851 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ConfirmSignInInput, ConfirmSignInOutput } from '../types';
3 * Continues or completes the sign in process when required by the initial call to `signIn`.
4 *
5 * @param input - The ConfirmSignInInput object
6 * @returns ConfirmSignInOutput
7 * @throws -{@link VerifySoftwareTokenException }:
8 * Thrown due to an invalid MFA token.
9 * @throws -{@link RespondToAuthChallengeException }:
10 * Thrown due to an invalid auth challenge response.
11 * @throws -{@link AssociateSoftwareTokenException}:
12 * Thrown due to a service error during the MFA setup process.
13 * @throws -{@link AuthValidationErrorCode }:
14 * Thrown when `challengeResponse` is not defined.
15 * @throws AuthTokenConfigException - Thrown when the token provider config is invalid.
16 */
17export declare function confirmSignIn(input: ConfirmSignInInput): Promise<ConfirmSignInOutput>;