19.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ICache } from './cache';
3 * @ignore
4 */
5export interface BaseLoginOptions {
6 /**
7 * - `'page'`: displays the UI with a full page view
8 * - `'popup'`: displays the UI with a popup window
9 * - `'touch'`: displays the UI in a way that leverages a touch interface
10 * - `'wap'`: displays the UI with a "feature phone" type interface
11 */
12 display?: 'page' | 'popup' | 'touch' | 'wap';
13 /**
14 * - `'none'`: do not prompt user for login or consent on reauthentication
15 * - `'login'`: prompt user for reauthentication
16 * - `'consent'`: prompt user for consent before processing request
17 * - `'select_account'`: prompt user to select an account
18 */
19 prompt?: 'none' | 'login' | 'consent' | 'select_account';
20 /**
21 * Maximum allowable elasped time (in seconds) since authentication.
22 * If the last time the user authenticated is greater than this value,
23 * the user must be reauthenticated.
24 */
25 max_age?: string | number;
26 /**
27 * The space-separated list of language tags, ordered by preference.
28 * For example: `'fr-CA fr en'`.
29 */
30 ui_locales?: string;
31 /**
32 * Previously issued ID Token.
33 */
34 id_token_hint?: string;
35 /**
36 * Provides a hint to Auth0 as to what flow should be displayed.
37 * The default behavior is to show a login page but you can override
38 * this by passing 'signup' to show the signup page instead.
39 *
40 * This only affects the New Universal Login Experience.
41 */
42 screen_hint?: string;
43 /**
44 * The user's email address or other identifier. When your app knows
45 * which user is trying to authenticate, you can provide this parameter
46 * to pre-fill the email box or select the right session for sign-in.
47 *
48 * This currently only affects the classic Lock experience.
49 */
50 login_hint?: string;
51 acr_values?: string;
52 /**
53 * The default scope to be used on authentication requests.
54 * The defaultScope defined in the Auth0Client is included
55 * along with this scope
56 */
57 scope?: string;
58 /**
59 * The default audience to be used for requesting API access.
60 */
61 audience?: string;
62 /**
63 * The name of the connection configured for your application.
64 * If null, it will redirect to the Auth0 Login Page and show
65 * the Login Widget.
66 */
67 connection?: string;
68 /**
69 * The Id of an organization to log in to.
70 *
71 * This will specify an `organization` parameter in your user's login request and will add a step to validate
72 * the `org_id` claim in your user's ID Token.
73 */
74 organization?: string;
75 /**
76 * The Id of an invitation to accept. This is available from the user invitation URL that is given when participating in a user invitation flow.
77 */
78 invitation?: string;
79 /**
80 * If you need to send custom parameters to the Authorization Server,
81 * make sure to use the original parameter name.
82 */
83 [key: string]: any;
85interface AdvancedOptions {
86 /**
87 * The default scope to be included with all requests.
88 * If not provided, 'openid profile email' is used. This can be set to `null` in order to effectively remove the default scopes.
89 *
90 * Note: The `openid` scope is **always applied** regardless of this setting.
91 */
92 defaultScope?: string;
94export interface Auth0ClientOptions extends BaseLoginOptions {
95 /**
96 * Your Auth0 account domain such as `'example.auth0.com'`,
97 * `'example.eu.auth0.com'` or , `'example.mycompany.com'`
98 * (when using [custom domains](https://auth0.com/docs/custom-domains))
99 */
100 domain: string;
101 /**
102 * The issuer to be used for validation of JWTs, optionally defaults to the domain above
103 */
104 issuer?: string;
105 /**
106 * The Client ID found on your Application settings page
107 */
108 client_id: string;
109 /**
110 * The default URL where Auth0 will redirect your browser to with
111 * the authentication result. It must be whitelisted in
112 * the "Allowed Callback URLs" field in your Auth0 Application's
113 * settings. If not provided here, it should be provided in the other
114 * methods that provide authentication.
115 */
116 redirect_uri?: string;
117 /**
118 * The value in seconds used to account for clock skew in JWT expirations.
119 * Typically, this value is no more than a minute or two at maximum.
120 * Defaults to 60s.
121 */
122 leeway?: number;
123 /**
124 * The location to use when storing cache data. Valid values are `memory` or `localstorage`.
125 * The default setting is `memory`.
