusedRow.trigger(instance._event.SAVE);
125 }
126 e.preventDefault();
127 });
129 if (this.options.allowReorder) {
130 // Add allowance for another cell to the <thead>
131 this.$theadRow.prepend('<th />');
133 // Allow drag and drop reordering of rows
134 this.$tbody.sortable({
135 handle: '.' + this.classNames.DRAG_HANDLE,
136 helper: function (e, elt) {
137 var helper = $('<div/>').attr('class', elt.attr('class')).addClass(instance.classNames.MOVEABLE);
138 elt.children().each(function () {
139 var $td = $(this);
141 // .offsetWidth/.outerWidth() is broken in webkit for tables, so we do .clientWidth + borders
142 // Need to coerce the border-left-width to an in because IE - http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/10855
143 var borderLeft = parseInt(0 + $td.css('border-left-width'), 10);
144 var borderRight = parseInt(0 + $td.css('border-right-width'), 10);
145 var width = $td[0].clientWidth + borderLeft + borderRight;
147 helper.append($('<div/>').html($td.html()).attr('class', $td.attr('class')).width(width));
148 });
150 helper = $("<div class='aui-restfultable-readonly'/>").append(helper); // Basically just to get the styles.
151 helper.css({left: elt.offset().left}); // To align with the other table rows, since we've locked scrolling on x.
152 helper.appendTo(document.body);
154 return helper;
155 },
156 start: function (event, ui) {
157 var cachedHeight = ui.helper[0].clientHeight;
158 var $this = ui.placeholder.find('td');
160 // Make sure that when we start dragging widths do not change
161 ui.item
162 .addClass(instance.classNames.MOVEABLE)
163 .children().each(function (i) {
164 $(this).width($this.eq(i).width());
165 });
167 // Create a <td> to add to the placeholder <tr> to inherit CSS styles.
168 var td = '<td colspan="' + instance.getColumnCount() + '">&nbsp;</td>';
170 ui.placeholder.html(td).css({
171 height: cachedHeight,
172 visibility: 'visible'
173 });
175 // Stop hover effects etc from occuring as we move the mouse (while dragging) over other rows
176 instance.getRowFromElement(ui.item[0]).trigger(instance._event.MODAL);
177 },
178 stop: function (event, ui) {
179 if ($(ui.item[0]).is(':visible')) {
180 ui.item
181 .removeClass(instance.classNames.MOVEABLE)
182 .children().attr('style', '');
184 ui.placeholder.removeClass(instance.classNames.ROW);
186 // Return table to a normal state
187 instance.getRowFromElement(ui.item[0]).trigger(instance._event.MODELESS);
188 }
189 },
190 update: function (event, ui) {
191 var context = {
192 row: instance.getRowFromElement(ui.item[0]),
193 item: ui.item,
194 nextItem: ui.item.next(),
195 prevItem: ui.item.prev()
196 };
198 instance.move(context);
199 },
200 axis: 'y',
201 delay: 0,
202 containment: 'document',
203 cursor: 'move',
204 scroll: true,
205 zIndex: 8000
206 });
208 // Prevent text selection while reordering.
209 this.$tbody.on('selectstart mousedown', function (event) {
210 return !$(event.target).is('.' + instance.classNames.DRAG_HANDLE);
211 });
212 }
214 if (this.options.allowCreate !== false) {
216 // Create row responsible for adding new entries ...
