6.21 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2function __export(m) {
3 for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
5var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
6 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
8Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
9const koa_body_1 = __importDefault(require("koa-body"));
10const uuid_1 = require("uuid");
11const graphql_playground_middleware_koa_1 = __importDefault(require("graphql-playground-middleware-koa"));
12const koa_router_1 = __importDefault(require("koa-router"));
13const graphql_api_koa_1 = require("graphql-api-koa");
14const auth_header_1 = require("auth-header");
15const pg_1 = require("pg");
16const x_1 = __importDefault(require("./x"));
17const oauth2_1 = __importDefault(require("./oauth2"));
18const Config_1 = require("./Config");
19const graphql_1 = require("./graphql");
20const getAuthorization_1 = require("./util/getAuthorization");
21const StrategyCollection_1 = require("./StrategyCollection");
22const errors_1 = require("./errors");
23const explanations_1 = require("./explanations");
31class AuthX extends koa_router_1.default {
32 constructor(config) {
33 Config_1.assertConfig(config);
34 super(config);
35 const explanations = explanations_1.createAuthXExplanations({ [config.realm]: "AuthX" });
36 const strategies = config.strategies instanceof StrategyCollection_1.StrategyCollection
37 ? config.strategies
38 : new StrategyCollection_1.StrategyCollection(config.strategies);
39 // create a database pool
40 this.pool = new pg_1.Pool(config.pg);
41 // define the context middleware
42 const contextMiddleware = async (ctx, next) => {
43 const tx = await this.pool.connect();
44 try {
45 let authorization = null;
46 const auth = ctx.request.header.authorization
47 ? auth_header_1.parse(ctx.request.header.authorization)
48 : null;
49 // HTTP Basic Authorization
50 const basic = auth && auth.scheme === "Basic" && typeof auth.token === "string"
51 ? auth.token
52 : null;
53 if (basic) {
54 authorization = await getAuthorization_1.fromBasic(tx, basic);
55 // Invoke the authorization. Because the resource validates basic
56 // tokens by making a GraphQL request here, each request can be
57 // considered an invocation.
58 await authorization.invoke(tx, {
59 id: uuid_1.v4(),
60 format: "basic",
61 createdAt: new Date()
62 });
63 }
64 // Bearer Token Authorization
65 const bearer = auth && auth.scheme === "Bearer" && typeof auth.token === "string"
66 ? auth.token
67 : null;
68 if (bearer) {
69 authorization = await getAuthorization_1.fromBearer(tx, config.publicKeys, bearer);
70 // There is no need to invoke this authorization here, since it was
71 // invoked when the bearer token was generated.
72 }
73 // An authorization header exists, but did not match a known format.
74 if (ctx.request.header.authorization && !authorization) {
75 throw new Error("An authorization header must be of either HTTP Basic or Bearer format.");
76 }
77 const context = {
78 ...ctx[x_1.default],
79 ...config,
80 strategies,
81 authorization,
82 pool: this.pool,
83 explanations: explanations
84 };
85 ctx[x_1.default] = context;
86 }
87 finally {
88 tx.release();
89 }
90 await next();
91 };
92 // GraphQL
93 // =======
94 // The GraphQL endpoint is the primary API for interacting with AuthX.
95 this.post("/graphql", graphql_api_koa_1.errorHandler(), contextMiddleware,
96 // The GraphQL endpoint only accepts JSON. This helps protect against CSRF
97 // attacks that send urlenceded data via HTML forms.
98 async (ctx, next) => {
99 if (!ctx.is("json"))
100 throw new errors_1.UnsupportedMediaTypeError("Requests to the AuthX GraphQL endpoint MUST specify a Content-Type of `application/json`.");
101 await next();
102 }, koa_body_1.default({ multipart: false, urlencoded: false, text: false, json: true }), graphql_api_koa_1.execute({
103 schema: config.processSchema
104 ? config.processSchema(graphql_1.createSchema(strategies))
105 : graphql_1.createSchema(strategies),
106 override: (ctx) => {
107 const contextValue = ctx[x_1.default];
108 return {
109 contextValue
110 };
111 }
112 }));
113 // GraphiQL
114 // ========
115 // This is a graphical (get it, graph-i-QL) interface to the AuthX API.
116 this.all("/graphiql", graphql_playground_middleware_koa_1.default({ endpoint: "/graphql" }));
117 // OAuth
118 // =====
119 // The core AuthX library supports the following OAuth2 grant types:
120 //
121 // - `authorization_code`
122 // - `refresh_token`
123 //
124 // Because it involves presentation elements, the core AuthX library does
125 // **not** implement the `code` grant type. Instead, a compatible reference
126 // implementation of this flow is provided by the `authx-interface` NPM
127 // package.
128 this.post("/", contextMiddleware, koa_body_1.default({ multipart: false, urlencoded: true, text: false, json: true }), oauth2_1.default);
129 }
131exports.AuthX = AuthX;
132exports.default = AuthX;
133//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
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