1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 | import {
18 | and,
19 | hasFile,
20 | hasFileContaining,
21 | hasResourceProvider,
22 | isBranch,
23 | isGoal,
24 | isMaterialChange,
25 | isRepo,
26 | not,
27 | or,
28 | pushTest,
29 | PushTest,
30 | SdmGoalState,
31 | StatefulPushListenerInvocation,
32 | ToDefaultBranch,
33 | } from "@atomist/sdm";
34 | import * as camelcaseKeys from "camelcase-keys";
35 | import * as changeCase from "change-case";
36 | import { toArray } from "../../util/misc/array";
37 |
38 | export type PushTestMaker<G extends Record<string, any> = any> =
39 | (params: G) => ((pli: StatefulPushListenerInvocation) => Promise<boolean>) | Promise<PushTest> | PushTest;
40 |
41 | export async function mapTests(tests: any,
42 | additionalTests: Record<string, PushTest>,
43 | extensionTests: Record<string, PushTestMaker>): Promise<PushTest | PushTest[]> {
44 | const newTests = [];
45 | for (const t of toArray(tests || [])) {
46 | const test = typeof t !== "string" && !Array.isArray(t) ? camelcaseKeys(t, { deep: true }) : t as any;
47 | newTests.push(await mapTest(test, additionalTests, extensionTests));
48 | }
49 | return newTests;
50 | }
51 |
52 | type CreatePushTest = (test: any,
53 | additionalTests: Record<string, PushTest>,
54 | extensionTests: Record<string, PushTestMaker>) => Promise<PushTest | undefined>;
55 |
56 | const HasFile: CreatePushTest = async test => {
57 | if (test.hasFile) {
58 | return hasFile(test.hasFile);
59 | }
60 | return undefined;
61 | };
62 |
63 | const IsRepo: CreatePushTest = async test => {
64 | if (test.isRepo) {
65 | return isRepo(typeof test.isRepo === "string" ? new RegExp(test.isRepo) : test.isRepo);
66 | }
67 | return undefined;
68 | };
69 |
70 | const IsBranch: CreatePushTest = async test => {
71 | if (test.isBranch) {
72 | return isBranch(typeof test.isBranch === "string" ? new RegExp(test.isBranch) : test.isBranch);
73 | }
74 | return undefined;
75 | };
76 |
77 | const IsDefaultBranch: CreatePushTest = async test => {
78 | if (["isDefaultBranch", "toDefaultBranch"].includes(changeCase.camel(test))) {
79 | return ToDefaultBranch;
80 | }
81 | return undefined;
82 | };
83 |
84 | const IsGoal: CreatePushTest = async (test, additionalTests, extensionTests) => {
85 | if (test.isGoal) {
86 | return isGoal(
87 | {
88 | name: typeof test.isGoal.name === "string" ? new RegExp(test.isGoal.name) : test.isGoal.name,
89 | state: test.isGoal.state || SdmGoalState.success,
90 | pushTest: test.isGoal.test ? await mapTest(test.isGoal.test, additionalTests, extensionTests) : undefined,
91 | output: typeof test.isGoal.output === "string" ? new RegExp(test.isGoal.output) : test.isGoal.output,
92 | data: typeof test.isGoal.data === "string" ? new RegExp(test.isGoal.data) : test.isGoal.data,
93 | });
94 | }
95 | return undefined;
96 | };
97 |
98 | const IsMaterialChange: CreatePushTest = async test => {
99 | if (test.isMaterialChange) {
100 | return isMaterialChange({
101 | directories: toArray(test.isMaterialChange.directories),
102 | extensions: toArray(test.isMaterialChange.extensions),
103 | files: toArray(test.isMaterialChange.files),
104 | globs: getGlobPatterns(test.isMaterialChange),
105 | });
106 | }
107 | return undefined;
108 | };
109 |
110 | const HasFileContaining: CreatePushTest = async test => {
111 | if (test.hasFileContaining) {
112 | if (!test.hasFileContaining.content) {
113 | throw new Error("Push test 'hasFileContaining' can't be used without 'content' property");
114 | }
115 | return hasFileContaining(
116 | getGlobPatterns(test.hasFileContaining) || "**/*",
117 | typeof test.hasFileContaining.content === "string" ? new RegExp(test.hasFileContaining.content) : test.hasFileContaining.content);
118 | }
119 | return undefined;
120 | };
121 |
122 | const HasResourceProvider: CreatePushTest = async test => {
123 | if (test.hasResourceProvider) {
124 | if (!test.hasResourceProvider.type) {
125 | throw new Error("Push test 'hasResourceProvider' can't be used without 'type' property");
126 | }
127 | return hasResourceProvider(test.hasResourceProvider.type, test.hasResourceProvider.name);
128 | }
129 | return undefined;
130 | };
131 |
132 | const Not: CreatePushTest = async (test, additionalTests, extensionTests) => {
133 | if (test.not) {
134 | return not(await mapTest(test.not, additionalTests, extensionTests));
135 | }
136 | return undefined;
137 | };
138 |
139 | const And: CreatePushTest = async (test, additionalTests, extensionTests) => {
140 | if (test.and) {
141 | return and(...toArray(await mapTests(test.and, additionalTests, extensionTests)));
142 | }
143 | return undefined;
144 | };
145 |
146 | const Or: CreatePushTest = async (test, additionalTests, extensionTests) => {
147 | if (test.or) {
148 | return or(...toArray(await mapTests(test.or, additionalTests, extensionTests)));
149 | }
150 | return undefined;
151 | };
152 |
153 | const AdditionalTest: CreatePushTest = async (test, additionalTests) => {
154 | if (!!test.use && !!additionalTests[test.use]) {
155 | return additionalTests[test.use];
156 | }
157 | return undefined;
158 | };
159 |
160 | const FunctionTest: CreatePushTest = async test => {
161 | if (typeof test === "function") {
162 | return pushTest(test.toString(), test);
163 | }
164 | return undefined;
165 | };
166 |
167 | const ExtensionTest = async (test, additionalTests, extensionTests) => {
168 | for (const extTestName in extensionTests) {
169 | if (test.use === extTestName) {
170 | const extTest = await extensionTests[extTestName](test.parameters || {});
171 | if (!!extTest.name && !!extTest.mapping) {
172 | return extTest;
173 | } else {
174 | return pushTest(extTestName, extTest);
175 | }
176 | }
177 | }
178 | return undefined;
179 | };
180 |
181 | export const CreatePushTests = [
182 | HasFile,
183 | IsRepo,
184 | IsBranch,
185 | IsDefaultBranch,
186 | IsGoal,
187 | IsMaterialChange,
188 | HasFileContaining,
189 | HasResourceProvider,
190 | Not,
191 | And,
192 | Or,
193 | AdditionalTest,
194 | FunctionTest,
195 | ExtensionTest,
196 | ];
197 |
198 | export async function mapTest(test: any,
199 | additionalTests: Record<string, PushTest>,
200 | extensionTests: Record<string, PushTestMaker>): Promise<PushTest> {
201 | for (const createPushTest of CreatePushTests) {
202 | const pt = await createPushTest(test, additionalTests, extensionTests);
203 | if (!!pt) {
204 | return pt;
205 | }
206 | }
207 | throw new Error(`Unable to construct push test from '${JSON.stringify(test)}'`);
208 | }
209 |
210 | function getGlobPatterns(test: any): string[] {
211 | const pattern = test.globPattern || test.pattern || test.globPatterns || test.patterns;
212 | return toArray(pattern);
213 | }