217 this._createRow = new this.options.views.editRow({
218 columns: this.options.columns,
219 isCreateRow: true,
220 model: this.options.model.extend({
221 url: function () {
222 return instance.options.resources.self;
223 }
224 }),
225 cancelAccessKey: this.options.cancelAccessKey,
226 submitAccessKey: this.options.submitAccessKey,
227 allowReorder: this.options.allowReorder,
228 fieldFocusSelector: this.options.fieldFocusSelector
229 });
230 this._createRow.on(this._event.CREATED, function (values) {
231 if ((typeof instance.options.addPosition === 'undefined' && instance.options.createPosition === 'bottom') ||
232 instance.options.addPosition === 'bottom') {
233 instance.addRow(values);
234 } else {
235 instance.addRow(values, 0);
236 }
237 });
238 this._createRow.on(this._event.VALIDATION_ERROR, function () {
239 this.trigger(instance._event.FOCUS);
240 });
241 this._createRow.render({
242 errors: {},
243 values: {}
244 });
246 // ... and appends it as the first row
247 this.$create = $('<tbody class="' + this.classNames.CREATE + '" />')
248 .append(this._createRow.el);
250 // Manage which row has focus
251 this._applyFocusCoordinator(this._createRow);
253 // focus create row
254 if (this.options.autoFocus) {
255 this._createRow.trigger(this._event.FOCUS);
256 }
257 }
259 // when a model is removed from the collection, remove it from the viewport also
260 this._models.on('remove', function (model) {
261 instance.getRows().forEach(function (row) {
262 if (row.model === model) {
263 if (row.hasFocus() && instance._createRow) {
264 instance._createRow.trigger(instance._event.FOCUS);
265 }
266 instance.removeRow(row);
267 }
268 });
269 });
271 this.fetchInitialResources();
272 },
274 fetchInitialResources: function () {
275 var instance = this;
276 if ($.isFunction(this.options.resources.all)) {
277 this.options.resources.all(function (entries) {
278 instance.populate(entries);
279 });
280 } else {
281 $.get(this.options.resources.all, function (entries) {
282 instance.populate(entries);
283 });
284 }
285 },
287 move: function (context) {
289 var instance = this;
291 var createRequest = function (afterElement) {
292 if (!afterElement.length) {
293 return {
294 position: 'First'
295 };
296 } else {
297 var afterModel = instance.getRowFromElement(afterElement).model;
298 return {
299 after: afterModel.url()
300 };
301 }
302 };
304 if (context.row) {
306 var data = instance.options.reverseOrder ? createRequest(context.nextItem) : createRequest(context.prevItem);
308 $.ajax({
309 url: context.row.model.url() + '/move',
310 type: 'POST',
311 dataType: 'json',
312 contentType: 'application/json',
313 data: JSON.stringify(data),
314 complete: function () {
315 // hides loading indicator (spinner)
316 context.row.hideLoading();
317 },
318 success: function (xhr) {
319 triggerEvtForInst(instance._event.REORDER_SUCCESS, instance, [xhr]);
320 },
321 error: function (xhr) {
322 var responseData = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText || xhr.data);
323 triggerEvtForInst(instance._event.SERVER_ERROR, instance, [responseData, xhr, this]);
324 }
325 });
327 // shows loading indicator (spinner)
328 context.row.showLoading();
329 }
330 },
332 _createCollection: function () {
333 var instance = this;
335 // create a new Backbone collection to represent rows (http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Collection)
336 var RowsAwareCollection = this.options.Collection.extend({
337 // Force the collection to re-sort itself. You don't need to call this under normal
338 // circumstances, as the set will maintain sort order as each item is added.