126 *
127 * Read more about [changing storage options in the Auth0 docs](https://auth0.com/docs/libraries/auth0-single-page-app-sdk#change-storage-options)
128 */
129 cacheLocation?: CacheLocation;
130 /**
131 * Specify a custom cache implementation to use for token storage and retrieval. This setting takes precedence over `cacheLocation` if they are both specified.
132 */
133 cache?: ICache;
134 /**
135 * If true, refresh tokens are used to fetch new access tokens from the Auth0 server. If false, the legacy technique of using a hidden iframe and the `authorization_code` grant with `prompt=none` is used.
136 * The default setting is `false`.
137 *
138 * **Note**: Use of refresh tokens must be enabled by an administrator on your Auth0 client application.
139 */
140 useRefreshTokens?: boolean;
141 /**
142 * A maximum number of seconds to wait before declaring background calls to /authorize as failed for timeout
143 * Defaults to 60s.
144 */
145 authorizeTimeoutInSeconds?: number;
146 /**
147 * Specify the timeout for HTTP calls using `fetch`. The default is 10 seconds.
148 */
149 httpTimeoutInSeconds?: number;
150 /**
151 * Internal property to send information about the client to the authorization server.
152 * @internal
153 */
154 auth0Client?: {
155 name: string;
156 version: string;
157 };
158 /**
159 * Sets an additional cookie with no SameSite attribute to support legacy browsers
160 * that are not compatible with the latest SameSite changes.
161 * This will log a warning on modern browsers, you can disable the warning by setting
162 * this to false but be aware that some older useragents will not work,
163 * See https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-site/incompatible-clients
164 * Defaults to true
165 */
166 legacySameSiteCookie?: boolean;
167 /**
168 * If `true`, the SDK will use a cookie when storing information about the auth transaction while
169 * the user is going through the authentication flow on the authorization server.
170 *
171 * The default is `false`, in which case the SDK will use session storage.
172 *
173 * @notes
174 *
175 * You might want to enable this if you rely on your users being able to authenticate using flows that
176 * may end up spanning across multiple tabs (e.g. magic links) or you cannot otherwise rely on session storage being available.
177 */
178 useCookiesForTransactions?: boolean;
179 /**
180 * Changes to recommended defaults, like defaultScope
181 */
182 advancedOptions?: AdvancedOptions;
183 /**
184 * Number of days until the cookie `auth0.is.authenticated` will expire
185 * Defaults to 1.
186 */
187 sessionCheckExpiryDays?: number;
188 /**
189 * The domain the cookie is accessible from. If not set, the cookie is scoped to
190 * the current domain, including the subdomain.
191 *
192 * Note: setting this incorrectly may cause silent authentication to stop working
193 * on page load.
194 *
195 *
196 * To keep a user logged in across multiple subdomains set this to your
197 * top-level domain and prefixed with a `.` (eg: `.example.com`).
198 */
199 cookieDomain?: string;
200 /**
201 * When true, data to the token endpoint is transmitted as x-www-form-urlencoded data instead of JSON. The default is false, but will default to true in a
202 * future major version.
203 *
204 * **Note:** Setting this to `true` may affect you if you use Auth0 Rules and are sending custom, non-primative data. If you enable this, please verify that your Auth0 Rules
205 * continue to work as intended.
206 */
207 useFormData?: boolean;
208 /**
209 * Modify the value used as the current time during the token validation.
210 *
211 * **Note**: Using this improperly can potentially compromise the token validation.
212 */
213 nowProvider?: () => Promise<number> | number;
216 * The possible locations where tokens can be stored
217 */
218export declare type CacheLocation = 'memory' | 'localstorage';
220 * @ignore
221 */
222export interface AuthorizeOptions extends BaseLoginOptions {
223 response_type: string;
224 response_mode: string;
225 redirect_uri: string;
226 nonce: string;
227 state: string;
228 scope: string;
229 code_challenge: string;
230 code_challenge_method: string;
232export interface RedirectLoginOptions<TAppState = any> extends BaseLoginOptions {
233 /**
234 * The URL where Auth0 will redirect your browser to with
235 * the authentication result. It must be whitelisted in
236 * the "Allowed Callback URLs" field in your Auth0 Application's
237 * settings.
