965 Btext/lessView Raw
1// This mixin and this file are in this exact location
2// in order to guarantee that the relative paths will match and agree
3// for compiled LESS output, both when gulp, webpack, and P2 take their turn at compiling the file.
4#aui {
5 .load-custom-font(@family, @filename, @fontId: @family, @weight: normal, @style: normal) {
6 @font-face {
7 font-family: @family;
8 src: url('~@atlassian/adg-server-iconfont/dist/fonts/@{filename}.eot');
9 src: url('~@atlassian/adg-server-iconfont/dist/fonts/@{filename}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
10 url('~@atlassian/adg-server-iconfont/dist/fonts/@{filename}.woff') format('woff'),
11 url('~@atlassian/adg-server-iconfont/dist/fonts/@{filename}.ttf') format('truetype'),
12 url('~@atlassian/adg-server-iconfont/dist/fonts/@{filename}.svg#@{fontId}') format('svg');
13 font-weight: @weight;
14 font-style: @style;
15 }
16 }