743 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Project } from "@atomist/automation-client/lib/project/Project";
3 * Gather a configuration value from:
4 *
5 * 1) within a file .atomist/config.json or .atomist/config.yaml within the Project
6 * 2) from within the `sdm` property in the wider, globally available configuration. For where these come from, see:
7 * https://atomist.github.io/automation-client/modules/_lib_configuration_.html#loadconfiguration
8 * 3) the default passed in, if any
9 * 4) ... or else throw.
10 *
11 * This will not merge the configuration objects. It gives the first one that is not undefined.
12 */
13export declare function projectConfigurationValue<T>(path: string, p: Project, defaultValue?: T): Promise<T>;
14//# sourceMappingURL=projectConfiguration.d.ts.map
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