238 */
239 redirect_uri?: string;
240 /**
241 * Used to store state before doing the redirect
242 */
243 appState?: TAppState;
244 /**
245 * Used to add to the URL fragment before redirecting
246 */
247 fragment?: string;
248 /**
249 * Used to select the window.location method used to redirect
250 */
251 redirectMethod?: 'replace' | 'assign';
253export interface RedirectLoginResult<TAppState = any> {
254 /**
255 * State stored when the redirect request was made
256 */
257 appState?: TAppState;
259export interface PopupLoginOptions extends BaseLoginOptions {
261export interface PopupConfigOptions {
262 /**
263 * The number of seconds to wait for a popup response before
264 * throwing a timeout error. Defaults to 60s
265 */
266 timeoutInSeconds?: number;
267 /**
268 * Accepts an already-created popup window to use. If not specified, the SDK
269 * will create its own. This may be useful for platforms like iOS that have
270 * security restrictions around when popups can be invoked (e.g. from a user click event)
271 */
272 popup?: any;
274export interface GetUserOptions {
275 /**
276 * The scope that was used in the authentication request
277 */
278 scope?: string;
279 /**
280 * The audience that was used in the authentication request
281 */
282 audience?: string;
284export interface GetIdTokenClaimsOptions {
285 /**
286 * The scope that was used in the authentication request
287 */
288 scope?: string;
289 /**
290 * The audience that was used in the authentication request
291 */
292 audience?: string;
294export declare type getIdTokenClaimsOptions = GetIdTokenClaimsOptions;
295export interface GetTokenSilentlyOptions {
296 /**
297 * When `true`, ignores the cache and always sends a
298 * request to Auth0.
299 */
300 ignoreCache?: boolean;
301 /**
302 * There's no actual redirect when getting a token silently,
303 * but, according to the spec, a `redirect_uri` param is required.
304 * Auth0 uses this parameter to validate that the current `origin`
305 * matches the `redirect_uri` `origin` when sending the response.
306 * It must be whitelisted in the "Allowed Web Origins" in your
307 * Auth0 Application's settings.
308 */
309 redirect_uri?: string;
310 /**
311 * The scope that was used in the authentication request
312 */
313 scope?: string;
314 /**
315 * The audience that was used in the authentication request
316 */
317 audience?: string;
318 /** A maximum number of seconds to wait before declaring the background /authorize call as failed for timeout
319 * Defaults to 60s.
320 */
321 timeoutInSeconds?: number;
322 /**
323 * If true, the full response from the /oauth/token endpoint (or the cache, if the cache was used) is returned
324 * (minus `refresh_token` if one was issued). Otherwise, just the access token is returned.
325 *
326 * The default is `false`.
327 */
328 detailedResponse?: boolean;
329 /**
330 * If you need to send custom parameters to the Authorization Server,
331 * make sure to use the original parameter name.
332 */
333 [key: string]: any;
335export interface GetTokenWithPopupOptions extends PopupLoginOptions {
336 /**
337 * When `true`, ignores the cache and always sends a
338 * request to Auth0.
339 */
340 ignoreCache?: boolean;
342export interface LogoutUrlOptions {
343 /**
344 * The URL where Auth0 will redirect your browser to after the logout.
345 *
346 * **Note**: If the `client_id` parameter is included, the
347 * `returnTo` URL that is provided must be listed in the
348 * Application's "Allowed Logout URLs" in the Auth0 dashboard.
349 * However, if the `client_id` parameter is not included, the
350 * `returnTo` URL must be listed in the "Allowed Logout URLs" at
351 * the account level in the Auth0 dashboard.
352 *
353 * [Read more about how redirecting after logout works](https://auth0.com/docs/logout/guides/redirect-users-after-logout)
354 */
355 returnTo?: string;
356 /**
357 * The `client_id` of your application.
358 *
359 * If this property is not set, then the `client_id` that was used during initialization of the SDK is sent to the logout endpoint.
360 *
361 * If this property is set to `null`, then no client ID value is sent to the logout endpoint.
362 *
363 * [Read more about how redirecting after logout works](https://auth0.com/docs/logout/guides/redirect-users-after-logout)
364 */
365 client_id?: string;
366 /**
367 * When supported by the upstream identity provider,
368 * forces the user to logout of their identity provider
369 * and from Auth0.
370 * [Read more about how federated logout works at Auth0](https://auth0.com/docs/logout/guides/logout-idps)
371 */
372 federated?: boolean;
374export interface LogoutOptions {
375 /**
376 * The URL where Auth0 will redirect your browser to after the logout.
377 *
378 * **Note**: If the `client_id` parameter is included, the
379 * `returnTo` URL that is provided must be listed in the
380 * Application's "Allowed Logout URLs" in the Auth0 dashboard.
