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1# Contributing to Atomist open source projects
3Have something you would like to contribute to this project? Awesome,
4and thanks for taking time to contribute! Here's what you need to
7## Contributing code
9Is there an improvement to existing functionality or an entirely new
10feature you would like to see? Before creating enhancement
11suggestions, please check the issue list as you might find out that
12you don't need to create one.
14Did you know we have a [Slack community][slack]? This might be a
15great place to talk through your idea before starting. It allows you
16to see if anyone else is already working on something similar, having
17the same issue or to get feedback on your enhancement idea.
18Discussing things with the community first is likely to make the
19contribution process a better experience for yourself and those that
20are maintaining the projects.
22[slack]: https://join.atomist.com/
24If you do not find an open issue related to your contribution and
25discussions in the Slack community are positive, the next thing to do
26is to create an issue in the appropriate GitHub repository.
28* Before we can accept any code changes into the Atomist codebase,
29 we need to get some of the legal stuff covered. This is pretty
30 standard for open-source projects. We are using
31 [cla-assisant.io][cla-assistant] to track our Contributor License
32 Agreement (CLA) signatures. If you have not signed a CLA for the
33 repository to which you are contributing, you will be prompted to
34 when you create a pull request (PR).
35* Be sure there is an open issue related to the contribution.
36* Code contributions should successfully build and pass tests.
37* Commit messages should follow the [standard format][commit] and
38 should include a [reference][ref] to the open issue they are
39 addressing.
40* All code contributions should be submitted via
41 a [pull request (PR) from a forked GitHub repository][pr].
42* Your PR will be reviewed by an Atomist developer.
44[cla-assistant]: https://cla-assistant.io/
45[commit]: http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/
46[ref]: https://github.com/blog/957-introducing-issue-mentions
47[pr]: https://guides.github.com/activities/contributing-to-open-source/
49## Reporting problems
51Please go through the checklist below before reporting a
52problem. There's a chance it may have already been reported, or
55* Check if you can reproduce the problem in the latest version of
56 the project.
57* Search the [atomist-community Slack][slack] community for common
58 questions and problems.
59* Understand which repo the bug should be reported in.
60* Scan the list of issues to see if the problem has previously been
61 reported. If so, you may add a comment to the existing issue
62 rather than creating a new one.
64You went through the list above and it is still something you would
65like to report? Then, please provide us with as much of the context,
66by explaininig the problem and including any additional details that
67would help maintainers reproduce the problem. The more details you
68provide in the bug report, the better.
70Bugs are tracked as GitHub issues. After you've determined which
71repository your bug is related to, create an issue on that repository
72and provide as much information as possible. Feel free to use
73the bug report template below if you like.
75At a minimum include the following:
77* Where did you find the bug? For example, did you encounter the bug
78 in chat, the CLI, somewhere else?
79* What version are you using?
80* What command were you using when it happened? (including
81 parameters where applicable)
84[Description of the problem]
86**How to Reproduce:**
881. [First Step]
892. [Second Step]
903. [n Step]
92**Expected behavior:**
94[Describe expected behavior here]
96**Observed behavior:**
98[Describe observed behavior here]
100**Screenshots and GIFs**
102![Screenshots and GIFs which follow reproduction steps to demonstrate the problem](url)
104**Project version:** [Enter project version]
105**Atomist CLI version:** [Enter CLI version]
108This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant [code of
109conduct][conduct]. By participating, you are expected to uphold this
110code. Please report unacceptable behavior to
113[conduct]: CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
114[email]: mailto:code-of-conduct@atomist.com