339 sort: function (options) {
340 options || (options = {});
341 if (!this.comparator) {
342 throw new Error('Cannot sort a set without a comparator');
343 }
344 this.tableRows = instance.getRows();
345 this.models = this.sortBy(this.comparator, this);
346 this.tableRows = undefined;
347 if (!options.silent) {
348 this.trigger('refresh', this, options);
349 }
350 return this;
351 },
352 remove: function (...args) {
353 this.tableRows = instance.getRows();
354 Backbone.Collection.prototype.remove.apply(this, args);
355 this.tableRows = undefined;
356 return this;
357 }
358 });
360 return new RowsAwareCollection([], {
361 comparator: function (row) {
362 // sort models in collection based on dom ordering
363 var index;
365 var currentTableRows = (this && this.tableRows !== undefined) ? this.tableRows : instance.getRows();
366 currentTableRows.some(function (item, i) {
367 if (item.model.id === row.id) {
368 index = i;
369 return true;
370 }
371 });
372 return index;
373 }
374 });
375 },
377 /**
378 * Refreshes table with entries
379 *
380 * @param entries
381 */
382 populate: function (entries) {
383 if (this.options.reverseOrder) {
384 entries.reverse();
385 }
387 this.hideGlobalLoading();
388 if (entries && entries.length) {
389 // Empty the models collection
390 this._models.reset([], {silent: true});
391 // Add all the entries to collection and render them
392 this.renderRows(entries);
393 // show message to user if we have no entries
394 if (this.isEmpty()) {
395 this.showNoEntriesMsg();
396 }
397 } else {
398 this.showNoEntriesMsg();
399 }
401 // Ok, lets let everyone know that we are done...
402 this.$table
403 .append(this.$thead);
405 if (this.options.createPosition === 'bottom') {
406 this.$table.append(this.$tbody)
407 .append(this.$create);
408 } else {
409 this.$table
410 .append(this.$create)
411 .append(this.$tbody);
412 }
414 this.$table.trigger(this._event.INITIALIZED, [this]);
416 triggerEvtForInst(this._event.INITIALIZED, this, [this]);
418 if (this.options.autoFocus) {
419 this.$table.find(':input:text:first').focus(); // set focus to first field
420 }
421 },
423 /**
424 * Shows loading indicator and text
425 *
426 * @return {RestfulTable}
427 */
428 showGlobalLoading: function () {
429 if (!this.$loading) {
430 this.$loading = $('<div class="aui-restfultable-init">' +
431 '<span class="aui-restfultable-loading">' + spinner + this.options.loadingMsg + '</span></div>');
432 }
434 if (!this.$loading.is(':visible')) {
435 this.$loading.insertAfter(this.$table);
436 }
438 return this;
439 },
441 /**
442 * Hides loading indicator and text
443 * @return {RestfulTable}
444 */
445 hideGlobalLoading: function () {
446 if (this.$loading) {
447 this.$loading.remove();
448 }
449 return this;
450 },
453 /**
454 * Adds row to collection and renders it
455 *
456 * @param {Object} values
457 * @param {number} index
458 * @return {RestfulTable}
459 */
460 addRow: function (values, index) {
461 var view;
462 var model;
464 if (!values.id) {
465 throw new Error('RestfulTable.addRow: to add a row values object must contain an id. ' +
466 'Maybe you are not returning it from your restend point?' +
467 'Recieved:' + JSON.stringify(values));
468 }
470 model = new this.options.model(values);
473 view = this._renderRow(model, index);
475 this._models.add(model);
476 this.removeNoEntriesMsg();
478 // Let everyone know we added a row
479 triggerEvtForInst(this._event.ROW_ADDED, this, [view, this]);
480 return this;
481 },
483 /**
484 * Provided a view, removes it from display and backbone collection
485 *
486 * @param row {Row} The row to remove.
