1 | @import 'aui-sidebar-config.less';
2 | @import (reference) 'imports/mixins.less';
3 |
4 | //
5 | // Imported by aui-sidebar.
6 | //
7 | // Implements grouping strategies for sidebar items. The various group
8 | // types are wrappers around the base aui-nav pattern. Different groups
9 | // behave and are styled differently depending on whether the sidebar
10 | // is expanded or collapsed.
11 | //
12 |
13 | //
14 | // Sidebar navigation grouping
15 | //
16 | .aui-sidebar {
17 |
18 | .aui-sidebar-group {
19 | // Note: these margins should collapse with those of aui-nav itself.
20 | margin-top: (@aui-sidebar-grid * 2);
21 | margin-bottom: @aui-sidebar-grid;
22 | padding: 0 @aui-sidebar-gutter;
23 |
24 | .aui-nav-heading {
25 | padding: 0 (@aui-sidebar-spacing - @aui-sidebar-gutter);
26 | }
27 | }
28 |
29 |
30 | //-----------------------
31 | // Sidebar narrow state - add collapsed styles.
32 | //-----------------------
33 | &[aria-expanded="false"] {
34 | // Replaces aui-nav with a default image to reflect nested content
35 | .aui-sidebar-group {
36 | // by default, groups collapse and are meant to look like clickable buttons.
37 | #aui-nav.item-base(@aui-sidebar-nav-link-expected-height);
38 | #aui-nav.item-style(normal);
39 | background: url(images/icons/sidebar/icon-group.svg) 50% center no-repeat;
40 | cursor: pointer;
41 | height: @aui-sidebar-icon-size;
42 | margin-left: @aui-sidebar-grid;
43 | margin-right: @aui-sidebar-grid;
44 | position: relative;
45 |
46 | &:focus,
47 | &:hover {
48 | #aui-nav.item-style(hover);
49 | }
50 |
51 | &.active {
52 | #aui-nav.item-style(selected);
53 | }
54 |
55 | > .aui-nav {
56 | display: none;
57 | }
58 |
59 | // remove the faux button effect; these things are still groups.
60 | &.aui-sidebar-group-actions,
61 | &.aui-sidebar-group-tier-one {
62 | background: none;
63 | border-radius: 0;
64 | cursor: auto;
65 | padding: 0;
66 | }
67 | }
68 |
69 | // make the group actions look like a special kind of rounded button.
70 | .aui-sidebar-group-actions {
71 | margin: @aui-sidebar-grid 0 @aui-sidebar-spacing 0;
72 | height: @aui-icon-size-large;
73 |
74 | &::after {
75 | @aui-sidebar-group-actions-border-width: 1px;
76 |
77 | background: url(images/icons/sidebar/icon-group-actions.svg) no-repeat center center;
78 | background-size: @aui-sidebar-icon-size;
79 | border: @aui-sidebar-group-actions-border-width solid transparent;
80 | border-radius: 50%;
81 | content: "";
82 | display: block;
83 | height: @aui-icon-size-large;
84 | left: 0;
85 | margin-left: ((@aui-sidebar-collapsed-width - @aui-sidebar-header-avatar-collapsed - (@aui-sidebar-group-actions-border-width * 2)) / 2);
86 | margin-right: ((@aui-sidebar-collapsed-width - @aui-sidebar-header-avatar-collapsed - (@aui-sidebar-group-actions-border-width * 2)) / 2);
87 | position: absolute;
88 | top: 0;
89 | width: @aui-icon-size-large;
90 | }
91 |
92 | &:hover,
93 | &:focus,
94 | &.active {
95 | &::after {
96 | background-color: @aui-button-default-active-bg-color;
97 | border-color: @aui-button-default-active-bg-color;
98 | }
99 | }
100 | }
101 |
102 | // use when the nav items have icons - shows the icon in the collapsed state
103 | .aui-sidebar-group-tier-one {
104 | background: none;
105 | height: auto;
106 |
107 | &:after {
108 | display: none;
109 | }
110 |
111 | &:focus,
112 | &:hover {
113 | background-color: transparent;
114 | }
115 |
116 | .aui-nav {
117 | display: block;
118 | height: auto;
119 |
120 | > li {
121 | display: block;
122 |
123 | > .aui-nav-item {
124 | padding-left: 0;
125 | padding-right: 0;
126 | text-align: center;
127 |
128 | // Adjust the position of the icon
129 | > .aui-icon {
130 | float: none;
131 | margin: 0 auto;
132 | }
133 |
134 | &.active {
135 | #aui-nav.item-style(selected);
136 | }
137 | }
138 |
139 | // visually hide the labels while allowing screen readers to still see them
140 | .aui-nav-item-label {
141 | #aui.visually-hidden();
142 | }
143 |
144 | // remove any top level twixy expand/collapse triggers
145 | > .aui-nav-subtree-toggle {
146 | display: none;
147 | }
148 |
149 | .aui-nav-item-actions {
150 | display: none;
151 | }
152 | }
153 |
154 | // remove nested navs - contents to be sucked into fly-out menus
155 | .aui-nav {
156 | display: none;
157 | }
158 | }
159 | }
160 |
161 | .aui-sidebar-group ~ .aui-sidebar-group {
162 | border-top: @aui-nav-actions-list-divider-size solid @aui-nav-group-divider-color;
163 | margin-top: @aui-sidebar-spacing;
164 | padding-top: @aui-sidebar-grid;
165 | }
166 | }
167 | // END Collapsed state
168 | }
169 | // END Sidebar
170 | //-----------------------