7.92 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @private For internal Amplify use.
3 *
4 * Creates a new scope for promises, observables, and other types of work or
5 * processes that may be running in the background. This manager provides
6 * an singular entrypoint to request termination and await completion.
7 *
8 * As work completes on its own prior to close, the manager removes them
9 * from the registry to avoid holding references to completed jobs.
10 */
11export declare class BackgroundProcessManager {
12 /**
13 * A string indicating whether the manager is accepting new work ("Open"),
14 * waiting for work to complete ("Closing"), or fully done with all
15 * submitted work and *not* accepting new jobs ("Closed").
16 */
17 private _state;
18 private _closingPromise;
19 /**
20 * The list of outstanding jobs we'll need to wait for upon `close()`
21 */
22 private jobs;
23 /**
24 * Creates a new manager for promises, observables, and other types
25 * of work that may be running in the background. This manager provides
26 * a centralized mechanism to request termination and await completion.
27 */
28 constructor();
29 /**
30 * Executes an async `job` function, passing the return value through to
31 * the caller, registering it as a running job in the manager. When the
32 * manager *closes*, it will `await` the job.
33 *
34 * @param job The function to execute.
35 * @param description Optional description to help identify pending jobs.
36 * @returns The return value from the given function.
37 */
38 add<T>(job: () => Promise<T>, description?: string): Promise<T>;
39 /**
40 * Executes an async `job` function, passing the return value through to
41 * the caller, registering it as a running job in the manager. When the
42 * manager *closes*, it will request termination by resolving the
43 * provided `onTerminate` promise. It will then `await` the job, so it is
44 * important that the job still `resolve()` or `reject()` when responding
45 * to a termination request.
46 *
47 * @param job The function to execute.
48 * @param description Optional description to help identify pending jobs.
49 * @returns The return value from the given function.
50 */
51 add<T>(job: (onTerminate: Promise<void>) => Promise<T>, description?: string): Promise<T>;
52 /**
53 * Create a no-op job, registers it with the manager, and returns hooks
54 * to the caller to signal the job's completion and respond to termination
55 * requests.
56 *
57 * When the manager closes, the no-op job will be `await`-ed, so its
58 * important to always `resolve()` or `reject()` when done responding to an
59 * `onTerminate` signal.
60 * @param description Optional description to help identify pending jobs.
61 * @returns Job promise hooks + onTerminate signaling promise
62 */
63 add(description?: string): {
64 resolve: (value?: unknown) => void;
65 reject: (reason?: any) => void;
66 onTerminate: Promise<void>;
67 };
68 /**
69 * Adds another job manager to await on at the time of closing. the inner
70 * manager's termination is signaled when this manager's `close()` is
71 * called for.
72 *
73 * @param job The inner job manager to await.
74 * @param description Optional description to help identify pending jobs.
75 */
76 add(job: BackgroundProcessManager, description?: string): any;
77 /**
78 * Adds a **cleaner** function that doesn't immediately get executed.
79 * Instead, the caller gets a **terminate** function back. The *cleaner* is
80 * invoked only once the mananger *closes* or the returned **terminate**
81 * function is called.
82 *
83 * @param clean The cleanup function.
84 * @param description Optional description to help identify pending jobs.
85 * @returns A terminate function.
86 */
87 addCleaner<T>(clean: () => Promise<T>, description?: string): () => Promise<void>;
88 private addFunction;
89 private addManager;
90 /**
91 * Creates and registers a fabricated job for processes that need to operate
92 * with callbacks/hooks. The returned `resolve` and `reject`
93 * functions can be used to signal the job is done successfully or not.
94 * The returned `onTerminate` is a promise that will resolve when the
95 * manager is requesting the termination of the job.
96 *
97 * @param description Optional description to help identify pending jobs.
98 * @returns `{ resolve, reject, onTerminate }`
99 */
100 private addHook;
101 /**
102 * Adds a Promise based job to the list of jobs for monitoring and listens
103 * for either a success or failure, upon which the job is considered "done"
104 * and removed from the registry.
105 *
106 * @param promise A promise that is on its way to being returned to a
107 * caller, which needs to be tracked as a background job.
108 * @param terminate The termination function to register, which can be
109 * invoked to request the job stop.
110 * @param description Optional description to help identify pending jobs.
111 */
112 private registerPromise;
113 /**
114 * The number of jobs being waited on.
115 *
116 * We don't use this for anything. It's just informational for the caller,
117 * and can be used in logging and testing.
118 *
119 * @returns the number of jobs.
120 */
121 get length(): number;
122 /**
123 * The execution state of the manager. One of:
124 *
125 * 1. "Open" -> Accepting new jobs
126 * 1. "Closing" -> Not accepting new work. Waiting for jobs to complete.
127 * 1. "Closed" -> Not accepting new work. All submitted jobs are complete.
128 */
129 get state(): BackgroundProcessManagerState;
130 /**
131 * The registered `description` of all still-pending jobs.
132 *
133 * @returns descriptions as an array.
134 */
135 get pending(): string[];
136 /**
137 * Whether the manager is accepting new jobs.
138 */
139 get isOpen(): boolean;
140 /**
141 * Whether the manager is rejecting new work, but still waiting for
142 * submitted work to complete.
143 */
144 get isClosing(): boolean;
145 /**
146 * Whether the manager is rejecting work and done waiting for submitted
147 * work to complete.
148 */
149 get isClosed(): boolean;
150 private closedFailure;
151 /**
152 * Signals jobs to stop (for those that accept interruptions) and waits
153 * for confirmation that jobs have stopped.
154 *
155 * This immediately puts the manager into a closing state and just begins
156 * to reject new work. After all work in the manager is complete, the
157 * manager goes into a `Completed` state and `close()` returns.
158 *
159 * This call is idempotent.
160 *
161 * If the manager is already closing or closed, `finalCleaup` is not executed.
162 *
163 * @param onClosed
164 * @returns The settled results of each still-running job's promise. If the
165 * manager is already closed, this will contain the results as of when the
166 * manager's `close()` was called in an `Open` state.
167 */
168 close(): Promise<any>;
169 /**
170 * Signals the manager to start accepting work (again) and returns once
171 * the manager is ready to do so.
172 *
173 * If the state is already `Open`, this call is a no-op.
174 *
175 * If the state is `Closed`, this call simply updates state and returns.
176 *
177 * If the state is `Closing`, this call waits for completion before it
178 * updates the state and returns.
179 */
180 open(): Promise<void>;
183 *
184 */
185export declare class BackgroundManagerNotOpenError extends Error {
186 constructor(message: string);
189 * All possible states a `BackgroundProcessManager` instance can be in.
190 */
191export declare enum BackgroundProcessManagerState {
192 /**
193 * Accepting new jobs.
194 */
195 Open = "Open",
196 /**
197 * Not accepting new jobs. Waiting for submitted jobs to complete.
198 */
199 Closing = "Closing",
200 /**
201 * Not accepting new jobs. All submitted jobs are complete.
202 */
203 Closed = "Closed"