487 */
488 removeRow: function (row) {
489 this._models.remove(row.model);
490 row.remove();
492 if (this.isEmpty()) {
493 this.showNoEntriesMsg();
494 }
496 // Let everyone know we removed a row
497 triggerEvtForInst(this._event.ROW_REMOVED, this, [row, this]);
498 },
500 /**
501 * Is there any entries in the table
502 *
503 * @return {Boolean}
504 */
505 isEmpty: function () {
506 return this._models.length === 0;
507 },
509 /**
510 * Gets all models
511 *
512 * @return {Backbone.Collection}
513 */
514 getModels: function () {
515 return this._models;
516 },
518 /**
519 * Gets table body
520 *
521 * @return {jQuery}
522 */
523 getTable: function () {
524 return this.$table;
525 },
527 /**
528 * Gets table body
529 *
530 * @return {jQuery}
531 */
532 getTableBody: function () {
533 return this.$tbody;
534 },
536 /**
537 * Gets create Row
538 *
539 * @return {EditRow}
540 */
541 getCreateRow: function () {
542 return this._createRow;
543 },
545 /**
546 * Gets the number of table columns, accounting for the number of
547 * additional columns added by RestfulTable itself
548 * (such as the drag handle column, buttons and actions columns)
549 *
550 * @return {Number}
551 */
552 getColumnCount: function () {
553 var staticFieldCount = 2; // accounts for the columns allocated to submit buttons and loading indicator
554 if (this.allowReorder) {
555 ++staticFieldCount;
556 }
557 return this.options.columns.length + staticFieldCount;
558 },
560 /**
561 * Get the Row that corresponds to the given <tr> element.
562 *
563 * @param {HTMLElement} tr
564 *
565 * @return {Row}
566 */
567 getRowFromElement: function (tr) {
568 return $(tr).data(this.dataKeys.ROW_VIEW);
569 },
571 /**
572 * Shows message {options.noEntriesMsg} to the user if there are no entries
573 *
574 * @return {RestfulTable}
575 */
576 showNoEntriesMsg: function () {
578 if (this.$noEntries) {
579 this.$noEntries.remove();
580 }
582 this.$noEntries = $('<tr>')
583 .addClass(this.classNames.NO_ENTRIES)
584 .append($('<td>')
585 .attr('colspan', this.getColumnCount())
586 .text(this.options.noEntriesMsg)
587 )
588 .appendTo(this.$tbody);
590 return this;
591 },
593 /**
594 * Removes message {options.noEntriesMsg} to the user if there ARE entries
595 *
596 * @return {RestfulTable}
597 */
598 removeNoEntriesMsg: function () {
599 if (this.$noEntries && this._models.length > 0) {
600 this.$noEntries.remove();
601 }
602 return this;
603 },
605 /**
606 * Gets the Row from their associated <tr> elements
607 *
608 * @return {Array}
609 */
610 getRows: function () {
611 var instance = this;
612 var views = [];
614 this.$tbody.find('.' + this.classNames.READ_ONLY).each(function () {
615 var $row = $(this);
616 var view = $row.data(instance.dataKeys.ROW_VIEW);
618 if (view) {
619 views.push(view);
620 }
621 });
623 return views;
624 },
626 /**
627 * Appends entry to end or specified index of table
628 *
629 * @param {EntryModel} model
630 * @param index
631 *
632 * @return {jQuery}
633 */
634 _renderRow: function (model, index) {
635 var instance = this;
636 var $rows = this.$tbody.find('.' + this.classNames.READ_ONLY);
637 var $row;
638 var view;
640 view = new this._rowClass({
641 model: model,
642 columns: this.options.columns,
643 allowEdit: this.options.allowEdit,
644 allowDelete: this.options.allowDelete,
645 allowReorder: this.options.allowReorder,
646 deleteConfirmationCallback: this.options.deleteConfirmationCallback
647 });
649 this.removeNoEntriesMsg();
651 view.on(this._event.ROW_EDIT, function (field) {
652 triggerEvtForInst(this._event.EDIT_ROW, {}, [this, instance]);
653 instance.edit(this, field);
654 });
656 $row = view.render().$el;
658 if (index !== -1) {
660 if (typeof index === 'number' && $rows.length !== 0) {
661 $row.insertBefore($rows[index]);
662 } else {
663 this.$tbody.append($row);
664 }
665 }
667 $row.data(this.dataKeys.ROW_VIEW, view);
669 // deactivate all rows - used in the cases, such as opening a dropdown where you do not want the table editable
670 // or any interactions
671 view.on(this._event.MODAL, function () {
672 instance.$table.removeClass(instance.classNames.ALLOW_HOVER);
673 instance.$tbody.sortable('disable');
674 instance.getRows().forEach(function (row) {
675 if (!instance.isRowBeingEdited(row)) {
676 row.delegateEvents({}); // clear all events
677 }
678 });
679 });
681 // activate all rows - used in the cases, such as opening a dropdown where you do not want the table editable
682 // or any interactions
683 view.on(this._event.MODELESS, function () {
684 instance.$table.addClass(instance.classNames.ALLOW_HOVER);
685 instance.$tbody.sortable('enable');
686 instance.getRows().forEach(function (row) {
687 if (!instance.isRowBeingEdited(row)) {
688 row.delegateEvents(); // rebind all events
689 }
690 });
691 });
693 // ensure that when this row is focused no other are
694 this._applyFocusCoordinator(view);
696 this.trigger(this._event.ROW_INITIALIZED, view);
698 return view;
699 },
701 /**
702 * Returns if the row is edit mode or note.
