749 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Auto, IPlugin } from "@auto-it/core";
2import * as t from "io-ts";
3declare const pluginOptions: t.TypeC<{
4 /** Paths to assets to upload */
5 assets: t.ArrayC<t.StringC>;
7export declare type IUploadAssetsPluginOptions = t.TypeOf<typeof pluginOptions>;
8/** Attach extra assets to a GitHub Release */
9export default class UploadAssetsPlugin implements IPlugin {
10 /** The name of the plugin */
11 name: string;
12 /** The options of the plugin */
13 readonly options: IUploadAssetsPluginOptions;
14 /** Initialize the plugin with it's options */
15 constructor(options: IUploadAssetsPluginOptions | string[]);
16 /** Tap into auto plugin points. */
17 apply(auto: Auto): void;
19export {};
20//# sourceMappingURL=index.d.ts.map
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