1 | <p align="center">
2 | <img src="https://images.atomist.com/sdm/SDM-Logo-Dark.png">
3 | </p>
4 |
5 | # Software Delivery Machine - Core - `@atomist/sdm-core`
6 |
7 | [![atomist sdm goals](http://badge.atomist.com/T29E48P34/atomist/sdm-core/e93405f2-a313-4da8-92fd-833de3b90cde)](https://app.atomist.com/workspace/T29E48P34)
8 | [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@atomist/sdm-core.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@atomist/sdm-core)
9 |
10 | Core implementation of the software delivery machine (SDM) API for
11 | production deployments.
12 |
13 | Software delivery machines enable you to control your delivery process
14 | in code. Think of it as an API for your software delivery. See the
15 | [Atomist documentation][atomist-doc] for more information on the
16 | concept of a software delivery machine and how to create and develop
17 | an SDM.
18 |
19 | [atomist-doc]: https://docs.atomist.com/ (Atomist Documentation)
20 |
21 | ## Getting started
22 |
23 | See the [Developer Quick Start][atomist-quick] to jump straight to
24 | creating an SDM.
25 |
26 | [atomist-quick]: https://docs.atomist.com/quick-start/ (Atomist - Developer Quick Start)
27 |
28 | ## Contributing
29 |
30 | Contributions to this project from community members are encouraged
31 | and appreciated. Please review the [Contributing
32 | Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information. Also see the
33 | [Development](#development) section in this document.
34 |
35 | ## Code of conduct
36 |
37 | This project is governed by the [Code of
38 | Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). You are expected to act in accordance
39 | with this code by participating. Please report any unacceptable
40 | behavior to code-of-conduct@atomist.com.
41 |
42 | ## Documentation
43 |
44 | Please see [docs.atomist.com][atomist-doc] for
45 | [developer][atomist-doc-sdm] documentation.
46 |
47 | [atomist-doc-sdm]: https://docs.atomist.com/developer/sdm/ (Atomist Documentation - SDM Developer)
48 |
49 | ## Connect
50 |
51 | Follow [@atomist][atomist-twitter] and [The Composition][atomist-blog]
52 | blog related to SDM.
53 |
54 | [atomist-twitter]: https://twitter.com/atomist (Atomist on Twitter)
55 | [atomist-blog]: https://the-composition.com/ (The Composition - The Official Atomist Blog)
56 |
57 | ## Support
58 |
59 | General support questions should be discussed in the `#support`
60 | channel in the [Atomist community Slack workspace][slack].
61 |
62 | If you find a problem, please create an [issue][].
63 |
64 | [issue]: https://github.com/atomist-seeds/empty-sdm/issues
65 |
66 | ## Development
67 |
68 | You will need to install [Node.js][node] to build and test this
69 | project.
70 |
71 | [node]: https://nodejs.org/ (Node.js)
72 |
73 | ### Build and test
74 |
75 | Install dependencies.
76 |
77 | ```
78 | $ npm install
79 | ```
80 |
81 | Use the `build` package script to compile, test, lint, and build the
82 | documentation.
83 |
84 | ```
85 | $ npm run build
86 | ```
87 |
88 | ### Release
89 |
90 | Releases are handled via the [Atomist SDM][atomist-sdm]. Just press
91 | the 'Approve' button in the Atomist dashboard or Slack.
92 |
93 | [atomist-sdm]: https://github.com/atomist/atomist-sdm (Atomist Software Delivery Machine)
94 |
95 | ---
96 |
97 | Created by [Atomist][atomist].
98 | Need Help? [Join our Slack workspace][slack].
99 |
100 | [atomist]: https://atomist.com/ (Atomist - How Teams Deliver Software)
101 | [slack]: https://join.atomist.com/ (Atomist Community Slack)