703 *
704 * @param {Row} row Read-only row to check if being edited.
705 *
706 * @return {Boolean}
707 */
708 isRowBeingEdited: function (row) {
710 var isBeingEdited = false;
712 this.editRows.some(function (editRow) {
713 if (editRow.el === row.el) {
714 isBeingEdited = true;
715 return true;
716 }
717 });
719 return isBeingEdited;
720 },
722 /**
723 * Ensures that when supplied view is focused no others are
724 *
725 * @param {Backbone.View} view
726 * @return {RestfulTable}
727 */
728 _applyFocusCoordinator: function (view) {
729 var instance = this;
731 if (!view.hasFocusBound) {
732 view.hasFocusBound = true;
734 view.on(this._event.FOCUS, function () {
735 if (instance.focusedRow && instance.focusedRow !== view) {
736 instance.focusedRow.trigger(instance._event.BLUR);
737 }
738 instance.focusedRow = view;
739 if (view instanceof Row && instance._createRow) {
740 instance._createRow.enable();
741 }
742 });
743 }
745 return this;
746 },
748 /**
749 * Remove specified row from collection holding rows being concurrently edited
750 *
751 * @param {EditRow} editView
752 *
753 * @return {RestfulTable}
754 */
755 _removeEditRow: function (editView) {
756 var index = $.inArray(editView, this.editRows);
757 this.editRows.splice(index, 1);
758 return this;
759 },
761 /**
762 * Focuses last row still being edited or create row (if it exists)
763 *
764 * @return {RestfulTable}
765 */
766 _shiftFocusAfterEdit: function () {
768 if (this.editRows.length > 0) {
769 this.editRows[this.editRows.length - 1].trigger(this._event.FOCUS);
770 } else if (this._createRow) {
771 this._createRow.trigger(this._event.FOCUS);
772 }
774 return this;
775 },
777 /**
778 * Evaluate if we save row when we blur. We can only do this when there is one row being edited at a time, otherwise
779 * it causes an infinite loop JRADEV-5325
780 *
781 * @return {boolean}
782 */
783 _saveEditRowOnBlur: function () {
784 return this.editRows.length <= 1;
785 },
787 /**
788 * Dismisses rows being edited concurrently that have no changes
789 */
790 dismissEditRows: function () {
791 this.editRows.forEach(function (editRow) {
792 if (!editRow.hasUpdates()) {
793 editRow.trigger(this._event.FINISHED_EDITING);
794 }
795 }, this);
796 },
798 /**
799 * Converts readonly row to editable view
800 *
801 * @param {Backbone.View} row
802 * @param {String} field - field name to focus
803 * @return {Backbone.View} editRow
804 */
805 edit: function (row, field) {
806 var instance = this;
807 var editRow = new this.options.views.editRow({
808 el: row.el,
809 columns: this.options.columns,
810 isUpdateMode: true,
811 allowReorder: this.options.allowReorder,
812 fieldFocusSelector: this.options.fieldFocusSelector,
813 model: row.model,
814 cancelAccessKey: this.options.cancelAccessKey,
815 submitAccessKey: this.options.submitAccessKey
816 });
817 var values = row.model.toJSON();
819 values.update = true;
820 editRow.render({
821 errors: {},
822 update: true,
823 values: values
824 })
825 .on(instance._event.UPDATED, function (model, focusUpdated) {
826 instance._removeEditRow (this);
827 this.off();
828 row.render().delegateEvents(); // render and rebind events