381 * However, if the `client_id` parameter is not included, the
382 * `returnTo` URL must be listed in the "Allowed Logout URLs" at
383 * the account level in the Auth0 dashboard.
384 *
385 * [Read more about how redirecting after logout works](https://auth0.com/docs/logout/guides/redirect-users-after-logout)
386 */
387 returnTo?: string;
388 /**
389 * The `client_id` of your application.
390 *
391 * If this property is not set, then the `client_id` that was used during initialization of the SDK is sent to the logout endpoint.
392 *
393 * If this property is set to `null`, then no client ID value is sent to the logout endpoint.
394 *
395 * [Read more about how redirecting after logout works](https://auth0.com/docs/logout/guides/redirect-users-after-logout)
396 */
397 client_id?: string;
398 /**
399 * When supported by the upstream identity provider,
400 * forces the user to logout of their identity provider
401 * and from Auth0.
402 * This option cannot be specified along with the `localOnly` option.
403 * [Read more about how federated logout works at Auth0](https://auth0.com/docs/logout/guides/logout-idps)
404 */
405 federated?: boolean;
406 /**
407 * When `true`, this skips the request to the logout endpoint on the authorization server,
408 * effectively performing a "local" logout of the application. No redirect should take place,
409 * you should update local logged in state.
410 * This option cannot be specified along with the `federated` option.
411 */
412 localOnly?: boolean;
415 * @ignore
416 */
417export interface AuthenticationResult {
418 state: string;
419 code?: string;
420 error?: string;
421 error_description?: string;
424 * @ignore
425 */
426export interface TokenEndpointOptions {
427 baseUrl: string;
428 client_id: string;
429 grant_type: string;
430 timeout?: number;
431 auth0Client: any;
432 useFormData?: boolean;
433 [key: string]: any;
436 * @ignore
437 */
438export declare type TokenEndpointResponse = {
439 id_token: string;
440 access_token: string;
441 refresh_token?: string;
442 expires_in: number;
443 scope?: string;
446 * @ignore
447 */
448export interface OAuthTokenOptions extends TokenEndpointOptions {
449 code_verifier: string;
450 code: string;
451 redirect_uri: string;
452 audience: string;
453 scope: string;
456 * @ignore
457 */
458export interface RefreshTokenOptions extends TokenEndpointOptions {
459 refresh_token: string;
462 * @ignore
463 */
464export interface JWTVerifyOptions {
465 iss: string;
466 aud: string;
467 id_token: string;
468 nonce?: string;
469 leeway?: number;
470 max_age?: number;
471 organizationId?: string;
472 now?: number;
475 * @ignore
476 */
477export interface IdToken {
478 __raw: string;
479 name?: string;
480 given_name?: string;
481 family_name?: string;
482 middle_name?: string;
483 nickname?: string;
484 preferred_username?: string;
485 profile?: string;
486 picture?: string;
487 website?: string;
488 email?: string;
489 email_verified?: boolean;
490 gender?: string;
491 birthdate?: string;
492 zoneinfo?: string;
493 locale?: string;
494 phone_number?: string;
495 phone_number_verified?: boolean;
496 address?: string;
497 updated_at?: string;
498 iss?: string;
499 aud?: string;
500 exp?: number;
501 nbf?: number;
502 iat?: number;
503 jti?: string;
504 azp?: string;
505 nonce?: string;
506 auth_time?: string;
507 at_hash?: string;
508 c_hash?: string;
509 acr?: string;
510 amr?: string;
511 sub_jwk?: string;
512 cnf?: string;
513 sid?: string;
514 org_id?: string;
515 [key: string]: any;
517export declare class User {
518 name?: string;
519 given_name?: string;
520 family_name?: string;
521 middle_name?: string;
522 nickname?: string;
523 preferred_username?: string;
524 profile?: string;
525 picture?: string;
526 website?: string;
527 email?: string;
528 email_verified?: boolean;
529 gender?: string;
530 birthdate?: string;
531 zoneinfo?: string;
532 locale?: string;
533 phone_number?: string;
534 phone_number_verified?: boolean;
535 address?: string;
536 updated_at?: string;
537 sub?: string;
538 [key: string]: any;
541 * @ignore
542 */
543export declare type FetchOptions = {
544 method?: string;
545 headers?: Record<string, string>;
546 credentials?: 'include' | 'omit';
547 body?: string;
548 signal?: AbortSignal;
550export declare type GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse = Omit<TokenEndpointResponse, 'refresh_token'>;
551export {};