7.45 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Auth0ClientOptions, RedirectLoginOptions, PopupLoginOptions, PopupConfigOptions, RedirectLoginResult, GetTokenSilentlyOptions, GetTokenWithPopupOptions, LogoutOptions, User, IdToken, GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse } from './global';
3 * Auth0 SDK for Single Page Applications using [Authorization Code Grant Flow with PKCE](https://auth0.com/docs/api-auth/tutorials/authorization-code-grant-pkce).
4 */
5export declare class Auth0Client {
6 private readonly transactionManager;
7 private readonly cacheManager;
8 private readonly domainUrl;
9 private readonly tokenIssuer;
10 private readonly scope;
11 private readonly cookieStorage;
12 private readonly sessionCheckExpiryDays;
13 private readonly orgHintCookieName;
14 private readonly isAuthenticatedCookieName;
15 private readonly nowProvider;
16 private readonly httpTimeoutMs;
17 private readonly options;
18 private readonly userCache;
19 private worker?;
20 private readonly defaultOptions;
21 constructor(options: Auth0ClientOptions);
22 private _url;
23 private _authorizeUrl;
24 private _verifyIdToken;
25 private _processOrgIdHint;
26 private _prepareAuthorizeUrl;
27 /**
28 * ```js
29 * try {
30 * await auth0.loginWithPopup(options);
31 * } catch(e) {
32 * if (e instanceof PopupCancelledError) {
33 * // Popup was closed before login completed
34 * }
35 * }
36 * ```
37 *
38 * Opens a popup with the `/authorize` URL using the parameters
39 * provided as arguments. Random and secure `state` and `nonce`
40 * parameters will be auto-generated. If the response is successful,
41 * results will be valid according to their expiration times.
42 *
43 * IMPORTANT: This method has to be called from an event handler
44 * that was started by the user like a button click, for example,
45 * otherwise the popup will be blocked in most browsers.
46 *
47 * @param options
48 * @param config
49 */
50 loginWithPopup(options?: PopupLoginOptions, config?: PopupConfigOptions): Promise<void>;
51 /**
52 * ```js
53 * const user = await auth0.getUser();
54 * ```
55 *
56 * Returns the user information if available (decoded
57 * from the `id_token`).
58 *
59 * @typeparam TUser The type to return, has to extend {@link User}.
60 */
61 getUser<TUser extends User>(): Promise<TUser | undefined>;
62 /**
63 * ```js
64 * const claims = await auth0.getIdTokenClaims();
65 * ```
66 *
67 * Returns all claims from the id_token if available.
68 */
69 getIdTokenClaims(): Promise<IdToken | undefined>;
70 /**
71 * ```js
72 * await auth0.loginWithRedirect(options);
73 * ```
74 *
75 * Performs a redirect to `/authorize` using the parameters
76 * provided as arguments. Random and secure `state` and `nonce`
77 * parameters will be auto-generated.
78 *
79 * @param options
80 */
81 loginWithRedirect<TAppState = any>(options?: RedirectLoginOptions<TAppState>): Promise<void>;
82 /**
83 * After the browser redirects back to the callback page,
84 * call `handleRedirectCallback` to handle success and error
85 * responses from Auth0. If the response is successful, results
86 * will be valid according to their expiration times.
87 */
88 handleRedirectCallback<TAppState = any>(url?: string): Promise<RedirectLoginResult<TAppState>>;
89 /**
90 * ```js
91 * await auth0.checkSession();
92 * ```
93 *
94 * Check if the user is logged in using `getTokenSilently`. The difference
95 * with `getTokenSilently` is that this doesn't return a token, but it will
96 * pre-fill the token cache.
97 *
98 * This method also heeds the `auth0.{clientId}.is.authenticated` cookie, as an optimization
99 * to prevent calling Auth0 unnecessarily. If the cookie is not present because
100 * there was no previous login (or it has expired) then tokens will not be refreshed.
101 *
102 * It should be used for silently logging in the user when you instantiate the
103 * `Auth0Client` constructor. You should not need this if you are using the
104 * `createAuth0Client` factory.
105 *
106 * **Note:** the cookie **may not** be present if running an app using a private tab, as some
107 * browsers clear JS cookie data and local storage when the tab or page is closed, or on page reload. This effectively
108 * means that `checkSession` could silently return without authenticating the user on page refresh when
109 * using a private tab, despite having previously logged in. As a workaround, use `getTokenSilently` instead
110 * and handle the possible `login_required` error [as shown in the readme](https://github.com/auth0/auth0-spa-js#creating-the-client).
111 *
112 * @param options
113 */
114 checkSession(options?: GetTokenSilentlyOptions): Promise<void>;
115 /**
116 * Fetches a new access token and returns the response from the /oauth/token endpoint, omitting the refresh token.
117 *
118 * @param options
119 */
120 getTokenSilently(options: GetTokenSilentlyOptions & {
121 detailedResponse: true;
122 }): Promise<GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse>;
123 /**
124 * Fetches a new access token and returns it.
125 *
126 * @param options
127 */
128 getTokenSilently(options?: GetTokenSilentlyOptions): Promise<string>;
129 private _getTokenSilently;
130 /**
131 * ```js
132 * const token = await auth0.getTokenWithPopup(options);
133 * ```
134 * Opens a popup with the `/authorize` URL using the parameters
135 * provided as arguments. Random and secure `state` and `nonce`
136 * parameters will be auto-generated. If the response is successful,
137 * results will be valid according to their expiration times.
138 *
139 * @param options
140 * @param config
141 */
142 getTokenWithPopup(options?: GetTokenWithPopupOptions, config?: PopupConfigOptions): Promise<string | undefined>;
143 /**
144 * ```js
145 * const isAuthenticated = await auth0.isAuthenticated();
146 * ```
147 *
148 * Returns `true` if there's valid information stored,
149 * otherwise returns `false`.
150 *
151 */
152 isAuthenticated(): Promise<boolean>;
153 /**
154 * ```js
155 * await auth0.buildLogoutUrl(options);
156 * ```
157 *
158 * Builds a URL to the logout endpoint using the parameters provided as arguments.
159 * @param options
160 */
161 private _buildLogoutUrl;
162 /**
163 * ```js
164 * await auth0.logout(options);
165 * ```
166 *
167 * Clears the application session and performs a redirect to `/v2/logout`, using
168 * the parameters provided as arguments, to clear the Auth0 session.
169 *
170 * If the `federated` option is specified it also clears the Identity Provider session.
171 * [Read more about how Logout works at Auth0](https://auth0.com/docs/logout).
172 *
173 * @param options
174 */
175 logout(options?: LogoutOptions): Promise<void>;
176 private _getTokenFromIFrame;
177 private _getTokenUsingRefreshToken;
178 private _saveEntryInCache;
179 private _getIdTokenFromCache;
180 private _getEntryFromCache;
181 /**
182 * Releases any lock acquired by the current page that's not released yet
183 *
184 * Get's called on the `pagehide` event.
185 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/pagehide_event
186 */
187 private _releaseLockOnPageHide;
188 private _requestToken;
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