829 row.trigger(instance._event.UPDATED); // trigger blur fade out
830 if (focusUpdated !== false) {
831 instance._shiftFocusAfterEdit();
832 }
833 })
834 .on(instance._event.VALIDATION_ERROR, function () {
835 this.trigger(instance._event.FOCUS);
836 })
837 .on(instance._event.FINISHED_EDITING, function () {
838 instance._removeEditRow(this);
839 row.render().delegateEvents();
840 this.off(); // avoid any other updating, blurring, finished editing, cancel events being fired
841 })
842 .on(instance._event.CANCEL, function () {
843 instance._removeEditRow(this);
844 this.off(); // avoid any other updating, blurring, finished editing, cancel events being fired
845 row.render().delegateEvents(); // render and re` events
846 instance._shiftFocusAfterEdit();
847 })
848 .on(instance._event.BLUR, function () {
849 instance.dismissEditRows(); // dismiss edit rows that have no changes
850 if (instance._saveEditRowOnBlur()) {
851 this.trigger(instance._event.SAVE, false); // save row, which if successful will call the updated event above
852 }
853 });
855 // Ensure that if focus is pulled to another row, we blur the edit row
856 this._applyFocusCoordinator(editRow);
858 // focus edit row, which has the flow on effect of blurring current focused row
859 editRow.trigger(instance._event.FOCUS, field);
861 // disables form fields
862 if (instance._createRow) {
863 instance._createRow.disable();
864 }
866 this.editRows.push(editRow);
868 return editRow;
869 },
872 /**
873 * Renders all specified rows
874 *
875 * @param rows {Array<Backbone.Model>} array of objects describing Backbone.Model's to render
876 * @return {RestfulTable}
877 */
878 renderRows: function (rows = []) {
879 var comparator = this._models.comparator;
880 var els = [];
882 this._models.comparator = undefined; // disable temporarily, assume rows are sorted
884 var models = rows.map((row) => {
885 var model = new this.options.model(row);
886 els.push(this._renderRow(model, -1).el);
887 return model;
888 });
890 this._models.add(models, {silent: true});
891 this._models.comparator = comparator;
892 this.removeNoEntriesMsg();
893 this.$tbody.append(els);
895 return this;
896 },
898 /**
899 * Gets default options
900 *
901 * @param {Object} options
902 */
903 _getDefaultOptions: function (options) {
904 return {
905 model: options.model || EntryModel,
906 allowEdit: true,
908 editRow: EditRow,
909 row: Row
910 },
911 Collection: Backbone.Collection.extend({
912 url: options.resources.self,
913 model: options.model || EntryModel
914 }),
915 allowReorder: false,
916 fieldFocusSelector: function (name) {
917 return ':input[name=' + name + '], #' + name;
918 },
919 loadingMsg: options.loadingMsg || I18n.getText('aui.words.loading')
920 };
921 }
924RestfulTable.ClassNames = classNames;
925RestfulTable.CustomCreateView = CustomCreateView;
926RestfulTable.CustomEditView = CustomEditView;
927RestfulTable.CustomReadView = CustomReadView;
928RestfulTable.DataKeys = dataKeys;
929RestfulTable.EditRow = EditRow;
930RestfulTable.EntryModel = EntryModel;
931RestfulTable.Events = events;
932RestfulTable.Row = Row;
934globalize('RestfulTable', RestfulTable);
936export default RestfulTable;